Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1894, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Interesting Developments in the Capital
Kational Affairs at Lincoln ,
Indication * Hint thn r.x-llrrclvrr of the
Hlinllcrril Hunk Win Working L'n-
flint Secret itrriiiiKPinent ultli
the vVrccker'ri Partner.
LINCOLN , April 7. ( Special to The Ilee. )
The dally developments In the Capital Na
tional hunk case came today as usual. The
latest phase of the case Is the filing of a
number of deeds transferring the Outcnlt
property first to J. I ) . Macfarland and then to
IiM , Hall. Macfarland received his deed
from the Hherlft two days ago , as per the
orders of the court. It will be remembpred
that the attorneys on the other side have
maintained nil along that 'facfarlnnd wan
wbrklhg under the terms of a secret agree
ment between himself and Outcalt , This
fact was confirmed today. Macfarlnnd filed
a deed from Mrs. Outcatt dated January 13 ,
1391 , Thirteen days after that date Outcnlt
withdraw the answer ho had filed In the
unit brought by Macfarland , ostensibly In the
interest of Mounkcrs llros. , thus practically
allowing the case to go by default The
second deed from Macfarland to r. M Hall
VXJIK dntcd January 31 , two days after the
Qntcalt answer was withdrawn from the
. .Receiver Haydcn will soon cotninonco n
legal contest to secure possession of the
magnificent Masher residence property at
Fifteenth and K Directs. ,1he property Is
worth at a low estimate $20,000. The re
ceiver believes that lie will soon have
enough evidence to prove to the court that
the residenceIwas built with money taken
from the bank Illegally. The residence Is at
present occupied by Mrs. Moshor.
Manager Rbrlght ot the Lincoln base ball
club telegraphed Uio local base ball magnates
today that hu would leuvo with the Lincoln
team this evening at C o'clock and would
como right thr6ngh. arriving hero Tuesday
afternoon Games had been arranged at
Salt Lake , Ogden and Denver , hut Rhrlght
concluded to cancel them and get his men
at work on the home ground as early ns
possible. They will remain In Lincoln until
the Saturday following tholr arrival , wlien
they will go to St. Joseph , where they play
on , Lho llth and IGlh. On Hie 10th and 17th
they will play the Kansas City loam on the
grounds In this city. Thu loc-il enthusiasts
nro planning a reception for the members of
the team upqn their arrival In Lincoln Tucs-
aqy afternoon The old time base ball en-
thuslaxm Is perceptibly rising In Lincoln
nnd the prospects are favorable for a lively
The laboring men are feeling somewhat
Irritated over the recent arrest of John Tler-
ney , one of the well known local advocates.
Tlorney was addressing , a crowd on the
corner of Rlevcnth and 0 streets , which Is
hu recognized political storm center ot the
city , when Officer Ilentley placed him under
arrest Ho was taken to the station and
then released upon his own recognisance.
The next morning he was discharged by
Judge Waters. At a meeting of the Labor
club the following resolution was adopted
IlOHolvtd , That wo emphatically disap
prove of nnd condemn the course of the
mayor In keeping upon the police force
men who airettt peaceable cltl/ons without
cause. The fact that Hi-other Tleiney vvns
dlsehaiged without prosecution shows con
clusively that tlio nriost made by an
olllcer who Is not lit to wear ti star.
The club also passed resolutions extending
Its best wishes to Coxej's army and bidding
It God speed on its roail to Washington A
committee , consisting of Messrs. Rldregc ,
Lo Fever and Hunter , was appointed to wait
upon Mayor Weir and demand the dis
charge of Ofllcer Benton from the forco.
The two colored boys arrested for snatchIng -
Ing n purse from the hand of Miss Kate
Walker while she vvns walking along the
street were discharged. Miss Walker could
not positively Identify the boys.
At the trial of Mrs. Dlado , charged with
pointing a revolver ut a neighbor with
tin cuts to shoot. It was developed that at
tlio tlmo the neighbor in question was en
gaged In the pleasant pastime of tearing
Jown Mrs. Dlado's fence. She was dis
The Union Pacific water tank , near the
IliickstnlY brick works , was partially de
stroyed by IIro hist night
It Is reported to the police that an at
tempt was made by an unknown man to
criminally assault an estimable lady living
near tlio corner of Thirteenth and G ttreets.
ty The man cannot be found ,
V Isaac Dean , a pressman employed by the
Lincoln Newspaper union , was seriously but
\ not fatally Injured by being caught In the
* machinery late this afternoon
Fred Hlskey , a farmer living near Wood-
lawn , was today arrested nnd held to the
district court for mortgaging n herd of cuttle
that existed only In his hectic Imagination.
Thu police received notice today that sev
eral stores In Pleasant Dale , n small village
In this county , were robbed last night by
parties who were tracked In the direction of
Lincoln The plunder consisted of two dozen
raiors aril a lot of cutlery.
IMI iiuit : IN TIII : SILONI : > I > KC.KII : .
Cu > ler Srhultr Convicted by n .lory upil
' 'lilt Dp fur Twenty IViirs
ST PAUL , Neb. , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to The lloe. ) The Jury In the Schultz
murder casu came Into court this morning
with a verdict of guilty of murder In the
second degron.
Immediately after the verdict hud been
rendered Judge Kendall sentenced Schultz
to the penitentiary for twenty years.
AITmr * at rremoiit ,
FREMONT. April 7. ( Special to The Ileo. )
To | ( proposed canal project would give the
cl v-,300-lior ! > o power , Instead of 800 , as re
ported yesterday The city now Is employ
ing about 800-horso power.
A boy mimed Mills , living with his parents
on Maple creek , was kicked to death by a
horse yesterday.
The case of the state against Rd Martloy
for criminal assault on the person uf Rose
Copley , n Hearold girl , has been compli
cated by the arrest ot young Parker , son of
the people with whom Rosa had been living ,
for HIP sumo offense. The hearing Is sot for
Monthly , for which uulto n number of vvlt-
nesBes have been summoned ,
&V contest has boon commenced by C.
Ch.rwtinbC'11 , the democratic nominee for
councilman In the Third ward , against W.
H Harris , the republican nominee , who has
been declared elected by a majority ot three
votes II Is claimed that live votes for
councilman found In thu box used for the
HB > heel election were nut counted und that
the ) may change the results.
Ord IVrxoiuilH.
OHU. Neb. . April 7.-Special ( to The
Ilee } Mr W. II. Coleman of Tort Omaha
Is visiting at the homo of hlt > sister , Mrs.
H C. Slmpton.
Mr Charles H. Cbflln 1ms been appointed
local consul of the League of American
Mr W II. Kcown returned from his visit
to the Pacific coast Monday evening In time
to cast a ballot at the city election.
lion R. M Cotlln of Lincoln , who spent
several dujs here on business , returned to
his homo Tuesday.
Mrs J R Doquct and son , Ilert. and Mlii
Maud Mahun of Grand Island were v lulling
their acquaintances here this week.
Mrs J. M. Stone , who lias been visiting
her son , lion V. II. Stone of Lincoln , re
turned homo Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs Frank Mallory gave a party Wednes
day evening to u number of young people , In
honor of Miss Fannie McCord ot Newton ,
( a. , who Is visiting old acquaintances In the
Son * of Vi'termm l.iiterliilu.
LYONS , Nob. , April 7. ( Special to The
line-Tho ) Bom of Veterans gave a play ,
' A Military Rxecutlon , " at the rink lait
night to u large house , Moses \Varnor , editor
uf the Mirror of Lyons , wrote the play.
The whole play surpassed the moat sanguine
hopes ot thosi ) who were the most deeply la-
forested ! ! h history of Dakota county nnd
"A Military Execution" have been well re
ceived In northeastern Nebraska.
Trrimnoh Hri'vlHrn.
TROUMSRH , April 7 ( Special to The
Ileo. ) Herman Wusk , n German farmer re-
aiding near this city , In a runaway today ,
was badly bruised about the head and shoul
ders , but no bones were broken ,
iili M. , wife of II. J. Oldflcld. died at her
home In this city last Monday , aged 10
years. The funeral was held Tuesday at
the Christian church , conducted by Ilev. L.
P. l inh.
John M. Thaycr camp. Sons of Veterans.
gave n ball and banquet at the Seavcr opera
house In this city Friday evening , which
was a very enjoyable affair.
Miss Rdlth Ilcchtel of IlurllnRton , la. .
Bpent pirt of the week visiting relatives
In this city.
Mrs. T. T. Ilradley and two daughters
Imve gone to California , where they will re-
Rldo In the future.
J. 0. Calhoiin , wife and daughter , formerly
of Lincoln , were In the city last week , the
guests ofV. . A. Apportion. They were on
tholr road to Tlorlda. tholr future homo.
Mrs. iil.t McCrosky and George Warren
attended the funeral of a sister In Ida Grove ,
la. , last Thursday ,
Gospel meetings havn been In progress
for the past two woaks nt the Christian
church , conducted by Rev. A 1J States of
Greenfield. Mo , a notrd evangelist. Good
work Is being done , and the meetings nro
becoming very popular. The capacity uf
the church Is tested nightly.
ret tln > M
HASTINGS , April 7 ( Special Telegram to
The Ilee. ) Judgi ) rieall today decided the
case of the Standard American Electrical
company against the Hustings electric Light
and Power company by finding for the de
fendants and against the plaintiff and cross
petitioner , Hall Hlectrlc company. These
two companies sought to set aside a mort
gage for $11,000 given by the Hastings com
pany to Adam Cook , sr. , of Now York , presi
dent of the company , on the ground of fraud
Tim court held In every particular that the
mortgage was bona fldo , and refused to nul
lify It. ThQ contention of the defendant
helri of Cook was that the mortgage wan
given to secure Cook for $11,000 advanced
by him to pay off a prior mortgage , and not
to prefer stock as claimed.
The Insanity commission today sent
Mrs. Amelia Peters of this city to the Lin
coln as > hint. Her Insanity was clearly ap
parent , and was caused by slckne s.
County Attornpy McCreary today nolle
pro uUled | the cases of the state against
Rverott Meebeer , alias Rdward Johnson , and
against John Stick , alias Prank Jones. These
two men were charged with burglary In en
tering Hurllngton freight cars and stealing
goods. The evidence ugalnst them was very
unsatisfactory , and one Is believed to bo
really Innocent. _
Weft Point Note * Mini Personal * .
WRST POINT , Neb , April 7 ( Special to
The lice ) The now fire bell has arrived.
It Is n line one and weighs 1,500 pounds
Mrs. A. P. Calland and children left Thurs
day for a vlblt to the Midwinter fair , wheru
tliuy will remain several wueUa.
Henry Schlnstock will ship Monday to
Chicago , a train loud of cattle.
Deputy United States Marshal Allan came
up from Omaha Thuisday to levy on the
property of the West Point Water Power
and L-ind Improvement company , and a
sale will follow to satisfy judgments against
the company
C L Hakcr of this city has started the
publication of a dally report of the filings
at the court house.
The new club rooms of the Young Men's
club will be dedicated Tuesday evening , to
which the public Is linked. Music , re
freshments , etc. , will form a part of the
program. _
lieuiird Tor n Hunk PreHldent.
O'NRILL , Neb. , April 7 ( Special Tele
gram to The Hoc. ) At n meeting of the de
positors in the defunct Holt County bank
held this afternoon it was decided to spend
$500 as a reward for the arrest and delivery
to the ngont of the state David Adams , de
faulting and absconding president of the
bank. The matter was placed In the hands
of County Attorney Murphy and thes proba
bilities are that ho will successfully accom
plish the dcslro of the depositors. Adams
skipped from O'Neill last August about the
time that Darrett Scott did and left depos
itors to the tune of about $118,000. He Is a
man about 38 years old , light complexloncd ,
weight about 150 pounds and Is about five
feet ten Inches In height.
IJarrett Scott's case will bo transferred to
Antelope county Monday , where he will
stand trial before Judge Koblnson for em
bezzling $70,000 of Holt county money ,
Amborry Iliitin * Murderer Convicted.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , April 7. ( Special
Telegram to The liee. ) The trial of James
T. Willis for the murder of Am-
berry Hates was completed this morning ,
the jury returning a verdict of man
slaughter. On January 2t 1894 , Hates came
to this place from his "homo , ten miles
Bouth , and spent about two hours In Willis'
saloon. Willis had gone out of the room
and upon his retuin accused Hates of In
terfering with his business. Hates do-
nled the charge and a quarrel ensued , Willis
shooting Hates In the breast , killing him
Instantly. Ho "Was placed under $10,000
bonds , which ho could not glvo. The trial
lasted four days and was hard fought.
Will Hutu a Now School
HARVARD , Neb. , April 7. ( Special to
The Hoc. ) The Hoard of Education of Har
vard held a meeting last night to let the
contract for an eight-room two story school
building Fourteen contractors were present
and competition was sharp. Omaha ,
Beatrice , Norfolk and several other towns
were reprobcnted. The contract was let to
N. II Pontius of Harvard.
The building will be of brick with Colorado
red sandstone trimmings and basement and
will cost $10,000. The Smead system of heat
ing and ventilation will bo ii-ed.
H Turn n Trl < I ; ut Crawford.
CIIADRON , Neb. . April 7 ( Special Tele
gram to The Hee ) The depots of the Bur
lington and RlUiorn roads at Crawford
were robbed whllo the agents wcro nt din
ner today They secured In all about $30.
Deputy Sheriff Handy of Chadron being at
Crawford today began search at onco. Ho
arrested two suspicions toughs and lodged
( hum In jail. It is feared by thu railroad
olllclals that Crawford Is no safe place to
Keep them , and they will bo brought hero
tonight and lodged In jail for sufo keeping.
Alleged Kiiibe/zlrr ut I.lhorty.
NORTH PLATTR , Neb , April 7. ( Special
Telegram to The Dec ) Sidney Sapp , who
was -arrested at Perry , OKI , and brought to
this place on the charge of embezzlement ,
Is once nioro a free man. In his prelimi
nary examination It appears that thu amount
embivzlud was smaller than claimed , and
ho was released on the original charge
brought against him. The plaintiff declined
to prosecute for any lighter offense , and
Sapp was- released from custody.
'Ihreo lliirKhtrs Arrested.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , April 7 ( Special
Telegram to. The Bee ) Three of the thieves
who robbed Castle's hardware store at Clarks
lastxiilght were arrested by Sheriff Porter
this evening. They were Identified by a
button found In the store , which had been
torn off whllo crawling in at the window.
The buttons on one of the thieves' coat
matched the one found , one of which Is miss
ing from the coat. A portion of the goods
ha\o been found ,
.N < m Mill.
WAUNRTA. Neb. . April 7. ( Special to
The Ileo. ) Arrangements are rapidly being
completed for the erection of a new seventy-
live barrel roller mill at this point , Teams
are now at work cutting the race and grad
ing the grounds. It U not expected that the
new enterprise ! will In any way affect the
Fisher & Knox mill , located at the falls.
ut Ircumsrh ,
TRCUMSRH , Neb. , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Some time during last
night thieves broke Into the grocery store
of Arnup & Nedrlck of this city. Entrance
was effected through the cellar. The cash
drawer was broken into and about $10 so-
cured. Cigars and confectionery were aUo
SOIUB I'nilt Killed.
TiCUMSiiI : , April 7. ( Special to The
liee. ) As to what effect the recent cold snap
hail upon the fruit trees In this county ,
nurnorymon announce that the peaches ,
pears and nprlcoln are nearly nil killed , but
that apples , cherries and plums are all right ,
Two Nrlinmkn Hurglnrlrn.
HUIHIKLL , Neb. , April 7. ( Special to The
lice. ) For the fourth time In seven years
Jimmy Mattlson's general merchandise
ntoro at this place has been broken Into and
burglarlrcd. During last night thieves on *
tcred the store by taking out a pana of
glass. The loss Is not expected to be over
' $10 or $20.
CLARKS. Neb. , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to The lice ) The hardware store of J.
II. Castle ut this place was burglarized last
night. About $100 worth of knives , revolvers
nnd razors were stolen. Entrance was ef
fected by prying up a window with n railroad
spike. A liberal reward has been offered for
tlie recovery of the property and conviction
of the thieves.
.Irrforsoii dimity MortRiigo Kriord.
rAIRUURY. Nob. , April 7. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Jefferson county mortgage re
port for March Is as follows Fifty-eight
farm mortgages filed , $02,41470 ; sixty-eight
released , JG'J.OSO HO , sixteen city mortgages
filed , $7,0'J2.7G , twelve released , JG.CG5.80 ;
chattel mortgages , 124 tiled , $25GGOi7 ; forty-
three released , $19,139.70.
The county commissioners have granted n
petition for the Incorporation of the village
of Plymouth , and appointed P. T. Orth , F.
Brandon , C W. Harvey , J. Grebe and J. J.
Shannon trustees. The new town starts
with 209 population.
Indian * I < inlcd nt Coilj'H Kxpenao ,
RUSIIVILLR , Neb , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Today was n gain day
at Pine Ridge , occasioned by the visit of Colonel
nel Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) for the purpose of
securing 12.r > Indians for the Wild West show.
Neatly all the Indians on Pine Rldgo reserva
tion gathered to meet Cody nnd to feast at
his expense. A choice lot of braves were
selected and will go cast to become show
men about May 1. Colonel Cody went west
from here to arrange for establishing his
stage route from Sheridan , Wyo. , to thu Na
tional park. _
Sixty VnirH of Matrimony.
BEAVKR CITY. Neb. , April 7. ( Special
to The Ilee. ) Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst , an
esteemed old couple , were given a reception
at the court house tonight by the citizens ,
and were presented with $65 In gold. They
have been married just sixty years.
Postotllco Inspector Stein was here today
taking evidence In the postolflce matter.
An attempt has been made to remove the
office to a new location without the consent
of Postmaster Ager. No decision has yet
been given. _
ClooCluli In Clover.
KEARNEY , Neb. , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to The Deo. ) The State University
Glee club sang here tonight , and after the
concert were tendered a reception and ban
quet nt the city hall. This afternoon they
were taken on a drive around the city nnd
given n reception by the Shakespeare club
at the homo of Mrs. Dr. Hasten.
Died from HIM liijurlri.
COLUMBUS. Neb. , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to Thu Bee. ) George McKelvey , who
was assaulted hero some weeks ago by a
tree agent , and who has been lying danger
ously 111 ever since , died this forenoon.
Two Men .Scrapped Over the Collection of a
HIM mid OtliiTH Got Hurt.
ST. LOUIS , April 7. At the Madleson.
111. , race track trouble over the collection of
a bill against n horse owner from San Jose ,
Cal. , named Owen resulted In one man being
shot an I badly wounded and another proba
bly fatally Injured by a blow on the head.
Patrick O'Neill tried to collect a bill of
Onen. Albert Moody , in charge of his
horses , could not In Owen's absence satisfy
the collector , who attempted to lead off one
of the racers. , T. O'Neill , who was standing
by , made a threatening move toward Moody ,
who pulled his revolver and fired Uyo shots ,
both of which struck bystanders In the legs.
One of the men Injured was William Taylor ,
better known as "English Hill. " T. O'Neill
seized a pitchfork nnd struck Moody over
the head , causing a probable fracture of the
skull. Ho has been In an Insensible condi
tion ever since. Taylor's wounds are not
coVSTKKrr.iTtsn uiinvi.obunis.
AVorklngH of the Cling that In Flooding the
Country with IloguH Uolhirx.
DENVER , April 7. The discovery of a
gang of counterfeiters nnd thieves of gold
and silver bullion from the smelters promises
to develop startling disclosures. Investiga
tion Indicates that a wholesale system of
counterfeiting has been carried on. The
gang not only turned out several thousand
dollars In coin , but was manufacturing Jew
elry , which was sold to second hand Jewelers.
if o.w.r jiv XU
Three Nuinclcus Laborers Klllnd hy a Pro-
nmtiiro Explosion.
PITTSDURG , April 7. The premature ex
plosion of a blast at the new Westlnghouso
electrical works at Brlnton , Pa. , today In
stantly killed three laborers nnd seriously
Injured four more.
Their names could not bo learned , as they
were only known by numbers.
The bodies of the killed were terribly
mangled ,
HUliop Cliiiturtl Bulled for Itomo.
NEW YORK , April 7. Bishop Chatard of
Vlncenncs , Intl. , sailed on the Lucanla today
enroute to Rome. Before his departure he
assured a press representative that his visit
to Rome was simply the regular ad llmlnn
visit. It Is seven years since ho has been
In Rome , nnd although bishops are required
to como once In ten ye rs , the pope Inti
mated Komo time ago that they were to
como oftencr if convenient. Bishop Chat-
aid said that his visit In no wise related to
the case of Bishop Uonacum of Lincoln ,
Neb. The bishop expected to be In this
city again June - ' . ! , sailing from Liverpool on
the Lucanla on June 1C.
Killed II ItcHpOCteil CHI/I'll.
COMO , Colo. , April 7. City Marshal A E
Cook was shot In the head nnd instantly
Killed hereabout midnight by an eccentric
shoemaker named Levy J. Streeter , orig
inally from OUumwa , la. Streeter says Cook
entered the shop and ordered him to throw
up his hands and give up his money. This is
not believed , as Cook has always been an
honorable and upright citizen for the past
ten years. He was foreman of the car shop
for the Union Pacific hero for eight > oars
and prominent among railroad men as well
as throughout the country. Ho leaves a wife
and thrco young girls.
Lively Will Content In night.
NEW YORK , April 7. There Is a prospect
of a bitter contest over the will of Mrs. Cor-
tiella Frances Coster , who died at the Hotel
Savoy last Sunday Mrs. Coster was the
daughter of the late William G. Itreese of
this city and the widow of John Gerald
Coster , a well known clubman who died In
18SS , leaving a large estate. Ills wealth ,
which Ib estimated at $1,000,000 Is by her
will to bo devoted exclusively to thu con
struction of a mausoleum In Woodlawn
cemetery. She has a number of relatives In
this city and elsewhere , and It is said they
will contest the will.
IHhrl Illiimlor Scclilnff Divorce.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. The Call nays
that Ethel Bander , the well Known actress , Ute
to institute bull for dlvorco from her hut-
band , L. R. Stockwell , equally well Known
an a comedian. Stockwell Is playing In the
east and his wife U a member of a company
In the nortliwest. Stockwell's daughter , Pol-
lie , recently married the son of Frederick
Warde. Failure to provide Is the-causo of
Mrs. Stockwell'a action.
Mint U" lllui'brurd Again ,
DENVER. April 7. Detective Dletrlc'h
left today for Graud Rapids , Mich. , with
Alexander Watson , arrested at Florence ,
Cole , , on the charge of polygamy. He 1s
said to have deserted wives In Auburn , N.
Y. . Detroit and Grand Rapids. Mich , Hammond -
mend , Ind. , and Chicago. Watson Is 41
years old and good looking , and U a fine
tenor singer.
Judge Scott DeolarcJtPcrcival Hud a Fair
Trial for-Contempt ,
Till * l In DofornirlO Only to the Public.
ttlilrh the > liidg > 'JiiA llui thn 1m-
prcmlou Unit , jhp Proceeding *
Were Not linpirtlnl.
The case of the state against W. D. Per
ch nl , the reporter for .The Dee , who was ar-
rostcd for contempt of court , was called by
Judge Scott yesterday morning.
The following motion for a now trial was
filed by Mr. Pcrclval's nttorne > s on March
Comes now the defendant herein and
moves the court to net uslde the finding
of guilty of contempt of court entered
against him on the 21th day of March , 1894 ,
and shows the court the follow 1m ; reasons
therefor :
First Hy' order of Hi * court served upon
this defendant on the day of March ,
1894 , he was ordered to appear In court
room No. on" (1) ( ) , In the court house , on
Monday , March P. ) , 1891 , nt 10 o'clock a. in ,
to show cause , If any he have why he should
not be punished for contempt of this court ,
that on the 19th day of March , 1891 , the case
was by order of the court continued until the
21th day of March , 1S94 , Hint on said 21th
day of March , 1891 , the defendant was pres
ent with his counsel , prepared to show cause
why ho should not bi > punished for contempt
of court , or adjudged to be guilty of any con
tempt of this court , and that said showing
was reduced to writing , sworn to by the de
fendant , and was a proper and complete
showing , as this defendant Is mhlhed b > his
counsel , why he should not be held or ad
judged guilty of any contempt , and which
said showing was filed with the tlerk of this
court on the 24th day of Match , 1894 , a copy
of which said answer is hereto attached and
marked exhibit "A. "
Second On the 24th day of March , 1894 ,
this defendant appeared In open court to an
swer to said charge of contempt , but thu
court failed nnd refused , although requested
so to do , to allow this defendant to read , or
have read his bald showing filed In this case ,
on said date , and ordered said showing
stricken from the files without hearing the
same read , and without any examining of
thu same.
Third The court refused to the defendant
the right to appear by counsel , or allow
counsel to bo heard on matter of material
Importance In said proceedings as will appear
by a complete record bf thu entire proceed
ings had upon the examination , a copy of
which Is hereto attached and marked ex
hibit "B ' and made a pait thereof , and by
alfidavlts filed herein. '
4 No cvldeucu whatever was produced
upon the trial showing or tending to show-
that this defendant wfote the article or any
part thereof as set fo'rth In the complaint
filed herein. H
G. The court acted Jlh said proceeding as
the prosecuting omcerhlnotwltlistnndliig | that
said complaint was tftgned and Hied by J.
L. Kaley , the count ] 'attorney ' of Douglas
county. J s
6. The Honorable Cunningham R. Scott ,
the Judge before wholji'sald case was tried ,
gave material and Important evidence herein
without being sworn 'as a witness In the
cabe. i
7. The couit erred in attempting to in
timidate the attorneva-Tor the defendant by
refusing to hear thorn and ordering the
sheriff of the county to take them
In charge and I remove them if
they bhould further ! attempt to ad
vise this defendant , dr ) to bpeak In his de
fense , all of which appears by the exhibit
"B , " together with tht affidavits aforesaid
heretofore lefcrrcd toJJj
8. TJ'Cifipxling ' of'thooourt Is not sustained
by sufllclent evidencetor by any evidence.
9. The finding of the court Is contrary to
the cvldencd.
10. Errors of law occurring at the trial and
duly excepted to at the "time.
Attorneys for Defendant.
The motion bore the certificate of District
Clerk Moores as having been filed In his
office on March 29. Hut Judge Scott Ignored
the motion. When the case was called the
following proceedings were had :
Judge Duffle In this case , If your honor
please , I do not care about being heard upon
_ } he motion for a new trial , because I am not
able to do so , as a matter of fact , but I
think the journal entry should be amended ,
BO far at least as to &how the striking of the
answer or showing of the defendant from the
files by the court.
The Court I made no such ruling.
Judge Dulfic I shall have to ask time then.
The Court I can settle this in u minute.
I have reduced to writing what I desire to
say In the case , so that what is said by the
court Is written , and It will be placed on
file In the case so that there will be no mis
understanding of what the court says ( read-
In ) : "The defendant has been convicted
for a contempt of court In publish
ing a most llbelous and scandalous ar
ticle of and concerning the court. The
defendant has moved for a new trial. The
people , who alone aie the sovereigns of this
country , and who created the court bj their
boverolgn power , have a right to demand ,
and they do demand , that when they elect a
judge to preside over the court that the
judge shall protect and defend the dignity
and honor of the court. They also have a
right to demand , and do demand , that the
judge shall pieslde over the court fairly
and uprightly , and that all his actions hhall
bo In decencj and In order. There has been
so much said iclatlve to the manner In
which this case was tried that IK abso
lutely fulBo , malicious and untrue , and for
the purpose of prejudicing the people against
the court , which statements and repoits
are doubtless believed , and they are now
believed by many good people whose good
opinions are worthy of the highest considera
tion , and for the purpose of counteracting
any false Impression that may have found
a lodging that the.defundant did not have a
fair and impartial trial and for the purpose
of removing any doubt upon that question ,
whllo there Is no error In the record , and
while the defendant v\as heard by counsel
In the trial of the case at micli time nnd
upon such muttirs ax tlie law authorized
him to appear by counsel , yet for the pui-
pose of emphasizing the fact that the court
was not at thn time of the trial and Is not
now prejudiced or biased against the de
fendant , but only actuated by n desire to
protect and defend tlio'honor and purity of
the court against vlcltms , slanderous nnd
llbelous attacks , the court on Its own motion
grants the defendant ) U not her chance to bo
btmril In the bald cation by granting him u
now trial. " ' 1'
Judge Dulllo Then L'supposo ' your honor
will overrule the defendant's motion made
for a new trial.
The Court Is the 'defr-ndatiti now ready
for trial" "
Judge Dufile No , alrl ; I cannot ptocced
to trial today , I anniMiolly unable to bo
In court. *
The Court When "will > ou be ready'
Judge Dufile I will notify your honor at
the shortest time
The Court I have nut' to fix the time this
morning for the trial * of this case. It has
now been running tlfrna or four weeks , and
I muHt fix u date at tome time to try this
case after this date , 'lit"
The case was set for hearing next Thurs
day morning. t '
Court Soles.
In the case of the Omaha Loan and Trust
company va Bertram ! , Judge Ferguson over
ruled the motion to have the ealo set audio.
This was asked on the ground that the prop
erty WIIB bold by a master In chancery , and
thu claim was made that the master did not
have the authority to HW < MP- the appruUens ,
and for the further reason that the ap
praisement wan too low. The motion was
ovei ruled and the Kale confirmed , the court
holding the right of the master to make the
nalu carried with It the right to do all acts
neceisary to hold and complete the sale ,
and , further , that the upprulsonient was just.
In the cane of Tulleys VH Keller et al ,
Judgu Ferguson jeslcrduy refused to
grant thu Injunction prayed for. The ac
tion wan brought to restrain the defendant ,
receiver of the Anulo-Auicrlcun Mortgage
company the successor of , Tulleya
& Co. , from UBlug the nanm of L. W Tul
leys , trustee , In the transaction of the busi
ness of the defunct company. The court
held that the right to USD such name was one
which the old firm of Burnham , Tulleys &
Co. posscsxed , and when the mortgage com
pany succeeded to their business It succeeded
to the right o use the name ns aforesaid.
The permanent Injunction Is therefore re
In the case of the Hank of Commerce
against J. F Hart , HIP Jury vestcrday
found for the plaintiff and assessed the dam
ages tit $29.826 , _
Clinton HrlgK * rurcliii r u Silo for Olio
VV M of the Cltj.
A deal vvn-s closed by the Ames Kent
Efltntu agency jeslcrdny by which Clinton
llrlggx putclmscd 200 lion's of Iniul Kltuatrd
six miles west of this city for SJI.O * ) cash.
The property Is known us the McArdlo
fin in nnd pait of thu Henry Eleko tract
nnd Is u valuable piece nf lenity.
The negotiations for thin property have
been under way for some Hint1 , nnd It Is
considered a bargain nt the purchnwe
pilci1. For some Hint * Mr. llrlggs lias been
trvlng to secure u mdttiblu tnu-t of hind
convenient to the cltj for the purpose of
establishing u line horse tinlnlng and
brood I UK Turin , and be wilt at once begin
building one of the tlncst regulation mile
tracks in the west for the purpose of de
veloping the Kpeed of his valuable collec
tion of fust tiottcrs.
Ilo now has n Htrlng of fust steppers
which lire woith about $ Ci.ooO ) , nnd he con
templates spending fJTi.OUO oil Improvement *
on the farm. A Inige force of mpii will
bo put at work us soon us possible on the
bains and tracks , and betoru snow Hies
again thl.s > ear lie will have established n
splendid her e farm The faun will be
modeled after some of the famous Ki'ii-
tiuky horse establishments
All doubts of the willof the I.owe prop
erty ut Sixteenth nnd Harney stioets weio
removed vesterdiiy when the deed was
tiled for transfer of the properly to J. L.
Welsh & C'o. of Philadelphia foi the sum
of $130,000
m.v K/.VJ ror.w > / > / : . ! / > .
Michigan I'oct iiml llinnorNl r.i en A nj
In UN Sleep from Heart I'lillure.
BOWL1NO GREEN , Ky. , April 7 Hen
King , the Michigan poet and humorist , who
appeared at the opera house hero last night
with Ople P. Read , was found dead In bed
at his room nt the Morehcad house this
morning. When the clerk went to his loom
to wake him to go to Owensboro on the 4
o'clock train ho could not be aroused. Re
peated knocks at the door brought no re
sponse , and an entrance to the room was
effected through the transom. Mr. King
was Ivlng In the bed dead. Ho had evi
dently died of heart disease. His body will
bo sent to his homo In St. Joseph , Mich. ,
where he has n wife and two children.
SARATOFF , Riibsla , April 7. M. Jabloch-
koff , the electrician , famous In Russia as the
Inventor of the electric candle , Is dead.
: ins ritori'.ftrt * C Mttttlihin Arn-sti'il us u ! ' ! < k | > m l < et
( iolH 1'rc'd l > y l.outl Talking.
CHICAGO , AptII 7. Slguor Mancenlll , di
rector of the choir of the Abbey Grand Opera
compiny , has been arrested on a charge of
picking pockets. The arrest occurred In n
dime museum on Clark htreet. Slgnor Man
cenlll denies his guilt and declaics the whole
affair n stupid blunder , tint the museum
people declare he Is a pickpocket , and that
he anil two other Frenchmen have been
operating among the crowds that visit the
museum for more than three weeks. The
manager of the museum sajs ho saxv Man-
cpiilll trvlng to steal a watch. At the cen
tral police station he made such n strong
protestation of Ills innocence that the
museum people said they would not prosecute
him If he would keep away from the
museum. To thlb Slgnor Mancenllll agreed
and he was released.
iight : ( iol Out mill Tour Ale Still Tree.
GREENSBURG , Pa. , April 7 Eight crim
inals escaped from Jail hero last night. Jailer
McCready and his abslstant , William Mc-
Sheary , were struck In the head with a piece
of lead pipe by Peter Madden , and whllo
these men wcro Insensible the companions of
Madden who were In the plot jumped on
them and beat them brutally. The prisoners
scorched the pockets of McCready , securing
the necessary keys and rushed out of the
jail. Within an hour four of the escaped
convicts were captured. The others uro still
at liberty.
DOOM Not Kxpect u Vote for Six Mouth *
ST. JOSEPH , April 7. Senator Edward
Murphy of New York passed through this
city this morning on htb way from Washing
ton to Glenwood Springs , Cole , where ho
will take the hot baths for rheumatism
An Associated press reporter interviewed
him while here and the senator said there
was no danger of a vote-being taken on the
tariff bill before hu returned , as ho thought
It hardly likely a vote would bo reached
until next November. Ho did not know how
long he would remain In the west.
Klllxl HU Snuiitliuurt rlrst.
CHICAGO , April 7. Arthur Laverle , 28
years' old , fcou of n wealthy liquor dealer ,
bhot and killed his fiance , Mlbs Emma Allen ,
last night. The young man had been drinkIng -
Ing heavily of late and some time ago the
father of the young woman ordered him from
the house. This was the only known cause
of the trouble. Laverle , after talking pleas
antly with her , shot the woman through the
heart , killing her Instantly , and then tinning
thu weapon on himself , Indicted a wound that
may piovu fatal.
.Siilcliln of thu Hum's Captain ,
SAN DIEGO , Cal.r April G. The Deutsche
Nachrlchtcn of Valparaiso , Chill , of the date
of February S , contains an account of the
sulclilo of Captain Alfred Mannzcn , who was
captain oT the steamer Itata when that
famous vessel was In San Diego harbor.
Captain Mannzeii experienced business re
verses , which are supposed to have led him
to commit suicide. He leaves a widow and
Bchlldien. | .
< iou to Consult nlth llrrlicll.
PITTSBURG. Pa. , April 7. One of the In
formers , who gave to the government the In
formation which led to thu fining of the
Carnegie company for furnishing armor plate
not up to the standard , has left BraddocK
quietly for Washington to have nn Interview
with Secretary Herbert with u view to hav
ing the entire matter investigated In a thor
ough manner by a congressional committee.
Six I'rlsouerH KRuipit through th Itoof ,
GREEN RIVER , Wyo. , April 7 Six desperate -
porato prisoners confined In the Swcutwater
county Jail escaped lust night , The names
if the prisoners are Sullivan , Ycager ,
Buchanan , McNec , Howard and Roger. When
Sheriff Whltmore went to feed the prisoners
today ho found they had made their escape
by breaking through the roof of the jail.
1 a
IMuanl AdiioiH1 Seuleiiio Continued.
CITY OF MEXICO , April 7. The superior
tribunal has continued the sentence of death
of Edward Adams of Now Orleans for mur
der despite the attempt to prove thu pris
oner Insane from the excessive use of ab
sinthe. The Uwjcrs of the defendant are
moving for the final hearing before the su
preme court.
Not So Hud , IH VVllH Iteporleil.
EL RENO. Okl. , April 7. Excitement over
the Indian outbreak Is abating. U Is now
known thai only three whites and live In
dians hava been killed. Troops from this pout
are still In the field and as no courier was
sent in from there vesterday it la evident
the situation la calming.
Solilh-rH .Meet on thu Old Ilattlcllcld.
PITTSBURG LANDING , Tclin. , April 7.
The reunion of toldlcrs at thin place was a
grand success. The attendance was large.
The various brigades and batteries marked
the positions they held during the battle , so
that In future many of the disputed points
will be made plain.
rm loii huludlcr Puidihcd.
WHKELINQ , W. Vn. , April 7. In the
United States court Mrs. Margaret Mooru ,
the woman recently Indicted for obtaining u
fraudulent pension of $2,000 , was convicted
and bciitunced to one year In the penitentiary
and $1,000 ( Inc.
AdmlU u HIK Shortage.
DAY CITV , Mich , April 7 Charles W
New kirk , the defaulting bunk clerk who was
recently brought back from California , has
admitted to the bank olllcors Hint his short-
ngo exceeds $10,000.
Know U tint They Want nuil M 111 Try to
( let It.
The West Side Improvement club met nt
its liciul'innrtcrs ut Forty-llfth nnd Lemon-
worth sticots lust evening. The urgent
need of public Improvements for west ond-
era was discussed , Peter Schwcnk vvim
iloctcd clmlrinan nnd W. A. Webster secre
Mr. Webster brought tip the subject of
nn extension of the Konvcnworth sttcet cm
line to Foity-elglith strwt. The xpeaker
believed that the xuhjccl should be ugl-
tntcd , us the Improvement was nn mgoiit
necessity. He believed that the street our
company could be Induced to make the
extension , IIH the company curl led 6I.T4I
passengers ilnll ) , nnd It could well nlTord
to Increase Hits revenue
J. II. Tuvior mild that the fault wax
luigel ) due to the apathy of the councilmen -
men , and that n council of wooden men
could do about IIH well us those now lepio-
Kenlln.u the people of this dlstilct. If thu
extension of the load was niiido he would
giiaiantee u liberal patronage In icturnfor
the impioved transit fucllltUH.
Mr. vVlthnell Mooted I'ltv Attorncv fun-
null for his alleged lack of Interest In the
west end Impioveinenls. He alluded to
him as "the man who owned fort } uorett
In this end ot town. " Ml Wlthnell n.ild
thiit petitions WIIP elipHtimlH and the time
had now ill lived Iol quick , united nnd
persistent iiitlon for icllef The north ,
east aiul south ends of Onmlm , he said ,
weie getting eveiv thing and the west end
"was Mmnlv getting left" on all public
Peter Sihvvenk slid Hint the west emlora
hud not been tieuted v\l 'i dceen' c-iisid-
oration .Something w , - wtoin , ' , h > > mid
The lontiollmoii vvorj either blind u justice
or else had stiliius tl = > d to them I he
Hpeaker then levlewtl the trials und tillm-
latloiis ol the people In ll'o wisloin dis
trict , and bittoilv. ii.lored ill- IMC on-
venlenees to whMl his lellinv lesidenuj
had been juilijoilel IhroiUh the sli imj.fu.1
falluio of the city mm. d to leeogulzu their
oft lopeatod MinutiX
Mr. Taj lor suij'vested that the city n-ui-
oilmen should i1 uu exclusion to loilv-
llfth ami Leavenwoith , Inslt-.i I B"ln0 |
the P.iLlllc coast.
A committee consisting of J. AMtn -
nell , Joe Tayloi. W A. Webster , Oe"igo
Segar and P. Siliwcnk was appointed to
confer with the city coum.II und Insist on
recognition of the demand of v\ust , eniluis
The building of a culvert at I'oi ty-eightli
nnd Leuvenvvoitti was also advocated and
the committee Instructed to woik diligently
In behalf of the Mime.
A i evolution VMIH passed cmloislng the
Plutto canal project.
jtt'itiii > ity A in.
Miner * Killed l > v the. Cureless Handling of
i\pliish : < > H In Pi iiimjlviiiihi.
PITTSBUKG , April " . Twenty tons of
lock and dlit , hurled Into the air by u
piemntiire blast of powdei at Uilnton , Vn. ,
todaj burled nnd killed thtec men , severelj
Injured four others and biul ed and cut ten
The dead nru all Aiistilun laboiciH. The
dead uro
The Injuicd. Owen Dim'an , foi email for
the llrlnton company , mnirlod , skull finc-
tured , face seveiely cut and e > o Injmed ,
David Livingstone , bruised and cut about
the face , shouldeis and legs , Ilg Mike.
Austilun fiom Walls , eyes and face Imdlj
Injured : unknown Austrian from Walls , leg
und arm hioken and face blurted.
The accident happi'iud In-the fncp of a
hill olOM ? by thu new WtsthiKhouse works
at Bilnton. The contractors , Wlntei iV ; Co
of Alleglmnv , weio blasting the earth and
lock there for llllimr In Hit" foundations of
new building * Owen Dngan , the Injuied
foi email , was In ch.iige of u gang of sixty
laborers working on the hillside. He had
ch.irge of the bl sti gA ch irge of powder ,
with a little dynamite , had been put In foi
hla.stlng when the men begun work The
blasts weie ul\\u > s set off by a hittciy.
Theie was one which did not explode and
Uugan began digging Into the hole to put
In a fiesh quantity of p owdor on top
Whilst he and his thiee assistants weie
vvoikinK at this on the bunk thu charge
went otf Ten fret below the gang was
vvoiklng and the explosion bulled them
under the rock and earth loosened by the
The Austiluns wore panlc-sti Icken and
could do nothing. The Ainei loans about
the works came hunylng up and directed
operations Digging under Foreman Mu-
Inne was begun , nnd In half an hour thiee
dead men had been taken out , ciushed ,
mangled and suffocated beneath the
bouldeis. Most of the Injured men were
hint by the foice of the explosion In their
faces , being above the on the bank.
Foi email Mnlono had all the debris
turned over seeking for other dead , but
none were found. The dead weie taken to
Turtle Creek nnd the Injured to the West
Pennsjlvanla hospital In this city. Du an
and Livingstone may die.
llou Sum Wltklmm Cot 1'rco llrlnliH Kiiough
to Multo Him Drunk.
Yesterday a man who gave his name na
Sam Wlcham came to Omaha and repre
sented himself us going to buy a stock of
liquor , as he was about to start in the
saloon business at Des loln s , la , nnd
wanted , It possible , to purchase his stoek
He went about the city considerably ,
stopped frequently ut several saloons , but
did not attempt to buy an > tiling , bin asKed
for several addresses Ha was given Hum
and such other Infoimillion n was possible
Along about 0 In the evening IIP went 10
the wholesale liquor 'IOLIOH ol l-iioku .t
Herbert , Tenth iiiirt Fvmtm hlio"t , nnd
gave his name He treated to nil
that courtesy coult1 cnumiunJ and to.illy
made a very favonble Impresxioii on his
new ifounliU inccs lie told them he w is
about to stint In t > ie n.iloin business tun1
deilit 1 , If pn-Hlhj ! t'j pun hu i Ills stoek
here He made < evoi il Inquilles an to
different brands o' whisky and wines nnd
nlnM"d that ho .vai njme fimlllir
vvl'h them. Ho was shown samples and
wont from bariol to bairel lasting vvhlrfkv
of d'l'eiont bui'ds and nskln , , ' in lues ,
whlc'i were Invailali'v ' too high , when hu
would quote soni' pikes of Ills own.
He went to several ban els and bamplcd
a gieut deal of whisky , so In fuel
that he became utteily helpless Things
commenced to look lathei suHplclons , and
when ho went to Bleep In the store It con-
llnned the bUHplclons of the clerk , Ohaile.s
Mev01.s , who caused his aiiost. At the
Htatlon ho mild ho went theie with no In
tention of buying nnvthliiK. but slmplv to
get something to dilnk , and said ho made a
pi.Ktlcp of It In all the towns ho visited.
Ho also suld he ) iud been to noveial other
places dining thu day nnd hail done the
same thing
In his pocket weie found business cards
of the llrms of it U. ( Jrotto , 1M5 C'apltol
avenue ; Woolsteln A : < ; , HIMeintli and
Capitol avenue , und HIP \iglo llquoi house
Hu HUJH ho came from loNu.
CM IWIIf I'lU-.M JN.T'I'/.V | .
Illinois Itipiihlluius steal iiMiiKhon thu
Ixmiiu nilH ,
CHICAGO , Apilt 7 A shaip trick has
been phijod upon the democi.itH by the 10-
publlcan committee having thu stutu appor
tionment inuttei In charge. The lecont
domociatlc appoitlonmeiit WIIH declared to
be iincoiiHlltutlonnl , and u committed WIIH
appointed by thu stipieme tourt , which is
republican. Ml. JiimoHon of the commit
tee explains that the case will not bo taken
to thu court before Juno , us If the law Is
declined unconstitutional It would leave
the state without ro'preHentatlon. This
would necessitate a special HCSHOII | of the
leglslatuie. "Of course the democrntH
cannot muster n two-thirds vote , which
would bo necesbury , without making a law
that will be nntlmuctory to thu lepubll-
caiiH , " ho Hiild "Tho supreme court will
undoubtedly lule In our favor and wo will
secure n witlHfnctorynppoitloiirnent.
Driititr I.IIHJITH Maud hy Uultu ,
DENVER , April 7-Tho Dcnvei Hal asso
ciation met last night and adopted it-.Holu-
tlons Implvlng consul o of thu district court
for Its action In the Ilio and police Iioaril
matter An opinion VMIH lendeiod to thu
otTeot that the couits bud no ilhht to In
terfere with Governor Wulto In thu oxei-
clso of blH fimctlon.s.
A decision In thu uuo warilinto procted-
Ings In the Hie Ulid pulli o boaid CUHO.
settling the whole uffair , Is expected from
thu Mupromo couit on Wednesday morning
The governor's counsel IIUH given It out
that he might have inadu Hie temovnlu
for political reasons and the nuprumu
cnuit could not go beyond thu locoid In ills
ollko. In hla argument AUoinoy Ui-neiul
Engley referred to hlH cxcclluncy as hlH
vonerablu obstinacy.
Troubles of a 1'lu Coinpiiii ) .
CHICAGO. April -John Sago , n stock
holder In the Chicago Pie compiny , a run-
cern with JlOQ.ouO capital , IIUH applied fur u
locolvor fur the Institution. William
' 1 liompson , another ntooKlioldor , siijipllud
him with whisky until Intoxicated ami thus
seemed the tiansfcr to himself of $ .10,000 of
Bugu'H stock without compensation Jic-
VUUHU of Thompson's ivfuxul to leturn thu
stock u receiver la usUul fur.
Ooxoj's Recruits To Not Take Kiatlly to the
Army's ' Discipline.
Cold IteiN iiml Chilly rood Not Appreciated
h.vtlie tml Herd of I'miimhodullurw
Ciillfornhi'H Contingent Mi\iirm-
liig to thn l.imt.
McKtiSPOUT : : , Pa. . April 7. There wcro
a score of desertions today from foxey'rt
little band of hope and great expectations.
The proposed tramp to Monongahela City ,
over eighteen miles of rough road , with n
shoit stop nt Elizabeth for lunch , was the
callsu of It nil. The march Thursday from
Homestead to this city was over one of the
worst pieces of roail yet tramped , and fre
iuent | rests were dcmaiuhvf tiy the nipinbcrs ]
of the commonweal , footsore and weary
they did not v lew the prospects at thestirt
lixlay with any degree of satisfaction Thu
short rations and the seven dn\H continuous
marching In a week over all sorts of roads
and In all kinds of weather Is having a
marked effect upon the. members of the
army. Their sleep on the bare ground for
one night In Imposition park In Allegheny
rity with the rain pouring In through the
rents of the tout has caused rhounmUbtii
and n feeling uf discontent due to severe
The jollity had largely disappeared anda !
night the men fiat moodily about the camp
fires shivering In their r.iu-s. Their denun
ciation uf the fare , the itturters | and the al *
legod unpleasant domlnecilng of seviial of
the marshals has HUpplantod the Eongx , Hjti
anecdotes and other plcasiutllos uf the llrdt
few days out.
With the long march In piospcct. It was
the expectation to break camp ut 8 o clu > Ic
shaip , but Commander t'oxoy. Marshal
Drown nnd thu unknown woio hito In reach
ing headquarters from tholr pleasant quar
ters at Hotel Diamond , and this , with a
heavy rain , dulavcd the move , and It wiu not
until an hour later that thu procession
SAN ritANCISCO , Api II 7. The excite
ment In Oakland over the eviction of the
Industrial army has not jet died out They
have many svmpathlzers among the lower
class , and a mass meeting was hold at
which speeches were made denouncing the
olllclals of the city for their action Pollco
wcro present at the meeting and kept the
sponkeis In check. Another mooting II.IH
been called foi tonight
( 'hallos T Kclley , who went cast at the
head of the California Industrial urmv left
a good position as foremen of the typograph
ic il room of Hicks , Jiidd & ( . 'o , leading
printers and bookbinders of this city Ho
also deserted a wife and joung children
to assume command of the motley crow
which left to join C'oxey day before jester-
day. About the otllco vvhoto Kclley worked
ho Is Bpokon of as a competent man.
sent for Coxej'rt III iiellt.
WASHINGTON , April 7 The Ilrst Install
ment for the cache ot provisions to bo es
tablished hero for the sustenance of tb *
weary wights of Coxcv's walkers during the
da > s they will bo in Washington after tholr
long tramp Is over has turived. It came
bj the United States Uxpre s company from
Aikunsas. It was a lo.if of broad a dry
crust , and not a sweet morsel for a prodigal.
Tied to u strong siting was a tag marked'
"From Arkansas , for Commissary General
Coxoy's army , Washington , I ) . C. , Deadhead
on Account of Charity. " Across the top of
the tag was boldly written. "Caro of Grover
Cleveland "
The tug , as well as another , which was
attached , was covered with the names of
the express messengers who had handled the
loaf on Its trip.
The express ngont ordered It sent to
Colonel llodstono , the District' of Columbia
representative of the Coxey movement The
colonel would not receipt for It. The mes
senger did not know whether or not It would
bo next sent to thu president.
lime. I'IIHHI d Hello.
URNO , Nov. , April 7. The California
contingent of Coxey's Commonweal army ,
consisting of 1,000 men , passed through
Reno this morning. The train bearing the
Industrials cast was composed of twonty-
II v a curs , two of which contained supplies.
About thirty recruits , some of whom have
left work to Join the army , wcro waiting
ut the depot to board the train. The cars
were drawn through so rapidly that no om >
could get on or off , und these men ills-
appointed At Whllo Plains the train halted
and the men breakfasted. It Is expected
that It will cross the state line tonight
About noon u man claiming to bo the
major general of the Industrials , and a
youth , who styles himself Lieutenant Gen
eral II. F White , anlvcd on the passenger
tialn from Sacramento , expecting to find
the army here They abMiined command of
the Ilotio delegation and are soliciting money
from cltl/ciiH und making ariangcmcnts to
catch the train carrjlug the California dele
gation before It reaches Ogdcn.
Adtmicn Cuard ut \ \ iiNhlngtoii.
WASHINGTON , April 7. The advance
guard of the iiimy of unemployed , though
not of the Coxey army , reported here shortly
after 7 o'clock thlu evening. It came In
the form of forty-one men In n slnglo box
car on the Haltlmoro Ac Ohio railroad , nnd
the visitors were crowded Into police wugoim
and taken to the stations , where they will
remain to uwalt tholr formal dlspuHltlon at
court Monday morning Thuy boio no 111
will against the uulhoilttoa ai\d \ rather
seemed plcabcd at being supplied with lodg
ing und food.
Airhi d at l.ll/ulieth.
EMZAIiirril , Pa. , April 7. The Common
weal reached hero ut 2 p. m. About forty
recruits joined.
Mioclcloj Tells llou It WIIH.
Chillies Hhuikloy , who was alleged to
have been held up < ind rohhyd In a barn
near Twonty-llfth and nouittit Htieot'i sev
eral ilayH ago , called at 'I lie- Hop olllco last
niKlit and asked that some utiitcm ills
which have been pi luted about him hu
changed. lie KIIJ-H that the ifiiHoii why hu
did not till n In the money which ho had
colhettd on the ihiy of the lobbuy vyus
Hint It was cmUomiuy foi htm to colli'qt
and Hollclt all daj and tlmi lul inn ; up uc-
countH after Hiippti In the evening Ho
claims to have gone to the bum to f ( "l
the IIOIHCH , and on going to Hiippei h ft thu
key to the barn In the door Wilt n In le-
tuined he notked that Hut key vvus nvn ,
but thought nothing of It at the tlnu Hu
gained an eiitiance to the barn by a Hldu
iloor , and when ho wint up Into the buy
lull was attacked bj two men Thu men
did not hold him up with a revnlw * us hius
bten repotted , but they tine\v him to thu
Iloor and choked htm Into Insensibility ,
after which ht was lobbed. Ho puya Hint
ho has livid In Omaha foi live vourx and
has been employed l y r'llui IIios fut H i
punt HX ! montliH He thlnltB the lepoJts
which have gone out about him have In
jured his leputiitloii , and reiiieHtud | Hint
thlri ( statement bu made public.
ii /.i /limit / ( > /.rM.v/.s ,
Light Ulndi Will Illdit mill ItVI1I lip
Colder In iNehrimUii 'lodii ) .
WASHINGTON , April 7. FwrecaHtH for
Sunday : For Nebraska I.oial winds , shift
Ing to northwesterly ; colder Sunday owning.
Tor Iowa Light Hliouers , warmer lu CHHI-
urn portion , colder la western par ! .Sunday
For South Dakota l K't showers , in *
creasing northwestern , colder. ill Iteiord ,
OmoK UK 1111 : Wiurimt liuiuu ) , OXUIIA.
April 7. Omaha icumi of tompuratuiound
ramfalluompiriid xvltli corronpondluif day of
past four years :
1BUI IH'II 1H92 IH'Jl.
Minimum loinperatiiro 71 ! = > 7.1' i js 6-23
Minimum ti'inpuriituio ' 413 ( jio 42 = ! no
Avurauu toinpuriiliiro. 117 = b73 B'Ji 4JO
Precipitation . . 00 .00 .00 0,1
KUtomunl showing the condition uf torn-
pott.turoaml prouipltutlon ut Omaha for tlio
day and slncu March 1 , l&U :
Norinnl tcmpiirnturi ! 4H °
l.vccm for Hie day 03
l.xci'ifjlncu March 1 -3 ! !
Normal proclulMlloii II ) Incli
Deficiency fin III" day . . . UtliicU
licllchmcy blncu MaruU I 1 ' 'I liaU
GKOllutt K HUNT Porocam OUciL !