Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Jndgo Mncy Gives an Opinion of Much
Interest to Property Owners.
' Cn e Intnltrn the Levy of 1803 uml Won
Onro I'nmipil on liy .TuilRn DP * mer
it I * Ilrrlnlon l Jfow Consid
erably Moillllcil.
An Important decision was rendered by
Juilgo Mncy last Monday In the district
court nt Avocn. It was In the cnno of Jcnks
OR.ilnst tlio town of Avocn , the plaintiff
gcc'dtiR to enjoin \ \ ' . II Heed , the county
treasurer , from collecting n school tax of
14'/4 mills on account of the Illegality In
the manner of making the levy.
The polntn at Isstio were the same an
thoio Involved In the case In which the
Council llliiffs school district wan Interested
a little over a year ago , the hoard of di
rectors having neglected to certify the levy
to the Hoard of Supervise until after the
third Monday In May , the datu flxcd hy law
Notwithstanding the Illegality , the super-
vlsorb went on with the levy and the treas
urer collected the first half before the
Council niuffB dirtlculty brought to the
notice of some of the property ounora the
fact that there was a chancu tn get their
Tnoney back. Several nultHaro brought.
One of these cases was tried before Judge
Dcemer , who rendered a dlcUlon granting
the Injunction to restrain the collection of
the tax , and also gave the property owners
thn money they had already pnld In on the
tax levy Judge Mncy now comes In with
n decision In which he takes Issuu with
Judge Dormer , holding that an Injunction
will hold only as to the half of the tax
that had not yet been paid In The case
will bo taken to the supreme court to de-
cldo which Is In the right.
A I iiviirltn for ( ougliH unit ColiU. ,
"Chamberlain's Cough Ilcmedy Is the best
medicine for coughs nnd colds wo have ever
Bold , " says S Keel & Son of Coal Run , Ky
It Is a favorite because It can nlvvajs be
depended upon It loosens n cold relieves
the lungs and effects a permanent cure
Whooping cough Is not dangerous when this
remedy Is freely given , an It liquifies the
tough mucus nnd makes It easier to expec
torate , 25 and CO-ccnt bottles for halo by
Wlutt IN KiliiK Done
In the various lines of business may bo
talked of through those columns , hut to come
down to actual facts regarding truth , values
offered and reliable merchandise sho\vn , > ou
will have to visit the Boston store foi the
above advantages.
We have received nnd still expect dally
largo shipments of spring and summer goods ,
nil of which wo offer nt an exceptionally low
cash figure , us the following list xliou.s
Whytel.iw's Scotch zephjrs ( half price ) .
Hue Hue dress ginghams ( worth lOc ) , C'/ic.
Shantung pongee , largo assortment , ( regu
lar 12'ic ) . now DC.
Apron ginghams , 3'c , tic , 7c
Halt wool chullles , worth 15c , for Sc.
Tine French sateens ( former price 23c )
now offered nt 19c.
A \lslt to our wash goods department will
t pay you
Hosiery/or boys nnd misses , black ribbed ,
sold for 12Vac , now 4 for 25c
A special offering , children's fine seamless
" ' "lioso , worth 19c , foi 12'XjC.
Ladles' patent finish hose , bomcthlng new ,
at 17c Ask to see them.
Ono hundred dozen gents' half hose , sold
for lOc , at four pair for 2'c' .
Our regular 25c ladles' hose sold out and
now replace same with our J3c grade nt 25c ,
worth jour Inspection.
Don't overlook our other departments , such
ns Inces , gloves , dress goods , curtains , cloaks
and silks , us we show all the correct fashions
for the spring and suninipr of 1SDI.
rornniUNGHAM , WHITKLAW & co.
Council Dluffs , la
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
When you come to the best hose for sprink
ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You
can always get this and lighter grades In
rubhei and cotton hose at IJlxby's , 202 Main
etrcot , _
M > ers-Durfeo Furniture Company , 230-238
Broadway , save money am' 'lino to patrons ,
C'imnil } Is tlio .Man.
Charles D. rullcn , the new prosecuting at
torney for the southern district of Iowa ,
United States court , has not appointed his
assistant to succeed Mr. How ell of Keokiik
ns jet , but the announcement may be ex
pected In a very few dajs. It is stated on
very good authority that Thomas U. Casady
of this city will be the man. Yesterday
afternoon he was found by a newspaper man
Bitting dt the prosecuting attorney's desk In
the gov eminent building , carefully studying
Homo papers , with the evident expectation
that ho would bo there In good earnest before
long. It Is stated that he Is no\v engaged In
the operation of spitting upon his hands , pre
paratory to grabbing hold.
Cure Indigestion and biliousness with
DoWitt's Llttlo Cnrly Risers.
"What bicycle do you ride ? " "Why , I
ride a Waveny. Everybody rides them.
Cole & Cole sold fourteen In the last two
weeks. They sell for $85 , and are war
ranted as good as any wheel made. Get
ono. " _
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Telephone -
phone 48. _
Uvnns Laundry company. Shirts , collars ,
nnd cuffs a specialty , 520 Pearl street , Tel.
90. Reasonable rates for family work.
Attention , Itojul Aiiamim.
All the members of Fidelity council No.
156 , Koyal Arcanum , are requested to meet
at their hall Thursday , April 5 , at 1 o'clock
sharp , to attend the funeral ot our late
brother , II. F. field. 13. A. Troutman ,
regent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Get prices from Sliugurt & Ourcn , the leadIng -
Ing seedsmen of Council Bluffs , Masonic
everybody knows Davis soils drugs.
( loenlnto KfTort at Omo.
Some inquiries have been made ns tc
when the nawly passed mulct law goca
Into effect. The law , which Is
now being published In the two ofllclal
p-ipers ot the state , takes effect as soon
as published. Section 25 ot the law reads
ns follows : "This act being deemed of
Immediate Importance , shall take effect anil
bo In foi re on and after Its publication In
the Dos Molncs Leader and Iowa State Reg
ister , newspapers published In DCS Molnes ,
la. _
Sncot breath , sweet stomach , sneot tern-
, per ? Then use DeWltt's Little Carly Risers.
'I ho ItinlierH l.lfo Ahuoelutloii
Ot DCS Molncs , la. , stands at , the head ot
nil mutual Insurance. It furnishes Indem
nity for the leant money , Is the safest ,
boundcst and has the largest reserve for pol
icy holders , $1,244,240.03 A comparison will
convince thu most skeptical. Address W , 0.
Wlrt , agent , 710 Willow avenue.
No Umlnrtalier Nied Aipl | ) . -
It your children are atlllcted with diph
theria , Dr. Jefforls' remedy will save their
lives. No phjalclan required. Has stood
the test of 35 jeirs. Per sale by J C. Do
Haven , George R. Davis nnd Morgan & Co ,
fcucccssora to Ileardsloy , Also 2101 Cumlng
street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jut-
fcrls , Council Bluffs , In , Price , $3 ,
Wo hnvo In stock 1,000 hot-bed sash ot
our own make , Co mo and see us or write
for prices , state quantity wanted. Council
muffs Paint , Oil and Glass Co. , Masonio tern.
plo building , Council Uluffa.
Domestic toap breaks hanl water.
The laundries use Domestic soap. 1
IV. C. A. llvpurt.
The report of the Women's Christian as-
. , Hoclatlon hospital for the month of March
shows that nine patients have been received
and ten discharged , Of those received five
.Yioro puyliiE and four charity. Thlrty-clfiUt
grocery orucn were rcrclved amounting to
? 61 50 , a portion of tin so order * which were
given In cash being used to pay commis
sary bllli for Veliruary The total receipts
amounted to $169 rl of which ISO came from
hanpltnl patlenlH nnd $72 from county pa
tients. The dUhurxftuentH amounted to
$16001 , of which $42 wan for help , $33 for
paving tax and $30 $ for the matron ,
Croup nitil Wlioeip7if ! ( Cough ,
" 1 have three children who are subject to
croup , and have found that Chamberlain' ) )
Cough Remedy will euro them quicker than
anything cl o I can get. If you do not be-
llovo that tills remedy will cure the croup ,
do an I did , try It , and you will soon bo con
vinced , " R. M. Chalinaii , Pcwey , III ,
Whooping cough Is also deprived of all dan-
EOrQU-j coiiK'riucnccs when Chamberlain's
Cough P. i'iC3y ( Is freely glveij. There Is
nothing equal ( a It for cither o ( these ali
ments. Tor sale hy druggists.
And lljcrV ( Iranil'sprtlnl Siilo Still Con-
tliiur * .
I'very day hundreds ot ladles Inquire'
Why are wo selling goods so cheap ? They
want to know If wo are going out of busi
ness , nnd auk why vvo can now sell all of
those late style congress , laced and button
booU for $4 that wo formerly sold for $3 ,
nnd all other shoes at the same reduction.
The reason vvo can make this great re
duction Is bccaute wo want your trade Wo
can afford to sell jou n-palr of shoes at a
reduction , confident that If we can get you
to wear a pair of our shoes wo will get your
trade In the future. Wo assure you that wo
have no old goods , and that we bought for
spot cash from manufacturers greedy for
money their be t lines of spring goods ,
and we Intend for n week to give old and new
customers some of the makers' profits You
only need to remember that Clint S. Dyers
Is the man and that 412 Uroadway Is the
See the new art goods at Mrs. Nlles1.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
IVilorul Court.
Chris Hanson , who was found guilty of
stealing $5 from a letter In the postofflce nt
1'oplir , In was brought In for sentence jes-
tcrday In federal comt He was given fifteen
months In the penitentiary at Fort Madison
by Judge Woolson Slin'o Hanson stole the
money nnd ran off to California to spend It
his wife and three small children have been
kept In the poor house. Thc > came from
there long enough to watch th husband and
father have his trial , but will now have to
go back again
Sam Maynurd was found guilty of boot
legging Frank Urlstow , for the same
offense , was sentenced to pay a line of $200
and spend 100 days In jail Andrew Sclbert
was acquitted Lee McCormlck was found
guilty nnd grven $100 and thirty days , but
the Judge gave orders that the mittimus
should not Issue untiUAugiut 1 , and that , If
the costs should be paid by the defendant by
that time the balance of the sentence should
stand suspended pending good behavior. Jim
Clifford of Shenandoah , an old , gray-headed
man , confessed that ho had been convicted
of the crime of bootlegging live years ago ,
when Judge Love was presiding over the
court , but his experience had not done him
much good. Ho claimed to have quit drinkIng -
Ing and to have turned over a new leaf , and ,
as borne of his Influential friends had been
Interceding for him with the Judge , the sen
tence of $300 fine and 120 dajs Imprisonment
was suspended during good behavior.
A demurrer on the part of the de
fendant In the case of Pollard against the
World Publishing company was overruled by
Judge Woolson The hearing of evidence
will commence this morning.
An i\ < client .Medicine.
Our druggists bell n propi-ratlon for rheu
matism that has performed some remark
able cures Frank Shcpardson , an engineer
on the Southern Pacific railway who resides
at Los Angeles , Cal. , was troubled with
rheumatism fur a long time. Ho was
treated by several physicians , also visited
the Hot Springs , but received no permanent
relief until he ubcd Chamberlain's Pain
Balm , which Is the medicine referred to
above. Ho says It Is the best mcdlclno In
the world for rheumatism.
Cumuli ItliUIs Iiid. Co's. Wonderful Ginntli.
The following Is a statement ot premiums
written and losses paid by the Council
Hluffs Insurance company during the first
quarter of each year since and Including
1890 , a rccoid to which wo point with
honest pi hie.
Premiums Los-ion
Jnn tn April 1860 . J 0015 79 JS.137 fl
Jnn to Apt II , 1S91. . S.721 CS 274421
Jnn to April , 1802 . 30 038 Si ) 4,107 9S
Inn. to April 18 . . IS 131 IS J OI3 21
Jan. to April , 1S91 . 17,3 8 16 6,51173
Honks t Am tluti.
Carload , consisting of the best books ,
medical , mechanloal , miscellaneous , albums ,
bibles , etc. Private sale by day and auction
at 7 p. m. , G3G Uroadway.
Jarvls Wlno Co , Council Bluffs.
Jarvls Wlno Co , Council Bluffs , solo agents
Jarvls 1877 brandy.
Minor .Mention.
Boston store , spring dress goods , capes.
The Council Bluffs Rowing association has
ordered four new boats.
The Security Savings 'bank case against
A. II. Walker was on trial In the superior
court yesterday.
The funeral of II F. Held will take place
this afternoon at St. Paul's episcopal
church at 2-30 o'clock.
Regular meeting of ntchctah council No
3 , Degree of Pocuhontas , this evening at 7.30
for regular business and degree work.
Theodore Gulttur stated yesterday that he
CNpectcd to receive notice today or tomorrow
of his appointment to the deputy state oil
Uniform Rank , division No. 27 , Knights of
Pythias , will meet this evening nt the office
of J. M. Scanlan , chief of police , for business
of Importance.
The Ladles Aid society of St. John's
English Lutheran church meets this evenIng
Ing nt the residence of Mrs. J. R. Dietrich ,
805 Commercial street.
Robert Budatz's barn on Rast Broadway
caught fire at 8 30 o'clock last evening and
was almost entirely destroyed. The damage
Is estimated at about $300.
Winnie , the little daughter ot Officer
Weir of the police force , fell on a sharp
stick Tuesday. The stick penetrated her
throat. Inflicting a severe. If not a danger
ous , wound ,
Insure In the Imperial Plrc Insurance Co
Insure In the Imperial Plro Insurance Co
Insure In the Imperial Plro Insurance Co
Insure In the Imperial Fire Insur.inco Co
Lougeo & Tovvle , Solo Agents , 2.15 Pearl
Whllo you are piylns for laundry why not
get the best ? The Kaglo laundry solicits a
trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157.
The Klnnelmn stock has been moved to 23
Main street. Shoes at your own price You
want shoes nnd wo want money Bring the
family In and lit them up for April rains.
IVriuiiml ruriigraplm
Mrs. C. 1) . Rundlett leaves tod.iy for Hot
Springs to join her husband.
J. I ) CrocMvell has been confined to his
, bed for the past week by a Urge car
W O. Ritchie , formerly of Council Bluffs ,
now of Sioux Palls , Is In the city He has
not been here for four jeiis , nnd finds that
many changes have occurred In that time
A letter has been received from Hurry
Nason , who left hero a week ago , otatlng
that he arrived In San Francisco safely and
has commenced performing the duties of
his now position
J. F. Peterson who has been connected
with the firm of Rllo > ft Shcrraden for the
past three > cars , leaves tonionow for Fre
mont , Neb. , where ho wilt start out with
a traveling photographer. He Is a son of
Deputy Marshal Peterson.
C. II. Converse of Avoca was In the city
yesterday. Ho has Just been appointed by
a democratic town council to the position of
city attorney , to succeed Fremont Benja
min The appointment came entirely unso
licited , and la accordingly valued the more
highly h > him.
Pills that cure sick headache : DoWIU'j
Little Uarly Risers.
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , " Friday even
ing ; "Tho Hells , " Haturdiy evening , Uioad-
wuy church.
Gns cooking sloven fur runt and tor sale
at Qua Co.'a oQlc .
Code Commission Olothcd with Unlimited
Power and Discretion ,
lltuh of Cnrporntlon Atttirnr ) * to Secure
Control of the .Commission Gives
to Apprehension for IIio
Itiillroiul Htntiitci.
DCS MOIN'CS , April 4. ( Special to The
Dee. ) There Is Just now sonic speculation In
the minds of the members as to what they
did when they voted for the bill constituting
the commission to codify the laws of the
state. It Is shrewdly suspected that the
ardent champions of the move had In view
an end that was not wholly disclosed In the
context of the law. The bill provides for n
commission of flv * . which shall be legislature ,
Koveruor and supreme court nil In one. Two
of the five arc to bo chosen by the house ,
ono by the senate and tvvo by the supreme
court. Its members are to begin work not
later than the 1st of September next and arc
to receive $10 per day and actual expenses
while engaged In the work. The report Is to
be made to the Twenty-sixth general assem
bly , and two copies of the report are to be
furnished members-elect of the assembly.
Section 4 of the bill provides
"Suit ! eommlaslon shall carefully re\lse
nml codlfj the IHVVB of lown , anil nhull
rewrite the mime and divide them Into
appropriate piuta nml nrrmiKc thrm under
proper titles , chapters nml seetlotiH , omit
nil parts repealeil or obsolete , Insert all
nmemlemc'iitH ami make the lawn com
plete. Suld commission Hhall have power
to transpose words and sentences , urrniiKP
the Hiimu In Hootluns and paragraphs niirl
number them , chuiiKc the phrast elegy and
make any and all alterations necessuiy to
Improve , sjstematlze , hnrmnnlrc and maku
the laws clear and Intelligible Thej
shall omit from said revision all laws or a
t'iiiiioi.u > character , those relating to the
apportionment of the Htnto Into congres
sional , juillilnl , senatorial and u-prosenta-
tlve districts , anil all leferenccs to dccl-
Hlons , notes or theli own report or that of
any formei revision or commission "
The scope of this commission of revision
Is clearly shown In this section That It
should attract grtiit attention from Inter
ested persons Is also tliai. It It Is not ,
the struggle made bi the corporations ,
especially the ralho.ids , to secure friendly
attorneys on the commission oiwht to In
dicate vvlmt Is expected lion 1'mlln Mc-
C'lnln of Iowa City , author of "McClaln's
Code , " was named by the senate without
opposition In the hou o John Y Stone ,
attorney Kcneial , was chosen as one , but
his candidacy attracted Intense opposition
from rallroau attornc > s of all sorts , J. 13.
lilythe lending the onslaught. The demo
crats chose a rnllioad attorney named
Maker as their member of the commission
Now the supreme comt Is beset to appoint
two railroad lawyeis , thus giving the cor
porations control ot the commission. It
stems cleat that the emasculation of antimonopoly -
monopoly laws Is the object chiefly sought
In the new codification.
The lower house toda > got Into a pailla-
mentnry tangle which consumed nearly
the entire session ovei an attempt by
Chapman of Woodburj to substitute a bill
to ul\lde Woodbuij county Into t\\o judi
cial dlstilcts and authorise the holding of
comt at Coric'ctlonvillc' for another bill of
a totally dlffeient natuie by the
author , which was re.iched In regular
order The session became tmbulmit jiul
polntn of ordci and appeals from the decis
ion of the speaKei followed caih other In
rapid succession , Interspetsed with a ltvel >
passage nt arms between Hjers , Trewln ,
Uovvell and otheis Plnall > a motion to
take up the senate- bills can led and order
was lestoied. The house TVJSSCI ! Chus-
sell's bill authorizing citizens to devise and
will propert } to non-icsldent aliens , and re
fused to concur with the senate In in-
ciexslmr the appropriation lor the state
d.ilrj commission fiom $0,000 to twice th.U
hum A senate bill fixing the fee of
county recoulers nt ? 1WO per annum was
also passed.
The senate spent the gieater part ot the
morning session In debating the house
amendment locating the soldiers' menu
ment on i.oveinors &im ire. nenaiors
Andrews , Pinn and I'uton fitvoicd concur
ring , while I'cnv , Chantry. Bills and Itey-
nolds opposed the pioposltlon , and Insisted
that no more favorable spot can be selected
than the historic old capital gi omuls. No
vote was reached and further speeches
will be made.
The chances are that the house will re
cede from its amendment , as the monument
ment by ousting laws will be located nt
the point selected b > the senate unless that
body yields to the judgment of the house.
The senate passed the bill granting to
cities of the second clasb and to Incorpoi-
nted towns , on petition of a majoilty of
propelty owners , the light to construct
sewers and drains along streets and
at an expense not to e\ceed H tier front
foot of the adjoining pioperty ; also a bill
requiting the stockholders of private and
savings banks to make up un > losses Im
pairing the capital.
Uoth houses met In the afternoon In
joint session to receive Hon Oeorge w.
Jones of Dubuque , the first United States
senator from Iowa. Appropriate addresses
President Dun-
of welcome were made by
and SpeaKei Stone of the house. The
nged gnn CK-scnator and godfather of the state ,
who is now 90 years of age , made n fitting
response. The life and public- services ot
General Jones were then briefly lel.itejl
by lion J K. Graves of Dubuque. vvhlih
followed by fellcltlous remarks by
ex-Senator was George G. Wright , Secretary of
McParland and Governor Jackson.
renmiks of Governor Jackson , though
brief aroused the audience to the hlil est
pitch of enthusiasm.
rou A ciiuii' MimiiiMi.
Alleged Slajtrs of an Old Mini On Tilnl nt
CrcHtiin ,
CnnSTON , la , April 4. ( Special Telegram
to The Ilee. ) A Jury was empaneled In the
Goodalo murder trial this afternoon. Dell
Ualderson and Sam Kldd. Jhe men charged
with the crime , pleaded not guilty. The de
fense will endeavor to destroy the confessions
of Ualderson , In which he implicates Kldd , by
introducing testimony of his mental vveak-
nesis. They will also endeavor to piove that
Daldcrson Implicated himself In other crimes
In which It Is known he had no hand. The
trial will last several days.
The crime was one of the most brutal mur
ders In the unnals of the state's criminal
record It occurred at a small country farm
house near Afton , Q G. Goodale , the vic
tim , nn old man 72 > ears of age , lived alone
on a farm Ho was un agreeable old gentle
man and respected In the community Among
those who made call1) on Goodalo were
Ualderson and Kldd , the men charged with
the murder , The Impression prevailed In
the neighborhood that Mr Goodalo had con
siderable money secreted about the place ,
the story gaining credence from the fact that
the old gentleman had lost some money In
the Tingley bank failure , and that ho had
withdrawn his deposits from other banks. It
is evident these reports i cached the ears ot
Ilaldctson and Kldd and they decided to rob
the old gentleman In Ualderson's confes
sion , which ho afterward denied , he tells ot
the horrible crime as follows
"Sunday afternoon. January 21. 1S91 , Kdd !
came over to the home of Al llulderson ,
where 1 was stopping , and together wo went
to the Goodale notice Wo had not decided'
on the manner of getting rid of the old
man until wo reached the house , and then
Kldd told mo to hit the old man Ural , and ho
would finish him , nt the same time handing
mo a hatchet. When we entered the house
Goodalu was sitting nt thu table eating his
sup'Jcr Ho said 'Hello , bojs , ' and made
an effort to get up , when I struck him on
the head with the hatchet and he fell Kldd
then cut his throat with n pocket knife. I
( lion stepped out of the house while Kldd
rilled the old man's pockets. Ho got about
$100 In money out of an old leather pocketbook -
book , but did not give me any of It. He
promised to divide with me , but did not
After the murder wo left the house and
went to our homes. 1 am In my right mind
and know that 1 am under arrest for
murder "
Halderson has subsequently made several
varying statements concerning the crime ,
at times den ) Ing that he had any lund In
the affair Ills statement of the killing Is
thought to bo partially correct When
Qoodiile was found an examination proved
that he had founteen wounds on the head
and two on the neck Prom thU It It
evident that ho was struck repeatedly by the
murderers , whllo Ualderson claims to have
only struck him once.
hoilety hvvill Arrculiil.
CniUH HAI'ins. la. , April 4. ( Special to
The Ilee. ) IM Uatcheldcr , secretary nnd
treasurer nt one ot the Buell clubs , presi
dent ot the base ball club and proinlnvtit
S. A , PIERCE & CO. ,
/ i
No , IOQ Main Street , Corner First Avenue ,
And now the \ \ or goes "bravely en. The greatest of them oil. We
will sell you any Ledies' or Gentleman's Shco in our store at $3.0O.
and we have lots of them worth up to $6.OO , but they all go at this sale
at $3.OO. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to secure the best foot
wear on earth at these prices. We have all the new styles in narrow ,
square and piccadilly lasts , kid and cloth tops , large and small , but
tons , Juliettes , Oxfords , etc.
Don't forget the fact that vhile our store building is not as large
as the Transfer Depot , we have double the stock of any shoe store in
Western Iowa.
We are the leaders in the boot and shoe trade in Western Iowa ,
&T and if good gocds , low prices and fair treatment count we will hold the
Jr o JL JL 1 > i L _ \ ' 1 _ V .
In social circles In this city , was anosted
today on n charge of criminally assaulting
domestic last night. He
Mary Halva , n
examination nnd was
waived preliminary
bound ovet to the grand Jury In the sum
of $300.
$300.In the Intrroit of Iimii s ( hools.
DCS MOINCS , April 4. ( Special Telegram
to The Hoc ) Superintendent Sabln has
called meetings of thp .county superintend
ents of the schools by sections , as follows
At DCS Molnes , for Polk and adjoining
counties , Tuesday and Wednesdav , April
17 , IS ; at Council Uluffb , foi Pottawatta-
mle and adjoining counties , Tuesday and
Wednesday , April 21j and 25 , nt Ottumwa ,
for Wapello and adjoining counties , Tuesday
and Wednesday , May 1 nnd 2 ; at Cedai
Uaplds , for Linn and adjoining counties ,
Tuesday and Wednebday , May 8 and ! ; t
Charles City , for Floyd and adjoining coun
ties , Tuesday and Wednesday , May 15 and
1C ; at Storm Lake , for Buena Vista and adJoining -
Joining counties , Wednesday and Thursday ,
May 23 and 2J. Thcsd conventions tend to
promote , ilic best interests 01 me county
schools In the state , and lead to uniform
ity In the stnndird of 'requirements for
county certificates to teachers.
.Mitrslmlliovm Jiimlcr Cnsi > .
MARSHALLTOWN , la. , April 4. ( Spe
cial Telegram to The Bee ) The introduc
tion of testimony In the Bennett murder
case commenced this morning. The coroner
was put on the stand and told the story of
finding the body , the Inquest , etc. The ,
sheriff detailed his connection with un
earthing the crime and produced the bloody
clothes taken from the murdered girl's body
and the knife that is supposed to have done
the bloody work. Court closed with the
sheriff still on the stand. _
To Mnkn War on llootlcggcit.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , April 4. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee ) At a mass meeting
hold at Mount Vernon last night , a small
town where Cornell college lt > located , an
organization to be known as the "Commlt-
tco of One Hundred" was formed for the
purpose of waging a vval on the boot leggers
who have been carrying on an extensive
business there for some time. Three hun
dred dollais was subscribed to carry on the
fight , _ _
Charged with Forgery.
PERRY , In. , April 4. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) R. Brown , a real estate agent
of this place , was arrested todaj for forg
ing n note on J. II. Shlvely for $2,3r > 0
When arrested he had several hundred dollars
lars worth of forged notes In his pocket.
Ho was bound over to the grand Jury.
lion u Chicago Man \\IIH Cured of Ithcii-
nmtlsm ,
Mr. John Hall of 9233 Commercial avenue ,
Chicago , met with a serious accident for
which ho used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
freely , with the best results. "But now , "
says Mr. Hall , "comes the best part of my
story. For many years I have been quite a
sufferer with rheumatism , with stiff ncsa of
the joints. Since the application of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm , all symptoms of ihou-
.matlsm have disappeared , In fact I bellevo
that It has banished every trace of rheuma
tism from my bystem. " For halo by diug-
glsts. _
Io Jill Ii > glen M
The legular monthlj meeting of the
Loyal Legion vvns held last evening at the
Mcrcei , nnd about thlitj members v\eie
present , Including several from out In the
state A suppei was seived nftei the
business loutlne was out of the vvn > .
Llttlo pills for great Ills : DevvHt's LlttJo
Early Risers. _
lluffiilo Ulty r.liTtlon.
nUPPAIXD , Wyo , April -Special I ( Telegram -
gram to The Hoe ) In the city election
the cltUcns ticket was vlctoilous an fol
lows t'hurles liunltt , mnjor , and \\ll-
Ham Adams and W II KeajH , tiustees
DeWltt's Llttlo Early iRIsurs. Small pllU ,
fafo pills , best pills.
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion , bcroftiln and bthcr forms of
heiedttary disease is due to itb
powerful food properties.
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weight. Hereditary
taints develop only when the
.system becomes weakened.
Nothing in- the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases tliat are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
I'rtI'.ttd br 8c"l t A Unwne. N. Y. All rtni
in an overcoat is after all the most
important point. Will it fade ?
Will it wrinkle in the rain ? At
$10.50 we make to your order a
Spiing Oven-oat of the same
cloth that we chaigeci $16.50 for
in 1893. Womteiful change in
values this yeai 1
4O8 North 16th Street.
The Sovereign Remedy for
Initnntly relieves nil pain nnd honls
without sonirintf. Endorsed by the
medical faculty and multitudes of people
ple whoso sufferings it hns relieved.
COVXriL HLl'PPS. In. , Nov 18. 1SSD
The Poslti M.uiuluctmliik Oompanj . Dear
Sim-Sly little bo > . while at plaj , was
Httnck on the foiehead with a biickbat ,
thiown bj a plaj mate , causing a gash In
whlth > ou tinild ho join little linger.
After checking the pi of use hemorrhage
yom Mecca Compound was applied acconl-
Ing to dlnetlons The effect was Immedi
ate and wonderful The little fellow had
been suffering great pain and could not be
kept still , but no soonei had the Compound
been applied than he dried his tears , and ,
climbing Into my lap. went to sleep. The
IH'\1 morning ; an examination of the wound
levealed. Instead of an ugly gash and swol
len forehead , a leguhir .shape , and a seal )
less than hall an Inch In height Weeic
so pleased with the result that we
Immediate ! ) applied the Met en to his
hands , on which ho had some fcsteilng
soles that we hud failed to in re with other
inKtuies , uml In u very short time they
vveie well It is needless foi mo to utato
that a Jai of Mect.i Compound will ever
llnd a place In my home Veiy icspect-
tuiiy , w n Tiiiusiiiu : ,
723 Washington avenue.
Prepared by
COUNCIL m.irri's . . . . . . . . IOWA.
And for Sale by All Drue-gists.
Att"rlie > " " ' ' ' " " 1 > r- > < - -
j tle tu Ilin fctiitn mill
fnili-riil < i nri < . ItoniiiH SOII-7-H-II , bliugnr )
hlnelr , Council llluUH , In
Special Notices :
gomo cliulto bniualiu hi fiult anil cuiiliu
laiul nem tlila city ? _
UilnmcB clcuneil KU lluike , ut 'lujtor'a
eiurcry , MO UroiuUuiy.
city piupoil ) bought und aulU , I'uucy
'H Cuillic.ll I ! I lift a
\\rllri ilonliPH Munition , IIUH hail c'xicrlincu In
lxioKkKttiliiK | iil > < " lirat icferinc-cB. AiMii'sa
N JO. ll .e , Omni II llluffa _
PAhl'l IIAlli : , 1 lUSr'u.AH.S. 1YIU 4M HKAU
ot Htixk , ulxmt 3 inllfa nnrili o ( town Tattle
l.'TJ-lo H W , hums II UO In J7 l fur BCUBUM
April la tu CkloljUVt lluinl mull 111 UiUKe
o ( block. iiluiO KIIIIM. Milt amiitir Ui
will lent to linoil man ulili llnooOi ) uuillul to
limnt In ilalry. hoc mil | > < * ullr > Imnliiuai , goat
C-niuia IIIIUB anil nil iimvtmeiuix 1. 1'
JuilKoii . ' 'ft ( ill uvtnuo 01 Hi llrcjUnu ) , t'uun
_ ell jjluffr _
roil BAU3. CIIIIAI' . T\\0 AMI ON 15 HALP
ucrcs I mil mi lli.ilmm iivuiur , nt Im * Hum
loin aru wild for III H.IIIIU loi.illl ) . l.ut un
Fourth ntrtit , two Murku from icmu hoimc , CO
flit froiiliiKv ' ! uu lou , tKjrmi 'Ihlrd uvriiuu
and KliiliUt nth utrn't I'lmy tuunx. A. U
llriKU. iiwiu r. ii''O lllurf Mnij _ _
KFntlimun nr lail ) full ut oncp. K. C , it M.
Co. , 'i * Mala mr it , Council Llluffi.
They are glad we're going of course they are If we were
not going they wouldn't get such bargains in clothing , and they
know it that's the reason they're glad to say
to us The stock is melting away fast Everything is being
snapped up as fast as we can put a price upon Sometimes
v J rt
we don't even put a price on it as for instance , to make our
all the more appreciated we are selling pants for 6oc that are
worth three times as much , and two pairs of sox for 50. But
where we make our '
most effective is in the suit department , where we are selling
an elcganl sack suit for $2.50 and just as fine a suit as can be
made for $10. Thcc are clay worsteds and arc worth $25.
When we have more time we'll quote more prices but
we are really too busy to say much in the newspapers , for
k'erybody , it would seem , is taking in our
Out ,
13th. and Farnam.
& Co.
Empkie-Shugart . ,
BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels.
Send for catalogue.
109. 111. 113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la
Send foi C Irculur anil l'nci >
Council Bluffs , - - Avenue A nnd 20th Et
Oiiuiliu , 10-1 i'urimiu Street.
Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored.
AVcnUin' ,
Ili < l > lllt > , nml all tlio train
of uv lla from tail ) trim a or
lutt r exeiu-i t , tliu mullKof
ouruoik , tickiiei- , worry ,
etc riuUtit nulli , ilevul.
npiucut ami toiioulvc'i to
every nrpun ami portion
'of ' thuboily. Hliniile , nat
ural mctltixls. ImiiieilU
. . . . , . , j ute Imiirovuiuciil seen.
'alluro Impossible , S,0"U Mifurcm IB. Hook ,
Lxpiuiir.tluu uml proofs umllul ( eculcil ) free.
ERIE MEDICAL CO , , Buffalo , HY.