2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEU TUESDAY. MAST 8. 189'i. STUDENTS' ' ZEAL TOO GREAT light Against Btalo University Orator HoMullcn Becoming Serious , ALL OVER THE ORATORICAL CONTEST Urnft Extracted from tlio Mnil mill Ap propriated Arrrt Mkrly lei Ho * Made Anlnmtril Scenes nt the College. LINCOLN , May 7" ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) The controversy over the orator ical contest at the State university 1ms got beyond n sqtiabblo In collegiate politics and assumed n most serious phase. An Investi gation was started this afternoon , at the end of which wilt bo the arrest of ono or moro parties , presumably university students , on two serious charges , one being for robbing the United States mails and the other for forgery. The State Oratorical association pays the expenses of the Nebraska representative to the Interstate contest. This year Urn asso ciation treasury Is empty nnd McMullen's opponents boasted that they would prevent his. trip to Indianapolis by hook or crook. In his anxiety McMullcn wrote to his father nt Beatrice for the money necessary to pay his expenses to Indianapolis. Ho received no response and Saturday.wrote ngaln. This morning his father wrote him a letter in which ho stated that $30 had been sent In a previous letter ; that It had been sent In the form of a draft ; that the draft had been cashed at the German National bank at Lin coln nnd returned to the bank of Issue at Wymore. , . . < r An examination of the draft showed that It had been endorsed with the name of Adam McMuIlen In lead pencil. McMullen , sr. , pronounced the lead pencil plgnaturo a for gery at once. The letter to McMullen was addressed In care of the State university nnd was delivered to that Institution and placed In the regular receptacle where nil students had access to It. Student McMullon declares that ho never received the drafter or the letter and never know that either had been sent him until so informed by his father In n second letter. Ho declares fur ther that he was never In the Herman National bank In his life. The bank teller who cashed the draft with the forged en dorsement states that ho believes ho can Identify the person who cashed the draft. The university faculty has been In secret session since G o'clock this afternoon. The controversy over McMullon's alleged conduct In concctlon with the oratorical con test , by which ho becomes the stale's rep resentative In the Interstate oratorical con test , was taken up by the students tills afternoon In ono of the most exciting and turbulent mass meetings ever held In Urn his tory of the university , nearly 1,000 students crowding Into the chapel to cither partici pate In the meeting or to listen to the Inter esting developments promised. Williams presided and Jones acted as secretary. A riot was almost precipitated by Flsner , one of the editors of the Ifcsperlan , who offered > h& following resolutions : JIESOLUTIONS THAT MADE THE ROW. In so far ns late developments In connec tion with the recent local oratorical contest tind ns the contest throws the students of the University of Nebraska in bad ippute before the public , nnd since long continued Hllencc on the part of the students would ieom to Indicate that they do not condemn the action of Adam McMullen , In that he is known to have offered money on two ocasslona to men of more than ordinary ability as writers. In return for which they were to furnish him an orntlon which would win first , place In thev local oratorical const - st of thu university * ami which would , or presumably would have been used in the Btato oratorical contest ; therefore , be It IlePolved , That we , 'the students ot the TJnlvcrally of Nebraska , In convention as sembled , * do now , openly and publicly , con- demn'8Uch action on the. part of the afore- Bald McMullen , deeming It an Injustice to those who entered life contest In good faith nnd an Imposition upon the students In gen- , cral ; and be It further Resolved , That , although his attempts to Becure an oration In these two cases seem to Jiave been successful , yet. In view of the facts , nnd furthermore , slnce-a prominent attorney of Lincoln ppenly acknowledses in a leading dally newspaper of our city that the oration , "Jtlalnn- the Man , " was devel oped under his eye , serving to show that the above named oration was not wholly , If not all , his own production ; we hereby request that Adam McMullcn be not allowed to represent us and the stateof Nebraska nt the coming Interstate oratorical contest to be held at Indianapolis , Ind. ; and be It Hcsolved , That copies of these resolutions bo submitted to the chancellor nnd the fac ulty of the University of Nebraska nnd the [ NUMBER 9. Send or brlns FOUR coupons anil ten cents In coin to Uils ofllco and recelvti tlio llth mrl of Ilils Mtperh woik tlm cloiT of the War loHUby thu lending Kimr-raln on both nldo % . JIAONII'IUHNTIA' II.LUSTKATUU. SERIES NO. II. DICTIONARY. Only Ihiitnirubcirot foboj * oorroipa1 . | IKllh ; tlio orle number ot the coupons presented will bo doll vuroJ. Sunday and Thros Weak-Jay coupons , with 13 cunts In oln , l buy ouo inrt ot Thu Amorlo.in EnuyclnpoJIq Dic tionary. Srind or brln ? to I'ru Bco Onice. Mall should bo aadrtmari to DICTIONARY DEPARTMENT SERIES 3 , May 8 , 1S94. Briiiff 0 Coupons with 33 conU , on If Bcntby mull wlthrt ) oonts in coin ( no stamps uccoptod. ) Ho surato state tlio number of the work ileslroJU Send only once tu 3 weeks , us books are pub- Address Ouiu/iu Hoa president of the Interstate oratorical con test. test.ADOPTKD THE HRSOLUTIONS. The resolutions were adopted alter a hot fight.McMullcn McMullcn was represented by a son of JudRQ Strode , a prnctlclnR attorney at the Inncnnter county bar , although still a ntudent ot the university. A strenuous effort waa made by the students to prevent htm from appearing , but the sense of fair play finally overcame the opposition. Weaver of Falls City , a son of ex-Congressman Weaver , also made an eloquent speech , On the other aide two letters were pro duced , one from Walt Maxon ot Ilcatrlco nnd the other from Will Ovrcn Jones of this city , the former claiming thnt McMullen had ap plied to him , and the latter that he had ap plied to Blatby of the Lincoln Journal , offerIng - Ing money for an oration to bo delivered by a friend. Attorney Strode refused to permit McMullen to make any defense before the student body , saying that the defense would bo mndo before the faculty at the proper time. The resolutions were- finally adopted after the battle had waged with tierce intensity for more than three hours , the vote standing 319 to 150 , many students declining lo vote. The meetlnit was the most bitter ever held In the university. During Its progress hundreds of students were on their feet de manding recognition. Charges and counter charges flew across the hall and many per sonal encounters were narrowly averted. Nothing In the history of the university has so shaken the Institution to Its foundation as the present controversy. OUAVKLBY'S SECOND TRIAL. Qroen Graveley , a colored man , was ar raigned for trial before Judge Strode today on Iho charge of murder In the first degree. Gr.iveley's victim was the notorious Clinrllo Thomas. Had blood existed between the two men and Thomas accused Graveley of InsultIng - Ing his wlfo. The two met In the billiard room over Ivlson's saloon about 1 o'clock In the morning of May 29 , 1S92 , and utter a few words Qravoloy drew a revolver and shot Thomas dead. Graveley was convicted of murder In the second degree and sentenced to fifteen years In the penitentiary. The supreme court a fe\v weeks ago granted him a now trial on the ground thai the lower court erred In In structing the Jury that the burden of proof rested upon the defense to show self-defense. M. P. Unruh , a saloon keeper of Steele City , Jefferson county , was arrested here today upon a warrant sworn out by S. Scllgsohn of this city on the charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses. Sellgsohn sold Unruh a bill of wet goods upon the lattcr's repre sentation that he was financially well fixed. Unruh Is endeavoring to compromise the matter. I. M. Haymond , a well known wholesale grocer of Lincoln today formally announced himself as a candidate for the republican nomination for governor. "Two horses belonging to Steven Myers at Fair and Twenty-sixth streets were stolen before his eyes. The horses were picketed In front of the house. Two rough looking men came up , and beforn Myers realized whit they .were doing they had cut the lariat ropes and Tode off at a gallop. The sheriff and several deputies are In pursuit. Prominent Inillun Miirrled. HAY SPRINGS , Neb. , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Deo. ) This was a gala day In the history of Pine Ridge agency , the event being the marriage of Chief Yellow Dlrd and Julian Ecoffcy , two prominent Sioux Indians. The affair was elaborately cele brated by the Sioux generally. The ca-re- mcny was unique , being a blending of the old-time Sioux and civilized customs , mak ing' It very romantic and yet impressive. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Snivcly in the Episcopalian chapel at noon In the presence : of a vast throng of Sioux attired In all conccivablo manner of dress nnd composed of all clabtcs In matter of civi lization. The bride and groom were taste fully dressed in costumes that would do credit to the metropolis of fashion. The wedding presents Included everything from a dog up to a herd of ponies. After the. marriage the remainder of the day was spent In a great feast that had been ar ranged , In anticipation of the event. Doth parties arc wealthy , Yellow Ulrd being ono of Uio post traders and great counsellors among the Sioux. Alleged Iforgnr In tha Tolls. DEATRICE , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) Allen Alford , the young man who about a week ago forged checks to the nmount of $75 , using the firm name of his employer , Kilpatrick Dros. & Co. , was ar rested today nnd his bond fixed at $1,000. Alford will remain In Jail until court con- voncs. > Two divorces were granted1 In'dlstrlct court today , one to Abraham Lucas from Nelllo Lucas for desertion , and the other .to Julia Duttorfield from .William Dutterfleld for drunkenness and failure to support. The annual state convention of the Epworth league convenes In this city tomorrow after noon , continuing until Thursday evening. Many delegates nnd officers are already In the city and entertainment Is asked for 250 vis itors. The program includes some of the best talent In the state. Wuvorly 1'cople Kntertitlned. WAVERLY , Neb. , May 7. ( Special Tele gram to The Dee. ) The opera house was crowded this evening to hear the Adelphlan quartet. The entertainment was under the auspices of the Waverly cornet band. They were assisted by Miss Lillian Chase , soprano soloist and reader , and Miss Ella Glvens of Lincoln , pianist , who has baen substituted for the season In place of Miss Ethelyn King , owing to the latter's Illness. Rounds of ap plause greeted every appearance upon the stage. The village board of trustees met this evening and appointed the following officers : Marshal , Charles Kroson ; clerk , J. G. Ellen- wood ; treasurer. T. J. Bealo. Ordinances were also passed regulating the sale of liquor by the druggists and fixing the fine for violation at $200. Keurnoy ( S. A. It. Mimilicr-t Kntliuslnstlc. KEARNEY. Neb. . May 7. ( Special Tele gram to The Dee. ) Commander Church IIowo spoke to a largo and enthusiastic audlcnco at the opera house tonight. lie urged all old veterans who had never Joined the ( .rand Army of the Republic to como into the fold , lie dwelt largely upon the work ot the democratic party and Its atti tude toward the old boltllers and the pension policy In particular. The old soldiers who had strayed from the republican ranks wore shown what they had helped to do and made ashamed ot their course. He made many 10- publlcan votes. _ I'nlrburjr I'rtsonrr Kncnpcs. FAIRnUIlY , Neb. , May 7. ( Special Telegram - gram to The DOB. ) Simon Pearce broke Jail again last night mid escaped from the sheriffs care. He was returned to the JMI a few days ago. having cut his way out. This men nine the blicrlff found the cell and outer doors all locked and his prisoner miss ing. Evidently outside parties have dupli cate keys to the Jail and helped him out. t city 1'nthnru Organize. EWING , Neb. , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Hee. ) The new village board organ ized this evening , elcctlug J. A. Trommel s- hausscr chairman. A. A. Ego clerk ami E. S. Gllmour treasurer. A remonstrance bo- Intt presented agnlnst the Issuance of saloon license the board adjourned to meat next Saturday night , when the same will be con sidered. Itcptihllrun Stutn C'ommlttoo. LINCOLN , May C. The republican state central committee Is called to meet at tha Mlllard hotel , Omaha , Tuesday , May 22 , at 8 o'clock p. m. A full utTendance Is iloslrcd , as the time and place for holding the next state conven tionlll bo at that time decided upon. 11HAD D. SLAUGHTER. Chairman. Wfullhy rurinor Killed , OXFORD. Neb. . May 7 , ( Special Telegram to The Deo. ) Today John Scha'.ble , a wealthy farmer , received Injuries In a runaway which caused death In six hours. While driving a spirited team the front end gate of the wagon camu out and Sclmlblo slipped under the horses and was draggaJ two blocks. Ho did not regain consciousness. Hum und lloryea llurnuil. NORTH HENU , Neb. , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Uee. ) The barn of John Slater was consumed by ( Ire yesterday while tuo family wore at church. Three work horses were also burned. Loss , $500. WAS PRINCIPALLY HOME RUNS Yesterday's Gnmo More Notable for Heavy Batting Tlmn Anything Eleo. JACKSONVILLE" WEAK AT PITCHING Ilurrli Wnn Ifnmmoroil HlRii nnd r.ow All Afternoon , Whllo linxonilnlo W.is Invlncllilo Till ( ho ( Inino Wns Well In Hand-Other Score * . Ornnlm , 29 ; Jacksonville , 10. Hock IsUnd , 10 ; Lincoln , C. Ht. Joseph , 13 ; Quliicy , 11. UCH Molnes. 7 : I'eorln , 4. Clevclund , 7 ; Chicago , I , Boston , l ; NOW York , 0. Philadelphia , 7 ; llrooklyn , 4. Clnrlnnntl , 17 ; I'iltsbunr , C. Jliilllimire , 17 ; Washington , 0. St. Lou If , 8 ; Louisville , C. Grand Hnplds , 20 : Indianapolis , 11. Toll-do , 17 ; Detroit. 7. . Minneapolis , 7 ; Milwaukee. 4. A total of sixty-two bases on clean hitting In a professional game of ball ! That Is what the Uourko family did yesterday afternoon with the shoemakers from Jacksonville. Ton homo runs In a single professional game of ball ! Omaha mndo 'em yesterday. Four homo runs by a single player In a professional game of ball ! Jack Munyun mndo 'cm yesterday afternoon , besides two doubles and flva runs. Uut that wasn't nil of it just a starter. Fear made n. brace of homers , while Scery , McVey , Wood and Moran made ono each. But to epitomize. Omaha made twenty- eight hits with a total of sixty-two bases , twcnty-nlno runs and but a single error , an excusable ono by Munyun. On the other hand the Jacksonvllles made fourteen hits with a total of twenty-six bases , ten runs and but three errors. So nil together It was a pretty lively sort of a game , and a well played ono at that. Notwithstanding these redeeming facts It was excessively tiresome , and failed to nrouse enthusiasm. The bleachers did a good deal of guying and that was all. There was too much hitting to awaken the rlslbles of the crowd , and the best a home run could do was to evoke a loud guffaw in the stands. Even homo runs became monotonous. It would require a good day's work to write n description of this wonderful after noon's work , and occupy a page In The Dee , so It Is omitted this time. Doxendalc pitched a very pretty game and once more demonstrated that ho Is a comer. The least said about Mr. Burrls the better. The score contains his full history. Hero it is : OMAHA. Totals . . .53 29 28 0 G 27 20 1 JACKSONVILLE. An. II. IB. SH. SB. PO. A. E. Lstcher , m. . Stinuss , If. . . Grotty , 2b. . . . Strothers , licit , c Dnrrah , 3b. . . Carroll , ss. . . 3 1 2 0 1 0 G 0 Burris. p 4 Herald , rf. . . ' Totals . . 30 10 14 1 1 25 15 3 Uourke out on fielder's choice. Wood out for Interfering with baseman. SCORE BY INNINGS. Omaha . 3 2 ,1 1 5 0 7 8 2 20 Jacksonville . 00210032 2 10 SUMMARY. Runs earned : Omaha , 11 ; Jax , 3. Two- base hits : Munyun , 2 ; Wood. 1 : Boxy , l , Crotty , 2 ; Belt. 2 ; Carroll , 1 ; Burrls. 1. Home runs : Munyun , 4 ; Fear , 2 ; Seery , 1 ; Moran , 1 ; McVey , 1 : Wood , 1 ; "Letcher , 1 ; Strauss , 1. Double plays : Munyun to Mc Vey , 2 ; Moran to Boyle to Rourke , 1. Base on balls : Off Basy , 3 ; off Burrls , 9. Hit by pitcher : By Burrls , 1. Struck out : By Boxy , 6 ; by Burrls , 4. Passed balls : By Belt , 2. Time of game : Two hours nnd forty minutes. Umpire : Russ Mc- Kelvey. Lincoln Lost on r.ooso Fielding. LINCOLN , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Bee , ) The Rock Island team out played Lincoln this afternoon and won an Interesting game by a score of 10 to G. Lincoln's loose Holding In the llrst Inning gave the visitors their lead. Barnes pitched his usual game , but was not sup ported nt critical points of the game. Andrews held the Llncolns down to six hits , but two of them were three-baggers nnd still another was a home run. Score : Rock Island . 30003130 10 Lincoln . 0 00031200 6 Earned runs : Rock Island , 4 ; Lincoln , 3. Errors : Rock Island , 8 ; Lincoln , 5. Hits : Rock Island , 10 ; Lincoln , G. Two-base hits : Lawrence. Three-base hits : Ebrlght , Merles , Sage , Cnntlllon. Home run : Speer. Base on balls : Oft Andrews , 3 ; oft Barnes , 4. Struck out : By Andrews , 3 ; by Barnes , 4. Batteries : For Lincoln , Barnes nnd Speer : for Rock Island , Andrews nnd Sdge. Umpire : Kent. Tlmo : Two hours. St. .Too Wins on Ilenvy Hitting. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Mny 7. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The St. Joe team batted out a victory today after Qulncy had scored eight runs In tnelr half of the Hint. Demaris. for the visitors , was knocked out of the box in the fifth Inning. McKlbben , McFarlnnd and O'Connor of the home team made home runs. Score : St. Joe . 02005202 2-13 Qulncy . 80010002 0-11 Batteries : Southard and Armstrong ; De maris , Harkness and Hurley. Base hits : St. Joe , 17 ; Qulncy , 10. Etrora : St. Joe , 7 ; Qulncy , 4. Earned runs : St. Joe , 7 ; Qulncy , 4. Two-base hits : Mohler , O'Con nor , Armstrong , 2 ; McKlbben , Harter and Thompson. Left on bases : St. Joe , 10 ; Qulncy , 12. Double , nlay : Mohler to IIol- llngsworth to McFnrland. Base on balls : Oft Southard , 3 ; Off Demails , 5. Umpire : Cllne. Time : Two hours and twenty minutes. Des Mollies Tnbes Another. DES MOINES , la. . Mny 7. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) There was but small nt- tenclnnco at the opening game of the Des Mnlnes-Peorln. series of the Western asso ciation today. Score : DCS Molnes . 2 20001200-7 Peorln . 01001002 0 1 Batteries : May turn nnd Jones ; Lyston and Tcrrlcn. Hits : Des Molnes , S ; Pcorla , 5. Errors : Des Moincs , 5 ; Peorla , 9. Um pire : Murphy. iiK of the Trnrnn. Played. Won. Lost. Pr. Ct. St. Joseph . 100.0 Omnha . 75.0 Lincoln . 75.0 Jacksonville . 4 2 2 50.0 Des Molnes . 4 2,2 50.0 Rock Island . 4 2 2 CO.O Peorla . . . . . Qulncy . NATIONAL l-KAdlU ; OAJtlCS. Commlskoy'a Men Go After the I'lrnto 1'ltrlinra with a Vunieuii n , PITTSDURG. May 7-Tlie Visitors had Jlttlo trouble In defeating- the homo team tod.iy. They knocked Nicholl nnd Gum- bcrt out of the box nnd batted Knell's de livery nil over the field. Attendance , 2,500. Score : Plttsburj , ' 1 Cincinnati 44003004 2 17' Hits : Plttsburu , 0 ; Cincinnati , 20. Er rors : PlttstmiK , 6 ; Cincinnati. 4. Earned runs : PlttsburK , 2 ; Cincinnati , 1. Two- base bits : Qlasscock , Lutlmm , Mcl'hee. Three-base hit : Hocy. Double plays : Smith , MoPhee nnd Motz ; Glnsscoclr , Bchel- beck and llecklcy. Bucrltlpe hits : Beck , ley , Ulnsscock , Schclbeck , Mcl'hee , O. Smith. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Mo- Quald. Bntterles : Nicoll , Gumbert , Knell und Sugden ; Parrotto and Vaughn. Undo l.oat'lliU Una Kiully , CLEVELAND. May 7. Alison's colts were an easy mark for the Cleveland's to day. The visitors could not lilt Young , Score : Cleveland 02410000 0 7 Chicago , . , 0 1 Hits ; Cleveland , II ; Chicago. 5. Errons : Cleveland , 0 ; Chicago , 7. Earned runs : Cleveland. 3. Struck out : By Younu , 3 ; , by McQlII , 1. Two-base hits ; Ryan , 1 Wllmot. Double plays ; wilmot to Sehrlver ; Irwln , Camp nnd Anson. Wild pitches : Young. Time : One hour nnd thirty-live minutes. Umpire : Emslle. UtUterleas Vuung and Zlnuner ; McGlll and Sehrlver. Nichols mid Ituilo Mntclieil. NEW YORK , May 7.-Two errors by Ward In the first Innlnir let In the ono run which decided the , ftUme. Score : Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 : New York . v.1,0' 0000000 0-0 Hits : Boston , G ; New York , 3. Errors Boston , 3 ! Now Ydrtf , G. First on balls OIT Nichols , o ; off Hiisle , 6. Struck out By Nlcholi , 2 ; by Ittlfflc , G. Three-base lilts Burke. Two-base hits : Sllvetts. Sncrl- flce hits ; Ix > we , Duffy , Stolen bason : Duffy 2 ; McCnrlhy , Ilnnnon. Double plnys : Ward Murphy nnd Connwr ; Connor , Davis , Bnn- non and Ryan. , , trimo ; One hour nnd thirty-live minutes' . Umpire : Lynch. Bat teries : Nichols ' nrid Ryan ; iluslo nnd Fnrrel. . , , „ Hutting In thn Ninth Won. PHILADELPHIA.May 7.-Phlladelphla made n line rally nt the bat In the ninth Inning nnd won th'e game with three earned runs. Score : < Phllndclphln. . - . . . 3 7 Brooklyn . 0 4 Hits : Phllndelphla , 17 : Brooklyn. 8. Er rors : Philadelphia , 3 ; Brooklyn , 2. Two- base hits : Thompson , Tremlway. Three- base hits : Delelmnly. Double plays : Cross Hnllman nnd Delohnnty ; Allen , Hnllman and Dclebanty. First on bulls : Oft Gnst- rlght , 5 ; oft Weyhlng , 5. Struck out : By Weyhlng , none ; by Gnstrlght , 1. Time Two hours nnd tlvo minutes. Umpire' Sla re. Batteries : Weyhlng nnd Clements Unstrlght and Klnslow. Senators Snroly Snnp. WASHINGTON , Mny 7. The Wnshlngton team pluycd a phenomenally weak game and wns beaten with ridiculous ease by Baltimore. Score : Wnshlngton . 0 00000000 0 Baltimore . 2 17 Base hits : Washington , l ; Bnltlrnoro , 18. Errors : Washington , Hi Bnltlmore , 1. Earned runs : Baltimore , 4. Two-base hits : Homier , Brodle. Double plnys : McGraw , Banner nnd Brouthers ; Jennings , Banner and Broulhers ; Brodle nnd Brouthers ; Sol- bach and Hnssninare. Struck out ! By Mul- iane , 2 ; by Horner , 1. Pnsscd bnlls : Mc- Gulre. Time : Two hours nnd fifteen min utes. Umpire : O'Rourke. Batteries : Esper , Ataul nnd McGuIre ; Horner , MUllane nnd Robinson. J.oulHvllli ) Couldn't Win , LOUISVILLE , May 7. Both Stratton nnd Breltcnstcln were hit hard today , but the St. Louis twlrler received the best sup port. Score : Louisville . 0- St. Louis . 01002311 * 8 Base hits : Louisville , 13 ; St. Louis , 14. Errors : Louisville , 5 : St. Louis , 1. Earned runs : Louisville , 4 ; St. Louis , 3. Two-bnse hits : Denny , Dowd : Double plnys : W. Brown , Richardson nnd Grim ; Miller , unas sisted. Struck out : By L. Brown , 2. Passed balls : Peltz. Time : Two hours. Umpire Swnrtwood. Batteries : Stratton and Grim ; Brcltensteln and Brown. nt tlic Trams. Played. Won. Lost. Pr. Ct. Cleveland . 12 10 2 83.3 Boston . 14 10 4 71.4 Baltimore . 14 10 4 71.4 Plttsbunr . 13 8 "G C1.5 Philadelphia . 15 9 6 60.0 St. Louis . 13 * 7 6 53.8 Cincinnati . 10 5 5 50.0 New York . 14 G 8 42.9 Brooklyn . 14 5 9 33.7 Louisville . 12 3 9 25.0 Washington . II 3 11 2L4 Chicago . 11 2 9 18.2 WKSTHIIN LKAOUK GAMKS. I.iiclt of n Pitcher Lets Detroit Out nt the Small Knd of the Horn Once Moro. DETROIT , Mny 7. It was again demon strated today that Detroit is decidedly weak In pitchers. Bain wns in the box and To ledo batted him hard and at the right time. Score : Detroit O.t0 330100 1 7 Toledo 0jl 17 Base hits : Detroit , 03 ; Toledo , 15. Errors : Detroit , 5 ; Toledo. 3 , . Earned runs : De troit. 4 ; Toledo , 6. Twb-base hits : Hatfleld , Miller , Connor , 3 ; Carrel , McGulcken , Cross , Balz. Three-base hits : Earl. Home runs : Gllks , Nllands and Carrol. Struck out : By Balz , 1 ; by Rettger , t Umpire : Sheridan. Batteries : Balz , 1Bowerman and Krelgh ; Rettger and McFarland. Grand linplds Simply Won It. GRAND RAPIDS , May 7. Batting , steal ing bases and hood" lleldlng work gave Grand Rapids another victory today. Score : Grand Rapids . . .ii. 1 26 Indlannpolis 2V 0 1 0 2 0 G 0 0-11 Base hits : Grand Rapids , 30 ; Indlnnnpo- lls , 11. Errors : Grand Rapids , 3 ; Indlnnnpo- lls , 6. Earned runs ; Grand Rapids , 16 ; In dianapolis , 4. Two-base hits : Wheeler , Wright , George , Grahrim , Gray , Mills. Phil lips. Throc-base" hlts : Wright , George. Struck out : By Wntklns. 2. Double plays : ' Wheeler to Parker ! to Cnruthers. Time : Two hours. Umpire : t Mitchell. Batteries : Watklns and Spies ; Phillips and Westlake. Hnttlng Sines the Mlllcra. MILWAUKEE. May 7. Minneapolis won today by superior work at the bat. Score : Milwaukee 01001020 0 1 Minneapolis 02111002 7 Base hits : Milwaukee , 12 ; Minneapolis , 14. Errors : Milwaukee , 1 ; Minneapolis , 2. Earned runs : Milwaukee , 2 ; Minneapolis , 5. Home runs : Werdcn. Stolen bases : Mc- Vev , cilngman. First on balls : Hulen , Luby , Hastings , Lnngsford , Roberts. Struck out : McGuIre , Neuman , Hastings. Time : Two hours. Umpire : McDonald Batteries : Lincoln nnd Burrel ; Hastings , Roberts and Clayton. Standing of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. Pr. Ct. Sioux City 9 7 2 77.8 Grand Rapids . .12 8 4 66.7 Knnsns City . . . . 11 7 4 G3.G Toledo 12 7 B 58.3 Indlannpolis 11 5 G 45.5 Minneapolis 10 3 7 30.0 Detroit . - . 11 3 8 27.3 Milwaukee 8 2 G 25.0 AROUND THIS IIA.CE TRACKS. Hob Knccbs Brought Out fora Preliminary Hearing llcforo the llcrllii Court. BERLIN , , May 7. The flrst examination of Robert F. Kneebs , the American trot ting horse owner who wns arrested Sat urday after three of his mares had been seized , and who Is charged with winning rnces by fraudulent practices , took place today. Kneebs denied the Identity of the horses. The prosecutors are the olflcers of the new Berlin Trotting club and the Ham burg Trotting club. They have had the horses photographed. The friends of Kneebs , among whom Is the well known sportsman Wooloner , have sent to the United States for funds with which to de fend the prisoner. Ball for Kneebs , If It is accepted , will amount to nt least J5.000. It Is believed the Inquiry Into the case will lost between three and live months. Juli ette Is the name of another of the horses said to belong1 to Kneebs now In the hands of the authorities. At the St. I.ouls riilr ( irounil.s. ST. LOUIS , Mny.7.-The sport at the fair grounds today was very ordinary , ithe Holds -were mostly small and the class of horses very low In quality. Twenty-live hundred speculators entertained the bookies and broke about even on the day. First race , seven furlongs : Adjuster won , Hiram Anro second , Henry. Jenkins third. Time : 1:3214. : Second race , four nnd a half furlongs : Bell Star won , Indian Girl second , Extrav agance third. Time : 58. Third race , one tnllo : Guide won , Linda second , Bellsarlus third. Time : 1:44 : % . Fourth race , six furlongs : Wckota won , Archbishop second , Cass third. Time : 1:17'A. : Fifth race , four , nnd a. half furlongvs ; Prime Minister won ' , Walter Tnlbert second , Julia third. Tlmcl 'tWi. Sixth rnce , seven , furlongs : Madden , won , ' Barefoot second. Sir' Reel third. Time ; . 1:31. : ' " Lexington Kprliigaarentlng Opened. LEXINGTON , Jay''T. ' The Kentucky as sociation spring- meeting ; begnn today with good attendnnce.'if 'Weather beautiful , and track fast. The ChlDfJfeatiire wns the Dls- tlllera stnke , worth J1.070 to the winner , First rnce , si * filMoiJKs : Gnllatln won , Shuttle second , Ln Java third. Time : l:18Vi. : Second race , 4ey6" 8lchths of n mile : Mlns .Miuno woniiliuatltlcg second , Little Wnltcr third. Time : 1:30. : Third rnce , tho/Dlstlllera * stnke , nil ngcs. $1.000 added , of VQilch $200 to second and $100 to third , inlbtjiuul n sixteenth : Lnza- rene ( G to 5) ) woto Buckwa ( even ) second , Dnrnvella 02Ho INhlrd. Time : 1:52 : % . Fourth race , nine-sixteenths of a mile : Simon W won. Bloodhound second , Buck Knight third. Time : SS\4. Fifth race , half a mile ; Prince won , Fer tile second. Myrtle third. Time : Bli ; . Sixth race , seven furlongs : Interior won , .Tlrn Henry second , Harry Weldon third. Time : 1:31V4. : I'rocnuii nt HnTthorne. HAWTHORNE , May 7. First race , half a mile : Moderlclo won. Lizzie N second , Kntrlna C third. Time ; G4. Second race , one mile : . Pat Mnlloy won , Pretender second , Wallace third. Time ; 1:50. : Third race , one mile ! McLlght won , Mockahl second , Ethel third. Time : li-ID * , . Fourth nice , seven furlongs : Enthuslnst won. Tilsit second , Uold J ust third. Time : 'Fifth rnce , six furlongs : Joe Murphy wen , Sweet Alice wecond , Monrovia third. Time ; Hebron Hey Hurt. ' HEBRON , Neb. , May 7.The 14-year-old son ot A. C. Ring was dangerously Injured Saturday by being struck with a ( ailing timber at the city mill. He la In a critical condition. GRIFFO WINS FROM MURPHY Qota the Decia'on After Eight.Hounds of Ilnnl Punching , BOTH WERE BADLY USED UP AT THE END Ono of the Hottest Alerting * of T.nto Time * 1'ultcil Off nt IloMon Miinton Abbott nnil Andy Itowrn ( ! l\o n Clumsy Inhibition , BOSTON , May 7. Tonight , In ono of the hardest fights seen hero , In a long time , Young Orlffo was declared the winner over Hilly Murphy nt the end of the eighth round. The men lost no tlnio In getting toccthor after the call. Murphy was the first to lead , landing a light ono on Orllto's nose. They came together at once in a rapid exchange , 0riffo landing his right twlco lightly on Murphy's eye. It was an oven thing to the finish. The second round was warm. Murphy let go his right again , but this tlmo the black-haired boy was too quick for him. and had put his right on Billy's stomach. It was glvo and take for the next minute , with the odds in favor of Murphy. Grlfto secured first blood , landing his left on Murphy's nose with good effect. Murphy seemed tired when the men re sponded for the third round , and Grlffo went at him with n view to finishing him. Murphy went to his knees from ! n right hander on the jaw , but was up at once nnd hot at It. Murphy managed to get In a few good ones on Qrlffo's body. GrliTo got In his left twlco In rapid succession in the fourth round , and the blood began to flow down Murphy's cheek. Grlffo was doing all the lending , while Murphy seemed content to watt. watt.Tho The fifth and sixth rounds were warm ones. Although both men landed many blows , neither of them had the strength to floor his opponent. In the seventh round Murphy got his right in on Grlffo's neck , but the blow glanced off. The eighth and last round was a trying Ono for Grlffo , but ho kept his head well and let Murphy tire himself out. Murphy had a "do or dto" expression on his face when the men were called to the center. Ho made straight for Griffo's body nnd succeeded in getting In a few hot ones , while the latter was thinking about It. He next landed his left on Grlffo's face and to many It seemed as though the big fellow was get ting careless. Ho recovered himself , however - over , and In the last few minutes , got In a few good ones on the body and a stiff one on the face. The men shook hands and the referee. Mr. Daly , gave the bout to > Grlffo amid hisses nnd cheers. The pair met In the Casino before 2,500 spectators. CLUMSY AN1 > UNSCIUNTIFIC. Meeting Hciwcon Andy ISowen nnd Stnnton Abbott , lit New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. May 7. Stanton Abbott of England and Andy Bowen of Now Orleans fought for a purse of $2,500 at the Audi torium in the presence of 4,000 people to night. The fight was for ten rounds only , at the request of Attorney General Cunning ham. The exhibition was clumsy and un scientific throughout. Abbott disappointed the spectators by the poor form he dis played throughout , though the fight was fast and furious at times. The first to the fifth round Abbott had the best of the fight ing , landing some left hand jabs with tel ling effect. Hounds five to nlno Bowen evened up matters , and In the eighth round the homo man landed a heavy right hander on the forehead and fairly knocked the Englishman down. The latter recovered quickly and delivered some left hand punches which did not do much harm. The tenth round was an exhibition of fast fight- Ing. Both men landed many blows without a single scientific ono. At the end of the tenth round the" contest was declared a draw and the purse divided between the two fighters. Cable Ilcttvccn Chlnn and Hornco. LONDON , May 7. The Commercial Cable company announces that a submarine cable has been laid and Is now open for public correspondence between Hong Kong , China , and Labaan , Borneo. I'JSUSOKAS 1-AllAGKAl'nS. Mrs. Ed Gould of Fullcrton Is visiting In the city. Sam D. Emerson of Denver is registered at the Mlllard. D. M. nnd Miss 11. A. Reynolds of Keokuk , la. , are at the Dellone. H. S. Barnes nnd W. M. Arklns of Denver of Denver are at the Mlllard. Patrick Daley of Atlantic , la. , Is In the city to attend the Hibernian convention. John B. Costello of Vail , la. , Is In the city attending the Hibernian convention. L. J. < Hulland has accepted the position of night clerk at the Merchants hotel. M. T. Scanlan of Des Molnes , a delegate to the Hibernian "convention , Is at the Dellone , State Senator MaVsh of Laramlc , Wyo , , Is In the city for a few days. Ho Is stopping at the Arcade. James M. Chrismnn , a well known mer chant of Broken Bow , accompanied by his wlfo , is stopping at the Arcade. W. W. Hail of Denver passed through the city last night on his way to attend the locomotive engineers annual convention at St. Paul. George Fonda of Council Bluffs was hero yesterday to meet other delegates on their way to the locomotive engineers convention in St. Paul this week. W. L. Brown , manager of the Savery hotel at Des Molnes , la. , was In the city last night on his way to Denver to attend the hotel keepers' convention , which is in session there this week. Congressman Weadock of Bay City , Mich. , Is at the Mlllard. This gentleman gained considerable fame by a speech In congress last winter , and he will maka a speech at the Hibernian banquet Thursday night. C. J. Hendrlcks , who has been night clerk at the Merchants for several months , has re signed and accepted n similar position at the Mlllard. Mr. Brldeharn , who has been night clerk at the Mlllard , has accepted the position of day clerk at the Paxton. George W. Vroman of North Platte was In the city yesterday ? on his way to St. Paul where ho goes to attend the railway en gineers convention. Mr. Vromnn will bo n formidable candidate for the ofllco of assist ant grand chief of the Brotherhood of Loco- motlvo Engineers. Ho Is backed by nearly every southern nnd western delegate , and would make a worthy man for the position. Ti'i'brnKkniiH nt the Hotels. At the Dellone : Hobcrt Craft. Norfolk ; n. KlmDeiman , Wayne ; U. H. Langan , H ray ton ; D. C. McKntne , Plattsmouth ; J. El. Richardson , Leigh. At the Mlllard : M. E. Fuller , Schiiylcr : A. O. TJeeBon , Lincoln I A. M. Post nnd laughter , Columbus ; S. W , Mosher , Lincoln ; I > . U. Covcll , Plalnvlew ; N. W. Wells , Schuyler. At the 1'nxton : KdwnriJ Updike nnd wife , Harvard.J. M. Mcliitosh , Sidney ! J. A. Kllroy , W. Stull , Lincoln ; Lew Robertson , [ Cearnuy ; H. L. McMcans , Grand Island ; 1C. C. Andrews , Kearney. At the Merchants : MIH. II. A. Cox , Mm. D. McNeil , Chndron ; J. 8. new , A. J. WrlKht , Teoumseh : Kd Itytin , AVynicir * : H. If. P-v.y , I'Utts , mouth ; T. U IFanell , IIani- nca : A. L. Hnmlls , W. It. Jonas , Krcmonl ; J. M. Weldon nnd wife , Wood Illver ; John Jhraniek. David City ; O , O , Snbln , Schny- er ; K. .M. Coirell ; Hebron ; Mrs , Maggie 'arroll , Thowns Campbell , Murray ; C. P. 5hur , Kearney ; J. L. Wlesmun. Lincoln. At thq A rcade Mrs. Robert Teare and Miss Teare. Auburn ; OuoigoV. . Vroman , North Platte ; W. I' . Harris , O. J. Wnlford , Greshnm ; J. M. G'hrlsman nnd wife , Ilioken How : A. L. Brloke. Wlsner ; Thomas Lynch , I ) . Mulier. T. U. MoCloud , William Jelfers , Pat McOovernV. , . K. Moran , W. It. Grace , Noith Plntte ; F. W. Buckley , StroniflburK ; H. Chase , Pender ; Mlna Srlcker , Wlsner : F. A. Patterson , Htoek- lolm ; Q. J. Stalls , Lincoln ; Charles Hyram nnd wife , Palmer ; A. M. Johnson , Curtis ; Charles WlMtlngHartwoll ; II. lluenz. Urand Island : C. Gate.A. ) . Bteinkruus and son , W. 12. Utsliop , Autfiiiit Huckutorf , i'lerccf William Plepenslork , Wayne ; K , L. Myer , Q. W. Lowe , Newport , Illlilm mill illankuU. Mrs. O. 8. Horn , who may bo found at the Pullman house , 1310 Dodge , called at Tbo Bee offlco last night with .communication addressed "To the Pcoplo ot Omaha , " In which she- sots forth that the men going to Washington with the Industrial army will need bibles and hymn books nnd ex pressing her willingness to do her shnro towards supplying the want. Shq says that Kov. Savldgo will assist nnd nska thoao will ing to contribute to report nt her residence , or leave the supplies where n wagon will cnll for them , Mrs. Horn today took to the headquarters 100 loaves ot bread nml five blankets nnd she thinks It would be n. grand thing It all the men leaving Omnim could bo supplied with a blanket. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING. Orntltmlo nt Night Hrhool Pupil * Will do on the OMU-U1 Mlmitrs. When the Board ot Education was called to order last night n huge bouquet of fra grant roses graced the desk of President Powell. The flowers wore presented to the board by the pupils of the U'odgo street night school with the following resolutions , which were adopted by the scholars at a meeting Sunday evening : Whereas , ThroiiKh the suggestion and In strumentality ot Superintendent Frunk A. Flztpatrlck the said Board of IMucatlon , In the fnll of 1S9J , cstabllshtHl what has been termed this Dodge Street night school , with Prof. J. O. NnthntiMon ns Instructor nnd Prof. Wllllnm Pnrlcer as assistant ; and Whereon , The said nchool was established for the purpose ot giving Instruction to for eign-born adults nnd such other native-born adults of foreign-born parentage who have not had the advantage of learning the Kng- llsh language ; nnd Whereas , On unld nccotmt , we , the puplH of said school , have been practically ex cluded from the regular public schools ; now therefore lie It Resolved , By the pupils of the said Dodge Street night school , tutorship of the said Prof. J. D. Nnthanson nnd usslstnnt , Prof , William Parker , we , thu said pupils , learned tind arc learning the rudiments of the Eng lish language and me learning the elements Und responsibilities of American citizen ship ; and be It further Ilesolved , We foul proud of the knowledge nnd education which we have thus acquired , nnd feel thnt with the knowledge thus no- quired we have made a beginning which we hope will result lit our being farther ad vanced , nnd ultimately make of us not only loyal , but wise and patrlouc American citi zens ; be It further Resolved , That wp hereby tender to the said Board of Education our sincere nnd hearty thanks for having made It possible for us to enjoy such advantages ; also be It Resolved , Thnt we ictiirn our thanks to Superintendent Frank A. Fltzpatrlck for his wisdom nnd foresight In pointing out the way whereby we have gained such privi leges ; and be it further Hcsolved , Thnt we hereby extend to Prof. J. D. Nathnnson nnd his assistant , Prof. William Parker , our sincere nnd tender thanks for the successful manner In which they have conducted our school nnd for the advancement which we have made In acquiring an English education. The resolutions were signed by the whole school , nnd President Powell ordered that they bo spread upon and made a part of the record of the board. The secretary made a report of the expen ditures slnco July ! „ 1S93 , which were $290,230.73 , against $203,202.55 for the pre vious year. Of this amount $170,083.13 was paid for teachers' salaries. The board now employs CO teachers , of whom 22 receive $40 per month , 2 $45 , 3 $50 , 0 $55 , 17 $ GO and 13 $05 per month. Superintendent Fltzpatrlck made a report showing the number of principals and the amount of work they had to do. He recom mended d concentration of their labors , which would result In a saving of $8,200 per year If followed out. Treasurer Bolln's report of the school funds showed that there were $111,010.52 on hand. The resignation of Miss Minnie J. Wood as principal of the Leavenworth school was accepted and Miss Agnes McDonald was elected to (111 the unexplred term. Repairs "wore ordered on tha Central school , supplies ordered purchased for the Walnut Hill annex and flags and poles or dered for the Franklin , Forest , Saratoga , Lathrop and Central Park schools. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved. That the secretary of this board be and Is hereby instructed to re quest John Latenser , formerly architect of this board , to deliver Into the hands of the secretary all plans , speclllcntlons , tracings , contracts , agreements or ouier property be longing to the Hoard of Education by vir tue of the contract nnd bond signed by said John Lntenser at the time of his employ ment by this board. The county treasurer notified the board1 that lot 13 , block 30 , Kountze Place , had been sold for taxes. It was reported that the holder of the title would surrender the same on the refunding of the purchase money , which will probably bo dono. A number of applications for Jan- Itorshlp were placed on file , as was the request of A. P. Williams for the Job of filling out diplomas. Q. E. Ootscholl , William Kern , loma Klclnfclt , Marlon Watson , Allco J. Dye , Daisy H. Scho- fleld , Abblo W. Bowen and Emma Brown applied for positions as teachers. It was recommended that the holders of applications Nos. 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 1C. 18 , 20 , 21 , 25 , 27 and 28 bo given certificates for primary nnd grammar grades. John Rudd was al lowed the contract for furnishing clocks for the new buildings , and P. E. Souderberg was allowed n payment of $1.500 on the Hickory school contract. A number of bills and claims were ordered paid nnd a special com mittee , consisting of Powell , Akin and Lowe , was Instructed to expend $1,000 on the High school , Kelloin $200 , Park $150 , Lake street $150 , to bo used In landscaping the school grounds around these buildings according to plans furnished by H. W. C. Cleveland. There was considerable discussion as to the advis ability ot this expense , owing to a lack of funds , but after deciding to only expend $500 on the High school grounds this year the resolution was adopted. The proposition to lease four lots on Druid hill near the corner of Thirty-first and Spauldlng streets for two years at $100 per year with the priv ilege of purchasing the hamo nt the expira tion of the Icnso for $3,200 was accepted. The committed on boundaries recom mended that two school census enumerators be appointed In each ward. The report was adopted and the board appointed the following men to take the census : First ward , J. R. Jlclnsky , Chris Bcrtclson ; Second end ward , Frank E. Dwornk , Joseph Percl- vnl ; Third ward , C. L. Allstadt , M. F. Singleton ; Fourth ward , A. S. Brown , Bcechor HIgby ; Fifth ward , O. F. Franklin , J. B. Bruner ; Sixth ward , J. 0. Gibson , G. E. Gibson ; Seventh ward , Frank Waterman , G. W. Sahlno ; Eighth ward , A. F. Clark , H. W. Reynolds ; Ninth ward , E. F. Seaver. A. L. Wiggins. The salary bills for April were allowed , of which nmount was $24,528.75 for teachers' pay , $2,825 for janitors , $487.43 for labor and about $6,000 for work by the Washington Slate company. A resolution by Lowe to reduce the pay of the t > uporlntondcnt of buildings from $1,800 to $1,500 was adopted. On motion by Mr. Rhodes It was decided to make n concentration of the scholars so that each teacher would have forty-two pupils Instead of thirty-seven , which would reduce the number of Instructors and make a saving of about $30,000 per year In salaries. Wednesday. May 9 , at n p. m. . was the tlmo set for the board visiting the new Hickory school nnd Accepting the same from the contractors. The following resolu tion by Tukey was udopted : Resolved. That the attorney ot the board be-instructed to take such action ns seeins ne'cessnry In eider that Hie bo.ird may be provided by the city council with iho necvut miiy funds for conducting th-s schools as per request on council January , Ikiil , niul in conformity with the Into decision of the supreme court. The Janitors of the Lruvcnworth and High schools were Instructed to permit no moro ball playing on thwo grounds on Sunday nnd tu put n stop to nil boisterous gatherings on the school propel ty at > any time , A resolution to close the schools In the middle of Juno instead ot on the last Friday of that month was adopted , thus cutting short tha usual school term two weeks. Rhodns , Banner ami Akin were appointed a committee to audit the custodian of supplies' books twice a year , nnd then the board ad journed. A A f > O lib VKIIIISK Tit. Beginning with the regular matinee Sun day next and for the week the clever Gal- hoiin Opera company will hold the boards at the Fifteenth Street theater , The opera selected for the opening performance and to run to Wednesday evening Inclusive Is Mllloeckcr'a tuneful nnd catchy "Tho Black HuHtuir. " The principals , churus , orchestra and dancers Include some fifty people , and It Is Bald they pretont thu finest produc tion over given of this beautiful opera. County Bout llloctlon Void , CIIAPPKLL. Nob. . May 7 ( Special Tele gram to The Ilee. ) Judje Holcomb tbn ovenlng adjourned court. The most Import- nnt notion during the Into part of the BOI- slon was the hearing of the county gout con test case. After the nvldonco wna 8lv i > the Judge decided thnt the election held In 1SS9 should bo set nslde , and ordered the conimlRBloners to cnll a now election. The ground for this decision was that fraud win practised by Chnppoll and Big Springs. Thli decision ot the court may bo called a vic tory for Clmppcll. .luclnoiivlllo A en In Todny. This afternoon Cnptnln Slrothera la so- Ing to open up a new bug of tricks nnd will show the Rouikcs "somo dings. " Maybe. Jnkey Strauss says he's going to IIIUKO half a dozen home funs himself , Just for old time's sake. Hill Leti-hcr < nya ho' * going to let himself out a little mvl Imml oft a few of Omnha's high Mies. And Bill Rourka Istn't saying a word , but his IHJJ-S went to bed enrly lust night , Moran will catch this afternoon , nnd Fear will plnv right. Tomorrow will bo Hibernian day. The ball will be pnlnted green , nnd the visitors mndo welcome. Thursday Is ladles' dny. To dny the positions will be : Omaha. Positions. Jacksonville. MeVey First . . . .Strothers Munyun Second Crolty Hourko Third Darrnh IJi'Vlo Short Cnrroll Wood. . Left Htrnusi Seery. ' . Middle Lelchcr Fear. . . Right Herald Mornn Catch licit Whltehlll Pitch Corlsh Ciinlliimtii * ' > t I'otc/ J , L. Mnlono and John Morrison wilt mcot In n match gnme ot contluous pool nt Folcy's popular billiard looms tomorrow evening for $100 a side. It Is to bo a hnndl- cnp match , Mnlone plnvlug 100 points to Morrlxon's GO. On Thuimlay evening Mnlono nnd Frank Kenlstcm will struggle for mi- premncy and a $50 stake In a fourtocii-lnch Imllc line gniiu * of billiards. In addition to being the cx-clmiiiplon pool player of tha world , Mnlono IH considerable of a billiard- 1st , and If Ketilston beats him out Thursday night he will have to put up his very beat game : ' O ' on liy the ro . HASTINGS , May 7. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The academic nnd collegiate students of Hastings college met In mortal combat on the bail Meld today , nnd the re sult tilled the undergradunte henrt with woe. The battery work of the college team was good , as wns the lleldlng of the pre paratory tcnm. Ragged lleldlng on the part ot the colleglates lost the game. Score : Undcrgnids 0 1 Preps 1 10 1 B 1 3 0 0 ' -21 Battctles : Hurtlgan and Arnold ; ItanU nnd Osbornc. Father Corbntt Will npuak i > uM .Suuili y. PALMYRA , Neb. , May 7. ( Special to Th Beo. ) The services In the Catholic church were not held yesterday as heretofore an nounced , but next Sunday will be the day foi the regular meeting. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement nntj tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many , who live bet ter than others nnd enjoy life moro , with less expenditure , by moro promptly ftiiApiing the -world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid- laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing nnd truly beneficial properties ot a ] > crfcct lax- ativis ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medteal profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver nnd Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in We and $1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well iiitormod , y ti will not -T-npt nny substitute if oflpri"i. according to cloth selected Cut to Order. r- Pants Company 408 N. i6th St. WHATCANCUTICURADO Kverytbbg that li eloniulni ; , purifying , * n < ] beau. llfyluK fur thu iklu , > cuj | > , unil hulr of lufmiti and children Ibo Uim. I cuiu UKMEUIKI will tlo. They ' pccillly cur * Itclilav aud burning eczrnui , cluania the ic lr > of icaly humort , purify tha kluou , nml re. torn Hit1 hair. They arc uiiultitoljr pure , ( jreealilonml uufulllDtf , tiuM vur ) bet * A-MUSEiM blNTS. I5lh Street Theater r - TONIGHT - The Oreotest Success of all Comedy DrarqM , EErA Prisoner for crr-rp TUB OHKAT I HI3ON QUAHIlY. otiiiiiniKouKAN uv MOQ Ilullaoc We < ! n diy and SMurdaj.