Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMATIA DAILY BHE ; FRIDAY , MAY 11 , 1891.
Women of America Erect a Monument 1
Qcorgo Washington's Mother ,
I'rcnldcnt Clrvclnml AMo I'liyn n J'lUIn
Trllmln to One of America' * Nnhlcst
Women Nat nt > l
u f Anirtlciin * .
FRKDRIUCKSttURCJ , Va. . May 10. Th
special train with the presidential party to
the ceremony of unveiling the Mary Wasli
Ington monument , Including President Clcvt
land , Secretaries Grc.slmm , Carlisle , Lanion' '
IllBsell nnd Morton and Private Sccretar
Thurbcr , Mrs. Grcsliam , Mrs. Carlisle an
other ladles ; Mrs. Walte , widow of the lat
Chief Justice Waltc , who Is president of th
Mary Washington Memorial association
Chief Justice Fuller and the Daughters a
the Revolution , nnd the National Marln
band , was welcomed to this city by an 1m
mcnse crowd. A presidential saint
boomed forth from the guns ot the Rich
tnoiul and a scarlet-coated band playc <
"Hall Columbia. " The Richmond Light In
fantry , In dazzling uniforms of blue and sll
vcr , kept back the crowds with their bayo
Aligned along the adjoining streets wcr
various organizations , conspicuous nmom
them the confederate veterans with battl
flags fluttering over them.
The procession was cheered by thousand :
of countrymen as It wended Its way througl
the little town from the station to the greet
neil , topped with wooden stands , hidden It
patriotic bunting , whcro the Sons am
Daughter * of the Revolution and dis
tinguished guests were assembled. Ono fen-
turn of the procession was the ladles or
who led the way. Then came the gram'
marshal , Adjutant General Chariot Ander
son ot Richmond , and his staff , followed by
William J. Crawford , the architect of the
monument. Then followed President Cleve
land , Vlco President Stevenson and members
of the cabinet In carriages , followed by the
governor and stuff nnir military organiza
tions and secret societies , conspicuous among
them being the members of the Fredericksburg -
burg and Alexandria lodges of Masons , In
I which Washington had taken his degrees.
The program for the dedicatory exercises
Included addresses of welcomeby Mayor A.
1 P. Rowe nnd Governor Ch.irlcs O'Ferrall ,
Masonic ceremonies , and address by Lawrence -
renco Washington , a descendant ot Mary
Washington , and an oration by Senator John
W. Daniel , the orator of the day ,
Senator Daniel said ; "General Washing
ton was the noblest figure that ever stood
In the forefront of a nation's life. We are
gathered today around his mother's grave.
" 'All that I am,1 said he , 'I owe to my
mother. '
"All that we are as a nation we owe to
"His debt Is ours. It Is many times
multiplied. It Is ever growing as the ever
growing republic Illustrates In Its virtues
and In Its faults allko the merit of his ex
ample and the wisdom of his teachings.
"Beholding the monument we rejoice that
the debt Is acknowledged and realize that
no limitation of time can bar rendition of
Justice to a noble fame. Our gratitude
goes forth to our country women who have
so worthily achieved this work. Men at
tempted it and left It half accomplished.
The state and the federal governments alike
contemplated , discussed and then postponed
It. Our noble women undertook It , and It
Is done. We thank you , madam , you Mrs.
President and your companions of the Mary
Washington association. Your success Is
your reward 'and you will be henceforth
blended In our generation with her whose
name Is carved on this sacred stone. It
was fitting. Indeed , that your pious hands
should rear the first monument on earth
erected by women to a woman ; It Is fitting ,
too , that It should bear the name of Mary
the mother of Washington.
"There are 10,000 Mary Washlngtons
among the mothers of the revolution and
honoring' her we honor the motherhood of
heroic days and heroic men. It was In
Ills character , all sufllclent In every emer
gency , that was displayed the overtowcr-
Ing greatness of George Washington , and
It Is not doubted that this character was
toned down and shaped by his mother's
head. The principles which he applied tea
a nation were those simple nnd elementary
truths which she first Imprinted upon his
mind In the discipline of home. "
Senator Daniel reviewed eloquently the
facts ot history concerning the mother of
Washington and discussed the spirit of the
times In which George Washington was
The monument Is a beautiful qbollsk of
plain white marble , fifty feet high and elevqn
fee ( , square at the base , bearing an Inscrip
tion In embossed letters , simply : "Mary , the
Mother of Washington. " It was executed in
Buffalo , N. Y. , and was set In position on
December 23 , last. The whole fabric cost.
$11,000 , raised entirely by the ladles of the
National Mary Washington Memorial associ
ation , and the monument IH In Itself credItable -
Itablo alike to the distinguished woman
whom It commemorates and to the patriotic
American women who havo-honored them
selves by thus honoring her. The association
was formed only three years ago , with Mrs.
Amelia C. Walto , widow of the late chief
Justice , at Its head , and Mrs. Margaret
Hctzel ot Clifton Station , Va. , as secretary ;
and It may bo a subject of gratification with
Its members , and , Indeed , with all Ameri
cans that the heroine mother ot our first
president , should at length , 101 years after
her death , have a suitable token of respect
raised above her unheeded grave , since the
lack of such a fitting memorial has until
now been a standing reproach to the whole
nation. Projects were agitated soon after
Mrs. Washington's death to mark her burial
place by a stone to bo paid for by the gov
ernment , but In the confusion attendant upon
the organization of the new nation they were
successively forgotten , revived and forgotten
H6wevcr remarkable the lack of Informa
tion elsewhere respecting Mary Ball , wife
of Augustine Washington and .mother of
acorgo Washington , overylwdy In FrederIcksburg -
Icksburg knows all about her , and glories In
her history. They know the year and place
ot her birth the year of grace 1706 and
the place at Epplng forest , down the R.ipa-
Imnnock , In Lancaster county , Virginia ,
which nearly two centuries ago was the
plantation homo of her father , Colonel
Joseph Hall , tion.of Colonel William Uall , a
loyalist Englishman of good llncago who
emigrated to America away back In 1057.
They know that ns Mary Ball
grow toward womanhood she was
known throughout that region as the
"Rosa ot EppltiK Forest" and the "Hollo of
the Northern Neck , " and that as a grown
maiden she was sensible , modest and lov
ing , with hair llko flax , cheeks llko peach
blossoms and eyes of cloudless blue. The
tradition In current among them , too , ex
planatory of the fact that she married her
husband In England , that having been taken
there by her brother Joseph after the death
of her widowed mother , she resided with
relatives In the vtllugo ot Cooklmm , In Berk
shire , when a gentleman's traveling chariot
was upset In front of the house und the gen
tleman himself brought In seriously Injured
and was nursed to recovery by her. Ho
proved to be a fellow Virginian and neigh
bor Colonel Augustine Washington of West
moreland county , Virginia a gentleman of
historic IlrltUh stock , tracing his uncestry
back six centuries In England. They were
married on March 6 , 1730 , frto being ! a
widower with three t > ons. The Freder-
IcUstwrB folk" "an ( ell you also all that U
known about the birth of George Washing
ton , their oldest child , In Westmoreland
'county In 1732 , of the life of the family at
Wukofleld on Potomac , of the fire that de
stroyed that llttlo homestead , ot the subse
quent removal to Pine Grove , across the
Rappahsnnock from FreilfcrU-ksburs. of the
death there of tha father , AuguMlne , when J
George WA < * but 11 years ot age , and of tlio
widow's bravo , energetic , positive and
methodical character ami life with hcrchll-
dreii--thrco sotii and a daughter at the
Ferry farm until her young eaglets seat- j
terod from the family nest.
President Cluvttand responded to Governor
O'Ferrnll. The president said : "Govcrnoi
O'Ferrall , Mayor and Fellow Citizens : 1
upoak for those who are todny greeted as UK
official RUCfttB of Virginia and Frederlcksburf
when I return sincere thanks for the heart ]
welcome that hao been extended to tin on be
half of both the utato and city. Our appro
elation ot the warmth of your reception li
not diminished by the thought that In tlu
light ot the highest meaning belonging tc
this occasion there arc no guests here. We
have anxemblcd on equal terms to worslilj
at a pacrcd national shrine. Nothing car
bo more Important to those who have as-
Binned the responsibility of sclf-govcrnmcnl
than the cultivation and stimulation amour
themselves of sentiments which ennoble and
clcvato and strengthen humanity. As a cleat
nnd wholesome stream must have Its flow
from a pure fountain head , so must a clear
and beneficent popular government have It !
source In pure and morally healthy men ,
This purltv and this moral health are In
nothing better exemplified than In a love and
rovorftice for motherhood , The man whc
paid ho cared not who made a people's lawe
If ho could write their songs might have said
with more truth that he could gauge the
strength nnd vigor of a people and their fit
ness for self-government If ho knew the
depth and steadfastness ot their love for
their mothers.
"I believe that he who thinks It brave and
manly to outgrow his care and devotion for
lila mother Is. more than he who hai no
music In himself , fit for treason , stratcgcms
nnd spoils and should not bo trusted. Lst
us recall today as conclusive proof of the
close relation between American greatness
nnd a lasting love and reverence for our
mothers the proud declaration of George
Washington , 'All I am I owe to my
mother , ' and let us not forget that when
his glory was greatest and when the plaudits
of his countrymen were loudest ho valued
more than these the- blessing nnd approval
of his aged mother.
"While- these exercises cannot fall to In
spire us anew with reverence for American
motherhood , wo will remember that we are
here to do honor to the woman who gave to
our nation Its greatest nnd best citizen and
that wo have the privilege of participating
In ( ho dedication of a monument erected by
the women of our land In loving nnd endur
ing testimony to the virtues of the mother
of Washington. Lot us bo proud today
that the nobility of this woman exacted
from a distinguished foreigner thfr admission
'If micli are the matrons of America , she
may well boast of Illustrious sons , ' nnd tha
Lafayette , who had fought with her son for
American Independence , declared after he
had received her blessing , 'I have seen the
only Roman matron living at this day. '
"Remembering these tilings , let ns leave
this place with our love of country strength
ened , with a higher estimate ot the value o
citizenship and with a prayer to God thai
our people may hold fast to the sentiment
that grows out of a love und reverence for
American motherhood. "
At 3 o'clock n banquet was tendered the
distinguished guests. Vlco Prssldent Steven
son was the principal speaker and' ' George
Alfred Townsend , "Gath , " read a poem.
Don't Delay.
It Is your duty to yourself to get rid of
the foul accumulation In your blood this
spring. Hood's sarsaparllla is Just the
medicine you need to purify , vitalize and
enrich your blood. That tired feeling which
affects nearly every one In the spring Is
driven off by Hood's Sarsaparllla , the great
spring medicine nnd blood purifier.
Hood's Pills become the favorite cathar
tic with every ono who tries them.
Itiilfonr Gold Cump.
If you want to know where It Is and how
to get there wrlta R. F. Hunter , 209 Boston
Uldg. , Denver , Colo.
Interesting- Special * for the [ .miles and for
the lliise Hull Hoys.
It's a treat
To see the new and nobby dress goods nt
Haydens' . They comprise everything that's
In this immense .assortment you will find
52.Indies wide , for tailor-made suits. No
thing like ft. Good dressers In the east will
have nothing else , nnd the price' , $1.25 ,
makes It the most desirable dress fabric in
the market.
And those silk mixtures nt S5cIS Inches
wide , are also extremely stylish.
That line ot SB-Inch cloths at
are all wool , new and desirable.
Wo merely quote these to show you how
much cheaper than others Is our dress goods
If .you haven't got a' dress of those 59c
best German Henrietta , 4G Inches wide , do seat
at once. The end is near.
Our line of all wool plain cloths comprises
nil the well known goods , such as serges ,
whip cords , rlpsalong , cashmcrclong , batiste
cloth , storm serge In fact you can bo suited
In price and goods at our dress goods depart
ment better than ever.
Special sale all this week on baao ball and
lawn tennis goods.
A $ l.fiO League ball for 75c ; $1.00 ball ,
50c ; 50c ball , 25c. A $1.00 bat for -10c ; a
good 50c bat for 20c.
Tennis racket from $ t:75 : to $5.00. Our
$1.75 racket cannot bo duplicated. Only a
few of them left.
Oolnjj ICast Today ?
Your choice of four dally trains on the
Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two of
Ihcso. trains , nt 4-.05 p. m. nnd 0:30 : p , m. ,
; ire Vestlbulcd and limited , arriving In Chi-
: ago early next 'morning.
Elite Elecpcrs , dining cars , and the latest
reclining chair cars.
Call nt the city offlc'e. HOI Farnam street.
The Northwestern checks your trunk at
I'otir hout > c.
I'm-routly at Home ,
The Irrigated lands of Idaho possess that
peculiar qualification which Is perfectly
adapted to the raising of apples , apricots ,
peaches , cherries , pears , plums , grapes ,
prunes , hops , alfalfa , corn and potatoes ,
which always find a ready market and bring
a good price.
You can't overstock the United States with
these commodities.
We'll send our advertising matter on ap
E. L. Lomax , 0. P. and T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
nuMisiiicuiS' : i\cimsIoNs SOUTH ,
VIu the Walmsh Itidlro.icl.
On May 8 and 29 the Wobash will sell
round trip tickets at one faro to all points
In To.'int-Bseo ( except Memphis ) . Mississippi ,
Alabama , Louisiana ( except Now Ot leans ) ,
Arkansas and Texas. For tickets or descrip
tive pamphlets of land , cllmato etc. , call nt
\Vnlmsh ticket oince'lD02 Farnam btreet , or
ivrlto Q. N. Clayton , northwestern passenger
igonl , Omaha , Neb.
Another 1'iipcr hi Hleht.
The compositors on the Pokrok-Zapadu
n-ent out on a strike last Monday and now
threaten to start an opposition paper In the
Bohemian language. Editor Hoslcky of the
I'okrok has sent east for several now
irlntcrs. The dlfllculty Is said to have
irlsen over the re-engagement of a dh-
: harged compositor.
Notlco of tlxo lines or leas under tlila tieaJ. fifty
: entsi cncli aJJitlanal line , ten n'nta.
HLOMnERCJ Thrcssu B Hired" 17 vcii'ra
U month , Mny 10. 1S3I. Funeral BaU ? I
( lay ufti-rnoon. Mny 12th. ut 2 o'clock
ftom family residence , ZM North Thlriv-
Ili-Mt iiverme. Interment ut Forest
Lawn. Friends Invited. i
Plan for Paying the Union -Pacific's Debt t
the Qovonitrcut.
If tlin I'lnti Could Ilo WorkiMl tlio ( loviirn
incut Would ( lot Out Wlicthnr
1'rlviito InvrHtorn liver
Dili or Mot.
NEW YOIIK. Mny 10. In pursunnco of i
notice to .Mr. T. J. Morrison , a member o
tlio New York bar , tlml the house commltte
on 1'acino railroads would hear a. prosentn
tlan of the views ho represents rcganllni
the Union Pacific railroad , that gentlcinai
hna sent to the committee a lengthy com
munlcatlon embodying his views mid en
closing the draft for an net entitled : " /
bill to provide for the payment of tin
United States G per cent bonds Issued It
aid of the Union 1'aclflc and Kansas 1'nclfli
railroads with the proceeds of the govern
incut mortgages placed on the railroads foi
that purpose. "
Ho says the relations between the Unltci
States and the Union Pacific railroad an
treated In the bill from a purely business
standpoint. His proposition scorns to be r
reply to the plans of the attorney genera !
and the reorganization committee , and np-
pear to be the first suggestion In favor ol
sustaining' the full claim of the government ,
It being understood that Mr. Morrison's
clients are willing to purchase the govern
ment mortgages. He says the bill proposes
the government shall realize from Its
property rights. In the railroad the funds
necessary for the payment of the United
States 6 per cent subsidy bonds , with Inter
est , to accomplish which It authorizes the
secretary of the treasury to assign the gov
ernment mortgages for cash. The bill , In
order to facilitate the acquiring of the gov
ernment mortgages by the bond and stock
holders of the Union Pacific Railway com
pany , who will naturally desire to acquire
them and avoid the foreclosure features of
the bill , enables the company to .Issue Its
bonds to be secured by an assignment of the
government mortgages to the trustees , the
company's bond anil stockholders to have
the first privilege of subscribing to the
company's bonds , the total amount receiva
ble being the total amount of the net lia
bility of the company , being the principal
and Interest of the aid bonds , less the sinking
Mr. Morrison argues that the property af
fords to their security holders a desirable
Investment , as at 2 per cent on $85,000,000
only $1,700,000 would bo required for Interest ,
which Is less than one-half the minimum
earnings , the bala.ico would then be appli
cable to the payment of Interest of their
own present securities , or the holders of the
bonds could pay themselves 4 per cent on
the Bainc amount of new bonds , out of the
net earnings of the government divisions.
In addition they could give themselves a
new general mortgage on ther "system" of
branch lines , and other property which they
now offer to the government ; or If they did
not choose to take up the first mortgages
with their own subscriptions they could re
new them at ti per cent , or as a prior lien
with a long-time bond , the government
would at once accept Its claim paid over
and thus sever all connections with the com
pany. The company would thereafter enjoy
full latitude In financiering , as In Its gen
eral corporate affairs. The transfer of the
government mortgage upon full payment Is
the primary purpose of the bill. In aid
thereof and In addition thereto It provides
tor a foreclosure proceedings , In the Interest
: ) f any one who may become the owner of the
Kovernmcnt liens. In case the bond and
btockholdcrs of the Union Pacific Hallway
company do not avail themselves of the
favorable terms provided for redemption In
this bill , and the government thereupon fore-
: loscs , the Importance of the Judicial fa
cilities herein provided Is much accentuate' ! .
Jluvi'ii't Mmlu u Settlement Y t.
CHICAGO , May 10. ( Special Telegram to
The Uee. ) Absence from tho. city of Pas
senger Traffic Manager White of the Atchl-
ion prevented action by Western
Passenger officials on their proposed planer
: or settlement ot the Immigration trouble
vlth the Union Pacific. The assent of the
Vtchlson Is necessary , and an adjournment
vas taken until this morning , when It Is
: liought word will bo received from Mr.
iVhltc. He and President Ilelnhart are In
lonferenco with President Huntlngton of the
Southern Pacific regarding their passenger
Ilflereiiccs. It Is very probable the Atchl-
lon wants the assurance of the Southern
Pacific that It will Join n transcontinental
jassenger association before It will consent
0 the plan ot settlement with the Union
Celtic. No final settlement can be reached
mless all western lines nro 'In an assocla-
KlIhorn .lolni the 1'ioccoslon.
The Elkhorn has Joined the procession of
: ut rate roads and announces that It will
mt In effect May 12 Us new tariff conform-
ng with the tariffs made by other roads.
Jut the Elkhorn goes further than either
ho Union Pacific , Uurllngton or Hock Island
ly announcing that rates to Intermediate
lolnls will be effected In proportion as
hrough rates. Assistant General Freight
Lgent Merchant stated to a Dee man this
nornlng that the Klkhorn was a believer In
cclproclty , ' and If low rates are made the
nterlor points had as much claim on the
oad as terminal points. "They have wanted
DW rates , seemingly , " said Mr. Merchant ;
low wo propose to give It to thorn. The
ooner bed-rock Is reached the sooner will
his cruel war be over. "
Slusliril on Suit mid Sugar.
Yesterday the Missouri Pacific , follow-
ng up Its other cuts , announced a reduction
1 salt rates fromr all Kansas salt producing
olnts , making a rate of 0 % cents to Kansas
illy and 10 cents'to Omaha , as against 8 %
cuts to the former place and 12 cents to
Imaha. This new tariff becomes effective
lay 13.
On the heels of this announcement a
clcgram was received from Freight Truffle
lanager Monroe that owing to the utter
cmorallzatlon of rates cast of Colorado
ugar would have to bo Included In the cut ,
, 'hlch will bo another day's sensation. The
ars are down and the shipper can get
losit any rate he desires If he Is a good fcl-
) w and knows how to keep his mouth shut ,
Ititlluay Notes.
J. R. Buchanan who has been very 111 , but
, 'ho Is now on a fair way to recover , leaves
3tHot Springs today accompanied by
Irs. Duchanan.
Percy R. Pyno nnd party In the Wagner
ar , "Corsair , " will pass through Omaha
aturday onrouto cast. The Union Pacific
, 111 deliver the car to the Northwestern
or train N o. 2. '
Princess Colonna ( neo Mackay ) and suite
i the Wagner car , "Traveler.1 will pass
lirough Omaha today on Union Pacific
rain No. 2 , cast bound , the Northwestern
taking the haul from Council Bluffs.
Within the next two days , unless somc-
lilng unforeseen should occur , the dlfll-
ultlcs growing out of the refusal of the
Inlon Pacific to participate In nn emigrant
eel , will bo settled. President Clark was In
hlcago Monday and had a long conference
1th President Hughltt of the Northwestern ,
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Tbeonly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Amraoniaj No Alum.
ed in Millions of Hrones AO Years the Standard-
at which time nf basin of agreement was
Charles Kennedy of the Rock Island re
turned from Hit Motnes yesterday ,
having witnessed Hit embarkation of Kclljr'n
Army of the Commonweal from the Iowa
capital. Mr. Kennedy stated that 100 boatB
had been required > to float the men down the
river , but Commodore Kelly had elected to
go by rail lntead < of risking his money and
his life to the tender mercies ot the wet
World' * Columhtim IViponItlon
Will bo of value toilho world by llluslroUnjr
the Improvements Ir , the mechanical nrtu
and eminent phy lclans will tell you Dial
the progress In medicinal agents has boon
ot equal Importance , and as a strengthen
ing laxative that Syrup of Figs Is far In
mlvanco of all others.
Encourhged by our success In selling
MOI-FCS at auction we have arranged for an
other sale for Saturday. Thrco carloads , In-
eluding every grade. Sale begins at 1 p. m. ,
Union Stock Yards stables.
New Idcns.
Secretary Dowers of the Lincoln Hoard of
Education and Members Ilrock , Lewis and
Stevens of the committee on heating and
ventilation , were In Omaha yesterday looking
over the heating and ventilating systems In
the city schools. The Lincoln board la un
decided as to the best system for their n < ! w
High school building and expect to obtain
seine light on the matter through the ex
perience of the Omaha authorities. The
visitors called at the board rooms yesterday
and were taken out by Mr. Tukey of the
Omaha board to .Inspect some of the now
school buildings. They visited the Kellom ,
Central , Lothrop and Long schools nnd re
turned to Lincoln last night.
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tem
per ? Then- use DoWltt's Little Early Risers
Lost Thnlr Monpy.
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. R Smith , who
came up from Plattsmouth. to sco the
Ancient Order of Hibernians parade , went
to the police station and reported they had
been robbed whllo riding on a cable car on
Dodge. street. Mrs. Smith said she saw
four men get on the car at the time she did
and slio thinks they took her pocketbook ,
containing $5 and a couple of keys.
A Mr. Johnson who resides In the Bluffs
came over to see the parade. He lost a red
wallet which contained $2.
Little pills for great Ills : DeWitt's Llttlo
Early Risers.
Hand In hand with a love of books goes
usually n love of pictures. In a well ordered
household each has Its true place. The books
are allowed to occupy wall-spaco not exceed
ing a height of four to five feet from the floor ,
and above the book mpntlo there Is then n
proper reservation for pictures.
These Low Library Cases have heretofore
been only obtainable on private order , but
since the World's Fair the artistic taste of
the country has advanced , and with the ful
ler appreciation has come the knowledge
ot how these matters arc ordered In wcll-
reuulatcd houses.
Wo now have these Low Cases In both
two-section and three section size at VERY
LOW COST. Wo have them with full glass
front and sliding doors ( as In tlio picture ) ,
or in n combination of Cabinet and Case ,
the center section being wide and protected
by n curtain , while the side wings have glass
doors , and are , In effect , small book closets.
Lowest prices In Omaha.
Chas. SWverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Evary Description.
Temporary Locution ,
1206-1203 DOUQL'V'J '
3T. ,
Ju.Sr * UM V1" "eWllty , Lust
I vii > | J ' ? ! , . > ' " ; ' 'i < ! .f. Atrophy ,
$ $ ffSiASS $
' . ' ? * " * " $ : ? ! & &
.Uth t DOHI.-IHM st . , OMAHA.
I BEFORE AND C"mn"t1Sl'iJStlar3iSll'CP'the ? kWn0ya and "
? rt-X ? r ! : v , ? " .
. .
i * * ' iJUII
co.-ii : s S
Packed carefully in 772 boxes 6 in each box 4
distinct patterns to each / * dozen , came to Omaha port
by express consigned and marked thus : "The Terrors
of the Northwest The Nebraska Clothing Co. " The
manufacturers name on the left corner , decorated with a
skeleton , and "This is what is left of u.s. "
To the best of our judgement there arc S c , 750
and 650 ties among the lot we are certain they're worth
at least fifty , but we are determined to have a necktie
party with apologies to Judge Lynch until Saturday
night closing- time they're
Take any one you choose tecks or 4 in hand. A
few hundred of 'em are exhibited in one of our show
windows feast your eye on the selection select your
choice , and ask a salesman to hand it to you.
Our Straw Hats are Open ,
> v T " '
T.mM Wtawrj
Our renders will ever welcome the new new departure of The Hce.
It proves conclusively that we are determined to supply our patrons with -A FOLIO
the best the market affords. This is positively the most attractive and
popular collection of Vocal and Instrumental music ever published ,
A GompSeie Library of Vocal and Instrumental Music , VOC-AL INSTRUMENTAL
Which in sheet music form would cost at least $25 , The jc has
made arrangements for the absolute control of this work , and has pur-
titfefis " trcmcildous eMtion in order to squeeze down the price. The
and it will be furnished our readeronly , at
lltra N vjc.tct ivyx-uidio' on > the outitile cover.
Under ordinary conditions this sum would scarcely p ly for paper , to
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