Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till , OMAHA DAILY HEE : TUESDAY. MAY 1 , 180-1.
- = = 3
Wheat Opened Weak but Closed with :
Fractional Gain.
Aflcr the \MhIo Supply Slntrmcnt Out
of a C'oiiililonililo Dccrrnio
III Stock * the .Market Took
nil Up Turn.
CHICAGO , April 30. Wheat , after auou
nrtccn'minutes of weakness nt Hie start , be
came firm today , and end > t1 with a gain o
' , c per lui. After a month's steady liquid
ntlon of May wheat , It Is to ho presume )
that the last bushel has been sold out wlilcl
the holders were not prepared to take am
pay for If tendered tomorrow. While mane ;
la foclriK pressed upon carriers of wheat b ;
leaders at 314 per cent , It does not seen
likely that the owners of the property \\ll
drop It at present prices , unless It should b
demonstrated later In the season that li
nplto of drouth , frost and diminished acrcagi
anotlior phcnomlnally largo crop la to bi
the result of thli year's harvest. Corn wai
dull , and closed 1-lCo lower for July , am
\'ta lower for May. In the oats market tin
shorts In May became aware that the ma
nlpulatorn were not quite done with them , a :
Is Indicated by an advance of Ic per bushe
from % c dccllno which occurred at tin
opening. Provisions closed strong , aftci
weakness at the start.
An Increase of 2/l9C'000 lm > of wheat or
ocean passage , favorable woathcr In at l as
two ot the western wheat growing Ktati-B-
Knnsns and Nebraska and dull and weal
foreign markets , caused a dull opening 01
the wheat at % c decline. The p.iino In
fluences caused a further depression of U <
for May and ! 6c for July. A recovery sioi
followed , when It was found that the demand
for May wheat was more pressing than the
order to sell. The New York clearances
wcro liberal , and helpoj to confirm the strong
feeling which had sprung up. The Improve
ment continued until July reached from G0c
to CO lie. The spread between May and J l >
fluctuated Irregularly between 2c and 2'4c
For an hour before the close , the price kepi
within 1-lCc of 60Uc for July , and May nan ,
during the same time , at a discount of from
lie lo a c.
Corn was very dull until after the visible
supply statement ga\e evidence of a con
siderable decrease In stocks during last
week. After that had been confirmed , the
feeling became easier again , but In the
meantime an early decline of He per bushel
In May , and % c In July , had been nearly
nil recovered. The principal business of the
day was In the way of changing May con
tracts over to July.
Oats started somewhat easier , In sympathy
with wheat and corn , and continued to fol
low In the wake of those markets during
the greater part of the session. The de
mand was quite good , but there was little
for sale. Some strength was developed , and
May sold from 32c , the opening price ,
to 33Vic.
Speculative prices In the provision pit
opened lower than Saturday's closing prices ,
owing to the receipts of hogs being 6,000
over the estimates. The weakness gave
place to steadiness , and that to strength ,
when It was found that Swfft & Co , who
appeared willing to take all the offerings at
the opening prices , continued to bid for stuff
oven after the market had advanced ma
terially. Trade was extremely dull aftci
the first hour of the session , but the flrm-
npis continued.
Usllmated receipts'Tuesday Wheat , 105
cars ; corn , G20 cars ; oats , 130 cars ; hoes
18.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cnsli quolnlloni wcro ns follows :
riOITIt Easy nnil prices Blinded a little. *
W1IUAT No 2 spring , GS'ic ; No. 3 spring ,
i'So ' : No. 2 red. GS&c.
rOHN-No. 2. 37ijc.
OATS-"No. Z. 33&c ! : No. 2 white , 32T45f33Ue ;
No. 3 white , 33WW34V4C.
UVi : No 2 4bc.
1IAHLUY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , CSffMc ; No.
4 , G4WD6C.
1'LAX SEED No. 1 , It 2 < i.
TIMOTHY SKUU 1'rlnip , J4.r,14 30.
I'HOVISIONH Mess poiK , per libl , 12 I2 > 4
IJ 45. Lard , per 100 lira , } 7.oOl(7 62' , * . Short ribs ,
BlclHH ( loose ) , $6 r.JiUuG 67 ! & ; dry united Hhouliler-i
( huxcd ) , JO 0000 23 ; short clear , hides ( boxed ) ,
JS87'4 7.12'i. '
WIII8KY Distiller- ) ' finished goods , per gal. ,
The follow lu ? wcro the receipts aim shipments
for today i
On Iho Produce oxchinco today the butter niir-
tcctwiiH dull and miclmmcil ; cicimery , l-l 18o ,
dairy , llolUu. L'tren , dull and iinclruifucl at lOc.
MW voitic M\KIUT.
YesU'nliij'H OuolntloiiH on 1'lour , Uralu nnil
I'imliic-c , MctiilH , itc. :
Ni\V YOUIv. April . 30. rUDim-nccelpts ,
3J.700 bbls. ; exports , 'J.WO bbls. ; Falex , 11,100
lilies. ; dull , but steady , only n jobbliu ; dpinimd
rcpoited. Tor liners eomc shading vvns done In
spilng patents and whiter straights , ! > < - > Hour ,
llrm ; buckwheat Hour , nominal.
IIUCICWHRAT Dull ; range on nil grades. C8
C'OUN MiAI.-Stcnd > ' | jellow western , J2 G5tf
S.70 : Ilrnndiwlnr , 2.70.
UVC- Dull , ear lots , C1052e- ; bout loads , K@
IIAHI.lJY-qnlet : No. 2 Milwaukee , 66fIC7c ,
twiMOtvcd blule , 6Gc ; unrraded weslern , COifO'ic.
HAIILUV .MAI.T 1'lrni : vvestein , e,5 85c ; six-
ruvviMl , SoliS5e\
WIIIIAT Uc'celptH , 13S.SOO bu ; pxporlH , 193,800
lui Kiilm , 6GO.IXW bu. future- ! , . [ 07,000 tin. fpx.
h | Ulead ) , No. 3 red , In mure and elevator ,
\ > l < 4 < ' , allont , OJ c ; r , o. b , bc ; No. 1 1101 thorn ,
( Kl u In Htoie. Optlonx opened wink on noixl
wrather conditions , weak cables , a b K Incmise
nil P.IUK.IKC and Ihu Iliiuldallon of May wheat
Mn , touched the point in record and then
Iho market milled sharply and vvaa Him all the
- " ' '
nltriiuioii on
I'OUN Ilrrclpla , 115.WO bu ; exports. 33,600 bu ,
< HIS , t > _ ' ) , u-jO bu. futures mill 110.000 bu. spit ,
Hput Htiuily ; No. 2 , 4J"jO In elevator , 41'io allout ;
Hi-inner mixed , 43C. options opened weak with
wheat , but nftcnuir.l inllkil nn the blqr vls > ble
hiipiili dcrrtuseonlj to tenet at tint close and
leave oft at ' li'Hc ' net decnc ) , Ma > . 4J C-lCit
44'jetlosed at I3'jc ' ; July , 41'iifll D-lSc , elos-d
ul ll'ic , August , cloned at 4'ej bepteniLier , closed
ul 4 Vic\
OVlH-Itecelpts , 07,200 bu. ; sales. IIM.OOO bu. ,
rulures , r.B.OoO bu. spot , bpot uulet : No. . ' . 41r ;
N'n. 2. drlvertd , 43c ; No. 3 , 40c ; No. 3 vvhlti' ,
4 UKtnieU nilxnl. western. 41i41Ho ; Inick ,
while vvcHtern , 41IH6u ; truck , stute. 414HOO. Ui
lions easier at lirm , but Imnutlliiteiy turned
htiiini ; and aihunn-d nlmri > l > ull day on tovvrliiK ,
ilonlni ; at hUlc net advance , Mn ) , STIiJsc , "
ut uiiv , June , closed ut 3iic ! , July ,
closed lit 3b\c ,
llAY-Kleady ; shlpplne , | i > 00C.GO , Kood to
e holer , I7.uoi900. (
IIOI'ri-Qiilet , Blair , rnmmon to choice , 9BlSc ;
1'urlllo reiiint , 130lie ; l iiulon imirkel , uteuily ;
holders olti-r model ale ly ,
111lis Nominal , wet salted New Orleans , FC-
lecled , 45 tu kO Ilia. . 4'il5'tc , Ti-xun selecto I. 35
to M Urn. , 4f5o ; Iluenos Ann iliy , 20 ta 24 tb . ,
IIATHIU Dull ; hemlock solelluenot A > res
IlKht tn heavy , 16t4Mc %
I'llOVItilOhU lieef. steiidy. Cut meats. Hun ;
nlekled brllle-s , 17.00(1800 : plekletl hams. IDfflO'.e.
Uiiil , sternly , western strum , cl. .ed at IS asked ;
Jhi ) , closed ut 1775 , Jul ) , 17.ul , nominal , refined ,
iiultl. e-onllnent , J 35 , H. A. , tS.tO. 1'oik , dull ,
new nieM. JU74jHH (
l\rroN HUUl ) OIU-Shade > steudler. but nu'et ,
inoro Inquiry for oft yellow , prlmo crude , bbl .
30c , prlmei crude , loop. ! ! 5i27ti ; oft crude. ' 3tt
tiu , prlmo summer yellow , Ul&ijSlo , butter ull ,
3Sij3bo. oft summer jellow , 3'je , prlmo iiuniiiier
white. : 4j37c
Hl'TTnil-Weak : western dulry. lOtfllr ! west-
nn creamery , 14UI5evvcstirn factory , S'lWIIc ,
lll lns , lie , Btute dulr > , 13c ; state crramtr ) ,
r.u.Tt , ruin ; stutn lurtie. S WllHc , small ,
. _ WHc. part skims. 3'iiiHc. full kilns. 2tl3o.
TAl.L,0\V-Kasy , city lj ! per pke ) , StlS l-16o ;
country ( t'kn. free ) . 5HC5 H-ICo , us tl ejuullly
ill , united iloned at Wo U < 1 ;
\Vn lilnst. : > ii. W * < , \\nnhlnuton In Imll
1 ft rellrinl Sen Yoru H U. I'lillud. Iphll
t > in I'hlladrUlila In bulk. $20)
i : > lH Otill , viat < nnl IVnnnl\nula , 1IU
Il'te , wc > lein. rreoh , imftllc , iccolpts , Us :
IIOHIN Awiut stmily ; ctmlnvd , common I
KJOrl , II ITtiftI 9
Tllltl'nNTtM ) Alcady at 30c.
HICK Knlrly Mead ) , domestic , 4flCo ; Jnpat
4'4 ' 4Kc.
MOI.AHHtWQuiet nnd dlendy ; New Orlean :
open kctllf. Rood to choice , llffffc.
I'Kt ifin.V Dull , Amerlcnu , ill.OOftllOO.
COI Pint Quiet , lake , 9Uc
IjHAIJ lr inner , ilnmestfe , JJ.20.
TIN-KtronK , > trnltn , } 19i1 nukcil : t Intel
* ! ? 1'J > ? " . ' ' ' ' ' . nn . 'chanup , 25 tons August tit
119 70 , Vubjwt to duly ejiu'se.
8l > JJIrifUulMi Oomi-stfe , 3 3J bid.
, l.ntiit I'rtidiicu .Miultrt.
IIUTTIIU A large proimllon of the butter ni
riving Is hay butter nnd much of It of pot
quality. As J t there la Illtln nhow of BIH'I
'Iho common xrarteB of butler art- mil in iv n
xery briskly Heparator creamery , .Mf72lc , exit
fancy roll , Italic , choice country , iullc , pu >
IIIK sluik , 8c ,
ifllHThe : offerlitKn arc quite liberal nnd Hi
demand In fnlr I'nsh Fink waa being otTirc
at ' . 'f ' ami reconds nt STjfHc.
I.IVi : I'fJl'I.TItY Choice hem ha\o betn I
prilty fair dtmand. Old roosters nro null
plenty and do not move oft very frrelj
limn , 6U7o. ) oun t roontcre , Cc ; ntngKy etucl
49Bc , old iMiHtcni , 3ftlc.
OAMi : Tlii demand Isery limited nnd til
arrlxalt are IlKlil , Tile neiiwin as n whole linnet
not xeen much nethlty In the game nnrkii
Mallindx , } 17'if720 > ) , redluadl , J1.7..W2 " 1 ; liluc
wins teat. 11 Will. 25 , creenwliiff teal (1 , mlvu
duckd , 7ie ; KCOSI- , $4lMft.b > .
VHAtThcre Is n fairly B3l supply , but BOO
stnck Is prarce. Good , fat \culs , 78,4c ' , thin o
heasy , Sir i :
l'IOio.VH Therp Is n dennnd fet old pise ni
but JOUIIK blidi that are not strong on the win
minot uiinli I. Old blids , per doz , Jl.WWI 5
IIONKY Cholcn whlto clo\cr , 150 , Callfornlu
JCc , dark hon-y. 12'i nc.
MAI'l.n HYItl'I'-Qallon JIIBS and cnnpe
iloz. , tiV ) . half Kaltona. 16 W.
MAI'I.K HUOAH-I'er 111 , 100.
Nt'TS-riiestnuts , 13o per Ib ; Italian chest
nuts , IMM.Ic ; almond1 ? , ICe ; IlnBllnh wilnuts , 12e
Illbtrts. 120. pecans , large , 13ifl4c , pecans , nit
dltim , lOc , Brazil nuts , lie.
HAtinitKUAt'T 1'er bbl . H : half bbl , 2 21
Cinnn Pure Julep , per bbl. . J6 , hnlf bbl. , J3 M
Oicgon , p r bbl. S4 W , hnt * bbl. , J2 75 ; clnrlilc
elder , per bbl. , 4.SO , half bbl . J2 7S.
mANS California hand-picked na\y , Jl 001
200 , e tcrn nu\y , 11 7301 SO ; , common whit
binns. $1 fO-ftl 73
ONIONS Onions nro quoted on orders at EOi
SOe , onions In bbls , 12 75
POTATOBH Mlnnepota grown potatoes , h
small lots , from Htoie , Sic. sime In car lots , SOc
Nebraska nnd lo a , from store , C3J70c : Cole
radn , from store , OOc ; Colorado lots , 83c , Pal
I.nke. 85c , teed polatooH. nmly Ohio , It 10 {
1 J5. Ilnily Koe , 'KJiigji ( PO ,
CAIIIiAOi : riorldir cabbage , per crate , $2001
2.21 , Callfornlu cnbbige , per Ib , 2VSc.
cni.KKY i\tia fancy California. Jl
BWinT : POTATOES-Seed potittoex , 13 2S03 50
AHPAHAatlS-Oood home grown stock 1
abundant at i' c per doz
P113 PLANT Home grown pie plant Is be
coming plontj at 2'e '
TOMATO US florlrta stock of good color li
fUlte | plenty at tl 00f3 50 per crate of six baskets
OHII\ ; VIOITAHI.IS Hpiinich , per hw
J225 , ndlahex , per doz , 30o ; lettuce , per dnz
3'OIOe. cucumbers , Jl M , parsley , per doz , 300Mc
< ? gU pHnt. per doz. , $ i 23 , onions , per doz , 23t
SOc , turnips , per drtz , Me , carrots , per doz. , GOo
bicts pci do ? . , "SiiSOc , ntrlnir beans , pi r 4-1111
box , $ JSO. water cress , per dos , ! 175JOO | , nev
potatoes , per M-lb box 51 , jquanhes , per bu
} . ' . pit ; plant , per doz , 25&30C , Ucrnuida on'ons
prr bu , 1
APPLU.S fancy western , < 2 COif 2 2 * per box.
CHANIinitllinS-Otit of the mnrket.
.STIlA\VHnilllinS The lun of Texas straw
berries was \ey light this sen on and soon over
Arkansas bertles put In an appearance. In till
nnrket on Thui diy of last week. The recelpti
on Mondiy of this neek were 100 cases , wlilcl
was Urge for the flist of the week nnd for thh
early In thi > season The mniket was someulm
lowei In consequence. ArKnnsas stock , per 2t-qt
case , $5 uOftO 00.TnopicAi.
TnopicAi. FRUITS.
\NANAS Per bunch , large , $223If275 ; small
to medium , Jl 7CST2 25.
I.13MONK Mcsslnis , fancy , Jl , choice , J3 50.
CAI.iroItNIA OUANGKS Rherslde seedlings ,
} 273 , Itl\cralde Wafhlngton na\nls , J3 25 , lied-
land seedlings , } 3. llcdland na\als , J3 50 , Pas-
sidenoi nnd c-xcclslor na\als , I2.7SB300. seetl-
llnga. J2 7" .
Fiaa-runcy , per Ib . 15c.
DATis Hullonecs , C3 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib ,
PINiAPPMS I irge. per doz . $3.0003 23 ;
sm dl to medium , per doz . $2 5003 00.
DEAn-No 1 black , laree. $20.00 23 00 ; me
dium , SIS. small. J3 UOi/1'Jik ' ) , black -yearlings ,
laige , J12001300 , medium , J10 , small , $7 ; black
cubs , large. $ COO SCO. medium , $3 003 < > W ; email ,
t4 , black Montana an ! Kocuy mountain , Urge.
IIS 002200 | medium. $14 , small , 510 , black Mon
tana seifllngs. large. $12. medium , S.S. small ,
(5 ; black Montana cubs , latco JC 50 ; medium ,
[ 450 , small , $3 ; silver tip , large , $20. medium.
[ 12 ; snnll , $3. silver tip yearlings , large. $11 ,
medium , $ S , email. $5 ; silver tip cubs , large. $0.
medium. J4 50 , small. $3. brown , large , $2000 ®
2500 ; medium. $16 , small , $12 ; yearlings , larze ,
110 00812 W , medium. $3. small. $6 , cubs , large ,
7 ; medium. $5. email. $ J ; badger-No. 1 , large.
11000150 , medium , OOo ; small , dOc ; fisher No. 1 ,
large , $3 ; medium , $6 ; email , $4 ; fox , tllter. as
lo color according to beauty No. 1. large , $100 ;
medium , $6Q , small. $ < " "liver , pale , nccoidlng
to beauty. larKO , $50 ; medium , $30 ; smill , $20 ,
cross , large , $7 ; medium. $3 ; small , $2 , red ,
large. $1.60 ; medium , $1 2o ; small , $1 ; gray , large ,
160medium. . Mo ; small , 40c : kit , large , COc ; me-
Hum. 40c : small. 30c : Ijnx. No 1. large. $3 ; me-
; medium. ( G 0037.00 * ; small , J5 ;
; | ttCiracc1oon , No" . lVl sc'sOcl ? medVum'6oJ : sm'Sil. '
; 0c raccoon black , ns to beauty. No. 1 large ,
& $20o7kunK. t-lnch. - cased. No 1 large. IIK
ncdlum , 75c : email. COc. short striped. Intge , II ;
nedlum 70cmoll. : . 43c , narrow striped , large.
Sc : medium. 40o. small. 25c ; broad striped , large ,
:0ff25c : ; wolverine. No 1. large. 14 ; medium , 13 ;
imnll $2- wolf mountain , No. 1 latge , $3 ; me-
rum. ' 12 small. II50 : prairie , large. 70g > 75c ;
nedlum COc : small. COc : beaver , per Ekln , No
1-irEe J300JJOOO. medium. Jl 50 : small , 12 ; kits.
nrKC 12 : medium. II 60 ; small , 75c ; muskrats
vlnlcr No 1 large. lOflllc ; medium. 9c : small ,
'c : fall , lirge. 8f9c ; medium , 7c ; small , Cc ; kits ,
arse. 2ffi3c.
2ffi3c.HIDES. . TAI.LOW. ETC.
HIDHS No. 1 Bicen hides. 2140 ; No. 1 green
> allcd hides. 2HT/3C. No. 2 green salted hides ,
hi)2a ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 Ibs to 15 Ibs , C o ; No
! veal calf , S Its to 15 Ibs , EC ; No. 1 dry Hint
tides , EC : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
laltcd hides , 4c. Part cured hides V5o per Ib
ess tlmn fully cured.
bllUUl' PI3LTS Green salted , ench , 25JfOo ( ! :
Trecn salted shearlings ( short-wooled early
iklns ) , each , B015c : dry shearlings ( short-woolcd
-.irly tklns ) . Nu. 1 , each. DGlOc ; dry shcirllngs
short-vvooled earlj skins ) , No 2. each , 5c ; dry
lint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells ,
ler Ib , actual weight. GtfSc ; 6ry Hint. Kansas
md Nebraska munaln wool pells , per Ib. ,
ictual weight , 4QCc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher
vool pelts , per Ib , actual n eight , 437c ; dry
lint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
vclght. 4 < ilGc.
TAM.OW AND GrtEASn Tallow , No. 1. 4Vi0
iic ; tallow. No. 2. * ; ® : giease , whlto A , 4c ,
; rease whlto I ) , 3c , grease , > ellow , 3o ; grease ,
lark , 2'ic. old butler , 292V4c ; beeswax , crime , 15
ilSc ; rough tallow , 2B-Vic.
jiignr Bpeunliitars C.lvo UhortH a Squcczo of
blight Proportions.
NEW YOUK. April 30. The speculators
n Sugar , who have been engineering tlio
recent advance In these shares , took occa-
ilon this morning to glvo tlio shorts a little
squeeze. TIO | tlmo was propitious for the
, cnture , as tliero were some good buying
) relcrs on the oxchungo and tew , It any ,
lellera. Tito opening quotation , as recorded ,
was 105'i to 106 , tlio pin chasing being brisk.
Eleavy blocks ot tlio stock \\ero readily ab
sorbed , the buying being encouraged by re-
lovvctl assurances from Washington to the
jftect that reflnecl sugar would be properly
irotectctl. When 106U as touched there
vas some realizing , causing a reaction to
101 % . Tlio lower figures Induced fresh buy-
ng ami an advance was made to 107 % ,
vhlch was 2 % per cent above the closing
Iguro of Saturday ,
In the dual dealings tliero were sales to
oallio profits , which sent the prices down
1 % per cent , leaving a gain on the clay of
1 % per cent. The prefeired stock sold up
! Va per cent to 95',4. reaching % per cent at
ho close. Chicago Gas was affected tlnfavor-
tbly by the report that nn application by
ho company for an Injunction to restrain
lie attotnoy general ot Illinois from bringing
lie quo wnrranto suit had been denied.
Chicago , Iliirllngton & Qulncy was pressed
or sale In tlio early dealings on reports that
ho rate of dividend would have to bo rc-
Iticetl , owing to decreased earnings , The
leluy In publishing tlio March statement ,
vhlch Is overdue , gave color of truth to the
eport , nnd on tills the stock declined ! ' , ( ,
ior cent , the final sales being made at a
oactlon ot % per cent. St. I'aul dltl not
lympathlzo with thn weakness ot Its sister
lock , being held very firmly , even making
, fractional Improvement.
Tlio other grangers were Inactive , but
Northwest inado a gain * ot I'/i per cent anil
lock Island V per cent. Insiders bought
iVcstern Union , sendlnc the quotations for
lie stock up 1V4 per cent. After an opcn-
ng declineof H per cent , the Improvement
vas maintained until near the close , when a
'cactlon of H I'er cent occurred. National
cail rose S per cent on buying , Induced by
; oed tariff news anil by a belief that a
llvlileml will be declared next Saturday ,
lealtzatlons caused a loss of 1 par cent on
ho advanceIn the final trading. The general
narkct was steady to llrm during the greater
art of the day on a very limited volume of
luslness , but closed rather heavy , although
iiost of the active stocks show advances on
ho day of a fraction. The railroad bond
narkot was steady In the morning and
troiiK In the later dealings.
The Uvenlntf 1'iMt iay : Since the Feb-
ruary bretk In the price ot silver bullla
and the sharp recovery ot March were bo'
duo chiefly to conditions ot American pri
fcsslonala the cause ot our present export I
a matter of special Interest It was stif
Rested at the time of the metal's last n
covory that a well maintained advance 1
price was likely , under present condition1
to stimulate renewed output of sliver froi
our mines. This seems to have been tli
case , for last week's exports from New Yor
rose to $905,413 , the largest weekly rccor
ot the year and exactly double the shlpmcii
of the third week In March , which precede
last month's advance In price.
The following tire the closing quotation
on the leading Blocks of the New York ex
The total mips of Blocks today were 27C fo
shares , Including : A merle in Tobacco , 8.C03
American Sugar , 130,200 , Ami rlcan Sugar , prc
fcrred , 3tO ) , llurllngton 18000 , Chicago < ! as
22.400 , Ulstllilng and faille retdlng , 4 400 , tlen
er l nieclrh3000. . Missouri P-\elllc. 4,200. NT
tlonal I.i ml , 1,300 , Nalloiml I.-nd preferred , 2,0"0
National ( oidaui- . common , 10,000 , Itock Island
2.SOO , St. 1'uul , 13.30J ; Western Union , 13,557.
I. n t AViM'k on I.iiiHlcm'H iolimcje. :
LONDON' . April 30. Supplies In the. mone ;
miikot continued compirailvely small durlnt
the week , iivvlng lo the ? unexampled nccunmln
lion of leHJtnces by Hie liiuik of Hngland. J
temporary Hqueeze , thercfote1 , occurred In th <
settlement ut the .Stock exchange' , ami some illf
flculty was found In securing funds to meet Hi' '
r ' | Ulremcnls usuil ut the end of thn month
The bank's lescrvc Is 23,230.000. the hlghrst ot
record Gold , however , Is flowing In fre.'ly fron
abroad , while the bank Is expected to releasi
money B > Inviatmenls lleneucd ca c ere loni
la ilius regarded as Inevitable lluslncss nt tin
block exchange was Inactive owing to the tun- -
Uemcnt at the Jewish holiday. The ma'kei
seems upon n rally In American and Arginllm
pccurltlrs Iho depression In the fennelum
stagnation In the latter have weakened the othei
dcpartmentn Ameilcan Hpcurllles relapsed , ovvlnf
to the slrlkc of Hie coal mlneta and other laboi
troubles , nnd dccrea ed earnings The prospects
of an assessment on Union Pacific securlt'e1
frightened not only the shareholders In thit com
pany , but the Haiders of s < entitles of other rnjiAt
that are In trouble The business In shareH wnt
small , but there was a fair demand for bonds
It is hoped that the labor troubles In the United
States will have one good result that of hasten
ing congressional action on tariff measures. Chi
cago. Milwaukee & St. Paul , Union Pacific ami
Louisville & Nashville headed the general r.ill
with 3V4 Noithern Paclllc preferred , Atchlsnn ,
Topeka S. Santo To mortRaco bonds and Hrlc
second consols were down li. The decline. In
the otheis ringed from ' 4 to 1VS Silver rose on
speculative buying for India , founded on state
ments that the India mints would be reopened
The price receded somewhat on the receipt of
telegrams denying these statements , but the mar
ket closed firm at 23d , and It Is reported In good
quarters that a renewed advance Iscry proba
ble. _
Jfcu York Voney Market.
n.asy at 1 pci cent , last loan and closed , 1 per
cent.PHIMn MERCANTILE 1'AI'ER 3fl5 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual
business In b.inl.cts' bills , $1 S844 SSH for de
mand , and $1 87'il514 67'i for CO days , posted rates ,
$488 and $4 S9W : commercial bills , $ i 8G'it 80'2.
GOVERNMENT UONUS 1'lrm , state bonds ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
Uoston Stock Quotations.
BOSTON. April 30 Cill loans 1 33 par cent ;
limn loans , li -l per cont. Closing prices for
stockH , bonds and milling sharaa ;
TjOiulon Stock Market.
LONDON , April HO1 p. m. closing :
Oonmilb money . . . 100H Mexican ordinary. 17 > {
Consols , ace nt. . . . 1UOM St. I'aul com OilH
Canadian 1'aclllc. . . 8ki N. Y. Central 101H
Hrle 10W Pennsylvania 01H
liilo 2ndn 80 Huadlng
Illinois Central. . . 05 MoCont.IIBW la. Sfi
BAR SUVBll-2d ! ) per ounce.
MONEY-m pur cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
both short and three months bills Is IK per
: cnt.
San rninctaco Mining ? Quotations.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 30 The onielal eloslns
luolatlonafor niliiliij stozistotiy worjai fol
Now York Mining Quotatlnns ,
NEW YOIUC , April 30-Tho followlnr are tin
; loalnc mlnlnf quontloim :
On tlio I.iindiin Market
NHW YOUK. April 30-Tho Evenlnc Post's
London cablegram mys : The markets today re-
lecled th holiday tomorrow. 'Iheru was a se-
leru fall In SUKIII , exchange und rupee paper. A
'urther ' fall In exchanuo Is untlclp-iteel. Amer-
cans vver neglected , but closed with a llrm tone
in revived hope of tha tariff bill passing In June.
Sliver was steady , I'orty two thousand In gold
) In.
I huinclnl Note- * ,
DOSTON. April 30. Clearings , ti,533,274 ; bal-
mces , $1,470 , 0 .
IIALTIMOUE. April SO.-Clearlngis , $ IC81,191 ,
balances , $237,600.
NEW YORK. April 30.-Cleurlngs , } G6IWSIS ,
jalances , $5,404,0:6.
PAItia. April 30. Three per cent rentes , 89f
> 5o for the account ,
PIIILAUELPIIIA , April 30-Clearlngs , $5,813-
) . ' 4 ; balances , $1,341,051.
MEMPHIS. April 50. New York exchange rell-
'ne at par. Clrurlnus , } W3,03I , balances , tS..dll.
LONDON , April 30 Amount of bull'on ' Runs
Into the Hank of England on balances today ,
41,000. -
' NEW ORLEANS. April 30.-ClearlnKS. $ M3.34I ,
N'cvv York exchange , commercial , $1 pmntum ;
bank , $1 50 premium.
BAN TRANCIBCO. April M-tmfts g'ght ,
iHo , ttlegrnphle , 17Vjc : silver bar * . C dj'c
Uexlcan dollars , 53 W'4c.
CHICAGO , April -Clearings , $10,000,000. New
Vork exchBiige. SOc premium. Sterling exchange ,
lUlet , actual rates , $4 $ I 4iJ4 SJ , Money , easy ut
IW4V , per rent.
bT. LOIUH. April 30. Clearlnus. $3.013.371 ; bal-
inccs , $ t3JM' . Money , quiet , 0&7 | i i cent , vx-
rhanso on New \ork. We p-emlum l'i-urlng <
ihls month , $83,593,510 , baUn < . . , $ l2 : o,153 clear
ings In April M I07 ; tl 0 3 baUn . JH.SJi , .
> 33 , clecrifiu * , } H , ltJ,4S > , cr 11.8 pv cent.
Week Opens vith a Very Light Hun c
Gnttlo anJ Bhcop ,
Alt Offering * Sell Ilontllly nt Strndy Price
HORH In Average Number but
AVcnlt nnd from ri o to
Ten fonts Lower.
R- .
MONDAY , April 30.
The week opens'and the month of Apr
ends with a light run ot stock. Only C
loads of cattle wcro received , a meaner ru
at any time , hut particularly so for a Moil
dgy. The offerings were almost cntlrel
steers ot only medium quality. Lower in.ii
kets east inado the outlook here rather dl ;
couraglng , but the \cry limited suppl
served to sustain values , although the dc
maud was far from brisk from any sourct
In general prices averaged up about stead )
fully steady on the light handy steers an
slow on the hctvlcr grades , although n
lower than the close of last week. Tlicr
was very little life or activity to the trad
at any time , but the meager offerings wer
about nil disposed of during the forenoon.
Offerings of cow stuff wcro almost to
small to afford a test of the tone of tli
market. Only five or six loads were re
celved , and they sold readily ut prices full
as good as those prevailing at the close o
last week. Calves were In moderate suppl
and demand and barely steady , and liter
was no particular change to the market fo
rough stock generally.
The stocker and feeder market was rathe
quiet. Offerings , both fresh and stale , wer
rathef limited and the country domain
lacked consldeiable ot being as active a
toward the close of last week. Prices , how
ever , were for the most part firmly held
Good to choice feeders are quoted at fron
J3.2G to $3 83 , fair to good at $3 to ? 3 2 !
and lighter , commoner grades at from $
down. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
C50 $3 00 2 . .1235 $3 53 10 .1052 $3 GO
SSO 3 CO S . 90) 3 55 G. 970 3 CO
1. . .mo 3 2 > 11 070 3 5' , 22 110S 1 CO
1 .1120 3 25 39. , 931 3 u5 9 .1115 3
1. . . . 910 3 30 1410 3 65 19 . 1091 3 C5
21. 1143 3 40 1291 3 55 3 G >
27 1172 3 41 3 55 .i2 < n 3 75
21f .1190 1 43 11 .110S 3 5fi .12-3 3 7" ,
f . CO 10 . 1110 1 75
21i . 840 3 TO 33 .1250 3
i ; .1190 3 50 21 1241 3 GO 1. . .1600 3 SO
i. 13TO 3 CO 21S3. . .1116 3 CO D. n ic 3 K
12. . .1136 3 r 0 13 , . 900 3 CO 3. . 1G09 3 S3
21 . 1285 3 W
1 . 1176 1 00 49..1170 3 CO 17 .1221 3 70
16 1001 3 45 G . . .1110 3 CO 3. ,13 > 0 J 80
1G 1021 3 55 33 . 1164 3 CO 12 1216 3 (0
5 . . 1182 3 CO 18 1143 3 C5 1. .1310 3 0
23. . .1258 3 CO 3 70 20 . .125 3 SO
24. * . . 939 3 35
1 . . 750 1 ro S . f9i 2 35
1 . . 920 1 70 1. .1220 2 50
1. . . 800 1 75 1 12SO 2 60
2. . 063 1 73 3. .1030 2 60
" .1000 1 SO 7. . 932 2 60
3" . 526 1 00 1. 2 60
3 . .1010 2 00 930 2 50
3 . 979 2 00 14 .101S 2 50
1. . 1090 2 00 C. 11J3 2 63
isOt 2 00 1 . 7CO 2 75
2. ! 7S1 2 r. 3. 1103 2 75
3. . .1020 2 23 1 .1170 2 75
G . .1001 2 23 1. .1270 2 75
1. . . .1070 2 2T 10 1 Ml 2 71
1. . . S50 2 . . .1320 2 80
1 , . . 430 1 S3 . 731 2 SO
2. . . 470 2 00 . , 633 1 00
3 . . 536 2 00 I 731 3 00
4. . . . 697 2 15 . S40 J 00
1. . . . 670 2 60 . GSO 3 10
3. . . . 573 2. 75
1 . , . 220 1. . 210 3 50
1. . . . 250 J 00 U. . .151 . 3 60
1. . . . 100 3 00 1 j 140 4 00
G. . . . 150 3 60 2. . 140 4 00
1. . . , .1100 2 00 , . .1830 2 40
1 . . 490 2 00 . 1200 2 60
1. . . .1130 2 01 . .1670 2 60
1. . . .1320 2 20 . . 550 2 60
1. . . . 940 1 23 . . .1260 2 50
1. . . . 400 2 23 ; . .1350 2 50
1. . . .1200 220 - 1. .1150 2 CO
1. . . .1010 2 CO J. .1360 2 CO
1. . . .1150 2 30 1. .1220 2 70
1. . . .1210 2 40 1. .1100 2 70
2..1485 2 00 , . . .1S05 3 30
HOGS The market was slow and 5clo lOc
lower than Saturday's average trade. Ito-
: elpts were very nearly up to the average
for a Monday , and the quality was pretty
jood. Lower markets east discouraged shlp-
iicrs , and aside from a moderate speculative
activity local packers had It all their own
iv ay. Dealers were a little Blow In getting
lown to business , and early sales were
rather uneven. The popular bid was JC.
Some of the best brought $5.02 % and $5.05 ,
uul common mixed stuff sold as low as ? 1.'J5.
Foward the close the market weakened still
further and late trading was mostly at 85 ,
kvlth a few odd sales at under that figure.
Die market was rather dull and dragging
: hroughout , but about everything finally sold.
Dn Saturday the hogs went mostly at $5.05
ind $5.10 and on last Monday trading was
, 'e'ry largely at $5.10 and $5.15. Representa-
, l\e sales :
SHEEP Receipts were light , but two
louble-decks being Tecelved. There was a
rcry good demand nnd ono bunch of 80-lb.
Mexican yearling * brought $4.35 , or the same
IB Saturday. .The market was quotitbly
iteacly. Fair to ko&jl natives are quotable at
; 3.754.10 ; fair to good westerns , $3.200'-l.25 ' ;
lommon and stock slicep , $2.503.50 ; good to
iholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs at $3.50p4.75.
leprescntattve Bales :
"Jo. Wt. Pr.
"Jo.Hi Mitt'c-an yearlings . HO $4 : ts
00 \ \ catvrninlcr | . . , . . . 1UJ ii CO
Itccfilpth mid OUpiiHltlon of Stock.
Official roceu tHmiddlupQaltlonoffttosUaHHiiown
> y ihobooltao' ttia Union stock YurlH conpi'iy
orlho forti-iUhthou/u ending at 8 o'clock p m ,
kprll ao ,
111)03 ' nouses * Mrs
Cars I Head. Cars Head Cars. I Head.
1,575 BJ | 3,000 371 " .
Kt. I.ouln l-'vu Htcirk .Market.
BT. LOL'IS , April M.-CATTLE-Recclptii. 2.300
iad ; liliment | , MO Head. Nallve e * euMer ,
StXMhi. void ill U 00 , "teem of 1 000 to 1.200-lbH .
S2508S5. rowi und helfom. $2.50 273s Tcjaa
> ! " r. .old at J3 7SS4 50. Ind an .leer. , $3 l Jlw.
JlOQtt Miuke-l lOiflig loner , t < n > a "Old at i5ij
S23 , milk of idles $500if ( 15. ItccelpU , 4 $
hend nhipmenlK , 1,100 head
SHEEP Receipt ! " , 9 Head , uhlpmenlK , tion
flood fnl flipped sheep wanted nt full pike
Receipts today were very common Bluff nnd n
Cnttlo AVoro bcvrrnl Out * Lower Tlmn c
CIIICAnO , April 39 The cattle marhel vrt
from DC to 15c loner than on Trlday and W (
dull throughout , Jleivy rattle averages of OM
1,400 lb . were thn weaken ! , oelllni ? at frni
lOo to 16c lower , nnd Relllng nlovvl ) , while fa
1,000 , to 1,200 Ib. uteers idiowed n. decline of bare !
Co to lOo. The latter flRiiren also fully rev <
the loss In butehers' nnd crtnners' utoek , nn U |
pllefl of the kind that RO to lho c two tlni < i
ot hu > ern were not exceptive1. Sales of du 'i
licet and shipping steem vverp mostly nl froi
$3 W In Jl. nnd from $2 2.1 to $2,30 were the pn
vnlllng prices for cown and l > ulli . Thorn vu
only u limited Inquiry for Ftockers nnl feidii
nt from $2.50 tu $375. The calf market vvi
vvenU nt J2 to $ t 71.
rrom R.o-jO In 8W ) morn IIORS were hete imln
than wen1 pximtwt , nnd UK n ein iquenej II
market was much winker Trading had hot hiv
In proBreon un limn before thine waH n ilui
cut of lOo nnd mill latei In the moinlni ; xrlln
found It ni > i ( > < siry to take off another nli lie
The close wait falily active and wiak nn a IHK
of $125 foi the l > i < t licit y crude * nnd $ j JO fi
anaorled Unlit. 'I hero wer mles e-arly In II
day nt fi-oin $1.30 to 15 35 for the former nnd r
from $ " . . ! > to $1.30 for the latter Prom $1
to $3 25 Imuiilil nurnt of the Ktllff , from $1 : o I
$5.25 helng the popular llmiies the offerlnxs heir
pretty uniform. Culls sold about from $3 I
$1 75.
The sheep tntrket did not show nny Imperial
clinliRcs , hut lowct prlciH lad tn be necepled ft
jearlltiRK , the drellne helni ; fnim lOc to I5i
A fancj lot pold nt $1 23 , hut that price Is i
far nlxive tinK'lieml imrliet an tu cut iuV.Hi
lire , Poor to ehnl > > eurlliiKS were quoted I
from $323 In $ J 3. nnd the utmii * of quolatlor
for Kite en vviin nt from $1.75 to $1 CO Sales vvei
largely hi'lovv $125. Hinlntt litmus wenwilali ]
at from $4 lo $1 60 for common to choice.
RECEHTH-t'nttle , 20.0UO head. ( aVeB 2i
head , lioRii , 30,000 head , nhPep , 11,000 head
The Evinliu ; Jnurnal repiiit .
CATTLE iltecilplH , it ) . < m head Mnikel 10
15o lower nn heavj ; harely utetdj on llKhi
prlmo to f/ttn natlvo teerB , $1 40ffl 60 , medium ;
$400fl2r/ntlnm , $375 JS3 , Texans , onlj nil :
tars , sti/ily
11OORicelpls. ! . 30.000 head Mark lOtfll
lower , clo od weak , rough henv > , $ l25il7i
p.icKci/i nnd mixed , $5 16Jr5 20 ; prime lieu > 1111
hutcl/r vvt-lKhts , J323O130 , nnsuittil IlKhl , $3.0 :
Sl/nEI' AND LA MI ISIfcclptn , 11,000 hen
.Hhi | strati ) , Iimli . trlllc luvvcr lop sin ep , Jl :
W4V3 , top lamlis , $ I75U5.3 , latter for eMra loli
N vv York Llvo Stink Mtirlirt.
, JSJy Y ° HK , April 30 BEEVES Receipt :
4.300 head , dunand weak , market sluvv , Inul
/teadv , n.iilve Fleern , choice ! l t,0II C1 K" > d 1
Iirlme , $4 1H4 .11 , medium , $1 11-ffl 51 , Inferior t
onllnary $1 90 4 10. comnmnn $340 370 , ha
hreeds , $170f4f l ; hulls , $ . ' 9)0120 )
SHEEP AND LAMIIS-IdcclplH , 2 dn > 11 3 (
head , market n Bhade llrmer except nnvm
limbs ; unxhoin sheep , pjni to prime $3t1 47c
clipped Hhecp. $1WBI 3 , clliped | wcthem for i-\
rrtlvl7l ; ! unshorn IIIIIUH nimmon to choltt
* < off5 ,1 , rllppul l.tmbs , $1 OOW1 ( W
IIOOS ItccelptM two dajM , 9'JIW head , mukc
firm , top hoe , $5 73.
Kiinsis Clt > Llia .Stuck Tlnrkot.
KANSAS t-JTY. April -CATTLC-Itccf Ipl-
2,400 held , shipments , 3600 head Maiket l , id
JiJ lOo lower , 'levas steers , n 4iljf3 93. TCMS <
! ? S52i2'"H'Plnj sleem. $3 304 41 , niilvo umi
$1.9083 G1 , stockcrs and feeders , $2 2jrJ k5 , hull'
HOOS Receipt' , 4,000 hend ; shipments 270
head Market lOo lower , hulk , $495ft,1oO , he.ivln
packers and mixed , $4 904J5 13 ; Hunts Yorker
and pips. $4 7Vir > 00.
SH EEC-Receipt- head , shipments. 50
head. Market ptcul ) .
Sliinx City l.lvo btoclc.
SIOUX CITY , April 30 HOOS Receipts lift
head. .Saturday , 1,432 hend. shipments. 44J head
market lOe lower , $4 90JT4 S7V4 , biilU , $495
CATTLE Receipts. SOO head ; baturdav , 2 hend
shipments , 10' , head , stendj . feul'-ri ,
J273IfJGO' jearllUBs. $ J 60it 31 , cows , $1 5JG2 00
bulls , $2 23J 75 ; oxen , $1 WftJ UO.
toik In MKlitT
IlPcclptH of live stock at Iho four prlnclp tl y irdo
foi ilomltj , April .10 , vvetu.
( \-ittlp.
South Omaha . l.fiTO
rhlcitro . „ 20,000
K.iusisCIl } . li.tno
St. LotllB . 'J .100
Totals . . . . . ' 'U''Ti' 15.400 11 774
ninrlict ,
MINNEAPOLIS , April 31 \ \ he it stnrted we-il ,
and u sh.ide lower on account of thn KOH * |
weather for the urovvlnif frop. ThenVVIIH nl %
a large Incrcasn In ihe utoclc on ocum pas iiKP ,
which hnil a tendency lo ctente nnasv fiellng
in -Kuril to prices Later It was found thin
was lll el > to be a large deeteiise In the .immint
of visible supplliH. T.iat Ilimid up the miikel
nnd with fair buvlni ? u rlso of 5o was btoiiKht
about during the dclosing from % c tn ijc
higher than > pstinln ) * foi cash wheat , April nnil
May , while Iul > was only from ' 4c to ' 4c hlghei
and September I4c advance fioni the previous
day. The demand was active for cash wheal
nnd foi Mnndnv the receipts WCIP snnll , amount
ing enl > to 1W.OOO hu. Tvventj-one thousand bu
wcro shipped out , leaving a small decrease In
the local uupply. Close : April nnd Ma > , h\e
July , GHJc , September. 6) ' o , on track. No. 1
hard , G3\c ; No 1 northern , OJ' c , Nn. i mi th
em. CO'ic. The largest mill In the city was shut
down , nnd for thai reison lhi > demand for gilnd
Ing was dccrc'ahcd about 20 000 hu. The leisjn
of the mill closing vvnsMhc lnibllit > of the mill
ing company to move grain nn the Oreiil Norlh
ern inilrnad , wheie this mill Is sllualed. The
flour matket was steady , with a prnbible out
put of about 21,000 bbls for the lvvenlfoui
hours , quoted at from $340 to $360 for patents
and from $2 to $2 40 for baknrs. 1'lour tfhlpmenU
were 25 000 bbls.
The Market Record sajs the receipts of wheat
for the last we-ek In Minneapolis nnd Dulnth
were n little- more than Inlf what they vveie n
year ngo Country elevator stocks deci eased tin.
prox-imately 310,000 bu for the week , 15300) bu
of It comes from the lugcr lines of clevntniH
nnd 157,000 hu. Is estimated to have been shipped
from the smnllet lines nnd Independent elevntnrs
throughout the cmmtii. The stocks of wheat In
Minneapolis prlvnlc' dcvnlors dccrenFcd 14 WW bu
nnd now amount to 931000 hu. , exclusive of the
small supplies canled In mills The amount of
w.ieat In the larrei lines of elevators In the In
terior Is 3,600 , HOt ) bu. Nearly ns much ninnIs
supposed tn be In Independent houses and In ele
valor lines of smallei cnmpnnlcs 'I IIP O i.U
Northern mad lust week hiimght In pnietleulU
no whtnt , vvhllo for the same week one yeiu ago
that line shipped In hero 6JO cats , whlih wns
nearly one-thlid of the whole iiumboi of CTI < I
received It In upon that line most of the when
Is now held In the countiy. The lulnl supplv of
whent In the. luirthvvcsl , Including Hour , is now
29,193,000 bu , utrnlnst 39,4i8,741 bu , lukt Jear nl
this time.
St. Loulx ( Jenerul .Mnrknt.
ST. LOt'lS , April 30 ri.OUR I'nchangod.
WHEAT Opened 'iti'lc off , but reactid and
idvanced HlT'ir. the close , hovvcvci , was onlv
IkifUc above Sntuiday. Cash. 53',4c ; May , IV't'ii
i3\c : July , 66V4c.
CORN 1'olloweil wheat nnd closed V nbovo
Saturday , cash , 36 > ic , Ma > , 36c ; July , Jt > Mj >
' OATS Tosh nnd May higher ; cash , 31'i.e. Ma > ,
! 3Vc. Jills , 27'ic.
RYE No. 2. nominally 51c.
1IARLEY No trading , sales. Iowa nt COe.
DRAN rirm ; C3c bid , east ttnck
HAY Pi Una tn choice timothy , $90081001.
11U1TEU Weak al recent decline ; aepuatoi
; roamcrj , 17ClSe , dahj , ISfllCc.
EGOS Weaker , h'c.
COTTON TIES I'nchanged ; 9aLiI$1.00. (
IIAOQINO t'nchnnged. 6V.S10.
IIRAN Steady . CJi&CJc' . enst track.
LEAD-Plrm. $3 15fl3 I7'4.
SPELTER Dull. J3 Xl-s.
I-LAX Quilt ; $ !
CORN MEAI/-Qulet , $2.
IMtOVIHIONH lJull , pork , In Job lots $12 S7' ' $ ;
ard , steam. $7.3H ; choice. $7.62'4 , diy ijilt
neiils , loose Hhoulueiu , $ t > U'i. longs mid ilbH ,
i860 , shorts. $675 , boxed , lie mine , hiion ,
ihoulderH $7 ; longs , $7/3 , ribs , $737'i , BhoitH ,
7 50fi 7. U 1 1
REOEIPI'S riour , 9,000 bbls ; wheat , 2,00) bu. ,
: orn. 134000 hu , nits , 60.000 hu.
SHII'MENTS riour , 7.1)00 ) bhls ; wheat , 5,000
iu. ; corn , S..OOO bu. , oats , 13OuO bu.
Cnffe-o 'Mnrkiit.
NEW YORIC. April 30.-fOri'EE-Opened dull ,
mil 65110 iiiilnls lower on wenl > < r I.uuipum ml-
rices nnd Helling by trailers Time was viry
Ittle local speculation , and thci matket closed
lull and 10 nolnlH lower , miles , 7,500 lugs , Imlud-
ng : Juls , $15 Siri523 , 'Augusl. $14815.119) . S p.
embor. $14 b5W14 70. t-pot roffi c , Rln. dull. No
, $11 , Jl , Cnrdiivn , $19.tXii ) 11.45. Wari'hniiHo do-
Ueile Aiturdny were O.OU bags , at New } rk
.vaiehouse . dcllvules foi the week WIK
il.75S IUIKH , and CS.4Q7 bnKH nt nil polls
oinpiired with 70.040 last le-nr. New \ orU Klni k
ndllV. 213.S31 luil.8 , I'lllteii Hllltia Blnck , 2W.W ,
i IBB. nllolit for IhB i dlid Stales , 200UJO bass
otal visible for Iho UnlUd Blnlm , 450 W6 luks ,
igulnst 450u3 IUIEU last ) e.n lliazll mnikils
lol itporled cully. ,
HAMIIl'Rd. April 30-Markel milel : silts ,
,000 bags. prlciH unchanged to USli Pfg ' " " 'J
LONDON , April -0. Matkct qutel , pilns W
'HAVlt'E. April 30.-Market dull ; Bales , l..OOO
'tW'if lomr.
iags , price * _
Cotton .lliirkot.
nlc-s , spot , SOO bales ; to ntilve. 3,000 bale , in-
llnnry , f. 15-IOc , good ordinary , fc 7-11,0 , low niia-
lllng. Go : middling , 7e . KCHKI mlddlhuf
5-lOc. fair. 9c , nominal receipts , 4IOI
.ales . , exports , continent , 3.8M bales , ciuiitl-
vlse. 28 bales , mink , 1 8,13'J bales ruluies ,
leaily , 66,800 bales. Mav , $6 841(6 ( W , June. $6 I0f
91 , Juls. $09'itOK , August , J688IIG9J , Hepteni
< -r , $69J703. OcloheT , $7 OlfpT.U. , Novembe-r ,
7.C64i7.07. December. $7 17 i7 IK
Hluh'18 , April 80-COITON-Qulit : md
Illne. 7 ' ,40. neelpts. 900 balm , uhlpmentu , 80)
iiilt-s. flock. 40,800 hales
OALVESTON. April 30 - COTTONRecelpls
,371 iiali-B. sales , GO hales , atoclt , 01,018 balm
Uddllnif , 7c. Maiket caa > .
NEW YORK. April -HUO.Ml-rirni , fair re-
InUiif , 2Hc. eentrlfugal , 90 tem , 2 13-ICo. n llmd
lull , No 6. 37-lC 3Hc. No 7 3HCI.I ! . No.
. J5-I6 3'4c. No 9. 3' ' J47-IOC. No 10 , J 4
7-ieo ; No , 11. 3't l36-le.c. No. I. , J 1-lofiJ'iei.
< o. 13 ! o. off A , 3 11-10H3HC , ,1I0ud | A , 4 J Ufi
Ho. lanilard , J13-16U4t. confectioners1 A.
. , . .
He ; Branulalrd , 311-l6 jl > lc eubm. I
UONDON. Al-rll JO.-Bl'IAR fANE-Doln
lolhlng , eentrlfUBiil Jma , 14s 3d. Muneovu. full
cilnlmr , 1 ! 3d
hovr York Dry < lood * Market.
NEW YORK. April 50 Them wim n fatily
arntf bualni-m In ill ) KOO.IK Hilicllrnn v\ < it for
uudcrute cjuantUKg. 1'rlntcd tullcvei , Uiei-a
Here Is the story Wo have overhauled every ono of our 19
departments , and each article where there was only ono or two
of a kind or where wo had too many of a kind , or anything that
was not just spick and span , has been marked with largo rod o
tickets , in plain one-half former prices in order to sell om
them quick. Odd pieces of parlor furniture ( some slightly m
soiled ) , odd rugs , odd pairs of curtains , odd dressers , etc. , all
amounting to eB18,000.50will bo sold this wookfor $9,480.25.
Don't delay , but come at once and help to take thorn away.
It comprises :
I.tin 111 il '
( lulil Tnl'1,1. ' m
juiiiiii riitiif ,
Cit.ii ,
H Ti < f ,
Dl riitllfl Tilltlfl ,
Si Hit f/MflfCMIM ,
/ . ( illinClintm ,
C'lUlf Clutlii tit I'miri/
Viiliiilflfrii ,
( lilt iHMii ,
I'nlitm , Cumri iilllini
tilliiii ItKcl.ri t , Clinlit ,
Ctilir nlfiii , JHiillill . . . .
llultClniln. Chltttivii' * m
/.iiil/ii' ' ' . , i ,
nullCVi'iui Illl/li f/iiii- , <
CVi'iui Itilil
J'Htltil' t
/ fuoCi I'm tin' .Suffi
lierrrlai \ ) ItuuK Cii'i , ( n 1 < ii > titr > / uml
Cabinet * , "lOflllfllf ,
It otili'olr * ,
Jltilvtniili ,
Oflter blouli , Jttitnlciiiti ,
'Jill 7 < iWe , .till i < n i ,
Those goods hnvo nil boon distributed through our stock , oncb.
piece in its proper department , and will bo sold either for CASH OK
EASY TERMS. Presents to Purchasers
J 10 OOvvoith of goods , $1 00 per week $ 6 00 worth of goods An Album
10 00 worth of goods Souvenir Spoon
25 00 north of goods , 1 60 per ncok 2G 00 worth of gooelB.U'orhl's KalrUooh
EO 00 worth of goods , 2 00 per week CO 00 worth of goods.Ulsqtio Ornament
75 00 wet tli of goods..Laca Curtains
70 00 worth of goods , 2 60 vvcel
per . . . .
100 00 worth of goods..Center Table
100 00 worth of goods , 3 00 per week ALL VJStTOUS nCOBIVE HAND
200 00 worth of goods , 4 00 per week SOME SOUVENIRS.
Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House
lOrforpoitatieoii I
goudfi , sllKa and ribbons , hosiery nnd other pea-
bonablc ppeclultlrH hud fnli ilr , und ntnplc
brown cotliinn In Kood Rule , with enl > J IlKhl ic
quefit. hloncli d e-ottonB dnln ; ? boiler. i'lolhlnF
woolens quiet , wllh mimy dellve'rles on conlructi
Bolng r-irvvnifl I'rlntlnK cloths lint nnd eiimtim
vciy cnsv ut S c , with Bak-B outside of I'.U
Hlver ut 2 11-lbc.
KIII ! < IIM C'ltv M
1 hurd. tO'iQJle. No 2 ted , 5lc , No. 3 red , 006
51c , rejected 4li.
COItN He lower , No 2 mixed , 3t4i3l ! ? } c ; No.
2 vvhltt , SJUifiie ,
OA'lb Me.uls , No. 2 mixed , 34c , No. 2 while.
3i2c |
HUTTUIlQuirt , creamery , weak at ISBlOq ,
dnlrv steAd > nt 14W17c
noas Quiet und sleudy Bt Sc.
HiOiirr.S , 8UOO bu , corn , 4,000 bu. ;
onH , none
SHII'MUNTS Wheat , 4,000 bu. ; coin , 8,000 bu. ;
oats , , ! 00 bu , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool Miirkeit8.
LlVnilPOOI , April 30 WIII3AT Dull : de
mand pool , holders offer niodenilelv , No 1 Cnll-
fornlu. Ss Hil Sa 2,1 , , red weslem , u Inter , ta
( : OIIN Oiflct , demand pooici , new mixed , 3s
10 d
I'HOVISIONS-Ilccf. cvtia India mess. Ss 31.
I'oik. 71i 9d. Duller , llnest , 8)3. ) K"ed. U- <
Dacon loin ; nnd short clear , 5"i HIM , 33s Cd ,
lane clem , 45 Ibi , 34s Cd Iml , prlniu wcstcin ,
39s 3d.
Dnlnlli Muikct.
nt'Ltnii , Apiii so WIIIAT-rirmor , NO i
huid , cash , CA , April , 69iie ; May , G2c , Juls ,
Cl4c , No 1 nurlheril , cash , Clc , Apill , KS'Se.
May. Clc , Julv CJ'ic , Septcmlicr. C2'io. No 2
northern inpli , 17'iiC ' , No. 3 , 51c , rejected , 43'4c ,
on Iruck , No I northern , tn nrrlvc , C3c lle-
cclpls , none. , shipments , 44,000 hu.
OIL CITV. rn. , Apill 30 Nalloml Tranilt cer- '
llflcales opened nt h'ic. highest , S"a , lovvisl K'jc ,
clcscd , 8'iiSileB , 1'IOW bills ; e iliiinentb , 115,701
bbln , Mini. ll-'ijU bblH.
PITISULUO. I'.a , Apill 30. National Trmnlt
cerlincatct ripened at f'C , closed ut Sic , hlghcat ,
S5c , lowest , bOe. No pales.
Moul Aliiikot.
ST. I.OI'IR , Apill \\OOI-Rlrad > , MUsouil
nnd .mined * mullum coinbliiK , lijlillc. , ( luthlni ; ,
Texas mtdliim UW14c , line melliiin ,
JSfllV'.c ,
UIllJc , vveHtein and northeni medium , ,
tlnu iiiedluni , lOfil-V
'Irliio Whrnt ( iiiointlons. .
SAN rilAM'lSrO. April ti ) WHIJAT-QilIot ,
Ueccmlur , Jlll 4 , Mu > . * 1 OG i '
ijtilit and Btiul > , December , Jl 17'4 ,
KlKln Ilntlcr Miukrt.
Ill April 30-IUTTr.H-Weiik. HiiloH.
1,800 lus. at Iti'ic , 15,500 Ibs at 17c , and 8,20u ll
at ISc. .
il i.11 Jiuln * for Nobriislta , I'ollonod l > y
Cli'iirlnev \ \ < iillirr.
WASHINGTON , Aptll SO.-Tho liiellcntlons
for Tucsiltt > .ire-
Kor Ncbiimka Iocnl rnln , follow oil li >
cleat Ini ? vviMtlier ; noithvvcst vvlndu and
cook'i lu tlio ciiHtcin portion.
KOI Mlssouil hocnl thunile-i-Hlonna , vaila-
blo vvliulH , cooler In tlio northern poitlon.
Kor linvn Locnl laln-i ; vailablu vvlinlH ,
cooler In Hontlicin portion.
Knr Kiili"aH Pull , piccudoil by BhowciH
In the eastern portion ; Hinds Hlilfllim to
the , cnolci lu theciiHtein anil
ponthoi n
IVir Biitith Dakota Genciallj fair ; noitli
winds ; vvainu'i In the ; vveHtein pottlon. ul lt mil.
OrricR OK rim Wiurmiii Hl'itCAU , OMAII.V ,
April SHI Omaha record of temperaturonriil
r.iiiifullcninpuad with oonospoiullni ; day of
past foil i } cus : :
1R04. 1803 1802 1N01
Mnxlniuin tcnipnr.itiiro 7Hlio Hl li ( > o
Mlnlniuni ti'iiipiiiatiiia die : mo Ti4 = > fi''o
Avurairo tinnpt'rattiio. 70Itis OH = 6U3
I'rcclpltiitluu . . T .DJ .0(1 .111
Statumuiit hliowlnc the eoailltion of turn-
Oni.iha for thu
por.Uuiuaii'l ' prauiplt.itfoit itt
tiny nnil slnco Mm oh 1 , Ib'.ll ' :
Normal triniuiraturo nc
P\ei'ss ' for llic'iltiy . mo
ivi'ss : lncu.Mutch 1 27IO
Nomiiil priiclpltatlnn la Inch
Dulluliinc-y for tlio ilny 12 Inch
Dollclunoy HIICO | March 1 . . . . 1.3J Inch
Itcpiiits from Oilier StiilliiiiH ut K 1 * . At ,
South Timth Street Pawnbroker is Konglily
Hniulled by Two Strangers ,
I'tirsuod b > u Crowd and Capturc-d IlacJ.
Tried tu 1'uhH liieim 3Iuiu < y of High
Denomination Uiidci took u
Hold Uiimu.
Two men giving tlio names George Jonca ;
anil Henry Trantman , suspected of being ;
lurelened criminals , were arrested last night.
About 7 o'clock the attention of OIHcer.
Ilcclan was attracted by an Immense crowd'
running south In the direction of the Tenth'
street viaduct In hot pursuit of two men.
Under the viaduct the men scpiniteil ,
Trautman continuing south and Jones run-
nliiK up Tenth street. In front of the Windsor - '
ser hotel sat a number of gentleman unit
among them Mr. William Franltlo , who
sprang out and grabbed the fleeing mail
about the waist just as ho reached for IiU
revolver. Tlio man pioved to bo quite an
athlete nnd was giving Mr. Franklo soma
very rough exoiclco when others ran to hit *
assistance. The man was then held tilt
thu arrival of Ofllcer Hcclan , who placed
him under arrest.
Mr. Netrnci , a pawnbroker at 618 South !
Tenth street , says tfiot Jones anel Truut-
man went Into his store about C.I5 lust evenIng - *
Ing with two gold rings and wanted to self
them. He loolieil nl the rings and then at
the men , and concluded lie would not tiikei
the risk of purchasing them , giving as ill
reason ho had a quantity of these rlngii
and did not ileslro any more. Tha men' '
said nothing and started to Icavo the store ;
when one of them asked Mr , Netzncr whcru
the nearest saloon was. Ho was told ami
both men wcro seen to go In the saloon,1
take a drink and go out again They went
Into Mi. Nct/ncr's shop again ami
asked to see BOIIIO revolvers. Tha
levolvcis vveio produced and after some
tlmu Kpent In parleying about the price )
two were shown to them that seemed to suit
und they said they would take them Mr.
Netzncr got the revolvers ready and humlecl
them to the tv.o men. Jones said ho
liked them very much and handed In pay
ment what purported to ha a JfiOO bill , Mr.
Nul/iier'H eyes opened widely as ho saw the
money and ho icmarkcd that ho could not
change it. Then ho noticed that the llgnrea
on the hill wcro In the wrong place , and alto- *
gcther It had u very suspicious appearance.
NeUnci's t-on VVIIH In the store at the tlmo
ami offried tn go to try ( o got the change.
Here Jones said he would go mid get It liliu-
ri'lf , but asked Mr. NoUner to show him ta
n closet , the son going Into un adjoining
room. Mr. NuUiior compiled and Ji , |
reached the doorstep with JOIICH clouo be *
hind und the other man standing In the front
part of the store when , IIH Mr NeUiier v\nu
pointing ( he way to the closet , ho was struck
on the back of the- head and knocked head
long down the steps , Hu wuu not knocked
Into Insensibility , however , and us soon an
he fell he bcrcMtncd ami thin brought his sou
to thu icxcne. They gave the alarm and ran
out the front door after the inon. Their
shouts attracted passcrsby , and this Is howc
ono of the men was captured , the other es
caping for the tlmo.
At the station Jones was taken Into tha
search room uml every Htltch taken off , Thor
; r > 00 bill was found , and vvhllo It looked Ilka
money It waa nothing more than an adver
tisement , but could be passed for money ami
might have * been hud not the amount to
forcibly aroused the suspicions ot Mr.
Netzncr , The revolver that had been stolen
from the store was also found.
Jonett comes from I'lttsburg , About mld
night the second man was caught > > y Olfl-
cer Hyiin. He gave liltt name as Tniutman.
A letter was found on him addressed ta
"I'rof. Truutman. "
Commission Mercliaul
I'rlviitn vvlieit In riikugo and New Yr k Al
liiMlntHs oiderM placed un C'likiijo llour.l
'I rade
V riis | > i > nilenr wdlilUd. . , , , ,
orn IIK m 4 , New York Lira llulUlmj
130 * .