14 THE OMAHA DAILY REE : 8UNDA& MARCH 25 , 1891-TWENTY PAGES. NOTICES. AiHertlffnifntB for th ! column * will be taken until 12. TO p m. for ' .he evening and until 9:00 : p m , tot dm niornlr * and Sunday edition * . AdvirtiterB , by r i e tlng it mnnU'iro check fnn h v unwern mldrmM.1 to a numbered lett In earn of Tli ll o , Ankwer * t BiMr * eit wll be dtlimtd irpan prfmmnllr.n . iiMhu clu-ck , Iliilcc , I0o n line men Inrertlon. H..VI n line per month. Nothing taken for ! . > Ih'in l c. TDY XVOT"LD LIKE TO HEW IN FAMILY A few tt-rcU for board , washlnir ami IH-V urnal urn nf money ; rcferencm. AiHroiw * _ 41 nee A REFINED YOUNG WIDOW WITH LITTL1 girl wants icipertnble employment J 'inn- * Adrrr-M K 48. Bee. A-Sfil a. _ 1.ADY OF EXPERIENCE DESIRES POSITION nY bx.kkeepVr . nnd cashier. Referem-ey fur nlshed , V 24 , lleg. Council Bluff * . AMil. . . * " WANTED MALE HELP. Rate * . l'4c word 111 ( it Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nolhlns taken fcr.leas than 23c BOLCIT6Tfs7TEAMH ! FtJRNisTlET ) ; INBTAL7- ment goods , American Wriricer Co. , 1000 How- nrd it. _ " " * ' _ AGENTS. SALARY OR COMMISSION. THE uroatofil ( mention of the age. The New Pal- ent Chemical Ink Ernsln ? Pencil. Soils on flKht. Works lilt * maple. Agent * nro mjk- Ing $21.00 In $123.fx ) per week. tor further particulars write flic Mcnroo Eraser Mf ? . l.o. . X 3C , La Crosse. WIs II-17T. " TAILORS WANTED"AT FRANK J. UAMOR'S. MVK SOLICITORS CAM EARN FROM $2.00 TO 10.00 ptr day. Apply 17 , Oianllc block. ' WANTED , CANVASSERS ; GOODPAYING business. K/I4 Izard Rtrrct. D-MM2 3 WANTED. ri'IIOLSTERERS. At'I'l.Y TO OlolHJ rpholrtcilng Co. , 2"2.1 Fnrnam. Is Mi63 MESSRS. WHEATLEY & BATES , LTD. , SHEF- IIHd. England , an ; prepared to appoint nr a ent fni Ih" Kind1 of Nebraska for HIP Pale ol Whwttli'Vn Hop IHttiT Ale. Till * nrllrle. bin achieved Hinrmc.us . bUccccH Iti the United King dom n ml IH without dunlit Hi ? best non-lnloxl- rattllK beverage i-vor Inlroducod. It will tx' shipped I'lith In bottle nnd In cniik for I"1" ' ! In the Fnlted States. Only firms In touch with IK-IT IxittlrrR innl commanding largo Inllucnca will Im trrntrd with. Apply l > y letter to Mr. T W. Cloudsdale , 072 Columbus nvpnup Now Yorki " " " * . clKur > iilinpit umiiklni ? i > lp ; cnnnot IIP toll ] fiom a clK.ir ; no i-xprtlcncn Is requln-d , us every smoker buys 11110 as soon IIB lie Bt'eH It. bis prints for iwntn : sarnplo anil oiilllt liy mail for 10 c/'ntH In Mnnipa. New l.nslanil IMpo L'o. , llox 48 , Stamford. Conn. 1 { WANTHD-FlXMlliVr AND OARDENLR. A man who under Bland * his business and Is WillIng - Ing lo work. Can ( diner rent or operate on Sharon. Hot house nnd gaulen. This Is a ROCK ! opportunity for the right man tn make a start. Address with particulars and icferenceV. . II , Uvllco , Rnpld flty. S. D. B-SW-SO WANTEI > rMEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT as private ilcloctlvo under Intimations. l'\- perlunce unnecessary. Send stamp. National Detective Buieau , Indianapolis , Ind. B BIDE LINE , 12 00 PER TOWN. PAID TRAVELIng - Ing men tn appoint ngents. No samples. Write S. K. Rowlns , 115 6th avenue , Chicago. 14.30 PER 1,000 FOR DISTRIBUTING CIRCtt. lars , cash nnly paid : iMirlf.so plump. United Slates Ditlrlbnllng Bun-ail , Chicago. B-315 2. . * W A LESMEN U-ANTI' : D , TO SELL OUR GOODS by sampl" to thu wholesale and retail trad'- ; neil on sight tu every business man or linn ; liberal ralary nnd cxprnses paid ; permanent position. For liTms addn-sfl. with stamp. Cen- lennlal Mfg. Co. , MllwauUee , Wig. 112 23 * " " WE""VVISH TO KMPLOY A FEW GOOD MEN to make J.W.OO m $100.00 a weelc selling our home electric rnolnr. Runn sewing machlncH. printing precses , pumps , etc. Everybody buyK t.iern. Steady employment. Easy situation and good wages , Address W. P. Harrison & Co. . clerk No. 14 , ColurnbusO. _ B-S02 21 * " " \VANTKDTFTn ST-CL"A8"s SOLICITOR ON SPE- clal order shilts. Address F , 38 , Bee , with ref- erencen. B 8 > 3 2t SALESMEN VISITING LARGE CITIES WEST of the Mississippi wanting side line for whole sale grocery and hardware trade , npply Phila delphia Scoop Co. , 148 N. 2d street , Phll.id.d- phln. B-8S2 23' WANTED. LABORERS. WHELAN PLUMBING Co. . IS3 N. ICth. B-S74 23 SVANTED , A RELIABLE MAN TO ACT AS city agent for the bcht slot machine novclly ever made. Wrllo for parllculnrs. The An- Ihony Co. . Clnclnnall. O. 11-887 23 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates , 1'lc ' word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for le s than 2jc. "WANTED. UEST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT Klrl ; must be peed cook anil laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thurston , 2408 Fnrnam street. C7I3 AT ONCE , LADIBS TO DO WUIT1NG , ETC. , for me at home. Steady work ; good wanes. No cauvasslni ; . Address , In own handwriting , with felt-addressed stamped envelope. Miss Emma K. Heed , South liond , Ind. C M786 2C * WANTED , G1III. FOIl GENERAL HOUSE- urU ; good \\ages. Apply ut once , 2814 S. lith street. C M70I 2C J.AD1ES UECE1VE J3.00 I'KH DAY WHO WILL do writing for me nt their homes. Reply , with stamp , Ethel A. Sprague , South Mem ] , Ind. LADIES WANTED TO WRITE AT HOME ; I1D.UO weekly ; no canvassing. Reply , with stamp. Mils l-'onnle Felknor , South I lend , Ind. C SOI 21 * LADIES DESIRING TO EARN J10.00 1'ER week at light home employment address , with 2o stamp , Nell A , Chase , South llcnd , Ind. - C 8U3 25 * LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME lit their homes will nitlo goud wages. K < ply , with self-addressed Mumped envelope. Miss Mll- ' dred Miller , South lleiul. Ind. C 804 2 : . * ADDRESSING AND MAILING CIRCULARS , writing , etc. , In your own home ; steady \utilc and good wages , llcply In your own haudwi It- Ing , with Beir-addrchscd stamped envelope , to Miss Ella / . Moore , Mlslmwakn , Ind.C C SOG 25 _ ANY LADY. WISHING TO MAKE J20.0' ' ) PER week quietly nt her own home , address , with stamped envelope. Miss Luclle II. Logan , Jollet , HI. This offer Is Uma-nde , nnd It will pay you to Investigate If you can ppare. only two hours per day. C--S)9 25 * WANTED , A COMPETENT COOK IMMEDI- utcly , not colored. Apply at 111 So. 17th street. C-H',1 2. . ' WANTID , COMPETENT COOK AND SECOND fill , none other need opply nt 22-J Dodge. O MS31 20 * LADY WANTED , TO WRITE FOR US. ETC. , nt home. Prompt returns. Enclose stamp , Mil- waukeii Toilet Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. C 814 23' i'HOF. HOYLAND W1LL STILL CONTINUE to tench this week free all ladles calling at his rchool of dresa cutting ; ho also wants 2 ladles to travel. Permanent position to light paity. 1718 Dodce. C SSI 25' VANTKU. GIRL FOR SECOND WOUK. MRS. M. Levy , 20J7 Dodgu street. C MS51 27 * " WANTED. A WOMAN TO MANAOB A branch business ; must liavci a good , cornmun business education. Aildress V 4) . lice. C M8C3 ! 7 * BEI.MAR HESS. PUHLISHER , HAS MISS I'onge's Popular History of the World on the market ; special terms to good agents. Caller or address W. T. Marshall , manager. 12 Crelgh- ton block. C-S5.1 ii * WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOl'SE- work. Call -it 1123 So. 32d. C M "WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED MILLINERY Milelady ; no othtr need apply. Muiso Millinery department. C 873 a * FOB KENT HOUSES. t-ROOM COTTAGE3 , MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanfoixl Circle. C. S. Elgutter , 201 lleo build. Ing. U-878 _ HOUSES , IK. . DARLING , UARKER 11 LOCK. . D-8SO _ ' ilODEIIN's-HOOM HOUSE. 31 & MASON D-7JS IlENTAl. AGENCY , 607 HROWN ULOCK.D D SSI I'ROUM MODERN COTTAGE , EAST FRONT , JS. . 0. Fidelity Trutt Co. . Jtuj Farnanr. D-5M _ _ _ _ ItENTAL AG'CY , IIUTCHINSON , 1CU Farnam7 D-.M813 MM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JIENTAL AGENCY , SHERWOOD , H2J N. Y. Life , _ _ _ _ _ _ D-S2S-A& * FOR RENT-TO A SSTALL FIRST CLAEi5 family without children , a nice ulna loam modern Iwute , 310 Kurlli 20th St. , rent reaion < & Hill , 1IOS Karnurn St. D-U-AS T CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSEa U S , Skinner , 319 N. Y. Lift ) . D-34S f-ItOOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN , ea > I'ARK avenue. Inquire at Cll , U M43J A13 4-HOOM MODERN FLATS. 29TH AND LEAvI rnworlli. J , W. Squire. 818 Dee E'ld'sr , D ISS DESIRABLET "EIGHT-ROOM" ' HOUSE ] SEAR High school. Inquire 2 < > ltl CVviltol avc. D-MCT3 JC t APARTMENTS. 4 TO 7 ROOMS , 1N CLOWRY bulldliiRV , JCth and ChlcuKii hiretiB : all cun- \rnlvncvii ; renli low. Apply to Roberts. 1614 I , 4. S AND 7-ROOJ1 HOfSES AND FLATS for rent. Rent * irducvd wUi | the llinri. Ap- pl | ' TliarU , Kl N 2ith t. _ 1 > 7IO-55' SIX ROOM COTTAGE. 937 N. liTH STREET ; IU.W. Juqulr * : South ISth street.OMi:7 O-Mi:7 M FOR BENT HOUSES. Continued , CLEAN. fjnMl-ORTAHLI3 , CONVENIENT mmlemto rfntnIwst \ ; 3 nnd 4-room suite for hotrsekorpem only. Reference * required Alto C-rcK.m tult In tenement , S16 So. 22d street D-C94 FOR RENT , ELEGANT IIRICIC 1IOU9E , room * , No. 3 > 7 1'nfllllc street ! nlo modern S room house , No. 3JU3 Poppletori ave. Hicks :05 N. Y. Life bldg. D745 "OF 7 H VEN FOR RENT AT H.OO H. 27th t. U-7M 80 * it-'NTr TlOOMTlciijHB , JIODKUN , FUR tilshcd or unfurnlshnl , 1112 S. 10th street. KOIt RENT-NINE ROOM MODERN 1IOLW to n family without small children. 2 * ) Uiienpoit HI. D-7g7--2S' KELK-ENNUYACO. . 11. i , CONTINBNTA\ \ K \J lt3 i-on"nl.v : r. uftW' : N : i F7)OT i.oT. s rnoiiH , UM | 7 laigu closets ; hot nnd cold water bath nn.l closet. No 2IOS Douglas street ; price 1K.HO p r month. Apply to owner. 1307 Lass street. fwf Tt7iNTTTom ! AND O'LIVINO ROOMH .Inqulrij nt KQFnrnam. \ . D812 2o * ia'RNisinD ii6T'8B TO RENT FOR THI summer In family without children. Rent Ir exchange for board and room. Addicss I33 JCP. D M838 20' FOR "itBNTrMX-UOOM COTTAGE. LEAVEN- v 01 III Btrt-et. D-M841 2. 3-ROOM COTTAGE , KM S. 1ITH STREET. Vi.OO Imiulie 628 H. 18th street. D MSSU 31 * FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. Rales , IHc won ! first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less tlian 25e. 3 FURNISHED 11OOMS FOR IIOUSEKEEP- Ing for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 313 N. 17th. E-2M Fl'RNISHEU ROOM ; GENTLEMAN. 2)17 ) HAH- noy t. E-CS2 2ti * LARGE SOCT1I ROOM. NICELY FrnNmilKP. J8.W , slnsle room 4.00 per month. COI S. tUi. E 713-2 : * FOR SALI C.IIOOM HOL'SE. I1ARN AND outhnuses ; lease to 10 acres suitable for gar dening , dairy or poultry farm ; Incubators , bnoders , also grocers Ice box. oil tanks and Address F 50 , Hoc. E 7C3 20 * PARLOR SITITAIILB FOR TWO OR THREE gentlemen ; also roonr on second lloor. Very reasonable. 1324 Farnnm. E--M7W : FIRST FLOOR OF MODERN IlllICK , FINELY futnlshcd for Imuaikeeping ; 3 car lines ; rent moderate. 20)3 Hurt street. E M827 27 * 21SS HARNEY STREET , FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board. E S3I 25 * THREE ROOMS FFRNISHKD FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 112.00. 1133 N. ISth street. E MSI3 27 * TWO FfRNISIIED ROOMS FOR HOfSEKEEP- IrlB. lS22i ! St. Mary's nianuc. E M85' W ROOMS EN SUITE. 1ST CLASS HOARD. 2105 Douglas. E-SS1 A2I TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping In cottage , 110.00 per month. 1703 Jackson street. E 87H 25 * FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Rates , l',4c ' word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less tlian 250. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. 111 S. 17th st. F SS.1 DOLAN HOUSE , 211 NORTH 1STH STREET. Good looms , food table , reasonable ratcg. F M431 A13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TWO FINE LARGE ROOMS. WITH STRICTLY nrst-clasi board. 2100 Douglas street. F M707 ROOMS AND HOARD. 1JRENNAN FLATS , 1901 Canfmnla. F M722 A21 LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM rent to one or two gentleman , private family. Park avenue , near Paclllc. Reference1 re.'iulred. Addreso F 30 , Uee , F 7C5 2i * FOR RENT ! FURNISHED ROOM WITH board for two , references required. 1041 So. 29lh street. F 7CO 25 * FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , with board , modern conveniences. Utopia. 1721 Davenport St. F 7'S 28 * LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH HOARD IN I'RI- vato family , suitable for two gentlemen. De tached house , nice. lawn. 2215 Dodge.F F 830 25 * DAY HOARD AT 1924 FARNAM STREET. F M812 31 LARGE , NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT room nnd private board ; all modern conven iences. 2110 Douglas street. F S44 25 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REFER- ence. 2214 Farnam. F 847 31" DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD IN SMALL family ; nicely located ; terms moderate ; refer ences. 1703 Dodge. F M8C3 2ii * FOB BENT-UNFUBNISH'D BOOMS. Rates , l'.c { word first Insertion , Ic a word theieafter. Nothing taken for lees than 25c. 5 UNFURNISHED CHAMUERS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping to man and wife. No children. 313 N. 17th. G 657 THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , cheap , 1M2 Cnss street. G 854 25" FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES Rates , ICc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. THE 3-STORY S'lORE 1JU1LDINO. 131J FAR. naru st. UoL'Cs & Hill , 1403 Farnam at. J.-868m-2S OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE BCHLITSJ building , 16th nnd Hnrncy. Special Induce ments held out to permanent tenants. Apply to Jobst Uios. . rooms 00 and 01 Schlltz build- ing. I M88I 16 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 303 S. 17TH. I M12S FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY IIRICK I1UILDING , SIC Farnam t. The building has u fireproof cement basement , complete btcam heating fix tures , water on all lluors. gas , etc. Apply at the Mike of The lice. 1 310 I AM AHOUT TO ERECT A IIRICIC HUILD- Ing In a good business location In Onawawhich I wish to rent for a term of years ; good open ing for furniture sloro or cigar rnanufactury. Cull on or uddrcss F , C. Ross , Onawa. la. 1-819 25 * FOR RENT. DESK ROOM ; ALSO PORTION OF gooil olllce In blislneirt center , well lighted nnd heated ; cheap rent. Address F GO , line. 1 S73 25 * AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per nonih. Nolhlng taken for less than 23c. U3ENT8 WANTED NEW HOUSEHOLD ARTIcle - cle , sells nt sight , $5.00 nveraee dally prollts. Address F. llourd Manf. Co. , Providence , R. I , J M7W l-J" \OENTS , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. TO sell nrw patented aitlclc just out ; splendid seller , big prollts , no risks , Investigate today. Send vtarnps for paillculars. Putinan Mfg. , Co.Ci > veland , O. J-M773 2J _ FOR RENT PART OF VERY DESIflABLE olilees , near ICth and Farnam , plenty sign room. F 33 , Bee. J 7SS 2 J WANTED , AGENTS. SAMPLE SASH LOCK free by mall for 2c. stamp , Immense , Un rivalled. Only KOI id orru uver Invented. Beats weights. Siilca unpaiallclrd. ! 12 a day. Dro- hitrd ( Box M ) . Philadelphia. J LADY AOENTS-THE EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing to do U to sell the Hygcla cor set. Send for teims nnd Information to the Wesfrn Corset Co. , St. 1.OUIH , Mo. .ADY MADE $ U'.00 LAST WEEK SELLING long'H sidld muclliige penellK. Why not yuu ? Addiesn C. A. Long Mfg. , 334 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. J HI 23 \OENTS TO HULL PUTNEY'S PETIT LEDGER ? Not Ilko nuy nt tlio m.iiki-l. IVrfi-et book , Hleel back. Kvriy lent ii > ino\able. 70 to ly ) per cent. I'hctd.iiH furaUhcd. J. C. MePlier- bim , Lyon.i , N. Y. J SI. 25' do , . r plate made. RendH In thu durk.SiiiiicthliiH new. Send for sample. AgeniBMiiuid. . Diamond mend Sign Cu. , CiUl Chicago Opera house , I'lil- rago. J 813 t'5 VANTED AttENTH IN EVERY TOWN FOR our faxt M'lllng "lllHiimuk" vrguinlijc Mivr- Hclmum plpfbety ; icmun'iiitl\u tu Uni'lita nnd deuleis. h'-nil luc fur sample mid terms , BIT- Un Pipe Co. , IMf Adams Express Bldg. . I'hloniin. J ! S ! , AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. WRITE tu Alumiiuim No\olty Co. . 5'2 GICUIO IIVI-IIUP , Iliooklyn. N. Y. They Murt yuu In bunlm-sn. Calidogue , actual rUe engravings und full In- foimallun frru fur elamp , novi'lty that cells on xlKht. $ t.uo an hour insll made , R , Tyler , Jr. , Miincle , Ind , J ilO 2 > * VANTED , AN AGENT H AN'ING $ . " ' ) .tia TO tl' ' ) , i l to Invest In wife Inmlnii'd tuvilic U. K , Nmi'lly Co , , 331U Vi'inoi ) avenue , ChlciiKo , 111 , and leuin what they have tn onvr * and get full V'ut titular ? . Capital can bu duiibled every ux'ck. 1ENERAL AGENTS .s arllcleii to dealrin ; exclunl\u territory ; no com- pcilttoni no capital required ; 2U ) to 2" ) per cent piullt. Columbia Chemical Cj , , tl > uml 71 Dearborn utrect , Chicago , 111. J SM ) ill * maka 13.00 u day easily Helling Teller kltchvn Uiitvi ; sell on night. Good lerms to ugrnta. Kirnpli' postpaid for ZOo. J , A , McCrlinmon , ll itrli-i' , Nt'b , J SJ6 S3 * WANTED TO RENT. _ _ VANTED , TWO PLEASANT UNKURNIHIlTiD roumn on parlor floor , or whole of parlor floor , wllhln a radius uf 8 or 8 Lloclu of the pout. O01c . AddUia F SO , Uc . K M717 23 < WANTED-TO RENT. Continued. WANTED , HOUSES FOR RENT. W. O. TEM. fileton. 30 Pnxton block. Kami WANTED , TO PURCHASE , LEASE OR RENT liiillitlng In live tn n outnlde for ni l-rlnm iinloon. I ick box 661 , Llnm , O. K M7 23 * WANTED , FURNisHElT H61l8lT FOR BIX munthn or ycnr , from May 1 , for family three ; no children. Address F 7 , Bee ofilce. K-.M773 2S _ WANTElT IoTJEitN'cOTTAOE , CiNTRALLY located. Addrci-a 1' . O. llax M , Om hn , K M76323 * WANTED , ONE OR TWO FRONT ROOMS , partly furnished , with board , for man nnd wife ; references exchanged ; answer , stating terms. Address F 31 , Bee office. K M7C3 a * _ COTTAOES-WE HAVE PARTIES DESIRING nell'locnled collages. Garvln Bros. , Zin N. Y. Life. K MSOS 27 WANTED , FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR 3 OR 6 msnlhs. Address F 61 , llec. K M870 27 STORAGET" Rates , ICc n line each Insertion , SI. SO a line per month. Nothing lakcn for I CM than 23c. _ STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M M 889 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROS. 1214 HARNEY. JI S3 > WANTED TO BUY. Rates , l'c ! word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Se. iiTanrKST rnicn PAID i-bit SECOND-HAND furniture , enrpetg. etoves , etc. 8. II. Drown , 3ZJ N. 16th. Tel. 1711. N 34IA3 * WANTED TO I1UY , TKN TEAMS StJITAIHjB for work. A. MacDonnld , city garbage con tractor. N-i-MilS 23 WANTED. TO IIUV GROCERY 2719 Uunlcttc street. N Mi GO HURREY OR PHAETON , XIUST HE IN GOOD order nnd cheap. Address room 4. D . Uroad- way. Council muffs. N Mi9J 15 GOOD , SOUND DRIVING IIOR3E WEIGHING about eleven hundred iwundn ; must be young innl well broken. Address F 3ii , lice. N S2ii Z. * WANTED TO IlOV. SECONIVHANI ) TYPE- wrlter. Remington preferred. V 48 , ' ! v , . . , WANTED. LOCATION FOR LAVNnRY. KA 8T Nebraska town of not less than 2,0 < M. AddreM llox 51. Randolph , Ncl ) . N 879 2j * SALE-FURNITURE ! Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , Jl.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c- AUCTION FURNITURE OP STATE HOTEL In bulk , 1310 Douglas , March 26 , 10 a. in. O M4CI 26 FORSALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO. Rates , 103 a line each Insertion , Jl.W a line per month. Nothl.it , ' taken for less than 2oC. ALL KINDS OP VEHICLES AT WC ON THE dollar. After March G I will have on exhibition ( for a ehort time only ) nt 1213 Farnam street , Omaha , a full line of tine carriages , coupes , landaus , victorias , park and canopy rigs , bugKles , phae tons , carts , bucKboaid ! " . all kinds of business and pleasure wagons , drays , milk and delivery wagons , which I will close out nt WfJ ON THE DOLLAR. A full line and everythhiK first-class. Come and BOO and bo convinced that you can buy anything you want nt half price nt 1213 Pur- nam sticet , Omaha , Neb. ' W. P. MUMAUGH. \ P 1C3 A3 FOR SALE. D GOOD YOUNG WORK HORSES , wt. about 1,400 Ibs. : 5 set double harness ; 3 wagons , almost new. Will acll all or part cheap for cash or time. II. Hall. Flor ence. Neb. 1' 692 2ti * FOR SALE : 1 flno glass front roclcnwny. below rnfrs. coat. 1 fine satin and morocco brougham , below mfrs. cost. Z sec.-hand doctors' buggies , bargains , 1 sec.-hand Concord buggy , J50.00. Good buggy hnrners , leather Haddle , } 7.f > 0. Drurnmond Carriage Co. , ISth and Harney. P-M734 25 FAMILY HORSE FOR SALE. INQUIRE AT Llnecud Oil works. 1' M81S 27 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , Hie word llrnt Insertion. Ic a vrord thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 25c. BALED HAY FOR SALE , THE STANDARD Cattle Company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. 0 S37 FOR SALE TWO POOL AND TWO BILLIARD tables , Manhattan style , monarch cushions , size 4\i \ by 9 , and all llxturcs pertaining thereto : Tables not used one year yet. Will sell or trade. For particulars write to Frank Gcorke. Carroll City , Iowa. Q 201 A4 FOR SALE. SECOND HAND ENGINES , Itf first class shape , from 5 to 40-horse power. In dustrial Iron Works , Omaha. Q 321A8 ST. BERNARD PUPPIES. P. O I1OX CSS , city. Q M499 a5 FOR SALE. NICE CLEAN GRAVEL. OMAHA Silicon Wall Plaster Co. , 615 First National bank. Q-M520 n6 FOR SALE. THREE HUNDRED BUSHELS OF early heed potatoes at forty-five cents. E. W. Crane , 313 N. 38th street. Q MG93 27 * FOR SALE. CHEAP. A SO-HORSE POWER automatic engine and boiler , nearly new ; also tow J. LenVIl turbine In good order. Henry liurgdorf , Gllmorc , Neb. Q M792 1S * FOR SALE. HIGH GRADE DICYCLE AT FACtory - tory price. Call' on or address Granite block. Room 3. Q-SC4 2' ' FOR SALE OR TRADE. FA1RT1ANKS PLAT- fornr scales at half price. Enquire 1318 Far- narn .street. 2 G-foot show cases. Q MS81 2ii MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , lJ4c n word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WE WILL MAIL A COPY OF DR. KEELEY'S "Treatise on the Liquor Habit" free of charge and In plain envelopes upon application. Ad dress , The ICecley Institute , IJIalr , Neb. R-CS1 29 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , IJfcc word flrSt Insertion , Ic a word thereafter , Nothln ? taken for less than 23c. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N , 1C. S-S8S MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Rates IV&c n word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MADAME SMITH. 502 S. 13TH. 2ND FLOOR , room 3. Massage , vupor , alcohol , strain , sul- phurlne and tea baths. . T M821 31 MADAM 1 fllOWN , K114 CAPITOL AVENUE , I'd lloor , room 4 , massage , alchohol , sulphur and sea baths. T M757 B ) MASSAGE. MADAME 11ERNARD , 1419 DODGE. T MC72 20' PERSONAL. Rates , IHo a word first Insertion , lo a word .hereafter. Nothing taktn for loss than Kc , V1AVI , HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Hcultlr book anU consultation fret. Addresser or call. Viavl Co , ulta 34G Uee UUlK. Lady attendant. U M914 JNT1L FURTHER NOTICE JOHN NELSON IS thu only person employed by me to do the cleaning of vaults and cesspools. A. MucDon- ald. City Garbage Contractor. U Mi44 ! A6 JASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THERMAL baths. Scalp , and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. Post , 31'Ji ! S. Uth.Wltlmell blk U-880 _ UST AIUHVED-MADAM13 LA ROO1C HAS opencil iiKib.siiKc parlors nt 1C11 Howard street , 3d lloor front to left. Improved m.iRnetlc , vtta- pathlc , sulphur nnd nlcuhollu baths , Ixith ient- tul und curative. Improved Swedish hand rub bing. 9 u. m. to 8 p. m. Par lorn 3 und 4. COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES ASTHMA , hiunchltls , consumption , catarrh , etc. Three days tree at R. 33 Douglas blk. 10th nnd Dodge. U 432 n3 _ _ IRS. IIARTON HIVES READINGS IN PALM- lutry at ti3 ! > B , nth. Ladles , Me ; gentii , 11.00 , U M3SO 2J _ MD1ES. ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR A iHittlu of Turlilsh Foot Hath , no toilet com- plelu without It. You will bo delighted with lla vlteclM. U MC < 8 _ 1ARRY.-1F YOU WANT A HUSUAND OR wife rich or poor , Bend ID cents for matrimonial menial papiT , Knit healed In plain wiapper. Mr. and Mm. Drake , Central tlank building , Clilcagii. 111. _ F YOU EARNESTLY DESIRE ADVANTA- KCIIUK , pei > dy , honorable marriage , send 10u mid reielvv spring list of renpectablo mar- rliiKtublu peinons and full Information In plain Kc.ilcd fiivelope , McrcurIS E. ( Ill t. , New Voi li. U _ _ " " "T"WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO LEARN nt guaranteed cure of blood poison In 3D day * by addressing A. C. Jones , U Adams street , Chicago , U i .ADI Eri 'IONTE IH THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL Inibt developer known. Ner fulls ; K.W full conllldenllul ruutlculuia ( milled ) for 2o Mump. 1m. Dr. H. T. Miller , 21 Qulncy sln-et , Clilrao. ANTAO , FOR MEN ONLY , GREATEST IU > storer and developer known. Stieniithi'iis , In vigorates , Prle5 S2.IX ) . ( lunrnnlfed , Send utunin for iimllduntlul clteular. Dr. H. T. Miller. 21 Qulncy utrevt , Chicago , U VANTED. IIV A MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN lady , situation an housekeeper whcro she can be one of the family , wages modi-rate ; rett-r- tnctu. Addrtia V 31 , Dec. U-Mt28 Si CorrtlmJed. ATTENTION LADIESf "EMMA" I1UST DEv - v lop r will enlartfp yoirf bust 6 Inches. Guar anteed , Sealed Instmetlnnii 2c , or 24-pnRi > II- lunti-nteit cnlnloitiio. c , by mail. Emma Toilet llatar , llo lon , MBM , U FREE TEST SENir ffvTlT" AND PLACE OF blrt : nnd 10 cents fni"maKii lnc , "The World of Mynery , " nnd I will ! ttlt you what tntri > Iiny wiys of your pint and future. Sealed reply- Prof , W , H. Chaney , 223 Dearborn street , ChlcnBO , 111. ' U _ LADIEM , I WILL MAll7yoU MY HOOK"HOW to lie Ilenutlful , " for , ,8 cts. Mine. A Itmipert , 6 East Hill street. Ntrtv Yurk. I'-Sli 25 ' ON ( THE 'Qt'IBT "CONPraHIONH OF A Sporting Man. " A book of Cl pages , profusely Illimtiated ; rent In plain package , all charge * prop. lid , for 10 cents In flumps. N. Hallmnay , C8 Dearbom street. I'hlcaKO. U 824 2.'i * MISS TAVENNE IlT TEACHER OF PHYSICAL culture , Swedish system and English. Private lessons given. 12I3 S. C2d street. U Sll S3 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc a line each liWrtlou , U.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than > e. LOANS ON IMPROVED * AND UNIMPROVED city property. J3.iXhJ and upwards. S to C',4 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Furnnnr. W 591 ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. V. Life , loana nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W SW MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1J03 Farnnm st. W-390 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to C years. Fidelity Trust Co. 1702 Farnam. W 593 MONEY TO LOAN ON FAIUIS IN DOUGLAS county and Omaha city property. No delay. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Furnam st. W MjM MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPElTfY and Nebraska farms at from 8 to 7 per cent. W. H. Mclkle , First Nat'l bank bldg. W 894 -ENTRAL LOAN AND TRUST CO. , SOS DEE building. W 79i MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA leal estate , llrennan. Love & Co. , I'axton blk , W M133 OMOHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , ICTH AND Douglas BIB , , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 863 L.UAN8 ON REAL ESTATE. WARRANTS. GOOD notes , etc. , bought. Gaivln llros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W-2I2 WANTED. APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS. J. D. Zlttlc. llrown fell ; . . Omaha. W-933 MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORE , 004 N. Y. Life. W 320AS' LOANS WANTED ON CITY AND FARM propel ty. J. N. Frenzer , opp. P. O.W W 388 nlO ANY ONE DESIRING TO LOAN FROM 3.000.0) to J1D.OOO.OO on good security nnd at a big rntc of Interest will do well lo Investigate. Address P. O. Pox 799 , Omaha. W MEC'J 27 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , Jl.DO n line per month. Nothing taken for lesa than 2Jc. WILL LOAN MONET ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , loom 1 , Continental block. X S97 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , all articles ot value. Fred Terry. 430 Ramge block. X-5M LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. MC07 SHORT TIME LOANS' . ' 101 N. Y. LIFE HLDG. v X M20C a3 THE PLACE TO UOIltt'dW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , MONEY ON HOHSEH AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGONS , AND CARRIAGES. MONEY ON PIANOS , AND ORGANS , MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CltATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you. MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUIIL1C1TT. MONEY IN large or small amounts , MONEY AT LOWEST POSKIRLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIULE TIME , MONEY THAT you may pay back at any tlrna and In any amount , lait / ROOM 4 , W1THNELL block , cor. 13th and Harrey sts. THE FIDELITY LOAN ; GUARANTEE CO. ' ' ' ' X S98 " MONEY TO LCAN * We will loan you nnysum ; which you wish , email or large , at the lowest possible ratci , In the quickest possible time and for any length of time to suit you , " You can pay It back In such Installments as .you wish , when you wish , and cnly pay for It'u * long as you keep II. You can borrow on ' " ' i HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SOG SOUTH 10T1I STREET. First floor above the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X S93 MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS , pianos nnd furniture of all kinds. Business confidential. J. B. Haddock , room 427 Rnmire block. X SOS BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , 10c a line each Insertion , Jl.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DRUG STORE. CENTRALLY LOCATED' ON easy terms. Dox 518 , city. Y 900 MEAT MARKET FOR SALE , CENTRALLY located ; tilted up first class ; doing good busi ness. Address C , lice ofllce , Council UlnlTs. Y-2S7 A7 BEST PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cash , balance trade ; sickness cause for selling. D. J. Wilson , 1714 N. 25th street , Omaha , Neb. Y M6M Al ! ) Jl.OOO WORTH OF FINE JEWELRY ON NINE months of time. Address F 21 , 13ee. Y M732 23" WANTED , AN INTELIJOENT MAN WITIi $2,000.00 to J3,000.00 to Join advertiser in the best paying retail business In the west. Ad- dresa F 32 , lice oHlce. Y M791 20 * FOR SALE. COMMISSION BUSINESS DOING two hundred thousand dollars per annum ; can be doubled. Five thousand dollars will buy and run It. Owner must sell on account of Ill-healtl ) . Wrn. J. Paul , 1100 Tacoma bldg. , Chicago. Y 316 25 * ESTAHLISIIED DRY GOODS AND SHOE business In Omaha , cheap for caBli , about J3.200.00 ; clean stock. Address F 34 , Uee. Y 829 23 * ANY PARTY HAVING ABOt'T $1,000.00 CAN get half Intwest In irikcer mine that will yield from $50.00 to $73.IK > per day when opened. Capital wanted to complete rnlno for runnln ? this spring. F 43 , llec. Y 833 2.1 WANTED , PARTNER IN GOOD PAYING buslncxs ; V-M.W required ; only half cash. Ad dress F 40. lice. Y 837 JB LOCAL STOCKS FOR SALE : German Savings bank , Ornahn , high grade , Packers National bank. South Omaha. Nt'brafcka Savings bank , Omaha. Globe Loan & Trmit Co. , Omaha , Mutual Investment Co. , Omnhn. Alexander Moore , Ml N. Y. Life bldg.Y839 Y-839 23' FOR SALE , AT A HARGA1N. ALL OR HALF Interest In a well eHtabllphed live stock com- mlcslon business. Address F 45 , Ilee. Y MSCO ! 3 FRENCH & CO. , ROOM 22 SCIIL1TZ 1ILIX1. , Btlll have a large number of llrttl-cliujs busi ness opportunities to olfer , ranging In price from $300.00 to $10,000.00. Never Irr the history of Omaha has there been n better time than now to get Into n good huslncru for a small amount of money .If yuu have n good business , Mirnethlng that will bear InveHtlKatlon and de- slro to bell or If you would Hike u partner , call nnd see us at onee , as wo have several parties with Jl.OOO.ocxHrf 12,000.00 In cnidi to In vest at once. Wu hnvn a man who will buy a half Interest In n geiita' furnishing store. An other who wants a saloon In Omaha. Another who will pay cash fpnia half Interrat In anv business that can make n good showing. If you wish to tell outpour business come nnd nee UH. and If you daalre to buy n business of nny kind don't forgut itw call nn French fe Co. , SchllU bldg. , Omaha , t / 8SC 25 NEWSPAPER AND JQU. Ol'TFlT FOR HALE cheap for cash. For particulars addrctn F 02 , Hoc. "V ; Y-SCS ; . JANUARY 2 . , , ji..y. l2 PER CENT is jjf : , ; 10 FEBRUARY 1 11..1 , 11 " 15 AUl ' 5 " MARCH 1 /iJ.'J 9 " 11 15 if. . I .J " TOTAL tj PER CENT We ha\e paid to our cilrti'lni'is In 73 days Profit * paid twice each rtionth , money can tie withdrawn any tlmifVi | ! > .00 to $1,000.00 can be iiUfHlul ; wrllc for information. FISHER & CO. , Hunkers nnd Broker ! ) . , 18 und 0 llrnadwny , New Yurk , Y FOR SALE , $7,000.0i ) STOCK GENERAL MER- clmndlxe ; doing a nice cash buxlrrcm ; leading utorc In thu town ; have engaged In olhor IJUH- | new Is reanon for veiling , IIUKlntkH and Kl ick will both bear Investigation. H. II. Cunning- hum , Manilla , In. V-SiS ? , FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , lOo a line eac'i Insertion , 11.50 n line per month , Nothing taken for less limn iiu. STOCK OF MILLINERY A ND NOTIONS ; mint homes and cattle. Box ! 9i , Frankfort , Ind. j'T3 ! ' FOR EXCHANGE , $11.500.00 OALVESTON CITY property for m rclmndl > w or good Nebraska land. Box 373 Kearney. Neb. Z-3Uan BUSINESS BLOCK" " lbir ? HALE OR TRADE for land or mdvc. In vantcin Nebraska. P , O , Box lOti. Cremun. Neb. a MM iil6 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A GOOD i-ruom homo In north i > art of city , conven iently located , coed neighborhood. Would tnkti vacant lot or amalltr house. Addrev < E ] Bcu omce , Z-5U JFOR EXCHANOE. Contlnue < l. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $1WO.W WORTH OF proprty In Vcrntm , TPICHK ; twa choice lots In Owjmah , Texan ; rhenp for citsh , Addrem D ro. lice. Council liitiffit. XtwO i WILL EXciAmE ACRES FINK In Cedar county and glvo $2,000 null for $ * .OiW stock of coed * , Address confidential , IKix 413 David City , Nch. 7. 4 < 4 I OWN 100 FARMi N NEBRAH K" A nnd Dakota , Will fell cheap or exchange for tndse. , horsen and cattle. Address bux 76. Frankfort. Ind. Z-9J1 _ ATTENTION , CARRIAGE AND HARNESS dealers I will rxchnngi' lot n , block 4. Raker Place , Omaha , for carriage * nnd harness. Ad dress C. II , Pierce , Hiawatha , Kan. TO EXCHANOE , IMPROVED AND t'NIM- proved real estnlc In Koixl town of throe thou sand nnd line property ndjolnlmj for equity In good residence In Omaha. AiMicr * F 37 , Bte. / Mj 23 * _ CLEAN STOCK OF MDSIJ. Tblt CLEAR REAL estate , 1-3 cash. William Crozler , .Maliehenter , Vn. / - FOR SALE , WELL IMPROVED FARM OF 320 ncrcH 2 miles from Topekii , Kan. , or would exchange for city property nnd some each. Thin Is one ot the best farms In Kiinsn * . F 42. Bee. MO : i * FOR TR ADEA MiLYoRst FOR ONE weisht 1,000 In 1HH ) ll' . ; n pony for mif that will drive ; will tl\c difference. Addrei-H F 41 , Bee. SC-SM 2J WANTED , TO EXCHANGE FOR A TYPEwriter - writer or a phaeton , n clear lot In Firming , Colo. C. F. Swift , Hnrlan. In. 'V.S13 CO * FOR EXCHANGE , STOCK OF CLOTHING AND men's ruinlxhltiKS for Improved rlty propfily. Slock of tinware nnd liunlwniu for clear litri or land. A good farm near Norfolk. Neb. , for merchandise. Templcton & PU-rAon , rooiux .1)7- ) 30i , Paxton block. /5--S07 i" > TO EXCHANGE. OMAHA PROPERTY FOR southern or California land ; ftnlt farm pi < - fcried. AddretB ! ' 49 , llec. / S77 25 READ OL'R LIST OF CHOICE OMAHA PROPerty - erty for cxrhaiiBo : llUMlneps corner , 132x1.2 feet , on Farnnm east of mill Blrt'i't , $ COO.iO ( per front foot ; Ineumb.-ieil $30,000.00 at 0 per cent ; will trade for stock ranch or wild land. 90 feet frontage id Fnrnnm near 20th street , $400.00 per foot ; will take ' , i In good farm land. First-class Income-hearing propel ty , splendid brick block valued at $33,000.00 , Incumbered ' ,4 ; will trade for good hind. CO lots near new Kltnwood park 111 West Omaha ; price $300.00 each , t-ital J.Tl.OOO ; want g w.l mock ranch. Oco. N. Hicks , 003 N. Y. Life Ride. 2SSS 25 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , HJc word Ilrst Insertion , IB n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less t'.ian 2Jc. ELEGANT HOME. SIGHTLY CORNER , terms easy , modern house , 11 rooms , hard wood finish , nice shrubbery , line ground 8)\145 , north of Hanscoln park ; worthy of your con sideration. M. J. Kcnr.ard & Co. , 907 and 908 N. Y. Life bldg RB-C18 ONE 200-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY TO W. J. Harrison mr A. D. Rose , on farm , Blair. It E-.M293 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMsi tulu or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. 1)03 CHEAP HOMES FOR SALE. Houses and lots , all sizes , locations and prices , taken under foreclosure by eastern parlies who Insist on Immediate sale. Also Nebraska farm lands. Will fell at half value , and easy terms. It , F , Ranklne , Omaha National bank. RE M203 GREAT SNAP. LEVEL. RICH GARDEN lands , one mile from city limits , $00.00 to $100.0' per acre , on t > ysnrs time ; sornn trade. Call 840 N. Y. Life bulldlnc. RE 047 M31 LISTEN LITTLE PALACE ; TERMS TO SI'IT ; 7 rooms ; grate nnd hot walcr heat ; first-class plumbing ; barn for three horses ; full lot , east front ; east of park ; must be seen to be appreciated. M. J. Kennard & Co. , 907 nnd 908 N. Y. Life bldg. RE G18 BARGAIN-GREATEST IN THE CITY IN vacant lots. Let us show you the property , for now Is the time to mnke your Invest ments. M. J. Kennard & Co. , 907 and 903 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 613 0 SECTIONS CHOICE LAND ; CHEAP ; TERMS easy : colony wanted ; commission liberal ; also lands for etock und rr.dsc. J , W. Welpton , Grant , Neb. RE 103 A3 * BARGAIN. N. E. CORNER 29TH AND HICK- cry. F. K. Darling. Barker block. R E M976 LOT C , BLK. 172 , CHEAp7 F 9. Bee C53 A-l FOR SALE , A FINE HOME OF 12 ROOMS utsido of bath rooms , closet , pantry , fuinace ? oom' 'etc. . In one of the best locations , ele gantly furnished and fully equipped 111 every particular , ready to step right Into , and a bargain for anyone about to locate , The wholu outfit , house , lot and furniture , $12,000.00 , much less than cost and only offered for snlo on account of family being away much of the time the present year. Address D 55. Bee. R E-150 n3 FOR SALE. 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT AT 2211 Webster street for $3,800.00. Apply on premises. R E M443 a3 THREE BEAUTIFUL HOMES. ON THE HIGH grounds Just off of West Farnnm stieet. Call nnd we will tell you all about them. M. J. Kennard & Co. . ! H)7 ) and 90S N. Y. Life bids. RE-C18 A SPLENDID CHANCE TO OBTAIN A NICE live or ten-acre tract close to Omaha. I can offer for quick sale during the coming week : Five acies , West Omaha , elegant tiact , only 12.000.0J. Five acres , Just outside city limits , with collage , $2,200.00. Ten acres , near new fair grounds. West Omaha , with small collage , only $3,730.00. Twenty acres , splendidly adapted for Email fruit , only $275.00 per acre. Twenty acres , splendid tract , only live miles from postofflce , splendidly located to receive thu benefit of Omaha's futuic growth. It Is only twenty mlnutPH drive from the postolllco nnd fifteen minutes drive from South Ornahu , 5375.0) pur r.cre. A big bargain If luken nt once. Two nice six- room collages near Hanscom park , soulh fronl , splendid neighborhood. Call for price and terms. Hlcls , 303 N. Y. Life Bids. RE S8G 25 WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN. HOUSIor BARN and lot ; also twa vacant lots , corner 2Sth avenue and Ilurdetlc , on grade , sewer and walcr ; loin well fenced. Apply to owner , Moraiid , 1510 Harney , RE M731 A21 FOR SALE , CITY PROPERTY ; C-ROOM Cof- tage , 19th , . near Lake street ; will sell cheap. Box. 373 , Kearney , Neb. RE M729 30' FOR SALE , AT LOW FIGURES , CHOICE TEN- acre tract. West Omaha ; beauilful place , irces , good slreels , etc. , only $3,000 , Hlckn , ? .05 N. Y. Life bldg. RE748 25 BIG BARGAIN. HANDSOME MODERN lTuTLT houhe near Hanscom park , -ill laiesl Improve ments. Call for price and terms. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life bids. RE740 23 FOR SALE. ON PAYMENTS. A BEAUTIFUL C-room house nnd barn wtlh lot , 50x110 fctt , near car , D. F. Hutchison. 103 N. 15th street. IIE--J1753 25 A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. CHOICE FORTY acre tract Just west of Omaha , If sold quick , only $325 PIT itcre. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 303 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE--M793 25 FOR SALE-2 HOI'SES AND LOT , 20T7F NEAR Leavtnworth , bringing good revenue , bargain for cash or part clear land. Make offer. O. L , Gri'en , room 23 , B'irker block. RE 799 YOUNG MAN , ARE YOU MARRIED ? IF NOT you are going to be. You want a home. WHY spend $ ! > 00.00 un n wedding trip when this amount will maku the first payment on one of those beautiful homes In AVONIJALE PARK ? Nothing III- " them In tint rlty ; 6 13 8 rooms ; every modern Improvement ; electric llclils , etw NOW Is the time to buy. Omaha property will never he cheaper. STOP paying rent. If you don't you will never own a home In a hundred years. CALL nt our olllce , 1702 Farnnm street , nnd let us Shaw you this properly , or DRIVE out and nee. It , 27llr lo 2Sth on Wcb.iler Htici't. uu M8I5 i'8 FOR SALE. VERY CHEAlT PROPERTY finely Improved , two ncreH 111 fnill , on rnoior line , easy terms , In Council BlulfH , la. Goo. W. P. Coats , 1C2J Fainam. RE-SIS 25 SEE THESE BARGAINS : $1,300.1 * ) full lot and 5-room house , $3r > 00.00 fur house , heated with hot wntor. { 2.500.00 clothing for a hunif. C. D. Hutchlntion , IC'Jt Fnrnnm street , R 1C MS.S 27 FOR BALE. AN ELEGANT TRACT. FORTY acres , lmpro\rd , line glove , good home , nuir UIH city. Fur a few days will iiiole | low figures nil tlilH , which Is right nil the line ot futuio Improvement ) ! . Templcton & PkTKnii. rooms 307-JOS Pnxlon block. RE SGf 23 FOR SALE. LOT AND NEW COTTAGE. FOl'R liHims , cellar , cistern , rlty nliT , rini'T 3'Jth ' nnd Haider ; $1,250.00 , long lime. Enquire 1318 Farimin. RE M884 2H PUT YOUR MONEY In hind. 11.0 nereis Howard county , Nch , , $ G.OO per IK'ie. ICu ncieh , Wheeler counly , Neb. , $12.50 per ucie. 10 acres near Cielghton , Ni'b. . $ iiUi ) p.T ucrc. 100 acres , Kims roiinty. Neb. , JG.60 PIT acre. 1,300 acres near Lodgr Pii | > , Neb. , T5.W PIT acre , Wu iicien , llretley counly. Neb. , 2 mllt < u from Ninth Loup , on U. P. Ry. ; good neil , running wnler , etc. , $ S.UO per acre. 2,40) ) ucirs In U'K.ui cuurity , C'ulu. , near Lodge Pole , Nell. . $1.25 per acre. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 303 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-SkC 25 FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE , Rate * , lOc a llnu each Intcitron , $1.60 a Urn per month. Nothing taken tor leu than 25c. FOR LEASE , M OR 40-ACRE TRACTS NEAR Florence lake , 13.03 per acre , DOKKS & Hill. lt-937 M3J FOR RENT OR HALE. FOt'R ACRES UAlT- den land und 4-roum ) > vue , Call ( Xll N 13th tr t. W : < > > JLOIEL ! _ _ _ Rates. l > in wonl first Insertion , U1 n , word then-after. Nothing taken for IOM than Kg. LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN.LOUT 2 we ks ngo. llcwiml for return tn ll'c anifc. " " " " " " " LOST" A 8.\T.\"LL""iT\Fir\TiTr "iTF""NAliTtmv lacn eiUlnir. Uetuin lo J. R. Rlngwnlt. Barker block , nnd get icwaid. J71 Z3 iOT7ND. : _ i _ _ Rate * . l'lc ' word flr t Inncrtlon , le A word thereafter. Nothing 'aUen for le than 25 \ FOUND. PAiir'oi "iYT"oiysEH : : oTT'iH' ! ! and \VIHIinn ; owner can have mine liy pruv- ln propeity ; md iiaylne for thin ad. Pound -770 2J FOUND , PA tltGO LD TIrf : Arf.ES. CALL nl lleo nlllcc , 832 K SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING" ' " " VAN s AN'T-S so 11 oo 7. OF " H H 6 UTH A NiTf 'MS N. Y. Life. Omaha , Ask for circular. M903 CUTLERY GRINDING. A. L. UNDEIAND TUmFlfEADY TO DO nil klmlH of linn gilndlni ; nt his old stnrid , I0 > ! S. lull nil cot. 367 a 10 ARTAND LANGUAGE _ Rales , lOc n line i-ach lnr.ritlon , Jl.M a line per mouth. Nothing taken for Icsj than 23c. O R GELLENBIJCK , " ilANJL'isT "AND tearher , 1S10 California st. 911 UNDERTAKERS AND ETVtB ALMF.RS Ratrn. li < jc word first Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nolhlni ; taUen for leva than 2"c. II. K. lll'UKET , Ff'NEllAL DiuilcTcTll AND mt > almer. 10IS Chlfngo si. Tl. . 90. Ml UPHOLSTERING , GLOBE l-HOls'lEIlNG c , nltuie repairing ; estimates and Information cheerfully Riven. All work culled for and promptly attended to. WC3 Pat nam street. Ti-leplionc 750. M333 DRESSMAKING. Eatfs , I'.ic weld first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for lens than 25c. DRESSMAKING 7STFAMILIE3. MISS STIMIDY , 4218 Nicholas. 114 A2 < DRESSMAKING-CUTTING AND FITTING guaranteed. Drosn-s from $4.00 up. Tea gowns from $3.00 to $5.0i > . Add ! ess 1021 So. SHIi sttect. Notice to Contractors Sealed proposalB will bo received by G. J. Thomas , secretary of the Hoard of Educa tion of Harvard School district , Harvard , Neb. , for the erection nnd completion of an elKht-room brick scliool hotisi > , according to plans , ( Irtalls and speclllcations as made by R M. Kills , architect , Omaha. Neb. Plans may be seen at the olllce of the secretary ut Harvard nnd at the olllce of the architect In Omaha. Contractors will be required to have their propositions on Illo with the secretary at Harvard on or before four o'clock p. m. ot Thursday , the GUi day of April , 18111 , at Which time the same will lia opened and considered and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Each bidder will file u certified check In the amount of live hundred dollars as n guarantee that he will enter Into contract nnd bond In the sum of Ilvn thousand dollars. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served by the Hoard of Education. By order of Hoard of Kducatlon. 11. H. SLOAT. President. GUIFK. J. THOMAS , Secretary. Harvard , Neb. , .March G , 1891. M8,11,18,25M. BUREAU. SUEi.fe OX SOLICITOUS.llou Bulldlns. OMAHA. NEB. Advlco PKEfl RfllLWAY TIME OHRD Leaves ( CHICAGO. 11URL1NGTON & Q.Arrlvp | Oinuhal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omaha Clilcaco Vestibule 9r,0am Chicago Express 4:25pm : Chlcaso and Iowa Local KiOO.un 1'aclttc Junction Local fiK : [ > m Leaves IUURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.IArrlvcs Omaha ) Depot 10th nnd Mason Sis. | Omaha 10:15im : Denver Express. . . . . 9:35am : 10lCam : Di-adwood Express 4lupm ; 4.r,0j : > m Denver Express 4:10pm : 6Xpm..Nebraska : ! ) Local ( except Sun. ) . . . G0prn : S-.louin..Lincoln Local ( except fc'umluy..ll ) : : : > .un Leaves I K. C1. , ST. J. & C. H. IAirlvi'8 Omahul Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. | Omaha 9:45arn..Kansas : City Day Express 5jpm : 9:45pm.IC. : C. NlKht Ex. via U. 1' . Trans. C:5Uarn : Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. I Arrives OrnahalUnlon Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha EAST. 9:30am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday. ) . . 7:15prn : :00pm : NlKht Express CMam G:00pm..Chicago : Vestlbulod Limited. . . . 2:00pm : 12:10iun.Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. I ) , ex Sun. ) . 6:2Jarn : GiSOarn.Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.12:10am ) : 2OIpm : Colorado Limited 4IOprn : Leaves I . UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives OrnahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 0:50am : . Denver Express . 3:50pm : 2lSprn : . Overland Flyer . fijliOprn 3:45pm.Ilcatrlc : A : Stromsb'ff Kx ( ex Sun.12.T : > arn CMOpm . Pnelllc Express . 10:55anr : C30pm ; . Fast _ Moll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40pni : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAULJArrlveiT Omaha , ViilwiDepot _ _ Wth _ & Mason Sls. | Omaha 6:35pm : . Chlcntro Limited . . . T7. . . . 9:40ani : ll30am. ; . . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . SiiUpni Leaves I F. E. & MO. VALLEY. " lArrlvcj Omaha ) Depot 15lh and Wcbsrei Mis. | Omaha 9:05am : . Deadwood Express . 5:10pm : 9orun : ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Exp. iBx. Mon. ) S:10pm : Couprn. : . Norfolk Exiiret-s ( Ex. Sunday ) . . lOMoarn 5:30pm : . St. Paul Express . 9:40nin : Leaves I CHICAGO & NOItTHWK.ST'N ( Arrives OinalmlU. I * . Depot IQlli & Mason Sts | Omaha .UU5am : . . . . . . Chicago Express 777777777. tirlOpm 4:03pm : . Vestlbulo Limited . 9:2 : > iam G:30pm : . Etibtern Flyer . 2lSpm C:30pmEx. : ( Sat. ) . .Chic. Pass. . ( Ex. Mon. ) 9:2 : > pm 6:55am . Mo. _ Valley Local . 10IWprn : Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC ( Arrives Omaha ] Depot 15th and Wrbsti'i Sts. | Om.iha 12:20prn : . St. Louis Expri'ss. . . . .rrr.TciOO.un lu:03 : | > m . St. Louis Express . 4:5Uom : tilOprn. Dally ( ex. Sun. ) N.-briit.ku Lncnl. 9lOun ! Leaves ! C' . ' , " ST. I 7 "M. & 1)7 [ Arrives' Omaha ) Depot 1.1lh and Webster Sts. _ | Omaha 9OOarn..SIou : < c City Accommodation. . r.lu:20pm 2l'pm..Sluux : City Express ( Ex. Sun..12'10pm ) C0pm : . St. PaulLlmllcd. _ _ . . . . _ . . . . DMOarn Leavcs T Bf5UX"CrrY "fc. OmahatJ.P. [ _ Depot 10th & Musun Sls. | Om.V.i.i * " Cu5am."r. : . . .Sioux- City Pas5cnuir7 ; . . . . .710. 20pm 3 : E > 5prn. . . , . SI. Paul _ Express . it ) : uuam Leivveal SIOUX CITY * I'AC'IFUl lArrlvcT Omaha ) Depot .ICth and Webster Sts. | Omnlia . St. Paul Limited. . . . ? . . . . . 'J:2Vun : _ yirlcriKO Llnilli-d . . . . . . . . . . 9aiam : Leaves' f" OMAHA ' & ST. I ) tM . " " ( Arrives Qiimhalir. P. l-n.t ) | Mill ft .M.tBfin HlH. | Omaha 3iruni : . St. Louis Canrnin llall . 12:3hprn : r..i mm XOTKS. The lowest wages In ISuropo are paid In Italy. A baker there makes H per w ck , a tailor $ l.r.U , n painter J5. HotiKemalds In ICngland receive an nvcr- ngo of 3 shllllngn a week as wages , to gether with their food und lodgings. At Ilellaire 7,000 coal miners of the sixth mih-dUtrlct reached an agreement which will allow them to go to work ut once. The wngi'H of hcnmen In sailing vt'ssnhi arc about tl.o same all over the world , av eraging i)0 shillings n month , with food ; seamen employed on the steamers receiving about 10 per cent more. In 183i the rate of wngos In Kuropo was very low. Day laborers In Italy received 8 cents per day ; In Ituxsla , lli cents ; in Holland , IS cents ; In Franco , ,10 uentn ; In Hnglund , 40 cents ; In thu United States , 81 cents. It In quite possible that the machinist ! ) will strlkotho word "white" from their constitution ami admit negroes. Tliu most progressive men are advocating the reform , and If It carries this large organization will Join the American Federation of Labor. A French mill hand has , before going In work , u plecu of bread and 2 centH worth of brandy ; ut breakfast , bread crumbled Into a howl of colfcu ; for dinner , a piece of broad and cheese or an apple , or a gill of red wlno ; for tiupper , a ploco ot broad und sausage , or , oftener , a herring and u cup of coffee. The resignation of Superintendent Fcnncll of the northern division of the I.ehlgh Val ley railroad Is attributed to his dlssuthi- factlon with the appointment of Superin tendent Huser , formerly of the Wyoming division , us hit ) nsBlntiuit. During the re cent Ktrlku thu higher ofllclals cxprenKcd moro or lens dissatisfaction with Superin tendent lessor's met hod j , and after the strlko was declared off ho watt displaced by the ap pointment of Alexander Mitchell , the former superintendent ot motive power , to his posi tion. Ksser wait tout by General Manager VoorhceH an aKslntant to Kennt'll , who ob jected and tendered lila CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE O'old ' Hnnp Acted but Slightly ns a Restric tion on Local Business. COUNTHV BUYERS SI ILL COME TO TOWN Moro Attention It I'nM to I'miry Lines Tlmu llrrrlofoi-u Nittluii ! ! Kerplnir I'nor with Sluplrs-Ant'flpitliis : Suiniiicr Snlrs Tim Although the cold snap of tlio latter ( inrt of llio week hns no tlotibt had a tendency to restrict uomo lines of trade , Its effects 1m vu scarcely bK'ii notlccnble. Tlio local Jobbers liavo enjoyed miother week of nctlvo bilsl- ness In all lines , und In many respects tire week 1ms been nit Improvement on nil pre vious reuotds this season. The trndo con- Unties to branch cut tmiro freely nlonp Ren- crnl lines nnd unless some decided set back Is experienced the volume of March builnesa In several lines will foot up to fully nvorago proportions. The attendance of country buyers , which has been the feature of the Jobbing trade durliib' the month , hao nut diminished nnd Is a tremendous betielll to local trade. There Is a growing tendency on the part ot buyers to pay more attention to fancy lines Instead of merely ordering their stocks of Htnplcs , as they have been luriu'ly doing heretofore. Trndo In hosiery , under wear nnd furnishing goods , which has bnen very light nil the spring , Is becoming moro active and a fair aggregate of orders for tlioso lines am recorded. Some of this freedom may no doubt bo due to the fact that the season Is so far ad vanced that these stocks must bo filled up It at all. Some of the retailers who ordered the bulk of their requirements early In the month , leaving the fancy lines to bo tilled out later , have decide. ) to make their stocks complete , and have added email bills ot hosiery and notions to their original orders. Some of the local dry goods houses have shown bargains In summer dress goooda during the week. In which thev hnvn rlnnn n heavy business. The low prices nt which certain lines of gooda have been selling con tinue , although any material gain In bus iness at other points Is llablo to precipitate an advance at any time. The market Is firmer all around on gro cers' staples , although prices are not yet quoted perceptibly higher. If business keeps up , however , there Is but little doubt that there will bo a sharp advance on various lines that are now selling below the cost ot putting on the market. It Is generally re ported that retail trade outside of the city Is showing decided Improvement , and this belief Is encouraged by a steady gain in col lections. Canned goods are showing Im provement nnd otlrer lines of fancy groceries are coming Into batter demand. In hardware , boots and shoes nnd other lines trade Is steady , witir some perceptible gain every week. Traveling men report that they do not experience nearly as much dllll- culty In selling goods as n month ago and that. the retailers generally are feeling better every day. That Omaha is rapidly distancing all com petitors as a desirable Jobbing market la becoming moro evident every day. Ono day last week n prominent retail merchant of this state stopped off In Omaha for a day or two on his way home from St. Joseph , where ho had purchased his spring stoclc of dry goods. His curiosity led him Into one of the Omaha establishments , where he found ho could have bought his goods a considerable per cent cheaper than what ho had paid In St. Joseph , and have a fresher and a'togethcr more attractive stock from which to make his selections. Tire result was that ho wired the St. Joseph house canceling his order , and from now on will bo a regular patron of the Omaha Jobbers. The bank clearings show some falling often on the last three days of the week , which makes the total slightly less than those ot the preceding weeks of this month. The record Is : Monday J E37C29.Gt' Tuesday G82.2S1.S8 Wednesday 726,4i2. ; Thursday 7r.'JC77.-10 Friday G45.G71.38 Saturday 629,612.51 Total JI,311W3. ( 0 AS DUN SEES IT. Trade of the \\Yrlc I'lfUlo nnd FIucluntliiRr I'olltlcH anil ItiiHlncKfl. Mr. AV. II. Iloberson , Omaha manager of the mercantile agency of H. G. Dun & Co. , speaking of trade In Omaha , says : "Trado this week In general has been a. good deal like the weather , fickle and fluctuating. Groceries , hardware and dry goods report an excellent trade , furnlturo not so good , boots and shoes fair for n part of the \\eek and good the remaining portion of the week. Crockery , liquors , leather and . r drugs nothing to bo.-ut of , Commission houses have had a precarious week of It owing to the extreme changes of the weather. The country at large appears to have fallen back a llttlo nnd a degree of uncertainty as to the future Is again noted at most financial centers , Omaha Included among the rest. The Impression is gaining ground that the latest proposed tarlft legislation will bu enacted and this has had an effect upon stocks and business generally not to the advantage of trade. It Is conceded that when the bill Is enacted , whether In Its present shape or with modifications , If It Is enacted , that ? the country will Immediately adjust Itself to the coml'tlons which It Is thought the bill will bring about. One thing or tlio other Is what the commercial world- pray ing for , ' but as it Is not likely that the legislation will b completed before July 1 , llio feeling among business men Is qulto general that no sharp turn toward recovery may bo expected until that time. "Politics have too much to do with business In this country. Kvery four years a presi dential election paralyzes trade and the conditions are such that , unfortunate an It may be , everybody is moro or lesn affected by the legislation of tlio national government. As the proposed new law will not go Into effect Immediately after It IH paused It Is quite probable that the recovery for which wo ull hopu may bu delayed until lute In the fall. Nevertheless , locally the state nnd the city are In good shape. The blizzard nf this week was n mirprlpe und will cau&o nuino losses to cattleman and probably damugo fruit In certain localities of the stati * . but the heavy full of snow In the semi-arid KCC- tlon will probably assure UK u good crop of spring wheat , and will lenvo the ground In excellent condition for spring work ot all kinds. Retail business In the city Hhowu nome improvement as the spring advances. On the warm dayn of the present week shop , ping has been quite active anil the working people who have been In enforced Idleness during the novcro weather have been ablu to I'Hrn wapus and sm < nt It. "Tho notable event of the week was the Irrigation convention. This was a mout In teresting , uml U Is to bo hoped , profitable gathering of the representative men of the vast region to the west of us , which de pends fur Its future upon the proper de velopment and use of Its water coiirseH , In this country It taken u great deal of pre liminary talk to create a sentiment which shall finally crystallite Into legislation or actual Investment. This Irrigation conven tion and this Irrigatlun agitation has been in progress now about six yearn , but the na tional government , which must ultimately take Immediate control of the great Irriga tion problem , has not yet been aroused to Itu full duty. This city IH Immensely Inter ested In the development of the arid and semi-arid region. It was , therefore , in ac cord with thu fllneHB of things that the con vention should be held In Omaha. "The next and perhaps the greater meeting of the week WUH that at which Buhxcrlptlona \vcni made to thu canal entorprliio. To mon who are most ducply Interested In the fill urn of this city It must have been an Inspiration to sec a small body of citizens Ilko that gathered at the Commercial club on Tuesday nlKlit cheerfully and promptly nubscrlbo nearly or qulto $100.000 to begin this Im portant undertaking. I taku It for granted that the scltmtlllc engineers who have piiBSL-il upon the feasibility of this ucliomo uru thor oughly competent for the duties that wera Imposed upon them und that the pcoplo ot Omaha have a right to rely upon the