Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Immediate Action Tnkon in the State War
rant Gate ,
( Jotcrnor Cronnto TnUrn the I.rml Hrfon
tlio Itniinl of Kducntloiml I.nmlit and
I'uniU Holder * of Thco Sc-
Liirltlrs to llo Notified.
WNCOI N , May 4 , ( Special to The Uoo.-
The members of the Hoard of Kdticatlona
J nmls nnd Funds seem to h.ivo come to thi
conclusion that the supreme court was li
rnrncst In Its decision In the Btato warrant
case , and as a result there IB a fair prosppci
tlmt the law which has been BO long Ignorec
nnd evaded will ba put Into Immediate op
er.itlon. Oovcrnor Crouiiio called a mcctltif
of the hoard at his onlcc this forenoon am
the matter was pretty Ronerally discussed
There was no sentiment In favor of furthci
delny. There was gome discussion as to tin
most expeditious course to be adopted. Nc
definite action was taken and the bom ;
adjourned to meet next Tuesday morning n
10 o'clock , at which time resolutions \ \ \ \
Undoubtedly be passed Instructing the slnU
treasurer lo purchase state warrants to tin
amount of several hundred thousand dollars
In fact , Oovcrnor Crounse presented a drafi
of mich a resolution this forcnoun and it me
with the general approval of the other mem
hers of the board , some HiiSKCstlons as U
changes In the phraseology alcne being made
According to the views of Governor CrounM
there are two objects to be accomplished b )
the enforcement of the law of 1SOI. First
to stop Interest now piling up on the Inrgi
amount of outstanding Moating Indebtedness
and , second , to prevent further Increase ol
that Indebtedness by the rc.tistr.Ulon of war.
rants Issued from time to time in payment
of current expenses of thf state. In ordoi
to prevent the accumulation of more Interest
on warrants already outstanding , Govermn
Crotiiiso suggested a resolution , the draft ol
which ho presented , Instructing the state
treasurer to set aside the sum of J230.00C
for the redemption of warrants already out
standing. The holders of the warrants \\erc
to bo notified in the usual form that the
money was ready for them and that the In
terest should cease on the date of the. order
recalling the warrants. To meet the second
emergency the governor presented the rough
draft of a resolution instructing the state
treasurer to set aside a certafn sum of money
out of which ho should pay all current war
rants upon their presentation. Both of the
resolutions were favorably received by all
the members of the board , and both ore
likely to be adopted at the meeting next
The most formidable objection that hae
been suggested In reference to the first ol
the governor's resolutions Is that the hold
ers of warrants may object to surrendering
their warrants In response to a call from
the state treasurer , rather preferring to
hold them as long as possible. ThlS objection
Is not considered as serious by the board.
It , however , decided this morning that
should any such point bo raised by a war
rant holder his case should be considered as
an Individual case and the holder should
be allowed to commence action in
the court for the recovery of the
Interest. The board does not pro
pose to permit any further delays by the
submission of "friendly suits" to the su
preme court.
The members of the board all express
their intention to take immediate steps to
enforce the law. One of them stated this
afternoon that he could not see why the pur
chase of state" warrants differed mateilally
from the purchase of county bonds , as far
as the nature of the transaction was con
cerned. He said that when bonds were
offered to the Hoard of Purchase and Sup
plies the members of the board never saw
nnd examined them. They had the numbers
and denominations and the history of the
proposed Issue. It Is the same with refer
ence to state warrants. The state treasurer ,
If necessary , can submit to the board the
numbers , date and amounts of $200,000 worth
of state warrants outstanding. The board
can easily satisfy Itself as to the genuine
ness and validity of the warrants , for they
have been Issued under the Immediate per
sonal supervision of the several members
of the board In their offlclal capacities.
Drad Slaughter this afternoon Issued a call
'for the meeting of the republican state cen
tral committee , of which he Is chairman , at
the Mlllard hotel on May 22 , for the purpose
of calling a state convention for the nomina
tion of candidates for state offices. The call
will bo Issued at that meeting and the basis
of representation determined upon. The
early date of the committee meeting sug
gests an early state convention , and the
latter will probably be called In August.
Most of the prominent republicans who have
visited republican headquarters in this city
recently have expressed themselves In favor
of an early state convention.
Mayor Weir filed with the city clerk this
afternoon a message In which ho vetoes the
telephone ordinance passed by the city coun
cil so hurriedly at Its meeting last Tuesday
night. The veto has occasioned considera
ble surprise , as It has been generally under
stood that the new ordinance \\as satis
factory to the business men who have been
opposed to the granting of an exclusive fran
chise to the present telephone company.
Mayor Weir bases his objections upon the
grounds that the ordinance was hurriedly
prepared and rushed'through the council by
a suspension of the rules and passed without
sufficient deliberation. He believes It Is
Important enough for more thorough discus
sion and more serious consideration. ' There
is Borne talk that an effort will bo made to
pass the ordinance over the mayor's veto ,
but unless It can secure a few more friends
"In the council enough votes to override the
\eto can hardly be mustered.
. ' .S 1IOI1V FOUND.
Mysterious IUappo mncu nt llennott , Xcl > . ,
riimlly CIt'nrcd Up ,
UENNETT , Neb , , May 4. ( Special Tele-
grain to The IJeo. ) The body of a man ter
ribly decomposed was discovered yesterday
afternoon In an abandoned farm house , two
miles from Dennett , by two strangers , who
reported their ghastly find to the neighbors.
It Is almost certain that It Is the body of
Palmer lledell , who came to Dennett In
JIarch. 1S93. On January 18 , 1894 , lledell
loft his boarding place In the morning , sayIng -
Ing ho would not return to dinner. This was
the last seen of him , nnd as he was In the
habit of staying away without sending word
to his friends they did not worry about him.
Ho has two sisters living hero who have
identified the body. It Is Impossible to rccog-
iilzo the features , but the clothing tallies
with that worn by lledell when last seen ,
Freezing , suicide and foul play are all sug
gested. The man was found lying on his side
with a rag pillow under his head , arms foMsct
and ono leg drawn up. He had about $3,000
loaned out hero In small amounts.
Coroner Grim came to Il'iinoU this mornIng -
Ing and held an Inquest The coroner's Jury
linO no evidence before It to show the cause
of the man's death , and accordingly rendered
n verdict that death resulted from unknown
causes , _ _ _
llraut 0. A. It. iircot Church Howe.
QUANT , Neb. , May 4 , ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Commander Church Howe
talked for two hours to the old soldiers nt
the. court house this evening. Delegations of
Grand Army of the Republic men were pres
ent from six counties. Many business houses
closed during the speaking am ) the citizens
generally Joined In attention to the old vet
erans , An open campflro was held tonight.
11. & M. Depot lioiilKMl.
I HARVARD , Neb. , May 4. ( Special Tele-
fcram to The Dee. ) The I ) . & M. depot was
robbed of a small sum ol money this evening
by a tramp who pried the cash drawer open
fvlth a spike. Ho was seen running through
the town and two miles north about dark.
Officers arc on his truck ,
.M iitiiiii ) Install Officers.
HASTINGS , May 4. ( Special to the Bee. )
Mount Nebo commandery No. 11. Knights
Templar , publicly Installed Its officers last
eight In Masuulc temple , The officers In
stalled nro : B , C1. , W. M. Cllnej general
Isslmo , C. C. lllttcrhousci captain genera
n , J. Penie ; prelate , M , A. Hartlgan
senior warden , M. It. McWhlnncy ; junto
warden , F. J , Schaufclberger ; treasurer , C
II. Pratt ; recorder , J. R. Sims ! standar
hearer , C. L. Alexander ; warder , J. \ \
Houseman ; third guard , J , F. Heller ; see
end guard , S. 12. Howard ; first guard , \ \
L. Yctter ; sentinel , I ) . M. McElhlnncy.
Besides the templars and their families ,
largo number of Invited guests were prcsenl
and a number of knights from Falrfield an
Edgar , who are members qf the commander )
were In attendance. The ( sermon follow In
the Installation was preached by Hev. li
0. Scott of the Presbyterian church , nnd n
the close of the exercises the commander
presented him with a fine silver Inkstan
as a testimony of appreciation ,
Decision of tlin IVdcnil Court tlmt I'lciiip
Tliurnlnn Comity IVoplr.
PnNDEIl , Neb. , May 4 , ( Special to Th
Bee. ) An obstacle to the rapid progress o
Thurston county wai yesterday removed b
Judge Sanborn of the United States clrcul
court at St. Paul , Minn. Several month
ago the Flournay Live Stock anil Heal Ha
tate company of this place leased sovcrn
thousand acres of land from the Indians 01
the Wlnnebago reservation for pasture am
other purposes for n term of years , paylni
thereon thousands of dollars In advance
This was prior to the time when Captali
Beck , now acting Indian agent over th
Wlnnebago and Omaha Indians , was placei
In charge. As soon as Beck assumed th
responsibilities of his office he ordered al
the whites oft the reservation , whereupoi
the Flournay company applied for and se
cured a temporary Injunction from Judg1
Dundy of Omaha restraining Beck from In
terferlng with the arrangements alrcad ;
made with the Indians. A few days ago no
tlco was served on the plaintiffs , warnlni
them that n motion to dUsolvo the injunc
tlon would be heard before Judgi
Sanborn of St. Paul yesterday. Tin
Judge held flint the Indians , being al
lowed to vote , as they are li
Thurston county , were full-fledged citizens
capable of transacting their own business
The decision Is hailed with general dcllgh
all over Thurston county. Had the decisloi
been received a few weeks sooner It wouli
have Increased the area of land planted U
crops in this county this season scvera
thousand acres , as there has been almost at
unbrnken chain of land-seekers from lowt
and other states pouring Into this scctlor
of Nebraska slnco early In March , but nftci
learning of the arbitrary action of Agent
Beck they were afraid to lease of the In
dians. From now on the lands will bo leasci
and put Into crops without fear of beliif
driven off. It Is a big thing for Pcnder ant
Thurston county , and at no time since the
organization of the county has there beer
such genuine enthusiasm and general gooc
feeling as prevailed all over the town las )
evening after the news was received from
St. Paul.
rrrinmit IlrutltlcA.
FREMONT , May 4. ( Special to The
Bee. ) St. James Episcopal church , Rev. Dr.
Mackay officiating , held very Interesting As
cension services last night , which were
largely attended , Mount Tabor commandery ,
Knights Templar , attending in a body in uni
In the police court yesterday a man giving
his name as James Burns was arraigned for
pstit larceny for stealing a pair of pants
from Blumcnthal's store , In March. Ho was
detected by having on his person the same
pants missed from the store nt that time.
He was sentenced to thirty days In Jail ,
fifteen of them on bread and water , and was
required to surrender the trousers , against
which he indignantly protested.
The severest hall storm for many years
visited the central part of Dodg ? county
Wednesday night.
II. E. Grlswold made a shipment of 250
head of cattle for Liverpool yesterday.
C. L. Washburne of Norfolk was Inter
viewing political wire-pullers In tha city yes
There was an alliance rally at the Carey
.school house , in Saunders county , last night.
It was addressed by State Lecturer Fairchild -
child and Organizer Wardell. Quite an en
thusiastic meeting Is reported.
President Reynolds of the Nebraska
binder twlno factory has returned from "a
business trip Into Illinois , where he has pur
chased machinery for greatly enlarging the
tow mill.
Mny Irrigate Their Lands.
HARRISON , Neb. , May 4. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) District court has been
In session here since Tuesday , with Judge
Bartow of Chadron on the bench. Only two
cases of Importance were tried. In the first
an Injunction served on/ the farmers and
ranchmen of Upper Hat creek and tributaries
restraining them from using the waters of
these streams for Irrigating purposes , Is
sued by the county Judge last summer , was
dissolved by Judge Bartow. This decision
Is of vast Importance to the people of the
the Upper creek , for without Irrigation
their land would be comparatively value
less. These ditches were taken out In 1880
when no settlers were in the county and It
was mainly upon the point of priority of
right that the decision was made.
In the case of Tlnkham against Prlesthoff ,
contested election case , the Judge ordered the
counting of two ballots thrown out by the
election board , thus electing Tlnkham by
ono majority. Both cases will be taken to
the supreme court.
No Forms of Gambling Tolerated.
HASTINGS , May 4. ( Special Telegram to
The Bee. ) Mayor McElhlnney today issued
an order to tlio chief of police directing him
to stop all railllng In the city. This order
Is directed to the bicycle and clothing deale-s
who have recently conducted numerous small
lotteries in raffling oft wheels and clothing ,
The plan adopted was most attractive , yet
profitable to tlio dealer-and for a few days a
certain element sosmed crazy over obtaining
a bicycle for a few cents. This Is a further
manifestation of the reform inaugurated by
Sunday cloblng and followed by an order to
close the gambling dens and proscribing
DcnilKO of L'nptiilu Mntlhuug.
FAIRBURY , Neb. , May 4. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Captain Austin W.
Matthews , clerk of the district court , died
suddenly last night from heart failure. Cap
tain Matthews was a veteran of the Mexican
war and In the late war commanded a com
pany of the Second Kansas cavalry. Ho
liiul resided In this county slnco 1874 , had
served as county commissioner for two terms
and was serving his second term as clerk of
the district court when ho died. He was OS
years old. The funeral services will bo con
ducted by the Masonic order and Grand
Army of the Republic-post.
Misfortunes or mi Old Soldier.
HASTINGS , May 4. ( Special Telegram to
The Bee. ) Charles Mumlt today filed a peti
tion asking the district court to sot aside a
deed to his homo farm given by him to Mlko
Brltt , alleging duress and mental Incapacity.
Mumlt Is an old German with no Unnv > n
relatives , a veteran of the civil war , whoso
misfortune It Is to Imvo accumulated a little
property. Last Christmas ho became
paralyzed and Immediately a most disgrace
ful scramble for his properly began , The
matter has been In the courts for some time ; .
NobrnsKn City I'ri'ubjtery Jlcrts.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , May 4.-Speclal ( to
The Bee. ) The presbytery of Nebraska City
held an adjourned meeting hero last evening
and ordained and Installed Rev. R , C. Bailey
as pastor of the Presbyterian church. Rev ,
Dr. Sexton of Sewnrd preached and presided ,
Rev. W. II. Nlles of Table Rock charged the
pastor and Rev. H. N. Dunning of Pawneu
City charged the psopl ? . There was a. good
audience and the services were Interesting
and Instructive. The place of the fall moat
ing of the presbytery was fixed at Blue
1'iilrbury'H City OliTi-hiU.
FAIRBURY , Neb. , May 4. ( Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee. ) Mayor Berry commenced
his official dulles last night by making the
following appointments , which were promptly
continued by the counclli Marshal , \V. J.
Wolf ; night police , R. M. Brown ; chief of
fins department , L. II. Davis ; attorney. C , II.
Denny ; commissioner of streets , Ezra Brown ,
Malaria Is ono of Hie most Insidious of
health destroyers. Hood's Sarsaparllla
counteracts Its deadly pulson and builds up
the system ,
Some of tlio Biggest Snrpriscs Ever Seen i
Omaba ,
No Ono Hun liver Donn Justice to Nlngtir
In u lIcKcrlptlon And Words Would
rail to Dmcrlhn tlindrrnt 1'ull
In .Siiturduj'it 1'rlccs ,
100 pieces natural pongee silk , will laundc
and wear as well as linen and Just as coc
for summer wear , all day Saturday at th
lowest price ever made on these goods ,
100 pieces striped pongee silk goods tha
will wash nnd boil , absolutely worth 45c
yard , all day Saturday for
100 pieces of printed China silks , full 2
Inches wide , In a variety of small , neat dc
signs on black , blue and brown grounds
really worth 40c a yard , all day Saturda
19C A YARD. 190 A YARD. 1C ! ) A TARE
Leaders In silks.
We shall place on sale tomorrow evenln ;
at 7:30 : 200 dress patterns of fine gingham
medium shades , good styles , at 35c a patten
of 10 yards , only one dress pattern to eacl
Ladles' 26c hose reduced to 13c.
Gents' 25C hose reduced to 12'ic.
Rockford BOX , Co per pair.
Beat gents' linen collars , lOc. .
35c suspenders , IDc.
Ladles' vests , Ic.
Ladles' vests , 12' c , worth 25c.
Ladles' kid gloves , 59c , worth $1.00.
Ladles' 7-hook undressed , 7Bc , worth $1.2ii
Children's fast black cotton hose , 12'/j
per pair , worth 25c.
Ladles' aprons , 12 < ic , great value.
$1.50 corsets go nt EOc.
5,000 yards beautiful new veilings at 9i
per yard. These goods are fresh from tin
factory and are worth up to 25c per yard.
5 gross large sized fancy black hand bags
with leather handles and lined throughout
25c each.
10 gross beautiful satin belt , silk elastli
ladles' hose supporters , In all colors , at 25 (
per pair , worth COc.
Our 9c table contains : Combs worth 15c
mirrors worth 2Gc , ladles belts worth 35c
veilings worth 25c , dolls worth 35c , whist
brooms worth luc.
Your choice , 9c each.
All the new late and popular books al
cut prices Saturday from 7:30 : p. m. to 0:3 : (
p. m.
500 good books , slightly soiled , at Cc each ,
from 2 p. m. to 7:30 p. in.
Ships that Pass In the Night , Dodo , Miss
Holmes' works , Mrs. Solithworth's works ,
May Agnes Flemings works , etc. , at 14c
A special straw hat sale Saturday.
Being the first day of our straw hat sale
we will make prices to suite everybody.
Men's straw hats In all styles 15c , worth
Men's straw hats In all styles 25c , vorih
Men's straw hats In all styles 50c , worth
Misses' and children's sailors , 20c , 25c ,
35c , DOc ; less than one-half.
Boys' straw hats and caps 30c , iGc , 20c ,
25c to 7Cc , less than one-half.
All the leading styles of men's straw bats
at less than half of hatter's prices.
Men's fine fnur fedoras 7Ec , worth ? 2.00.
Men's' fine fur derby 75c , worth ? 2.00.
Men's fine fur soft hats $1.00 , worth $2.50.
Boys' fancy hats and turbans 25evoHh
Boys' , chlldrens yatohlng caps , 21c and 50c
Where the surprises happen.
Prices lilouii to ricccs on Clothing anil
Underwear ,
Our eastern buyer sent us a large Invoice
of new goods bought at auction and bank
rupt sales In the New York market for cash ,
and now the Western Clothing company will
offer them at prices that will save you big
money. The following prlco list will con
vince you that you can save on a man's
suit from $1.50 to $2.50 and up
ward. On every boy's suit from EOc to $1.50
or more. The special sale prices o under
wear and hats arc fully 25 per cent below
what you can buy them anywhere else In
the city.
Boys' suits , all sizes , from C5c up.
Men's suits from $2,25 up.
Boys' pants , all sizes , from 15c Ufx
Men's pants from 50c up.
Blue overall with bib , good quality , 25c.
Men's balbrlggan shirts and drawers 25c.
Fines laundered shirts , white and colored ,
Pure linen collars Cc.
Pure linen cuffs lOc.
Men's fine dress shoes , $1.23. >
Men's fedora hats , 7Ec.
Men's socks , good quality , seamless , Cc.
Pure silk neckties , largo variety , 15c.
Remember this the oldest clothing house
In Omaha and their motto Is fair and reli
able dealings with all.
Wo carry no shoddy or trash.
Take advantage of this great discount
sale whllo it lasts.
1317-1319 Douglas street.
Cast Today 'I
Tour choice of four dally trains on tha
Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two of
these trains , at 4.05 p. m. ar.d G:30 : p. m. , are
vcsttbuled and limited , arriving In Chicago
early next n ornlng.
Ellto sleepers , dining cars and the latest
reclining chair cars.
Call at the city office , 1401 Farnam street.
The Northwestern checks your trunk at
your house.
noMicsiiKiits' ; : KXOUKSIONS SOUTH.
Vhi tlio AVulmsh Itnllroad ,
On-May 8 and 29 the Wabash will sell
round trip tickets at ono faro to all points
In Tennessee ( except Memphis ) , Mississippi ,
Alabama , Louisiana ( except New Orleans ) ,
Arkansas and Texas. For tickets or descrip
tive pamphlets of land , cllmato etc. , call at
Wabash ticket office , Ifi02 Farnam street , or
write Q. N. Clayton , northwestern passengar
agent , Omaha , Neb.
AVItli it WniKlcruiK .Mini ) ,
Mrs. Sullivan , matron of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union home , filed a
complaint yesterday against Mrs. Fisher ,
: ) iu woman whoso story of misfortune was
printed In tlicso columns , charging her with
Doing insane , and the cnso will bo Investi
gated by the proper board , The woman was
akcn to the homo Thursday night , but took
icr departure a short time afterward and was
'ound by an officer roaming the streets at a
late hour , Hila believed that the loss of he
money has so worried her ns to temporarll
unsettle her wind.
Contract fern Hexvor In Riverlow I'nrk T
ItullilHin North Itoulcturd.
The Board of Park Commissioners m <
yesterday nftornoon and awarded the cor
tract for building 251 feet of sewer In Rlvei
view park to George Tlllotson for $ C. ! S pe
foot. The material to bo used Is Sioux Fall
granite and the contract prlco Is about $30
In excess of the lowest bid on vitrified brlcl
Residents on Mason street between Twen
ty-nlnth street nnd Park avenue wantc
the board to beautify the north margin of th
street with flowers , etc. , but were summni
lly disposed of , as the board was not li :
cllncd to Infringe upon sldcunlk territory.
The question of disposing of the service
of a special engineer and turning the wor
over to the engineering department of th
city was discussed at some length. Clt
Engineer Roscwater submitted a commuiil
cation stating that the city would probabl
bo willing to agrco to that plan If the boar
would pay $100 a month for the work. /
motion to delay action until the May bll
for engineering services came In was car
Mr. Mlllard Introduced n resolution In re
gard to the opening of the prospective Nortl
boulevard. It recited the fact that ther
Was no money In the park fund that couli
bo used to pay the damages resulting' I
abutting property , and recommended that th
city council borrow the amount ncccssar ;
from the park bond fund , to be repaid oil
of the benefits accruing from the condemna
tlon proceedings. Judge Lake opposed wha
he considered a misappropriation of funds
but the resolutionpassed. .
Not from n Light Wlro.
In speaking of the fire In the Exposltloi
annex Thursday afternoon , ono of the officer
of the New Omaha Thomson-Houston Elec
trio Light company said that the fire coult
not have originated from electric light wir
Ing. Ho said that there were no llghtim
wires in tlio building , all having boon cu
out on March n , at which time the scrvlci
was discontinued.
The only electric wires in the bulldlni
were these of the Omaha & Council Bluffi
Bridge company , which furnished the powei
to drive a motor.
Jlanlcriipt Sail1.
B. Ullman & Co. , 52 Fountain Square
Cincinnati , O. , failed ; the Globe of this clt :
bought their stock. They were known ti
carry the best brands of goods only. Sah
positively opens Saturday morning ; dry good !
stores won't bo In It at the below mcntlonci
prices. Laundered Monarch shirts , 59c
Boys' all wool combination suits , caps t <
match , $1.75. Wilson Bros , suspenders , EC
G. A. R. blue suits , with 2 sets of buttons
$5.75. Plain white hemmed handkerchiefs
Ic. Men's all wool suits , $2.75. A big line
of neckwear , original price , 23c , for f > c
Men's extra strong pants , 45c. Imported
clay worsted suits , dry goods stores asli
$22.00 for them , our price $3.50. Men's
mackintosh rubber coats at $2,90. Darl <
brown corduroy pants for $1.25 ; ain't that n
stunner ? Boys' suits for 75c , actually worth
$2.00. Ullman & Co. also carried a big line
of men's shoes. The Globe slaughters a
calf leather shoe for 98c. Fine tan colored
bluchers for $1.90. Genuine merino under
wear , 22V&C. Balbrlggan underwear , 19c.
Genuine seamless Rockford hose , blue or
brown , 3c. Men's Fedora hats as low as
39c. Umbrellas toUceep out rain or sun , 19c ;
Is this cheap enough ? All wool spring over
coats , three different shades , strictly all
wool , cut long , $4.25. Blue and white plalded
overjackets , 23c. 'Extra ' good quality boys'
knee pants , 1'Jc. The $1.23 grade of fast
black shhts , with corded bosoms , CO cords ,
for 59c ; the making is worth more. Bachelor
buttons In match boxes , 7c. Prince Albert
suits , $6.751 Boys' long pants , worth $1.25 ,
for 48c. ' ' Five styles of working shirts , In
cluding black , for ICc. Tan colored socks ,
'the 25o grade , with drop stitches , S'/ic. Un-
llned goat gloves , . , 19e. Remember at the
above prices , which are lower than any
house ever quoted in the town , we are still
making a margin , as Ullman & Co. "busicJ"
and we bought this stock for 33c on die del
lar. Look for big sign ,
At the GLOBE , 113 S. ICth , ncai Doug
las st.
Clothing for Men and Itojs anil Food for
7 till 10 o'clock your choice of 375 fancy
and plain wash vests in piquet and marseilles
cloth , brocaded and striped , warranted fast
colors , single or double breasted , they are
worth from $1.75 to $4.50.
Your colce Saturday evening , 77c. Not
more than 2 to each customer. Sizes from
32 to 40.
Displayed in clothing department , 2d floor.
Save from $2.00 to $4.00 tomorrow If you
want to buy the very finest made boys' 2-
plece suits. Double and single breasted Ju
nior and reefer , some with double seat and
knees , warranted all wool of the finest fab
rics , your choice of our entire second table
Worth from $5.50 to $7.50.
For men's clothing it's worth your while
to compare prices.
3,500 men's spring and summer suits In
latest styles and cut , long cut sack or cuta
Suits from $10.00 to $18.00 , stand any kind
of competition In prices , workmanship and
We are headquarters for fine butter and
at prices that are beyond approach. Very
finest butter made for 20c. As * any one
who bought this butter of us , they will tell
you there is none better ; country butter , Sc ,
lOc 121/'C. 14o and ICc.
It must come here.
But to get you
Fancy full cream young America cheese
onlv Sc per pound ; Wisconsin full cream ,
7Uc , 90 and ISfcc ; brick cheese , 8c , lOc.
12Vfcc and lie ; Swiss cheese , 12Uc. 14c nnd
Hero wo have something new and don t
forget to buy some of the -.great cream
toast1 XXX soda and oyster crackers , Oc
per pound ; everything In crackers ut lowest
prices. All l < l us of bread , 2c per loaf ;
rolls , 71/-c per dozen ; cream puffs , I5c per
dozen ; do'ifihnula , 7Vie per. dozen ; angel
food , 17o each ; everything Is always nice
and fresh , no matter what tlmo of day you
C ° m ° ' "
Finest sugar cured No. 1 hams , lOc ; salt
pork , 7c ; plclflo pork , 7'ic ; corned beef ,
Co- bologna , 3c per pound ; California bacon ,
gi/,0' Boston long cut hams , 8c ; all small
cans' potted -meats , Cc.
3'pouml cans * be'st lard , 29c ; G-pound cans ,
4Sc * 10-pound cans , Ulo ; these prices are for
tho' best lnrd made. Here are prices for
compound lard : 3-pound palls , 21c ; C-pound
palls. 3Cc ; 10-pound palls , C8c.
Coupon iglvors and price breakers.
Notice of nvo UnM or less under this heart , llfty
cents : each lulditlJiml line , ten ten Is.
KK Haze' ' > May 4 , 1S9I , of dlpli-
therln , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Urewer. nK4' ' 3 years , 3 months. Funeral
nt 3 o'clockSaturday afternoon , Mny 5 ,
from the family resldsnoe , 2101 N street ,
South Omaha , to Laurel Hill cemetery.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair ,
Tfaconly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atntnonia ; No Alum.
In Millions of Homes AQ Years the Standard'
People become thin , pale , puny ami nervous when their blood is impoverished , or poor. All the tissues
nro fed from the blood. "When the vital fluid becomes impaired , impoverished and poor , the nerves , no less
than the muscles , suiter , and sk'eplessncss , neuralgia , nervous prostration , debility , twitchings , spasms and other
distressing derangcmentg follow. Thin , watery , weak , impoverished and impure blood also predisposes to nil
manner of scrofulous , scalp and skin diseases , and oven consumption , or lung-scrofula , is union" ° the common
consequences which follow such .a condition.
'Iho best remedy is to bo found , not in anodyne ncrvo medicines , so loudly recommended , whioh onlr
. 'L J W. 8J.CJ , L ° ° ? ! ! , * lo"S1r ! ' " ' " "iak. ° (1 r < V wo o , " but In a medicine which "stffi
at the root the evil by purifying , enriching and vitalizing the lilnnil .
Ior this purpose Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery is the remedy far excellence. Unlike nasty cod
liver oil and its hlthy Emulsions "it docs not make fat but builds soltdwoomej and
whoteomejtoh increases
, up an ncreases the
Btrength , nerve force and vigor of all who use it.
For building up delicate , thfo , puny , palo people , both children and adults , it has no equal. It docs not
render fat people more corpulent , for it does not miiko fat but wholesome JfaA , thereby roundinir out the fieo
and fiure of these -who , from anv cause. Imvn bnnntnn iwliioml in dnuli 1 , , > 1 , , . i , ; , „ , . ; , / „ „ . „ . . . i .5i
Wo hnvo ft
few following :
fronr.n's THSPKNSAUY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Mn. ANTON KIIATK , Cnnc/unl , Darns Co. , Oiioiioi : I. Wii.iir.ti , IS.Q. , of Katt iruIKno-
TION , Iiuirulo , N. Y. : AW ; . , had \\ealc lutw , fonl , n. , writes " 1 -
Gentlemen 1 wish to pay to you that T > r , cmigli and eatiirrh , wltl : wiw nll K-cllng very uikcmlilu
riereo'sGolden Medical 1)1 ) * profuse expectoration 8iiminor , was veiy
covery saved my llto and dlllleiilt breathing , lasting bilious ; Hoiiictlinc my
has mndo mo u man ; my fiom ono to eight hours' bowoU would not
home-physician says I am no writes " 1 took sick move In Mxty to H-V-
good for forty years yet. nnd went to the doctors cnty hours ; I would
Von will remember that my They jrnvo mo medlclno ttiko aomo blltei-s ,
WhlClMMIUld -
rnso was ncnso Just Iwlwivn but It did not hlcp mo , so I Ill-Ill the
life and deathmid allot my pot two or thrt'o bottles ol matter , but us teen us
fiienda it 'Golden the lilttew wen ! gene
wcro siiro was u Medical Discov
ca = o of death , until I com ery1 and porno 'relict. " . ' 1 had to buy more or I
menced second After would Inus luid us lic-
tultlng iv ii whllo I not better , -
bottle of "Golden foi-o nnd comet Inns
Medical until throe wlntns nun 1
Discovery , " when i wns Kot pick again en I could worse. called A diiigKl t
alilo tobitiipnnd the eolith not do nnythlmr , and I yourDr. my ' attention ' to .
was very much better , and wrote to you Klvlnx my
en Medical Dlscovoiv
the bleeding from my lungs symptoms on one of youi ,
stopped , and before I had < iuestlon blanks' , and asked iindbefiuvl had taken
Vvrovlfn\T7 , 1SQ. . halfnbottluont I felt
tnUcn six bottles of the - } ( ) U , llOut ) my y , , you
"Golden Medical Discov told mp to take your'loldcii Median Discov much better , and by
ery " my cough ccat-ed uud ery. ' I took four bottles und got well and the tlmo 1 had taken
liave been well ever since. " till , I could eat thico
hearty incuts per day ,
man and ready for busi ASTHMA. GEO. WILDER , Kso."ll,1. . I'1' ' ' "Qt felt M
. Ten Doctors , , , well for n long time.
ness. Fulled to Cure !
hen I '
ness.And commenced taking the
'Golden Medi
And now I feel Mrs. ISAAO IX > T.MAN , of cal Dlfcoxery' I thought I was going info
It is n duty that I owe Thwtmi' , Delaware . con-
Co. ,
Mimpt Inn , us Iliad n lorrlhlo cough tor tluto
to my lollowmcn to recommend I'a. , writes
as follows :
ears mxl weight decit-nsliig.
my My ueiulit
commend " to them the 'I wish to wilto you of bcfou-taking th.TGolden Medical DlsuovcYv'
"Ooldcn Medical Discov my bi other. Harry C. WHS IM pounds hist March it
" ' ; was 117 iiouiuK
ery" anil Dr. B.igo's Ca Ti " onp , who has been sick and 1 give the credit to the' Dlscov cry. ' "
tarrh , which
Remedy "or ten years with usth-
saved my Illo when doc na. Ho 1msbeen treated
tors anil all other medicines by ten different plijsi- A Complete Trcntlso on any ono of the above
cines fulled to do mo any < clans , who Imvo said ho mentioned diseases will bo sent to nppllennts
good. ' could not bo cured. Ho m ix-cclpt of six cents ( stamps ) to pay postage.
I will send to you with md to sit up at night , ho Ijich TrentIso contains numerous tcstlmonlaU
this letter two of my pho tot FO short of breath ; md refeienocs to thcuo whom wo have cured.
tographs ; ono was taken 10 suffered with fcariul Address ,
n few weeks before I was ( i/ici-/ icadachcs anil had n bad
and taken the down other sick was In taken bed , o - , > " HARRIS , cough. 'lerco'a After Golden taking Medical Dr. Worli's ' Dispensary Medical Association
after i was well. For references , address ' '
Hseovery mid I'lensunt n. C ' INVALIDS' HOTEL and OURQICAI , INSTITUTE ,
C. II. HARRIS , 'cllcta , ' ho did not get '
No. 102 ad Avc , , Rock Island , 111. hort of breath , and can sleep all night. "
This sideboard is distinctively a "thing
of beauty. "
And beauty , It must be remembered , never
goes out of fashion. Style changes and Is
wholly relative and largely geographical.
What passes for style is-simply an Indica
tion of local progress ; but beauty Is the
same whether you catch It Paris or Skow-
hegan , Mo.
With Its beauty this design has also strik
ing originality. Every clever woman appre
ciates the advantage In securing a side
board which looks exactly as If built from
an architect's plans.
The front Is a great sweeping curve. The
plate closets are of unusual blze , fho mir
ror is full width. The plush lining of sil
ver drawer is of r. new art shade which
closely matches the color or the natural oak.
In its entirety and In detail this Is one of
the most artistic sideboards we have ever
CMS. SMverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Ev3ry Do3orlptlon.
Temporary Location ,
Ask Your Grocer to Send You
For Puddings , Custards , Blanc Mange , &c.
Use Kingsford's "Silver
Gloss" and "Pure" Starch for
the laundry ; it's unexcelled.
For Sale by all Grocers.
U. S. DapaaltDry , Oaiaha , Nebraska
CAPITAL 8400,000
SURPLUS 855,500
OfflccrH ana Direciorsi Henry W. Y.itai , prji
dciitj Jonn S. Collins , vlco prestaoiitj L'lwln 3
Heed , Cashier. Win. U. d. llughus , umlHUiil
cannier THE IRON BANK.
The annual meeting of stockholders of the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Rail
road company will bo held ut the otllce of
the company In Omaha , Neb , , on Kilday ,
May 18 , 1694 , nt 2 o'clock p. in. for the elec
tion of directors anil for the transaction of
such other business us may come bpforu the
meeting. J. li. UUPKIIILI ) ,
DuteU May 4 , 1891. Secretary.
Invest twenty-five cents with us , and we'll
cover your hkln with a 50c article dead
sure give you selection at that.Vo have
balbrlggan in cream or brown , or gauze ,
In white or brown
Ever sold as cheap from the days of
Adam , let you pick your choice at
that. Dalbrlggan in cream or brown
Jaeger ribbed , in dark drab , or the
new dark lavender shade called Er-
Drawers or shirts of real two
thread Otis gosset finished bal
brlggan , of cream color , or Ala-
co fibre goods of a darker shade
can t buy 'em anywhere at less
than 75c
Ever bought natur
al French balbrig-
Kan for COc , oh ?
Wo sell'cm nt that ,
with silken
on edges.
For real Egyptian
goods sainoar-
tiulo retails at
Buys right hero the genuine
Harvard Jersey ribbed , slllc
trimmed underwear , cost you
elsewhere 40 per cent higher. .
All wo charge for genuine French
Imported balhrlggan , and It's as sta
ple as a postage stamp everywhere
at not less than $1.25.
You compare 'em to any $1.GO underwear
you ECO and you'll give the verdict In our
favor. Any article Is a 4-thrcail llslle ,
soft finish , in washable cream. None finer
In this line of make
Last call for Catalogue.
No Jloiler. A'o Uteant. No Kagtnter ,
DEST 1'OWKR for Corn and Feed Mills , Haling
Hay , Running Beparatom , Creumorlen , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
( JJtoWII. I' . 8 to 011,1' .
_ if nil for C Ulo jue , I'rlcsi , etc. , describing work to be done ,
o , 245 Lake St , OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS ,
Omaha , 107 S. 14th St 33d < b Waluut SU. , I'lULAWELl'UIA , I'A.