Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , MAY 11 , 1891.
OFFICE - - NO. 12 1'EAHL BTItniiT
Delivered by carrier to nny purl of the cllr.
H. W. TILTON , Lome.
TRLr.PItONKS-lJudncFS onicc , No. ! night
trtltor. No. 13.
Attend Hoston store syndicate sale.
Special meeting of the Woman's Heller
corps tills nfUrnoon at 2 o'clock.
JiiRtlco Vlen discharged N' ! ' Nelson yes
terday , charged with disposing of rnort-
g.'iftpd property.
The Council muffs HowInK association has
purchased live new boats , which arc expected
to arrive In a few dayp.
Unity Guild will meet this afternoon at 2:30 :
o'clock at the home nf Mrs. J. CJ. Anderson
on Upper Broadway. Friends cordially In
Mrs. Watson's Sundiy uchool class will
give a social In the parlors of the Trinity
Methodist church this cvstilng at 7:30 :
Shalom court , Tribe of Ben Hiir , Will hold
a meeting this evening at the hall of the
Woodmen of the World. A full attendance
Is desired ,
The county auditor has sent out the books
for the assessment of property used for the
ealo of liquor. Tlio assessments iiro to bo
returned June 1.
John LJovancy and wlfo , both of whom are
charged with pounding Thomas Kelly last
Kumlay will have a hearing in Justice Fox's
court next Monday.
Tonight will bo the last service of the
scries of mevtlngs held at St. John's Kngllsh
Lutheran church In James' hall , 17 Pearl
htrcct. llev. A. J. Turkic of Omaha will
John Palmer , who lives at 117 South
Seventh street , fell from a building which Is
lining put up at the turner of Broadway and
Olon avenue- and sustained a compound
fracture of the arm.
Mr. and Mrs , C. A. Atkins celebrated the
first anniversary of their marriage last even
ing at their homo on Second avenue near
the corner of Tenth street , by entertaining
a few friends at tea.
The base ball team of the Couiiell Bluffs
High school will go to Bellevue tomorrow
to play a game with the team of that place.
They will be accompanied by a number of
their girl and boy friends.
The preliminary examination of the gang
supposed to have stolen a large amount of
merchandlbo from the freight cars In the
Bouthern part of the city will take place
before Judge McOce this morning.
Mrs. Lizzie Meltzer of Walnut. 111. , who
Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Uacer ,
on Avenue U , was tendered a surprise party
Wednesday evening by the members of Coun
cil Bluffs lodge No. 3 , Daughters of Hc-
Louis Schrnt plowed up a piece of
ground claimed by Thomas Capol and the
latter filed an Information with Justlco
Vlen yesterday charging him with trespass
and malicious mischief. Scltrat will bo
tried Tuesday at 2 o'clock.
The ladles of Abe Lincoln post relief corpi
have completed arrangements for the pro-
.ductlun of J. Edgar Owens' beautiful
Juvenile opera , "The Fairies' Carnival , " at
ttolmny's May 17 , 18 and 1U. Two hundred
school children will take part.
Ollicer Murphy iccovered some whisky yes
terday that had bcn stolen from cars on the
Iliirlington tracks. The names of the
parties Implicated arc withheld from the
public until after they are put under arrest ,
which will probably . .
Mrs. rtyan , mother of nd Uyan Of this
city , was robbed of a purse containing $7 In
cash and a certificate of deposit for $700 In
the First National bank of Council Bluffs
while watching the parade of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians In Omaha Wednesday
Mrs. Clara Wallace , who took a package
of washing from the Western house on East
Broadway without paying the bill for washIng -
Ing which Mrs. Mclleo presented her , was
arrested on the charge of larceny about
mldnlglit Wednesday night. She will have a
trial In police court this morning.
The Council Bluffs Whist club paid a visit
"to Omaha Wednesday night and returned
with the scalp of the Omaha club dangling
"bnco more from Its belt. The visitors won
by n total of forty-two points. Two more
Kamos arc to bo played In the series and
' ( the next will probably be next week.
A. II. Sage , who was mixed up In a row
south of Manawa the other day , was fined
$5 and costs by Justice Vlen. E. W. Prouty
was discharged. The two women , Mrs.
Bachelor and Mrs. Skinner , were both sick
yesterday when their case was railed for
trial , so It was continued until tomorrow
11 tier noon at 2 o'clock.
Lily camp No. 1 , Royal Neighbors of
America , hold a meeting of especial Interest
Wednesday evening. Knights of Pythias hall
was filled with friends of the order. Eight
candidates were Initiated , after which came
a supper and social. Among those who enJoyed -
Joyed the hospitality of Lily camp were
n number of delegates from Pansy camp of
Miss Mason will 'open her school for
dressmaking at Mrs. Porterfield's , 707 First
avenue , the first class meeting Monday
morning. May 12 , at 9 o'clock. Classes
meet every alternate morning from 9 to 12.
Ladles learn to cut and make their own
garments under my supervision. References
can bo had through Rev. T. J. Mackay of
T. A. Pilling , a farmer residing In Garner
township , filed nn Information last October
charging J. Lucart wtlh the theft of some
clothing from his palco. Lucart disap
peared about that tlmo and had not been
BOOH until yesterday , when ho was arrested
and taken before Justlco Field. His hearIng -
Ing will take place this afternoon at 2
o'clock ,
Anna Anderson and Susan Milton , who
llvo near one another at the corner of Eighth
street and Avenue 0 , got Into a fight yester
day In which each used her fists and finger
nails too freely for the comfort of the other ,
Each filed an Information charging the other
with assault and battery , and the troubles
will bo aired In Justice Fox's court this
morning at 9 o'clock.
James Harris , who was Implicated In
the robbery of some freight cars , has con
fessed , not only on himself , but on all the
members of the gang , and as a result flvo
of them , Limerick , Hall , Qranvlllo James
and the two Itachwltz boys , together with
Harris himself , seem to have excellent
chances for taking a trip across the state.
Harris himself will hava a hearing next
Wednesday before Justlco Field.
Mrs. Cole of Mount Pleasant was In the
city last evening and made a talk of about
an hour at the First Presbyterian church ,
where a meeting In the Interest of the cause
of temperance Mail been announced. She
wanted Dr. N. W. Tracy , a temperance
ngltator , to bo engaged for a two weeks'
scries of tent meetings to bo held during
the summer and said that ho would coin ? If
ho should bo guaranteed { 150 and an enter
tainment , There * were only seven persons
there , and none of them felt like assuming
the responsibility of guaranteeing the
amount , or nny part of It , so that no decision
was arrived at. _
Now Is the time to buy homes cheap on
monthly paymeuts. Wo have about thirty
cottage houses and several good residences
-rthat we can sell very low. Lougec & Towlo
235 Pearl street.
A WcuU for l.lttio Oncii.
It seems to bo a general complaint by
'ladles Interested In children's and Infants'
wear that merchants don't seem to pay much
attention to that class of merchandise.
The above remark to some extent Is true ,
but the Boston store will be claused In a
different light this week , as their show
Window on this class of goods will convince
i you that such Is the case.
No one Interested In this line can afford to
tnlsa seeing window display , and most of all
the extremely low prices. This sale of
Infants' and children's wear Is special for
this week only , and will bo one of the most
Interesting features of our Syndlcatu May
; Sule. But don't forget bargains In other
departments , which are numerous , and every
: article. Juit as advertised.
Gas cooking utovej for rent and for solo at
Oaa Go's olllco.
Pomcitlo soup breaks hard water ,
Litigation in Ohicaijo Over Mrs , Sybil 0.
Stiles' Will Attracting Attention.
of III ( i Dotcniccl Think Tliclr Mother
\\t liupuftud On When She Uave
Her 1'ropcrtj to Mn. Z.
A. Itoblinon.
A suit Is , now being tried In the federal
court In Chicago to set aside the will of
Mrs. Sybil C. Stiles , who died some years
ago In this city. The case has considerable
local Interest from the fact that Mrs. Stiles
was n sister of Mrs. 0. A. Robinson and
Mrs. W. C. James uf this city. She was the
widow ot a former Baard of Trade operator
and the mother of Charles Stiles , whose
sensational killing at the hands of Theresa
Sturlata attracted widespread newspaper
comment a few years ago. The death of
her son , It Is claimed , somewhat unsettled
Mrs. Stiles' mind and enfeebled her consti
tution , and she died shortly after.
During her last Illness Mrs. Hoblnson went
to Chicago to nurse the unfortunate lady.
Whllo she was there Airs. Stiles made her
will , In which she left the former $5,000 In
cash and provided for her own two sons ,
Alexander C. Stiles of Oak Park and Kugeno
B. Stiles of Ulxoii , III. , by giving them
$100 apleco each month during their lifetime ,
with the provision that upon their death
the property from which this Income was
derived should go to Mrs. Stiles' living heirs.
After nursing Mrs. Stiles for a few weeks
In Chlcugo Mrs. Robinson brought her to
her home * In this city and kept her there
until her death occurred , shortly after. Just
before death Mrs. Stiles added a codicil to
her will , In which she bequeathed to Mrs.
Robinson all her personal property , Including
diamonds , jewelry , clothing , and some house
hold furniture , the entire value of which was
about $2,000. ,
This will the two sons of the deceased
are now seeking to have set aside on the
ground that Mrs. Stiles was unduly In
fluenced by Mrs. Robinson. They are not
satisfied with having n stipulated amount
each month , but want the principal to do
with as they see fit. They allege that
among the delusions to which their mother
was subject was that she frequently com
municated with and received letters from
her dead son , Charles. She also thought
that her other sons were. In a conspiracy to
kill her.
The value of the Stiles property at the
time of her death was estimated at $100,000 ,
hut In the hands of the administrator It Is
said to have depreciated so that It finally
amounted to less than one-third that sum.
Before her death Mrs. Stiles refused an
offer of $75 an acre for a C40 aqre farm Just
out of IMxon , III. , and the farm afterward
sold for about $35 per acre.
A \Vu\erley Answer.
Why should a sewing machine costing
$10.00 at the factory retail for $53.00 ?
Why should a bicycle costing $15.00 retail
for $123.00 ?
Why should a buyer. pay $125.00 for n
wheel In Council Bluffs when dealers In
other towns sell the same wheel for $90.09 ?
There are forty-one Waverleys being ridden
In Council Bluffs , and every one has been
bought with money and not two-thirds paid
for with an old wheel , as has been the case
with three-fourths of the $125.00 wheels sold
here this year. Reader , If you do not buy
for money you hold the bag for the man who
got two prices for his old wheel. See ? A
$1,000,000 corporation guarantees the Waver-
ley equal to any wheel made , and we see
that guaranty made good. Of the thirteen
riders mentioned in yesterday's Bee as buyIng -
Ing $125.00 whcclii.twa got wheels at cost , nlno
traded In old wheels at big prices , one paid
over half In Jewelry and one Is a son of
the boss. Now you pay cash and hold the
bag and keep the boom going. Weights of
Wnverleys , 21 pounds and up , clincher tires.
Price always and only $85.00. Cole & Cole ,
solo agents.
1'KJIHOXAL 1'AllAfiJl.lPlia.
0. H. Scott Is In Des Molnes.
Herman Mendel of Ncola was In the city
1. M. Treynor went to Chicago last evenIng -
Ing for a short business visit.
Mrs. Augustus Bereshclm and daughter
are visiting relatives In Fremont , Neb.
Mrs. C. A. Gucnther of Scdalla , Mo. , Is In
the city , a guest of Mrs. J. Q. Anderson.
Rov. Joseph Wells of White City , Kan. ,
In In the city for a few days stay with
old friends.
C. C. Hosklns has returned from a visit
of several weeks to the Midwinter fair In
San Francisco.
Charles Alexander , n former member of { he
Board of County Supervisors , now living In
Missouri Valley , was In the city yesterday.
Hon. George H. Fletcher of the law firm
of Flethcher , Rockweed & Dawson of Minne
apolis was In the city yesterday attending
the meeting of the stockholders in the
Koochlchlng company.
Harvey Ouren returned yesterday from
DCS Molnes , where he was admitted to the
bar In the state supreme court. He was
ono of a class of fifty-three , and made a
very creditable showing.
StirprlHcd tlio Ilnr.
The announcement 'of the appointment of
W. S. Lewis of Glenwood to the vacant po
sition on the bench ot thin district came as
a surprise to the lawyers of Council Bluffs
and Shelby , who were particularly Interested
In securing the appointment of Green of Shel
by. It now transpires that Green's support
ers had read the handwriting on the wall
and had seen that their only hope lay In
Inducing the governor to postpone the ap
pointment and allow a convention of the
voters of the district to decide It. They did
their best , but the governor refused to wait
for them to finish their plans and made the
appointment on his own motion.
Wlnfleld Scott Lewis , the new Judge ,
stands In the front ranks of the attorneys of
Glenwood , where he has been practicing law
for the last twenty years. All his early life
was spent In Malvcrn and vicinity. In 1S74
he graduated from the law department of
the Iowa State university along with Gov
ernor Jackson , and this fact undoubtedly
had some weight In bringing the governor
to his decision. Ho spent one term In the
Iowa' house of representatives. Ho has n
good legal mind , his character Is unlm-
pcachablo , and he Is regarded as ono In every
way IK to occupy the position so ably filled
by Judge Deemer.
Fothcrlngham , Whltelaw & Co. of the
Boston Store , have attractive specialties In
their show windows these days and still
more attractive special bargains on their
shelves. Special prices In Infant cloaks ,
caps and white dresses are what they want
to call your attention to today. Tlio
lightning artist Is the big window novelty
that Is attracting so many people. With
every dollar purchase ono ot the oil paint
ings ore given away. The pictures range
In size from small panel cards up to paintIngs -
Ings 32x36 Inches. Frames are sold to ac
company the picture at less than half cost ,
running from COo to $2.25 , The lightning
artist will bo In the city for n few days
only and all should take advantage of this
offer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For Sale A reliable family driving horse ,
with harness and phaeton. Inquire at the
barn formerly occupied by Mason Wise.
See B. M , Duncan's shoe window , 28 Main
street , next door to Dene's.
The famous Maso Wlsa livery and sale tarns
have bacn sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and the
builniss will bo continued under his manage
ment. Horses boarded and cared for at
icasonable rotes ; barn open day and night ,
OlcliriiU'd IIU Illrtlutny.
John McGulrc , a Rock Island cur Inspector ,
living at 1213 Eighteenth avenue , had a
birthday yesterday , and he celebrated It In
a wild and wooly fashion. Last evening
abuut S o'clrck word was received at the po
lies btatlon that ho had murdered his wlfo ,
and the patrol wagon was wanted at once.
Oltlcera Murphy and Wor | Immediately struck
out for the place Indicated. They found that
things wcro not quite so gory as they hod
anticipated. McGuIre had btaten his wlfo
up badly with his fists , but she was not
dangerously hurt. McOiiIro was landed In
the city jail after much choking on the
part cf the officers.
flurnlolimriitu Mint Stop In town
In a short time , as Iowa has parsed n law
against them. This Is your last chance to
collect your accounts before the law goes
'nto force. The Nassau Investment company
has reduced Its charges and will guarantee
collections against persons not living In
Iowa , but who are employed by some rail
way , express or telegraph company having an
agent In Iowa. Wrlto at once for terms and
references , Council Bluffs.
It costs as much to paint with cheap
paint as It docs with the best. When the
best costs no more and lasts twice as long
It's folly to use any other than the Heath
& Mllllgan paint. Sold and guaranteed by
Davis , the druggist.
Leghorns , 30c ; trimmed leghorns , $1.00.
Miss Ragsdalc , 10 Pearl street.
i : tul > lUhcil u l.iibur Iliirriui.
The Knights of Labor at their meeting last
evening passed a resolution which Is aimed
to Increase the amount of poll tax collected
and spend It In n way to benefit the laboring
classes. The following Is the text of the
resolution : "Resolved , by local assembly No.
1,300 , Knights of Labor , of Council Bluffs ,
that , In view of the scarcity of employment
In our city , wo recommend that the city
council take measures to provide a labor em
ployment bureau at the city building. Where
poll tax collector's notices may be deposlte.l
with the amount of the tax , and the unem
ployed labor of the city be thereby given em
ployment on an equitable basis. "
The plan , as stated by ono of the members
after the meeting , Is expected to Increase the
amount of taxes collected by giving every
man who expects to get employment in this
way a personal Interest In seeing that every
other man pays his poll tax. The citizens
will also be enabled to kill two birds with
one stone. If charitably Inclined , and furnish
employment for some unfortunate fellow beIng -
Ing at the same tlmo that he Is dropping his
$2 Into the slot prepared by the state.
"Ki-lly'B Arm"No .More.
According to late dispatches Kelly's army
has ceased to bo an army and has become
a navy , making Its way on boats. But the
army of worklngmen who do their trading
with T. B. Hughes , the down town .haber
dasher , have no desire to make a change ,
for they will never find him "knavy" In his
dealings. Join the army of Hughes' con
tented customers and you will not regret It.
Whllo you are paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits n
trial and Invites comparison. Telcphono 157.
.Soiiiutliiiii ; You Want.
Lawn mowers from $4 up , all widths.
Ice cream freezers from $1.25 up , all sizes.
Gasoline Ftoves from $2.80 up , all prices.
Hose from lOc up , only highest grades.
Refrigerators from $8.50 up , all hard wood.
The best filter made from $3.50 up , unexcelled.
Poultry netting , garden tools , etc. , cheap.
P. C. DeVol , 504 Broadway.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Sec the new art goods at Mrs. Miles' .
ClirHtliin Imlcavnr Convention.
The district convention of the Societies of
Christian Endeavor commences this evening
and delegates to the number of 150 or there
abouts arc expected from seven counties In
southwestern Iowa. The first session will be
held at 7:30 : this evening at the First Bap
tist church. After a half hour's song service
Dr. Stephen Phelps will deliver an address
of welcome and Miss Mary Klnney of At
lantic will make a response. President
Pomcry of Shelby will make an address ,
after which a reception will be tendered
the delegates.
Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker ,
will occupy the building at 23S Broadway
after May 20. Various Improvements will
bo mad : which will give him one of the
finest undertaking establishments In the
K una Laundry Company.
520 Pearl street. Telephone , 200. '
Counterfeiter Hound Over.
Clerk J. J. Steadman of the federal court
returned from Des Molnes yesterday mornIng -
Ing to give Ora Bean n preliminary hearing
on the charge of making and passing coun
terfeit money. Bean Is supposed to bo ono
of the gang of Creston counterfeiters men
tioned In these columns last Sunday. He
was bound over to the grand Jury under
bonds of $2,500 , which ho failed to furnish.
Ho will be taken to Des Moines today to
have a trial at the term of court now In
progress there.
Buy your drugs and paints at Morgan * *
drug stores , 134 and 742 Broadway.
Jarvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent
Jarvls 1877 brandy , wines and liquor.
llonril of Kqiiull/.iitlon.
The city council will hold meetings
nightly from now on for some little time ,
the books of the assessor having been turned
over to the board of equalization. The as
sessment of personal property In this city
is shown by the books to be $797,480. All
who have any personal property and who
feel any Interest in knowing how much they
are taxed for It can have their curiosity
satisfied by calling at the city clerk's olllce
during the day.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 JHin street. Tele
phone 48.
Everybody knows Davis sells drugs.
I'coplo's I'urty Conventions.
The people's party congressional conven
tion will be held In Atlantic May 29. The
Pottawattamle county populists , will hold a
convention at the court house In this city
at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon , May 19 , to
choose twelve delegates to the congressional
convention , and to elect a chairman of the
county central committee. Each ward and
township will be entitled to five delegates.
Meycrs-Durfeo Furniture company , 33G-33S
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
Conimurclul 1'llgrlmg.
The supreme council of the Commercial
Pilgrims of America will meet In this city
next week for their third annual session.
Meetings will bo held Friday and Saturday
In the hall In the Brown building , and a
largo attendance Is looked for.
Jarvls Wlno Co. . Council Bluffs.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap ,
A.\\OUVK 1/K.VT.S.
A great many playgoers are under the Im
pression that the most meritorious shows ore
played In the beginning and middle of the
season , and that the cheaper clement are
"run In" at about the closing days. This Is
decidedly wrong , however , for the next Im
portant event of the year will be the appear
ance of the Calhoun Opera company at the
Fifteenth Street theater for ono week , com
mencing Sunday matinee , May 13. In the
company are forty-five artists , Including a
wonderfully clever orchestra. They will
bo seen In a brilliant repertoire of comic
operas , produced on a magnificent scale , the
costumes being the most gorgeous seen In
comic opera , and every attention will bo lav
ished upon the productions. Notwithstand
ing the enormous expense attached , the reg
ular house prices will prevail.
If there Is ono event this season
that will stand out In bolder relief than all
others , It will undoubtedly be found In the
engagement of the romantic actor , Alexander
Salvlnl , which begins at Boyd'a May J4 , 15
and 1C. U Is not alone that it brings In
Its train brilliant examples of what from an
nrtlbtlo standpoint the American stage can
evolve , but the school of drama for which
this organization Is uniquely famous has no
worthy exponent outside of Us own arena ,
and hasn't had for a generation or more.
The repertoire that Mr. Salvlnl will pre
sent here | s as follows ; Monday evening ,
"The Three Guardsmen ; " Tuesday evening ,
"Ruy Bias , " and Wednesday evening his new
play , "Zamar. " The sale of Heats will open
tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock , ' and , Judging
from the number ot Inquiries that have been
made about the engagement , will doubtless
be very largo.
Cure Indigestion and bllllousness with
DoWUt's Little Early. Riser * .
Itrccptlon filvrn to M 'mjier * uf Young
IVoplr'n Societies ot tlio Churches.
Tlio reception Riven totttho young people's
societies of the various local churches by
the Young Men's ChrlstjKn' association last
evening was ono of the moil larftMynttended
and enjoyable events thai "as taken place at
the Young Men's Christian association quar
ters this year. The t brilliantly lighted
rooms were thronged with guests , and n
varied and pleasing program of entertain
ment passed the hours until nearly mid
The rooms had been attractively arrayed
with flowers and plants by a floral commit
tee ot the young lady friends of the associa
tion and were attractive Indued with the
bright colors of the flowers contrasted with
the new furniture and fresh draperies that
replaced those destroyed by the rcccnfire. .
The Young Men's Christian association or
chestra , under the leadership of Mr. Thomas
J. Penncll , wan stationed In ono ot the al
coves , and during the social p.trt of the even
ing the music added not a tlttlo to the pleas
ure of the occasion.
Tlio guests consisted nf the members of
nearly all of the young people's religious
societies of the city. Among those repre
sented were. The Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor , the Baptist union ,
Epworth league , Daughters of Rebokah and
the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The visi
tors were met In the hall by the members
of the reception committee and conducted
into the reception rooms and library , where
the first hour of iho evening was enjoyably
passed In general conversation and making
new acquaintances. Refreshments of lemon
ade and wafers \\cro served In the lecture
room , and then the guests repaired to the
gymnasium , where an excellent program of
athletic exercises was executed under the
supervision of Physical Director Cook.
The main program was given In the con
ceit hall , where Hon. Charles A. Goss called
the assemblage to order at 9:30 : o'clock.
Ho welcomed the guests In an appropriate
speech , after which a number of brief ad
dresses were made by representatives of the
various societies represented , In which they
expressed their appreciation of the hospi
tality of the association and their desire to
assume a closer relationship In their mutual
work. A number ot musical selections were
Interspersed with the speeches. Prominent
among thobc were the numbers rendered by
the Mozart quartet , which found exceptional
'favor with the audience. The young men
sang exceedingly well , and Mr. C. C. Smith's
baritone solo was .equally well received.
Prof. Harnack added a piano solo and Mr.
Thompson gave a humorous reading , which
was not the least agreeable feature of the
Think * tlio Council Acts Uiiulscly In Ilegnrcl
to Contusions IMsiMlSfH.
Dr. Savllle Is highly indignant at the
action of the city council In refusing to
adopt his suggestion In regard to nn am
bulance. He claims that this parsimony
has been the cause of a great additional
danger to the city of a smallpox contagion.
"At the tlmo I made my recommendation , "
said he , "I could have procured an am
bulance from Fort Sidney for a very small
sum. The ambulance had been condemned
by the government , bub the quartermaster
assured me that with some slight repairs
It could bo put In as good condition as now.
"Another lesson which Is taught by this
case Is the necessity of a detention hospital.
1 Included this recommendation with my
communication with regard to the ambu
lance , but It was sidetracked In the same
way. In this case \\c had a patient who
exhibited a number uf very suspicious
symptoms. At the tliio | of my first visit
no one could say for certain whether It was
smallpox or not. ft "there had b'.cn a
detention hospital we "would have taken him
there at once and most of the danger of
contagion would havc'bpen averted. As" It
was we had no recourse hut to leave him
where he was until the disease developed.
Wo could not take a Imfii to the pest hous :
until there was absolutely no doubt but
that he had Bmallpdx'.1 ' If there had been
even an . am.bulancowo could h ve' taken
him away early jnstead of leaving him at
his lodgings until. yesterday morning , as we
were 'forced to do. 'All this delay Is In
the highest degree dangerous and Is bound
to occur as. often as we have a similar
case. As smallpox cases usually cost the
city several hundred dollars each I cannot
understand" " the parlsmony of the council
from a financial standpoint , to say nothing
of the demands of humanity. "
lirlght'a Diacnso Foilon-lng on Heart DIs-
cusu Carried Htm Off.
BALTIMORE , May 10. Congressman Brat-
tan died this morning at his home In Prin
cess Anne , Md.
The -death of Representative Brattan had
been expected for weeks , < n fact he had been
lingering between life and death ever tlnco
the session began. Ho was present at the
extra session In apparently vigorous health.
During the recess he was affected by heart
disease and later Brlght's disease devel
WASHINGTON , May 10. Dr. William
Thco Barnard , who was private secretary to
General Bolknap when the latter was In
General Grant's cabinet and was for many
years associated In a confidential capacity
with President John W. Garrett of the Bal
timore & Ohio railroad , is dead. Ho was
45 years old and a native of Decrfleld , Mass.
He built the "Alley L , " the first elevated
railroad in Chicago , and became its presi
LONDON , May 10. The countess of Clar-
don Is dead.
DENVER. May 10. Walter Dolm , Prince
ton university athlete and one of the fastest
sprinters and hurdle racers In the country ,
died In this city last night of pulmonary
trouble brought on by overtraining. For
two years past he had been engaged In news
paper work. _
Trllnito to Itev. Patterson.
At a meeting of the congregation of the
First Presbyterian church last evening for
the purpose of accepting the resignation of
the pastor. Rev. J. M. Patterson , and to ap
point commissioners to meet the presbytery
of Omaha next Monday and unite with the
pastor In a request for the dissolving ot the
pastoral relation , the following resolution
was adopted ;
Resolved , That we , the members of the
First Presbyterian church and congregation ,
accept the resignation of our pastor , Rev , J ,
M. Patterson , with a feeling of profound re
gret. Wo desire at this time to express our
high appreciation of Mr. Patterson us a min
ister and as a man. Wo recognize his un
usual talents and ability as an earnest , elo
quent , forceful , uncompromising preacher ,
and as an Inspiration to his church and con
gregation we do hliui-hlgh honor. Wo sever
the relations of pastor and people with the
feeding that In onn short year Mr. Patter
son has gained a hold upon the church and
upon the citizens eft- Omaha which ho will
retain for long yearsJUo come. Parting from
him regretfully , aa fyo do , wo nevertheless
bid him godspeed , Because wo know that
wherever ho may gq jio will be a powerful
factor for God and humanity , and that ho
will uplift by hlsr presence and contact ,
touching as he does' the everyday life of the
people at every point. Wo heartily com
mend him to the Westminster Presbyterian
church of Detroit as on able and sincere
minister of the purrl gospel of Jesus Christ ,
Mr. Patterson's , ealgnatlln takes effect
Juno 1 , i.i
TlilrUVaril lcpiilllrnnn.
The Third Ward Republican club held an
adjourned meeting ' 'last ' night at Its hall ,
Twelfth and Chicago streets , for the purpose
of taking action upon the applications ot
about seventy-five applicants for membership.
It was an enthusiastic meeting , and about
fifty ot the applicants were admitted to mem
A resolution was presented denouncing the
act of the Board of Education In appointing
men who were not residents of the ward as
census enumerators.
Dick Berlin is president of the club and
C. P. Halllgan secretary.
I.rnlleU from tlio Court" .
The Diamond pool room cases occupied
the attention of the criminal court yesterday ,
the state attempting to show that the sellIng -
Ing of pools on horse races and ball games
was a violation ot the state law. The prose
cution finished Introduction ot Its tes
timony during the afternoon.
Judge Ambrose spent the day In hearing
the testimony In the case ot the Nlcmcyer
Lumber company against the B. & M. Rail
way company. The plaintiff seeks to re
cover $3,400 , alleging that the defendant de-
.llvered a consignment to a Texas firm after
notice of Insolvency had been served.
David O'Neill of South Omaha has tie-
cured n restraining iwler to prevent John
J. O'Brien , j former employe , from entering
upon the premises of the plaintiff's livery
The Jury In the case of the state against
Nelson Allen , charged with burglary , re
turned a verdict of guilty ,
TV.I.i : < in.triiw milr
Major J.V. . Powell , director of the United
Stntes geological survey , has rculgni'd be
cause of Ill-health.
The visiting hotel men left Denver yester
day for Colorado Springs In n special train
over the Denver A lllo Grnndo railroad.
St. Joseph police olllclata arc having n
Krqat deal of trouble with policy dhops since
the nlckel-ln-the-slot machines were sup
The stockholders of the KnnsnH City
Orand Avenue Cable company have disa
greed ns 16 Its future policy and have taken
the affairs of the line Into court.
At Ornnd llnplds , Mich. , KOO Polbh labor
ers assembled In front of the city linll and
demanded work of the mnyor. Mnny of
them nro In a Htnrvlng condition.
Hon. W. A. Mntiry has been appointed
by the supreme court of the I'nltcd Status
n commissioner to take- testimony In the
case of the state of California against the
Southern Pacific.
Two thousand delegates nr.d others ar
rived to attend the convention of the South
ern Baptist church at Dallas , which as
sembles there tomorrow , and at least 2,000
more strangers are expected.
After a protracted discussion the execu
tive committee of the Midwinter fair de
cided to reduce thy admission to the fair
from W to 25 cents on Sundays and to S3
cents on week days after 5 o'clock.
The Investigation Into the affairs of the
Northern Pacific- road was continued yester
day In New York before Special Master
Carey. W. D. Searles , vlcp president of the
Farmers Loan and Trust company , was on
the stand.
A supplemental deed of trust was yester
day < lled by the Sharon Estate company In
San Francisco , conveying In trust to the
California Title Insurance and Trust com
pany $10.000,000 worth of property belonging
to the Sharon estate.
Bishop Hcndrlcks presided over the south
ern Methodist conference yesterday at Mem
phis and the pxcrelses were led by Itev. T.
\VaUc of the West Virginia conference. ThP
committee on education reported In favor of
a general board of education.
At Plttsbnnj a vcrdlot fo'1 the ilefend-xnts
was rendered In the case of C. II. Fuller
and the administrator of Isaac O'Uorman
and Henry Osborne against IJalrd Bros. ,
contractors. These are the famous stilts
for damages by reason of the Licking
bridge disaster In Kentucky.
An opinion by Attorney General Chllds ,
Just announced at St. Paul , conllin" , the
position of the republican city committee
against the constitutionality of the law
U'poitlonlng St. Paul assemblymen to dif
ferent parts of the city , and sustains their
cblnlm to thu elecllon of five members of
Ihe assembly , or a majority. Instead o (
only four republicans , as would be the case
under the Hell charter.
Tlitn Thry Chanced Hats.
Last night three men went into the hat
store of H. L. Pease In the Mlllard hotel and
asked to be shown some hats.
They tried on a couple of dozen hats , leav
ing their own on the counters , when they
suddenly discovered that It would be n good
plan to return to the store the next day to
make their purchase. After they left Mr.
Pease discovered that one of the men had
exchanged lints with him , tailing along n $5
one , leaving his own , that appeared as though
It had seen Its best days.
Will ltd Crvrtrd nlth n llanqurt.
DUNLAP , la. . May 10. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The Alumni association of the
Dunlnp High school has decided to tender
a banquet to the Incoming six graduates of
the public school. Mrs. Nellie Purcell of
Dunlnp will preside and F. H. Deney of Des
Molnes will deliver the address of welcome.
Commencement exercises will be held the
latter part of next month.
tii Itppiihllrnii Convention Called.
ST. PAUL , May 10. The republican state
committee this afternoon decided on St. Paul
ns the place and July 11 as the , date for the
next state convention.
AViirmer anil Southerly Winds for
Nebraska lodiiy.
WASHINGTON , May 10. For Nebraska
and Kansas Fair ; warmer ; southerly winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; wanner In east
ern portion ; Eoutherly winds.
For Missouri Generally fair ; warmer ; vari
able winds.
T.oral Itccord.
OFFIOR OPTiiis WiuTnuii BUKEA.U. Chuiu
May 10. Omaha record of temperature and
rain fall compared with corresponding day of
past four years :
1894. 1803. 1892. 1891.
Maximum temperature 04 = 8U21 40 = 80 =
Minimum tompuniuire.18 = 55 = 38 = 50 =
Avcrnce tomporaturo. . 50 = 711 = 44 = 70 =
Precipitation 11 T .08 T
Statement showlm ; tlio condition of tom-
perr.turo and precipitation ut Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , 1801 :
Normal temporuluro G0 =
Deficiency for the any 4 =
K.\cesssince Slurch 1 335 =
Normal prociultatlnti 14 Inch
Dollclency for the day 03 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 2.20 Inches
Reports from Other Stations at 8 1 * . 3r.
"T1" Indicates tr.ico.
OEOnOK E. HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
Pills that cure sick headache : DeWIU's
Little Early Risers.
5 Drink It when you are thirsty ; when jou §
§ am tired : when youareovcrhrated. When-1
everyoufetltliatn hcalth-clvlng ttmporunco H
drink will do you good , drlak
A ' < c. pkg.mnlcnS cations. Sold everywhere. 5
5 8 Dtl 2o. itiup for Utallful pidlurt ctrdi and book , g
| Tlio Chan. H. Hire * Co. , I'hlliideliililn. 1
Dr. E. C. West's Hervo and Brain Treatment
s oUl under poiltlro written guarunlco , by Author
ized agontB only , to euro Weak Memory ; Lr * ot
limlnnnd None l'owerI.O8t ; Manhood ; Qulrki.efs ;
Hliiht Ixw c ; I'.vll Diimmi ; Ijick of Confidence ;
Nervouiucss ; Lasbltudu ; nil Druliu ; Loaa of 1'uwor
of the Uonuralho Or.'unn In bllinr roi , caused by
oTor-ciortlon ; Youthful Krrnra , or Kicretlvo Via ot
Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , which Boon lend to
AlliorOoimiim.llon. . Jnrauity and Dealli. Iljr mall ,
tl abni ; (1 for to : wllli wrltlen Kimmnti'o to euro nr
refund money. Wl'JJT'H COUOII HYHL'l' . A rnrtaln
euro for Cough * . Coldn , Ailhaia , Uronchltln , Croup.
\Vnooplng Cuuirli. Horn Throat , rionmnt to tnke
Rmall tlca discontinued ; old.COc. elio. uow'JSo. : old
Goodman Drug Company *
Why Will So Many People Persist In
Doing So ?
Dhrovory of A Pnml U'lilcli l Completely
DlireMed ItnCnro llelii ) * iatcn : , 'Ihim lin-
iibline IlioVenlce l stomiirli tu Al > -
( iirl ) It.
If you are starving It Is all the same
whether you starve because you cannot get
food to cat or because yon cannot digest
what yon do eat. The effects nro the same.
The results are the same.
There Is n certain difference ; In this \\ay :
The poor man If ho gets enough food will
soon get fat. The Invalid , whatever food
he may cat , cannot gel fat , unless he feeds
on artificially digested food.
Since Paskol.i , the pre-dlgcttcd food , has
been prepared , people have lapldly been
growing fatter. Before Paskola there was
nothing that could bo done to cure dyspep
sia. It was the bane of the doctors. Drugs
could do nothing , Cod liver oil made It
worse , Dyspeptics , nnacmlcs , consump
tives and all people who were thin and
pale , who In fact were starving amidst
plenty , were thought Incurable.
Today It Is different. Wo have Paskola.
We knotf that P.tskola , being pro-digested ,
will euro starving Invalids. It will make
thin people fat. U will make pale people
rosy. H will make weak people strong.
Paskola does this because It Is a food.
Because It Is n food thai will toed you
whether you can digest other food or not.
The starches are the fatlenlng foods. Wo
know this because doctors forbid starchy
food to people who are growing too fat.
The chief meilt In Paskola Is that It Is a
pro-digested food. Another that It Is , i
starchy food. Another that It helps you
to digest what other food you may cat.
The chief good that Paskula can do Is to
make all thin people grow fat. Another
lo relieve the pangs of Indigestion. An
other lo put fresh life In your veins and
make you feel younger and stronger.
If Paskola were a medicine It would do
jou no permanent good at all. It Is not a
medicine ; It Is n food. We need food every
day of our lives. Wo do not need medi
Just see what Paskola has done for others ;
VALPARAISO , Iml. , April H , 1801.
The Pre-Dlgcsted Food Co. , 30 Kendo St. ,
York Gentlemen : Your letter of April 3
at hand. Regarding my symptoms before I
used Packola , I was very weak ; I could not
digest anything ; I tried everything to gain
strenglh , bill failed. My doctor advised
mo lo use Paskola , and I am satisfied It Is
Ihe only thing for a weak stomach. I have
gained two pounds a week.
My only trouble now Is constipation , and
I have been expecting those tablets every
day. If my bowels would work right I am
sure I would be happy.
My liver Is very bad at times and I get
bilious. There Is nothing that helps Indi
gestion like Paskola. I have tried about
twelve doctors and have been suffering more
than four years.
I will say that I have been so weak that I
could' ' work only about two days In a week.
For nearly three years I spent all.I had for
doctoring and had given up hope. I am
sure Paskola will restore me. Trusting to
hear from you very early , yours truly ,
BRIDGETON , N. J. , April 11 , 1891.
The Pre-Dlgested Food Co. , 30 Reade St. ,
New York Gentlemen : Through the advice
of friends I decided to try your Paskola for
my daughter , who has been fn very poor
health for several months past from loss ot
appetite and general debility.
She had wasted away In flesh and at the
time she began taking Paskola weighed 112
pounds , and after two weeks' treatment
gained eight pounds. Shu } : gaining In
health and strength dally , with Increasing
appetite for the most hearty food that was
repugnanl lo her before lakmg Paskola.
As a flesh-forming food I think It far
superior to cod liver oil or other similar
preparations , and am more than gratified
with the results. WILLIAM T. ROSS.
Paskola may be obtained of any reputable
druggist. A pamphlet on food and diges
tion will be mailed free on appllcallon lo
Iho Pre-Digesled Food Co. , 30 Reade St. ,
New York.
g Chronic
WE [ Nervous
S Privates
CUE.E | Specal
I D1501S3S.
THKATMKNT 11V MAIL , Consultation Pro *
Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlaoaseo ol
the Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach ,
Liver , Blood , Skin and IChlnoy DIs-
08800 , Female Wnaknos os , Lost
PILES , FISTULA Awn RBOTAI. Ui.citis cured
without u ! n or detention from Luslnoj- ) .
RUPTURE , A'o Cure Ao I'ny.
Cnll onormlctrpub with uUmp for circulars , free
book and receipts , 1st stairway south ot Pom
Office , lloom 7.
Dr , Scarles and Ssirlas ,
1408 Fnrnnm Street ,
The Aloe & Penfold Co ,
1400 Finn mSt.Opi > Js'.to iVitonllotol ,
Headaohj , CruH'tl by E/n Etrain.
Many pcr ona tthotp hciuls nrt conntnnllv noli-
Inn luixc no Idtaliat rrllt-r nclrntlflrally fit *
toil Kl.twH will ulvithem. . This throiry Is now
universally vataliltrhnl , "Improperly fltti-il Klnspcn
\UI1 Imuilnlily ImtMinc HitniuMo and mny
U-nil In TOTAL III.I.NM > .N'iSS. : Our ability ti
adjust Khinscs mi My im > l rorroclly H lioyona
iliiCKllon. Commit us. KCH toisti-d free of clmtgo.
Opposite I'uM in lintel ,
LOOK i-'ou Tinnoi.u LION.
U. S. DoposltorO.nvUi ,
omerrs and Director1Henry W. YitJi. prn
di"il : John S. Colltui. vlsj iirasllaitj Lj.vH 4
Heril. Cashier.Vui. . II. S. lliijlu. ) , : i'jUuit
cannlor THE IRON BANK. '
Write for Bank References.
No Operation. No Detention from Business ,
307-308 N. Y. llfo Bldb' . . OMAHA , NEB.
President Cashlur.
First Rational Bank
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
Ono of the oldest linnlts In the Btato of Town We
solicit your Inmlnc'HS iiml collection ) ) . Wo pay Q
! > ur con ton llinuduiioMltB. Wu will bo pleased to
wo and nerve you.
Leave orders with mid refer toW. A WOOD St
CO. , 520 Main street. Tolupliuno No. 55.
cliliuncyB denned. Ed Iturke , at Taylor' *
-gioccry , (10 llioncluny.
city piuporty bought and sold. 1'uscy a
Tliomaa , Council UUllTa. -
of Block , about 3 miles north of town. Cattle.
J2.75 to J4.00 ; noises , I.OO to 17.00 for season ,
Mny 1 to October IS ; food man In cliarga ol
Block ; plenty t-'rass , unit and water. L. I * .
Jndson , ! C'J Cth avenue , or 323 Ilroadwa/ .
* Council IIHiffH.
housework , lire. John Aslllli , 710 Bouth Ctll
orders for fruits mid vegetables In Council
llluffs. Omiiha , South Omaha and Sioux City.
Cull or address 1C35 Uroiuhuiy.
Flint uvt'liue.
No lift * .
The annual moetlm ; of stockholders ot the
Fremont , ISIkhorn & Missouri Vulley Ilall-
road company will lie held at the olllce of
the company In Omnhii , Neb. , on Friday ,
Mny 18 , 1891 , nt 2 o'clock p. m. for thu elcc-
> lon of directors and for the transaction of
such other buHlness as may come before the
meetlnR. J. U. UEDFIKIjD.
Dated Mny 4 , 1801. Secretary.
StvainHlilpH sail Fortnightly between
Alaulia , Miiy IS. 11 A. M , I AliiHlta , Juno I ) . 10 A.M
Ulzoim , Mny ' . ' ( IUIUA.M : : | ArUoim , Juno 'JlH : A. U
Caulu , tfiu and miwaiilH. according lo loc.iilan ;
Nocond cuuln , * K1 , > ! HtecniKi * , $ 'J5.
Ili'ddlnv mid nil Uequlstt3H fnrniHliud free.
IIKNDP.KSON ilUOTHKKS , AeuntH , Chicago.
H. K. MOOIIKS , Wnbnxli Corner , or CAAS. KEN-
JKUV. C. H. I. 4 I' . lty.,0milm :
All klnihot Dyolnc
nnit Oln uilin dona In
thii" hlxhujt Btylo of
tlio nrt. l > 'u loJ ( in |
Kt ilnod tuurUt rim-la
tu tool : in goo I ixi
iio > v , WorK promptly
doiiu nn I dollvora I
In nil parts uf tna
country , Hjnil fur
lirluj lilt *
i riisra i ' Uroadway. nour North
§ bg | gv5i5 :5i : . wcHloru DopoU
Si'S 5ip
S- < ; .p Toj , lqtlo 22t
& Co.
Empkie-Shugart . ,
BICYCLES--A full line of medium and high grade wheels *
Send for catalogue.
109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la