THE OMAHA DAILY 1E ? : THURSDAY , MAY 3. 1801. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bob IiimcJck onu Tam3 Harris Started for the Fell. CAUGHT ROBBING A FREIGHT CAR llnvo Hail n Number of I' capadc In the I'not but tliln In tlio Tim Tlmo They llitvn liven ( 'might In a .Serious Crime , If the evidence upon which the police are now working turns out to be an expected , Bob Limerick and James Harris , who have had a number of escapades that narrowly inlssctl sending them both to the peniten tiary , seem likely to spend a couple of > ears or so In enforced retirement from their fel low men A few nights ago a car In the V/nuBh ! yards was broken Into and some tobacco and other good ? were stolen. The police , In nosing about through a lumber yard In the vicinity , found the stuff hidden away beneath a pile of lumber , and sta tioned special officers to watch ami nab the thieves when they came bick after thi'lr plunder. Late Tuesday night Hob Limerick and James Harris Htole quietly to the place und were just making off with the stuff when the watchmen caught Limerick , but Harris escaped and was not arrested until nearly G o'clock yesterday morning. The charge against them Is burglary , and the author ities have but little doubt that they will make things exceedingly Interesting for them. Doth men wore taken to the clt > jail to await a trial , which will bo given them this afternoon by Justice rield Lim erick VVIIH arrested some time ago on another charge , but succeeded In getting a\vay from Constable Jackson. In order to make sure * ) mt the oper.itlon should not be repeated Jackson slipped a pair of handcuffs on the wrists of the two men when ho took them from the justlco shop to thu Jail , fastening them together. When ho was about to leave them at the Jail he wanted to take tlic handcuffs off , but suddenly discovered that he had lost the key and all search for It was futile. The men ate supper as Siamese twins and seemed likely to pass the night In the same condition. IIINNI : ON uitos. Drcni ( looiln anil Slllm Cnrpctn mill Cm- talns. Thursday wo offer 50 pieces of 36 to 10- Inch half wool dress goods , style , all colors , that wo formerly sold at 20c , 2Gc and 3Gc , all at one price to clean up the lot IGc n yard. This Is a great bargain don't miss it. f > pieces of 50-Inch .black Gloria silk , 55c a yard. 1,000 yards printed China silks , beautiful , neat styles , today , IGc a jard. 5 pieces . ' 0-Inch black all wool nun's veilIng - Ing , a C5c quality , tomorrow , 39o a yard American Indigo blue calico , , ' ! c a yard. Standard dress prints , 2V4c a yard Uverj thing Is going at our usual low prices. GO pieces of China matting at lOc , 12'X-c ' , JGc , 20c , 2Gc a > ard ; fully 40 per cent lets than regular retail price. Ilcst quality moquette carrots , $1 Or a yard Cxtra super all wool Ingrains at 6'Jo and Open every evening. BHNNISON nilOS . Council Uluffs. Ciirinll HUH Hn ilu H. Frank Carroll , who Is suspected of having ptolon some clothing from n Droadvvaj bar tender , "was brought before Justice Held jes- terday afternoon for a preliminary examina tion on the charge of larceny fiom a build ing , but was found to bo unfit for trial. Ho was busy at the time In entertaining a largo and varied assortment of snakes , which ho has been carefully nursing for a couple of weeks. About three weeks ago Carroll was in police court on some criminal charge or bther , and he managed to evade a trial by Suddenly stiffening out and calling upon someone ono to deliver him from the alligator with the pink eyes and yellow legs that \ about to swallow him. Instead of going to jail fie was sent to Clarlnda , to take treatment in the state hospital for Insanity , and the scheme worked so well that he Is now trjlng It again. Ono of his friends called upon Judge Deemor yesterday afternoon to In duce him to take the cafce In hand for feur that Justice rield would nl t make the re quired ordei. It Is possible that no may bo examined by the commlssloneu and another dose of Clarlnda medicine prescribed for him. William Hulls , his accomplice In the theft , will have a hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock before Justlco Kleld. Svttlu Doun. Now that Kelly's army has come and gone nnd none much the woiso off for their visit , let us settle down to business once more find profit by the great lesson they have taught us. There Is no doubt that n great deal of poverty nowadays Is brought on by extravagance , and oh , there's the moral ; Don't be extravagant , but go to 918 Main street and T. U. Hughes will show you how to save your money , whether It's shoes , furnishing goods or hats you want. ( iarnlHlimi nU Must Stop In Innn In a short tlmo , as Iowa has passed a law against them. This Is your last chance to collect your accounts before the law goes Snto force. The Nassiu Investment company has reduced Its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who are employed by some rail way , express or telegraph company having an ngont In Iowa. Wrlto at once for terms and references , Council Qluffs. The famous Maso Wise livery and sale barns have been sold to J. W. Mlnnlck , and the business will bo continued under his manage ment. Horses boarded and cured for at reasonable rules , barn open day and night. Am mslou DHJ. COUNCIL ULUPFS , la. , May 2. To All Sir Knights' The following program will be observed by Ivanhoo conimandory , No. 17 , Knights Templar , on Thursday , May 3. Meet ut the asylum of the commandei } , Masonic temple , at 10 a. in. Attend Ascension day services at St rani's church at 11 a. in. from there to the residence of Sir Jame son to luncheon for sir knights and their ladles. Return to the asylum at 2 o'clock for In- fpectlon and the conferring of the order of the temple upon n regular candidate. At C 30 a banquet will bo served to which nil sir knights and ladles are Invited to attend. WILLIAM J JAMESON. Eminent Commander. Q. H. JACKSON , Recorder. At the bervlces at St , Paul's church this muinlng the ( allowing music will bo pcr- form-d by the surpllced choir , augmented by Mrs. W. II. Wakolleld , Miss , Ne'la 0 ien und othtw I'roccbs'onal , 110 , To Deiim nnd Jubilate , Clarke Whltfold , In R. offer tory anthem , "Oh , Lord , " lliirnby ; communion Miivlce , Simper , In ! ' , liymiih < OJ und 11.1 ; rccpbslonal , 111 , 1 iirniuo VV'oi'li. Mr , W J. Lauterwasscr , well known to boone ono of the bo&t furnace men In this bectlon , has engugcMl with P. C. DcVol. He and John Scott will work togrther , and It goes with , uut saying that whatever they do will bo perfectly donu. Now Is a good tlmo to look t tip the furnace question , ' Charles Lunkley , the well known undertaker , o will occupy the building ut IMS Hroadway oV after April 20. Various Improvements will 8 bo imuU' which will give him ono of the 8t 8V lineal undertaking establishments In the t I' AH wool Ingrains from G3c to 7Cc jurd ' Lowell Ingrains , CGc yard. All goods marked down this week , COUNCIL iiLurra OAUI'BT co. Everybody knovva Davis anlli drugs. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Oii'rn'H IVtltlon , W. It. ( iretn of Audubon , who lian been mentioned already as un active candidate fur the district judceshlp to take the place occupied by Judge Deenu-r , has secured thu riiUurstMiient of almost every member of the Uouncll Uluffs bar , A petition ban been clr- ciliated among them and was sent to Gov ernor Jackson yesterday containing , It Is said , the names of all hut und of the Council Jlluff * attorneys. He lived hrre about six years ago , being a member of the firm of Wright , Baldwin & Haldanc , but since mov ing to Audubon has been a member of the IV I \ flnn pf Nauli , Phelpg & Orcen. Aiiotliei' C'lmnge , It feetns to he the wilt of the people , and to a certain extent human natur8 , to want dhanges ( In various forms , but none more than II I a change of sales , which has been given by I the Boston Store since the beginning of J the great syndicate sale , and which has been attended by ( he ladles In great force. Now , for the next two days Wednesday and Thursday It will be cornets , and as usual , wp call your attention to show window- display In windows Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 and I , which rcpieS'iit a few of the many Inducements offered In our corset department. Visit the other departments and see values offered during the syndicate nalc. which are numer ous , and new hargilns arriving dally. I'OT HEIU.VOHAM. WHITELAW & CO. 1 Ire on Muln Strci t. The flro department was called out at 3 o'clock yesterday morning by an alarm from the corner ol Main street and Eighth avenue. A lamp had exploded In the second end floor of the St. Louis hotel , and before the flame-s could bo extinguished they had demolished all the front part of the second story. Some of the giipsts rushed out and jumped from the windows Into the back yard , but after It win all over this was found to have been unnecessary. The need less risk of broken bones did no harm , how ever , for all escaped uninjured. The damage - ago to the building was coveted by Insnr- nncc1. A small unoccupied cottage at the corner of Twentj-sixth street and Avenue C caught fire about noon In ? omo unknown way. but the blaze was extinguished with but small damage. Evans Laund-y company. Shirts , collars , and cuffs a specialty , f > 20 I'carl street , Tel. 290. Reasonable rates for family work. Duj your drugs and paints at Morsin' < drug stores , 131 and 742 I ! road nay. Special prices In millinery at Miss Kogs- dale's this week , 10 Pearl street. The laundries use Domestic soap. \ \ Illlns to Quit. Mary Drown wandered Into Council nluffs last .March from Lyons. She met Peter Maher of Cumlng County , Nebraska , the day of her Thursday and on Saturday they were mm Hod Mrs Maher Is hero now looking for the justice who tied the knot FO that It can be untied Maher Is repents Ing his haste nt his leisure. Ills wife says he left her the day of the wedding with $250 In cash and has not Ived with her slnco. A divorce suit has been started. Cole & Cole give a $1.50 cook book with every New Process steve sold. The genuine New Process bakes better , makes less odor and Is the handsomest stove made New asbestos oven retains all the heat , Jorvls Wine Co , Council Uluffs , la. , agent Jarvls 1S77 brandy , wines and liquor. Domestic soap breaks bird water. 1'ciaoiml rur.igrnphs. Rx-Sherlff James O'Neill of Neola was In the city jesterady. Mason Wise left jesterday for a trip to Excelsior Springs , Mo. C G. Sauuders left last evening for a busi ness trip to Kansas City. Mrs. Frank I'usey leaves Saturday for a summer's vUlt to New York. John I' . Davis has returned from a visit to the Midwinter fair In San TrancNco Miss Simons of Des Molnes Is the gusst of her nuut , Mrs. O. II. Simons , on Willow avenue. Tor forty years Cook's Extra Dry Imper ial Champagne has stood the test for purity and Its delicious boquet. While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157. Meyers-Durfee Furniture company , 336-338 Broadway. IJargalns In line furnltur ; . Get prices of Shugart & Ouren , leading seedsmen , Masonic temple , Council Dluffs. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Minor .Mention. Attend Boston store syndicate sale. Miss Maud Ollvdr entertained the Ebony warblers Irst evening at her home on Park av eniic. Judge Deemer granted a divorce yesterday to Mis Elizabeth Divcnport from Tayloi Davenport on the ground of desertion. Mrs. Wlttei's Sunday school class will glvo a. social Thursday evening at the r.s- Idence of Mrs. Wycoff , 217 Sixteenth avenue. Chambers' dancing academy closed Its spring beafcou by a party for adults last evening. It was largely attended and a most enjoyable affair. The Icveo and embankment this side of the teimlnal brldgo Is being widened und strengthened In anticipation of the usual spring rise In the liver. The ladles of the First Presby terhn church will glvo a free social In the church parloru this evening. A pleablng literary und musical program has been provided. Rev. A. J. Turkle , pastor of Kountic Memorial Lutheran church of Omaha , preaches this evening for St. John's English Lutheran church at James' hall , 17 Pearl street. The social to have been given by L. C Dale's Sunday school class in ths. Broadway Methodist church this evening has been pobtpaned ono week , owing to a conflict of engagements Canton Pottawattamle , No. 6 , Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows , will glvo a re ception this evening In honor of J. T Abbot bet of Muscatlno , tlio department com mander brigadier general. Owing to the sand storm the Ganymede Wheel club run to Fort Omaha , which was booked for last evening was postponed until this ovoiling , The round trip over the Terminal brldgo Is seventeen miles long. The funeral of Robert Crombie took place yesterday afternoon at the First Baptist church , Ilov T. F. ThlcVstun ofnclutlng. A large number of sympathizing friends of the family woio present to pay their last tribute of respect to the dead. It Is repoited that George Washington Makepeace , a somewhat notorious attorney , who lived hern until a few months ago , Is In jail at Sioux City on a charge of robbery preferred by ono Marshall , who claims that Makepeace assaulted him nnd took $10 out of Ills pocket. The Council Illuffs Whist club will play the Omaha , club next Wednesday night at the luttci's rooms In Omaha Two former games havs icsulted In victories for the Council Bluffs club Twenty players will bo on each side , and half of the tables will play duplicate whist , while the other half will play the old-fashioned game. Whllo a huge polo was being put up for the telephone company at the corner of Ilroail- vvay and Pearl streets yesterday morning Ira MacCounell , a brother of S P. Mac- Connell , narrowly escaped being badly hurt. The polo fell upon a huge block of wood , which was sent IIng ! through the air and finally struck 0. A. Moore's door , bursting tlm lock off. In Its passage llie block nai- row | > missed hitting MacConnell In the head , Ocorgo J Crane , who was circulating a pe tition for the opening of saloons under the mulct law , nutshell his work yesterday after noon , securing 1,925 signers. The majority of the votes cast at the last city election was 1,89't. so tint ho had a margin of twenty- . . six , to make up for what few signed that ' were not eligible. Ho was careful In get a ting the names , however , not to present his petition ' to any who were jiot eligible , so that he anticipates no ttoubie on that bcore. In , , C The imperial Tire Insurance company Of London Is one of the largest and strongest board companies In the vsorld. Lougeo & Towlo , 235 Pearl street , arc solo agents In Council Illuffs for this company. Gas cooking stoves for rent ami for sale at Gas fo.'a ofllce. Tor cobs eo to Cox , 10 Main street. Telephone 18. phone _ _ _ _ _ _ See the new art goods at Mrs , Nile * ' . JarvU Wine Co. , Council Uluffi , , .rr.J- to IIUR'KI ' ) ROCKS ONTO THEM Ancient Mode of Wnrfaro Successfully Adopted in the Southwest. YAQUIS MASSACRE MEXICAN SOLDIERS General Torrm r.ccl l > y the U'lly Inillnni Into n Verln1 > lo Vitllcy of Dentil mill Nearly Itnlf III * Army Klllrtl \Voumlcil , SAN' DinOO , Cal. , May 2. News Is re- cclveil liorc that the YaquU have once more been victorious with their warfare with the Mexican soldiers. Once ngaln the wily In- ( linns Iia\o ambushed the forces scut against them. A day or two ngo n statement was pub lished tlmt two companies of Mexican troops stationed at Knaada had been or dered to Quaymas , Sanorn , on the Quit of California for Immediate duty. At the time It was thought to be an ordinary and unimportant transfer of soldiers , but the report which now comes Indirectly from the Mcxlc.m ufllcera at Unsada gl\cs that move ment a most sensational aspect. Ex-Qov- ernor Luis 13 Torres , who Is now general of tlie northern and western departments of Mexico , It says , has been making nnotliei campaign against the Yarjuls In South Sonata and northern Clnaloa. Ho had an army of o\cr COO men and the plan was to dispose of the Yutjul question at once and forever. I'resldent Diaz selected General Torres foi this work because of his experience and supposed . ability to accomplish the desired purpose. Hut , like the other commanders who have tried It , according to the report , Torres met the Ynquls and was defeated The report sajs a iorce composed of soldiers taken from different regiments , accompanied by a party of national mllltl.i In command of a lieutenant colonel , lately arrived from Mexico , where they had been in pursuit of the laqiils in the Sierra do Dacatete On the afternoon of the llfth day of the march the ti.ill led the pursuers Into a long 1 < , deep , nanow defile In the Sierra do Hacatele. The walla of the canon were almost precipitous , riblng to a height In some places o\cr 2,000 feet and cov'cred with brush. The command was halted and skirmishers ! pushed forward to uncover any possible ambush. The skirmish line climbed the walls and beat the brush as fur as pos- sble without result , and as the trail was clearly defined In the sand In the bottom l'eic,1no"the ' colonel of the command n i 'hem ? forward. Half the dangerous locally had been traversed with no signs of life , nor motion from the cllffb towering above and the men .were ( beginning to breathe more easily , when suddenly huge masses of rocks and boulders cliff nearly 1.500 feet above came from ml the I c from wall to wall down upon the hemmed ? the " ! fl\r \ "i'i'Ilel ' : ros.'o . ' war cries of well-armed Ynquls. who now began flrlne volley after volley directly into the rtrug- gling mass below , where all was confusion. ! ! n63 dashe(1 , tllrouK" the broken column , ° V ° , < lead a"d " ° u < le < l boldlers mt men and vyrlthed screamed under the weight ° frocj < 8' ttlat "ad crushed them to the e irth others' sank under the pitiless hall of bullets and others less severely wounded and thoie still unhurt sought the bushes on cither 'Jn " ' " ' ' ' C ° Cked ' " sign nf n"UCMCU , , , - r'"eS f ° r SOI" ° bloodthlisty foes In such con fusion It was Impossible for the commands of officers to be heard , but finally the colonel founded n wounded bugler with vet llfo enough to sound a call. In a few moments , although still In range of those deadly rocks and rifles , those of the wounded able to move with assistance were started back down the canon , while those who were able to offer resistance fired volley after volley at random Into the bushes on the cliffs and had the satisfaction of seems a half-naked Ynqul leap convulsively from his hiding place and come whirling down through 1,000 feet of space. As rapidly as possible the survivors of this awful onslaught fought their way back to open ground , where their foe had not dared to follow , and after a brief rest dragged thembelves back along the route over which they had marched so cheerfully the day before. The number of killed cannot be accurately stated , but out of the column of 500 men It is said at least 200 are cither killed or wounded. An additional force of 200 militia has been organized at Hermoslllo and the campaign against his party of reds will be pushed vigorously. Torres himself and a small party of soldiers letreatcd to Guaymab where , accordIng - Ing to one version which has reached En- sada , he has been placed under arrest be cause of his failure. This Is not generally believed. At any rate , all the Mexican troops of Lower California and Clnaloa are to bo mobilized and another campaign or ganized against the Yaquls , but whether General Torres Is to lead It or not remains to be seen. It Is said that Don Jarob Corda , a young doctor , after the encounter In the canon , loft a place called La Mesa with a small escort to attend the wounded , and on passing a place called Arenas fell Into an ambush prepared by the same party of Yaquls. Ac cording to report he was slain in n most cruel manner , the savages first flaying his feet and making him walk. They finally lanced him. The Sierra de Dacateto Is ten days jour ney from Quaymas and Is a very rugged , wild country , one of the strongholds of the Yaquls. It Is said that only 100 or 200 Yaquls were In the rebellion. Further de tails from Guaymas are expected. The Yaquls are to .Mexico what the Apaches are to Arizona only If anything they arc more cruel. They aie magnificent specimens of manhood , few befng under b\\ \ feet , and have almost unlimited powers of endurance. They have been entirely subdued , but they Inaugurate periodical raids from their Im pregnable strongholds In the fastnesses of the Siena Nevadas. -o- Pills that cure sick headache ; DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Millionaire John Soott Oliiugcil with I'riiuil- iilrntly Sooirlug * a I Ucir < c. PHILADELPHIA , May 2. John Scott , the millionaire coal shipper of this city and Bos ton , Is being sued for $100,000 damages. The plaintiff Is his daughtcr-ln-law , who Is still his daughter-in-law , for the divorce granted In Deadwood , S D. , has been set aside by the court there and the case will have to bo tried over. The first that Mr. Scott know of the mar- rlago of his son , Mlfllln Scott , to Hcdwlg Elvira Morchen was his meeting the couple at Southampton on their bridal trip , while he , with his wife and daughter , was about starting for n tour on the continent. Mr , Scott sent the bridegroom back to his studies at Heidleberg , which ho did not know ho had left until ho saw him as a benedick on the deck of the steamship. The brldo ho took with his wife and daughter on his trip where for u tlmo all seems to have gene well ex cept that young Mrs , Scott complained that nar futher-ln-law was very curious about her past life. This state of things , however , was inter rupted by a letter addressed to the bon , which. In the son's absence , the father opened , This letter was a midwife In Iler- lln , who claimed that young Scott owed her bill for services rendered his wife. In the letter was a full account of an operation on her sister , and Hedwlg's name was used association with a younger man named Fritz Tlircbsen , whom Hedwlg had met at Coblenz In November , 1S90 , some five months before her mnrrlago. On reading that letter Mr Scott went him self to Glasgow with his son's vvlfo and placed her In the homo of her married uls ter , the wlfu of a Presbyterian minister. He did not leave Scotland until he tecured from his daughter-in-law u confession Unit Thressen had betrayed her while he was at Coblenz. Mr. Scott admits having secured this confession and says that It was made by the girl of her own free will. The family then , leaving Hedwlg with her sister , re turned to this country and young Scott went Deadwood to study law' , After the proper term of residence lie Petitioned for divorce , alleging that he had IWn deceit fully led to marry the girl. bHtrrfttg himself the father of a child to which she gave birth In July , 1S91. On this the divorce now act nsldo was grunted. ' In her comphlnt the Wife charges that the dlvotco was fraudulently obtained without her knowledge , In 'pursuance of a conspir acy between the father nnd the joung man , Initials that the child Was his and declares that the confession Wub extorted from her by Mr. Scott under threats of withdrawal of all support from , ticr elt and husband and never allowing her Id MP Ml 111 In again. The trial of the damage , suit promises to be full of Interest , r. .if. v. .1. i.K.ini'.iii ' j.v , s/.s.s/o.v. n dcncrnt Sccrct rlc from All Over the Country Meet at Oilitr Itupltln. rniJAU HAPIDS , Fn , Mny 2 ( Special Telegnitii to The Uce ) The twenty-fourth nnmial conference of the Association of Clenotal Secretaries of the Young Men's Christian oclntlon of Nortn Ameilca opened this nftcrnoon with SOUK niul prayer , with IJfl gen eral sccretaileH and ph > sluil directors In at tendance Delegates archerir fioni nil parts of this country nnd Canada , Including Mcvvnil International iseetetnrles Others aiu expected to continue to arrive until tin1 number Is implicit to ' 100 William McCul- loch of Toronto , Heerotnrj of the exi'iutlve i onitnlttei * . railed th < > convention to onlei and Introduced John Jt Mutt of Indliump- oils , who will preside lit this session Aftei the selection of levreturlpti and commlttetH the ih > orn vvetc closed nnd "the quiet hour" was conducted by C. 12 Hiirlbut , state Heo- ii'tnry of l'cniiH > ivnnln After adjournment .Mr TiiRKurt of the International committee held a conference with the mate and pin- Vlslonal leoiPtnrleH to consider the wn > H and means of a more thorough co-operation between the International committee and the \ailous MatecominltteeH. . Supreme ' < > iimll of tlm A. I' , A. MPP | . DUS MOIN'iS , Mny 2-Special ( TeleKiuni to TliiHce ) The mipiemo council of the American 1'iotcctlve association began ti meeting lii'ie today with 2M delegates pie-i- ent , and many moiP added befoie the day was over. The only business transacted ut the tnointtiK neHslon was the appointment of a committee on credentials , with O C5. HaKci of C.ilifoinl.i chairman An open mooting was held tonight , with addresses - dresses bv e\-Coveriioi ! Gospert of Cali fornia , Hev Adam Tawictt of Ohio , 1'rof Walter Sims of Washington , D C , and later olioit addie scs b > prominent membars fiotn othei Htntet , with a short welcome by Mime Iowa men Mi. Gospelt s.ild thul the oidc'i was very stiong In that state and was rc'tognl/ttil as a cleansing * foice In pol- IticH Whll'- not dictating elections or nom inations , It does tniough pel son il woik of membots exoit meat Influence ever men of all classes In Montana the older Is strong Thcie Is iil o .1 woman's branch of the A 1' A , which was oiganlzed nix > enrs ago. Tills nuxllllai ) dois not meet heio at this tlmo however Supreme President Graj noi stated that there would be no change In the iltual by this council , as that document was put In good Hhape at the last annual council held In Cleveland. lloomliif ; Urluln. DHS MOINIiS , Mny 2-Special ( Telegram to The Uee ) Over 100 citizens of Oelwin , In , are In Des Molnes today. The delega tion Is here In the Interest of Oclwlu In the effoit to secure for that town the per manent location of the machine shops of the Chicago Great Western lalhvay. The town desires to raise about JJOO.OOO A syndicate- has purchased J.OOO acies of land , divided It Into lots and Is ti > Ing to sell them. C'.isn with the July CniJAK UAPIDS , la , M.i > 2 The argu ments weic completed nnd the Instructions of the oouit delivered In the Ramsav cahe today. This afternoon the case was In tno hands of the jtny. FI.OUK OVTJ'UT H > H T11K WKKK , lIInnrupollH MIllH ? la < ln Anollier ISIg Hun Last Wock. MINNEAPOLIS , May 2 The Northwest ern Mlllei sajs : The mills made another big run last week , grinding 203,308 burels of flour , against 1W.S03 dining the pievlous week , and U 1,015 lot the coiiespondlng week In 1S93. Tom less mills representing U- 000 barrels dally capacity , are running this week , partly owing1 to the railroad strike. There Is no Improvement In the Hour tiade. Orders booked Hat week approximated 120- 000 barrels. Export trade Is largely con fined to bakers The United Kingdom ap pears to be quite free foliydrH and veiy low freight rates fncllltate.-trnnsactlons Uliect export fehlprnents wsie 43,900 bui.e's , against 48,700 barrels for the previous week. At Superior and Duluth thp flour output was 23MG ) tmnel" , agu'i st 3 > ,7)2 ! ) for the vveik before and 41,4'U In 18(3 ( Expoi t shipments were 6,891 barrels. The stock of flour on hand is 280,800 barrels At Milwaukee the output was J1.803 barrels , , against 37.953 for the ive"k before and 43,200 In 189) ) The St. Louis mills ground 35U00 barrels , against 39,100 the week before. Itclniont ( 'mini Conipnnj'H Improvements. SIDNEY , Neb. , May 2. ( Special Telegram to The Bee ) The llelmont Canal company Is making great Improvements here Seventy- five houses are now occupied and fifty more tenants located here today. Sixteen carloads of lumber have been ordered from Omaha dealers. Two ditch machines are In the field , with three surveying forces staking forty-acre tracts of land , running laterals and superintending construction. General Manager O. J. Hunt Is ably assisted by- Lawrence , Scott and Woolf , surveyors. This Is one of the greatest enterprises In Cheyenne county , and Omaha capital \t \ > heavily backing it. This will soon b1 one of the foremost counties in the state In the way of agriculture and stock raising. Ef forts will be made to have the government donate Fort Sidney to th's city. It has always bcvn noted as the prettied post In the Department of the Plattc. Little pills for great Ills : DoWltt's Llttlo Early Hlsers. Imlhtuil for Klcctloa Day Itlots. KANSAS CITY , May 2 The grand jury- today retuined Indictments against the chief participants In the Catholic nnd Amur- lean Protective association election day lint. Jerry M. Pate , IX A. Pike. U. L Colcmnn and anothei participant , who Is not yet In custody , vveie Indicted foi murder In the * Hist degree , and O. M. Hlnglmm and C. C. Ott were Indicted for assault with Intent to Kill. The Jury censured the police de partment , saying a single policeman clothed in unlfoim then on the spot could have saved human life and prevented bloodshed , but none was theie , and so armed men tilled with religious hatred of each other fought out a battle and then escaped be fore the solitary policeman stationed only a block away ut that precinct appeared on the Hccne. Cure Indigestion and bllllotisness with DoWltfs Little Early P.lsors. Itan Is Itoinmcd from tlio VVuti linmn. ST. LOt'IS , May 2 The recent disturb ance In Cnthollo circles over the ban placed upon Rev. Father D , S Phelan's paper , the Western Watchman , by Archbishop J J , Kuln , because of that journal's ! utterance's , has smoothed over , rather Phelan haw lotrac-tcd his utterances nnd Archbishop Kuln today removed the ban placed upon the paper. CLAIR WILL GET HIS MONEY His Tight with the Street Rnilway Company Settled by Agreement YaUcrtlay , STOPPING OF CARS WILL BE PAID FOR Kach Sldr Miller * n IVvv f'onrrAfdiins nnd Judgci Atalirono ll roiir < r Upon the ItlghtK mid Duties of Col porn * tloiiii unit Ollli lulu. The street railway cnso that had been the attraction In 'Judge Ambrose's court for two days was disposed uf yesterday by an amicable settlement b.tween the attorneys , the defendants con senting to an Injunction as prayed for by the plaintiff and agreeing to pay $210 9i as damages resulting from the tie-up of the cars last Friday afternoon , the plaintiff agreeing on the other hand to Kit- Is fy the judgment In fa\or of Matthew W. Clalr , iccently alllrmcd by the supreme court , The arguments In the case were continued during an evening session of the court Tues day night , and the heat that had manifested Itself all through the trial was even more ap parent than ever. U was the Intention at the hour of adjournment to renew the ar guments yesterday , but at the opening hour of court the attorneys were In consulta tion and by 10 o'clock the form of the de cree had been agreed upon. When It was submitted to Judge Am brose , ho remarked that It was In accord ance with what his decision would have been had the case been left to him , but that he would have gone n step farther He 'aid tl at an attempt to have a judgment set aside after It had been alllrmed by the su preme court , on the ground of peijurcd evi dence , could not be upheld unless the judg ment was entirely based on such perjured testimony There was other testimony In this case than that which was alleged to have- been pnrjurcd , and the judgment could not hutc been annulled So far as the levy was concerned , the sheriff had gone farthei than he had a right to do In the matter It was not the thing to btop the slreet cars nnd Interfere with the public travel , when the company was a public servant and n solvent corporation The company had re ceived all ind more than II was entitled teat at the handb of the city , which had supinely gotten down on Its knees and turned over to It all the streets of the city free of chaige The public had rights In the mutter , and the decree would be signed granting the In junction as prayed for by the plaintiff , re straining the defendants from proceeding further with their levy , as It was Illegal and the cars of the company were not subject to such seizure. It was further decreed that the defendants were liable for the dam ages resulting from the btoppage , and execu tion was Issued against them In the sum of $210 95. Mr. Howe , counsel for the company , en tered after the matter had been settled , and wanted to know what he was going to do with thebpeech with which ho had loaded up In answer to the bevere criticisms that were made the preceding evening by Mr. Gurley. but the Judge only smiled and ad journed court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.lttlct Icgalltlc * . Judge Ambrose left last evening for Chicago , where he will visit his hi other during the few days intervening before the opening of the May term of court. An additional document filed with the clerk of the court ycster'ay rectos that Justice of the Peace Edgerton Ib violating the mandate of the court by still holding his court In this city , contrary to the writ of mandamus issued borne tlmo ago forbid ding him to longer continue that practice , and directing him to go hence to the pre cinct of West Omaha for which he Is the lawful Justice. DeWltt's Lltttle Early Risers. Small pills , safe pills , best pills. Simple ailments 1 neglected may grow [ deadly. A handy remedy is ( in all cases where 'Liver ' and Stomach I trouble is suspected. if cents n box SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Chronlo WE I Nervous Privates CUJ&E 1 Specal TIlKiVTMKNT IIV MAIL , Colnuttatlon Va # Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlooaoos of the Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach , Llvor , Blood , Skin and Klclnoy Dis eases , Fomaio Woaknos os , Leal Manhood. AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES of MEN. Pir.EB , flBTULAANTJ HBPTtr , Ul CBI18 OUred without uiiln or detention from bujlnani. RUPTURE , A'o Cure No I'ay. Call on or addri'us with Bt imp for circulars , free book and receipts , l t stairway south uf I'uui onice , lloom 7. Dr , Searles and Searles , liaaomh0lSfN. . , for infants and Children. " Cattorla ISBO we'll adapti-d to children that Custorln euros Colic , Constipation , I riKomnu'iiil It aai > iil > oriiirtoaiiy prescription BOUT htomach , Dhrrlm'ii , Kmctatlon , kiumn tome. " II A Aiifimi , M I ) , Kllla Worm * , ultcx elcfji , nod promotes dl 111 So. Oxford Bt. , llrooUyn , N. Y. gtKtlon , Without Injurious mrdlcatlon.N "Tho use of 'Castorla | j so universal and 'Tor several jcars 1 bavo recommended Its ineiits NO well known that It socmi a viork your'CnMorla , ' and t > lull rdnajg continue tc of supererogation to ruder > > u It. 1'ew uro tua do BO as It has invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who da not keep t'OEtorla results , " Wltalu easy reach. " IDWJJ : r. luncEp , jr. i > , , Ciuu > 3 MAHTI : ; , P. n. , 125th Street and Tth Avo. , New York City , New York City. TUB CCNTICR Couriw. " 7 Miniuf KTIIKCT , NEW YORK CITY , " Cleanliness Is next to Godliness. " We use only SANTA CLAUS SOAP , And White Wings of Purity Spread Uicir radiance arottud us. IS THE.BEST FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD USE- ALL GROCERS KEEP IT. /\/\PE. / oNLy BY Goingout out of usiness. For that reason , and that only , you can get anything wj have in stock for less than you would have the nerve to oiler us yourself. We can't hold back anything everything must go and go with a rush now. Thousands of dollars worth have been sold out and there are thousands to go yet. See the prices in the windows. Mail orders filled if money accompa nies order. I1IG SNAPS , $3 , $4. $5. In order to glvo you a lot more for > our money than wo have ever done before wo have taken all our $ b , $7 , $8 and $10 all wool suits , In long-cut biicku nnd cutaways , and placed them In three lots , at $3 , $1 and ? 5. .00 Included In these lots are cheviots and cassl- mercs In grajs , o\fordn , pln-checl > s and sev .00 eral other good colors but bear In mind they are all wool and clngant goods. See the $5 .00 show window ; > ou can see them there. 100. All the Wilson Bros , and wire buckle sus penders tint we used to sell for 35c go now lOc for lOc. MEN'S SPRING OYKHCOATS , $4 CO. These are dark brown In color , silk lined , and are the best wearing $1000 overcoats ever produced. Wo aio emitting business , your choice for $4.50. MnN'S BUSINESS SUITS , $450. Men's vvairanted all wool cheviot and cassimeto suits , excellently made and tilmmed , good line of colors , go at $4.60 , < 4.50 . worth $10 00. CLAY DIAGONAL SUITS , $9.00. Men's clay diagonal suits , regent long-cut sacks and cutaways , the very latest styles , ,9 , worth up to $2000. TO QUIT. CLOTHING COLUM COMPANY , 13th and Farnam , & Co. Empkie-Shugart . , JOJ3&&RS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDS. BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels. Send for catalogue. 109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la SARSAPARILLA Curoi vvlicro nil other Nir- bipnrllluH full A positive ) tfuuiantiM In c-ncli pacltjKO. No I enullt no imj lot I ho Momnrli , Low- el * , llvci , kid- 110 } C , IIITVI' ! * , IK art , and all blooilillM-ascs , Ithua unequal lr T. 0 Sexton , 11 Nuhraikn iihjslclan of i-'ByeuiH1 practice , BIIJH : I holluvu it to bo far superior to any propuiatlon J know of Dr. riuiB. M Smith of Now York , sijs : Jilt thuKicatobt hlood anil nervurunudy of thu nice. Huv ( Jin. M IlroHn , former pastor of the nans-din 1'nrk Church of Oiimliu h.iiHln the 'TlmulaiHiuu Idea , " edited hv Iilnr "I'orhlooil , stomach , kldnuj and nil Kin- tlroddlspiibf i , It accomplishes eurcb that iKirdoi nn the miraculous. " Mrs Mary A. Hluhccx-k , Stale 1'roildent of the \V. U T V , says : CuruH uro ulfcct- iilwlinru patlonts liavo upptrontly RCIIIO beyond medical skill Sold hy all drumf Uta , Jlunufacturcil by the Grant Sarsaparilla Co , , FREMONT , - . . NEBRASKA. o Au"ri" > * ' * * t'lu" iv c- ( j llmi In HIM KtHtn unit Folium ! Luuri" . Itiionm XOU-7-8-0 , bloru , Council Illufli , lu DEO. P. SANFORD , A. W , RICKMA'I , 1'roHldont , CuHhler. First National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , ( own- .Capital , $100,000 Profits , 12,000 Ounof the olilpat binkxln the Hi iloof Jo \ > i Wti HitlUlt vonr IniHlniitHiuiil oolHelloim Wo pay 6 III | l-IMltOII Hint ) ( IOIOHllH | Wu Will llU pie * 1HUU tU HIT ami HOI v it ) on COUNCIL BLUFFS ; _ DOo"u KNOW TUAT DA1lLtiH 1IAVU gome cliulio bargalna la fruit anil land near tliU clt/T OAUIIAU1 ! UUMOVUU , Ub3l'OOLB , VAUliTb , chlmiK'jH cltuncd. iu llurke , ut Tujlur'd tracery , CiO JlrouJwuy. Alt.SrjtAUTH ANU 1'AHM A.VLI city tiuptrty bought imJ iiolil , rusty & 'lliomuu , Council lliuffu I'VHTi'itAor : . riitsr CI.AHH. ron jo > MIIAO i.f Htixk nlicuit 3 mllen noitli uf Imvn C'allU , > . ' * } In HIM ) , IimuiM , H ( W tu J7 00 fui HOIIBUII. Striy 1 to Oi.tol.ipr IG. Kood inun In clmi-gii ut M.Mk . , pitnl frnsH , tialt und water 1. . I' . JiiilMin , K'.i Clli avenue , 01 'J-l llroadvmy , Cuimcll Hliiffii. roil HUNT , I'UJHANP. . UNriTlNIHIIUD lunnm , Ixtit loiutlun In Iliu ell ) . 1'Jj ' a ulh flev intli Htriet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aoof ) oiituANTJO : rou ( Mia John AnKlu , 710 Huiilh ttti \ \ \NTii : > HIX I1OU1) hOl.K'lTOHH TO TAKF1 onluK for fiiilin ami MKHuliliH In c'oiinill HluITi Umiihii South Omiihn and Hloux e'lt ) . Cull or uddicys 1033