Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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'i : - - NO. 12 PKAIU * BTttEBT
by carrier to nny part of the city.
II. W. T1LTO.V. Manager.
Tri.r.MIONI2tf--Uuilnctti : office , No. 43j night
editor , NO. 23.
atixwt , ivro.v. .
Hoaton s.orc , spring drcsi Goods , capes.
Judge Doomer Rrantcil Mary Abel n dl-
Torco ycstcnlay from 0 , H. Abel , on tlie
ground of cruelty and Inhumanity.
Two VSR * wore sentenced to ten days on
the streets yesterday In police court , but
were given until noon to leave the city.
Uniform Hank , division No. 27 , and all
members of the third deKrcn team , St. Al-
ban's lodKe , Knights of I'ythlns , will mcnt
thin evening at 8 o'clock.
WllllnmVolhurn and Katie Hales , aged 31
and 23 rcsiicctlvcly , both of Omaha , were
granted n llci'lise to marry yesterday. They
were married by Justice Kox.
ThlnvPR Htolp fourteen pounds of meat from
Ilio county Jail door Saturday night. It was
Intended for Sunday consumption , and as
the markctH were closed on Sunday the oc-
cupanti of the jail went bceflcss.
Htevo Van Camp nnd 13. J. Walters , two
residents of Lincoln avenue , had a pugil
istic encounter yesterday afternoon , In
which \Valtcr was worsted. He filed In
formation In JusticeFox's court during the
evening and Van Camp will bo arrested
C. K. Foster , the desperado who attacked
Constable Hukcr on Xorth Mlghth Htrcet last
I Now Year's day , will have a hearing before
Justice Vlen this morning on the charge of
assault with Intent to commit murder. He
Is already under Indictment In the district
court for restating an ofllcer.
William Crlss , who was arrested on the
charge of stealing a suit of clothes from
partlea In Omaha , was discharged yesterday
The value of the suit turned out to be less
than $20 , so that n requisition could not bo
obtained. So long as he stays on this side
of the Missouri hg will be safe.
A son of James Hoon , while out hunting
with Klmer 1/mg , who lives on Fourth ave
nue , betwcii eleventh and Twelfth streets ,
was hurt Monday night by the accidental
discharge of a gun belonging to his compan
ion , The ball entered his leg. and , although
It will cniifco him considerable pain , the hurt
Is not considered dangerous.
Insure In the Imperial Flro Insurance Co.
Insure In the Imperial Fire Insurance Co.
Insure In the Imperial Flro Insurance Co.
Insure In the Imperial Flro Insurance Co.
tango. & Towle , Sole Agents , 235 Pearl
rtrcet. _ _
Council muffs In * . UO'H. Wonderful Clronth.
The following Is a statement of premiums
written and losses paid by the Council
Dluffs Insurance company during the first
quarter of each year since anil Including
1890 , a record to which wo point with
honest pride :
Premium * . I.o s < " !
Jnn. In Apill , IS ! " ) . J6.0li.79 J2.137.U
Jnn. to April , 1S01 . 9.721.BS 2.HI.1 ;
Jnn. to At > l II , 1S92 . 10.03S.SO
Jun. to April , 1811 .
Jnn. to April , 1S94 . 17,3,8.10
For cobs go to Cox , 10 M-ilu street. Tele
phone 48. _
Domestic soap breaks hnnwater. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squire have arrived
from a protracted visit to California.
r Mrs. George Robinson of Arkansas City
is the guest of Miss filla Luring on First
The Misses Mabel Cusack and Hosallo
Diver of North Bend , Neb. , are guests ot
Mrs. J * * Ay Wcstcott on Union street.
Jtfi.Woolson of the United States court
celebrated the twenty-seventh anniversary of
his marriage at his homo at Mount Pleasant
last Monday.
Homer J. Drlesbach , one of the prosperous
young merchants of Marian , was In the city
yesterday for n short visit with his parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Driesbach.
City Clerk Zurmtiohlcu did not leave for
Springfield , O. , yesterday , as ho had In
tended , as he was served with a subpoena
Informing him that ho would be required
as a witness In the McAtee-Gorham contest
tomorrow. Ho will go next week Instead.
Mrs. Katherlno B. Wodsworth of this city ,
who Is In New York making preparations
for starting out with the Western Grand
Opera association. Is meeting with the warm
est words of commendation from those who
have heard her sing there. Her many
friends In this city and Omaha will be glad
of an opportunity of witnessing her debut
upon the operatic platform In Omaha this
XIX. Century Itcvoptlon. XIX.
The ladles Interested In the W. C. A. hos
pital have aranged for a novel entertainment
for the benefit of that worthy Institution
Thursday evening , April 10. at the Royal
Arcanum parlors. It will bo "A Night of the
Nineteenth Century , " a night long to be ro-
_ niembered. Among the attractive features
will bo Colonel Tulley's orchestra , solo by
Mrs. , selections by the various
church cholrstof the c'ty , and n novel answer
to the question , "How can a woman earn n
dollar ? " The entertainment is free to all ,
nnd every one Is Invited to come and enJoy -
Joy It.
( iimiMiniiMitB MiiHt Slop In Tonn
In a short tlmo , as Iowa has passed a law
against them. This Is your last chunco to
collect your accounts before the law goes
Into force. The Nassau Investment company
1ms reduced Its charges and- will guarantee
collections against persons not living In
Iowa , but who are employed by some rail
way , express or telegraph company having an
agent In lown. Write nt once for terms and
references , Council llltiftg. *
II Was n ItliilMtr.
Last Sunday's "Bee contained an account
of the killing of City Marshal A. E. Clark
at Como , Colo. , by Levy J. Strcoter , but
few of those who read It recognized the
man at the breech end of the gun as a
former resident ot this city. Streeter came
hero about two years ago , and , after workIng -
Ing for S. A. Pierce , the shoo man , for a
year , left for the west last May. Mr.
i'lorco says ho was one of the best shoe
makers ho ever employed. Ho had been
working contentedly enough , when a couple
ot tramps cuma along , who said they came
from tliu biuno town that he had lived In.
They were on their way west , and he Imme
diately packed up his bags and baggage and
went with them. *
Nil Iliulcrtiilu-r Nwil Apply.
If your children are mulcted with diph
theria , Dr. Jefferls' remedy will save their
lives. No physician required. Has stood
the test of 35 years. Kor sale by J. C , Do
Haven , George H. Davis and Morgan & Co. ,
fcucccssora to Ueardsley. Also 2101 Cumtng
street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jof-
terls , Council Bluffs , la. Price , J3.
Jarvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs.
Nclmbi > rt Ocmrtot.
The well known Schubert quartet gave n
concert last evening at the Klrst IJaptlst
church , and the line program they presented
was enjoyed by a largo audience. The
quartet was assisted by Miss Bertha L.
Clark , violinist ; Miss Laura B. McCorcklo ,
reader and whistler , and Miss Adelaide Jack-
BOII , accompanist. Miss Clark's rendition of
the "Souycnlr do Bade , " by Leonard , was
especially well performed.
Mycrs-Durfee Furniture company , 236-238
Broadway , save money am' Mine to patrons ,
Washerwomen * use Domestic soap.
Kniifkrit Out tho'onirrr.
A row took place last evening ut James
Coyle's kaloon In Streotsvllle. 0. II. Raymond
mend and Doug Burns were the principal
combatants , Burns ualnR a rock done up
In a handkerchief as a billy. loiter In the
evening another row took place , mid Ofllcer
Wolf wan knocked down , kicked In the face
nd almost rendered senseless ,
Jarvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent
JurvU 1877 brandy , wines and liquor.
Gas cooking stoves for rent ana for sale
at Gas PO.'H ofllce.
Everybody-knowa Davis .nils drugi.
Ihe laundries uss Domestic aoap.
Saloon Men of lown Arranging to Comply
with the Mulct Law.
Avncn Attorney \\lio I'rcHrctttnl Joint.
Kcppcru ( Inilrr tlio Olil Law Itrfuar * to
Iiitorfrrci Since. . Driller * Donlro to
Do lltt lnc % I . \vfti 11 } ' .
The EaloonlstH from the rural districts
are on the move to comply with the new
mulct law. A meeting Is to bo held In this
city tomorrow In which twenty-six saloon
keepers from Wcston , N'cola , Mlnden , Un
derwood and other small towns In Pot-
tawattamlo county will participate.
They have formed a syndicate for the
purpose of securing a canvass of the county
for signatures to petitions to allow them to
engage In the ! l < | iior business. They esti
mate that It will cost them $1,500 to get
the signatures.
The prohibitionists In the cast end nro
also on the move. Heallzlng that It has
been a comparatively long tlmo slnco Potta-
uattnmlo county was torn all to pieces by
a saloon war , Frrd Klnncy , one of the
ardent prohibitionists from the eastern part
of the county , called on F. A. Turner , an
Avocu attorney who has been Identified
with saloon prosecutions under the prohi
bition law In times past , and asked him to
take tip another saloon war under the mulct
law. He declined to do so , however , on
the ground that the saloon keepers had
already taken steps which showed that
they Intended to abide by the law so far as
At tlie llostnu Start ; Ire9 Omuls Dcpt.
On Monday we will Inaugurate our April
dress goods sale , which will Include some of
the best values ever offered In the dress
goods line. At 19c we offer a complete as-
Eortmcnt of colors In new sueded arinurc ,
goods full ! ! 1 Inches wldo and well worth
" 25c a yard. At 23c we show a big assort
ment of plain ami novelty dress goods. In
cluding Kngllsh cashmeres , Illuminated mix
tures and n complete line of Irridcsccnt di
agonals that would be cheap at 3"c ' _ a yard.
Our leader at 'Me Is 25 pieces of Imported
French hcnrlcttu , 2. > pieces of Scotch mix
tures In checks and stripes , 15 pieces of
the celebrated Jamestown fancies. In all
over 100 different styles at 39c ; goods that
wern bought to sell at r 0c and 5Sc a yard.
Don't fall to see our assortment of all
wool serges at 50c a yard. Our stock of
novelty dress goods at $1.00 a yard was
never so complete as at the present time.
Wo eall special attention to a line of 50-Inch
Scotch mixtures , worth $1.50 , at $1.00 a
yard. Ask to nee the new silk warp soldi.
Wo have just received another assortment
of line exclusive style dress pattern * . See
special numbers at $8.50 , $10.00 and $12.00.
A new assortment of the genuine Kal Kl
wash llks , which we have placed on sale at
39c a yard. See our new swivel silks at
5Sc a yard.
Figured dress silks. We show over 60
styles nnd colorings In a fine Japanese silk
ut C9c and 7i > c a yard. These silks will out
wear any China or India silks ut $1.00 or
$1.25 a y.ird.
See plain white and cream Japs at 33e ,
50c , 59c and 75c a yard.HOSTON
Fotherlnglmm , Whllehiw Co. , Leaders ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Xrniiiii : tliu Close.
The Pollnrd libel cnbc Is almost finished ,
and will probably go to the Jury today noon.
Yesterday T. C. U.iwson was on the stand ,
and , In the course of his testimony , he stated
that a number of Interviews had taken place
at his olflco between Mrs. Pollard and A. Z.
Ilowen , and that during one of these there
was n great deal of talk about a common law
marriage , which Ilowen wanted Mrs. Pol
lard to have made public before he woulJ
consent to live with her any more. On one
of these occatlons In Oawhou's odlco Mrs.
Pollard became very angry at Dowcn ami
struck him repeatedly In the face with her
open hand.
II. W. Tllton of The nee was put upon
the stand and testified that Mrs. Pollard had
told hm | that she had always thought of
Ilowen as u son , and that , while he had
urged her to marry him , she had lefubod
to do so on ncount of the great difference
In their ages. This statement evidently re
lieved tlm plaintiff greatly , for she put hei
hand to her face and cried out In a tinglal
tone : "Thank Rod ! Thank God ! "
Early In the afternoon the last of the ovl-
denco was laid before the Jury and Attorney
Sweet began his argument , which lasted
several hours. Mr. Vunattn , Sweet's part
ner , gave notice that he should want two
hours and a half , so that the prospects .for
the submission of the case before this noon
do not bcem very flattering.
Sweet breath , sweet Btomncn , sweet tem
per ? Then USD DoWItt's Llttlo Early Risers.
Tim Hankers Mfo AKsoelntUm
Of DCS Molncs , la. , stands at the head of
all mutual Insurance. It furnishes Indem
nity for the least money , Is the safest ,
soundest and has the largest reserve for pol
icy holders , $1,244,240.G3. A comparison will
convince the most skeptical. Address W. 0.
Wlrt , agent , 710 Willow avenue.
Keep OIT the C.niHS.
The board of supervisors has decided to
put n stop to the use of the lawn In front
and at the side of the court house as a play
ground for children and a promenade for
grown persons. A night or two ago Presi
dent Illack of the board went past the court
house and saw a crowd of boys playing a
gama of base ball on the lawn. The ring
leader seemed to bo a worthless colored
youth , who Is serving out a six months'
sentence In the county Jail at hard labor
for stealing a revolver. Mr. Illack called
the attention of the janitor and asked him
to fire the crowd. The janitor tried , but
came back soon , saying the crowd refused
to bo llred , Yesterday ufternoon Sheriff
Hazcn was summoned before the board and
Informed that It had been decided to put a
stop to such proceedings , and his cooperation
tion was requested. A wire fence Is to be
put around the lawn and signs will be posted
up saying. "Keep Off the Grass. " The
sherllf will be directed to arrest all tres
passers , and they , will bo lined $1 and costs.
"What bicycle do you ride ? " "Why , I
ride a Wnvery- Everybody rides them.
Cole & Cole sold fourteen In the last two
weeks. They sell for $ S5 , and nro war
ranted as good as any wheel made. Get
one. "
lonKn ! ut Auction.
Carload , consisting of the best books ,
medical , , miscellaneous , albums ,
b'.les , etc. Private sale by day and auction
at 7 p. m. , G3G Ilroadwuy.
Veterans Will ( Vlebriitn.
Tomorrow evening Is the anniversary of
two Important events In the national his
tory , the tiring on Fort Sumter and the
surrender of General Lee to the union
forces. The Union Veteran Legion has de
cided to celebrate the day In proper form
and will have an open mooting at Woodman
hall on Upper Ilroadway , to which all
friends are Invited. James McCabe will
make the principal address of the evening ,
and there will bo other speakers In attend
When you come to the best hose for sprink
ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You
can always get this and lighter grades In
rubber and cotton hose at Illxby's , 202 Main
street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Klnnehan stock has been moved to 23
Main street. Shoes at your own price. Yen
wani shoes and we want money , llrlng the
family In and fit them up for April rains.
A MICH ilururJ.
The folowlng jurors were drawn yester
day for the May term of the district court ,
which opens on the 1st :
Joseph Drown , J. II. Drown , GeorgeW. .
Moyeru , J. M. Lent ; and W. H. Jackson of
Knox township , Joseph Layton , J , A. T.
Hale , and William Crouch of Delknap , I ,
Cordeman and It. F. Dabb of Waveland , W.
W. Orimth and Charles Archer of Valley ,
Sylvester Dye and C. R. Miles of Macedonia ,
Charles Vandrutf ana U. Hackett ot Center ,
P W Mfrrlll nnd II , A. Merchant of Layton -
ton , Casper Hoffman and Calvin Osier of
drove , II. 0 , tawo of ( . 'arson , II. O. Auld of
Wright , Thomas Jefferson of James and
Clans Mocller of Lincoln.
IU.VXI.SON : into * . *
Winding Up Sale.
Ruch bargains were never before known
In this city. This week beats them all.
Uvery dollar's worth remaining of this
great bankrupt stock not sold will go this
week at a still greater reduction than ever.
We mean business , and the goods you will
find Just as advertised.
Children's hose that Scagravc sold nt
12i.c nnd ll > c , sizes C to S',4. are now all
going at 5c a pair.
Ladles' lOc and 15c handkerchiefs arc now
Co ; 50C and 75c embroideries , 27 Inches
wide , now 18c n yard.
Lonsdalo muslin , 5c a yard ,
S-4 Lockwood bleached sheeting , Scagravo
sold at 25c , Is now 12 > , c n yard.
600 ready made up pillow cases , with two
Inch hem , 9c each.
llcautlful figured sllkallncs , Oc a yard.
fl-4 Chenille table covers , fringed all
around , 7Sc each.
$3,50 Chenille curtains , fringe and dado
top and bottom , $1.93 per pair.
$ G and $7 Chenille portieres , now $3.9S
per pair.
Children's reefers , aged i to II , $1 each.
Open every evening during this great
bankrupt sale. 11KNNISON nllOS. .
Council Dluffs.
In Iteer Property.
William J. Lcmp Ilrewlng company Is
suing the firm of Goldstein & Drown for
$2,000 for beer , which , It Is claimed , was
sold them last summer previous to the fail
ure of the firm. The suit naturally raises
the question whether beer Is property under
the state prohibitory law. The case will bo
tried at the coming term of superior court ,
and Jacob Sims , formerly of the Law i nd
Order league , will represent the brewery.
Evans Laundry company. Shirts , collars ,
and euffs a specialty , 520 Pearl street , Tel.
290. Reasonable rates for family work.
Elegant furnished rooms for rent , corner
Ilroadwuy nnd Urynnt streets , by Mrs. A.
See the new art goods at Mrs. Miles' .
Contest Cuso.
Tomorrow In the superior court will be
tried the contest case of S. T. McAtce
against J. A. Gorham over the office of city
treasurer. A motion was filed by the de
fense , asking that a more specific statement
be requlred of the plaintiff , and this motion
was sustained by the court yesterday after
noon. Several paragraphs were also ordered
stricken out by the court.
While you are paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a
trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157.
Get prices from Shugart & Ouren , the leadIng -
Ing seedsmen of Council Dluffs , Masonic
Jomcstlo soap outlasts cheap soap.
Tons of fruit shipped this year from the
orchards at Dundee. Drown , at Woodbrldgo
Dros. , 120 N. 15th St.
IJnu-liiiB Municipal Election.
KAWLINS , Wyo. , April 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) At the municipal elec
tion today P. Ilasmussen , mayor ( dem. ) ,
was re-elected by llfty-elght majority. It
IH his lifth term. J. W. Alilllcau ( dem. )
was elected ttustee.
Dundee , Dundee , Dundee prune orchards.
Drown , at Woodbrldge Dros. , 150 N. 15th St.
m W
< A
Si i , : - \ ' * r" * - ; - joa )
M *
We have opened a salesroom to sell the surplus and
odds aid ends , that must be SOLD CHEAP to be
sold quick. The first goods will be shown there
Monday , and we intend to convince our customers
that when goods 20 into the BASEMENT SALES-
ROOM , that alone speaks for the price. As a saving
of expense , no measures will be taken nor charges
made in this department.
For the opening week we can offer the'reatestg
bargains known in carpets.
Entrance to basement , WIDE STAIRWAY NEAR FRONT DOOR.
best all wool Ingrain Carpets 5oc per yard Best Body Brussels Carpet ( some ith bonier' ' . . QOC per yard.
Union Ingrain Carpets 250 ' ' China Matting u yard wjuiu ) eec "
Tapestry Brussels Carpets ( some with border ) 380 " Oil Cloth , r , i } & and 2 yards wide 170 per sq. yard.
Good Velvet Carpet ( some with border ) 75C ' " Lace Curtains 65 and 75 per pair.
Chenille Curtains , oild lot , at less than regular price.
C1 de Dp Fr n i
. , .
8-4xlO-6 , Tapestry Brussels $11.OO lO-TxlO-7 Tapestry Brussels $13.8O
. , " . . . . .
8-4xlO-6 , Body'Brussels and Moquette 17. OO ! O-7xlO-7 Body Brussels and Moquette 21.2
. , .
8-4x11-6 , Tapeslry Brussels 12.OO 10-7x12-6 Tapestry Brussels 16.0O
. , , .
8-4x11-6 , Body Brussels and Moquette 18.SO 10-7x12-6 Body Brussels and Moquette 24.BO
, . . .
8-4x13 , Tapestryj'B ' russels 13.33 10-7x13. Tapestry Brussels 18.30
. , .
8-4x13 , Body Brussels and Moquette 2O.BO 10-7x13 Body Brussels and Moquclto 28.2B
1414-16-18 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB.
F. H. Evans has sold out his
located at 28 Main and 27 Pearl street. It has been
' , bought by
m We
who will continue the business.
mc The Stock must be reducec ) , at orice , and the price will be
I ' ! IX :
I Id- m
cut on every Shoe in the store. , Many thousand dollars' worth
of these cjoods have been received , . | the last ten days and the
I i' f >
entire stock is new and clean. ] " Sale commences "Monday ,
April 9. Come early and secure the bargains , for $10,000.00
9 II J
'I Ilfc
of these goods must be sold af.s'ome price at once.
S ®
28 Main street , next to Beno's. 27 Pearl street. m
in charge of thosistora of Nloroy.
This renowned Institution (9 ( sltuutod on tlio
high MulTs Ijacit of and overlooking the city of
C'onuall lllulfs. Tbo spiclous urouwla. Its
hlih loc.-itlon and splendid vlow. iniiko It u
most pleasing rotrtnt for the ulHtutod , A st'ilt
ofoni nont physicians uud a lur o i > orpnf ev
pcrlencod i.urscs nilnlstor to the coinfnrU of
thupitiouts. Bpuulul u.tro ijlvon to lady pa
For pnitlculiirs nuplr to
Frank StreatCouncil BluTj , IOYI ,
Improved Quick and Easy 2
Rising * Steam , Elec"ra
trie & Hand Power
Solid for Circular. .
Kimbill Bros..CouncilBluffsIowa . ,
Funeral Oiroctor&Emli.ainier
J-l N. Main St. , Council HlulTs.
i > 7-TiiiriioMs-iti-Hiiiiic : : : ! : < > : ii ;
-vur ! VD mt * * H * * Kf * S * -Of * * 3P
Or llif I.l < iuor Itulilt PollliFly Cured
h ) aUiiilnUU-rliiK Dr. IliilmV
Itoin be given In uoupotconce or tea , or In food ,
without the knowlcOffo of the patient. It ! absolutely
li-rinlc . and will cfltot a permnuent and apccdy
curr. wtir-ther the patient In n cioderato drlnkoror
nn alcohollo wreck. It Imt been ulven In ISouianrt.
ot oases , and lu every Inatanco a perfect euro has M
< wed. It Never Pall * . Theaystoinonoelniprctfn.ted
Itbthe beoomes au utter Impooslblllty
.wrtne liquor appetite to eilsl.
Kl.l > i.S : SI'lCIFI : ! ( ) CO. . rrop'm , rUclnnatl , C' .
40-pa.a book or pirtlculnra Iree , To bo bud < > '
Kuliu & Co. . Druh'KlhtB , If.tli and
tB. , Omitha , Neb.
ii fart Fid Co.
McPflERSON & RAIN , Props.
Ollon ! niul irrcanlioiiBps I'JUO 13. Plorco St. , threa
hliicliH liniu uint : iMid ofbtreot dirtln , Telephone
_ il. dimwit * niul ili-.ilci'H In all kimlnot plants.
Htirulis vc ( > libcH ; , i.te. llorf s. Cut Flowera anil UotiiiHBlilp)0.1to ! ! | all parts of the country.
Mail and Telegraph Orders Promptly Filled
1'iualdtMit. Uashlur.
Capital , - . $100,000
Profits , - - - 12,00(1 (
Onn of the oWi'ht liaiikH In tlm Hliiti ! of Iowa. Wa
Hollrlt your liiiHlnosH anil oolUvtloim. Wo piiy D
pi-rci'iiton lliiinili'iiosltH. Wuwllluo pluuttud to
HOD illlll HITVI ) Jllll ,
come clink'u burc'ilna In fiult anil Burden
land near this city ?
miMovuD , cassrooi.3 , VAULTS ,
clilnmeyH clriincil. LM llurke , at Taylor1 !
_ imtiy , C40 DiuuiHwiy.
city pioinTty Uuuht ; anil gold. 1'uaey A
Tliomuu , C'uuncll IHnrfH.
writer ilrxlira xltuatlon ; hax hail experience It
lHioll < Kt > iilnK | nlxu ; btut lefurunccs. AcJJitai
N M , llcf , Council lllultH.
of Kindt , iibiint il nilk'H not Ih of tuwn. Catlli
; . ' .7S to tl.iw , liotttfH 14.00 la ) T.O ) , for neutun ,
Ainll IS to October IS. OnoU man In charxi
of Mock ; plenty KIIIBH , tmlt unit water. Oi
will lent tn uooil man with il.U'H.Oi ) capital ti
Invent In il.ilry , IUK | " " 'I ' puultiy business , _ XHM
e-Miuni luitiHi ) ami nil nmvcmcruTu , L. I' .
.ImlHim , ! )29 ) Cth u > enuu or 2'li liroaJwuCoun <
cl | llliilTs.
_ _ _
HALAUY 6lfToTiMTSS7oN TO Till' : hlQII'l
Ri'ntli-inan nr laily. Call at otiru. i : . U. & M ,
( V , 00 Main iftiwt , ( 'nuni'll HlulTu.
oiilor. A. WuiIKh , t-'andulcli M'fff , Co. , CUUIK
Lll ItlllffB.
_ _
\VA NTiir fo I IK NT. TlY A OOOD llOTIili
man , a rompli-IHy fiiinlahfil hotel. Must l >
ilolm ; u ( 'ood hiiDlni-HK. J. 11. 7 , lice , Council
LOST , ( lout "inTi OI.AHH "AND CHAIN !
lu'tutcn rtiuihcn'H waii'huiiHit an < l T. ! .
Kinlih'H. Itcturn to tvlcnhonu olllco anil eel
A I'llli : AND lirilOLAK PUOOh' HAKi : roil
Hulii at u harKiiln. Call ut corner .Seventh and
Mills , Mrs. l-'riiftn.
All klinlant Oyaliu
nnil Clio iniiu ilium lu
the hixhoic Htylu of
ilio art. K.'i lo I uu 1
Blulnuil fuUrloi inud
to tool : 4i
notrViir \ K pruiuiitly
iloua am ilollvorol
In all parts ut ttia
ountry for
Prop riot or.
liroadway , near North *
Wfiiuru Dupot ,
Tolopliunu _ i