A' 9-16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , MARQII 25 , 189J.-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVK CENTS. Mr- T si O AND ALL KINDS OF SEASONABLE WEAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. De Alma Suitings. ] 35c. 35c MONDAY WB WILL PLACE ON SALE 17S PIECES , IN ALL THE LEADING SHADES. THESE GOODS WERE HOUGHT COG ON THE DOLLAR , AND ARE WORTH 7CC. TO CLOSE THE LOT WE WILL BELL THEM AT AT35c. . Crepon Suitings. HERE IS A BARGAIN , AND THEY ARK 11EAUTIES-CRBPON SUITINGS. COME AND GET SOMETHING NEAT FOR A SPRING DRESS. GOODS WORTH 85C. JYOUR CHOICE , 35c. . Windsor Suitings. IN RAISED EFFECTS , FULL LINE , .WORTH 40C , MONDAY'S PRICE , 2Oc. Hamilton Suitings. TWO-TONE AND FANCY WEAVES , 23 NEW SHADES. THESE GOODS ARE .WORTH 400 , MONDAY'S PRICE , " 15c. Henriettas. OUR S5C HENRIETTA , FOR MONDAY JSVJBJR II&LDJN THIS CITY. We propose to MU. ? . . t.o ! advtnt ofHuriiei iiia.ii to attract vx'i3c prtad attention. liy an Immense wholesale offering of high WE ALWAYS FURNISH EXACTLY WHAT class silks at prices that stamp them ' 'WE ADVERTISE. NOT MERELY CHEAP , BUT TREMENDOUSLY Country merchants desiring to utock up OUSLY UNDER PRICE. on silks will nnd our assortment complete In The scale of prices announced herewith Is every respect and they can have all they Bo sweeping nml comprehensive that It Is want at advertised prices. CO pieces plain colored China silks , 22 Inches wide , In navy blues , greens , browns , tans , heliotrope , orange , yellow , cream , 25c yd. white , pink , worth fully 40c a yard , our . prlco 25c. 60 pieces fancy printed China silks In dark ( jounds , handsome designs and new colorIngs - 25c yd. Ings , good goods , for 25c a yard. . Striped Kal Kal nnd Jlalutal wash silks In light and dark colors. New assortment Just received of handsome colorings. You 39c a yd can not buy them In New York for less than , our price , 39c a yard. We show the handeomcest assortment of printed Japanese silks In light and dark grounds over shown In the west , embrac ing 85 patterns , In nil new , pretty colorings , 69c a yd. excellent quality , full 24 Inches wide , regular . $1.00 goods , for C9c n ynrd. Watered silks are a favorite trimming We have n magnificent assortment of fabric Just now. Wo make these silks n cream silks and satins In plain nnd fancy epecialty nnd undersell every house In the effects nt various prices. vest. Wo have n great variety of styles In Wo have Just opened a line of Cheney jnolre antique , molro mirror , molro Francalso Bros' , rninbow silks for evening and fancy nnd n vnrlety of new styles in stripes nnd walsta nt $1.50 a yard , north $2.50. figures and the prices nro astonishingly low. Wash Dress Goods. Now Is your tlmo If you want to obtain pxclustvo novelties In wash goods. Wo are 'now showing novelties , Imported novelties which will not and could not be duplicated later on. Look at our Imported crcpo nov elties , fancy coloring , 40c a yard ; plain col ors , woven figured crcpo at 35c u yard. Hnydcns Is the only place whcro you flnd these In Omaha. Exclusive styles In Imported sattne , 1S91 etylcs , at 35c n yard. " " 'Fine satlnu ut 25o n yard. Domestic saline , Cc , lOc and ICc. 32-Inch wide line zephyrs , 23c a yard , all new and neat patterns. Domestic zephyr , lOc. Double width Imported duck suiting , 2Cc. 32-Inch domestic duck , 15c. Irish lawn dimities , crinkled seersucker , etc. , 15c a yard , Llnnm cloth , lOo a ynrd. Now styles In chnltls , Go n yard. Wo carry the largest stock of wash dress Koods , and you ran see them In sight and Judge for yourself the truth of this asser tion. MILLINERY. Latest spring styles at extremely low prices. Get our prices before buying your spring millinery. Dress Linings. This department wo are compelled to keep tip , not on account of thu profit , ( for there Is very little money In linings at present prices ) , but on account of our Increasing business In silks and drcsa goods. Wo open Monday a new and full line of French pcrcallne , nil the high colors and new shades , n percallno made to sell for 25c , a yard , but llaydcns prlco will bo ICc n yard. Compare our prices on allesla nt lOc , IGo and 20c. Compare our prices on fancy printed sllesla Dt 16o and 26o u yard. Collar nnd bolt canvass padJing and wad- OliiK , plain nnd checked crinoline , all colors In cambric , 3iic a yard. Boys' Waists 40 dozen boys' Vine black wteen waists , worth 75c i.50c on Monday , , , , , . ONLY. AT 40C ; ALL SHADES , INCLUDING BLACKS. Cashmeres. I'TLL LINE OF COLORS , INCLUDING EVENING SHADES , Windsor Cloths , A NEW AND HEAVY SUITING , WORTH 40C , MONDAY'S PRICE , lOc. Novelty Suitings. IN SHEPHERDS' PLAIDS AND FANCY WEAVES ; A FULL LINE ; ALL NEW SPRING EFFECTS ; WORTH S3C TO $1.00 ; MONDAY'S PRICE , 43s. _ _ Broadcloths. IN TAN. DOVE SLATE. LIGHT DROWN , NAVY BLUE , GREEN AND'WINE , WORTH FROM $1.50 TO $1.75 , MONDAY'S PRICE , 2'5)0 ) Remnants 2'500 IN DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS , ALSO CLOAKINGS , ALL COLORS , FROM 2 TO 10 YARD LENGTHS , MONDAY THEY GO AT % THEIR VALUE. Our New Lace Department. This department having lately been so crowded that wo have found It an absolute necessity to glvo more space. What has caused this need of moro space ? . O.ir superb line of NEW GOODS and our BED ROCK PRICES. This Is no Idle boast. These prices nro convincing. n < trn fine all silk black chantllly lace , 3- Inch goods , at 5c per yard. Elegant white and cream silk luces at lOc. 12H..C and 15c per yard. Why pay $1.00 per yard for lace when 75c will purchase the exact counterpart bought from the Eume maker , right from the same loom , from us. Wo have the largest line of laces In the city , and new goods are coming In every day. We have n complete line of the popular band laces from Sc per yard up. Ribbons. This department has also been enlarged , and we are prepared to make the lowest prices on earth. Remember that every yard of ribbon In our large stock Is ALL SILK , aso do not carry one yard of cot ton ribbon of any description , Como on Monday and attend our SPECIAL SALE on RIBBONS. All silk ribbons , worth from IGc to 30a per yard , go at 7Vfec. This sale Is from 8 to 11:30 : a. m. MILLINERY. Latest spring styles at extremely low prices. Get our prices before buying your spring millinery. Half Hose 400 dozen gents' fine Imported - , ported half note , In browns uml tans , fast black and unbleached balbrlggan , not u pair worth less than 25c ; 12ic on Monday COO dozen children's fast black cotton hose , Hernia- dort dye , nil sizes , full , . _ regular nude , only 12V4c | Cj I per pair. This U Just Vi I / n the regular price JL J- Linens and Domestics , Haydons arc selling a largo white crochet bed spread , worth $1.60 , for $1.00 each. He sure and get one for they are going lively. 72-Inch bleached damask , worth $1.CO , at $1.00 a yard. Cream colored table linen , ICc , 20c and 25c Extra grade cf damusk nt GOo n yard. Illcached or unbleachtd turklsh towels , Cc. C-l chenille table covers , O..c each. Dress style gingham , Cc n jard. Amoiltcng and Inncaster apron check , Co a yard. Mill remnants of white dress goods , 2'ic ' , 6c , Sc and lOo n yard. , 12-Inch bleached pillow casing , "Vic a ynid 6-1 bleached casing , 12',6c. ' All the leading brands of muslin and sheet ing , bleached or unbleached cotton llanncl , 5c a yard. New styles cretonne , liic n yard. Something now In half-bleached twilled crash , 4c a yard. All linen dnmadk towels , 5c rach , Plain colors , striped or checked , seer sucker , oc a yard. Ladies' Suits. Tight fitting suit , largo revers , trimmed with black lace Inserting , largo sleeves trimmed with Inserting , material of serge , colors blue nnd black , with small dot of cream or red ; our priceIs only $8.75. French waist , tight fitting , full sleeves , edged with silk moire ribbon , umbrella ruffle - flo belt edged with moire ribbon , bow of molro silk , material of serge , in black and navy , $18.00 suit only $12.00. Special attractions all the week and Mon day wo put on sale another large sample line of capes and Jackets at exactly manu facturers asking price. Cloak Dept , SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY. On Monday and Tuesday we will sell ladles' Jackets , made of good quality of ladles' cloth In the most approved style , latge * sleeves , etc. , colors Havana , tan nnd navy , sizes 32 to 38 , at $2.49. At sAine time wo will offer you 10 dozen best shirting print wrappers , perfectly fast colors , well made and worth Just twice the sum we. . ask , Monday and Tuesday only 49c. A good quality shirting print ladles' waist , In good selection of patterns , all light colors , perfectly dyed , at 25c. A splendid quality percale waist , box pleat front and back , a sure w abhor , and Is very good value at COc , quantity limited , on sale at 3Cc MILLINERY. Latest spring styles at extremely low prices. Get our prices before buying your spring millinery. Shirts. Boys' flno domct flannel shirts , no trash , small neat 9c patterns , stripes and checks , only 9c each In this lot will bo found a lot of boys' line percale Bedford cords , black sa teens , basket cloths and fanry shirts of nil kinds , your choice for 19c each. You will mlsH It It you 19c don't bo on hand 100 dozen gents' flno domet flannel shirts , no trash , nice 12ic patterns , everyone full ulzo and well made , this lot 50 dozen gents' fancy Barrette cotton negligee shirts , not a shirt In this lot but Is 19c worth COo to 75c , your choice of this lot 100 dozen gents' fine fancy negligee shirts , fit for a councilman to wear. In all the new spring shade * nml colorings , thrown on our counters at 2.r > c each. Como disappointed Monday and you will not he 25c Notions. Special sale on notions 4 big bargains In staple notions. 3 bunches of line rick-rack braid for 5c. Twin wire drcjss stays , the best , Cc per set. 2 pairs of the best corsets steels for Cc. 200 flue hairpins for flc. ladles handkerchiefs. We will clear up the balance of our BANK RUPT STOCK of handkerchiefs , worth $1.25 , for33c. Handkerchiefs worth SOc for 2lc. Handkcrcblefa worth 2Sc for 7i\ Handkerchiefs h 15c for 3c. Do not miss It. Trunk Talk. We received the following letter In re gard to the thetohoff's tohoff's Trunks "Jas. A. Howard , successor to H. II. Marhoff , Omaha , March 21 , 1894. Hayclen Bros. , City : GENTLEMEN I beg to Inform you that you have not bought the "Marhoff" trunk store or factory. I bought It , and have a clear bill of Bale for the same , Including the trade mark , "Marhoff/'w'hlch Is copyrighted. I sold trunk and bags to F. S. Clinton on March 0 , 1894 , , and most of them were made under my direction , and If you stilt usn the * name "Marhoff" In your advertising I shall bring suit against you for damages , for there will still be manufactured In tills city , and hold here , trunks nnd bags , also sample ( cases , bearing this trnild mark. Please take notice and save further -trouble. Your truly , JAMESl A. HOWARD. Referring to the.above letter we wish to state that we have no desire to injure. Mr. How ard or any one else. We pur chased the entire "Marhoff" trunk and bag business and will guarantee to sell any or _ all of them at one-ba'f of Mar hoff's prices. ti Note the following bill of sale : F. S. Clinton sold to .Hoyden Bros , all the trunks and traveling Jngs In the MarhoK trunk store , 1510 Dodga street. Received payment lfur < ; h 19 , 1S94. F. S. CLINTON. * * Mr. Clintonfurtuer , stated he owned the factory and had some material which he would make ujj at once for us , and why Mr. 'Howard should com plain is something we can not understand. HAYDEN BROS , Lace Curtains . and Portieres. , Wo will make some { special prices this week on the above goods. < „ Prom OOc per pair upttb the finest goods made. _ * During this sale wa will furnish wlUi each pair of curtains a nrtrev'polo with brass trimmings , from $1.50 per pair up , free. Wo will also reduce thoj , price of the best 5-foot pole and trimming to ICc each. This will bo the greatest sale pi lace curtains on record. > Carpets , Our stock of carpets of all grades Is now complete , and prices will bo made very low. ' Cotton Ingrain , ISc to 25c. Cotton and wool , 35c and 43c. Strictly nil wool , COc. 65c and 63c. Ilrussels , I5c , OOc , C5c and 75c. Velvet carpets , S.'c , OOc mid $1.00. Moquottc , best made , $1.00. Our spring stock of wall paper has ar rived. Cheaper than ever. Fancy Baskets. Wo have Just received the finest line of fancy baskets ever shown In the west , con sisting of work baskets , scrap baskets , toilet baskets , waste baskets , clothes hampers , etc. , from 5c to $2.25 , all beauties , the very latest things , made from birch wood and scented grasses. Music Department. Standard sheet music , Cc per copy. All the latest sheet music at greatly re duced prices. Instruction books , half price. Pianos , WHY NOT BUY TUB BEST ? Wo are sole agents for the world renowned OHICKERING PIANOS. We have various other first class makes and will sell you any piano you may select at $100 less than you can buy It anywhere else on earth. NEW PIANOS TO RENT. A few special bargains In second hand pianos taken In exchange for new Instru ments. ' SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Stewart banjos , $10 up. Stratton banjos , $6 up. Washburn mandolins and guitars. Violins for beginners , amateurs nr artists. EVERYTHING AT DRY GOODS PROFITS. Drug Dept. Palno's Celery Compound , 75c. Huocl's Sarsaparllla , 75c. Brown's Jamaca ginger , latge , 3Gc. Lano's Tea , 20c and 40c. Dr. Miles' Nervine , 75e. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure , 75c. Imported bay rum , 25c per bottle. Mothlno balls , 12Vic per pound. White castllc soap. 2 for Cc. Ammonia , largo bottle , 8c. Beef , Iron and wine ( Llcblg's ) , 35c. Duffy's Malt Whisky , 85c. Prescriptions compounded by skillfull pharmacists and at less prlco than any other drug store. , MILLINERY. Latest spring styles at extremely low prices. Get our prices before buying your spring millinery. Our flrst annual $ l.7 ult sale continued 1 THE GREATEST SUIT SALE ever field ' j for Monday on account ; of the stormy cold In Omaha. Saturday , which prevented a great many We glvo everybody n chance to get one people from attending our flrst annual suit of our $8.50 suit.s for $4.75 on Monday. sale. , . 1 Don't mles this' opportunity. A good nil ? wool men's suit , $4-75 , alj'day Monday. We have added about'HOO suits to tint lot , you will find them displayed In our huge * show window around the corner on Dcd bt. I Boys' all woolen loMgl > auts su'ts ' , ( Res 10 to IS , go on Monday , $1.70 and $2.00 , worth $3.00 and $4.00. ' ! * All woolen pants go Monday for 70c ; Mon day an all woolen boys' Jersey suit , nicely trlmmi-d , worth $3.00 , goes at $1.70. Remember Hayden Bros. ' daylight cloth ing department , 2d floor ; bargains In men'g boys' aud chlldrens' clothing. We handle as fine nltno of clothing as any IIOIIBO In the city. A line black English clay wors cd suit , bound or stitched edge , sack or cutaway , for $10.00 and $11.00 , In fact as flue a line of clothing as can bo shown In any houuo nnd will save you from 15 to 25 per cent on u goad suit ; give us a calf before buying elsewhere , Mall order * carefully eejected. Braid s. We will place on sale Monday n Complete line of elegant new braids and fancy dress trimmings at manufacturers uost , having recently purchased the entire clearing up stock of the largest braid house In the cag' , we are prepared to give you extra bargains on Monday. MILLINERY. Latest spring styles nt extremely low prices. Get our prices before buying your spring millinery. House FurnishingGoods. . LETTING DOWN THE PRICES. Solid ll-ouncc copper wash boilers $1.25 ; the regular price of this boiler the world over Is $3.50. Copper bottom tin wash boilers 19c. No. 7. Coper bottom tin wash boilers 59c , No. 8. folding Ironing table COc ; don't pay others $1.CO for the same thing. Largo size folding clothes bars 45c. The Western washer $2.25 each. Solid nickel ten kettles , regular prlco $2.25 , our price 85c. Wash tubs 25c each. The Wclsell washer , the finest washer In the world. You can only appreciate this washer by seeing It In operation. They are worth $15.00 to any one. Our price Is $0.60. Wo are sole agents for Nebr.iskn. Crockery. 3f > 0 toilet sets all In one lot and nt Hio same price. They .arc advertised ns cheap by others at $8.00. $10.00 and $12.00 each , our prlco on them Is $4.70. 100 piece dinner sets , $5.85 each. Blue Enamel Ware. A car load of blue enamel ware on Bftlo Monday at n prlco that you generally pay for tinware. Wash basins 22c each. * Cups 13c each. Coffee pots 39c each. Largo preserve kettles 33c each. Dippers "Go each. Large milk pans 19c each. Hardware , NAILS. NAILS. NAILS. Best wire steel nails only I'/ic per pound. Think of It. Great reductions In hardware this week. Note the following prices. Garden rakes lOc up. Garden hoes ICc up. Shovels 39c. Spades 49c. 450 dozen handled axes , job lot , worth 51.00 each , go at 49c. Merchants , don't fall to lay In n supply nt these prices. 75c double Iron smoothing planes only 29c. 29c.90c 90c double Iron Jack planes only 35c. lOc 2-foot boxwood rules only 3c. 2Cc 2-key Jail padlocks only 6c. COc hatchets only 2Cc. 25c hatchets only lOc. 75c edge eye carpenter hammers only 15c. We have Just received a carload each of poultry wlro netting and screen wire at un- lieard of prices. Wo uro headquarters for carpenters , machinists , cabinet makers and locksmiths' tools. N. B. This Is the place to purchase your window screens and doors. We have them In all sizes and makes. MILLINERY. Latest spring styles at extremely low prices. Got our prices before buying your spring millinery. Old Things Should pass away and make room tor new. AVe are showing a very nlco line of oak leskK , flat tops , $10.00 , $1) ) CO , $12.CO. Curtain desks nt $ liU9. $19.00. $20.00. larp.o ilgh top desk , 21 pigeonholes , has Iron hook mloirmtlc drawer lock secured to the frame , las dust and knlfu-proot curtain , tiio him- jcr Is so treated and dried as to offer the ; reatc t rcslManco to dry or damp nlr , and s warrantad by the makorH to be equal In 3ASI3 of OPERATION and DURABILITY to my desk made at any price Price $25.00 ; ilucrs at $29.00 , $37.00. Bedroom suits are our specialty. Over 43 ityles , all oak , to choose from , ranging In irlce from $10.00 up to $ t .00. The above lull ID splendidly made , has a 24x30 plate , latent drawer slid * , and the whole null U argc and well finished , price $18.60. We carry a complete line of furniture , Springs , $1.25 , cot , Jl 25. any size spring 'ou want ; mattresses , $2.00 $ , $2.25 , J2.60 , cot- , on top , any U . Jewelry Department. Sollil coin silver thimbles I3c. Nlcltlo alnrni clock Che. COO 70c st > le hair ornaments nt 25c each. Soldi goU baby rings 19r. COO ladles' best rolled pinto button sett wllli chains , $1.00 style on sale nt 3Bc. Gents' sterling silver curt buttons , ft.CO and J2.0G style' , sale prloo ISc. Dlpgor b.ugalns than over In flno watches. Ladles' solid bllver watches $2.00. Gents' solid silver hunting case wntch , stem wind an I net , with line lever works , JG.GO. worth $15.00. Hoyal golden watch with 7-JuwpIed Trenton movements , hunting case , In Indies' 01 gents' , $4.03. \Vo are headquarters for all makes of fina American and Swiss \\ntchcs on halo nt one- half Jewelers' prices. Watch mill clock repairing at reduced prices. Oh , Say , Read these Prices. Bologna head chccso and liver sausage only per pound. Frankfurts , link nausago and spare rlbe only Cc per pound. Sugar cutcd hams only 9V c. Bacon , 9c , Ho and 12V.ii : . Picnic hams , 7'fcc. Salt and plcklo pork only 7Vic. Corned beef , Cc nnd 7',4c. H-pound cans best lard only 29c. C-pouml cans , 41 c. 10-pound cans , 9lc. Remember nothing Is sold from our meat department that Is not strictly No. 1 goods and they uro guaranteed to be so. Did you try some of our separator cream- cry butter yet ? It Is still going nt 20c per pound nnd If you only try one pound of It you will never eat any other. Wo hnvo nil kinds of ntco country butter nnd prices down to lOc. You are nwnre of the fact that we arc the lenders on cheese. Our quality will toll you so and our price within reach of all. Wis consin full cream , 7'ic , lOc and 12'/i. Brick cheese , Sc , lOc , 12'ic and 14c. Swiss cheese , He , 12V-&C , 14e nnd ICc. Young America full cream , 5c. Or nny kind of cheese you wish nl lowest prices. Don't forget our fruit and fish counter. Oranges , 01o per dozen. Lemons , lOc. Codfish , 2HC Per pound.- Herring , ICc per dozen. Hnvo you tried Hnydcns' 5X Hour ? The finest on the mar ket. Get one sack. It Is guaranteed ; If you don't say Its the best wo will glvo back your money. Grocery Department , Wo will sell you the best high grade pat ent flour for $1.10 ; n very good grade of patent , 90e ; Snowflake Hour , C5c. To Introduce Hoyden Bros. ' Gx flour , wo will for a short time put In ono of the fol lowing articles. The flour Is warranted to bo the best you ever used , or money re funded : Ono gold ring , Ono diamond ring. Ono carving sot. Ono gold watch. One $5.00 bill. Ono scarf pin. Ono ladles' solid silver hair ornament. Ono gent's rolled gold watch chain. Ono solid gold plate cluster diamond lace pin. Dried Fruit Dept. Muscntcll raisins , C' , c , "Vic and lOc pound. Valencia rulslns 3V4c nnd Cc pound. London layer raisins 10 nnd 12V4c pound. New California dried peaches 12' c , 14o and 1C Vic pound. Now California dried pears 12'/4c , 14c and lCc pound. 3-pound cans choice tomatoes , $1.00 dozen. 2-pound cans extra choice sugar corn , 7l/4o can. 2-pound cans early blossom peas , 7a can. can.All kinds California plums , 12 Vic can. Choice Rartlt'tt pears. 14c can. California apricots , 14c can. California peaches , In heavy syrup , 12'/&c , Ho anil 17 > C. 20-pound palls ( all flavors ) pure fruit Jelly , 3Co. Imported Spanish Queen olives , 3Cc quart. Condensed milk , lOc can. Condensed cream , , 12'c ' ! ; Highland brand , Best Columbia brand , evaporated cream , Columbia river red salmon , lOc , 12'/j and 14c can. Choice cuts , steak salmon , 121&C , ICc anil Sweet chocolate , Cc cake. Baker's chocolate , 17fcc cake. Tea and Coffee Dept. Tea sittings , lOc , 121ic and ICe per pound. Tea nibs , 12'ic ' , ICc and 17',4o per pound. Sun cured Jupnii tea , 19c , 22c uncl 2Cc per pound. BuHkot Ilrcd Japan , 33c , 35c , 3Su nnd 40o per pound. Gnrdun growth Japan , 40c , 4Be , 6Qo and COo pur pound. English breakfast , 40c , 45c , 4Bc and COc per pound. . Broken Java and Mocha coffco , 12Vic , He , ICe nnd 17Hc per pound. Golden Rio , 23c 2Gc and 2Sa per pound. No , 1 KoUlon Rio , 2Sc , 30c and 33o per pound , Old ( Jov Java , 3. ) l-3c and 3Co per pound. Best JAVA and Mocha mixed , 35a or 3 pounds for $1.00. African Java and Mocha , 3Co and 38o per pound. Crackers. Boda , oyster and butter crack m , only Co par pound ; molasnei cake sugar cookies , lemon creams , frosted creams and Ringer snaps , all at 7Hc per dozen. We have the finest oatmeal and graham crackers , only 12V4c , Remember , wo tiike all the moke of ono of the largest cracker factories In the country. Therefore wo can afford to soil you crackers nt retail prices cheaper thai * othtrs can buy at wholesale.