Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    * B
K , ItOfiKWATim. Kdltor.
' Tt'llf.lflilBn BVBUY MOIININO ,
I > nily Ittt ( without Kunday ) . One Tear . > J M
Pnily nn.l Hunilay. One Ymr . 1 ° >
fit MontliH
'ihrrc Months . . . . . . j {
Fun'tny Ifc'i- , One Yenr f y' '
Halunlay Ili-o , Ort > Y ir . j"
Wei'fclr HOnf Yenr >
Omnliri. The He * Inillrtlnic.
& ilh cmmttn , c' ' rncr N ntvt Tnenty-fourth Hta.
Council Illurrii , 12 IVnrl nlrecl.
Cliliaifrt iiutiv , 817 L'lmmluT of Commerce.
Now Yink. nootin 13. II nml 15. Tribune I1M ( ? .
WMnliltiKton , M17 K utrod. N.S. .
coimisi'ONi : > iNC'i : .
All cnnniiin'cntlonii retntlrn In Mown and * ll-
lot .ill nmllcT should 1 niMrriMwIs To HIP 1-Jllor.
iit'Mi.N'i'.HS I.ITTKHH. :
All bulneM letlpfH unit rrnilUnnoes nhoulil lie
niMnmiH ] In Thu l\n \ IMIillnlilnif company ,
nnrnlm. DrnfK chceltfi iitvl imiloilloo onlcra tu
to iimilc iinynblc to the onlor of I hicomi'iiiiy. .
TIIIJ 11KI3 1't'lll.lHlllNO COMI'ANl.
8T.VTr.MnNT or mm. . . .
George II. Tzichuck , necrptary of Til" itoe I'lili-
llnhlnK eomimny , IjeliiB < luly H\VI rn , siiys that tie
nctunl numlicr of full nnd complclf I'ople * < ir The
Dally Mornlnic. ISvcnlnie nn < l Hun.lny . Itee printed
ilurlni ? the month of .March , JWI , wns at follown :
i , : r. 17 .
2 , . . , 2S 23 11 . ZI.Ml
3 22,877 ID . 2-M < 9
2) . 22.252
G" ! ! ! " " " ! ' . ! ! ! aia 21 . . . 222(3
B. . . . . . 22.371
7 22,211 2.1 . 22J37
8 22.1S7 21 . Zi.M
0 2i.2l.1 2" , . Jl.lO'i
10 22.721 21 ! . 2.,2V )
It. . ' 21.025 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
12 22,215 'i'l' . . , . . . . . . ! ! ! ! KJMJ
13 2J 17S 23. ; . 2J271
II 22.187 30 . 22 2.1
15 22.2S2 31 . 2..974
10 22.3S3
Totnl 700.2J9
Ix > M reilucVl'rjiw for unsolil nnd returned
copies > _
Totni BOM * " 2i'Ihi2
Dully nvnniRo net clrculntlon. . . . . . .0 -
aundny. ocoiton 11. T/.SCHUCK.
Bworn to before ma nnd suliicrlliml In my tires-
cnco 11,1. 3dlay f jV'fe'jf'Nutary '
publc. ,
It's a long time since the hungry Nebraska
democrats had their last Installment of federal -
oral patronage ,
Tobe Castor Is once moro In Washington.
The remaining crop of political plums must
bo fast becoming ripe.
Senator Turple of Indiana must bo trying
to usurp the place that Senator Ingalls once
occupied in the senate of the United States.
Senator Voorhecs says that no matter
what rumors arc floating In the air , the Income -
como tax will stay In the tariff bill. If so ,
how long will the tariff bill stay on the
statute book , in case It ever gets that far ?
The pollto behavior of Senator Aldrlch In
relation to the vituperative assault made
upon him on the floor of the senate by Sen
ator Turplo will command the applause of
all sensible men without regard to party
affiliations.p .
A Kansas man wants a verdict for dam
ages because ho has been persistently and
publicly called Brecklnrldge by the defend
ant Jn his suit. Soon no one will dare to
name oven his dog after the notorious Ken
tucky congressman.
Those who would bo free themselves must
strike the blow. If wo want to enforce the
rights of the city as regards viaducts and
railway crossings wo must take such action
ns will compel railway managers to recognize
and respect our rights.
Infusing a llttlo new blood Into the police
force cannot but have a tendency to Improve
it. If now a few of the shelf-worn barna
cles should bo lef outthe newly appointed
men would have a much better opportunity
to show what they can do.
Secretary Morton takes pains to deny the
truth of the rumor that President Cleveland
la about to make him a visit at his homo In
this state. The president has no hopes of
turning Nebraska Into the democratic col
umn , even should ho condescend to honor it
with a-personal visit.
The county commissioners have made a
good beginning nt spring house-cleaning , but
It will not do for them to stop until the job
baa been thoroughly performed. There should
bo no discrimination or favoritism in bring
ing delinquents to time wherever n shortngo
exists in tholr accounts.
Is not the prohibition of girls from tench-
ing in Chinese Sunday schools In Chicago
n discrimination against the sex to bo re
sented by every self-respecting woman ? If
mon can tench the heathen Chlnco to read
the bible , why not also women ? The
women suffragists should a't once drop their
campaigns for equal political rights and
hasten to remove this plcco of rank dis
crimination against the * Chicago girls.
The members of the building trades should
endeavor to arrange wage schedules to con
form to the fall in prices and rentals so that
mon whq have the means to build this sea-
Bon may see their way clear to Investing
their money. What the masons , brick
layers , carpenters , painters , plumbers , etc. ,
most need Is employment for the whole sea
son nt living wages. They derive no ad
vantage from a feast for n month or two and
a famine the balance of the year.
Omaha extends a. hearty welcome to the
Nebraska and Iowa dentists who are assem
bling hero In Joint convention , Closer ac
i quaintance between members of the same
profession in the two status must prove profit
able to all concerned. Dentists , llko other
people , derive mutual advantages from knowIng -
Ing what ono another nro doing. The idea
of a joint convention nt Omnlm of the two
state societies commands Itself for adoption
by the various atuto societies of workers in
all the different professional lines.
I A stupid parngrnphcr In n local news
paper holds up the figures of a recent cen
sus bulletin to the effect that there were In
the United States In 1S90 11.205,22s married
men and ll,12b',19G married women as pre
senting n wonderful anomaly In social af
fairs and asks who can account for the dis
crepancy of 79,012 ( ? ) married men for
whom there are no married women. Of
course there is neither anomaly nor dis
crepancy. The surplus of married men
simply represents the number of Immigrants
whose wives have not yet joined them In
this country.
The death ot Senator Francis I ) . Stock-
bridge of Michigan makes another vacancy
In the senate to be filled by appointment ,
. this tlmo from ono ot the northern states.
There seems to bo a strange fatality hover
ing over the senate that has carried away
BO many of Its members in a few short
months. Senator StockbrldRe , whllo not a
! * brilliant statesman , had Klven complete sat
isfaction to the people of Michigan as the
representative of that state , being re-elected
In 1S03 after the expiration of his first term
In the senate. Ills loss will bo felt with
keen regret , particularly by the republican
party , ot which ho was a devotee1 member.
According to the Chicago corresiiondont
of the Now York Hvenlng Post , the proposi
tion of the Knnsn * State Hallway commis
sion to compel the railroads In thnt state
to make material reductions In freight
charges Is regarded by railway managers
as a purely political move. Agnlnst this
cut In freight rates n vigorous protest Is to
bo made by managers of Chicago systems
who have dlviilons In Kansas , and It tha
commissioners still persist In reducing rates
an appeal will bo made to the United Stntcs
courts for relief on the ground that n road
cnnnot bo compelled to carry freight with
out fnlr compensation. To cmphnslze the
decinrntlon that Kansas Is not n desirable
state In which to own railroad property , the
contributor to the Now York paper points
to the fact that within the last few months
at least two lines have been abandoned be
cause of their Inability to earn operating
expenses , It Is also said that the leading
roads In the state are all saddled with
branchc ! ) that give equally poor returns ;
also , that not n road In the state has for
years earned n dividend for the stockholders ,
and there Is llttlo prospect of tholr being
able to do so while they are hampered by
the class of legislation Uiat has dominated
the last few years nnd burdened by exces
sive state and municipal taxes.
Now , who Is responsible for the bank
ruptcy of the Kansas roads nnd the failure
of investors In railway property west of the
Mississippi to realize fair returns In the
shape of dividends. The state of Kansas lias
8,500 miles of railroad , or about the same
mileage ns that of the state of Ohio. Ono
half of this mtleago would have been ample
for all the traffic In that state for years to
come. But railroad construction rlncs ,
who were for the most part the promoters
of railroad enterprises In Kansas , as they
have been In all the states west of the Mis
sissippi , found the building of railroads very
profitable. There were millions In It for the
llttlo nnd big Credit Mobellers so long ns n
pratrlo road built and equipped for ? 1G,000
to $20,000 per mile could bo bonded for $30-
000 per mile and stocked for $30,000 more
per mile.
This is why most of these railroads have
not earned dividends for years , and zomo
of them have to bo abandoned because they
do not pay operating expenses and Interest
on their bonded debt. Could anything else
bo expected when the roads were mortgaged
for twice ns much ns they were worth , and
wrecked after they were built by stock
gamblers and speculators. There is scarcely
n road today In Kansas that has not been
exploited and pillaged by railroad wreckers ,
who now charge up the deficit in their In
come to legislative interference. Take the
western railroads as they are , mile for mile ,
and they would readily earn a fair Income , say
from 0 to 10 per cent on what they can be
built for today or what they actually cost.
But it -preposterous to insist that these
roads should be made to earn operating ex
penses , Interest on bonds double or treble
tholr actual value , and dividends on millions
of watered stock besides. Is there a store
building , mill , or fnctory nnywhere in this
country that will pay taxes nnd yield a
rental Of from 5 to 10 per cent on the cost
of the ground and structure ten or twenty
years ago ? Would not the owners be satis-
fled now with 'a fair rental on present value ?
Does it not stand to reason that investors
In railroads must expect to share the con
ditions of investors in any other class of
property ? The facts about the rate reduc
tions are simply these :
In Kansas , ns well as in every other state ,
tha rallroads have lowered rates only when
they hnve been compelled to do'so. Every
proposition for a reduction of charges has
been met with "a vigorous protest" and "de
nounced as unjust. " They have exerted
every influence at tholr command to block
legislation and to secure control of railroad
commissions. When on some occasions they
have been unable to thwart the will of the
people In the legislature by means of a
corrupt lobby or to restrain the railroad
commission from making an attempt to do
Its duty , they have boldly disobeyed the
laws and have inaugurated dilatory proceed
ings In the courts to prevent them from
being enforced against them. This policy
they evidently propose to continue , over
riding statutes , resisting taxation and ignor
ing the orders of executive officers. The
policy which alone has brought on the senti
ment against the railroads , that has been
the occasion of the recent efforts to secure
rate reductions is to be perslsted'ln , because
it is expected to enable them to cvado all
state regulation whatever.
Uallroad building has doubtless been over
done in most of the states west of the Mis
sissippi , but that fact does not justify the
systematic misrepresentation of the cause
that has led to the depreciation of railroad
property. Having piled up the debt on tholr
own roads by reckless management and
construction frauds .until carried down by
the interest charge on an inflated capitaliza
tion , they blame It all to "tho class of
legislation which has dominated the last few
years , " although they have never permitted
any of that legislation to go Into full force ,
The railroads have brought down upon
themselves the state legislation of which
they complain. Their course In defying Its
mandates Is not well calculated to secure
sympathetic consideration of their objec
tions. If the west la not a desirable place
in which to own railway property a state
ment that Is not to bo conceded it Is be
cause the railroad managers have made it so.
FltOM .1 MIMT.lltr J'OIXT OF VIBI1 * .
The report made to the War department by
Captain Scrlven of the signal service of the
army relative to the strategic advantages
of the Nicaragua canal , presents a timely
view of that project , now that congress Is
soon to b3 asked to determine whether the
government shall become flnanclilly respon
sible for it. The advantage to the United
States of being able to concentrate Its At
lantic and Pacific fleets , In the event of war ,
without having to send one of them around
Capo Horn , la recognized by Captain Scrlven ,
and ho points out a number of less Impor
tant military advantages which this coun
try would derive from this waterway. But
In order that the United States shall bo secure -
cure In the enjoyment of these advantages
ho urges that the canal must bo absolutely
under the control ot the government. More
over , there must bo adequate , provision made
for its defense , the fortification of the termini -
mini , according to this authority , being a
vital point to bo insisted on. As to a pro
posed nnval station on Lake Nicaragua , ho
jloes not think cno necessary , suggesting that
Its purposes would bo best accomplished by
warships cruising by HCI against the enemy ,
or concentrating near the threatened coast. In
the opinion ot Captain Scrlven not only do
the military advantages of the canal depend
uppn our controlling It , but the existence
of the canal would bo a very great disad
vantage to us If we did not control It , bo-
caus , tshould the canal fall Into an enemy's
hands , our coast would be doubly in danger
from crulsora , and , were the enemy Eng
land , our laud frontiers would be seriously
threatened by the movement of troops from
Australia and the Pacific colonies , possibly
from India. "In such a war , " says Captain
Scrlven , "tho United States must hold the
canal to the end , or , as a last resort , must
disable It. "
If the views ot this military authority bo
sound , nnd they certainly seem plausible ,
If the Nlcarogua cnnnl Is ever built It will
be necessary tor the government to control
It absolutely , as well In tlmo of pcuco as In
war , In order to render the strategic ad
vantages ot this waterway secure , nnd this
would Involve the maintenance of a much
stronger navy than wo now have and of
military posts outside of our domains. This
would mean a revo'utlon in our foreign policy
of very doubtful wisdom , nnd It would also
mean a largo annual expenditure on the
part of the government , which the strategic
advantages might not fully compensate for.
Of course , If the government must have ab
solute control of the canal , the government
should build it , and this It 1s not now pre
pared to do nnd Is not likely to bo for years
to come , assuming thnt the pcoplo would
npprove of Its doing so.
It hns been reported that England is seek
ing to gain control of the construction of
the canal , nnd this will very likely be used
to Influence congress In fnvor of the proposi
tion to Involve the government financially
In the project. There Is probably no sub
stantial ground for the report , though there
Is reason to believe thnt England would llko
to control the cnnnl If it were practlcnble ,
The proposed wnterwny would undoubtedly
bo of grcnt advantage to that country , but
hardly sufficient to Justify England In riskIng -
Ing the serious disturbance of friendly re
lations with the United States.
The Commercial club made a very good
start during Its first year In bringing to
gether all the active business and profes
sional men of Omaha with the solo object In
vlow of promoting the growth and prosperity
of the city. Whllo its efforts met with a
good deal of encouragement at the outset ,
and much good has already been accom
plished in advertising Omaha and pointing
out the opportunities nnd advnntagcs offered
to investors , a great deal yet remains to bo
done. In all such organizations as the Com
mercial club the burden of the work falls
upon the comparative few , and they nro Ha-
blo to become discouraged because their
efforts are not backed sufficiently by the
business men and property owners who have
the most at stake In tha city's commercial
prosperity. It Is to be hoped that the Com
mercial club has not yet reached this criti
cal stage. That there Is danger of such a
condition of things must be evident to every
body conversant with the efforts the man
agers of the club have recently made to stim
ulate public interest in enterprises they do-
slro to encourage and promote. It is no use
mincing about matters or concealing the trno
state of facts. Omaha Is lamontab'y In want
of a general awakening to the nbsoluto neces
sity of energetic nctlon to vltnlize her com
merce. . Other towns , notnbly Minneapolis
and Kansas City , nre stimulating local trade
by excursions and giving substantial aid to
factories , mills and new jobbing houses.
These towns have , through their Commer
cial clubs , achieved a great deal In the past ,
and are doing everything that seems within
bounds to brine about a revival of business
The Omaha Commercial club can do much
in the same direction for this city If the
efforts of its officers and bonrd nro properly
seconded. Can we afford to remain Inactive
and let the town go backward when the tidal
wave of western progress Is almost In sight ?
That British manufacturers are expecting
to secure a much larger share of the Ameri
can market than they have enjoyed for
many years in the event of the passage of
the pending tariff bill thcro can bo no doubt.
Representatives , of these manufacturers are
now in the United States taking orders for
goods subject to the enactment of the Wil
son bill , and they arc offering inducements
which enable them to obtain orders. Evi
dence of this was furnished in the last re
port ot the It. Q. Dun mercantile agency ,
which told of the visit to tbo agency of a rep
resentative of an extensive manufacturing
establishment at Manchester , who explained
that he was booking orders for dress goods
and other woolens , subject to the passage
of the tariff bill , at a very much reduced
figure from the prices prevailing now. This
gentleman said that prices are now very
low In England In his line and trade Is dull ,
but ho thought the effect ot the enactment
of the new tariff as proposed would bo to
greatly stimulate production at all the
British factories and in a few months the
demand from America would overtax the
looms and spindles of Great Britain. He
anticipated that within a year prices there
will be fully as high as they are now on this
aldo of the ocean. "If his conclusions are
correct , " said the report of the mercantile
agency , "it is easy to explain the glee with
which ho looks forward to the next season's
American trade. "
The Interesting and instructive suggestion
contained In this statement Is that the Brit
ish manufacturers nro preparing , In confi
dent anticipation of the democratic tariff bill
becoming law , to rush goods into the Ameri
can market at prices much lower than the
same classes of goods can be made for here ,
with the intention to seriously crlpplo or
drlvo out ot business the American manu
facturers. If successful In accomplishing
this , and the British manufacturers can
afford to lose heavily for a tlmo in order to
accomplish It , as soon as they shall have se
cured control of this market or obtained
such a foothold hero as they bellovo to bo
safe , they will advance the price of their
goods and compel the American consumers
to pay as much or moro than they do at pres
ent. This Is the plain meaning of the ex
planation of his business in this , country
which the representative of the Manchester
establishment gave to the mercantile agsncy.
The salvation of the manufacturers ot Great
Britain largely depends upon their being able
to greatly enlarge their trade with this coun
try , and they ECO In the pending tariff bill
tbo promise of doing this. Can any rational
man doubt that they will make every possi
ble effort to Improve to the fullest extent
their opportunity If the proposed legislation
favoring them Is enacted ? The British man-
ufactureis understand fully that In order to
obtain hero the1 foothold they desire they
must break down the American manufac
turers. This meant ) a costly contest , but they
nro prepared to make it , because they also
understand that It they can got possession of
this market to the extent they wish they
could retrieve their losses with interest.
It Is quite probable that the representative
of the Manchester establishment was ovor-
cangulno In anticipating that the results
hoped for by the British manufacturers will
bo realized within a year. The overthrow ot
American Industries could hardly bo accom
plished In so short a time , though they might
bo seriously crippled. American manufac
turers will not surrender tholr home market
without a , hard struggle to retain It , for , In
addition to the Incentive ot self-preservation ,
they wilt bo encouraged to hold out ngnlnst
a destructive competition by the assurance
that democratic poTlcy'c.innot ' be permanent.
But the contest , lfTJt ( ball como , will Involve
not only a great U > SA < IO > Capital , but a very
much greater eacrfnco' cm the part of labor.
In order to cnablp' American manufacturers
to flght British competition under the cir
cumstances Indicated.-American labor must
fall to the British kVanuVd. This Is the most
lamcntnblo aspectjot the threatened situa
tion , in
The Into Frank Hatton , whose untimely
death nil who enjoyed his friendship deeply
deplore , wns a man wjioso successful career
nttcstcd a superior- order of ability. lie
wns In a very full senlo n "self-made man , "
having enjoyed few * advantages in his youth
except sucli as he found In a printing office ,
nnd his advance to political prominence and
business success was duo to strong native
capacity , which surmounted obstacles and
made opportunities. As postmaster general
In the administration of President Arthur
ho made n good record , Improving the ef
ficiency of the postal service and Introducing
better'business methods Into the department.
As ono ot the editors and proprietors of the
Washington Post ho showed marked ability ,
nnd the success of that journal the only
morning dally that lias ever achieved a real
success In the national capital bears testi
mony to the good Judgment and sound per
ception of Mr. Hatton. But llttlo past the
prlmo of llfo when stricken , his untimely
taking off Is n cause of sincere regret , which
none will feel moro keenly than members of
the newspaper profession , among whom he
wns widely known nnd most cordially es
Major Handy , writing In the Chicago
Inter Ocean , says that the resemblance
which Editor Stead professed to sco between
the United States and Russia had at least
to n certain extent been noticed long ago
by himself when traveling In the land of the
czar. Ho confines his analogy , however , to
the physical topography of the country , the
general appearance of the cities and a few
minor points. The parallel drawn by Stead
between the people of the two countries ,
nnd moro particularly between their govern
ments , is on the other hand 'rejected with
emphasis. That the people of Russia recog
nize the existence of greater individual free
dom on this side of the Atlantic Is proved
by their constant Immigration to the United
States. The strength of the Immigration
tide Is an npproxlmatoly accurate measure
of the attractions which the two countries
offer to their citizens.
It has been the practice In this county to
elect men to the district bench without spe
cial reference to their politics. It so hap
pened a few years ago that the majority of
the Judges were democratic. As a result
the bench named a majority of the members
of the park commission who were democrats.
The whirligig of tlmo , 'However ' , finds six re
publicans on the district bench and a park
commissioner la to , bo named within a few
days. There are many good republicans in
Omaha eminently fit tot a. place on the park
Although the a e bat a ion the general fea
tures ot the tariff' ' bill In the senate has
been closed , it Is too i much to expect that
the undelivered Installments of those un
finished speeches . jvvill , ( remain undelivered.
No such good fortune. Is in store for the
country. The remaining Installments may
be expected to , drop In at irregular intervals
whenever there .may. happen to be a break
in the running discussion before the scnato.
The oft-asserted claim that the railroads
are the pioneers In the development of the
great west doubtless has Its exceptions. For
Instance , the fact that the Northwe'stern
railroad charges a prohibitive rate for ship
ping oil from the Wyoming oil fields In the *
vicinity of Casper is ono of the greatest ob
stacles in the development of the resources
of that state.
> o ConiproinlNo with Socialism.
New York Sun.
Hon. Roger Quarles Mills Invokes the
spirit of compromise on a vital Issue be
tween democracy nnd socialism. It cannot
be. There cnn be no compromise on the
income tax. Itmiistgo.
Out of 1 : 11 ( Jood Muy Come.
Indlannpolls Journal.
At Hagcrstown , Md , , an old colored
woman fell dead at the sight of Coxcy's
army. About three weeks ago a Pennsyl
vania fnrmer expired as the front of the
procession came Into hln field of vision. If
the present Imitation of congress will , only
do likewise the march of the Common-
wenlers will not have been made In vain.
A 1'rospoetivo Curloxlty.
Tha talk about a compromise on the tnrlff
which Is heard from the friends of the Wil
son bill , shows that the democrats are more
scared about that bolt in their party on the
measure thnn the republicans imagined.
It will be hard to get a compromise that
will suit the cost nnd the south nnd south
west. A measure that would get the votes
of III11 and Mills , say , would be something
of a curiosity. . _
Intullocttml Filtering Abroad.
Chicago Herald.
The English editorial writers have heard
of the Coxey movement at last , and we
shall shortly be informed that "General
Coxey , who was at ono tlinu"mayor of Ohio ,
has asked President Harrison's permission
to servo as a volunteer in the campaign
against the savage tribe known ns Mug
wumps , who are on the warpath and threat
ening the Chamber of Deputies at Boston , "
together with other Intelligence of a valua
ble and authentic character.
Itoimciini Mum ( io.
Dubuque Times.
Archbishop Hennessy lias demonstrated
that his course at the trial of Bishop Bona-
oUm waa not prompted by any prejudice In
favor of the prelate. Ho has been making
u personal Investigation at Lincoln , the re
sult being that lionacum will be removed
and the Lincoln diocese bo provided with a
bishop in sympathy with the priests and
laity. In other words the archbishop llnds
some of the charges arc well founded and
by u. most politic course saves the church
from further scandal. ,
Jteliol ItalilH i > n 'tho Treasury.
New York jYrllmno.
But when It comes to allowing- rebel
raid on the treasury , then all at once they
discover that this is a rich country which
can afford to pay Its debts , and which aught
not to ask Its citizens to suffer losses on
Its account without remuneration. On every
"private bill day" theTte rebel wnr claims
appear as thick as llles In a molasses juif.
The public cnnnot realize how vast Is the
amount of these clettnS , nor how viciously
they are being pressed- , nor how recklessly
they are being passed , A compilation of
them was made by the Treasury depart
ment about a ycnrrnfco , from which it ap
pears thnt thejr exact sum total IH J17i-
821,509.81' . They cowciull sorts of charges.
More than $ SO,000.000 Is for cotton claims.
Nearly JtiO.OOO.Ciot ) is for stores and supplies.
The origin of these Claims is substantially
the same In all ctisrsj Federal armies In
the south had to live In order to Hunt , and
found It convenient when In a hostile coun
try , as armies have a way of doing ,
to call upon the .people In the neigh
borhood for n few tons-of hay , .or barrels
of beef , or bales of cotton , or other tiling's
useful for the construction of fortlllcntlons
and the preservation of life. And now along
come the children and the grand children
of the people from whom these supplies
were taken , with warm protestations of the
loynlty of their ancestors , nnd of an abldlne
faith In the generosity of a great and good
government , for which their fathers fought
nnd bled and died. Nothing can bo more
reckless than the manner In which this
democratic congress Is allowing these false
ami absurd Claims. They are unblushing
steals , and the men who are promoting and
passing them , so fur as the morality of
their proceedings Is concerned , mlRht just
as well be making midnight raids on a
bank or "ilftlnc" im es in a crowded shop.
Editors from Maine to Texns Lampoon the
Great and Only Scott.
Unnnlmlty of Opinion Among DWiiterrMi-tl
nnil Uiiblmetl Kdltorx-Eoott'n Action
In the Alleged Contempt t'mo
Fargo ( N. U. ) Forum : Judge Scott of
Oinnlm onlcrctl Ktlltor Uosowntcr sent to
Jnll for thirty days for alleged contempt of
court under such circumstance * tlial the
reader cnnnot help but be impressed ( hut the
Judge was drunk or crazy.
Sac City ( la. ) Sun : For criticising In his
paper the partiality of an Omaha JudgEd -
Itor Hosowntor of The Omaha Dee was ar
rested Tuesday by order of that Judgu for
contempt of court , nnd sentenced to thirty
days In jail and a heavy line , and sent to
Jail without nil opportunity to appeal and
Klvo bonds. It Is one of the worst outrages
against the freedom of the press ever com
mitted In America.
San Francisco Examiner : Editor Rosewater -
water of The Omaha Hee was recently sent
to Jail for contempt by n certain Judge Scott.
The Dee had presumed to criticise the court
for having convicted ono man and released
another , the same charges and the same
evidence having figured In each case. Juilgo
Scott will probably llnd that a millstone
about his neck and a Jump Into the depths
of the Missouri would bo a comparatively
Joyous oxpor'enco to the ono In store for him.
Hapld City ( S. n. ) Journal : Rosowntor of
The Dee has Just had a taste of prison life ,
having been Imprisoned for six hours under
a sontonc ? of thirty days and a flno of $500
for contempt of court. He was released
after six hours , awaiting further hearing.
It may bo the Irrepressible editor of The
Dee will not relax his vigilance In "roast-
Ing" Judge Scott. The truth of the above
statement Is shown in an editorial In the
following morning's Dee , giving a resume
of the affair , of which the following Is the
closing paragraph : "Giving vent to his vie
lent temper , his bitter projudlcco , Intolerance
and bigotry , he showed himself to bo an
other Jeffreys , hotter adapted to the roles
played by Robespierre , Marat and Dnnton
than to a ploco to whose safe-keeping the
rights and liberties of American pcoplo are
entrusted. "
Laramlo Republican : The action of Judge
Scott at Omaha In sending Editor Rosewater
to Jail for contempt of court was narrow
and arbitrary In the extreme. American
people arc not It. sympathy with any attempt
at the suppression of free speech or the free
dom of the press. Courts are servants of the
people , and their actions should bo subject
to reviews by the press. In the Omaha cas
It was shown that the objectionable matter
printed In the local columns of The Boo had
not been seen by Mr. Rosewater until after
the appearance of the paper. The editor
very aptly stated In his defense that "If men
who own property , who run corporations
who employ men In various walks of life , If
these men were held responsible for the
criminal conduct of all their employes there
would not be Jails enough In America to ac
commodate them. "
The action of Judge Scott will cause the
utmost contempt for his court among the
people of Nebraska. lie will have cause
to regret to his dying day the order which
placed Rosewater behind the bars , of the
Douglas county Jail.
Cleveland World : Judge Scott of Omaha
lias hit upon a very smart little scheme for
perpetuating Judges In ofllce without regard
for their fitness , lie has sent Editor Rosewater -
water of The Doe and ono of The Uee stuff
to jail for contempt because The Dee criti
cised him. The act complained of did not
take pluco In- court , neither was either of
the persons punished a party In a before -
fore the court. Neither was any law violated.
It was , therefore , none of Judge Scott's busi
ness , as a Judge , what the paper said of
him. If he was Improperly criticised ho had
the same moans of redress as a citizen that
other citizens have. Ho was entirely without
jurisdiction to punish the two mon.
The Boo reporter wrote an article com
menting on the fact that of two men caught
in the act of robbing a railroad , one , who
was without friends , was sent to the peni
tentiary , while the otlior
, who was the son
of wealthy parents , was dismissed without
trial. The reporter used the word "pull"
In connection with his narrative. Ho was
sent to jail , and Editor Rosawater , who
knew nothing of the publication until he read
it In the paper , was afterwards arrested
nnd given the same dose. Judge Scott dis
regarded ono of the rudimentary principles
of the criminal law when ho thus vented
his personal spite by a clear abuse of his
Judicial power.
The judge attempted to carry his design
Into execution without giving Rosewater a
hearing , but failed , as any ono who over
met The Bee man might expect ho would.
He will undoubtedly hear H. good deal moro
of the matter before he Is through with It ,
and If ho hopes to help his own case by
punishing all the people who express the
contempt the Judge is entitled to ho will
have no tlmo for tho- other duties of his
ofllco for a year.
Courts form the line of demarkatlon be
tween civilization and savagery , but when
judges become tyrants they defeat the end
for which they are created ,
Santa Darbara Press : One of the brainiest
men In Nebraska Is Editor llosowater of
The Omaha Bee. In fact , lie is regarded
by any newspaper man of the east as a man
of Ideas , ono who makes the craft better
by his membership. He Is small In stature ,
but In no other sense ; ho might bo called
the Omaha Lilliputian of Leviathan mind.
This reminds one of Stephen A. Douglas ,
the Little Giant , who bore the democratic
standard against Abraham Lincoln. Hero
the analogy ends , for Douglas was defeated
and Rosewater Is never defeated. Judge
Scott , who Is not Great Scott or anything
else , sent Rosewater to Jail for holding that
Judge nnd his doings In contempt. The
facts were fully sot forth in the Associated
Press dispatches to yesterday's Press and
have created considerable comment , all of
which seems to bo in favor of the editor.
Scott belongs to that school of beings who
bellovo that an elevation to the bench , no
matter how it Is obtained , carries with it
the right to ride rough-shod over public
opinion and to play the role of Sir Oracle
whenever it suits him. Mr. Rosewater has
no respect for that class of persons. When
brought before the bench upon which Scott
seats himself llko a Lord Jeffreys , Mr.
Rosewater talked In his own behalf nnd con
cluded by saying : "If I have boon guilty
of any contempt at all , It la contempt of
my follow citizens for helping Judge Scott
to bccomo judge of this district. "
This suniH up the whole case up to date ,
nut Scott will wish he had been less Im
pulsive , wo take It. before tills cruel war Is
over. Ho will find the power of that par
ticular press mightier than himself.
A man who has given Nebraska Its larg
est and finest building , whoso pluck , energy
and brains have built up The Bco to a na
tional reputation and whoso Ufa has been
devoted to the good of the people and the
advancmont of tholr Interests , Is not ono
to bo silenced by n sovon-by-nlno Judgo.
Trying to bulldoze the editor Is about as
useless In Omaha as it ID in Santa Barbara.
Steubenvlllo (0. ( ) Herald : The most out
rageous piece of judicial tyranny yet re
ported In this country Is reported from
Omaha , where Edward Rosewater , editor of
The Dee , was sentenced to Imprisonment
for thirty daya and to pay a flno of $500 for
alleged contempt of court. Without being
given an opportunity to appeal , Mr. lloso
water was ordered taken to Jnll at once , and
for six hours ho was behind the bars , when
the Htato supreme court grunted n super-
acilcaa and Mr. Rosewater was released until
the case can bo rovlowcd by the higher court.
The alleged contempt of court In this case
was the publication of an article reflecting
on the judge , which was Inserted in the
paper during the editor's absence. No doubt
a man is liable for the unauthorized uctu
of Ills subordinates In civil matters , but It
Is a new doctrine to extend it to criminal
cases. Thin , however , Is not the gist of the
matter. Had the defendant personally writ
ten and printed the article it would have
made the proceodlnga no less a gross ) out
rage and a violation uf personal rights.
If the judge In this case had been libeled
ho had his remedy the same as any other
citizen , and the defendant waa entitled to a
trial before a Jury of hlH , countrymen. This
Is not the first time where judges have
stepped beyond their powers and attempted
to suppress their opponents by a revival of
letters do cachet , tf this power renfly ex
ist * then the most corrupt judge who cvor
sal on n bench Is beyond the reach of crit
icism or exposure , ns nt the first Intimation
of such a thine ha can Incarcerate the de
fendant In Jail. Mr. tlosewatcr owes It to
himself nnd to the' public to contest this
piece of judicial usurpation to the end , nnd If i
the higher courts afford him no relief It Is <
high tlmo for legislation that will prevent
n repetition of such an outrage.
Springfield ( III. ) Register : The Omnhn
Judie ; who tent Editor Rosewater of The
Omnha Dee and n reporter to Jnll for contempt - i
tempt because Tim Dee criticised some of his
judicial acts , Is a weak and foollnh man. i
He possesses some of the material that despots - '
pots nnd tyrants are madeof , but lacks In
what Is railed "gray matter" In hla mental
makeup. Courts nre not and should not bo
exempt ( rum criticism nnd censure when
they deserve It , Judges even the best of
them nru human beings , nnd nra llnblo
to the ordinary frailties of mankind. They
are also public servants and nro nmcmihlo
tu the public for their arts. It IH to lie
hoped the tlmo will never come In ( his coun *
try when the public press cannot discuss
the proceedings of Judges nnd courts just
ns freely ns they can thos > of athur public
afllclals and Institutions , subject , of course ,
tu n fair trial before an unprejudiced tri
bunal and by n Jury of fair men , for alleged
Injustice or damage done by such discussion.
This Omaha judge lias placed himself out
side the palo of respect. Ho will be , ns n
matter of course , unmercifully lampooned
by Mr. Rosowater's paper on the slightest
provocation , and will receive-no sympathy i
from the public because he has shown that '
he doesn't deserve It. i
Dutto ( Mont. ) Miner : The scone pro- '
sclitcd In Omaha , where Editor Rosewater
has been thrown Into Jail because ho Is cdl- !
tor of n newspaper , the local columns of
which reflected upon the judge of the dlsi i
trlct court , cnnnot fall to command the nt-
tentlon of the thinking pcoplo of the conn- |
try nt large. |
As the report shows , the offense ; com
mitted was In allowing to bo published In ,
The Dee n locnl article accusing the court
of showing partiality to certain criminals , i
None of the allegations are denied ; the truth
of the article remalnu undisputed ; It was
shown beyond the shadow of doubt that
the editor had nothing to do with the publl- |
cation nnd wns Ignorant of Its publication '
until ho read It In his own paper. |
Notwithstanding these facts , Judge Scott
smarting under political criticisms received
at the hands of Roscwator , ordered that the I
editor bo confined In the county Jail for |
thirty days. Unless the report is absolutely j
false , and there Is no evidence of its falsity , i
the Omaha has violated '
Judge every prln-
clplo of justice , Insulted the public Intclll- '
gcnco nnd degraded the bench. DC It snld
to Rosowater's credit , he arraigned the judge I
In the very court room In which ho presided ,
and among other things said : |
"I had rather rot In forty Jails and prisons '
than to surrender what has been fought for
by the fathers of this republic , which In- ,
eludes the liberty of the press to criticise
public servants , and the courts arc public
servants as much as any other class , from
representatives' In legislative halls In the
capital at Lincoln or Washington. I shall
cheerfully submit to this ordeal. It will not
hurt mo. "
The Miner has a high regard for the courts
of the country. It believes that the Judi
ciary should be respected , nnd that the high
est test of citizenship In this free country
Is a respect for law and a willingness to
aid every officer of the government In the
performance of hla sworn duty , but If the
Omaha precedent Is to be considered good
law , then the right of free speech must bo
surrendered. It is evident that Judge Scott
acted from political bias rather than a sense
of Justice. Editor Rosewater has committed
many wrongs by persistently defending the
course of the republican party , which has
reduced the country to a condition of stag
nation and Corteylsm , but in his contro
versy with Judge Scott he Is clearly In the
Helena ( Mont. ) Independent : What reason
Is there why the judiciary should be entirely
free from the same newspaper criticism ap
plied to the other two co-ordlnato branches
of our government ? If an executive olllcer
Is remiss In his public duties lie is not spared
by the editor In his ofllce. Neither la any
member of a law making body who comes
short of the full measure of his public duty.
But the awful circle of judicial wrath Is
drawn around a court room and ' the
anathema of "contempt of court" kept hangIng -
Ing over the luckless head of any ono who
should dare to offer a word of criticism on
any court proceeding , bo It ever so notorious
or flagrant. It has never been maintained
that executive officers and law makers are
free from mistakes and above suspicion In
their motives , though the rule is that they
arc both capable and honest. Tin Judges
of our courts are no nearer infallible and no
more free from the prejudices and weak
nesses of human nature than those who make
the laws which the Judges declare and which
executive officers enforce.
A recent Incident which makes these re
marks timely was the unseemly and vicious
conduct of Judge Scott of Omaha in his
treatment of Edward Rosewatsr , editor of
The Omaha Bco. Mr. Rosewater was ar
raigned for contempt of court in allowing
to be printed in his newspaper n local article
In which It was stated that there was evi
dently scmo partiality shown to certain
criminals In the court over which Judge
Scott presided. * Evidence was Intro
duced to show that Mr. Rosawater know
absolutely nothing of tha article complained
of until ho road It In his paper ; ho had not
in any way inspired the article. In splto of
this , however , Judge Scott berated the un-
offondlng editor In a savage and Ill-tempered
i manner nnd hastened on to pass sontrncd
without giving Mr. Rosmvntcr nn Opportunity
to bo heard. The sheriff wns ordered to
hurry the prisoner lo the county Jnll to servo
n sentence of thirty days , Hut fortunately
for the good name of the state of Nebraska
ns snon ns the matter wns brought to the
attention of the supreme court of the stnUt
n supprsedenn wns grnntnd and Mr. Roso-
wntnr released until the case can bo reviewed
by thn higher court
. Though the liberty of the press to criticise
public sorvniits. among whom are the judgca
of the public courts , Is sometimes tned ns a
mask to hide personal enmity nml political
hatred , It is nevertheless the greatest bul
wark of frtt > government. The press lays
before the people , ns n rule Impartially , the
proceedings of all public servants , discloses
the ulterior motives of unfaithful nnd de
signing men who sccuro places of public
trust , nnd lauds the faithful and conscien
tious labors of worthy nnd competent mon.
Thn press provides the public with the In
formation necessary to determine whether
or not public pen-nuts , Including Judges , nro
worthy the ronfidcnco reposed In them.
Judges arc not n class unto tliomseht.s ,
above the obligations of nccountlng to the
public for their official acts.
Genurnl Kelly believes In the motto ,
"Moro hnsto , loss Spend. "
The city council of Chicago will not form
ally receive the Kelly army. The spring
( lections are over.
Progress may be slow and the tnsk tedious ,
but the experience will eunhlo the Common-
ueaters to drnft n truthful report on tha
condition of the roads.
Slneo the Involuntary suicideof n crlmlnnl
in Rushsylvnnln , O. , Buckeye newspapers
discreetly refrain from the usual reflections
on southern lynchlngs.
A war of rates among Chicago hotels Is
brewing. Pretty soon the wayfarer will
not bo obliged to mortgage his purse for
three squares and a bed.
Ponderous and cheering are the obituaries
of eastern publications on "Tho Passing of
the Daltons. " Mcanhllc the Dnltons nro
giving the usual plcturcsiiuoncss to life in
the southwest.
The fact that n married man handled an
oar in an English university boat race ex
cites adverse comment. Yet thcro Is no
better Held for an exhibition of domestic
experience. Married men are at homo in n
Dr. Addlson Hills , "tho fnther of the
Lake Shore railway , " who fills the office of
assistant to the president , has just cele
brated his S7th birthday anniversary. Ho Is
halo and honrty , and performs his duties
with his old-time regularity and punctuality.
Lawrence T. Nenl , who Is remembered In
Ohio as the great defeated , omits a feeble
wall against the "emasculation of the Wil
son bill" by the senate. Mr. Neal cheer
fully refuses to head an expedition In search
of the tariff plank which he nnd Colonel ; ,
Wntterson launched during the stormy j
hours of the wigwam.
Yonker'a Statesman : The bane ball um
pire should bo n good Judge of diamonds.
New Orleans Picayune : Ships nrc now
made of iron ; but they keep n log , nil the
Chicago Tribune : Menu for restaurant
keepers : In time of peas prepare for war oil
Biownlnp , King & Co.'s Monthly : She
Jack kissed Mabel last night and she cried.
He Why did she cry ?
She For more. I suppose.
Chicago Ilecord : Wouldn't It be lovely ,
Gwendolen , If the ocean were- vanilla Ice
crenni ? You and I , you know , nre a coupla
of spoons. "
Cleveland Plain Denier : After all your
fool Jokes the bald-headed man is always a
hopeful cuss. Ills motto Is : "Never say
dye ! "
Puck : Mrs , Guilders I hnve so much
trouble keeping a cook. I can't got ono that
will stny more tliiin 11 week.
Mrs. Sauers Uottlly ) My family Is Just
the naniu size ns youra und I itavo no
Mrs. Gndders YCH : I've heard that your
cook had nn easy thing of It. She told my
chambermaid that she had hnrdly anything
to do except when company came.
New York Press.
There's now a glory In the dawn.
All gone nre frost and storm ;
The robin on the verdant laWn
Hakes In the early worm.
There's perfume In the vernal nlr ,
The violet's odor faint ,
And signs confront you everywhere .
Set out to warn you "PnlnT. "
TA ir.Y Motrmt.
Somervlllo Journal.
Go get the old lawn mower cut.
And polish off the rust ;
Put oil In nil the little holes ,
And clean out all the dust.
Do nil you can to soften down
That Irritating click ,
And sharpen up the cutting knives
You'll need It pretty quick.
The emerald whiskers on your lawn
Will soon bo getting long.
The exercise of trimming them
Will make your muscles strong.
So get the old lawn mower out-
Hut make this little mem. :
Don't ever try to cut your grass
Till nfter 7 n. in.
r The largest mnltors anil sellers of
ttnuclotlioti on earth ,
IFF Your monoy'B worth or your money baolc. 3
ftr ;
It will soon be hot
Then if you haven't bought that Spring- Suit
you'll wish you had.
tr The best styles al
jrfr ways go ilrst. There
fr : are lots of them on
the street today , 'and
they are the nobbiest
there are , too. Wo
don't claim to bo ab
solutely perfect , but as near perfection as is ever at-
tailed in this world ; so near are our Spring- suits to
it this year. The back end of our store is jammed
fr full of now spring style hats hats just like hatters
] 1 ; sell at a dollar a hat less than hatters charge. But
r wo are showing the finest line of spring suits for
f : men and boys ever brought to this city. They
fc r range ' in price from $10 up.
* * ? -
S. W. Cor , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,