Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY , MAY 12 , 1891 , H
orricn - - NO 12 PIJARL STREET
by onrrltr lo any part of the city.
H. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TI II olTitc , No. 43 ; night
Kill. r. N ) 23
3IIXOH 3111X1 IOX.
Attend Boston store syndicate sale.
Minn Cora Oretzor will entertain the pn-
plla of her school at a picnic In Talrmont
park today
The Modern Woodmen of America are
making arinngement * for a picnic at Court-
land biacti sums time during the present
At a nr tit meeting of General Hancock
post , Grand Army , of Sioux City , elghtem
members hlgnlfiAd their Intention of attend
ing the encampment In this city next month.
The Ganymede Wheel club will go on a
"bass hunt" to Honey Creek lake tomorrow
morning. All who want to provide- for
lunch uro requested to notify Captain George
Williamson by this evening.
Lee Potman and n woman with whom he
was driving were dumped out of their buggy
Thursday night , the horse taking fright on
South Plrst street. Both were considerably
brulsad , but not seriously hurt.
Mrs. Clara Wallace , who was arrested for
breaking In a door at the Western house
and taking sonic clothing on which there
vvas an unpaid wash bill , was discharged by
Judge McGce yesterday morning on her
agreeing to pay whatever charges there were
Miss Mufon will open her school for
dressmaking at Mrs Porterflold'H , 707 Tlrst
avenue , the Ilrst class meeting Monday
morning , May 12 , at 9 o'clock. Classes
meet oveiy alternate morning from 0 to U'
Ladles learn to cut and make their own
garment ! ) undei my supervision Refercnees
ran be had through Rev. T J. Maekay of
Now Is the- time to buy homes cheap on
monthly payments , We have about thirty
cottage houses and oevtral good residences
that we ran sell very low. Longcc & Towle ,
235 Peail street.
.My .Motto
Is to Incretbc my buslnes' and become
popular with my customers I shall there
fore guarantee all shoes at my storeto be-
Just as represented ; will warrant every onu
courteous treatment and proper lit , and will
sell anything In the largo stock I purchased
of P. II. 13vans at wholes-ale cost pi Ice.
See the show windows , get the prices and
examine- the goods. U M. DUNCAN ,
The Nobby Shocr.
Next door Lo Bono's.
It costs as much to paint with cheap
paint an It does with the best. When the
best costs no more and lasts twice as long
It's folly to use any other than the Heath
& Mllllgan paint. Sold and guaranteed by
Davis , the druggist
Leghorns , 30c ; trimmed leghorns , $1.00
Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Postmaster Thomas Bowman Is In DCS
J. II. PurcoII of the Dunlap Repoiter Is In
the city.
Mrs. Hverctt has returned from St .Louis
and Kansas City.
"Sport" Miller of the Marshalltown Sol
diers home Is In the city.
Major George H. Richmond Is homo for a
few days' visit. He Is now located In Wis
Miss Ida Sadowskl ot Akron , N. Y. , is the
iucst of hci nnclo and aunt , Mr. and Airs.
Prank Sadowskl.
J. II. Cleaver and William Arnd have re
turned fiom Sioux City , where they attended
i meeting of the > grand lodge of the Ancient
Order of United Woikmen.
Mrs C. G. Hood of Columbus , 0. , and
Mrs. John Plecco of Arkansas City , Kan. ,
irrlved In the city yestcnfay for u visit with
.heir sister , Mrs. M. G. Galnes.
W. C. Cstep returned yesterday from a
trip of several days to Des Molnes and Col-
fax. While at the former place he 10-
nevved his acquaintance with Kelly's army
nd returns with several photographs.
Ed L Cook , who has been dangerously 111
for some weeks past. Is given but llttlo en
couragement by his pliysiclans. An oper
ation was performed yesterday which It was
hoped might save his life , but after It was
over the doctors stated that he might Hvo n
week , or possibly n month , but no further
hope could be entertained.
Tony Gerspacher has added a great at
traction to the Columbia that will make
It still more than ever popular. Per the
accommodation of the people who demand
theory best there Is of everything ho has
placed on draught the famous Pabit Bohe
mian beer , and all who call far It have it
In preference to the other domestic brands.
There Is no beverage In the world that
equals the Bohemian beer , not only on ac
count of the purity of Its manufacture , but
for Its pleasant flavor and healthful , beue-
llclal effecU , and the factr that It can bo ob
tained without extra cost or trouble at the
Columbia will bo something worth remem
SomrthliiR You Wniit.
Lawn mowers from $1 up , all widths.
Ice cream freezers from $1.25 up , all sizes.
Gasoline stoves from J..SO up , all prices.
Hose from lOc up , only highest grades.
Refrigerators from $ S 50 up , all hard wood.
The best filter made from $ i 50 up , unexcelled
Poultry netting , garden tools , etc. , cheap.
P. C. DeVol , SOt Broadway.
While you are paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The > Eagle laundry solicits a
trial and Invites comparison. Tolephona 157.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
OuliiH for .MoAti-e.
The ballots cast nt the lust city election
were brought before Judge McGee again yes
terday aftei noon fcfr a re-examlnutlon In
connection with the McAtco-Gorham con
test. At the tliua the recount was nuidu'
one b.allcu for McAteo vvas found which had
not been signed with the Initials of the
election judge , and It was thereupon ob
jected to by Mr , Saundcrs , Gorham's attoi-
noy. Mr. Sheavho represented McAteo ,
wanted the ballots nil gone over again In
order that It might bo ascertained if soma
moro ballots might not have gene In un
signed , Judge McGco refused to allow the
ballots to bo re-opened until ho had had a
chance to rule upon the question of whether
the lack ot a signature would Invalidate
the ballot. Yesterday ho decided that It
would , and called for the re-opening of the
ballots , The result Is that Shea Is claimIng -
Ing to have discovered a gain of two votes
for his client.
U Is claimed by Gorham , however , that
the bullotK ought not to bo Introduced again
at this time , because no pains have been
taken since they vvero In court the lust
time to see that they have been kept flee
from tampering fingers.
Buy > our drugs and paints at Morgrm'fi
drug stores , 131 and 742 Broadway.
Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent
Jarvls 1877 brandy , wines and liquor.
Oas cooking stoves for rent and for sa'le at
Das CVs otllce.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Only"shiTciic Her lip.
John Mcnulre , or John Gcrnett , as his
namn Is alee said to bo , was given thirty
days In the county jail yesterday for beating
hl wlfo ut their resldcnrt In HIM southern
part ot the city. In telling ot his tribula
tions In police court yesterday moinliiE ho
laid his wlfo lefueed to glvo him hack the
pay check ho had drawn diirlnt the after
noon , and hu "shook her up a little1 , JiibL to
frlghtcMi her" The Judge asked him what
ho would do If hu wanted to hurt her , It he
drew so much blood In merely frightening
her , and there was a great silence lu Me-
Gulrr/s quarters.
Meycrs-Durfee Fuinlture company , 336-333
Droadway. Bargains In line furniture ,
Per cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 48.
Domestic soap outla&ta cheap soap.
i JmU Wln Co. . Council Uluffi. 13.
District Convention of the Y. P , S , 0 , E ,
Formally Commenced Last Night.
Sortlrrnnd Spree hr4 at theri
jvi'iiln ; ' .Mil-ling .Nuliifi of Those
W liu .VroXou In illti iiiluiup 1'ro-
grun for the Coming Days.
The district convention of the Society of
Christian Ihulcavor opened last evening at
the Presbyterian church , and fgr the next
two days big blue badge * , backed up by goo I
look tig young men and women , will be seen
frequently. Only forty-five or fifty delegates
hid arrived In time for the evening session ,
but 100 moro arc expected on this morning's
trains , A eong service led by C. II. Judson
formed the early part ot the evening's
services , Miss Gertrude Gleaaon occupying
the- organ bench. Dr. Stephen Phclpi ilellv-
ured an address of welcome , to which Mist
Mury Klnncy of Atlantic made icspinse on
behalf of the delegates A talk was ex
ported from the president of the convention ,
Mr I'omery of Shelby , but ho was prevented
from bclrg present by Illness , .and his place
was filled acceptably by Hcv 13. W Allen.
After the specchmaklng was over the meetIng -
Ing rc'olvcd Itself Into a srcial and an hour
was spent In getting acquainted.
The following delegates aio HO far pres
ent Misses W G Klce , Magnolia , Jcnnln
Cutlei , Logan : Mary 13 Hlce , Logan Grace
McHnen , Woodbine , Dilsy MrCabe , Logan ;
Clara Ford , Logan , Nelly Howard , Logan ,
Tina Antony , Defiance , Sadie Kellogg , Guth-
rle Center , Belle Campbell , Outhrlo Center ;
Kittle Needles , Atlantic , Kdiu Hi'sallgrabe ,
Atlintlc , Tlnn Salem , P.alem ; Olllo Meyers ,
Stuirt. Mrs r. M Clemens , Grlswold , llcr-
tlin Lashonse , GrlsvvoM , Louisa Blakeslee ,
Anita , Harriett Taylor , Avoca , Jennie Henry ,
Hxlra , Laura Bullock. Shelby , Mary Klnney ,
Atlantic , Carrie Martin , Thernlf Lorcnxon ,
Atlantic , May Abbott , Shelby , Alta Hlltle-
brand , Oakland , Rose Ousler Macedonia.
May Harris , Dellance , Messrs Sim B Sloan ,
Logan , r. I' Peace , lies Molnes , Lewis
Uarger , Grav , J. A MacCurrlp , Guthrle
Centei , A C. Curtis , Meulo , R. I' Wovak ,
Anita , Geortro Slut/ , Stuart , 11 Hallam ,
Defiance , W. R Smith , Defiance , r A.
Lane , Macedonia
The following Is the program fur today's
Presbyterian Chapel G 30 a. m. . sun
rise prayer meeting , led by J. A. Me-
Crury , Gnthrle Center.
Congregational Church-1 30 a. m , devo
tional exercises , secretary's report , repoifs
from the districts , election of officers and
other business , 2 , ! 0 p m , paper , "The Duty
Wo Owe to Kach Other as MembJts of the
Same Society , " Miss Delia Shli'lds of De
fiance , discussed by Klla Rlale of Login ;
"Tho Religious Ncvvspapci , " Prod P Pease
of Des Molnes ; paper , "Is the Junior Move
ment Absolutely Ksscntlal to the- Advance
ment of the Senior Society ? " D. A. Peters
of Lewis , discussed by Miss Tena Salem of
Stuart ; paper , "How to Promote Spirituality
In Other Societies , " Mlsb Grace Cowdery ot
Dunlap , discussed by Austin Lovveiy of
Woodbine ; paper , "How Can the Christian
Kndeavor Interest Our Yo'ing ' Men ? " Charles
W. Major of Anita , discussed' by Lewis
Barger of Gray ; question box , conducted by
n. W. Allen of Council Bluffs
Presbyterian Church 1 10 p mi , s-ong ser
vice ; 8 p. in , address , "The Young People's
Movement the Hope of Missions , " Ui v W.
13 Reed of Avoca ; address "The Young
People's Movement the Hope of the Nation , "
Dr. John Abkln of Councl IBIuffH , address ,
"The Young People's Movement the Hope of
Christian Unity , " Rev. J. Bruce Mather of
Attempt to ( iitt tli Coiiiull lulcrcsti-'l in
the I.iiborint ; M < n.
The city council held a meeting last even
ing for the purpose of confcirlng with the
committee appointed at the c ti/ens' meeting
some time ago lo secure employment for the
laboring men of Council Bluffs
Mayor Cleaver occupied the chaii and Al
dermen Drewlck , Gleason , Giahl , Keller ,
Nicholson , Rlshton and White weie present ,
vvhllo J. C. Do Haven , J. G. Lcmtii , W. II.
Knepher , Jacob Sims , W. W. Wallace , C.
M. Harl nnd Homy Delong formed the laborIng -
Ing men's committee.
J.O. , Lemon Introduced Mr. Sims , the sec
retary of the committee , who read a state
ment of what the committee desired. In
view of the fact that there are 400 heads of
families willing to work but unable to find
it , tlia following suggestions were > made
That Indian creek bo widened nnd deepened
at tlio mouth , cleaned to the city limits , and
only residents of Council Bluffs who have
families to support be employed In the work ;
that Kast Pleico stieet be paved ; that the
Crescent City road bo drained and filled
so as to keep It passable at all seisons of
the yeai ; that the alleys be cleaned and the
garbage ordinance bo strictly enforced ; that
the lallway companies be required to bring
tliclr tiacks to grade ; that work on the
streets by the "chain gang" be discontinued ,
and city pilsoners be put to work in seclu
sion on a stone pile , so that the work now
done by the chain gang may bo done by
reputable citizens.
Mr. Lemen followed with some further
suggestions the rcpavlng and sewering of
Oakland avenue ; putting In shape North
Fifteenth and North Twentieth streets to the
lake ; making a driveway of Avenue O to
the new bridge.
W II Knepher proposed that a committee
wait on Leonard I3verett for the purpose ot
Inducing him If possible to allow the creek
to bo widened where It ran through his land
City Attorney Ha/elton explained the sit
uation and showed that this plan was not
feasible , because Everett's tenant , whoso
name Is Coylo , stood ready to enjoin the city
at the Ilrst sign of Its adoption. Hazelton
then called for the committee to give Its
reasons for wanting the chain gang clls-
pensc'd with. The committee thought It was
a disgrace to civilization to have drunkards
and vagabonds worked on the Hticet.
City Attorney Ilazetton called attention
to the fact that the bonded Indebtedness
of the city was certilnly within a few thou
sand dollars of the constitutional limit , and
there was some question whether It was not
many thousand dollars In excess ot the limit.
In rcgard to the paving of Plerco
street most of the property owners were
opposed to It Moreover , In one place at
the Blily ot the Btieet there wau a strip ot
ground n rod wide and thirty or forty lods
long which vvas not vvoith the paving. This
would throw the burden on the city.
After sqmo little discussion , In which the
question of finance was Industriously shoved
to the front by the city olllu'als and just as
Industriously evaded by the members of the
committee , Mr Lemen offered two moro res
olutions , the IIrut of which was that the
o ty should buy the Chr.u nuqua amphitheater
and iiiovu It Into the city and that the
Omaha Terminal company should bo Invited
to build Us motor line between this city and
HiiHt Omaha this spring.
With reference to the paving of Hast
Plerco street the nmyoi said If the consent
of the property owners could be secured ho
should favor the proposition , Mr. Wallace
wanted a committee appointed to act with
the citizens' committee , and Aldermen
Nicholson , QliMSon and Rlshton were ap
pointed Htich n committee.
( iiirnlsliiuriitt MiiKt Mop In limn
III n short time , us Iowa has passed a law
against them. This Is your last chance to
collect your accounts before the law goes
'nto force. The Nassau Investment company
has ieduced UK charges and will guarantee
collections against persons not living In
Iowa , but who are employed by some rail
way , express or telegraph company having an
agent In Iowa. Write at once for terms and
references , Council Bluffs.
The famous Muse Wise livery and gale barns
have I'-en sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and the
buslines will bo continued under his manage
ment. Horses boarded and cared for at
reasonable rates ; barn open day and night.
Knjolnliii ; C'omlemimtlim ,
A petition was tiled In the district court
yesterday by the Manhattan lleuch Improve
ment company , James O. ChrUsinan and
Ueorgo W , Uobards to enjoin theIaWo Mun-
awa Railway company ami John T. Hazen ,
nherlff of Pottuvvattamle county , from pro
ceeding with the condemnation proceedings
oa a group of ( our IgU near the lake. Thla
eondoniiiattrn I" propni il bpratisp Hi" nil
way company wnnlir to iur HIP prop rl > fur
railway purport ! , but till * In Rlloprd by ( he
plaintiffs In the present Action to b morcly
n subterfuge They rlaim ifinl Coloi.'l HI-PC !
wants ( o build bath huii and other bulhN
liiK of that nature on the Iot. , and U
merely trying to get iwafteislon of the lots
this way. _ _
1'laiH to I'rrifiit lUi rltiilimllmi In freight
Itatcs In ClilixgoV I ntiir
The action of the managers of the various
western railways In clipping the rates on
freight shipments from Chicago to western
points hns been thoroughly nlred In the
columns of The Bee , and the shippers of
Council Illuffg , together with those of other
Iowa towns , have banded together to put a
stop to such discrimination The new
schedule gives Chicago practically a monopoly
ely of the shipping trade for int.s from
Chicago westward are cut In two , wli.lo
those ficr.i Council Bluffs In an eastward
direction an > left undlsturbad During the
pitst day or two telegrams have been drop
ping In upon the Iowa state i.illwuy com
missioners with a good deal of frequency
laying the facts before them from the stand
point of tha Iowa blilppeis , nnd , as a consequence
quence , the matter IB to be taken up for
consideration at the hands of the commis
sioners and a stop put to the discrimination
The following telegram received In this city
last evening Is self explanatory
UiS ; MOINi:9 , la , May ll-Uronoweg &
Schocntgen , CotincMI IIlntTs In I espouseto
your own nnd other similar petitions , the
board has wnt the following telegram to
nil Iowa trunk lines "Huvt- mulled you
copy of formal application of Council Hluffs
merchants foi redtu lion of Iowa intes from
there east. TelugianiH have- also been le-
celved from sovenlcen othet tuulf et-nleiH
of low. i anklng Immediate i eduction In
Iowa distance tnilfC to ( ones-pond with
ptosent reduction In lutes between Chicago
nnd MMssslppl | | and Mlxuouil tlvn points
Please make nnv clcslied leply promptly.
Commissioners will IK curly elate for hem-
Inpr If present conditions uu- continued Uy
older of boanl " W. W. AINSWOUTH ,
faccretniy of Iowa State Hallway Com
Ciin't Cii 'loo MiKh or a ( iiiiul Thing.
That Is the way merchants have thought
all along. And It bcems to have Its effect
on the public generally , ns they SCPIII to
think the same way re ircHng bargilns at
the Boston Store's May Syndicate Sale- ,
which are numerous , with new attractions
daily on various counters See show window
display of children's and Infants' wear at
special prices , together with the following
list , which Is worthy of your notice
$1 25 ladles' star waists , laundered , for S7c
Colored satwn waists , in three lots , at
Sic. C'c ) and $1.00
White waists at half price. Sec values at
25c. 3c. ! ) 5Sc. 89c , $1 I'J , ? 1 J3 , which Is just
half the original price.
25c ladles' black hose , 17o ; " for DOc.
39c ladles' lisle hose , 27c per pall.
50c and OSc ladles' fine hose , 3 pairs for
| 100.
19c children's seamless hose
lOc children's ribbed hose , tic.
2Cc boys' heavy hose , 19c.
12'/4c shantong pongee , Sc. ,
IBc half wool challls , Sc.
2Gc Trench sateens , 19c per yard.
Apron ginghams , 3Vie and Be.
7c yard wide muslin , Ic.
9c yard wide bleached muslin , Cc.
AH our shcctlngb and pillow case muslins
at big reductions.
P. S. Don't overlook bargains In silk
mitts and umbrellas offered during sale.
Council Bluffs , la.
Jiimcu Ilarrli Given \\holobimpAvtny
( lovcrjiment f.iuH Ilrokcn.
According to the testimony of James Har
ris , which was given In Justice Vlen's cotnt
yesterday , he. Bob Limerick , Al and John
Rachwllz , Charles Kerns and Grain Hie
James have been carrying on a systematic
robbery of freight cars In the southern part
of the city for months. A scheme vvas con
cocted whereby the thieves got into the cais
without breaking the seals. It Is Impos
sible to tell of how much the rullioad com
panies have been defrauded. It Is estimated ,
however , that they have lost f400 worth ut
the inside figure. It seems the fellows have
laid themselves liable to prosecution at the
hands of Uncle Sam , If the authorities care
to press the case. A butt of tobacco was sold
to John Peterson of Persia without a gov
ernment permit. Three caddies of tobacco
were sold to a man named Stunipf at Pony
Creek less than a week ago , and the de
scription furnished the ofllcers leads to the
belief that it was either Limerick or Rach-
wltz who did the selling In each ot these
rases. The same man also wanted to sell
Herman Bokemper of Pony Creek a ten-
gallon keg of whisky , claiming that one of
his friends had decided to go out of the
saloon business and he had undertaken to
sell out his stock at a heavy discount. Hall
himself sold a ten-gallon keg of $2.50 whisky
foi ? 15. _
A AVmeiloy Answer.
Why should a sewing machine costing
$1000 at the factory retail for $5300 ?
Why should a bicycle costing $45 00 retail
for $12300 ?
Why should a buyer pay $12r 00 for a
wheel In Council Bluffs when dealers In
other towns sell the same wheel for $9000 ?
There are forty-one Waverlcys being ridden
In Council Bluffs , and every one has been
bought with money and not two-thirds paid
for with an old wheel , as has been the case
with three-fourths of the $12500 wheels bold
hero this year. Reader , If you do not buy
for money you hold the bag for the man who
got two pi Ices for his old wheel. See ? A
$1,000,000 corporation guarantees the Waver-
ley equal to any wheel made , and we see
that guaranty made good. Of the thliteen
riders mentioned In yesterday's Bee as buy
ing $125 00 wheeH two got wheels at cost , nlno
traded In old wheels at big prices , ono paid
over half in Jewelry and ono Is a son of
the boss. Now you pay cash and hold the
bag nnd keep the boom going.Velghts of
Waverleys , 21 pounds and up , clincher tires.
Price always and only $85 00. Cole & Cole ,
solo agents. _ _
Tor sale , cheap horse , buggy and harness.
Grceiuhlelds , Nicholson & Co.
ISroku the
The will which was mentioned In yester
day's Bee as the subject of a contest be
tween the two sons ot the Into Mrs. Stiles
of Dlxon , III , and Mrs. G A. Robinson of
this city , has been broken by a decision of
the Jury In Judge Grosscup's court In Chi
cago. This takes away fiom Mrs. Robinson
the $5,000 and the personal property be
queathed her by her sister , and divides the
entire pioperty among the two sons of Mrs.
Stiles. _
"Ki'lly'H Armj"No .Moie.
According to late dispatches Kelly's army
has ceased to be an army and has become
a navy , making Its way on boats. Dut the
army of workliignien who do their trading
with T. B. Hughes , the down town haber
dasher , have no deslro to make a change ,
for they will never find him "knavy" In his
dealings. Join the army of Hughes' con
tented customers and you will not regret It.
For Sale A reliable family driving horse ,
with harness and phaeton , Inquire at the
barn formerly occupied by Mason Wise.
I\UIIH ; l.iuimlry Company.
B20 Pearl street. Telephone , 290.
Eco the new art goods at Mrs. Nlles' .
The follow Ing marriage licenses were 1s-
Bued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name ) and address. Age.
Win. Price , jr. , Pottavvattnnile county , . 20
Tena Clirlstlunsc'ii , Pottawntamle county 21
Cieorgo Ilioomtleld , Omiiliu . 21
Delia \YilUamH , Omaliu . 19
! Ni > n Whrcltt for ( Mil OIII-K.
Wo need a few more wheels In our rental
department and will allow fair prices for
high grade second-hand wheels In exchange
for now machines.
Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker ,
will occupy the building at 23S Broadway
after May 20. Various Improvements will
bo made which will give him one of the
finest undertaking establishments In the
west , _ _ _ _
Everybody knows IXavis veils drugs.
4 v
Number of Go7eniniFut/ | ( Inspectors Hns
Been Largely lucrensed ,
Two CiiinliliTK rinrd f r 'uRi-nin1 } Inipc't-
lurn nl UorK III tlic 1'ArkliiK Jlmncs
South Oitmlm'H VliiM ui a City
II. J. Saxe , aged 77 jrars , died at St.
Joseph's hospital yeitcrtliiy morning Mr. 8n\o
came to South Omaha' ( torn Vermont twelve
years ago and was a well known ami re
spected'citizen. The remain ! ) were taken In
charge by Undertakers Hrevver Sloan.
At his old home In Vermont Mr. Snxc vvas
also very popular. Ho started out to do for
himself when < | iilto young nnd for five yenrs
vvas employed as a bailor. Later on he was
elected county judge of his district and for
a number of jears vvas a member of the
Vermont legislature. His two sons , A.V
and DV Saxe , are now traveling In the
east. They were sent word ot their father's
death and will arrive as soon as they can
reach here. The deceased was n devout
member of the Methodist Hplscopal church
The burial will take place In I'rospect 1II1I
cemetery , but the time of the funeral has
not yet b"on determined upon.
To Drtpriiilni1 tlm ( 'hiss.
The executive committee of the Taxpayers
league held another meeting The com-
mltte * Is determined to test what class South
Omaha belongs to nnd a committee vvas up-
pointed to employ legal talent and go Into
the courts as soon as possible. The com
mittee are Messrs. Hunt. 0 N'elll and Geary.
The idea Is to enjoin the city olllclals from
collecting any salaries until the court shall
decide as to what class the city IB wet king
unclci. Tor some time the clt > council has
boon making levies , assessments , collecting
taxes ami paying sal.u Ics as a city of the
Ilrst class , while the tchool board has been
op ° ratlng their business affairs as a city of
the secoml clabs. The- question has been
agitated until the majority of the eitLcni
desire to know Just which proposition Is the
legal and correct one
Attorneys Lane , Montgomery anil Hell
have been letalneil by the committee to
take charge of the c.ibo ami will file their
papers within the ne\t twenty-four hours.
In case the court holds that South Onhh.i
Is a city of the s > ecoml class It will leave
matters In a bad shape here The old
council transacted business as a. city of the
first class nnd the new council has carried
out the same policy. An effort will be
maile to have the matter decided at an
early date. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Till } < ( I with n Shoit Deck.
A tallj-ho party of South Omaha people
attended a card party In Omaha at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Mumaugh on Twenty-ninth avenue. The
majority of the members of the pirty are
members of the Drive Whist club In this
city anil are supposed to Know' something
about that game. In fact , they have been
playing whist all vvlrjter and some reconl-
smashlng was clone when the secretary an
nounced the score of the players at the last
meeting. After a halt-dozen games h id
been played last night 'A Cucldlngton and
Will Mumaugh called all the gcusts into one
room nnd showed the players that they had
been using a deck all evening that had been
robbed of the four five-spots It vvas a good
joke and every ono enjoyed It ; but the
players didn't do n thing to President lay-
cox. He had split 'enough tricks during
the evening to come out winner , but he
couldn't understand why It vvas that theio
were only twelve tricks < out each hand.
There Is no mciubci of that party last night
who will pass a whist deck In the future
without counting tho' cards. The players
were : Mr. and Mrs nD.o L. Holmes , Mi.
anil Mrs. Ell H. Doud , Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Jnycox , Mr. ami Mrs. J. 'M. Tanner. Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Mumaugh and Z. Cwlillng-
Government Mrilt Inspection.
Dr. BlacKvvell , the chief government inspector
specter at the packing houses , now has the
largest force of U.speetors that has ever
been employed here. Although there aie a
number of men throughout the state who
are laboring under the Impression that
they are soon to bo tagggers , the doctor says
that no more men aie needed nnd he clocs
not believe any moie will be appointed soon.
Dr. White has been loiipsome in his de
partment for the last thirty clays , as no
one except him&elf has been at work in tlio
microscopical department. The Cmlahy
Packing company will have fifty boxes of
meat for export In a few clnys and for this
reason five of the girls In the mlcioscoplcal
station will be put to work soon.
nnd Johnson I Incd.
Chief Orennan has started out to rid
South Omaha of tin horn gamblers. He ar
rested Dug Johnson and Charles Hayes , and
both men were convicted of vagiancy. The
chief testified that ho had Known the men
for some time and that both were Idlcis
and had nolslblo means of suppoit. John
ston was lined $25 and costs and Hayes was
fined $10 and costs. Uoth men took an
appeal to the district court Johnson gave
a bond In the sum of $50. Johnson and
You cannot hope to be well
if your
If you are troubled tclrh
yonr blood Is bad. A few bottlca of S. S. S. will thoroughly cleanoo the BJ stem , remove
all Impurities and build > ou up. All manner of are nipaaen AWAY
by Us use. H Is tbo best blood remedy on earth. Thousands
who have used It say BO.
" My blood was badly poisoned last year , which , got my whole tystra
out of order diseased , and o constant source ot suterlnpf ( no appe
tite , no cujoymrnt of life. Two bottles brought ma right out. There
,8 , no better remedy for blood UUea.o
Tnatini on blood and Mn dueaiu mailed fret ,
InolmrKoof thosistora of Morpy ,
This rommnoU Institution U ultu itcd on tlio
liUhblulfH baoiof nnj oturlooKliu tl.ocHy of
Council Illnir * . The ipictoiu xroun li. Its
blKh locution nnd anlGuillil vimv , in iliu It a
most plcaslnlotrnit for the nlltiutod. A stilt
of oin ncnt ph/alul nit mil u laro corp of ov
nurluncocl r.ur cs minister to the comfort * ot
liopit.onts. Special euro ijlvon to laely pn-
For particulars nnplr to
Frank StreatCoiiull Blilrlm $
Httji It Is rlnlmri ! hnvr boon lus'i'nnfiiti '
In Nlirrlng up rnttpi ) against the Rambler * .
( It ) ( lllMlp.
The Lotus club g e a successful danc
ing party at tiatipr a hall last night.
Hcv , H. L. Wheeler will deliver a sermon
at the ! 'robyt rlnti church Sunday morning
on Masnnry.
The members of the Kchool tioard met yes.
terday afternoon long enough to allow the
monthly blUn.
John P. Sell ill I r and Clause Wright Imvn
taken a contract to put up n large building
In Comstock , Minn.
Henry Mlchcls reported to the police that
a horse had been stolen from his barn at
Twenty-few th and O streets
John Reynolds , n farmer , living n mlle
west of this city , broke his leg while gel-
ting out of his wagon last evening.
Amand.i II. Tlsd.ilc tent No IS will give
Its last party of the season at Knights of
Pythias hill on the evening of May 14.
H M Doniipll , the well known min-klini ,
who worked for Charley Collln , Is In the
city from ( laleaburg , III. , and will probably
A restraining order has been been Issued
by the district court to enjoin J. J. O'llrlcn
from Interfering with the O'Neill barn until
the case Is disposed of
The guests at the Heed hotel gave a
dancing party and social at the hotel last
night , which was veiy much enjoyed by a
large number of cltl/i'iis.
Ocorgo Stevens , n farmer , was anestdl
In Albright for fighting. His team was
put In a llveo' barn and Stevens was locked
up long enough to sober up.
South Omaha lodge No lid , Ancient Older
of United Workmen , Is arranging to give a
picnic in the park on May 22. which la the
seventh anniversary of this lodge.
111' IHIt.\ I.I Hi : IT.
- Mini Killing iiiliiiiit : | Spit Out a I'olsiiiiiMl
NHW YORK , May 11. Tip , the big , mnn-
Mlllng elephant , gave the park commls-
sloneiH and favoied medical men a gr > Mt
deal of anxiety today and finally ballled
them in tlicli attempt to Mil him. When , a
few days ago , the conclusion was reached
tint the gigantic pachyderm was Incoiilgihlu
and constantly becoming moie vicious means
of ending his ensmgnlned career were dis
cussed The conclusion was reiched Wednes
day to kill him with poison , and cyanide of
potassium was selected as the moil likely
drug to do Its work quickly and painlessly
Tip has been the object of much Interest
since his doom was announced , and visitors
to his qmrters In Cential paik have num
bered well up Into the hundieds of then-
bamls. It was the Intention to admlnlstci
the fatal dose soon after daylight today , and ,
In order that the task might be the easier ,
Tip was deprived of food for twenty-four
hours. At G a. in. Park Commissioners
Clausen , Strauss and Dell , accompanied by
Superintendents Smith and llurncs , ni rived
at the arsenal In Central park. A few min
utes later Drs. Huntlngton , Allen and Spltzka
joined them.
Tip was meanwhile swaying restlessly In
his cage and swinging his enormous trunk
viciously. Tom , the trick eleplnnt , and
Juno , who occupied the adjoining ciee , were
driven out to the open space b ° hml ! the ele-
phint house and chained there so that they
would not be disturbed 01 frightened by the
expected trumpeting of Tip when he would
get his "pill. "
Thirty policemen surrounded the building
to keep the crowds away fiom the doors , and
none but journalists and visitors with per
mits were allowed to enter the building
At 6 JO o'clock everytnliig was in readiness
To avoid possible accident ; nil wrro ex
cluded fiom the elephant house except those
directly concerned In the momentous event.
At exactly G OS14 a. m , Otto Mops who lias
been for years an animal trainer both In
Germany and this countiy , walked up to
the cage and handed Tip a losycolored apple
which had a big dose of cyanldo of potas
sium within Its surface. The big fellow
nibbled It for a moment with his trunk , and
finally put It In his rapacious mouth. But
when ho crunched It between his teeth , ho
evidently felt that there was something
wrong with the taste and spat It out. Mops
then tried him with a canot4 which was
similarly drugged , but Tip refused to taste
It , as he did another apple and carrot which
were passed to him aftervvaids. Keeper
Mops then gave Tip a piece of hi cad con
taining about two ounces of the deadly drug ,
but the big fellow after munching it slowly
a few times , threw that also on the floor.
Tip undoubtedly had his suspicions about
the morsels which were being fed to him ,
but the doctors said he had certainly got
enough of the poison in his system to kill
a dozen horses. Thu diug did not seem
to have veiy much effect upon him until
nearly an hour afterwards , when the violent
motions of his head , body and trunk became
less rapid and his legs Deemed to bo getting
weak. This lasted only a short time , how
ever , and then Tip regained his wonted
v Igor.
It is not definitely decided what shall be
douo now , but the talk is Kt.'li of finishing the
work with poison , probibly this afternoon.
There were evidences aftei IS p m. that
the poison was dcfng Its work. Tip vvat >
breathing very hard , and seemed scarcely
able to move his trunk. There was n belief
In the mind of Dr. Allen that the elephant
might die before night.
Tin tiled at 4 : . 10 this afternoon , nfte r
swallowing sovpial balls of bum. In each
of which had been sonotod six. gialns
of cyanide ot pottnstinn KlKht disxi-otois
went to vvoik Imnudlntelv , and by tomoi-
rovv Tip will be divided Into heveial bee-
Send for Olrculat und I'nco 1.1st ,
Council Bluffy - - Avenue A and 23th 8
Oratiiia , 1521 Funittin Street.
1'iofililont Cashier.
First Kaliona
Capital , $1 ( ) ( > , ( > ( ) ( )
Profits 12,000
One ut thu banka In thu HI Me of lown We
solicit your buuIni'Ds anil uullc'ctlonn pay S
Percent on tliniidenoaltu.Vu will b3 plcaiuti to
ttco and Ben o } ou.
Mauv times woraon call on their family
physicians , suffciiujr , ns they imagine' , ono
from dysppphln , another fiom heait cllceriEo ,
nnotier from Uvor 6r Udnoy discne , another
from nervous exhaustion , or picstintlon ,
another with pain hero and there , and in
this way they all picscnt. nliko to themselves
nnd their easy-going nnd indifferent , or over-
busy doctor , separata nnd distinct diseases ,
for which ho prescribes his pills and potions ,
assuming Ihc'in to be tueh , when , in reality ,
then are all only ti/mptoiH * caused by soir.o
womb disoider. Thu physician , ipnornnfc of
the causa of suffering , oiicotuagcs his practice
until largo bills are made. The suffeiiiiR'
gets no bettor but -
ptient , probably vvoi-i-o
byioasouof the delay , wrong tieatment and
consequent complications. A proper medi
cine , likoDr. Pierco's Favoilto rrct > ciiption ,
directed to the cause v.oitld have entnclv
removed the disease , thereby dispelling all
thee distressing symptoms and instituting
comfort instead of prolonged misery.
The lady whoso poi trait heads this article
Is Mrs. Icla Coventry , of Iluntsville , Logan
County , Ohio. She had on cspoi icnco which
wo will permit her to relate in her own
language. It illustiatcs the foregoing. She
writes : " I had ' fomnlo weakness' very
bad in bed most of the time , dtagging
down pains through inv back and hips ; no
uppetlfo ; no energy , Iho family physician
was treating me for 'liver complaint' . I
did not got any bettor under that treatment
so I thought I would tiy lr. Piereo's Fa % 01 Ho
Prescription and his ' Golden 3fedicnl Dis
covery. I felt bettor Iwforo I used one
botMo of each I continued their nso until I
took six bottles of each. In tlneo months'
titno I felt so well I did not think it nece'sniy
to toke any more. In childbirth It does
whnt Br. Fierce iccommcnds it to do
lessens the pain and peiiU to both mother
and child and slioi tons ' labor' . In oulcl like
to recommend Dr. Pierre's Extract of Smart-
Weed to those who have never tiled it ; it
suioly is the best thin ? for cholein mot bits ,
or pain In the stomach I ever used : it woi ki
like n cliniin. I try never to Ix ) without it. "
Tlio following is fi oin Mrs Hoi i lot Hai els ,
of Montpelier , Idaho : "I bavo CIIJOVCM ! bet
ter health since I began tieatment with Dr.
The entire stock of Men's Fine Shoes from
the Western Boot and Shoe Mfg. Co. , St. Louiss
Mo. , now being sacrificed.
Eioes are
Are the only
Omaha parties
that have these
Shoe Bargains.
.3,7-19 . , DOU S st. ,
LOT 1. Men's Fine Diess Shoes , foimer price , $2,35 ; now $1.25.
LOT S. Men's Kangoltv Shoos , all widths , former price $3,60 ; now $1.75 ,
LOT i } . Men's ' Kangaroo and Kid Shoos , former price $5.00 ; now $2.75.
Our $10 Suits 20 different shades Saturday choice of lot , $5.00.
Our $15 Suits only $7.75.
Our $20 Suits only $12.50.
Workinginens' Pants , former price $1.0O ; in this sale. OSc. i 1
Our $3.00 aud $4.00 Pants at $2.25. '
Good quality Ovcualls , with or without Bib , only 25c.
Also special oftorings in Boys' Clothing1 , Furnishing Goods and Hats.
Two Doors East of Hth and Douglas Sts. Note the Location.
Paint , OiljmdGlass Co.
, Wo havol.OOO W | irlowa In stock , nmdo by the
J A Murphy Miimif.irtiuinc I iiiup my. No huttin Mtsli ran
bo nmdo , ulilch wo will xluro vvllli any Kind ( if Klass that you
want , and soil jou foi It'hs mono } Hum you mil liny the Door ,
happy MI-.II rniiilu In tlio oust foi. Lotus ( 'lvo you inlcciuuu
wo vvillRiityoiii orclcii.
Our I'alntc'an not 1)0 ) oxcolli'cl foi durability , bounty or
( Inlsh or c'Dvriliig enjHioliy by uii > otlioi inKed paints In thu
inuiKut. Our price Is { 1 M 1101 Kimcm
1 anil 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC ' 1EMPLE BUILDING.
Steam nnd Hot Wntr Hoatlnq ; 'or
Rosl-joncoB and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main , 2011 Pearl Streets , Couuo
liluiTb , lovvu.
Pierco'o Favorite Prescription , for louoor-
ihoa and uterine debility than X hava foi'
sixteen years. I am cured of my trouble ,
and now weigh ono hundred and sixty-six
pounds , whereas my weight for many > cars
stood at ono hundred nndtvventy-tlvo pounds.
With pleasure , I remain. "
Yours truly ,
The following ii from Mrs. M. A. McAl
lister , of Lim Hock , Jackson Co. , Ala. : "I
vvaj m bad health ; ago vvas working upon
mo , and I hud ulcorntion of the womb ;
could not got alwut. I took Dr. Pierco's
Favorite Piesciiption and it cured mo ; I
felt tcnjcais younger. I hav o not had any
leturnof my trouble. I am the mother of
thirteen chlldicn and lam llfty-thieo years
old , have never seen a better woman's friend
than your medicine. I hnvo recommended
It to my friends hcio , and it has never failed
in any case , so lot mo thank you for the
gO'Qcli I it did 1 mo. " Yours ti uly ,
For "worn-out , " " run-down , " debilitated
school teachers , milliners , dressmakers , Koam-
sti esses , general hotisekeencis , anil over
worked nnd feeble women generally , Dr.
Piorco's Favonto Prescription is the best of
all icstoiativo tonics It is not a "euro all , "
but admirably fulfills a singleness of ptir-
pose , being a most potent npeclllc for all
tuoso chronic weaknesses and diseases pecu
liar to women. It is a powciful , goncinl as
well as uteimc , tonic nnd nervine , hnd iin-
pai ts % igor nnd strength to tlio vv hole system.
It cures weakness of the stomach , indiges
tion , bloating , nervous ptostiation , lysterin ,
debility anil sleeplessness. A Trc-atiso (10S (
pages , Illustrated ) , on "Woman and Her
Diseases , " sent sealed in jititin emelope , on
i occlnt of ten cents to pay postage Address ,
AVoild's Dispensaiy Medical Association ,
Invalids' Hotel nnd Smgical Institute. , Buf
falo , N. Y. It contains a vast number of
testimonials with half tone , or phototype
pmtinitsof their nutuoia oucl gives the lull
addicts of each.
N oln I- .
The annual met ting of stockholders of tlm
riemont , Elkhorn & .Missouri Valley Hull-
toad company will bo held nt the allied o (
the company In Onmliu , Neb , on Friday ,
May IS , id'il , nt 2 o'clock p , m for the eleo
lon of dlicotorH and for thu tiantmcUon ot
mich ntlic-i business .an may coino before tlm
incetlni ; . J. U. llL'OrinLD.
Uatccl May 4 , 1891. Secretary.
I Attorney t-lii vv l'rne <
j tint ) In I Iin ntutn unit
Kiiifn. Itoiimw aod-7-8'0 , HIiilRnrt
hlnuK , Council lliuliH , lu
_ _
clilnmey * ch.anul. IM Jluiko , at 'Jajlor'
lEiociiy , H < J Itioailwny ,
city | > iu | > irty buuglit unit eoM. 1'uiey 1 *
Ilionim Coum.ll I IliiffJ
1'AH'l UllACli : , riHST-CLAbH. 1 OK SOI 1IKAU
nl Htuck , ulmut J mllcn north nt town ( 'utllv ,
S3 75 to MOO , liorncH , M O ) to 17 W fur neanon.
May I to October 15 , K ( > o < l man In rtiiiitfu of
stink 1 plenty uas , null nnd water. 1. . I * .
.Ili'lxoM , 92 ! ) Cth avenue , or 223 llruiulwuy ,
Cimnell Illuffn.
_ _
aooi ) onti < WANTED roit OKNU
liouBiiwork Sim. John Atiklii , 710 tinutli U >
all eel ,
WANTii : > . MIX OOOO 8Ol.KIToiHfoTAK !
iirUeiM fin frultH ami vrKrtaliUa In Council
llluff * . Omaha , Houtli Omaha und Hloux City *
Cull or uUJiiij 1CU Uruaftway.