Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY RI5E : MONDAY , APRIL 30 , 181)1. ) >
OFFICI : . . NO , 12 FRAN. ! . '
Delivered by carrier to nny part of the city.
If. W. TILTON , Manager.
Tr.tli'lliNKS Umlmts , No. 43 ; ntgM
"V , editor , N' . U.
an son MKSTIOS.
Atlcnd Iloston store syndicate sale.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Spctman ,
a ( lnur'itcr.
A social will ho given nl the First Presby
terian church next Thursday" evening.
Krcil Mlttnnclifs naloon was robbed of
two JIIKS of wliliky Bntiinlay night while It
was being cleaned out.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kdmttndnon arc now
In Florence , Italy. They will not return
to this country before next fall.
Miss Maude Oliver will entertain the
"Ebony Warblers" at her homo on Park
avenue next Wednesday evening.
Mrs. M. A. Hooten left Saturday for DCS
Molnes to bring hack her daughter , Anna ,
who has h-en accummulatlng n largo amount
of notoriety ns the result of her running oft
with Kelly's army.
L , F. Johnson , better known as "Sleepy"
Hewitt , Ocorgo Cuslck and Thomas Fitz
gerald were arrested last evening , charged
with putting the Jail nt Cut-Oft Island out
of repair. The Information charges them
with malicious destruction of property.
Hov. C. E , Handy of Hardin township will
be ordained as a missionary to India next
Thursday evening. The ceremonies will
take place In the Presbyterian church of
Hardln township , and u number of repre
sentatives of the denomination In this
city , among them Dr. Stephen I'hclps , will
A crowd of boys have been In the habit
of creating a disturbance about the Chris
tian tabernacle when incllngH nro In pro
gress , and yesterday the church authorities
decided to put n stop to their carryings on
nnd complained to the police. Olllccr San
dal went to the church and dispersed the
boys , who were blowing cigarette smoke In
at the open windows , playing marbles nnd
bide and seek , and In other ways spoiling
the effect of the services within. H Is
likely that some arrests will be made should
they fall to take the hint.
The Imperial Fro ! Insurance company of
London In one of the largest and strongest
board companies In the world. Lougee &
Towlo. 235 Pearl street , are sole agents In
Council IllulTs for this company.
AiiiiiHi'inriit Ncili'i.
The city for the past week has been full
of local amusement topics In various forms ,
such as minstrel shows and others too nu
merous to mention , but not to bo for
gotten was the amusing sight at the Hoston
store silk sale last Friday. This week won't
he any less exciting , as the syndicate Kale
Is being revived dally with new shipments
of merchandise at prices far below compe
tition. Don't fall to sec show window dis
play of different goods during the sale.
For this week the program will he as fol
lows and Is worthy of close attention : Mon
day and Tuesday , calico and sateen wrap
Wednesday and Thursday , various drives
In corsets.
Friday and Saturday , big cloak sale.
During the wrapper sale twenty of our
salesladies will ' wear a gingham or calico
wrapper , showing yon the completeness of
the styles , make and finish.
We guarantee that each and every wrap
per In our store will bo less than the price
of material. So why make your own wrap
pers when we can save you so much time
nnd trouble.
Council muffs , la.
Cole & Cole give a $1.60 cook book
with every New Process Btovo sold. The
genuine New Process bakes better , makes
less odor and IK the handsomest Btovo made.
Now asbestos oven retains all the heat.
Troubtn In tliu Family.
Joe n. Harris and his wife , Susie , were
divorced nbout three yours ago. They
formerly lived In Lincoln , Neb. .Three
weeks ago Harris came here from Ashland ,
Neb. , and commenced to write to his wife ,
she claims , urging her to return to him nnd
llvo with him. She arrived In the city
yesterday from Tabor , la. , where she has
been llvlnc.
She went to the house where her ex-
husband has been staying , on Tenth near
the Northwestern round house , to meet
Harris and when she got there she says she
found Harris In a very compromising posi
tion with a girl named Hogan , who lives In
I3oonc. A row Immediately ensued , and In
the course of * It Miss Hogan claims Mrs.
Harris knocked her down and threatened to
shoot her ,
Harris swore out an Information charging
her with assault and battery nnd she was
taken to the city Jail. She claimed , however -
over , that" the proceeding was all a matter
of splto work and was released by order of
Judge McGco on her own recognizance. As
BOOH as ho heard of it Harris went before
Jtiitlco Vlen nnd swore out another com
plaint asking that she bo put under bonds
to keep tlio peace , on the ground of her
having made threats to kill. Mrs. Harris'
bond was fixed at $300 and on her failure to
put up the required amount she was taken
to the county jail. The case will probably
bo aired In court today.
Si'ttlti Down.
Now that Kelly's army has come nnd gene
and none much the worse off far their
visit , let us settle down to business once
more nnd profit by the great lesson they
have taught ns. There Is no doubt that a
great deal of poverty nowadays Is brought
on by extravagance , and oh , there's the
moral : Don't bo extravagant , but go to 019
Main street nnd T , B. Hughes will show
you how to save your money , whether It's
shoes , furnishing goods or hata you want.
rimiiu-u WorU.
Mr. W. J. Lnutorwasser , well known to boone
ono of the best furnace men In this section ,
has engaged with P. G. DeVol. Ho nnd John
Scott will work together , and It goes with
out saying that whatever they do will bo
perfectly done. Now Is a good time to look
up the furnace question.
When you come to the best hose for sprink
ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You
can always get this nnd lighter grades In
rubber nnd cotton hose at IJlxby's , 202 Main
Domestic soap breaks harrt water.
Injurcil Mini Iili > ntlfloil.
The man who was picked up by the sldo of
the Milwaukee tracks last Friday recovered
consciousness for a few minutes last evening
for the first time slnco ho was taken to the
Women's Christian association hospital. II )
would regain consslousness for a few minutes
nt a time , almost Immwllntoly falling Into n
deep sleep. During his pcrlols of sonslb'Ilty
ho said his name was Harry Olstnd and that
ho had boon working for n man named
Flynn , but where the latter lived or what
was his MrHt nimn ho could not tell. Ho
claimed ho was not on u train when the
accident occuncd , but that ho was driving
In a wagon and the team run away. The
matron thinks ho will recover. It Is hoped
( hat the name of his employer will aid In
his Identification.
Death Is an unbidden visitor. Will ho call
tomorrow , next week , next month , or next
year ? ask yourself. It so , have I made
inch provision for those depending on mo as
I ought ? The Cankers Life association of
DCS Molnes affords such protection that you
can go to bed every night feeling perfectly
iccure. It IP thoroughly trustworthy , yet on
account of Its Income from reserve ( $1,211-
< 40.C3) ) the cheapest In cost.
W. O. WIUT. Agent.
I'mtlt uiul I.OSH ,
When ono person loses another Is sure
10 gain In the transaction. All the Klnnchan
itock booti and shoes will bo sold at retail
it 50c on the dollar. 23 Main street.
While you nro paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The Kaglo laundry solicits a
trial and Invlle ? comparison. Telephone ) 157.
Meycri'Durfco Furniture company , 330 , 333
Ilroadway , headquarters for bargains and
One furniture.
.Domestic ioap oul lasts cheap soap.
Jarvts Wlus Co. , Council muff * .
Judge Deemer's ' Appointment Wnrnily Ap
proved by tlio Citizens.
III * Service on tlm District Itrncll NiiUtl for
SntiiiilncM mid Kxprilltlnn In the Tram-
action of IIiuliiFM tt'iu Oncn n
Unio Hull Ciitcliur ,
Tlic Dec's telegraphic dispatches yester
day contulncd an account of the appointment
of Hon. It. 10. Dccmcr of Red Oak to a posi
tion on the Btntc supreme benoli. The
news caused much rejoicing among the
friends of Judge JJeomcr , who utimticr legion
In Council Bluffs. Kor the past five years
he has occupied a position on the district
bench of this district.
When he was elected he was but 23 years
old , and the youngest man on the bench.
It was expected at the time that he would
have a good deal of trouble In holding down
sonic of the old lawyers , who might not
relish practicing before n man so many
years their Junior. Hut If tiny attorneys
tried to play fast and loose with him they
were satisfied with one experience , for Judge
Dccmcr , throughout his term and a half of
onicc , has been equal to all demands made
upon him. Ho Is possessed of a fine legal
Intuition anil a disposition to work , and
these two characteristics have combined to
make him one of the most successful
Judges on the district bench. There Is
lltllo doubt but he will make an equally
good record as a Judge of the supreme court.
It Is Interesting to recall the fact that at
the time of his election Judge Uecnicr was
catcher for the base ball club of Hod Oak ,
his home town. And they say he was as
good a catcher as he was n lawyer. They
also say that even now ho can get out wltii
the boys and catch a game that surprises
jsixxiso.MHOS. : .
Illff S'lilo Ciiiitliinril .Momlny.
Lowest prices for fine merehandlsj ever
Ladles' $5.00 mackintoshes In black and
navy .diagonal , Monday again $ : i..1.1 each.
Ladles' $7.00 and $3.00 mackintoshes In
navy and black Imported fine serge , Mon
day $1.05.
300 pieces standard dress prints , 2'jjc yard.
American Indigo blu calico. 3c yard.
12'fcc and luc figured sllkallne , 9c yard.
GO rolls of China matting , lOc yard.
COo China matting , 2Sc yard.
65c linen warp matting , 39c yard.
Save money and buy your carpets of us.
Chenclllo portiere curtains , fringed and
dado top and bottom , at $1.00 and $3.93 pair.
Nottingham lace curtains at "Sc , $1.00 ,
$1.38 , $ U8 , $1.98 and $2.98 pair ; actual value
Is $1.00 to $3.00.
5 pieces 50-Inch black gloria silk , again
Monday , 8Sc yard.
Trade with us , where a dollar goes farthest.
Open every evening.
Council Uluffs.
100,000 pansles In bloom. Now Is the
time to plant. Come and see them. J. F.
Wllcox , 1132 E. Pierce.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 M tin street. Tele
phone -18.
See the now art goods at Mrs. Niles' .
nii'.vTiXi : msroitv.
Old Settler ItccouiitH the riciisur M of Trav
eling Overlnnil.
Kelly's slide on foot has set some of the
old settlers to brushing cobwebs off their
memories. One of the old settlers of Iowa ,
who has been there himself , thus recounted
his experiences to a newspaper man :
"I walked from Des Molnes to Council
Bluffs and back In 1853 , and I can do It
again If It should be necessary. The spring
of 1S53 was a wet one. The roads were fear
fully muddy. The only public means of con
veyance was the stage coach. I called at
the stage office on Third street , near where
Harbach's manufactory now stands , and
asked their agent , Mr. Sears , what the
faro was to Council Bluffs. He said $15. I
abked when the stage would reach there ,
and ho said ho did not know. I asked A. T.
Johnson , the secretary , and Colonel Hooker ,
the ninnagrr , of the Great Western Stage
line. I received the same Indifferent answer
from all of them. People now think that
railroad conductors and their ticket
agents are Independent and Indllferent some
times , but the Independence of the old and
early stage coach lines caps thorn all. Being
well dcilled In walker's line of travel and
being what was called In those days a
good stepper , I took my grip sack and
started for the Bluffs on foot. I took n late
dinner at Adel and stayed over night at
Irlshtown , near Redlleld. The second day
at noon I took dinner at 'Squire Morrison's
stage station. An Incident occurred there
that will bear relating. I met the stage
coach coining -east from Council Bluffs at
that point. We all took dinner together
and when I asked 'Squire Morrison what my
bill was ho Inquired whether I was a stage
passenger or a foot passenger. I replied
that I was n foot passenger , and he charged
mo 23 cents. 'Great Heavens,1 said a
gentleman , standing near by , 'you charged
mo CO cents for my dinner and this man
ate three times as much as I did , ' to which
the squire replied , 'Can't help that , sir ;
can't help It. My rule Is 50 cents for stage
passengers and 25 cents for foot passengers. '
"Tho second night I stayed at Lewis , then
the county seat of Cass county. The third
day I took dinner nt Big Grove station In
the western part of Pottawattamlo county.
It rained very hard that afternoon and I
stayed all night. The next morning I ate a
hearty breakfast , took a lunch with mo for
dinner , which I devoured as I trudged along
about midday. 1 arrived at the old Pacific
house at 0:30 : p. in. the fourth day In good
shape , and the stage coach that left Des
Molnes the same day arrived some time dur
ing the night. I returned on walkers' line
the same as I went , safe and sound. I came
back In five' days. Many places the bridges
wort > gone and I had to walk a long distance
cross over small streams. At Panther creek
I found the bridge gone completely , not even
the strlngcis being left for a foot path.
On the opposite Bldo was another foot pas
senger wishing to cross. We tramped down
the stream some distance In hope of finding
a log to cross on. Uoth Hides of tha creek
had good sized trees and at last we found
two trees leaning toward each other across
the stream. We each borrowed an ax of the
nearest neighbor on each s'de ' , felled the
trees toward each other , and formed a pass.
Wo crossed over , ho took my ax homo and
I took his. On the evening of the fifth day
after dark I reached Seott'a Ridge , across the
Des MolneH river. On the east side It was
one large body of water from the bridge to
the first bench of high land where the Miller
hotel now stands. I could hear the paddling
of canoes and skiffs In the distance , but to
reach them I had to wade out In the water
knee deep. Klkanu Fltzwater rowed mo
over. "
( iiiriilshmriitH Mtixt .Stop In town
In a short time , as Iowa has passed a law
against them. This Is your last chance to
collect your accounts before the law goes
'nto force. The Nassau Investment company
has reduced Its charges and will guarantee
collections against persons not living In
Iowa , but who ore employed by some rail
way , express or telegraph company having an
agent In Iowa , Wrlto at once for terms and
references , Council Bluffs.
Evans Laundry company. Shirts , collars ,
and cuffs a specialty , 020 Pearl street , Tel ,
290 , Reasonable rates for family work ,
Show cases , carpets and furniture for
sale at Woman's exchange , IS Pearl street.
Buy your drugs and paints at Morgan's
drug stores. 134 and 712 Broadway.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
CutiRlit tha CuUUli.
H. E. Orlmm , Fred Russell and H. E ,
Tagger yesterday went fishing on the banks
of the Big Muddy. When they came back
they had several tlsh , one of thorn being a
big channel cat about two. teet long , and
thl * was pointed to by ( Irlmrn as n pci-l
men of his pnnven * ax a illnHple of tsink
Walton. For a time his story went down ,
but later In the day It leaked out through
ono of his companion * that It waa not
Orlmm , but Augutllnr , n fisherman whose
name Is familiar to sportively Inclined young
men h re , who was responsible for the cat
fish being Jerked out of his slimy retreat.
Tha fish cost half n dollar , but that will
not rpoll Its flavor.
All wool Ingrain ! ) from DGc to 75c yard.
Lowell Ingrains , C5c yard. All goods marked
down this week.
Jarvls Wine do. , Council BJuff ; , ! . , agent
Jarvls 1S77 brandy , wines and liquor.
Sliiiiri HnUt MlVniiifT.
Mabel Hoist , the 13-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoist , who live at CGO South
First street , has been missing since 11
o'clock Saturday morning and all efforts of
her friends to locate her have been of no
avail. She left home Saturday morning and
told no one where she was going , Mr.
Hoist has gone to the homo of every ono of
her school mates and friends , where he
thought she could possibly be , and the police
of this city and Omaha have been requested
to look for her. It Is thought that she has
gone to hunt work , although her father Is
afraid that some misfortune has befallen
Millinery ; latest styles ; reasonable prices.
Miss Rugsdale , 10 Pearl street.
Get prices of Shugart & Onren , leading
seedsmen , Masonic temple , Council Bluffs.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale
at Gas Co.'s office.
Everybody knows Davis soils drugs.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
C'hir.VH 1'iirk l'Inrer .
It Is learned from M. W. Potter
of Red Lodge that work on the Clark's
Ford placers has been going on sev
eral weeks. These gold fields , which wcro
discovered last full nil along the bars of
Clark's Fork of 'the Yellowstone , about
twenty-live miles southeast of Red Lodge ,
says the Anaconda Standard , and In some
cases extend up the streams Into the llank'ng
mountains. About sixty men are at work
and the reports received trom the mines are
very Haltering. Very little snow falls In the
region of these placers and a very long sea
son for work can bo had. A large number
of those operating the mines are from the
vicinity of Butte. Sluice boxes are used in
the old way. There Is an ample supply of
water at nil scatons and ditches can be car
ried to long distances.
Mr. Potter believes that the mines are
good , but says that much more will be known
as soon ns spring fairly opens and thorough
prospecting can bs done. An extensive stam
pede is looked for with the opening of spring.
illi'li Oiiurlz Iluil.
Little has been heard lately of the opera
tions of the Gould Co. , says 'the Cripple
Creek Crusher. They have , however , been
working steadily and to such good purpose
that they have a surprise in store for their
friends and the mining world generally.
They have not made a 1,000-ounce strike or
opened n second Independence , but on the
Nil Dcsperandum , In the bottom of a10 -
foot shaft , they have opened a vein the full
width of the shaft in size , nine-tenths of
which Is na fine looking quartz as can bo
seen in 100 miles travel. Near the sur
face this quartz only assayed about $8 per
ton , but It has steadily Increased In value
until now the management asserts that it
will pny for milling. Near the surface
great masses of Iron pyrites were encoun
tered , none of which contained values of any
moment. As depth Is gained this Iron is
fast giving place to crystallzed quartz and
It Is nat Improbable that this vein , owing
to Its size , will soon become a famous pro
Ciromnl Ilii | * Cold.
In the Ground Hog gold mine , which Is
by far the largest operated quartzlte property
on Battle mountain , Red Cliff , bg ! bodies of
talc , sulphide and oxidized Iron are being
disclosed. Some of the ore Is so valuable the
gold Is quoted as per cent instead of ounces.
Two of the lessees will ship , but the In
clement weather has thrown the others back
on account of being unable to dry their ore ,
and they will not ship until June , when a
shipment will be made from the whole mine ,
which the Eagle County Times says will
throw nil former yields In the shade.
The Indications of a strike are very flatterIng -
Ing In the Little Chris , also owned by this
company , but In the lime contact. A flow
of water was encountered during the week
and the rock Is becoming mineralized.
T.ots of
A rich find was made on Wolf creek by
Rice & Co. , the ore being free milling and
running twenty ounces In gold to the ton.
The camp Is wild with excitement , says the
Denver News. In the Iron Cap lode was
found nuggets of gold as large as pin heads
and lots of them. This claim has nearly
a car of ore on the dump ready for ship
ment. There Is great need of a good stamp
mill In Dubols , and If one was kept In opera
tion It would bo kept busy , as there Is a
great amount of ore on the dump that will
hardly pay to ship and pay smelting charges ,
but would give good returns frtin a stamp
mill. -
Wll.lTJIJilt fUltKC.lST.
Fair , i'recctlcil liy Shower * In the Knstcrn
J'nrtlnu of NrhniHltii.
WASHINGTON , April 2D. The indications
for Monday nre : For Nebraska , and Kansas
Fair , preceded by showers In the eastern
portion ; cooler In the eastern portions ; west
winds. ,
For Iowa Local rains ; cooler ; winds
shifting to the west.
For South Dakota Generally fair Mon
day ; northwest winds ; cooler in the eastern
and warmer In the western portion.
For Missouri Showers ; cooler ; south ,
shitting to west winds.
Local Hvooril.
April 2' . ) . Omaha record of temperature , amt
ralnfnllcompared with corresponding day of
past four years :
1RO-1. 1803. 1892. 1891.
Maximum temperature 7816 = 05 = 00 =
Minimum tcmpurntnro. 00 = 803 40 = crp
Averuso temperature , . 7'J10 = OU = 70 =
Precipitation T .01 .00 .00
St.itcmunt showltm the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at Onmhu for the
day and slncu March 1 , IS'JI ' :
Normal tcninnrnturo G7C
K.xcess fur thodiiy lf > o
KSL'usMslncuMiiruh 1 208 =
Nornmt priidultatlrm 12 Inch
DolIiMiim'y for thodiiy. . . . , 12 Inch
Dellfilcney since M H rub 1 1.20 Inch
Hi-port * from Other Stiitlnim nt H I' . M.
T ' InillcntDi trari- .
GEOHOK K. HUNT. Local Forecast Official.
DoWIU's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
Titliu the lliirlliiKtou Ituiito
For St , Joseph and Kansas City. Safe
quick comfortable.
Trains leave Omaha at 9 MS a. m , and
0:45 : p , m.
City tlcltet ofllcc , 1324 Farnam street ,
Lively Timoi In Slouxdcni When Lncro
" *
Illoulng Tlionnelvcn .on.thp Trllln mill < lcn-
BIUVS of .Modern Clilllzutlon I'eiutlnj ;
on the 1'nt of tie | l.anil mill
Hiding In'
The Indians composing the Sioux nation
arc this spring the happiest ami most con
tented mortals In the cdnntry. This statp of
affairs was brought about by the distribution
nmong them of tens of thousands of dollars
In cash by the government. This money was
the first regular payment made these Indians
for ceding to the government 11,000.000 acres
of land n few years ago. As n further pay
ment for the land ceded , the Sioux will also
receive during the next few months largo
quantitcs of agricultural Implements nnd
thousands of heads of horses , cattle , oxen ,
etc. , for which contracts wcro awarded at
Chicago by Indian Commissioner Browning.
As a result of the recent distribution of
cash , writes n correspondent of the Chicago
Tribune , the towns ncnrcst the Dakota
agencies have been filled of late with In
dians of all ages nnd conditions who lost no
time In exchanging their money for nrtlclcs
of various kinds , which , In their opinion ,
arc nioro valuable to them than money.
Although the government furnishes the
Indians with practically all the necessaries
of life , the red man and his family can find
many ways of squandering their wealth.
One of the first places visited when they
nro looking for Investments Is n clothing
store , nnd after this come boot nnd shoo
and dry goods "stores. In these places they
can find many articles that attract their
admiration. Among the articles which
they most highly esteem are ginghams ,
calicoes of bright colors and flowered de
signs , muslin , bright colored shawls , trunks ,
valises , hats , children's shoes , overshoes ,
bead ? , and occasionally silks and velvets
are purchased for dresses for the squaws.
Millinery stores are also extensively pat
ronized by the feminine portion of the Sioux
After n visit to town by Indians who
have money to spend It Is only n short time
until dealers arc out of cigarettes , young
Indians of less than 10 years of age being as
eager to smoke them as their ciders.
Scores of the Sioux are annually becoming
more aristocratic , and In order to maintain
the proper dignity Invest their surplus
wealth In buggies and double-seated car
riages , the harness for the horses being the
best In the market , the Indian preferring
those with bruss trimmings. A pllgrlmngc
of the Sioux to town discloses many such
turnouts , the Indian and his usually largo
family occupying the seats In white man
fashion and casting looks of contempt upon
their less fortunate and poorer brethren ,
who must be content to travel on footer
or on their shaggy nnd diminutive ponies.
Now that most of the Sioux have become
accustomed to live in comfortable log or
frame buildings , especially In winter time ,
when the nlry tepee is hardly sulllclent to
protect them against the rigors of the
northwestern winters , . H Is natural that
they should wish to make the Interior of
their dwellings as comfortable and homelike
as possible , and for tMs reason. In order
that they may have1 thfnga like their whlto
neighbors , they nro when "flush" good
patrons of furniture ! stores. Here they pur
chase cupboards , bedsteads , choirs , occasion
ally a baby carriage , etc. Much of their
money Is also expended for toy express
wagons , which are given to their children.
Ono Sioux warrior , .whose countenance be
trayed anything but Intelligence , was Im
pressed while In a store1 by the convenience
of a large and expensive desk which occupied
the business office of the place. Having a
fair Idea of what a desk would cost , and
possessing the necessary cash , he went tea
a furniture store , land , ! looking over the
various desks on exhibition , selected and
paid for ono which suited his
aristocratic taste. Ho next pur
chased pens , paper and Ink , and loading the
desk In his wagon , started triumphantly on
his return to the reservation. It seems that
ho had learned to write n little , nnd , being
ambitious , desired to have things In shape so
that he could 'practice during leisure
moments In his own home , and thus Improve
his penmanship. Some day he may blossom
out as a professor of penmanship , and or
ganize a class among his brethren. There
are many excellent penmen among the Sioux.
Indians who have Just become the proud
owners of baby carriages present an InterestIng -
Ing sight. One was seen coming from a fur
niture store where himself and wife had Just
selected and purchased a handsome little car
riage. After leaving the store the warrior
took the lead , wheeling the empty carriage ,
while his wife followed , bearing on her back
a large-sized pappoosc. It did not seem to
enter their minds at the time that It would
bo the proper thing to place the baby In the
carriage and thus make use of that
vehicle and save the squaw unnecessary
The government furnishes the Indians with
meats of nearly nil kinds , but nevertheless
the red people expend large sums for meat
while In the border towns. During the
recent pilgrimage one Indian visited n local
meat market nnd purchased pork to the
amount of $13.50. This he took to his tepee ,
Invited In his friends , nnd together they had
n "henp big" feast. Stinginess Is not n trait
of the Indians nnd they are always very
liberal as long as their money last1 ! .
After several days of trading and sightsee
ing , the Indians return quietly to their reser
vations , empty In pocket , but rich in this
world's goods. Their money Is nil gone , but
they know that their open-handed Great
Father will give them , more In the future.
While In town they conduct themselves In a
manner that Is beyond criticism. They dress
neatly and warmly , many of the warriors
wearing the finest of overcoats. In 1803 the
steamer War Eagle , a boat famous In Mis
souri river history , dlQcharged a cargo of
annuity goods nt the Lower Brulo agency.
Among the goods were a number of men's
hats. Nowadays the Indians expend consider
able money in the towns for hats , but In
those days hats were a curiosity to them.
They had never before seen anything of the
kind except us worn by the whites about the
agency. After the departure of the steamer
the hats and other annuity goods wcro dis
tributed among the Indians. The red
men had great sport with the hats , the
first ever given them by the govern
ment. Some of the Sioux promptly
fastened the hats to the trees and shot ar-
rowa at them. This soon developed Into a
form of gambling. The Indian who , out of
ten shots , could put the most arrows through
the hat was entitle to.It , as well ns to the
arrows which his companions had shot at
It In nn endeavor tovp | the prize. Arrows
were valued at 10 cents'cach. Good marks
men would frequently win several hats and
whole nrmfuls of arrows. The fact that
the hats wcro liberally punctured with ar
row hoies made no 'dlfforunco In their value
to the Indians.
The proficiency of the Sioux Indians with
the bow and arrow was really wonderful.
To test the nerves ipf ( the whlto employes
about the agency they would resort to all
torts of schemes. Ono day an employe
was engaged nbout jsorqo work In a wagon.
Near by was n Sioux foaling with n bow nnd
arrow. The whltd man grew a trlllo
nervous over the ovIUe'nt carelessness of the
Indian , nnd cautioned lilm to bo more care
ful. The Indian , 1)1 ) reply , asked how near
the whlto man thought ho cculd come to
him by shooting an arrow straight up In the
air. Believing that ( ho Sioux was simply
boasting , the employe gave him permls-
sloii to try his skill In the manner
Indicated. In nn Instant the arrow was
soaring swiftly Into the air. Without delay
the employe scrambled out of the wagon ,
nnd Just In time. The arrow a few seconds
ends later descended , and Us steal point
went completely through the bed of the
wagon exactly at the spot where the whlto
man had been standing n moment before.
The employe was nettled by the Inchk-nt. but
the Indian , laughing at his agility In getting
out of the wagon before the arrow struck ,
walked unconcernedly away. The dexterity
of the Sioux In tin- pant with the bow nnd
arrow rendered that weapon ns dangerous as
the Winchester rifle In use nmong them nt
the present day. In the past nil game was
killed with arrows , nnd the larder of the In
dian was kept well replenished by this
means ! .
Now that ( he government furnishes them
with everything that they need the red man
Is no longer compelled to depend upon his
bow and arrow to keep the wolf from his
tepee. Accordingly It Is doubtful If there Is
a solitary Indian on the entire Sioux reserva
tion who Is still nn expert with the primi
tive , but effective , weapon of bygone years.
"SlmM I liter lie Strong A
Many persons suffering from chronic
lack of vigor ask themselves this question
In vain. They have neglected the one sure
means of conferring what they lack nnd
long for. In a very brief time , If they
would but use Hosteller's Stomach Bitters ,
they would find their nppctlto nnd sleep
renewed nnd strength revived. The Bitters
will nlso surely remedy dyspepsia , malaria
and liver complaint.
round Itml Oclirn ,
Great excitement exists In the township of
Sacred Heart on account of the discovery of
an Immense paint mine on the farm of Mr.
Helgcson , not far from Rcnvlllc , Minn. , says
the Sioux Falls Argus-Leader. Some prospectors
poctors worn looking for asbestos when they
ran onto Indications of paint , nnd , upon going
down three feet , were very much surprised
nnd delighted to Hnd their expectations real
ized by uncovering n ppk-ndld deposit of red
ochre. The bed appears to be Inexhaustible ,
and In some purls Is from three to fourteen
feet deep. Mr. Helgcson Is not n very
wealthy man , nnd Is now nearly crazy over
the find , ns he considers that it will make
n rich man of him.
The craze has spread to his neighbors , who
arc neglecting the requirements of the farm
to prospect what they heretofore considered
worthless land Every piece of ml.-a that the
uninitiated fanner runs onto he thinks is a
chunk of gold , and nt once posts off to the
nearest "expert , " only to have' his bright
dream of golden wealth xhattcred by a laugh
and the Information that ho has n good
specimen of pyrlto or mica , ns the case may
be. The Impression prevails , however , that
the valley of the Minnesota lias considerable
hidden wealth.
Wo could not Improve the quality If wo
paid double the price. DcWItt's Witch
Hazel Salve Is the best naive that experience
can produce , or that money can buy.
Four Trains a Day
Leave Omaha for Lincoln via the Buillngton
The first departs at 8:15 : a. m. ; the others
at 10:15 : a. in.1:50 : p. m. and ti:50 : p. m.
The Burlington is ( he short line to the
capital city. Its trains are the fastest and
Its service the most complete.
Get your tickets to Lincoln via the Bur
lington. City ticket ofllce , 1324 Farnam
Dr. E. C. West's Ncrvo and Brain Treatment
Is cold under positive written Rimrnnteo , by author
ized OReiitfl only , to euro Wenk Memory ; Loss of
UrHlnnnd Korvo I'owcrjLostJIonhooiligulrkness ;
Night Losees ; Kvll Dreams ; Licit of Coullclcnco ;
Nervousness ; Last-Kudo ; nil Oriilnx ; IM'S of 1'owcr
of tlio Generative OrpuiiR in elllir vex , cnuFoil by
ovcr-exertlou ; Youthful Krrors , or Kxcetslvo Use of
Tobacco. Opium or Liquor , which encm lead to
Miter/ , Consumption , ln mity ntnl Death. Dyinnll ,
( Inbox ; Oforjfl : with wrltlpncunrantco to cure ot
refund money. WIHT'S COUO1I HYltUP. A certain
euro for Cough" . Colds , Asthma , ilrniichltlR , Croup ,
Whooping Cough. Pore Thront. ricnpnut to tako.
Hnmll flzo discontinued ; old.BOo. Plzo , iiowl'ic. : old
H elzo , now BOo. QUAUANTEKS Issued only by
Goodman Drug Company.
Stonm and Hot Watir Hoailng for
Roaido.-icos and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main , 203 Pearl Streets , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Improved Quick and Easy
Si Rising-Steam , Elec
tric & Hand Power
Send for Circulars.
Klmliall Bros. , Council BluOs , Iowa
I.oavo ardors with nnd refer to\V. A WOOD te
CO. , MO Muln htreot. Telephone No. M.
coma choice liarKuliu In fruit and uurdeu
land near thin city ?
clilmneyd cleaned. UU liurke , ut Tayloi'j
grocery , HO llroadway.
city iirupurty bouiiht und Bold , I'uvey < &
Tliomiu. Council
I'ASTril.UJi : , KlUHT-fl.ABH. KOI I CO ) HI2AD
of Hinck , nbout 3 inllcM ii'irth of town , ( 'unit * ,
J2.7& to 14.01) ) ; boriM'H. Jt.W to 17.0) ) fur Hcnmin ,
May 1 to Urtotpr 15 ; K od man In churiM nf
tlock ; plenty Kriu < , ult nndVUIT. ( . I , . I1.
Judium , K'i Clli avenueor 32 i llroudwny ,
Council Ilium.
hountiwork. Mm. John Askln , 710 Huuth ( III
What is
Castorhi is Dr. Sninuol Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contain ! ) neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless .sulisUtnto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothitig Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is IMcasant. Its guarantee is thlry ( years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Ca.storia destroys "Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Dlarrhro.a and Wind Colic. Castorhi relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation nnd ilatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos-
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
"Castoria Is nil excellent inedlclno for chll- " Cnstorlft H so well adapted to children thai
( Iron. Mothers haxo repcntcdly told mo of Its I recommend Itnasuporlortoany prescription
good cllccl upou their children. " kuowu to me. "
D ; . G. C. Ojooon , IT. A. AnciiKR.M. D. ,
Lowell , Mass. Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Castoria la the bi' > t icmeily for children of " Our physlchna In the chlldrun's depart
which I nm acquainted. 1 hopn the dny li not ment b.i\o spoken highly of their experi
far distant M lien mothers wlllconsliler the ronl ence la thrlr outside practice \\ltliCostori.i ,
Interest of their children , and use Castorl.a In- nnd although wo only have ninong our
ulend of the vnrlousquncl : nostrums which nro medical supplied wliat Is known cm regular
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , products , yet wo nro free to confess fir * > ha
morphine , soothing syrup nnd other hurtful merits of Cnsloriii has WOK " * * > look with
agents down their throats , thereby seadlug favor upon It. "
them to premature graves. " UNITED Iloarinii isa DiTKNnjiTiT ,
Dn , J. P. KiscnnLOE , lloston. Mass.
Conwny , Ark. AM.EN C. SMITH , / > . ,
Tito Contnnr Company , 77 Murray Street , Now York City.
Now is your chance. The bargains
Men and we are enabled to olTer surpass any
and all clothing offers that have ever
taken place in Omaha. But of the
many different lots we have only
space to mention a few but we are closing out and no one
who sees the goods doubts it for a minute.
These nro black cheviot suits In socles
only , single or dnubla breasted , Hint can't
bo sold anywhere else for less than $12.00.
Elegantly mndo nnd trimmed In single or
double breasted style , In nil the prevailing
colors. They nro blnck corkscrews that no
retailer would Bell for less than $15.00.
Our price , $7.50.
MEN'S SUITS , 9.00.
Fine casslmcro nnd cheviot suits In blue ,
blnck and brownish colors , nil fnst , the most
popular suit of the season. Lots of people
pay $18.00 for suits not a bit better. Get
them of us for $9.00.
MEN'S FINE SUITS , $11.00.
The very finest Imported and domestic
fancy worsted nnd casslmero suits , cut In
the latest long sack nnd frock styles. Besl
dressers wear them , nnd pay $25.00 foi
them nny where else but hero. Our price
An odd lot of the latest spring trousers In
neat and new patterns , thnt never whole
saled less than $1.50 , now COc n pair.
THREE DIG SNAPS , $3 , $4 , $5.
In order to glvo you n lot more for your
money thnn wo have ever done before wo
have taken all our $ ( i , $7 , $ S and $10 all wool
suits , In long-cut sacks and cutaways , and
placed them in three lots , at $3 , $4 and $5.
Included In these lots nro cheviots nnd cassi-
meres in grays , oxfords , pin-checks nnd sev
eral other icoo'l colors but bear In mind
they are all vtool nnd elegant goods. See the
show window ; you can see them theri.
We arc closing nil the percale and madras
shirts nt 75c , thnt nro worth ns high as
$1.50. They have collars and cuffs attached
or dctnched to suit your notion. HcsUles
will give you a nccktlo for nothing.
BOYS' PANTS , ? 1.00.
You never will get another opportunity to
buy your boy n pair of $3.00 pants for $1.00.
They nre Just ns good as can bo produced ,
and nt $1.00 they nro n snap.
BOYS' 2-PIECE SUITS , $2.50.
These nre strictly all wool goods , largo
variety of colors nnd patterns all sizes ,
from 4 to M years. You pay $5.00 for thorn
anywhere else. Wo sell them for $2.50.
! Several bundled pairs of flno worsted an <
cnsslmcro trousers In highly desirable pnt >
terns , that nro never retailed under $2.50 ,
go now for 75c a pair.
They nro cut single nnd double brenstod ,
neat pin checks , small plaids nnd stripes.
In clay worsted , caslmeres nnd cheviots ,
retailed nt nil other stores for $ C , $ S and $10 ,
Our quitting price Is only $5.00.
All the Wilson Bros , nnd wire buckle sus
penders thnt wo used to sell for 35c go now
for lOc.
Wo hnvo n big lot of Wilson Bros1 , bowl
In almost every color , made In the latesl
style , and sold all over town for 25c. W
close the lot at lOc n tie ,
If wo wcro not going to quit business yoif
, would have to pay $3.00 for this same suit.
A good line of styles yet at 70c. Ages , 4 la
14 years.
Some made with plain stitched edge , oth
crs with handsome lint braid binding , In
sack and frocks , and nil the desirable coU
ors. They nro Just hal fprlco at $10.00.
Cut In the latest style , corded edge. In
black cheviots only. A good assortment o (
colors In sacks nnd cutaways. Not a suit
worth less than $13.00. Wo close them nt
You may not expect to get n very good
pair of pants for lOc , but they would never
bo sold for less than 30c If wo wcro not
Rolng to quit. They nro elegant goods In
several nlco patterns. Sizes , 4 to 14 years.
These nro dark brown In color , Bilk lined ,
and are the best wearing $10.00 overcoats
over produced. Wo nro quitting business ,
your choice for $1.50.
Men's warranted all wool chovlot nnd
cnsslmoro suits , excellently mndo nnd
trimmed , good line of colors , go at $1.50 ,
worth $10.00.
Men's clay diagonal suits , resent long-cut
snctts and cutaways , the very latest styles ,
worth up to $20.00. ,
I3th and Farnam.
& All Ulndiof Dyoliu
mid Uio mln ; Mono In
the liUlimt style of
the ; irU Ku le I un.i
etulnod faUrlji muelo
tn loul : m k'OD I at
nuvv. Worn promptly
done an i dollvoru I
tn nil purtt of tha
country. fur
lirlua Hit
Prop rla tor ,
Ilroadway , nnrir North *
women ) Dopot.
Telephone 22.
Send for Circular and 1'rioo Mil.
Council Bluffy - - Avenue A ami 30th St
Oinuhu , 1521 Furnuui Struut.
President. Uushlor.
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
Onn of Hi" oliluHl brinks In the Btnto of Inwn. Wo
Hullclt your UiihlnoH * utrl colliHilloim. VVn | > ay A
p.'rivnton tlinuilupuHlU. iVuWlllou
bvu and tturvu you.