THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MAY 3. 1891. SPEG1HL NOTICES. Advertlue-mer.ts for these column * will t * taken until 12 JO p m f > r the evening ana until .OC p. rn f > r the mnrnlns and Bandar edition * Aderi < R Iv requwiunK H numbered cheek , can h i o in * rn addrm -d to a numbered l tter In Mte f Th Uee Animeni ft ndrlremM will 'M delivered upon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Rate * IV word first Insertion , IB a word thereafter Njthlnic taken for less than 3c POSITION IIT verse MAN IN trcOit or c illpni m department wh'ileaal" house , attorney , experience- , reference * , K 3 I lee A 427 3 * WANTFD-T NvrLOPPH. mifcLARB TO AD. MANTI rv-KNVi'LoPKs. C'IRCILARS TO AI > - trp * * ruing nil rthHM unJ bookkee-plns 4 we.kl > Aldrem K IT.IIee A 41 - * _ WANTED WALE HELP. Hales IV word Trot lnertlnn , Ic a word the-rmfiT N Hi nif taken fir ! > than ! 6c POLK ITOUS TEAMS VI UNIFIED IN TAt.L- mMit gwdii American Wringer Co. 1MR nrd tit _ _ _ AOEVTS , HALAHY OR COMMISSION -run Kreal t Invention of th * aic Th New Pat ent c hemiat Ink Kraalnir Penell Sell" on night AS irk * like maKtr ARenU are making J200 t. Jiroo p r week For further par- tleulan write the Monroe Erasing Mfg O > X M La CruM" . V > > * 851 _ BALF.8MI.N TO HELL 11AKING POWDER We put . .ur KIO.III In Rial * mlHns plnn WOO mmith and expenses , or commlwlon ChlrnRO llnklnp Powder Co , 767 Van lluren street , ChlCQBO. H-M705 Ml 4 * _ _ _ A GOOD SALESMAN IN EVERY TOWN IN Iowa and eastern Neliranka Address , The Hawks Nursery Co. Mll auki-e , AM" 11 MBW M18 * WANTED , MEN TO TAKE ORDERS IN CITY on iialar ) f irmer experience not required Apply at ISlt Douglas H 11330 M23 _ WANTED-8ALESMAN ; SALARY FROM tnrt. permanent plac . Brown Dron Co. nurserymen. Chicago. Ill _ n Wet m4 * WANTED. LADORERS AND TEAMSTERS ON thes 11. & M It ) , extension In Montana anl Vyom'nir. Free transportation Kramer i. O'Hearn , lalwr agency , lllh and 1'arnam street * . II M4I3 5 * WANTED , A FIRST-CLASS CIO VR SALESman - man by a western clear factor ) one vvtio is thoiouethly areiunlnle-d with the NebrmKa trade peed galary to the rlKht mnn no Inexperienced man need apply Address K 13. care Ilee SALESMEN WANTED TO PELT. Ot'R GOODS hy sample to the wholesale and retail trade. sell on slKhl to evcr ) business man or firm. liberal salary money ndxntired for nd\ertlslns and expenses : permanent position Address with stamp. King MfB. Co. , C-42 Chlcnijo III. It M3I5 * 10 CANVASSERS AT ONCE. ENTIRELY NEW article. Call and Inve-MlpHte If vou would earn money Room RO. lUrker Mori. It M44. 4 * HOTEL ni-NNEn WITH CITY REFErtENrEs. at State hotil. 130i Douglas _ U M432 BAKER. CAKE AND I1UEAD IIAKER wanted , must lie first-class on cakes and fancy pnStr ) . sober and Rtead > . Addr ss stnllnB naRes wanted and rcfennce to boxCW ininc" CUTTEIl WANTED. WHO WILL WOUK AR A tallar. and Is us. d IT ready mads work. J6j 00 per month steady work mutt enm at once wire quick reply for the place Stanton Tailor Co. , Stanton , Neb _ D M4 8 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , me word first Iniertlon. Ic a word . thireaftor. Nothing taken for less than c " vwvr.11-u , uiitL , TOR IIOfSEWORK . , . , MtBT nt.z understand cooking Apply 415 North Mth street. C M4TO 3 WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL. CALL AT 2114 Illnney. C M4 8 3' WANTED , GIRL. AT 2J02 CALIFORNIA.ST . LADIES AVANTINO GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian loung ladles' home JTOI CumlnB I1EST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT GIRL. must be good rook nnd laundress Mrs J M Thurston 2408 Fnrnntn C 205 WANTED , A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 43C fao 21th avi. C 42S 3' A GOOD "MILLINER WANTED AS SECOND trimmer. Miss Roendale , 10 Pearl street Coun- cll bluffs. C M442 3 WANTED COMP-ETKNT GIUIJ , GENERAL hoiiiework ; S 4n family , Apply 1112 S. loth st. ' WANTED \VOMAN TO HELP AT . . . Inc.only thewa who have had experience- re- palrlntr men's clothing need np l ) . Continental Clli. House. C 450-2 _ WANTED-Cmii FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 1711 DoURlas t C 1 5-4 * WANTED , COL'PLH Ol * > LADIES AND GEN- tle-mcn. whom I A III Instruct , nnd place In company , to take -the road Immediately Ad- " - - " " - - - - elrcsH with WANTED. cjJl'hTENT GIUL. FOK GnX- eral hnunevvork. 2218 Grant street third ilnor from iUh. C-a 63 FOB KENT HOUSES. nates , me word first Insertion Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken fur lena than Me RENTAL. AGENC1.SHEIIVVOOD. < 3 NY Life. D 333 MJ * Ton RENT. TO nnST-CLASS FAMILY OF not more than 3 crown persons , without children. 9-rex > m modern house , 31G North Sth ) treet. Low rent to rleht party Bnfrss & Hill. 1408 Fnrnam ntreet. P 8 M7 FINE FLAT IN CLOUSKU 11LOCK AT 70S a ICttl Bt ; range and all other conveniences ; 12S. Oeorc * Clouser. room t , ICS3 Farnum at D 575 t-nooM HOUSE. iNQUinn 2711 DOUGLAS ST FOR KENT , 8-IlOOM BRICK , ALL MODERN improv ementB. 29th and Irard , one tlock from Walnut Hill motor , Ji.OO. Inquire Cjmp- troller'B office P--S33 ixm iinkr. ruriNisiinD HOUSE THE ilne-st residence In Kouritza plice , handsomely furnished , with hnrn nnd latest Improvements F. D. Wead , ICth and DouKlas. D S34 ofi IlKNT TWO B-ROOM COTTAGES ON Bouth 23d striet Inquire at 1016 South 221 1 > 210 : HOUSES , T. 1C. DAIILLN'O , BARKER BLOCK D 352 HOUSES IK ALL TAUTS OF THE CITY THE O r. Davis compun } , I'M farnam. D 313 VllOOM COTTAGE . MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. ' S ElKUtter , 201 lleo bulld- P- < Jne RENTAL AGENCY , C07 BROWN BLOCK D 335 FIRST CLAP1 ? WELL LOCATED HOUSES tl K. Bklnner. 310 N Y. Life. D 336 4ROOMOI > KUN I'LATS 2STH AND LEAV- invvorth J. W. Squire , 2 < S Ilee bldg I ) 3i7 CLEAN ] COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT. moderate rentals , bi t J and 4-room suites far houmkeipora only Ilpfe-rences required Also 6-room suite In tenement. H6 S. 2U nt D 333 1'OR RENT , * -IlOOM HOUSE. MODERN FUR- nlshetl or unfurnished. 1112 S. 10th street streetD D 35 ! ) KULKKNNEY&CO R 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK , D SO niairi ROOM MODERN norsE , nice Itivvn. barn Inquire 2003 Tierce litre t 1 > M3SO NICE S-HOOM COTTAGE J10 00 I'En MONTH L. S Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. l > HS3 -TOR KENT. CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE 1th bath. In city , lliOJ. 3036 California street. D M223 _ _ " rCHOirn HOME. EIGHT BOOMS AND BARN" . nuo lawn , city writer and southeast front 1 Ihik biutli of Irfuvennorth on 3ih avenue , Ji&.exi Applj to N J'tny , n premises. POR IlKNT J33 W 'EIl MONTH 4110 LArAY- ettt ) ft.vt.nue , 7 rooms , furnict' . hath , hot nnd iMld water , rlooet. tun. vlwlrlc llKhtln ? anpll- nncfB. otc Beautiful luvvn. tre . etc fidelity Trust company , 1W1 l" rnHtn str t. D M81S rolt 111T GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM h 'um 3631 CaitltoL avt-nua. Alno 9-room Imuse , ( . ipllol uvonuv B. H , lloblson , room 7. Commercial National. D MS S COTTAaiANIl STABLB. NO. SW N. Nth uvpnue. Inquire 314 N. 17th st P tM 7 * _ C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. LAWN AND shade ! 1S4 Miami strwjt. D M431 ALI < MODKRN nwntii , beautifully locattKl , rtnt 64S So. Hlh st I > 447 BIX OR TEN-ROOM HOUSBS. MODERN IN K > s , 2 < Wl Cupltol ve D 4Mi RBNT TWO-STORY SIX ROOM HOL'SB. rlty vnd clstwti vvuur , bath. lart Ia n IU M iwmtli 1701 N. IMh st. D 4U 4 . ROOM8. 1 KIXXR , L1NTON ULOCK , Uth and Maj on , Jl ! p r mo , Iiwiulrt > 17 Union Mwik. 1J 1M Aijily | IVH 8. Mill _ FOR HENT- FURNISHED ROOMS. lU'.n Ue u-urd first Insertion , le a word rirr Nothine taken fnr lews thn Kc 11OOMS AT K1C FOB KENT FURNISHED BOOMS. Continued. mil HBNT. AT MM DODOB , A LAHOB nAY window , second tory front room , for tltOO month. No other roomer * and no children. E AIJTNA HOUSE. NORTHWBaT COIlfJEIl 1JTH and Dfxlge. formerlr Traveler * home , bed * p r week. . , . roonu , LM and NICKI.Y FUIINI8HED FHONT ROOMS , WITHer or without board. Call at 2107 DoUKlas st 9 UK FOR RENT. A kAHGB SOUTH IIOO1I AT 1919 Dodge ( treet. E 1IC79 Z rUUNISHED ROOMS AND 2 UNFURNISHED at Si : H. SCth. E M470 3 * ELKQANT 1 > AIIIX > R. FURNISHED OR t'N- furnlilMxl , at the old Turner home , VOS How ard. B M31t t FOR ItnNT-ni.EOAN'TLY TURNHHED rooms 808 So 11th. 11 2K4 NK'ELV FURNISHED PARLOR TERMS reasonable IWI Famam E MM2 H Ft ItMSlini ) ROO.MH FOR LIGHT IIirSI > keypmg. 118 North 15th street. E M433 C * FUUNIPHED ROOM , GENTLEMAN 2017 HAH- ne > street. E 421 7 * Fl'llKISIIBD ROOM. JO 00. I'M I'ARNAM , with liath K 125 8 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAKD , Rates lV4c word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc FURNISHED ROOMS WITH I > OARD. 107 S IT. F-31S M2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS , WITH HOARD. 1720 Dodge. F M419 3 * ROOMS AND HOARD , 411 N. 14TII. Jl V ) AND j : 00 week F M289 I" PLEASANT LOCATION FOR RUMMER ; trees , lawns and porchci. 2013 St. Mary's n\e. F-M3I2 t NICE ROOMS , GOOD HOARD , RATES REA- Bonatle The Rose. 2020 llarney. F M32I & NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2019 California etneU tf-3Xl < FRONT FOUTH ROOM FOR 2 OR 3 GENTLED men , first class board ITS Dodge , F 3jO 2 * LARGE ELEOANTLY FrRNISHED ROOMS with Imard G13 N 20th street F M421 & YOFNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women B Christian association 111 S 17th st. F MO ROOM WITH BOARD. FlUCE MODERATE. 2400 Casi. F I1C M22' FOR RENT. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SFITA- bl ? for two. with or without board * private fatnll ) , centrally located Address K 23 Bee olllce F 258- A VERY DESIRARLE FRONT AND UACK pirlor , also single room , best location In clt > 212 s ath L F : ra LARGE ROOM. EITHER NORTH OR fcOUTII exiKisure In private famll ) , with board Appl > 2221 InxlKc striet. F M343 DESIRAIILE ROOM WITH HOARD IN PRI- vntt famll } 70C N' 19th F 110-S * FOK BENT tJNFTTP.NISH D BOOMS. Rates l' c word l\nt \ Insertion , Ic a word thereafter N'othlng tal > en f > r leas than SSc 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS"St'ITAIILn FOR housekeeping cltjater , etc . low rent , north west corner 17th and Webster nl G SCI 5 UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOFSE- keeplne to man and wife , no children , oil N. 17th G C57 FOB BENT , STOBES AND OFFICES Ratei lijc word first Insertion Ic a word thereafter Nothing taken for less than25c , 1C MONTHS LEASE OF STORE 303 S 17TH 1 353 FOR RENT THE 4-STORY I1RICK BUILDING. 916 Farnnm st. The building has a fireproof cement lin * * * ment complete steam heating flx- turts wattr on all floors , gas etc. Apply at the odlce of The Ilic 1 510 FOR RENT THE HANDSOME n VSEMENT room & 70 feet on Farnnm street In the New York Life Illilg low rent. Apply to anent. 303 Ntw ork Life building I M441 5' AGENTS WANTED. Rates. IVic word first Insertion , Ic a wwrd thereafter Nothing taken for less than 25c , AGENTS. UOTU SEXES. TEN INDI3PENSA- ble articles , retail for SO 10. absolutely free to our demonstrated rustlers ; The Clauss bhear Co . Kansas City , IIo. J MC2S June 30 * SALESIlinN VISITING DRY GOODS AND clothing trade wishing a small side line , staple goods , 5 per cent commission Address F H Orcutt , Council Bluffs la J M422 3 AGENTS WANTED , BIG MONEY WRITE for particulars to A. M. Secman & Co . Lin coln. Ntb . 122 North 14Uu J M5 l Mil * WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS AT OMAHA * ] Frimont. Grand Islind Norfolk and Beatrice for the Union Central Life Insurance company rwin & * * * * 0 00 In force In Nebraska Renewal connects Address J M Edmlston state agent , Lincoln. Neb J M878 illS AGENTS-HUSTLERS , BIG MONEY APPLY room 4J5 , Paxton block J S7.J M1B * COMBINATION DIPPER CONVERTABLC INTO fruit jar tiller , funnel , ( liter , strainers , pint measure and other uses Agents wanted every where Write at once for exclusive territory Entirely new Samples post paid 35c Granite S P. Co , Barker block , room W J M414 6 * LADY AGENTS WANTED $10 00 WiiiC MRS Mitchell , 1410 How nrd street. J M433 b' A CHANCE OF A LIFETUIE AVANTED IM- mtdlately , Chnvauaers and agents In every city In the United Statei to Introduce "Jlultum In Parvo" the elastic Ink-holder for pens , from J3.00 to $1000 easllv made with 6 hours work dally Call or address Theo > Mejer , 140 Nassau street , room 46 , New York City J M461 3' AGENTS. IF BIG COMMISSIONS OR MODerate - erate salary will secure your services for a 25c article , which sells In every home write us vou can canvais or sell to dealers ex clusive terrltor > given Curtain Pole Lifter Mfg Co Box D Racine Win. J M459 3' BENTAL AGENCY. Rates Hc word first Insertion Ic a word thereafter Nothing taken for UBS than 25c RENT ILEDICED ON HOUSES AND ROOMS 3 coed rooms , Km , 4 rooms , rental , HO00 Cottages from J5 00 up. Printed Hat G F Butts. 220 S 17th street. L M778 MIC STORAGE. Rates , lisc word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Jc STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODsT CLEAN nnd cheap rate , R VAells , llll Farnam FarnamM M 364 STORAGEWILLIAMS i CROSS 1214 HARNEY M 363 STOVES STORED DURING THE St'MMER 1207 Douglas. Omaha fatove Repair works. M1S4 May 31 WANTED TO BUY. Hates , Hie word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lisa than 2Sc , 1H.ACKED TRIMMED SINGLE SURREY HAR- ne.HS. Addrttu * 1C 33 , llee. N M410 HIGHEST PRICE FOR 2D-HAND Ft RNITURE carpets , etc S H. Ilronn , 321) N , 18th. Ttl. 1711 N 41 M8 * RETAIL LITMIIER YARD. NEIJ OR WESTERN Iowa. Address P O Uox B5J , David t'lty. Neb N 170 MJ4 MEAT MARKET AND DWELLING FOR RENT In Benson Place Inquire M. O'Hearn , 1410 N 2Uth street N 130-2 * FOB SALE FTJBN I1UBE. Rates , : > , c a word first Insertion. Ic a word thirraiter Nothing taken forles * than ! 5c. FOR SALlJ-HOfSEHOLD GOODS AND FUR- nlturc , 3643 Charles nt. O Z06-J * FOB SALE HOBSES.WAGONS.ETO. Rates. H o word first Insertion le a wora thereafter Nothing taken for lc g than 86c. ALL , KrNDs3FVEHCLES ATWC ON THE Uo.lar. W. P. Mumauch. 1213 Fornam t. V iil Mi _ 0000 SIMPSON MAKE CARRIAGE AT LESS than h Price ; used 1 Jtur , good delivery WHKOII , ueuly pulutid , I6&00 , best fU.O > ) top IIUKKT In Omaha. Drummond ISth and Hurney P MJS3MJ _ FOR SALE-TWO BUCKBOARDS , LIGHT farm waeon canopy top surry. harness and polo. Geo. W. Holbrook , U23 Farnain sttvet. P--894 _ _ FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rales me word first Insertion lo a word thereafter NutlitEi taken for Ivs * than &c , blDEWALK. BRICK AND TILU. WM. J WEL- klutai , 331 Board of Trade building. Q-M7S M14 _ _ N'E\V AND hBCOND-HAN'D BICYCLES cheap. P. K. B ll , * 7 N. Y. Life. Omaha Q-MSU M10 BA1.EU HAY > X R SAL15. THIS STANDARD C'Hllle wHHi > iUi > , Am . Ntb. , have 1 ( WO tent of KuoU buni-ktured hny for Ml All orU rs lUlud I rumpll > Q M6 IHX'L TAHllE NKVR1Y NEW COST WOO 00 f r ! | l ) uiVUllams & Mltlan roum 311 osiomie W-M4X. 4 CLATRVOYANTS. . IViO word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 26r. J1R8 DR. II WARREN , rUAlRVOYASTrnil * MaWe business medium , 7th year at 111 N 15. 6 367 ASTROLOGER "OLD DR. PAUL CASTOR , " n nd date of Mrth MI , Kc and stump for future pn fi. t , rnarrlace buslnes * . sperula- tlon. nil affairs 218 Third avenue New York. Mention I t > er B M > ) t * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. word first Insertion , le a word Nothing taken for Ic * * than Xa , ilADA tE SMITH , B02 arirrH 2D FLOOR" room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam. su | . phurlne and sen baths T M302 5" MADAME BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVUNUB , Jd floor , room 4 , maisace , alcohol , sulphur and sea bath * T M K 3 * PEBSONAL , Rates , IHc word first Insertion. le a wurd thereafter. Nothing taken for loss than 2Jc. YOUIt FORTUNi : THROtwT TTlK LINnS IN jour hand. 036 S 17th street. U M301 S GET MARRIED SEND FOR MY BIO PAPER : hundreds of advertisers want husbands and wives. Mailed sealed for stamp W H. HOT- bock. Denver. Cole U M3M m30 * _ MADAME LA ROOK , MASSAGIi 32Z N ISTH , parlors 18 and 13. I' M34S f. * _ COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES ASTHMA bronchitis , consumption , catarrh etc Three da > s free at R. 33 , Douglas blk , ICth and I > nde VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES Health book X. consultation free Address or call Vtavl Co , suite 346 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THER- mal baths. Htalp & hair treatment manicure & chlropodls Mrs. Post , 319V4 8 15th , Wlthnell blk. GOOD SAMARITAN REMEDY COMPANY. 3 < ) l N. ICth street , cure rhronlc diseases of either sex or monej refunded , H 00 per month , send stamp or cell , want lady acent U M9C4 M21 HAVE THE STATE HOTEL 130S TO 3312 Douclas street , newly refumlshcil and refitted In first class order Would b pleased to have the public give m tVlr patronage. Open all hours. Mrs J F Held. U 141 MONEY TO LOAN BSAL ESTATE. Rates IL.C word first Insertion Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2jc C. A % TARR. CITY LOANS ON IMPROVED property. Moved offlce to US N. Y Life build ing. W-M383 M5 JOHN M CLARKE. J. J. BROWN S BLOCK { 1 000 ( WO 00 real es'ate , 6 per cent mon > No- tarj public. W M105 7' LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENOTH of time , from thirt > dijs to five > ear lte * d S. Sclbv. Ul Board of Trade Warrants Ixiutrht WJ33 ANTHONY LOAN i. TRU T CO 31S N.Y.I.IFE , loani at Ion rates for choice securlt > on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha citv propert ) . W-370 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love A. Co , 1'axtnn blk W 371 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improied and unimproved Omaha real estate 1 to C sears. FIdelltv Trust Co. , 1702 Farnim W-372 WANTED , APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS J. D Zlttie. Brown block. Omaha. W 373 LOANS ON IMPROVED R. UNIMPROVED CITY prnp rtv , J3.00Q S. upwards 5 to 04 per cent , no deldvs W. Farnara Smith i Co , 135) Fnrnam , \ \ 374 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WARRANTS GOOD notes , etc , bought. Garvln Bros . 210 N Y Life W-375 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O F Dav ! i Co , 1505 Farnam st W 376 7 PER CENT MONEY. R , C. PATTERSON , 425 Ramge building W PS M2 MONEY TO LOAN OV FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Ornilm real estate Fldelltv Trust Co , 1702 Farnam st. W 372 OMAHA LOAN i TRUST CO 16TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on clt > and farm propertj at lowest rates of interest W 377 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C Chesnej , Kansas Clt > , Mo W 378 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from C to 7 per cent , W B Melkle , First National bank bu'Idlns ' W 379 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO OF NEW York Submit choice loans to F S Puicj , agent. First National bank building W M225 m2G HONE'S TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates IVac word first Insertion Ic n word thereafter Nothing taken for less than 2Jc MONEY TO LOAN" , 701 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. X-S49 WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty , strlctlv confidential A E Harris , room 1 , Continental block. X 3SO MONEY "LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS" all articles ofalue. . Fred Terr } , 430 H.imge block X 381 THE PLACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS MONEY ON WAREHOI * E RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE. MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with 5011 MONEY IF YOU W VNT NO PUBLICITY. MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS , MONEY AT LOWEST IOSSIBLE RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSblBLE TIME. MONEY THAT jou ma > paj back at unv time and In any amount is at ROOM 4 , W1TH- NELL block , corner 15th and Hame > streets THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO X SS2 MONEY TO LOAN We will loan you any sum which you wish rmall or lann * at the lowest poslble rates. In the quickest possible time , and for an > length of time to suit jou You can pa > It back In such Installments as jou wish , when vou wish , and enl > pay for It as long as vou keep It You cnn borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MCIUMINDlfaE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY without publicity or removal of property OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 3M SOUTH 16TH STREET First flooor above the street. THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR- I-ORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X 3S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES WAGONS , pianos and furniture of all kinds Business confidential J B Haddock , room 427 Ramge Mock X 3M MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PIIOP- ertl. Irvln Loan Co , 701 N Y Life building X M271 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates. IVjO word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c FOR SALE , * 8.00000 CLEAN HARDWARE stock In one of the best town * In Iowa. Will t ke part cash and balance In long time well secured notes Lock Box 26 , Stuart Neb Y M1S2 4 * FRENCH & . CO , ROOM 22 SCHLITZ BLDG Omaha , make a specialty of business chances , buy , sell or trad * * stocks of merchandise an 1 real estate furnish partner * and capital and alvrnvs have opportunities for profitable In vestments Consult them Y 1C ! ) WANTRD" BUY INTEREST AND BECOME associated In management established pa > lng butnes In Omaha , have managed finances large wholesale house , familiar with Insurance , loans , banking etc. , referenecs exchanged Address K 31. Bee. 1 MJI4 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EXchange - change company place * Into communication per sons desiring to buy or sell business opportun ities and negotiable securities , makes real es tate loans and collections , write * Insurance In ull It * branches and furnishes reliable reports upon values of property In all part * of the rauntry- What have you to offer or nnat do you want * 243 First National Bank building , Omaha Neb. Y-M2,0 ( 4 WANTED TO BUY INTEREST AND BECOME associated In management established pa j ins business In Omaha have managed hnanee * large wholesale house , familiar with Immranie , loans , banklnir. etc , references exi hanged Addres * K 31 Bee Y-MS4I FOR SALE-RESTAURANT. BEST LOCATION tn So. Omaha ; reason for selling , d ath In fam ll ) , will kell cheap Call or write O Nell's real estate office , So. Omaha. Y 451 4 WANTED. PARTNER. LADY OR GENTLEman - man , with small capital , in a sure ! > a > lnn Ugltlmate business , experience unnecewury , this will betir investigation. Address Mis * Muroo , Barker house , Omaha. Y M4H l FOB EXCHANGE. Rate * . IHc word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for Icsa than aSc. STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; w ant horse * & cattle. Box 235 , Frankfort Ind Z-3 ® I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota will Mil Uicap or exchange for mdre , hors s ii cattle. Addrm * box It , Frankfort , Ind. Z -331 FOR SAIjE REAL ESTATE. RatM. mo word first lutrtlon , lo a word thereafter Nothing token for lc s than He 1OR SALE OR EXCHANOE , TINE IMproved - proved stock farm of 2SO acres la northwest Ida. , :3 mll * from St. Joseph , 3 mlias frum l o rallwa ) stations. Will Mil cheap for casn or coud pair or will exi-h B.e for clmn stock of tovrchaiiJlH. AiUrrai Uux A Iluck Port. Mo. R U-Mat t FOR SALE REAI ESTATE. Continued T FOR BALK. OVHIl l.ejOU CAUEFULLT SE- Ipcted farms scattered all-orcr Iowa nJ Nf . Hundre U of the most IntdntR tx. The * bnt anil safest lnre > stm < * nr t > > * > fi.unj In Amertpa. Any one nf lh e > 4,01 farmi will p rn a Ktiod lnte > rr t on the. InTestment. iTIrw range from M.OO to IV ) 00 & aer * No lift * cent enit No tn < 5 . vve hir > e th f r n nn-l theNirintlns. . Call for partlefilan Docm A Hill. 14M rarnnni street. nB ' 7 m7 FARM LANDS. C.F. UAilRlSON , 911 N Y LIFE. I i H K * S M18 DO TOtT WANT A HOME. A COZY LITTLE farm of 1 td 30 tcrps , where you can fillrnd to > our buslne-M Ir the cID-nnJ rnlix j ur own fruit , veeetablea nnd l uhry nnd live like n king when tlmm nre hard ? tnme ejulck nnd gtt your choice. Terms outy. Add. llui 6 ( Mlllnnl , Neb. R K 17J BARGAIN N K CORNER r > TH ANP HICK- opr K Darling Ilarkrr bl ich RH M6 EASV PAYMENTS 6 llXM ( = < AND IIVIIN. ! l.l'K'kn from motor line tl.swoo Onnln Itron , IIP N Y. Life. It n M4I5 3 A HOME CHEAP , 6-ItOOM lio"fSI TH Ftrevt. ne r Center , I1J > 00. Onnln Ilro , SIO N Y. Llfo. R -M415 I 3 IIAIIOAINH. HOt'SE . HOTS AND TAR.MS. sale or tradi' r. K. Darling , Ilarker block ItlK4 FAHM L 'ND . C. T. ItAIlltlS J.V , J12 N. > .LlPE KB-493 MIS' , WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED AND WILL veil at actual oexit 2 beautiful six-room modern roltftRe . emit front on S lit i street near Itrownell linll Tt-rma very ca * > , or will rent to desirable parties. One of the 9 eottncci we built dur n * the him jenr In Avemiiale parU remains unsold It Ii a most decldel baitraln M ! 3 v It lin nil modern Improvements Incluilln1 ? electric llKhtlnrr , one mil * from I * . O , nil eppclal taxes paid Let us show } ou this propert ) . Icilna cosy. A full lot well localed. nenr motor , for JJM , ii n snap We have two such that can be sold on monlhl ) payment * of Vt each Ulth rene one Is worth double the amount asltcd Cill In and examine our list een Fidelity Trust Compan ) , 17th and rarnam streets. RE 8M-IS EXCELLENT I1ARC.AIN. CORNKU , IV ) FEET , on Krude. fronting on puve'd ptrtit with ni t * > " cnr < pe vver nnd vrnter. puhlk lmpnve * npnts nil iKilet for , } "iOrtO O ) per te-m < < -e V111 nnn & Mlttan mom 313 McCairue bulldlnc rf nil S103 South 13th stneu RB M43I ! . LOST. Rntei 1' c word first Insertion Ic n word "li rpnftpr Nothlnc tnken fnr less linn Kc ED FROM 2120 IIAIINEY STIIKHT black mare Lost Mi57 3 rrNDERTAKE"KS AKT ) EMB ALMERS Rites l e word first ln ertl n Ic n word thereaftir Nothing taken for Nss than 2" * H K IlfRKETT FfNERAL DIRECTOR AVI ) emhilmer IMS Chlcnco , Til 9J 5SS MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE , Rates H4C word fir-it Inse t in Ic a word thereafter N'nthlnB takm for less than S3c O F GILLENRECK. HAVJOIST AND teacher. 3S10 California st. S14 tTPHOLSTEBING. Rates l'4o word first ( nfiitlou Ic a word thereafter Nothing tnkomfdr less than ! " * ' CITY tl'HOLSTERINO CO FCRN1TI RE mad nnd repaired Carppts laid nnd furniture patched and polished. S OS Farnam , tcl li'S 201 M2i PASTUBAGE WE HAVE ICO ACRES OF 1I t'E ORAS5 I'AS- turt for hordes Hoard feme , spring water Barton & 1'helps Gllmor * . Neb , or A * A I'livlps & . Son , 2)7 ) N Y. Life bide Telephone 10T4 M 'l'.9 J21' DBESSMAHJNG. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES ADDRESS Miss SturdJ 4218 Nicholas Btn > et. M 57 MJ1 * "MEDICAI , . , DR C. V CROOKS' NEW 1ICTHOD TRET - mcnt of nerves , stomach , heart 43 * Bee ttldg SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SAN'TS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND C13 N 1. Life Omaha Ask for otrtular 31331 Till : KJAL.Ti JMAKKK1. INSTnUENTS placed on record May 2 , 1894. WARRNTY DEEDS M J Rvan nnd husband to E J LlMnond , lot 19 block 10 Currljmn 1'luce . t 000 Helen MacAslan nnd huslmnd to O F Davis compan ) . llarkers subilv 2,000 C C Gorce to Anna bwansm. lot 1. George s sulxllv In I * A. C's 2nd add to bouth Omiha . 000 Martha Lung nnd husband to Hertha Paul son , lots 1 nnd 2. block 13. West Side . 1 200 R E Ins In nnd huiluind et ul to E E Falls et al n ' 4 lot 3 block S7 , South Omaha 103 E A Benson and wife to J II Linn. lot 20 , block % Dundee Place . . 1 Same to G J Walther , lot 22 block % same 1 Same to J H Tlrotkett , lot 18 I lock % , same 1 bnme to C M Hulbert , lot 19 , block 00 , same 1 Same to same , lot 21 , block 9fi , same . . . . 1 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. O F Davis company to W H Crow. lot C , block 2 , Hitchcock s add . . 100 R F burenkle and husband to E C Fahs , n ! ? lot 3 block ST , South Omaha . . 1 Marv B Evans to Mutual Investment com pan ) . lot 1 , fatunton I'lnce . . 1 DEEDS E C Page special mister to B F Thomas lot 1C , block 3 Exchange Place 203 Total arrount of transfers J3 , < 07 BUREAU. fcUE5i O } . bOLl 3IT.JU3.Heo Uulldins. OMAHA. NEB. Adv-tca I'llEE. leaves | lliloAtjU UL JtljlNaiO-S & . CJ | Alli\u- Ouialia | Depot IQtn and Mason Sts. 1 Omaha 4 4opm. . . . Chicago V estlbu.e . . . OHC S.l am. . . . CnlcuKO Express . . . ) Afm 7.CXpm . .Chicago and loua Local . . oOaii 11 .3 3 in . . . .I'aclllo Junction Local . S Kvm leaves .ULlv lNOo.N Ve MO RIVEILIAmvei Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sla. I Omali- > 19 loam. . . Denver Expros . 9. JO.lDam . Deadnooa Express . . . 4 4 Ifrpm . Denver Expiess . 4.10pm C 10pm. . Nebraska Local ( except San ) . e.Uum S.Uam..LlncolnLocal _ ( except iiundcy ) . H iiam leaves I K I' ti J it C. E , Arrives Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha Kara Kansas City Day Expiess b ijpm 45pm K C Nlsht Ex via U. I' Trans. C Mam leaves , C1UCAQO R. I i PACIFIC [ Arrives OmahalUnlon Deiiot 10tb and Mason bts I Oin-vlm ' EAST 10 loam Atlantic Express ( ex Sunday ) . . C Oupm C.Jjpm Night Exprew. . C 40am 4 4'Jpm ' Chicago VestlbuleJ limited 1 23pm 11 3.iiln | OklaJiiinii Exp _ ( to C 1 > . ex bun ) . 5.3ium HWE8T ; & 35am Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun)11.3.jam l.Kpm . Colorado Llmllnl . . . 4.10pm Leaves i ilNION PACIFIC , ( Arrives Oman&IUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. [ Omaha C0 m . Denver Expr * sf . J.MpTi Z.iepm . Overland Flyer . . . :20pm l.45pm.Beatrlcn A Btrom b g r.f. ( ex Sun ) . 11 Scant C 40pm . PcclQo Expreu . 10 Warn C.JUpm . . . . . . iFost _ Mali. . . . . . . . . . .0pin Etave 1 CHICAGO MIL & ST PAUL. ArfTv"eT cniAlia.Uiiiun . Depot Uth & Ma on fats. | Omaha t 35pm . . Chicago Limited . . . 8 Kam ll.luam Chlcagu Express ( ex. aun.j S.30pm Leaves I F , E A MO VAuLUt JArrlTei Umali&l Depot llth and WeUttr bts. I Omahi f.O ain . Deadvvood Kx n.t j Hpn Owun ( Ex. Eat. ) Wjo. Exp OKx Man ) 6 li/ptn ( ,00pm Norfolk Expreiw ( Ex. Sunday ) II ) 4 ain I SOpm . . . . .bt. 1'aul Expreiu. . . . . . . . t 40am Leaves I CHICAGO 4. NORTllU t.aTN .Tvrrlvet pma.hH.U. | P. Depot 10th & Mason 8ts | Oniatu 11 06am . . . . Chicago Lxprimt . . . C lupm .06pm . VcBtlbule Limited . S.ruam C.30pm . Euitern Fljur . S.Upn C OpmEx. ( Eat. ) Chic. Pass.Ec Man. ) I Upm . . . _ Mo _ Velley Local . 10 PACIFIC j Arrive. Depot lith and Webster bts. I Omaha ' " 9 00am St , I.ouls Express . . . 6 00am 9.30pm . . SL , Louis Express . . . C M [ in 5 mom Dally l x. bun ) Ncbrmkn Local. luum Leaves I C. . ST P SI. 5 5 JArrnr > Omahal Dcimt lith ajidV _ b ter Sts. j Oinaba 00am .Sioux City Accom ( Ex Sun ) . . . C Kpm 10 Boara Sioux Cit > Aciora ( gunOnl ) ) .606pm 12.1ipm feloux City ExpreiM ( Bx. tun ) 11 Uutn _ l ) _ 0am . . . . St. _ Paul _ Llmlt < l . 40 i > Leaves I SPJUX CITY & PACIFIC lAriuet Omaha U 1' Depot 18th & Ma unHt . ( Oma m f. Mam . . Bloux City Pu * * ner . ID Jupm J.Mpm . _ bt. _ Paul _ Eij.rwi _ 10 BloTX CITY 4 PACIFIC : JArrUt. Dej c litli and WuUt r 8iv I Onitht . . . . bt. r ul Limited . 48un . . Chlcaco Limited , . f 4 a OMAHA & HT LOUlS lArrlvcj I * Depot lOtli & M Q3 3U.J < m 't.Wpm St. Louii Caniion Itoll ) KJ SUPBEME COUBT SYLLABI. l'olnl Covered lijOplnlntm Ilrnitrrod nt tlio 1'roenl sitting of tlio Court. n low will t > found the syllabi of the de cisions handed down by the supreme court at IU pree nt Kitting IlRll VB State. Rrror from Nemaha county ItevcrMtl nnd remanded. Opinion by Chief Justice Nonul An Information for a * anlt with Intent to commit rape need not allege either the ap * of the per < m ujKjn whom the Rftiault VV K , made nor the amof the defendant , where It charges that the net vva * commlttc 1 forcibly nnd agalnat the will of tlie pro e- cutrlx 2 In caio It li not averred the act win with forc > and RKalnst the concent of the prosecutrtjc It Is rFnentlnl the Information disrloxe that the person upon whom the of fense wai cnmmlttetl , at the time of the a - wiult. wan under U years of age , nnd that the accused was of the age of IScars or over S Allegation" In an Information which are Immaterial nnd unnoc - rj may be treated RB nuiplunage and be tntlreb rv- Jerted 4 In a prosecution for nn nratilt with In tent to commit rape , under an information which charges an an ault li > fotce and ni ulnst the will of the female b ) a male under IS jcars of awe , It Is error to Instruct the Jur > that the defendant ! < tfullt } of an itHsault with intent to commit tap' , whether the attempted In errourte wa with or witb- out the consent of the pro ecutrlx and whether tins force watt used or not Smith > s SpauldlnK Urror from Ited Wil low county. Reversed Opinion b > Justice I'ost A married woman In this state may con tract as mret > for her husband 2 The extension of time of payment of her hti'band's past Indebtedness is n sulll- clent confederation to support her contract ns his sttretj for such debt 3 An objection on the Rround that there Is unother action pending for the same cause must be made before n trial on the merits or It will be waived „ 1 Parties \vlll , HB n rule , be restricted In this court to the theory upon which the cause was prosecuted or dtfendud In the court of oriplnn ! Jurisdiction UlKleri Haker. Krror from Lancaster county Affirmed Opinion by Jtmlee I'ost The \acntlon of a JudRment by default during the term at which It Is rendered Is lareeb within the discretion of the trial court and presents no ground * for reversal unktn there appeirs to ha\e been a clear ubuse of discretion 2 This court will require n stronger dhow- Ing of abuse of discretion where the motion toucate Is nl'owed than In cases where a trial on the merits Is denied 3 Want of mutuallt ) is no deftnsa , even in an action for "pcclllc performance v here the runty not bound thetcbj has p rform ° d all of the conditions of the contract and brought himself clearly wlthtln the ttrms thereof 4 The plaintiff In nn action of ejectment must rely upon the strength of his own title and not upon the weakness of that shown bv the adversary 5 Continued poss s-sion by a tenant I * not such a part p rfb'mance Of n verfoai contract for the purchase of land ns t > take the case out of the statute of frauds Possession , to hn\e such ijn effect , must be clearly "liown to rcfT to nnd result from thi > contract und not the lease 6 An averment that nn agent was dulv authorized Is sustained by proof of subse quent ratification by bis principal 7 The detul of an nKcnt , executed In the presence and under the personal direction of his principal , Is not within our statute of fraud anl In not \old for the reason that the execution thereof w is not authorized In wiltlnir S When the \endor in a parole agreement for the sale of puts the purchaser In possession and the latter , while holding under such agreement , mnkts lasting and valuable Improvements upon the premists , such facts amount to n performance of the contract bj him and Is a sulliclent defense in an action of ejectment b > the \endor , notwithstanding default of pajment for the land . Zimmerman Manufacturing compnn > vs Tower nrror from Pumas count v Af firmed Opinion by Chief Justice Norval This cause having bfen submitted to the court upon the transcript nnd bill of e\cep- tlons , without an } brlif or oial argument from either part > , tue Judgment is affirmed without an examination of the record Stablers Guild , So Neb CIS Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Rall- wuj company vs Bates Error from Doug- la" ? countj Afilrmed. Opinion bj Justice Harrison The rulings of the trial court In admitting testlmonj examined and held , no prejudicial error In such rulings. 2 The action of the court in giving certain Instructions and refusing to give others re quested by defendants , rev lew ed and held , no error in either the giving or refusing 3 On the trial of an appeal in the district court from condemnation proceedings of right of waj of a railroad throurh a farm held , that the testimony of the rent which could be obtained for tlie farm sinc2 the ap propriation of the right of way was compe tent , not as a basis for damages , but as tending to show whether such appropriation had depreciated the market value of the farm , nnd this Is the rule whether the rtnt Is or had been for a monej consideration era a share of the crops , 4 The valuation of propertv taken for a right of vvav for a railroad should be made as of the time of filing the petition for the assessment of damages for the land Mis souri Pacific Railroad company vs Haus , 15 Neb 24 i 5 "In an Inquiry whether and how much the part of a farm not taken for railroad right of waj Is depreciated In value by the appropriation of a part , evidence as to the sire of the farm , the purpose for which It I Is used , the Improvements thereon and how i located , the direction of the road across the farm , the cuts and fills made or to b = made In the construction of the road the width of the right of way , the height of embank- m nts ; the depth of ditches , the incon- ' v enlence of crossing the track from one part of the farm to another , the liability of ' stock being killed , the danger from fire I from passing trains , are nil facts competent ' for the Jurj s consideration In determining I the depreciation In value nf the remalnd'r of the farm SL L-uls & S uthcnsveri It 11 way compan } vs Teters , IS 1,1 , 144 Mills on eminent domain , sec U3 followed" Omaha I t Southern Railway compan > vs Todd , Opinion filed March , ] 694 j Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Te Rnllwaj , company Lavvler Error from NuckoIU countj. Afilrmed. Opinion by Justice HarI I rlson | It Is discretionary with the trial judge to submit or not sumblt special findings to the jurv , nnd wheie It appears that there has been no abuse of such dHerttlon tn refusing to require a jury to muke special findings , held that such refusal was not erroneous 2 Where propert } delivered to a common carrier for shipment Is destroyed while in transit the measure of the shipper's dam ages is tlie market value of the propert } at Its place of destination nt the time it should have been delivered there i 3 The action of the trial court In exclu 1- ' Ing certain testlmon } examined and held i to be correct and not erroi | 4 A memorandum , which it appears was , prep ired nt the time of tlie fact In questioner or BOOH afterwards , which the wltnesn i knew to be correct at the time It was made , ' ma } be used by the witness to refresh his memory I G Evidence In the nature of expert or opinion testlmon } is not competent and cannot - . not be received upon a subject of Inquiry which is of such n kind or character as to be within the knowledge of men of common education and experience and to require no sp cUl skill. Knowledge or experience In con- il lerlng forming an cpln on upon It , as thj Jury will be presumed , If all the facts are before them , to be competent to draw the | Inference and form the opinion from such facts. | C. A contract between a shipper nnd a i common carrier , which , by Its terms , limits I the liability of the carrier and relieves It from either entirely or partially responding In damages for Injur } or loss to property shipped under such contract , resulting fiom negligence of the carrier. Is Invalid or vole ! under the common law rule , as against , public policy. 7 It Is not error for a court to refuse to i give an Instruction to a Jury when the polnta covered by the Instruction requested to be given have lx en fully and fairly ub- mlttc-d to the Jury by other Instructions i Norton vs Nebraska Loan and Trust com pany Error from Hutl-r c mnty Affirmed Opinion bj Justice Iarrl ! on where a cane Is brounht to this court on petition In error to review the decision of the lower court on a motion of B purchdMr to varnte the confirmation and i et anlde a judicial fwle of real rntnte only mien ques tions as were presented In the lower court , or to which Us nttrntlon wai rftllrd and It * ruling taken or rwiu led. will b review-eel or ccnntderetl In thlo court t The former derision in thin cane ( S c Norton vs Nebraska lfmn mid Tru t pom- pan ) , M Neb 4tW ) npprov ml and ndh < red tti Mun on v Carter Appeal from Adams county Afllrmvd Opinion by Commissioner n > an The ownership of R home tesd exempt nt nnd Ix-forc the rendition of a judgment , WRH by mesne c invpyiinopn trniwfened from the judgment debtor to hlM wife , held , that the right of the wife to nnwert mtoli homestead exemption WRd In noVR } ' af fected bv the frauduhnt Intent with which either of said conve } nees was given or Steele vs Crsbtree Error from Mmll on count ) lleversed. Opinion bv Con inlssloner llv-Hii It IP. tlie duty of n constable lo exercise nil reasonable illlllget c" neces'iiry to n compliance with the' iimnelHtt-s e f nn exe > cti- tlon Intrusted to htm for the ( atisfuctlon of a money judgment 2 A constable to whom lm be > pn Intrtisteel the coHe.-v.tlon of n judgment 1 > > nil exe-cu- tlon placed in his hands must wltli rearon- Hble diligence seek otit add 1 ? \ > on such personal prop < -rty of the- judgment defend- nt ai Is subject to execution , and for hit * failure -o to do the constable ? IH liable to the execution preelltor for snoti < 1nmHK s as result from this ne-slect of eluty 3 To excuse the liability of n constable for a failure to Irvy u | > on avnllnble p rsinul propertv of an execution defendant. It is not siilllcicnt to Miovv thnt surh constable failed to make n levy ln-cntfe1 of his rell- unce on the fjlse representations of the execution defe ndnnt ns lo such defendant having taken a stav of. or nppeal from , the Judgment tijion w lile-h executlem had Issued , neither Is it pulllclcnt to show notice of an nfplle'nt'on ' by the judgment ilefi ntlint fir the lssu of nn liijuni tlon to restrain the collection of such judgment 4 The failure of a constable seasonably to levy nn execution on personal property legally FUbjppt thereto , In possession of the debtor nml within hi * reach , was rot ex cused bv a subsequent elemand from the jti Isment plaintiff of n bind of Indemnity nciilnst damage because of n propo'Od lcv > on the propert ) of tlie Judgment elefi n nnd It mntteis not tint such bond , when so demanded was refused Kllpatrlck vs Hlrhnrdson Hrror from Daws co-tntv Ileverseel Opinion b > Com missioner Hnt'an A ve-nllct for neellttenre irny be pupported by Inference but the Infertiico must lie HIP loclcnl probable and rrnsonnb'e dcducllon from proved or ponce led facts 2 Klltmtrleh rt rl vs Ulelmnlson. CC NV Ilepisl , ndhrr el ti. State ex rel Harris x-s Infllii Mandamus Writ denied. Opinion by Commissioner Italian But for the prov Islons of thf slntutp the plaintiff In a fnrpeloirp suit would bp en- llllpel to Immediate execution of bis elecree upon its rendition Bv the statute' it 1" pro vldi'd , however , that tlie defendant In n eleciee eif foreclosure m ly Slav the- execu tion of the snm" bj filing with the clrrk of the court In which Mild decree Is rendered a written request for a stny of execution thereof within thirty days from the dale of Its rendition This Is a Matutoiy lemccly anil Is onlv obtained by ntrlot compliant ; * with all the required conditions time is an essential element in the piocpe-dlti ! ; and one which neither the court nor the jud p thereof can fllsresrnrrl H n dnlav in filing such request bt-vond the llmlttel time occurs , the rifbt to the tptne-dv iu gnne , nnd the plaintiff lioI'lK his de-e-rep discharged from this means cf taving Its < x.outlon 2 An order of a district e" > urt ipe-tlllng an order of s.ile In n elpcrce > foreclosing n Tf al estate mortgage and permitting the defend ant in such elect-re to llp ! with thp c'erk , more than twenty elavs , after Its rendition , a request for n sta ) thrre-of Is not void 3 Such nn order Is one off dins n sub stantial right made upon a summary ap plication in an action after judgment Is a tlnal order and mn > be- review eel on error 4 The tiling in this court of a petition In error to icvlew such order nnd the execu tion , approval and filing of a suprrsed < > as bond therefor required lij the dl--tri < > t court does not vacate or su'prnd suc-h onler Ti The remedv bv mandamus Is the last resort of the lltlirant It Is onlv whrn all other remedies have failed that he Is en titled to this writ Mnndimua will not Issue when IN effect v ould be to reverse or vacate nn ordei of a court or tribunal having jurisdiction to make such orel r , although the time may be pilpably erroneous , and especially Is this so when such order is one thnt mav be re viewed on error or nppenl McGee et al vs Stale px rel North American Cattle com- panv. 32 Neb 149 ; State Px re.1 Pioe-tor et nl vs Cotton 33 Neb 5 0 The People ex rel Saver vs Girnett. 130 III 310 Cox vs Eln pahr Krror from Ailams county Hevcrs d. Opln'on bj Commlbsloner Hainan In nn action by the wife for the value of certain chattels sold on judicial process for the satisfaction of a debt of her husband the defense was want of consideration antl fraud lib aealn't the creditors of her hus- binel in the tinnsnctlon whereby her hus band conveye-d furh chattels to hrr. held that a verv liberal crrss-examlnation fch'Ull have bepn pFrraltfd of each party to said Iransactlnn and that It was error to sus tain an objection to an Inquiry made of her husband on such cross-examination ns to vvheth'T or not , after Fald conveyance to his wife , there Ind not been transferred u cer tain described part of said property to a designated creelltor of Hie husband In ce-n- Mderatlon of n ilebt by him owing before the- transfer to his. wife Teazel vi.Whlte Terror from Hall county AlHnnecl Opinion by Commissioner Hasan A puichaspr of real esiate , nt a sale theieejf on execution , acquires therebv prior to confirmation only the lien which the ex ecution deblor had on such lanil 2 t'nder our law R-overnltif ; sales of real property on execution the title of a pur chaser thereat depends upon a final con firmation of the pale made , and until this is had nnd a convevance of the real estate Is executed and delivered in pursuance of such confirmation , the Ipjral title of the ex ecution dcbtoi to the real estate is not dlvtstrd 3 Where re.U estate Is sold on orellnary execution , the sale confirmed nnd a convey ance made and elellvcred to the purchaser , the title he thereby acquires relate-s baf-k nml such purchaser obtains the * tame tit e to tllP.real estate the execution eleblor had at the time the Judgment under which the land was soil became a lien thereon , ex cept as affected bj subs'quent tax liens 4 But this elocti Ine of re.ntlon hick ap plies only to the title , it has no necessary- reference to the quantum of the estate which the execution debtor owned at the time the judgment became a lien n The owner of real estate1 that has been sold on execution retains the lepal till' thereto nnd Is entitled to the possess on rents , profits nnd usufruct of such leal es tate until a final confirmation of the s.ile Is made C A Judgment debtor harvested a crop of wild ; ; rass from land after It had b"cn sold on execution against him. but before the confirmation of the sale , In nn action of replevin brought by the purchaser of thq real estate nt the execution sale for said B.nss , h'ld. That as the crass was severed from the realty before the confirmation of the sale the title to the prass ellcl not pass to the purchaser of the land 1 anc.ister County vs Marshall Hrror from Lancaster county Alllrmed Opinion by C'nmmlHsloner Irvine No que-stlon of law was Involved In this case , anil the evidence vvns held HulMclent to sustain the finding of the district e-ourt Woods vs West Krror from I'urnns county Afilrmed Opinion by Chief Justice Norvnl rield notes and plates of the original gov ernment surveys are competent evidence In nsoe-i lainlng vvhpre monuments are locattxl In i a e a tovernment eorn r Is el Btioy 'd or the point where It was originally plaeeel cannot be found , or the location of the original corner Is In dispute , but when It Is shown by uncontradlcted evidence that il section corner was located by the govern ment surveyors at n eeitaln point , such location must control , even though It Is at a plaeo different from that given In the. field riote-H and plat 2 Cvldenee pxumlni I and corisldere rl , and held to support the finding of the jury' in Is a scientifically prepared liniment every ingredient of recognized value , and in constant use by the medical profession. These ingredients are combined in a manner hitherto unknown , and WILL DO all that is claimed for it , AND MORE. It shortens Labor , Lessens Pain , Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. 5cnt by Cxprei * on Receipt el Price , Si,50 per Dottle Book to SMoTUhRS" rr.alled PRIZE , containing voluntary testimonials Sold by Xll Dnjjltlt. BRADFIELD RCOUI ATOR CO. , Atlanta Q . T\VO \ THOUSAND FROM ELLER \ i Amount the Commiseioncra Will Ask from ! the Ex-Oounty Judge. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Itowril Stintnlm Paddock In Iiinlstlnc Hint tlm rmiiitj Iriuoiirir Uliii III * Ittatonn fur rirlne Itrlliutii | nt 'lux Colin tor I'nlll. All of the inenilxrsvere pruNit nt tlis meeting of the Heart ! of County Commis sioners } etenlHaftrrnoou. . Major 1'adilock complained tlmt the mln- utei of the last meeting wore not techni cally correct In Borne particulars , anil pointed out the necessity of unyliiR closer attention to llieso matters. Thu chairman corroborated thin , and dlroctul a. correp- tlon with ruference to the iuliplloii of th report of tlie commltteo tourhltiK the selec tion of Dr. Wlllinma aa physician at the count ) iiofjiital The Hnntice committee BlitmiltteJ Its re port nfti-r checklns up the olilce of County JuilKC Ulior. It was practically the name nt cxrluMvely outlined by The lleo of the rro- ceding da ) . It get forth that the fee book \vas correct ! ) Kept , arid thai all money was reported , with th < exception of tweni- four marrlaKo license fees , which , however , had been suhsequcntl ) accounted for The committee mild tlmt It hail unhi-sltittliiRly de cided to reject the claim of the ex-Judge of f I 000 for a claim register It also found that the board had expressly designated the number of clerks to bs emplo ) t > d In the judge's olllce. an well as the salaries to b paid Ignoring this action , Judge Kller had reported that he had employed additional help nnd had also claimed to ha\c paid larior ; t.alarcs ! The committee found , however - ever , that It VVUH not a fact that larger sal aries had been paid by Kller to any of the clerlvs , but that It was a mutter still pending ing between the judge and his clerical force , avv.iltlng the resuft of the board's action It was held that It would be manifest ! ) Im proper for the IwjrJ to recognli-o an ) such tinwaranited agreement on the part of Judge iilcr. It vas found that the total receipts col lected b ) Cllir during his term amounted to J13i520i The salaries of the Judge and ollice force , together with postage nnd other approved Incidental expenses , aggregated $7UC5n5 , and $ .1.27001 had U-en turned o\er to the count ) treasurer , leaving a balance of $2.016 CC still In the hands of Judge Kllcr and unaccounted forte to the count ) It was also found that one of Kllrr's clerks 12 m ma Powers , had not been paid her Mlar ) for December , 1S9.J , nnd the first three das of January , 1894 , a.though the report of Ullur showed that It been paid In conclusion , the com mittee recommended that the report of Cller as to salaries and e\penses be rejected except so far as shown by the commit tee's report to bs correct , and that he bo required to pa ) into the county general fund the sum of $200106 together with the sum of J44 due Umnia Powers , and for which credit hal betn given The report was signed by Jenklnr , Wil liams and-Livesey , the three members of the committee on finance , and on roll call the report was unanimously adopttd George E Gibson applied for the position of delinquent personal tax collector , made vacant bj the bouncing of Charles Unltt some weeks ago This suggested to Paddock that the county treasurer had not complied with the request of the bjard for a state ment of his reasons for discharging Unlit , and he demanded that steps be taken to secure that report The finance committee va i Instructed to d mand It , At the conclusion of the regular business the board resolved itself into a committee of the whole to consider the pivlng and bond qucs'lons , with Williams in the clmlr , and immediately went into executive session In the committee room. Judge Cllcr was seen last evening In ref erence to the action of the county commis sioners He said "I have not seen the report of the board , nor have I been imitcd to appear and make a showing of my side of the cave It Is slmpl ) a question of law Was I authorized to employ the necessjr ) clerical force to proper ! } attend to the probate business of the county or was I not' The first ) car of my t mi the board authorised the emploment of clerks but after that the commialoners would not do so It is true I put more clerts In the office than my predecessors ImJ tm- plotd. and I also put the records in such shape that the business of the olllce couU bi readll ) checked up I beltete that m ) methods will have saved the people of this caunty many-thousrnds of dollars. The board may feel that It does not want to assume the responsibility of tmplolng enough clerks to handle the business of the probate court and by Its action throw that responsibility on to me I believe , however , that time will jus tify my management of the office " ironoin.v : mill Strpnuth. Valuable \egetable remedies are used In the preparation of Hood's Sarsaparllla In such a peculiar manner as to retain the full medicinal -value of ever ) ingredient Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla combines economy and strength and is the only remedy of which " 100 doses one dollar" la true. Ue sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills elo not purge , pain or grlpo , but uct promptly , casllj and elllclently. The Elmer Comedy company opens a week's engagement at tlio Douglas Street theater Sunday matinee. May C , with 'Tanchon , the Cricket" an excellent corn- pan } , presenting standard cumt'dles and dramas , replete with songs and dances and amusing specialties. "A Prisoner for Llf " the well known Union Square theater success , Is announced as the ceimlng attraction nt tlm riftcenth Street theater for ono week , beglnnln ? Sunda > mutlnce. May C This charming play has mut with universal approval , b Ini ; entire ! } out ot tlm beaten line of ordinary drama , having feature's that appeal to the higher nature The plot Is replete with novel and startling situations , und gives opportunity for the introduction of many brilliant scenic effects , notably tlie ocean by moonlight and the great quarry bcune Tha rompaii } Includes many well luioun favor ites , who should give an excellent perform ance. riiitiiiheirliiln'H Coueli Itemed ) tlm 111 Ht. LOCKnrOItl ) . Cal , April 21 , 1SH ! Having been troubled with froejuent colds during the past feu jears , I have from tlinu to time used the various cough medlclnus In common ns-e I ha\e arrlvirt at the con rluslon that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best , und now use it In preference to an } other. ASA WAKIMlOIJi : This lemcd } will cure a sovcru oold In less time than uny other treatment It looKOiis u cold , relieves the lungs , aids ex pectoration and effects a permanent cure It Is also without nn uiml | for croup and \\hooplng cough Tor bale by druggists April lux Collni tlout. The city tax collections during the month of April wire heavier than for uny recent year. The total aggregate was JIC.TOG SS , which was divided as follows : IKST tuxui , 1)570. ) 18SS. ? U 5u , ISS'J. tlS3Q : lii& ! . Wb.13. 1SK1. 887. 1S&2. ; SGM2 , l&'JX , $970012 \ VjJ60047S. \ . Tin. collection * during the corpruKiKJiidliiK mouth In 1&91 were J14.70U In 1S92 , ( I0.4DU , ami In 1S 3 , J',5uO. ; Die pnmiptniiMH with whlcU ihv taxiw art. bslng paid this year Ik Gonui&trtul fcomtiwlidt rt ) markablti inlew of tue flnandul oondltloni , and Ik believed to bt > an indication at re- oonndeucMi. Ilulldliii ; Tlie following bulldliiK pormlti were Uiued by the Inspector ywterday UtHHge W Crate , one and one-hat ; Htnry fmrnteottagw , tOtk NiWlh ' . mlthird tr et . . . . . . $ 1.6 ' 0 Six minor pvrinlU . . . . . . . . . . . . i < j TuUl Tlif m , r i ule . t jf l > ullJi * pi r rul - i 1 'i irinir April v only about half tl > 'III IJt ! ) of 111 pi - ( < 1lni pnl tit \ ir 11. | i ni t ii iwued ) ' In \ | > nl nf la in is , h-u l Uit ; iu ol i Atui AH.