Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1894, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 16

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Tavorablo Opening of the Spring Trade is
Well Sustained , -
JJuycru Who Uscil lo Oo Kml Are Now
Coming llrro lo Purchase I.ocnl llml-
iim Mtirli HrlRlitrr Tlio
( icucnil rroipcct.
The encouragement which the Omaha Job
bers derived from the auspicious opening of
the spring bimlncflB has been substantially
confirmed. The sangulno dealers hnvo Imd
tliolr best expectations realized , while the
croakers havu receded Into the background
and are compelled to realize that , as usual ,
their premonitions of disaster were wholly
baseless. The Improvement which has been
noticeable since the end of February shows
no symptoms of weakness. It has grown
stronger and broader each week , until It Is
reaching ovcry line of the wholesale trado.
The dry goods dealers were the flrst to
feel the Impetus of the awakening , and then
the boot and shoo men begun to notlco an
Improvement In their business. Last week ,
tor tlio first time thin Reason , nil lines of the
jobbing trade experienced a period of real
business activity. Kven the hardware trade ,
which has seemed to hold off longer than any
other line , lias aprung Into life and the deal
ers report a very actlvo Improvement on nil
As was the case during the previous week ,
. . .tliu house trade lias been the feature of tlio
local wholesale business. A continually In
creasing number of country merchants have
poured In these sunshiny days and none of
them have gone away without leaving the
jobbers a souvenir of their presence In the
flhapo'of moro or less liberal orders. The
general sentiment of confidence on the part
of the retailers , which was commented on
at length In yesterday's Hco , has had n
tendency to more than over confirm the ox-
jncctatlons of thn Jobbers. That the opin
ions expressed by the merchants are moro
than mere talk Is Indicated by the way In
which they are branching out from their
previous conservative policy and buying moro
freelythan at any tlmo before this season.
Many'lings'which have been dormant for
months liavo shown decided Indications of
Jlfo and nro coming Into a iiulto actlvo de
mand. Trado'has bettered itself In nil staple
lines , and fancy goods are beginning to
'movo with some degree of freedom. Con
siderable trade has developed on hosiery ,
although the general notion trade Is still
comparatively quiet.
There have been some changes In the
grocery markets , during the week , the most
notlcoablo pf which are a sharp advance on
.California evaported fruits and a dcclino of
1/1 to Vi cent on general lines of provisions.
Sugar Is quoted strong , but tho.passage of
the Wilson bill would undoubtedly cause an
advance commensurate with the added duty.
The recent flurry In freight rates has
caused n decline of 10 cents n keg In nails ,
but otherwise hardware staples are un
changed , The trade runs largely to season
able lines , but there are some Indications of
activity In shelf goods , and the trade In this
direction Is expected to pick up during the
next thirty days.
The local clearing house receipts for the
1 "past six days are as follows :
Monday % 880,989.47
Tuemlny 798,1)1.07 )
Wednesday 770,190.31
Thursday . , GG9,800.I3
Friday 7rt" , < " " . " "
Saturday 023,923.02
Total $1,45,1,173.07
{ Situation , Although Improved , U Far from
llclnff it Siitlifactory Ono. ,
.Albert Andriano , superintendent for Snow ,
Church & CO.'H mercantile agency , says :
"Tho business of the \v ek shows n very
satisfactory Increase In most lines , and the
gradual Improvement of trade noted for the
past few weeks seems Inclined to continue.
The weather Is favorable , and has now
carried us so far into the season that there.
Is llttlo fear of a protracted cold spell.
Clearings show an Increase over the cor
responding week of last month. There Is no
apparent Increased demand for loans , but
bankers nro moro hopeful than they liavo
l)0en for sumo tlmo , feeling that with the
continued Improvement of trade a demander
| or money will naturally follow. Retail
trade , which , has been very .dull , Is showing
gratifying signs of revival In n general way.
The railroads report an Increase. In local
business , In dry goods and boots and shoes
there Is considerable activity. In the former
conservative Jobbers freely predict that If
trade continues as good as It has been so
, fur this month. March will show a larger
Jnjslness than has been clone. In the same
irionth In any previous year. This Is at
tributed to the fact that January and .Feb
ruary business In these lines fell far below
that of corresponding months In past years ,
and to the further fact that retail stocks
have become so low that It Is nn absolute
necessity to fill In. The largo Increase In
March , therefore , should It continue ,
will only bring the business up to a
1'alr figure for tlio first three months of
1891 ; even with \ \ fair showing th.o amount
of sales for this season must necessarily
fall below that of previous years on account
of tho' fall In prices In some of the leading
articles of merchandise In this branch of
"In boots and shoos the Improvement In
business may bo charted In part to the
extension of territory and the efforts put
forth bv Omaha Jobbers. In hardware ,
Implements and groceries the same condi
tions prevail as In other lines and Jobbers
no loiiKcr hosltato to gtvo fruo expression
to their hopes at a. continued revival of
business. Rcporta from other Jobbing cen
ters glvo similar vtcwn on the condition of
trade and there scorns to bo n visible
brightening of affairs In all directions ,
"In the clothing trade at this point busi
ness Is light. Some concerns handling
coarser goods havu fair orders. In steve
and building trades the expected ronuwal
of the iJulliUnc Interests has led to a slight
nativity and the condition of trndo Is rather
injr- than was anticipated. >
"Lincoln reports an encouraging condl ?
flan of affairs there and throughout the
Bouth Platte country. Correspondence from
other western Jobbing centum gives much
tlio sain U condition of affairs as exist at
"An Increase of building In the largo
centers means the employment of labor and
nn Increased demand for western products ,
with the reuniting Improvement In prices , a
revival of business In western Jobbing cen
ters mid moro money In farming com
"Tho Koll Is In splendid condition and
farmers are busy turning up the ground.
As the Indications for a good crop continue
to b moro favorable ) there seems to bo
inoro Inclination to sell corn on hand nt
prevailing prices. Country roads nro now
lit bettor condition and country trade Is
consequently opening up to some extent.
"Collections nro only fair. U Is worthy
of note that merchants are buying very
conservatively and meeting their obligations
moro promptly. Most of the accounts In the
hands of collection agencies wore contracted
lieforo or during the panic , and merchants
nro experiencing llttlo difficulty with now ac
counts. This Is , of course , largely duo to
the care exorcised In extending credit.
"In carefully and conservatively summing
lip tliu situation , It Is snfo to say that trade
is decidedly hotter In most lines ; that the
tone U firmer , with good prospects for con
tinued Improvement In affairs , both finan
cially and commercially. This , however ,
does not apply to all lines of trade , and there
uro some , ln which matters are still In u
discouraging condition. It Is fair to pro-
uuiuo. however , that the revival In other
lines la only the forerunner of nn Improve
ment In all lines.
"In taking this hopeful view of the situa
tion It muy bo well to remember that the
continued Improvement depends almost en-
tlroly on the favorable. Indications of a crop.
If Hits prospect Is marred and oven n par-
tlal crop failure should result , or If the pentl-
IIIR legislation does not soon result In some
flenmtu and well defined policy , disastrous
rr-ulii may follow. In other wonls. the
situation U a very delicate one. Every
Xuvorublo Indication la necessary to keep' '
up the prencnt tone and the results must
turn out ns well ns the prospects , In order
to re-cfilnbllsh the nffalm of the country ,
and , Incidentally , tlioso of Omaha and the
west , on a solid nnd lasting basis , "
Country Mrrctmntn Coming to Oiimlm
Qiilotnt thn llitnkK ,
Mr. W. II , Itoberson , manager of n. 0.
Dun & Co. , speaking of local trade , Rays :
"Whllo It cannot bo truthfully stated that
the tide has turned In trade , It Is a fact that
conditions nro Improving , lluycrs continue
nhy , however , and hand-to-mouth purchases
are still the rule and frco buying the ex
ception ,
"Within three weeks over 100 country
merchants have been In the city. They hnvo
bought from jobbing houses In every line ,
mainly dry goods and boots and shoes , but
not largely from any of them. They are ox-
trcmely cautious nnd hesitate to buy moro
than Immediate necessity requires. Trndo
has no such snap ns dealers hero ordinarily
expect , and whllo buyers know exactly what
they want , It Is harder work than usual to
get their orders. It Is encouraging to know ,
however , that n goodly number of the vis
itors nro entirely now In this market nnd
came and went away sounding the praises of
Omaha jobbers.
"At banks business Is quiet. The In
creased demand'for money which was antici
pated has not been realized. Gilt-edged
loans arq eagerly taken , but bankers nro
more conservative than over about advanc
ing money to persons probably honest and
good who are merely shifting their Indebt
"Retail trade has been qulto ns fair ns
could bo expected during the week. News
paper ndvertlscments nro n good barometer
of the retail trade , nnd both the dal" - > s In
this city show well filled columns , Indicating
greater activity In retail circles.
"As was announced n week ago , Omaha Is
to have a public auction for sale of fruits
and nearly nil the fruit receivers In the city
are Interested In the enterprise. It ought
to bo a success and ought to stlniulate the
fruit commission business. Kvcry metro
politan city In the country has ono or moro
fruit auctions , and It Is time Omaha joined
the procession.
"Tho anniversary of the Commercial club
was n most enjoyable occasion and Is one
moro event marking the permanence of pro
gressive prosperity of this business men's
organization. "
( iiicHtn of the .Jobbers.
Tlio following Nebraska merchants were no
ticed among tlio buyers on the Omalia Jobbing
market during tbu week : T. II. II. Ueach. Ar
nold ; W. W. Mllchqll , Wood niver : James Hlg-
ton. Crete ; I ) . F. Fisher , Hluc Springs ; W. A.
I.ockwood , Ilebron ; IF. Hanrc , Newman Grove ;
P. A. Jucobsen , IxmlsvllleV. ; . K. I.otta , Kene-
sa\v ; Huekneiflrlosen. . Plrttto Center ; John
Nechtel , Fremont ; I ) . .1. Tinkle , MlESourl Valley ;
John Green of Phil Green & Co. , Greenwood ;
A. C. Kins. PHser ; M. P. White , Kenesaw , 11.
W. Dun , North Ixmp ; A. Kachnian , Norfolk ;
Ierlnier ' & Hosteller. Central ritj" K. A.
WrlKht. Wolbnch : K S. Johnson , Campbell ; II.
II. Wallace. Oakland ; .1. M. Wolf. Uorchculcr ;
I ) . Ij. Sylvester. Surprise ; 3. C. McMnluin , Mal
colm ; K. M. .MaKiH' , St. Hilivatils ; William Knx
nt Has Urns. , lllulr ; C. J. Kwmison , Oakland ;
.lackiion A llarker , Fletcher ; Jensen & Co. ,
Doelua ; Hind & l.acU llros. , Ulslng City ; l.c.lllo .
& Itay. HiildreKc.
Among ? tbu low.i retnllers who left ordcrfl were :
II. H. Hreen. UodBC City ; W. 13. Hunt , Pclntt :
Kverctt & Wnlte. I.nure ! ; II rahman lr.-s , Ufltn ;
Henry Hoffman. ManuliiK ; S\vnn on it Co. , Ce-
resco ; J. 11. MurHliall , Atlantic ; Oakland .Mer-
clmntllu company. Oakland ; .1. K. Smith. Nc-oln ;
Kuehno & Ford , Panama : SlbMOn llros , Dmlliam ;
IVter Nen , Tcmpleton ; II. G. Hethlefsen , Kar-
UIIK ; J. C. Jones. IlatnlnKs ; Unn Slgler , Pigeon ,
and W. H. Schilling , Aocn.
Now York Dry tioodn niurkvt.
NEW YORK. March 17. Dry qooils were dull
ns usual on Saturday , nnd St. Patrick's day being
observed , the demand of Jobbers was moro
quiet because of the distraction. This gave a
fnlr opportunity for clearing up the week's busi
ness , which was Improved. The sales , however ,
will foot up Iiree. In cotton circles there was a
fair fpot demand early In the day for a miscel
laneous assortment of goods , though n largo
business wns done through wire nnd mall orders.
Tbc business for the week showed large llgures
and the close shows n much better tone In all
departments. The coming week will ba nn nt-
tractive ono In auction circles. Townseml and
Montnut will Hell G.EI04 pieces of dress goods nml
4.UOO pieces of dress silks. Other houses will sell
at auction 3,275 pieces dress silks nnd 8,000 cartons
all silk rllibnnR. On Monday. March 19 , 1S94. II. II.
& H. K. Knight will make the price of Fruit of
the Loom. 4x4 , 7iic net. sixty days , subject to
change without notice.
Itonton .Stool ; Quotations.
BOSTON , March 17.-Call loans. LW ! per cent ;
tlmo loans. itSUSi per cent. Closing prices for
Htocka , bonds and mining Sharon :
A. T. & a V IflM W. Klec. pfd 80
Am. Sugar 1)1 ) AtClliHOll1H 74W
do ] ) fd HI ) Wls.Cvut.l8ta. . . . 74Ji
Bay State Onx. . . . . . 1HJ { Atlantle. 11
lloHton&Malnupra 14n Hutte & lloston. . . . ! ( ) ! {
C. , I ) . JtQ HlJs Centennial H
( Sen. Kleetrie 4-J Franklin 18W
Mexican Ci-ntnil. . 7T4 Kenraago 8
N. Y. ft N. Eni ? . . . ; 11JI Oseeola -jun
Ktibber. J ( ) Qtilncy. lu ; )
Union Pacific 18 > HTamarack 1C5
Went Knd 411 I
London Stock Ollotutloiu.
LONDON , Mnroli 17.-1 ! p. . ml , closing :
CuintnlH.uiunoy.-1)9 Ii-Hl Mexican Ordinary. HIK
CoiiROln , ncc'nt : UD 11-1U St. Paul com UCH
Canadian Pacllic. . , 70 N..Y. Central 10H
Krlo . . . . . . IMi Punnsylvanla 02v5
Krlo 'Jnds . . , , . 87W Kcadluir u
IlllnolH Central , . . U , " > Mex. Cunt , new 4s. 04 > f
HAH SILVKH-27 11-10(1 ( per ounce.
MONKY IHoUJii percent ,
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills Is 1 0-10 per cent , nnd for tbreo-
niunths' bills , 1H percent.
New York .Mining Ouottttlonn.
NKW YOHK , March 17.-Tho followins are the
cloHlnir mlnlner quotations ;
Sun I'runelseo MlnliiR ; Stocks.
SAN PHANCISCO , March 17-Tbo ofllelal closlnu
nuotatlona for mining stocks today were aa fol
lows ;
Aim HI Halo A Noreross. . . OTT
Ik-Ichor 1ft Mexican 105
IleslA.llolchcr. . . . . 175 Ophir tlo
llodluCon HI Potosl { ID
Chollar 45 ! Sierra Nevada 125
Con. Cal. A V.I 345 Union Con 05
Crown Point 00 Utah n
Uould A Curry 80 Yellow Jacket 75
Produce Pointers.
Tie ! United Stntes. according to an authority.
' ' "Potted over 12.000.000 Imnchca of bananas In
Live iKjultry hns tlio call on the local market
ut present and the dressed stock is compara
tively slow.
An olllclal estimate slates that there nre GOO.OOO
lioxe of omnKca still left In Florida. Tha net
receipts for the season amounted to about 85
cents per" Iwx at the shippers' depot.
The Florida , cabbage that have been received
during the .week nro much better sellers t'.mn
the California product. They uro larger nnd
harder anil are genornlly more sutUfActory to
the consumers ,
Crnnbvnlt-H nro rapidly becoming nn expensive
luxury. Any sort of iood stock Is now salable
nt J7 Hat. Tim approach of the end of tbo Hea-
ken nnd the Increasing scarcity of lorries that
lire In condition to ship Is responsible for the
. id vii nee.
The sweet potato crop of Tems Is assuming
proportion ! Hint promise to make It considera
ble factor In the market , Last year there were neres of sweet | > latoes under cultivation
In 111" " ' 'e. ' The profit per ncre U estimated
lit ! * * / l |
Some orcluirdlsts of the Walla Walla. Union
Insist thut tlio Very early nprlcots and peaches
were liuit to some extent by ihe recent cold.
but nil agree that there > vlll bo n large crop of
all vnrli'tleH of fiults , unless there U more
severe weather.
There lire scnrcely tiny strawberries to IKI found
In the city. Some of thu local dealers oidered
Btnall shliimenls , but the di'in.ind was so light
that moat of them were Hlilpiied out nguln to
nther i ilnts , where thu people sec'imii moru
dhiposeil to p.iy GO cents A box for llio luxury.
Aceonllng to the Bt. 1'nul Tmdo Journal , a
Washington im-rchant dvallng In egg * stamps
the eggs ho buys when received with the date
of thu receipt and the farmer selling the same.
All thU Is done with n rubber stamp , This
prevents Imposition by the farmer or the dvnler ,
nnd ought to Insure to the cuntomer the strictly
fresh eggs. If truth were thus stamped urun
the cold storage eggs which Mini thulr way Into
market moat of the time , what evidence of
unt ! < iully might be prekentedl
The supply of native oysters , always limited
In the I'UKet Hound district. Is being rapidly
depleted , nnd fear Is expresxxl of totnl ex
tinction. The lUKCt Sound oyster Is smaller
Hum the raatein oyster , has u copprry taste ,
Is not usually relished by easterners , but gains
In favor UIKJII acquaintance. It Is best In
raw state. A recent nnd has been made pn Ban
Juan Island , but the. bed Is being rigidly guarded.
Nothing | ms yet been dona toward thu cultiva
tion of the wmturn oyster beds.
Tliu receipts of eggs during the wck
bevn imvnomvnal. It Is twllnulnl thai the en
tire receipt * for the week were nearly S.ttjO
rases. The receipt * for the week ending Thurs
day noon were over 3,000 cues , ugutnst lens
limn half that amount during thu preceding
week. Tae rmult has Uvn lo force the market
dawn to ruck liottom. Tbo local demand baa
been only fair nnd the large surplus lias been
shlppeil out by ileiiler * who Were KlaU to L'ct
rlJ of their ttocks and break vcti.
Opposing Fnotions on 'Ohango Kept Things
Uneasy Yesterday.
Liquidation of LOUR Corn AVin the I'eultirc
of tlio Trading In tlnit Article Pro-
ilftlonY -ro Heavy , with
Fuckers I'ri'iHcllcra. .
CHICAGO , March 17. "Weovll In n car
loatl of wheat loaded In the river , " was the
war cry of the bears today. "Chlnchbugs
In the winter wheat fields , " replied the bulls.
The weevil was at homo and was toll moro
than the bugs In the growing wheat nnd
consequently prices dropped. Compared
with yesterday's closing prices , May Is % c
lower , and corn , oats and provisions wore
even weaker than wheat. Corn declined Vic ,
oats % c nnd pork 20o per bbl ,
The heavy cash business In wheat reported
from Now York yesterday was fully c6n-
firmed this morning. Commission houses
with Now York connections said the amount
taken there by millers yesterday was not
short of 1,250,000 bu. , and there was further
Inquiry hero this morning from the same
source. As n result the market started
firm at Ytc over yesterday's closing prlco for
May and July , but traders apparently
thought that n fortunate opportunity to real
ize n llttlo profit , and the result was tlio
selling which caused subsequent decline.
A report was circulated that a cargo ol
wheat In a vcr el here had developed
weevil nnd was being unloaded In cense
quence. It came out that the cargo In
question had received some damage from the
wenUier through Imperfectly arranged
hatches , and about COO bu. becoming heated
developed weevil and was taken 'out to
prevent the wcovll spreading. It had the
effect , however , of turning sentiment from
strength to weakness and caused along with
the previous realizing by the bulls a decline
In May from GSi@5Sc to 5Sc. The re
ceipts here weru 39 cars , against 2C3 a
year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported
337 cars , compared with 285 last year. At
lantic export clearances yesterday were light ,
but for the week from both coasts Brad-
street's reported clearances of wheat and
flour at 3,258,000 bu. . against 2,851,000 bu. the
week before and 2,886,000 bu. the corresirond-
Ing week of last year. The wcovll discovered
In the cargo of wheat was made the most
of by the bears. The market ruled weak
to the end and closed nt the lowest of the
day's range 58c for May ,
Liquidation of long corn was. the feature
of the trading In that article. 'Schwartz
and others , who had at ono time felt thai
corn was low enough , liavo evidently
changed their minds In view"of the liberal
receipts on top of a heavy visible supply
and the prospect for an early planting ol
the next crop. Receipts were 359 cars today ,
and estimates for Monday are 474 cars ,
Business was dull for half an hour , but at
the end of that time Dartlctt-Frazler and
ono or two others Increased their offerings
and pressed them with redoubled vigor at
the same time. May opened at 37c , or at
the same price it closed at yesterday. It
was easy at that , however , and soon began
to yield. About half an hour from the close
It was down to 3Gc. Thcro was a recovery
to 36TsC , and that was the closing quotation ,
A moderately actlvo business was trans
acted In oats at considerably lower prices.
Provisions were heavy , with the packers
free sellers of the day. The market Is bear
ish on the expectation of plenty of hogs
throughout the summer. There were only
9,000 head received at the yards to-Jay. The
total for the week was 150,353 , against S2.21D
on the corresponding week of last yoir. 'The
shipments this week were 61,995 , compared
with 38,650 a year ago. The opening prices
wcro about the same as the closing values
of the day before. Prices declined all day ,
with few exceptions , and the close was near
the bottom. Compared with last night. May
pork Is 20c lower , May lard 17V&0 lower , and
May ribs lOo lower.
The leading futures ranged 'as follows ;
" "Articles | Open. | "High. | Low. | Close.
Wheat , No. 2
March. . . ,
July- 00
Corn No. 2. .
March 85M
data No. _ > . . ,
March 30 ; -0
July U7W
Pork per bbl
May 10 on 10 75
July u oaj. ,10 , 80
March 0 45
. May II 110 I ) GO 0 41) ) 0 42K
July , 007K 0 57H U 40 0,40
Short Blbs- *
n 07K 5 07 fi ii5 5 G7
July D C7Jii 5 117 5 55 C57H
Cash quotations arc ns follows : '
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. COlJc ; No. 3 spring. 57e ;
No. 2 red , S64c. !
COUN No. 2 , 33c.
OATS No. 2 , 2'JVie ; No. 2 white , 31033c ; No.
3 white , 3132c.
JlYK No. 2. 17c.
1IAULKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4S@36c ; No.
4 , 40'lfilc.
FLAX SKHD No. 1. J1.37.
TIMOTHY SI3E1 > Prime. J1.20.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J10.G7UQ )
10.72HLnrd , per 100 Ibs. . JG.KSt6.6714. 'Short
ribs sides ( loose ) . J5.rr3. ! > 71i. Dry salted shoul
ders ( luxcd ) , ! 6.00&6.23 ; short clear bides ( boxed ) ,
} 0.00ff6.23.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , ,
HUOAHS Unchanged.
Tim following were tlio receipts aim shipments
for today :
On the Produce exchange tocl.iy the butter mar
ket was quiet and unchaiii.1'd ' ; ereamerles. lli ( . }
2he ( ) : dairies , 1'JdrlSc. Kegs , easy ; Btrlctly fix-sli ,
New York MurkelH.
NKW YOHK , March 1C. KLOIUI Rocclpts ,
" ' .OW bbls. : expnrlH. 111,00) bbls. Sales. 5.IXW
pkgs , ; steady , but dull ; trade In car lots only.
City mill patents , jl.13iu-4.33 ; winter patents ,
J3.333.U ; city mill clears , J3.S3U3.CO ; winter
straights , J2.70fr3.0.1 ; MlnneNOlas , JJ.SOfH.OO ;
winter oxtrnn. J2.on92.33 ; Mlnnraiiln bakers' .
J2.1IG3.DO ; winter low grndes , JI.CO .Sl ; spring
low grades , Jl.GOffl.S3 ; spring extras. J1.00 2.4) .
llyo Hour In demand ; nuperllne , J2.70M2.b3 ; ( oner ,
J2 8502.93 ; buckwheat , nominal.
IlL'ClCWHKAT-Dull ' ; state , C370c ; Canadian
ex tiond , 63i67c | , '
COUN MlJAIr-Kasy ; yellow westerns , J2.GOS
2.70 : brnndywlne , J2.70.
HYK Nominal.
IIAULI-r : ( julet : Nrt. 2. Milwaukee. 63c.
IlAULI'jY MALT Nominal ; Canada. 83gD3c ;
six rowed. 70OS3C. nominal.
WHKAT-Ilecelpts , l.SOO bu. ; exports. 25.000 bu.
Sales. lX\.OiX ( ) bu. futures , 106.000 bu , spot.
Spots steady ; No. 2 red. In store and elevator.
Wtte ; nlloat. G2'.ic ; f , , o. b. , 621ic : No. 1 north-
cm , Cj > , e : In stole. No. 1 hard , 72 > , io delivered.
.Options opened llrmer on big weekly cxiwrts
from botli coasls , steady cables , on held-over
lailllsh feeling from yesterday , but lost nil the
Improvement toward noon on the small ex-
poll clearances of wheat from New Yolk nnd
! K > nrlsh crop reports , nnd closed ubout steady ut
. - . . cose u ae.
COUN Itecelpts , 4,0oi ) lm , ; exports. 4.000 bu
mileH , 2 jOiK ) bu , futurrs nnd 33i W bu , snol
SjHit market encler ; No. 2 , 41 > io In elevator , 4.Vii
nlloat , Options opened easier on fears ot n
decided Incnviso In the movement west , owing
to continued. line weather , declined nil the mornIng -
Ing and clOMed weak nt UtH.e net decline ;
March closed al 43Ue : April , 42iac ; .May. 4SH1/
it HCc ' Ut J < "y' " * C"kCc'0iflng '
OATS-HecelptB , 71.0ft ) bu , ; exports , 000 mi
sales. 15i , ) bu. futures nnd 60.000 bu. spot !
bpot markel dull nnd easier ; No. 2. 34fr3 H ;
No. 2 ilellvcml , 33 ic : No. 3 , 3lc ; No. 2 while ,
37jo ; ; No. 3 white , see ; track , mlxnl western
37l fl371jei track , white western , SSCTIlc ; track ,
wblto state , 3S llc , Options opened quiet but
twsy with com , further decllii l toward noun
and closed nl U ; e net deellno ; March rlosej
at 3lio ; API II closed nt Sliie ; May , 3l'irJ4hc.
closing nt 3Ue ( : July close.1 ht J4c.
HAY Dull ; shlpplns , WJJCJc ; good tu choice ,
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice ,
Puclllo co.ut. lJffc. .
1IIIS | Dull and weak ; wet Railed , New Or
leans sflocled , 33 lo 63 Ibs. , HiHUic ; Teini
selected , 33 to SO Ibs. , 4tSc ; Ilu nos Ayrtu , II to
20 Ibs. . ( Vie : Tex in dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. . Co.
LiATIIiit : ( Julft ; hemlock sole , lluenos Ayrrs.
Ilk-lit to heavy weights , li l e.
PUOVlSIONH-Ileef , iiulelj family.
extra mess , J7.W ; beet bams , JtC.M ; city , vxtia
India men * , Jlti.ooij ) . ( > , Cut inonts , dull ,
pk-kb-d U-llles , CltliTe ; pickled shoulders , 6'SVtir
plekletl lianu , i' < rj'.r. ' Uinl , | UWT : wiotciti
steam flosed nt Jtt.95 asked i March , JJ.W , nomi
nal , May , JC.W. iiuminalt n-lln d , wi-nk ,
continent , J7.33i tiuutli America. J7-W ;
compounii , 6ikW/ic. 1'ork , wuakj ne\y
meM. J12.2.ni2.75j extra prime , JU.oofm.M { fnm-
lly , J11.WOH.OO ) ; nhort tlfjfC J13.W8I.VW.
lU'TTKIl Flrmj western , dairy , IHrlSti ; Western -
ern creamfrv. 15 W4c ; ) ji-i-tern fnetory. 10fll5c :
KlRln * , Mffli c ; rtate dairy , H83le ; state
creiiniery , HWKf. : ,
CHUHSK Stendy ; Urgrv WIc : small , 10'JO
13e ; part vklms , 3Hfllcnlull i-klnn. 2830.
IXH1SVVnk ; stnte nnd Pennsylvania , 15O1CUCJ
western fresh , iHtflllUeTTOulhern , 13HWHc ; re
ceipts , 0,315 pkRR. ' ,
TALLOW Weaker : cltjt-tJJ pr pkr. ( ) . 4ifr5c !
country ( pk rf. free ) , Cff&T > n * lo nunllly.
1'1-rrUOLKUM Hull : Ohit l , nominal : Wash
ington. In bbls. , fie ; Wn lifnRtiin , In bulk , f3.W ;
refined. New York , J5.15 ; 'i'ltllndplplila ' nnil Haiti-
tnon > , JJ.10 ; I'hlladelphla and Ilalllmore , In bulk ,
J2.GO. j .
ItOSIN Uull ; rnlncdcijiimon | to
HICK Htntdy : domestic , , fair to extro , SSc.
MOLAPSKS New Orlewis , open kettle , Rood to
choice , 27O3'e. !
PK1 lltON-Diill : American , J1I.S0015.00.
COPPiil-ulet ) : H < ! .
LMAD Very firm ; domestic , J3.20.
TIN Nominal : plates , dull.
HPIILTIIll Nominal.
COTTONSKinJ OIIWllllc tliero Is I M pros.1-
urc in m'll the market continues Inactive nnd
niille nominal with no noteworthy sales. Quota
tions : Prlmo erode. In bljlu. , .114 2(10 ; prime
crude , looie , 21OJ30 ! off crude. 2lif25e ; butter
grades , 33c : prime summer yellow , 3'MfSlo ' ; oft
summer yellow , 300 ; prime summer white , 33f
SUQAH Haw , weak ; fair refining , 2\e ; centri
fugal , 96 test , 3',4Cj ' unles , MO tons Muncnvniln ,
2 > ie , ex wharf. t9 test : rellneil , nulet : No. 6 ,
3 3-16fr4e ; No. 7 , 3 > iJr3 13-liio ; No. 8 , 3iXr3 13-lfic ;
No. 9. 3 9-irj.T > ic ; No. 10. 3isc ; No. II. 3 7-16 ;
3Hc ; No. 12 , 31r3 9-16o ; No. 13. 3 MS ; off A ,
3Sffl ! ( 3-lGc ; mould A , 4\W \ * ll-IGc ; standard A ,
4HW4 S-16e ; confectioners , IW 5-lGc ; cut loaf ,
S1I5 3-lfic ; crusbeil. DHS 3-Hc ! ; | wdereil , 4'JW
4 ll-lfic ; granulated , IU04 7-lCc ; cut loaf , 4'.4j
4 ll-16c. _
Locnl I'roducu Alnrknt.
HL'TTKU The receipts are fairly liberal nnd
the market Is weak , with nn unusual range In
prices on the liest grades. Choice country , 13fJ >
16e : parking stock. 8 T9c.
DIIKSSKI ) POULTHY-Thero Is but little trade.
most of the business running to llvo stock.
Chickens , Gff'c ; turkeys , GViilSe ; geese nnd ducks ,
LIVR POULTRY The supply Is liberal nnd n
more active demand Is notleeable. Good stock
Is nnotable nt 4V4j < "Gc.
V12AL There Is n fair supply available nnd a
fairly nctlVo trade nt steady prices. Good , fnt
veals , GU7c : thin or heavy , 3ff5e.
KOOS The market Is Hooded with country
eggs nnd prlivs nre still going down ; strictly
fre h mug , 10fflO',4c.
HONKY Cholcn wblte clover. 15c ; California ,
IGc ; dark honey , l2V4 < ffl3c.
oy.STKHS Meillum I X L , IGe : liorsesboes ,
ISc ; extra standard , 20e ; selects. 2lc ; extra se-
lectK , 22c ; company selects , 23c : counts , 30c.
NUTS-Cbestnuts , 12e per Ib. ; Italian chest
nuts. 12(713c ; nlmonds. l 17c ; Kngllsb walnuts.
12514c ; lllberts , 12c ; pecans , large , 13fllc ; pe
cans , medium , lOe.
CllJIJIt-Piire Juice , per bbl. , J3.03f3.nO : half
bbl. . J3.OOiJ3.25j Oregon , per bbl. , JI.50 ; half bbl. ,
J2.75 ; clarified elder , per bbl. , JI.SO ; Imlf bbl. ,
HAUKIlKIlAUT-Pcr bbl. , JI.50O5.00 ; half bbl. .
HEANR California hnnd-plckcd navy , JI.900
2.00 ; western navy , Jl.75Sl.sOj common white
beans , Jl.ros1.75.
ONIONS Onions are quoted on orders nt
SOe : onloni. In bbls. , J2.7B.
1'OTATOKS-Ncbraska , Iowa nnJ Mnnesota :
grown potatoes. In Hinall lota from Btore. "Je ;
came In car lots , CSBGSc ; Colorado , from store ,
SOe ; Colorado lots. 72SJ7ne ; heed pcitatoes. Karlr
Ohio , Jl.ftlirl.IO : Karly Hose , 90r il.o .
CAIIDAQn The nrst shlpmenls of Florida cab
bage nirived tbl morning In excellent market
able condition. Florida cabbage , per crate. 12.50-
California cabbage , per 111. , 2'ifi2' c.
CIOLMIIY Kxtrn fancy ' California , 60cWJ1.00.
SW'KET POTATO KS-Qood stock , per bbl. ,
OIIKKN VKOKTAJILKS - Spinach , per bbl. .
J2.2 ( j'.CO ; salsify , 30 330 per doz. ; radishes , per
doz. . J1.2.m.r > 0 ; letttiee , per doz. , 330l3e ; cucnm-
bcra , J1.S001.73 ; tomatoes , per crate of 20 Ibs. ,
doz. , 3"ie ; onions , per doz. , 35(9 lOe ; caullllowcr , pr
J2 ; parsley , per doz. , fl05T33c ; egg plant , per
doz. , J2.25 ; nnparagus. pel' doz. , S3HSOu ; turnips ,
per doz. , ,3S3c ; carrots , per doz. , 7"ic ; heels ,
per doz. , SOe : water cresv per dnz. . JI.73fj2.00 ;
1'lorlda tomatoes , per 6-lb7 crate , J0.50ip7.00.
APPLHS There nre } mt > > few apples on the
market and the trade Is largely going to oranges.
Fancy westerns , J2.23rmr IKIX.
CHANHKHHIKS The ! Cranberry Reason Is
nearly over nnd most of 4h'v stock Is too soft to
ship. There Is still some demand , however , for
good stock , and prices fire ruling hlcher. Cape
Cod , per bbl. , J7 ; bell nnil bugle , $7 ; Jersey , J7.
ing In good condition np/I / , the trade is Increas
ing. Riverside seedlings , " regular sizes. 12.23 ;
small sizes. J2 ; Riverside" Washington navels.
J2.oflJJ2.75 ; Redland needlJjI'K'f , regular sizes , $2.30
R2.GO ; Redland navels , fa7fl3.00 Riverside seconds
ends , sizes 250 to 300. f.S2.00.
BANANAS The trade Ms 'constantly Inci-easlng
nnd. the market Is WeUx supplied. Per bunch ,
large. J2.00@2.25 ; small tn.medium. . . J1.7302.00.
LKMONS Mcsslnan , foiioy , J3.73ff4.00 ; choice ,
J3.23iJ3.50 ; good. J2.75fT3.Dfl/ , ,
OltANQKS Fancy FlofKias , J3 ; choice Florl-
dil , J2.75. . . _ - .
TANQKRlNKS Per boxj J2.75.
HEAR No. 1 black , largo , J20.00825.00 ; me
dium , , J15 ; small , J3.00ffl0.0il ; black yearlings ,
large , J12.005T13.00 ; medium , J10 ; small , J7 ; black
cubs , large. JO.OOflS.OO ; medium , J3.006.W ; small ,
J4 ; black Montana and Rocky mountain , large ,
JlH.OOir22.00 ; meillum , JH : small , J10 ; black Mon
tana yearlings , huge. J12 ; medium. SS ; small ,
J5 ; black Montana cubs , large , $6.50 ; medium ,
J4.50 ; small , J3 ; silver tip , large , J20 ; medium ,
J12 ; small. $8 ; silver tip yearlings , large. $11 ;
medium , $8 ; small , J3 ; sliver tip cubs , large. JO ;
medium. JI.SO ; small , S3 : brown , large , J20.00 ®
23.00 ; medium , $16 ; small , $12 ; yearlings , large ,
J10.0i)012.00 ) ; medium , $ S : small , JO ; cubs , large ,
J7 ; medium. J3 ; small , J3 ; badger No. 1 , large ,
tl.0001.SO ; medium , fiOo ; small , SOe : Usher No. 1 ,
large , JS ; medium , JG ; small , J4 ; fox , silver , ns
to color , accenting to beauty No. 1. large , JlOO ;
medium , JGOj small. $10 ; silver , pale , according
to beauty , large , J30 ( medium , J30 ; small , $20 ;
cross , large , $7 ; medium , J3vsmall ; , $2 ; red ,
large , Jl.SO ; medium , J1.23 : small , Jl ; gray , large ,
75o ; medium , SOe ; small , 40c : kit. large , SOe ; me
dium , 40c ; small , 20c ; lynx. No. 1 , large , $3 ; me
dium , $2 ; small , $ l.oO ; marten. No. 1 , large , } 2 ;
No. 1 , largo , JS ; medium. JC.MJr7.00 ; small , $3 ;
otter , pale , No. 1 , large , $7 ; medium , J3 ; small ,
$1 ; raccoon , No. 1 , large , SOe : medium , 60c ; small ,
SOe : rarcoon. black , as to beauty , No. 1 large ,
SOcSIJJ.OO ; skunk , black , cased. No. 1 largo , J1.23 ;
medium , 73c ; sinall. GOo ; short striped , large , Jl ;
medium. 70c : sinall , 45u ; narrow striped , large ,
GOe ; medium , 40c ; small , 23o ; broad striped , laigc ,
2025c ; wolverine. No. 1. large. $4 ; medium , $3 ;
sinall , J2 ; wolf mountain , No. 1 large , $3 : me
dium , $2 ; small , $1.BO ; prairie , largo , 70@73e ;
medium , COc : small , EOc ; beaver , per skin , No.
1 large , J3.00JX6.00 ; medium , JI.SO : small , $2 ; kits ,
large , $2 ; medium , JI.SO ; 'small , 73e ; muskrats
winter. No. 1 large , 10 Hc ; medium , 9e : small ,
7c ; fall , large , fiU'Jir. medium , 7c ; small , Cc ; kits ,
large , 203c ;
IIIDKS No. 1 gieen bides. 2',5o ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 2Hf3c | : No. 2 green salted hides ,
l'/.J2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Urn. to 15 Ibs. , GVsc ; No.
2 veal calf , S ll.s. to 15 Ibs. . So ; No. 1 dry Hint
bides. 5o ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides. Ic. Pnrt cured bides Vjo per Ib.
less than fully cured.
"HIII3HP I'l'ILTS-Oreon salted , each , 25fGOc ;
jtrei'n salted shearlings ( sbort-wooled early
skins ) , each , SfJISe ; dry shearlings ( sbort-wooled
early skins ) . No. 1 , each , SftlOe ; dry shearlings
( sbort-wooled early skins ) . No. 2. each , So ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts ,
per Ib. . actual weight , SJfSe ; dry Hint , Kansas
nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. .
actual weight. Kit * ' ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4JJ7e ; dry
Hint. Colorado nun rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 4JiGc.
TALLOW AND nnnAsn Tallow , NO. i. 4uo
4lic ; tallow , No , 2 , 3Vilo : grease , white A , 4c ;
grease , white II , 3ie ; grease , yellow , 3c ; grease ,
dark , 24c ! ; old butter , 2ft'2Hc ; beeswax , inline. 15
01So ; lough tallow. 2jI2VJe.
St. I.onU .tlurki-lH.
RT. LOUIS , March 17. FLOUR Weak , but not
quotably cbangeil.
WIIKAT Opened active , ye higher , but soon
fell back on selling , cloning Uo bid less than
yesterday's close. No. 2 red , cash , S3 ic ; March ,
S3ie : May , Bo : July , SGHc.
CORN Ran down l4tiH ri"n the line weather ;
No. 2 mixed , cash nnd llivTCh , 33io ; May , SIHo ;
July , 5c. * " ortl
OATS Weak. % © ie lower ; No. 2 cash and
March , 30Hc : May. 30koj Jiily. 2ic. ;
HYK No. 2. 48o blil. cttt'tradc.
HAHI.KY Strong , but iwiililng doing
HHAN Depressed ; CCo rt Hack ,
FI.AX Kiin : ji.33.
1'I.OVKH HHKIJ llpttnrf J7.50lf7.S3 ,
HAV In fair < l maml , < 'tmchanged ; prime to
cbolco timothy , J8.GOi3. oit "
IIUTTKIl Slow , uni'lmnCT < Hl ; separator cream
ery. 20c ; good to choice , ilry , 15 17c.
KGC1S Ixiwer nt inc. ' '
I.lIAD-Kasler nt J3.17V4 J.M.
BPKLTKH Firm , nnchnncoil.
COltN MKAI/-J1.8Sifl.SW'l
HAOaiNO HnclmnRPil'ViO'SKQee. '
COTTON TIKH-IIncharrVM nt 93e Jl.CO.
PHOVIHIONa - l owcrj-"Wry dull mid weak.
Pork , standard mess , M.ISff '
nml ;
Ha con.
, , .u 72 , niK'il , fu.oi2 >
RKCK1PTS Flour , O. i > njilili. ; wheat. 120.0
bu. ; corn , GS.OOO bu , ; oatJ < ? ) , W bu ,
SIUPMKNTS-FIour. 8tt.Vbbls. ; wheat , 30.00)
bu , ; corn , Stl.OOO bu. i oats , 11,000 bu ,
Jtlliiiii'iipolU Wlirut JMnrliet ,
MINNI5APOI.IS , March. . 17.-Hecelpts of wheat
today were 271 cam : shipments. 37 cars. Tlio
demand was good nnd the track offerings all sold
out eaily nt ntuiut IWo above the May price , and
nlHHit ! io ubovu tha July price. Sales to arrive
were nut large , lesi than w cars being disposed ,
of In that way , U is understood today that there
will be cnn ldtrnhlo decrease In tbo country ele
vator slocks In Monday's report. Farmers arc
maiketlng lightly , nnd with the favornbla weather
nru getting their ground and grain In condition
for spring needing. If llio weather continues us
It ls now. It Is Ihought connldemblc wheat will
lm so\vn on dry ground next week. In thai case
Ihu farmeru * dellvvrieM nt country stations will
bo smaller. May wheat opmed ut Me ; July , COUc ,
with vomo HrmneKi early In the day , but utter
the ilmt half hour priors began to decline , anl
fell ' ,4(4ic nt the clout * , with March at SSVjc >
May , IWI.eiW'.c ; July. WMMic , On track : No !
1 northern , GOc ; No. 2 nor'.hvrn , CSUo ; No. 1
bnrtl. G''c.
Huslnesa was not netlve nt any lime , ami the
volume of trading wan the smallest of any day
for the \veik. There was very Hill , ' offert-l foi
sale , tha deellmi WIIH more In sympathy
with oilier plar-s than i rn < uunt of any ' " .
weakness. Mills runtlnui'i ] to run at about :7.i,0"
bbls. for the lusi 31 hours. Shipments uf Hour
fur tha day wcrt J5,5/7 ! bbU. Tbo demand \TM
reported very llclit. nnd lens than the production.
The 800 line took , n Inrgp proportion or the Hour ,
going via the lake * . Prices wtro cony nnd quoteil
at a lout W.KfM.W for patent * nnd for
bakers' . The decrease of wlii > nl In MlnnrKioll >
public elevators for the week wan 2,992 bu.
Hlmro Speeulatlon Wn Only Mnilprnlcljr
Active Yesterday nnil IrrrKiitnr.
XE\V YOHK , March 17. The shnro spec-
illation during tlio two hours ot business
today was only moderately active , nnd the
speculation was and unsettled.
Humors to the effect that the sclRiilorapo
hill was to bo signed by tlio president had a
depressing effect on prices and the hardening
tendency of sterling exchange , foreshadow
ing , as It docs , additional exports of gold ,
was another unfavorable factor of llio specu
lative situation. In the early dealings there
wns good buying of the Industrial ! ! . During
the morning St. Paul was In fair demand
for both 'orclgn and local- account , but sub
sequent ' sallzatlons and sales to cloao out
long standing contracts depressed the market
for the greater portion of the list. The
pressure to sell was not , however , nt all
pronounced , nnd stocks moved Independent
of each other , advances being made In ono
pool while declines occurred In another. The
market opened strong , nnd closed generally
weak , there being periods of strength and
weakness between times. A majority of the
actlvo list shows a dcclino from yesterday's
closing llgures.
The Evening Post says : Thcro has been
much discussion during the last few days
nnd there will doubtless bo more next week
as to the result In business which might bo
anticipated were the selgnlorngu bill to become -
como law. Rumors of such n possibility
have ns yet created llttlo uneasiness , chlolly
became of confidence that the president will
Interpose his veto , but also , too , because of n
very prevalent belief that the bill's signature
would liavo no Immediate- disastrous Influ
ence. Wcro sudden nnd very largo with
drawals of Invested foreign capital to como
on the market now , with sterling rates nt
the shipping point. It Is qulto conceivable
that the treasury gold withdrawals would be
resumed. Foreign Investment In our se
curities , timidly begun this week , would al
most surely cense and the result would
therefore bo no check to the further rise In
sterling. And If , through a combination of
such causes" , heavy depletion of the govern
ment gold balance were eventually to follow ,
How Is the cold reserve to be restored ?
The February loan was floated for this pur
pose. The banks did nothing more nor less
than their duty In subscribing to It. But thu
question ot duty , after the government had
publicly broken faith on the coining of the
seigniorage , might be very greatly altered.
The following are the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Tlio rniigo of prices as reported by J. W. Dean i
C- ) . , Hoard of Trade hall , Is aa follows ;
StOUlCH. " Open IHzh Low. Close Yesy
PaclllcMall. 17M
4UM 40
Northwestern 100M 10I1K 40MH
Mo. Pacliie./ . , . . . MH
Union Paeltln 18)4 Hi
N Pacltio , p'f'U. , . 10)f 10H
N , Pacific com. . . f > K CM
C. D. A Q T. . . HIM 81H
Hock Island. . . . . . OHM O'.IU
St. Pan' * . . ( WM u : H
WeHterii Union. . . 8B } ( H3J6 8f.S
SiigarTrust um 02M 00)4 01HM
NowKnjrland mi HM lUft HM
Atcblson , ir. ISti l&M
Chicago Gas ; . . . . . 05 OOM U4W
Ueadlnir , -'liW S''W
N. Y. Central * . . > * 10HM OOMMl HUJ1 UWJi
D.C.I' ' i , J7 Ml Jtll }
O. K . . . : . ' - . . . . , 4U nu
Omaha J18M 3HW M\i \
The total sales of stocks today were Oj.SOO
shares. Including : jUchlson. 2.600 : American
Cotton Pll , 1,700 : . American Sugar. 20.100 : liur-
llngton , 1,400 ; Chicago Oas. 0.200 ; Distilling.
9,400 Oeneral Electric , 1,20. ) ; Louisville & Nash
ville , 2.700 ; National Lend , 2,700 ; National Cord
age , r > ,800 ; North American. 4,100 ; Heading ,
5V ) ; liopk Island. 4tCOO ; St. Paul. 11.300.
Now Yorlc'Money ' Miirlcut.
nasy lit 1 per cent ; last loan ami closed ut 1 per
CUpilMn ! MEUCANT1U3 PAPKn-3ff5',4 per
CCSTlMl.TNQ KXCHANOK Firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills nt | 4.837i4r4.89 for de
mand and ft.OTUO4.81U for sixty days ; posted
rates , J4.SS < Jf j.WVj : commercial bills. J4.S6UG4.SC14.
( lOVKHNMKNT llONUt ) Firm. Sta'te bonds.
Tno cloning quotations on bonds :
St. r.onlH Mining Stock Quotation ) .
ST. LOUIS , March 17.-Mining stocks today were
more actlvn. Quoiatlonn :
riniiuclnl NotoA ,
KANSAS CITY. Maich 17. Clearings , fl.417-
190.NKW OnMSANS , March 17. Clearings , J1.421.-
PAHIH , March 17. Three per cent rentes , OSf
Me for the nccount.
LONDON , March 17. Tlio amount of bullion
gone Into tha Hank of Kngland today , { 3,00 > J.
MEMPHIS. Mirch 17. Now York c change
selling at par. H.inU clcarlngr , Jrj.'i.j2 ; bal
ances. JUl.D'Jl
HAI/nMOItn. March 17. Clearings , J2.379.9M ;
balances , J371.409. For the week , J12,302.i > 23 ;
balances , Ji.COO.UG.
IIOSTON. March 17.-Clearliig3. J13.010.084 ;
ImbinceH , J1.7IU.17 : . For Ihe week , J77,7SJC77 ;
balances , f , OfiOkC2.
PHIIAl > Kia'HIA , March 17-Cli'arliiB , J10-
97,013 ; l.ilnnces. Jl,6S2,4i)7. ) For Ihu week. J15-
U'J3SM ; balances , J'Ji ! ! > uUl ,
CINCINNATI , March 17. Money. 2'4STO ' per
cent ; Now York exchange , lOfji/o uremlum
Clearings , J1.7M.7' ' . For the , week. J11.137.1W ,
lust year. fll. < W8. nO.
CHICAI1O. March 17. C'learlnus , Jl..C7'OrO.
Total for the week , J77.0T,2OuO ; roir--nHindlng |
week last year , JloO.OOI.U'W. ' NI > W Yoik ex
change. 73o premium ; sterling , linn ; actual
rates , JI.S7',441.k'J. ' Money rales , jG per cent.
T. I.OUIH. March 1I.-Clearlng . J3.23n,134 ;
this week , J2lJG > S.2i7. > ; Insl week , CI.SOS.SOU ; same
' . Halances today , JIC'J-
week lasl year , Jil.WS.'jSO. -
yj'ii ( bis week , JJC1. ' > ,72ii ; last week , J3,10f,2H2 ;
samu Week last ypiir. J,6S7OS ) . .Money , dull ;
WI per cent. Kxclmnge on New Yoik , 900
NKW YOIUC , March 17.The report of the
Chicago , Ht , 1'uul , MlnnoaK | > lls & Oinnhu Hull-
ro.iil coiiiimny for the year ending December 21
shows : < ! ro < earnings. J13.JS.i2i ; decrease ,
JS8S.OII : net. J2.OM.691 ; decrpasa. JMI.1I23 ; net In-
cinnt * . } iC > , u77 ; decrease , JS2lH < i ; ur | lu , J17I-
111 ; decri-use , 121,110.
NKW YOHK. Maich 17. Clearings , f77.M .847.
lulanceii , ll.0f,37f. For the wct-U. Jl 9,21i.U ] ,
balances , } . . : : , ! , ? . Tbo exports of tpn-iu fiom
ihe iM > rt of New Y rk for thn wn-k were. Unlil ,
Jsii,8IO | ; silver , JiI'J,17Li. TliQ Imports ( . . ih
we-k were. Oen-ral m--rrb r. li , J'JI17I3 ( ,
dry good * , } 1,57,6W , ( ulJ , | 193,7u ) , lllver , 113-
Receipts for Saturday imd the Wcok Show
Quito a FnlHug Off ,
1'rlcos on Tline ( irndc * Wrro Wt-ll Sus
tained VnlnpH All 'Itniiml SU-nily
llogH Sltilo Another Notch erSe
So Down < ! ratio.
SATURDAY , March 17.
The week closed with only a fair supply ol
beef and shipping cnttlo on sale , but In
cluded several lots of pretty good cattle.
Thcro was some shipping Inquiry , whllo the
local demand wan sufllctcntly largo to take
care of the supply and as n result values
wcro well sustained on all desirable grades.
The movement was moderately brisk and nt
the close the pens had been well cleared of
all holdings. The supply at cow stuff was
only moderate , whllo the demand was
equal to the number on'-'salc. There was no
special change In the market from yester
day , and by midday the pens had been well
cleared of all offerings , the market closing
steady all around. There were few stock
cattle to bo found In today's cattle receipts.
There was llttlo doing In this line , but the
few on sale changed hands nt fully steady
prices. Cholco feeders are quoted at $3.00 ®
SAO , fair to good , J2.GOJT3.00 , according to
weights and quality. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . . SIM J3 00 24. . . . DOS (3 13 14..1IM J3 20
5. . . .1180 . 3 00 17. . . 1131 3 15 21. . . .1XI3 320
17. . . 837 3 00 3.1. . . 1179 3 15 23..1278 : i 20
1. . . , IW ) 3 00 40. . . 110) ) 3 15 1. . .1130 3 25
1. . . ,1110 3 00 42. . . IOS2 3 20 19. . .1213 3 SO
19. . . ,1111 ! 3 03 IS. . . .11)32 . 3 20 13. . .1230 3 30
3. . . ,10I 303 C2. . . 1087 3 20 20. . 3 S3
4. . . , M5 .1 03 1037 3 20 " . .1211 3 1" ,
4. . . 3 03 3 20 2 ? 3 35
B3. . . .1078 3 Or .1180 3 20 , ' ' . .1173 3 35
II. . . ' * 3 03 .1137 3 20 10. . . .1232 3 45
13. . . . 071 303 .10G1 3 0) 37. . 3 r.r
40. . . .ll.V 3 10 I. . .10SO 3 20 43. , . .13M
15. . . . -J93 3 10 23. . .11S3 S 20 19. . . .1203 3 GO
4. . . .1132 S 10 19. . .1159 3 20 M. . 3 U5
" .1040 3 10 20. . . S73 3 20 16. . .1133 3 75
is ! . W ! ) 3 15
.1112 3 20 1. . . .ISM 25 31. . 3 M
.1171 3 20 1.1C , . . .1233 330 G. . 4 00
1C. . . C21 285 . . .1027 3 10 IS..1227 323
12. , .1070 3 10
1. . 3. , . ,1303 2 f,3
1. . 12. , . . .HI * 2 G5
3. . . .1275 2 65
ft ' 17. . .1125 2 Go
fti ! . -.1032 2 G5
3. . . .12(10 ( 2 70
1. . S. , . .1210 2 70
4. . 10. , . .1212 2 75
1. . 1. , . .1310 2 73
1. . 1. , . .1000 2 75
o ' ' 1. . . .1210 2 75
4' . 7. , .11107 2 M
1. . 6. . . .nn ; 2 SO
22. . . . tot
! ! . . . ' .1523 2 S3
1. . 2. . . .1355 2 K
1. . 1. . . .1MO 2 85
1. . 2. . . .1010 2 90
10. . 3. . . .1'S3 ) 2 Co
1. . 11. . . .1115 3 0)
1. .
23. .
1. . 3. . .1040 275
C. . 23. . . GSO 273
1. . . 'JOO 2(5
1. . . 430 4 M
7. . . 175 4 73
4. . G. . . 1G3 4 73
1. . 1. . . 1 0 5 00
1. . 1. . . 170 B 00
1. . 1. . .1G50 2 B5
1. . 1. . .1560 2 63
1. . 1. . .2000 2 75
I. . 1. . .1540 2 75
1. . 1. . .1200 2 83
1. . 1. . .20.V ) 2 85
1. . .1S73 2 83
I. . 9. . . ROO 3 10
3. . 1. . .1000 3 15
C. . .1001 3 15
15. . .1120 3 20
.11'JO 3 23
.1241 3 15
i. , .1240 3 25
HOGS The receipts were the smallest of
any day this week , yet there was not suf
ficient demand to prevent prices from going
lower. There wns a llttlo outside Inquiry
also , but buyers were Indifferent , and , as a
rule , paid prices pretty close to a nickel
lower , at which basis the bulk of the hogs
sold. Trading was slow throughout , and
whllo a few of the best medium and light
grades sold pretty close to .steady , the gen
eral market was weak at the dcclino noted ,
the market closing dull and weak ,
with , however , about everything out
of first hands. Hough heavy hogs
sold as low as from $4.20 to $4.25 ; heavy
packers at from $4.35 to $4.40 , and medium
and light at from $4.40 to $1.50 , the bulk
of all grades selling'nt from $4.40 to $4.45 ,
against a range yesterday of from $1,40 to
$4.50 , and bulk at from $4.45 to 4.50 , and on
last Saturday the range was at front $1.65.
to $4.75 , and bulk nt from $1,05 to $4.70.
Representative sales :
No. Av Sh. Pr.
2 385 . . . $4 20
2 150 . . . 425
22 310 ICO 4 25
G5 311 200 4 35
2S 279 . . . 435
131 255 120 4 3711
G2 251 160 4 40
53 2G3 120 4 40
G623G . . . 4 40
09 233 120 4 40
74 241 80 4 40
C 113 . . . 4 40
25 281 . . . 4 40
61 2G7 40 4 40
G7 278 200 4 40
70 306 2SO 4 40
44 302 120 4 40
67 251 80 4 40
74 172 80 4 40
G7 224 ICO 4 4f
C2..26S IK ) 4 4(1 (
73 220 120 4 40
GO 257 bfl 4 42'4 '
lilt 3 SO 4 4214
G9 2J5 80 4 4214
75 210 120 4 42h
72 203 40 4 4214
GS MO ICO 4 42V4
GS 222 . . . 4 42V4
51 SIS 160 4 42',4
M 213 . . . 4 4214
51 313 . . . 4 4214
51 147 160 380
1 130 40 I 10
SHEW There worn only a few sheep on
sale , but they Included two docks
of good native lambs that sold
for $3.35. The marlcot Is firm. Pair
to good natives are quotable at $2.750 >
3,25 ; fair to good westerns , ? 2.253.10 ; com
mon and stock sheep , $1.60@2.15 ; good to
cholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $2.503,75. Kopro-
tscntatlvo sales :
No. vvt. Pr. '
130 native lambs I7 ifi : jlfl
115 native lambs UU U 115
ItecclptK nml DUrmHltlon of Stock. receipts nnddlHposltlon or stock nH shown
by lliu books of thu Union Stock Yards eomp.iny
for HID twenty-four hours unuliur olO o'eloek p. in ,
March 17 , IbOl :
St. Louis I.Uu St licit Mnrlint.
ST. LOUIS. March U.-flATTLK-Hecelpts. 2)0 )
head ; shipments. 1,2'W ' head ; markut nominal ;
natUu steers. 1,2'W ' to I , I'M ' Ibs. , JJ.2Xj3.G'.eoW ' ; ,
I jjij , ) Hj8 J2.CO ,
' I UHISReceipts. . 1,00 | ) bead ; uhlpim-nls. 2,700
head ; market dull , cloning I ho week 8u 4no -low l
lust last week's Cln > " : top price for medium
lieavy , Ji.CO : mixed , JI.25W4.W ; lough IlKht. $1.75.
8III5KP Receipts , I'M ' lii-HJ ; nblpmenln. iiniie ;
market strong ; fed yenillngb. J8.75 ; good mlxi-d ,
O.&OSJ.CQj choice Texas , J2.75U3.85.
Iviinias City Live Htiifli .Mnrkitt ,
1CAN8AB CITY. March 17.-CATTH2-Hccelpt .
2.0IX ) hPAd ; shipments , 2,400 head : market utmuly ;
shipping stcurn. ; natlva rovvx , l.0 < (
2.5u ; Blockers nnd feeders , J2.b5ft3.W ; butls. Vl.Mt
lions Receipt" . ' & ) hfud ; slilpm nt . 1,10)
Ill-ad : inaikel HtlOa lownn bulk , 11.3011 1. a' . ;
ii.'uvUs. narkers nad mlxwl , J 1.801/4. K ; Hk'liU ,
Yorker * and plK > . J .3Mr.W.
H1IKIU'KecelptK. . 4UU head , shipments , none ;
marku nboul steiuly.
KIOIX CITY. March 17 IKirjH MatU. t ut >
changed ; ahlpmrnti , SOO j 10 > i low r nt JI3)/ji
l.i > , . bulk , JI.33.
109 ulilmnents ,
licad ; market nte.nly ; tn\rr \ * . Jl.5otll.lS. year-
llngd. J2.25 .W ; cows , Jl. ! . ; bulls and oxen ,
Supply of Cnltlo U'nn Siiiiill-Hiion Wcro
Vf\r nml Their \Viuitn l.liulti-il
CHICAGO , March l7.-Tb supply of cattle her *
today wan small , not cxremllnir ( W limit , lluyers
were few nnd their wants ) llmlte < l , lull n clear-
nnce wns made nnd nl full prices , fawn , heifer *
nnd bulls were linn nl Jl.K to J3.40 , ami there was
n steady market for ntwrs nt from fi.90 to fl.M.
The highest figure pnld wltljn the week Is fl.TS.
but probably something firm class would liavo
ImiURht Jl.w. Prices nre n little lower than nt
the close of last wek for nearly nil d.-scrlptlmm.
Atiout 9.000 bogn arrived today , and the total
for tills week Is close lo 119.000 limit , t.a t week
111,915 head arrlvnl , niut n year ngo Ihe teal was
83,151 , Today's nates showed considerable varia
tion In prices , but the Mtrlntlon * were not no
general IIH to necessitate any change In ( tin quo-
tiilions. They remain the name IIH for Friday.
I-1 mil fl.Su b > J1.73 was paid for mcrclmnthbla
loin , nml from Jl. 13 to fl.GS iHHighl Ihe bulk ,
Prices for Mieep wet , , weaker nil around. There
wenby far too many , hcop here for n Hiturday ,
and iis buyers weru nlicudy "Illlcd up" they
would buy only nt eoneeiwlons. Poor to pxtm
sheep were quoted nl from J3.75 to J3.90 , nnd s.ilei
of lamb * were on n basli of from J2.73 to JI.15
M * * ) bond , making 5S.WO for tbo 'week , which 1i
WOO more than for thu previous week mid 8.000
more tlun u jear nno.
Hecelpts-Cnttl. . . koo head : calves. 1W ( hpadj
hogs , ! > .000 licnil ; nieep | , fi.wxi head.
The K\etilmt Jouinal reports :
I'ATTI.K-ltecelpis , MX ) head ; shipments. GOO
head ; market ptendy ; prime nnd extra steers.
JUW . , . - , ; fair t. > KI I , JI.OOffl.2Ti ; others. J3.WW
3.7S ; Texans , t2.7utf3.75.
IICKlS-Hecelpts , 9,000 bead ; HlilpiiieiilK , 4,0:0 :
head ; markel steady ; rough henvy. jlftWI.60.
prime heavy nnd Imlcher wclshtH , JI.UOWI.70 :
assorted IlKht. JI.iWjT1.75.
SIIKI-'P AND I.AMIIS-rllecelpIs , r.HJ ( ) head :
KhIimipniK , l.Oiifl lirnil ; 3.000 on owners' necount
J , .r-1'3'0 , ' ; , r western's , and ltx exporters al
J3.7j4fl.tJO ; lambs , JI.iOtil.S5.
Trlm-u'it Wlirnt Punic.
RAN FUANC1HCO. March 17.-The panic In
wheat , which sent up the quotations jvsteidny
from to Jl.lM , per cental for M.iy delivery ,
appeared this morning to have entirely sus
pended. The highest offer on ( he board tills
illuming WIIH 11.10. with nolHHly to buy ut
price. The disinclination to trade In May , however ,
him been In n incamno due to the fad that
business In nuny of the ollk-ra Is su : iondeil
owing to the celebration of Ht Palilck'H iViy ,
which look place today nt the Midwinter fair
grounds. At the close of the call jesterdiiy I ho
directors of the osrhatigo redm-ed the marginal
price of May wheat from Jl.IO to J1.05 per cental.
I * . \V. McUlniilllii . i Co. , ihe chief nitcrnlorH
In yesti-rday'H deal , have made a statement , le-
fuslng to be governed by the net of the directors
of tin- call lioard .as applied to their contracts
of yesteiday nnd repudlallns their contracts.
The Htm has. however , offered to deposit wllli
Ihe Produce exchange n en-tilled cheek covering
tbu amount of their tranmictloiiR. Tin ; directors
of the exchange irfuscd to receive the chock ,
which amounts to JlOO.iioO. II U stated thnl tlio
rules of the r-xehntige will compel MeObinllln .4
Co. to make good their contracts on Monday
next or be sold out.
Coffi-o .Mnrlti-t.
NKW YOHK. March 17. COFFKU-Opllomi
opened sleaily nt unchanged lo 10 inlnta nd-
vance , cawed oft partially , but recovered on 'ie-
newed covering ami closed linn nt 5 flO pulnts net
ndvnnce. Bales. 7,000 bags , liu-luding : March ,
JI6. & ) ; April , ir..23 ; May. Jir tiOif 15.U3 ; .Inly.
J13.10 ; August , J15.2" " ) ; September. JH.VfiiMI W.
Spot coffee , Hlo quid ; No. 7. Jn.lHt' , . mild ,
( inlet. but steady ; Cordova , JI9.2Mrl9.50.
Sales. KOO bags K.uiloM. No. 7 , nllout , JI5.1h4.
\S'aiehoiis. > deliveries at New Yoik jestenlay.
4.4JS bags ; suck nt New York today. | 2Jr.W
bags ; utoclc In the United Slates , 13' ,473 bags :
nlloat for the fulled StalCH. It ! , 171 bags , , . " , , unh
137.307 bags last jear. Rio matkef , nulet ; No.
7 f Rio , Jirw ( ; exrliange. 9 15-10d ; receipts i , 5,000
bags ; Btnck , 2'l7.0i)0 ' ) bags.
.SANTOS. .March 17. Market quiet ; Rood aver
age Canton nominal ; receipts , two days , 3000
bags : Block. 1G1 Oiio bugs.
IIAVRIO. March 17.-Market steady ; sales.
Gih > ) bass ; prices Vif higher ; cleau-,1 , for New
lore. , .000 bags. London market nulet ; pi lees
unchanged lo Gd higher.
HAMlUiHO , March 17.-Market steady ; price *
' .i I'fg. higher ; sales. 4,000 bags.
Knn-iis CHy JMnrlii-ts.
OATS lid Ic lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2aff29Mc ;
No. 3 white. 3 > M3.ic. !
11UTTKII Dull .and weak ; creamery , 19I2ic ) ;
dairy , 13ifI6c.
l-KJHS Weak ; 91Jc.
HY1 { Klim : No. 2 , nominal nt 48c.
FljAX HKKIJ Firm ; J1.21Q1.22.
1IHAN Firm ; r 4fr6le. (
HAY Dull ; timothy , J9.CO ; prnlrle , J3.iMfjC.00.
HKCiniTS Wheat , 12.000 bu. ; eoin , 3OiW bu. :
oats. 4.0 * ) bu.
SI1IPMKNTS Wheat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
J.lvtvrpool .Markets.
LIVKHPOOL , , March 17. WIIKAT null ; do-
inaiul moderate ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1
C.illfoinla , 6s5s2di red westeni winter , < i 3d.
COUN Demand mudcrnto ; now mixed , 3s 1W.
Fl.OUIt Spring iiatents , Cs 9d.
PHOVlSIONS-lleef , India mesa , S7s Cd. Pork ,
prime mes.i , "On. Hacon. long nnd shoit clear.
53 lb.i. . 32a Cd ; long clear , 43 Ibs. , 31s.
HL'TTIJH Good , 60a.
TA I. LOW Dull ,
liINSKKD Oll22fl. .
HOSIN Common , 3s Ud.
1'KTltOLKUM 4'iid.
Cotton Aliirlcnt ,
NRW OHLKANS. March" 17. COT TON Spot ,
steady ; sales , spot , GO1) bales ; to nrrlve , ] 5J bales ;
receipts , 3,931 bales ; exports , Great Hrltnln , 21,430
bales ; continent , 3,730 bales ; stock , 23JCo'J b.llcs.
Futures , steady ; sales. 13,10bales ) ; Llaix-h , J7 0
ST. LOUIS , March 17.-COTTON-Stendy : mid
dling , 71ie ; sales , 700 bales ; receipts , 1.7W baleM ;
shipments , l.COO bales ; Block , Cl.bOl ) bales.
Mlork In SlKlit.
The following nro thu receipts lit the torn1 prin
cipal cltlcH Saturday , March 17 :
, , . , . Cattle. HosH. Sheep.
poiith Omaha JS2tl : t,4il7Jin
Chicago HOO 1),0 ( ) { ) 0,001)
KaiiHanClty 'J.OIIO 4.HOO 400
St. Louis ! > 00 1,1)00 ) 100
Total 4,820 10,107 5,745
Diilutli AVheat Alnrlcet.
nui.UTH , March 17.-W1IBAT Market lower ;
cash. Cllio ; March , CS'/jo ; May , C2o ; July , K3c ;
No. 1 northern , cash , 60c ; March , D7'Jr ' ; May ,
COVie ; July , Glftc ; September , 62jc ! ; No. 2 north-
t-rn , cash , CfV4o ! ; No. 3 , Oflc ; rejected , 4l'4e ; on
track , No. 1 northern to nrrlve , C0)ic.
I.oniloii Sn tir Aliirket.
LONDON , Maich 17. SUOAH-Cane. dull , lit.
tlo doing , centrifugal Java , 15s CJ ; Muscovado ,
fair rcllnlng , 13s Oil.
\\onl JUnrltut.
BT. LOUIS. March 17. WOOL-In fair demand.
steady nt the recent advance.
Two YIIUIIK Men NlmiKlitcreil mi < l Tliroi
Otlierx Wounded In n right.
PIlATTVILhE. Ala. , March 17. Moses
Thomas and Henry Atwood , two well known
younc men , had a quarrel last night about
u debt the former owed the latter. Knlvcu
were drawn and they camu together , At-
.wood's two brothers Joined ( n the melee ,
helping him , and William Thomas guvo help
to his brother. Knives , pistols and razors
were freely used for ten mlnutc.s , and when
a constable stepped In tlio following dmnagu
had been done :
A. CHUNKY , a bystander cut In the arm
anil shot In the head ; died this morning.
I1I2NHY ATWOOU. both ears cut off , Bhot
In the head , jugular vein exposed ; will die.
Will Thomas , cut about arms and shoulder
and shot In the hip ; may die.
Ullmoro Atwood , ahot In the right aide and
cut In the neck ; wound dangerous.
Moses Thomas , cut In the left breast and
Drnth of Solomon Timelier.
CHICAGO , March 17. Solomon Thnchor ,
ono ot thu oldi.'Ht nnd most wealthy rc.sldcnU
of Chicago , died nt his residence In Hlvcr-
Eldu laut night after a protracted Illness ,
Ho came to Chicago from Now York In 1857
and made a fortune In real uutato. Ho wno
prominently Identified with thu Methodist
church. .
Tor Cunning thu lloitili Kxplo-iloii ,
1'AHIS , March 10. . A newspaper seller
named Maurelvitn arrested laut night , whllo
having u wound In Ilia leg drowd , as n iii > -
cunipllco In yesterday's outrnuu. lie | ma
boon living with nn nnarchlul.
.E.McElror&Co. ]
34 VVnshlnjjlon St. . CHICAGO.
Honds of Electric Street Railway
Uirjli fir a ilo Investment Securities.