THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAV , MARCH 25 , 189-1-WENTY PAGES. 13 otiR AFTER Full Stock of Jackets , EASTE Latest Styles in Jacket s. - SALE OF The time foi ° doing your season's shopping is now at its height. After Easter stocks are full and complete , the Spring goods are all in and the assortment "of goods is at its best. We have made many changes in our stora recently , preparing for the season's business. We are prepared now to meet the demands of the trade in all departments. All our Spring purchases have arrived and we have fully $1BOOOOworth of new seasonable and choice merchandise bought from the best sources of supply which we invite you to examine , conscious that we are as low in price , if not a little lower , than others , while maintainingthe [ highest standard of quality. Read our special features for this week. Reading should end in action and action -will surely lead you to invest in some of these attractive goods. Cloak Dep't. A new spring wrap ? Who wouldn't have ! Everybody nearly can afford one. There's boon a revolution somewhere or clso we have been peculiarly fortunate In our pur chases thin spring. Goods are about one- half what they were a year ago. Just no- tlco for Instance : We'll sell you this week a line of all wool capes with three top effect , a beautiful garment In every respect ut Anybody would say It Is worth $5.00. Another line of capes , flno material , trimmed around top and skirt with six rows of braid In brown , navy , tans and black , a liorfcct beauty for $4.98 Not dear at $7.50. A line of Jackets , latest styles , like the cuts , fine and extra large sleeves , full skirt , all colors , which wo offer this week as a , special valua at $4.98 A garment well worth $8.00. I Another Hue of Jackets , very stylish , of fancy mixture and plain colors , kersey and clay diagonals , such a garment an would ordlnarly bring $12.GO to $15.00. For this .special sale they go at $9.98 Special Sale of Capos. AN ESSENTIAL REQUISITE The Force of Numbers Necessary to Give Effect to Political'Heas. POLITICAL MACHINES AND MACHINERY Disciplined Organlratlnu Coiunit < iidml , Itoss Isui Denounced Tlio Views nf C'o inuii HurU-r , lin Kipvrlrnccil Ohio rulltlclan. When Ruskln was at his host and his ' whole mind turned to reforms which em braced not only art and morals , but politics n.i well , he wrote that "Men only associate In parties by sacrificing their opinions or by having none worth sacrificing , and the effect of party government Is always to develop hostilities and hypocrisies and ex tinguish Ideas ; " n sentiment fur too sweepIng - * Ing , It will appcai1 to most men , n doctrine not without some foundation , but surely not u conclusion justified by the fuels. Ancient us well us modern government IIOB boon always one of party. History gives us no account of any despotism so severe as to absolutely destroy hostility kept nllvo by n party. 'The rise and fall of nations , the political convulsions of all ages have simply been the markers of party ascendancy and the reglBtrnrs of factional ducuy. For a reason which the student of biology or the professor of psychology could doubtless present very clearly , mankind never moves forward In political affairs except In bodies ; and no Idea connected with human govern ment has ever made substantial , effective headway until there was crystallised behind It the support of numbers , united with the energy of party. POLITICAL MACHINERY NECESSARY. An no complicated business In life , whether It bo that of commerce , trade , manufacture or religion , lias over been Independent and successful without the nld of machinery , wo can hardly expect to see practical govern ment conducted without the KUIUO helps ; for organization Is the very first requisite to uuccossfnl action. Wo must accept , there fore , the axiom that In all human govern ment worthy of the name political ma chinery Is a necessary antecedent not even to bo written down as a consequence. Government may properly bn said to bo a result , and party machinery a cause. This does not , however , drive us to any mich hopeless conclusion as that what wo know as "machlno politics" la n necessary thing. On the contrary , party machinery , properly managed , should bo and will be the enemy of machlno politics , Only by ] > olltlcal machinery the caucus , the conven tion und the platform can great prin ciples bo presented , supported and made eternal. An army of millions , without a flag , devoid of discipline , barren of loaders , It It remained In this chaotic ntuto would bo powerless , oven In a great and true cause. Disorganized public opinion , no matter how clearly Individuals might comprehend vital public questions , would never establish a civil truth or break a fetter , while the Hume number of men gathered Into a party and controlled by wholesome machinery would become Invincible , might emancipate millions and found a state. Docs any one suppose the truth which Cobden proclaimed In England could have triumphed but for the formation of the Corn Laws league ? Would American Inde pendence have been secured without the political machinery which kept patriotism In perpetual motion In the colonies ? Granted , then , the need for party machinery , the rational question la "How much of It , what kind ahull wo have and how ahull It be worked ? " Those questions properly decided will furnish UK with partita and parties with powers which may , yea , always will bo beneficial to the state. Party machinery. Ilka All other , should be sluipla , xo that all We an > Htrlctly In the xwlm this season and are boating all previous records. Our cloak department Is crowded with goods , and usually with customers. Come and see If we can't save you some money on H spring wrap. Dress Goods. Tlio lightest antl brightest department In tlio west , crowded with Roods , too , both black ami colored. Wo can null all tnstos and all iiockctbooks. This season , while we have not neglected keeping up our reputa tion for keeping tlio high class novelties , Htlll our stock of all wool goods and choice neat effects In medium-priced goods Is larger and more varied than over. Von will find H easy to make a selection from our great stock , no matter what tlio price to be paid , Wo can lilt It from luc to $1.00 a yard. A full line of novelty blagk goods Jmtl received at lac. $1.00 and $1.23. Very choloi ) , 100 pieces , of new spring cheviots , oxtnt flno designs and colorings , sale price , 50c Silks. A neighbor to the dress goods department , Just opposite. Lots of now things hero , are marked at popular prices. Wo are gratl- fylngly busy all the tlmo In our silk depart ment , and we are sure our prices fit. Special for this iweek are 21-Inch china silks , -beautiful soft fabrics In choice assort ments , that were bought to sell for $1,00 , at this sale for 73c 25 pieces of black silk and Iron frame , Grenadines. that were made to sell for $2.00 and over , a neat purchase on our part gives them to you at 9 7c may understand Its operation and so that any one of ordinary sense can direct its movements. Publicity Is therefore ono of the essentials for party machinery , and It should never bo hidden or placed In a corner. Secret societies In politics are therefore the bane of party and sooner or later political organizations succumb to them , as did the Whig party In the United States when Know- Nothing lodges gained control In Us councils. LOCAL , STATE AND NATIONAL POLITICS SHOULD BE SEPARATED. Simplicity , next to publicity , is the es sential element In political machinery , and therefore In the United States local , state and national politics should lie separated. It Is true that one party banner , one general set of principles , should and must control a great party ; yet Its operations in the county should bo largely Independent of state con trol , and state campaigns should bo divorced UH much as possible from national committee Influences.Tho people , as a whole , are too jealous of liberty , too prone to criticism and too fond of publicity to , for any great length of time , consent to the rule of "tho ma chine. " The Independent and the mug wump , the most useful elements In political life , uro too strong , too vigilant to make government by the "boss" a permanent In stitution. The man who cannot read this truth In the light of recent political events In local und state politics In the Empire state of the union , ought to buy himself anew now pair of political spectacles. The fact Is that there Is u leaven which goes with thu proper use of political machinery which Is certainly working among the people , for and In favor of sound principles und good govern ment , while the seeds of Its own death , the elements of early dissolution , always accom pany machine politics and bring about Its ruin. Its very selfishness , the narrowness of Its rewards , the monopoly of office , the concentration of power , the growth of Ill- gotten wealth , become so apparent that the very exercise of It sows enemies by the score , and they multiply until they reach hundreds and grow until , becoming resistless thousands , they fall upon the machine and crush It. MACHINE POLITICS DENOUNCED. That alongside wholesome , useful political machinery wo will always have more or less machine politics Is as certain as that wo shall always have fleas If wo have elephants , worms If wo have fruit , but he is a pes simist Indeed who fears that the flea will run oft with the elephant or that the worm will destroy all the orchards. Machine-poll- tics In Its methods and results Is BO opposed to public Interest , so Injurious to real party success , no repugnant to Intelligent self- interest of Iho voter , that Us enemies Bprlng up almost as rapidly as mosquitoes do In August In a Jersey Hwamp , and the Influences which are at wur with It are uot only patent , as wo have so recently seen , but an permanent an are the foundations of our schools and churches. Today wo are rapidly approaching an epoch when the sup port of party machinists will be fatal to a candidate , and the very suspicion that he Is the creation of the bosses will defeat a man at the polls and rob him of confirmation In our senates. U la only when In the midst of a struggle for existence that a great people tolerates without protest the con tinued domination of the machine , and even If Its apparent power veenis to linger long after and to occasionally shorr alarming vigor , It U only the display of prldu and the unwlso exorcise of power which goes be fore Its fall and which Insures Ita ruin. Aa machine politics feeds and fatten * on public plunder , and an the power and pro lit of the "boss" depend almost entirely upon his actual or supposed ability to control nomina tions and to secure appointments , It U easy to see that If It U once recognized , as It noon will be , that a machine nomination tends to Insuru defeat , one wing on which the "boss" rises will be clipped , and with a proper civil eorvlco syHtom the control of appointments will be wrested from him for good , and his power for evil will be as tmall In tirrestrtnl pclltlc * in is that of Lucifer In heaven. The citizen , then , who condemns machine politics , who abhors the machine Itself and feura the boss , should lend hla aid to every movement which ha.t In view the divorce of the civil service from politics ; as today the power to control ap pointments locally In the state and In the nation U the last crutch upon which the "boss" hobbles. Knock thbt from under him anJ he falU to the ground a * helpless Black Oriental waterproof silk , 75c , $1.00 , $1.2. and $1. 0 a yard. This silk Is warranted not to spot from rain. Natural pongees , 2 yards wide , well worth 7Sc , on sale nt 50c Visit the silk department this week for uterllng values. Draperies & Carpets. Fourth floor. Our. buyer has Just returned from tlio eastern markcnts after a month's Say | , and has secured an entirely new stock of the latest and best In carpets , rugs , cur tains and draperies. Wo offer for your Inspection $20,000.00 worth of new effects In lace curtulns , portieres tieres and drapes , bought lower than over In the history of the trade. Everything new AIM ! fresh. Nothliigham curtains from Tiie up. Chenlllo curtains from $ up. Madras curtains from $3.00 up. Imperial curtains from $3.00 up. Irish point curtains from $1.00 up. Brussels net from $7.00 up. Hope portieres from $ G.OO up. Novelties In curtain draperies In Swiss und silks. The new carpets are arriving dally. We offer exclusive designs In Ingrains , tapestries , body brusscls , moqucttes , meltons and axumlnatcrs at the lowest market prices. Come and see them , special sale till * week. 1,000 hassocks go at at35c Would be good value at 7Gc. Crockery Dept , 2d Fioor. A beautiful sight awaits you as you reach our second floor. We have gone out of the shoo business In order to give this entire 2nd floor to our large and rapidly growing china business. The gratifying gain we made us a Chinese Idol and as harmless as an exploded shell. ESTADLISH TIIE CIVIL SERVICE ON SOL'ND PRINCIPLES. Establish the civil service upon a founda tion having capacity and faithfulness for Its corner stones and the pure machinist , the now dreaded "boss" will become as In frequent and lonesome n figure In American politics as an Indian now Is in Fifth avenue. Men will have to go to museums then to see this great product of machine politics and the power and control now BO often exercised by him will pass over to the leader who represents a principle , who stands for a policy whose highest reward Is his country's welfare and his epitaph "Ho served his country well. " If any man says "This Is a picture of the millennium" my answer Is that I wish the real millen nium was so within the reach of the whole earth as this political millennium Is within thu easy grasp of the American people. MICHAEL D. HARTER. Washington , D. C. aiinirsr. . ISuimiliiH of tlio Vlftlnm of thn Dyiminito ICiploMcm I'lrkcd t'p In KrugiiiiMitH. PITTSnURO , March 24. Until dark last night searchers traversed the hills and ra vine In Black's Run , the scene of yester- * day's dynamite explosion , looking for frag ments of the bodies of the victims. Tlio largest portion found weighed about fifteen pounds and all that was gathered up of the four unfortunates did not weigh more than 100 pounds. Several of the ghastly fragments were Identified by pieces of clothing and when the search was completed the remains were removed to an undertaking establishment In Verona , where they were distributed In four coffins.- The body of Nellie Ramaley , who died yesterday while being taken to the West Pennsylvania hospital , was also re moved to Verona and prepared for burial. The poor girl was terribly mutilated by the frightful explosion. Deputy Coroner Morland began Investiga tion , but nothing now was developed. The cofflns containing the mangled re mains wore taken to the Lutheran church near Sprlngdale , where services were held this afternoon , after which the Interment took place In an adjacent cemetery. Irrigation In ArUoiiu. PHOENIX. Ariz. . March 24. The South Glla Canal company has agreed to sell to F. II , Woodworth , Joseph P. Schureman and H. G , Damon 40,000 shares preferred stock for $16 per share , over 100,000 share * and all water In excess required to Irrigate 700 acres of land. Following the filing of that Indenture appears the Illlng of another agree ment , viz. , F. H. Woodworlh , Joseph P. Schureman and H. G. Damon for $1,2SO,000 sell and convey to the South Glla Improve ment company all their Interests In the above agreement by the delivery of 125,000 shares of stock , par value , $10 per share. A resumption of work on the big dam will bo the upshot of this reorganization. Tiininmnyltes In Sun l > 'runcUc-u. SAN FRANCISCO. March 24. Richard Crokor , the Tammany boss , arrived hero last night from Southern California and put up at the Baldwin hotel , where a suite of rooms had been reserved for him. Mr. Croker refused to talk on political subjects , but evinced voiiMldarablo Interest when ho was told that there wan a number of Tarn- munyltes hero from Now York , How a Chicago Man W Cured of Ithrn- luntUiu. .Mr. John Hall of 9235 Commercial avenue , Chicago , mot with a aerlous accident for which he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely , with the best results. "But now , " says Mr. Hall , "comes the beat part of my story. For many years I have been quite a sufferer with rheumatism , with stiffness of the'joints. Since the application of Cham berlain's Pain Balm , all symptoms of rheu matism have disappeared ; In fact I believe that It ban banished every trace of rheuma tism from my system. " For sale by drug- cut * . In this department last year proved to us that there Is a growing demand for nice chlnawaro ut popular prices and we are sup plying the demand. It Is safe to say that nowhere In this section of country Is there such n slock of china goods of all kinds as wo show and wo are making progress dully. This week's doing In china will Interest you. you.The The power of money and the saying that money talks was fully Illustrated by the great success of 'Otir buyer on his recent purchasing trip cast. Veilings Our veiling depqrfment Is complete and 1 overflowing with novelties from the different ' European markets. Everything you can conceive of In veilings we have In stock at popular prlcos. ! " Every Importer , nnxlous to sell , every manufacturer Idle , aud loaded with goods. We bought quunUUn- choice goods at fully 50 per cent qff. Many are In stock , others coming daily , , , , For the next 30 days hi UK III ] ? Typical Reminiscence of Nebraska Lifo in the Early Days. STORY OF A BUFFALO HUNT BY AMATEURS How n ( Irccity Kllleil a Flno Tliroo-Yoar- Olil Heifer In thu Itoptibllcuu Vulluy A MyatrrluiiK Anlmnl that Win > 'ot Moloftted. Wo were seated in the shade of the trees In front of a lied Cloud hotel when the con versation turned upon the happenings of early days. My companion , the casual ac quaintance of n day , chanced to bo an early settler of the neighborhood and In a reminis cent , mood. It required but little to direct his thoughts to buffalo and buffalo hunting. Twenty-three years ago , said he , the buf falo hud not entirely disappeared from the Republican valley. The "main herd" had scattered before the advance of permanent civilization , but bands of thirty or forty were still to be seen. For two or three years after Captain , slncecGovernor , Garber , had planted the llttlo colony here at Red Cloud , an occasional stray would appear on the hills hereabouts and in 1872 ono ran across the townsltc , then occupied by perhaps ten or twelve families. In the fall of 1871 idx of us determined to go on a hunt for thu fast disappearing mon arch of the plains. Landlord George T. wanted meat with which to stay the appe tites of prospective guests at his log hotel. George and Fred U. , bachelor brothers , needed food for the coming winter. Wo all wanted Ed K. to go with us , because ho was a good housekeeper. Wo had all dined with him at his bachelor home adjoining the "city , " and wo knew from our own personal knowledge that ho was the only bachelor In the county who wan over neat , enough to wash the dishes at least once a day. My self ? Well. I wont because I wauled to. I was the only lawyer on the Nebraska end of the valloy. My _ v'lents ' did not profit by my absence , because the first term of the district court , for'this county , did not sit for two yearn therodfter , when Judge Gaunt held court for twoi.ivjjolo days. I said six went ? Oh , ye ; Jom | P. , quick , wiry , redheaded - headed John. A good wing shot and a gonlal comrade. lib' ' WHS with us because ho was always on hand for adventure. We carried ono Winchester repeating rllle , that Is John did ; ono Smith & Wesson , single shot , breach-loading rifle ; that was Ed's , You could tell whoso It was by lookIng - Ing through the barrel and marking the spotless cleanliness , oj Its glistening spirals. I had an old army , seven-shot , Spencer rifle : while the R.'a had"a Shotgun and n Sharp's rifle that hod 3enn"bcrvlro with John Drown In Kansas. ( Seorwis T. didn't carry a gun. He couldn't lilt the. side of a barn If yon Mlmt him Inside of It , Ho had been a boss teamster In the lirnW and could drive two yoke of stcerii hitched to a top-box-load of Jerked meat , up the perpendicular face of a bluff , but he couldn't and ho wouldn't shoot. Ho was the provider ; we were the producers , I'RACTIOED ON THE PRAIRIE DOGS. We vturled ono Nebraska morning In Octo ber. Threw wagons , drawn by one span of horses and three yoke of cattle. Ed anl I bad charge of the advance , Rteerlng by means of the "bull whip. " Out of tcwn n couple of miles we neared a "dog town. " A saucy prulrlo dog sat upright on the rim of the funnel-shaped entrance to his sub terranean home , a hundred yards away , und chattered ut us In a way that made mo think of the "chipmunk" on the rail fence back In old Ohio. "Ed , you can't lilt that dog. " "By George , I can. " Up comes the rifle. , . V1 * ' Crack ! The dog put hU he d between hla paws wo are going to make things hum In crockery. A carload on sale this week at less than cost to make. From the great purchase of Vodroy & llros. , manufacturers , wejnffcr dinner RCtt , handsomely decorated , that Vodrcy Jobbed to sell at $15.00 , we offer for $8.50 _ Dinner selste handsomely decorated , that Vodroy Jobbed to sell at $ K.riO ! , we offer at 98 Dinner f > ets that Vodrcy jobbed to sell at $ " 3.00 wo offer at $15.48 Tea nets that Vodioy Jobbed to sell at $7.50 we offer at $3.48 These goods at Uie prices will not last long. A lot of white 2c FaucorK and plates. Ono lot of scollopes and bakers , always retailed at $3..00 $ , go for 18c One lot nf K'ollon.oa and b.ikers , always retailed at $15.00 , go for 8c Here's a hummer. At 25o We offer 100 dozen French and German china plates , cups and saucers , as para gas plates , oyster plates , worth from 50c to $1.00 each , At 35o A table of plates , cups and saiiceis , fruit and salad bowls , handsomely decorated , worth fully $1.00 , a rare bargain. like a devout priest at prayer ; the ball grazed his head and crazed him. As I ran toward him he commenced a spasmodic circling and I ran my foot down beside him as ho at last found the door of his house , and wedged him fast. We sent him back to the town , of which he remained a citizen until a tern derfoot mistook him for a common rodent and scut him to dog heaven. Hut prairie dogs are not buffalo. For llvo days we journeyed up "La Belle Republican" and Urn pen of Mark Twain would find material for a chapter In each day. Our food consisted of game , bacon , "Map jacks" and "buoy yaw , " which is frontier French for a combination of "slde- meat-greaso , " Hour , creek water and Nebraska - braska dust , of which last you use mora or less , according to the direction and violence lence of the wind. Of the first you us& "as much as you can get , " mix them to gether , "bring 'em to a bile" and supper's ready. Ono evening an emaciated horse , turned loose by some ono because he could go no further , attracted by the light of our camp lire , came curiously anil , for a few yards , quickly to the top of the miniature bluff of the tiny stream on whose banks wo had camped. The bank crumbled and , In his weakened condition , unable to turn , he came sprawling down the precipitous bank Into our tire and on Into the creek , from which ho pulled himself withdllllcully and limped slowlv away. Ilejoiid Republican City wo were nightly serenaded by a coyote band. The boys said there "might bo" only a few , but the monotonous onous variety of mournful howls suggested either a miiltlludu of voices or immense flexibility In each Individual voice. The young man who ran leejl upon the prairie , under a Nebraska sky , and listen to the homesick tones of a coyote serenade without thinking of the girl he left behind him , has no soul for imitife. REACHED THE PROMISED LAND. We reached what proved to be- good hunt ing ground on the Stinking water , above what Is now Arapuhou. Wo ascended the stream some miles to get beyond Iho set tlements which , oven hero , were being made along the valley. That afternoon I left the wagon and traveled through the timber along the creek bottom , thinking I might vary the bill of faVo at supper by adding fried turkey to It , No turkey appeared and It Is very probable that , had I discovered ono , It would never have rccompanlcd me to camp. I know that when a big timber-wolf trotted leisurely Into view ho looked standing as ho did on higher ground than I occupied , so that his shaggy bigness wan silhouetted against the background of blue joint ho looked as large as an ox , and I know that after standing there a moment or an hour with an expression of surprise upon his benevolent countenance , ho turned calmly away with an air of Indifference concerning my presence. Then I wondered what I carrleiL , a gun for. I judge the turkey would have escaped In the same manner. Up there , on the orest of lhe"dlvldo" to thn west , three buffalo were- lying halt doz ing In the afternoon HUH , their eyes half closed , their jaws automatically masticating the cud. I walked up n "draw" that led directly toward them. 1 stooped. I crawled on hands and knees us the depression grew less deep , and then , lying at full length , face down , with forearm bent , I dragged myself along , usng ! my elbows , upon the ground until 1 reached effective shooting distance. I pulled my Spencer forward , mutually questioning whether I hud best chance a shot at the recumbent monarchs or thu furies take the gun , the lock was gone. From my position I could not see the trail over which I had no laboriously dragged myself. My Nhlrt Blcovim were , worn through. My elbows had each parted with ix portion of cutlclu the tdzo of a silver del lar. I Jumped to my feet , waved my hat frantically In the air and shouted like a boy let loose from school. The Rhaggy beastH rose awk-wardly and ambled off with a gait which reminded me of the rolling shuffle of u sailor on nhoro leave. I faced about , and there , broad and plain lay my trail , marked by the bent down grasses. Ten feel buck the missing gun lock lay. Associated Ideas , the billowy pralrlo , the vanished game , my own exasperation brought to my mind thu sentence , gleaned In schoolboy duyit from sonio fifth reader literature In which the author after telling of the escape of a whale from Its purauera " AtO o A table filled with German and French china salad bowls , \vorlh from $1.25 to $2.00 each. Make sure to vlult our 2d floor during your shopping tour. Laces. Our special opening this week of now laces , lace , lace , everything Is lace this season. Kvcrybody will want them , consequently the supply Is short and only those houses who foresaw the great demand for lace mid gave early roders for them and have the doslra- goods to show , being Ilko the wise virgins who had their lamps burning when the bride groom came , we bought our laces nt the right time and therefore we can shpw you an elegant assortment at much lesn In prlco than can be obtained by houses who bought In the open market. Importing direct , we save you jobbers' profits. Monday our lace department will blossom forth with all the new laces direct from Paris. NEW POINT 1)12 ) VEVNISE. NEW POINT DI2 1IAURDON. NEW POINT 1)K C1RM. NEW POINT 1)12 VEKDUL. Description describes them not. They arc brought out In black , white , cream and butter color , the latest shade. Wo also show a bill of bands and Insertions In very affective styles. taking In the entire aisle to the left of en trance. It Is replete with all the novelties and staple wash goods of the season. Good light , good service , good good goods , popular prices. We are .showing novelties In SWIVEL SILK GINGHAMS. FRENCH CHINKLE ZEPHYRS. SCOTCH SATEENS. says "tho curses of the exhausted a cam en were not loud , but deep. " HIS' PIUST BUFFALO. Next morning having breakfasted on nntc- lope steak Bd had killed an antelope In addition to the usual menu , I ascended the sopo | to the cast before sunrise. Across the next creek und coming toward mo was a herd of about thirty buffalo. The wind being In the west I hurried south , then east across the creek and up the bank and saw as I cautiously appeared over a friendly knoll the last of the herd disappear down the bank Into the creek In search of an early drink. On the opposite bank , crouching and crawling catlike , I saw two animals. I have never tried to name them. I was spell bound , hypnotized If you will. They were cats In shape and action , but their bodies seemed to nut to bo four feet long and a foot In diameter. They were largo enough to frighten the buffalo at any rate , for In a moment , hero they came , tip the trail they had descended , snorting and bellowing with terror , up the slope and toward the divide they wont for half a mile or more , and then foil quietly to eating their breakfast , while I repeated the tactics of an hour before and got to windward. Young man , you think I was a fool. Well , so do I. I would give more now to have put a ball through one of those crouching bodies and so satisfied my curiosity than to Imve killed a ilo/.cn buffalo. I had , however , eomo for buffalo , buffalo I must have and so I went to windward. Securing the desired position as to wind , fairly concealed by the tall grass whleh grow on the lower gronud of the undulating prairie , I still was help less , for Iho herd was feeding directly away from mo and presented no vulnerable point for a successful shot. Presently , however , the old bull loader lifted his head , Inhaled a few barrels of air and expelling It with a mighty roar , whirled square round and led hlH herd directly towaid the spoil where I was lying. SUiirlc * of tlio Impetuous rush of stampeded herds , \lslons of my body tram pled and torn by cloven hoofs and carried homo to mother Hashed through my mind and then I stood up. arid as the herd passed broad sldo pant mo I pointed my gun at one of them selected haphazard. Directing my aim to the region just behind the shoulder blade and well below tin- center of the body , I pulled. Tlio gun xpoko out but the herd passed on. The billowy , rolling motion con tinued. I WUH saddly watching them when suddenly one of the herd rolled over on Ita ulilo dead. I heard a c.'ioor from the other camp hide of the creek and turning , halt bewildered , naw the boys upon the summit of the divide , from which point of vantage they had vltnvt-d the whole affair. I had killed a buffalo , my first buffalo , the first ono of Ilu- hunt und I was proud. H proved to bo a. 3-year-old holfor , the finest of the lot. vi' .1 nur.r.KT. Civil \ ViuVi'lvrnn < ! < ! Kill of an init Siiiivrnlr After Many Yearn. IjYNN. Mass. , March 21. Augustus II. Sutherland , a veteran of the civil war. was last evening Edged with a coughing fit , dur ing which ho ejected u pistol bullet which had been Imbedded In his neck for the past thlrty-ono yearn. For three years ho haa been under the earn of u physician who bus been treating him for u supposed cancer In his neck , and an operation was to have been performed within a few days. During the battle of Culpt-pper court house on October It , 18C3 , Mr. Sutherland was wounded In thu back of tlui neek. H wait taken a pris oner soon afterwards and confined In Llbby prison for suveral months. The wound healed without being examined by a physician and thu bullet remained In the neck , Sutherland not knowing It was there. The physicians now admit that I lie bullut was responsible for the cancer symptom * . ll'Oltli O * ' HIS KNK3UKS , Dyimuiltn liiplocli'd Under thn lliuma of \Vrnt Virginia .luntlro-Child Hurt , IIUNTINQTO.V. W. Va. , March 24. About 10 o'clock last night dynamite wu exploded under the residence of Esqulru Vance on th western fork of llart'H creek , and one of hln children wan badly hurt. The justice has recently become obnoxious to a certain class , and this effort was Intended to kill him and hla wife , but from tome miscalculation failed of Ita object SERPENTINE OKAPUS. GASP ! PONGEE ? . In short , a varied , a beautiful collection of wash fabrics In choice designs nt very at tractive prices. Ask ( o sec swivel hlllc ginghams. All tha rugo this season. Don't fall to visit our bargain basement. It Is full of bargains In sheetings , prints , ginghams and vailous kind of wash good * ut low prices. You can aavo a few cents yard on your purchases suro. Wo quote - great special bargains. 1IAHGAIN NO 1. 200 pieces of striped seersucker ginghams for shirts , dresses , waists , etc. , a regular lOc cloth. Sale price EC BARGAIN NO. 2. Fine Lonsdale cambric , real value 12 % , oale price 9c Visit our economy basement. Get SUE- Prices on Gap&s. TWO JUMPED TO THEIR DEATH Terror of lire Ends in Loss of Lifo Through a -Pall. MOTHER KILLED WITH A BABE IN HER ARMS Jnromllnry Flro In n Dwelling llmiso lu Ban Frimclaco mill Its I'utiil KcxtiltH Other * Hud Narrow Kxcnpcs und Severn ! IVoro Hurt. SAN FRANCISCO , March 24. The two- story and basement frame residence at 220 Halglit street was destroyed by fire today and Mrs. Jennie Ross jumped from a baclt window Into the yard below with her five months old baby In her arms. Both were killed. The other Inmates of the building had a narrow escape. Mrs. Ross' sister , Carrie , and her father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Irving , were -forced to Jump from an upper window. The former broke a leg and the rest sustained serious Injuries. Another family , who lived In the lower part of the house , barely oncapcd. The fire originated under the front stops and la thought to have been Incendiary , as there was a Htrong Hindi of coal oil notlceabls when the firemen arrived. l > lnnKtrmiH llnllor Kipliinloii. TECKFORD , III. , March 21. By the ex plosion of a holler In the tlio factory at Gilberts , nouth of thin city , today ono man was killed and a flru started threatening to wlpo out the town. The flames wore confined to the tile fac tory owned by D. H. Hanger. The man killed was Fred Tormow , the engineer. Leas $50,000 ; Insurance $10,000 , nilnxourl Town POPLAR BLUFF. Mo. , March 21. Fir * hero last evening destroyed eight buildings , Including Neal's hotel and Randall'H gro cery. Loss , $50,000 ; Insurance , $26,000 , I'vij'uun'tt NToitr i > rtiiisi > . Slurr I'lxli-y Suyx Ills Sltt r' Iliislmnd Did Nut Dlrlilx Ilin INlnlr. NEW YORK , March 21. Starr L , Plxley today denied the report that Robert Fulford had handsomely provided fur the mother of the late Annie Pixloy. Mr. Plxley xald Mr. Fulford had made an offer to pay her $10 a week and would not sign any papers to bind himself to do that. Mr. Kill ford promised to pay this mini , so Mr. Plxluy saya , on condi tion that Mrs. Plxlev would publish n com plete retraction of the charges and Insinua tion. ! uguluiit him In connection with tlio death of his wlfo. Mr. Plxlcy statoa that thn milt for an acRountliiK brought against Ful ford at Philadelphia will shortly corno up for trial , and that It Is the Intention of his fam ily to push the suit to an end. Ituyit H-li I u Dniil. RIO GRANDE , Tex. , March 21. Lust evening at Holla , fifteen mllea abovu hero on the Rio Grande , an old fashioned duel won fought by two youttm of in. Ono of the combatants. Todala Saonu , was Blabbed BUVIMI times In thu left side and lies at the point of death , HU antagonist , Lulla Garcia , was slightly cut on th wrist , The cuuau ID it Mexican aonorlto. The wounded boy will not Kpnak about the cause of the fight , HayIng - Ing hi * would die without peaching , AluvliiK ( 'iitlln from Tiuua li > llm Territory. HAN ANTONIO , Tex. . March 21 , Thu movement of Texan cattle to ( he Indian Ter ritory has begun here. Several thousand head will bo moved from polntt on thu Han Antonio & AraiiKaa Paas railroad to the territory pastures within the next two weeks , The Buvoro drouth In uouthwuKt Texas nun caused the range to bo unusually ithort of era thin Bprlug ,