THE OMAHA ILYrout door It recurred to her " "oNwb- ' ! < " " * no " . , . 'Hvcli . , along the B * K ' * and ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MOllNiNG , APRIL 2 , 189-1. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. BINE SPIES ESCAPE Men Who Have Been Hunted Through. South Carolina Swamps Are Safe , GOVERNOR TILLMAN IS MUCH PLEASED Announcement of the Fugitives' ' Arrival at Charleston is Welcome News. ONE REGIMENT REACHES DARLINGTON Thirteen Companies of Countrymen Respond to the Call for Troops. EVERYTHING V/AS / QUIET AT MIDNIGHT I'copln lit Their llomrH and tlio Streets Jmrrtpil-Wlilnliy War Rapidly < 'om- lae to it rioii1-Srntliiiriit * of the ( imerniir. COLl'MHIA , S. C. . April 1. ( Special Tele gram to The Hue. ) To mo his own language , Governor Tlllman tonight received "the best news yet. " It was a dlspatcli to the effect that nlno fugitive constables boarded a train at Lake City , on the Northwestern railway , and within n few hours will have arrived * Bafcly In Charleston. Their names are Feliler , Murphy , Livingston , ( lalllard , Scott , McCanlK , llrison , Gardiner and Harllng. It Is uncertain whether the Oalllard mentioned Is the chief constable or his BOH , who has been reported as found In n ditch wounded by citizens and then killed. It will ho re membered that when the fight occurred at Darlington Chief Constable ( Jalllard and three others escaped on outgoing trains. One of the four reached Columbia. Tlio chief constable Is said to have returned to the r.ccno of the trouble and nothing definite has .been heard of him or the other two since , unless ho Is one of those mentioned above. Twenty-three constables were In Darlington when the outbreak occurred. One of these was killed , another wounded and Is in Jail nt Darlington , five are In Columbia and seven are still unaccounted for. Their names arc : Swan , Mecklii , Drown. King , Holloway , Walker and Galllard. Governor Tlllman thinks that the escape ot nlno to Charleston will greatly relieve the tension. Ho says that honors are about even between . the two parties engaged In the killing nt Darlington , and If the other spies escape the trouble will bo over. He received a . dispatch from Adjutant General I-'urley , now in Darlington , saying that the cltl/.ens told him that the wounded constable , Mcl.endon , had been delivered to his friends. McLan- dcn , contrary to previous report , was not seriously hurt. General Kurlcy does not know where ho Is now. REGIMENT OK MILITIA SENT Ol'T. This afternoon thirteen companies went from this place to Darlington on tlio gov ernor's orders. These companies have been massed at the state penitentiary , and all came from the country towns in the north ern portion of the state. A large crowd of citizens wore present when the troops went nway , but thtiro was no dlsotder. The sol diers were hissed and hooted at , but that was all. They left on the Atlantic Coast Line train. This road has been sol/ed by the state , and no specials can go out except on the governor's orders , llefore the soldiers left the penitentiary Governor Tlllman ap peared. He mounted a gallery on one of the 'prison buildings , and addressed the men. He said : "As chief executive of South Carolina I wish to say a few words to you previous to. your departure. I thank you for the promptness and zeal displayed by you In responding to the call of duty. Many of you have doubts as to the justice of the cause for which you go. You are reform demo crats and anils , but all South Carolinians , 'thank God. The cause of your going Is the defense of law and the dispensary. It is a law so long as It stands on the statute book , and until repealed or declared unconstitu tional by the supreme court. The news papers have sown the seeds of discord by teaching you that there are portions of tlio "law which Invodo your private rights. They 'know ' when they say this they lie. The right to search houses on a warrant Is as old as law Itself. They know that they are not telling thn truth when they try to makn you believe that these men at Darlington were defending their liberties. I said In my message to the legislature that there would bo no use of a large force of constables If thn pollco of the cities would enforce the Jaw , but they won't do It. The dispensary law Is not the Issue now , hut so long as It is on the statute books , so help mo God , I Intend to enforce It. It Isn't a miestlon of politics to bo fought out by ball and powder , but by the ballot. So much for tlio opinion that you are going to uphold tyranny. CENSURES THE RECALCITRANTS. "When the news came of the trouble at Darlington , God knows 1 was never moro shocked. When the olllcers uf the law were hot down , I was horrified. The sheriff tele graphed mo that ho was powerless. My first Impulse was to appeal to the military of Columbia. What did they do ? They surrendered Ingloriously thu honor of being in the service ot the state , but , thank God , there are men left who will obey orders and may not bo swayed from the path of duty by biased political opinion. Two com panies , at Florence and at Hiimlcr , did liku- vdflo when the action of Columbia was known to them. Wo then beheld the spectacle ot the udjutant general of the stain running all over It to try and get men to do their duty. I then ordered out the Fourth brigade , that crack Charleston company , and all they did was to dicker with mo as to what was their duly. Thcso cowards In Charleston did just llko thusn In Columbia. Being without a company at my command , I cast about to seu what I could do to uphold the dignity of the state. Thank God , I found thu men In you. You are going on u dellcato nml dangerous mission. You must renu'inber that the Darlington people are your fellow citizens , but they are In Insurrection , und It Is necessary for you to go thuru to uphold the law. 1 see they have gotiu to work and destroyed a atuto dispensary. Nobody did tills but the ex-whUky men and their hire lings , You go as an arm of the law , but you must treat the Darlington p ° oplu with consideration , but It you are ordered to shoot , you must do It , or anarchy will pre vail In the slate. I hope to restore you to your homes as early as possible , but the law m.ll8t be upheld or the stutu government will be the laughing stork of the world. This ought to bo a proud day for you. In otter years you can hand It down as a heritage to your children that you went to Darlington on Tlllman'a orders and you were proud of It. " AWAY TO DAIH.INGTON. "When the governor ceased ho wan cheered lor fully a minute by the soldiers. Ho then Jumped Into a waiting carriage and went to the mansion , The troops then took up the inarch and boarded the waiting special. They were under the command of General JUchburg of this city mid Major Newnham ot Ills staff , They number 400 In all. They will nrrlvo In Darlington tonight about 8 o'clock. Two more companies of countrymen arrived Jierc this afternoon , They number about rlg'ity ' ir n , and aru. arnv-'d with shotguns , Ix-slioolorx and pistols , They were or- panlred for the purpose ot atslatlng In pro- ervlnc order here , as the military will not do It. The men are quartered at the peni tentiary. Everything Is < iulet here tonight nd no trouble Is anticipated. ( looil Adtlro from Senator Irby , WASHINGTON , April l.-To Senator Iroy * f South Carolina la due much credit for removing HIP editorship over press dis patches established by Oovertior Tlllman at Columbia. Tonight he visited thn olllne of the Southern Associated press to learn the latest developments. Them he ; learned that ( lovernor Tlllman had placed ofllcers In the Western fnlon otllco nt Columbia , who Inspected all mi-singe * Illed , and re fused to forward any that did not meet their approval. He wired ( lovornor Tlll man , advising him against this course and stating that It could have no other than n detrimental effect. Hhortly afterward the specials to the Associated press began tn arrive In this city , 'hnd It Is believed that Senator Irby's advice Influenced the gov ernor to withdraw the ofllcers. TROOPS ON TIM : soixn. : Mllltla Sent Out by Tllliimn ICencli Darling- Ion and ( ! Into I'niiip. DARLINGTON , S. C. , April I. ( Special Telegram to The Hoc. ) A special train from Columbia , bearing over " 00 troops from various parts of the stale , arrived here at 10 o'clock tonight. There was no crowd to meet the soldiers , the streets being as quint as they have been all day. The men were under arms at Columbia as curly as day- llglit this morning , the three last companies arriving about that time. They were given orders lo stack arms around the peniten tiary , and remain there nil day waiting for u special train to bring them here. Tonight It was ( pilot In Darlington. Ilelng BOtlslled that all the coiiMlables who took part In thu shooting here Friday hail left the country , the advisory committee at midnight sent out Instructions to all the posses to re turn. This being done , everything was ap parently settled. At ono time Is was sug gested that the oltl/.cns orgnnl/a to resist tlio country troops that hud been mobilized at Columbia , but upon the advice of Mayor Dargan and Hie advisory committed no such steps were taken. The wounded spy , McLondon. was taken from the Jail last night , where he had been carried on Friday evening. Only the jailer wus present , and he submitted very quietly. After a bliort consultation with the friends of the wounded man , he was given Into the possession of a party who came to secure Ills rt lease. They changed his clothing , cut off his mii.sliic.he. put him In a covered wagon and carried him Into the country , away from any railroad station. Tills morning when the news was received that troops worn coming here from Columbia there was general Indignation , and It would not. havu taken much to start an open out break. Tlie advisory committee met and ad vised tlio people to offer no resistance. Nothing Is known us to tlie plans of the vis iting military , or of tlio purpose ot their visit. Tlie Darlington company lias gone to meet thu troops under the command- Gen eral Rlchburg. The following telegram has just been received by the advisory commlt- tee : COLVMIHA. April l.-A'in glad to have your assurances of ciulet prevailing nt Oaillngton , but armed hordes of Insur gents are still In the country trvlng to murder the state olllcers , so 1 am In formed. As soon as life and limb are safe In both counties I will Issue a procla mation restoring thu civil statutes. II. R. TILLMAN. FLORENCE PEOPLE WAITING. FLORENCE , S. C. . April L ( Special to the Associated Press. ) Although there has been no actual disturbance here today the undercurrent of the feeling Is still very bit ter , und It would only require an outbreak In this vicinity or some" obnoxious act on the part of the governor to again stir the citizens to arms. During the morning hours the town apparently recovered most of Its usual quiet , and there was nothing on the surface which would I ml lea to to a stranger that tlio neighborhood was on thu verge of an upris ing. The churches were all well attended , there were no disorderly assemblages on the streets mid tlie cooler judgment of the citi zens , after a night's rest , seemed to have had Its effect , hut a strong feeling of re sentment wan working behind a cloud Of ap parent submission. The belief Is general that even should thn ofllcers of tha gov ernor , who arc responsible for the first out break , bo convicted by the courts , they would lie pardoned by the governor , as Elliott , ono ot the spies , who slapped the face of a woman In Charleston some time ago , wus par doned by telegraph by Governor Tlllman , The people have lost faith In the efficiency ot the law to protect their life and liberties , Darlington assorts her Independence of Gov ernor Tlllman and his laws , Florence Is ready to follow her lead , and It Is believed that other towns stand ready to take the cue from Darlington. McLcidon. | who was first thought to bo seriously wounded , proves to have been shamming and was detained In jail by a deputy until arrangements for his escape could bo made. The guns of the Florence Rifles are still In the possession of thu citizens and no attempt has thus far been made to recover them. Even should such an effort be made by state troops no arms will be found , as they have bseii secreted. The citizens are not disposed to surrender , but propose that being outlawed they will proceed to restore law and order themselves. T1I.I..1IAX ISTKIIVIKWKI ) . lie Talk * with Reporters About IhoTronulo at Darlington and Other 1'liireH. COLUMBIA , S. C' . , April 1. The Asso- elated press representative had a lengthy Interview with Oovernor Tlllman at the executive mansion this evening. The governor granted the requested Interview without hesitation and spoke freely about the situation. There was some Indication of nervousness In Ids manner , but alto gether he was collected under thu circum stances. The governor stated that In his opinion thn worst of the danger was over. He said that Inasmuch as Darlington and Florence were In a state of Insurrection he full It his duty to exert himself'to the utmost to uphold the dignity and preserve the pence of the state. At thn time of the Interview the . " " 0 militiamen had left on a special train for IJurllngton. In view of thu number of companies which had re sponded to his call he was greatly grati fied at having finally placed the troops en- route to the scene of the trouble. "Hut will they shootV" was asked. "Will they shoot"exclnlmed the governor , with emphasis. "Well , yon ought to have hoard them cheer when I told them to shoot. " When asked how soon he expected to restore civil law ho said hu could not tell , there was much at stake. Darlington and the community were In Insurrection , defying the authority of the state , and the InsurreutlonlstH must be put down. The property ot the state (1110.1111117 ( dispensa ries ) hud been destroyed. The guilty par ties imiHt bo discovered and brought lo Justice. The dispensary constables were being pursued ami In danger of their lives. He would not permit them to be hounded down and shot llko dogs. Pending develop ments In these matters , hu will keep the militia under arms. A few minutes previous to this Interview It was reported that the censorship of the tetcgrnphti had been withdrawn. He was questioned us to the accuracy of tno rumor , and denied It very emphatically. He said he did not wish to have anything sent out which would Inlluim1 the passions of the people , and for that reason , with a view of securing accurate reports , he would continue the censorship. "Now , 1 will play editor for yon fellows , " said thu governor , with a laugh. "Just write out your reports , bring them lo me and I will look over them. If they are not sensational or Incendiary I will let them go. " He spoke confidently of the strength of his sympathizers , "I can assemble from 1,000 to 1,000 men hero to support me , " he said , "Why , I have received telegrams from all over the state offering assistance , and I can get ns many men as I can furnish with transportation. " The governor poke feelingly of the dis banding of the Governor's guards. "The company Is tlftyono years old , " he said , "and this Is the first time Its members have ever refused to obey orders. " Ho says that Captain llatteman shed tears over thu action of the company. "What effect will the present disturb ances have upon the dispensary lawsV" "It will strengthen them. " hu Bald nrompjly. "These continued disturbances have been brought on by the low down ele ment and by the violent opposition to the measure which the cities have made. Tlie Issue Is whether the state U to bo turned over to hoodlums and toughs or bo gov erned by Its Intelligent citizenship , The result will bo In favor of the dispensary. " No I'Vdrral Troop * Asked 1'or , WASHINGTON , April l.-Ofllclals of the War department state tonight that they ( Continued on Third THEY MAY YET SHOOT IT OUT Kentuckimis Interested in the Breckinridgo Scandal Heady to Open the Killing. SON OF THE DEFENDANT ARMED IN COURT Denim ItrccMnrldijo < ! orn Dully Prepared to Itc-rnt , tny Crltlchim of III * Father's Course--IllacUlmrim Protect tins Wife of f.tikc. WASHINGTON nUREAU OF TUB I1EE , filS Fourteenth Street , WASHINGTON' , April 1. It will bo recalled tlmt wlien tlio court trying tlio Pollard-Ilrccklnrldge case ad- Joiimed Monday , March 12 , Shelby , of de fendant's counsel , assaulted Johnson , of plaintiff's , and that Judge Uradlcy , after severely characterizing this affair next morn ing , referred to reports tlmt had come to him tlmt plalntlff'H counsel were coming Into court armed with deadly weapons , and that these gentlemen , one after another , arose and disclaimed having brought weapons Into court. It was noticed at the time , and re garded in some quarters ar. significant , thu neither Colonel Hrecklnrldge nor Ills son Deslia joined In these disclaimers. It was whispered about the court then that one of the bailiffs felt pistols In Desha's pocket and taking him to be ono of the counsel Hindu the representations to Judge Dradley which led to the disclaimers In which youns Hrecklnrldge did not take part. These Incidents have led to a feeling ol apprehension In legal circles that another and more serious affray , possibly tragedy , may yet mark the proceedings. It Is salil tlmt both court and counsel have been con sidering the possibility of such result. This feeling Is not allayed by the story that has been put In circulation since tlio defendant took the stand that Deslm Hrecklnrldge , who is standing loyally by hit ) father , has threat ened that he would personally resent any Insult offered his father by plaintiff's coun sel , when the latter shall crosvexainlno the defendant. These threats arc said to have been made In reply to some one's sugges tion that Jmlgu Wilson Is u skilled and piti less cross-examiner. HIS LAWYERS ARE ANXIOUS. It Is also reported that some of the de fendant's counsel are annoyed over Dcsha'.s constant presence In the court , hometlmex accompanied by young friends , fearful lest he may be goaded by some fancied Insult to his father to an act which would prejudice the case. It Is said liuttcrworth , especially , feels anxious In this respect , and has so ex pressed himself. Mrs. Oovei nor Illackburn , who was Indig nant at having bceiv placed In what she deemed in equivocal position by the defend ant , ami who significantly said on the stand that If her husband was alive there would bo no necessity for her to appear In court , is said to bo very angry over that part of the defendant's testimony which qualifies her own or Impugns the correctness of her recol lection of the events to which she testified. It Is understood she will be recalled by the prosecution In rebuttal of certain purls of the defendant's story. The relations between the Dlackburns and Ureckinrldges , It Is Mid , have become very strained since this suit began. If the differ ence In the testimony of defendant and her self amounts or seems to amouut to an Im peachment of her veracity , she will'look to her kinsmen here , among them Senator Joe Ular.kburn , for vindication , and It Is not likely they will be alow to respond. Not to go with alacrity to their kinswoman's rescue would make them recusant to the chlvalrlc customs of their state. Judge llradley appreciates the situation and Is prepared , should the occasion arifcc , to exercise his judicial authority with promptness and resolution , as ho did three weeks ago. Still affairs of the kind appre hended are frequently precipitated without warning , and evade every precaution to pre vent them. Whether or not there be an out break In court , this trial has seen the be. ginning of ono of those family feuds which , cruel and bloody as n Corslcan vendetta , have given Kentucky a sinister reputation. IN ANTICIPATION. Court Lounger * Kxpect Murli from the llrccklnrldgo-Pollurd Cane thin Wi > ok. WASHINGTON , April 1. Although the Hrecklnrldgc-l'ollaril scandal IIIIH dragged through the circuit court for three weeks * , to the exclusion of other cases which arc equally Important , from a financial point , It promises to hold the boards for two weekH more. Judge nrndley has lengthened the dally session of the court by sitting until I o'clock In the afternoon , thus break ing the time-honored custom under which the local courts have nlwuyn finished work at 3 p. m. Hut , despite this addition , the lawyers do not expect to be able to deliver their valedictories to the jury hefoi-o the last of next week. Congressman Uu-rkln- ridge will continue on Monday the recital of his version of thu nine years' Intrli'i o with Madeline Pollard , and he nuiy 1011- Hume the entire day In roundInji out hli storv , lifter which hevlll pass Into the hands of ex-Judge Jere Wilson for cross- examination. From this Inquisition the fol- loweis of thu tilnl are antVlp.itlmr their choicest entertainment , for tlio jurist iincl cx-eongiossinnn from Indiana has ae \ \ earned reputation us the most Irjlng man who could be selected from tins local bur to rake a witness. He IN no rejecter of persons In the court room , following lallh- Inlly the axiom that all men are equal In the eyes of the law , and be has an unusual faculty .it planning traps fur a witness , leading him along different lines of inquiry , which seem liuimloss , considered singly , and then combining the cone'ti-ilnmi ' there * I'rom Into one question which putt ) the vic tim on record In another light. Miss Pollard and her lawyer * have busied themselves In taking notes throughout the colonel's testimony , from which they ex pect to draw material for the crosa-oxa in itiation. The Kentucky colony here tins been keyed up to a frenzy of anticipation re garding the course that Colonel Hreokln- rldge would take In attempting to refute the testimony of Mrs. Illackburn. Had he ace-used the widow of the ex-governor of Kentucky of misstating fiictH trouble would have been likely to have followed , for that lady bun frlendH of her own family and state who were expected to resent any reflections upon her veracity by other than legal methods. No Hitch complica tions have arisen HO fur and no provocation has appeared for a broach of the pence. In the most part , Colonel Ilroeklnrklge's account of the episodes to which Mrs. lllaekbiirn was a witness has agreed with her statements , only he mild regarding the representations of an engagement formed a part of a preconcerted plan between him and Miss I'ollnrd by which the youmr woman could preserve her repu tation. Of those passages of the Interviews of which he has given nn account differing from Mrn. Hlnckbnrn's ho IIIIH nald , diplo matically , that his recollection differed from berH. No trouble Is expected by the Ilrockln- rldge forces from the warrant Issued by Speaker Crisp , summoning him to appear at the house to help make n quorum for the Joy-O'Neill election case. A formal statement to the house of exceedingly Im portant business which demands his pres ence will probably lead the house to make an exception In his cuso from the order revoking ull leaves of absences , which wus passed last week. There will be little testimony for the tje- fenso after Colonel Drccklnrldge leaves the stand , and most of that Will bo In the form of depositions. The rebuttal for the plaintiff will come In , when Miss Pollard herself will probably take the stand again , and the old principal of the Wesleyun col lege will be culled to refute the testimony of Itankln Moselle , to whom Miss Pollard was engaged In 1S8I , Or. Urnwn will testify that Roselle could not have called to pee her two or three times u week , ns he Hold , because the rules of the school , which were Htrlclly enforced , prohibited visitor * ) , except on Friday nights , and then only ad mitted them In the prcsnce of the teachers , and will deny that Miss Pollard had pre pared to go with htm to Chicago , as she was only permitted to kiss him eoodbve under the searchlight of a teachers gaze. After the rebuttal there may he wit nesses for subrebuttal , and finally will coiuo the closing arguments of. tlio attor neys. from which the elty Is expecting great efforts at plendlnifs , ns the imputa tions of the ifentlninrii' and thu material In the case juctlflw < t Since the belllg'erfnt outbreak near the beginning of the , ttlal the personal rela tions between the attorneys have been visibly Htrnined , although they have for the most part observed scrupulously the courte sies of the court 'loom , Mr. Shelby , the law partner of Mr. IlrecklnrldKo , at whose expense the papers were disposed to make fun because of his belligerency , has sho\\n himself one of the most mild-mannered attorneys In the case. Although ho has not expressed regret at his curly action , he has frequently deplored the necessity for It , which , U"t3er the code ot honor which obtains In hit section , made It Im perative upon him to resent the remarks of Mr. Johnson. i : CONHRCSS. Work Mapped Out for National Legislators for thn Next WeeU. WASHINGTON , April 1. The tariff bill will be taken up for consideration In the senate tomorrow at 2 o'clock , In accord ance with the agreement arrived at In the committee on finance and with the notice of Chairman Voorlicoa to that effect , and will In all probability be the prominent topic of debate during the entire week. There are other measures which may claim attention , none of them being likely to re ceive consideration without the consent ot the managers of the tariff bill. Senator Hansbrough's bill for the extermination of the Russian thistle appears upon the cal endar as the unfinished business , and but for the tariff bill would be railed up on Monday , and It Is In u position where It could be legitimately pressed , If Its author should feel so disposed , but It Is fair to presume that It will be quietly laid aside tor the tariff bill.r" Other questions wljleli may press for con sideration during the week are the Chinese- treaty and the proposed bill for the regu lation of the Herlng sea sen ! fisheries. Senator Morgan has stated that he will probably ask the sVnute to consider the treaty the latter port ot the week , and there Is a probability that the Hcrlncf sea bill will bo consldeivd ns of mitllclent Im portance to call for prompt action. There will be little dllllcnlty In securing an under standing whereby these questions can be taken up for temporary displacement ot the tariff If expedience should be consid ered Important. The- pension and fortifica tions appropriations tire also on the calen dar ami can be considered at any time , but they will not bo1 pressed for the present. The tariff bill will be the order after 2 o'clock each day ot the week , or until tlie morning bnslne" ' ' shall be disposed of , and there will be 'i\f > i hours each day for the consideration of miscellaneous ques tions , which properly belong to that hour. Several amendments to the tnilff bill will be ottered on Monday by the committee on finance , after which the speaking will begin , In which Senator Voorhees , ns chair man of the finance committee , will lead off. He will be' replied to'by Senator Allison , but beyond the speeches It Is not known in what order the ; senators will be heard. It Is said that Senators McPherson and Hill on the democratic side , will speak early In the week , aid It Is known that on the republican hide of the chamber Senators Hale , Lodge. Cullom , Hoar , Haw- lev , Morrlll and Mltchull of Oregon are pre- them will , it Is IlKelj ; that for the present not more than one will be heard In n day. Senator Peffer Is also expected to speak on the turllt An exciting week IB promised 111 the house. The struggle ) -over the O Nelll-Ju > contested election tfil e will be resumed tomorrow. AlthoujrttITt has been apparent since the case lias I ; < ; en brought up that at least a dozen democrats were opposed to seating the democratic1 contestant , the par tisan feellnK engendered during the last four days of the Ill'lmstor has nerved to drive those who w rc-Jukowarjn.uto..lne | | , and , while they will iirpba > lynot vote or O'Neill , thev will tit last lend their votes and presence to ecu. < = thu yec.-sary : quo- rlThe Kngllsh-THltKirh case will follow , and so far as known , the democrats are united on the proposition to seat Knglish , onuew , according to the notice served by Mr. Illand on Friday , be will ' ask the house to consider. the president's veto of the silver seigniorage bill , and will move ? o pass the bill over the veto. As It requires overrule the quires a two-thirds vote to objections of the president , there Is little hope that Mr. Hlund's motion can be car ried. Hut , nevertheless , it Is expected that the debate will be of an exceedingly lively character. The sliver men are In a state of revolt and they avow their pur pose to rake the administration fore and aft. Some outspoken , criticism can be looked for. The debate upon the proposi tion to pass the bill 'over ' the veto may last all week If the silver men are so disposed , as the republicans will i > e glad to join them to prevent a limit being placed upon it. When the veto inCf-siige Is disposed of the house will again go' buck to the appropria tion bills. The nostiilllce bill Is still un finished. It will be followed by the eon * Mil and diplomatic and the army appro priation bills. _ TAUHIIXKCK1 * MAM I'KSTO. ' tlio Veto of tlie Ills I.iiti'Ht t'ttcraiices on Seigniorage < 'oll ! gi > Hill. WASHINGTON , Avril 1. 11. 1C. Taube- neck , chairman of tins national committee of the people's pnit > , has Issued the fol lowing statement : 'The president , in vetoing the seigniorage bill , has brushed every pretense of .the old parties aside. The Apache warfare of. . cunning and am bush is no longer nwessury. The agent of the gold combination proclaims that the soldiers who serve under him , whether re publicans or democrat , must boldly assert their loyalty to the monpy kings. In the future the people win take their choice. either aid In strenRlhenliiK tlie chains of money contraction by voting for candi dates to serve In the 'rnnUM of the republi can party or unlti > before It Is lee lute with thu populists for. liberty , equal rights and an American llnunchil system. The policy of the veto message means the de struction of all cnKrprlse , the Issue of bonds lo pay the eiurent expenses of the government , and that , national hanks are to obtain money from the government at 1 per cent. The only iompronilso. : offered In the veto message Isthe suggestion that the United States njlfjht be allowed to coin and use f.lJ.OOO.Wf ) seigniorage In the treasury If unlimited nuthorlty be granted by congress to Issue bonds and perpetually mortgage the resources of the fulled States to the money. , kings. Such turnn to a fallen foe In open war would shock every principle of humanity , but when tin , money power through their agents tell the people of the PnHwl States that they shall not coin and their own money without subjugating. ttiRmselvus and poster ity to a hondhaldlnR'plluuivhy It Is evi dence sulllclent to rlitiw the regard con centrated wealth .has. for the rights of man. > , In coming campaigns the word "pop ulist" will be thu mil ) Inn cry of the masses against thu. iiil-ses. | The sneers of the llvurlcd roldlrrH and collared sub jects of the "moiipy Jpnwir. " who have In ought desolation , hunger und want to their homes , will cncuimigc. and Inspire every loyal citizen to espouse the eaine of liberty , human rights and an American financial system : II. Ml J.Vl'l ' 'ityfiH , Yule SlmlrntH InftUt ofj Cloning n Comedy itlth thu Combination. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , April l.-Speclal ( Telegram to The IJce , ) The performance. given hero last night , by the "City Sports" company was temporarily Interrupted by u territlu bombardment of the Htnue with ejfgs. Thu front row of tie | theater were. It Is claimed , filled with Vain students , who threw the missiles. At a point In the per formance where members of the orchestra throw tin cans at the buffoons , the entire front part of the IIUUPO ro o and tired cgKS at the comedians , uyer 100 eggs struck the stage , damaging the sctnery and striking the actors , Policemen Interfered ami the whole offending body of ( Undents rushed for the elde 'doors , A lively en counter took place , und one arrest was made for profanity , us the oillcem were un able to Identify the egg throwers. Tlio victim proved not to be a Yale student , but an agent of n local accident Insurance company , The offenders , finally made their escape without any further arrests being made. Yale students declare that the whole affair was caused by "townleo , " but tlie managers of the Grand operi QJ > UI > ' , wlieto the trouble QCqjrrcd , Uiliilt UiSI Tale men the prlnclpAlff. AS the trouble took In the. final act of the nliov/ " the per formance was hurried to a close. The two aotoru who were on tha clave at the time were Messrs. Bhcrldan and Bnydcr , HELD IN HOLY REVERENCE Hungary's ' Populnco Makes a Pilcrimngo to Buda-Pesth , FUNERAL SERVICES OVER LOUIS KOSSUTH < l to Itctt I'oltoucd by the I'riijcru am Tears of IIU Countrymen Touching Scenes anil InrldcntN at tlio ( Iravc and In the City. nUDA-1'ESTH , April 1. An Immense crowd of people from all parts of Hungary and many from Austria are In the city. The great center of attraction was the Natloua museum , In which the body of Kossuth is lying In state. It Is estimated that at least 160,000 people of all classes viewed the re mains. Several Impressive Incidents marked the day. One was the visit of a large number of maidens from Transylvania. Clad whollj In white , they deposited many wreaths of flowers on the casket. The visit of the veteran Honved Hussars also attrncted iiuicli attention. The t',000 Inhabitants of Czcglcd , who walked in a body the long distance from there to Iltida-l'csth in order to pay the last token of love and respect to the great Hun garian , arrived safely , and their visit to the hall was one of the noteworthy Incidents of the day. The streets were thronged the whole night with constantly arriving depu tations. Tlie funeral services were held In the vestibule of the National museum In the presence of the Lutheran bishops , members of the Hungarian Diet and the Hungarian Magnates. After the singing of the national anthem , In which all present joined , Illshop sarkany delivered an oration , In which he eloquently extolled the patriotic services of Kossuth , Maurice Jokat , one of the leading Hungar ian writers , and a member of the Diet , fol lowed , speaking on behalf of the lower house. Ho dwelt at length upon the self-sacrldee Kossuth had made for his country , conclud ing with a touching farewell to the dead patriot. Ills words moved many of his audience to tears. The burgomaster of Huda- Pesth said tlio grave of Kossuth would be come a placj of pilgrimage for Hungarians , every one of whom felt the deepest gratitude for the services Kossuth had rendered his country. When the funeral services at the museum had been concluded the collln was conveyed to the funeral car , to which were attached eight horses covered with mourning capari son. In the procession were twenty special cars , hearing between 2,000 and ,1,000 funeral wreaths. Then followed GOO Houveds. All wore medals. Firemen formed a guard on each side. The cortegu occupied two hours In reaching the cemetery , the streets through which it passed being densely crowded. Not a window nor a roof along the route was unoccupied. Uiihlness , much .ot which Is done In Huda-Pcsth on Sunday , was at a complete standstill , all the business houses being closed. Everybody wore mourning , and the city presented a scene that wus never witnessed here. The members ot a thousand deputations , carrying wreaths and banners , followed the Honveds. as the pro cession choirs sang national airs and KoKsntli hymns. As R pabbed the opera liouso thou sands of persons massed upon 1lio'Steps' suddenly joined In tjie Kcssuth-hymn. From the opera houseon there was an Intermit tent rising of patriotic songs from tlie popu lace. There was no disorder ; no pollco were visible along the route , except at the crossIng - Ing : ! . Tho. final ceremonies at the cemetery , though simple , were very Impressive. Sev eral speeches were made by represent atives of tlio Independent party and by Honveds who served under Kossnth. After these and the singing of a choral the coffin was laid Into a temporary vault. At this mo ment a touching spectacle presented llself. The Immense assembly gathered outside the cemetery fell .upon Its knees and offered a silent prayer. The ceremonies concluded , the crowd dispersed quietly. JAJ'ANKSi : IN Il.lWAir. They May Yet lleroinn a Source of Trouble to the Iliniiillan ( Sotcrnniciit. HONOM'I.r , March 2i ( ( via Steamer China to San Franclf-co , April l.--lly ) far the most serious problem that confronts the provisional government at present is the attitude of the Japanese laborers and their representatives here. The Nunlwu , the Japanese warship , which bus been stationed here for some months , left port for a few days , ostensibly to go to Hawaii for target practice. J. Fully , the Japanese consul general , went with the warship. The Nnulwa returned on the 2lst. and either by coincidence or prearranged plan she was met about twenty miles away by another Japanese warship , the Takaublho. During Fully's absence the Japanese on several plantations had struck. Tlie government brought all the strikers , to the number of seventy , to this city , and they are now In Jail. The Japanese are against thu provisional government , and their consul and other otllclnls have done all that they could to further a feeling of antagonism. At the last meeting of the councils , the executive was asked whether Minister Wil lis was still carrying out his plan of lutur- vpntlon for the purposeof restoring Queen I.tllouktlnnl. It was wished to let the natives understand just how the matter of restoration stood. In reply President Pole read the following communication from the minister : "Legation of the I'nlled States , Honolulu lulu , Feb. II. IMJI. Hon. S. II. Dole , .Minis ter of Foreign Affilir--Slr : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date In answer to my letter of the r.ith ultimo , and to Inform vo'u that on tlie L'dtli ultimo I was unfilled liy my government that the Hawaiian question had ben referred to congress anil that my special Instructions hail been fully compiled with. With nssurunces of high esteem , 1 am , sir , very respectfully , "ALHI-IIIT S. WILLIS , "M. U. and M. P. U. K" The president said that the expression "my special Instruct Ions have been com- idled with , " seemed to answer the ques tion asked. K'lward Norrle , tlie eilltor of lluloimm , has been arrested for sedition. The nrtlel In question stilted Hint nobody reflected provisional government and advised all natives not to take any tmth of allegiance. Slni'in * on tlin Mexican Count. VKIIA Cltl'X , Mex. , April 1. One of the severest northers of the season him been raging along the Onlf of Mexico during the last live days , and great damnun has .been lone to shipping , and It In plobable that i number.of lives have been lout , us meu- jer details have reached hero of several oust vessels having been wrecked. Tim ne'omlng vessels linvn been uiiu ' inelii.r In tlie rondrteud of the hnrhoV ana .mve sought refiiKe from the hturm nt the slunU of .Sacrllk'loH. Aiixloiin TlincH III I'cru. MMA , Peru , April 1. The strictest se crecy Is observed regarding the condition of President llermudez , whoso seilous 111- less has been reported. A report Is our- ent that he died this morning , but It Is mposslble. to verify It. It Is also said that k'lior Valcarccl , the civil candidate for the residency , has taken refuge on board the ilrltlsh warship Unmet , at Culluo. Ilusl- itiss is at a complete standstill , and the situation Inspires great anxiety. lt beln In Icnpcrat ) rilralU. Ill'F.NOS AYIIKH , April 1. Advices have reached hero from Brazil showing that the nsnrgent forces have abandoned Harare and that the guvvtnment forces have oc cupied that place. It Is reported dissen sions have sprung up among the members if the provisional government at Desterro. 1'hu Insurgent warships Itepubllca and Aqulduhan are Hald to be short of coal and heir ciiftlucH out qX ordei % ifnit to Scare tTifi Landlord. LONDON , April 1.-It WUB mated hist evening' tlmt the attempt to explode thfl > onib wan nothing mora than an attempt o frlylueu the lana.urd v. the Three Tons hotel , and that the metallic box was no loaded In n manner likely to provo dan gcrous. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' * " ' ItlSMAIU'K'.S lllltTIIDAli * , llmperor William Send * Him n i 1"tnt - l.arge Delegation * Visit Illii' . 1 IJERLIN , April l.-Today Is the I = Ian nlvcrsury of the birthday of Prlt9vlllrt. marck. At an early hour thin 12 tVuK the band of l uenberg rlllcs n tthi. . Altona Choral society proceeded u „ nee Hlsmarck's residence i t Frledrlchsj \n < serenaded him. Throughout the il ( } t\- Btant streams of telegrams , letter * . fls and presents of flowers have llow < * V < Frledrlchsruh. Count von Mnltkj ' 'ho ' emperor's aide-de-camp , arrived ati..A- drlchiTuh bearing to the ex-chaneellor ni autograph letter from tlio emperor con gratulating him upon the occasion. Tin count also took ns a gift mini the einpcrot a splendid cuirass with epaulettes , whlcl Prince Illsmarcl ; Immediately donned. The emperor In his letter , which was of the most Mattering character , said that tin steel of which the cuirass was made was a token of a sincere German gratitude to which his mnjcsty desired to give ex pression by a dedication of armor. Replying to the deputation. Prince lils- mnrck said he honed to shortly be able ti enter Into personal communication tin. regiment at Hlabcrstadt. MiinrhcMcr MarkrfH , MANCHESTER , April l.-There has heel a better undertone , a large eastern business offering and a moderate proportion exe cuted. Prices are less Irregular and sellers are hopeful of bettering their position , with tinner sll\er and eastern exchange. Yarns were firm and unchanged , the sales foi home consumption being fair. The fort night's business to India. China and Japan has been moderately heavy ; tn tlie Levant , Egypt and the continent It has been rnthoi extensive. The splnneis' profit margin Is still poor. In cloth the largo lines of low class goods have been sold to China. Sheet ings and skirtings are now well sold ahead and the eastern Inquiry Is generally good , especially for tin- India markets. The mlnoi markets have been fairly active. Home trade has been slow. KT.Kttoils itior .w/ / ; / : . Member * of nil Antl-fiitliolle Society Ilrcak fi | an Antl-A. ! ' A. Meeting. MILWAUKEE , April l.-lSpo.hil Tele gram to The llee. ) The first blood of the campaign was shed tonight , and It Is be lieved the trouble can be traced to the American Protective association. Half a dozen men were slabbed at a political meeting on the South Side , and about an equal number of arrests were made. K tonight's affray Is a forerunner of what might be expected election day , the police ivlll be kept busy Tuesday , ami bloody collisions may take place between members of the A. P. A. und Catholics. The trouble occurred at St. Vincent's school hall , Laplmm street and Sixteenth avenue , where a meeting of the Columbian league , an nntl-A. P. A. organization , waste to be held. The neighborhood Is n Polish settlement. The feeling among the resi dents of that section of the city Is bitter against the A. 1' . A. Jn order to create discord among these people and lo divide their strength , the A. P. A. leaders have encouraged the labor movement known as the co-operative party , ami given It sub stantial encouragement. They have partly succeeded , and of late there has l ) on moro or less friction between members of tlio co-operative party and the members of the Columbian league. This feeling culminated tonight In the bloody riot , which was pre cipitated by the members uf the cooperative tive party. According to the stories of eye witnesses , four brothers named C/ynskl , who arc Identified with the labor movement , went to the ball , where tlie meeting was to be held , armed With knives and hatchets , with the avowed Intention of creating trouble and breaking up tho" KatluirliiK.'It ls""nalil' ihey Insulted people going Into tin ! hall , and that a gcneial light followed. In which the' ' four brotbei-H and their oppo nents weft1 badly cut. Tin4. Injured lira : ' FRANK PHILLIPS , two''deep ' cuts 111 left shoulder and loin , will probably die. STAINLAl'S KOLKSLs'SKI. badly cut on left side of bend with hatchet. S. WAWALSKI , two cuts on right side of bead. MARTIN FUAN/.KOrSKI , cut about face and hands. AIATTHEW KOPCHYNHICI , cut about neck and shoulders. ANDREW KICKLl/.r.WSIII , cut about left arm. The pollco were hurriedly notified and" n wagonlond of cilllcei-H soon arrived on tlio scene , dispersing the crowd and making several arrests. The place when ) tlie trouble occurred In In a remote part of the city , and there was much dlilleulty In gathering the facts In thu case , owing to the great confusion that existed. No at tempt was made to hold the meeting after the trouble. rii.iKKM in : MM * nistxii ins Lenin Kelley , a I'rosperous farmer , Shouts Himself Through the Head. IMPERIAL , Neb. . April 1.-Special ( Tele gram to The Hec. ) The report that reached hero yesterday as lo the finding of a body of a man In the southwest portion of the county wus true. Thu coroner brought the body hero this morning. An Inquest was held and the coroner's jury found that the deceased was a farmer of tint county named Lewih Kclley , and that It was sui cide. cide.U seems that the deceased luis been troubled with pains In the bend for some time , and Hint ho had told his physician that several of his family had become In sane ; that If he did not get relief from Ills pains lie believed that ho would go crazy , and that when lie became convinced that there was no hope for him ho would put himself out of the way rather than liecunip Insane. He used a revolver , ami shot himself through the head , resulting in Instant death. Kelley was a bachelor and well fixed financially , with a nice bunk account to his credit. The act was committed out on tnu open prairie , far from any limue. The leceiised had lived In Chase county for seven years and WHS resipoolrd by those who knew him. He had no iclnllvort Imre , but has a sister somewhere. In southeastern Nebraska , supposed to be at Stella or Ster ling. _ HI.KH III.M.SKI. ! ' r/1. .Slinplc-Mlndcd AUIn Ivobler of liriinil IhUind lladly Iliirned by ( iiinpoMiler. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , April I , ( Spe cial Telegram to The lleeAt ) a JaU'1 hour this afternoon , while Alvln Ki.hlcr'wau In [ / . Conor's gun storean explosion ijnciirrcd , { necking out thu entire front niwl part of- the roof of thu sijujll frame building. Kohlor emerged from the wreck a-'Tcw. moments later , Ids clytlilpg t.IIro , hltf.1 op" | ind whiskers burned a way. und Idohlrifj nuch the WOI-M ) fiiu J'VX ' experiment.- right arm as very birrjv-r.rnied. | ) lilK fi\eo was almost one bllKt : > i > 'i n < l lie bad several iiinis about the bocy | He was ivmoVc.U to Hit ) hospital. His woynds , though- very Miinfnl. will not iivcchtmrlly , be fatal. ' Kohler says he hiiil swrtit.the store and mt the sweepings iK'.tljV steve and Vua 'oliiK to cook soincthlnio to cut when thu explosion suddenly neturreM , . The police ipon Investigating found pat.ts of a five * lound can of powder , ami a rapid Inveji- .ory finds ono can of powder short. It Is supposed that Kohler placed It In the steve on sumu live coals. Kohl'T Is not sound mentally. He has no family or relatives. f iii > i.v 11 iii . AYorn-Out Heart of Henry Undeii Htop * Heating While ll Sleep * . BTERLINn. Neb. . April l.-(8pcclul ( Tele gram to The Uee. ) An old German peddler , Henry Duden , stopped at the homo of Mr , Htlndt , three miles notthwest of this place , to spend the Bahbath. At 2 o'clock this morning ho was found dying by the family. He only breathed a few ttmeu after they ciunu to his bedside. Coroner Roh of Elk Creek was sent for. On his arrival ho summoned a Inry ami culled Dr. Trulll f tb's plucu ami held a post mortem examination. Thu jury found that Uiidcn died of fatty degeneration of thu heavt. Ho was 7u years old und leaves n wife to mourn his loss. The remains will bo taken tomorrow to Hilt Creek , blH home , for burial , lln Took Laudanum , OEDAU IIAPIDH , la. , April t.Speclal < Telegram to The llee. ) Dan Frloss , a Ger man farmer llvlnu' near Dywurt , committed suicide yesterday by taking two ounces of laudanum. The cuufu of. hU act la not Known. SHE CAPTURED HIM Woman Conducts a Burglar Who Hail Robhed the House Into Masculine Hands. ADMIRABLE NERVE SHOWN BY MRS. EDGE Thief Had Exhausted Himself in Fleeiug from His Pursuors. CONFUSED , HE RETURNED TO THE HOUSE Ho Then Had Singular Company for a Number of Blocks. MADE A HARD FIGHT BUT HAD TO YIELD Similar Cluine Kqimlly Siicccfmful In Kiitt Oumlm-Tort I'roolc Plunderer In the Tolls Another Parly HUM Itetler l.urk. Yesterday morning at G o'clock a lelo- phone request was received at the pollco station ( o send the patrol wagon to No. I engine IUHIRO. It was stated that n burglur was ( hero who had been captured by th people whom ho had planned to rob. The wagon was sent , accompanied by Officers Huzo and Wllber. Quito a crowd had gathered , dcsplto the early hour , mid as the police pulled up at the engine house two ( iturdy citizens nuido their way toward It and between them they had a young fellow who appeared to bo moro dead than nllvo. The knees of his trousers were torn , his hat battered , and the coat almost wrenched from his body. They took him lo thu wagon ami started to the station. Ho snld that ho was the right man and that ho did enter the place. Later ho denied It. but finally owned up again. Hu gave his namu as John Webber. The burglary was committed nt 2 o'clock yesterday morning out In Mystic park. At that hour Mr. William Edge , who resides there and IH employed at the Union Paclfli ; shops , was awakened by the screams of MU wife , who said a burglar wna In tlio house. The llrst thing to confirm her suspicions WHS the fact that the light , which they have been In the habit of leaving burning on the table. had been extinguished , and n cold wind was evidence that a window was open In tlin h < ms \ and Mr. Edge soon found that there were two of them open In the rear. Mr. Edpc looked for his revolver , but re membered that he had no cartridges , and then he mw the burglar going at a rapid gait up the road. Ho was nut tobo baf fled. and ran to tlio resldcnco of Mr. l-'lnlayxon , who lives near , and asked for his assistance In capturing the burglar and also for a few curti-ldfics. Mr. FInay- | son was ready In a moment , and with a re volver apiece they started In pursuit of the man. They saw him and could hear hix footsteps as ho run up the road , and gaso chase. The burglar Im'd a 'good start , and wan olng at a rapid speed , and they soon lost sight of him. They kept on , however , and dually their efforts were rewarded. HOW AIRS. EDGE GOT HIM. When Webber was being pursued ho said ho ran till ho wan nearly blind from ex haust Inn. and , us ho looked around and did not see anybody on his trail , he stopped mid hid for a while. When ho was ready In start again ho said ho wan KO confused from exhaustion tlmt ho did not know which di rection to take and wont directly over thn way ho had just traversed. Ho passed directly by the house he entered and as ho did so ho met Mrs. Edge , but ho did not know her anil she asked him where ho was ; olng. He Mild up the street , and she asked him to allow her to go too. Ho said she could , and she in tills way held him till Ilin reservoir was readied , when Edge and Fln- layson hove In sight and took him , Flnluy. son pointed a revolver at him , but Webber said : "Go ahead and shoot , I am not afraM ) f that. " Klnlayoon snapped the trigger three times , but to no purpose , and then a land-to-hand fight look placa. Webber held wth Ills captors at bay for quite a time , but it wiih two lo ono and he was so exhausted from running that ho was unable to lunger tolil out. They marched him down to the cuglnu uiuso , where ho was taken In charge by the ml Ice. Ho was searched by Edge and a valuable gentlemen's gold watch and a ladles' watch which he had taken were found on him. Whether ho took anything else or not Is not yet known , Six years ago Webber wus arrcated In llili city In company with John Krancls for I h robbery of Peterson's grocery store at Klf- ecnth and Webster streets and served two ears foi It. Ho was released from llui H-nltQiillary long enough to tap the till In Nelson's meat market on North Twenty- onrth street and served two years for that. Us photograph adorns the rogues' gallery , nit It was under another numo hu wan irevluindy arrested. Ho readily recognl/.eil C.iptaln Mostyn and said ho guessed hu wat ready for another term. He Is a boyish ap- icarlng fellow. * V THEN CAME ANOTHER. , Webber had not been confined ton mtnufen t III Marshal McKcnzlu of East Omaha imrchcd tn with Elmer Huclmor. It was mi- ither case similar to thu one Just mentioned. About 2 o'clock yesterday morning CliarlM Wllunit , who In employed at the wlilto lend vnrks , heard BO mo ono trying to get In hln room , but when he got up to see what WIIH he matter there was no ono In sight , ami 10 again went to sleep. Shortly after ho I card the same noise , and \volio up In tlmu 9 kvc lliirlincr making oft with his IrouKorx. vhluh contained about $100 In money. Wll son yelled , and ho was not long In making ilmxcir heard by others. Wllfton ilvcn at vliat IN called the People's hotel , and U 1.1 .ho hoelelry of many of the employes of thr aclorlcs on the Ihlatid. When ho alumn-d 10 a\v lluchner run down the stairs , und ha aw him endeavoring to get his hand * In tlio lockets ot the pants. Out In the atreoi Itichnor ran and Wilson followed to the loor. He was In his night clothes , und full ic could not continue the clmsa In that at Iru. Ills alarm hud aroused ono of the other ( oarclcfH , and ho ran for the thief , a' a In u uw moments ha was Joined by Wilson him elf. U wan getting very hot for Ilucliner. o ho dropped the trousers In the street and icpt up the running. His purmicrn gained n him , however , and he hecamo dcnpi'rutf , ) rawlng hlu revolver , hu shot twice right at ils piirmieiH , but neither uliot took effect , ml before he could fire again they were upon itm and disarmed him. Constable MeKcnzle waM notlllod and took charge uf the prisoner. Vht'ti Wilson BUW who It was ho nearly alntcd. UuchnRr IH also employed at th white lend works , uml has known Wlleon ( or u , Duchnor uay ha meant no barax WL