TIIH OMAHA DAILY JJKR : St'NDAY , Al'lUL 8 , 18I-T\VENTY ! ) \ PAGES. 8PBOIRL NOTICES " " "Xilvn-ili'emenli ( of th.-no column * will be taXen until 12 50 p. tn. for th evenlnsr nml > mtll JW : P. . w , for th niornlnu and fiun.lay Million * . Adrrrtlicr * . by r atiMtlnB n numbereden' ' tun have answers addre-eed to n numbered loltei In cure of Th Ilc < - . AIUW..TII no addrmjod will lir delivered U | > on pr i > nlfillon of the chccK. lUlfs , 1'ic wnid flrM Insertion , lo n .word thTfntlor. Krth'ng ' taken for ICM than 2.x ! . " SITU ATIONQ W ANTED" Hairs , Hjo word drat Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2jC. WANTEDi-osTnoNfjY ! "ifKatHTKnnti Mtarmaclnl In Neb. HI * yrnr ' cjpfrtence. Balory accordlns to tlm s. AUarOTIIA2jiSs3 i " FLOIUHT AND OAIlDENEtl WANTS SITUA- lion. Address Iludolpli Thur , 3111 Q Miojl , Houtli Omaha. A-M414 0 IWA.VTEI ) , A TIIOROUOII ItOOKKEEI'Ell AST : ciftlcp mnn desire * position. Can loan " 'H1'5",1 ' two thousand dollars on ecuilly. Conllilcnllal. Address O 53 , HPO olHcc. A.OJ8 WANTED. ENflAOF-MESM'S FOIl mending , c > r making . hlllren's doilim. . . _ . - dress O M. Ilei. . A4'3 S WANTED , MTUATIoVr'llY YuUNO DItUfl- il t ; registered In Nebraska ; A 1 lefpienepf from tir''tit ' employer. Address W. H. Mf > t" , 1'airfield. Nrb. A-.MoO ? 'J * " " " " " , w7NTElT"A"N""A"MEIticv\N LADY OF 41 wishes situation as housekeeper whcrp the work Is light or whcro other help Is kept. Address (1 SI , IHo. A-.M520 11 * WANTED MALE HELP. IntPS. [ Hie word llrst Insertion , Ic a _ word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2..C. BoT.fcrrolia"TEAMS FUHNIrinED ; INSTALI.- ment goods. American Wringer Co. , ICOji How- urd st. II 3Ji JflENTS , BALAIIY OII CO M.MISS1ON. TIIH Kreatest Invention of HIP agp. The NMV rat- rnt niemlcal Ink Eiaslng I'encll. Sells on rduht. Works like magic. Acents arr > making > 25.rifl to JI23.00 per week. For further pal- tlpulars wrllp HIP Monrou Eraser Mfg. ' " x Si ! . La Cros p. Wls. 11 M2 _ WANTED-BALESMAN ; SAI.AHY FHOM . llrown Hro . lo. , rial t : permanent place. ' nurserymen , Chicago , lib _ 1I-.M311 ml' \VANTEli. l CTICAi7 FAUMEil. . cornidele farm outfit , to work nlrout 10) ncies on ( .haiei , nnir Florence lake. lljirtrs & Illll. 1108 Farnatn street. _ II AI.144 11 _ WJ " A""IIELIAIILE. . ExT'EiiiENCEp traveling Fiilemnan in gpiidiil iiKent for Miami- nrd Foml III wood ti-nllory In lonn "i'1' ' ' kimw how lo ell cnods ami he rnpaliliof hanilllnB lornl Bali-nnien. llit refurclireH IIK tn ulillity anil character n'qtilntl. .salary njul .immlKNlon. The R K. H.uiborn Jo. . l.rtS Hnwnnl - . / H--JM 8 nuj-lly. _ _ _ MAKKIW AT FiinMONT Ilroom factory. Neb. Lll-- ! - AVANTUD , OOOI ) OFFICi : ChHItKH : MI'ST UK fiulck nliil acmrato at IlKHreM ; clcrliH Imvlne tintcllciil experience In clu-rklim exlenslom pre- fi-rred ; applicants must Htnta former poHllluii ! ) : coed salary to competent persons. Ail'lri'SH ' Cl TUAMS WANTKIJ , IXAIU ) STItr.CT BC'IIOOU JSth t , Monday mornlnu , llh dump t ) nid box 9x50. 11-127 S * _ WANTKI ) , MBN IN KVKIIY TOWN TO SI'Jl.I. oir clKar-nhnped nmoklntr pipe ; cannot he told fn < ni a cliar ; ; no experience Is itiiuliod , as very tmolter buys one as soon as ho sees It ; MB profits for nKents ; famples and outfit hy mall for 10 cents In BtiunpH. New Knclnnd 1'lpe fo. , IJppt. 55 , Stanford , Conn. II , \VANTMD , MIN IN ISVKIIY COUNTY TO ACT .is private doteetlvc under InBtritclloiiH. I'.x- psrlence unneeessary. Bend Htamp. National Detective llurenu. IndlanapullB , Ind. 11 _ B PH LINK , J2.00 I'KH TOWN , . PAID TUAV1M.- Ini ; men to appoint nKents. No namplcs. Write S. F. Ilowlns , 115 5th avenue , ClilciiRu. II- SVANTKI ) , 0001) AOtlNTS IN UVIUIY WI2ST- frn town to sell first-class don soap and mi"- ! ! I'lnes. Apply for term * to Prof. Wm. O. In- eritm , 4WVeat 57th sheet , Now York City. 11IUi S * SVANTIH ) , A 1 COATMAKCIl IMMKIUATKI.Y. 1'ay JO.OO to J10.00. "My Tailor , " NoifolU. Nnl ) . ' 1I-I3C S * _ , \V ANTKl > , nXI'MllIUNClii ) MAN WITH IllJF- frence to sell our pants In Iowa. DPS Molnea 1'ant Co. , Ues Molnes , la. 11-107 _ - A NTHD ] STKA o Y"M A N : IIHI.IA iiLn iN- telllguit Swede preferred ; $1S.W perwcik ; wilti- today In lOilKlisli. Joseph It. Gay , CO Fifth avenue , Chicago. IJ-4I3S * BAI.KSMEN WANTKD IN KVKIIY TOWN AND city for clKar sclieme ; blR nioney-inaker. Ad- ( Ireps , with stamp , Hrmlnle cigar factory , Fourth avenue , near IG'lh street. New Yolk City. II HI 8' V.\NTII : ) . nxi'nitiiiNci'ii ) collcltor lo represent traile Jouinal. Addresi < , with references , "Our Family Grorer. " 437 I'nlty bldg. , Chicago. 11-IIC S _ flYANTED , TRAVELING SALKS.MKN TO carry plclo line on lllwrnl commission ; fast selling line. I'refeieucP given to men selling drugs , groceries. confec tioneries , lliiuors or specialty lines. Ad dress II. K. Novelty Co. , 3513 Vernon avenue , Chicago. 111. 11-4178' _ U7 : > I'KR 1,000 CASH FOK DIHTlllllDTlNO ndvrrtlslne matter ; enclose stamp ; Twin City Advertising Assn. , 313 N. Washington street , Bt. 1'aul , Minn. 11-178 5 * _ WEN TO RKI.L I1AKINC1 I'DWDKU ; ST12AIY rmploymcnt ; experience unnecessary : 173.00 monthly salary and expenses , or a com. If olfer Is satisfactory addiess , at once , with pir- tlcularn coneernliiB yourself , U. S. Chemical Works , 810 Van lluien , Chleago. II 4SO 8 . WANTEI ) . FIVE TAII.OIIS ; STEADY WOUK ; men boys or women , titanton Tailoring Co. , Klanlon , Neb. 11 M 481 3 ! \VANTED , HALESMBNi MEN TO HULL LINE of cigars ; J100.00 per month and expenses paid. Addrest. with stamp , Sumatra Cigar Co. . Chl- cnito. 111. II M1SO 11 * AVANTED. SALESMEN IN EACH STATE railing on prcneral store trade to carry first- class side line , selling from catalogue. State present line , give references. For particulars address 707 Ilookcry , Chicago. 11 501 8 * _ "WANTED , SALESMEN FOR EI.KCT1UC DOOH ( name ) plates , signs , etc. : readable In thn dark ; sample plate with any name In free. New Era I' . Co. , W ) Cass street , Chicago. II C03 S * IWANTED , IIY A UEI.IAIILE AND 1'UUEIVY mutual sick benefit society , paying from & .50 to 123.00 per week , returning money to mem bers , periodically , who draw no benefit , an netlve organizer and manager for this state. Exceptional opportunity for the right party. Address , stating references , age and experience , Voslolllco llox C8 , Richmond , Vu. 1I-MSI3 10 > VANTED.A OOOD CANVASSER FOIl OMAHA. Full Una of home goods. Call Holiday at 200 Main street , Council lllufTs. 11 MG1G 10 M'E WANT A ilEI'HESENTTvTIVE 1N 15VKUY western Iowa town to liandht the best line of liimgfhold necessities ever offered. Permanent position. Write at once for terms and territory to Star Co. , 'JOti Main street , Council muffs. 11 518 8 _ KTENOailAPIIEU - YOUNC1 MAN. FAIR knowledge general bookkeeping , operate Hem- Ington typewriter ; state salary expected ami ex perience ; answer own handwiltlng. Address U CO. llec. 1I-M527 10' WANTED FEMALE HELP. Ilatos , Mic woid first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. LADIES \VANT1NO QIIILH APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Yuung Ladles' home , 3301 Cumlng. VANTKI ) , Nt'USE ' roil CHILD YRAIl AND half old ; good wages. Inquire room 63 , Paxton - ton hotel. C 41'J. WANTED , AN ENEUOETIC , MIDDI.E-AOED woman of good address ; splendid opportunity for right poison. Applications received until April 11 , Address Q 42 , lies otllce. C 121 9 LADIES UECEIVE js.oo PEU DAY WHO WILL do writing for me at their homes , lleply , with btamp , Ethel A. Sprngue , South llend , Ind. A LADY OF CULTUHE AND dieHH wanted for n position , light and ngice- lible ; > 12.00vei > kly and permanent If suitable ; middle-nKed lady pirferrcd. Call ( no letters ) lifter 9:30 : Monday. W. T. Marshall , mum 12 , i'liMxht-m block. C 43J S WANTED. SECOND OIUL , MUST HE EX- I'prlencPd ; lefi'icnccs leipilrcd ; go-Mi wages. Call 314 Omaha National Hunk building.C . C 433 W ANTED. EXl'EItlENCED MlLLItTiiHY HiileHWoman. JCall at nllli-u on 2d lloor after 10 o'clock. J. J. llllsu , 1511 DoughiH. C-.MCO 9 > WANTED. OOOD COOK , WASHElT AND froner nt 1103 South 3l t street. C Ifi6 ! > LADIES DESIUINO TO EAHN Jlo"6b l > EH week at llKht IIOIIIP employment address , with 2o stamp , Nell A. Chase , South llend , Ind. C 111 E LADIES" WHO \\MLI. DO WHITINO FOH ME at their homes will make giuxl waics. Iteply , with self-addrrsned tnlild | cnvrlope , Mix * Mildred Miller. Soulh Heiid , Ind. C 4U fc \ ANTin" ) . COMPETENT OIUL l'6Tl SECOND work and to asaUt ut lewlng. 3310 Farnam. C .MG'l ' aEH.MAN (1IIIL WANTED FOH OENEItAL hoUFi'Woik ; need not ipi-ak EiiKllah ; good WUKCD , Apply ut 15-1 North IMh. C irj S * BEND"ioc FOH HAMIM.E IUWK AND FULL Instructions for pleasant money making busl- m't'f for women , No canvaulng. Mrs. Nettle Hurrlaon , San Francisco , Oil. C MWJ 10 * FOR RENT HOUSES. Hates , I o word first Insertion , lo u word thereafter , Nothing taken for less than 25o. 'Olt RENT. CHEAPEST U-ltOUM OO'lTAOE. ulllt Lath ; In city ; uc . : iUl CallfornU itnct. FOR RENT -HOUSES. Continued , APARTMENTS , < TO 7 IIUOMH. IN CI/JWItY lUllillnK . ICth and Chlcnca rtrcet * ; nil con. venlenc < < ; rpnts low. Apply lo Itohfrt * . 18H Chicago itreet. 1) ) M6 Al " " " IIOUHES IN AM."TvuiTfl"oF"THB CITY , Till ! O , V , Davis compnny , 150S F.irniim. 153 _ S-IIOOM "COI'TAOE.V JIODEliNT CHOIciT IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Elgutter , Ml IJee build- Ing. 1MI HOUSES , F. K. DAIILJNO , IIAHKEIl HLOCIci I ) 333 RENTAL AOE.VCY , 507 I1UOWN UlJOCK.D8M D-8M FI118T.C1.AHH. WELL LOCATED HOUHEH. B. Skinner. 310 N. Y. Life. D--3H s-nooM iioFHT : . ALL MODERN , tm VARIC nvenup. Inquire nt Cll. D-M433 A13 4-IIOOM MODERN FLATS. 2-iTII AND LEAV- enworlh. J. W. Squire , 2U llgp bldg. D-l > j CLEAN , COMroTAIILE. moilpratn lentals ; best 3 nnd 4-ro < > m rultes for hou Pke < 'pi'IH only. ReferftlPes rpqullnl. Also C-room stilti * In tenemnnt. kid S. 2. I st. FOIl RENT. 8-llOO.M HOt'SE , MODERN. FIIR- nlshed or unfurnished. 1112 S. 10th street. D-CSO FOH HENT , (1001) DETACHED NINE-IIOOM house , 2D21 Capitol avenue. Also 8-room house , 4012 tfcward street. Orchard Hill. 11. II. Hob- Ison , room 7 , dimm'-rcinl National. D MS93 FOH HI-INT , I'LEASANT EinHT-HOOM MODern - ern house , detached , nice lawn , barn. Inqulr.- 2C03 Tierce strept. D M3 < 0 10-HOO.M IIIIICK ; EVERYTHING MODEIIN ; rent low. Keys , 2G01 Capllol memtp. adjoining. D-.V379 12 * HENTAL AOENCY.SHEIIWO.JD , ! ; : ! N. Y. Life. D-nss MS * MODEItN S-HOOM HOUH E7 FINE LOCATION , 10 blocks n. w. poBtollltv. Will make prlc right to good tenant. F. D. Wead , 1C K Douglas D 35" 8 NICE C-HOOM FLAT ON MOTOIt LINE. IN - ipilip norihwest comer 2rth nnd Dppiilur. nft'T 0 p. m. D > ISij ! FOK HUNT , A FINE FLAT , fi HOOMS , T , clothes ptosets , modern Impiovenif ills , id ) hi good order ; $ IS.W per ninntli ; also , ! ! splendid barn , 8 stalls , huucy room , ptc. , inli : and Cum- ing , tl.M per monlh. T. C. Ilrunnpr , room I , Warp blo.-k. D-I.M S A HOUSE WITH 9 TlOfi.\IS , ALL MODEltX conveniencelalgi : lawn. 21st and ijiKp sliepf. D-.MIC5 15" FOIl HENT , FOUH-HOOM Civri'AOE , NO. 2711 Hickory slieot. Inquire near premises. l.VW Soulh 27th sin-el. D 4. ' ; k C-HOOM COTTAC.E. 50S S. S1ST STHEET. D-MJn ) II * FOR RENT S-IIOOM 11OFSE , MODERN CON- vrnlenci-H , 2IOS Douglas street ; JI'A'M ) a month. Apply to W. II. MelKle , Wtf First Nail.mil . tlanU bldg. IIW I S FL'RNIHIIED r'OTTAOE. WITH CONVEXI- eners , near llan .Min pntk ; very ch'ap. Ad dress G 411. life ndlee. D-4.2 t FOR RENT , TO FIRST-CLASS FAMILY OF not mon * than 3 grrwn peisons. without children. 9-room modem lionne , . " 1C North L'th ' ) street. Low rent to right parts' . Hoggs & Hill. HOS Fain.un street. D 158 M7 FOR RENT. CLEAN EIGHT-ROOM 1IOPSE , No. 913 So. lOth street ; city water. Call at corner groc"ry south of house. D 518 8 IIOI'SE ' WITH 8 ROOMS. HATH ROOM , GAS. large cellar and good ham. all In excellent repair. 2321 Chicago slieet. Keys nt tile llyrqn Reed Co. D-.M.12 : . 10' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Rates , I'-.o won ] ( list Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. NICELY FI'RNISIIED ROOMS FOR RENT , with or without board. Call at 2107 Douglas. E-M978 12 FOR RENT , ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS AT HOTEL IIUUNSWICK For families nnd young gentlemen. Steam , bath , elevator ami all conveniences ; prices icason- able ; location unexcelled In the city. Apply at Hotel Ilrunswlck , IClh and Jackson streets. E 170 33 ROOMS EN SUITE. 1ST CLASS IIOAUD. 2103 _ Douglas. E-Sbl A24 * FURNiSHE'D ROOM ; GENTLKMANT OIT IIAR- ney street , 12 2SO 'J * FIRST FLOOR OF MODERN 1IRICK. FINELY furnished for houyekeepliiK ; a car lines ; rent moderate. 2W3 Hurt street. E-344 10 * NICELY Fl'RNlSIIED ROOM AT 1D24 FAR- iKini street. . E M3J9 11 * FUHNISIIED HOO.MS FOU LIGHT HOUSE- kcephiK , 119 N. ISlli strut. E-M3SG-8 * ' AETNA HOl'SE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13TII and Dodge , fonnerly Travelers home ; beds per week , Jl.OO ; looms , 51.50 and J2.01) . E MI24 SIC * FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , 2722 DODGE strept. Jpnnl" MeAuslatind. E161 11 * 1 PLEASANT FURNISHED AND 3 UNFt'R- nlshed rooms for rent. SOU H. l ! th. K 172 8 * FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM SUITAIILE for one or two gentlemen. 3010Voolworth ave nue , i : MI39 10 * FOR RENT , NICE FRONT ROOM , FUR- nlshed or unfurnlshe < 1 , with bouid , to gentle man and wlfu or two gentlemen. 2020 St. Mary's avenue. E 140 8 TWO .SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , ENSUITE , FUR- nlshed or unfurnished , other rooms furnished , suitable for gentlemen ; modern conveniences. 2312 Douglas. E 517 S * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Rates , l'i.e word llrst Inseitlon , lc n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23o. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROO.MS. SOUTH front nnd private board ; modern conveniences. " 2110 Douglas street. F M3C2-8 YOUNG WOMEN'S IIOMn UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill a. 17th st. F)37 ! ) TWO FINE LARGE ROO.MS. WITH STRICTLY first-class board. 2103 Douglas street.F F M707 DOLAN HOUSE , 211 NORTH 1STH STREET. Good rooms , coed table , reasonable rates. F M43I A13 * ROOMS AND HOARD. IJRENNAN FL'ATS. 1001 California. 1M723 A2I * FURNISHED ROOMS WITH UOA11D , 107 S. 17. F 318 M2 DESIRA1ILE SOUTH FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed rooms ut "The Frcnzer , " 110 Noith 23th street. F M330 11 * FOR RENT-PARLOR FLOOR. FOUR ROOMS ; furnished with meals ; pilvatu both ; family Kolng out of town for summer. Call on M. M. Marshall , Slerrlam hotel , 25th and Dodge. F M347 S * TWO DES1EAHLE ROOMS. WITH HOARD" ; fine location ; references. 1703 Dodge.F F Mm 3 * DESIRARLE "llOOMS. WITH HOARD. IN prlvato family. 700 N. 19th. F M597 13 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. Rates , lOo n HUP each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c , 4" UNFURNISHED ROoTlHr SUlTAIILE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. . low rent. North west corner 17th and Webster street. O MHO C UNFURNISHED CHAMI1BRS FORIIOUSE - keeplng to man and wife. No children. 313 N. 17th. Q-657 FOR RENT , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR lltflit housekeeping. 200 N. 19th street.G G M373 FOR RENT , FOUR UNFfRNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. 2120 N. 22d street , city. O 439 8 * FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES OFFICES FOR RENT IN "THE SCHLITX building , 16th nnd Hnrney. Special Induce ments held out to permanent tenants. Apply to Jobst Ilros. , rooms 00 and 51 , Schlltz bulld- Ing. I-98S 1C MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. 303 S. 17TH. 1-083 FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY RRICK HUILDINo" 916 Farnam st. The building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures , water on all Moore , gas , etc. Apply nt the ofllco of The Hep. 1-310 THE STORE HUILDINO. 1319 FARNAM ST. . must be rented for gome price ut onca for pome regular , legitimate business. Como In with your offers. Hoggs & Hill , 143S Farnam st. I ! )10 A28 FOR RENT , IIRICK STORE ROOM AND CELlar - lar 22x6) ) , HOT St. Mary's veiini > , JI26G. and will take rent out 11 trad. ' . 1 - U ! > W AGENTS WANTED. Rntes , lOc a line each Insertion , 11.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2fo CANVASSERS TO SELL MEDIC INB IN NORTH Omaha ; good wages. Address 2027 Decutur at. WANTED. I CAN FURNISH 1)OTH 1ULES and females with easy and pleasant employ ment nt home ( no canvassing ) . Can earn from S2.00 to tt.OO per day and no experience needed. This U something entirely new. Bend 10 cents Ullver ) for samples of work and full particulars. U. II. Carpenter , Newaygo. Mich. J-.M3J 18 GOOD AGENTS EVERYWHERE FOR LATEST ollluo specialty. Sells Itself , with lursa profit. Enclose stamp. American Lock-Crank Co. , MUwauk.Win. . J M4I7 S * LADY AGENTS TUB EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing lo do Is to sell the llygehi cor net. h'eaJ for terms nnd Information to the Western Cornet Co. , Bt. LouU , Mu , AGENTS WANTED. Continued. WANTED , AOENTH , CANVASSERS. HAI.E - men ; men nnd women ; AutotnHlIc llalr Curl- In * Iron ; new , novel ; quick seller ; R""d | wu ; excellent ld line. Stout MfR. Co. , 137 Ho. _ _ Cnnnl _ trpet , Chicago. _ _ J _ AGENTS. WE GUARANTEE JVM 1'ER DAY , easy , quick nnd sure to wiirKpm. Grpnt seller. Write quick. Royal MfR. Co. , Mllwntikep , WK " ' WANTED. AOEN'TS. SAsplrBASIl" LOCK free by mall for 2c. stnmp. Immemie. Un rlvallpil. Only good one ever Invented. He.iti weights. Sale * unpArnljeled , 112 a day. Hro- hard ( llox SO ) , Philadelphia. .1 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. WRITE to Aluminum Novelty Co. , 522 Greenp nvcnue. llrooklyn , N. Y. They start you In business , CntnloKUp , actual idze ensrnvlnus and full In formation free for stamp. J WANTED. AN AOENT HAVNO ! 130.00 TCI S2i)0.00 ) to Invest In safe business to write U. H. Novelty Co , 3619 Vernon avenue , Chicago , III. , nnd learn what they have to offer and get full particulars. Capital can be doubled every week. GENERAL AGENTS WANTED. SELLING now articles to dealers ; exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital require. ! ; 2uO to Six ) per cent profit. Columbia Chemical Co. , ( VJ and 7U Dearborn street , Chicago , III. J-II2 * WANTED , AGENTS rrNTRODI-CE A NEW novelty Hint sells nn slclit. tl.Oo nil hour easily made. It. Tyler , Jr. , Munclc. Ind. J 4lii > * _ LADY MADE WOO LAST WEEK SELLING Long's Solid Muellngc pencils. Why not yonl Address C , A. 1/ong , in'f'r. , 331 Dearborn strc't , Chicago. 111. ' J US 8 * GOOD EMPLOYMENT IN CITY OR ON THE roail for ladles or gentlem n can be found by applying to E. SM N. 21th street from 8 to 10 n. in. Rpferencpji required. J 171 S * IIO.OO TO JI21.W PROFIT A "MON'm TO AI1KNT8 on our popular books ; wn pay freight anJ allow credit. F. 11. Cheney & Co. , 68 5lh avenue , Chicago. J 4S3 b * WANTED , OOOI ) AGENTS FOR OMAHA AND elsewhere for quick-selling gents' specially. Ills money ; . .exclusiveleiillory. . Address Van Wye , Masonic Temple , Chicago. J IW S * WANTED TO RENT. Rates , l4c ! word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. WANTED , FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE summer. In good locality , from May 1 , for fam ily 3 ; no children. Address F 7 , UPP.K4WS' K-4WS' WANTED. AN S OR 10-ROO.M IIOI'SE. FUH- nlshi-d , not far from central part of city Ad dress O 4S , He.- . K-U3S * TWO UNFI"NIRHED ! IIOOSH IN riUVAT3 ! family , with baardsn li oltv ; g- < l | . IMIHII. Addict G 51 , Ret' . K i'l : ' t' STORAGE. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD ( iOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rule. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. M-1000 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CRO3S , 1211 HARNEY. STOVES STORED DURING THE SUM.MER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair works. M194 may3l WANTED TO BUY. Hates. ljc ! word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. HIGHEST 1'HICE I'AID FOH SECOND-HAND furnllure , carpels , stoves , etc. S. II. llrowii , 020 N. leth. Tel. 1711. N 341 A8 * WANTED , " HOUSES. 84 ? N. Y. ' ' [ _ _ , „ , , , . WANTED. A GOOD SECOND-HAND IIUGGY or phaeton ; also single harness. Must bo inwip for Kiiot cash. Address O 21 , Dee. X-4GO S WANTED TO I'UHCIIASE A SIX OH HE VEX- room modern house at low price. Address O 45. Hee. ZJ [ 3 Jr _ IF YOU HAVE A GENERAL STOCK OF DHY goods for salP cheap for cash write llo-v 35 , Grand Junction , Colo. J WANTED"To m-Y , AIIOUT FI"FTY FEET OF sceond-hand gulden hose , must be In good order. Addiess G Cfi , lice. X oil k * FURNITURE. Rates , lOc a line first Inspitlon , Jl.SO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o FURNITURE , CARPETS , REDDING. CHINA , etc fiom Stuto hotel. Wells , 1111 Fnrnnni street. O-Ml'SO 12 0-ROOM COTTAGE. 037 N. 23TH , $11.00. EN- qulie 62S S. ISth slrect. O SI SCO 11 HED ROOM SET ] DINING ROOM AND kitchen tables , chairs and locker , new Qukk Meal gasoline stove , etc. Payment In full or InslallmentH. Addicss O 41. Hce. O llil S * FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE , cheap ; everything complete for housekeeping ; owner at Murray hotel. W. II. Grltllth. O-M52I 9 * FORSALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC. Rates , lOc c Una each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less then 25c. BEST $53.00 TOP BUGGY IN OMAHA ; BEST $14.W harness for delivery wagon ; Simpson make family carriage , good as new. at less than half flist cost. Drummond Carriage Co. , 18th nnd Harney. ! M333 mi ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT 50C ON THE dollar. W. 1 * . Mumaugh , 12U Farnam st , I' 341 M 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , I'/.e word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23e. FOR SALE. SECOND HAND ENGINES , IN first class shape , from 5 to 40-horso power. In dustrial Iron Works , Omaha. Q S21AS I3ALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle Company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q-103 ST. 1JERNARD PUPPIES. P. O. BOX C93 , Cly. | Q M433 A13 * FOR SALE. NICE CLEAN GRAVEL. OMAHA Silicon Wall Plaster Co. , 615 1st Nat'l bank. Q M520 A16 FOR SALE , A SECOND HAND SODA FOUN- taln In good repair , cheap Inquire nt No. i3l North 21th street , South Omaha. Q 3S9 12 FOR PALE ! KMKIISON UPRIGHT PIANO , used 18 months , cheap. Address G 33 , Hee. LIGHT HRAHMA , RUFF COCHIN AND HI.ACIv Langshnn eggs for hatching ; any quantity : $2.60 per * ! ! > eggs ; Inspection Invited. F. E. Hart , corner Center and Kid street. Q M403 9 * WANTED , TEN MEN TO JOIN ME AND HUY n farm near Omaha that can be had nt a bargain If taken nt once. Can be divided into tracts to suit purchaser. Addrees G 3'J , Hee. Q M403 FOR SALE. TWO FIRST CLASS OFFICE desks , cheap. 210 nnd 217 Hoard of Trade. Q M33I 9 * ONE DOLLAR FOR COO MR. J. HOCH- strasser , 140.1 Jackson street , Om.ilui , has pur chased n laige bankrupt stock of bar fixtures , billiard and pool tables ; thu goods arc all new and llrst class and will bo sold at cheaper rates than ever yet offered to the public. ACME FOLDING I1OAT. SF/TuP. REST CANvas - vas hunting boat made. Parmaleo Gun Co. , 1312 DouglassL ( j-423 8 * _ SPEC U L ATION A LL WHO DESIRE TO SPEC- ulute In grain stocks nnd provisions on lim ited maigln should consult D. I ) . Frazce & Co. , Rlalto bldg. , Chicago. Correspondence SJ- llclted. Dally circular mailed free. U FOR SALE CHEAP. 223 FEET OF PICKET fence at 2201 Webster street. Q 431 k * GROvTriiin.irFRUIT AND JERSEY FARM- Flrst annual sale of A. J. C. C. H. R. Jersey cattle , Thursday , APill 12 , 1991 , at 1 oVlock sharp. Farm U mile north of Ruser's pnik , 1519 S. Md street , Omaha , Neb. Free convej- nnco from Hanscom pnik and 32d street car line nt 12 and 1 o'clock. Terms of sale A credit of 0 months will bo given , with good ap proved , endorsed notes at 8 per cent Interest ; 5 per cent elf for cash. W. .1. Hysham , auc- tloneer ; J. J. Worthy , proprietor. Q lit 8 * FOR SALE. FINEST ST. IIERNARD DOG puppy In Omaha. 1 year old , pfifrrtly nmrKed. rough coated , standard lind , full pedigree , best In America : price , $100.00. wurih $ .100.00 : will weigh 190 pounds when giown. Reason fir telling , I am going away. Call on or address John Hlnes , 1021 New Yolk Life building , Omaha. Neb. Q 434 8 FOR HALE ! POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD glass ; cost 5.10.00. for $10.00 c. o. d. ; privilege examination. Address P. O. box 3 2 , Cincin nati , O. Q-.M477 'j FOR SALE. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER , horse ami buggy and piano , cheap. 411 Knr- bach bluck. Q-4 6 * FOR SALE. REST MAKE OF HIGH GRADE bicycles on th market at dealers' pi Ices. Call on or address Gianlti * block , Room 3. Q 50 8 * MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , lOia Ilnn each Insertion. $1.54 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED TO IIORROW. $1.2)0 00 ON FIKST- cluss Insldu residence properly ; state terms. (1 69. Reo olllCP. _ RM52J 'J * Rates , lc ! word first insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leiui than 25c. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , C1.A1RVOYANT. RE. liable business medium ; 7th year ut 119 N. K. B 103 MASSAGE , PATHS , ETC. MADAME SMITH , 601 U. 1JTH. IND FLOOR. room 3. Manage , vapor , ulciviol. steam. ul- uua kva ballu. X-U378-1Z * MASSAOE. BATHS , ETC. Cuntliiut.l. MAHSAUIX MAUASnTTlEllNARD , 1U3"DODtiu T-.M3IJ D MADAME SMITH , fm , & . 13TH , SD Ft/OR , room 3 , MnsMRp , Ahjior , alcohol , steamil \ > phur nnd nea lmth , , , T MIM 4 * PERSONAL. VIAVt , HOME TIlllAVMENT FOR LAUIES. Health book & connliltAtlon free. Addrers or cull Vluvl Co. , suite 3lii. lice llldg. Lady nltend.int. U M10I _ t _ MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELEt < TRO TlTER. null baths. Scalp lind' hair triMimenl , mani cure and chiropodist , 'Sirs. Post , 3I91 ! S. IMIl , \VUImell blk. ' ' U-103 COMP6DND OXYGEN CURES brnnchltls , cnnsuinntKm , catarrh , etc. Three days free at R , 33 , Douglas blk , 16th nnd Dodge. _ _ _ _ U { 32 A13 IF GEORGE G1IISON. AGED AROUT 61 , N.C live of England , -tfho was In Montana nnd Idaho In the seventies and caily plKhticf , com municates with us prior to December next ho will hear of something to hli ndvnnlago. LP | H A. Groft & l.cfioy , lawyers , Iliadbtiry building , IMS Angeles , Cnl. _ U-M907 A2C YOUR FORTUNE READ HY THE LINES IN your hands. Mis. Ration , C33 a. 17th ft. U-313 9 * _ MADAME LA ROOK HAS OPENED MASSAGE parlors at 322 North 16th street , second lloor. Imp.-oved magnetic , vltapathlc , sulphur and Rlcohollc baths , both restful and curutUe. Improved Swedish hand rubbing , u a. r.i. to 8 p , m. Parlors 12 and 13. U MKM ! 9 * _ MRS. F. DORSEY , CARD READING. 1120 N. 20th street. ij SI37I 12 * _ MARRY. IF YOU WANT A HUSHA.N'D OR wife , rich or poor , send 10 cents for matrimonial menial paper , sent sealed In plain wrapper. Mr. nnd Mrs. Diake , Central Hank building , Chicago. HI. U _ IF YOU EARNESTLY DESIRE ADVANTA gcous , speedy , honornbln marriage , send 1ft ! and receive spring list of respectable mar riageable pcisons and full Information In pla ti pealed envelope. Mercur , 228 E. 6th St. , New Yoik. U- _ _ _ IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO LEARN of guaranteed cure of blood poison In 30 days by addressing A. C. Jones , M Adams stieet , Chicago. U LADIES , TONTE IS THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL bust developer known. Never falls ; J2.1H ) : full conllldenllal particulars ( sealed ) for 2c stamp. Mrs. Dr. II. T. Miller , 21 Qtilncy street , Chh-agj. SANTAO , FOR MEN ONLY. GREATEST REstorer - storer and developer known. Stieiigthens. In vigorates. Price $2.00. Guaranteed. Send slnmp for confidential circular. Dr. H. T. Miller. 21 Qillnoy street , Chicago. U ATTENTION LADIES ! "EMMA" RUST DEVeloper - Velopor will i-iilai ee your bust B Inchpi. Guar anteed. Sealed Instructions 2i > , or 21-pnge Il lustrated catalogue , 6c , by mall. Emma Toilet Hazar , Hoston , .M.ios. U PERSONAL-IF JOHN FICKEL. WHO IN ISW nnd iwi lived In Cherry county , Nebraska , about 12 miles from Johnstown , will send his address to room 314 , Omaha National Rank building , ho will hear of something that will Interest him. U 1 51 * PRIVATE PLACE FOR LADIES DURING confinement , with good medical attendance. P. O. Hex 478. Omaha. U 437 S * _ I100KKEEP1NO : IOC ONLY ; EASY HOME study ; wonderful book ; positively self-Instruct ive ; lOo mailed ; advertisements pay us , other- Aviso actually worth $3.00. Macnalr Pub. Co. , Detroit. Mich. u _ NOTICE IF YOUR ANCESTORS CAME FROM Europe send 2 stamps for full particulars ro- gardlnK unknown heirs to the International Law and Inquiry Agency , 12S La Salle street , Chicago. U 430 8 * WANTED. A GENTLEMAN OF SOME MEANS wishes to corniond | with n discreet lady In strict confidence. Address G 6S , Omaha Hee. U-512 S * _ _ TWENTY-FIVE CAHINET SI55E PICTURES , with full description nnd residence of ladles who wish to marry , sent , sealed , only lOc. Wo have 7.000 lady members , many beautiful nnd wealthy. Agency. drccr C37 , Chicago , 111. U WANTED ] TWENTY FIVE GOOD LADY agents at once. Lvlle * ' vSidden Rod nemnlv Co. , 319 N. ICth slr't. Omaha , Neb. U ! J1 ! MONEY TO LOAN -REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOo a line first . 'Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rales or choice security on Ne braska end Iowa farms or Omaha U. . > property , W 108 _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST KATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , - 1 to B years. Fidelity Tnibt Co. , 1702 Fainam. W 110 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , Fidelity Tiust Co. , ; 1702 .l-'arnnni st. W 110 OMAHA LOAN & fl'RUST CO. . 10TII AND Douglas sts. , loan ; money on city and farm property at lowest -rules of interest. W 109 MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 604 N. Y. Life. W 320 AS * LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chcsncy , Kansas City , Mo. W 117 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY1 and Nebraska farms nt fiom 0 to 7 per cent W. D. Molkle , First Nat'l bank bldg. W 112 LOANS WANTED ON CITY AND FARM property. J. N. Frenzer , opp. I' , o. W-383 A10 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drennan , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk. W 113 _ " LOANS ON "IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property ; $3UOO and upwards , 6 to G',4 per cent ; no delays. W. Fainam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 100 _ _ WANTED ; APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS , j. D. Kittle , llruwii blk. . Omaha. W 107 C 1'ER CENT MONEY , R. C. PATTERSON , 423 Itamge bldg. _ \V 303 M2n LOANS N"IJEAL ESTATE , WARRA'NTS.OOOD notes , etc. , bought. Oarvln Bros. , 210 N. Y , Life MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davla Co. , IBM Fainam ut. W 111 C. A. STARIlTctTY LOANS ON IMPROVED property. Moved otllcc to 515 N. Y. Life buildIng - Ing ! W M383 MB _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. _ WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlly ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , X 115 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , all articles of value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge block. X 110 _ SHOUT TIME LOANS. 701 N. Y. LIFE RLDG. X M203 08 MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain wllli you. MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PU11L1C1TY , MONEY IN large or small amounts , MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIHLE RATES MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSI1ILE TIME , MONEY THAT you nray pay back at any time and In any amount. Is at ROOM 4 , WITH- NELL block , cor. IGth and Harney sts. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . 118 MONEY TO LOAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , small or huge , at the lowest posslbbt latcs. In the quickest possible time and for any length of time to suit you. You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish , nnd only pay for It us long as you keep It. You can boirow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER Srt'URITY. Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3W ! SOUTH ICTH STREET , First lloor above the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. * * ll9 MONEY TO LOAN lN HORSES , WAGONS , pianos and furniture of all kinds. Huslness confidential. J. H. Haddock , room 427 , Ramge block. X 120 BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _ Rates , lee a line Ilist Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. NothlnKiltken for less than 23o I1EST PAYING 8ALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cash , balance trade ) , ulcknesa caute for selling , U , J , Wilson , 1714 N. 2jth street , Omaha , Neb , " ' ' Y MJM A15 * ilEST PAYING SALOON IN DMA HA ; PART cosh , balance trade ; sickness cause for selling. D. J. WILSON. 17HN.5th , ' - > . A13. FOR BALIIIOTEL ; FURNITURE AND lease ; 40 rooms ; good furniture ; good location ; cheap rent ; will Bell for half Its value ; owner going to Arizona. Hlggcat bargain on earth Address F. McCune. Heatrlce. Neb. I' WSO'i ' 8 DO YOU WANT TO HUY A SMALL ill LLI- nery Btore ? Caih or trade for good wild land. Reasons for wiling , other business. For p.ir- tlculqrs address Q 20 , Hee. _ Y M303 9 WANTED. A FIRST-CLAHS PHYSICIAN. WHO can ( peak the German or Swedish language , to locate In a central Nebraska town of 1,600 people ; an excellent opportunity. Adjreu , with references , E. E. Uruco & Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. Y-M893 8 _ FRENCH & CO. . ROOM 22 SCHLl'IY. HLDG. , Omaha , make u specialty of business chances ; buy , sell or trade stocks of merchondU * mid real estate , furnish partners and capital , and always have opportunities fur profitable In- vtituieaU. Co mull them. 1 4C'J BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. rcHi.L : A nnd lunch counter In county sent. 4,000 Inhnhlt nnl ; la tinlns arrive each day. Ituslness maklnt good money. Owing lo * lckiies * must SP | | . 1 you are looking for something of this kind I will pay you to Invrsllgnte. No Incumbninct on same. Address G 27 , Omnlia HPP. _ SALOON FOR HALE OIlllENT ; ONE'POOI table nnd all llxtuies complete ; brut location Address Otto Heck r , Alnvwoi'lh , Drown county NPh. Y 3C'i 11 * _ _ WE OFFER AN KXCKPTioNAI.IjY FINE 61 poitunlty for tnnn of niodcrnlr nipani to en- Kdtie In established , paying , flrlclly cn h gro cery business of $ KX ) per day. Sntlsfnctor > rensoiiH for selling. Iocailfln central , lent rea- Ronable. About $2,000 reiiulred. Tcmpleton ft Pieman , 307-8 1'axton block , Y 36S-8 FOR SALE , ilAKERY , CONFECTIONERY nnd lunch room ; best locution In town ol 4,500 ; doing good business ; gooil reason * for selling. Address G 29 , "e ofllce. Y-SI37212 _ FOR H.\LET STOCK OF GENERAL SUYtlCIIAN. ill e ; good nnd cheap If taken nt once. W. C. nilclilf. I'clider. Neb. _ Y-SI371 _ 8 A GOOD CHANCE FOR 1IAKERS.VANTEI ) . to sell n lint-class bakery connected with n lunch nnd Ice cream parlor ; located In central Neb. Il.ikery located tn R center. Rrlck oven nnd shop , toots , fixtures and stick , 2 elegant bakery wagons , horses nnd hatnpsi. Price $ ISOO.OO ; terms , $ l,100.00 to $ t. 200.00 cash , test on tltnp. For further Infonnatlon nddiess G 32. Het\ V -SI.W2 S * _ WANTE7) . PARTNER WITH ExT'ERIENcT : in tens and coffees , to pin chase established bualnpss. Addrers G SO , Itee. Y MI07 S * ' " aWlyA M waiHKM oxur "oNiiToK that chisn ) : will bear any Inve llgatlon. Pilce about $ I.Oi . ( X ) . Address Pioneer lluslness Agency , Sheildan , Wyo. Y StIOO II * SALOON ; ONE O I.r"r 1 1 E R E ST PnN E POd I- tlon ; reasons for selling. Pioneer llu lness Agency , Sheridan , Wyo. Y MIOO 11 * JSOOOO HUVS NICE VARIF.TY lIFHINllSS SU1T- abl.1 lor ladl a or gents ; ieason < for selling. Pioneer neer Ruslness Agnicy , Sheildan , Wyo. Y MIOO 11 * _ _ PARTNER WITH $700.00 TO TAKE OXE-1IALF interest In best business of tin- Mud in city ; well xstHbllshed , nnd business will stand In vestigation ; can be mnde pay $50n.O ) per mouth next four months. Address G 41 Rep. Y M412 9 _ _ WHAT EVERYI1ODY SAYS MI'ST RE SO. and oveiyhudy sa.xs that the olllecs of French & Co. In the new Sch'ltz bidme ! the hand somest In Omaha. And right lieiv we desire to slate that I'lcnrh & Co. arc , and always Intend to be. tin' trailers In their line. One of our prominent attorneys , who had n business to dispose of for a client , said "French & Co. are gieat hustlers , end sent more people to my ofllce In one day than nil the oilier otllces tn the city combined III a week. " Another party who Invested $500.00 In one of our business chane.'S , sa > s : "I wouldn't take $1,000.M ( for my business today. " So don't como to the conclusion that because WP are constantly nd- vertlsing Ilist-clnss business openings that the best limo been taken , for wo niv receiving new ones dallv. They innge In prleo from J30).l ) up to $10.000.00. Don't forget another thing ! If you want to Increase your capital , or If you want u partner , or If you want to sell out nlto- Rpthcr , that Fieneli St Co. are the people you should Fee. We have the names of 10) persons who havp the cash to Invest. Show us that your business Is u money-maker and we will furnish n buyer. We have room for a few- more slocks In the following lines ; Giocerles , clothing , shoes , gents' furnishings , confection ery , clgnix , boarding houses anil Imnlwnte. Don't expect us to furnish bujers unless > IHI have bargains lo offer. French & Co. , room 22 , Schlltz bldg. , Omaha. _ Y I7D 8 A PARTY WITH SATISFACTORY REFERences - ences can buy a half InleieM In an established nnd paying business for J400.00 cash. Will bear Invteslgatlon. Olllce man piefeired. Fine op portunity. Addiess G 47 , Hee olllce. "i lil S SEND "FOR "OUR LITTLE ROOK , "HOW TO Speculate Successfully In the Wheat nnd Slock Market. " mailed free. Comslock , Hughes .t Co. , Rlallo building. Chlrne" . Y-4IJ2 fc' FOR SALE , A $1,000.00 STOCK OF HOOTS AND shoes In a good Nebraska town ; liberal dis count for cash , or will trade for good eastern Nebraska or Iowa land and U cash. Address G 46 , Ree. _ V M170 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE , FARMS. MEAT MARkets - kets , printing otllces , planing mills , stores , etc. Address , ti'llInK what you have and what you want , box 135 , Wayne , Neb. Y M4S2 10 * WANTED , AT ONCE. A MAN TO PRESS clothing. Call at Katz-Nevlns Co. , corner llth and Douglas. Y M4SS 10 FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , lOc a line first Insertion , $1,50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o WANTED , A FINlT TEN Oir"f\VELVtMlOOM modem house with burn or room for one In exchange for clear land. U. J. Kendall , 5)7 Ilrown block. 2 208 31 _ STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; want horses & cattle. Hex 293 , Frankfort , Ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f r-.1-- . BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE for land or mdse. In eastern Nebraska. 1' . O. Box 100. Creston , Neb , / M524 alC I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota ; will sell cheap or exchange for mdse. , horsey & cattle. Address , box 70 , Frankfort , Ind. FOR SALE OR TRADE EQUITY IN RESIdence - dence In Hawarden , la. , for Jewelry , pianos , chattels of any kind or live stock. Address Lock Box 68 , Sumncr , la. Z M34S8 FOR SALE , OR WILL TRADE FOR HRICK OR lumber , frame store building with rooms above. Musi be moved. A bargain. Address G 30 , Z-M377 8 * _ Hee. _ EXCHANGE LAND AND JEWELRY FOR drug stock ; land nnd piano for lot worth $1,000.00. Address G 34 , Heo. _ / M409 8 * FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , AROUT JO.000.00 stock general merchandise , first-class clear land nnd money or bankable notes. I jck Hex 411 , Nevada , la. _ / M40I 13 FOR SALE OR TRADE , TWO FINK , VALUAble - blo Imported stallions. Particulars at 1021 Dodge street , Elkhorn Valley house. WILL EXCHANGE OOOD LOTS IN COUNCIL Hluffs , clear of Incumbrnnce , for stock of hard- warn or furniture. No 515 Main street , Coun- cll Hluffs. _ /-M413 12 _ _ CLEAR HALF SECTION CLOSE TO R. R. station In eastern South Dakota ; cheap for cash or exchange for good propel ty In or close to Omaha ; would assume some difference. State What you have. Address G 43 , Uee otMce. CLEAN STOCK OF MDSE. FOR CLEAR HEAL estate and Vi cash. William Crozlcr , Manchester " Vn. ' chester , _ TO EXCHANGE. OMAHA PROPERTY FOR farm lands ; southern or Pacific coast preferred. Addlesa O 40. Hce. _ it 153 V 320 ACRES FINE TIMHER LAND TO EXchange - change for territory In good patent. Address Exchange , 29 When block , IndlanapoMs Ind. WANTED , TO TRADE 100 ACRES OF GOOD land for merchandise of any kind , or cattle or horses. Address G 57 , Omaha Ree. / 511 8 * FOR SALE. WESTERN LANDS AND LOTH , or will exchange for Lincoln. Omaha or Chicago property. J. C. Kllner , 215 Madison street , Chicago / MSOS U * lil. cage , _ TO EXCHANGE. SCHOOL LEASE ON 320 acres of land near Nellgh. Neb. , for merchan dise. Address F. L. Putney , 'lllden , Neb. ji > ( TO TRADE. CLEAR CITV PROPERTY AND cash In Council Uluffs for iti-ck of goods , lini ments prcfened. Addtesa G 65 , Heo ofllce. Council Hluffs. /-M522 9 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Raten , 100 a line first Inset tlon. $1.60 a line per month , Nothing taken for less than 25a WILL sTjLL AT A HARGAIN. HOUSE , HARN and lot ; also two vacant lots , corner 2bth avenuu and Hurdettc , on grade , sewer and water ; lots well fenced , Apply to owner , Mornnd , 1610 Harney. R E M731 A21 HAROA7N , N. E. CORNER 29TH AND HICK- ory. F. K. Darling ; Halker block. It E 12J FOR SALE , 2 HOUSES AND LOT. 20TH NEAR Leaveuworlh , bringing good revenue , baigaln for canh or part clear land. Make offer. G. L. Green , room 28 , H.irker block , R E 7H3 ' LOT C , HLK. 177'iIEAP. F 9. Hee. C3S A-1S" FARNAM STREET LOT 7 , 11LOCK 19. WEST End add. ; no better residence- lot In city ; aim lot 2 , block 1 , Creston add. Address Exchange Hank. Marietta. Io. ] _ It E-.MU1 a30 * ONE 200-ACRE FARM FOIl'sALE. APPLY TO W. J. Hun Ison or A. D. Rote , on form. Illiilr. R _ E M..M UARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND { 'ARMS. sale or trade. F. K. Darling. Darker block. _ 12a JUST THINK OF IT I A FINE 60-FOOT LOT. south front , on grade , on Pratt street , near 27lh stieet. for $550.00 ; a snap for somu one. Fidelity Trust company. 1702 ' " " " ' ' { /.JLMS'JO / I'o 240-ACIU ! FARM. SITUATED IN SOUT HE A ST Neb. , for sale ; $10.00 per acre ; two R. R. sta tions within llv * miles ; school house on cjrner of farm ; school nine months In year ; good beailng 01 chard of ripple , cherry and peach trees ; about 300 trees altogether ; some ginpes and small fruits ; good llve-rimm house ; also small housp ; two small bains ; corn cribs nnd granary room for about 3,000 bu. grain ; Hi miles to M. E. church ; good well ; spring and creek water ; maUIng It on" of the be t of stock anil grain fui nn In southeast Neb. Price , $40.0i ) per acre. Address lock IMIX 47. Peru , Neb. . W. R. York. _ RE-M3S1 12 YOU ARE INVITED TO STOEPEL PLACE olllce. 4Sth and Pacific streets , any and every oftttrnuon this month , Sundays Included : takn thnwest I.euvenworth street car and go out and se the beet and cheapest lots In the healthiest locality In Omaha ; special terms to buyers thl month ; don't delay , but como at once : thu car line will soon b cxtendel to within three blocks of these lots : the Plutln river canal will rapidly udvanc the value of these Ion : come and tee the i > lots ; come and Bee thesn loin and In Ing your friends with you. Vf. A * WvbkUf , 40. Una UulMlUK. KU-113SU < FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued. Fo < ALn Tfti > o.M COTTAGE ANor A' 2811 Webster IT 't for $3.St ) .t'lJ. ' Apply m premises. R E-.MH3 a * RAIiaAKsr'lN COUNCIL tfMrFKrf COR N E ! lot ; 2 fair houwn , only $ < oo.oii ) want $304.0 cash. Address G 37 , Heo. Omaha. Neb. 11 * FOR HALE. AT A HARGAIN IF TAKEN A1 once , u iiVncro tmcts ; cveiy fixn u gniilen on railroad near Omaha. Address G M , Heo. RE-M403 HAI.l : . M ncies , Mcrrlck Co. , Neb , Ira acres , Douglas Co. , Neb , 160 ncrps , Nance Co. , Neb. 320 acres , Waynp Co , , Nell. 600 acres , Saunders ( M. , Nt' FOR RALE OR EXCILVNGS. ' ICO acres ( clear ) , 1'agp Co. , la. House nnd lot ( clear ) , Omnlm. Cottage and lot ( clear ) , Omahf ' WANTED. ( ? holcp acres near Omnlm , Oooil farms , bargains , for cash. I it CO to 12. ' . south or past frontn < uft. . 01 Douglas and E. of Mill ; must Iw cheap. OARVIN HIIOS. . 210 N. Y. Life HldiT. inins * HOW'H THIS ? MODEIIN , HEAUTIFUL HOUSE clnse to clly hall ; ciwl M.TiM.iM : was nfT"MM Jl < ) ,000.0i ) ; If sold iiulck will tnkp jr..V.iW. ) ) Wei slums' Agency. 331 Hun id of Trade. 1M-MI7JI ! > ' WHY AIM : WE ALWAYS IIUSY7 GUT WIIA'I the people want. Prices to suit 111" lliinH or houses for relit or s.ilp. Don't hellov , . tr , Don't blame you , but look nt our window. H , E. Cole Co. , ground lloor Mt-Cagup llldg. HE-.M13S 9 FOIl SALE. COltNEIl LOT IN ISAACS & SEL- den'H add. nt halt price ; sine to pay a handsome - some profit. WP hasp buyer for a lot well locnlpd In \VPI part or the rliy. Also for lot or house and lot In Ilnnwom I'lnec or Mclnlty. Mi'l' ) ) ' Ke""r'1 * r ° " tl ° " nl"1 MS N'Y. , . ' y1' ' FOirsAI.E. NEW Film IIOOM CdTTAtil- and lot , em nor : : oth nnd SaldmMIPIIB ilur , cistern , clly waler ; 11,250 , long lime , uisy pay- FOIl SALE. OVr.H l.fMO CAIIEFUI.I.Y SE- lectwl farms Hcatleu-d all over Iowa and No- binsliii. * Hundreds of HIP most Inviting "inrirnlm. 'Hip best and saf. . i Invpstni'Mit to I und In America. Any omof ihpni4,0) ) 'arnn will P.II-II n good Intpr.-st on the Inviwmm. l'tl > i < langc from Js.m ) to J.V.i per ai-r" . No llfix sent out. Nu trades. We li.ivo thrm'iis nml tlip luircnhiM. ( 'nil fmpaitl.uhiiK. . | JKL- < , * c Hill , lies Farnam street. HE-197 tn7 coxi3i , sdi'Tii nioNT i > N iT.uM-v HE" . 47x170 on SSt'h street near Mnpon , $1,200.00 , a line resldencp lot In n good locality. 61x111 , coiner California and LOWP nvcnuo or 40th stivet. Jl.r.int.oj , onn-hair original oust. MX I. 12 on 23th sln-i't In Kpud.ill's lul.llllini. SS'K ) W ) I lots , paeh Btixl.'io , east fiont on 41st Just south of Ami-M nvi'iiup , J7IO.OO ( for the 4 lots. 41x121 on Patrick nvenup In Wlso , * t Parmelep's addlllon , f5Ml.ini. 43x120 east front on 29th street , lU-dfotd Place , J.iOO.K ( ) . 41x120 _ past fiont on 2SI1) ) stieot , Hedford Plaep , 50x125 south front on Mnnderson street In Mjer * Itli-lmidsun * TlldPifM addllloii. $7liO.W. 60x120 on L'rrklup slreitavt of 27th , $1,000.00. 40x110 corniT Maple and : ith ; slu-i-ls , $3W.OO. WxlJI on 22d stiei-t In I'lalnvlew. $1.1K)0.(0. ) 3 lots , 65x111 , corner 13d and Emlle. stiept$300.10 > Orclmi.l 01x128 on 2cUh nvenup between St. Slnry'i and ' lot wliiilni ! < y " , . 150xl..O coiner Sewaid and 4 th. hleh and drv " " , ' ' , " ' " ' . " " K""Ipblocks ' from Walnut llll'l fcchool , 3 blocks from motor llnp. $ l,2c'0 ' ( ) . ' " " ' ' ' - - , . . . Evprythlng | u ( his llht Is n rarp bargain and HIP time will never come again when they can IJP had nt these prices. George ( . 'louser. Room 2 , 1C2J Fainam Stiert. jjjj _ -.j g A RIG HARGAIN-JO-At'RE ELEGANT TR\'T ( Just wett of city ; can l . sold for onhnlf Its actual value If laken at once. Call and see "ie- Hicks , MJ N. Y. Life bldg. R E-523 S " DRESSDIAKING. Rates , l.o ! woid Ilist insertion , lo a word thcieafter. Nothing taken for less than jjp. D11ESSM A KI NO - ( TTTING A NI j Y'Fl'TTNTi guarantPPd. Dresi.es from $1.00 up. Tea cm us from $3.tK ) to $5.00. Aildress 1021 So. 20th strpcl. DRESSMAKING DONE AT HOME HUITH from $1.00 up ; wolk gii.nantced. 1S11 D.nig- . l"14- 4.14 S * MERCANTILE ADJUSTMENTS. Rates , l'.f.p ' word llrst Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. THE MERCANTILE ADJUSTMENT CO. Cavanagh , Thomas & McGllton. Counsel. 501 Kal bach block , Omaha , Adjustments , settlements nnd compromise made for fulling or Insolvent merchants. 831 a23 LOST. Rates , IVJc word Ilist Insertion , Ic a wonl thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. LOST , RLACK AND WHITE FEMALE GREY hound. months old , left par torn. Return to Miss Mct'ltllnnd , 2IOS Cass slieot. 4.1" ! > LOST NEAR ROYD'S THEATER. LADIES' purse containing small amount of money and papers. Finder leave with A. C. Ong , 501 Rojd theater and receive rewaid. 519 s FOUND. PICKED UP. MULE AND SULKY. OWNER can have same by Identifying and paying d.-im- ngea at IQOii Capitol avenue. Found-4 C S * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENIIECK , DANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California st. 914 UPHOLSTERING. Rates. ll c word first Inserllon , lo a weld thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. GLOHE UPHOLS. nltuie repairing ; estimates and Infoimatlon cheerfully given. All woik called for and promptly attended to. 2023 Farnum st. Telephone 750. , i2y MEDICAL. Hates , I'.tp word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DH. C. V. CHOOKS' NEwlliETnoi ) TIIEAT- mcnt ot nerves , stomach , heait , 407 lice llldir ± _ _ JL PNDERTAKERalANJ ) EMB ALMERS Hates , 10c a line llrFt Inseillon , 51.50 n line per monlh. Nothlni ; tulicn for less than 25o I. K. I1UHICET , FUNEUAL DIIIECTOH AND cmbalmer. 1CIS ChlciiKQ Bt. Tel DO. la ; SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINa. Hales , lOi1 a line pach Inscitton , Jl.fjfl a HUP per monlh. NolhlliK taken for less than 2. > e. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SIIOHTllAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Abk for clnulaiM127 CUTLERY GRINDING. A. L. UNUELAND IS NOW HEADY TO DO all kinds of line t'rlndlnK at his old stand , 100 S. 14th xtieet. 'Ml alO NOTUM-3 TO CONTHACTOUS. Scaled proposals will bo received by the [ ionrd of Kducutlon of HchnybT. Neb. , up to i o'clock p. in. , of the llrst day of Mny , A. O. , 1S9I , for the orci-tlon and c-omplrlhm of a two-story brlclc anil stone KclmnL bullil- ng , to be erected In the city of Sebnyler In full acconlnneo with plan. ! , Hii'elllcalloiiH ind details therefor , us pri-purcil by t' . M. Hell , architect , ( "ouiK-ll Jllulls. la. ; whli-li ilans und spepillcatlniiH will l > on Hie In : lie board rooms on and nftr tlin Hilli day of April. ISO ) , and nlco at tbo ollleo of tlio architect , rooms 4U5 und 4UO , Sapp bb.i-k , Council UlnffH , In. Proposals to be addressed to the HOCTC- ary of the Hi-huol board , .1. 1C. Arnold , and maiked projioi-ul for High school InilMlm- , nml must be aceompanled by a certlllcd cheek , In amount , li per cent of tin- amount of proHisul | , as evidence of good faith that .bo bidder will enter Into n i-ontrurt nnd give a good KUlllclent bund to an agreed imomit. If the contrat t shall ho awarded ilin. Tbo board holds the right to reject any or all bids. Signed. , , , „ , „ „ „ , _ JOHN R AHNOI.D , President. Becretary. AH. 15 , SS. _ BUREAU. 6KE-.t ! O ) . . SOl.mToltS.Hou llulldliin , O.MA1IA. NHIl. Adviua KRKi-1 Culli'il I.IIIIK tor Sliurl , A young man who had not boon In this country very long applied for work In a certain establishment In Albany , N. V , He vas u skilled mechanic and was given cm- doymcnt. The cashier , with Ills eye on the pay roll , asked the man what his namu was , Thu orelgncr spi-uks und understands Kngllsh to Bomn extent. Ho told the cashier his numo and the cashier nearly fainted. It was onu ot tliosu curiouu ttu-tyllablo numca which RAILWAY TIJWBGflRD Lraxei ICIUC.UK ) . lit Itl.lNOTOX A u.'Arrlie ' * ViUi ! " m' ' ' " ' ihicuKo ' ' , " ' " " Venlltmlc * ' } Hi i OinVL' VslMni : .mlil Lhlcng.i EM > I- . . . . I 4 ' , n , lll" : " Chicago and low.i Local. . . J So,1 , , HiMum I'aclno Junction tocnLj. . . t Upm Irf-nYes illUlllIMITU.V Ai MO. TuViil.Arri\MJ : Oinuhal Depot IQlli nnd Mason Hl . roiii.hu )0lf ) : > aiii Denver lTxpie . .T..7" ' -iJiiA / lOMtam . . t . * it . Deadttood . .Express . ; 4 U'ptl , , ! 4Wpni : . . . . .Ornvor kxprca * 4 'lOnm 6:50t : > m..Nrlim8kn Loon I ( except Sun. ) . . 6-Sin MI jEltaniJ.lrtco1njx : > cnl ( except Sutvlay. ) , U Lit" } CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC."lArrlve.i' JhnnlmlUiiloii Depot 'lath and Mason 8I . | Oinalu ' _ EAST. C lM'i' ! ; .V < " Bundny'r.Tlipm Mcllt Express 6(5'im ; J:0ipm..nilcntn : ( Wnilliuled Llmllpd. . . . 2 IZliani.OI : ) < lnhotiuj , , p. ( to C. II. ex Sun. ) _ 1 _ WEST. Leaves I UNION PACIFICi lArr'vo ' ? jyinahalUnlon Depot. 10th .4 Mason St . | onmli.i 90.im : Denver Expiess -i . . , . . . - 2tt : > put Overland Fljer "r "om c-io'li" ' * u'inon"\'f ' Kx ( " Sun > ' ' * ' ' ' " ' ' i JBj3ojim . ' . _ . ; ' . " _ 1.F ! t 'lin\ \ ' . " , : : : : : : : ; : : . ' J 5ft.1 ! ! Leaves ICHICAGO. ST. " . : .Vpm Chicago l.linlleil. . . " . . . . " ll3u.iiii. ; , .Chicago EMMT su-Sun.i _ _ . , I'E. . & MO. VALLEY. ' iAi-n\.T Umalial Depot 1.1ih and Wrb u-t _ St > . I i , „ , . , , UUoam : Deadwood E'II'M | , , , ! II.03.1111 ( Ex. Sat. ) Wjo. E\p. , Ex. Mn.i , r , ij , ' , . , . Biwipm..Norfolk IMin-ss ( Ex. Sunday ) , la , 630iin. ! . St. I'lllll " Express g | | , JJ , , , l.oavps I CH1C7\10 ! & "NOimiWKriT'N lAime-t OimhalU. 1 * . Deiot | loth , t Ma un Kii | om.ih.i llU5.tm : Chicago Express 7. . " . " . . o iumn 4U."ipiu : Vestibule Limited ' 9 .Vim CJopiu : Eastern Flyer 2 i.nii C:30piuEx. : ( Sal..Chic. Pass.Ex. ( M.in i 'jmu G"M.UII ; Mo. Valley Ijocal. , lo 20nu | Leaos i MISSUI'I ll "TvCciFIC. IA i r i \ T Omaha ) Depot Kith and Webster Sts. | Om-ili.i 12:2011111 : . .St. Louis" Express T7."fi.w.ini ) 10:00inii : St. Loub ) Expreso 4 yipiu fiilOpm.Dally ( ev. Sun. ) Nebi-nsim I x-iil lo.mi Leavps | C.7 ST. 1 7 ! "M" & ( i. iA-n\r , " " Om.ihal Depot IJth and Webster Ss. ( [ oni.i . , i 9.00am..Sioux Clly Accommodation . . .l.V20'.ni . 2lGpin..Sioux : City ExpiPoa ( Ex. Sun. ) . ! > loom BtSOpin St. 1'nul LlmlttHl a | o.in l cnxpa f SIOUX CITY .t PACIFIC. | Ani\e Om.ihalU. I' . . - 10th . D.-iHit & Mason Sis. | Om , i.i C : ; . " > .nil Sioux"I'lly I'ussengi.'r , " . . . . . I.i . JI.IIMI 3iMll : | St. I'aul Expiess M . . , . , , ,1 Leaver I sTul'X Cl'TY ' & l'AflFlClAn , \"s" OnuihaDe | _ | > ot lulh and Webster Sts. | o-uali.i " COpm..7. . . . . . . ' & : . .st. I'aul Limited n i . , in ' " LeavciTl OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. lAirlvc.n UiniiliullT. I * . Depi > t10lh _ , < i Mi.sonJits.I ini-iiii 3Wjini : at , IAIIIIS Cannon llull 12.35iuu could never bo pronounced by ntiy one ex cept the owner after weeks of prnrtlcc. "LoiiK , Isn't H ? " gasped the ensliier. "Vc.s , yes , " snld llio man , sinillriK and sliowliiB liln teeth. "LoiiK. " Ho understood from tlio caHlilor'n remarks that Ida iiaine converted Into HiiKllsh wan I.oiiK. nnd so ho 1ms continued to call him self Mr. Long. FOREIGN FORESTRY LAWS. What Kurniin Has Dunn to Fi-utprt lg | Tinilii'iTrnisiirrs. . A great iloal of Interest has recently li'on aroused In tills country on the subject of for estry. The lutlotml government has turned Its attention the preservation of the vast holts ot tlmher that constitute one of Its chlefest national treasures , anil many of the states , New Y.rk | In particular , have moved In the same direction. It Is confcss/'d , however , that our forestry laws are Ina/eqmito In themselves , as well as feebly enforced. .Mr. II. 10. Kernow , thn ff forestry expert of the Department of Agri culture , has summed up , In the Century for April , the forestry legislation ot Ijurop . Continental experiences should iiavo tlielr lessons for the United States. A brief . mi- inury of Mr. Kornow's article f illows. In Gerni.uiy the various governments own and manage , In a conservative spirit , about one-third of tlio forest area , and they also control the management of another sixth , which b-jloiiss to villages , cities and publli- Institutions , Insofar as these communities are obliged to employ expert foresters , anil must submit their working plans to the go-- eminent for approval , thus preventing im provident and wasteful methods. The other half of the forest properly , In the hands of prlvato owi.ers , Is managed mostly without Interference , although upon methods similar to .tho&o employed by thti government , and by trained foresters , who recelvo their education in one of the eight higher and several lower schools of forestry which the various governments have estab lished. The several stales differ In their laws re garding forest property. Of the private for ests 70 per cent are without any control whatever , while 30 per cent are subject to supervision , HO far as clearing and devasta tion are concerned. The tendency oti the part of the govern ment has been rather toward perstiaslvo measures. Thus , In addition to buying up , ' or acquiring by exchange , and reforest Ing waste lands some .100,000 acres havu been so reforested during the last twenty-live- ' years the government gives assistance tu prlvato owners In reforesting their waste land. During the last ten years f.'lOO.OOH was granted In this way. In Austria , by u law adopted In 18i2 , not only are the ttato forests ( comprising lesM than .10 per cent of the total forest area ) rationally managed , and the management of the communal forests ( nearly -10 per cent ) otllclally supervlted , but prlvato owners ( holding about 32 per cent ) ) are prevented from devastating their forest property tn the detriment of adjolncrs. No clearing for agricultural use can bo made without thu consent of the district authorities , from which , however , an appeal to a civil judge Is possible , who adjusts the conlllct of In terests. Any cleared or nut forest must ho re planted or reseeded within Ilvo years ; on sandy soils and mountain sides clearing IM forbidden , and only culling of the ripe tim ber Is allowed. In Hungary also , where liberty of prlvato property rights and strong objection to gov eminent Interference had been jealously up held , a complete reaction set In sunie lif ted ) years ago , which led lo thu law of 18M ) . giving the htato control ot private forest property as In Austria. Under a law adopted In Italy In ixss th Di > | iarliii"lit of Agriculture , In co-oporatlun with the llep.irtiuent of Public Works an 1 In consultation wllh the forestal rommlttcii of the province and the respective owners. Is tu designate the territory which for publlo reasons must bu reforested under govern mental control. The owners may associate themselves for the puipoKO of reforestation , and for thn purpose may then borrow at low Interest from the State Soil-Credit Institution , th Forest department eiintrlbiitlng Uiree-fiftlm of the cost of rcforoKtallun upon rondltloii that the work Is done according to Us plant. . , and within the time specified by the govern ment. In ItuKRln , until lately , llbnrty to out , burn , destroy and devastate w.is unre stricted ; but In 1KSS a comprohcnfdvo ninl- well-considered law cut off , HO far us thH can bo done on paper , this liberty of van dallsiu. For autocratic ItiiBsIa this law in rather timid , and Is In the nature of n compromise between communal and prlvntc Interests , In which much If not all depi-tnlH on the good will of the prlvato owner. A federal law was adopted In Swltzi-r land In IS7U which gives the federation run trnl over thn forests of the mountain regi" > i embracing eight entire canlniiH and parin of seven others , or over 1,000,000 acres nt forest. The federation llstdf does not own any forest land , and thu rintonu lianMv 100.000 acres , somewhat over 4 per rent uf the forest area , two-thriln | of which la held In communal ownership , and thn rest I y prlvalu owners. The federal authorities have Niipcrvlsloii over all rantonal , communal und prUa'it foresla , so far IIH they uro "protiM-n.ii forests ; " hut the execution of the law n-sin with tht > cantonal authorities , under the In hppctlon of federal olUccru. In Krancd not only docs tlio Htato manage Its own foreht property ( one-ninth of the forest area ) In approved manner , and mipi-i vlso the muniigemcnt of forests belonging to communities and other public Instltu tloiiK ( duublo I ho area of ututo foroxtHj In a manner .similar to the regulation of forcniH In Germany , hut It extends Its control over thu lurgo area of private forests by forbid ding any clearing except with thu cuiiBuut ot thu furcit iulrnlulstraUoa.