Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    * HNWS"
* H
Annual Bow Among the University Student
Now in Full Blast.
aicMilllrriVlio Carried Off the CoTrtoi
Ulnllnrtlon , Accunril of Onttlnc Ills
J'rl/o Speech Written by n II rd
Working JouniitlUt.
LINCOLN , May 1. ( Special to The Bec.- )
More than 100 students of the State unlvet
ally have petitioned Chancellor Canfleld t
institute an Investigation Into the charge
against Adam McMullen , the student whj
recently won the privilege of rcpresentlni
Nebraska In the Interstate oratorical contest
The scandal wan at first brought to the stir
face two weeks ago , when a student namci
Talmadgo published an affidavit In which h
Btatcil that ho had surreptitiously obtain *
the markings on McMullen's oration am
given them to the latter. McMullen did no
deny the charge and claimed that he only dli
what any other student would have don
under similar circumstances. , necentl ;
Walt Mason of Bcatrlco published a can
claiming that McMullen had engaged hi
services to write an oration but had after
ward backed out. The Investigation wll
probably be held. The matter has created i
great sensation at the university and student
are taking sides one way or the other. f
prominent attorney of this city who rppre
Bents McMullen's Interests stated to The Bei
representative this afternoon that his frlcm
will come out In flying colors. Ho Rtatci
that McMnllcn was first solicited to write at
oration for Talmadge. He declined on thi
ground that he had not the time. Then a
the request of Talmadge McMullen went t <
Walt Mason and asked him to write thi
oration for a friend. Mason agreed to do s <
for $10. Afterward McMullen felt that hi
was acting dishonestly and went to Masoi
and told him that ho would wash his hand !
of the entire matter. Mason then demandec
pay for the oration he had not written. Me
Mullen agreed to lay the matter before till
frlond ( Talmadge ) , but the latter told Me
Mullen to tell Mason to go to h I. McMul.
Ion told him. McMullen's friends claim thai
Mason has acted dishonestly In not giving
the entire case to the public. Instead ol
merely creating the Impression that McMul
len was the only party at fault. In the
meantime Student Talmadge has withdrawn
from the university for an Indefinite length
of time.
W. L. Hall , the traveling man who claimed
to have been robbed of $684 In an Omaha
bath house , did not succeed In convincing
Attorney Adams of the truth of his story.
Hall and Adams met at the Mllliml hotel In
Omaha as per appointment , and together
the two men repaired to the bathing em
porium where the alleged robbery took place.
Hall had no difficulty In proving to Adams
that he had visited the bath house , but his
proof ended there. The proprietor stated
that Hall came to the establishment on the
night claimed , and after taking a bath re
mained all night. Ho made no complaint of
having been robbed , but on the second night
iftcr ho did claim that ho had
lost $50. llo never claimed to
have lost more than that amount.
rtio proprietor was very positive that Hall
had not lost a cent. Attorney Adams also
discovered that In splto of the fact that
HSU claimed to have lost every cent In his
possession he accompanied a friend to the
Paxton hotel and remained all night , paying
the bill for both In the morning. Hall's
examination will continue tomorrow.
Ola Wheeler , a colored girl , was arrested
today on the charge of robbing Henry
Schultz of Firth of $40 In cash and a check
for $104.95.
Justice Gould this afternoon Issued a war
rant for the arrest of Dr. J. L. Hodgeman
who Is charged by Fred Howe with assault
and battery , Howe went to the doctor's
office this afternoon to collect a balance
duo on a note to Mrs. Rosa Funke. The
doctor threw the collector out of the office.
Sheriff Kyd of Gage county was In the
city this afternoon to secure a requisition
upon the governor of Kansas for the re
turn of Allen Alford , the young man from
Bcatrlco who committed forgery and eloped
yesterday with a young lady of that city.
Cnpturcil In it Church.
COZAD , Neb. . May 1. ( Special to The
Deo. ) Yesterday afternoon two men , sup
posed to have been connected with the at
tempted murder of George P. Nelson , were
reported In a church near the scene of the
crime. A farmer saw them enter the build
ing , giivo the alarm and six armed men ,
neighbors of Mr. Nelson , quickly captured
them. They claimed to have Just come
from North Platte. But on being searched
a revolver was discovered In their posiesslon
that had been taken from Nelson's house a
couple of days before the attempt at murder.
An Investigation made the day following the
attack brought to light the fact that some
body had been occupying this church for
several days , and the weapons with which
Mr. Nelson was attacked were made from
the * arms of a largo chair In the church.
Excitement Is running high.
The attending physician predicts the re
covery of Mr. Nelson , although he is still In
a dazed condition , seemingly suffering from
some Injury to the brain. The young man
who did the shooting , wounding at least
two of tl.o four assailants , is not 1C years
old , and by his pluck doubtless saved Nel
son's llfo. _ _
Stiito CimrtlH In Cninii.
FULLERTON , Neb. , May 1. ( Special to
The Uoo. ) The Nebraska National guards
went Into encampment jeitorday morning , as
ordered by the adjutant general. They se
lected a.a place to pitch their tents a beau
tiful Blto on the Cedar river at the foot of
"Crazy Man's Leap. " Yesterday the camp
was visited by many parties. The Women's
Relief corps took their dinner with the
boys and the Dclsarte club also made them a
Fullerton and vicinity was visited by n
fine rain yesterday morning , since which the
grass and small grain have grown wonder
fully. All fruit trees BIG in full bloom and
the prospect Is favorable for a good supply
of fruits. Farmers are happy over the pros-
poets , and are now engaged In planting corn ,
Supreme Court Decision.
LINCOLN , May 1. ( Special to The Bee. )
Court mot this morning pursuant to adjourn
ment. Clency St. Clalr , esq. , of Douglas
county and Douglas A. Baxter of Hall county
were admitted to practice.
Foster against Jetter , dismissed.
The following causes were argued and
submitted : Badijer Lumber company against
Holmes , on motion ; Bonwlt against Hoyman ,
on motion ; Blomgron against Anderson , on
motion ; State ox rel Chrlstenson against
, Ambrose. State ex rel Scott against Crlnk-
l.W | , Stnto 03t rel Helller against Hill ,
Elnspahr against Exchange National bank
on motion.
Antelopn Count- Crop rroupcrtn.
NELICIH , Neb. , May L ( Special Telegram
lo The Bee. ) Hall fell here during last even-
Ing. Heavy rains have been the rule for the
pa t week , and Antelope county never had
better prospects for fruit and crops. C. F.
Bayha has put out a largo orchard.
DUNCAN , Neb. , May 1. ( Special to The
Bee ) There was a heavy rain hero last
night. It was getting very dry. Pasturage
and small grain Is three weeks ahead of
last year. Prospects were never bolter than
at the present time. Corn planting is beinc
pushed rapidly forward.
Anxloun to Usuii UomU.
NELIGH , Neb. , May 1. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The county supervisors met
today to canvass the vote of the bond
election of April 17. at which time the bonds
were defeated. Petitions were presented by
a largo majority of the voters of the county
to call a new election for a levy of 1 per
cent on the assessed value of the county ,
which would produce $17,000. of which S5
per cent will bo available this year. The
board called the election for June 10 next
by a vote of 20 to 3 and all predict a
favorable election ,
Kuullmveil Illclit tralii of Morphine.
HASTINGS , May -Special ( Telegram to
'fce Ueo. ) A young farmer named Norman
Gray , living w t of the city , made ai
attempt to commit suicide yesterday after
noon. He purchased eight grains of mor
phlnc , dissolved It In water and xwallawei
the mixture , He was found on a lira ?
stack In a precarious condition , but wa
brought around all right by medical attend
nnce , A severe scolding administered b :
nil parents for boatlnc a horfe , Is the on ! ;
assignable reaton for bis rash attempt.
Tlionaaml * of Mieep lirltig Driven Toward
Doilgn County reeding ( IrouiuH.
FUEMONT , May 1. ( Special to The Bee.
The sheepmen ore now about to leave fo
their annual drive toward this city. Com
mlih Lee wUl move 7,000 from Battle Maun
tain , Nov. ; Will Brown , 7,000 from Hcpner
Ore. ; Turner Bros , , 6,000 from Canyon City
Ore. ; Keene & Going , 6,000 from Mottntali
Home , Idaho ; Mr. Morton will bring dowi
5,000 from his ranch In Wyoming , Phllli
Hlne. 6,000 from Buttc , Mont. , and Hoe tine
& Turner , 6,000 from Burns , Ore. , whlli
there are quite a number of others who wll
drlvo but arc not decided on the number ,
It Is considered a safe estimate that 75,00 <
sheep will bo brought Into Dodge county ti
be fattened on Dodge county corn. The lov
price at which sheep can be purchased thi
year In the mountains has stimulated thi.
business. _
I'rrmnnt Ilrovitle * .
FREMONT , May 1. ( Special to The Bee. !
Fremont canton No. 4 , Indcpndent Ordei
of Odd Fellows , entertained the Unlformei
Rank Knights of Pythias at their hall Ian
night In a most pleasant manner. Then
were several guests from abroad , union ?
whom were Colonel Kllllan of Columbus ant
Captain Jurglng of Nellgh.
A. P. Manning of Omaha has been em
ployed to take charge of the business depart'
ment of the Fremont Herald.
Conductor Brown , who was assaulted b ]
tramps near Crowell , has so far recovered
as to be able to rldo out.
The ladles of the Grand Army of the He-
public gave a most delightful cntertalnmenl
at the Windsor hotel tonight , dancing and
other social amusements being the order
The socials of this enterprising society ol
patriotic ladles are very popular.
Theodore Seeley and E. H. Monroe anc !
their families are removing to Emerson , the
former to take charge of a station on the
road and the other to engage In mercantile
Dr. Mercer of Omaha was In the city yes
terday looking after the source o'f the great
Omaha canal. The doctor says It must "go. "
A slick swindler was In the city yesterday
and attempted to work the bogus check
racket on banks and business men , but
Work has now been commenced on the
finishing contract of the now government
building here and the contractors claim they
Intend to push It to completion.
A barn belonging to Ernest Axen. two
miles south of Scrlbner , with quite a num
ber of cows and horses and other property
valued at about $1,000 , was consumed by
flro on Thursday. It was about half protected
by Insurance.
The Standard Cattle company will break
several hundred acres of prairie this spring
and prepare It for their future fat land.
Jloyal Neighbor * antl Wnudmcii Ilnnqiict.
STROMSBURG , Neb. , May 1. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Modern Woodmen
and Royal Neighbors celebrated the occasion
of receiving Into their fold at this place 100
members by giving a grand banquet and sup
per. A large delegation from neighboring
camps was present. Hon. J. L. Makeover
delivered the address of the evening , Hon.
D. D. Little being master of ceremonies.
Plates were set for 300 persons. The entire
affair was a success In every particular ,
Cody's rrcsh Supply of Inillniis.
RUSHVILLE , Neb. , May l.Speclal ( Telegram -
egram to The Bee. ) Two coach loads of
Indians , a new supply for Cody's Wild West ,
leava hero for New York tonight. They
were the pick of the Pine RIdge reserva
tion and are gorgeous In feathers , paint and
many-colored blankets. They were outfitted
hero with clothing and supplies for their
Journey at an expense of nearly $3,000.
Ilcnderaon's New Crrnincry.
HENDERSON , Neb. . May l.-Spccal ( ! to
The Bee. ) The new creamery at this place
opened this morning for business and was
greeted with a goodly supply of milk. A
competent butter maker is in charge and
the outlook is very favorable.
This locality Is needing rain , yet crops are
In good condition , early winter wheat lookIng -
Ing especially fine.
I'lruscil > 'lubrarn People.
NIOBRARA. Neb. , May 1. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The news received yesterday
from Congressman Melklejohn announcing
the final passage of the bill for the govern
ment bridge across the Nlobrara river and
appropriating $7,000 for It , was encouraging
news to both settlers
and Indians , who are
alike benefited.
_ _ _ _ _ _
St. Paul llurglnr's Easy Kscapo.
ST. PAUL , Neb. . May 1. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Jury In the case of Elam Lewis ,
accused of burglary by breaking Into the
house of T. Hermanson of this city and
stealing two suits of clothes , returned this
morning with a verdict of petit larceny.
The court has not yet passed sentence.
Tly Youth Arrested for J'orecry.
ATCHISON , Kan. , May ll.-Allen Alfred.
son of a capitalist at Dallas , Tex. , was
arrested here last night for forging the name
of Kilpatrlck Bros. , railroad contractors at
ueatrico. f eb. , to numerous checks. When
iK Stilt liurned.
BLUE HILL. Neb. , May 1. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The shop and planing
mill of O. E. Stoffregan caught fire this
morning. Damage to building and contents
$500 , with no Insurance.
Mutii Notes.
Ike Jensen of Fremont has secured a Job
with an Alaska company and has gone to the
Interior of that country.
Rev. W. H. D. Hornaday of Wcstervllle
has secured a helpmeet In the person of Miss
Mary L. Learning of Klmball.
A quadruped In the shape of a chicken Is
the latest freak to develop at Kearney. All
four legs are used by the animal-fowl in
It. Is reported that the Paddock opera
House at Beatrice is to be closed at the end
of the season and will
hereafter be used as a
store room.
August Leger. an old Mllford boy , has re
turned from the Congo Free State , where he
went as a missionary and is now telling hJs
experiences to the public.
The Jury In the case against ex-Sheriff
Conley of Phelps county for embezzlement
disagreed and a new trial will be the result.
Nine were for conviction and three for ac
Fred Smldt of York awoke the other night
to find himself bathed In his own gore , A
vein had broken during his sleep and he
only had strength to call for help , .When
the doctor arrived Mr. Smldt was nearly
gone , but prompt action by the physician
saved his life.
There Is some good wheat in this part of
the country and some good oats , says the
Hardy Herald. On the other hand there Is
some of both that will be listed to corn.
But not more probably than was done last
year. The result of the hall , which cut the
grain down badly. Is not yeC fully known ,
but wo are of the opinion It will come
thicker than before.
Niobrara has been enjoying an elopement
sensation a little out of the ordinary run.
Edward Laser , a quarter breed Indian , had
won the affections of
16-year-old Alice
Tucker , and In the dark of the moon the
other night ho called pn her to fly with him.
This was Just to Alice's liking , and at the
hour when graveyards yawn the couple fled
from the city , pursued a little later by the
Irate father of the young woman. But the
dusky lover proved too swift for the old
man or else he covered his trail too well ,
and the next the parents heard the couple
had been married at Tyndall , S. D. No
reconciliation has yet been effected ,
Canadian Pnrlllo Kmployr * Laid Off.
VANCOUVER , B. C. . May 1. In cense *
QUence of the dullness lu. the railroad busi
ness 200 Canadian Pacific employes , princi
pally machinists , were laid eft today , Reduc-
: luiu will be m-de lu all departments.
Bids on the Interior Finish and Plnmbinj
Opened in Washington.
MlnncnpolU Firm Mora Tlmn Ten Tlintmm
Dollar * llclotr the Highest Itldder-Moro
1'cnslon Kxatnlnrr * Nnmril fur No *
1 braftkn Mclklrjohn on Coxi-y ,
1407 F Street. N. W.
Bids were opened In the office of the su
pervlslng architect of the treasury toda ]
for the Interior finish and plumbing of tin
public building at Sioux Falls , S. D. , a :
follows :
Leek & Leek , Minneapolis J25.9S
O , C. Hurdlck & Co. , Manknto , Minn. 2S.7&
J. T. Schneider & Co. , Atlanta , da. . 21,41
Thomas McKlnnon , Sioux Falls. . . . . . . . 21,58.
George J. Grant. St. Paul. Minn 26,90
M. P. Sehully , Cincinnati 29,83
Thomas Clark & Sons , Chicago 25,57
Dawson Construction Co. , Toledo , O , . 22.4S
Bean & lies ? , Sioux Falls 26W
L. L. Leach ft Sons , Chicago 21.771
C. W. Hubbard , Bloux Falls 23,91 :
Foster & Smith , Minneapolis 13t ;
Charles F. Hoglln , Minneapolis 20,45
Charted W. Glndele , Chicago 21,92
James Carlisle & Son , Minneapolis. . . . 23,24 !
K. Earnslmw & Son , Chicago 23esi
Minnesota Stone Co. , Minneapolis 19.99 ;
James K. Shoren , Indianapolis , Ind. . 23,80i
William P. White , St. Joseph , Mo 21,92
The following appointments of member :
of boards of examining surgeons In Ne
braska were made today : Drs. J. K. Loa e
K. A. Weir and J. K. Warrlck at Chadron
B. B. Baker at Lexington , J. E. Bond ai
Ord and George Heeder at Grand Island.
The army appropriation bill , as It passed
the house of representatives , contains nc
.change whatever concerning the appointments -
ments to the Judge Advocate General's de
partment. Mr. Outhwalto's amendment pro.
vlded for appointments to vacancies In the
quartermaster's , subsistence and pay depart
ments from the next lowest grade In the
line of the army. No change was made in
the Judge Advocate General's department because -
cause It was represented to the committee
on military affairs by the secretary of war
that officers appointed to that branch of the
service require special educational qualifica
tions , which are not always possessed by
officers next of rank In the line.
At the beginning of the present session
of congress a bill to increase the pension ot
John C. Knapp of Palmer was Introduced
The department held that the disabilities
were pensionable Under the present law and
Mr. Knapp filed with the commissioner ol
pensions an application for an Increase and
secured an order for his Immediate examina
tion before the pension board at Columbus.
Congressman Melklejohn , In discussing the
Coxey movement , said : "The right to
peaceably assemble and petition the govern
ment Is sacredly guaranteed to every Ameri
can citizen by the constitution of the land ,
but I believe that If those who are march
ing toward the capital are the unemployed
worklngmen of the land , that If It bo a crusade -
sade of labor seeking work. It Is unwise ,
unnecessary and will bo unavailing
In securing the relief sought employment.
The avenues of the wageworkers have been
closed by the threatened destruction of a
policy which has protected the handiwork
ot our breadwinners from the products of
foreign labor. The need of the hour Is not
so much an Increase of the currency to secure
the employment of labor , but the operation
of capital already Invested , which has become
unproductive through uncertainty and the
attempt to supplant business experience with
theories of tariff doctors. The patient
would become convalescent under a change
of physician. The employment of labor ,
the revival of Industries , the withdrawal ot
the currency from the congested centers for
circulation and a return to Individual and
national prosperity can bo accomplished
through the exercise of that franchise
granted to every American citizen the bal
lot. Every vote for the protection of Amer
ican Industries Is a ballot for the enthrone
ment of American labor and a berth for an
American citizen. "
ArrangementH for the Funeral of Senator
Stncklirldgo tlia Only DUMMIES.
WASHINGTON , May 1. Never before in
Its history , It would be safe to say , has the
senate lost Its members In such rapid suc
cession. Five weeks ago the obsequies of
Senator Colqultt of Georgia were held In
the senate chamber. Three weeks later the
lamented Senator Vance of South Carolina
was burled in the mountain side of his be
loved state , and today , for the third time In
five weeks , another senator lies dead the
desk of Senator Stockbridge of Michigan Is
draped in black. The blind chaplain re
ferred to Senator Stockbrldge's death with
his usual tender pathos. Mr. McMillan of
Michigan announced the death of his col
league in a feeling and Impressive manner
and offered the usual resolutions , declaring
that the senate had heard with regret of
the death of Senator
Stockbridge ; that a
committee of seven senators should be ap
pointed by the vlco president , to act with
the committee from the house of representa
tives , to attend the funeral at Kalamazoo ,
Mich. , and instructing the secretary to com
municate these resolutions to the house and
that the senate should immediately adjourn
In accordance with the resolutions , the
senate adjourned until tomorrow at 11
o clock.
llrceklnrldge is Confident.
WASHINGTON , May l.-Colonel W. C. P.
Brecklnrldge , the congressman defendant In
the Brecklnrldge-Pollard trial
, said today
In i Bt ml f ° r .f exl"St ° n Thursday morning
oT Canvass Satur < li > y afternoon
that pUce'
Speaking of the campaign Colonel Breckin-
rldge said : "I feel confident that I will be
nominated and elected. I do not care to
outline at present my plan of campaign , but
my speeches will speak for themselves. It
is my purpose , If possible , to still be of use
to my district and to my state In a legis
lative capacity , notwithstanding the mis
takes which I frankly acknowledge and ask
no one to condone. The American people
have always been generous and fair , and I
propose to endeavor to merit a fair and gen
erous treatment at their hands , and have con
fidence this opportunity will be afforded me
by my renominatlon and re-election to con-
( jrcss ,
I'iiteuti that Uuto lliplred.
WASHINGTON , May 1. Several hundred
patents expired by limitation today. Among
them wore : Saw manufacturing machine ,
James A. House. Bridgeport , Conn. ; stereo
scopes , M. J. Rice. Boston , Mass. , assignor
to himself and J. M. Bates , same place ; gas
generator , G. S. Stewart. Philadelphia ; plate
printing prebs , H. W. Browne. Philadelphia ;
olectrlc station Indicators for railways , J. I.
Conklln , Jr. , Now York , assignor to himself
ind C. A. Dresser. Brooklyn ; electro-magnetic
motors , W. W. Gary , Huntingdon , Pa. ; rail
road signals , Charles Halse and Frank Halse ,
Atlanta ; revolving firearms , Daniel Moore
Brooklyn ; magazine firearms , William W.
Woimoro and T. G. Bennett , New Haven ,
Dlectro-magnettc railroad signals , C. S. Shlv-
ler , New York ; street cars , George S. Clem-
ants , Indianapolis , assignor of two-thirds of
ills right to S. I. Lovett and B. S. Field. '
< io eminent HeeelpU mid DNIitirjeinentn.
WASHINGTON , May 1. The treasury
statement Issued today shows that during the
last month the receipts aggregated $22,69-
! G ( , and the disbursements during the same
period were $32,072,836. The receipts for
the ten months of the present fiscal year
ire shown to have been $245.809,749. and the
llsbursements were $311,357,190 , leaving a
leficlt for the ten months of $65,447,4)7. )
The disbursements on account of pensions
iggregated for the month $10.152,300 , as
igalnst $12,871,761 for the month of April ,
1&93. The pension disbursements for the ten
nonths of this fiscal year amounted to
1117,303,184. as against $133,678,345 for the
lame period last year.
Cahlo Car * Cuunu .StockhrldRo'g Death.
WASHINGTON , May 1 Many of the
rlends In this city of Senator Stockbrldgo
iscrlba his death to the Chicago cable cars ,
.ast summer , while visiting the World's
air , the senator was knocked down by a
: able car and dragged some dliUnce by the
ieavy vehicle over the rough pavement.
The apparent Injuries vrtn not serious , bu
the riervou * shuck to a ttitin ot the senator'i
years and habits of llf ( pns very never *
Kren after tin wan able. to , .resume his enn
torlal duties he still suffered and complalnei
of the effects of the rfhoctt , and It Is be
llevcd that It must have .tilrcctly weakened
and Interfered with the , pearl's action ant
thereby at least precipitated the end whlcl
come yostcriMy. * ' - | '
Illinois Democrat * Mttrlf3 to Iteptnllnto Mil
I'lnnnflal VO\TH. |
WASHINGTON , May ! ; A ser'ous struggle
will , It Is said , take place In the Illinois
democratic convention wlin ( It meets at
Springfield June 27 between the silver and
anti-silver men. An effort Is to be made
by the friends of President Cleveland to se
cure an endorsement of his financial policy
and on that Issue the party may be squarely
divided. The discussion among the Illinois
democrats In Washington on this subject
has already been very earnest , and gives
an Intimation of how Intense the flglit will
bo when the final test comes. Senator
Palmer , Comptroller of the Currency Eckels
and First Assistant Postmaster General
Jones will , It Is said. Insist on asking for
the unqualified endorsement of Mr. Clove-
land's financial policy. They will carry from
Washington a ready-made money plank to
be Inserted In the state platform and will
bo met with the response of the silver men ,
of whom Flthlan Lane , Williams and Mc
Donald are the leaders. Mr. Flthlan , In a
speech accepting the congressional nomina
tion a few days ago at Oreenup , repudiated
President Cleveland's views on the money
question , and Mr. Lane , another southern
Illinois member , has asserted that the presi
dent ought to be Impeached for his course.
Congressman Forman. who represents
Colonel Morrison's old district , Is likely to
break with his southern Illinois friends when
the question comes up. He voted for uncon-
dltlona repeal when the Sherman bill came
up , and Is known as an administration man.
The president looks to the Chicago demo
crats to come to his rescue In this fight and
prevent the Illinois democracy from being
committed to free silver. A large majority
? of the ° white "CralS " " * M l ° b ° partlal
COXKV IN-TIHIUPT , THI : iiousi : .
Arrival of the Ciiinniiiim-Pal
Ureak * In on
the J'rooredliijfi.
WASHINGTON , May l.-The session of
the house was brief today on account of the
death of Senator Stockrldge of Michigan.
The senate amendments to the bill for the
punishment of crimes In Yellowstone park
were agreed to on the motion of Mr. McRae.
Mr. Dlngley of Maine called up from
the Joint committee on expenditures
in the departments the bill to Im
prove the methods of accounting In the
Treasury department. The bill Is de
signed to reduce expenditures In the Treasury
department $180,000. Mr. Dlngley explained
that the bill was unanimously recommenced
by the members of the Joint committee and
was endorsed by the secretary of the
treasury. While Mr. Dlngley was explaining
the provisions of the bill word came to the
house that the army of the Commonweal of
Christ .was moving up the hill on the right
of the capltol grounds. In a moment the
house became almost deserted , the members
Hocking out on the south portico to view the
At 1:25 the consideration of the bill was
Interrupted by the arrival from the senate
of the resolutions adopted liy that body rela
tive to the death of Senator Stockbridge.
When they had been read at the clerk's
desk Mr. Burrows , tie\dcnn ! of the Michigan
delegation , arose and In a few words formally
announced the death of the late senator.
Appropriate resolutions.\\cia moved by Mr.
Burrows and adopted , "and Messrs. Burrows
Bynum , McCreary , Boutelle. Payne ( New-
York ) , Altken , Thomas ; and Richardson were
appointed a committeeto , attend the funeral.
As a further mark of respect the house , at
1.35 p. m. , adjourned. '
Jlcgiilatlon for liollcr Vluto Inspection.
WASHINGTON , May 1. General Dumont ,
the supervising- Inspector of steam vessels ,
has issued the following Instructions to man
ufacturers of steam boilers'1 and boiler plate :
Notice U hereby given .that the inspection
of Iron and steel plates under the act of
congress approved January 22 , 1894 , and
department circular No. 22 , dated February
C , 1894 , must be confined exclusively to the
Inspection of iron and steel to bo used In
the construction of boilers of steam vessels.
Manufacturers of boiler plate will hereafter
be required to include In their application
for Inspection of plates at the mills the fol
lowing information : Name of steamer , If she
has one , upon whoso boiler It is to be used.
If the steamer Is not named , then the builder
of the hull ; for whom built ; waters upon
which the steamer Is to bo navigated ;
United States local Inspection district in
which she will be Inspected ; number and
thickness of plates for the shell , steam
chimneys , linings of same ; shell on steamer
mud drum ; thickness of head and side
sheets , domes and crown of furnace. To
Insure prompt inspection of their material
manufacturers of boilers for steam vessels
should supply the above Information when
forwarding their orders to the mills.
Ohio -lliin'H Lnclc.
WASHINGTON , May 1. James Judge of
'Columbus ' , 0. , has been appointed assistant
United States agent at the Seal Islands at a
salary of $2,190 per annum.
WOJIKK1) n'ELli J-'Olt .WHILE.
Scheme of ITincrnptilom I'lro Hugs to Make
I'ortunes from Insurance.
NEW YORK , May 1. What is alleged to
bo a clever gang of Incendiaries has been
captured and Its members are now locked up
In police headquarters. The prisoners are :
Patrick Mullens , laborer ; Peter Donnelly ,
laborer ; John Shorkey , laborer ; Timothy Raf-
ferty , contractor , and Bernard Klernan ,
The scheme which the men are alleged to
have worked was to burn down stables filled
with poor , worthless broken down animals ,
having had them all previously insured when
filled with sound , good horses , which they
would borrow. They were not content to
simply destroy the stables and their horses
by setting them afire , but to make their de
struction more complete scattered giant pow
der about plentifully , so that not a vestige
would remain to convict them.
For more than two years this gang Is al
leged to have carried on these operations ,
and in that time they have burned down sta
bles on which they have collected insurance
to the amount of thousands of dollars. They
had , It Is charged , just prepared another sta
ble for destruction , when one ot their num
ber was caught at work.
rirod by Ineeinllurles.
VICKSBURG , Miss. , May 1. The town of
Bolton , thirty miles distant , has suffered the
destruction of Its business section by fire , of
Incendiary origin. TlitTloss Is about $50,000.
SALINAS. Col. , May t Fire broke out in
a livery stable on Main street late last night
and destroyed $25,000 worth of property.
The Capital hotel , the stable and five buildi
Ings were burned. < .Incendiarism Is sus
Parties Interested Appear Before the Doii *
gressional Pacific Hoatls Committee.
Kcorgnnlrntlon Committee TlilnU the Nc
MnrlKiiRC Should Not Cntcr the
llraneh I.lnrn of tlmCompany
Other Objections Nutptl ,
WASHINGTON , May 1. Today's session ol
the houss committee on Pacific railroads
was giving to hearing statements on belialt
of the reorganization committee of the Union
Pacific In connection with the payment ol
the debt of the railroad to the United States.
The following gentlemen were present : A.
A. H. Bolssevaln of Holland , C. II. Coster
of New York , Colonel H. L. Hlggtnsoit ol
Boston , Louis Fitzgerald of New York , S ,
Carr of Boston , members of the reorganiza
tion committee , K. L. Stetson , J. W. Simp
son and Victor Morowotz , counsel of the re
organization committee ; 0. W. Mink , E. E.
Anderson , F. Coudcrt and Mr. Doano , re
ceivers , and S. II. II. Clark , president of the
Mr. Bolssevaln of Holland .representing
the holders of the Union Pacific securities
In that country , first addressed the commit
tee. The Interests bo represented believed
that prompt action by congress was neces
sary and Imperative so that the reorganiza
tion would not have to wait too long before
beginning Its work. Ho could not endorse
the proposition In the attorney general's bill
concerning the Hen proposed be given to the
government and said that he thought the
branches should be left out of such lien. Mr.
Bolssevnln said ho represented between
$30,000,000 and $40,000,000 of the company's
Mr. Morowetz , one of the counsel for the
reorganization committee , said the counsel
for the committee were not entirely satisfied
with all the provisions of the bill submitted
by the attorney general. One of those provi
sions was one making the court of appeals
of the District of Columbia , the tribunal
fur the settlement of litigation arising as a
possible result of the proposed legislation.
Morowetz submitted the form of a bill which
had been prepared by the reorganization
committee and which he said was Identical
with the attorney general's bill with the
exception of section 8 , which provides In
detail for the manner In which foreclosure
proceedings shall be taken In case of default
In respect to any obligation or condition for
which any Hen now exists In favor of the
United States upon any property of the com
Following Mr. Morowetz , the committee
heard statements from a number of the
members of the reorganization committee
and counsel , during which the history of the
steps taken to bring about the reorganization
was gone over. There seemed to exist In
their minds the belief that the extending
of the government Hen over the entire sys
tem of the Union Pacific , as proposed , would
prove a serious obstacle to the carrying
out of the plan of reorganization. The com-
mltteo adjourned until tomorrow , when coun
sel for the Central Pacific will appear.
Talk of Closure on the Turin I1I11 llclnc
WASHINGTON , May 1. That the rank
and file of the democratic party In the sen
ate Is becoming Impatient at the delay In
the consideration of the tariff bill was
shown yesterday by the circulation of a
declaration In favor of closure of debate.
The paper was prepared by Senator George
and was quietly circulated during the after-
noon.bolng handed only to the most influential
senators. It was not signed by all to whom
is was presented , some of the senators ex
pressing the opinion that It was too early
to attempt a closure and others declining
on principle. The paper recites that It has
become apparent that tlje republican op
ponents of the tariff are determined to re
sort to filibustering to prevent the proper
consideration and passage of the bill , and
commits the signers to a simple declaration
In favor of closure. It makes no specifica
tion as to how the change shall be brought
about , whether through the presiding officer
or the committee on rules , leaving that
point , as well as that as to whether It shall
be a modified or an absolute closure , to be
decided later.
It does not appear that the call will be
pressed for the time being , but it Is to bo
handed around quietly as opportunity pre
sents , so as to have the democratic side pre
pared for the change If undertaken and also
to have senators committed to It as far as
Senator Harris said that he Is not yet
prepared to announeo any change of hours
for the dally sessions , but that he might
have an announcement In that direction to
make before many days.
Undo Samuel's NVt Liabilities Increased
During April.
WASHINGTON , May 1. The regular
monthly statement of the public debt issued
by the treasury today shows the aggregate
of interest and non-interest bearing debt to
have been at the close of business yesterday
$1,017G5C.979 , exclusive of $619,989,795 in
certificates and treasury notes , which are
offset by an equal amount of cash In the
treasury. The interest-bearing debts
amounted to $635,041,380 , , the debt bearing
no Interest , $380,658,569 , and the debt on
which Interest has ceased since maturity ,
$1,882,030. The Increase in the debt for the
month of April was $1,160,971. The cash in
the treasury is given as follows : Gold , $170-
192,457 ; silver , $511.408.461 ; paper , $92,385-
018 ; deposits In national banks , depositories ,
etc. , $16.980,710 , making a total of $790,826-
660 , against which there are demand liabil
ities , consisting of silver certificates , treas
ury notes , etc. , amounting to $665,097,781 ,
leaving the net cash balance In the treasury
$125.097,765 , a decrease for the month of
House Ventilation In Poor.
WASHINGTON , May 1. An alarming con
dition of affairs , so far as the ventilation of
the house of representatives Is concerned , was
shown In a report made by experts to the
committee on ventilation and acoustics today.
The report showed that 400,000 cubic feet of
Impure air comes up the main floor from
the cellar every hour and that the good air
that Is forced through to the main floor of
the house passes through gratings that ore
practically cuspidors and receptacles for bits
3f paper and other cast off matter. Besides
ibis .tho report shows that there are a large
lumber of documents on the lower floor ,
many of which are In a state of decay and
: he carpets of the house floor are saturated
with filth and tobacco juice and need deali
ng. The experts recommend as a remedy
'or this condition of affairs that air bo
lumped In from above the hall instead of
'rom below , as now.
an impure and im
poverished condi-
Disorders 7 * * 7
I Slight Impurities , If not corrected , develop Into serious malaJles.
TO CURE . . . . and other troublesome diseases Is re-
quired a safe and reliable remedy
Qn ff\f 111 purely
\ < i
* Jll Ul Ulct , > , vegetable. Such Is S. S. S. it removes I
Pr"7Am a ffi a" 'mPurttles ' from the blood and tlior-
JL < WZCllicl , oughly cleanses the system. Thousands
cases-of theworst forms of blood
Rheumatism9f -
sent free for to any our address. Treatise , Cured by S.S.S.
sirirr mcmc co. , luutt , a .
out of
For that reason , and that only , you can get anything we
have in stock for less than you would have the nerve to offer
us yourself. We can't hold back anything everything must
go and go with a rush now. Thousands of dollars worth have
been sold out and there are thousands to go yet. Seethe
prices in the windows. Mail orders filled if money accompa
nies order.
Wo have a big lot of Wilson Ilroa' . 'bows
In almost every color made In the latest
style , anil sold all over town ( or 25c. Wo 10' '
close the lot at lOc a lie ,
H we were not going to quit business you
would nave to pay $3.00 for this same suit.
A good line of styles yet at 75c. Ages , 4 to 75c
14 years.
Some made with plain stitched edge , oth
ers with handsome flat braid binding , In
sack and frocks , and all the desirable col
ors. They are just lial fprlco at $10.00.
Cut In the latest style , corded edge , In
black cheviots only. A good assortment of
colors In sacks and cutaways. Not a suit
worth , less than $13.00. Wo close them at .50
You may not expect to get a very good
pair of pants for lOc , but they would never
be sold for less than 30c if wo were not
Going to quit. They are elegant goods In
several nice patterns. Sizes , 4 to It years.
TO QUlrf.
13th and Farnam ,
Thli Brent VcRetnblo
_ _ _ _
tlonof a famous French physic-Inn , n 1.1 quickly cure von fit all ner
vous or dta-asci of tlm gcnerellve or ana , such n * JH)8tMfinlinod ,
1 nsomnln , I'nlns In tlio JIucW , Se.nliml i'.tnlMloni , Nervous Debility.
PiinpleH , Unfllncss to Hurry , Kxlmustlng Drains. Varlcocelo end
CUnuiiNUclcantei thollrer.tho Icldnoya and the urinary
| BEFORE AND AFTER organs of all Impurities.
CUl'IDKNK strengthens and restores small weak organs.
The reason suflerern sire not curnd hy Doctors is bficauionlnn'y ' per cent are troubled with
Prottfitltls. CUPIDENB Is the only known rumedy to euro without an operation. fi.OOO tes
timonials. A written frunrantcn pivi-n and money retiirne'l if nix boxen docn not effect a per
manent cure. SI.CO a box.six foro.ri < > . by mail. Send for circular anil testimonials.
Address DA.VO& MtiUIOtNIS O. , P. O. Box i.'l)70 Frandlsco. Cil. : For Bale or
Goodmao Druif Co. . 1110 Farnara St. . Omaha ; Catnu Uras. . council muffs. Iowa.
E. V. DAVIS , M. D. ,
all forms of
We cure speedily and permanently all di
seases of the generative organs , also kidney ,
bladder , blood , bkin and stomach troubles.
Our principles and assistants have all
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Send 4-cents for our new 120 page book.
Call or address with stamp ,
119 South I4th St. , Omaha ,
Dr. E. C , West's Nerve and Drain Treatment
rs sold under potltlvo written punrimtoo , bynutUor-
tzud ( iKontii ouljr , to curn U'cjik Memory ; Ixwit n (
Ilmlnnnd Norro 1'owur ; Lost Manhood ; Cjuli-knefs ;
Night Lwrce ; llvll Dreninn ; Ijiek ot Coiitlilenco ;
NorvoiN-ueBs ; Lassitude ; all Drnlnn ; IoMnt 1'owur
of the Qonorntlvo Orgun * In cltlir 8 t , caused by
nvur-eiurtlou ; Youthful Krrorn , or Kxresclvu UFO of
Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , nliirh foon lead to
MlsurConsumption. . Itirnmty and IK'iitli. ] ) y mail ,
II aboi ; Oforf.1 ; with written fninrnutpo to curn or
refund money. WIMT'B COUUII HVItllP. A certain
euro for Coughs , Colil" , Asthma , BronchitisCroup.
Whooping CouRli. Here Throat. IMeiwaut lo tako.
Hmall rife discontinued : old , a\c. \ * lzo , now23c. : old
II size , now BOc. Q UAltANTlua tsauod oldjr by
Goodman Drug Company ,
IT. S. Depository , Omaha , Nebraska
CAPITAL 5100,000
SURPLUS 855,51) . )
omccrsnnd Directors. Henry W. Y m. PPM
dent ! Joimfl. Collins , viuu predlljiit ; L-iwIt S
Kt'ed , Cashier. Win. H. 3. iliifliuj , a lit -ii
Catarrh Powder
ItollevcH Catarrh find Colrt
In the Head Justautly by
one application
Curea Hand Noleoo It.
* to [ t Tf p ! < s n > Iritff4
twia by arutfff Uu. OOc , M
Sloopof War Vaftitnlla. ' ' ro-ir ship of th
lluui.t 1'oit Koy.'il.
Prom a wur-tlniu s'.ietoh.
And the important part it
bore in the civil war its
victories and 'do'eats
> * B
if ? THE
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