THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , MAY 8 , 1891. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. fi JV Tourists Imprisoned in a Gave Finally Token Oat Alive. PROSTRATED BY FEAR AND SUSPENSE Entrance to tbo Cntcrn Cleared by the Use of Dynamite mid n Diver rinnlly Succeeded In Krnch- Ing ' 1 hem , - " " p GRAT55 , Austria , May 7. A diver , at 10:30 : this morning , succeeded In reaching the party of tourists who have been Imprisoned In the stalactite cavern at Souralch slnco Saturday , April 28 , owing to a ruddcn rlso In the water and the fact that the passage In It became blocked with timber and boul ders. ders.The diver found all seven of the tourists alive. It was at first believed that eight people were Imprisoned. The news that the tourists , who have been eo long Imprisoned , were still allvo caused the utmost satisfaction among the crowds of people that gathered about the cavern to watch the work of the engineers , who have been tolling day and night ever slnco they were ordered to the spot , when the local authorities announced their Inability to force an entrance Into the cavern. The engineer ; ' had a very dinicult task In making on opcnclng Into the cavern. The entrance was blocked by timber , boulders and flood debris , It was absolutely necessary to use dynamite In order to clear away the ob structions , which prevented the entrance ot a diver Into the cavern. The engineers were compelled to work slowly and with the utmost caution , as It was feared that a too severe explosion might bury the Im prisoned people beneath tons of rock. Wh n the debris had been cleared away and all was ready for another attempt Diver Fischer made another , and this tlmo successful descent Into the mouth of the cavern. When ho reappeared ho notified the engineers that although the tourists were alive they ap peared like people half bereft of reason , as the terrible nervous strain to which they had been subjected had almost driven them mad. The tourists must have taken u con- ilderable supply of provisions' with them when they went Into the cavern over n week ago , as they still had , according to tha diver , a little bread and cheese left , and they had some candles burning. The Im prisoned tourists Informed the diver that they had passed through a period of most awful anxiety and tenor. They had been able to hear the attempts to rescue , but the work seemed to progress so slowly that ( .hey had almost abandoned hope. The noise made by the explosion of the dynamite cheered up the Imprisoned people , though they were In dread of being burled beneath falling rocks. Late In the afternoon the rescue was completed , Six of the tourists were able to emerge from the cave unaided , but the seventh was so exhausted that ho re quired assistance. Emperor Francis Joseph was notified of the safety of the tourists and telegraphed his extreme satisfaction. A dispatch to the Times from Vienna says when connection was made with the en tombed tourists they all shouted : "Wo arc all allvo and well , and still have provisions. " As soon as possible , milk and brandy In bottles wore handed to them through u email aperture , and they were asked to with draw as far as they could to allow further blasting. The rescued men state that a box of provisions , which was sent by the res cuers through the torrent of water , reached them on Wednesday last and kept them alive. They heard the blasting and this renewed their hopes of rescue. IIAVI : NO rittuNDs IK ruxuox. Ileda Find Tliomaclvm Without Followers In the Metropolis LONDON , May 7. During the Flrst-Sun- day-ln-May demonstrations In Hyde park yesterday" there was an expression of antl- anarchlstlc feeling. Some speakers of the fiery typo were shown the right about In double quick time. So Ions as they Indulged In their usual harmless tirade against every thing In general and nothing In particular they wore listened to with good natured tolerance erance , but some one of them , moro violent than his predecessors , began to speak on the eight-hour question. He declared an eight- hour day must bo obtained oven If It should bo necessary to kill Mr. Gladstone and mur der Lord Salisbury. This excited the Ire of the crowd and a rush was made for tlio platform , the crowd being apparently determined to lynch the speaker. He was dragged from the plat form and was very roughly handled before the police were able to rescue him from his captors. The next speaker attempted to nialto a speech In a similar strain. Another rush was made for the platform. The speaker sprang from the rear ot .no plat form and set a hot pace across the park , the crowd In full cry after him. The anarchist would certainly have fallen Into the bauds of his pursuers had not the police Intervened to protect him. The crowd returned to the platform , where they eagerly listened for the speakers to Indulge In violent harangues. No sooner would they do this than they would be hauled from the platform and passed along to he rear and severely cuffed and kicked. After this performance had been Indulged In several times the remaining speakers materially altered their denunciations and threats and were allowed to speak. There were storms of cat culls , hoots and hisses whenever anything was said , oven In a mild way , that did not meet the approval of the crowd. The whole proceeding showed very/ plainly that the anarchists cannot count on any friends among the genuine worklngmen of London. NE\V YOIIK , May 7. H. D. Mowbroy , the editor of the Commonweal of London and an anarchist. Is believed to bo In this city. The iills Island authorities admit they are of the opinion ho has slipped through their fingers despite their constant watch for him. TlVCiiY ( : CAUSIil ) HV , lt.U.OUaY. : Two Violent Deaths In AiUtocratlo Itonmii ROME , May 7. A young man named Vciule , belonging to ono ot the most aristo cratic Itoman families , called at the house of Slg. Llberatl , a high olllclal In the war ofllco , lo visit Slg. Llboratl's daughter , Miss Qlorlndu , to whom he was liotrothed. As eho stepped forward to greet him on entering the reception room , Vonzlo drew a revolver and fired two shots at the cirl , both ot which took effect and she fell dead at his feet. Vcnzlo then put the pistol to his head and sent a bullet Into his brain , dying al most Instantly. It Is supposed the deed was caused by Jealously. _ Antl-.Iuwlih Kioto In Kiisulii and I'oliuul. HERLIN , May 7.-Durlng an nntl-Jewlsh riot at Clrcajewe , Hussiiin Poland , n num ber of workmen attacked the Jewish shop keepers and looted their bouses and shops , Troops were summoned to quell the dis turbance , and after a fierce light , the sol diers using their drawn swords , the rioters were dispersed. Four of the workmen were killed and 100 wounded. Still Shaking In Uri-eeo. ATHENS , May 7 , Another severe shock of earthquake was felt hero and In the Atu- lanta district today. Pascngera on board the learners traversing the straits state that they distinctly saw the earth trembling and part ot the fortifications ot Chalcls fell. Don Carlos * Slap at the 1'ope. ROME , May 7. Don Carlos , the Spanish pratender , has Intimated to the ; pope that Mb.Uo it li devoted and obedient to the vicar of Christ he cannot counsel his followers to abandon Ms cause In Spain , which Is that of reclaiming his legitimate rights , which claim Is similar to that of the pope for tbo restora tion of temporal power. This declaration from Don Carlos , which challenges the pope's present attitude to the reigning dynasty of Spain , has produced a deep Impression at the Vatican. A largo portion of the Spanish clergy follow Don Carlos. NKW nim-ii CAHINHT. Moderate. i : trn lon of the Suffrage lo lie Ailtociiti'd at Oner. LONDON , May 7. A dispatch to the Standard from The Hague , says : The fol lowing Is the new Dutch cabinet : Ilerr Iloe'I , president of the council and minister ot foreign affairs ; Iterr Kaay , minister of Jus tice ; Hcrr Van Houtcn , minister ot the Interior ; Herr Vnndcr Wyck , minister of marine ; Herr Vancyk , minister of finance ; Herr Schneider , minister of war ; Hcrr Slclden , minister of public works ; Hcrr Der- gama , minister nf colonies. The first three In the above list were leaders In the opposition against the reform bill on which the Into government was de feated. The new ministry will submit a bill for a moderate extension of the suffrage. nit A/I i/.s i'itosi'icT.s. : MonsnRO of tlio President to Congress Snys All Is Kiicoiirnglng. LONDON , May 7. A dispatch to [ the Times from Illo Janeiro says : The presi dent In hlu message to congress refers to the fact that tha rebels who took refuge on Portuguese vessels had landed In Argen tina , contrary to the agreement made by the lefugccs when thcv went aboard those ves sels. Their presence thcro has given rlso to fears that many of the rebels will aaln reach Hlo Gramle do Sill. On the subject of finances the message states that a deficit of10,000 contes ot rcls Is possible for the present year. The mes sage ends , with a declaration that the coun try has been delivered from Its enemies and that the new administration Is Etrom : and victorious. Cordl'.oVnr > CN Itloun Up. LONDON , May 7. An explosion , the fourth within a year , took place this afternoon at the Cordite works near Waltham abbey , thirteen miles from this city. Thousands of Jars of nitrate and sulphuric acid were In Home manner unexplained suddenly exploded. Four persons were killed and thirty Injured. Later Intelligence shows that the explosion occurred at the Cordite works In a shed where the men were at work washing nltro glycerine. The building was situated in nn extensive field about half a mile from the government gunpowder factory. The ex plosion set lire to a shnl thirty yards distant , In which more nltro glycerine was stored and caused a second explosion. Most of the persons Injured were struck by falling glass and debris. Their Injuries In most eases arc slight. Portions of the bodies of the four men killed were found at a great distance from the spot where the shcil was located. Mr. Ucnnle , the chemist In charge of the shed , Is among MIC killed. Troiihlo ulth Franco > ot Alarming. LONDON , May 7.-In the House of Com mons today the parliamentary secretary to the colonial ofllce , Sydney Duxton , replying to a question put by Edward T. Gourlcy , member for Sundprland , said no negotiations were proceeding with Franco with the view of bringing about an amicable settlement of New Foundland dllllcultles. Individual com plaints , Mr. Buxton added , were occasionally made In regard to the use which tie French make of the tre-aty , but , generally , the In habitants and the fishermen were friendly with the Frenchmen. Strike KlotH In Vienna , VIENNA , May 7. ? There was some seri ous rioting hero today upon the part of striking builders' laborers. A largo number ot the assembled laborers about tlio Burger Platz tried to prevent the laborers who were p.t work from continuing their occupations. The police. In trying to disperse the mob , were assailed with stones. The police charged the rioters , striking right and left with the flat of their swords. During the disturbance several men were wounded and seven arrests made. The rioters were finally driven away. Cripple Crock Coxej'IteH Want n Train. TOPEKA , May 7. Informatics was re ceived at the olllco of the Hock Island Hall way company today that a party of DOO Coxey recruits from Cripple Creek , Colo. , had arrived at Pueblo , and that the men were endeavoring to secure assistance In the way of transportation to the east. Fearing an attempt might bo made to take possession of their cars the company ordered all surplus rolling stock out of the city , and trains In and out of Pueblo are to be run with extreme cure while the menace con tinues. Kncliiml Will .Maintain Her Navy , LONDON , May 7. Baron Hood of Avalon - lon , a rear admiral nnd formerly a lord of the admiralty , called the attention of the Lords today to the largo Increase in foreign navies and asked \vhether tbo pioposcd Increase In the British navy , piovlded for In the British estimates , WIIH HUtllclont to In- suie to Orcut Britain the command oC the seas. Huron Hood especially urged nn In crease of G.bOO men In the per.Minnel of the navy. The llrat loid of the admiralty , Karl Spencer , said the government was deter mined to maintain tliu navy and render Great Britain pat amount upon the sea , Itoumaiilaii National * on Trial. LONDON , May 7.-Dispatches to the Times from Vienna says : An Important state trial ot twenty-three members ot the executive committee ot the Roumanian na tional party In Hungary Is now proceeding at KlaiiRcnbcrg. The prisoners are charged with publishing * a document In several languages denouncing the act of union of Austria and Hungary nnd declaring that Transylvania was unjustly deprived of Its autonomy by the union with Hungary. QAmrrlrnii Mlnnlonarlu In 'Miislionalaiid. LONDON , May 7. A dispatch to the Times from Capetown says : A pioneer party sent out by the American board of foreign mis sions Is about to start for Mnshonaland to examine the country's resources and fltncss for farming purposes. If they make a favor able report u host of American farmers will follow them to Mashonaland. Many Amer icans havi ) already settled In the Transvaal and In the country north of that republic. I.urrpaol CandUliitn Dtnrtccl. LONDON , May 7. The election to fill the vacancy In the House of Commons' caused by the retirement of Sir Charles Hussell , took pluco In South Hackney today. Fletcher Moulton , liberal candidate , was successful , receiving -1,530 votes , Hcibert Holiertson , con servative , received -1,338 votes. I'rlnre ItUmark 111 , EHFUHT , Saxony , May 7 , A number ot Prince Bismarck's admirers In this city who Intended to visit Frlcdrlchsruh have received a dispatch from Dr. Chrysander , the prince's physician , requesting them to postpone their proposed visit , as the ex-chancellor U tem porarily Indisposed. Contributing to Nrlence. BERLIN , May 7. The emporcr has sent 16,000 marks to the Berlin Geographical society to bo used In defraying the expenses ot the publication of the scientific results ot the Greenland expedition. The compilation of the work will takei two yearn. Ktrcrago ru oncer Hates Kcdiieed. LONDON , May 7. The German Steamship company , In pursuance ot the terms of com promise with the British companies , has ordered the reduction ot steerage passenger rates from Italian ports to New York to $20. EntorprUo lit Egypt. ALEXANDRIA , Egypt , May 7. The coun cil ot ministers has granted the turn ot 150- 000 with which to erect a sqlld building at Cairo to replace tbo Quizes museum , . _ , ANOMALIES TOO PRONOUNCED Strongly Paradoxical Features of tbo Eola tions of Bedmcn to the Whites. CONDITIONS IN THE INDIAN TERRITORY Itcport from Senator Teller' * Committee Out Grievance ! to llo llo- l Whites Largely In the Ma jority but Without Cltlzenitilp. WASHINGTON , May 7. Senator Teller from the committee on the five civilized tribes of Indians today presented the report of that committee giving the result of the commlttccc's recent Investigation of affairs In the Indian Territory. The report shows an anomalous condition of society and Indi cates that many abuses have grown up which It Is necessary should bo corrected. It Is not a final report , however , and while existing evils are pointed out and brought out In a manner that must attract atten tion the remedy foj > the entire trouble Is only hinted at and Is left to bo formulated at a later day. The report gives the Indian population of the territory as C0.055 , while the white population which , when the last census was taken was 109,393 , Is now estimated to bo between 2.10,000 and 300,000. In some of the agricultural sections there are ten whites to one Indian and there are several large towns composed wholly of white people. These whites tiavo no rights of citizenship , cannot become the owners of land , cannot send their children to tnu common schools and cannot go Into the local courts outside of the Cherokee nation. They cannot even organize municipal government , lay out streets or provide for police protection. The report takes up nil these questions and de clares ' that a remedy must be provided. 'ceferrlng to the fact that treaties made with the Indians by the government of the United States has provided against the In trusion of wliltes , the report says : "We made It possible for the Indians of that section of the country to maintain their tribal relations and their Indian police laws and civilization If they wished to do so. And If now the Isolation and exclusivcnces sought to bo gl > en them by our solemn treaties Is destroyed and they are overrun by a population of strangers five times In number to their own It Is not the fault of the government of the United States , but comes from their own acts In admitting wliltes to cltl/enship under their laws and by Inviting whltu people to come within their Jurisdiction to become traders and farmers and to follow professional pursuits. It must be assumed that the Indians themselves have determined to abandon the policy of excluslvc'iess and to freely admit' white people within the Indian Territory , for It cannot bo possible that they Intend ' to demand the removal of the white people either by the government of the United States or their own. They must have re alized that when their policy of maintaining an Indian community Isolated from the whites was abandoned for a time It was abandoned forever. Wo did not hear from any Indian the suggestion that the white people there should bo removed. " JUDICIAL SYSTEM IS FAULTY. The committee finds the Judicial system of the territory especially faulty. The whites arc not admitted to the Indian courts and arc required to goto the federal courts at Fort Smith , Ark. , Paris , Tex. , or the federal courts In Indian Territory. The expense of conducting cases In those courts , by reason of the distance to be traveled and the time consumed , Is enormous. The parties charged with smallest misdemeanors are often taken over 200 miles for trial The same is trno In civil suits however small the sum Involved. The federal court In the territory Is , they say , "absolutely the only court of final juris diction administering Justice In matters largo or small in a territory as large as the state of Indiana , for a people numbering now at least 250,000 and rapidly Incieaslng. " Consequently the dockets of the court are so overburdened with business that the prompt disposition ot business Is Impossible. The second result Is a practical denial ot Justice except In matters of paramount Im portance , and In these only after great delay. The criminal business of the. territory Is en acted at an enormous expense , because of the distance to bo traveled , the smallest cases ccstlflg the government form $200 to $500. The temptation to arrest persons , where the fees are so numerous and large , Is greatly Increased. The ormmltteo makes the astonishing statement that the expense of maintaining this court and of prosecuting crime In this territory is about one-seventh of the Judicial expenditure of the United States becausu of tbeso facts. Such glaring and unbearable evils , the committee says , cannot bo fully remedied until the question of political and Judicial jurisdiction shall be. finally changed and a territorial or state form of govern ment established. The committee thinks , however , a partial remedy may be found In the appointment of two additional justices and the. appointment by the court of com missioners for the different localities , who shall have final jurisdiction In misdemeanors where the punishment does not exceed Im prisonment for six months and In civil suits where the amount Involved does not exceed $300.This This change , the report says , "will result In a great reduction of expenses to the gov ernment and a far better administration of justice than now exists. The present sys tem Is Intolerable. The report also refers to the fact that the children ot the white population are deprived ot the advantages ot the common schools and says that while the parents of the chil dren may have gone to the territory with n knowledge of this condition the people ot the United States cannot afford to close their eyes to the wrong to the children , and de clares that the matter of allowing the chil dren ot so largo n population to grow up In Ignorance IB ono of national concern. OCCUPANCY OF THE LAND. The question of the omipaney of the land Is treated at length , The committee finds that the original theory of the government that the Indians were to own the land In common , all having equnl Interest In It , has ' been violated and tl'mt a few enterprising citizens of the tribe , frequently not In dians , but citizens by Intermarriage , have become the practical owners of the best and greatest part of the lands. Instances , they say , como to their notice of men having as high as 100 white tenants , and In ono case reported , a white man , though an Indian citi zen by marriage , had -100 holdings , amountIng - Ing to about 20,000 acres. In the most pro gressive ot the tribe the committee found that about 100 persons had appropriated half ot the best land. The report says that this condition ot affairs was never contemplated , and suggests that congress shall take the matter In hand and provide a remedy In the Interest ot both whites and Indians. No remedy Is suggested at this time , however - over , because the Dawea commission Is now In Indian Territory with the purpose of sub mitting to the several trlbei a proposition for a clmnco ot the present condition. "We prefer , " the commission says , "to wait until It Is seen whether the difficult and delicate subject may not bo disposed of by an agree ment with the several tribes of the territory. But If the Indians decline to treat with that commission and decline to consider any change In the present condition ot their titles and government the United States must , without their aid and without await- Ingfl their approval , settle this question of the character and condition of land tenure and establish a government over whites and Indians of that territory In accordance with the principles of our constitution and laws. " Nothing , they say , will do but the abandon ment of the present system , "It cannot be modified , or reformed , but a bettor system must be substituted. That this will be dif ficult to do your committee fresly admits , but the ( act that It Is a difficult task Is no reason \vby congreis should ngt it the earli est possible moment address Itself to the question. " _ | T)7t'/imt'i ) u AXIS i\itr.viiK. Internecine Warfard tn tlio State Notional Cau cA It * Doori to Clour , WICHITA , May 7t Tlio State National bank suspended suddenly today. This Insti tution was considered one of the strongest In this section , L. D. Skinner has been president of the bank for twenty-one years. The bank officers have not yet made any statement. Swift & Co. made a deposit of $ DCO the last thing Saturday night. Largo depositors are left In n bad condition. From the best Information obtainable the suspen sion Is due to trouble among the stock holders , the Lombards ot New York , being apparently tlio disturbing element. Some tlmo ago they disposed of a big block of stock to a Blnghampton , N. Y. , capitalist , retaining about $50,000 worth. For a couple of weeks past they had been trying to get this remaining Interest transferred to some woman , but Skinner and the local directors positively refused to sign a certificate of transfer until assured ot the responsibility of the wotild-bo purchaser. The local directors all have their stock In their own names , Skinner personally brought the bank through the squeeze last fall , and except for this Internecine warfare there seems to bo nothing In the bank's condition to cause the suspension. At the close of business Saturday , the deposits amounted to $207.000 and the assets to nearly $100,000. It Is the general belief that the depositors are quite safe. Tlio suspension caused a brief run on the other banks. The private statement of the collapsed bunk , dated April 30 , showed total assets were $157,304.63 ; liabilities , capital , $1,000,000 ; surplus , $74- 730.07 ; undivided profits , $1,335.29 ; Interest , $1SOS.D2 ; exchange , $12,403 ; circulation , $22- SOO ; deposits , $227,000.82 ; bills payable , $30- 000. Itnniiii-M from Domocratio Sources CallH tlio Opposition Steering CommlttroTogrllirr. i WASHINGTON , May 7. The republican steering committee of the senate held a con ference today for the purpose of considering the attitude of the republican party in the senate on the tariff question , In view of the claims made by the democrats that they have assurances of the forty-three votes nec essary lo pass the bill. While the members of the committee do not freely discuss the action of the committee , It Is announced that they decided to announce to democratic leaders that they ImVc no Intention of fili bustering against the tariff , and especially would not bo Inclined to rcaort to dilatory tactics If the democratic party should prove to be substantially united on tlio tariff bill. The Interchange of views developed the fact , however , that the republicans think there Is much material In the new Coin- promise bill for legitimate discussion , nnd that they will insist upon the right to discuss the bill as amended upon Its merits. The suggestion was made during the conference that a republican caucus should be held , and some of the members of the committee stated later In the day that they considered n caucus within the next two or three days probable. The committee was assured jot a solid republican vote against the com promise bill. _ VIlIKt' Alt'J'llUJl X.irliS. Itallway Union Is Not Malting Inroads on the Hrotherjiood. CHICAGO , May 7. .Chief Arthur ot the Brotherhood of Locomojivo Engineers ar rived in Chlcaeo today Ion his way to St. Paul , whore the blennHJ convention of the brotherhood of whlch-Hi ? Is the head will be held this week. Ho dented emphatically that the new railway orcanlzatlon , the American Railway union , Is making Inroads on the brotherhood , oiv that the latter Is likely to bo supplanted by it. "Tho brotherhood , " said he , "has existed for thirty-one years and It Is good for many years more. In splto ot the claims made by certain labor leaders in the newspapers , I regard the future of tho-brotherhoo.l as very bright. We have no official notice that any division of the brotherhood desires to leave the old organisation for tlio new. No In dividual member can Join any other labor organizations without resigning from the brotherhood and whether any attempt will be made at this convention to change this law I do not know. " Concerning the report ; of the congressional committee censuring Judge Jenkins , Mr. Arthur said the report ) was a severe one , but no worse than was deserved. SV.l 1.1'CltH SOT MUUll HO.lllKI ) . They Do Not Expect tliu Kallronds to I'roHrnitc Thorn. CHICAGO , May 7. The Chicago scalpers are not as yet paying any attention whatever to the law against scalping. All of them were keeping wldo open and doing business as usual. The railroads are not yet decided as to whether they will make a fight on the scalpers or not. The law- leaves not a single loophole fcr the scalper If he Is caught doing business , and It now remains to bo seen whether the roads wish the scalpers to continue or not , for the remedy Is in their own hands If they wish to do all the ticket selling thmselves. . The Burlington Is ofi Wednesday of this week to send a special train of Pullman cars to Hot Springs , S. D. The cars , will carry about 100 of the leading physicians of the west and the northwest , who are to test the various baths and visit the various springs. The trip will occupy about one week , the object of tliei road being to prove to the medical profession the excellent properties which It Is claimed the springs possess. L.IJIOH iXAtiiir..txn Mayor of Ashland , Wis. , In Uanccr from Infuriated Union Mun. ASHLAND , WIs , , Mny 7. Labor matters hero are assuming serious aspects. This afternoon Mayor Hubbels swore In as special policemen twenty-otio men who are employed by Charles King , who has contracts with several boats to trim ore at 2V ! > cents , or y < cent less than the union price. The mayor's action In swearing them In as police angered the union to such an extent that at fl o'clock 400 of them marched Jn u body lo the resi dence of Mayor HuubelB with the avowed Intention ot doing him bodily harm. The crowd could not nnd htm , and returned to town. Hero they were mot by half a dozen special policemen who had been appointed by the mayor , and fort a .few minutes a frco tight ensued. No onct < w'as seriously Injured , and the police arrested ono of the mob. Trouble Is looked for tomorrow. ai na. i.K.mK t' PopulUt * Inclined to a\ja \ Jlor the Nomina tion In blmpuonU l > | itrlct. TOPEKA , May 7. There was talk here to day of putting Mrs. Lease In nomination for congressman-at-large , but the populist leaders do not want to turn down Congress man Harris. Thiy ar willing , however , to glvo her the nomination , In the Seventh dis trict should Jerry Sfmpgpn not make the race again. Mrs. Lease Is very much In earnest , * A. P. A. Victory In Denver. DENVER , May 7. The school elections through the state today were devoid of spe cial Interest , save In district No. 1 In this city , where a strong A. 1 ? . A. flght was made , The result was an overwhelming victory for the A. P. A. , their candidates receiving ma jorities ot about 1,800 In 'a ' total vote of 4,425 , Murderer KrederloUi to Hang , SAN FHANC1BCO , May 7.-Wllllam It. Fredericks , convicted of the murder of Cashier Herrlck of the Ban Francisco Hav ings Union bank , was toduy ventenccd to be hanged at San Quentln July 11. I.H C'lmmpacno floated. NEW YOIUC , May 7.-The steamer La Champagne waa floated at 8:35 : p. in. and proceeded at once for her dock , arrlvlnt- ut 10:30 : p. ra. GATHERING OF THE CLANS \ Hibernians from Ncnr and from Far Own the Town. READY TO BEGIN THE DELIBERATIONS The Stars and Stripes of the United States Intcrtulncil ulth ( Irceu * J'lac of Ireland and the Shamrock. - Llttlo green flags fluttering hero and there beside the stars and stripes on the store fronts , badges on the coats ot the groups at hotel entrances and on the street corners , little processions from the depot as delega tion after delegation arrived yesterday , ad monished these who had heard It that the Irish had some to town , not with shlllalahs In their hands and dudccns In their hat bands , but In Prince Albert coats and glossy silk hats. Every train brought its quota , and by noon , the rotunda of the Paxton hotel looked as It docs when a political convention Is In session , except that the throng was a little more sedate , a llttlo moro cordial and not quite so much given to canvassing In the corners and patronizing the "rcfreshcry" ad joining. Quito a sprinkling of clerical garbs ami counlenancos , lee , took away from the political appearance of the party. Every body seemed to either know everybody else , or to be determined to make his acquaint ance , and the day was ono ot handshaking. National Delegate Wllhero cameXln during the forenoon , and , of course , had to shako hands with every one. Ho Is a portly , well dressed man about 40 years of age , who does not look his age but docs his profes sion a lawyer. Ho has held the olllcc of national delegate for eight years , nnd though he Is not seeking re-election , has a strong following. Ho Is spoken of as one of tlio foremost orators of the country , and n rec ognized leader In Irish-American affairs. The New York delegation was one of the most Important to arrive during the fore noon. It , Is headed by John Flnlay , state delegate , ard P. II. Nolan , state secretary , and among the members are J. J. Kelly , state treasurer ; Rev. J. J. Slattery , Albany ; Timothy Sullivan , Auburn ; Lawrence Mur ray , Elmlra ; James Smyth , Hudson ; John McCann , Poughkeepslo ; John A. Murphy , Buffalo ; Patrick McGuIre and John E. Bren- nan , Brooklyn ; P. R. Murphy. Rochester ; John Llnahan , New York ; John P. Day , Utlca ; P. J. Egun , Newberg ; John W. Gleason , Syracuse ; Martin McGowan , Troy , and William H. Murray , Hornellsvllle. Pat rick McGulrc of Brooklyn bus been a mem ber of the order forty years and has at tended every national convention In that time. P. H. Nolan , the secretary , is an other orator , a good story teller and a good fellow. The Ohio delegation , led by Thomas J. Dundon of Columbus , has about twenty members , while New Hampshire and Ver mont have a considerable representation. O'Brien J. Adklnsgn , one of the leaders In the order , led the Michigan delegation of nine members. From eastern Canada came Redmond Keys of Montreal and John Maloney - lonoy of Woodstock , N. B. RECEPTION1 COMMITTEE BUSY. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the recep tion committee was at the depot to welcome the Philadelphia tourists , who arrived on the Milwaukee , and wearing tasteful badges , followed the ) u\ndsomo banner of the club to the Puxton. fifty-four strong , under the leadership of Chairman Bollard. Father Shahan of the university at Wash ington arrived on the same train and was escorted by Mr. Rush to , the residence of the blsop , by whom he will be entertained while In the city. Before night the Paxton was filled , and the Murray , Mlllard and Dellono had their share. At the Mlllard the most prominent name was that of Congressman Weadock of Michi gan , who will respond to the toast , "The President of the United States , " at the ban quet on Thursday evening. The local committee during the day Is sued an "Information bulletin" for the use of the delegates. This gives the program for tomorrow as follows : Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock sharp , dele gates' badges will bo distributed at the head quarters. At 8:30 : o'clock the delegates will form In line on the Fourteenth street sldo ot the hotel to march to St. John's Collegiate church ( Crelghton college ) , where solemn high mass will bo celebrated at 9 o'clock. The delegates will be escorted by company A , Hibernian Knights of Omaha , preceded by the Second United States Regiment band. The procession will move west on Furnam to Nineteenth , north on Nineteenth to Dodge , west on Dodge to Twenty-second , north on Twenty-second to Cass. west on Cass to Twenty-fifth , north on Twenty-fifth to the church. At the conclusion of the mass the delegates and escort will march to the con vention hall , Fifteenth and Hartley streets , where the convention will bo called to order. AMERICAN AND IRISH FLAGS. Bishop Scanncll will bo present at the celebration of mass and a sermon will be de livered. Morand's hall at Fifteenth and Harney has been engaged for the sessions of the convention and has been richly decorated. The gallery which encircles the hall Is draped with the American colors , which also ore entwined about the supporting pil lars. In one corner stands a handsome silk American ( lag and In the opposite cor ner the green Hag of Ireland. A center piece depending from the celling consists of alternate American and Irish Hugs , and around the walls are hung llttlo banners ot green silk with the names of the coun ties of Ireland In white letters. A pro fusion of graceful palm leaved plants gives the room n finishing touch and an odor of the springtime. , Preliminary work In the reception of re ports and the appointment of committees will take up the first day of the convention. At 7 o'clock In the evening Rev. Dr. Shahan will lecture In Exposition hall on "Leo XIII. and the Catholic University of America. " | NOTES ON THE SIDE. Several ladles accompanied the Tourists. There will be nine bands In the parade tomorrow. The Michigan and Indiana delegations are at the Mlllard , Eleven members of the Massachusetts dele gation are registered at the Murray , Nebraska State Delegate J , A. Kllroy.has established his headquarters at room 17 , Paxton. The Philadelphia Hibernian of May 5 gives a two-column account of the departure ot the Tourists , headed , "On to Omaha. " The names ot Attorney General Hasllngs anJ T. M , Marquette were omitted In the published lists ot Invited guests to the ban quet. quet.Rev. Rev. Father Hoeffer of Crelghton college will not be able to attend the banquet , and In his stead Father Shahan will respond to the toast , "The Catholic Church and Civil Government. " Hon. John C. Weadock writes The Bee that ho Is not a candidate for national dele gate before tbo Ancient Order of Hibernians convention which convenes this morning Ho also writes that Hon. O'B. J. Atkinson , whose name has been mentioned for the position , will not be a candidate. Stood U I.lko u Mulor. Major Edward Sweeny of Cincinnati , ono of the directors , brought to the convention a bride , whom ho married about a week ago , and Ills visit to Omaha U his wedding tour. When ho arrived he found on the register the names ot P. J. O'Connor and some moro of the 'bhoys , " who had arrived the day be fore , Oh , yes ; he was married ; had been married about three years , ho Informed the company , and thereby in ado- himself the victim of an Irish trick , A wink from O'Connor , who knew the situation , was suf ficient for the rest , and an Impromptu re union , with the usual accompaniments was provided , which detained the major until 3 o'clock In the morning , In eplto ot his fldgltlngs and excuses. Saturday night the performance waa repeated , for , of course , the heartless party Insinuated that In three years his wlfo had learned enough about him to know that he would want to cele brate his annual meeting with old friends. Ho stood It like n martyr , nnd , the boys hope , made his peace with his bride , but the joke leaked out , IltlHIl UTIMt.VlTHi : . An I'ffort to llo Made to Hcitoro the Study of tlm Garlic. There are several O'Connors In attend ance at the convention , ono of the most prominent and one ot the most pleasant to meet being John J. O'Connor of St. Louis. He Is the county delegate of St. Louis nnd has under his jurisdiction about 2,000 mem bers. He Is a tall , handsome young fellow with n hand-shako thnt makes friends for him at once. Ho was for seven years mana ger of Hie Western Watchman and has also been connected with the Western Hibernian , a monthly paper. Ho Is actively supporting P. J. O'Connor for th national presidency , and In case of his election will probably bo elected to the directory. In St. Louis ho was Instrumental In Intro ducing the Insurance feature Into the order , which Is now In a prosperous condition. Death benefits are paid within ten days and occasionally within two. The movement for the establishment of a chair for the study of Gaelic was also started by him , and the last annual conven tion decided to raise by assessment $50,000 for that purpose. Nothing has since been done , however , and the present convention Is expected to order the assessment , which will be levied on the 200,000 or more mem bers within sixty days. Mr. O'Connor and Father Shahan , who will epcak on the sub ject , are both enthusiastic and talk elo quently on the subject. Ireland , they say , had a literature rich In treasures when literature was unknown in other European countries , but even to the sons nnd daughters of Erin It Is a dead let ter. During the enforcement of the penal laws a great many manuscripts escaped de struction and were preserved In foreign coun tries , and to npreid ft knowledge of these this chair In Washington Is to b ; established. The early history of Ireland Is also compara tively unknown or preserved only In n series of legends , for even nt the present day It Is not taught In the public schools of Ire land. This also will form n portion of the task of the professor of Gaelic. 7//.S tiltllil'TOO ( JJtH.lT. Death of lion. SI. K. llazon's Wlfo Canics Him to i'l.iiimll Suicide. SIOUX FALLS , S. } ) . . May 7. ( Special to The Hee. ) The telegraphic dispatches from Carson , Nov. , announcing the suicide of Hon. M. H. llazcp , examiner for the De partment of Justice , bus been received here. Last fall Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilazen , with their son Harry , u navnl cadet , arrived In this city , Mr. HiiKen on olllclal business and Mrs. for her health. The winter was nuaily over and Mr. Iluzcn was out In Montana when Mra. Ha en became sud denly woise and died before her husband could reach her bcd'lde. He was very much affected , and It Is said that ho was diiven to take his life fiom grief. Crowding to tlio Cvdod CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , May 7.-Speclnl ( to The Bee. ) Long strings of prairie schooners nnd numerous "bunches" of cat tle nnd lioises nre dally paHMlng * tiroiih | [ this city headed for Hie ceded Sioux I.indH west of the Missouri river. The ceded lands nre Increasing at a rapid rate , both In wealth and population. It is lollably reported here that , a colony of 100 families is now enroute for these lands , nnd will arrive hero atany lime , SotllerH from west of the river pronounce the ontlbok for an Immense crop unusually bright. During the month of April Hl\ty-slx Innd- seekers filed nt the local land olllce on claims in the ceded landH , nnd It Is ex pected that this "recoid will ut least be doubled during Way. Want the Money Accounted 1'or. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 7. ( Special to The Bee. ) Dining the fiscal year ending May 1 this city collected In linen -from the saloons $20,251. There lias been more or less scrapping over this money , but ac cording to the mayor's report It has all been paid out. Thn prohibitionists call It blood money , while the laboring men Imvc icccntly passed resolutions demanding that the new city council , which began Its career tonight , collect this money and the same be all passed through the police court Into Hie city tioasury. Hotel M < m on u .Jaunt. KANSAS CITY , May 7. It seems that about nil the hotel men In the United States nre going to the hotel men's na tional convention in Denver. At 8 o'clock this morning a special train paused through the city loaded with Chicago hotel men and at 11:13 : a ppeelul train made up of the Wagner cars Avon , Olympln , Orlando and Concord anil a dining car and smoking car , with 200 hotel men from Boston and Now England , passed through Kansas t'lty. At 12 o'clock the third Hpuelal tialn , made up of Pullman cars , with an observation car and a dining cur attached , an Ived from New Yoik. The sections will go tin ouch from Chicago to Denver on tliu S.inta Fc railway. Yesterday morning the Mlxboml Pacific train from St. Louis brought the private Pullmans : Maryland und Ravenna , with 100 hotel men from Cincinnati nnd vicinity on board. California Slago Itoblilng Industry. MILTON , Cul. , May 7. The down stage from Angels to Milton was held up thui morning by n lone highwayman , lie de manded the Wells-Furgo express safe , which was given him. Then he handed a letter and a package to the driver to be Bent to Sonoia , saying they contained ar ticles he took from the Sonora Htngu last WcdneKday. Ho then dliectcd the driver to go tin. An explosion was heaid shortly after the passage , Indicating that the high wayman had blown open tliu box , which Is behoved to have contained a huge sum of money. The robber was tliu one who held up "llio Honor.i stage last wci-k. Ills work was done carefully nnd dellbornti'iy. He did not attempt to molest the passen gers ) , who were four In number. _ - rather Mnlono'K Case to llo Investigated. DENVER , May 7. This moinlng ISinhop Matz notified Father Mnlono that Bishop Chappi'llo will line.stlgnto his case and that he will be held responsible for the meeting last night of his parlslionciH , at which stops were taken to dcfiay the ex penses of carrying on the court proceed ings and appealing to Mgr. Hatolll for re- drt'ss. Bishop Matx now accuses Father Malone of disrespect lo Hit ) bishop of Mon treal , who was licensed by tliu Colorado Catholic. Father Miiloiif's paper , of neg lecting u pilent from Montit-al who died In the county hospital here. Caught Through a Check. PUEBLO , May 7.-O. F. Gllvy , n waiter , waa arrested hcie today for a murder com mitted ut Aubuin , Cul. , three years ago , He had presented at a hank a check signed Will Day. The check was went to Call- fomla for collection and nn order WUH i - celved by telegraph to hold tliu man who presented It for payment. Nothing Is known hero of the crime lor which he Is wanted , DlHcotm-cd u Niivv Comet. CHICAdO. May 7. T. II. Ling , a Chicago astronomer , claims to hnvo discovered a new comet last night. The comet , ho says , was about half ft degieo below 55cba hydra , south of the quadrilateral figure marking the Serpent's head. Warner observatory , Rochester. N. Y. , was notified. Whether the comet Is approaching or receding Mr. Ling was unable to determine. Shot Down by Officer * . MILWAUKEE , May 7. A special to the Wisconsin from Itlchlund Center , WIs. , nays Stephen Bchmltz was shot down by Charles und Fred lIodgeH , who were dep utized to nrrcst him on u charge of slander ing n sister of tlio Hodges. Charles Hodges is said to liavu done the fatal shooting. The Hodges hi others aio held on a chaiue of murder. _ _ 1'atlicr O'Craily Vrry Weak. CINCINNATI , May 7.-Fnther O'Grndy appeared before Judge Kumler toduy In a very weakened condition , It being neces sary to support him both on entering und leaving the court room , Ilia attorney entered u pl a In abatement , which will b artued on Saturday , BOSS CHOKER WANTS RliSTl Biggest Ohiof in the Tammany Trilio frfj Tired of the War Trail. WILLING TO LEAVE WORK TO OTHERS' ' Snj llo Will Not Itrnlgn , hut Dmtrri a C'liinniltlco llo Nairn-it to TiUto tliu Act ho StaiiHgrincnt off 1IU lliiiult. NEW YOIUC. May 7. ( Special Telegram t TIio Bee. ) Richard Crokor inmlu u statement ? today which Is looked upon by hlg most Intl-1 innto personal friends us foreshadowing his retirement from the leadership of Tammnn/ hall , although ho declared In that statement thnt It Is not his present purpose to resign/ tlio place which ho administered with ] so unvarying success slnco the death ot ! John Kelly , whom ho succeeded In 18SC. "I am determined , " said Mr. Croltcr , "to , Klvo up the active work which my position ] has made It necessary for mo to do. I do | this on account of my health , on account ot business Interests which I have , and because 1 bcllovo It would kill mo to remain hcroj Working every day as I have had to do. I , cannot do It any longer. " "Does this mean your retirement as the lender of the organization ? " "I would not put It Just that way. The organization Is now In excellent condition. 1 never knew It to bo In bettor shaii > . The committee of sixty Is mndo up of mou fully iiblo and competent to run the or- ganlratlon , mid they w'll liavo to do It In the future. There IB no desire on my part to shirk work , but thcro should bo moro at a division of labor. " All that was bnld bv tlio dUtrlct lenderii rcg.irdlng Mr. Croker's actions , Indicated that they all bellcvo that ho Is going to re tire absolutely. President James .1. Martin , who has been some tlmo spoken of as a pos- hlblo successor , said : "I'ut It ns strong as you please , Mr. Crokcr has been the best man who ever directed the affairs of Tammany hall. " County Clerk Henry 1) . 1'urroy , who has frciiontly ( | been mentioned as the posslulo successor of Mr. Croker when the latter should decide to retire from the Tammany hull leadership , said of Mr. Crocker's an nouncement : "U docs not k'urnrlso .me. The place which Mr. Croker occupies at the head of the Tammany hall Is a pecu liarly exciting one. John Kelly became u physical wreck as the result of the demand made upon his tlmo and patience. The end of Hubert O. Thompson , found dead In his room , Is remembered. About every eight or nine jears there Is discontent ex pressed with the administration of local affairs , no matter how good that administra tion may be. There Is such a feeling or imicst existing now , and Tammany IB thu object of attack. To say the least , the situation this full will bo critical , and the demands on the leader of Tammany hall wilt bo unusually onerous. " Croker himself bald : "I have no Intention of resigning tlio leadership of Tammany hall or of sliliklng any of the responsible' ' tics ot leadership , but 1 , am going to ask the executive committee lo relieve mo of tlihy routine work of the position. I have de- voled thirty years of my life to the work of the organization , and I feel the need ol a rest. j > ly' physician lias advised me that I must get out doors more. "I shall ask the px'eciitlvo coniTnlttei To appoint one or more subcommittees to rcllevn ! mo of routine work. I am not trying to1 dodge any duty or responsibility and shall con- tinno to do nil In my power for the success of the organisation and of democratic princi ples. I simply want rest from the laborious work bcoiuibe I need ami foal I am entitled to it. This docs not mean that I have any Intention of resigning. "I shall talk the matter over with the executive committee between now and the meeting ot the committee on Thursday and I hope they will agree to name the commit tee 1 auk for. " ' HOT WHILE IT LASTED. Flro ItnriiH Mm .Stables of tlio Gurncnu Cracker Company. Another hot and threatening fire broke out last evening at 7:30 : o'clock In a barn In the rear of 410 South Nineteenth street , used by the Aincrl&u Hlscult company , and for a few moments It appeared as though all th frame buildings from Washington hall south to SI. Mary's aveimo and west to Nineteenth street would go. The barn was a two-story frame structure , and In It were eight horses belonging to the American Biscuit company. The upstairs was used as a haymow , and It Is said the flro was started by some of the hostlers dropping a mutch In the hay. Mr. Albert Johnson , who resides at 423 South Nineteenth , said ho saw a light In the stable , but us some of the boys were In tlio habit of using a lantern , ho paid no atten tion to It and went to supper. Ho had Just reached the head ot the stairs when the barn was In Humes. The lire burning In the haymow soon weakened the "floor and the burnIng - Ing mass fell In upon the horses , nearly burying the animals from sight. Fred Cos- grcn , an employe of I'axton & Gallagor .brolto In the door , and , cutting the halters oft two of tlio horses , started toward the door. He got no fuither , for ono of the animals broke from him and wont back Into the flro. Ho got the other outside , whore It took threa men to hold It from returning to the barn. From the burn the flro spread to the four- story tenement on the west. The porches took lire and this almost precipitated a panic. The people living In the house , about twelve families , became almost crazed , throwing trunks and heavy pictures from the windows , but stiango to bi\y no ono was hurt. When tilt ; building caught , a little wind from the west caused the frame structures east of the barn to catch , and QUO of thorn , a one-story building , was burned. Six colored families occupied two ot these 'arises and they at once took all their furniture out , but what was not illumined by smoke suffered from water and most of them lost the few housu- liolil efI"ctH they had. Despite' the threatening aspect of the fire , In lit tot n minutes after It was discovered It wan confined to the barn and the llttlo frames east , the luigo tenement on the west escaping. The tenement and barn was owned by the Meyer Hcllman estate and It. O , Forbes Jointly. There was $3,000 Insurance on tha hoimo , and the loss on It will scarcely ex ceed $100. There will probably bo about $200 worth of danmgo to the furniture- the oc- rupunls , on wldch thcro Is no Insurance. There was $ : if > 0 Insurance on the barn , and how much the. loss was on the Block could not b learned. Mr , ( larncan , the head of the American Illscult Manufacturing com pany's plant In this city , being away from home. The horses were worth ? 2GO a head , The Ions on barn and horses will reach $1,100. Two windows In the rear of Wash ington hall were broken by the heat , The two houses on the cast , occupied by about six colored families , were damaged to tha extent of about $500 , covered by Insurance , They were , owned by Hamilton Bros. TJnnlf Officers' Trial I'oitpoiied. KANSAS CITV , Mny 7.-The cases against J. C. Darragh and Elmer C. Bnttley , preu- Ident mid cashier ot the wrecked Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings bank , which wt-io set for a. hearing toduy at Indepen dence , wt-ro again continued on the plea that ono of the witnesses for the deform * IH nick. June I WUH set for a hearing. Tlio K.OOO dcpusltorri ure still waiting for the $1,7(0,000 duo them. 9 Moirmriit * of OCPUII Vrisol * Mwy 7. At Liverpool -Arrived Arizona , from New Voik. At Movlllo Arrived Numldlan , from Port land , At Amsterdam Arrlvcd-Bchledarn , from New York. At New York Arrlved-Stat * of CftUCor/ , nlu , from Glasgow , ±