Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUB OMAHA. DAILY HRI' : TUESDAY , MAY 8 , 1891 ,
Dullness Was the Feature In All Markets
Yesterday ,
liut Fotv Kiccptlnnr. I tin N iw
UrnrlMi-In Corn Tlicrn Was MUI
Animation , with Triulo Trite *
tlcntly All Local.
CHICAOO , May 7. DnHnccs was the fea
ture In all markets today. Wheat , under nil
sorts of bearish news , Including lower cables ,
bearish crop reports and an Increase In
pastHne , declined steadily from start to
finish nnd rioted with July lo lower lhan
on Saturday. Corn closed V4c lower ; oatu
,4 off nnd provisions slightly lower for pork
and ribs , with lard unchanged.
In wheat the opening trades showed Uc lo
* jc decline and gradually sold down % o to
Tie more , milled Uc , declined Vic nnd closed
OH stated. With hut few exceptions the
news , was bearish. Outside markets were
weak , New York especially had many selling
orders In the market. July finished but Ho
from the bottom figures of the day.
In corn there was very little animation ,
with the trndf : practically nil local and Hue-
' tuatlons confined within % c limits. The
easier tendency of wheat nnd the favorable
weathpr seemed to create a bearish senti
ment , but the selling was not large. The
closing prices were near the bottom.
In oats there was n fair trade and n
weaker fooling , the offerings being ample for
the present requirements of shorts , and
prices , nftcr opening steady , receded V4c for
Mny nnd June nnd closed easy at nbout the
Inside figures.
Provisions were fairly steady , but very
dull , with scarcely any trading , the pit being
almost deserted. It was claimed by some of
tlc , oldest operators to bo one of the slowest
days on record. Compared with Saturday ,
July pork Is 2V c lower , July lard unchanged
and .Inly ribs Cc lower.
Hstlmnlcd receipts for tomorrow : wheat ,
85 cars ; corn , 275 cars ; oats , 213 cars ; hogs ,
15,000 head.
The leading futures rangcd ns follows :
" " "ArTiclOH ; | Open. | 'High , T owI I Cloac.
Wheat , No. if
May B7J1 67M
July ion
Supt 0034
Corn No. 2.
May. . 37
July S ! )
Supl 4UM
OatH No. 2. .
35 ! <
June , 34 S <
July 30M 30 30
Sent 25H 26M
I'ork per bbl
May 12 40
July 12 40 12 47W 12 40 12 46
May 7 415 7 BO 7 46 7 60
July 7 15 7 12 > i 7 IB
Sept 7 12H 7 16 7 m 7 12W
Short Itlbs-
May 0 47M
July 0 40 0 40 6 37M 0 374 !
Sept ( I 37H 0 40 0 35 037M
roHli cjtiolntlons wcro ns follows :
I'Loril Stonily ; unchanged.
\VIII-AT-No. 2 gprlns , 57',4c : No. 3 spring.
K < " , No. 2 red. CI'Jc.
COIlN-No. 2. 37Uc.
OATS-No. 2 , 37T c ; No. 2 white ,
No. 3 white , 35V'.iiJ3Cc.
UYH-No. 2. 46c.
IJAHLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , DJffiSGc ; No.
4 , .Miillc.
rr.AX SHED -No. 1. $1.32.
TIMOTHY HKBH-Prlme , J4.25.
PltOVISIONS Mess Pork , per bbl. , $12.45 ®
12. ITVa ! Inrd , per 100 Ibs. . J7.47147.52',6 ' : short rlbo
sides ( loose ) , JC.r,214iIC.B5 ; dry snltcd shouMcra
( lioxed ) . JB.OOflC.23 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
$ C.87VJ'ii7.02 ' > 4.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. .
STOAll Cut Inaf , $5.24 ; granulated , 4.4D ;
slimdnrd "A , " $1.30.
TliBfollowms were the receipts and shipments
for todny :
On the Produce exchange today the. bntter mar
ket wan cany ; crcnniory , IKiltio ; dairy , lOSHc.
Eggs , easy ; mrlctly fiesh , OHc.
Tentcriluy'B Quntntlons nn Flour , Grain ami
1'rovlsloni , IMotnls , ICtc.
NEW YOniC , Hay 7.-FLOUU-neceIpts , 24-
eOO bbts. ; exports , 17,900 bbls. ; sales. 5,200 pkgs. ;
niatlet : weak , with buyers holding off. Mills
nro slow to yield and differences are widening.
Ilye Hour , firm but dull. Iluckwhcat flour ,
HttOKWHEAT Dull ; range on all grades ,
CO11N MRA1Stendy ; yellow western , $2.05 ®
2.70 : llramlywlne , $2.70.
IlYH Dull and nominal ; car lots , f > lZ32c ; boat
loads , 5r4i''Co.
IlAIthBY-Qulct : No. 2 Milwaukee , CC067c ; un-
rrnilnl wi-slcrn , fU05c. (
IIARI.BY MALT-Qulet ; western , CSaSoc ; slx-
riiwod , SOiiiSSr.
\V.HMAT Kei'iMpts , M.OM bu. ; cxpoits. 33.SCO
bil. ; sales , % ,4IO,000 bu. futures nnd 12,000 bu.
Bpul. Spot dull nnd"weak ; No. 2 red In store
nnd elevator , 69)41' ) ! afloat , Cl'.ic ; f. o. b. , ClV4o ;
No , 1 northern , li3Uc dellvervd. Options openuu
weuk on line weather nnd. crop naws , big In-
crenw on passage , foreign selling nnd gmnll
decreuHfl In local stocks. At noon there wus
further weakness on the disappointingly small
decrease In the visible supply , which forced
prices down to the lowest price on record , and
the close wns weak nt I'/iOlWo net decline ; No.
2 led. May , 6DifCOsc. cTosi-d nt HHc ; June.
60MGIUo , closed nt COJlo ; July. Cl 7-lG8C2' c.
cloyed fit 01'.c ' ; August , 02 003 3-lCc. closed at
6'Jliu ; Heptember , -ICftCI'/iC. . closed at C3ic } ;
IKu'i'infofr , Iiiiii7'io ( , closed nt C7Hc.
fOHN Ileceliits , 70,100 bu. ; exports , 77,000 ibn.j
unit's , 190,000 bu. futures and 100,000 bu. ppot.
Hl > ot easy ; No , 2 , 43Jc ! ; In elevator , 4H5c ;
steamer mixed , 43c. Options opened easier , i al
lied nt noon on the big visible supply decrease ,
but later declined ngnln with whent nnd closed
UWHc lower than Saturday night ; Mny , 43lifi >
4'iKu. closed at 43 ! c ; July , 4I' < ,1H , | 13-16C , closed
nt 4l c.
OATS llocolpts , 151,200 bu. ; exports , none ;
rales , 12,000 bu , futures nnd 75,000 bu. spot.
Kpot easier for mixed , steady for white ; No. 2 ,
40HG41c ; No. 2 delivered. 41 > 4 42u ; NO. 3 , 39)i
40c ; No. 2 white , 42c : No. 3 white. 41o ; track
mixed western , 41Q42c ; track whlti" western ,
42 40c ; track white state , 42SWO. Options opened
steady on fears of a further short squeeze , but
was broken with wheat and closed nt UGHc net
decline ; May , SSVifflSOo , closed nt 2S ! c : June ,
SS'te , closed at 3-Sllc ; July , STVjffST ic , closed at
81 He.
HAY Steady ; shipping , $6.001)0.50 ) ; good to
choice. $7.00f9.00. |
HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , 017c ;
I'ncllle const. 12 18c.
IllUI'.S Quiet ; wet salteil New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to 63 Ibs. , 4HJ5 < ic ; Texas salted. 33 to
Ibs. , 4Q5c ; lluenoa Ayrcs , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. ,
Mi.VrilEK Inactive ; hemlock sole , Buenos ,
Ayres. light to heavy , 16UO19C.
I'HOVlBIONS-lleef. dull. Cut meats , steady :
pickled bellies , 6 iJf7io : pickled shoulders. G'.i/u '
CUv ! pickled hams , lOUWlOVje. lnnl , sternly ;
western Btenni closed at 17.90 asked ; sales. SOO
tlerccu nt J7.R5 ; Mny closed nt J7.SW , nominal ;
July. J7.53 bid : refined , quiet. Turk , dull.
COTTON 8131-31) Oil , Inactiventioul steady ;
prime crude , In bbls. , 29itOoi : prime crude , loose ,
23ffS7o ; off crude , 27WSSc ; ilmtter grndes , 3lj3c ;
prime .summer yellow , 32'iW33c ' ; oft summer
yellow , 3lc ; prime summer white , 3Cif37e.
HL'TTKII Sternly : western dairy , 10ai3e ; west
ern creamery , 13 17c ; western factory , SVitfllr ;
iiKlni : , 17c ; state dairy , 12 jl7e ; lnte cteamcry ,
15li lie.
t'lll-JUSB Htcnilv ! Btnle lirge : , OJiOHUc ; small ,
9lirl % oi port sklniH , .WiaV ; full skims , i'tfle.
KtlllS Ilecelpls , S.OS ! ) pkgs. ; market nulet nnd
firm ; Mate anil Pennsylvania , HUUIl'.ic ; wt-at-
" *
"T VM.OW Easy. United closed at S5Uo bid.
I'lSTllOI.Kl'M Hlmdys Unltitl clos-d , SV.ic
bid : WnshliiKton , bbls , , Cn ; WnshlnRton , bulk ,
J.1.M : reUned New York. 15.15 ; riilbulelplila , (5.10 ;
t'hlhidelphla , bulk ,
rtOSINSteady ; strained , common to good ,
TlMU'ENTINK-Qulet nnd uteady ; :9B2)ic. ) !
Hiri : Htendy ; domeiitlc , fair to extra , 4UUC ;
"sKlliABHIMSteady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
pMhl III i-hnlce , KflSCc.
IMI1 IHON Quiet ; American , tU.COOllnS.
( ) I'KIl-Qulet ; hike. o.
1,1-JAU QUlet ; domestic. J3.20.
TIN Firmer ; straits. I19.W bid : plates , quiet ;
ales on 'chnngo Sutunlay lutu , ID tons Mny tin ,
lubject lo duty chium * . CO.U ; 10 lena , Juno tin ,
tSO.Wl 10 loim AUBUHt tin. M. j
Hl'I.I.TUIl lxjwr | domestic. | 1.47i ! bid.
jtllnnrupolU Wheat Murker.
MINNKAl'OI.IS. Mny 7-Tho wheat market
wus very weak from th opening , and CUB |
l.o lower than Saturday for May , lHWH4o fur
JtSv l5o ! to IHo lawer for Hrpto-mlier. Cash
TTiieut wus lo lower all uround. Home parties
wcru buying May wheat freely this liio.iiliig.
whlcli prevented that falllmr 111 much u tlio
rSrJuf.f11 . T.iB.'r8VhBan . ! . . nL' ! '
i rfer& rr-Ya 1 *
iiiftiipiii cic * * No * 2 iiortii rti. wiO * iti coiptH
S-iro JPS'370 bu , ; ghlpmentii , ' . ' 2.770 bu. , maklne a
nrubablB nun'lu" tor tlm day of aonia 40WO (
I iiioio than the comminution and eh pim-ntn.
* rlic weak feature of the nmrKet w the laigt-
mi-rease of wheat on passage ; emalUr decrt-a.
in tha vlnlble upply than had b n ejpecte.1 ;
ilod repoiu from Hie growing crop In Kanni ;
fSa , InTrSluctlon of the Hutch bill , and larger
iiIVttl ? > f Wheat In MlniiKippIH. The Kovern-
niMil trlKirt. l"0. l o-cniu" In lu 11 CIHV ilayii
Slid uuiny uwi thev * will tt a UliiUnr - -
ng" of oondliliin rrpirte , | than In April. Them
Were few mjfftdnnlorn ! In to buy July wliest
thin tnornlnir. uinl later th" < > iui | | * buslne t
wai nuintly nelllng.
The Market llw > P ! figure * tin1 private utorku
of wheat In locnl elevatom on the close of bml-
n < -M Hnturdny nt 9,1.480 bu. , n derreniK * during
the ln t week of 1M73 bu. The country rlevn-
Inr utockn In the nirllnrcdt figure nt 3 WC i 1
bu. In Ihe larger llm x uf clexatirs , a deftc-m-
of 101,000 bu. for the taut week. The ntn ller
lines r.nd lnd | > * ndent liounnt were citlmntid
to decrrane 90,000 bu. last week. The larger ! > nrt
of the wheat held In the Interior elevator * n.iw
li oynnl by n few llrmn. very little nf which will
nt nny tlm" b ff > rr > d nn the market. It bcltitf
by mlllrrn for grinding In their own mllln.
The flour mnrkrt w.-n dull nnd easy. Pntnnts
were nnoleil at $13fi 3.5r ; linker * nt J2.0W2.3V
Mills were running nt the rnto of about 21,000
bbl . for the twoniy-fjur hours. Hhlpnirnts
Fere 26.0W bbl > .
f.iienl I'niilticn 'Mnrliet.
nuTTun , iaa8 : , QAMK , ITC. :
UOTTI2H Tliore I * not very much butter com-
Inir. but at the Mine lime the demand Is not very
hmvy , nml Ihe market upon the uhole Is not
overly ncllvo. As yet there I * IHlle slow of
Brasi. Separator crenim-ry , 19l20c ; extra fancy
country. iCfllCcj choice country , lUillc ; packing
stock , Tc.
KflOH The tnaikel hn not shown much chanRC
during the pnst day or two. tlood. clean stock
Is Rolng Kcnerally nl DC. Hlnco Iho rnlna there
have been n K" l ninny dirty CKKA nrrlvlnir.whldi
with lli penmilM H < - ! | nl 8. ' .
IJVi : I'OfUTUV Tliu arrival * are nboul caunl
to the demnnd nnd the mnrkct 1 about ntendy.
Iliim. Mf7c ; old reenters , SQIc ; snrltiR clilcken. * ,
JS.wufrl oo.
C1AMi--The Henpnn Is so far advanced that
cnmt * Is no longfr wanted.
VIJAI. Tin' iirilvnli are heavy , nnd It In not
quite so easy to kei-p the market cleaned up ns
It wn * a few il.-iyx ago. Good , fat vuiln , Ci/Tc ;
thin or heavy , 2ff3i' .
I'lOKONS There Is n demand for old plgeoni ,
but younB Mills that nre not strong on the wlnj
are nnt wanted. OM bird1 ! , per doz , , JI.25ifl.SO.
IlKANS-The mnrket Is firming up nil over the
country. Neither the demand nor supply Is very
hc.ivy nt this | Mlnt. California hnnil-t ck-d
navy. J/2.UOM2.10 / ; wi-slern nnvy , Jl.7iai.SO ; com-
nnn white bcnnii. Jl.Koni.TJ.
ONIONS Old null ns nre n thing of the pnst.
New southern unions nre quoted nt J2.50 per
Imv. There nre n few Ilermudns etlll on hand
nt J.I per bushel. Top onions arc plenty nt
2JiJ30e on orders.
I'OTATOIIH There does not appear to bo very
many pntuOc * of nny kind on the mnrket. Tlie
supply Is comlntr mu lly from Utnh nnd Colorado
rado , which ntiirk Is iiioted | ntOe5J1.00 ( per bu.
Tin-re nre some strny cats coming from Well
ington and Idaho. There are ne.v s.mthern
potnloes In the mniUel , which nre quoted at J.
CAIIHAOIKloilila cabbage , per crate , J2.SO ;
choice Irfiulrinnn , $3.W > .
CIII.IIKY None In the market.
ASI'ArtACllJS-dond home grown stock Is
nbtindnnt nt 2.e per doz. on orders.
IMIO , PLANT Home grown pie plant Is be
coming scnrco at 2fl2'Ac. '
TO.MATOKS I-'lorlda stock of good color Is
scarce nt J3.GO per crate cif six baskets.
OHKHN ViUiTA"mH Splnnch. per bbl. ,
J2.25 ; rndlshes , per doz. , 30c ; lettuce , per doz. ,
3340c ; cucumbers , Jl.SO ; rnrsley , per doz. . 30033- ;
turnip ! ) , per doz. . f.0e. ; cnrrots , per doz. , r.0c- ;
beets , per dnz. , 7BJS3e ; string benns , per H-bii.
box , J1.2. , ; water ciess , per case 1C boxes , tl.'Jit
2.00 ; stiuashes , per bu. , J2.
STIlAWIlKHKIlW-There wns close to two cars
here that snme by uxpiess , while there wns u
car or two In by freight. The ciuallty of the
berries was not very good on nn average. Ship
ping stock. J3.00.g3.25.
A PI 'LI-IS There are no apples on the market
sultnble for shipping purposes.
CIIUUHIK.H A few California cherries have ar
rived and sold nt J2.GO per box. The fruit arrived
In good condition , hut wns rnther email In size.
HANANAS-I'er bunch , J2.OOif2.GO.
l.KMONH I-'nncy lemons , 3u < ) size , Jl : fancy
lemons , 3GO size , J3.75 ; choice lemons , 360 size ,
53. M. in ten-box lots 3c per box less.
OUANORS Wnshlngton navels. 150s , 176s. 200s ,
13.75 ; Washington navels , DCs , 112s , J3.25 ; Wash
ington navels , -'On I , J3.DO ; Mediterranean sweets ,
KIOS-Fancy , Dor lb. . 15c.
DATES llnllowee's , C5 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb.f
l'INEAl'1'MCS Choice , per doz. , J2.M.
HONnv-Cnllfornla , ICc : dark honey , 125rai3c. !
MAI-M- : .smri' Cnllou cans , per doz. , J12. .
MAl'J.E SUOAIl-1'ei- . , lOc.
NUTS Almonds. 17c ; English walnutp , 12c ;
filberts , lOc ; lirnzll nuts , lOc.
HAUiniKHANT Half bbl. . J2.23.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5.CO ; half bbl , ,
J3.2 : > .
AITI.K HITTTKK I'er 20-lb. palls , Jl ; half
bbls. , 3 ! c per lb. %
nKAll No. 1 black , large. J20.00@25.00 ; me
dium , $1J ; small , JS.uOIj 10.00 ; black yearlings ,
large , J12.00ffl5.00 : medium. J10 ; email , 17 ; black
cubs , large. JC.OO fS.OO : medium , 53.00S6.00 ; smnll ,
Jl ; bliick Moritnna nnd Ilocky mountain , large ,
JlS.03iT22.00 ; medium , SH : smnll , { 10 ; black Mon
tana yca llngs , large , J12 ; mo , Hum. 8 ; Dinnll ,
J. > ; bluck Montana cubs , large , JG.60 ; mudlum ,
JI.GO ; small , J3 ; silver tip , large , J20 : medium ,
J12 ; small. JS ; silver tip yearlings , large , Jll ;
medium , 13 ; small , ) ' < : silver tip cubs , Inree , 5C ;
medium , JI.GO ; small , 53 : brown , Inrge , J20.00Q ( >
25.00 ; medium , J10 ; small. J12 ; yearllnt'S , large.
J10.Wffl2.00 : medium , JS : Btnall , JO ; cubs , large ,
J7 ; medium , SS ; small , J3 ; biulger No. 1 , Inrge ,
Jl.OOIfl.50 ; medium , COs ; small , GOo ; flaher No. 1 ,
large , $3 ; medium , SC ; Email , Jl ; fox , silver , as
to-color , according to beauty No. 1 , large , J100 ;
medium , ( CO ; small. JIO ; silver , pale , according
to beauty , large. } 50 ; medium , J30 : small , J20 ;
cross , large , J7 ; medium , J3 ; smnll. J2 ; red ,
large , JI.50 ; medium , J1.25 : small , Jl ; gray , large ,
75c ; medium , GOc ; small , 40c ; kit , large , GOc ; me
dium , 40e ; sninll , 30c ; lynx , No. 1. largo. 13 ; me
dium. J2 ; small , Jl.BO ; marten , No. 1 , large , J2 ;
medium , JI.GO ; small , Jl ; mink , No. 1 , large.
SOcfflJl.OO ; medium. 75c : small. C5c ; mink ,
dark. No. 1 , large , Jl ; medium , 76c : small ,
60o ; mountain lion , perfect bend nnd feet. No. 1 ,
Inrge. J1.C002.00 : Imperfect skins , 25f50c ; otter ,
No. 1 , large. J3 ; medium. J6.OOSi7.09 ; small , JS ;
otter , pule. No. 1 , large , J7 ; medium , J3 ; small.
J4 ; raccoon. No. 1 , large. SOc : medium , 60c ; small ,
60c : raccoon , black , ns to beauty. No. 1 , large ,
GOciffJ2.00 ; skunk , black , cnsed , No. 1 , large , J1.25-
medium , "Gc ; smnll , SOc ; short striped , large Jl-
medium. 70c ; small , 5c ; narrow striped , large.
COc ; medium , 4Hc ; small , 23o ; broad striped , large
20M25o ; wolverine , No. 1 , large. Jl ; medium J3 :
miiall , J2 ; wolf mountain , No. 1 , large , Jl ; , me
dium , J2 ; small , Jl.BO ; prairie , large , 70075e-
medium , COc : smnll. 50c : beaver , per Bkln , No.
1 large , J3.00g6.00 ; medium , 14.50 ; small , J2 ; kits ,
large. J2 : medium , J1.51 : small , 75c ; musUrats
winter. No. 1 large. lOUlIc ; medium , Do : small ,
7c ; fall , large. SSSIo ; medium. 7o ; small , Cc ; kits
large , 2S3c.HIDES
hides , Gc : Nn. 2 dry flint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
snlted bldea. 4c. Part cured hides , Wo per lb.
less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green sailed , each , 25iICOo-
green salted shearlings ( sliDrt-wjolcd eaily
skins ) , each , C i13c ! : dry shearlings Cshort-wooled
early skins ) . No. 1. each , GJjlue : dry Hhenrllngu
( short-wooled early eklns ) . No. 2. ench , Gc ; dry
flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pelts ,
per lb. . actual weight. GffSc : dry nint , Kansas
and Nebraska miirrnln wool pelts , per lb
actual weight. 40Cc ; dry flint , Colornilo butcher
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4jJ7c ; drv
flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4'iiGo. '
Kiniis : : City . .
higher ; No. 2 hnrd. GOfl50Uc ; No. 2 red. G4c-
No. 3 red. Gl@52o ; rejecteil. 4Jc.
OUN-No. 2 mixed , 36B3CV o ; No. J white ,
ana deciin-
Unchanged : . .
HECEIPTS- Wheat , C.OOO bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu.-
onts , 1,000 bu.
Liverpool .Mnrluits.
MVEUPOOL. May 7.-WIIEAT-DU1I ; demand
' ! olllrr ; offcr * " < " " > ed western winter ,
- llllt
tendy ; demand poor : new mixed ,
IMtO VISIONSIleef. . extra India mess. SSa 5d ,
I'ork , prime mesa , 73s Dd , llaeon , long und short
clear , 65 Ibs. , 33s Cd ; long clear , 45 Ibs , , 34s ed.
Lnrd , prime western. 38s 9d.
UUTTKIl l-'lnest , SOs ; good , GCa.
New Ytirlc Dry Goods Market.
NEW YOIIK , May 7. Thcro wns no present de
mand , although theio was a good mall order re
quest for printed fabrics , such na ehnllls
lawns , figured and polka black and blue satins !
serges , llgmed nnd printed silks , und other Vne-
claltleii for tlm summer wear. For general mer
chandise. the nmiket was slow. Printline
I'iMirlii ( iriiln JMitrkct.
ill < ; t : No. 2 ,
.UYE Nomlnii ,
WHISKY Finn ; high wlno basis , J1.15.
Imictlvo mill Without feature , llelni ; Con.
llneil to Itiioni TrudurM.
NEW YOIIK May 7. '
, . Today's stock mar
ket was Inactive nnd without prominent
feature the- dealings
, being very largely con
fined to the room traders. Sugar , of the
Industrials , and St. Paul , of the railway Hat ,
Old moro than one-half the business , the only
stock In which the transactions exceeded
10,000 shares being General Kloctrlc. The
tone of speculation at the opening was weak
ami prices were generally iSO' % per cent
lower. Sugar was. however , nn exception ,
nnd on gcod buying rose 1 per cent as com
pared with the closing sale of Saturday. The
advance led to realizations which Induced a
colling movempnt by the short Interest nnd
prices took a sharp turn , there being no sup
porting orders In the market until 105 % Was
touched , a decline of 3 per cent from the top
figures of the morning. Then some cover
ing was done which caused a rally of 1 %
per cent , followed by a reaction of 1 % per
cent and a final recovery of % per cent , the
closing prices bulng the snme ns Saturday's
final figures , Sugar. preferred advanced V4
per cent ou the day. fit. Paul .was held
very steadily during the morning nml early
afternoon , but wns nold henvlly durlnit the
Inn ! hour on n rcprrt. which lacks confirma
tion , to the effect thnt the company con
templated the Isime of bonds to the nmount
of $5,000,000 for tciilpmont | purposes. This
led to n decline In the stock ot ? 4 per cent ,
the Inil being the lowest price of the day.
National head , after nn early Improvement
of ? i per cent , declined 1 per cent , closing at
the lowest point touched. The general mnr
kct was Irregular nnd unsettled during the
day , the fluctuations being narrow In the
usually active Mmres. The Into dealings
Wcro weak In tone nml the mnrket closed
easy , with nbout ns mnny Blocks showing
declines on the day ns there wcro advances.
The bond mnrket was only moderately active
nnd wns heavier In tone than for seme time
past. The ihmand was materially lessoned.
I'rlces nfo Irregular.
The Evening I'ost snys : The business
done on the Stock exchange was of the most
narrowly professional clmrncter. This being
the case , Sugar certificates were , of course ,
the central point of Interest. Its particular
feature today lay In the continued efforts
of the professional operators for the decline
to force a break. The unknown factor In
this Interesting speculative struggle Is Iho
nmounl of Sugar stock which has gone Into
"Inside" hands to hold. Vor nu exception
Washington contributed little or nothing to
the "rumor" of the day. For the moment
the situation on the New York exchange Is
of far moro Interesting character than
"senate conferences. "
Tlio following urn the closlnff quotations
nn the lending Blocks of the New lork ex
change todny :
Tlio totnl sales of stocks today were 1G.GOO
shares , Including : American SURTLT. fSZ.300 ;
Chicago aas , V.OOfl ; Dlstllllnir nnd Cattle Feeding ,
6,300 ; Oenoral Ulcctrle. 10.300 ; National Lead.
8,600 ; Heuillne , C.COO ; St. Paul , 32,100 ; Western
Union , 6&X ) .
Ne\v York Money Murket.
EuRy at 1 per cent , last loan 1 per cent , closed nt
1 per cent.
I'm Ml ? MERCANTILB PAPnn-3@5 per cent.
STKHLINO UXCIIANGK Kteady. with act-
unl buslncBs In bankers' bills at $4.8SiCtM.S5
for dpinnnd nnd nt $ l.87i/.4.87',0 for sixty days ;
posted rntos , il.&S OI.DO ; commercial bills ,
Jl.tiOll.RCli. .
SILViil rKnTirK-ATKS-nifiBe.
OOVKIIN.MKNT ItONDS-Steady. Stnte bonds ,
The closing quotation ] on bonds :
Hoston Stuck Quotations.
BOSTON. Mny 7. Call loans. 1&2W per cent ;
time loans. 2M&4 par cent. Closing prlcas for
Btockn , bonds and mining shares ;
Situ l-Y.inclico Mlnln Quotations.
9ANFKANOISCO , Mny 7. The ofliclal closlnj
quotntlonafor mlnln ? atocka toJ ly worjai fol
lows :
Alt.i tiy Halo A Norcrosa. . . 00
Belcher 200 Mexican 2:1 :
Dcst&riolchcr. . . . . 260 Nevada Queen 7
nodlo Con 326 Ophlr C37W
llnUver 21 Potosl 15(1
Chollar 88 Savage 120
Con. Cat. A Va 742 Slcrni Nevada 175
Crown Point 116 Union Con 135
EurcKsCoii CO Utah 20
Qould & Curry. . . . 140 Yellow Jacket 135
Now York Mining Quotation ) .
NEW YOIIK. Mny 7. The followlns are thi
closing mlnlngqtiotatlonai
Cholor. . 03 Plymouth 2(1 (
Crown Point 85 Slurra Nevada 170
Con. Cal. Is. Va. . . . 712 Standard 145
Ueadwood 0 Union Con 110
Gould , V Curry 110 Yellow Jacket. . . . 100
Halo * NorcrOBS. . 8H Iron Silver. . 10
Ilomostako 1200 Quicksilver 200
Mexican 200 do preferred 1600
Ontario 760 Dnlwer 10
Ophlr. 500
London Stock .Market.
LONDON , May 7.-4 p. m. closing :
HAIl SIhVKll 'JOXd per ounce.
MONKY 1 percent.
The ratu of discount In the open marlcnt for nhort
bllla la 1 ll-lilcil'i per cent , and for three months'
bllla , 1U percent.
On thn London Murl.-ot
NEW YOUK , Mny 7. The Uvcnlns Post's
London cnblr-Krnm says : Tli monthly trade re
turns today again show an Improving tendency.
The markets , however , wcro deadly dull at the
appoach of ttm settlement anil Whitsuntide.
Commit * nnd other KlIt-cdRt * HtocltH woru ptrone
on cheap money. Americans wcrn neglected
with n heavy tone and cloned at the lowest. Sil
ver wns Ly'.M ' and eteady. Three hundred and
flfty-elyht thoiipnud pounds In bar ROM nml
United Htntcs coin were bouKht. 22,000 sov
ereigns came In from Australia and about Cl,000
Is duo within thu next ten days ,
St. I.onls .Mining Htoclc ( Imitations.
ST. LOUIS , May 7. Mlnn | 'slocka quiet and
unchanged. Quotations :
Hid.Nked , Hid.
Adams. . . . $ . : ) ! ) $ , UU Hllrnb3th. $ _
Am. Net. . .Sil ) < . . . . HarcoiiVLT .IS .17H
Illmctalllc .MX ) Hope L'.fiO 3.BU
GranltoM. 1.5U . . . . a. Hopes. . .07
rinUnelul Nott'H ,
IIALTIMOItn , May 7.-CleailiiK , $1,058,590 ; bnl-
ances , } 2S'i.K30.
PAKIP , May 7. Three per cwt rentes , JOOf 43o
fit the aurount.
HOSTON. May 7. Clearing" , $13,6S,3S1 ; bal
ances , $1 , < 30,7I2. !
OMAHA , May 7. Clearlnc * , $ OU,4E6 ; eamo day
last week , JS3SUS : .
Ni : V YOIIK , May 7. Clearing * , | M,238,323i
balances , ( .CIi,10 ( .
riULAnii.l'ltIA , May 7. Clearings , | : , CS9,9i : ;
balances , Sl.lU.Ml.
MnMI'HIK , May 7 , Clearings , JI01.S77 : bal
ances , ii5W7. New York exchang < * , setHiiL' ut
par I.ONUON , May 7. The amount of bullion rene
Into the Hank of Unuluncl on balance linluy Is
, .
CINCINNATI , May 7. Clearings , 2. < 60.40) ) .
Money , 2Hf(0 per cent. New York Kxchangc , 23
UOOo premium ,
N'I'W OP.I.KANS. May 7. ClearlnKs , JJW.W.
Now York nkchanKe , commercial , U premium ;
Lank , lini rremium.
SAN KIlANflKCO. May 7.-lrufls , sight , 10o ;
telegraphic. 1214c. b'llver bar * . 63 4)inHc. ) Mex-
lean dollars , CHiMHc.
tT. I OIM8 , Maj7. . ClcarlnBK , H,08SM ; bal-
pnctM , JIW.'III Money , dull. Bj7 per cent , llx-
clmiiKon New York , par bid.
t'UICAOO , May 7 , Clearing ! . $18.850.0)0. New
YorK eichungc , 10o iirrmlum. Hlerllnic exchange ,
actual ut JUTiiUi ) . Money , 3 a per cunt.
m i
Very Light Him'of AMI Sorts to Open
the iWcok ,
I'rlces Gain Mttlrf'liS the Dcnl , However
line * Itulc Di'ilr ' nml Lower In Do-
plto of tl\9ftllni , .Supply unit
Clone Weald
MONDAY , Mny 7.
The week oponsjout wlth a very moderate
run of stock , There were about 1,000 more
cattle nnd 1,000 fewer hogs than were hereon
on last Monday.
Business was tolerably active In the cattle
yards. Of the 122 cars received fully 100
wcro fat steers , most of them on the medium
nnd heavy order. The general market was
n good deal like that of Saturday nnd the
spread between values of light and heavy
catlla appears to be rnpldly dlsappcnrlng ,
Dressed beef men all wanted the good , light
killers , nnd , ns the supply of these was com-
parntlvcly small prices ruled steady to
stronger. On account ot dull markets cast
neither shippers nor exporters showed any
great desire for the heavier grades nnd they
wore slow sale nt shaded prices. The light
cattle all sold early , but dealers were poundIng -
Ing around on the heavier grades nbout nil
day nnd nt the close there were still some
There wns only n handful of cows here ,
nbout half n dozen loads , hardly enough to
afford n fair test of the market. Oood , fat
hclfefs and cows sold readily nt pretty stiff
figures , but trade was slow on the under
grades nnd prices generally rather weak.
Calves wcro In tolerable demand nt low
prices and the market for rough stock was
Stockers and feeders were In pretty liberal
supply , thcro being a good showing of both
fresh and stale cattle. The demand from the
country was not very lively and the feeling
on all sides was rather easier , although
prices wcro not ( luotably lower. The volume
of trading wns small. Good to choice feeders
nro quoted nt $3.25(33.85 ( ; fair to good , $3.00
< fj:3.25 : , nnd lighter , commoner grades at from
$3 down. Representatives sales :
Vo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . 640 12 75 4..1092 J3 G5 64 894 $3 BO
20. . . . 659 316 14..1023 365 22..1275 380
1. . . . 850 3 SS SO..1120 3 65 20..1105 3 M )
1..12SO 325 18..1046 865 1..1700 380
2. . . . CGO 335 M..1166 370 1..13IO .ISO
1. , . . 760 835 21..1005 370 55..1063 380
1. . . . 840 840 ] . . . . 80 370 111..1235 3 SO
8. . . . 9SO 3 CO Zu. . . . 934 370 1U. . . . 1224 , 3 80
B. , . . 872 360 9..1115 370 21..1232 380
2 , . . . 940 360 4..117'i 370 64..1259 385
10. . . . 961 360 46. . . . S83 370 M..11C2 3 8. ,
6..1096 860 SO. . .1295 370 13. . . .1153 385
3..1046 8 BO 42. . .1208 370 4..1217 385
24. . . . 717 850 23..1000 370 t0..1276 383
IB..1030 SCO 19..1121 370 21..1253 385
10. . . . 994 360 3..1033 370 B..1256 3 S5
14. . . . 900 360 IB..1154 3 72't 21..1141 385
66..1301 360 22..1123 375 40..1278 3 BO
B..1004 360 42..1115 375 24..1233 390
3..1270 SCO S3..1082 375 24..1279 390
29..1110 365 3. . . .1293 S 73 38..1202 390
16. . . . 875 365 3..1220'3 73 6..1200 390
17..11GO 365 20..1137 375 1..1000 300
19..1150 3 05 44 . . .1141 375 48..1200 400
6..1194 3 C5 21..1103 3 SO
39..1231 863 22..1018 375 18..1413 400
19..1413 370 M..il301 385 C..1426 400
. . -.1176 370 1J..1473 3 S3 24..14G2 400
21..1220 3 75 SC.-.1.1T1 3 SB 20..1393 4 O )
85..1242 373 16..1350 390 22..140S 400
1..1130 375 21..M370 400 17..1410 423
IS . . .1355 3 75
12 . . . 920 3 15 18. . . . 945 3 60
J. . . . 700 1 f.O l.u. 040 2 40 2..1140 3 00
10. . . . 937 1 SO 1..1.10W 2 60 1..10SO 3 05
1..1100 1 JO 2. . . . 565 50 12..1183 310
I. . . . MO 10 1..12IO 2 65 11..1061 313
1. . . . KM It. , 1. , . . 9SO 275 8..10.13 315
3. . . H13 2 00 2..10M 2 SO 7..1178 3 2)
1. . . . 000 2 00 2. . . . 030 2 80 0..1230 3 23
1..1170 223 1. . . . 930 280 2..1145 323
1..1100 2 2S IB. . . . 96 ? 2 S3 2..1270 325
1 I. . 750 ? S3 1..1100 2 85 2..108) 3 40
14. . . . C23 2 33 l.j. < 9S ? 3 00
3. . . . 656 1 80 2. ; , . 626 3 30 1. . . . 840 3 10
lI ! BIO 200 I. . ! , 600 260 3. . . . 870 325
4. . . . 440 S 10 4..673 265 70. . . . 785 325
1. . . . 460 2 10 I. , ' ! ' . 410 2 75 1. . . . 760 S 25
4- : : : : $ § 20JissSSi ? ! JI8S-- : : : : !
- -
2. . . . 140 300 2. . . . 120 400 1. . . . 120 4 BO
2. . . . 215 3 00 3. . . . 230 ' 4 00
1..1110 210 1..12SO 223 1 , , . . 450 275
7 . . .1111 210 1..1650 240 1. . . . 920 275
4..1367 2 10 1. . , . 8SO 2 40 1..1220 2 75
S..1210 215 1..1700 250 1. . , . 620 300
1..12CO 2 25 1..1680 2 50
1..2000 323
1. . . . 7SO 300 2..603 325 7..674 340
2. . . . B20 310 3. . . . 623 330 4. . . . 607 375
3. . . . 733 325 4. . . . 607 3 SO 60. . . . 6CO 375
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
66 feeders. . . . 902 3 43 8 bulls 12SO 2 20
HOGS The market was dull , lower , and
decidedly unsatisfactory. Receipts were too
light to be of Interest to the buyers for local
houses , there was no shipping or speculative
demand to speak of , and reports from the
east 'were generally unfavorable. In gen
eral , the market was a nickel lower than
Saturday , nnd the trade was slow and drag
ging throughout. There was not much of a
range of prices. The best brought $ G nnd
there was little of any consequence , how
ever common , that had to go at under $4.95.
A bunch of 172-lb. pigs brought $4.80 , nnd
a couple of loads of common light mixed
stuff sold for $4.00 and $4.92 . The close
was weak at the decline , but nbout every
thing finally changed hands. The big bulk
of the trading was at $4.95 nnd $5 , as
against $5 Saturday and a week ago today.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. IT. 'No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3 306 . . . $490 78 241 40 4 97V4
7 237 40 4 90 70 222 120 4 ! )7',4
87 199 . . . 490 65 253 40 4 97'i
45 244 80 49214 63 207 . . . 4 97"A
66 225 80 4 W 80 234 40 4 97',4
28 223 . . . 4 ! I5 75 231 200 4 97 <
74 210 80 493 81 203 120 4 S7V4
C5 250 40 4 ! I3 69 240 . . . 4 9714
8 185 . . . 493 GO 262 . . . 49714
C 270 . . . 4 S3 80 237 80 4 97'.i '
75 103 SO 4 95 68 257 200 4 ffiV ,
9 1S8 . . . 455 72 272 1GO 4 ! )7',4 )
12 266 . . . 4 95 61 227 40 4 97V4
60 217 80 495 42 231 80 4 97',4
40 347 40 493 76 181) ) 120 600
69 243 160 493 69 251 4J BOO
60 234 ICO 493 78 244 80 BOO
67. . . .2211 40 493 C3 28S 120 BOO
" 0 ! . .333 SO 493 64 267 . . . BOO
11 )8 ) . . . 495 67 273 SO B 00
4 . 237 . . . 4 95 64 290 120 600
B . .280 . . . 495 63 236 SO 601
70 " ! 219 40 493 C4 233 60 6 00
63. . ! . .235 120 493 74 220 . . . 600
62 237 84 ) 97V4
3 216 40 425 1 320 . . . 480
93 172 SO 4 80
SHEEP Again today there were sheep on
sale. All local houses were after supplies ,
and the market was quotnbly strong. Fair
to good natives are quotable at $3.754.40 ;
fair to good westerns , $3.20@4.25 ; common
and stock sheep , $2.5003.50 ; good to cholco
40 to 100-lb. Iambs , $3.60@4.7C.
KociilptH uiiil.JllHiioiltloii of Stock.
Official receipts anil Mlspoaltloii of Block aasnowu
by the books o' the 1/ulon stock Yards oo.umny
for the forty-eight 1,1" | ' > * , enalnj ? at 0 o'clock p. in ,
Muy7lb01 ,
. , l.'l ciu
OmnliaVacXmir Co.--
TheQ. H. Haimuoml Co , oui : 831
Swift and company. iUt. . 8S7 7U3
TbeCudahy Paeltlnl Cp , . ? 4U8 Obd
John P. Squire A CO./A , . 1UU
A. Haas , * J81)
U. Decker A Dc-epn.- , , , , iaa
raand fccdurej. . . ! jr. . '
tt ever . . - - : joe
Total ' " - ; ' 2,001
K ( . I.oiilK I. ' * " Ntix'k Murkul.
ST. I.OUI8. May 7-CATTI.IJ-Uee lpts. I.40J
head [ shipments W head ; market quiet und
Hiendv for native * ; Tcxuns , slow nnd lower ;
native .teersi .WO lo 1.100 Ibs. , J3.80ii4.W : cows ,
1-175 : calve II.W ; Texas.Meera. . . 1.0"JO to 1.100
IlKht. .OS 5.10.
HHEKP-HeeelplK ,
head ; market nominal , became of light supply.
Kale * were made of clipped natlveii , 71 llw. , at
13 80 and clipped Texan * , M Iba , , ut I2.U.
City Live Ntouk MurUrt.
KANSAS CITY , May 7. CATTLK Hecclptu ,
2 M head : nhlimenl | , 3.000 Head. Hteady to firm ;
Tcxai Bteem ji.W 3.S5 ; Texu town. 2.XHf3.2i ( :
hliiclnB teeni. 13.3MM.40 : native cow , riMS1
J. i | itockera and ficdtni , Jt Oif3SOi bull. , Jt40td
'llbas-JUcclpts , 3.100 bead ; hlpmcnt > , 1,004
head. Llghn. wenU. citliri . firm , clo lnif wenti ;
bulk , jr oor , nr , . HPIUI. . . . pnm | nn.l mu.-d ,
( l.mrfS.lfl , liRhtK. Yorker * nnd pun. lll wo : > .
BIlKKI' H cfipi , l.COO heads iliipm ntu , non .
CIIIOAOO LIVI : .srorii ,
Thorn Wn nn Atnpto fiipp1jr of Cattle nn
Iliind Yr trrdiiy.
ClIlCAflO , May " . There wn * an ample ur > -
ply of cattle , nlxuit Id.OOi ) limit nrrlvlnK. In ordi
nary times that number xvould bavo Veen t -
itarded as a Unlit run for Monday , but U prosed
quite BUtllclont to milt the donintul , anil the
dellcr bad to IKI e mtented with the low prices
prevailing nl the clone of Innt week. The offer-
IIIKI consl'tml largely nf light and medium
welcbt HfpTf , but those were the lilnd prin
cipally Inquired for. nnd they continue to > hmr
more flrmnonH than wn nppntent In other do-
Dcrlptlonx. I'own a nil bulls were In IlKht mi'l'ly '
nnd Fold well , nnd heavy steers were no lower ,
though to a certain extent neKlocted , Trndo In
ilromed beef and uhlpiilnR pteer win on n banH
of from 3. In J3.O ) fir common to oxtrn quiill *
lien. Prli-os nlHivi' SI in were mipluil In u few
Innmneo * only , Ktoord nelllnic moxlly nt from
J3.7D tn $1.15 nnd from JJ.40 to J1.S5 bolmt the
prevnlllliK ptlo'H for COWH nnd bull * . Not mueli
inueh wan dnio In the stoeker marUel nnd values
were nominally mondy , ThteHt of the market
remains weak. Alxiiit r # ) Toxiw rnlllo nrilved.
They were In domiind nt utr m.n priced.
The heR maikct was weak nt' Mutiirdny'H. clos
ing iiuotntlniiK , or nliout n nlekel lower than nt
tlnil day'B oiionlni ; . Nothing mild nbovo ? r.30 ,
nnd ccmipnrnllvi'ty few loin rcaehed n hlihor ;
URiiro than J..i.i. ! That wnit n jinptilnr price , mid
from t ; 2i ) to M2" took the creator part nf lhi >
SO.OiH ) liora tinynnU contiilnml , The receipt *
wenC.OiW head lens tlian for last Monday , but
there were rnnuRh IIOKH to meet nil ilnnintidH ,
for thenWHS nut much Inclination to buy on
the part of packet * , nnd Milppln orderH were
not urRont. However , iiliout nil the boss weic
sold ntnl the close wni fairly toiidy.
Cloocl to choice Hheep were pihibUat steady
nrleeg. ' Poor nnd common were dull and lower.
'JlurecelplH were llbeiiil and the demand byte
10,00(1 ( bond : calve * . 15J head ;
. leep , 13.WW head.
, . Jiiurnnl repnrli :
-lleeelpts , 16,000 bend : In fnlr deinnml
steady as compared with the rinse nf
.Wr.rl , < .i.j"'l'jn.p00i" , . < . ' .xira. . ' " > "
Ncir York Mvo Stuck Aliirlirt.
M- , Mny J " "HVHS-Ilecclpt * . two
4.000 head : market active ; shade stronger.
ftSrn > , ! 'rl"le' I.fW I.BJ't ; fnlr to
.45 : ordinary to medium , $4.10fi I.2S : con 1
Jnflj'nnlVrHrlor > 3-"JN.OO : BtnKa and oxen ,
* oft MI ? ? ' V"lls' "imon to choice. 2.uOi.1.n.- .
i ( ii ! i iAI.n , ' MI'S-Mnrki-t ' firm : recilpm.
- nSV lnlllurM " ' " -PP. Poor tn prim. . . W.C3
, ,
W- -
. n-
Wn , clipped , poor to prlmr > , $ ,1.37 > . TI.OJ : un-
iy''aillnKH' common to choice , ll.Mfir , SO ;
Slonx City LUo Stock Miirkot.
SIOUX C1TV. Mav 7.-ItoaS-leeelpts , 700
CATTL-Hecelpl ] , 300 head ; shipments , 1.212
' - > "d : feeder J2.COtf3.COi
Stork In Sight.
" ' 0 f ° UP 1" ' "
South Omaha .
Clilcapo. . . 1(1,000 ( Sfiioui ) lfi',000
KanaaHCIty . 2,000 3,100 1,000
StLoulH . -2,400 2,500 GOO
Totals . . . g3'JS3 113,335 T''JOO
St. Louis ( Jem-nil .llnrltot.
ST. LOUI.S , Mny 7.-l-'LOUn-Wcak. quiet , un-
WIIKAT Cionernlly benrlbh news from all
quarters , clo.-ied Hie below Saiunl.iy's asking
Price. No. 2 red , rash , C3)4c ) ; May. 62Uc ; July.
545f54 ic : AuRilst. 5.-.fc. ,
COItNVeak on weather news , but was also
dead dull. The close was ? ic off. No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Weak , lower. Xo. 2 cash. ; % : May ,
3Jie ; July , 2SUc ; Aim-list , 24c.
' { J'T" * ' 0 lll(1 "W'ar ' for .Xo. 2 ,
JIAHLKV-JJo tindlnt ; .
11UA.V No spot on hand.
KLAXSKi : ! ) Nominal , J1.22.
HAY Active , stranger , lilK > it-r for best nrfer-
inBi ; . Timothy , prime to strictly choice , $ u.COj )
IIUTTEII I iwer : separator creamery , 13ffl5c ;
choice dairy. ISffllc.
KPKLTKU Dull nt J3.25.
COUN JIEAL-I.952.00. , .
K9rj.ON " ' 'IKS-l'nehanBeiJ at 35c ? 1.00.
HAGniNO rnrlianced nt UV-iffCc.
I'ltp VISIONS Weak : tendency downward , ex
cept lard , higher. 1'orlt , " standard mesH , jobbing ;
Ju.hT'.j. I ard , prime to choice steam , J7.30J7) )
7.42V4 bid. Dry salt meats , loofe shouldorB.
J6.12V ; lonss and ribs , J0.63 : shorts. J0.70. llaeon ,
packed shoulders , J7 ; longs , J7.121ribs : , J7.23 ;
uhorts , J7.37 > 5.
KECfilPTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 5,000
mL-c ° r1' 13-9 ° ° lluoats ! - 29o ' '
SHIPMENTS Klour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1000
bu. ; corn , 74,000 bu. ; oats. 13,000 bu.
Coffee JMnrliet.
NEW YORK , May 7. COKFKB Oiitlona opened
Eenerally hlKher , luled quiet , but firm on email
orrerlnss , otherwise featureless. Closed dull nt
615 points net advance. Hales. 4,750 bass , Incliid-
! ' -"LMny " ' ? 15-3I ) : lllll < ' at * 15- " ° : J ly. 113.15 ®
lj.20 ; September , JH.65jjn4.CO. Spot , steady ; No.
7. J1C.23 ; mild , quiet : Cordova , JID.'JSID.G ) : sales ,
COO bagH AKUBS. $15.75. dellverleH
Saturday , 5,440 bags : New York stock today ,
103,450 bags ; stock In the United States , 231 453
bags : afloat for thu United States , ' 200,000 buirs-
total visible supply available for Ihe United
Mates , 431,453 bags ngulnst 399,382 bans last
Hlb DE JANRIIIO , Mny 7. Market steady ,
quiet j quotations nominal ; axcliiuigt1 , 9\d ; ic-
caltitB , 3.000 bnis ; stock , 101,000 baj-s.
AVeekly rejiort : Quiet ; No. 7. exchange stand
ard , per 10 kilos , no quotation : uxcliaiiKe , IP ; , ! .
llecelpts diirlnff the week , 28,030 bags ; DhlpmentH
to the United States , 13,000 bags ; stock , 101 , 0V )
SANTOS , May 7. Quiet ; quotations nominal ;
receipts. 1.000 bags ; stock , 27.000 bans.
Weekly report : Quiet ; Rood average , per 10
kilos , no quotations. Receipts durlmt the week
8,500 bugs ; shliunents to the United States 3 000
bacs ; stock. 27,000 bags.
HAMllt'UO , May 7.-DIH1 ; sales , 14,000 bags :
prices unchanged , U pfg. lower.
J W , ° , N' . . * ' " > ' T.-Qulet : prices 3d higher.
IIAVItB. Mny 7. Dull ; sales , 11,000 bags ; nrlces
unchanged to ' .if lower.
Cotton Market.
Irregular ; sales , spot , 2.000 bales ; to arrive , 10)
bales ; exports. 163 bales ; constwlse. 130,213 balrs ;
Mny , J6.CO bid ; June. $ ( i.CO fO.C7 ; .luly , JC.72 } ) '
7,00 ; August , } 6.720.73 ; October. J7.43&7.44 ; No-
vem.bcr. J7.67 ; December , Jti.S34JO.80 ; January ,
J6.91 bid.
ST. LOUIS , Mny 7-COTTON Quiet ; middling ,
7Hc ; sales , lOU bales ; receipts , MO bales ; Bhln-
mcnlB , 1,100 bales ; stock , 41,4W ( bales.
bales ; exports , 356 bnleu ; snles , none ; stock ,
30,070 bales : middling , C 13-Ce ] : easier ,
Duliitli ( irain Mnrkrt.
DULUTII , May 7-WHEAT-AYeak : No. 1
bnrd , cash , ( WT4c ; Mny , GOTie ; .luly , OlTjcNo. ; .
1 northein , cash. 6Sc : May , 69T4o ; Julv. C-ntc ) ;
September , COc ; No. 2 northern , cash. 50c ; No.
3 , Wiic ; rejected , 45c. On Hack : No. 1 north
ern , ID arrive , C0c.
RYE 43e.
OATS No. 2. 33Wo : No. 3 white. 33c.
Car Inspection today : > Vlicnt. 8.
SHI P.M ENTS Wheat. 07.743 bu.
NEW YORK. Mny 7. SUfiAR-Rnw , steady ;
fnlr refining. 27-lCo ; centrifugal , 90 test , 7'ic ' ;
sales , 1.763 bags centrifugals , 'JO test , nt IlreaU-
wntcr , nt 24c. c. I. f. ; 1,000 bags to nrrivo nt
2Ttc , c. I , f. ; 3G55 bngs molnsses , 89 test , nt
2 3-16c. c. I. f. , nnd 275 tons Muscovado , S ! ) test ,
nt 2 7-lCq ex ship. Itcllned market quiet , but
LONDON , Mny 7. StTOAIl I'nne. stendy ; cen
trifugal Java , 3d ; fnlr n-flnlne , 12.-1 3d.
Uool .llarkct.
ST. LOUIS , Mny 7. WOOI/ Weaker , but not
quotably changed ,
IClgl-i HiilliT 'Mnrliet.
KI.QIN. 111. , May 7-IlUTTER-Weak ; ules ,
33,900 Ibs. at ICc.
DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
JIulfniHtKln Ciisn UritKKlnu Its Slow Length
TliroilKli the Court of Aipi-ulH |
The celebrated casa of John I1. llelfeiiBteln
and otliers ngaltiBt Abraham L. Heed and
others , which Involves mncli valiiablo pro
perty In Hccd'iJ fourth addition to the city
of Omaha , came bcforo tlm United Stales
court of appeals In St. Paul yesterday. The
case was presented by Upton McYonnjs of
St. Louis and OeorRO W. Covell of Omalia ,
appearing for the , IIulfen teln lielrs , while
William O. Deckel and H. S. Hall of Omaha
appeared for the Heed holra. O. W. Covell
presented the cano ami made tlio argument.
Tlio question Involved was , ailmlttliiK that
llelfenstuln hml been the undliiputed owner
of ono-lialf of the property In question , had
ho by limitations and latches lost
Ills right to tlio property ? This now uwnlts
the decision of tlio court. It Is expcoleil
that the decision In the matter will bo
handed down within a week or ten days.
This suit was brought some years ago by
John P. Ilelfenstolti of St. Louis , who filed
a petition In tlio federal court , alleging that
ho was the owner of all of that portion of
land In tills city bounded by Nicholas.Htrcet
on Uio uouth , Locust on tlio mirtti , SU-
tfenlit en the cast nml Twenty-fourth Mrn
rli tlio WeM He claimed title tnulcr n
sheriff ilflcil cxr-mlo'l by i-x Sheriff North
sonic thirty years ago. Thi < deed \v
never recutdcil until n shott time prior tn
the brltiRlDR of the suit. About the tlino
of tlit- calling of the case for Iloircn-
ateln died , nml the old milt wns dismissed ,
to bo revived at n Inter dalu by Ills heirs
In the United States court In MlntiRKOta.
llo IHsciiMCK mid ComiurM Methods of
. .School Tt'iielilnp ; .
Some 300 of the Omalia teachers gathered
at the High dchool building yesterday after
noon to hear Dr. J. M. Hire discuss the
comparison between the aermnu nnd the
American methods of Instruction , more espe
cially that branch pertaining to recitations.
Kccllntlonn the doctor classified as scien
tific and unscientific In America the latter
obtained ; In Oerin.iny Iho former. With the
text book for n guldo thu American teacher
too often heard n lesson rather than gave II ;
lee much text book nnd too llttlo deduction
of facts from his elemrntal knowledge of
things was what the present American youth
was suffering from. The scletitlllc method
pursued by the Germans WAS acijnlrcd only
by patience and study ; It possessed three In-
dlspenslblo elements of success , namely , lilm ,
development nnd drill. Many lessons given
by teachers In this country possessed one or
two , but rarely were the three
found united. To Illustrate his point ,
the lecturer gave a verbatim report of n
series of lessons In mathematical geography.
The pupils as well ns the teachers were
aware of the nlm of these lessons. Klrst
came a review of some previously acquired
knowledge necessary to progress on the
desired line ; Ihen qiiesllon nnd answer by
teacher and pupils , nil tlio questions tending
toward an advancement of Information on
the subject ; Information leculved rather
from the thought power within the pupil
than front nny statement mndo by the
tt-anher. Tims from one lesson to another ,
the nlm always In view , was developed ono
branch of u dlllk-nlt subject ; the lesson hav
ing reached this stngo , n drill or recapitu
lation of the necessary nnd salient points
was glwn nnd each pupil wrote down the
facts acquired In a book , which ho could
refer to , no text book being used.
Hcplylng to questions , the speaker stated
that the averngo age of the pupils In Iho
class wns 12 years ; that the recital Ion oc
cupied forty-live minutes : that a recess of
as many minutes followed ; then n shorter
lesson , followed also by recess , nnd so on ,
making only three recitations In a morning
and each recitation followed by a reiess. :
The superiority of the ( termnii methods
of Instruction the speaker ascribed In a
measure to the preparatory training , which
required a course of eight years In a pub
lic school , three years In a normal school
and two years of practice In teaching under
trained Instructors before a license lo teach
was granted. Concluding , the doctor de
clared that lie had no Idea of decrying Amer
ican schools , for ho found In them many
admirable and unexcelled qualities - the
spirit of sympathy , \vlvlch ho failed to see
In German schools , being quiteconspicu
ous. The language work , also , was better ,
and It was only In the hope that a reform In
the way of teaching BOIIIO subjects would
bring about a relative excellence to the Ger
man schools that the comparisons were
the brief lecture being over , Mr. KHz-
Patrick thanked the teachers for their at
tention and made a very telling addenda to
the matter of the lecture , to-wlt : That
any suggestion of Improvement , to be valu
able , must be assimilated In such a way
that It would bear fruit , even If It be on
lines totally unlike those Intended.
The lecture created n good deal of com
ment among the teachers , ami was consid
ered valuable , ns It awakened thought and
provoked discussion on the "vl'nl ' subject of
ways and menus.
t > -
n'KA Til I ! 1C t-'OUK V. t S T.
1'uii- nmlVnrmer Kxccpt In Kxtrcino .South
c-iiKt Part of NeliniBlui.
WASHINGTON , May 7. The Indications
for Tuesday are :
For Nebraska Fair ; warmer , except
slightly cooler In the extreme southeast
portion ; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair ; cooler In the extreme
southeast portion ; cooler in the southern
portion ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; variable
For Kansas Generally fair ; 'variable
For Missouri Fair , except showers In the
southern portion ; cooler In the southern
portion ; variable winds.
'l.oeul Hcroril.
May 7. Omalia record of temperature and
ralnfaUcomp\roil : with corresponding il.iy of
past four years :
1804 , 1803. 1802. 1891.
Maximum temperature 74 = u:1 58 = 73 =
Minimum temperature. DG = 40 = 41 = 48 =
Averaao temperature. . 05 = r > ' 2 = 50 = 00 =
Precipitation 01 T .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at , Omaha for the
day and slnco March 1 , 1SU4 :
Normal temperature 00 =
E.VCPSS for the any i ! =
Exci'ssslneoMiirch 1 3124O
Normal preulnltatlnn 14 Inch
Dollvlonuy for the ility 13 Inch
Uelliiloncy hlnco March 1 2.11 Incite ! .
Koports from Oilier Stnttonti at 8 1 * . M.
"T" Indlcati'H tracn.
QEOUOK K. HUNT , Local Forccant Oniclal.
Dully ICIvor liiillotln.
The United Slates signal station In tilts
city makes the following report upon the
stage of water in the Missouri river :
t Kill I.
Iocal forrast for II hours :
Hlvei- will fall.
, UKOUOR K. HUNT. Local Forecast Official.
Cheap excursion , Saratoga and return , on
occasion of the 1'rcnbylcrlan general assem
bly muetliiK , Al y ! ? lo 20 Inclusive. T.tko
ono of Iho fast through trains on the Nickel
Plate road , leaving Chicago dally. Depot
corner Clark and 12th nlrecls. City ticket
olllce 199 Clark streel , Chicago.
Dfilrffiitritfi Hut l.enjnc.
The members of the Colored Hepuhllc.iii
cltili held an enthusiastic meeting1 last night
und elected the following named delegates
to Hid State League of Republican Clubs ,
which convenes In Lincoln on June 12 ; A. A.
Jones , 0. K. Duncan , II. K. Curry , W. It.
Gamble , V. It. Karnett. A. H. Willis , I ) . Hell ,
C. II. Pratt , J. II. Henderson and N. 11.
l ) \Vltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
Presbyterian general assembly at Sara
toga. N. Y- . May 17. Delegates to this as
sembly will consider their Interest by tak
ing one of the fa tit through trains on the
Nickel Plate road from Chicago. Klegant
buftot sleeping cur a on all through trains.
Depot Clark and 12th streets. City tlclti-t
olllcu 1'J'J Clark street , Chicago.
Ono of the Most Uniqiu of 1'oiigroMlunt.l '
Otmvr.s.08 Nov. ' Untlor Way ,
Opponent * of tint J > ome\\liit :
Kentucky Colonel l'r < > | > u o to Knock
Him 4)ul of the ItliiKA lllow
from J'rvit unit I'ulidl ,
FHAN'KKOUT , Ky. . May 7.-IIon. W. 0.
Owen opened his rnmpnlin ; for congress In
Iho Seventh district itgnliut MrccklnrldRO
here nt 2 o'clock this ntlcrnnon. The
Owens club wns organized nnd elected n
president , nnd will prcpara for work In
earnest. There I * u lurrio crowd In town
and snrerliM will be made by ex-Governor
J. Proctor Knelt , Hon. James Andruw Scott
and others who nro strong Owens men.
PAULS , Ky. , May 7.--There la an ( mmenso
crowd In town today to lu-nr the onenlitf ?
speeches In the CMiigresHlnnal lumpalKn.
Itrccklnrldge says that he would not dlv-
vldo time with either of his opposing candi
dates , but Sol tie arrived nnd has forced
Hroehlm-ldfio to ngn-e to a division. Speak
ing began at 2 o'clock.
1AJIJISV1M.IMny 7.--The Courier-Jour
nal deol.ires llrccklnrldge should bo
beaten for re-election. The paper says !
"Tho situation In the Ashland district , un
fortunate as It Is miprucodented , makes It
Imperative that every Journal which has the
good of the party at heart , which cherishes
the honor of Its state and which appreciates
Its obligation to society , shall protest with
all Its power against Iho re-election to congress -
gross of Colonel \V. 11. P. BrreklnrldKC.V0
do not iindoiT.ito what he has done for liU
parly and the cause of tartrt reform In the
past. Hut even If his ability for future use
fulness has not hern destroyed by Hie miser
able Feandnl which has darkened his name
the party cannot afford to accept his services
nt the price It would bo forced to pay. It U
Idle to attempt to obicurc the Issue with
sophistical distinction between Colonel
Uri'cklnrldge's public nnd private life. Tim
ease has gone far beyond the possibility of
that. The question simply Is , do the pcoplu
of Kentucky propose to send us a representa
tive 'o ' congress the man whom Cclunel
DrrrklnrldKi' confessed himself to be li : his
testimony before n Washington jury ? Ita \
a < | Upstlon which transcends the limits of
the Ashland district and of Kentucky llself.
It 1st a question In which the people of the
cntlro nation are deeply Interested. That
part oC his speech de'voted to the scandal In
which ho has figured were better passed
over In pity. It Is a strange exhibition of
marvelous effrontery , wretched taste nnd
mentally and morally oblique casuistry. "
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
This extraordinary
ordinary lie- Ulzzincig
Juvcnator Is
Falling Ben-
the -
wonderful ,
CUB twitching
discovery of
nf Uio cyei
the .
and other
dorsed by the pa is. . !
Icadlngscleit- Strengthens,1
tlflo mcu of In vlK'oratca
Europe nnd and tones the
America. I'li'lrotyitPin.
Kudyan Is Ilinlrnn cured
VCS ° Debility ,
able : Nervousnefp ,
Hudan ) stops I'.inlsulons , '
Prematureness anddcvclopta
nnd restores
of the ills- '
went .
charge In 20 organs.
1'jlns in Iho
days. Cures
tuck lopst'i
LOST by day or
MANHOOD nlglitstoppcd
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
I'reinutureiK'Ha means Inipotency In tin
Unit HtiiKe. It Is a symptom of seminal
weiiUnes.s nnd barrenness. Jt can bo
stopped In W duyH by the use of Iludyiin.
he new discovery wns inntlc by the spec
of the old famous Hudson Medical
Institute. It IH the HtronifCMt vitalize ?
maile. It Is vrry powerful , but harmless.
Sold for $1.00 a package or six pncknuen
for $5.00 ( plain Healed boxes ) . Written
guarantee Riven for cure. If you buy
six boxes and nro not entirely cured , six
more will be Hont to you free of all chnruea.
Send for circulars and testimonial ) ! . Addrens
lOi2 : Mai-hot St. San Friinolsoo ,
Cures when )
all ( itlii'r l-nr-
saparlllan fall.
A p o a 111 v o
irimrantuu In
c'ucli packnye.
No l/eiidllt , no
pay. Tor the
hloiniich , I'inv-
< > ls , liver , Mil-
noys. IUTVCH ,
In-art , and all
blood lUscuscH , If IUIH no equal
lr. T. U. fcxlon , u Nnbi-iiNlm nliyslclun
of "SyuitrK * prnotlce , biiyh : I bollovo it to
bo far superior to any pieparallon 1
Unow of.
Dr. C'luiB. M Hnilth of Kow York , Hay :
UN tliUKruikluht blood mid ncrvurcini.'dy
of HID auii.
Itov. ( li'o. M. Ilrnwn , former pastor of thu
Jliins-oni Park Cliiirrii of Ornulia baynln
the "Clitiutaiiijiiii lilca , " edited by him :
"I-'or hlnoil , Btomucli , kliliu-y anil nil Ifln *
ilrod diseases. It nrcoii.illhlicH | curctt that
border nn the. mlrauulotii"
Mr Mary A. lllli'hcock , Stud ) I'rosldont
of lliiV. . (1 T. IJ .says : t'uii-s nru olJX-ct-
i-d wlicro patlentH liuvu apparently ( fouo
beyond medical Hklll.
Hold by all druggists. Manufactured by the
Grant Sarsaparilla Co , ,
' 8
Hplomllil C'lmtlvonscnt for N'rvoiiiorBlck
lIuudiioliM , llrnlii lUliuutlaii , HIiAlileifiuM ,
'mSUin , ° floul',0Kiduer"lw"A | r , AolJ l i §
I | , lu. Anu-rnln. Aiili'lotn Jot Akxhouo
IDI S. W llirn/v" " . r.HIMSO
Vor aalo ly all drueelsta.
Commission Merchant
Private wlreH to ChlcuBo and Kew Yoik. All
H oidvra placed on ClilcuK" Hourd at
Conospondenco Kollcltt-d ,
Office , IIKIIII 4 , .Now York Llfo
Ttlcpliuuu UOt.