Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    Til 13 OMAHA DAILY HER : TUESDAY , A PHIL 10. 1801.
011 K'n - - NO. 121'iiAiiL
Belli errtl by carrier lo nny ttart of the city ,
II. W. TltVTON , Manager.
TRMWIIOXKB tlUilnen * olllcc , No , 43j nleht
editor. No. a.
Doston s.oro , spring drcsi goort > , capes.
Charles Lovegrccn , the Kcoloy euro mnn
who wasn't cured , was lined $10.20 In pollco
court yesterday morning for Dotting too
Joyful ,
A marriage llcfnse win Issucil yesterday
to Grant II. Dunn and Uosslo M. Simons ,
nfieil 24 nnd 20 jears respectively. They
both live In Council Hlntta.
Sunihy morning 11 Iiorac driven by Clar
ence Sehnlf Htcpi > cd on the loose end of an
electric light wire No damn no v&s done ,
but that horse Knows lio\v It fccU to be
knocked down Aie time * nnd out by light
A man giving his name as Chariot Wilson
as found yciterday afternoon with ten
nlhcr Mill es and forks In hit possession
Ho had already hold two dozen nt n cntiplo
nf pawn shops. The stuff Is supposed to
have been tolr > n , and ttio pollca nro now
looking for the owner , while Charles Is In
the city jail on a general charge of sus
The ministers of the city held a mcptlni ;
jeslcrduy morning for the purpoto of laying
further plans for reviving the Clmutmniua
assembly thlt summer A committee was
appointed to ascertain the cost of moving
the amphitheater from the grounds ) In Gar
ner towinhlp to some point In the city lim
its A piece of ground just cast of the High
school Is looked upon nllli a good deal of
faior by those who are engineering the pro
ject ns a location for the building.
The school board mn-'o a trip yesterday
to Courtland beach to look over the situa
tion. They found seventy-two pupils cooped
up In n slnglo room , ISxIO feet In alze. The
recent refusal of the voters to allow nn ap
propriation for a new school linuso hat ) ren
dered the erection of a now building out of
the question , and President "leld states that
there Is no other room In the town that can
be rented that would answer the purpose
nny better. So tht , ' chances are that the
pupils will go on until the end of the
with ) ,1 better educational facilities than
they i.uve now.
Insure In the Imperial Flro Insurance Co.
Insure In the Imperial Klre Insurance Co.
Insure In the Imperial Fire Insurance Co.
Insure in the Imperial Flro Insurance Co
Lougee & Towlc , Sole Agents , 235 Pearl
Coumll llIufTH Inn. C'II'H. Wonderful < lro th
The following Is .1 statement of premiums
written nnd losecs paid by the Council
llluffs Insurance company during the first
quarter of each year since nnd Including
] 890 , a record to which wo point with
honest pride :
Premium * . I * os
Jan. to April , iRl > COf , 7'i JJ.117.St
Ji.n. to April , 1SSI 0.7JI CS 2.741 2j
Jnn. tu April 1S92 lit ( m SO 4.1 < > 7. ' > 8
.Inn 10 April , IMI.3 13 131 1H 3,04123
Jnn. to April , 1SD4 . . . . 17.3:8 : 10 0,511 75
No Uinlrrjnkrr Ntril Apply.
If jour children nro aflllctcdslth diph
theria , Dr , Jcfforls' remedy will save their
JOB. . No physician required. Has stood
the test of 35 years. For sale by J. C. Do
Haven , George H. Da\ls and Morgan & Co. ,
successors to Dcardaloy. Also 2101 Cuming
street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jef-
ferls , Council Bluffs , la. Price , $3.
C. D. Dillon of Neola was In the city jcs-
L. Zurmtiehlcn , Jr. , leaves today for a live
days trip to Springfield , O.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Garrison of Loun City ,
Neb. , nro registered nt the Inman hotel.
Harry Kansdell has taken charge of the
Union Transfer company's establishment
In the block.
Dr. F. P. Bellinger expects to locate in
this city again. He leaves In a day or twofer
for Portland , Ore. , to close out his business
Spencer Smith nnd Senator William Grono-
weg hn\e returned from DCS Molncs , where
they wltnchsed the closing scenes of the
II. S. Mow man has taken n situation on
the road for the tobacco house of John
Finger & Hro. of Louisville , Ky. His terri
tory will be Iowa and Nebraska.
The IlaiiliiTH I.lfr AHHOiliitlon
Of DCS Molnea , In. , stands nt the head of
all mutual Insurance. It furnishes indem
nity for the least money , Is the safest ,
soundest nnd has the largest reserve for pol
icy holders , $1,241,210.03. A comparison will
convince the most skeptical. Address . O.
.IVIrt , agent , 71C Willow avenue.
AVntrr Works Olllco.
Open Monday and Tuesday evenings. Pay
nnd save your discount.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 M iln street. Tele
phone 18. '
Domestic sonp breaks hiM water.
Trouble < > \or I.liui lYnrex.
Norn Murphy nnd John Coylo lay clnlm
to the snmc piece of ground In the southern
part of the city. Norn claims to have ben In
possession of the lot for some time past ,
nnd , by virtue of her ownership , she enclosed
It a few days ngo with n barb wire fence
nnd proceeded to sow It with grass , turnips ,
chrysanthemums und other garden truck.
Last Saturday Coylo camu along and pro
ceeded to exercise his vested right by plant
ing another fence right down In the mid
dle of her ground In such n way as to pre
vent her from killing the squash bugs nnd
Unison weeds thnt might undertake to do
business under Mrs. Murphy's vine nnd fig
tree. That night Mrs. Murphy went out and
tore down Coyle's fence and then secured tin
nttoiney , who assisted her In getting a writ
of Injunction from Judge Decmer to privent
Coylo from undoing the dnmago she hud
done. The rcnl ownership of the lot will
hnvo to bo determined by the court.
"What bicycle do you ride ? " "Why , I
ride n Wavery. Everybody rides them.
Cole & Cole sold fourteen In the last two
weeks. They sell for $ S5 , nnd nro war
ranted as good ns any wheel made. Get
one. "
llookn i > t Auction ,
Carload , consisting of the best books ,
medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums ,
b bles , etc. 1'rlvato sale by day and auction
at 7 p. m. . 630 Droadwny.
nvnns Laundry company. Shirts , collars ,
and cuffs n specialty , G20 1'earl strcot , Teir
COO , Reasonable rates for fnmlly work.
See the now nrt goods at Mrs. Miles' .
Called tu Anotlirr field.
Ilev II , A. Holclienbach , pastor of the
Scandinavian Ihiptl&l church of this city ,
hns accepted a call to become pastor of a
largo nnd nourishing church nt Albert I.c.i ,
Minn. , and leaves for that place tomorrow.
Last evening he was tendered a reception
by the members ot his church at the homo
of Ole t'hrlstonscn , 7.JS Washington avenue ,
ind a large number of friends were present.
Mr. Hclchonbach hns been pastor of the
church here for the past ten years , nnd
In thnt time he hns mndo muny friends
who will regret his departure. The church
lo which he goes has a membership ot about
Onriilnlimrnls Miint Stop In lonii
In a short time , as Iowa hns passed a law
ugalnst thrm. This la your last chance to
collect jour accounts before the law goes
Into force. The Nassau Investment company
has reduced Us charges and will guarantee
collections against persons not living In
luwa , but who are employed by some rail
way , express or telegraph company having nn
ngcnt In Iowa. Write at once for terms and
references , Council Illuffs.
Jarvls Wine Co. , Council muffs , la. , agtnt
JarvU 1877 brandy , wines and liquor.
$500 to $1,000 to loan on city property.
Itoom 4 , 555 Urondway.
Gas cooking stoves for runt and for salt
at Gas Po.'a olllce.
Everybody knows Divls sails drugt ,
. IU UuuilrUn use Domestic soag , . . .
XTfMt'I' ' IMt/ilT f'APVfMI It ! I'PPP
Application of the Mnlot Law Now n Problem
Prtwing fcr Solution ,
Mttlo Doubt hut nn Effort Will lie Mndo tu
J.'uforco I he tax Nnw Industry
tb.itlll lie I'osti'rcil by
till ! I JIM" ,
A meeting of the county supervisors will
bo held at the court house this afternoon.
The question of enforcing the new Martin
mulct law Is certain to come up In a day
or two , before the board finally adjourns.
Heretofore the city clerk or the city mar
shal has collected the monthly Hue. Now
the county tieasurcr will have entire con
trol of the collection of saloon fines and
nfter the quarterly payment lun been mnde
to him by the saloon keeper , one-half the
amount will bo turned over to the city ,
the same as any other tnx.
In view of the fact that four-fifths of
the members of the board are from the
county and the noncnforccment of the law
will lose the county Just $300 per annum
on every saloon keeper doing business In
Council IlluffH , It seems fair to presume
that the board will demand that Council
IIIufTs be brought under the dominion of
law onro more , nt least so fur as the tax
matter Is concerned.
Homo ono ha discovered that n new In
dustry Is likely to spring up as the result
of the new law. For an out-of-town saloon
Keeper to carry on his business without
hindrance a petition will be necessary
bearing the signatures of 65 per cent of
the voters , not of his town or city , but
of the entire county. It Is easy to see
that for every saloon keeper to start out
on his own hook armrd with n petition ami
traverse the vvholo county would be out
of the question. It would cost htm ns much
ns he could ever hope to make during the
year , and he would then bo uncertain ns
to whether public sentiment throughout the
county would be such ns to enable him
to get the required 03 per cent.
It Is likely , therefore , that some enterpris
ing iiuui who IH out of a Job will stnrt out
with ( .evenly-live or 100 petitions nnd make
n tour of the county. n\ory farmer he
runs across will have to sit down nnd wrlto
his name on the entire lot if ho believes
that people ou/ht / ; to be allowed to dilnk
beer. If he doesn't bcllevp that way , or
If ho sa > n ho hasn't the time to spare , the
syndlrnte must pay him for his time or
compromise with his conclcnce , ns the case
mny be. When ho bus made the round of
the county nnd has secured the petitions he
can come bnck nnd cell them at a good
round figure to the oiit-of-lonn saloonlsts.
Is It llrrtiusu It Is Ouitcil liy tliu Strcrt Cur
C'ompiuiy ?
The democratic convention gave sweet ns-
Burancu that the candidates , If elected , would
compel the street car company to pay all
Its taxes nnd other dues to the city. Ulijht
on the start the council has decided to re
lieve the Driving Paik association fiom
taxation. The picsent driving pirk IH n
goodly sl/cd piece of real estate , held for u
propltuous time In which to subdivide into
lots and throw upon the market. In the
meantime It affords its owners a > early
revenue from bolng leased and from occa
sional rac-es. The property Is piactlcally
owned by the street car company , there being
but four shares not held by stockholder in
the motor line.
In connection with this subject n little
Investigation has been made with a view to
ascertaining Just what ground the Driving
Park association has for complaint on the
score or taxes. It owns seventy-six acres
of land In the northwestern part of the city ,
and the vvholo tract of land IH assessed nt
$6,300. The taxes amountto $392. Just
west of the south end of the grounds Is a
patch of twenty acres belonging to John \V.
Paul nnd known ns "Paul's Place. " The
ground Is exactly the same , so far as the
general contour Is concerned , nnd the only
apparent advantage Is on the side of the
driving park , Inasmuch an the latter has
direct connection with the motor line , and
occasionally affords Its stockholders a little
revenue , while the Paul tract Is several
blocks distant from the motor , and In haul
Union IIKo the present affords not the slight
est revenue to Us owner. There are 101 lots
In this tract of twenty acres , and each one
Is assessed anywhere from $30 to $43. The
entire assessment Is $3,010. Granting that
this assessment Is Just and that the two
parcels of ground are equally valuable , the
assessment of the driving park should be
$13T1S , instead of $6,300.
The stockholders of the company and their
friends claim that they should bo exempt
from taxation on the ground of their workIng - '
Ing for the good of th ( > tlty. Those who be
lieve In every man nnd every corporation
bearing his due share of taxation find It
dlfllcult to see why the Driving Park asso
ciation Is entitled to M\y \ different treatment
from the ordinary cltlen who has had land
lying Idle on his hands during the recent
business depression , and doing nothing but
pllo up taxes which he has not Influence
enough to hnvo remitted. Dohany's opera
housa Is run for the benefit of the public ,
to a certain extent , but It Is assessed at
$8,000 , and the taxes are not remitted.
Some vciy energetic cogitation is now In
progress , voters endeavoring to harmonl/o
ante-election promises with post-election
performances. _
At I ho lloaton Stern Dress floods Dopt.
On Monday wo will Inaugurate our April
dress goods sale , which will Include some uf
the best values ever offered In the dress
goods line. At lOc wo offer n complete as
sortment of colors In now sucdcd armure ,
goods full 34 Inches wide and well worth
2Ga n yard. At 25c wo show a big assort
ment of plain and novelty dress goods , In
cluding English cashmeres , Illuminated mix
tures and a complete line of li rlilcsjcent di
agonals that would bo cheap at 37VjC a yard.
Our leader at 39c Is 25 pieces nf Imported
French henrletta , 25 pieces of Scotch mix
tures In checks and stripes , 15 pieces of
the celebrated Jamestown fancies. In all
over 100 different styles nt 39c ; goods
vvero bought to sell nt EOc and GSc n yard.
Don't fall to see our assortment of all
wool serges at SOo a yard. Our stock of
novelty dress goods at $1 00 a yard was
never so complete as at the present time
We cill special attention to n line of 50-Inch
Scotch mixtures , worth $1.50 , at $1.00 n
ynrd. Ask to sou the now silk warp solcll.
We hnvo Just received another assortment
of fine exclusive style dress patterns. See
special numbers at $ S 50 , $10.00 and $12.00.
A new assortment of the gcnuina Kal Kl
wash silks , which wo have placed on sale at
Mo n > nrd. See our new swivel silks nt
ESe a yard.
rigurcd dress silks. Wo show over BO
stjlea and colorings In a tine Japanese sill ;
at fi'Jc and 75o a > anl. These silks will out
wear any China or India silks at $1.00 or
$1.25 n yard.
See plain white and cream Japs at 35c ,
50c , 59c nnd 75c a yaid ,
Fothcrlngham , Whltolavv Co , Leaders ,
Council llluffs , la.
m the Atli > rituii.
The case of Witt against Hlco used to bob
up serenely every time a Judge would open
up a term of court , but since It went to the
supreme court and the decision of the dis
trict court In Witt's favor was affirmed noth
ing has been heard of It more. Yesterday
Its ghost was resuscitated by J , N. Flick-
Incer , attorney for the plaintiff , who caino
Into court und asked that execution bu not
Issued for the amount of the Judgment ,
$2,100. An examination of the records re
vealed a rather unique state of affairs , for
while Fllcklnger had been attorney for the
defense on the flrtt trial and acted In Hint
capacity until after the case had been dis
posed of In the mipreme court , hi ; now ap
peared lo hnvu switched off on to the plain-
tin's aide.
J. J. Shea appeared for C , I ) . Dillon of
Neola , who , he claimed , wan tht ) real plain
tiff , for several hundred dollars of the Judg
ment vvero coming to him. He became
ntUter ucrtoual lu hi * remarks , accusing
PHcklnRcr of perjury , nnpr IM-IO al cr/
duet , and all ( he other irimes known to ft"
code of legal elhlcs. PlUklnger retorted
that ho had no time or Inclination to Indulge
In any such ' barroom eloquence" ns hit op
ponent , and attributed the latter' * anxiety
to have the Judgment executed to the fact
that he had Mapped n Hen for attorney fee *
upon It amounting to several hundred dollars
lars more than the amount of the Judgment.
After the two limbs of the law had kicked
ono another Riifflclcntly hard Judge Dcomcr
took the case under advisement.
DAK IH roit HIIMIK. : : :
Itcrontincniling Illm to Ooi-
crnor itnckMtn'fi Tender Mrrclei 1'itMcit.
A meeting of the Hnr association of Pot-
tavvattamlo county was held yesterday after
noon In the district court room for the pur
pose of taking notion with regard to the
appointment of a Judge to nil the newly
created vacancy on the supreme bench
Nearly every one of the seventy-five attor
neys of Council Illuffs was present. C. 0.
Saunders presided and J. J , Stewnrt acted
as secretary. The resolutions given below
were unanimously passed and the signatures
of about sixty-five lawyers vvero secured :
Whrrcnw , lly nn net of the Twenty-fifth
gcncinl iiHscmbly of the state of lawn , the
duty devolves upon the governor of low si to
appoint nn additional member of the mi-
promo I'ourt , nnd
Wberc.ui , Hon. II. 12. Doemcr of Mont
gomery county , lovvn , has for eight > oaw
been one of the presiding judges of tbo
Fifteenth judicial district of lovvn , nnd In
that rnparlty bus manifested bin ability art
n lawyer , bis fairness nnd linpartlnllty n a
Judge , nnd lU-nionstiiited thnt be possessed
tbo Intellectual nnd moiul qualities to ndorn
tbo bench of the hlKlu-st court of tbo state.
nnd IIIIH commended lilniHulf to the bar nnu
people of pontliwi'stt-rn Iowa IIH u man emi
nently qimlllled for Judicial position ; there-
Hi'solved , Hv the members of the I'ottn-
vviittnmlL' County Inr ! iiHxoi-liitlon , Irrespective
tiveof political limitations , that wo
onrnestly commend to Oovc-rnor Jackson
thi- candidacy of Judge Deemcr for ap
pointment HH Judge of the mipicnie court ,
because of bis fitness for the position , nnd
because , otbei things being ciuml , Honth-
vvestorn Iowa Is entitled to this nppolnt-
Uos'olvod , That fiom eight venrs observa
tion of bis COUMI- upon Hit- bench we un-
besltutlnKl.v nnd unqualifiedly commend
him IIH i-mlnontlv IH nnd quallllL-d for thin
position , and earnestly lequesl bis appoint
ment. _ _
When you come to the best hose for sprink
ling the 'law n It Is the Maltese Cross. You
can always get this and lighter grades in
rubber und cotton hosu at Ulxby's. 202 Main
street. _ .
The Ktnuchan stock has been moved to 23
Main street. Shoes nt jour own price , 'iou
want i hoes and wo want money. Bring the
family In and nt them up for April rains.
V. M. C. A. Ki-crptloii.
A recepTlon was tendered the friends of the
Young Men's Christian association last evenIng -
Ing at the rooms In the Merrlam block. A
large number wen- present , both ladles and
gentlemen , and the committee on arrange
ments left nothing undone that would ndd to
the enjoyment. The annual business meet
ing occupied the early portion of the even
ing. The following ofllCPM were elected for
the ensuing year. President. F. II Kojs ;
first vice president , L.V. . Tulle > b ! second
vice president. C. S. Law son ; recording sec
retary , C. J. McNItt ; treasum , n. 13. Hart ;
directors , for term of two ycais , C. T.
Officer , \V. J. Loverctt , H. D. Howard , J.
W. Ilojman , J. G. Wadsworth. W. P. Ollicer.
A. H. Illshsmlth and W. S. COSH. 1. V.
Howard was elected to nil the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Mr. Keys from
the board of directors. Reports of officers
showed the association to be In a flour
ishing condition. After the business had
been tiansacted a s-ocial time was had ,
and lofreshments were served In the gym
nasium by the lady fi lends of the assoclo-
Noit Sunday evening will be held the an
nual mass meeting of the association , arid
nil thu Protestant churches of the clly will
unite. Hev. M. C. Altchlson will deliver
the principal addiesn of the evening , nnd the
united choirs of the city will furnish music.
While you nre paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a
trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157.
Get prices from Shugart & Ouron , the leadIng -
Ing seedsmen of Council Bluffs , Masonic
Ited Men at Church.
Poltnwattumle tribe No. 21 , Improved
Order of Red Men , with n large delegation
from the Omaha tribes , Ynh-mm-dnh-sls No.
2 , Ogalalla No. 4 and Omaha No. 18 , with
visitors from Chkaga and Massachusetts , at
tended services In a body Sunday morning
at the Christian tabernacle , and mads a
very handsome appearance with their bright-
colored regalias. On their return to thu
wigwam of the Pottuwattnmlcs a bountiful
feast of coin nnd venison was furnished the
visiting In others nnd sisters by r.tchetah
council No. 3 , Degree of Pocohontas. A
social meeting was then held , and long and
short talks vvero made by the visiting
brothers and thojo of the home tribe. The
order Is one of the finest In the city , and is
composed of the best element In Council
Bluffs and Omaha. It lias a membership
of over 150,000 in the United States , Is fra
ternal III its aims and furnishes sick and
funeral benefits. Its origin dates back
to the American revolution , when the
fi loudly Indians assisted the American sol-
Myers-Durfee Fuinlturo rompiny , 236-238
Broadway , save money aiu' 'lino to patrons ,
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
Mi'jrrn Unr < l u ( lull.
Kllhu Meyers , manager of the American
District Telegraph company , rented a farm
south of the city to a man named Hlliznrd.
There was a disagreement that led to ix
lawsuit Finally Mc > crs dismissed Ills suit
upon the understanding that Ullz/aid and
his sons weie to turn the land over to him
and keep nway In the future. The ne\t
morning fill/zard nnd his sons were on
hand ready to run the farm. Mojcrs was
there to ECU that they didn't. Loud talk
ensued , and Meyers claims that Blizzard
came after him with a heavy stick of wood.
Meyers drew n gun nnd the Blizzards left
him In possession of tha field. Blizzard
went before Justice Vlen and charged
Meyers with assault. Meyers was arrested ,
and the case will come up before Justice
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs.
jf/co.i/.H/.v7 ; > ; : / > roit
Cqliimbui , O , , 'Much Kxrllrd Otpr the Con
templated ItHU-HKii of 1'iitrlcli inilott.
COLUMBUS , 0. . April 9. Warden James
and the new tlmplain , Ilev , Mr. Wlngot , of
the Ohio penitentiary have recommended
Patrick J. Klllott for release on parole
Ho and William J. Ulllott , February 23 ,
1891 , Killed two men and wounded nine
others on High street on account of n news
paper feud of a personal character The
warden says he Is now required by the board
of managers to recommend for parole any
prisoner who may ask for same und whoso
record as to prison conduct Is within the
requirements , the board assuming all respon
sibility as to paroles. Patrick was sentenced
for twenty years. There Is much feeling
hero upon the subject.
II i.lTIliil : lOHKU.tNTlt.
I'alr und Slight ! ) Murmur , ttlth A'urbtblo
Northerly Winds.
WASHINGTON , April 0. Forecasts for
Tuesday. For Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado -
rado Fair ; slightly warmer ; north winds ,
becoming variable.
For South Dakota Warmer ; gtncrallj fair ;
southwesterly winds.
For Missouri and Iowa Generally fair
Tuesday ; westerly winds , slightly warmer.
Dundee , Dundee , Dundee Prune orchards.
Brown , at Wooodbrldgo Bros. . 120 N 10th St.
C'unarit I.liuT luiiiiiti'il.
QUN13NBTOWN , April . The Cunard
liner Btenmer Campania nailed hence for
New York jestcrdtiy. During the run from
Liverpool her iccentrlc rod bent. The rod
was icpulred lure and the Hteamer pro
ceeded. , _
Hull llrruhs tliu Okluliomu llt'tord.
I3L HKNO. Okl. , April 9. The heaviest
hall storm In the history of Oklahoma passed
over the city at 7 o'clock lost ulgbt. Much
damncc hnn hrrn done to growing crops nn 1
unprotected live stock ? ( ihio of the hall-
stones were ns biK as- nun's fist and fell
to a depth of two Inches ,
MIII 7i/.v.v : ri *
When tbn Mother of llrr Allrcrd Victim
Apprrmchnd Slur \\ns Nrrunn.
MAUSHALLTOWN , In. . April 9.-In the
Bennett murder CMC 'Iblfay ' fourteen wit
nesses ) were examined. ' l Jt the state , nnd
greater progress vvns mnde limn on any day
of the trial. It vvn shown by Mr * . Itennctl'n
phjHlcInn thai after thu murder ho was
called to FCO her , nnd wb 6 nho complained
of being sick ho could discover nothing the
matter , nnd from the amount nnd chnrnc-
> tor of the medicine Inft , which they
clnlmcd vvns given her , find the effect It
produced , It vvns evident'that ' she did not
tnke It. Hhc claimed tu bo sick when ar
rested nnd put In Jail. A phvslclnn was
called nnd left medicine-for her , nnd the
person who bud charge of the medicine
swo'e that she refused to tnko It nnd
poured It out. One witness testified thnt
ho followed footmark * lending from the
Fccne of the murder townid Mrn. llen-
nctt'H home. They could be followed nearly
half the illstancc ,
The victim's mother testified to .Mrs. Hen-
null's extreme ngltntlon Hie time she
met Mrs. Henni'tt nfk't the nun dor nnd
her anxiety to show her sympathy. The
feigned sickness to cover up her limitation
nml nervousness vvns strongly brought out
nnd formed an Impoitnnt link.
Alleged Mnrdeior on tbo Stand.
CHHSTON. la. , April 9.-Sprclnl ( to Tile
Ilee. ) The testimony for the defi-nse In thu
Ooodnle murder case vvns resumed today.
So far the defense has boon endeavoring to
prove that Baldcison | s a simple-minded
fellow , not responsible foi his statements ,
and In fact nn Idiot. Thu wit nesses so far
examined have testified to Italdoraon's fool
ish actions , nnd testimony has been pro
duced .showing that other children In the
naldeison family mo mentally weak. Sam
Kldd , who was Implicated In the murder by
the confession of IJaldemm , was placed on
tliu stand this morning , but he disclosed
nothing that would Implicate him In thu
crime. It Is the Keneial opinion that
B.ildetsoti and Kldd will not be convicted.
May Not Increase the Court Membership.
DiS : MOINiS : , April -Special ( Telegram
to The Bee. ) Governor Jackson stated to
day that he had not > et signed tbo bill
passed by the late b'Klslatuie providing
for an additional member of tbo supreme
couit. He bcllcvos thoiu nro some defects
In the law which ought not to be over
looked. He Is opposed to making the mem
bership of the couit an even number , und
thinks the manner of dividing the work of
the oomt will not expedite business. U H
thought by some that the bill will bu ve
toed. Meanwhile then- are a number of
candidates In the field for the position ,
among them Judge Deempr of Ited O.ilc ,
Judge Weaver of Iowa Fallu nnd 13. D.
Mclllroy of Otlumwn.
Death nf nil loua Veteran.
WASHINGTON , AptII 9. ( Special Tolc-
ernm to The Bee. ) Genet nl John 13dvv arils
of Iowa died In tills city > osteidny and will
be bulled In the hlsloilc old Arlington cem
etery tomorrow. General Kdwinds was the
colonel of the KlKhtoonth Iowa regiment ,
having lalsed that regiment. He WHS also
spenkei of the Iowa. UvMiitnre homu time
, n the sixties. At the time ot his deuth
GeiiPial Kdwards was an employe of the
thlid luidltoi'a olllcc.
Wnrm Munli lpil ; I.lection.
wnnsTim CITY , in. , APIII o.-Sppciai (
Telegram to The Bee. ) The hottest munici
pal election ever held In this city oceuiied
today. The light ruuohf.l Itself into a con
test between the two t-c < lions of the city ,
resulting In the election of Young , the
candidate of the old town , over 11. .
Claike by a nuijoilty of Jl ! votes.
Win Afuld lie Would los < > Ills Job.
CI3DAU HAl'IDS , Jn. , . Apill 9 ( Special
Telegram to The Ucu ) Ignac Hejck , a
Bohemian employed In a stone quarry
south of the city , committed suicide this
inoinlnj , ' by hanging. Despondency , le-
sultliiK from the feat1 that ho would lose
his place , was the cause. He leaves a
wife and seven children.
The first Installment of I3inlle Zola's great
story , "Lourdes , " will appear In The Sunday
Bee April 15. Illustrated.
A smallpox scare la onnat Avon , 111. , a
small town near Galcsbiirg. '
Lord nosobery has aunbunccd that the
English propose to retain'JJgandu.
Gold to the amount of 335,000 francs
arrived In New York from Europe yesterday ,
destined for Cuba.
Seven .men were Killed yesterday at
Muskogee , Mich. , by the " , _ derailing of n
logging locomotive. *
Wheeler & Tnppan , pump manufacturers
of Chicago , have assigned. Liabilities , $30-
000 ; assets about the same.
Cholera Is stated to bo Increasing in Euro
pean Turkej. Callladl Bey , chancellor of
state , Is ono of the latest victims.
Judge Caldwell at Llltlo Hock yesterday
confirmed the sale of the Kansas City ,
Wyandotte & Northwestern lallway.
A fire at Baltimore last night destroyed n
large Hvcry stable. One hundred and
thirty-seven flue horses were burned.
At Louisville yesterday Judge Bnrrc of
the fedtial court apoluted'n receiver for
the Louisville , St. Louis At Texas railway.
The Southern Paclllc railroad has i educed
the Interest rates on all land mortgages
from 10 to C per cent , provided 10 per cent
of thu principal is paid.
Embassador Bayard called at the English
fnr * lim nlllpn vn lnrilnv In nKenrlntu linn. fn
that government pioposed to go toward en
forcing the decree of the Paris tribunal.
The law school at Constantinople has been
closed because the principal of the school ,
who had made a trip to the United States ,
was teaching too liberal ideas to suit the
sublime porto.
Dictator Wllholm of the froc-Innd African
expedition has settled down to wait for the
ariival of William Astor Chanler before
proceeding with the expedition. The latter
gentleman proposes to remain In America
for six months.
Worth n Guinea a Box.
, Stubborn tendencies >
i to digestive troubles ( Q
i in children will always O
yield to a mild dose
,9. ,
( Tasteless )
75 contin [ > ox.
TltUATMKNl * II V. VI All , Con ultitloii 1'rea
Wo euro Cntnrrh. All Dlaonaoi of
the Nose , Throat , Chost. stoitnoh ,
Llvor. Blood , Skin aid Kldnoy Dls-
oesos , FomaJo Wnaknoaios , Loot
ManhooUi ANU MJ. i > ftlVAr DIB-
EASES df MfiN.
I'II.VR , 1'iSTULAANii IteOTAt , UicKiis cured
HltUiiut u > > lnoruoteiitiuii from tusliion.
HTJPTT7KE. Xo Ciiro .Vo I'/iy.
Call on or mlUn BI with HI imp forclroulirj. fre
book nnd receipts , l t stairway south of POBI
Ofuce , Kooni 7 ,
Dr , Scarlcs ul Saws ,
Probnblv moio women become wasted
nnd faded Invalids from chronic cntnirhnl
conditions than from nil other causes com
bined. Mr * . Hnriv Ijivv , I9 N. 28th street ,
Is held In the highest pcrsotnl respect by
a large elrole of friend * . She Is wife of
Mr. Harry l/aw , who conducts thnt popu
lar re. ort , "Tho Couit , " nt 311 South ICth
street , Mrs. Law xaj.s.
949 Not th > th st , Omnhn.
"I don't think thnt nny woman who hns
taken treatment with Dr. Shcp.itd ever
feels as though sbu could speak too highly
of his vvoik. My health had boon poor for
many .voais nnd was much worse fiom la
gilppe , which attacked me every winter
for the past four years until Dr.
restored mo. Kvoiy little chnnge In the
weather KUVO mo a told ami made mo sick
My blood was thin as watei and poisoned
by cntnrih nnd thu stomach and kidneys
suffered from this cause. My food give
me pain and often vomiting. It was called
billons dyspepsia. The stomach seemed in
a fciment coiitlnuallj The muscles of mj
back and sides weiu always sore. Any ex
tra o.xeitlon made me foci faint as though
I would vomit. My nerves weie all un
strung so thnt I could not sleep nnd m >
hcnit vvns ea lly dlstuibod. In shoit 1 was
weak and piostiated In eei.p.ut. .
"Several of the best doitois In Omaha
helped mo for the time , but 1 wanted to
get cntiicly free fiom m > trouble and be n
well woman If possible As a result of
Ur. Shepnid's treatment I have regained
excellent health. 1 am * ttongor than I
have been for > unrs. Ono striking result of
his tn-atmeiit Is tlmt I h.ive not cauitht
cold since I began , or , nt least , my colds
don't effect mo at all. lor I have not been
down sick a day of late. I Imvo every con
fidence in Dr. Shcpanl nnd In his skill In
chronic diseases , and commend him to my
friends who may need mealcal help. " KS.
C.itnirh nnd all curable diseases treated
nt low ami uniform intes modlclnu fiou.
Patients at a distance successfully treated
by mall. Send for symptom blank.
nooMS an AND sis xnvv YOKK i.irE
Ofllco Hours 9 to 11 n. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. ; 7 to
8 p. in. Sunday 10 a. in. to 12 m.
The Sovereign Remedy for
Instantly relieves all pain and hcnls
without scarring. Knuortod by the
medical faculty : ind multitudes of people
ple whoso sulTerinps it has relieved.
COI'NCII , BLUFFS , In. , Nov. 18 , 1SS9
The Kostei ManufnctuiliiK Company : Dear
Sirs-My little boy. v\bllo at plav , was
Jtrtifk on the forehead with a ,
thrown by a playmate , causing a gnBh in
which you could lay > our little flimer.
After checking the profuse hemorrhage
your Mecca Compound was applied nccord-
IIIK to dlicetlons. The effect was Immedi
ate nnd wonderful. The little fellow had
been suffering great pain and could not be
kept ntlll , but no nooner had the Compound
been applied than he dried hlH tears , and ,
climbing Into my lap , went to sleep. The
next morning nn examination of the wound
revealed , Insteml of an ugly gnsh and swol
len forehead , a regular shape , and a scab
less than half an Inch In height. We were
so much pleased with the result that we
Immediately applied the Mecca to his
hands , on which he bad some festering
soi os that we had failed to cure with other
mlxtuies , and In a very short time they
were well. It Is needless for me to state
that a Jar ot Mecca Compound will ever
find a place In my home. Very respect
fully. W. n. THRUSHBIt ,
72S Washington avenue.
Prepared by
COUNCIL , in.urrs IOWA.
And for Sale by All Druggists.
101 1)1 CE3 TIIK
ItKSI 1.18 In 80 DAVS.
N I > ! icaM. , lulling Jlcinnry.
cuujc < dj tuitabi p > miii'iiulcttr iutBunMyTTstorej
l.ot l.nnliood III nldor . Kn
} ounir. lly crrle < \ In Yet I'lkeH.oiln J'IKIIKI > > . bl * for4. . UH ultli n
c lorurooriuonr fun.ini. Don't
buu an imitation tut lu l t on t IMIAI'O If
jrourilnigpl.t lipsiiotBnt It o v.ll icnaic pir/ial /
Urlrnlal Mc.llcnl Co. , IHICMM ) , lit , r Heir .ft. l.
SOi.Uhy Knlmft Co.L'oi IStll and DnutriniiKti , nnil
J. .V. Killlei iE Co . Car lltll K DoUKlats fit * .OMAHA
Scud for Circular und 1'ncu List.
Council BlufTs , - - Avenue A nnil 26th Et
Omaha , 1521 Farmun Street.
n AtMirncjii-rtt-lan I'
Jj HIM ) In HIM ti tf unit
fmlHrnl iiiurt' , HDIIIIIH 'JOO-7-H-lt , Sllil uit
lilocl. , Council lllullH , In
Bomu cholcu baicuum In fiult anil gulden
land near ilila clly <
Glilniiictt deum-d lid liurl.e , ut Tujlur's
Ifroceiy , [ 10 llruadtva > .
city luujitrly bought nnd nold. 1'uacysi
'llioiiUH , Council Illmfa.
writer dpflrt-M ltuutloni hud cxiierlciuu In
booklikceiilni : nUo , bmt lefurt'iKca. AdJiuss
N 2D , Ilev. Council IJIulTii.
I'ASTl'ltAOi : . riRHT CLAhS , TOIt 400 HL'At )
or HliH'lt , nlmit | 3 inllea north of town , Cuttl
J2 75 tu tl 00 , home * 14.00 to I7.O ) , ( or rjeuiun ,
April IS lo October IS. Uood man In cluiKu
or Bloil , . iilmty tTUBs , enlt nnd uatcr. Or
v.111 nut In icuml innn nllh Jl.iwl.W caiiltal In
Invt-Bt In dulr ) , hog und poultry business , gaud
C-room IUIUKO und nil conveniences f , 1'
JudHon , X'i ( > lli u\fiiuo or Jii llroadwuy , Uuun-
ell lllurts.
Konllt'iniHi or lady , t'nll nt nnce i ; . C. & M ,
Co. , ? ) G Miiln lrret , Council Illuffa.
" '
onler. A. , Handwldi M'fu. Co , , Coun >
ell llluffH.
man , n lomplPlrly fuinlalied liolel Must bu
u Kood bUHliiii < 9 , J. II. 7 , lite. Council.
l twecii cluu en'H uurthouHo nnd T L.
Smlth'H. Itetuin tu Irlri'lionu ' otlku und K l
A run : AND iifuni.Ait I'lioop HAFU roit
Halt * in n iHirwiln Cull ut turner Ktitnth and
Mills , Mrs. Ctufls.
Ooak , Sank ; boil , boil ; rinse , rinse away ,
And scarcely sec the board at all , upon n washing day.
For SANTA GLAUS SOAP It does the work ,
And toll ia ch nred ; to play ,
While gaily sings
the laundry maid ,
upon a washing day.
flole Manufacturers , CHICAGO , ILL.
That we arc going to stop
Never to O asjain
Is an honest fact and one that none but the
veriest skeptic can doubt especially after
visiting our sale and seeing the prices we
quote on anything not a few leaders but
everything at cost at half price at less.
Boys' P.ints , ages 4 to 14 years , worth
350 , go at
Wire buckle or Wilson Bros. ' Suspenders
go at
Three great big Handkerchiefs , worth 250
each , go at
Children's Suits , in nice dark shades , single
breasted , worth $1.50 , go at 5oc.
Children's Suits , in four shades , double-
breasted , worth $2.50 , go at si.oo.
140 Men's Suits , in nice shades of gray and
Oxfords , and in pm checks ; we always
sold them for $5.50. They go now for. .
And thousands of other bargains just as
13th and Farnam.
Yes !
Did you see her at tlio Pair
in the handsomest of nil [ uvlllions ?
Did yon tnato a cup
of tliivt WEST of nil chocolntos ?
Did yon know b of 010
what ji cup of good chocolate wns ?
You know It now
Why then not use it daily ?
Your grocer is bound
Did you see me at tiie Fair ? to get it for you.
Empkie-Shugart & Co. ,
BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels.
Send for catalogue ,
109 , 111 , 113 , 115 Main StreetCouncil Bluffs , la
Catarrh Powder
Ilelloveu Catarrh find Cold
In tha jTeml
ona Application Instantly by is b'p ycyis ) nso
Uuroa Hencl Noleoo A.
. JJT ymyt IJ > "K
'rrlollrrutmcnlorm It'll H .o.l Tr ( l > , n.l < > ( > * n o yi2Diwva
Bold barutL'tnu. . OOa _ D. Jacobsou & Sou , 130 W , 12 St. Chicago ,