Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1894, Image 1

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Ooxey Presists in His Plan to Talk from the
( Japitol Steps ,
Will March Down Pennsylvania Avenue at
Nine O'Olock.
Nothing in Sight to Eat Until After Three
O'Olock ' Yesterday Afternoon ,
Dlfttrlrt I'ollci ! Torco Until ISi-cn Dlsiio
la Nitrli n .Milliner tit to IVotect
the ; Ciipltol from lntriihloii
If Necessary.
WASHINGTON , April 30. The second day
of the Commonweal army In Washington
upent by Commander Coxey In making ar
rangements with the authorities for his May
day demonstration and by the men In the
miserable little camp up at Brlghtwood
grumbling at the poor fare provided for
them. The long advertised procession will
start tomoirow morning at 9 o'clock If the
program Is carried out , and the good roads
army will march past the white house , War
department , Treasury department and up
Pennsylvania avenue past the capltol. Nine
mounted policemen will ride at the head of
the procession. If the army attempts to
march Into the capltol grounds It will be
stopped and Us leaders arrested If they
Mr , Coxey saw Major Moore , the chief of
police , and announced to him his Intention
of speaking on the capltol steps. Some Com-
monwcalers Intimate that when repulsed the
army will dlbband , Its members will enter
the grounds as Individuals , and then do their
speech making under the great statue of
Christopher Columbus at the steps.
"If they do , " says Major Moore , "they
will be arrested. "
Having finished their public demonstration ,
the Commonweal soldiers will m.irch to a
vacant lot at Second nnd M streets , bouth-
wcst , where they will pitch their tents , and
the leaders announce this will be the per
manent camp of the army of peace until
the good roads bills nre passed by congress.
Other contingents are expected to join them
Coxey started out early this evening to
obtain mi Interview with Mcbsrs. Stevenson
and Crisp and to request them to suspend
for tomorrow the regulation closing up the
capltol grounds to parades. Mr. Crisp In
quired concerning the nature of the address
which would ho delivered nnd Mr. Coxey
outlined his well known doctrines. Mr.
Crisp declined to Interfere with the laws
concerning the use of the capltol grounds
nnd buildings. Mr. Coxoy went to the Nor
mandy house twice during the evening to
BOO the vice president , but Mr. Stevenson
was out.
Coxey sallied forth cfter breakfast to the
district building. He announced his desire
to move to the new camp grounds. Com
missioner Powell objected on the ground
that the proximity of James creek with. Us
foul odors made the place unhealthy. "Wo
would fumigate the grounds , " said Mr. Coxey.
' /Besides , our people nro very healthy. They
can stand a great deal. If you could only
have seen some ot the trials und tribulations
they have undergone on their march here
you would not think the presence of a canal
would affect them. "
"How long do you expect to remain here ? "
asked Commissioner Ross.
General Coxcy smiled and chuckled audi
bly. "Why , we expect to remain here until
we get actlon on our bills. The few men
that nro with "us are only a forerunner of
what Is coming. Of course , when the full
strength of the army arrives , this lot will
not be large enough. "
Permission was granted Coxey to encamp
by the canal an the condition that he would
employ a plumber to make the necessary
regulations. Coxcy went at 1 o'clock to the
ofllco of the scrgeant-at-arms of the house ,
armed with n letter of Introduction from the
chief ot police to Colonel Bright. He said
to an Associated press reporter : "Nothing
remains to us but to make an amlcablo
arrangement for meeting on the steps.
Wo will not Insist on marching Into the
grounds ; but when we reach the curb , I
will tell the boys to break ranks and go In
lllto other citizens. "
"Then what ? "
"Then the meeting will begin. "
"Siipoie the sorgeant-at-nrnis objects ? "
"Ho cannot object. We can hold our meet
ing there , as the constitution gives us a
right to do. H would be n peculiar thing
If wo undertook to como Inside the building
nnd held a meeting , but we shall not do
that. "
"You will attempt the meeting In the
face of olllclnl objections ? "
"Yes , and regardless of the law , bccauno
ot our constitutional rights. "
Replying to n question as to whether lie
had received any encouragement from con
gress nbout the passage nf his bills , he re
plied : "I hnvo nut ; congrecs will not net
until foiced to , "
Tha tiergenntsi-nt-nrnia ot the house and
senate were closeted with Coxoy a quarter
of an hour. These olllclals pointed out the
statute concerning meetings nml processions
in th capital grounds , and In reply to his
objections that the law un
constitutional , they told him they
were hero to execute thn law nnd not to
construe It. They culled Mr. Coxey's at
tention to the fact that the law provided
for its own suspension by I ho vice president
nnd speaker of the house , whereupon the
Commonweal lender nnnnuncuil his Inten
tion of seeing them. Chief of Police O'Mcar.i
of Plttsburg Is In consultation with Major
Moore tonight. A score of out-of-town de
tectives from principal cities are In Wash
wood Park , I ) , 0 , , April 31) ) . Although they
hud pitched their tents In the promised land ,
the Commonwealers havn not found It a Innd
flowing with milk und wild honey , The morn
ing sunlight thawed out a stiff and cold mid
hungry lot of tourists after the ilrst night
parsed In the District ot Columbia. Many
of the rank und file had stretched their
limbs unprotected on the bare ground wjthln
the enclosure of canvas which circled their
quarters , Their leaders. General Coxey
nnd Marshal Carl Browne , weru down
In the city three miles below , ,
cnsconsod It : the luxurious surroundings of'
a ? 3-a-day hotel , Thu shabby tents only
provided accommodations for the commune
leaders and privileged characters , n retinue ,
and ns for the privates , they swarmed like
rats Into the commissary wagons , while
others simply dropped to sleep without
blankets or covering on mother earth , There
Iran a scramble for the shelter of the horse
sheds , In which Coxey's high-priced stallions
ivcro stabled. Stallions fetch a market prlco
and It Is necessary that they should bo
rubbed duwn , bedded , watered and fed. Men
have not been exchangeable for legal tender
In these parts since before "do wall , " and It
Koes to no one's loss but their own It they
drop off.
Ono contingent of wcalers was provided for
In the long shed attached to the club house
of the racing truck nvar by. The landlord
ot the house had dumped a load of bristling ,
thorny rye straw into the shed , nnd upon thl *
A halt hundred privates raitde their bivouac.
They smuggled Into the xtrnw like sardines
In n box and declared that such luxuries
had not been thrust upon them since they
started from the historic precincts of Mns-
Hlllon. For the others Camp George Wnsh-
Ington might have been better termed Valley
Meantime whllo the body of Commonweal-
ers were dropping Into uncomfortable slum
ber In their tents , It wns fating hard with
the little contingent of Irregulars under the
leadership of Patent Medicine Fakir Dozarro ,
once styled the "Unknown" Smith. Boznrro's
pquad of fifteen outcfiKts had lighted Its
camp fire after the most approved style In
n piece of woods on the edge ot the suburban
village of Tnkoma , halt n mile distant.
Their presence had become known to the
commuters of Tnkoma nnd struck terror to
the hearts of women nnd children , The
police force of Takoma , three mounted
officers , assembled cmnassa nnd bore down
valiantly upon the contingent of the un
known. Smith himself was not there. Ho
had followed the Illustrious example of
Coxey nnd Browne nnd had betaken hlmcelf
to the luxuries of u city hotel. The edict
of the Tnkoma police wns brief and to the
point. "Now , you must git , " the captain
commanded , and the unknown's men shoul
dered their kettle nnd their bundles of
clothing nnd sullenly slunk nway , cursing
with piratical eloquence nnd fluency. They
were followed to the district line , and thus
ended the reform crusade of Bozarro.
At 10 o'clock , before the ramp fires were
lighted , neither Coxey nor Browne had ar
rived , nor was there any one there with au
thority to enlist the Washington commune ,
nnd the outlook was dreary. Many privates ,
fnro to go whither they listed , had drifted
down the coun'ry road toward the city ,
bent upon sightseeing. Townspeople were
pouring In on foot , on bicycles , In carriages
and on horseback and laying down their vol
untary toll to Busier Thatcher , who pre
sided at the park gate.
Three policemen from the city had been
detailed to keep order , but their services
were not needed and they mixed with the
army on the best of terms. During the
morning Health Officer Hammet with sev
eral assistants came out to Inspect the camp.
Two sick men were found In n tent , one
of them , William Fitzgerald , the standard
bearer , threatened with pneumonia , the
other , John Smith , leader of the band , who
had taken a bath In the wayside brook on
Sunday and was suffering from n chill.
Both of them were wrapped In blankets.
The health olllccr promised to send n doctor
nnd medicine to them.
Noon arrived and with It no breakfast for
the hungry men. Multcrlngs of discontent
were hoard and seemed to be particularly
bitter ngalnst Carl Browne , who was living
high In the city. There was even talk of
lynching him when ho should put In an ap
pearance In the city. One of the commis
sary wagons had driven down to city head
quarters and had not returned , hcnco the
delay In breakfast. .
Meanwhile the men lay about the camp
shaving , playing cards , reading all the news
papers they could secure nnd talking mutiny.
One of twenty-five about a commune leader ,
who was reading a long description of the
army from a morning paper , when he came
to the statement that Browne was a man
versed in history , scripture and mathe
matics , commented : "Mathematics ! - What
the h 1 Is them ? "
From the comment passed on the dispatch
from the western nrmlcx It was apparent
that the men closely followed the movements
of their allies.
Carl Browne , the marshal , put In his ap
pearance nbout 3 o'clock this ntternoon. Ho
was garbed in his spectacular buckskins nnd
occupied the sent of a grocer's wagon loaded
with bread. The men crowded around the
wagon with angry mutterlngs , but the sang
frojd of Marshal Browns wns nbsolutely un-
"Our friends down town this morning told
us they would make nil the nrarngernents
for supplies , " he shouted , mounting the scat
of the wagon nnd waving a huge loaf of
bread. Brother Coxey took them at their
word und left them to care for the pro
visions whllo wo tended to more Important
things. Wo have been arranging for the
grand paradff nnd demonstration tomorrow
morning nnd we have fcecnred a new camp
ground for you. I do not blame you , boys ,
for feeling hot , but , as Shakespeare said ,
'All's well that ends well. ' And the army
Is still before the eyes of the nation. "
This harangue mollified the men somewhat ,
although ono of them turned away , remarkIng -
Ing : "Yes , that's the way ho has jollied us
all along the line. "
Browne went to tlio headquarters tent ,
where he was surrounded with spectators.
"There will bo 100,000 sympathizers with
the army from out of town here , " ho de
clared. "All of them will not march , but
they will bo l ere , and the movement will
spread. Wo have kept all of our prqmlses
up to date , and wo nro going to keep them.
The parade will como off us It has been ad
vertised , and We will hold our meeting on
tha capltol stops. "
Better spirits pervaded the camp after the
first meal , and hardly had the men munched
their bread than another meal of beans , salt
meals , tomatoes , coffee and bread was under
Visible evidences of preparations for
the Coxeyltcs were to bo seen about
the halls und corridors of congress
today , but everything had been done
so quietly that the same serenity prevailed
BK that of any ordinary day. A double force
of olllcers was on duty , Captain Garden and
Lieutenant Wntklns having charge of the
senate end , nnd Lieutenant Burns being In
charge at the house end. The double force
of privates gave men for all the entrances
to the capltol and for the main asscmblylng
points. Two men were In the main ro
tunda. Each of the main doors and the
basement entrances had an olllccr. The lob
bies Immediately surrounding the senate and
house wurn patrolled by olficcrH. The halls
giving Ingress to the congressional galleries
wcro also patrolled. Euch man had his post
and expected to remain there unless called
to assemble by n whistle. The ofHcor.i were
courteous to the sightseers who thronged the
hnll.s. Therevero no rough characters In
the crowd. The people dime und went with
the same freedom as usual und the extra
officers demeaned themselves so quietly ns
to puss almost unnoticed. The main out
ward sign of preparation was In the erection
of two largo partitions with gates on each
bide of the main rotunda.
Heavy pine bars , extending twelve feet
form the floor , were fitted securely to the
stone arches The gates were not provided
with locks. Sergeant Stnwc explained that
the gaits were the same as those used at
Inauguration times nnd whenever unusual
crowds were oxpeptwl to nsscmblo , They
were to be used only to prevent the con
gestion of n crowd In the rotunda or at one
end or the other of the capltol , ho mild.
When cloied the people woul-1 b ? moved down
the stnlrs outside each door to the basement
below , whence there was rtndy access to the
All the main approaches nnd entrances to
the capltol wore open as usual except some
of the obscure entrances In the sub-bascmcnt ,
These wcro closed , not as a means of pre
caution , but In order to nllow officers to be
utilized nt other points. The doorkeepers In
the galleries were giving seats to nil comers ,
but with the purpose of keeping tha seats
no more than comfortably filled without
crowding the aisles and doorways.
n lit JulvKliiiri ; .
JULESHURO , Colo. , April 30. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) One hundred Com
monwealers under Colonel Grayson are
camped hero In an empty store building.
They have been fed by the city and spent
the evening making speeches. They Insist
that they nro peaceable , law-abiding citi
zens on their way to Washington as a
living petition. However , considerable ap
prehension Is felt by the citizens und everyone
ono will feel Better when they get. started
eastward. _
( ilt m Supper unit lied.
MIDDLBTOWN , Conn. , April 30. The
Providence division of the Commonweal
army , forty-five In number , reached hero
tonight , after a walk ot twenty-four miles
from South Manchester , Conn. On arrival
hero they were given quarters for the night
and a good supper. In the morning they
atari ( or New Haven.
DCS Moincs People Groaning Under the Un
welcome Industrial Visitation ,
.llcmborn of the A. H , U. .Said to Threaten
u Orneral Illoelciide UnlcM u Train
In I'liriiUlieil Holly nnd
Hlu .Men.
DHS MOINHS , April 30. ( Special Tele
gram to The Dee. ) The city of DCS Moincs ,
now that General Kelly and his army are
here and comfortably sheltered , Is strug
gling with the problem of how to get them
away. Kelly and his men arc almost unani
mous In the declaration that they don't ex
pect to leave on foot or In wagons. They
say they have had enough of that between
here and Council Bluffs. They want railway
transportation , and are going to have It , If
such n thing Is possible.
This question of transportation may be
destined to bo the cause of serious railroad
troubles unless It Is settled soon In favor ot
taking the army to Chicago. At n mooting
of the American Hallway union , held last
night at the residence of a member on the
east side , the decision was reached to re
quest the railways to carry Kelly's army to
Chicago , nnd In case of refusal to call
out the members on the Iowa roads and
tie them up until they will consent to this
request. President Debs and Vice Presi
dent Howard , now In St. Paul , were com
municated with by wire , and If they can bo
Induced to call the railroad men out every
car wheel In Iowa will stop until Kelly's
army Is provided with transportation.
This mcetlnc was secretly held and
sedulously guardedto keep It from the press
and knowledge of the railroad ofllclals , but
It leaked out and at this time there are
several very uneasy railroad ofllclals In DOS
Mollies , who arc kept guessing as to what
will transpire within forty-eight hours.
The hope of the people and the Kellyltes
appears at present to lie in what the Chicago
cage Great Western road may be
induced to do. It Is claimed
that whllo the Great Western Is
a member of the Western Passenger
association , It might be Induced for about
$1,600 to consent to have a train crew "over
powered" and thus be "forced" to carry
the army to Chicago. Superintendent Egan
said this morning that the Great Western
would under no conditions , other than the
payment of full fare , consent to carry the
army out of town. However , It Is barely
possible that President Stlckney might think
differently. The citizens committee , headed
by General James. I ) . Weaver , has this mat
ter In charge , and If the Great Westerner
or any other road will entertain such a
proposition , the committee will endeavor
to raise the required amount by popular
Mayor Hlllls Is firm In his declaration that
Kelly and the army shall move out of the
city tomorrow. If the railroads refuse to
take them away the city will pro-
vldo wagons and endeavor to trans
port them as far as Colfax , where
the men will be unloaded and left to pursue
their journey , with the feeling of relief that
Dos Molnes Is well ild of them. In any
event there will be some sort of determina
tion reached within the next twenty-four
hourb. Miss Edna Harper and Miss Anna
Hooton , the two women who are traveling
with the Kellyltes , were at the camp today.
The mother of the latter was there , trying
to Induce her daughter to return home with
her. The girl refused , saying : "H was
foolish of you , mother , and a needless ex
pense to come down here after me , for I
will never go back home again "
The denunciation by the laboring classes
ot the action of the city authorities in the
handling of the Industrial army and the
continued growth of-sentiment favorable to
Kelly have kept the city olllclals In a tur
moil all day. Mayor Hlllls stated during
the afternoon that he'"would go to the camp
with a police magistrate , declare the army
unfler arrest , try the men In a bunch as
vagrants and sentence them to three days
In jail. Then he said ho would turn the
papers over to the sheriff to servo , thus
shifting the responsibility on to the county.
Kelly said ho would not walk out of
town , and that ho expected to have n train
Wednesday. His army grew rapidly during
the day. Men came In from all directions
and 1,175 reported for rations tonlgnt. More
are coming all the time anil Kelly expects
to lead 2,000 men to Chicago.
The city has kept Its promise to furnish
but one day's provision , but the citizens
committee sent out six wagon loads this
evening , and say there Is sufllclent food
promised to keep the army a week. As
revenge for the slight received from Mayor
Hlllls the citizens committee has been busy
all day developing sentiment for Kelly , with
results anything but satisfactory to the
authorities. The labor organizations still
believe that transportation to Dubtiqtie will
be secured over the Great Western , and the
talk of tearing up the roads should It not
be secured was as earnest tonight as during
the day. A committee of railroad attorneys
called on the clerk of the United States
court today and arranged for arrests In case
a train Is stolen. The city council held an
extra session tonight to consider the situ
CHICAGO , April 30. Concerning the
rumor from DCS Molnes that the American
Hallway union contemplated ordering a
strike on the Rock Inland If the road did
not furnish transportation to Kelly and his
men , Secretary Kellpcr of the union said
today there was no foundation for It. The
union , he said , was organized to protect
the Interests of railway men and would
hardly take up the battles of other men.
Mr. Kellper said none of the officers of the
union were going to DCS Molnes und there
had been no communication with the DCS
Moliics division on the subject of n strike.
SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , April 30. ( Special
Telegram to The Dee , ) The agent ot the
Chicago & Northwestern hero received an
order not to receive any perishable freighter
or llvo stock consigned to Ues Molnes till
Kelly's army gets out of there.
Agents and operators ot the Great North
ern on the line from Wlllmar to Yankton
are all at work. No freight trains have
arrived yet.
KfTorta lleliiK Mmlo to Orgiinl/a 1111 Indus
trial Army la Omaha.
Rain last evening prevented a mass meetIng -
Ing at Jefferson square , at which It was
proposed to organize an Industrial army
composed of Omaha's unemployed to tramp
to Washington. It U announced that the
meeting will be held tonight.
The leader Is George W. Harvel , a printer
living at 1SOS Half Howard street , who has
been In Omaha two years. Ho was ap
pointed recruiting ofllcer at a meeting ot
the unemployed Saturday night. Ho ex
pects that an army of 500 will bo ready to
start soon , The men want to ride , If pos
sible , and will go Independently , not being
allied to Kelly , Coxey or any ono else.
Carter U u Terror.
SALT LAKE , April 30. Mr. Carter and his
band of unemployed citizens , claiming to
number 550 men , left the city this afternoon.
All negotiations with the Rio Grande West
ern railroad having failed for the time being ,
the journey was begun on foot , Carter
made a fiery speech. In substance , ho said
the movement was the best scheme started
In the United States. The cauue ot its birth
was twenty-one years of unwlso legislation.
The culmination had come and disastrous
results would follow unless the administra
tion yielded to the living petition that had
already commenced to present lUctf to the
authorities at Washington. Should all
peaceful supplication fall to bring relief ,
"then , " shouted Cdrtcr , "I say to arms. We
will endure tyranny no longer. " Further on
In his speech Carter declared : "I desire It
understood that wo will not fall In the ac
complishment of our nilnBlon. We are going
to Washington , nnd no power on earth can
stop us very long. There are G.OOO men In
Utah alone who would spring to arms nnd to
our defense nt a single word from Carter. "
Coiejllos Cull Him n Vlllller nml Mar and
Demand lllfl llrslRtuitlon ,
ASPEN , Colo. , April 30. At a meeting of
citizens to organize an army to Join Coxcy ,
resolutions were adopted condemning Sen
ator Wolcott for his address on the Allen
resolution. The preamble sets forth that
Senator Wolcott was elected to the "Ameri
can House of Lords" nnd "Mlllloanlrcs1 Club"
by corrupt methods , and concludes ns fol
lows : "Resolved , That we , citizens of Aspen ,
In public meeting assembled , execrate him
OB a vlllflcr , a liar and n traitor , compared
with whom Judas Iscarlot was an angel and
Ucnedlct Arnold a saint. "
The Pltkln county miners union has unani
mously adopted resolutions condemning Sen
ator Wolcotl's opposition to the Allen reso
lution as unworthy of a citizen of Colorado ,
and request his resignation.
i : ! ) HIM.
Ono of I'ryo'B McnTrli > In Talk About Cap-
luring the Capitol.
INDIANAPOLIS , April 30. At a meeting
of Commomvealcrs last night Colonel Aubrey ,
recruiting for General Fryc , after telling the
people what a curs.o to the country the
monopolist was , explained what the army
would do when It reached Washington.
Nearly 1,000,000 men would compose that
army he said , and , "when we arrive there
wo will say to congress ; Here wo are ; now
what will you do for us ? They will give us
something , you can bet on that , and It will
bo best for them to do so. A million starv
ing men arc likely to cause trouble and If
they absolutely refuse to do anything for us
wo will take possession of the capital. " At
this point the police Interfered and broke
up the meeting.
MulSrldo S-ay that Alt Mines Muni He-
Started or None.
COLUMBUS , O. , April 30. John McDrldo
today , after reading , the statement of Colonel
nel Komi's son to the effect that If the coal
mine owners did not soon agree to send
their men to work ho would start up his
mines , said : "Before1 Colonel Rend can start
his men to work at the advanced wages ho
must first secure the consent of the men.
There are hundreds ot operators ready and
willing to begin work and pay the price for
mining which Is asked by the miners asso
ciation If the men were willing to return to
work. The HockingH valley operators attach
no Importance to the statement that Colonel
Rend proposes to resilme work. What they
desire Is fair treatment of the miners and
fair treatment by all operators toward each
other. "
Itcglmrnt In No Hurry to Mo\o
I'or ard to WanliiiRtoii. !
COLUMUUS , 0. , 'April 30. The Galvlnites
will not leave Columbus today. Galvln , some
populist speakers mid a street car vlabdr
union man propose to.cpcak tonight nnd take
up a collection. Seven * men are. In the hos
pital. Sav6ral refuse to give their names.
The name of one. Edward Lawrence , having
been obtained , he objected to Its publication.
All are chary about giving their names.
Four local physicians will take care of the
sick at the tent. 'There are 110 In camp.
They wont money with which to travel by
rail. A local hatter gave them 300 hats.
Many citizens visited the headquarters , ne
cessitating a guard to keep the crowd In
order. _
Army OrgnnUed lit
FARGO , N. D. , April 30. Hand bills an
nouncing a meeting of the unemployed at
the Great Northern depot this evening drew
out 300 laborlngmen. The meeting was
called to order for the purpose of organizing
a contingent of Coxey's army. Hank Kelly ,
the Coxcy organizer , was In charge. Rev.
George N. Mllleh of the- Episcopal church
at Mooorhead addresse < \ the men and strongly
urged them to organize for their own pro
tection. Ho denounced the men who would
take the place of strikers as cowards , and
urged the Idle laborers not to lend a hand
to capital In Its war ngalnst organized labor
by engaging In the capacity of "scabs.
Tonight an open nlr meeting was held In
Island park. Hero orators addressed them
far Into the night mid they were requested
to bo on hand tomorrow morning nt 10
o'clock , when a starl will be made for
Washington. _ _
Sympathy mill Money from Yulo.
NEW HAVEN , April 30. The students of
the Yale Law schobl rolled a fund of $50 to
buy bread and banners , for Swcotland'a con
tingent of the Coxey army , which arrived
hero today. They Intended to parade with
the Commonwealers and made arrangements
to cut afternoon recitations. Dean Wayland
heard of the project and burst Into a meet
ing of the Yale "army. ' ' Ho said he hoped
that the sttidenta would not disgrace them
selves and Yale college by associating with
n soap-shunning and vermin-haunted rabble.
This squelched the Yale army and the boys
abandoned the plan. '
Portland Contingent' I'uwil of Contempt.
PORTLAND , April 30. United States Dis
trict Judge Bellinger ordered the discharge
ot the Portland contingent of the Industrial
army , who are charged with contempt of
court In violating an Injunction of the court
restraining them from Interfering with the
property of the Union Pacific railway. Fifty-
two men arraigned arose nnd addressed the
court , saying they were not aware that they
were violating an order of the court and
promised to obey the laws In the future.
Judge Bellinger then discharged them.
Another Arjuy Arrested.
SAN BERNARDINO. Col. , April 30. A
party of flfty-flvo industrials captured a
freight train on the Atlantic & Pacific rail
road at Uarstow yesterday and Deputy Sher
iff Prlndlo arrested the whole crowd and
thus released tha train. In the afternoon
they were discharged and ' were camped near
the station at Barntow. 'In case of further
trouble the United Stated authorities will bo
called upon to protect , the roads , aa it Is in
the hands of receivers ,
Ccuey Itenervn at 1-urniiuo.
LARAMIE , Wyo. , Jvprll 89. A call was
Issued today for a meeting to organize n reserve -
servo branch of the industrial army , These
reserves nro being organized all over the
country for the purpose of rendering ma
terial assistance to tpo various divisions of
the army now marcblngS'on Washington.
Funds nro collected and forwarded to those
In command. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
General Aubrey Uepospil.
INDIANAPOLIS , April 30. General All-
brcy has been deposed from the command
ot the Indiana brunch of the Common
wealers and Allen Jennings of Indianapolis
was placed In command of the whole army.
The men are being we'll led and are bar
racked on private property by consent of
the owners. No date -for the departure ia
flxc < 1'v. v.
Suit LaWMcn Wilt Start on foot.
SALT LAKE , April 0. The army < jt un
employed men here , estimated at 200 or 300 ,
under the leadership of Carter , are deter
mined to go to Washington , They have
been fed by the citizens for the pant week.
They propose to have a parade today and
start on their journey on foot , as no means
ot transportation has bwn furnished.
Battle of the American Railway Union is
Going for the Men.
President Hill , Ho HUH Hern Told , Will
Urnnt tlio Ailtiineo Demanded Within
thi ) xt forty-night Hours lit-
forte at Arbitration.
ST. PAUL , April SO. "Wo expect to win
tills fight wttlitn forty-eight hours , " was the
wny President Debs stated his views to a re
porter today. Ho tmld ho made the state
ment on the authority of the general mana
ger of another road , who told him that Mr.
Hilt would grant the demanded advance to
all remaining classes of employes within that
Passenger trains were sent out ns usual
today , except that llMcklnrldgo was
held ono hour to take on 100 deputies for that
point. Everything Is quiet In the yards
President Debs claimed to have received
Information from both firemen und engineers
that they would stay by the union , notwith
standing the raise In wages promised to the
brotherhoods committee ; but the company
claims to have telegrams from the engineers
and firemen along the line announcing their
determination to stand by the company.
A conference Is now In session In Minne
apolis between Mr. Debs and representatives
of the commercial bodies of the two cities
looking to a settlement by arbitration.
Very little progress has yet been made In
the direction of arbitration. The strikers
seem unwilling to consent to arbitration In
any form. President Debs Is positive In his
declaration that ho has inside Information
to the effect that the management will yield
within forty-eight hours. President Hill ,
however , denies this and talks as firmly as
ever. Meanwhile the -J.DOO miles of the
Great Northern system is tied up pretty
President Debs of the union Is more con
fident and President Hill of the Great
Northern more determined tonight than at
any time slnco the strike began two anil a
half weeks ago , Mr. Debs said he had
today told the committee from the com
mercial bodies of the two cities that the
employes would like to meet Mr. Hill and
talk matters over and have them act as an
arbitration board. He made no formal
proposition , but suggested this plan , not
promising to be bound by their decision.
When Mr. Hill was asked about It , ho
promptly ascertained that the proposition
was not a formal one and said he could not
consider anything until It came in a more
formal way before him. He said he pro
posed to continue the work of running his
own road , and that the old men would be
ordered to work , and when one failed to
respond promptly his place would be
filled by some of the new men he has at
SEATTLE , April 30. It Is rumored here
that the Great Northern strike will bo
broken Tuesday morning , although It Is Im
possible to verify the rumor. It Is said the
/'company / has offered to restore wages of the
engineers , firemen and brakunen , but not
these of the agents , operators , trackmen and
shopmen. The trainmen were In session
several hours last night , but refuse to state
what proposition they were considering.
GRAND FORKS , N. . D. , April 30.
The special train bearing four com
panies of United States troops ar
rived at 4 o'clock this .morning and
Immediately went Into camp with a guard
around the train. There are 201 men in the
detachment under the command of Major J.
H. Patterson. The companies are U , D and
G of the Third regiment , stationed at Fort
SnellliiE. They are rationed for ten days
and will make Grand Forks their head
quarters for the present.
The train met with no accident , although
there \\ere several missiles thrown at various
points. At St. Cloud one soldier was hit
In the head with a brick and another was
hit In the pit of the stomach with a coupling
pin. At Crookston some ono fired a shot
that flew wide of Its mark at the engineer ,
the train brought a pile driver und two
bridge gangs to rebuild burned bridges west
of Mlnot. As soon as these are repaired It
Is expected the train will bo sent through
to the coast. Serious trouble Is feared with
the Montana Central and possibly at Devils
Lake , N. D.
HINCKLEY. Minn. , April 30. This Is the
Junction point of the Great Northern and
Its branch to Duluth , and a mob of 100 men
Is waiting here to prevent any train from
going through. Trouble Is feared.
TOLEDO , O. , April 30. General Manager
Frey of the Ohio Central railway has Is
sued an order to cut the pay of all the sal
aried men 33 % per cent , beginning May 1.
Mr. Frey says this temporary reduction Is
rendered necessary by the coal strike , as half
the road's business is coal tralllc.
i-Atum oi'TKitnn NO uiiiii\ : :
Legislation IB Not tint Thing Needed to Hot
ter 1'rcHcnt Conditions.
LONDON , April 30. The royal labor com
mission has agreed upon the report compiled
by the duke of Devonshire and made It the
basis of the commission's own report.
The duke's recommendations Include the
statement that It was unwise to institute
any general system of Industrial tribunals.
Ho added , however , that there might be soma
advantage In empowering town and county
councils to establish them tentatively , with
out directly appointing members. Any court
of this kind , duly authorized , would have
statutory powers similar to the county courts.
These tribunals would only deal with dis
putes arising out of existing agreements or
trade customs. With regard to more berl-
ous disputes affecting largo bodies of men ,
It Is believed that It would do them moro
harm than good to establish boards with
legal powers.
The duke , In his report , also said that he
could .not recommend the direct establish
ment of boards of conciliation and arbitra
tion by the state , but the opinion was ex
pressed that n central department , having
means to procure accurate Information , might
do much by udvlco and assistance to pro
mote their moro rapid universal establish
ment ,
The report dealt with the appointment of
ofllclal arbitrators and the opinion was ex
pressed that the difficulty often experi
enced In finding a suitable arbitrator might
bo overcome by giving u public department
power to appoint an arbitrator to act alone
or In conjunction with others. If the same
persons were frequently appointed they would
Become arbitration experts fairly free from
suspicion of bias. Their expenses would bo
paid by the treasury. If the system suc
ceeded , It might eventually be given a per
manent basis with , perhaps , power to bum-
mon witnesses and to examine under oath.
The report considers It to bo of no advant
age to Institute a special labor department ,
but It advocates n government Inquiry with
a -view to remedying the confusion now ex
isting In the administration of various acts
dealing with sanitary regulations , hours of
labor for women and child ! en and other mat
ters of that kind ,
The second part of the report deals with
wages and hours of labor. No one , It says ,
seems seriously to argue that wages could
bo fixed by legislation , but opinions are very
much divided about the regulation of hours of
labor. The proposal that a maximum workIng -
Ing day be fixed for all trades and occupa
tions Is considered an calling for serious con
sideration. Tha question of hours In any
trade by a vote of the trade Is moro defensi
ble , but no scheme U laid before the commls-
slon which solves the difficulty of denning
a trade and ot ascertaining Its collective
The commission heard only ouo Bldo of the
question of an eight-hour day so far us It
concerns the great area controlled by the
ml.icra federation , as that organization re
fused to give evidence , nut they are not
prepared to advise that the legislature should
lay down n general ruler for a number of dis
tricts varying so much In circumstance * .
The report points out that the miners are
an exceptionally welt organized bdy of work
men , who Imvct not yet found any dinicully
In doing for themselves whatever they de
sire In such matters as regulating the length
of the hours of labor.
The secretary of state has power under
the factory and workshops net of JS91 to
establish sp'cial rules for the conduct of
manufacturing processes which he may cer
tify to bo dangerous and Injurious to health.
According to the report , the powers of the
secretary of state should be expressly ex
tended , so as to Include the regulation of
hours In the certified Industries. U Is fur
ther suggested that when the administrative
orders deal with women and children they
should be final , and that when men are con *
corned the orders should lie for a time upon
the tables of both houses before becoming a
In regard to nommlonlst labor the re
port says the commission does not think It
possible by any legislation to remove the
causes of those serious conflicts which have
taken place , and especially In recent years.
The commission holds that nommlonlst
workmen should bo protected as far us pos
sible by public authorities , and the Individ
ual liberty for niiini , rs to employ or men to
servo whom they please should by nil means
bo maintained. According to the report
there seems to be a general desire among
workmen , as well as masters , for nome clear
definition of Intimidation by picketing.
Though employers urged the hardship of
collective Intimidation without acts for
which Individuals can be punished , the re
port says that the commission Is not prde-
pared to recommend any change In the law.
The opinion Is expressed that when pick
eting takes the shape of besieging the en
trance of a factory In n threatening manner
It comes under the definition of unlawful
assembly , but It Is pointed out that moral
compulsion may bo carried to great lengths
In ways which the law cannot control and
cannot ticcfully attempt to control. U Is
added , however , that there Is a point at
which It can Intervene with decided effect
without any altercation.
Thp sanitary conditions of labor is the
last subject dealt with by the report , and
It Is stated that , though not directly leadIng -
Ing to strikes and lockouts , the condition has
a considerable Indirect Influence upon the
relations between employers and employed.
The report says : "Some strong meas
ures should be ( alien with n view to the Im
provement or , where that may prove possi
ble , the gradual extinction of the lowest
class of work places In which the sweated
Industries nre carried on. " H Is pointed
out that these places arc not only bad for
the workers and demoralizing for the com
munity , but they compete most unfairly. It
Is claimed , with larger factories , where the
law Is observed or ran be readily enforced.
It Is added In thfs connection that any re
form of the kind proposed would at first
throw out of employment the worst class
of work people and might cause a temporary
ary pressure upon the rates. It might also ,
still according to the report , even drive
some minor industries out of the country ,
but it Is claimed the country could well
spare them , since It uouid no longer tempt
the Immigration of a elas < s of persons who
ran never get employment In large and well
conducted establishments.
iui ix TIII :
Colliipso of n 1'irr Crmrilpil lUtli Ilnlldiiy
SccktTH Miiny Ui > t AVet.
DRAHILOV , Rpumania , April 30. A terri
ble accident occurod here today. While the
pier was crowded with people In holiday
attire , bound fcr Galltz en the Danube , a\\nlt-
' 'lng1n8teampr which was to convey them to
that place , the pier gave way and threw
about 120 people Into the water.
Many are believed fo havQ been drowned.
1'it.iXK iiATTox's v.tiiKiit'KXimn.
Editor of tlio IViiililMgton I'ost I'uinoil
Awuy YcHtrrcluy >
WASHINGTON , April DO. Frank Hatlon ,
editor of the Washington Post , wh'o nuffcicd
a stroke of paralysis several days ago , died
at 3:30 : this afternoon.
Last Saturday was Mr , nation's 48th
birthday , he having been born In ISIS. Mr.
Ilntton may be said to hnve been born n
newspaper mini , for his father was for
years the editor of the Cadis ; ( Ohio ) flc-
publlcan , nml the KOII performing the ollloe
of devil In the ofllre ns early at IS , " . ' ! . Ho
soon became foicnmn , and later "grad
uated from the Htleh" Into the edltorlsl
chair , after the Ideal fashion. When the
war broke out IIP enlisted and was one of
the youngest soldlera from the Uttckeye
state , and lie ssrved until the war was over.
In 186G father and won removed to Mount
Hleasant , Iu. , where they conducted the
Journal until the elder Hutton'K death , in
1809. Frank Hatton continued to edit the
paper until 1874. when IIP biught n con
trolling Interest In thu HurlhiKton Ilnwkeye ,
and soon showed liln qualifications for thin
larger sphere by making his paper one of
the most" widely quoted Journals In this
country. He was ulwnyn n linn believer In
the .TuckRonlun doctrine with reirnrd to
public olllccs , a vigorous and relentlesH op
ponent of the nonpaitlHnn civil service Idea ,
which lie declined to be u fraud and a
humbug. Mr. Hatton wan n stalwart of the
stalwarts. Of Grant and Conkllni ? he wus
an Intimate and linn friend , , Hlalnu and
the Ulalno Idea he fought w.'th ' nil the vigor
of his nature. In IbSl President Arthur
made him assistant postmaster general , and
upon the retirement of Postmaster General
Gresham. promoted Mr. Ilntton to the va
cancy. He was the youngest cabinet olllccr
Blnco Alexander Hamilton. After , retiring
from public ollloe , hu edited the National
Republican , and subsequently founded the
New Yoik PICSH. Returning to the capital
flvo years later , he entered into partnership
with Hcilnh Wl'lJlnc , and took elmrga of the
Washington Post. Mr. Hatton has a
charming wlfe nnd one son ( "Dick" ) , who
gives promise of liclng worthy of his
distinguished father.
Dentil of Senator .Stockhrldgo.
CHICAGO , April 30. Senator Francis I ) .
Stockbrldgc of Michigan died suddenly at the
residence of his nsphew , J. L. Houghtcllng ,
this evening. The senator expired while
seated In n chair In his sleeping room.
Senator and Mrs. Stockbrldgo came to Chicago
cage from their home In Kalama/oo , Mich. ,
Intending to to to the Pacific roast to visit
the California fair. The senator , however ,
on the day le | und Mrs. Stockbrldgo were pre
paring to leave for California , was muhlcnly
attacked with stomach trouble and later suf
fered with n cutting pain near the heart.
His condition ut no time was considered
f-crious. This evening at 7 o'clock hu wau
left alone In his room with a new nurse , the
other members of the household being at
dinner. At about 7:30 : the senator urosc
from his chair to walk across the room , when
ho was suddenly attacked with pains In his
left side. Ho made no outcry , but with his
hands clasped over his heart and his face
showing that he was suffering Intense pain ,
ho In n very short time breathed his last.
South Uiihotn KnlKhlK of I'ythliiK.
SIOUX FALLS. 8 , U. , April 30.-(8peclul (
to The J3eo.-Arthur ) C. Phillip * , uraiul
chancellor of the KnlghtM of Pythhm of
Houth Uakotu , IMS received woid from
Major General .lamoH H , Carahan , the head
ofllcer of thu imifonn rank Knlghtx of
PythlnH of the world , thru ho would bit In
Bloux Falls May 'II. The object of Mr.
Caralmn'H visit to thlH stale In to orgnnlzn
two reglmentx of uniform runic Knlghta of
Pythlus. The first regiment will have heail-
qunrtcrH In Sioux Falls unil the Htfcoml In
the Hliick IllllH , Kluboiato arraiiKeinentH
are being made for lily reception here ,
Deiuor De.tee.tlvo Killed.
DENVER , April 30. News has been re
ceived hcio of the killing of John P. Flan
agan of Thlcl a detective agency , by u man
whom ho waa trying to nirest near Indian
Valley Idaho , a few duvH ago. Ho wn on
the trail o ( two men who had robbed cus
tom houses In the cast. One of them shot
him In the breast. Flanagan wau known
nn a Hhrewd detectlvn and a fearless man.
Ilia home wua In St. Louis ,
Rottllnff on the Ceded Bloux 7-uiuli.
CHAMI3KRLAIN , 8. D. . April S0-(8pc- (
clol Telegram to Thu Uee. ) Twenty or
thirty prairie uchoonciu und about WO head
of cattle crossed the pontoon brldgo during
the past forty-eight hours on their way to
the ceded Bl'iux. lunds , west of the Mis-
Bourl riven
Missouri Valley Pcoplo Tnko Vcngonoj Into
Their Own Hnmls.
Burglnr Wilson Dragcotl from Jail nntl
Hanged by a Mob.
Resolution of Last f nturtky Put Into Effect
by Determined Men.
Fight with the Oflicers nntl Killing of the
Marshal the Incentive.
Mull lluttered III tint .lull Doors nml
Drugged \VINon Out , N ' pr Letting
Itliu Speak H Witril Story
of I lie Crime.
MISSOUUI VALLKV , la. , .May 1. 1 a. m.
( Special Telegram to The Uee. ) "Ueddy"
Wilson , formerly of Omaha , was lynched hero
at 2 o'clock a. m. , by n mob of 100 citizens ,
for killing Marshal Whitney Saturday morn
The mob met nt the school house and
marched to the jail , took the prisoner and
strung him up to the city hall steps. Ho
died without a struggle and never said a
His pals would have suffered a like fat o
had they been In town.
Ten minutes after the deed was done not
a man was to bo seen on the street. The
affair was very tame and quiet.
All evening an excited crowd had talked
In whispers of what was likely to happen.
The traulc death of Marshal Whitney and
the presence of his slayer for there was
llttlo doubt but Wilson llrcd the fatal shot-
had worked the citizens up to the highest
pitch. It was almost n certainty that the
lynching would take place from the time
the tragedy was known.
AVI th little ceremony the crowd ot
avengers met at the school hnuso
Every man wns masked. Each knew
the leader and there vim no need of con
versation. Front the rendezvous at the
school house'the'crowd marched down the
main street and quietly captured the night
police , who had been temporarily appointed
by Mayor Miller. The ofTlccrs were dis
armed , and told to be quiet und they would
not bo harmed. After this was accomplished
the power house of the electric light works
was visited and the lights wore turned off.
It was then all plain sailing. On to the
Jail the avengers went. Not many people
were out. The crowd had waited until the
llttlo town was quiet before It started on Its
vengeful carrer. At the jail not a sound was
made beyond the blows needed to batter la
the door. The turnkey was taken by sur
prise and had no chance to mnlco resist
Wilson was lying on a cot In a cell , tlio
door to which had been left unlocked In
order to enable the nurse to reach him
readily. Ho was sleeping , and did
not know of his approaching fate till he was
aroused by the rough grasp that dragged him
to his feet.
Ho awoke to die.
Quick as thought a match was struck , Ono
glance showed that the right man was
caught. Out went the Unlit , and with It any
hope Iteddy Wilson had of escape. Over
his head went the noose , and around hlH
neck It settled. U was but n few steps to
the front door of the city hall , which is Im
mediately In front of thu lockup.
Around the llttlo portico In front of the
building runs a stout railing , it Is several
feet down to the ground. To this the rope
WUH tied , and the quivering body of Wilson
was thrown over. Ho uttered no sound , Ills
neck must have been broken.
Satisfied that the \\ork for which It hail
assembled was done , Ihu crowd quietly left ,
each member going to his home , and at 3
o'clock there wits no evidence of the awful
tragedy but a lifeless body hanging by ltd
neck In front of the city hall.
The crlmo out of which the affair grows
was the killing ot Marshal Whitney whllo
trying to serve a .search warrant early Sun
day morning on- William Henderson.
Numerous burglaries had been committed
at Missouri Valley lately and Henderson ,
with two men named Johnson , alias Wilson ,
and Davis , who had been stopping with him ,
were Btisplploned of having committed the
crimes ,
J , 11. Lyon , the victim of ono of the
burglaries , accompanied the marshal when
he went to servo the search warrant. When
the presence of the ofllcers wau made known
to HonddEon and his pals they opened nre ,
which the ofllccra returned , Whitney was
Instantly killed , Lyon shot through the side
and Johnson , ullas Wilson , was hit four
times. His wounds ) were ut first considered
fatal , but ho has since given ovldenco of his
recovery. Henderson was captured but Davln
escaped by running and he has not yet been
Wilson was released from the peniten
tiary on February 25 , this year , after serving
u nix years' sentence. Hu went to South
Omaha und committed a potty crlmo , far
which ho received u short jail sentence.
"Iteddy" was sent up from hero once for
three years for burglary. Ho entered
Nlchol's tailor shop on North Sixteenth
street , tapped the till und obtained { 17.
Once outside ho looked around for uoma
means of escape , as a couple ot policemen
wore In sight. A iaddlu horse wan stand
ing near by hitched to a post. Wilson Haw
hlu opportunity and Jumped Into the saddle ,
cutting the rclnit loose at the same time.
Ho ran the horse over Into the East Omaha
bottoms , but not knowing the country the
horse waR soon stuck In the mud , and WIN
eon was captured , tried and sent up tor three
Captain Mostyn says he Is fcattuded thit
Wilson Is the man who shot and kllle < 4
Marshal Wbllaoy at Missouri y