Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Pulls Put Up July Wheat for Awhile
' ' lliulnoM Con-
Greater I'nrl of the Ilny'n
llfttnl In C'lmriBhiK Miiy Contracts
Into July-Outs M'cre I'lrin t
the Opening ,
CI1ICAOO , May 1. May deliveries in
Brain and provisions wcro made today with
Burprlslng smoothness nnd the bulls put up
the prlco of wheat about V4c for July. I atcr
they discovered that their congratulations
had been premature when wheat , on favor-
nhlo conditions , was taking a Ic tumble ,
which resulted In a loss for the day of % c
per bu. Corn was dull nnd followed llio
course of wheat. U closed Uc lower for
July and 1-lCc lower for May. Oats were
Htrong until near the close. May rose % c ,
but left off with nil but V o of the ndvnnco
gone. Provisions slartort out firm , but closed
with a slight loss In value.
The deliveries of May wheat before the
opening were very light , considering the
largest Blocks. The estimates of the quan
tity delivered varied from l.r.00,000 to 2,000-
000 bu. The trade evidently considered them
light enough to bo encouraging to the bull
Hide of the market , which started strong at
about Uc over the closing prices of the
previous day. May for an instant sold nt
fiSMiC , but GSc was Immediately touched
and offerings became at once very light. It
gradually worked up In the next hour to
fiOc. July was flrm nt the opening and ad
vanced He , but It hail n weak quarter of
an hour when the Daltlc and other foreign
'ports were reported as having shipped C.2IO-
000 bu. In wheat ami Hour last week ; that
caused a decline to 0c. July became flrm
again nnd recovered to C0',4c when the At
lantic port clearances wcro known to amount
to about COO.OOO bu. of wheat nnd flour.
Iluylng by the Anglo-American Packing
company advanced May to Me and nar
rowed the spread between It and July from
2Uo nt the opening to Hie Inter. The de
mand for May wheat Hlackened at length
and the price fell off to fiSe , after hawing
touched CSVic , but It recovered ' , 0 nt the
The deliveries of corn wcro only about
3,000,000 bu. , J. C. Schwartz taking In nnd
paying for most of It. This gave the market
n bullish start. The buying was continued
by Armour for a short time , advancing Ihe
price from 37jC to " % c. A large part of
today's business consisted In changing May
contracts Into July. In the later half of
the session the market became weak In
sympathy with wheat and closed weak.
Oats were flrm at the opening aud the de
mand for May oats continued , not only
from shorts , but from longs who were ro-
porlctl to have taken some. The close
showed the prlco back again within % c of
the opening. The cash market was firmer.
The provision mnrket was dull and drag-
King1. There was a short period of flrmness
near the opening , caused by the receipts of
hogs being 1,000 less than estimated. The
opening quotations were the highest for
thu day. July pork started at $12.70 , de
clined ami closed fie lower than on the day
before. There was no trndo In May lard
until near the close , when it sold sparingly
and closed nt $7.45. July lard opened nt
from J7.121to $7.1G , declined and closed
at S7.1G. July ribs sold from $ C.52'/4 at the
beginning of the session to $0.45 nt the
close on a steady decline. .
Estimated receipts for Wednesday : Wheat ,
95 cars ; corn , 243 cars ; oats , 175 cars ; hogs ,
22.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
I-'LOIIK IJnsy ; prices favor buyers.
Wl I KAT No. 2 sprlnK , 67ic : No. 3 spring ,
KMlUia : No , 2 red. 57T c.
COItN No. 2 , .17iffJic. (
OATS No. 2 , 33c ; No. 2 white , 3ljJ34Xc ; No ,
3 white.33ii T33\4C.
11YK No. 2. 35a
HAHLiV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , twSSSVii No.
4 , ( Be.
I-'LAXflUKD No. 1. JI.20.
TIMOTHY HUKD Prime , $1.25.
I'KOVIHIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.-IOTfl2.43 ;
laid , per 100 Ibs. , $7.4 7.47' ; short ribs slit H
( loose ) , lR.OOffd.25 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
! ii.l > HC.25 | ; short elcar sides ( boxed ) , JC.ST'.i'tf
7.12'fc. '
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
M UO A H Unchanged.
The following were the receipts ana shipments
for today :
On Ihu Prmlnca uxclmneo today the butter mar-
ki'l was Htuady ; creamery , lllffllHc ; dairy ,
H , quiet but Htcady at lOc.
Ninv YOHK ( ; rxiit.\L : .HAHICHT.
A Ouotiitlont ( ill Flour , drain anil
I'roiliiro , nititikls , Ktu. .
NKW YOHK , May 1. l-T-Ol'lt-Hecelpts , 42SO < )
bbls. ; exports , 21.SOO bbls. ; sales , C,10) pkgs. ;
market weak , demand small nnd to sell con
cessions would haveto be taken , l-'lour , Ilrm ;
buckwheat Hour , nominal ,
HIK'KAVIIHAT Dull ; range on nil grades , GS < tp
7re.COHN MKAIi Steady ; yellow western , J2.C35I
2,70 ; llrandywlne , J2.70.
HYU-Uull ; car lots , 610D2c ; boat loads , G301
IIAHLKY-Qulet : No. 2 Milwaukee , CCfiC7c ;
two-rowed state , C6c ; ungraded western , GOjG3c.
' 11AHLKY MALT Firm ; western. C5SS5c ; six-
rowed , tOIfgSc.
WIUJAT Hecclpts , 140.000 1m. ; exports. 1GO.SOO
bu. ; sales , C,3'W,000 ' bu. futures and 113.000 bu.
spot , Hpot dull and weak : No. 2 red , in store
and elevator , 61c ; afloat , 62I,4e ; f. o. b. , G2Mic ;
No. 1 not them , CiHie. Options opened Ilrm on
light deliveries , causing active- covering of shorts ,
and held Rtcady all the foienoon. Later , July
declined sharply under long silling , breaking to
til.lowest on record. May meanwhile
was sustained by short Interest nnd showed
less decline. The net loss today was
' , iW ? e. No. 2 red , May , 6Kri61 e , closing nt fde ;
June , 62li82'fec ' , closing nt t2e ! ; July , C2Tlf03'le | ! ,
rinsing at C3e ; August , C18GIV- , closing at etc ;
September , t5ftKttiu , cloning at C5o ; Uecember ,
CSUGfGUUc. closing at CS'-tC.
COHN-lleeelplH. 23.400 bu. ; exports , 45,600 bu. ;
Hales , 8CO.UOO bu. futures and 6.1.00. ) Im. spot. dull ; No. 2 , 4U4o : 111 elevntir ; 45140 alloat :
ntenme.r mixed , 43f4H ; e. Options opened Ilrm
on small deliveries and unexpectedly light car
arrivals west , but after n lot of covering during
the morning turned weak with wheat and
ill ' .UfUc net decline. May , 4J'4 < f43'4o , closing
lit 43l4c : July. 4IHif44c , closing at 4l\e ; Bep-
tember , lo'iJit.'i'ic , closing nt 45141- .
OATH Hecelpts , 6C.4-JO bu. : exports , 000 bu. ;
rales , 370,000 bu. futures and CS.OOO bu. spot.
Hpot .lull , but Hun ; No , 2 onls , 41c : NJ. 2. de
livered. 424f42iic ; No. 3. 40c ; No , li white , 41U' f
42e ; N3. 3 white. 40\4c \ ; truck mixed western.
4Kfl2o ; track white wi-ntern , 42J4Se ; track white
mate , 42u'46c. Options strong all I l.u morning
on absence of deliveries and talk of crop damage ,
hut eased off later , closing UttUo , net advance.
May , 3SUW3Sic , closing at 3Mio ; July , 30lf ?
371)- , closing at 30if.
HAY Kteady ; shipping , tC.O-jC.M ) ; goDd to
choice , J7.iM rJ.OO.
HOI'S Quiet ; state , common lo choice , SfllSc ;
I'aclllo count , 13iriSc : Ixmdon market , steady ;
holders offer moderately.
HII > K8 Nominal ; wet salted New Orleans , se
lected. 15 to CO Ibs. . 4Mff.1Vico ; Texas selected , 35
In M Ibs. , 4ff5o ; Iluenos Ayres dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. ,
"irrJATilKll Pulli hemlock sole , Huenos Ayrea
llgllt 13 heavy. IC'.itil'Ji' .
WOOIy I-'alrly active ; ilomeitlo lleece. 19fl25o ;
pulletl. 20ft2So ,
1'HOVlSIONS-lleef , quiet. t'llt meals , quiet :
pickled bellies , 6 ii7 * c ; pickled shouldem , 6U
< iCj plckle.1 hams. lOc. Wrd. Hteady ; western
Htram closed nt U ; sales , 400 tiercel at S7.95
( early ) ; May closed , 17.93. nominal ; July , J7.00
iiskiM ; rcflne.1. dull ; continent. 17.25 ; B , A. . t3.2i.
1-ork , active ; mess , i-u.ny ; uliort clear , I1I.OO&
rOTTONHIIKl ) Ollr-Steady , but quiet : prim * ,
tills. 30o ; ptlico crude , Incee. 2Jtf27c ; oft oruje ,
JSli29c ; prlmr uiumer yellow , 31Htf34o ; off iwin-
mer yellow , 32Mi ; pilmn mimmer white , 34U37C ,
HUTTKH Dull ; western dairy , lOtflJo ; weatnin
creamery. Ht18e > factory , SiiOlZo ; Klgliu , ISe ;
ulHle dairy , lHIUHo ; state cieamery , 16U18C.
lHSIvI'Irmi | | slate , large. DilH4c ; unmll ,
SUtrtHic , purl nklms , 3Vi&4v ; full itkluis. 2@V.
KCiOB Htrttdy : Dtalu nnd I'ennsylvanlu , MUit
II' , < ; wrilein lOliHIHic , southern , 9HO
10.- , receipt * . 9.620 pKgs.
uniua clojeil at Wo lilJ ;
' . . . I. iln.I New Yoik. IM. , I'lilIaik-IplUii.
$ 10 , I'hiladelphiii , in hulk , | : .r-i.
T.'T < i\\ imy : , titv m for pki ? ) , 5 51-I c ;
t.-.i.iry ( pRfcfice.l. . &Ut < 5 IJ-lfV , as to nuall-y
HOHIN Ahut leadyj attained , pminvjii to
K. xt , I.17S I.W.
TI-HrKNTINK-fltenily nt 3 < V- .
HICK-Kalrly steady ; dompntlc , 4f6o ? ; Jnpan ,
MOllAHSUfl-Qillet nml . : New Orlwini ,
op n kettle , good lo cholc * , SMTP/c.
J'HJ IHON-null ; AmerleHti , Ill.OOflll.OO.
COPPKH-QulM ; Ukf , fUi < - .
LKAD-Hlrongor ; ilomratlr. II.M.
TIN-flfrt.nic . : mmltn. II9.M luknl : plates , quiet.
HI'KLTKIl-Qulet ; domestic. IJ.47H. Halen on
'change , 3 car lonilii spot lend , I3.37'4 ' ; 10 tmn
July tin. II3.C5 , nnd ? o ton * Augiul at 120. All
BUbJecl to Only clause.
'rrniuartlon * In Hrrnrltlpn Wcro Considerably -
ably l.rsn Tliitn nil Monilny.
NKW YOHK , May 1. The transactions on
the Stock exchange wcro considerably lean
than on yesterday , but Ihe trading was more
widely distributed and the general tone of
Iho market was better. Sugar was again the
leader of the speculation , but the volume
of business therein was decreased by nearly
one-half , nnd there was evidence of liquida
tion of the bull pool In the stock : In the very
largo supply of the shares. The talk of fa
vorable tariff changes was less confident
nnd altogether It was loss favorable to n
future ndvanco In price. At the opening
free offerings were made nnd prices declined
gradually until 101 wns touched , a. loss of
1 % per cent from yesterday's closing ( Inures.
Then n good buying movement was devel
oped , which was largely to cover shorts contracts -
tracts , and n gain of 1 % per cent was ef
fected , followed by a reaction of 1 % per cjnt
anil n II mi I recovery of 1 per cent , making
a decline on the day of't per cent. Sugar
preferred declined l' per cent , but rallied
' 4c nt the close. Heading of the railway list
was most nctlve , nnd wns depressed by re
ports of dllllcultlcs In the way of reorganiza
tion. The grangers were among the strong
est stocks on the list. Hurllngton was the
most active of the group. The publication of
( he March earnings did not hear out the
depressing reports of the past few days , and
the unexpectedly good showing In net earn
ings caused the shorls lo cover. This sent
prices up after an opening decline of % , the
ndvanco ranging to 2 % per cent , and being
most pronounced In the late dealings. The
closing prlco was within % per cent of the
highest. St. Paul made n gain of "B per cent ,
Hock Island % per cent and Northwestern %
per cent. The general market opened weak
and a fraction lower , but quickly * recovered
the loss. Koine few shares declined during
the first hour , notably American Tobacco
preferred , which lost 1 per cant. During the
hour before noon the tendency wns toward
higher prices , but the trading was very
light and the fluctuations narrow. After
mldilay.n fractional reaction took place , hut
tlio mnrket quickly rallied and the quota
tions again moved upward , only to bo low
ered nbout 1:45 : o'clock. But during the last
half hour the speculation assumed a strong
tone , and an Improvement was entered upon
which continued to the close , the final sales
showing gains on the day of % to 1 % per
cent. The bond market was steady In the
early part of the day , but closed Irregular.
The following nro the closing quotations
on the lending Blocks of the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were 208,478
Ni-w York 'Money Jliirltot.
Kasy at 1 per cent ; last loan and closed at 1
per cent.
STKHLINO KXCIIANGK-Strons. with actual
business In bankers' bills , $4.8S4lf4.S9 ( for de
mand and $4.87V14f4.S7i ! for CO days ; posted rates ,
$4.k8i)4.SO ? ) : commercial , M.SCUIM.fcG i.
OOVKHNMKNT IJONUS-l-.rm ; slnto bonjs ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
oflurud. t bid.
Nun Francisco Mining Ouotutlons.
SAN FHANCISCO , May 1. Thq oniclal closln ?
quotatloiiH for mining utoj'fs to j jy wurj : n fol
lows :
Alta .U ! Halo A NorurosH. . . il.'i
Holcliur 100 Moxluan 1(10 (
Ilent A llolchcr. . . . . 10(1 ( Mom 4-j
Ilotllo Con 101) ) Ophlr 33.1
Ilulwur. . . . : 14 I'olosl ll3 !
Chollar 70 Savajo H.I
Con. Cal. it V.-i .100 Sierra Nevada 115
Crown 1'olnt H-J Union Cou oil
Eurt'KnCoii Bl ) Utah 8
( iould A Curry. . . . 100 Yullo-.v Jacket 100
Now York Mining Oiii > titloin. :
NEW YOHK , May l.-Tlio followln ? ara tlo
lOHlnn mining ( luotiitloni :
Crown Point ill ) Plymouth yo
ConCal. A Va. . . . 400 Slurra Nevada 110
Di-atlwooil oil Standard IM )
Uoulil A Curry H.I Union Con 00
Halo A Norcnm. . 11.1 Yellow Jacket. . . . 70
llome taku 1-JOO Iron Silver 10
Mt-xlcan 150 Qu'eksllver ' 200
Ontario 750 do pr.-fem.-il 1,100
Ophlr : i-3 llulwt'r. . , 10
St. lonU Mining Stock nnotutloiH.
ST. LOUIS. May l.-Mlnlnir Htoclca dull anil
nnclKinitt-d. Ouotatlona :
Hid. Anked.1 Ultl. AHKitk
.f .30 .no Kllznbjth. $ .1.1 * . ' . ' 0
American.j2 ? ( . -1U | llopo ' . ' .00 3.00
llmutalllo i.o , ) 'j.-'n illarcouvur .10 ! ! . . . .
UranlloM. l.oo u.oo
I'lllllllfllll X.ltl-H.
OMAHAj May l.-ClearlnES , JS23.078 ; previous
Cellt 100f
MEMlllIH. May l.-ClearlnB , 1215.00) ; balances -
ances , J,6b'jO. , New York exchange , sclllns at
LONDON. Mny 1. The amount of bullion tone
l"to the IJank of England on balance today.
CINCINNATI. May 1. Clearings. $2.210.00. . ) .
Money , 3Vi < jt ! per cent. New York exchaiiKf , 30
O50c premium.
HAN 1-'HANC1FCO. May 1. Drafts , slijlit , lHc ;
telegraplnr , ITVic. Silver bars. 641iWI > 4Hc. Mex
ican dollars , 53UMHC.
ST. LOUIH. M.iy 1.-CleiirliiK * , J3.904.6S2 ; bal-
oners , J077.231. Money , dull at 64j7 per cent.
Uxchaiigu on New York , 25tf40o premium.
ClllCAOO , May 1 Clearings , } 17,000,000. New
York exchange. 25U3 ( > o premium. Sterling ex-
chuiiKf. ilulll a.-tuul ratua , ( I.SJtfi.&TU. Money ,
viuy ut c au
.Receipt * of Onttlo and Hog ? Quito Up to
the Averngd-
< nt Sternly I'rlcc-Hognltcgnln
the I.'OKM of .Monday Under In.
creased Demand Xo Sheep
TUESDAY , May 1.
There was a good average Tuesday's run
of cattle and hogs hero today , but no sheep.
The two days' supply of calllo falls about
1,300 head short of the same two days last
week , in sheep there Is a TOO head shortage ,
while hog receipts have been about the
Cattle values generally ruled firm today ,
nnd business was brisk. Kastern advices
were not particularly bullish , but us there
was a good shipping and export demand , as
well as an active Inquiry from all local
slaughterers , and the supply was compara
tively light , the feeling was generally
stronger. There were some right good
heavy cattle here , but the lighter grades
wcro mostly fair to poor stock. Fair to
good 1,200 to l.ROO-lb. beeves sold at from
J3.i : > to $3.05. while fair to good light steers
weighing from 850 lo 1,107 Ibs. sold nt from
$3.3i ! up to $ : ! .S5. Burly trading was rather
sluggish , but Improved as the day were on ,
the close being characterized by considera
ble activity and occasional higher prices.
In Ihe cow market there was no particu
lar change. Supplies were moderate and the
demand fair. All grades , Including canncrs ,
seemed In better request at firmer prices.
The supply of calves was too liberal to ad
mit of any Improvement In values , and n
generally weak tone pervaded the trade.
LUills , oxen nnd staes were In very fair re
quest at good , firm prices.
The stocker and feeder trade was rather
quiet , and while prices wcro not quotably
lower , trading was slow and the edge- oft
the market. Offerings were tolerably liberal
ami the demand not very vigorous from
either yard traders or country buyers. Good
to choice feeders are quoted nt from $3.25 to
$3.85 , fair to good nt from $3 to $3.25 ami
Uglier , commoner grades at from $3 down.
Representative sales :
No. Av. 1'r . No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1. . 1220 J2 90 3 WO J.I 5 : , 3 * . . . 1211 J3 G3
17. . . .1235 3 00 li .105 ! ! 3 51 20. . 11DS 3 65
1. . . .1070 3 23 li1C. . . .1011 3 65 19. . . .1261 3 C5
1. . . .1050 3 35 C. . . SS3 3 55 2.1. . . .1212 3 G-I
9. . . . 842 33.1 15. . .1033 3 55 27. . . .1018 3 C5
19. . . . 995 3 33 C. . .110S 3 65 01. . . .1182 3 C5
20. . . . 9.19 3 40 31. . .1023 3 GO 17. . . .1130 3 C.-
20. . . .1072 3 40 16. . 3 M . .1154 3 C5
10. . . . 742 3 40 11. . 3 CO 2li ! , .1130 3 70
21. . . .unr 3 45 1. . .1020 3 CO IS. . . .1217 3 70
42. . . .1052 3 45 20. . .1074 3 01 20. . . .118.- 3 70
20. . . . 845 3 4. . I. . .1210 3 CO 19. . , .1125 3 :
20. . , . 877 3 50 18. . .1120 3 CO IS. . , .1291 3 ;
,10iW 3 50 1. . .1210 3 C < ) 15. . . .1IDS 3 ;
, .1102 3 50 8. . .1097 3 CO 20. . . .1200 3 75
10. . , . ! )9I ) 3 f,0 SI. . . . 99li 3 CO 19. . . .1191 .1 75
11. . , . S97 3 51) 10. . . .1030 3 GO 11. . . .12C5 3 73
6. . , ,1033 3 50 . 20 3 GO 40. . . 3 75
I. . , . 910 3 50 .1160 3 CO ! ir,3o 3 M
7. . . 950 3 r.D . .low 3 CO .12J1 3 SO
4. . . ! > 35 3 50 . 8SO 3 CO 13. . .1430 3 90
24. . , . 903 3 55
1. . , .ioro 3 00 42. 3 K 17. . .1250 3 70
1. . . MO 3 < ) .1ISO ,1 CO 4. . .1197 3 73
.12(10 ( 3 25 IS .1218 3 CO 17 . .1305 3 80
.1054 3 35 2.1 .13S3 3 C5 117GO . .1197 3 85
. 730 3 40 IS .14.16 .1 65 GO . .1215 3 85
, . 790 3 50 17 3 70 . .1255 3 Ff >
.1075 3 S3 19..129S 3 70 . .1513 3 95
.12SS 3 55 1C..1250 3 70
50. . . . SSO 2 DO 19. . .1021 3 10 12. . . . 813 3 15
. . 043 1 75 1. . . 920 2 30 23. , .1161 2 91
. . 910 1 75 9. . .10SO 1. , .1170 2 90
. . 920 1 75 4. . . 832 2 40 1. .1310 2 95
. . SS ) 1 75 . .1000 2 W 1.i. .1230 3 OT
. . f.90 1 75 5 ! . . 830 i 60 , .1030 3 00
. .1030 1 85 1. . .1030 1 CO i. . , .1340 3 0) )
. .1000 1 90 1. . . .1020 2 60 3. . , .1256 3 00
. . 900 2 00 9. . .1057 2 70 3. , .1200 3 00
. . SfiO 2 00 6. . . .1096 2 70 1. . .1100 3 10
. . 1)90 2 00 10. . . .1033 " ] . . .1350 3 10
. .1123 2 00 4. . . 905 SO 6. . .1276 3 10
. .1040 2 00 . .10.15 SO 10. . . 922 3 15
. .1020 2 10 IX . .1121 SO 4. . .10S1 3 20
. . 870 2 23 4. , . .1175 SO .1040 3 20
. . 8SO 2 25 6. . .1056 85 , .1S90 3 25
. .1026 2 25 7. . .1132 85 , .1290 3 25
. .1170 2 2o 2. . .1175 90 , .1180 3 25
6. . . . 783 1 75 2. . ! . f,53 2 50 . 690 3 10
1. . . . 300 2 CO 5. . 762 2 65 14. . . 855 3 10
1. . . . 370 2 00 1. . 400 3 00 26. . . 9C1 3 20
1. . . . 440 2 10 21. . , 527 3 05 17. . . 778 3 20
7. . . . 411 2 10 3. . , 906 3 10 3. . . 613 3 25
. . 790 2 10 2. . , 875 3 10 2. . . co 3 25
. . 410 2 10 14. . , 927 3 10
. . 85 200 1. . . 100 3 00 2. . . . 175 4 60
. . 280 2 00 1. . . 110 4 00 4. . . . 137 4 50
. . 220 2 50 3. . . 123 4 00 2. . . . 155 4 50
. . 100 2 60 3. . . 120 4 00 1. . . . 140 4 50
. . 277 2 85 1. . . ISO 4 23 3. . . . ICO 4 50
. . 600 Tco 1. . .1010 2 50 1 . .1760 290
. .1140 2 30 1. . .1100 2 50 1 . .1990 3 00
. .1000 2 35 I. . .2140 2 GO 1 . .2340 3 00
. .1520 2 40 1. . .1420 1j . .1430 3 00
. .11CO 2 40 1. . . 960 j . .2000 3 03
. .1160 2 40 1. . .1250 2 . .14SO 3 0 }
, .1300 2 40 1. 1400 280 1 . .1630 3 35
. .11SO 2 60 1..1COO 290
. .1610 2 75 1..1370 300 1..1170 3 23
. .13SO 2 85
2..10C5 2 CO 4. . . . CCO 310 1. . . . S90 340
1. . . . C30 250 25. . . . C52 3 12'fc 1. . . . 740 340
1. . . . Wl 260 20. . . . 728 320 20. . . . 830 340
3..1030 2 CO 1. . . . 470 325 1. . . . 700 360
1. . . . 780 260 8. . . . 602 335 2.1. . . . C93 SCO
1. . . . 940 275 13. . . . 618 335 1..920 3 C5
1. . . . 880 290 7. . . . 064 335 23..731 370
1. . . . 410 2 SO 3. . . . 470 340 17..9.11 370
3. . . . SCO 290 3. . . . SCO 340 15. . . . 905 375
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
78 feeders 101C J310
HOGS Although receipts today were fully
twice as heavy as on Monday , the market
was n reversal of Monday's trade. In otlier
words , Instead ot being from So to lOc
lower , prices ruled Just about that much
higher , or practically the same as on Sat
urday or last Tuesday. The shipping de
mand was Insignificant , but as Chicago was
reported firmer , speculators took a lively
interest In the proceedings and wlille buyers
for local houses were somewhat apathetic
early they wcro free buyers late and soon
had the supply cleaned up. The market
opened strong to n nickel higher than Mon
day , with common to choice hogs selling at
from $5 to $5.10 , mostly nt JG.Ou ; later the
market Improving right along , the hogs sold
nt from $5.05 to $5.10 , mostly nt $5.071 , nnd
$5.10 , or from 5c to lOc higher than Monday ,
when $5 was the popular price. The bulk
of the hogs sold today at from $5.05 to $5.10 ,
or about the same aa on last Tuesday. Rep
resentative sales :
65 2S6 . . . G 01
71 235 120 5 05
69 2fl 160 G OS
63 254 100 G 05
mas AND nouaii.
4 125 . . . 400 4 392 . . . 4 W
SHKKI > There wcro no fresh receipts nnd
no iiuotablo change In the market. The de
mand la good tor desirable muttons and
lamba niiit prles nominally flrm. Fair to
peed natives are quotable nt from $3.76 to
t4.40i fnlr to goqil westerns , from $3.20 to
$1.25 ; common aM Mock sheep , from $2.SO
to $3uO ; Rootl to choice 40 to 100-lb. Ii\mbs ,
from $3.60 to Jl.TC
HccelpM nut ) iHipmltlon of Stock.
Official recoititnniidilupotlllon of tloclcaiftnowu
by tha books or inn Union stoalt Yards bo.npiny
( or the twenty-four lioura ending nt 0 o'clock p. m ,
May 1 , ISP4I
\Vlmt l.lttlu Deiiiuntl Thi-rn Was Yi-stordny
for Cuttl U'HHVrnh. .
CHICAGO. May 1. There was some drmand
for cattlt- today , but It was weak nnd light re
ceipts only unveil the market from a further de
cline. Not many cattle were left over from yes
terday , nnd as the fresh arrivals scarcely reached
4,000 head , there was no occasion for any lowerIng -
Ing of prlees. Hales were on a basis of Mon
day's quotations , Inferior ntuft selllns nround
JI.75 nnd extra 1.500 to 1,000-lb. steers being
salable nl from 14.40 to II.CO. Kew of the offerIngs -
Ings brought as much ns 11.15 , the bulk of the
steers selling nt from J3.C5 to 14 , nnd from J2.2.1
to J3.1S taking the greater part of the cows nml
bulls. A few slop-fed cattle. were among tinar
Them was a minor trtne lo the hog market.
With less than half ns many receipts as for
Monday most of the day's decline1 was recovered ,
the best heavy nnd medium weights
selling up to from $1.30 to J5.35
and finin J5.25 to J5.30 being pal.l for
assorted lights. There was n good demand and
most of the- hogs had been weighed before 9
o'clock , the total supply not exceeding 18.000
head. The quality was good , and most of tin-
business wns done nt from J5.2' ) to J5.30 , from
J5.25 to J5.30 being the popular prlees. Culls
sold anywhere from $3 to J3.75. The close was
Continued moderate arrivals keep Ihe sheep
market from declining In spite of an Indifferent
demand. Sales were slow , but the maik.-twns _ _
firm at former quotations , or at from Jl. . . > _ lo
$ I.C5 for poor to choice sheep and at fiom $1.2. ) to
J5 for yearlings , fprlng lambs were salable at
from $4 to J5.r > 0 , aoe.irdlnB to quality.
Hecelpts Cattle , 4,0.10 . head : ealvesi 200 h ad ;
hogs , 14,000 head ; slieep , 10,000 bend.
The Evening reports :
CATTLE Heoelpts , 4,000 head : market Plow and
unchanged ; prime to extra native steels. 4.4) <
4.CO ; medium , J4.00 < 1 | 1.10 ; others , J3.75SJ3.9.i ; 'lex-
ans , J3.4iJiH3.70.
lioas Hecelpts. 14,000 head : market active ; a
trine llnner : rough heavy , J4.0fi4.5 ; packers and
mixed. J5.154J5.25 ; prime heavy and butcher
weights , J5.25U5.30 ; assorted light. J5.30ii5.35.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-HecclptH , 10,000 head ;
market very tlull : 16fi25c lower than last we.ek ;
top sheep. JI.25iT4.i55 ; top lambs , J4.505i4.i5 ; extra
lambs , J5.00fi5.25 ; spring lambs , tJ.W'ift.60.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. May l.-CATTLE-Hocelpts. 2,400
head ; shipments , 300 head ; market nctlve , steady ;
native steers , 1,200 to 1,400 Ibs. . J3.S5 4.10 ; 1.000
to 1,200 Ibs. , J3.70fl3.HO ; cows , J2.7f > ? i2. . > ; calves ,
J4.50g4.75 ; Texas steers , 1,000 to 1,300 Ibs. , JJ.WJif
'llOOS Hecelpts , C.SOO head ; shipments , 1,100
head ; market opened slronB. So higher , IOHIIB
advance later nnd closing weak ; top price , J5.30 ;
bulk of pales , J5.155/5.25.
SHEEP Hecelpls , COO head ; shipments , 1M )
head ; market active , strong , 25e higher for
sheep. lOc higher for lambs ; clipped native. " ,
J3.50fc3.75 ; lambs , J5.
KmisiiH C'lty t.lvd Stock Jliirkct.
(3.i > 5 ; stoukers and
HOaS-Ilecelpts. n.COalhead : shipments l.MO
i.cnd. Market steady tel Ilrm ; bulk , , Jl.95 G.M ) ;
Heavies , packers nnd _ mixed , J4.J03o.10 ; lights ,
Yorkers and pigs , Jl.70ff5.00.
K1IEK11 Keeelpts.-.l,5 V head ; Ehlpments , 200
head. Maikct yteaily. _
Kv York l.lvc Stock .Murker.
l.-i-linnVlIS-Uecelpts , GOO
NKW YOIIK , May - -
aiBP jrnilAMIW-Qulct ; clipped sheep
poor to prime. J3.00JJ4.25 per 100 Ibs. ; clipped
lujtlieiO head : two cars on sale ;
fair to good J4.50ji5.25 per 10U.
Sioux 'Clly "i. v6"Work'Mnrkot.
SIOUX CITY , Mny 1. HOOS-necelpts. 1,500
head' yesterday , 52C head ; shipments , none ; 5c
higher. * JI.S5 i5.00 ; bulk. J5.
CATTLK-Hecclpts , 1.400 head ; yesterday , 1,477
head ; shipments. 4S9 head ; lower , slow : ' " -Jen ; .
J2.75 3.60 : ycarllngH. J2.50ft3.25 ; cows , J1.50'u 2.110 ;
bulls , J.2.23a2.75 ; oxen. Jl.Mg3.00.
Stiic-k In
IlccclptH of live stock at the four principal yards
for Tuesday , May , :
Ki'i'nH'is'citv ' . ' . ' . " a ! iio iijioo i.fioo
M. LOUIS. ! * : : : ' . ' . : ' . : : . . . . . . J.4oo uaoo ooo
Totals. . . . . . ll.Oll 30,080 li.,100
I.ocnl Produce Jlarknt.
The maikct ns a whole was not overly active
and only about the usual Tuesday H business
was transacted. Prices on most lines of pro
duce did not show any very material change.
the Omaha commission
ThPj-ecelpts of produce at
sion houses yesterday were as follows : Hutter.
100 packages ; eggs , CS2 cases ; live poultry , 19
coops ; strawberries , 99 cases ; potatoes , 2 cars.
nUTTEH A large proportion of the butter ar-
jlvlnc Is hay butter und much of It of poor
quality. As yet there Is little show of grass.
The common grades of butter are not moving'
very briskly Separator cie-imery , 20Q21c ; extra
fancy roll , 15B17c ; choice country , 12 14c ; pack-
"KOG'S The' offerings are quite liberal and the
demand IH fair. Kresh stock WUH being offered
mostly at 9c and seconds nt SOS'/fcc.
LIVE POl'LTHY Choice bens have been In
pretty fair demand. Old roosters nro quite
plenty and do not move off very freely ,
liens , C | 7e ; young roosters , Ce ; slaggy stock ,
4J5c ; old roosters , 3f4c ; spring chickens , J3.00&1
' GAME The demand Is very limited nnd the
arrivals are light. The season as a whole bus
not seen much activity In the game maiket.
Mnllauls , J1.75W2.00 ; redheads. J1.7. , 2.flO ; bluu-
wiiiK leal , $1.0031.2.1 ; greemvlng teal Jl ; mixed
iluckH. 75c : geese. Jl.00 t.50.
VI3A1 Theie Is n fairly good supply , but good
stock Is scarce. Good , fat veals , 77ic ; thin or
] > lokoNS--Thore Is a demand for old pigeons ,
but young blids that are not strong on the wins
arc not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , $1.50fl,05.
Itoiton Stoi-lc ( JuoUtlom.
DOSTON. May 1. Call loans. IHS'J per cent ;
llino loans. 3-tHi : per cent. Closlnj prices for
Htockn , boiulHand minim : aharos :
KIIIISIIS City .MtirltntH.
KANSAH CITY. May l.-WHKAT-rnclmnRoilj
No. 2 hind , 5lfDl'ao : No. a led , G4e ; No. J red ,
60f51e | ; rejected , 44c. . , , - „ . ,
COHN UOHc hlghiT ! No. 2 mixed , 3l ii33Ue | ;
No. 2 while , 3CU i3 iaC. '
OATS t'nclianged ; . N.O , 2 mixed , 34o ; No. 2
white. 34V4035L- . ' , ,
' IUITTK11 Quiet ; tvenmery , li&ISc ; dairy , 14
< 017e. '
iOfS ! Quiet nnd Meady nt 8e.
IlKCKirTa Whent , ' 3.000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 hu. ;
Hlill'MKNTS Wheat , 12.000 Im. ; com , 1,000 bu. ;
oats , none. .
Nim-'Yor ! ( Dry ( ioocU .tlnrkot.
NKW YOHK , May' ' l.ln dry goods there was
an Irregular demand lor inodt-rate assortments
of n mlscellnneoiia description that collectively
took many goods. y t Jndlvlduul puichases were
very limited In quantity. Many goods were for
warded on former Contracts , but otherwise the
markrt was featUrelfHX. . I'rlntlng cloth was
nominal nt 2\o askuil ' Iiir sixty-four siplarcs and
2 iu best bid. .
NKW YOIIK , May 1. HUOAH Haw , nrm : fair
rcllnlUK , 2 15-llic ; centrifugals , tut decrees te l ,
2 ic : sales , 4.000 bugs centrlfiiKal U tvtt. 2 > ie ,
except shipped ; 300 bags molasses sugar , 89 test ,
211-10 , ex , ship. ; three caib'ues centrifu
gal 96 lot to Hoston Fpeculatort. . , 2Tio und ( or
shipment. Hcllned-MurKiit active and Ilrm.
Oil Murkutn.
OIL CITY , 1'a. , Mny 1. National Transit cer-
tllleates opened ut 8BHc ; lilgheal , 85ic ; lowest.
8SUo ; closed , tJHc ; salrs , 2,000 bbls. ; shipments ,
87,492 bbls. : run * . 147.266 bbls.
rlTTSUUlKJ , I' " . . Mi } ' 1. National Transit
certificates openi-tl at M'io : i'lose.1 ut t5Sc ;
holiest , 86 ; c ; lowett. 85Hc ; rales , none ,
MunchcHti-r T.utllo 'Miirket.
MANCIIKSTKH , May 1 , Cnt | | nnd yarns dull
nnd prices generally In buyers' fax or.
\Vool .Murkut.
BT , I.OU18. Maj 1 WOOL Steady without
chance In. prlctst
Government's Weekly Crop Bulletin Shows
an Encouraging Situation.
All Vegetation Ten I ) y to Two \Vcck
Ahead Corn 1'lnutlnc Well Under
Way I'ronpccts fur I'rult Are
( Icncrnlly I'lno.
The weekly crop bulletin of the Nebraska
weather service for the week ending April 30
has been Issued by Captain George K. Hunt ,
the observer nt Omaha. He says :
The weather conditions of the past week
have been as favorable as could have been
desired by farmers. High temperature and
frequent showers hnvo had a very beneficial
effect upon all vegetation , causing vigorous
growth In wheat , oats nml grass , nnd ad
vancing the season from ten days to two
weeks The soil continues In excel
lent condition for plowing nnd planting.
Potatoes and small grain arc all In the
ground and the week closed with corn plantIng -
Ing well under way. Most correspondents
make favorable mention of the fruit pros
pects , apples nnd cherries being especially
' The following ore remarks by correspond
ents :
Iliitler County Some corn planted , plowIng -
Ing for corn nearly completed , apple trees
In blossom , show little Injury from frost.
Cass County fast week favorable to
growth of crops. Spring wheat nnd oats
look well and are growing rapidly. Pastures
furnishing sufficient feed for stock. Apples
and cherry trees In bloom. Farmers com
mence planting corn.
Clay County The week ns a whole has
been favorable for all crops and farming
generally. Wheat Is In line condition , ex
cept n few pieces that were put In out of
season. Oats good. Grass coming on
nicely. Some corn planted and ground
nearly all ready to plant. The present con
ditions of soil and crops are as good as
wo ever had here at this time of season.
Klllmoro County Very little rain for the
past week. Good growing weather , but
rain needed. Some corn planted. 1'lnwlng
nearly all finished. Excellent prospects
for fruit.
Gage County Unln still lacking ; light
showers , but soon dried by sunshine. Pros
pect for small grain has not Improved
during the week. Corn planting commenced.
Hamilton County Weather continues dry ;
small grain not doing well ; not sulllclcnt
rain to wet roots of grain. Corn planting
well under way. Oats generally looking
better. Fruit crop promises to bo unusu
ally large.
Jefferson County Weather all that could
be desired for farming. A great deal of
planting done. Small grain looking fine.
Fruit prospects never better. Light frost
on the 22d , but no damage was done.
Johnson County Kxcesslve heat and lack
of rain are the significant conditions for the
week. There Is still some uncertainty In
regard to the early sown oats.
Lancaster County First part of week was
good growing weather , but becoming dry In
latter part. Hye rolling up some the lGth. !
Farmers getting ready to plant corn. Fruit
trees In full bloom. There never was better
prospects for fruit.
Nomaha County Very lltalo rain has
fallen. Vegetation of all kinds has made
remarkable growth. Soil Is dry on top , but
plenty of moisture at a depth of two or
three Inches. Farmers planting corn. Every
thing all right to date.
Nuckolls County Wheat is doing finely
and only a little will have to be plowed up.
Most corn ground Is plowed and considera
ble corn Is planted. Oats doing well.
Otoo County Week has been generally
good for crops. Corn planting commenced.
Fruit appears to be all right. Ground rather
too dry for corn or late sown grains.
. I'awneo County Favorable week for
growth of grass and grain. This part of
state needs rain. Corn planting well under
way. Apple orchards In bloom. Ground
dry and dusty. Wheat and oats doing well.
Polk County Nice growing weather. Some
oats resown after the March freeze1. Some
corn being planted. Winter wheat Improv
Richardson County Prospects good for ap
ples and cherries. Corn planting com
menced. Ground very dry.
Sounders County All vegetation very much
advanced. Cherries and early apples In full
bloom. Warm weather beneficial to corn.
Sallna County Wheat and oats have made
a fair growth during the week , though the
ground Is getting dry. Pastures are not
doing very well. Some corn planted ; much
will bo planted the coming week. Plums ,
apples and cherries have an abundant prom
Seward County A good growing week.
Corn planting begun. Some oats and wheat
being plowed up for other crops. Fruit pros
pects good.
Thayer County In a portion of the county
rain Is badly needed for grass and grain.
In otlier portions the weather has been favor
able. Corn planting Is being rushed. The
early planted corn Is sprouting nicely. Fruit
prospects good except peaches.
York County The week has been warm ,
but too dry for crop growth or good tillage.
Early sown oats poor , nnd much of It , to
gether with much winter wheat. Is being
plowed up. Pastures need rain.
Antelope County Week has been very
favorable for all crops. Small grain doing
fine. Plowing almost finished. Some corn
Iloyd County The week has been very
warm with frequent showers. Corn ground
Is being prepared for planting. Crops of nil
kinds nro making rapid progress. Pastures
are sulllclently advanced to enable stock to
make n good subsistence.
Hurt County Weather very pleasant with
occasional showers. Some Corn planted.
Cumlng County Farming Is better ad
vanced than for many years. Ground la In
the best possible condition. Grain looks
well , except oats , which nro a little thin.
Dlxon County Weather favorable for veg
etation. Early sown oats a failure. Wheat
three-quarters of full stand. Fruit pros
pects good. Corn planting begun.
Dodge County Small grain doing fine ,
though some of It only half a stand on ac
count of cold snap In first week of the
month. Farmers are well advanced with
their work nnd much corn will bo planted
during the coming week. Fruit showing
abundant bloom.
Holt County Weather prospects encour
aging. Farmers are busy planting. Small
grain all up and doing nicely. Plowing for
corn well advanced. Farming ahead of the
Knox County Oats are looking well. PlowIng -
Ing about half done.
Plerco County Plowing for corn well un
der way nnd some corn planted. Oats are
being re-sown. Considerable land will bo
planted with sugar beets.
Platte County Fall wheat with few ex
ceptions Is poor. Corn planting has been
started. Prospects good.
Stanton County Small grain doing well.
Potato planting done and ground about all
prepared for corn.
Washington County A week of fine grow
ing weather. All small grain doing well.
Fruit looks very promising. Ground In
splendid condition.
Huffalo County A sllB > > t rainfall amount
ing to about one-half an Inch during the
week ; grass making good growth and cattle
turned out to pasture ; oats are qulto thin ,
some field being plowed up for corn ; corn
planting has commenced and much corn will
bo planted In first week of May.
Ouster County Fine warm rains on the
23d and 21th did much good to the ground.
The moisture , followed by warm tmmililno ,
has worked wonders with vegetation and
farmers have a more hopeful outlook ; plowIng -
Ing for corn progressing finely and small
grain coming up fast.
Dawson County A good growing week.
Rain would do good ; prospects for wheat
' ' "
"Howard County Warm weather ; every
thing growing line ; fruit trees In bloom :
small grain looking fine ; grass far ahead of
the ucabon. , ,
Merrlck County Small grain looking well ;
fruit trees In bloom ; rain needed.
Nanco County Small grain doing well ;
ground In uood condition ; corn v'antliiB ' will
Wo have overhauled every one of our 19
departments , and each article where there was only one or two
of a kind or where wo had too many of a kind , or anything tha
was not just spick and span , has boon marked with largo rod
ticket , in plain figures , at one-half former prices in order to soil
them quick. Odd pieces of parlor furniture ( some slightly
soiled ) , odd nigs , odd pairs of curtains , odd dressers , etc. , all
amounting to S 18,000.50 , will be sola this wookfor $9,480.25- ,
Don't delay , but come at once and help to take them away.
It comprises :
Cliainlirr.Siitln ,
Tuifrl ntrki , Intuit ! Ttiltte.i ,
Jttiiik Catrf , .SfllllfN ,
Jlall Trrrn , C'onfirro// /
J fit 11 Itrtlstrtiti.i ,
Plllinr.i , I.enlliri' Clitilr.i ,
I'ltmli Clniti-.i ,
t'ciril 7'iibfr * ! Clnilr.i In I
Parlor Hull * , * Uitltnlntr
MutiniiitilH 7ViMr. , dill T
Olii/.r TnliIrK ,
Jtiillnit ltotrr.i , ,
Clilffniilrrn , Illiiiiin Chain ,
Hull Cluilrn , Clillilmi'n
J.mllr.i' / > < * . . ,
Hull 1llu.iir.i ,
CVifmt tli > ffl.i , Jtnii
( 'Hinliliiiillini . , , . , 'ltrlor Unlit ,
Jlooli CVl.'i'.i , Parlor Sii
Kef rf In I'll Itonli Count , In Tii/irxfru iiinl
t\tt'liii't.i , JiroctiMIr ,
ll'ii nlrolim ,
.S'ufmiii Tiiblr.i , Ciiiiiiiiini
Tulli'l Tulilfi. J'in-
O/irc ; .S/oiiM. Jlrilfleillln ,
Ten Table * ,
J'l'lll'fttllH , .
III nnvr arts.
These goods have all boon distributed throughout our stock , each
piece in its proper department , nml will bo sold either for CASH OK
EASY TERMS. Presents to Purchasers
$ 10 OOworth of goods , $1 00 per week J 5 00 worth of goods An Album
10 00 worth of goods..Souvenir Spoon
25 00 worth of goods , 1 60 per week 25 00 worth of goods. World's KnlrUoah
CO 00 worth of goods , 2 00 per week 60 00 worth of goods.Illsque Ornament
76 00 worth . . .
75 00 worth of goods , 2 50 per weel of goods..Lace Curtains
100 00 worth of goods Center Table
100 00 worth of goods , 3 00 per week ALL VISITORS RECEIVE HANDSOME -
200 00 worth of goods , 4 00 per week SOME SOUVENIRS.
Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment Hoose
Close evenings at 6:30 : , except Monday and Saturday
Svnil JOrfui'iinnliii/i' on l f/ ( ' ! > / rnliilituiii ; ninr
be. general next week ; fruit trees budding
Webster County Weather favorable for
growing crops. Corn planting progressing
nicely. Fruit prospects good.
Harlan County Favorable weather. Corn
planting progressing.
Red Willow County Corn planting going
on , but more rain Is needed.
Kearney County Winter wheat on old land
poor , on new land fair. Considerable wheat
land will be put In other crops. Rain
needed for grain and grass. Ground about
ready for corn planting. Early apples and
cherries In blossom.
Dundy County Farm work nnd growth of
vegetation retarded by Insufllclent rains.
Furnns County Weather favorable for
grains , fruits and vegetables. Some corn
Is planted. Prospects goods for abundance
of fruit.
Thomas County Wheat looking flue. Rye
sick. llarley doing well. Ground In good
condition for corn planting.
Lincoln County Temperature and rain
fall very beneficial to all crops. Hull on
the 2Sth , some stones three Inches In cir
cumference. No damage resulted. Corn
planting progressing finely.
Cherry County The weather has been
Hue ; small grain looks well , and all crops
doing finely. , .
Keya Palm County Favorable week for
small grain , the late sown coming up best ;
wheat that was sown in March rather poor
stand ; grass coming up flue ; nil stock doing
well ; ground not wet enough to do good
plowing for corn.
Rock County Wo have never had n better
prospect for small grain ; plenty of good
grazing ; stock running at large ; corn plowing
ing- advancing rapidly ; spring sown grain
Sheridan County-Weather favorable for
seeding ; wheat nearly all In ; plowing for
corn progressing.
Sioux County A few light showers have
made everything grow nicely ; all land In
good condition to receive crops ; small grain
starting well. .
Imvu Crops Doing \Vc-l 1.
DES MOINES , May 1. The lown crop
bulletin Issued todaysays ; "April has been
unusually favorable for farm work and the
advancement of crops. The dally mean tum-
peraturo for the month wns two to three de
grees above normal , and the rainfall was
seasonable In amount. The last week
brought high temperature and sunshine , clos
ing with copious and w-11 dlstrlbuto.l thowors ,
greatly Improving- all crop prospects and con
ditions. Cereals and grass are doing notably
well. Reports Indicate that a very largo
acreage Is prepared for corn , and In every
district a good beginning has been made In
planting. With n continuance of the present
favorable weather the bulk of planting will
bo done before the 10th of May , or two weeks
earlier than the average. Fruit prospects
are very much better than was anticipated at
the beginning of April. "
nitiiiK-iipolli Wlinit Murlii't.
MINNKM'OMS , May 1. Tin-re wan very llttl'J
* "
d , Tin M. . > h ii : . xwptl.iB . In | . nml
wile wt'mmill. . ah
tlio ( let vurloH on Miiy * ; |
ViOWM Vu In nil. Huli'M wi-re nil plitivl Hi'jrriil
rfui ilS'lmvInK i'iinniMiiiHiii.'e very llttlf , wan la ' very ' " ' ' " ' iiiilcl ! ' > ; , " , "Vlth
market awillnK. hi for July , whU-h H.-- , nUit fr o
luwi-r I him .Monday , anil hrptN' ' ' ' " " ' '
% e ,
than Monday. < H li wheat on I IIP
ic- lower
' , - Tin-re wax wiiiBldf.-
i <
tiucU WIIH ' iilHti lower liy -
,11- ini'lhii in tVnif.nW . , whkh { " " " .S , " 1
- nrllvtly within H liuit lime llin
thu KitMli-r
of III.
the hiuiKlliB
- ilav ;
feature < iH-iw-en May and July. whU-li way Ti - lit
' ' . I" " h'-furt- *
ihu iiiietihiK ' " ' ! Ini'ii'iiMi-iI t I'l1' h'furtJin
- . I Vm.wel lo % . " , ic. ' " " ' > > ;
of Irii'milur Hinrnctpr. HH thenHIIH llttl
. ik of riiiilo.1 n
for Hah- and any ili-innn.l l * p
i.c'tlv.- .
ImTin - demand for ciwh wheat wu
ulilmiiKh " ' ' "ll ) " 1"H | . ' ! lc " ' 'V1 ' 'Vl" ' . " fn
t'all.-d fin
nrrnunt "f tinMilkf. . The
u .oil . 110.000 ( ill. unly. to Brlntl In I'-ntl ' in IH
- - WITHry mnall. ninmmtliiK l GU *
I'nlill'P" ! " "I whlili niitii'iilly
Im with 3T > .IW ' " - ,
! , -i w.iml.U-iiil.1.- . .I.TM-III. . . m I'K-al mi | > | . I.-B
for tinilay. . Tin- market . -low-ill M.ty. . W't. ' .
. councilNeptfinlier. . D'j'wc- " - N" '
.liily , : . ;
1 ha d , MV41No. ; . 1 northern. : N" . . S in.iili.-in. . .
whi-iit In i-.iunti "I.-
- of >
Wi ) - . \Vlil ( "Win-in
tutoiH . ! IIIUI..UH . M "ell tit iirrlv. ' , thidiin.l
not ilo < > . ther.mlKht ! ' < > illlllrull * In lirltiR-
IIIK tinttlieat In und.-r HID prum-iil cliuuiiiiitiini .
KhlpmeiilH of lluur weru .liKI M.l . . whl.-li W..H
about i-Miml to the i-mlinutnl production of Ihi-
ilay. The inailu-t WIIH ipili-t iiml Bti-itly at 13.
U3 03 for i-atenlK , mlllero iti-norully m-lllnir In
ruiinil loth ul iitMiut 13.50. HaKem wenquutnl ul
iiOfi < 0e. _ .
( < in > Jlurknt.
NKW YOHK. May I. rOI'TUK-Optliimi < i | fiif.l
6 10 i ilntB lilulier "II ln'tler ) : uiiiirnii m-w-i <
. - c-limed at Slfl I
und after n iiuli-t nnd Bt.-udy iluy
niillUM net u < vuni-v. Hnlex. 3.MW I..IKI , Ini-l'iillti *
May ut IMJuly. ; . | 15.1 ilS.UO : AUBIWI. I > .W ;
HeptPinlHT. JH.'S. I'ut ' i-iiffi-P Hlo. eunlei' ; .No.
7 , $10.00. Ml'.tl Murktt iiulet nml aliinr :
Coltl.ivu. Jlll.01ijIS.S6 : ( aim , MKI lmc > ' IHii .So. 7
Hut bran ut llti.OO. Wureliouw ilrlverl | ycBt-
dMV In New York. 10.SW1 lmB : New \nik fim- ' :
IvUay , iOZ.lM LUKIJ Unltsa Btutm itAk , 217.IJO
lues ; for the I'nllpil Slat.-H :0)rt ( ) liai ? l
l nl vlKlliltmipply for the fnltud ia' < > 3 417,101
INIKR , iiK.ilnHt Illii7 ; IIIIKM laiit year ,
KIO UK JANKIItn , May 1 gul t : qiiotntlcni
n.inilnal--none Kl\.ii. llxclianKC , 9i.l ; icoupln ,
lliuiil.iyH , ll.oiij IIIIKH : , lot ' )00 IIIIBII.
Weekly repiut : Coffee , unli-t ; ex'-tntisc. S d ;
iTcclptH chirlnneek. . Cf. 0 0 liajt ; vhlpments t
I'nlle.l Slates , not i-epm led ; Kt.ick . , 10I.OJC bnga.
SANTOS. May I. Market quiet ; KOml aveiass
PantoH , IS.OiWIHKX \ ; ii-i-oiptK , liner- days , 1OM
IIIIBS ; nlock , IUIKK. Weekly lep.i.t . : t'orfee ,
quiet : Rood nveinfrp. per id kllox , US ; recelpli
tlin-liiK tli wei-k , 7,500 I.IIKS ; Hlilpnient.s to I'nltcJ
Hlales. no ; Kloi-k. 37WX ) liax .
IIA.MUritC , liny i. - ( jnii-t ; prlees iinclianKcil ta
' < pf t. lowi-r on early monlhs ; late munlliH nil-
i-haiiKeil to ! j pfu. hlRh.-r.
LONDON , Alii } 1. tjulet ; prices uncharged to
Cil hlKtior.
HAKVi : , May -Maiket steady ; saleH , 10.WI
liaKBJ pi Iocs UtfIC lilglier.
St. I.iinlH < ifii. < rnl Miirki-t.
ST. I.OUIH , Mny 1. KMll'H-Qiili-t , Bteady.
Wl I KAT Opened Him , ' , ! up. but nfti-r n
BllKlit iidvaiH-- f.-ll luck 't'ff-'Kc , lecovcilnir < . lininedlately ; later w.ft tpit ilvvi-lopcd
and llio rlont > was lie off cm ruliitoH ; wentliei
and other iloineHtlr ncwu were tlm cailse-a ; No. 1
led. CIIB'I , XWtv May , f.31 ihid , Mlic UBkel )
June , CHitnniulniil ; July , Mo ; August , Wit- ,
ni.nilnal. .
I'OItN Pull lint easier , RoliiB off idffHc ; No.
2 mixed , cash , 37e ; May , 3iJ ( ! asked ; June , 30'1i ,
bid : July , 3C ? c iiHketl.
OATS-Weaker ; No. 2 cash , 33ic ; May , ! lc ,
nominal ; July. 27V-'i)27"- ' ) .
It VU No. 2. Me.
IIAUI.IiV No liiiillnc.
I'I.AXHIKllulPt : nt 11.22.
TIMOTIIV sii-n : : )3.Tr.i4.o < ) .
Cl.OVnil HKii : > Out of pt-iiHon.
HAY Prime to clioktllmolhy , f9.OJfflO.00.
HUTTIIll Lower ; hcparntcr cii-ainvry ,
t-liolce dairy , 13ft lie.
1KAI-J3.I7 .
HI-l'i.TRH-i.L'7' : ' { . *
roilNM KA INominal. . , .
TOTTON TIKS fni-IinnKPil nt . 'efl ! . . ' > .
HAdOlNli I'lifhiiliKi-d lit C'XjOe.
I'llOVISIONS- . llrni.-r. 1'nik , stanilnra
mt-Hs , JI3. Laid , prime steam , J7.27'/i : cliolcp ,
} 7. ' " . . Dry Hall meatH , 1'iose nlniultleis , } ll.lili ;
II.IIKH . and rll.x , $ I > .IM ; shorts , ) . II.IRIIII , p.u ked
khoulileiH , 7 ; ImiBa , J7.2J ; ribs , $7.37'-j ; slit'rm ' ,
HKCI'll'TS-l-'Innr. 3.0i'0 Mill' . ; wheat , 2.COJ
Im. ; corn , SSi n l.u. . ; oitts , 21fnW tin.
HIIU'AIHNTS l-'lour. ll.nw l.l.lH. ; wheat. 1,004
LII. ; coin , lO.'i.O-W Im. ; oats , 2L-.OUO bu.
Dnlntli ( irnin Alnrkiit ,
Dt'LHTII , May 1. WIII-IAT Close : LOWIT ;
No. I Inn. I. cash , nnic ; May , Cl-e ; July. C2'ic ;
No. 1 iiorthi-in , i-iiKh , Ci)74r ) ; Miiy. f.o % < - ; July.
OlTic ; Septenili.-r. C2ii-j ( No. 2 northern , i-iiBh ,
rj'/if ; No. 3 , r.0\e ; rejecled , < 3Uc. On track : . vV !
No. 1 noiiliein , lo airlve , b2c.
KlAXHiiU : > 11.22.
OATrt N" . - ' . Uilihc ; No. 3 while S3e.
Car Inspection today : Wheat 3 cars : oats , 1
" '
' ' - . 10.CSO l.u. .
HIHI'MKNTSWinlit , 180.387 liu.
The Hour staleinent for tin ) past wek snows :
rioiliietlon ut Duliith and Kupi-rlor , iH.lilW l.lils. . :
leet-lptH l.y tall , 121 , 1 2 l.lilH. . ; shlpmenlu , ric.SOJ
Ijtl.i. ; Block on liniid. asn.DTB hhlH.
l.l\ < -rpo"l .tlnru.-lH.
T.IVHUPOOL. .May 1. WIIKAT-QiiN-l , 'lo-
mand pour ; Imldi'iH olf.'i- freely ; No. 1 I'allfour.i ,
5s'il.'H ! ( ; red westein winter , 4n D'idiiiH ' ll'v' ' *
( -flltN ( juli-t ; demand nioderute ; new mixed ,
3s 10.1. .
llt'TTIJH l I-'Ini-Bt , SOs : food , Ms.
I'ltOVISIONS lleef , extia India mess , fCs 3d.
Pork , inline mecs , 73s ! i > l. Itni-on , lonn and
short clear , B.1 M.H. , 3is : C.I . : IHIIK ek-ar , 15 lb , ,
lid. 1.1111) ) . pi-linn western , SH ! 3d.
llecelpls of wheat fur tlneo days. Kl.flOfl ei-.ital .
IneludlUK I' ' ) . ' > H ) Ain-ilfiin. The let-e pts of Ami-r.
lean cmii for tilt ) pant llireo days . 'i'l'o 102.100
HlockH of lircnd.Uuffs 111 Llverpi..l ' . : l-'luur , KC-
00.1 . sacks ; wheat , l.MO.O'W ' centals ; corn. 13 $ 0..0 .
cvnlulu. .
L'ntt.iu .Mill-lull.
wiles , Hpol. f.,2VI hales ; lo arrive , . , 'H ' ) laK-H. r < -
i-plptH. I.C22 huli-M ; expotls. ioastnls.3.0JI Im e.i :
slock , 1V..7Ibales : May , l'1.67 ' i ; * ' > ; June , | C.IK > W
ii.91 ; July , WJr.1tn.yi : AiiKiist. JC.MIU70Hcptcin - -
ber IT.Wfli.w2 : No\eiiib . IT.WHT.ii7. 1 icce.-nbi-r ,
LoV.y' . ) lNMIl.lllnB , . , TUOI
recelpls , OW tmle ; slili.ments . , l.UCJ bakB. Block ,
Tex. , May 1. O'TToN II. .
ales , local consumption , 03 talet ;
stock , bali-K : inlililllni ! . Tc. .
Commission Merchant
prlnit.i . wires to Chicago and New Yolk. AU
business oideis placed on C'hlcuEO Uoard ul
Ti luic.
Corre pondenco willelted. . . it
Office , win 4 , Nuw York Lift ) llullllnrHl
13M. '