THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE -16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , APRIL 8 , 1894- TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COrV FIVE CENTS. I . a. HAY As we arc ourselves larger , mightier , stronger than ever , so shall we make this sale. The generous offerings , the power of lowered prices , in fact the towering superiority of our value giving in this sale over all others , cannot fail to at tract a multitude of buyers , At this great sale we propose to show customers the tremendous of Cash time when is . You better afford borrow if have than miss power at a money scarce. can to money , you none , At prices quoted below this sale , for we tell you right now that you never never in all your experience , bought first-class , new , desirable merchandise IS . chandise at the wonderfully low prices quoted. We commend a careful perusal of every item. Investigation proves while goods last. that descriptions are not a whit overdrawn , and that values , arc under rather than overstated. ANNOUNCEMENT. Our Mr. Joseph Ilayden lias just returned from Chicago , whore ho purchased the entire general dry goods stock of the West End Huzuuf on Madison street. This is .in immense stock , and it will contain thousands of bargains in all kinds of dry goods , dress goods , notions , domestic * ) , furnish ings and a splendid line of summer underwear. Watch for particulars , which will bo announced as soon as stock is in shape to go on sale. IIAYDKN BROS. CLOAKS. Now that the season has fairly begun. Imvo joii considered , or decided , ns to the ntyle of wrap you \\lll wear ? Suggestions may bo appropriate and well received , but it la Impossible to glvo yon more than the faintest Idea as to the numerous styles and the generous shotting that our clonk de partment Is now making. We submit a few Hems for Monday's * ale thct wo are pleased to say are of such merit that yen cannot afford to pass them , ns true worth Is Indolllbly btampod on ev ry article , as snun as yon see them , so don't forget this department Monday. LADIES' JACKCTS. In all wool cloth , tan , brown and navy , I2.-I9. Jn very good black cloth at $2.75. In better cloth , tan nnd navy , at $3.25. In black clay worsted , cheviot , etc. , from ; i.CU up. RADIUS' GAI'KS. Two specials that are unnmlchablo any- nhero1 ? 3 OS. $3.9S. Ono Is of navy all wool cloth with trim ming of wlilto or black wool Inserting , mak ing a very attractive and elaborate garment , 13.38. $ I.S9. $4.89. The other la In tan , black , brown nnd navy , In a style and cloth that Is beyond anything no ever showed for anything near the price , ouuliUiicN's nnuKnus AND JACKETS. In the small sixes , 2 , 3 and 4 years , wo are showing goods never approached by any Jiouse for beauty and price. Nothing In the city like our SSc , $1.25 , $1.GS , $2.25 , $3,25 $ garments. The larger sizes. 4 to 12 , nt OSc. $1,23 up to 13,75. In a good variety of cloths anil all tha leading shades. WllAPI'ERS AND WAISTS. Space will not penult of lengthy de scription and It Is entirely unnecessary , as > vo have the largest line and biggest variety I the lowest prices over shown In the west , West print wrappers , 7Co aud 'JSo. Batvenulnta , 680. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Monday we will have some Choice Bargains for You. This is u line Diagonal suiting in a Bargain No. I. fine illuminated effect in blue , groan , brown , tun , wlno , electric , fawn , blato 7 YARDS , end mode ; also some of the Roon , Her. Tiill DH--.S Pattern , ringbone- and Koekford suitings. All new spring novelties. Each pattern is SSc. a beauty , Call early , as wo have only 079 patterns in all. Tliis lot is a woik of art in weaving Bargain No. 2. as most of the patterns have the two tonecIToet nnd raised llowers. Wo have 7 YARDS , them in plain olTccts as well. All the I'ull Dress Pattern , now and leading shades. Just what you have been looking for , for a spring dress. $1.63. liKSKjaaa jj jrTSs Bargain No. 3. This is a lot of dress goods our eastern buyer secured at a brokers' sale at 'We 7 YARDS , on the dollar. Each piece a choice plum Diess 1'nUrin , and worth 85o to SI.OO a yard. While they last you can have your choice at $2.45. 82-iri . - a pattern. This lot contains a large assortment , Bargain No. 4. and is made up of some of the latest novelties of this seasons' goods. All are 7 YARDS , from the great brokers' sale. Each Pattern , piece is worth three times what wo ask for it. Seeing is believing. Call early and see for yourself. Bargain No. 5. This is the cream of the lot , and is made up of the latest weaves , hiicli as 7 YARDS Do Almas , Whip Cords , Serges , Henri , ettas , Shepherd's Plaids , Spring Chevi I'attein. ots , Cropons and all the now novelties. Wo have them in plain , fancy , stripes $3.43. mixed , plaids and diagonal and all the new and leading shadns. BROAD CLOTHS. Full fit-Inch wide in dark and light brown , greens , scarlet , ctu'ilinnte ; four shades of { * rcon ; slate , tan , fawn , mode and blues. Itedueed from $1.25 , S1..13 and $1.50 to QOc. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Whip Cord- Frederick Arnold's all wool Reduced from SI.25 to S5c. Henrietta- Serges Reduced from 75o to 13c. Reduced from 75c to 43c. Henriettas- Reduced from S5o to 57o. War Henrietta- ranted all wool and > 10 in. wide. Reduced from G5c to 35c. Ask to sco our Black Novelties and Plain Black Dross Goods at 25c. Saturday Ave sold the immense quantities of goods we expected to and which we said we would. It didn't take any skill on our part to sell these Ladies' ' and Cents' ' Furnishings. The prices did the work , and all we hail to do was to hand the goods out. We have just received two stocks of ladies'and gents'furnishing goods purchased at a fraction of their value. Helow are the prices that did the work. Wo have put on an extra force of help working night and day , getting ready for this immense salo. No matter how low the prices may bo , you get coupons with every purchase. Costlj- and rare gifts are now on display. At 9c. All the Gentti'Finicy Cotton and Lisle Half Hose from those stocks ; worth 2. > e , 3. " > o and i"0c per pair. At 12jc. All the Gents' line imported Fast Black Cotton Half Hose ; worth 25o. At 9c. All the Gouts' Linen Cull's , 4 ply , worth 25c per pair. At 12Jc. All the Gents' Linen CulYb worth 35o and 50o cents per pair. Shirts. Bargains in Cloves- It will lie a good tlmo to buy shirts. At G9e ' , ladles' Foster lacing Kid At 12'Xsc fancy shirts worth 23c. gloves , At 25c line peicalo shirts uoilli COc. worth $1.00. At 50c , this Is where we II.IYO Kiit too At 75c , ladles' real Mil gloves In all shades , man } * , In tills lot will bo fuiimt shirts worth 7Go to $1.50. worth $1.25. At COc an elegant line of fancy laundered shlrtu , collars attached , worth | l 00. Bargains in Corsets. The Greatest Sale of Ladies' ' At 23c , an elegant corset , worth 69c. and Children's Hosiery on At COc , a line of corsets , look Mice P. D. Record. make , and fully worth $1.00. At Cc , tallies' fast black cotton hose , worth lOc. At COc , u beautiful fast black corset , wcrth lOc.At 13c. Indies' Imported hose , Heimsdorff $1.25. dye , worth 25c. Bargains in Muslin Underwear At 1'Jc , ladles' fine fast bind ; cotton hose , worth 35c. In this lot will bo found a beautiful line At 3Gc , ladles' fancy opera hose , worth of ladles' gonns which we111 close out at $1.00. 25c , SSc , COc , COc , S9c nnd SSc ; tpleinlld At 12Vic , children's Imported cotton licsc , value. fast black , worth 25c. A Landslide in Ladies' Vests. Boys' Waists. At 2c , ladles' ribbed vests , worth lOc. At 5c. ladles' ribbed vesta , worth ISc. 100 dozen boyb' fast black sateen At 12Vic , ladles' ribbed vests , worth 25 , only COc , north 75c. Millinery. Our Cracker Department. Wo can sell you crackers cheaper than There U but ono opinion expressed by the any ono In Omahu. Why , because we handle numbers who visit our millinery parlors the entire make of one of t&c largest cracker day that for elegance , refined taste every , factories In the country. seasonable accuracy and low prices we are Soda , oyster , butter and lemon creams at the top. for Cc per pound. Ginger maps , tugar Beautiful trimmed hats from $2.50 up , cookies , frosted creams and milk crackers Trimmed Toques , Turbans , UonnoU t all 11 at 7l&o It will & ; pay you well to buy your prices , crackers at Hayden's. Imported Pattern Hats. . , . FLOWERS. rLQWSRS. Silk roses , daisies , violets , inlcnonitfe , Cheese Department. geranium , foliage of all Kinds , JeU , tpangled Wisconsin full cream cheese at 7Uc , 80 laces , etc. and 12'.ic. Swiss chtesse , 11 He , 12'ic and The styles are BO numerous It U Impossi He , > ou can jet any kind of cheese you ble to do juetlco to them. A visit to this ant at lowest prices. Set our fruit and department will pay you. ( Uh counter. of Silts Is We slum' an assort incut wlilch , in point of v.iricty , beauty anil in- trin.sie worth , is not Mirpas.sjil , if imlucil it be ! of New York. York.We We always lead ami under no circumstances or cniulitions will we be ' undersold. The following offerings arc culled from the iniiiiy we have , ami are indicative of what yon can find here in new production- ) : Printed China Silk ° , choirostyle" , worth 33c , for | 9c Yard Printed China Silks. 21 inches wide , worth 40o , for ' .25c " Striped 1 * injjees. w ill wash and bail , worth 40e. for 25c " Plain Colored China Silk * , all eolors.inoludiny blnek and urcam , for. . . .25c " Solid Color China Silks , I ! : ! inch is wide , only 39c " Kul Kai Wash Silks , hand'-oino assortment , only 39c " Changeable Surah Silk" , regular 75e goods , at 49c " Printed India Silks , full finches wide , only 59c " Japanese Printed Silks , 85 stvles to selcd from 69c " Printed Japanese Silks , 2 % inches wide , only 85c " Yard wide Cream Wash Silks , rcallv worth $1.00 , only 6Dc Solid Color India Silk * , . ' 10 inehes wide , only 75c I Beautiful Novelty Sjlksfor waists .and dresses , only 69c ii Now Br ; > eaded Tafl'otla Silk- , , handsome styles SI.OO Cheney BroV. Printed Satin Duchcsso , 21 inches wide SI.OO Cheney Bros' . RalnlAw Silks ; , newest goods out $1-25 Specials in Black Silks. 22-inch Plain Black China Silks , worth -lOc , for. . .25c Yard 22ineh Blaek Broo.ulod India Silk ? , worth 75e , for , . . .49c " 27-ineh Black .lapUnl'so Silks , worth 75c , for . . .59c " 27-ineli Chcnev Ur < H' . Blaek India Silks , for . . .75c " 27-ineh ISlai'k India Silks , the host you over paw for. . . .98c " 21-inei ! Bluek Moire Silks , all bilk , fir SI.OO 22-iiR-h Blaok Moire Franeaisc1 , all silk , for SI.25 u 21-ineli Black Polka Dot and Clover Leaf Moire for , SI 25 21-inch Blaek Moire Mirroire , all bilk , for SI.25 u We carry tlic largest ahh rtinent of lllack Silks in the west , and can show yon any kind ilu.ilrcd at prices whicii will please you. ( Jive our Silk Department u call before you purchase Silks anywhere. DEP2 ? . GET YO JS GROCERiES HEHE Von must wake ami call in early. You will always lind big , ic- Call In early people dear , liable bargains at this depart Kor It's Monday , that's our sale day , ment , and you will also find AND YOU SUHKLY MUST COMH HHIIC. Mlnnea)3ll | , best RX flour , 90c. all staple notions for a little Warranted good superlative , 73c. Jess than any other house in Snow Flake flour , C5c. And a very gooil Hour for r > 0c. the country. It Is hope that keeps our memory green , Corset Steels 2 pair 50. And It's Haydcns .so.ip that Keeps jour Tooth Brushes 2 for 5c. faces clean. Whlto borax soap , 3c a bar. Pins , No. 3 , 2 pkgs. 50. AVhlto castllo soap , 3c a bar. Fine Combs 2 for 50. Whlto Paris soap , 3c a bar. Whlto Russian sonp , 3c a bar. Rick Rack.3 bunches for SG. . Lenox soap , 3c a bar , Atlantic soap , 3c a bar. LACES ! STAGES ! ! Climax soap , 3c n bar. 3-lb cans flno tomatoes , S'.Jc a can. This is the lace season biggest 2-lb can choice sugar corn , 5c a can. son ever known , and we are 2-lb cans flne string bean1 ! , 8c a can. 2-lb cans golden wax beans , lOc a can. fully prepared for it. The " Hi cnns choice llmti beans , lOo a can. 2-lb cans early blosbom , ' . peas S'/iC n can. largest stock in the city and Plnest preserved strawberries put up , only the lowest prices. 8-INCH 12'/ic ' , 15c and 17Vio n can. Very cholco raspberries , only 12'/ic , 15c LACE FOR loC PER and 17V4c a can. Kxtra flno prcscr\ed blacl\boirles , only YARD. Laces for dress trimmings 12'/4c a can. 3-lb cans cgpc plums , green gage or golden mings from sC UP. drop , 12U-C a can. All the latest colors in 3-lb cans choice nartlctt pears , 15c a can. 3-lb cans choice peaches In heavy syrup. bands , insertings , edges , etc. Now California dried peaches , 12'C ( ! , He and ICc a pound. Now California pears , \ 2e , lie and ICc SILK TIES. a pound. Now California apricots , only 12'ic , inc We have a few of those elegant and I7'4c. ' be New California white cheirles , 12'o and gant Windsor , , ties left to 15c. 15c.New closed out Monday at isc. New Oallfoinla pitted plums , luc and 17Vsc a pound. ] Italsln cured pruiTca unly He a pound. BOOKS Evaporated apples only tic a pound. London layer raisins , lOc a pound. 500 elegant cloth - bound Valencia rulhiim , Cc u pound. Italsin grapes , . * ! ' , ( ! u pound. books at i8c. 20-lb palls fruit Jelly , : i3f. Lot novels roc and Sweet chocolate , Cc n package. , llakerb' chocolate , 17Vie n packngc. Tablets , 3C , 50 and ; c. Condensed milk , lOc u can. Envelopes , 30 pkg. JEWELRY DEPT. Mucilage , 2j c bottle. Special gold ring sale. Ladles' and Misses' hulhl sterling silver Initial rings , with toniuulbe bets , 25i- , worth SPRING HATS. $1.00. Wo nre shonlnK the most popular shape of COO iladlcs * solid gold set rings , rubys , the .season , both In stiff and i-nft hats. sapphires , garnets , amethyst , emerald , tnr- The 1'eorl Alpine with black band , $1.75 , cpiolbo , etc , 9Sc , worth $ J.OO. worth $2.50. Children's genuine diamond rings , solid lirown and black \lplne , $1.00 , uorth $2.50. gold , liSc. worth $250. The latest shape In men's Fur Derby , $1.00 , 14-Kt. genuine diamond ring , ( .olid gold , worth $2.50. ' hand made .setting , $ ! ) . ! : , worth $25.00. A largo line of men's soft hats , $1.00 , Solid gold baby rings Ifio , worth COc. worth $2.50. Ladles' . H-KI , solid xgc > Jd watch , with Men's yacht caps. 50c , worth $1.00. Hlgln or Wultham works , $17.15 , worth Misses' and boys' yacht cups , 25c , GOc , $38.00. worth KOc to $1.00 , . Ladles' solid coin silver vnttli , $2.50. lloya' fancy luU/aod / turbans , 25c , worth ( icnt's gold ( Hied hunting case watch , 75c. * with nigln or Waltham works , $ U ! KJ up. COO 75c frames on balu Monday at 25c CARPETS each. ' ' Silverware at prices never before hoard of. AUK miOI'I'lNG IN PHICn. Rogers' 12 dwt. knlvett or forks , $1.2C Wo have just received a largo consignment per bet. of very flue all wool extra super carpets , Kollil silver tea spoons , $3.23 per set. and will lot them out a , few days for C5o Oooil nlcklo alarm clocks , GSc. pr yard. This Is the ureatcst bargain In this class of goods over offered to the people HARDWARE. of Omaha. All other * grades at correspond ingly low prices. Wo have received ono of the largest as Our curtain stock la full of bargains. We sortments of garden tools ever brought to Imvo seine exclusive patterns that are very Omaha , and wo Intend to make a price to flue and cheap , sell them. Note the following : Haki'B , J.ook at our now patent ) curtain stretcher. lOcj hoes , 15c ; shovels , 3l o ; Bpades , 49o. Every lady shbuld have a1 set of these. Any ono In want of garden tools should not The best curtain pole complete for ICc. fall to call on us before purchasing. Don't fall to see our Immense stock of wallpaper The great slaughter sale of builders' hard paper and compare prices. ware still continues. Host \\lro stop ) nalli , Fur ruga reduced from $5,00 to $3.00 , lic ! per pound. These bargains will hot la t long. Door locks , He. Jail pad lock , Cc. DRUGS. 2-foot boxwood rules , 3c. 2-foot boxwood rules , brass bound , ICo. Mothlno balls , 12l c pound. Double Iron smooth planes , 29c , Hood'a SarsaparllU , 75c , Double Iron Jack planes , 35c , Warner Safe Curl OSc. Hatchets , lOc. Duffy' malt vhlsky , S5v\ Adio eye carpenter hammer , 15c. Indian Sagwa , 7Gc , Other attractions : Outlcura Resolvent , 7Cc. 1 car galvanized poultry wire , 1 car palntfd Cutlcura salve , 40 . screen wire , at unheard of prices. Carter's little liver Dills , 20u. Also lawn modern of every description Dr , Dlrney's catarrh powder , 40a. from $3.00 up. Petroleum Jelly , large bottle , 7Vjc. Rubber and cotton has * , 7c per foot. Ammonia , large bottle. 7',4 ° - Remember we sell e\crthing In the hard * Dr. I'lerce's medical discovery , 75c. ware line , and v.111 . cave you 40 per cent ou Dr. I'lerce'b favorite prescription , 75c. same. Carpenter * and bulldem xhould not Have your prescrlpilons tilled at Ilaydeti fall to consult ui bofoie puiUjuJi y your Bros. ' . They grc lower tb u anywheru elis. food * . MUSIC DEPARTMENT. MEATS. Read those prices and see whether Hayden - Do You Want a Piano ? We den Is In or not. Soil the Best. llacon tic per pound ; this Is a California The world renowned CII1C'KI2RINO. We cut bacon anil Iscry nice ; boneless ham , hao.irlniiR other good mnKcs. Hvery In 7'ic ; sugar cured No. 1 Immn. 9c , Boston strument fully guaranteed , long cut hams , OVfcr ; sugar cuiod Callfornln A KKW IUROA1XS TO C'VSII IlUYHRS. ham 7'ic ' ; fresh link sausage , 7r , spare ribs. 4 pianos of , " > different , purchased ns Cc ; Itologtm , . " ' ic ; head choi'so nnd liver SAMI'LH 1'IANOS , to cash lm > ers wo will sausage , 5c ; 1'rankfurts , 6'ji1 , cornnd beef , sell any onn of these different Instiiiments 5o ; this Is an c\tra family plate beef It H at FACTORY PRICES. flno ; don't buy lard iinlll > ou hco what wo 2 pianos slightly used , but showing scaice- are selling It at ; f'uihihay's , Swift's and ly any trace of wear , at greatly reduced Hammond's it-pound cans best lard , 29c , G prices. pound cans , 4Sc , 10-pound cans , 'Jlo ORGAN'S. Onr prices defy competition. We have nil kinds "i octave organs. Wo have all Kinds C > GLASSWARE. ocla\o organs. Wo lia\e all Kinds 7 octave organs. A full car load of glassware Just In , con SOMETtlINO NH\V. sisting of o\oiy thing In the glassware line. The latest out simply perfect. The ning- Gold band Initial gl.ibses , any Initial > ou nlllcent L. IJ. 11. R. MJMMI oct.i\o PIANO- want. These glasses mo the very llncst . , ORGAN. In appealance it \ictly resembles a handsome upright piano. It is a man cl flint blown glass. They arc cheap at $1 CO ous iiiM'iiUoii and lias createil a great honsi- per set , and some dealers ask OH high nt tlon In musical circles. Prices moderate. $2.00 for them. Our price Monday Is COa CO.MU AND S13K TMU.M. . pel bet. Standaid sheet music Go per copy. \Vlnc glasses , 2'ic each , vcrj nice. ' 4-plnt tumblers , 2e each. ' Butter Is Down Again. Sauce dishes , IGc per set. Country butter , flc , 1lc. 12'ic , He and Ific. ti-piece cream bets , 23c. Separator creamery , every ono knows what DdW drop glass water pitchers , llic each. kind of butter this Is ; at Huyden's joii can CompU'te lamps , tCc each , buy It for 20c. Sail anil pepper , 3'.c { each. ROCKERS. Yon \\ill ncco a few now rorkors this fprinpr. The latest things In mahogany , white inuplu tuul oalc , upholbtorcd in broi'hctollc , silk tapcatry and jilusjli , nro to bo found in endless variety in our furniture department. These gooda nro now inarked to t-ell at the prices \vhieh have already inado this department famous , for tl.o HKST at the LOAVICST fignro possible. This rarrhigo is full Bixt' , has 4 .steol Hprings like cut , luce edge /S ascraiassil parasol , bioyelo wheels ; body is iiitldi1 of cunu and is well upholstered ; ritlCE $0.50. This is the host carriage on tlie market . any price , such as this.Vo have another carriage with the same gear , only a little cheaper upholstery , ao $5.50 , BED ROOM SUITS. All-oak Fro-neli Bevel Plato Mirrors a * 315.00 , $17.50 , S1S.50. $20,00. All full si/e bed * and all first-class goods. Suits from $15.00 ii | to $05,00. , EXTENSION TABLES. landless variety ( i-foots $ . ' ! . .501.25 , $5,50 , $0,50 ; 3-foots at $5.00 , $7.50 , $8.50 , $ l.50. ) PS.ICJS 80.50. SIDEBOARDS. All-oak , at $11.50 , $1-1.00 , $10.00 , $17.50 , 81S.50 , up to 915.00. We arc entitled to a few words of high praise for this department - partment this spring- . The people who have visited this maim moth new department within the past month are aware of the complete rejuvinating it has undergone. We have put in an immense line of Men's Youths' and Chil- dren's Clothing , direct from the factories. They are all new and right in fashion. You don't have to pay us anything for the STYLE. Wo throw that in with the suit. Bir&l'O ' OBIITO MENS SUITS , We have the new long-cut coats in sacks and cut-aways , trimmed and made up in the latest style and best grade of trimmings. Then we have the plain , every-clay , honestly-made suits. You will notice by the name on the hanger that they are made by the most reputable factories in America. All we ask you is the factory price in any sale. But in this sale we have taken a slice off the factory price , just to adver tise the department , A good , servlcablo men's suit on Monday nd | a.7.r. , worth TG.OO. Our Icadci for this week Is our ? 1 70 suit , Wo can 1-aslly got JS.CO and $10 for these ) but wo nro offering a limited number of thld lot at $1.75. In higher grades we can bull u gull for $10 that clothing slnrcs ask $18 und $20 for. They don't ask ton mncli for they are \\oitli o\cry cint of It Sen them this weuk for $10 , It will bo necessary to see uiir $7 CO $ s 10 $9.7i ! and $10 nulls bcfoio > ou will belluxii that you ran get the. latest styles In sprlnis patterns of chovluts , tdlk mixed rasulmuia Hcotch tweeds und Knglluh ulay worsteds at thuso prims. rioya' long pants nulls , $1 75 Also a buys' long pants null , ages H to VJi $2.00. A much bettor all wool long pant iuitt $3.25 and up to $11.50. A combination all wool suit , two pair tit pants to match ( or $2 25 , worth $4.00 untl cheap. Our $1.21 $ ! and $1 95 children's aulln g like , wild lire.'u are keeping adding I them dally. Such surprising bargalint I children's clothing has nc\or been known tit Omaha. Bpculal prltn thin wek In Junior na reefer miitt ) Terror Rultu , duublo knee aui * neat , $2 CO , JJ.OU and $3 25 , all