Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1894, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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nmfMi'pp\Tivi' OIIPI 11 IM/IPC *
Little Mort Movement Among tliu Swell
Men and Woinun ,
PEOPLE WHO WILL ENTERTAIN THIS WEEK Un\n llliiinlimteil tlm Rorlnl
J' Bfi The I Irukn Cnnl Party
Mr . VoM' Intrllci timl Ten
.Minor Doing * ,
While last week wag one of oxlromo quiet
ness , ihoro wore noilceable signs of it lifting
of tlio Lenten pull and hopes nro now ex
pressed Hint for tlio next few weeks tlio gay
birds of plumage will come fortli from their
retiring places and show themselves once
more to 11 longing world. Although the week
u-ns dull from n functional standpolnl. It
was an unprecedented week theatrically ,
Marie Tempest , li'\Volf Hopper anil Com-
pdlan Orano attracting the swell set during
the entire Hlx dnyH. Ilex partlon and theater
parties liavu licen the rule rather than the
exception and the swell restaurant * Imvo
nerved petit" and elaborate suppers long
Into the nlgM.
Considerable Inquiry has been made Dlnco
The HOP'S criticism of "Ilrother John"
which ono of the Omuha society girls was
alluded to ns resembling the dainty and
jietlto Miss \ValllM of Mr. Crane's company.
In response to a niniibcr of such Inquiries
tlio name of the * young lady Is made known ,
because she 1ms many uf the charming qual
ities of her "double , " Miss U'allls. The
yoiing lady to whom reference was made Is
Alias Thomas of Washington , who Is the
guest of Mnjnr and Mrs. Humphrey and who
haa been ono of the favorites of Omaha so
ciety since last fall.
Till ! Meliel linden I led.
The department of literature of the
Woman's club Introduced on Innovation at
the last meeting In having a lecturer from
out of town. 1'rof. ( luldo II. Stcmpcl df
Oskaloosn. la. , gave a lecture on the great
mediaeval epic , the Nlebolungonllod. The
lecture was u careful analysis of the poem In
Its various phases , showing the work of the
( scholar and enthusiast In this line of study.
Duelling at first on the origin of myths
among primitive peoples , he traced the de
velopment of the light or Him myth , common
to all the Aryan wees , up through Its vari
ous forms to tlio Siegfried myth of Norse and
Teutonic mythology. Ho showed the essen
tial differences between these two variations
of the original , touching Incidentally upon
the growth of literature In Germany and the
Inlltipm-.o upon It of feudalism and Roman-
lam. Ho then gave a clear anil conslao out
line of the Lied Itself , making plain to everyone
ono the ( strength and beauty of the German
Iliad In Its progress from the light aml , glow
of the early merry-making to the gloom and
( latkncss of the tragic denouement. His con
clusion was decidedly original , the moral
being pointed by the contrast between this
story of revenge and hate anil the doctrine
of love as sot down by Paul In
the thirteenth chapter of first Corin
thians the hopelessness of paganism
versus the hopefulness of Christianity. The
address throughout was u masterly one and
was especially enjoyed by those members of
the club who Imvo spent the winter In the
study of early German literature , prepara
tory to the reading next year of Goethe's
masterpiece. To be In keeping with the
lecture , the march from "Tannhauser" was
rendered by Mlsa Clara Hnwloy , whoso In
terpretation of Wagner's music was exceed
ingly enjoyable.
At the close of the program Mrs. Savage ,
in her usual graceful manner , took leave of
the club , over which she has presided with
BO much dignity during the past year. In
response the club unanimously adopted a
resolution of regret for her going and of
thanks for her Interest and labors In Its
behalf. A vote of thanks was also given
Mr. Stcmpel for his excellent lecture and the
club adjourned.
Tim Drake Function.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake gave a high five
party last Wednesday evening which was a
most enjoyable affair. The prizes wcro
dainty and appropriate and the decorations ,
In green and white , were most seasonable.
Rev. and Mrs. Mackny and Miss Druku as
sisted In the receiving. The lirst prizes , a
ban bon dlFh and a silver match box , were
won by Mrs. Klrkendall and Mr. Dletz , the
second , a Dresden penholder and a hand
painted tray , by Mrs. Gooilrlch and Mr.
Baker , while Mrs. Raymond and Mr. Ruth
wore the recipients of the third prizes , a'
hand painted pin tray and a salt dish and
spoon. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs.
Holdrcdge , Major and Mrs. Hamilton , Mr.
and Mrs. Buchanan , Mrs. I'rltchett. Mr. and
Mrs. Lyman , Mr. and Mrs. Knox , Mrs. Klr
kendall , Mrs. Woodman , Mr. Montgomery ,
Mrs. Wattles , Mr. and Mrs. Morris , Judge
and Mrs. Cowln , Mr. and Mrs. Purvis , Mr.
and Mrs. Cornish , Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich ,
Mr. and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Dlotz ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander , Judge and Mrs.
Dundy , Mr. and Mrs. Ur.inch , Mr. and Mrs.
Bartlott. Mr. and Mrs. Sholes , Mr. and Mrs.
AVakolleld , Mr. and Mrs. Damn , Mr. and Mrs.
Norton , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith , Mr. and
Mrs. McKell , Mr. and Mrs. Johnson , Dr. and
Mrs. Moore , Genornl and Mrs. Dandy , Mr.
and Mrs. George Barker , Rev. and Mrs.
Muckay , Mrs. Parker , Mr. and Mrs. Barker ,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond , Mr. and Mrs. Dab-
cock , Mr. and Mrs. Cady , Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer , Mr. Maker , Mr. and Mrs. Wessels ,
Mr. anil .Mrs. Kitchen , Mr. and Mrs. Drady ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson , Mr. and Mrs. Claf-
lln , Mr. and Mrs. Ruth , Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
Mr. Rltchey , Mr. Smith.
) . V. I ) . 8. llillHllll-t.
The Omaha View Debating society , a
young men's organization , celebrated Its
third anniversary last Tuesday evening In
the members' lecture room of the Hlllsldo
Congregational church , to which they had
Invited the Young Ladles Alpha-Zola club.
President Chambers of the Omaha View De
bating society delivered on address of wel
come to the Alpha club , to which Its presi
dent , Miss Anna Smith , gracefully responded.
Thou followed a short program , utter which
came the chief feature of the evening , the
banquet. The following were present :
Mrs. ( ! . J. Powell , Mrs. T. C. Wallace.
Misses Goodcll , Price , Scott , Dora Kvans , Don-
nlo Moulton. Lillian Trude , Etta Smith ,
Chambers , B. Wallace , M , Kvans. Mary
Lutey , Anna Smith , Drake , H. Lcggett ,
I.epha Leggett , Jennie Tunncll , Perclval ,
llcrry and Hanna ; Messrs. G. J. Powell , T.
C. Wallace , T. W. Ilrnnnonian , 0. Cham
bers , S. W. True , Earl Wort , Roy Patch , A.
J. Hoots , Roy Moore , Herm Wallace , John
Prlco , S. A. Wallace , Wllbor Lcmoiii A. TI1-
lotson , Ted Price , John Larson , Uurr Jones
and llennlo Day.
The Omaha View Debating society Is now
in Its fourth year , and Is doing good work
along educational lines. Its olllcars are : O.
W. Chamber * , president ; T. W. Ilrenncman ,
vice president ; John Price , secretary ; S. W.
True , treasurer ; II. J. Wallace , editor ; A.
J. Hoots , librarian , and llonnln Day , critic.
H Is the plan cf the society to get yoiing
men together to discuss current events , as
they llnd It too far to attend meetings of
similar cocletles down town.
Thtirrttoii Illllrx.
The company paraded for Inspection last
Monday night with full ranks , only three
men bolng absent out of a membership of
i-lghty-llve. The ceremony of Inspection was
performed and very creditably , uniforms
well brushed and guns and equipments all
In line condition. The gallery was com-
plPtely tilled with visitors. Immediately
after Inspection the company wan dis
missed , and assembled again for regular
quarterly meeting. Hon. John M. Thurs-
ton wax present and delivered a patriotic
speech before the company , expressing his
gratification at the largo number of men
belonging to the Thnrstoir rHIos , and compli
menting the company on their handsamo
nppearanco during Inspection.
Five n w recruits wcro elected at this
meeting and formally Introduced to tlio
members of the companyleaving ; seven ap
plications for membership on llle on the
company bulletin. Brigadier ( Jenonil L.V. .
Colby , commanding thu Flrnt brigade , Ne
braska National guards , and Dr. George L.
Miller were unanimously elected honorary
members of the Thuraton Rllles. and Dr. M ,
Ucbort was the unanimous cholco of the
company far surgeon.
The drill corps ot forty-five men was se
lected Inut Monday evcnlmr after the quar
terly inu-tlng and drill" . ! atnt.t nil hour In
thn street column formation.
Thi > ladles' mixlllnrenitty held a busi
ness meeting at the armory lust Monday
night , and at the residence of Mrs. Itungate ,
Twenty-first and Hurt , last Friday
afternoon. All arrangement * liuvn
been completed for the HUB party
to be given Monday evening ,
April 9 , at the armory , and the ladle : ) are
confident of tccurlng a handsome sum as thn
ronuU ot their efforts to raise the nec-
ownry funds with which to purchase a llk
Hag to present to Ih'j Tliurston RlflM.
The program for the 'lag ' party to be given
tinder the niiaplcea of tlm Ladles Auxiliary
xocloty Include an exhibition drill by the
Thnrslon Rllles drill corps of forty-live men
In the street column formation , showing the
different manoeuvres used In street riot
action , after which them will be dancing to
the music of Prof. Dwor/.uk'a orchestra.
Refreshments will bo served by the ladles
In ( ho parlor npalalrn , while thn t'nlon ' Pa
cific orchestra of ten pieces will furnuh the
music for the promenaifo.
The camp equipage has arrived from Lin
coln and consists of fourteen tents and ono
cook tpnt complete and three kettles.
Private Frank P. Adalr has returned from
Dakota City , where ho has been spending
the past few weeks. .
The application of Mr. Wlnkleman. re
ceiving teller at the First National bank ,
has been received and posted on the com
pany's bulletin. i
The commandant lint ! offered a recruiting
prize to be presented to the man bringing
in the largest ntimhfr of rccrulta during the
month of April , and also to the man bring
ing In the second largest number of re
cruits In the same time. The drat pnzo
will be a copy of the new drill regulations
bound In leather with tie name of the sue-
ressftil contestant stamped on the cover ,
and the iieconil prize a copy of the manual
of Guard Duty.
Captain Sclmrff's sister , Mrs. J. J. Van-
iloniniir of Denver and t er three , sons are
vIslMng with Mrs. .Sonar/ route to Chi
cago. _
( iuvi ) u ltilnl : > on Sorlnl ,
Last Thursday evening a rainbow social
was given under the auspices of Life Boat
lodge No. IfiO , I. O. G. T. nt Myrtle annex
hall. The hall had been very prettily
decorated with gay festoons of paper , and
llowors had been arranged In the most pic
turesque manner , whllo members of the
order wore elegant costumes emblematical
of thu rainbow.
Mr. G. M. Frazler presided and the fol
lowing excellent program was rendered ,
after which dainty refreshments wnrp served
by the committee on arrangements , which
had left nothing undone that would further
the enjoyment of those present :
Instrumental Iniet Slster.1 Ooprno
Character Sketches Mr. Thompson
Vocal Solo G. M. Kruzlcr
Recitation Miss Frunkle Holland
Original I'ocm K. M. Steadmnn
Guitar Solo nuy Andrus
Rerltutlon Miss Kdlth Ford
Instrumental Music Tyrolean Clu : >
Recitation Mlsa Gertie Wright
Ilifiti-iimc-iitnl Trio
. . .Messrs. Wright , Stockman nnd Sharp
Recitation Miss Maude llonnell
Piano Solo Miss Svvanson
ricrltntlon M Iss Sclmnlcm
Vociil Solo , ( Guitar accompaniment ) . . . .
M. S. Wrljrht
Vocal Solo MIsH Lisa Llttlo
. \nolln-r High 1'lvo Party.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahoney , S29 South
Nineteenth street , entertained the Oklahoma
club last Monday evening at high five.
Among those present were : Mr. nnd Mrs.
Al. Powell , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis , Mr.
and Mrs. Sol Hopper , Mr. and Mrs. James G.
Martin , Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy , Mr.
and Mrs. T. P. Mahoney , Mr. and Mrs. AV.
H. McCreary , Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Park-
hurst , Colonel and Mrs. A. L. Lott , Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Sldwcll , Mrs. Llzzlo Mitchell , Miss
Kate Powers , Miss AIllo I'owers and Mr.
William Anderson.
The ladles' first prize was won by Mrs.
Elmer Davis , the gentlemen's by Mr. Sol
Hopper. The ladies' consolation prize was
captured by Miss Allie Powers and the gen
tlemen's by Colonel A. L. Lott. After lunch
the Oklahomas Indulged In dancing.
Ci-H-briited Her Nutiil Diy. :
Monday from 3 to 6 Miss Hazel Ford , the
0-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Ford , celebrated her natal day by Inviting
a number of her little friends to Join her
In merry making over her passing the sixth
milestone. The house was sweetly
decorated with pinks , carnations , smllax ,
ferns , while Easter lilies nodded from the
deep embrasure of the bay window and from
nooks throughout the drawing room nnd din
ing room. Games were played and the little
people enjoyed the day Immensely , as their
looks betokened when mammas and nurses
told them It was going homo time. The
guests were : Romona Taylor. Harold Cram-
blett. A Ida and Julia Chubbuck , Wcstel and
Sarah Morsman , Adelaide Clark , Cynn
Thomas , Grace Morse , Webster Ford and
Marie Bcnnlson of Council Bluffs.
rii-iiHimt Curil Tarty.
A-progressive high five party was given
by Miss Sarah Harper on Wednesday evening ,
April 4 , at 2011 Cass street. Miss Harper
was assisted In receiving by the Misses
Curry and Duncan. The evening was spent
In card playing and dancing , after which
lunch was served. Mr. Frank Weeks won
the first prize , whllo Sir. J. M , McDonald
carried off the booby prize. During the
evening the guests were favored with music
by the Misses Rldnonr and Weeks.
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Emery , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wcel.3 , Mr. and
Mrs. George Schneider , Mrs. R. Weeks , Mri ,
A. Andrus. Mrs. S. M. Lowry , Misses Sarah
Harper , Frances Weeks , Harriet Duncan ,
Grace Rldnour , Leila Curry and Messrs. J.
M. McDunald and Robert Andrcson , Jr.
Wniiiuu'H Ititlluf Corps Social.
The ladles of U. S. Grant Relief corps
gave ono of their social entertainments In
Myrtle hall Tuesday evening , April 3.
The program was :
Piano Solo Mlns Dnlsv Hlsglns
Recitation jr. ] Thompson
Vocal Solo Mni. Uniiilmri
Topsy Diinee , Ml.s.s lone Pierce
Song Quintet
Reel tat ion Mr. Foiby
Drill Omaha Guards
Piano Duet
. . . .Prof. Allen and Miss Nettle llaverly
Several encores were called for and given ,
the drill of the Guards bclmr sneclallv en
tertaining. After the program refreshments
consisting of Ice cream and cake were
served , followed by dancing by thu young
I'leiiHiint Parly.
At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frazler ,
2002 Popploton avenue , an enjoyable time
was spent by some of their young friends
Monday evening. The oVonlng's pleasures
were opened with an Instrumental solo by
Mlsa Alletha Van Noy , which was followed
by u recitation by Mlsa Louise Cribbs , fol
lowed by Miss Joslo Roaklo and Mis.Gertie )
Williamson In a duet. Light refreshments
were served and the evening closed with an
Instrumental solo by Miss Eva Fraisler.
Those present were : Mlsa Eva Frazler ,
Miss Nellie Frazlor , Miss Joslo Hoskle , Miss
Gertie Williamson , Miss Alletha Van Noy ,
Mlsa Louise Crlbbs. Messrs. John Frazler.
James L-imbert , Elmer Day and William
A. Van Noy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
High five.
Miss Carrie Mldgloy entertained "at her
homo , 1921 Douglas street , Thursday evening.
High live was the amusement of the evenIng -
Ing , the ladles' first prize bolng won by Miss
Grace Marty , the men's prize by Mr. W.
West and the boobies by Miss E. Anderson
and Mr. Tlppery.
Those present were : Misses Alice Ilium ,
Lllllo Ilann , Grace Marty , Fern Xlarty. E.
Anderson , E. Stetzcl , II. Hull and Mlsa Louie
Pennoll of Ohio , Messrs. W. West , F. Marty ,
W. Tlppery , J. Wright , C. Wright. E.
High flIn ICoiintio I'liirp ,
The O. N. 0. club was entertained by .Miss
Van Court Thursday evening , 1902 Wlrt
street. The ladles' prize , a sword pin , was
won by Miss Weaver , and the gentleman's
prize , u water color picture , was won by
Mr. Miller.
These present wore : Misses A. Churchill ,
Weaver , C. Glacomlnl , G. Rich , McCuno ,
N. Rich. Meyers , M. Bowman. Velr. Bailey ,
Coon , Hamilton , I. Churchill. I. Weir , G.
Bowman , Glacomlnl , Collett , Ilaakcll , Black ,
Carrie Altliouu , Fowler , Nace , Bates.
Messrs. Bowman , Kiiougo , Smith , Bradbury ,
Pnlmaticr , Weir tleneh. Yciinncr Ilo * . Mil
ler , llarrrtt , Moobrrry , Mnthons. Blark-
wcll , MiCunc , .McCune , Walker , Haatlngs ,
Thomas , Vlckcrs , Schneider
.Mr * . Vo < l' TPU ,
The ton given Tuesday afternoon for Mis.
Sherwood and Mrs. Charles Offut by Mrs
C. E. Yost was not only charming In Ha
social features , but Intellectual as well. To
each of the guests u slip of paper was given
having the word "education" written there
on , the guests being asked to write as man :
words ns possible from the key word It
twenty minutes. At the end of the specified
time Mrs , John Wilbur was found to have
formed sixty-eight words out of the nine
letters mentioned , which Is remarkable In
view of the shortness of the time. For her
dexterity Mrs , Wilbur was presented \\ltl
a beautiful bunch of roses , while Mrs. Bar
kalow came In for the consolation prize ,
.Mlix Nettle I.nneinlcr' * Surprise.
A score of little men and women Invadei
the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Lancaster , 2100 Cass street , Thursday
evening and took complete possession. Four
teen-year-old Miss Nettle , although taken
completely by surprise , and ( hiding resist
ance useless , lioro her honors with more limn
a maidenly grace and Judgment. Music
laughter , romping , luncheon and mer
rymaking made the hour hand fairly fly , am
before the neighbors were able to fully or
ganize the little ones had vanished In the
DidliK * III Siirli-ly ,
Miss Sherwood Is the guest of Mrs. Offut.
Ex-Mayor dishing of Los Angeles Is In the
Dr. P. C. Morlarlly has returned from New
Mr. George Palmer Is In Chicago for the
Mrs. 13. P. Davis left yesterday for Los
Miss Hattle Bache Is enjoying the opera
In Chicago.
Mr. R. W. Breckcnrldgo has returned from
Miss Dundy returned from Chicago on
Sunday last.
Miss Mamie Hamblcton Is the guest ol
Miss Palmer.
Miss May Burns went to Chicago Thurs
day afternoon ,
Mrs. A. L. Stiger will entertain on Tues
day from 3 to G.
Mrs. Kllpatrlck and Miss Kllpatrlck leave
today for St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck were In Chicago
a few days last week.
Last night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis
Efivc a high five party.
Mr. S. Pcrsels left on Tuesday for a visit
to his home In F.ilrbury.
Mr. Ezra Mlllard has been at homo fcomo
time for his Easter holiday.
Mrs. Palmer and Mlsa Palmer are at homo
after their visit to the opera.
Joseph Barker , Jr. , left for his school
at Worcester , Mass. , yesterday.
Lieutenant John C. Gregg of Fort Doug
las was at the Mercer last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Garncau and Miss Bessie
Yules have returned from Chicago.
The Debutantes Cooking club was hold at
Mrs. Margaret Brown's on Thursday.
Hon. Church Howe arrived In town on
Wednesday and Is staying at fhe Paxton.
Hon. W. F. Cody arrived In Omaha on
Tuesday , expecting to remain until today.
Hon. C. L. Root and wife of Des Molncs ,
la. , were eater tallied by J. C. Root last week.
- Miss Downs , who has been visiting In St.
Louis for several weeks , returned on Friday.
On Monday evening the Bon Ami club
will be entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake left Friday
evening for Denver , where they will make
a short visit.
Mrs. Batch gave a pretty luncheon on
Wednesday of iast. week for the friends of
Mrs. Coutant.
Mr. and "Mrs. S. A. McWhorter are su
premely happy over the birth of a daughter
yesterday morning.
Mrs. Casper E. Yost entertained Mrs.
Coutant's guest , Mrs. Brlnker , at luncheon
on Thursday of last week.
Mlsa Minnie Law ton has resigned as
teacher at the Lake street school in order
to vlslt _ the Midwinter fair.
The cngcgement Is announced of Mr.
Joseph Brcwn of Omaha and Miss Rosa
Schoenstadt of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lucy T. Savage left for Boston yca-
tcrday , and with several friends sails for
Europe about the middle of April.
Mr. J. M. Wilson has departed for Hot
Springs , Ark. , where ho expects to be
greatly benefited from rheumatism. .
Mrs. E. O. Valll of Beatrice , who has been
visiting her son , W. F. Valll for several
weeks , left for her homo last week.
The history department of the Woman's
club will meet at the usual hour on Wednes
day Subject : "Political History of the
Reign ot Elizabeth. "
Major Gushing , formerly quartermaster
Department of the Plattc , recently ordered
to Washington , has taken up temporary
quarters at the Paxton.
Misses Clara and Minnie Lawton left
Wednesday for nil nxlnmlpd trln Mirniitrh
Washington and Oregon. They will visit the
Midwinter fair and return about July 1.
Mrs. C. A. Collins and Miss Collins will
entertain Saturday , April 14 , from 4 to C
o'clock In honor of Mrs. Ezra .Mlllard and
Miss Mlllard , who will leave very soon for
Mrs. Frank Millspaiigh and Miss Sadie
Hambleton are guests of Mrs. Clarkson. hav
ing arrived on Wednesday lust. Sometime
this week they leave for.-Topeko , their future -
turo home.
Among those who drank tea with Miss Mc
Clelland on Tuesday afternoon were Miss
Emily Wukeley , Miss Woolworth , Miss
Thomas , Mr. Wilson , .Mr. Dean , Mr , Quay ,
and Mr. Gregg of Fort Douglas.
For Mrs. Victor White Mrs. Frances Wes-
sols gave a beautiful tea last Saturday after
noon , Mis. Wessels being assisted In receiv
ing by Mrs. Richard Moore , Silas Wakoley ,
Miss Emily Wukeley , Miss Mabel Balcombe.
Miss Pratt entertained the Cooking club
on Wednesday. The repast was u break-
fust , the table being prettily trimmed in
marguerites and hand painted cards , at each
place. As usual all enjoyed the meeting
to the utmost.
Married , In New York City , April 3 , 1894 ,
by Rev. Henry Easton Cobb , Mrs. Sarah T.
Whitney of Now York City to Charles W.
Morton of this city , No card's. Mr. and
Mrs. Morton have returned from the east
and commenced housekeeping at 3011 Pacific
Mrs. J. Trainer gave a high five party
on Thursday evening at her homo , 400 South
Twenty-fourth avenue. The first prizes
were a handsome picture and a beautiful
book of poems , while the "booby" for the
gentlemen , of course , was an empty uham-
iiagno bottle.
Mrs. C , F , Boufller celebrated her 43d birth
day Thursday evening , a number of her best
friends being Invited to dine with her. The
itueats were : Mesdames Waller , Kaltelcr ,
Bleser. Sleh , Lehman , Soyder , Epplcn , Sachs
and Misses Fannie Blescr , Hannah Kaltcier
nnd Lena Kaltcier.
Hon. John L. Webster gave u handsome
dinner Wednesday evening to the dis
tinguished jurists , H. C. Caldwcll und John
Rlner , the other guests being Mr. Vundc-
venler. Mr. Gurloy , Mr. Powell , Mr. Green ,
Mr. Hitchcock , Mr. Morse , Mr. Clarke , Mr.
Broatch , Mr. Mlllurd , Mr. Blerbower. Dr.
For her friend , Mlas Maud Turner of Fre
mont , Miss Stella Rice gave a 5 o'clock tea
on Friday afternoon at her residence , 1C15
Emmet street. The guests wcro : Miss
Turner , Miss Humphrey , Miss Kate Hum
phrey , Miss Gazette , Miss Kumpf , Miss Thorn-
gate. Miss Knapp , Miss Baker , Miss Rich ,
Miss Nettle Baker.
Mrs. R. C. Clowry and Mrs. Henry Ksta-
brook , who were called hero so suddenly
from their western tour by the death of
Hon. R , E , Estabroo'r , left Wednesday for
San Francisco , where Mr. Clowry Is still
engaged In business. They went In Mr.
dowry's private car and wore accompanied
by Mrs. 0. A. Eatabrook ,
Owing to Mlas Street's Illness she could
not meet the Choral class last. Thursday
to pay back the retaining fees. . Those dc-
ilrlng. their fees can have them at any time
jy applying to Miss Taylor at the Young
Women's Christian association rooils In tlio
Dee building. Thanks to the kindness of
Dean Gardner , there was no hall or piano
rent to pay. These who contributed their
fees for that purpose can huvu them again
nr allow them to b n paid Inlo the new piano
fund , O'l Ihey prjjrfl-
Mr. and Mr . ll , 1) ) , Font" of 1'hrrokoc , In.
havp returned fo their home after a trn
days' visit with Mo , and Mrs. 0.V. . Lancas
ter , 2400 Cnss 3'rcet.
For Miss Hin'iVlik-lon und Mrs , Moore of
Sioux City , Mls AVoolworth gave an elabor
ate yellow tea " .Vestorday afternoon , quite
neventy-nvn RIIPHIS being present. The
hontcss , who Is a must graclotH entertainer ,
was annLitcd by Mlrft Donne , MIsJ Wakdey ,
Miss Hiighcx , Mi i McKcntm , Miss Hanilde-
ton , MIsK Sac'i | } Ilu'mldettm.
Mrs. 0. W. BtMdlcy save a pleasant nnd
Informal tea to her friend Mrs. Cushlng
before her depaflnrn for Washington. Those
present wcro MeadSmos J , R. Biooko , C. A
Booth. Dallas IMi'he ' , S. T. dishing. C. F.
Humphrey , G. B. Dandy , Frank Clurk , J. T.
Clark. Misses Dandy , dishing , Thomas ,
Hamilton nnd Belle Hamilton.
The tea given by Mrs. w\damr Stiger on
Wednesday afternoon for her niece , Miss
Stiger , was quite an elaborate and a very
pretty affair. The decorations were wholly
In pink , each lady being presented with a
gorgeous rose as a souvenir of the occasion.
Mrs. Stiger and Miss Stlgcr received , as
sisted by Miss Duryca , Mlsa Burns and Miss
On Thursday. April 12. the ladles of
Trinity parish will give a luncheon at 1K12
Douglas street , from 12 to 2 o'clock. U Is
hoped that nil gentlemen In the habit of
lunching at homo will make this nil excep
tion nnd partake of the repast which will bo
served mostly by the young women of
Trinity , the older ladles presiding at the
various tables.
Mrs. A. P. Connor gave a very delightful
luncheon at her cosy little home tit ! I10 ! )
Marcy street , Thursday nflcrnoon. Covers
were laid for nine guests. A fine musical
program was rendered by Mesdames Crllzer ,
Gregory , Burgcsa and Connor. The follow
ing ladles were present : Meadamcs Crllzer ,
Gregory , Burgess. Williams. Tlbbs , Ged-
ney. Crawford , Gathers and Pickering.
Under the auspices of the Mystic Order
of Gardez a the.Uer party was given
Thursday evening on the occasion of Come
dian W. H. Crane's opening performance.
These composing the party were : Messrs. .
E. Rcsck , A. Bank , H. Haunt. H. Blatte ,
A. Rosenthal , William R. Singer. Misses
Fan nlo Meyers , Isabclle Adler , Ida Newman ,
Lena Rehfeld , Elma Rothschild , Mrs. Dar
Mr. and Mrs. Korty were delightfully sur
prised Tuccday evening by a few of their
friends loaded down with shell oysters. A
regular oyster bake was Indulged in. Inter
spersed with music , cards and a recitation
by Mr. L. M. Rheem. There were present
Mr. and Mrs. J. Manchester , Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Rheem , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vlerllng.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horton , Mr. and Mrs.
Uaugliman , Mrs. Hake nnd Mr3. Hughes.
Mr. William A. Redlck was pleasantly
surprised Monday evening by u number of
friends on the occasion of his birthday. The
guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deucl ,
Mr. and Mrs. \ ) . H. Wheeler. Jr. , Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hall , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford ,
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. Lehmer ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ringwalt , Mr. and Mrs. Chas ,
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwcll. Whist was played.
Mr. Rogers winning a silver coat pin and
Mrs. Bradford an embroidered dolly.
The sixth meeting ofthe Ideal High Five
club was hold at the residence of Miss
Richards , 2212 South Thirteenth street , Fri
day evening. Mlsa Gertie Parkhurst and
Mr. Clare Hitchcock carried oft the head
prizes , while Miss Georglo Richards and
Mr. Joel Wright walked away with the
"boobies. " Those present were Misses
Gertie Parkurst. " Mlttlo Foley , Edith
Foley , Marguerite Ponder , Gcorgle Richards ,
Messrs. Adolph Hlnwall , Fred Walker , Joel
Wright , Charles Wright , Clare Hitchcock ,
William Kllby.
Last Monday 'night the rooms of the
Young Women's Christian association were
full of members Interested , In the first
place. In satisfying the wants of the Inner
woman by disposing of the bountiful supper
prepared by the. ladles of Trinity parish ,
and later In considering the needs of the
outer woman In tl\e \ way of adornment , as
presented by Mrg.'pPeattle in a talk on
"How tp Dress1 with Economy and Good
Taste. " The toojtisomo" of the former and
the common senge of 'tho IattorJpprtlon of
the entertainment. Combined to mak'o the
members feel that the evening was ono of
the mobt enjoyable ever passed at the
Friday night thq Torpslchorean club gave
another of Its forU&shtly dances. A very
enjoyable time bolng had by all present ,
who were : Misses Pickering. St. Geyer ,
Marty , Hall , Van Court , Dunham , Brown ,
Hamlln , Bas&ett , King , S. King , Fowler , A.
Fowler , Curry , Macombsr , Latey , Nodaln ,
Van Huron , Squires , Cowles. Leeder , Raymond
mend , Saffelder , Corbett , N. Corbet , and
Southard of Chicago. Messrs. Ilamlin , Hal-
sled , Glacomlnl , Robinson , Tomsett , Bar-
stowo , T. Barstow , Berlin , Bolln , Bailey ,
Corby. Van Court , Ochlltrce , Angell , Mc
Donald , B. Schneider , Willis , Burdlck , F.
SchneJder , Corbett , Fowler , Wllcox , Free
man , licinan , Wltman nnd Wallenhaupt.
Another enjoyable social evening1 was
spent by the young people of the Bethel
Baptist church at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Howard Thursday evening. A
more congenial gathering would bo hard to
find , and the 150 guests were wont to sing
high praises to the hospitality of the host
and hostess. Mr. Thompson made merry
with his rich Impersonations , and later very
artistically rendered some of the heavier
lines from "The Silver King. " Mr. Abel
showed to advantage his clear tenor voice
In two songs which were heartily appre
ciated. The treat of the evening was given
by the Mo/art Male quartet , n now local 'or
ganization , this being their first public ap
For the benefit of the Ladies Aid society
of the First Congregational church , what
promises to bo a very charming scries of
amateur theatricals will be given in the
church parlors Friday evening of this week ,
"Barbara , " a dainty curtain raiser , and
"Snowball , " by Sydney Grumly being under
lined for production. The characters In
"Barbara" will be taken by Miss MuKell ,
Miss Tukey , Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Randall
Brown. "Snowball" will Introduce Mr. Bert
Cook , Mr. Gilbert , Mr. James Ritchie , Mr.
Wing Allen , Miss Llla Alexander , Miss Mar
garet Cook and Miss Goorgle Sharp
to their friends as amateur players. The
young men and women have had quite a
number of rehearsals under the competent
stage direction of Mrs. J. II. Wheeler , who
la enthusiastic In praise of the merits Of
the performances.
A very pleasant surprise was planned and
carried out by the friends of Miss Mumlo
Daly at her residence , 2000 Hamilton street ,
Friday evening , the occasion being her
eighteenth birthday. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. J , S. Daly , Mr. and Mrs. Daugh-
orty , Mr. and Mrs. Sautello , Mr. and Mrs.
n. Mahoney , Mrs , Ford , Mrs. Sullivan , Misses
Maggie Callahan , Maggie Mahoney , Lizzie
O'Brien , B. D. Welph , Cella Connolly. Delia
Ituane , Vernlo Doijgherty , Jennie Frazler ,
Joslo Frazler , Mamie , Rlordan. Katie Rlordan ,
Nellie Kelly , Annlo Kelly , Maggie Cosgrovo ,
Katie Cosgrove , Hjo McGuIre , Mary Mc-
Gulro , Ella McG/iIre / , Annie Daly , Mamie
Daly , Dora Daly , Messrs. John Ford , B. E.
l'"ord. T. W. Ford. J. J. Mahoney , C. Mu-
lonoy , Joe Mahcr , William McCunc , Charles
C'ahlll , M. McCormlck , John Dougherty , John
Mahoney , M. Crane , E. M. Daly , Ed Con
nelly , . ,
The last meeting df the economic section
ot Unity club F.rlijuy evening closed the
season' * work.
( t
Mr. Lobengler reviewed brlclly the mib-
lect of the prevlq'un evening "Socialism , "
Prof. H. I * . I.qvyl.'i reuil a fine paper on
"The Present Conditions of Economic
Thought. " . . ,
Mr. W. S. Curtis proved conclusively to
tils listeners that there Is "A Science of
I'olltlcnl Economy. " '
Dr. Victor RosuwiUer gave an Interesting
talk on "Tho Austrian School. "
The skillful treatment uf the subjects
showed much euro und study , nnd WUH
warmly appreciated by the audience.
The work of DIP club for the next yeur
IUH not been fully decided upon. There
will be un economic section uguln ; probnbly
one for the study of art , und the work of
the third section will bo decided upon
I'c'ilonil IIiiHilliiR Noti < s ,
Judge Dundy has postponed the Norfolk
erm of the court.
The quarterly bills of the United States
marshal's olllce were approved yesterday.
A strong effort Is bring made to Induce the
; overnmcnt secret service to retain Colonel
jtedman as an uttucho ot the olllce.
The customs receipts for the week wcrn
two cars of rice , ana car of earthenware ,
one case of lace curtains and ono case of
/v un u. .vr.s/ci/ .
All arrangements have been completed
for HIP season of grand opera nl Itoyil'i the
\\eek commencing April 2.1 under the man
agement of the Western Opera association ,
of which Miss C. C. Tpnnant Clnry In the
mntingbr. The entertainment to be given
this nenson promises to bo far superior to
the opera given under this tame management
over a yrar ago. A company has been or
ganized In N'PW York under the personal
oupervisloti of .Max Maretzok. This com
pany Includes principals , chonu and orches
tra , nnd numbers ( Ifty people.
The operas to be given In this city will
bo ns follows : "II Trovatore , " "Faust. "
"Lutl.i ill Lammcrmoor , " "Carmen , " 'Er-
mini , " 'Taviillcrln Rustlcnnn , " no one of
which will bo repented. The company In
cludes many of the best known artists In
the Held of grand ojwrn , as the following
list will show : Sopranos , Louise Natall ,
Curlottu Maconda , Hcnrlcttc Dryer , Kiith-
erlne B. Wndsworth : contraltos , Helen von
Doenhoff , Iledwlg Marcus ; tenors , Payne
Clarke. Uarone Bcrthold ; baritones , Perry
Averlll , William .Merlons ; bassos , Pierre
Delaseo. S. W. Dudley. Concerning Mine.
Natall , who has been singing with the
Hinrlchs Grand Opera company at Phila
delphia for tlio past four years , the Phila
delphia Inquirer says of her appearance In
" "
"Truvlata :
"Mine. Louise Natall literally c.uT'ol the
large and enthusiastic- audience vh ch fillet
the Grand opera house last evening by storm
It was the last performance of Hinrlchs
oper.i neason and "Travlatn" was the opera
That Mini' . Natall Is a singer of more thai
tiHiiul dramatic power none can galnsaj
after peeing her Interpretation of Vlolntli
hifct evening a part wh'ch ' all oporat'c s'ngers
admit Is line of the most dllllctilt to master
Repeatedly she was compelled to rcspom
to encores , and three separate and dlstlnc
curtain calls at the end of the third ac
attested the appreciation of the audience. '
The music lovers of Omaha who had the
pleasure of meeting Miss Lenora Vet
Stosch when she was the guest of the
Woman's club , playing at the Apollo club's
concert , will bo Interested to learn that her
engagement has just been announced to
Louis M. Howland of New York , and who
during the Columbian exposition , was one
of the New York state commissioners.
Mr. Howland Is a widower. His wife was
a daughter of Mr. F. N. Lawrence and a
ulster of Mrs. Foxhall Keene and Mrs
Il.irry Alexandra. He Is an amateur musi
cian of considerable ability. Miss Voi
Stoseh Is at present on a concert tour In
the west with Mr. and Mrs. William Lavli
nnd Slgnor Campanurl. No date has been
mentioned for the wedding.
This news will bring sadness to t\\o or
three manly bosoms In Omaha , for Miss
Von Stosch Is fascinating socially as wcl
as a brilliant vlollnlstc.
Mr. Taber will give his twenty-fourth
free organ recital at ths First Congregatlona
church this afternoon at 3:30 : , and will play
a program of popular music consisting ol
selections that have been called for by the
patrons of these recitals.
Mr. Taber will have the assistance of Mr.
Franz Adelmann , violinist , and Mr. John
Fisher , tenor. The program Is as follows :
The Celebrated Largo Handel
Gavotte from Mlgnon Thomas
Tenor solo O , Lord , Be Merciful
H. N. Itartlett
Mr. Fisher.
a Vorsplel Lohengrin Wagner
b Serenade Czllmlku
Overture Boheinlun G Irl Knife
March Funcbre Chopin
Uonmnza for violin. . . . . SvcndHcn
Mr. Adelinnnn.
a Intermezzo from Cuvullerlo , Himtl-
cuniin M usca sn I
1) Nuptial song Dubols
Reverie opus 22 . . VIeuxtemps
Mr. Adelniiinn.
a Offertolro , d Hut Salome
b March from Tannhauser Wagner
The program for the last meeting of the
musical society of the Woman's club , which
took place Thursday evening at Meyer's hall ,
was exceptionally fine , and the audience wan
large as usual , the unusual feature of the
occasion being 'the presence of quite a num-
uer of men , who heretofore have been de
barred from attending these meetings on ac
count of their being held In the afternoons.
Dr. Duryea was to have addressed the
audience on the subject of "Music and Musi
cians , " but was obliged to leave town In the
morning , so Rev. Newton M. Mann kindly
consented to take his place upon the pro
gram , though ut that late hour it was Im
possible for him to prepare an address. He ,
liowcver , read some selections of his own
translation from the French by Cherbuller
on "Art and Nature , " which were very fine
and thoroughly appreciated.
Mrs. Hughes sang the Bolero from the
"Slnhan Vespers , " by Verdi , and graciously
responded to the hearty encore , us did like
wise Miss Bishop utter the singing of Ileo-
.hoven'o "In Questu Tomba.Miss Bishop
has been very kind in lending her aid to
these entertainments , and her name Is
always u most welcome addition to the pro
Miss Chase and Mr. Gahm played the an
dante nnd variations , op. 40 , by Schumann ,
with much brilliancy and unanimity of feei
ng. Miss Chase also played charmingly
Schubert's "Impromptu , and "Etlncelles , "
> y Moszkowskl , whose staccato notes fell
ipon the air In brilliant confusion like ver-
table sparks upon a windy day.
Mmo. Iless-Fuchs and Herr Franz Adel
mann rendered the pianoforte and violin
sonata by Grelg In a thoroughly artistic
nanner , evidently entering Into the cnm-
> oser's work with sympathy and enthusiasm.
The meeting will bo held two weeks from
last Thursday.
Next Monday evening the young women
who are regular patrons of the noon day
rest of the Young Men's Christian associ
ation are to give an entertainment In Itoyal
Arcanum hall In the Bee building for the
benefit of the piano fund of the association.
These taking part are not all members , but
are Interested In the work , and because they
enjoy the advantages offered nt the rooms
they wish to uld In the payment of the
piano. The program Is as follows :
Duet Tnnnlmusor Wagner
Miss Nettle Huverly and Mr. II. T.
Vlollncello Solo
a Trnnmerei Schumann
b Illusion Gellet
Solo Past nnd Future De Kovun
Miss Myrtle Coon.
Violin Duet Wandering Minstrel..Llchncr
Misses Drlggs.
Banjo Quartet -March The Pnndy
Fifth Farlnnd
Reading niawuthu'H Wooing..Longfellow
Mls.i Georgia 1'urk.
Pinno Solo Mir/.urku Godurd
Ml.s.s Joslc Lyinun.
Solo My Lady's Uower Hope Temple
Trio Meditation Richardson
Miss Stella Brown , Mr. J. Brown ,
Mr. .M. Brown.
A very Interesting program has been prepared -
pared for the concert by the Schubert Glee
club , which will be given ut Kountzo
Memorial Lutheran church on Thursday
evening of this week. The club will be
assisted by the Tyrolean club und other
local entertainers. Tho. concert will bo
under the direction of Mr. Lee Kratz and
Mrs. J. H. Conrad will act as accompanist.
The following program will bo rendered :
Overture Flfjuro'H Iloehzelt Mozart
Prof. Harnlsch , Messra. Newleun ,
AduniH and Krntz ,
Chorus ( mule ) Praise to the
Schubert Glee Club.
Recitation MlK.s Ella Day
March Tryoleun Cliih
ChoriiH The Flo wrots Abt
Schubert Glee Chili.
Barltono Solo What thu Yearn Bring
Mr. Conrnd.
Piano Solo La Polka do In Heine..Raffff
Prof. llnrnlHoh.
BUSH Solo Clung of the Forge Rodnuy
Mr. Morlson.
Wultz Vnlse Urllllunlo Mo.szkuwHkl
Prof. HiirnlHch , Messrs. Newleun ,
AduniH and Knit/ .
Chorus Hcrcmuli- Perka
Schubert Olee Club.
Recitation . . . . .Miss Ella Day
Chorus The Rover Smart
Schubert Glee Club.
The concert Monday evening at Boyd's by
the Omaha Orchestral society deserves to
bo weli regarded by the music lovers of the
metropolis , for Mr. Hans Albert has been
Indefatigable In his efforts to make this
second concert even a greater SUCCPHS artis
tically than was the first. Mrs. G. M. Hitch
cock will appear on this occasion us u solo
pianists , and a ( real may bo expected , MM.
Hitchcock pl.tys with artistic feeling , her
technique bclni ; the subject of warm praise
by her friends' The merit of the perform
ance nmy be gauged by the program , which
Is as follows :
Overture -Morry Wives of Windsor
_ OroliPHtrn.
Concerto for Pinna nnd Orchojilra Liszt
Mr * . Hiichcuck nnd Orchostrn.
To Sevllln , Dessntier
Mls Ina Kennedy.
Ueverlo Vlctlxtomps
, _ . HIIIIH Albert.
Talcs of Vienna Woods Strauss
Coni'ortn In (1 ( Minor , for Violin and
Orchestru Mux Hruch
Mr. Albert und Orchestra.
Suite Scenes 1'lcturesqin1 Massenet
March ; l > Air ile Ballet : e. Angelns ;
d Fctf Holipine.
Hungarian Alrx , with Ynrlatlonx Ernst
HIIIIM Albert.
JtibPl Uvei turo Weber
Id-union of SeotlNh Itllc .Minims .Niitlmml
Union Social ,
Tlio fourth annual reunion of the Scottish
Rllo Mnsons of Nebraska of the southern
jurisdiction of the United Stntos of America
will bo held at Masonic temple In this city
Tuesday. Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ,
April 17. IS , 1 and 20.
It Is cspucU'd that n class of thirty will
appear ut this reunion for advancement In
the various degrees. As thy work to be done
at this lime Is principally designed to accom
modate those living at a distance who can
not attend the many meetings necessary to
confer the degrees in the usual manner. It
will be conducted in such n way Us to ren
der It agreeable to all and afford the
greatest enjoyment of the festivities of the
oecaMon. Fifteen of lhn degrees will bo
conferred with the full ceremonies of the
rite , and much new paiaphcnmlla and many
novel and Interesting accessories will greatly
Increasti their beauty nnd impresslveneas.
The degrees of the rite from the fourth to
the thirty-second. Inclusive , will bo conferred
at this reunion upon all a(11 ( Hated master
Masons who apply for the same nnd are
found worthy. The following la the program
for the four days :
Tut'sduy , April 17. 10 o'clock Mount
Morlnh Lodge of Perfection will open In
special Hpsslon for work mid business.
1U:30 : Degree of sec-rut master , fourth ( U--
groo. 11 Degreeof perfect muster , fifth
degree. 2 Degree of confidential set-ro
tary , sixth degree , by special corps < if olll-
cers. 2:30 : Degree of provost and Judge ,
seventh degree , by special corps of otllcer.s.
C Supper will be served In tin1 parlors.
7:30 : Degree of Pel-fuel Kill , fourteenth degree
gree- .
greeWednesday. . April IS. 2 o'clock Semper
Fldells chiiptcr of Rose Crolx will con
vene In special session for , the transaction
of business nnd work. 4:30 : Degree of
knight of tin- east and west , sovonteentli
degree , will bp conferred. G : . " > 0 Supper will
bo served In the parlors. 7:30 : Degree of
Knight of RomC'rolx , eighteenth degree ,
will lie conferred.
Thursday , April 1oYlookSt. ! ) ! ) . An
drew's preceptory will be opened for busi
ness and work. 9:30 : The iilni'tcuntli de
gree , pontiff , will be conferred. 10:1 : ! The
twentieth degree , muster of the symbolic
lodge , will b < > conferred. 11 The twenty-
Ural degree , Prussian knight , will be con
ferred. 12 Luncheon. 1:30 : The twenty-
second degree , Knight of LIbaniis , will be
conferred. 2:30-The : twenty-third and
twenty-fourth degrees will bo communi
cated. 3-The tweiity-llfth , knight of the
brazen serpent , will be conferred. 4:3U- :
The twenty-sixth , twenty-seventh , twenty-
eighth and twenty-ninth degrees will be
communicated.Ilnner will be served In
the dining room. 7:30 : The thirtieth de
gree , Knight Kndosb , will be conferred.
Friday , April 20. 2 o'clock Occidental
consistory will convene In special conclave
for the transaction of business. 3 Degree
of Inspector Inquisitor , tlilrty-llrst , by n
special detnll of officers. Supper In the
parlors. 7 Degree nt' master of the royal
secret , thirty-second. 9 Banquet In the
The following Is the musical program for
the reunion :
Chaun t De Prof undls
J " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " '
. .The' Ru'r'l'c'd'wiiont 'Must "seem" 'Die
Cliaunt , Dims Mlsereatur
" " ' ' "
' "
. . . .Wh'eii"siiViil"fho"Nnt'lo'iis"Aii lie Free
Hymn Thy Kingdom Come , O ; God
Hymn Lead , Kindly Light
Anthem..Tlio Royal Craft In Days of Old
Hymn Go Forward , Christian Soldier
Hymn Holy , Holy. Holy
Chaiirrr : The Lord's Prayer
Hymn Go , Lulmr On
Hymn Lamp of Our Feet
Hymn Ritual Music , Page 39
( haunt Aye Verum
Hymn O God , T'nsecn , Yet Ever Near
rhniint Man Born of Woman
Hymn One Sweetly Solemn Thought
Hymn Nenrer. My God , to Thee
Hvmn. . " I Need Thee Ewry Hour
Hymn. . . ! ! . ! ! Alleluia Chorus
"A Vedlc Hymn. "
"To Deiiiu Liiudamus. "
"Magnificat. "
"Benedlctus. "
William R. Bowen , 33 degree ; John J
Mercer , 33 degree , and William uienorne. M
degree , constitute the committee on creden
tials. The following arc the members of the
committee on reception of visitors : Thomas
Sewell , 33 degree ; Daniel H. Wheeler. 33
degri'e ; Rev. S. Wright Butler ; C. C. Stan
ley 32 degree ; Martin Dunham , 32 degree ;
E C. Snydcr , 32 degree ; R. E. French , 32
degree ; Dr. J. T. Armstrong , 32 degree , and
W , J. Mount , 32 degree.
Nlllimmt Union.
Omaha council 449 had ono of Its social
and musical entertainments last Monday
evening at the council hall In the Patterson
block nnd had n largo attendance of Us own
membership , with u largo delegation from
Magic City council CS2 of South Omaha. A
goodly number of visitors were present and
ti general good tlmo was had.
Among the musicians present were J. II.
Smith , T. F. Clark , Hugh McElhaney , Robert
Llndborg and Thomas Broadhurst , who fur
nished choice Instrumental music and songs ,
interspersed at Intervals with short speeches
and recitations. The social features of this
order arc very entertaining and highly en
joyed by those attending on such occasions.
Iron I'riiiliiftliin aiuiln Clirnp.
BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , April 7.-An ex
periment which , If successful , will revolu
tionize the Iron Industry of the south Is to
bo made nt the Little Belle furnace In B.H-
seiner. It Is a rousting machine for desltl-
comzlng ores , and It Is claimed for It that
thu poorest of ores can be converted Into
the lineal of Bessemer ores by Its use. In
thu machine the ere will be roasted nnd
crushed und then passed over it magnetic
bund to which particles of the purest me
tallic Iron will cling Iron produced from
the crude ore. U Is claimed for thn mu-
chlne that crudest ore can be converted
Into the best of Bessemer HO centa per Ion
cheaper limn ever before.
IIU Cn ICuslly Snttli-il.
Harry L. Palmer , who wns mentioned UH
Imvlmr been arrested nt the Instance of a
lied Ouk , la. , hotel keeper , return d to
Omulm.yestorduy. the charges ugiilnsl him
bolng-'illHinlsscil. Mr. Pnlmer's trouble grew
out of his uiiKUKument as ailviincu agent
, for which ho
for u fly-by-night company
'illicit ' Red Oak , but wnleli went to pieces
jeforo reaching that Unvn.
Anil Tliuy Were Miirrlnl.
BALTIMORE. April 7-Mlns Marie Stir-
Ing , second daughter of Commander and
Mrs. Yatus Stirling of this city , mar
ried today to J. Lee Taller of Now York.
I'hu wedding took plucu ut Brown M -
norlul Presbyterian church , Rev. Dr. Malt-
ilo U. Bubeook olllclntlng.
Program of the Smoker to Bo Given by the
Young Men's ' Institute.
Where i : > nn rll < t Iliiiiiiiion Will I
Alrpilne * linliiy Noiindiiy KeUUIrl * I'm-
pitrliiKiin llnlerliiliiiiii-nt fintinI'liino
I'linil 1'nlplt Aiimiuneeinenu.
The Young Men's Instltuto will give n
smoker on Tuesday evening nt the rooms In
St. Phllomonu's hall. Following Is the pro
gram :
Piano Solo Mr.-B Shannhnn
HmiK ° nml * "rl' ' ' Mr' lRusgorsliei. .
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Song ( Uiii"liinei'.V. . . . . . . . . ! Mr''t ' - " - '
Address-A Whole Muii. . . . i. . . . . . . . . .
CU-orgo i'hrli'.oiinerson
I'lrHt l're livlerliin , .Service * ,
At the First Presbyterian church this
evening Rev. J. M. Patterson will iVIIver
his second lecture on the general tuple of
"Essentials to Success. " The special topio
for the evening will be "Finger Toils en 'In-
Ro.ul to Success. " The subject of the mnrti
Ing sermon will bo "Tho Beauty of in-
Lord. " The music for tlio day will bo .is
follows :
Organ Prelude Andante In A minor .
M erk-'l
Antheni-I Will SliiK of Thy Power . .
Antliem Hi-nr. O Lord W.itmm
Organ Offertory Romance T iir > i
Organ Postlude Triumphal Mut'eli. .Cosi t
Organ Prelude-Communion In 13 minor
Anthem-Come Unto Mo Cutler
Anthem -How Beautiful Upon th
.Mountains O. B. Krowu
Organ Offertory Virgin's Pr.iyor
Soprano Solo-Oh Lord , Be .Merciful . .
Mrs. Martin Culm.
Orguii Postliidc Murrh in 1) ( Uiilmnnt
V. .M. t : A.
. . . . . MeetIMI ; Toiluy.
The men's meeting at the Young M-MI'R
Christian association thin afternoon nt : ' , . ; < )
p. in. will bo especially Intorestlnir. Ad
dresses will bo given by Rev. Frank Crane
and Major Elijah Halfutd.
The association building has Just been com
pleted from a thorough course of repairs l > v
carpenters and decorators , and the servien
will be one of rededlcatlon upon thu rcopm-
Ing of the building.
The music will bo attractive. The orehes'ral
prelude of thirty nilnuten commencing
promptly ut 3:30 : will be made up of the best
Miss Myrtle Coon will sing "Ileaxen Hath
Shed a Trar , " by Kucken , violin obligate by
Franz Adelmann , Mrs. Hoss-Fuchs , accom
l-'or V. SI. < ! . A. KiirnMiliiKM.
Dr. Nourso has been engaged by the Young
Men's Christian association for a series of
three evenings of dramatic lecture recita
tions , next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday.
The receipts of the course will be devoted
to the refurnishing fund. In "Dr. Jckyll and
Mr. Hyde" Dr. Nourse Is terrifically realis
tic. The dual life Is depicted after the man
ner of Mnnsllehl.
To Clirlntlim Kmlravorei-fl \
Rev. J. M. Wilson of the Castcllar ProsNS
byterlan church will deliver the sermon -w -
the Christian Endeavor society this even
ting at 8 o'clock that ho will give as a lec
ture at the opening of the Christian En
deavor district convention ulMInstlngs April
13. The subject Is : "Tho Covenant Idea
In Christian Endenvor. "
llnimuim Slrt-tlngH.
Rov. Edward Payson Hummon , the child
ren's evangelist , who Is n 0\v. working in
Omaha , will conduct services this morning
at the Castellar Street Presbyterian church.
This afternoon and evening he will preach
nt the Knox Presbyterlnn church' . Mr. Ilam-
mon's methods nro his own and nru Interest
ing to grown people us well as to children ,
V. W. f. A. AITnlrH ,
The girls of the Young Woman's Christian
association noonday real are busy preparing
for their entertainment for the benefit of the
piano fund to be given in Royal Arcanum
hall Monday night.
Itrldf I'ulplt Aiiiioiliu'miients.
Rev. F. II. Saumlcrson of Spirit Lake , la .
will occupy the pulpit of Trinity Methodist
church morning and evening.
The rector of All Saints church will preneh
this morning on this subject : "Contending
with Horsemen , " and In the evening at 8
o'clock on : "Tolstoi's Christianity. "
At Grace Evangelical Lutheran church
this morning Rov. L. M. Kulms will preach
nn "n.illn.l With nn Hnlv Cnllliur : " In the
evening on "Tho Great Deficiency. "
"How to Cure Pessimism" will bo the
theme of Rov. T. 13. Crumbletl'a sermon al
the First Christian church this morning.
This evening ho will describe "Omaha's
Moral Needs. "
"A Cholco of Three Things" will be the
theme of Rev. Dr. Augusta J. Chapln'a
sermon at the First Unlversallst church this
morning. .Mr. Baldwin will lead the meeting
of the Young People's Christian union In thu
evening. The pastor will deliver an address.
diniiiipi-rhil Club.
The executive committee of the Commer
cial club has appointed a nub-committee con
sisting ot Messrs. W. A. L. Gibbon , G. II.
Payne and Euclid Martin to report at the
next meeting with relation to engaging Com
missioner Utl for another year. It is
claimed that the committee will recom
mend re-engagement of the commissioner ,
bnl It Is said , upon good authority , that a
large-sized kick has been registered against
allowing the commissioner's tlmo to bo
divided by acting as un plllclal of tlio Omaha
Bridge & Terminal company.
The question of salary Is also bolng con
sidered. nnd It may ba among the proba- -i.
bllltles to see the ? 5,000 per year sliced to '
There seems to bo no violent opp"sltl i )
to the commissioner's reaprolniimni.
Croup mill \Vlioopniff Cougli.
"I have thrco children who nro subject to
croup , nnd Imvo found thnt Chamberlain H
Cough Remedy will euro them quicker than
anything else i can get. If you do not bo.
Hove that this remedy will cuio the croup ,
do as I did , try It , and you will boon bo con
vlncod. " 11. M. Chutmnn , Dewey , III.
Whooping cough Is ulso deprived of nil dan
Kerous coiihequencua when Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy Is freely given. There la
nothing to It for either of thtso all-
inontB. For sale by druggists.
i V
Union Veteran l.cglim.
The comrades of Encampment No. 121 ,
visiting comrades und nil old soldiers whir'
cun attend nro Invited to tnku part In th- >
funeral ceremonies of Comrade John Llnd
soy , to bo held nt his residence , 1331 Soui'i '
Sixteenth street , this afternoon ut 2 o'clock.
1'liiyeil wllli Slut < 'liii4 >
Children playing with matt-hen In I ) . II.
Goodrlch'a house , 1117 South Twenty-ninth
street , caused u flro yesterday. A flru
alarm was sent In and three lines of hosu
were laid. The roar parl of the Imlldlns
was damaged to the extenl of $300.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report