THE OMAHA. DAILY HER : SA't'UIlDAy , MABCH 2-1 , 180-TWELVE ( TAGES. SPEC1RL NOTICES. ArtvcrllnemtnU for then * column * will be taken until 1J-M p. m. for Ihn evening nml until * : OT p. m. for the morning nml Runday editions. Advertiser * . by rcnueMlnir a numbered check. can hae nimvers nddrrmcil lo B numbered lettM In cnro nf The Hf * . Answers no nddreswl will lx > delivered upon presentation of the check. WANTED Itate * , I Ho wont first Insertion , lo n wort thereafter. Nolhlnn taken for less tjmn Kc. BOI.1riTOHSTiAMB FUUNIflllKD ; INHTALL. ment ( roods. American Wrlneer Co. . 160J How. " * 7 * . nrd t _ ACIKNTH. HAI.AUV Oil COMMISSION. TUB rental Invention of th < - ngf. Th New Pat. " "nt Oietnlpnl Ink Hraslni ? 1'encll. HelU on idltht. Works like matrlc , ARcntn nre mnk- Inif JMW to 112500 n r week. Kor further pnrtlculnm wrltn ilm Monroe Eraser Mfe. Co. , X 2(1 ( , I A Crnaae. Wig. _ H 8T7. TAILOmTTvANTIID AT FHAN1 J , IIAMOITS. 11 M32J i.ivn dOLte'iToit ! ) CAN IIAIIN KIMJM i oo TO $0.00 par day. Apply 17 , Uranlto bI' " > tS11At , WANTIID , fANVAHflKItfl ; GOOD I'AYINO . 1GII Iznnl street. II-MW2 1 _ < * WANTIJI ) , l'1'IIOI.HTnilKllB. API'/ ! TO Qlobo Upholstering Co. , 2023 rnrnntn. . . . . WIII3ATI.I3V A HATKH. LTD. . HHI.I-- neld , niiKlanil. nro prepared tif niipolnt nn nient for the slat * of Nebraska for the Ktle of VVhentley'H Hop Hitler Ale. Thin nrllcle has nchleved enormous sarrecs In th" 1 nlted Klmr- dom nnd Is Without doubt the be t tinn-lntnO- catlm ? Irt'Vertii ; * * over Introduced , It vvm i * fihlppnl iHilh In iHittlp nnd In cask for l tllini In the I'nll'-l Hlnti'it. Only firms In tour ; with 'beer bottlers nnd toinmandlnK Inw Inllilenco will bo lii-nlpit with. Apply by letter lo Mr. T. W. , C72 Columbus " ' " ? . w Turk. JJZ. _ ' ll GOOD 1IIW AND W04IKN AH AtlKNJH roll thn Ix-Kt show dreHslns on pnrth. " ' " ' ' " ? " , / to rlelit iiartles , Kample iind lernm 10 CPIHH. nillmiin * Kln Hpeclult ) Co. , fffrnibee \ MIM .1 glrrcl ChlciiBQ. III. HMIM TIIAVHI.INI ! HALIIrtMHN WANT13I ) TO HRLL ronslslInK of ' " * * ' our full mnnufiicluriii , , : , ' ffiinnelH. dr-Bs K'H ' ls. Kln hnms , ti.inis JIMHI . etc. Soiilh Philadelphia Woolen CM. , llox 13 , I'hllnilelplil.i. H-M.81 21 WANTIIO. HAI.r.HMAJf. NO I'ltP.VlOUH IIX- perlenro m-ct-s-iary. Cull nt 1213 I AVANTIII ) . MHN IN KVnilV TOWN TO SljLL Ix- told our clKiir-fllinpril nmoklnu pl | - ; cannot from a CKHI ! . no experience Is required , na every uniokpr buy one ns M n nj he seM It : bis tirollts for nci-ntii ; Hampli" hti'l outfit by mall for ID cents In ntninpf. NPW l.nelana Stamford , Conn 1J HELP. Hates. H4c word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lc g than 25e. WANTP.n. BXPIUIINCID _ HOUHI : MAID. Itcferenres ie.iulrc-d. Mrs. H. 11. \ ) ood. Ml North 22.1 street. _ _ Lrcj ; WANTP.I ) , iinsT OP WAana TO COMPI-.THNT Vlrl : . mil be Keel cook and laundress Mra. J. M. Thuraton. 2408 Parnain Btroet. C7I3 AT ONCK , I.ADIia : TO DO WUIT1NO , KTC. . for me at home. Slcaily woik : Koo < l wnKes. No canvnwlni ? . Address , In own liandwrltlijB. ioir-nddn-iwcd I ' . " " " with , - - utamped , "iv ; P J" Kmma li. Itecil. South Hond , InU. -MrM26 _ WANTIJIJ. nmr. roil OCNKHAI. onceMl H. 19th work ; Eood wage * . Apply at once- strcut. < MiJI0 _ FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSIIS IN ALU PAUTS OI' TH15 CITY TIIH O. r. Davis oompany , 1W5 tarnam. u aia 6-ItOOM COTTAOC3 , "jtODIMlN. CllOICfi IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Ulguttcr. 204 IJeo build- . " -87 ! ) Ing. _ _ _ _ IIOUEKH. P. K. UAULINO , HAItKIHl BLOCK. 1J 880 NEW MODI3HN 8-ItOOM IIOUSI3. 31 & MASON D 106 . w : IIHOWN HI.OCIC. ' 7-HOOM MODIJHN COTTAQn. HAST KIIONT. J22.00. Fidelity Trust Co. , 17U2 Karnam.D D S58 iHKNTAI. AQ'CY , 1IUTCHINSON , H23 Farnam. i U-M8J3 M2G RENTAL AQUNCV. SIlUItWOOD. 123 l.lfo. I ) 220 A5 * FOH HUNT TO A SMALL PIIIST GLASS fiimlly without children , a nice nine room i modern House. 311) North 20th St. , rent reason. UOCKS & III11 , HOS Kainam St. CLASS. , wni.L LOCATED iiousns. L. 8. BK Inner. 310 N. Y. Life. U-H3 ! 8-nOOM HolJSE. ALL MODKHN. COfl PA11K i > nvenue. InqulrO'at 611. U Mt33 A13 , . . , MODIMIN FLATS. 23TII AND L13AV- tn worth. J."W. Squire , 2 < 8 llee Ifld'tr. D 188 6. C. 8. AND ID-loom houses G , C , 8 AND 10-HOOM HOUSHS. ALL MODERN , beautiful luwns , shade , etc. , 2121 Miami st. i. U-M3 DKHiitAiiiTn 'niaiiT-itboM nousn , NEAR High school. Inquire 2C1G Capitol ave. t D-MC73 2G APAHTMI3NTS. 4 TO 7 IIOOMB. IN qLOWUY bulldliiKS , IGHi nnd ChlciiRO sin-els : all con veniences : renla low. Apply to Ilnliertu , 1611 Chicago slrcet. U M680 A1'J KKLICINNUV&CO. . it. i , CONTINKNTALHI/K D-CSG t CLKAN. COMl'OHTAIILi : , CONVKNIKNT. modcralo lent.ils ; best 3 nnd t-room suites for housekeepers only. Hcfereni-CD lenulred. Also 0-ruom eultu In tenement. 810 Ho. 22d street. D-C31 S.4. . C ANP "iHOOM HOUSIIS ANI ) FLATS 'fill- lent , Herns ri-duced with Ihe times. Apply - ply Tlzard. 221 N. illh st. 1'-710-25' HlX-lioOif COTTAOI3. 037 N. IVFIl STRUCT. ,412.00. , Inquire 828 South 18th sticc-t. ran UINT KLKOANT IIHICK HOUSIJ. s , iiioms. No , SIW7 1'ftclllo slreel , ulyj modern 8- rn'om house. No. 320S 1'opplelon ave. Hicks , 30r. N.I Y. I.lfu bldg. l)7 o 25 nousi : OF 7 suniN i--oi ? HUNT AT Jil.oo. 828 8. 27lh Hi. 1J-7J3 26' l-OIl iTTlNT , "s-UOOM HOt'Hi : . MODKIIN. FUH- nlshcil or unfuinlshed. 1112 S. lOlh hlrecl. A P M7CI FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Rates , 1'ic word llrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. NothliiR taken for li'i-i than 25c. 8 FURNISHF.D ROOM8 FOR HOUSEICEEP- Im ; for man nnd wife. Rent taken In board. 17th. j U :2i. SOUTH ROOM , SUITALE FOR TWO liKjiila- W Uodgo. K-M6IS 2l rvifcjaiuip ROOM ; GENTLEMAN , sin IIAR- ney Bt. > ES22a LARfli : SOUTH ROOM. NICELY Fl'RNISIIEl ) . 18W. RlnRle loom $4.00 per month. < X > I S. 17th. A * H 713-25 * FOR SALE. C-ROOM HOUSE. BARN AND outhpuscu : leasu to 10 acres sultnhln for gar dening , dairy or poultiy farm ; Incubators , liiO'iderH. iilso gnK'ers lev box , oil tanks nnd Address F 30. Hoe. E-7C5 25 * PARLOIl SIIITA111.E FOIl TWO' OR 'I'HItEE Kt-ntU-mi-ii ; nlxii ro < im on becond lUxn- . Very reasonable. 1921 Farmim II M7W 2 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Rales , 1W ° word first Insertion , la nturd thereafter. Nothing taken for less tiinn g5e. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OP Women's Christian association , HI H. 17th st. _ _ _ _ F-8SJ _ DOI.AN HOl'SE. 211 NORTH 1STII STlillEV. Good rooms , eoo < l labje , reasonable rales. rales.A13 A13 TWO FINE LARGE ROOMS. WITH RTIHIJTI.Y nrsl-chis.1 lioard , i\ft \ Douglas street. F M707 ROO.\i > TAND HHENNAN FLATS , 1W1 California. r MT22 A21 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH tionnl. CM S. 171 li st. F 740 2I _ LARGE Fl'RNISIIEl ) FRONT ROO M TOR onu ur t\\o geiilleman , prlvnlu fumlly. Park- avenue , near Puclllo. Rufoirnou reaulreil. Addtvss ! ' W , R" . 1' IW 20' _ FOlT lfKNTT'lmfmHED. . lioOM WITH board for IHO , referencra required , inn So. gllh street. F-7wi 2J * _ FORRENTNJURNISH'D - NJURNISH'D ROOMS. Rules. Uiconl Ural Inserllon , la n ward IhiToiittcr , Nothing tukon for less t Kin 2ic. 6 UNFUIlNlfillUD CHAMBEIlS Fail HOUSE- kv < plni ; tu mun und wife , No chlldit-n , 319 N , 17th. Q-657 AND OFFICES Rates. 10 , ' n line -nch Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for leu than tie , THE S-8TORY 81OIIK BUILDING , 131 $ FA 1 1- uam t. BOCKS & Hill. 1404 Fuinani si. OFFICUH . XU HUNT IN TUB KCHLITZ bulldlnic , 16lh nnd ll.irney. Special Induco- menU h ld oul to pcrmuneiit tenants. Apply to Jubil llrus. , rooms M and 61 SchllU build- Ine. 1-Mlgl l MtlNTllH LK HB OF tJTOllK. J09 8. IITH. I-M1M rOlt HUNT. Till4BTOllY : 1IU1CK UUILDINO. 310 Kurii niil. | Tlio tulldlng h4 a llrrproof tement UuKiuent , implcle steam lieutlne Ox. lures , vvnier on nil iloora. .us , etc. Apply at tlin i.illrn ot Th Hue. I10 AGENTS WANTED. AUKNTS WAXTWJNHW HOl'SKHOLt ) AUTI. t'lo. xlli in Hiiihl , i.W aurncrt dally p.-ullts. AdJrtu F I" i ward Munf Co. . 1'rovidenc * , IL I. J-MTU U AGENTS WANTED. Continued. WANTKI ) , AOKNT8 F.VKHYWIIKIIE FOR Intot nmco mwclnlty. Hells llself with larice prnflt. Enclom * stamp. Am , Loek-Crnnk O > . , MllttiUlkee. WIs. J-M7M 21 ; WANTKD. HOI.ICITOIW TO TAKE ORDKIia for Hl id'n hook , "ff Chrlut Oomo to Chlcngo ; " It i > elli on slKht ; cvcrylnxly wnnts It. Ilia profit * . Itlverdalo Pub. Co. , 25 Tlmex bblK. , Clilcn/t.i / , J MT32 2I AaiJNTjT WANTED FOIl IIF.HT KNI.AIiar.I ) Imrtrnll made ; unlit on new credit fystent. Ad drt'ss Friedman & Co. , Martlnnburi ; , Mo , J-M77S 2I MEN AND WOMEN MAKE FltOM tlM.OO TO $2i .0) n month handling nulcki- selling hou e * hold Koixl linent.Premlumi ! Riven cus- lomcrH , making le lmmen.iiIwirgi' pninti and premlumN to ngcnls. llousi-lioUl Bwclally Cii. , 73 4lh ulreut , Clnclnnull , O. J M.H 21 * AGIJNT.M , LADIIH AND OENTI.F.MEN. TO mil m-w patenlod nrtldi * JiMt nut ; splendid lu-ller , hlg pli > llts , no llsks. lnve < itlKiili > tinluy. Send stnmpi for particulars. Putman Mfg. , Co. , Cleveland. O , J M775 23 $ MOO TO J1M.OO I'KR MONTH MADF. IIY Otllt ngetilH for the fastest selling new book In Aimrlcn. Exclusive territory ; liost commlisloii ; pxpn-sH paid , 30 dii > credit. No experience n-- quired. Write for terms. P. W.elsler & Co. , IHIX 1661 , HI. Louis. Mo , J-.M777 21' ' " . . . " ' " " " " " York "city'0" J-MTT6 21- AGENTS MAKK $ ' . ( A DAY. (1IIEATEST kitchen utensil PUT Imcnled. RetulH 2jc ; 2 lo C wilil In < < \ery hnuw. Sample , povtagi * paid , frw. McMnkln & Foishce , ClnClnnntl , O. * l AOENTH , TO SELL ADDING MACHINES TO bimlnesH men. Address Frank riueot. Klrksvllle , Mo. J M774 21' WANTED TO RENT. Rales , l c ward first Insertion , la n word thereafter. Nothing tuken for less thnn 2uc. WANTED. HOUSES FOIl RENT. W. O. TEM- plelon , 303 Paxton block. K2I9 31 WANTED. TWO PLEASANT UNFURNISHED rooms on parlor lloor , or whole of parlor lloor , within a radius of 8 or 9 blocks of thn post- olMce. Address F B ) , Bee. K M717 25 WANTED , TO PURCHASE , LEASE OH RENT building In live town outside for first-class Kaloon. Lock box C.JI , Lima , O. K M7S3 25 * WANTED , FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SIX months or year , from May I , for family three ; no children. Address F 7 , Dec olllee.KM773 K-M773 28 * WANTED , MODERN COTTAGE , CENTRALLY located , Address 1 * . O. Box W , Omaha. K M7C9 23 WANTED. ONB OR TWO FRONT ROOMS , partly furnished , wllh board , for man nnd wife , references exchanged : answer , stilling lurms. Address F 31. llco olllco. K M7C3 25' STORAGE. RnlCK , lOc n line each Insertion , 51.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 1'arnam. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROS. 1211 HARNEY. WANTED TO BUY. Rates. 1V4C word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. "Nothing taken for less than 25e. IIIGHTEST PRICE PAID KOIl SECOND-HAND furniture , carpels , stoves , etc. S. II. Brown , D23 N. iCth. Tel. 1711. N 341A9 * MUlll & UAYLOH MAP. F. D. WEAD. WANTED SECOND HAND PNEUMATIC safety : stale make , weight und price. Address F 2. ! , Bee- . N M726 il * WANTED , TO BUY A SMALL BARBER SHOP In a good location. Address Fleishman Ilini. , Ml So. mil street. N-M71U 24 * WANTED TO BUY. TEN TEAMS SUITABLE for work. A. MacDonald , city garbage con tractor N M713 2 ? WANTED. TO BUY GROCERY FIXTURES. 2719 llnrtlette Htn-et. N M7CQ 2j * SURREY OR PHAETON , MUST BE IN GOOD order nnd rlieap. Addiess loom 4. 505 Broad way , Council Bluffs. N M7M 25 FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates , lOc n line each Inktrtlon , $1.60 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. AtlCTION FUKNITURE OF STATE HOTEL In bulk , 1310 Douglas , March 2G , ID a. m. O M4G1 26 FOBSALE HORSES.WAGONS.ETO. Rales , 102 c line each Insertion , Jl.W a Una per month. Nothl.ig taken for lesj than 23c ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT WC ON THE dollar. After March 0 I will hnvo on exhibition ( for a short time only ) nt 1213 Farnam ntrcot , Omaha , n full line of line carriages , coupes , landaus. Victorian , park and cnnopy rigs , buggleB , phae tons , cnlts. buckhoards. all kinds of business and pleasure \\ngoni. drays , milk and delivery wagon * , nhlch I vrlll close out nt 60C ON THE DOLLAR. A full line rind everything llrst-clasa. Come nnd see and bo convinced that you cnn buy anythlns sou want at half price nt 1213 Far nam street , Omaha , Neb.W. W. P. MUMAUQH. P 1C5 Al FOR HA1.I.V K GOOD YOUNG WORK HORSES. wt. about 1,400 Ha. ; 0 set double harness ; J wnsona , almost new. Will sell nil or part cheap for cash or time. II. Hall , Flor- cnee. Neb. _ P,92 ,26 * FOR SALE : 1 Jlno' lns3 front rocku\vny , below mfrs. cost. 1 line aitln hnd morocco brougham , below infra. cost. . ' 2 utc.-hnnil doctors' huEgle. . bargains. 1 m-c.-hiind Concord buggy , ? SO.OO. Good bugKJlinmeis , leather saddle , $7.60. Prummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Hnrnejr. P-M734 25 _ FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Itntcn. JHc word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesa than S5c. HALED "HAY" FOR 'BALK ' THD STANDARD 'Cuttlu Company. Ames , Nrb. , have 2.000 tons of good bacn stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. 0 8S7 POOL AND TWO BILLIARD . -ManliaUaii'stsle. monarch cushions , nlza i\d by 9. nnd all fixtures pertaining thereto. Tallies not used one yu.ircC Will sell or trade. For particulars wrlto to Frank Georke. Carroll City. lovnr Q 201 A4' FOR SAI.KT' SECOND HAND ENGINES. IN llrxt .ilmptf , from u to 40-horse power. In dustrial lion Wprks. Omaha. Q 321A8 ST. BERNARD PUPP11U3 , P. O. BOX C93 , city. Q-M4M aI5 _ FOIl SALE , NICK CLEAN GRAVEL. OMAHA Kllli'on Wall Plaster Co. . CIS Flrat National bunk. Q MS2i ) nlO roll SALE. IS.OW.OO WOIITH OF 8 PER CENT Ural nuiiDMgn paper ; safe , paying Inxc tment. Addi esa , F " 18 , Jllee. Q-CS < 21 FOR rlALK."KHKSII COWS AND CALVES AND OH' . ! HoMloln fullblood. 2S20Vcbitci mif.'t. Q-MC97 24' FOR SALE. THIIEE HUNDRED lUIKUIM-S OF early t-ecil polntoea at foity-llsc cvntH. E , W. Cnuip. 311 N. 3Sth slreet. Q-MC95 27 roil SAI.E-NEARLY NEW Sl'RREY AND St. Bernard bllch , 1 > dr old , both very ilu p. tai2 N. 23th nvtf. Q-7Ui-SJ ) * FOIl HALE , CHEAP. A f.O-IIORSE POWEI nutomntlu eiiKlnu and lioller. nearly new ; a tig tow .It Ix-ITi-H turbine In good older. Heniy BillKdoif , ( lllmoie. Neb , ij SI792 IS * "Till' ANARCHIST , " 11V IlICIIATtU HENRY SAVAGE. Ready Match 2tf. 'ill. r. T. NEEl.Y , Pub. , Chicago. Q-M7&9 2 MISCELLANEOUS. Hotel. lV > o a wonl nrst Insertion , la n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less limn 2oc. WE WILL MAIL A COPY OF nil. KEELEY'8 "Tit-allno on the l.luuor Habit" free ot charge and In plain cnvt'lopea upun application. Ad- diets , The Kecluy lustltulc , Blair , Neb. R-CS1 20 CLAniVOYANTS. Ralea. Uia word flint Insertion , la n word Ihereafler. NoUilpg taken for less tlmn Ko , Mits. DR. ii. WAHIUNT : CI VUIVOVANT. RE lUblu builnesn medium ; 7th yeur at 119 N. lli. B ATH8 ETC. Kate * IHo n word flr > t tnsi-rtlon , lo a word tlnreatler. Nothing Uken for less than e. MADAMK BMITH. MS 8. "jjrTl. 2ND FLOOR , room X Massage , \apor , alcohol , eteam. eul- phurlne and < a balhn , T M57I 21 * MAtiaAQlC MAUAME BlHtNARD , 1419 DODOi : . - T-M8J3 " " MADAM BROWN. 1314 CAIUTOL "Av"uNUIi 2d Door , room 4 , nuiuage , alcliohol , sulphur and kea bjlh . T-M7S729 * Holes , JHe n won ! first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nolhlnit Ink-n tor less than tic. * VIAVI. HOMU TllL'ATMUNT KOll LADIHA Hrulih ixHik and cwisultullon frtrt. Addresser or ' nil , Vluvi Co , suite SIS Lco ) 131dff , Ludy attend tnt. U-M8U UNTIL FUHTHKR NOT1CK JOHN NKLSOH IB ( he only person cmplonl by me to do th clfanlim of vaults and 0" spoots. A. MacDon- ulj , fiy | tUrbac * Cunliuctur. U MC1I At How about Mrs. Columns ? Now Christopher went on discoveries J/pt / , And captured more honors than ever were meant For mortal to wear. < lut ) Mrs. Columbus , I think yes , I fjnowjt , Is pining for notice from rhymstcr or'pbet ' , Let her have her share. 1" While Christopher studied a dingy old chart , She doubtless did washing a heroine's part , And dreamed of the " Fair. ' While Christopher's life was so brightened by hope , ; Her task would have lightened If Santa Claus Soap ( Had only been there. She might have had time to be famous herself , Santa If she'd but had aid from this jolly old elf. Yes Santa Claus Soap , the good housekeepers say Claus Is the choicest of soapy manufactured to-day. Soap. PERSONAL. Continued. A8TitoLoanu-"oi.o niu .I-AUI , OASTOII ; " solid date of birth , Rex , 20 cents nnd ntnmp for future prospects , mnrrlnce , InmlnesH , Hpeculn- tlon , nil nffnlra ; mention pnpcr. 28 ? Third avenue , llox 31 , New York. U M767 21 * MASSAOU THUATMKNT , KLUCTllO-TIinnSlAI. bnths. Scnlp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. 1'oat , 31SJ4 B. ISth.Wllhnetl lilk U-S50 JUST AllltlVUU MADAMU I.A HOOIC HAS opencil mannaKc parlora at 1611 Howard street , 3d lloor front to left. Improved magnetic , vita- pnthlc , Btilphur und alcoholic batlia. loth rest ful nnd curative. Improved Swedlnh hand rub- | < iiiK. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1'urlors 3 and 1. U-ilCil 26 * COMl'OUNU OXYQi.V CU11ES ASTHMA , l > ronchltl > , coniumptlon , catarrh , etc. Three day * free at It. : J Douglas bllt. iGtu nnd Uodge. U 1H nu MRS. IIAUTON OIVUS UKADINOS IN PALMIstry - Istry at G35 a. lith. ladles. Wo , cents , { LOO. U AI36 25 * I.ADIHS. ASIC YOUR HlIOi : niJALUlfKOIl A bottle of Turkish foot Hath , no toilet com- pletu without It. You Kill Lo delighted with ll tffecta. U M6I3 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Ilntcn , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month. Nothing tnkcn for less than 2oc. LOANS ON IMI'HOVKD AND UNIMI'llOVUD city property. 53.000 and upnarda , 5 to OH per cent ; no ilela > s , W. Farnam amlth & Co. . 1320 Farnnm. W S91 ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. , 313 N. T. Life , loans at low rates for cholco security on Nebraska and loua farms or Omaha city property. W 8DJ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THU O. K. Davis Co. , 1005 l-'urnnm st. W 690 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ON Improved and unlmpiuved Omaha leal estate , 1 to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. 1702 Karnnm. \V 8)3 ! ) MONEY TO LOAN ON FAHM3 IN DOUGLAS county and Omaha city property. No delay. l-'Ucllty Truat Co. . 1703 Farnam st. W M893 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPEIITY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. \V. II. Melkle , I'lrst Nat'l bank bldff. W 894 'JKNTRAL LOAN AND TIIUST CO. . 308 BEB hulldlng. W 783 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teal estate. Hrennan , Love & Co. . Paxton blk. W M132 OMOHA LOAN & TltUST CO. , 10TH AND Douulaa eta. , loan money on city and furm property at lowest rates of Interest.V S63 LOANS O.V UEAL ESTATE , WAIIUANTS. GOOD notes , etc. , bought. Oarvln IJros. . 210 N. Y. Life. . " IV 272 WANTED. APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS. J..D. Zltlle. lrown ! blk. , Oman/ . W 933 ' MOltTUAQE LOANS. A. L1OOHU. 604 N. Y. Life. W 320 AS' LOANS WANTED ON CITY AND FARM property. J. N. Frcnzcr , opp. 1' . O. W-383 alO MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , Jl.W a line per month. Nothing tnkcn for less than Z3e. WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. X 897 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , all articles ot value. Ficd Terry , 430 llamga block. X 899 LIFE 'INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City. Mo. * " MCC7 SHORT TIME LOANS. 701 N. Y. LIFE DLDO. X-M200 aS THE PLACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. MONEY ON PIANOS AND OKQANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , . MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY. MONEY IN large or small amounts , MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pny back ut any time and In any amount , U at ROOM 4. W1THNELL block , cor. l.'tli and Harrcy Bin. . THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. MONEY TO LC.vN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , small or laige. ut the lowest possible rate * . In Ihe qulckeal IKibslblo tllno and for any length of time to suit you. You can pay U back In euch installments us .you wish , when you wish , nnd only pay for U as long as you keep it. nouus1"iioLiWFimNiTURn AND PIANOS , HOUSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE REC'EIPTd , MERCHANDISE , OH ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or u-moval of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 SOUTH 10TI1 STREET. First lloor nbnvo the street. . _ - _ THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY TO LOAN ON IIOItSRS. WAGONS , pianos and furnlluro of nil kinds. Buslneij confidential. J. B. Haddock , room 427 Ramse block. -X-833 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates. lOc n line each Insertion , Sl.ftO a line per month. Nolhlne taken for lens thnn 23c. DRUG 8TOUR. CENTRALLY LOCATED , ON easy lorms. - Her 618. clly. T 3/M / MEAT MARKET FOR BALE. CENTRALLY located , lilted up llrat class ; dolnu good bus- ! lies : . Address C , Bee orllce. Council BIufTs. Y-28f A7 BEST PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA : PART cash , balance trndo ; idckncsa caune for selllnR , D , J , Wilson , 17H N. 25th street , Omnlia. Neb. Y MC74 A1SJ _ ll.ftdfl WORTH OF FINE .1EWELRY ON NINE months of time. Address F 11 , life. Y MTO K * ' WANTED \N INTELLIGENT 'MAN WITH $ . ' ,00000 to $3,000.00 lo join advertiser In thn best paying reliill business In lhaost. . Ad- drcfcs F a. , lieu olllcc. Y M791 JO' FARTIES WISHING TO LOCATE PEIIMA- nenlly and help to build u new town In the mountains , write us. J , Men'-ch & Co. . Illnke , Utah. Y M7Si ) Jl FOR EXCHANGE. BTOCIC OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; want horses und cuttle. Box 295 , Frankfort. Ind. _ 2-301 1 OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will cell cheap m exchanuo for milbe. , horses and cuttle. Address liox 76 , Frankfort. Hid. /-Ml _ I WILL EXCHANGE 360 ACHES TINE LAND In Cedar county and the JJ.OOO c.ish for W.OOO stock of Rodls. Address confidential , Box 413 Neh. K IS ! iillHlNESS BLOCK FOR SALE Oil TRADE for land or indue. In eaitern Nebraska. P. O , Box IOC , Creslon , Neb. _ . Z M021 a6 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A GOOD 8-room IIIIUM ) In nurlh part of city , conven- lently locali-d , Rood iiulKnboihoud. Would tukn lot or smaller house. Address E C3 Bee olllee. 1XR SALE OR TRADE. 11.000.00 WORTH OF property In Vrrnon. Texas ; two cholco lots In Owjtnah , Texas ; cheap for cash. Address li 9) , Bee , Council Bluffs. li-CM 26 8 It. NEW IIOUKE. FUIINACB. "fTAs7"BATlF. etc , , bt-autlful mtmli'ls. .tllsd vesllbul , vast front , south part of city , II.COO. < houses short dlntance from High school , J 50.000. ColtaRp and lot , 27th and Douulan.JtOOO , for acres orarant lots. 440 nrre ranch nlth Imp. horses for Omaha proiierly. F. p. Wmd. Ittli and Douglas. Z-7I9-23 _ FOIl HXCHANUB , Tll.ROO. oliAl4VB8TON ciTY property for merchandise or coo.1 Nebraska land. Box 873 Kearney. Neb. Z M7SS S WILL EXCHANO E DKailfABLE LAND FOIl H k-ood rucldil more. W. C. ItUihlv. I'endtr , Net * Z-MT 1 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , H4c word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnn Kc. CI.KaA'NTHOMU. SldHTLYCOKNER. terms easy , modern house. H rooms , hard wood nnlsh , nice shrubberv , fine ground 80x143. north of Jlnnscim park ; worthy of your con- Bldt-rnllon. M. J. Kcnnaid & Co. , Do ; nnd MS N. V. Life bide. HC-C18 ONK 200-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY TO ONKW J , Huirlsun inA. . D. Rose , on farm , Blair. t > 1' Hf HJ ? BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , nulu or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block.M3 M3 * CHEAP HOMES KOH SALE. Houses and lots , all sizes , locations nnd prices , taken under foreclosure by eastern parties who Insist on Immediate sale. Also Nebraska farm lands. Will soil at half value , and easy terms. It. F. Ranklnc , Omaha National bank. R E M203 GREAT SNAILEVEL. . RICH GARDEN lands , one mlle from city limits. JCO.CO to JIOO.O' ncr acre , on t > years time ; semi > trade. Call 810 N. Y. Llfo bulldlne. RE 3I7 M31 LISTEN LITTLE PALACE : TERMS TO SPIT ; 7 looms ; grate nnd hot water ; Hrst-cHss plumbing ; barn for three horses ; full lot. cast front ; eust of park ; must bo seen to be appreciated. M. .T. Kcnnard & Co. , 007 and 90S N. Y. Life bldpr. RE18 BARGAIN GREATEST IN THE CITY IN vacant lots. Let us show you the property , for now U the time lo make jour Imvst- mcnts. M. J. Kennard i : Co. , 807 and 903 N. Y. Life bids. RE-CIS 0 SECTIONS CHOICE LAND ; CHEAP ; TERMS easy : colony wanted ; commission liberal ; also landa for stock and indse. J. W. Welptoii , Grant. Neb. RE-1C3 A3 * BARGAIN. N. E. CORNEIl 20TH AND HICK- ory. F. 1C. Darling , IJ.yKcr block. R E M97G LOT G , BLK. 172. CHEAP. F 9. Uce 053 A-1S NOW IS THE OPPORTUNE TIME TO BUY Omaha real estate and. Ilia following proper ties niu below the piesent low market prices : B R. house , Bouth and E. fronl , near Huns- corn 1'aik , $4.000 , JMO cash. 7 It. house , eencr cpn.i 20h ( near St. Mary's ave. , special tax fully paid , J3.CDO. 5 R. bouse und lot 1 inllu N. W. , 51,0V ) . IIouso anil lot S. B. Hiinscom Park , JCiW. Good sized house n&l)1ot near High school. $3.000. i , 7 R. house and full lot , barn , paved st. . Walnut ! nut Hill , J2.SOO. ' 9 R. house , 19th st. , a.conv. \ . , $1,000. Cottages und Iota at 1/iw / prices and very easy tcims. , „ Unimproved : - „ , . 4 acres , WnshlngtonjHlll , $2.EOO. 4 acres on car line JJ..W. , Jl.OOO. I'lnc cast front lot iiprui H. Park , 52COO. 50 ft. south front. Bristol St. , $1.300. 44 ft. south front , Bclalol st. , $900. 40x120 ft. 33d near Lt-a enuorth. $700. Good cast front lot JPt of II. Pnik , $1,100. 40 ucies near Ft. Omaa | | , JL2l > )0. ) , tACTIK Belvedere , iiea"r'furt 4KO , i , r ' " 6 .acres A.miles \ N. TV. ' . $1W. , , ' ' F. D. Wead , ICUi.jujjt'Douglas. ' V-l" U E 716-23 FOR SALE , A FINE' HOME OF 12 ROOMS outslU.0 of bath rooms , closet , pantry , furnaca room , etc. . In ono of tlio best locations , ele gantly furnished and fully equipped In every particular , ready to step right Into , and o bargain for onyono about to locate. The whole outfit. , house , lot and furniture. $12,000.00 , much less than- cost nnd only offered for sale on account ot family being away much of the tlmo the present year. Address D GS. Bee. R n 150 a3 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT AT 2211 Webster street for $3,800.00. Apply on premises. R E M443 a3 * 9-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 FULL LOTS IN I.IN- coln Place , by far the' biggest bat gain of the kind In the city of Omaha/ George A. Hoag- land , 9th and Douglas st. R E 711-23 THREE BEAUTIFUL HOMF.s7oN THE HI GH grounds Just oft ot'West Farnam street. Call and \ > o ttlll tell you all about them. M. J. Kcnnard & Co. . S07 nnd 903 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 618 WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN. HOUSE ? B A RN nnd lot ; also twa , vacant lots , corner 2Sth avenue nnd Burdette. on grade , sen or nnd water ; lots well fenced. Apply to owner , Morand. 1510 Hnrney. RE M731 A21 FOR SALE. CITY PBOPWRTY ; C-IIOOM COT tagc , 19th , near Lnko street ; will sell cheap. Box 373 , Kearney. Neb. RE M729 30' FOR SALE , AT LOW FIGURES. CHOICE TEN- ncte tract , West Omaha ; beautiful place , trees , good streets , etc. , only $3,600. HIcKs. 305 N. Y. Llfo bldg. . RE746 23 BIO BARGAIN , HANDSOME MODERN Bt'ILT house near Hnnscom park , nil latest Improve ments. Cull for price and terms. HIcKs. 305 N. Y. Llfo bldg. > 11K746 25 FOR SALE , ON PAYMENTS. A BEAUTIFUL 6-room house and barn with lot. MxllO feet , near car , D. F. Hutchison , 103 N. 15th street. RE M753 23 A SPLENDID INVESTMENT , CIIOIClTFORTY aero Unct just west ( if Omaha , If Mold quirk , only $32.1 pi-r ncru. Hicks' Real Estalo Acency , 205 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE-M7SI3 25 FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25e. FOIl LEASE , 20 OR 40-ACRE TRACT'S NEAR Florence lake. $3.00 per acre. Boggs & 71111. R 937 M30 FOIl RENT OR SALE. TO I'll AGUES GARden - den land and 4-room house. Call Wl N. 13th str ct. M724 2S * LOST. Rates , l''c word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. LOST. MALE PUG ; NAMK , TIP. RETURN TO 1710 North 20lh Ht. and receive row aid. 733 21 * FOUND. Rates. l',5o word Hrjli ( nnerllon , lo ft word thereafter. Nothing take.iv for less than 25c. FOUND. PAIR OF K fr-GLASSES ON 11TH nnd Williams ; owner cui hav samu by prov ing property and panj ) ; for tlila ail. t Found 770 25 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO. VAN 8ANTH RCIIOOln OF SHORTHAND. C13 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. MW3 CUTLERY RINDING. A. L. UNDELAND Id NOW READY TO DO all klndu of line grlnUlnfr at his old stand , 10 $ S. Hlli street. ' 307 an MUSIO.'ART AID LANGUAGE. Rates , lOo a line each insertion. 51.W a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Kc. O F ! OELLKNBEOK. BANJOIST AND teacher , 1810 Californiasi. 914 UNDERTAKERS A ND EMB ALMERS Rules , lV6o word first Insertion , la n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. II. K. RUUKET IHTNERAL DIRECTOR AND ( inbulmur. 1618 Chlca.o st , Tel. W. Ml UPHOLSTERING. GLOBE UPHOLSTEIUNa CO. , GUNBHAL FUR. nlturo lepalrln. ; rsllnmles and Information cheerfully Riven. All work called for nnd promptly atunJed to. tMS Furnam street. Telephona 7M. M3M DRESSMAKING. Rites. IHc word drit Insertion , la a word thoreafler , Nothlnif tak n for lesi than 25c. DHES8MAKINO IN FAMILIES. MISS STURDY. 4211 Nicholas. IMAJ- Notlco. \Vo wish to Inform the public that E < 1 Holth. rliiltnliiff to he nil uiiliolHtertr , Is In iiowlae , nor never waH , cunimcttxl with the Globe Upholstering company. rn24ra&t A , B. QAY AT THE NEXT MORNING I FCCL DRIQHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. lly doctor snj.i It nets cpnlly on the itoniflch , liver nnd kldner * . nnd In K pleninnl iKSAtlvp. 1 bl3 drink In ninde from herln. and Is prepared for use lly Mlea. It li called . nrd l fipTCtBKP. If you cunrotgetlt. end rournddres.1 for a free mimple. N I'nmllr .lledlplnr IIIOTPH Ilm bo > TpU THE ALOE & PEN FOLD CO , 1408 Farnam Street , Retail Druggists and purveyors of Medical Supplies. Invalid Chairs , Supporters , Atomizers , Sponges , Batteries , Water Bottles , Rupture Cnred Satisfaction guaranteed. All the latest improved Trusses. THE ALOE & PENPOLD CO , 1408 Far 11 am St Oppnslto Paxton Ilotal Ati Invaluable product made from the finest beef the world produces. Extract of Beef SSSk SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS TllKATMlCNT BY MAtl. CuiiHiilf.UIiin Free Wo euro Catarrh , All Diseases of the Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach , Llvor , Blood , Skin and Klcinoy DIseases - eases , Female Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , AND ALL PRIVATE Dls- EASES of MEN. I'ir.KS , VISTULA AND RECTA I. UI.CEIIS cured without uulnur Uolotition from Lusinosi RUPTURE. A'o Cnro AV ) I'uy. C.ill on or addnis1) ) with Btnmp for circular1 } , free book nnd receipts , lat stairway south of I'o Olllco , Room 7. Dr , Searles and Searles , BUREAU. 8X7ESA OO. . SOI.I01TOUS.Boo IJullains , OMAHA. NKB. Advlco l-'KEE. RH1LWAY TIME OHRD LcaTes'jCHlCAGO. BURLlTToTON & Q.lTrrlveT Omuhal Dcixit 10th ami Mason Sts. I Omaha 4:4Jpm : Chicago Vestibule 9:50nm : 9:45um : Chicago Express 4:2apm : 7iin. : | . . .Chlcugo and loua l cal : Wam 11.3iain..i. . . Paclllo Junction Ix > cal D:55pm : Leaves IllUULINOTON & . MO. RlVKIl.lArrlves Omalml Depot 10th and Mason His. ( Onmlm : Denver Express 9:3Iam 10:15am : Denduood Expit-ss 4:10pm : 4.r : > 0pm Denver Express 4:10um : 6Wpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Bun. ) , . . tMimi : Siliam..Lincoln Local ( excepl t-unday..H25am ) ; Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. II [ Arrives Onialml Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha 9:43am..iKunsaH : City Day Express. . . . 6.Vimi : :45pm.IC. : C. NlKlit Ex. via U. 1Trans. . 05u'im ; Leaves I CHICACIO , It. I. & PACIFIC. fArrlvJr Oinuli.ilUnton Depot 10th and Mason Hts. | Omaha HAST. * 9:3'nm..Atlantic : ' Express ( ex. Suiulay. ) . , 7linm 8:00pm. : NlRhl Express CMJum 6:0)pm : ) . . .Chicago Vestlbuled Limited . . . 2.0upm liilOam.Oklahuma Exp. ( to C. 11. ex Hun , ) . WI.'dT , ; C30 ; m.Oklahomn Ac Tt.-x.iH Hxp. ( ex Hun.12 loim 205pm ! Colorado Llmllcd 4Suiim : Leaves I UNION I AiFIC ( , ( Arrives' OjnaliajUnlon Deput. lOlh & Mason 8ts. [ Omaha . , Denver Express. . . Oveiland Flyer. . . leatrlcn & Strom b-s Ex ( o ( ' Ai ijajpm Leaves { CHICAGO. MIL. . . ST. Arri " tJiiialiaiL'nloii Depot 10th & Mason Sis. | Omaha "cT35pm . Chicago Limited , . . . . ; . 'J.ltam ll30um. ! . . .Chicago Express ( ex. Kun. ) . 550mn ; [ , ea\es"j F. , K. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Onialml Depot IJlli and Webster Sis. | Umalia 9:05nm : . Di-adnood Eiprom . C.lODm 9:05nm : ( Kx. Sal. ) Wyo. nxp. vEx. Mon. ) 6.10im [ 6:00pm. : . Norfolk Expret * ( Ex. Sunday ) . . 10:4Jum : 6:45pji : _ . . . . . .St. _ I'aul pjT/ss , . , , , _ 9.2Jam Leaves I CHICAGO & NOIITIUVIWT'N lArrtVcs" OnmhalU. " P. Depot 10th & Mason St | pinqj'a ll:05nin" : . ChU-iigo Express 7..T B lunm 4:05pm : . Vebtlbulo Limited . :2'Mm : 6. 30pm . lluslern Flyer . 2.1Snm 6:3UpmEx. : ( Bat. ) .Chic. Pass.I.'x ( Mon. ) 9:2Jum : C.Wum . Mo. Valley Local , . . , „ „ _ lO.JOpm UeiTv'esT ITlSSoUltT PACIFIC. l rrl iTT Umahal Depot 15lh and WebsterSls. _ _ | Omah.t i:20pm : . HI. Louis Express . G:0)am : ) 10:00pm . St. Ixiuls Express . 4:5Qnni : fi.lupili. Dally ( ex. Sun. ) Neluanka Local. 9lOaiii ! [ rfaveT | cTT" " ' . " . & "o' ; [ ATriTM" Unuilia ) Depot _ . Wti _ and Webster Sts. _ [ Jlmaha 8:50um. : . . . Sioux Clfy Accommodation 10:20pm : 2l5pm. Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun. ) 12 30pm j45pm. ! . . . . .rHt. PaulJ.linlted . . . Xj m lavi-s i SIOUX""ciTY & i'AcTl'H' . "TAfriTeT Omah-IU. P. Di-pot 10th & Mason Sls.J Omaha CUam..BIoux City Passenger. . 10:2'JpTn : ' 3Wpni : , . . . . , . . .HtI'jjiul _ Express . . . . 10:00am : .eav j I H1OUX CITY & PACIl'IOi ( Arrives Oinahal Depot 15th ujid\VcbsterHls. _ | Omaha 6:45pm : . HI. Paul Limit" ) . . . 9:23jm 645pm ! . . Chicago Limited _ . _ . 9:2ium : " aveil OMAHA" & ST. l-OUIS. jArriTeT OmalialU. P. I ) pot 10th & Mason His j Omaha . . . , SU Louis Cannon Uall , , . , . li.jCpm AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA How the Sales Were Yesterday nt the Big Blooded Horse Auction. WALLWEBER'S ' CARD TO THE PUBLIC from tlic t'omirlliimnlr Itnro li 1'ntor ( if Ilullii-Mmvr mill 111 * Trot , hip DOR Othrr Magic C'Hy N < Tlio blooded Iiorso snlo nt tlic stock ynrcls rontlnucd yrslcrilny , tlio followliiR sales lie ItiK made : CoiiHlgninciit of J.V. . Itcadlc of Pniilllloii Nel > : "lied WtxMl. " fold lo W. A. Jackson of Oniahii , , | 2o CoMslKMinent of 1) . T. Mount of Onmlia : "llelle 11. " nold IIIV. . a tllynn of oulh Umaha ' . .I Ri "Patience. " sold lo .1. C. Knurr of Omaha. . . . 70 "Uosallnd , " suld lo J. C. IIiiRer uf Omaha. . . . 90 CotiHlKiiincnt of John T. Slmw of Tekn- ninh , Nob. : "Alniont hnncaMer. " solil lo n. I ) . Payne of Alliance . .j | i ) "Almont Scotland" wild lo U. D. 1'ajno of Alllatu-e , Ni'b , . 4 Consignment , of Carson & Cona\cr of Iowa City , la. : "Aux. " 11at. sold to M. i : . llalev of Omaha.J 7 : "Inlmder , " sold to i : . Do ran of Sidney 100 ConalRiimunt of Alfred II. Pope of Win rtom , Minn. : "St. Andrew , " sold to K. I ) . Pa > ne of Al liance $ K Consignment of W. I ) . Taylor of St Joseph , Mo. : "W II II , " sold to W. It. Wilder of Omaha. . . ) CO "Dadetta , " sold to J. J. Herbert of Central I'lty > "Dad , " unhi to A. M. Clark of Otnnh.i 2S 'I idy Me , " BoM to OeorKO Jiipknin of South Omaha 3" ConslKiiinent of W. A. White of St Joseph , Mo. : A bay Illly , sold to A. II. Clark of Omaha J 2i "Anita , " Bold to A. 11. Clark of Omaha 32 Consignment of W. D. Carlisle of Lake Geneva , WIs. : "llleclrle , " sold to W. A. IleNcll of Ole- bolt. In , $ 73 CoiiHlRtiment of T. J. Snyder of Papll- lion , Neb. : "Cymballne , " sold to IM llped of Omaha . . . .J CO Consignment of A. A. Kltznilller of Wichita , Knn. : "Maud Wllkes , " sold to Q. O. Lemley of Vllllsca , la J 73 A bay Illly. noli ) to A. J. Vnuchn of West * mark , Neb c ; „ "Oeitenil Hunter. " old to O. A. Farley of Craig , Net 275 "Victor Chief , " Mild to J. Jrnm-n of Onrilia. 82 A sorrpl mare , sold to WoortH I'onoa of Pierie 90 "Cairle W. " xold to G. N. Uuiiiphru ) of tpiesco. la 23r "Lady Madison , " notd to Woodi Con of Plprci- 103 " \\llllam t'urtls" sold to / . II. Clark of South Omaha M "Flom W , " sold to W. A. Ilelsell of Ode- Ixilt. In 77 "llrunettc , " sold to W. A. Helsell of Odc- Imlt. Ii 9 ; "St. Martin , " wild to 7. . It. ClaiI : of South Oniaha , $0 "MHa W , " sold to W. I * . Prltcliaid of Omaha 97 "Susie W. " sold to W. A. lIHsell of Ode- loll , In 190 Consignment of C. II. Dalnum of Mary- vine , Mo. : "May Phclps , " sold to E. D. Payne of Al liance j 42 "dole. " sold to W. A. Paxton , Jr. , of Omaha 200 "I.ula II , " sold to O. II. Llmiabory of South Omaha f,7 A black ReldliiK , Hold to .1. , lar\ls of Omaha 10D "Lady Wllkes , " sold to .1. A. llaUe of Omaha 10 Consignment of A. C. Shellenberger of Almn , Neb. : "Kitty McOrecor , " sold to C. L. Rrnun of Omaha Jl.'O "Klhel McOireor , " sold to J. M. ISreiiRle. . . M Consignment of C. K Donovan of Malt- land , Mo. : "Clark Street. " sold to W. White of St. Joseph , Mo SI'M Consignment of W. J. Thompson of Kan sas City , Mo. : "BlackMood Iless. " sold to T. D. Petrlne of South Omaha (203 "Hx ] > crlte , " sold to II. II. Irr > of Omaha. . . 2.3 ! Consignment of J. J. Johnson of Wulioo , Neb. : "Hay Dlomon. " 1,813 , sold to D. K. Wilson of Omaha $ CO Consignment of A. C. Sliellcnberger of Alma , Neb. : " "Carter McGregor , " sold to J. A. llnka of Omaha $ SO "Capstan , " sold to li. 1' . Wliknm of Council muffs , la 55 Trotting Dogx. John T. Shaw of Tokanmli Is In the city attending the horse sale , but Mr. Shaw Is prouder of his dogs thnn some salesmen nro of the prices received for their blooded horses. "Joe , " Mr. Shaw's Imported English pointer , will drive like a team horse and trot llko an Hamblctonlan. "Joe" lias a lialf- mlle record , on a straight trot , without nn attendant , drawing his weight , sixty pounds , In two minutes. Mr. Shaw will exhibit his dogs this season. Mr. Wullitchnr IVUIidronK. Frank O. Wallweber , Indcpondent-deino- crutlc candidate for council , has Issued the following card , withdrawing from the race : "To My Friends and the Public I desire testate state that In the Interest of democracy I have withdrawn from the contest for coun- cllman-at-Iargo , and I hereby endorse James II. Uulla , the regular nominee of the demo cratic convention of March lli , 1S91 , " Slight J'lr . At 10:30 : Thursday night lire was discov ered In an unoccupied room over K. K. I'allk's furniture store , DOS North Twenty- flfth street. The building was formerly owned by I. Hulchcuberg , but lately was conveyed to an Omaha Investment company. The damage to the building Is about $300 by fire , and to the furnltuie , by water , about J200. City ( io lp , Mayor OeorgoM. . Oeddos of Grand Island Is In the city , Voters should remember that thin Is reg istration day. Miss Nora Cox has gene to Sewartl to spend Easter vacation. T. 13 , Hatcher yesterday filed hltj petition as a candidate for police judge. The democratic city central committee met last evening In Judge Levy's olllco. Yurdmastor Joseph H. Henry of the Union Paclllo Is out after a .short sickness. II. Schtima of Washington county has been the guest of Councilman John R SchulU. Thu citizens' city central committee hold a meeting In rooms 2o and 20 , Pioneer block , ast evening. Mr. W. J. and Mrs. Anna Taylor of the city bchools have gone to Lincoln for u week's visit. Miss Hololi Sceloy of the public schools will spend her vacation with relatives and friends In Creston , la. The Second Ward Citizens club held a < Covered with a Tailelo anil Soluble Coating. ! > BEEGHAM'Sii ' PILLS : ire i ro a marvellous \ \ AntldotoforlVcuU ] ' Nfomucb , i , SICK HEADI I ACHE , i Impair. ] ' oil Jlie - ' , , ' . ntlpntlonil' DUurdcr. ; eil I.lver , < ; ' etc.found ! Mao to bfl cepccUllr effioclout and remedial , i b ? rEMAtB NUI'KHItintH. J S Ot all druKRlnta Prlco 25 conn nbox. J J ! New YorUBnimt. SMCaimlHt. SOMETHING NEWa ! , , DOOR STOP THAT HOLDS THE DOOIl AT ANY ANOIC. U DOORJ rnOM SUMMING. Bio MONEY is AOINTS. r" ' SEND25c5.FORSAMPLE ! ' % 'r bym..UmureA . eiKY ARPER MVc Co. Peoriafll. mootlnR last ovonlnR nt Twonty-fourth nml Wyinan ntrccln. Colonel \V. K. Co < ly wun nt the Union stock ynrils yestonlny with a coiislgnmunt ot liorncs for snip. A Roclnl for member ; ! will ln > nlvon by tlio YounK Men's Itisll.uic , No. 192 , next Wednesday evening. Jlrs. 1' . H. McMi'uii his g.nm lo Nash ville , fiMin . to 9)eiu' ' a month with relatives nml frlemls In her inMvi city. I'resldcnt Mlchaol Cndahy of the Ctidnhy 1'acldiiK company , who hns been vlsltlni ; the iilnnt. returned to Chicago yesterday , The eortlflcntes RrnntltiR the prlvllrRo ot InkliiK booUn from the public library ran bn obtained any ovcnliiK from the librarian In charse. Misses Anna and Nettle Hunter , ( cache. In the public schools , have Rene to Albany. Mo , , to spend the faster vacation with their parent ! ! . IJnno , aged .1 years , son of Mr nml Mrs. J. 1) ) . I.ober. ( } street , between TwMity-fltth nnd Twenty-sixth streets , died Ihurulay Afternoon. Crusader ircimpment No. ,7 , Indnpmulent Order of Oi'd ' l''j.o\v ' ! . li t nlttht Initiated olfiht member ) Inta the m.VHti > rli'.s nf odd- fellowship. 1 > . J. McCnbc of i ho Culiliv i'ncklnjT ccm- puny will leave fir Chicago thlr cvenli R to meet his sister , ulo lias Jim iri'itd ' from Australia. South Omaha lodRo No. 1(11 ( , Swltchmen'd .Mutual Aid association , will RVO | Its second animal ball In llauer's hall Monday ovcnlnu , March 26. Verna. the charming 'Ittlo daiiRhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Scott , Twenty-first nnd O streets , will entertain Infant friends thl3 afturnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wnlkor of Stanton are vIsltlttK thi'lr ilniiRhter-nml son-ln-lavv , Mr. and Mrs. Wiley II. Ucckett. Twenty- llrst and N streets. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Haymer , Twenty-Hun and A streets , after n serious sickness , Is BO much butter that It U now out of daiiKer. The South Omaha Democratic club will hold a meeting In Ancient Order of Hi bernians hall , Twenty-third nnd N streets , Saturday monlin : nt N o'clock. The receipts of hogs nt th > jarUs Hlnco January , 18M ! , hnvo tvcn 325,157 , nt row- pared with durli'K the correspond1 ! ; tlmo In IS93 , n ( Mill of 09,821 iMttal | to 17 ! J per cent. Mrs. K. Thompson of Stromsburg , who waa visiting her sister and brother-in-law , Mr. nnd Mrs. Miles M. Mitchell , has gone to I'apllllon and was accompanied by Mrs. Mitchell. Frank Kmpklns , ono of the old-time , trusty and cfllclcnt Union I'acinc employes , has been promoted to foreman of the car repair department , vice William A. Tcinplo- ton , resigned. Dora Sanders , head cattle buyer for tlio f ! . II. Hammond company , has resigned. Cattle Huyer Murray , for the firm In Chicago cage , ha.s been transferred to this city ami Is now nt active work. Thomas J. O'Orady has KOIIO violently In sane nnd Is now In St. Hormird's nsylum , Council Bluffs. Mr. O'Grady doen not rec- ognlzo any one and Is In such a critical con dition that death may occur at any moment. A spelling boo an 1 basket sorlal was given In tlio lecture room of tlu 1'lrst Motlir 1 PC church Tlmreday evenlns. Thn largp pitrml- anco was as plou.'ns to the promol.'rK an the fun anil lmili u. C'-pfiilo to the friends present. Messrs. Hank Lewis , James D. Doyle , Fred Foster and John S. Hangs of Swift's force have returned after n hunting expedi tion nt Ashland. They report killing forty- seven ducks , but lust the game by fast driving on their way to the depot. A poverty social was hold Thursday even ing In the Albright Methodist church. The Ladles Aid society furnished a lunch. Fines were Imposed on nil who were "blled" shirts , had their HUDCH alilned or wore nny tlno clothes. The social Una Vi\icli \ enjoyed by a largo number ot frlenJB. o- Himn thli-ii ; ( > .11 nil \\'u CIII-IM ! of RIicu- liiiitlnin. Mr. John Hall of 9235 Commercial avenue , Chicago , mot with a serious accident lor which no used Chamberlain's I'aln Balm freely , with the best results. "Hut noiv , " says Mr. Hall , "comes the best part fft ) my story. I'or many years I have been nulte a sufferer with rheumatism , with stllTuosa ot the joints. Since the application of Cham berlain's I'aln Ilalm , all symptoms of rheu matism have disappeared ; In fact I bellevo that It has banished every trace of rheuma tism from my system. For sale by drug gists. { 5 Dollars and $20 Dollars To San Francisco. The $5 pays for your berth In ono of tha through Pullman tourist cars and the , $20 pays for a first class passage , all via TUB UNION PACIFIC. No , you don't hnvo to change , the sleepers run through to San Francisco. Have you' ' nearest Union Paclllc agent reserve you a berth or vrlto Harry P. Doticl , city ticket , agent , 4303 Farnam street , Omaha. PARK COMMISSIONERS. JoffrrHon Kqiiurt ) Iiijiiiirtlnii JMiittiilojllo .Soil loil hy Hi-furci-s. Dr. Miller presided nt a meeting of the park commissioners yesterday afternoon. ' All the members were present. Mr. Tukcy brought up the Jefferson sijuaro Injunction matter In an Informal way. 'Ho ' said Judge Doanc , as counsel for himself , and Attorney Conncl had talked over a prop osition to Imvo Judgn Ferguson call In ( wo other Judges and decldu the matter among themselves without giving the matter any further airing In the courts. Dr. Miller said that such nn arrangement would bo perfectly satisfactory to himself , nml tlio other members of the commission agreed with him. The decision of the tllreo judges will bo accepted as final by the .commlsHion and the case will not be talton to the su- [ iromo court. Dr. Miller brought up for consideration the ordinance now pending In the city coun cil In regard to compelling citizens to plant trees and shiubs In certain districts desig nated by the council. Mr. Miller said that it would soon bo the proper tlmo tn plant trees If nny are to be planted this hprlug , and ho wanted the mcmbeiH of thn commis sion lo be familiar with the contents ot the otdinance PO that In case It became a law Immediate action could bo taken. Judge Luke did not seem to bo elated over .ho ordinance. Ho said that It was lame n moro thnn ono regard. In the first place the onllnan'-o did not provide for any fumta to cairy out Its purpose , und In the second > ! uce the council did not have the authority o Invest any power In the park commission. Mr. Mlltard thought the ordinance suggested mprovcmcnta and ho was heartily \ favor of nny proposition relative to hcnntlfylnu ; the city. No definite action was taken , Mr. Dougherty appeared before the board is u representative of Mr. Crclghton to earn when the commissioners would nccoin- iany Mr. Crelghton 1111 a trip over the pro- tosed route of the southwest boulevard and illow that gentleman to point out the Him to lias uuggcstod hoiotofore. Monday morn- NK at 10 o'clock was agreed upon , Mr. .yniun , who has Interests la common with Mr. Crelghton , will Join thu party. The line of thu boulevard has already been agreed ipon and the land condemned , but If Mr. Crolghton nml Mr. I.yman HCO fit to donate o the commlssslon a tract that Is ngreea- ilo It Is poHslblu that a slight change will jo made. _ A I'livorlto fur CoiiKlm anil ColiU "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is tint best nedlclno for coughs and colds we hnvo ever Bald , " Hayu H. Keel & Soti of Coal Hun , Ky. t Is n favorite because It CUM ulwayti bo lepcndcd upon. It loosens a cold , relievcH ho lungs and otTecU a permanent cure. Whooping cough Is not dangeiutiH when thin remedy Is freely given , as It lliillli-s | thu ough mucus und makes It easier lo expee- orate , 25 und BO cent bottles for talu by druggists. _ _ fiimpt'L-t Hi ) Win Murdered. MimKItmCSIIOttO , 111. , Match 23Tha iody of Thomas Iloblnson , who wan killed emu tlmo ago In connection with the dam roubles , has been found In a decomposed , condition at thn head of the dum. It In believed ho was murdered by a party of conspirators who wore known tu intend cut- Ing the dum on the night of ItoliliiHon'u ills- appearance. The oxcltemnnt la InluiiBu ami nero trouble la anticipated.