THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOltNING , MAY 10 , 189J. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 'EXPLOITED IN OPEN SESSION Objects of tlo Ancient Order of Hibernians Set Forth Publicly , ADDRESSES MADE AT EXPOSITION HALL father Shahnn Talk ! of Ireland nnil ltmhnt | ficanncll on the Clacllo Language "U'eadock Warms Up n I.lttle 1'ro- grcn * of the Contention , Delegates and visitors to the Ancient Order of Hibernian convention wcro astir at an early hour yesterday morning. The early trains all brought large excursion parties Into the city , and long before the hour for assembling of the divisions which were to take part In the- parade the streets were filled with men wearing green plumes , green badges or shamrocks. At 9 o'clock the delegates met In Morand's hall to hear the report of the ofilcars. Reso lutions on tho. death of Bishop O'Farrcll ot Trenton , N. J. , were Introduced and referred. The national directory was Instructed to re port amendments to the constitution at the cession this morning , and an adjournment was taken until afternoon. The parade was the feature of the day , there bMng fully 3,000 men In line. All of the streets designated In the program were covered , and the marching and counter marching was viewed by the thousands from the curbstones , windows and housetops. It was 3 o'clock when the head of the pro cession marched down Capitol avenue to Fourteenth street and around to the en trance of the Exposition hall. The hall was quickly filled with people. The Interior of the hall was tastefully decorated with the national colors ot Amer ica and Ireland , and the shield and harp hung together all over -the room. Great golden eagles held cluster ! ! of flags In their talons , and the birds made of brass seemed about to greet the Immense throng with Bhrlll screeches of defiant liberty. , ON THE PLATFORM. The platform was occupied by local and visiting priests , local and national officers and members of tho. Hibernian order and city officials. Among those who were on the stand were Congressman Thomas A. E. Wea- dock of Bay City. Mich. ; Judge M. F. Wll- hcre of Philadelphia , John A. Crclghton of Omaha , Bishop Scannell of this diocese , J. A. Kllroy of Lincoln , Father Shahan of Washington , D. C. ; Father Morarlety and Mayor Johnston of South Omaha , C. P. Sweatman of Ohio , O'Brien J. Atkinson of Port Huron , Mich. ; John C. Weacock ot Michigan , Father Doman of Owosso , Mich. , and many other prominent persons. J. A. Kllroy of Lincoln , Neb. , was chair man of the meeting and after the crowd had been seated he welcomed the delegates and visitors In a cordial manner. He said that he would not talk much about the order of Hibernians , except to say that It was an Irish society born of a persecution dating back about 230 years. Their mission was not yet fulfilled , hence the vitality of the organiza tion. They would continue to work for home rule for their native country. The order was born , as was this mighty republic , dur ing the English persecution of the colonists who founded these United States. He re- i ferred tc > the organization of the thirteen | S , ' original colonies and the declaration of In dependence , saying that this was a home of the brave , and for the brave. Every true Irishman was a guard on the watch tower of American freedom , and In this great land , founded on the principles of freedom to all men , every one was allowed to worship and adore his Maker according to his or her dic tates. In behalf of the citizens of Omaha and Nebraska ho bid the national delegates ot the Hibernian societies and their friends a hearty -welcome. After announcing a change In the program , , the chairman Intro duced Father Thomas J. Shahan , D. D. , professor of early church history In the Catholic University of America at Washing ton. After a few Introductory remarks Father Shahan said : "In the history of the last seven centuries there Is no tragedy llko the slow but un relenting despoilment of the Celt. His rob ber conqueror stripped him , decade by de cade , of peace and unity 'and joy ; of land and learning and art ; of progress and com fort , and loft him but two treasures which were unaccesslblo to his crass material weapons his nationality and the power of cong. Ho could not wrench from the Celt the sacred feeling that the soil he trod on was the Immemorial Inheritance of n hundred generations ot heroes and legislators .and saints. That was the mighty power which sustained this Prometheus of the nations , the sacred spell which made the children of lianba forget their Ineffable sorrows and cast a consecrated halo about their lives , and made them walk , as It were forever , In the light and , atmosphere of martyrdom. PEOPLE OF ONE PEOPLE. "That abiding sense of nationality , that In- offaccablo knowledge that wo were ono people ple , with a common , glorious ancestry , with common experiences and common Instltn- tlons , with common Ideals and hopes , com mon affections and common sufferings , was the oldest ot all the Celtic traits. Long , long ago our pagan fathers laid the adaman tine foundments of this feeling , what time they went gallantly conquering on the Rhino , the Danube , the Po , and the Ebro , and In- gralned It beyond the blood , into the spirit and the utmost attainable recesses of the Celtic soul. Christianity only Intensified this love , which never had a more Ideal champion than the noble and saintly Colitm- klllo as he stood on the prow of the little boat which bore him Into life-long exile , and his grey eyes filled with tears and his bardic soul broke out Into the tendcrcst and saddest of songs upon his beloved Erin , Time and misfortune may have obliterated all the acquisitions of the Colt , but they could never make him forget what he was , nor that . "Though fallen the state of Kiln , nnd rluuiK'd the Scottish land. Though small the power of Mann , though imwiik'd Lewellvn's band. Though Ambrose Merlin's prophecies me Hnld us Idle talon. ThoiiKh lunn'a ruined cloisters lire swept by northern gales , One in nninp nnd In fnrnp Are the nen-dl\Ided ( lapis. " ( U'Arcy McGee. ) "But what was It that preserved this cplrlt , this white ray of the consciousness ot national dignity In the dark and desolate centuries of oppression , when every other light ot the past was quenched In thickest gloom ? Need I toll you what It was that Bheltcrcd the love of country beneath the rays of the peasant , within tliu lonely shiel ing , on the moors and rocks ot Connmight , and on the mountains and bogs ot Kerry ? Need 1 say what power stronger than love or death cast over the Irish nation Its magi cal protcci'lon from the hut ot the school master and the steps ot the altar , and nursed In lonely forest and distant glen and on the savage Inaccessible hills the sore- pressed spirit of the fatherland ? It was "Tho language of old Erin , of her history nnit name . . . . Of her inonarchs and her heroes , her glory and her fame . . . . The sacred shrine where rested , thro' sun- Htilno and thro' gloom. The spirit of her martyrs , ns their bodies In the tomb , . . The time-wrought shell where murmur'd , mill centuries of wrong. . . . The secret voice ot freedom , In unnnl and In Bonn. " "It was ( he tongue of the great chief , as ho harangued his men on the eve of battle , the tongue ot Desmond and fleraldlne , ot McCarthy and O'Netl and O'Donnell , as they recounted their wrongs to the brave tribes men , who held with them the narrow pass , or stood within the bloody ford , or led some wild , sweeping , forlorn hope against their hereditary foe. "It was the tongue of the bard as he painted In burning thoughts and picturesque terse the ancient glories ami the long , splendid line of Irish heroes , the sweetnet * and tenderness and unsullied purity of Irish women and the generosity , the bravery , the chivalry and the warm , full friendship of the nnclcnt Irtish loaders. The hunted priest from the rude altar ot turf or stone breathed holy consoling accents upon the broken hearts of the aged and the wid owed and the fatherless , and It was the saving ark by which the Catholic religion was maintained In Ireland , for there was a day when the hated sound of the Sassenach's tongue would liavo turned the Irish even against that beloved faith for which they have let go all those treasures of earth that other nations apostatized to save. "The language of a people Is the pledge of lt perpetuity It enshrines all the sweet est sentiments and all the profoundcst ex periences of Its existence the memories of homo and family , of love and devotion and tender friendship. "Tho sound ot the native tongue In a foreign land will open all the flood gates of the heart and call back the soul of the dying man from the very threshold of paradise. The native tongue In the spiritual mausoleum In which are entombed all the glories , all the dead beloved hopes , and the ancient Ideals of a race. It Is the Im perishable God-given character of their In dividuality , and while It lasts they may suf fer ; they may Ho beneath n mountain of chains , but there Is that In them which will ono day rise , and , unlocking the keys ot their fetters , restore them to their places among the peoples. Yes ! when our people had lost all , when all the lands and castles between the four bright seas of Ireland had fallen Into the hands of the Saxon , there was still one stronghold , one aerial spiritual fastness where the nation found shelter Its ancestral tongue. And If today there Is spirit enough to wrest from the hereditary enemy a little of ancient right , nnd to enable Irishmen to stand before the world with the unwonted flush of domestic victories upon their brows. It Is to "the dear old tongue they owe It. \nd yti "Through cold neglect 'tis dying now ; a stranger on our shoie ! No Tnra's hall re-echoes to Its music ns of yore- No Lawrence Urea the Celtic clans "round leaKiir'd Athaclee , No Shannon wafts from Limerick towers their wnr pongs to HIP sen. Ah ! magic tongue , Unit 'round us wove Its spells co soft and dear ! Ah ! pleasant tongue , whose murmurs were us music to the ear ! Ah ! gloilotis tongue , whose accents could each Celtlcheart enthrall Ah ! mining tongue , that sounded like the Hwollen torrent's fall ! The tongue that In the senate was lightning flashing bright , Whose echo In the battle was the thunder In Its might ! That tongue , which once In chieftains hall pour'd loud the minstrel lay. As chieftain , serf or minstrel old , Is silent there today. That tongue whose shout dlsmay'd the foe ut Cong nnd MtillaghmaRt , Like those who nobly peiUhed there Is num bered with the. past ! " LIVE IN A PIOUS AGE. "Wo live In an ago which Is very pious toward the monuments of antiquity , and sends out special students to learn the lan guage of the Indian or the patois of some Australian tribe. How passing strange that wo do not recollect that the grandest monument ment of European antiquity Is the Irish tongue in which are preserved better than anywhere else the memories of the first Im migrations from the far orient , and the habits , speech and beliefs ot the first men of Aryan race whq ever crossed the plains of Hungary or came up the Danube Into the lands ot Europe. Every Irishman rever ences the stones of Clonmacnolse and the cloisters of holy cross , the crosses of lena , the rude stone churches nnd forts of Aran- more , the royal cemeteries on the- Boyne , the grand old sites ot Emanta and Tara and so many other royal raths and duns , but what are they compared with their living glorious tongue , the voiceof their souls , the light of their eyes , nay In the sweet Irish phrase , the pulse of their hearts ? Within Its en chanted circle * live again the ancient Gaels , with all their superb and healthy animal nature , their 'passionate love for athletic sports , their devotion to the chase , their excessive fondness for daring adventure , their simple , affectionate , trusting hearts , their chivalrous tenderness , their sacred re spect for the weak and the defenseless and their readiness to champion any cause against oppression and tyranny. "Men and brothers ! you have a special Interest In this memorable undertaking. The general Interest of Ireland , her welfare , her goon name among the world's peoples , and the spread of the Celtic spirit and In fluence In all that they have of ennobling and elevating , such I take It , are the funda mental Ideas on which your ancient organ ization.Is . based. In the past you have bsen the Boild nucleus on whom the motherland could count for sympathy nnd help ; you have been the hither-Erin , the Ireland-over- Sea , where the dictates of the tyrant did not run , whence the eternal reaction went forth , and where the literary propaganda for free dom was carried on with such vehemence and genius that wo have won with the pen and the tongue what our ancestors battled for In vain with the sword. But this Is only the first step In the rehabilitation of that brave Island people , which has so long withstood ' stood the shocks of adversity , Just as Its girdling granite walls have breasted for ages the Impact of old ocean. There Is an other step now before us , and It Is to give back to the Celtic race the world of ancient glory , of noble thoughts and glorious ex ample , of whlclr centuries of contempt and neglect have robbed It. Times change , and the day has passed when our name was a byword and a scandal In the haunts of men. Slowly but grandly and unfailingly wo have fought our way up the steep and painful hriRhtB of hate and prejudice , and routed from their ancient strongholds all those powers once leagued against our name and fame. In all this you have had a largo share of glory , and when the annals ot the decline and fall of the cruel British Imperial ism of former days shall have been written by sonic Celtic Gibbon of the future ; when wo toke up again the Irish annuls where the wearied hands ot the Four Masters dropped the pen , the name ot the Ancient Order of Hibernians will bo emblazoned upon one of their brightest pages. What a spectacle for the world of the power of Celtic endurance , and the mighty strength that slumbers In organized manhood , when It Is Unshed across the wires that 100.000 men THE MOTHER TONGUE SHALL LIVB. ot Irish blood have decreed that their mother tongue shall live , and live , too , In their midst a wcllsprlng to all time of the holiest nnd highest suggestions for mankind. It will bo told In the halls ot Oxford , and on the banks of the Seine , and among the thoughtful students of the German fatherland , to whom wo own an Indelible debt of gratitude for their sheltering care of our dear old tongue. It will be echoed In distant Italy , and In the Eternal City Itself , that at last the children of the Gael are rousing themselves from the long 'night of slumber and prepar ing for new and peaceful conquests In all the provinces ot thought wherein once before they were the schoolmasters ot the civilized world. But above all , will this noble act be told In every sweet valley and on every fair hill ot holy Ireland , and It will tnfuso fresh ardor Into the brave , hard-battling people , and It will fire them with fresh respect for themselves and their cause , and teach them a monumental lesson of unity and nvake them feel , as tew other acts could , that their' brethren the wide world over are In deepest sympathy with them , and will cling , while blood flows and hearts brat , to the spiritual Inheritance of the Celt his Christian faith and his love of learning , of which so much Is Imbedded forever In his venerable ancient tongue. "Send knowledge forth to scatter wide , and deep to cast Its seeds. The nurse of energy nnd hope , of manly thoughts and deeds. Let It go forth ; rlgllt soon will spring those forces In Its trnln That vanquish nature's stubborn strength , tlmt rlllo earth'and main- Itself u nobler harvest far , than autumn tints with gold , A higher wealth , a surer gain , than wave nnd mine enfold. Let It go forth unstained , and purged from pride's unholy .leaven , With fearless forehead raised to man , but humbly bent to heaven. " "Out ot their Celtic heaven the ancient heroes , we may Imagine , look domi upon ( Continued on Second Pago. ) STRIKING MINERS FIRED ON Wild Olmrgo on the Works Checked by a Storm of Bullets. NINE RIOTERS KILLED BY THE GENDARMES Officers Guarding the 1'ltn Wcro Pelted \tlth Stone * mid Jtotiillutcil with Jlullota 1'utal i.nhor right In Aua- trliin Silesia. TROPPAUX , Austrian Silesia , May 9. Striking miners made a desperate attack to day upon a detachment ot gendarmes who wcro guarding a colliery In Polish Oslrau , with the object of driving away the men who wcro at work. Many thousands ot miners are on a strike In the mining dis tricts of Silesia and a number ot them have openly defied the authorities upon several occasions. The body of miners referred to marched upon the colliery carrying weapons of vari ous descriptions , though heavy sticks pre dominated. Upon arriving at the colliery It was found that the buildings and pit en trances were guarded by a Strong detach ment of gendarmes. The rioters were warned to disperse , but Instead of doing so they be gan pelting the police officers with stones , wounding , a number of them. Finally the leaders of the mob became bolder and per suaded the strikers to make a rush upon the police , expecting to drive them from the positions which they occupied. The gen darmes after a last warning opened fire upon the rioters , killing nine of them and woundIng - Ing twenty others. The mob then fled In all directions , threatening , however , to return In larger numbers and avenge the death of their comrades. The gendarmes ore being reinforced nnd no further trouble Is anticipated at that par ticular point. CAUGHT IX AXAWKWAHO IIOI.i : . British Cabinet MlnUter Mixed In n Nasty Stock Jobbing Mess. LONDON , May 9. Rt. Hon. A. J. Mun della , president of the Board of Trade , has been placed In an awkward position , and the newspapers are calling for his resigna tion. As a man of considerable prominence In the commercial world he had allowed his name to be placed on the directorate of a company which turned out to be a fraudu lent concern. The company In question was the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile agency. In reviewing the public examina tion of the comiUny Justice Williams en dorsed the official receiver's severe strictures on the directors , and did not exempt Mr. Mundella. Sir James Fergusson , cx-parlla- mentary secretary to the foreign office , and lit. Hon..Sir John Gorst , formerly financial secretary to the treasury , were also among the directors who came In for a share of the judge's strictures. Public sentiment In the city seemed to demand Mr. Mundella's resignation on ac count of the disclosures made at the public examination of the affairs of the company. His friends , however , urged that , though technically responsible as one of the di rectors for the frauds carried on by the company , ho had not been directly mixed up In any Irregularities , and that there was no Intention on his part to do anything dis honest. While admitting that ho had been guilty of great Indiscretion In allowing his name to be used In connection with a con cern which turned out to be of a very un savory nature , they acquitted him of any personal responsibility In the frauds. Ac cordingly , after consultation with the law officers of the crown , Mr. Mundella decided not to resign. Small Iliilm for Wounded Feelings , LONDON , May 9. The suit for slander brought by Mr. Robert Household , auditor of the Grand Trunk railroad of Canada , against Lord Claud Hamilton , ono of the directors , was concluded today. The plaintiff alleges that Lord Claud Hamilton accused him of dishonorable con duct at the Grand Trunk meeting In April , 1893 , when the plaintiff was a candidate for a .directorship. TUr. Household admitted that ho accused the directors of the Grand Trunk railroad of Issuing delusive and de ceptive reports , but contended that his statements were made honestly , and he be lieved them to be true , The verdict was 1 farthing ( one-half cent ) damages for the plaintiff. Crlxls In the Hungarian Diet. BUDA PESTH , May 9. It Is expected that the House of Magnates will vote upon the civil marriage bill today , and the Wekerlo ministry will resign If the bill Is defeated. Tlio Independence club this morning distributed circulars among the crowd outsldo the Parliament building urg ing the people to get up a , demonstration In favor of the measure. The supporters of the civil marriage bill were loudly cheered upon their arrival at the house , and Its op ponents were vigorously hooted. The house is guarded by a strong force of police. Canadian Doodling Charges. VJCTORIA , B. C. , May 9 , The royal com mission appointed to Investigate Into charges of boodllng made against Premier Davis and certain of his cabinet In connection with the Nakusp and Slocan railway deal opened this morning before Justice Durlcdgo of the Kx- chequcr court of Canada and Chief Justice * Sir Matthew BegbIs. The Inquiry was de manded by Davis to clear himself of the taint ot crookedness Implied a'galnst him by members of the opposition during the recent session ot the legislature. NIHV York Itiink Wins the Appeal. LONDON , May 9. The court of appeals today dismissed the appeal , with cbsts to the defendants , against Justice Wright's Judg ment , rendered In January last , In the case of the Western National bank of New York against KOppel & Schloss , the tatter tradIng - Ing as TrlaiiQ & Co. of New York , Koppel & Schloss disputed the claims of the West ern National bank In regard to certain loans and bills of exchange. Justice Wright awarded the bank the sum of $178,100. Inspecting Canadian Cattlo. LONDON. May 9. The Official Gazette publishes an order directing that Canadian cattle Imported to England bo marked at the ports of arrival one ! that they bo Isolated and killed at special abbatotrs. The car casses of such cattle uro not to bo removed without the permission of the president of the Uoard of Agriculture. In addition the lungs of these cattle are not to bo touched until examined by the Inspectors , The order goes Into effect .May ID. England Consider * Itcquusts from Colonies. LONDON , May 9. Mr. Sidney nuxton , parliamentary secretary of the Colonial of fice , In the House of Commons , replying to a question put by Mr. Howard Vincent , member for Central Sheffield , said that the government was considering the request of Canada and Victoria and of other colonies to amend the Australian customs act of 1873 , which prevents colonies where distant from each other from concluding preferential tariff arrangements. tK for Lost Kgypt. LONDON , May 9. Mr. Donaldson Smith of Philadelphia , who explored Sonmllland on the Afilcan coast of the Gulf of Aden In 1S93 , starts on Juno 1 on a. scientific ex pedition to the unknown region between 00 miles west of Ilerber. the chief town of the coast , and Lake Rudolf , where traces ot ancient civilization are believed to exist. Dr. Smith will bo accompanied by Qlllete , the explorer , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Their Itmcucr buffering with Thorn. UUATZ , May 9 , The seven tourists res cued yesterday from a cave near Sourach after having been Imprisoned over 200 hours are progressing toward recovery. The driver , Fischer , who wan the first to reach the party , Is suffering- from violent fits of shivering , due to the intensely cold water through which he swam. The only nourish ment he Is able to take IB tea and brandy. I'oltrn ( llrl-Wlfo Dead. LONDON , May 9. The girl-wife of Fran cesco Poltl , the Italian anarchist who was recently sentenced to ten years Imprison ment , after having heen convicted with Ferrari of being In Unlawful possession of explosives , died In an Infirmary today from the effects of maternity. Cotton l-'iillnro - In Knglnml. HULL , England , May 9. The Kingston mills , a largo cotton spinning company , has failed. There will bo a meeting of the creditors at Manchester today. ' The unsecured liabili ties are estimated at $400,000. viit'ULOi'jtiiXTii ttf a C.ISK Michael Smith Said to Ilavo Heen Killed by III * Wlfo. DES MOINES , May 9. ( Special Telegram to The lice. ) There nro startling develop ments In the mattfcr of the murder of Michael Smith , whlclj occurred In this city about two weeks ago. Mrs. Scovllle , Mrs. Smith's sister , has gvcn out the statement that to her certain juiowledge the wife of the deceased deliberately murdered her hus band. Three limes she tried to poison him. The first attempt was by strychnine put Into a pie , the secondlwas by the same drug In oatmeal. The thlrU and successful effort was by means of ' "a cnpsulo filled with arsenic. The first and second times the vic tim vomited up thoj food containing the poison. i Mrs. Scovllle explains her former sworn statement Implicating ) herself by saying that she was Induced to do so to screen her sister , and thus procure the latter's re lease , who In turn was to give ball for Mrs. Scovillo with the proceeds of the life In surance , and all hands wcro then to go to Honolulu. The llfo insurance amounts to $3,000 , of which Mrs. 'Scovllle says she waste to get $1,000. Yesterday a warrant for her arrest was sworn out by Mrs. Smith and she concluded to go before the grand Jury and divulge the whole proceeding. A man named Blair and Mrs. Smith's two daugh ters are Implicated In the crime. Hid Not Act' In io'.f-Dofonse. DES MOINES , May 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The famous Cumberland mur der case , which was carried to the supreme court on appeal from Shelby district , Is ended , so far as the .courts are concerned , and J. K. Cumberland must hang , unless the governor pardons or commutes the. . sen tence. An opinion affirming the Judgment of the lower court > was handed down by the supreme court today , being written by Judge Klnne. On the appeal the attorneys for the defense Insisted that the testimony did not show that the defendant was guilty of mur der In the first degree. The supreme , court * says. : "The evidence showed without dispute that the defendant killed James and Jaspen Robinson with a deadly weapon In' ' a barn some distance from the house ; that defendant , armed with such weapon , left the house and went to the barn for the 'purpose of meeting these men ; that ho killed them , that he secreted their bodies , and later burled them and con cealed all knowledge ot what he had done. The defendant claims the killing was In self-defense , but we think all circumstances disclosed , . In the evidence fully warranted the court In finding that the defendant was guilty of murder In the first ; degree. His acts after the killing 'were ' not In accord with those .of a man ho acted In defense of his own person" , pr life * The record shows that .the defends'rtUond. hls-wlte , Joslo Cumberland , were Jn'djcted for murder ' In the first degree. 'The ' defendant filed his written plea of guilty , as charged , where upon , on' motion oftho * state , the wife was discharged. " Governor Jackson must fix the date of the execution , which will take place In the Fort Madison prison. _ Protected by the Martin Iaw. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Today representa tives' ' of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing asso ciation of St. Louis closed a deal whereby the half block at the corner of Fourth street and A avenue , lying alongside the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern tracks , was purchased. A big brick cold storage house , stables , sheds end warerooms , to gether with offices , will at once be erected. Mr. Tuchman of the flrm said that this city was to bo the shipping point of Iowa , and a complete -beer depot , such as they put up In all the largo cities through out the country , will be established. For many years they liavo been contemplating this move , hesitating only until such a law as might protect them would be enacted. Ho said that after "mature deliberation they had como to the conclusion that the Martin law would afford them the required relief. Representatives of the Val Blatz Brewing association of Milwaukee are also In the city. _ Iowa A O , U , W. In Convention. SIOUX CITY , May -9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The session of the grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen re convened at 9 o'clock. A telegram of greet ing was sent to the grand lodge of the Dakotas - kotas , now In session at Watertown. At 10 o clock Supreme Grand Foreman Troy of Chicago arrived on an official visitation and made a brief address. The election of officers was then taken up. W. R. Graham of Cedar Falls was ro- clected grand master workman ; W. R. Harrison risen of Shenondoah , grand foreman ; Henry Mlehelstetter of Sioux City , grand overseer , and L. O. Hawland of Cedar Falls , grand recorder. This afternoon the visitors were tendered the use of a special train over the Riverside Park road , the freedom of the park , and were entertained there by the boat clubs. Fort Dodpo was chosen as the place for holding the grand lodge In 1893. Judge l.e\ils .Succeed * JudRO Dernier. DES MOINES , May } 9. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) W. 3 , liewls of Glenwood was appointed Judge of thb Fifteenth district to succeed Judge Deemer , who was made a supreme court Judge by Governor Jackson today. Supreme court opinions : Stuto against Patrick Enrlght , appellant. Howard district , affirmed ; A. P. Packard , appellant , against Pormella Packard , Calhoun district , reversed ; John Morrison against , John Ross , appellant , Calhoun district , dismissed ; state against James L. ol , appellant Mar shall district , affirmed. Caught Flrliifi- School HOIIBO , LEMARS. la. , May . ( Special Telegram to The Bee , ) J. L. ' Briton was arrested at Senoy today for firing a school house last night. He was caught In the act. Rags were soaked In 'kerosene and flred. The building was saved , "Djxji" iriLsoxm AI'VEAL. Governor Flower Investigating the Case of the Condemned JItmlerer. SYRACUSE , N. Y. , May 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Deo. ) JuJse ( Teller today made his final appeal to Governor Flower In the case of "Dink" Wilson , The governor at once Invited District Attorney Shove to lay before htm u statement of the people's case. The executive has had 'both sides presented to him before , bur now desires to go over the whole matter again In a most careful and thorough manner. Judge Teller Is a close personal friend of the governor , and some think that will have a bearing on the case. The governor In his latter to Shove Inti mated that the warden of the prison has aet Monday morning next as the time for the electrocution. "Dnk" | la cheerful and says he believes Klowor will commute the sen tence. The governor last year commuted the sentences of eight murderers. ray Their Fore. ST. LOUIS , May 9 , Another Coxcy army was organized tonight here. They will leave hero Saturday for Washington , paying their way and ride In the can. SHORT ON COAL AND WATER General Sanders' Army Oornpolletl to Go Into Camp for the Night. WARRANTS SWORN OUT BY WHOLESALE Missouri Pacific Olllcer * . Start Went with n Army of Deputies to Arrest the Cominomveulers Who Cup * lured Their Trnln. PUEBLO , Colo. , May 9. General Sander's Cripple Creek Industrials arc still traveling east on the Missouri Pacific train which they captured last night. The seizure was rather neatly effected. While an engine of the Denver & Hlo Grande rail road was tnklng coal , the fireman being off the engine. It was suddenly surrounded by fifteen of the men under General Sanders who came In Saturday as a. Coxey band. j They took the engine nnd run It down to the Missouri Pacific yards , where there were six Coal cars that had been left there a shoit time before. The whole band bonuled these cars , nnd attaching the Hlo Grande engine , started for the east at n lively gnlf. Four miles out they met an en gine which was coming In for the purpose of taking out u passenger trnln , ns all rollIng - Ing stock hud been kept out of the town since the Crlpplu Creek army arrived. The engineer reversed and Is keeping ahead of the Industrials. The latter stopped their trnln nt Uoole and took coal nnd water. In a cut at Olney on engine and car were overturned with the object of ditching the Industrials' train and It was expected that If they did not stop before reaching the ob struction there would be a collision In which many of the men might be killed. They succeeded , however , In getting around the obstruction and resumed their Journey cast- ward about 3:30 : a. m. today. Superintendent Derby , when notified by wlro that the train selzers were again In motion , ordered four engines , which had been awaiting develop ments at Arlington , seventy-five miles from here , to go east rapidly as possible. He also ordered another locomotive to be ditched near Haswcll , which Is beyond Arlington. Not a train except the stolen one Is now running on the Missouri Pacific In Colorado. The tank at Ordway , ten miles beyond Olney , has been emptied and water for the locomo tive can be secured only from wells. No little anxiety was felt when It was learned that the track around the engine was com pleted lest the Industrials should cut the telegraph wires , but the train went through without any molestation of the wires. It will bo almost Impossible to pursue the army from this direction , since to build their tracks around the ditch they have taken up 100 feet of rails. United States Marshal Jones In Denver has been advised of the Interfer ence with the movement of the malls and counsel for the Missouri Pacific In Denver has been Instructed to apply to the federal court for an Injunction to prevent further Interference by Sanders and his men. AROUND ANOTHER WRECK. The stolen train encountered Its second ob struction at Haswell , twelve miles east of Arllgton , whore the four engines sent for ward by order of Superintendent Derby had all been ditched In a bunch. On reaching the spot the Industrials discovered the over turned engines In time to avoid a collision and at once B3t to work laying tracks around them. In a short time they had left the'wrecked engines behind and .proceeded on thelr Journeycast. _ "Ilefore 'reacliing HasVell tlioy. had been de layed at Ordway by the water In their en gine giving out. They were obliged to ob tain a supply from a well , carrying It In their dinner pails and coffee cups. Another engine has been ditched at Dlston , which they will encounter some tlino this afternoon. Dlston is 119 miles east of Pueblo. Sheriff Moses was trying all morning to raise a posse ta capture Sanders and his army , but so far cannot secure more than forty men. The railroad authorities hero arc In communication with Judga Hallctt at Denver In regard to securing federal aid. KANSAS CITY , May 9. A special to the Times from Sallna , Kan. , says : Informa tion came late tonight that the army had reached Covlngton , near the western state line. Their coal and water supply was ex hausted , and they had gone Into camp. Word was received by the local employes of the Missouri Pacific from the officials at Atchl- son to prepare 500 warrants , and saying that a posse of 300 deputies from Leavenworth was enroute toMhls city to place the army under arrest. The local authorities state that they will not Interfere with the train , but will permit It to proceed eastward. BAILEY WAGGONER TO THE FRONT. TOPEKA , May 9. A special train bearing Batloy P. Waggoner and other officials of the Missouri Pacific came to Topeka from Atchlson over the Santa Fe this afternoon , arriving about 5 o'clock. It waited here till 9 o'clock for the arrival of United States Marshal Neely , who Is on his way to Fort Scott on a special. It Is the plan when he arrives to gather a force of deputy marshals and start west over the Missouri Pacific to Intercept the Sanders contingent of Com- monwealers , which Is now on the way east from Pueblo with the stolen Missouri Pa cific train. Mr. Waggoner has made application to Governor Lewelllng for his Influence In gath ering together an effective force of deputy marshals , and has received the reply that the governor would take the matter under advisement. A writ of replevin has been sued out by the Missouri Pacific for the stolen train and It will be demanded of Marshal Neely that ho execute the writ. Warrants have been or will bo sworn out also In each county in the state though which the Commonwoalers pass , charging them with bringing stolen property Into the state. On these warrants It W desired that the Coxeyltes be arrested. The train bearing the Missouri Pacific officials and the deputy marshals left here at 11 o'clock. DENVER , May 9. The Missouri Pacific Railroad company applied to United States Marshal Jones today to capture the Coxoy- Itcs who seized a train ut Pueblo. The mar shal was In doubt as to whether ho had any right to act. and asked Judge Hallett to advlso him. The Judge has taken the mat ter under consideration. Judge Hallett this afternoon advised Mar shal Jones to take no action In regard to the stolen train. ( 'iniintnnuoiilitrH nt Kearney. KEARNEY. Neb. . May 9.-Speclal ( Tele gram to The Bee. ) A company of Common- weulors from Colorado arrived here shortly after dinner ; time and camped In the west part of town , They came from Elm Creek In wagons mid number eighty men. The sheriff got on order lor tuppllcs from the city council uml took them out a largo quantity of sugar , bread , eggs and bacon. They are all pops and tonight are holding a puhllo meeting In Journal hall , They wt-ro ad dressed by Greene , McCaithy and others , They say they will stay hero until trans portation ot Homo kind Is furnished them end prefer to go down toward Hastings. Teams will probably bo provided tomorrow. Young Coxejlten Captured. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , May 9. ( Special Telegram to The Boo. ) Three of the young est Coxey recruits In the country arrived hero today on their way t" Join the Com monweal army. The oldest of the three 1 only 13 years of age. They ran auay from their homes at Oacoma , In the ceded Sioux lands , to assist In the bloodless bombard ment ot Washington , The prospective re cruits w'ere ' captured here by the sheriff and returned to their anxious parents. More C'auli for Kelly , Mayor llenils has received a money < < r > lar for $15 from Fort Kearney alliance No , 27S to bo transmitted to General Kelly. The receipt W B acknowledged and the order lonvarded to the general at Keokuk , la. Every day the mayor's mail contains letters from per sons of more or less prominence In literary and Industrial circles complimenting him on the humane manner with which the city has treated the Industrial army. Very favorable comparisons nro drawn between the action of Omnha In that respect and that of various other cities where the In dustrials have been met with marked ills- favor. our ON TIII : inir. : : Kcll } ' Coniinonuealers Sail Out of Dm .Molne * Harbor with Colors 1'lylng. DES MOINES , May 9. Kelly's army flotilla got under way today and nt noon bid goodby to DCS Moincs from the packIng - Ing house , two miles south ot the city , the boats halting altogether during the goodhy cheers. Most of the boats In the flotilla wcro rigged with oars or sailing gear and sails were Improvised from army blankets. Commodore Kelly expected to reach Run- nclls , twenty miles away , tonight. The men were In good spirits and seemed glad to begin their cruise. Because of the numerous sandbars the men were frequently compelled to wade and push the boats , The men have ample pro visions for several days , and the towns along the route are preparing to contribute liberally. The start was witnessed by a largo crowd. Kelly's bouts were Soon strung along the rlv'cr five miles and made slow progress. One with ten army men and a number of DCS Molnes women and children capsized and all narrowly escaped drowning. Fully 2,000 people straggled along the banks watch ing the flotilla. Women and children from this city were In nearly every boat at the start , taking a short pleasure ride. coxr.v CAMP iiciviui : ) A N CommomvealerH Ordered to ( let Out Iiulilu of forty-night lloni-x. WASHINGTON. May 9. The district health officers have decided the Coxey camp to be a nuisance and dangerous to health. The district commissioners have given Coxcy and his followers forty eight' hours "to abate the nuisance. " This doubtless means that they must break camp within that time. GnUlnlles Arrested fur Capturing a Train. P1TTSBURG , May 9. A section ot Gal- vln's army landed In the central police sta tion at 2:15 : this morning. Thcro wcro twenty-four of them , They were arrested for taking possession of a Baltimore & Ohio freight train at Blssel last night. The twcnty-thros members of company B of Calvin's army , who wcro arrested at Ills- sell at midnight , were held today on a charge of trespass preferred by the officials of the railway company. Colonel Galvln says the men are deserters and will be court- martialed , They all gave Los Angeles as their address , Galvln's army Is still nt McKeesport , but will make an effort to get away before night. At the hearing held later the entire com pany was sentenced to twenty days In Jail. The remainder of the army left McKccs- port on foot and marched to Elizabeth. Having failed to secure railway transporta tion. Colonel Galvln has decided to maich his men over the na onal pike. California Leaders Out on Hall. SAN BERNARDINO , Cal. , May 9. Colonel- VInetto of the second Los Angeles regiment of tlio Commonweal and his seven comrades were taken before Justice Knox en a com plaint charging them with attempting to evade the payment of railroad fares and they wcro held to aimver , ball being fixed at $100 " each. In default" which thpy were re manded to the custody of the sheriff. The company Is going to pieces. Stealing lildes on tlio Northern Paelfle. ELLENBURG , Wash. , May 9. The North ern Pacific railroad officials hero say there Is no truth whatever In the report that a fight has occurred at Lester between coni- rnonwealers and United States deputy mar shals. Everything Is quiet in this vicinity , though squads of men arc stealing rides on freight trains whenever they can. Itnndall IB Kreo Again. LA' PORTE , Ind. , May 9. General Ran dall and staff were released from custody this afternoon. VOU1ILK Ll-XCIltXti K.1XSAS. . Tathcr and Son Strung Up for Assisting In a Mnrilor. TOPEKA , May 9 , A special to the Capital from Sharon Springs , Kan. , says : One ot the most determined mots that ever congre gated In this portion of the state on Mon day lynched William McKlnley and his son Lewis for the murder of Charles Gniley , committed one wock ago. The news of the double lynching reached the outer wotld for tlio first time today. The crime which led up to the hanging was cruel and revolting. About a week ago Charles Oarlcy. a pon- In-lnw of William McKlnley , was murdered. An Investigation revealed tlmt Fred , the 17-year-old HOII of McKlnley , sr. , committed the crime. The boy , when nrrestcd , made a confession , stating that he hud been In duced to kill his brother-in-law by his father and his older brother , Lewis. The motive for this murder seemed principally revenge and hatred. The murdered man hud only u few weeks before married Ale- Klnley's daughter. It hud been stipulated before the miirrlngo that the groom was to pay the bride's father $200 for the privilege of marrying her. The groom refused to pay this money after he was man led , and thus Incurred the enmity of his wife's father mid brothers. The boy surprised Gurlcy while asleep , cutting him horribly with a garden hoe. Ho was found dead and horribly muti lated. On Monday the three were nrrnlmiPd In court , wheie Fiod pleaded guilty as charged , but his father and Lewis pleaded not guilty , waived trlnl and were placed In thi' county jail. Late Monday night u mob of scveinl hundred mun took the father nnd son to a ralliond bridge about a half mile west of town and lynched them. They both bc'Kged pltcously lor meit-y. Fred would probably huvu lieen hanged with the others , but instead of taking him to the Jail he was kept under guard In the nousp. The people of the country are aroused at the disposition juries have shown to turn criminals loose , and any they Intend Justice shall be done In some manner , If not by the proper com no of law. l.IHUTKXAXr .11 I.VKVVS TIMUIH.KH , Demanded SatlnfnctloM of n Ill-other Olllcer nnd ISeceived u ThniKhlni ; . CHICAGO. May 9. Lieutenant James Maney , recently acquitted on the clmrgo. of murdering Captain Hedburg , has furnished Fort HlieihlanUtli another sen.sntlon. The story cm-rent tonight Is that xlncc the shooting of Hedberg that tlioru has been much III feeling between Maney and Major Baldwin of the Seventh cavalry. Manoy nt last untied at Major Baldwin's quartern for an explanation. " 1 have called to see you , major , " ho mild , "In regard to certain remarks 1 have heard you Imvu iniide ubout me in i elation to the Hedhuig affair. " "Yen ? " snld the major , Interrogatively. "Yes , sir , " continued the lieutenant , "I underlain ! you luivo pxpiessod the opinion that the killing of Hcdberi ; was a cold blooded murder , and to Imvo advised my ostracism by the otllcers of the post , IB that true'/ " "Every word of It1 was Major Bnldwln'h prompt reply , "nnd now that you are here , I'll just tell you to your face that I think you were In big luck when you were ac quitted. " Some versions are that the lieutenant's right hand Bought his hip pocket In Henrch ot his gun , while others deny that the lieutenant was armed. In any event liuld- \\ln landed vigorously with his right nnd followed up the blow with eiithuMlusm that landed the lieutenant In u heap. He was game , however , nnil getting up quickly ho landed upper outs with science mid precision. Hut Major Baldwin waw linguistically the better man , and after a short , Blmrp struggle clinched with his adversary , choked him Into submission nnd pitched him out doors. Hut Maney failed to materialize nt Inspection today and the story leaked out ileHplte the efforts of the ofllccrH to maintain Hccrecy. He WUH found In i-loso communion with raw beef steak and bandages , but refused to talk about the affair. A possible court martial IK hinted nt , hut It IH not thought that the U"Utcnant will j/ref T charted. NOTHING TO DO BUT FICIIT Western Freight Association Lines Cannot ; Agree on Rate Questions. UNION PACIFIC PREFERS HARItfONY That Company Wilt Kntrr the Emigrant Clearing Homo nt Onro In the Inter cut of 1'encn In Vnnnen * ger Attain , CHICAGO , May 9 The Western Freight association Is In a very bad way , and It would not bo a great surprise If It went to pieces entirely. The Atchlson today gave notice of withdrawal from the Western' Trunk Line committee and also from tha Western , IFrolght association , the formcn withdrawal taking effect at once and thin latter within a few days. A general meeting of the managers ot thflf association lines was held this afternoon ta prevent the > low rates put Into effect to tliQ Missouri river from being extended to Omahw and Council Bluffs. Before the meeting hail made any progress the Burlington tipped ! over the apple cart by announcing that IK would make the same rate on first class matter to Council Bluffs as now prevails to the lower Missouri river points , Tim general managers then decided to put tha question ot meeting the Burlington's rate over until tomorrow and took up the mat ter of making tlio low rates effective eastbound - bound as well as to the west The Alton announced that It was going to reduce the rates on live stock and dressed ! beet. Then they decided to take up tha question of rates through Omaha again , anit met the rates of Tuesday on all tilings mivo live stock , and that will bo considered to * morrow. The Atchlsorr also threw .1 bomb Into the camp of the Southwestern Freight associa tion , which has been patiently holding ses sions all week , by declaring It would not at tend any more meetings of that body. This virtually means the entire disruption ot tha Southwestern association. The affairs of the Western Passenger as sociation took a favorable turn today ami there Is a prospect that the Union Pacllla will come Into the emigrant clearing house , although It Is not expected to como Into the association just now. A plan Is being dis cussed of dividing the association , locating onc-liulf east of the Missouri river and the balance to the west of It. This may recelvo consideration at the meeting of the associa tion to be held tomorrow. The annual election of the Burlington waH hold today and all the officers and directors wr-ro unanimously re-elected. The annual re port , figures of which have already been pub lished , showed the total gross earnings oE the road to be $31,042,9CD ; expenses , $28- 83S,73 ( ! ; leaving the net earnings for the year , $2,104,204 , a total decrease of $1,135,681. as compared with the statement of 1803. Passenger earnings Increased nearly $1,200- 000. while freight earnings fell off $3.078,511. The earnings of the Chicago , Milwaukee fti St. Paul for the first week In May wor $33. > (5t5 , a decrease of $109,179 , compare with the same week of last year. GOING TO SMASH ICAl'IDLY. _ T Hate Controlling A HoclatloiiH 1'allliiR to I'u > eeH Along ItH the Tariff Sheet ) ) . CHICAGO , May 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) In further correspondcnce'regifrd- ing the withdrawal of-tlio Wisconsin Central from the Western Passenger association ; General Passenger Agent Pond assures the association that his line will inaugurate no demoralization. lie will notify the associa tion of any changes In rates his line miiy- , make. It also will remain a membsr of the Im migrant agreement , with which the Wiscon sin Central Is fully satisfied. Notice of withdrawal from the Western Freight association on May 19 was given today by the Atchlson. Ordinarily such an announcement would bo an all day's sensa tion among western lines , but the rate situa tion Is so hopelessly bad that it hardly cre ated a ripple. The notlco by no means an ticipates u policy demoralization on tha part of the Atchtson. It simply means that It wants to be in a position where It Is tin- trammeled by association rules In meeting ; opposition. The competitors believe It will not take the Initiative In further demoraliza tion. It was hoped that the day's meeting of the Western Freight officials could do sometliliifj toward Improving the situation , but that hope was blasted before the meeting was two minutes old. The first break came In tha announcement of Omaha lines that they , would adopt to and via Omaha the reduc tions already announced to Colorado and lower Missouri river gateways. Then came the break foreshadowed In Tlio Bee yester day morning on dressed bcaf , packing housa products and live Block from the Missouri to Chlcagoi It became so manifest that one or more lines would announce the reductions that It was agreed to cut the castbound ratea In two , making a IG-cent rate oh dressed beef and u 12-cent rate on packing house , products from Kansas City and Omaha to Chicago. Tills forced corresponding reduc tions In live stock rates , and proportions oC through rates from the Missouri to Chicago were made of 1C cents on cattle and 12 cents on hogs and sheep. Other reductions In mer chandise rates would have been made had. there not been a rather hurried adjournment to at least postpone the announcement. They , are certain to como , however. In their present temper traffic officials will let the tall go with the hide , and allow all rates to seek their own level. The worst feature of the situation from a railroad standpoint Is that no concerted attempt la being made to Improve matters. No twa roads arc acting In harmony. The situation may Improve fully as soon If no attempt Is made to restore rates until they have , reached rock bottom , but the wait IK apt to bo u costly ono. itimuNCTox AisNUAi. MKI-.TING. 4 Stockholders of the C , , II. & O , Choose tlio Old llourd of Dlreetorn at < hleago. CHICAGO , May 9.-Speulal ( Telegram to Tim Hoc. ) Stockholders of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnei- toad held their annual 1 meeting today , with T. W. Ilnrhydt of Bur- | linKtou as clmliinan of the meeting and li. O. Goddard as SJcrcta-.y. There were 178.4CC Hhnies of stock rfpresented. The od ] bunid of directors was rq-elected without j change , It Is constituted as follows ; John M. Kordes , Boston ; Charles .1. I'nlne , Bos ton : J. lj. Gardiner , U .ston ; ! ' . W. Iluniii1- i'lUM- iun. , UUIJIl l > i. uriHWUIll , i > i\Y York : J. II. Smith , New York ; Charles i : , I'etltliiH , HurlliuUon , la. The annual report submitted showw the li'iiKtli of toad In operation to ho li.r.W ; miles , against D.550 mlleH thu previous year. Tlio gross earnings per mlln of road operated wc-ie $5DSl'.a5 , against $ , OI..2 ! tliu iimvloua year , The operating expenses , Including taxes , per mile were $3,8I . 7. against $ IUMS the previous year. The pcrcentngen of operating expenses , Includ ing taxes , to gross enrnlims In 1M > 3 wai G3.37 , against ( S.OS In 18W. The tons moved ono mile dcci caned 1014 per cent , whllo freight earnings decreased 13.53 par cent. Passengers carried one. mllu Increased 85,77 per cent , whllo pu . senger earnings Increased 10.50 per cent , Thu percentage of operating expenses to gross earnlngH Increased .29 , A summary of enriilngH and expenses compared with those of the previous year was us follow * : 1S31. 1S92. Docnamv Pnpscnner r rnlni ; > .t 8,419,079 } 7,22:1,113 : 'II , I'M ? * ' Krclght t-aiiitnua. . . H.MW , : ; , TC8OCO 3,078 , HI > flro s carnlnK . (31,012,919 fsS.OOS.sJl { 1 119,44 * * Kxp. ana die . : s , : i ,7M rjoc.W7 t23,7U Net earnings . s , l )39,686 ) Dividends ) > uia In 1S1K ) . 6 iior cent . , Bui plan utter pnyltii ; dividend * . 19,044 liicienno. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " HI. I.ouU lionto to the Front. The ( isserllon that Chicago furnlslica tb shortcut rou to to New York tnl the