Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Carnival of Lewdness Oarricd on at County
Jail Under Former Management.
ITiilntcrrtiplrtl for Set mil
lltiln-lliiln < l > iinco
Miiiitlii-rrnltriitlnry Com let Promise *
Colored INntrrlty lei the Krutivlillo
Jiillcr-Sherlrr on Mulli Street.
'At tlio continuation of tlio hearing of the
Itennctt-Uosewalcr libel caso- yesterday after
noon. K. C. Hunt of The Hoc was recalled
for further cross-examination ns to the
times when ho saw Moshcr In the county
Jail. The state nought lo show that the
occasion of ono visit was when the wllncss
called at the Jail to see the Akcson tmir-
ilercrs , but the witness teslined lhat that
was not the occasion referred to In the
tllrect examination , anil that he was not
certain whether ho saw Mosher at lhat time
or not.
Mark II. May , who Is now serving a lerni
In iho penllcnllnry for grand larceny , was
Iho noxt"wllness. . Ho lostirtcd that ho was
taUen lo Iho Douglas cotinly Jail about the
last of August , 1892 , and remained there
until about Iho flrsl of October , when ho
was released on ball and went to Council
muffs , Ho was arrested there and was
brought back by Sheriff liennclt. Ho was
returned to Jail and remained thcro from
Hie night of October 4 , until July 11 , 1893 ,
when ho was taken to the penitentiary. Dur
ing the greater part of the tlmn that ho was
In Ihc jail Theodore Hcnnett was Jailer ,
nnd Engstcdt and Krnest were deputy
Jailers. The witness lestlfled lhat women
came to see him frequently while ho was In
Jail , Ono was a woman named IJUrcli , who
( Irst came to sec him about the last of An-
Kusl , when he was first placed in Jail. She
remained with him about len minutes. Ho
did not see her pass out of the Jail , but he
saw her about 7:30 : o'clock the following
morning as she came out of the Jail olllco
nnd went to the toilet room. Her toilet was
not mndo at that time , and she was without
her hat. Another woman who came to see
the witness was Hattlo Black , who called
In October. It was about 7:30 : or 8 o'clock
when she came. The witness met her In
the Jail olllce , and Theoilore Uemiett and
another woman were there. They all drank
wlno and whisky , and one of the women
sent out to McTague's for supper for the
parly. II was brought by u messenger , and
tlio party ate 11. They remained In the
omcc for about two hours , and the wllness
was then locked up.
The witness said that the female com
panion of the Black woman , whoso name
ho did not know , called at the Jail the fol
lowing afternoon. The Black woman was
there after that , about r:30 : In the afternoon.
The whisky that was drank by the four on
the evening that they were In the Jail ofllce
togclher was gollen from Iho locker In the
jail , where It was kept. Another woman who
frequently called to see the witness was
named Haze. She came there about 8SO :
o'clock ono evening , and the wllness over
heard a conversation between her and the
Jailer with reference lo her seeing Iho wll
ness. The witness was lying on Iho bunk
In his cell , and Theodore and Iho woman
came Ihcro lo see him , nnd Theodore called
Iho wllness to Iho door. The woman said
she was sorry that the witness was In there ,
and ho replied that she wasn't any sorrier
than ho was. She said that she wished ho
was out that night. Theodore told her thai
she needn't mind a little thing like thai , ns
ho ( Theodore ) could answer Hie same pur
pose , and palled her on the shoulder. The
vlsllor lold Iho wllness lhat It was
against the rules to let callers
neo prisoners' at that time of
night , but lhat she had fixed II all
right with Theodore. Subsequently she
wont down stairs with the Juller. The wit
ness leslllled that the women who called
to nee him came at all hours from 8 o'clock
In the morning until 9 o'clock at night.
When they came after dark ho took them
Into the Jail olflco and they remained Ihero
from flflecn minutes to an hour. They
nearly always had something to drink. Th"
witness knew-Koen In Jail , and saH tliat
on one occasion Kocn was mixed up with tlie
prisoners at Iho Instance of Iho sheriff , who
wauled lo see If a new depuly Jailer named
Linn would deled him as Iho visitors passed
out of Jail. Linn did not delect Kocn , who
passed oul of Iho Jail , but subsequently
returned. Kocn frequently went out with
the jailers , nnd so did the witness. Some
times Ihcy went down lown lo gel a drink.
Once ho went to tlio Darker holel with
Deputy Jailer Ernest , nnd sat around there
for some time drinking. Once ho went
with Theodore Bennett to n store on Six
teenth street to get measured for some
shirts. He ordered a half dozen and also
ordered a half dozen Bhlrts for Theodore and
paid for Ihem out of his own pocket. That
was in September , 1892. The witness fur
ther tesllfled that when coming back from
Council Bluffs with Iho sheriff they went
Into u house on Ninth street and had some
While ho was In Jail he was In the
Juvenile cell at the head of the stairs In the
hall. Ho was there about three months ,
while thcro , ho roomed with Keen u part
of the time and also with Kllcholl. KItchell
always had liquor in , hls cell. It was
brought Ihero lo him. Sometimes llio Jailors
handed It lo him In packages. Kitchcll
was under the Influence of liquor nearly nil
the time. Ono nlghl Kitchcll gel drunker
than usual and began singing "Ta-ra-rn
Boom-de-ay" and kicking up a big racket.
VOT thai Kitchcll was taken to the bound-
over cell nnd kept theio three or four days
The witness testified that his cell was never
locked except when Jailer Engstcdl was on
watch. When Theodore was on watch the
witness heard women talking In the olllco
nnd saw them In the corridor leading to It
at all hours of the night. That was not
every night , bill It was very frequently.
On cross-examination the witness testified
that this was his llrst term In the peniten
tiary.- After being lot out on ball ho was
arrested In the Bluffs and brought back , but
ho did nol know why. It might have been
that they were afraid llml ho was going
further away. Ho was taken by Sheriff
liennclt lo Iho Grand hotel in iho Blurts
that night for supper , nnd on reaching this
Bide of the river Ihey stopped on Ninth
street at tle ( suggestion of the witness. They
wont to Iho Ninth street retort for the snmo
purpose that other men go thoie. Liquor
was ordered and drank and Iho wllness paid
for It.
The witness said Ihe Burch woman called
on him In Iho county Jail but once during
the monlh of August , but was there repeat
edly during the succeeding months. The
Black woman came In Ocoober nnd was there
but twice lo the knowledge of the witness.
The first time was about 8 o'clock nl nlghl ,
and she stayed thcro about Ihrco hours nnd
talked with Iho witness and Theodore Den-
licit. They drunk champagne nnd whisky.
The woman brought tho. clmmpagno nnd the
whisky was In llio cilice. They all drank.
The wllness did nol know Iho name of iho
other woman who was there. The Black
v > onmu lived on Ninth street , and the wit-
ncsa supposed the other woman lived there
too. Ho saw this nameless woman at the
Jail again the next day , but she utayod there
but a short time , That wna the last tlmo he
fcaw lu > r. The night the four of Ihom were
logolhor In iho Jail olllco they ato. dranK
nnd had n general good time.
The first Unto the Ilazo woman called.
Theodore was With her. It was about 8
o'clock In the evening. The witness did not
know Just how long It wan after ho was
arrested , but It was Rovornl days. The
Burch woman brought him n flask of whisky
ono afternoon. She brought him liquor on
different occasions , nnd iho total number
of times was more than Ion. Kllchcll told
Iho wllncbs the Jailers bronghl liquor lo him.
The witness nrvw It brought In wKh the
meals In n basket. Both whlsUy and beer
were brought In that way , nnd the witness
luul received U In Hint manner , Kocn'i
whisky was brought up with Kltdicll'a. uu4
KOIHO of It was brought In by frlemlr
Kllchcll'had qujlo n gcoil Jag on all th <
tlmo. The night ho wns singing and raisin' ,
Mich a rumpus , Theodore Bennett came In
nJ ial < l , "By , KItchell , 1 Imve always
treated you right , and now you go t
work and do mo this way. I am going
to punish you. " KItchell replied , "Oh no
you won't , Theodore. " The Jailer > look
KItchell up stairs to lock him up
and when on Iho upper landing
a bottle of gin dropped out o
Kllchell'8 pocket. After getting out
Kitchcll didn't have anything to drink for
several days. The witness said lhat when
ho stopped on Ninth street with Ihe sherlfl
they drank beer. They drank with nl
hands , and ( hero were half a dozen women
present. When kept In the cell on Iho
balcony over Iho entrance hall , Iho wllness
could BCO women by sneaking oul on Iho
balcony and looking lo see what wns going
on. Ho did tills repeatedly. Ho saw twc
women thcro with Theodore at 1 o'clock nt
nlghl. On another occasion ho saw Theo
dore nnd another man with two women
there at 2 o'clock , and again he saw the
Jailer and n woman companion nt 3 o'clock.
They sometimes awakened the witness , and
ho would get up to see what was going on.
Ho know the time , because ho sometimes
looked nt the walch In Kllchcll's vent lo
see how late II was before going back lo
bed. He could nol see Into iho ofllco from
Ilia balcony , bill could see llio hall Hint led
from the ofllco * to the outer door of the
Jail. Ho saw one man there frequenlly
" " Theodore nnd wns
"rushing Ihe can" for ,
lold lhal llio man worked for Coroner Maill.
The wllness Identified ex-Deputy Jailer Horn
ns a man ho had frequently seen about the
Jail , but was sure he was not the man who
was with the Jailer and the women at 2
o'clock In the morning.
The defense then called William Coburn
nnd Frank J. Kaspar , but Ihe courl olllcer
announced Hint Mr. Coburn had been In
Chicago for the past eight days and had not
returned , nnd that Mr. Kaspar was attend
ing Iho dedlcalory exercises at the Hartman
A request was then mndo by Ihe defense
lhat Ihe case bo continued for le"n days , In
order lo secure Iho allendanco of Edna
Marshall , a colored convict nt the peniten
tiary , who Is now dangerously sick nnd un
able to be brought here. This was accom
panied by the defendant's aflldavit setting
forth the slluallon , nnd with It wns the alll-
davll of Iho Marshall womnn mndo yester
day morning nl Iho penitentiary. It wns to
the effect thnl she was arrested and placed
In Iho Douglns county Jail ahoul Ihe middle
of Seplember , 1893 , nnd remained llicre unlll
some lime In December ; lhal while an In-
male of Ihe jail Theodore- Bennett , the Jailor ,
repeatedly had sexual Intercourse with her ;
thai she was kepi In a cell alone until about
Thanksgiving , nnd that her Intimacy with
the Jailer conllnued until the night before
Thanksgiving , up to Ihc lime that another
prisoner was placed In the cell with her ;
that the nniant did not have sexual Inter
course with any other man except said Ben
nett after tlio tlmo of her arrest and up to
Iho presenl lime ; lhal as Ihe rcsull of said
Inlercourse with said Theodore Bennett the
nniant Is now pregnant with n baslard child ,
of which said Theodore Dennett Is the father ;
that nlllant has been sick for Ihe pasl Ihlrly
days , and lhat such sickness la due to said
The ailldavlt of Iho defendant set forth
that this witness would testify to these
facts , and that It would bo necessary to
secure a continuance In order to have the
witness produced In court.
Atlorney Estelle Informed llio court thai
ho visited the penitentiary two weeks ago
to see this witness , nnd the warden Informed
him of her condition ; that It had been the
purpose of Ihe defense lo bring Iho wllness
here , nnd It hnd been expected that her
condition would bo suffclently Improved as
Iho close of Ihe trial was reached to have her
Hero , but the prison physician stated that
It would be extremely dangerous to attempt
to move her ; that the warden of the peni
tentiary was here several days ngo In per
sonal response to the subpoena that had been
sent him directing him lo bring the witness ,
nnd that the defense had .lono nil It could
to secure her presence ; that as the court well
know , the defense had requited the stale
lo take the deposlllon of Iho wllness , but
Iho stnlo hnd refused. *
The slale's nltorney protested sgali'st a
continuance of the case , and claimed that
the defense was seeking to lake an undue
advantage by not serv'ng notice take depo
sitions before the beginning of tlio trial.
The court reminded the attorney that Iho
defense had naked tlio Btntc , to lake Ihc
deposition and that the Rtnle had refused.
The counsel Tor Ihe defense further stated
thai at the time the Irlal wns begun Ihe de
fense had believed lhat Ihe Illness was of a
naluro that would not be of sufficient dura
tion to prevent the bringing of the witness.
The defense did not seek to needlessly delay
the case , and would bo willing to rest now If
this witness' teslimony was before Ihe courl.
If Iho slale's altorney would consent to take
the deposition , Ihc deposition would be taken
Immediately , as soon as a train could lake
Ihem to Lincoln , or at any tlmo to suit the
stale , and a speedy Icrmtnation of Ihe Irial
would be reached.
The slate's attorney demurred against It ,
and would not consent unlll ] Iho courl had
said lhat If It was not done a continuance
[ or several days would have lo be granled In
order lo secure the presenco'of the wllness.
It was then agreed lo take Ihc deposlllon
of the witness today , nnd Iho attorneys will
leave for Lincoln on the early morning train.
The court then continued the further hear
ing of the case until 2 o'clock Tuesday after
Only | 20,00 to 'Frisco via the Burlington.
Manufacturers nnd Conxuiiipra Association
I'ropurliiK Another Hluto I'alr Uxlilhlt.
The Manufacturers and Consumers asso
ciation , over since Us organization , has done
a good work In furthering the Interests of
the manufacturing Interests of the stale ,
tfol leasl among Ihc works of Iho association
was the exhibit made at the state fair last
fall , which opened the eyes of many of the
pcoplo of the stale as to Iho extent of Iho
nanufaclurlng Interests , and dcmonbtralcd
.0 Ihem lhat many of Ihc articles they had
icon In the habit of buying 'mm uthor coun
ties nnd other stales could bo obtained
ust as well nt home , of equally good quality
ind equally as cheap. So successful wns
: ho exhibit that the managers of the fair
requested thnt another exhibit bo made this
coming fall , and to assist In making It a sue- '
: e&s tendered to the association the exclus-
vo use of the mercantile hall on tlio state
'air ' grounds , and proposes to til It
up , with power , shafting , etc. , to enable
the association to make ita exhibit
complete and to show to the best possible nd-
vnnlngo , George W. Tibbs , W. E. Clark
nnd O. C. Holmes , on behalf of Iho ns&ocln-
tlon , wcnl lo Lincoln one day recently and
completed the arrangements for the nillng
up of llio building for Iho purpose. The
association proposes to make a display this
coming fall In comparison with which last
fear's showing will bo n small affair. The
nanagcmcnt of the fair has shown com
mendable Judgment In aiding In every way
losalblo the efforts of the 'association to
jrlng Nebraska products to the at
tention of the people of the state
and Induce them lo buy home
made goods , lhal tlio Industries that nro
now here might prosper , nnd others bo In
duced lo engage In manufacturing enter
prises. Nebraska Is not only In the front
rank agriculturally , but It 1ms a front seat
n the horse world , and these two Industries
linvo always been fostered and mada prom
inent by the fair management. Without
abating In the least the efforts lo encourage
Ihcso two Important Industries , the fair
management now proposes lo KCO whul 11
can do lo aid tlio Manufacturers and Con
sumers association In helping the manufac
turing Industries of the Mate ,
Twenty Dollar * to Ciilifiirnlii ,
$20,00 buys a one-way nnd $3 ! > .CO u round-
Tip ticket via the Duillngtun route1.
Everything flrnt-clat > s tickets , Iralns.
( line. Ticket olllc. ' . 1321 Fiirnani ttrcet.
8 l ) to Suit l.ulo niKl Mm : Vrmii-lnco.
That's nil It costs you via
J35.CO for the round trip.
Corresponding low rates to all western
Through first and second class sleepers
and dining cars , See your nearest Union
I'uclflc agent or
Harry 1' . niucl , city ticket agent , 1302
Farnam ttroet , Omuhii.
Only ? 20.00 to PrUrola the UurllngUu.
For throat illbcasca , coughr , colds , oto ,
effectual relief Is found In llio use of
"Uro-\n'a Dronchlul Troche1 1'rlco 25
osuta. Sold only lu '
At Hajdcns * Saturday and Saturday Evening - ,
ing thcro Will bo a Bush ,
Irr § floiiilfti Xr\er Sold So Clicnp Sec llio
tfpccliil I.lnn fur Hnturdny livening
rrum 730 to Oj.10 1 . M. I'crfnmcry
fjrlls for Do An Ounce.
C5c wash silks for 39c n yard.
You can recall no doubt many special sales
wo have given on just Iho Ihlngs In high
class silks that every ono wants at real sen-
national prices , dcllghllnR all purchasers and
causing deep rcgrcl on tlio part of these who
learned of iho values lee late. One of those
sales will bo repeated tomorrow , when wo
place on sale 100 pieces , or 5,000 yards , of
genuine kal knl wash silks In n bewildering
array of colorings , goods lhal you can't boll
Iho colorlnc out of , and which make Ihe
prettiest and most durable silk wnlst thnt
money can buy. Only a limited quantity to
each purchaser nil day Saturday.
39c a yard. 39c a yard. 3c ! ) n yard.
Saturday evening wo will place on sale In
our dress goods department :
A nice line of WIDE WALE SUITINO.wlth
JACQUARD EFFECTS , In all the leading
shades , navy blue , green , tan , old rose , fawn
scarlet , nllo green , black and all the now
spring shades.
These goods are all double width and a
nice wool fabric , worth 45c.
We will place them on sale Snlurday evenIng -
Ing only , at
luc per yard.
Wo will also place on sale n full line of
cashmeres in nil shades. Including a nlco
line of evening shades.
These goods are full 3C Inches wide nnd we
will sell them at IGc.
Remember this sale la for Saturday even
ing only.
Wo got the Landcn Uros' . hat stock from
the creditors. The firm had been In bUHnelss
only about three months. All Ihe slock Is
It is not nn extensive stock , but wo got it
nt a ridiculously low price and wo will sell
11 out al once. We had our own spring stock
bought , so wo will jusl run Ihls sale lo ad-
verllso our hat deparlment.
Sale begins Saturday morning on 2d floor
at Haydens' .
All goods new and of the latest styles ,
consisting of
Lot 1. Derby , fadora crushers and soft
hats , 50c , wortli $1.50 to $2.00.
Lot 2. Derbys , fadora crushers and soft
hats , 7Gc , worth $2.50 to $3.00.
Lot 3. Derbys , fadora crushers and soft
hats , $1.00 , worth $3.50 to $4.00. /
A genuine Gate City hat , $1.50. worth
A genuine R. R. Gate City hot , $1.93 ,
world $4.50.
A genuine John B. Stetson , $2.50 , worth
1 lot boys' hats , 25c , worth 50c.
1 lot boys' hats , 37c , worth 76c.
1 lot boys' hats , GOc. worth $1.00.
Saturday evening from 7:30 : lo 0:30 : at only
9c per ounce.
Do sure lo bring your bollles.
Oranges , " /4c per dozen ; lemons , 12V4C ;
Young America full cream cheese , 9c :
Wisconsin cheese , "Vic , lOc and 12V&c ; salt
pork , 7V c ; fresh beef sausage , 7V c ; break
fast sausage , only lOc : spare ribs. CVic ;
pickle pork , 7'/sC a pound ; sugar cured No. 1
hams , lOc ; finest country butter you ever
eat for'25c per pound ) country butler down
as low as lOc ; cod. fish , 2' c per pound ;
mjnco meat , 7c per pound ; apple butter ,
peach butter and plum butter , 5c per pound ;
all kinds of bread , 2c per loaf.
Providers for the people.
Only $20.00 to 'Frisco via the Burlington.
Now You Cnn Go to California.
On March 1st and until further notice the
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railroad will
sell tickets to all points In California for
$20.00. Round trip tickets , $35.50 , good
sixty days. Through tourlsl sleeping cars
via Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt LaVe and
Ogdcn ; also via Fort Worth , El Paso and
Los Angeles to San Francisco. Two trains
dally via the "Great Rock Island , " ono via
Fort Worth , Tex. , and one vja Colorado
Springs nnd Ogden. Secure tickets and
sleeping car accommodations at ticket ofllce ,
1692 Farnam street.
Only $20.00 to 'Frisco via the Burlington.
- the New ' .
Openingtho J'avlllon.
The now Hanscom park pavilion Is com
pleted and preparations are mudo for the
opening. The building In Itself Is a model
of neatness and convenience. One of Ihe
iltractlvo and appropriate features of the
lulldlng is the style and arrangement of the
electric lighting flxtures. The Interior Is
Ighlcd by four Ihlrly-onc-llglil clcclrollers ,
made of burnished copper. They were de
signed and made by F. M. Russell & Co.
specially for Ihc pavilion.
The exterior lights , which Illuminate the
iromenades , are twenty In number , made of
ho Bnnto material and by the sahio firm.
Such artistic work and special adaptation
of appropriate designs are ' making Iho firm
of F. M. Ilussoll & Co , p'romlnent through
out the west In this line of work , which Is
he linn's exclusive business.
Only $20.00 lo 'Frisco via the Burlington.
Merchant * ' Carnival.
There will bo given In Iho Exposition hall
on the evenings of March 8 nnd 9 a mer
chants' Carnival nnd Columbian drill. The
Omaha guards will take part , and sixteen
young ladles In costumes representing ns
many business houses of the clly. The
drill Is something entirely now and has not
been given by amateurs ,
The ladles of the Presbyterian hospital
have charge of the entertainment and Iho
proceeds will go lo tlio support of free beds
In the hospital.
For Interrupting you , but you may possibly
> o going cast , If so , Ihoro are a couple of
rains you should really bear In mind. Those
are "Northwestern Lino" Nos. 0 and 2 ,
eavlng Union depot dally at 4:05 : and 6:30 : p.
m , , respectively , arriving In Chicago at 8:15 :
and 9:30 : next morning.
City ticket offlco. No. 1401 Farnam street.
I'oiir Trains u Day
Leave Omaha for Lincoln via the Burlington
The first departs at 8:15 : a. m. ; the others
at 10:15 : a. in. , 4:50 : p. m. nnd 6:50 : p. m.
The Burlington is the short line to Iho
Capital City ; Us Iralns are Iho fastest nnd
Is service Iho most complete ,
Get your tickets to Lincoln via the Durllng-
lon. City tlckol offlco , 1321 Farnam strecl.
Notice of five lines or ICKH under thin Iieuil , lly !
until ; each uiMltljnal line , ten cuiilx ,
JR1ON J , Mnyhon , nsed 9 months nnd 22
days , March 1st , 1831. Funciul 2 p. in , , !
Saturday. .March 3d , from 1013 Uorcns St.
New Yoik city papers please copy. I
Hayden Bros. WJ11 Place on Sale Saturday
the Fincst'Birgains ' In Footwear ,
Infant * ' 7B0 ( Shorn , 3Bc Mines' 83.UB
Shoes , Sl.fiO Uidlrft' .Shoes ,
82.4H ( Ictn 1'alr of Oxcrgallcrg
Free Saturday.
It's a fact thnt when you want real bar
gains In reliable footwear you cnn find them
Saturday wo will offer for the first tlmo
an elegant assortment ot shoes , and this
will glvo you an opportunlly lo "shoo" Iho
entire family at llio least possible cost.
3GO pairs infants' fine patent Up 75c shoes
nt 3Gc n pair.
286 pairs misses' fine dongola nnd straight
goat $2,25 shoes , $1.GO.
400 ' 'pairs flno dongoln patent Up $3.GO
shoes , $2.43 ,
278 pairs ladles' flno French dongola cloth
lop $4.00 shoes at $2.98. *
ICO pairs boys' butlon Up $1.GO school
shoes , $1.10.
200 pairs children's solar Up $1.00 school
shoes , 75c.
100 pairs men's fine congress nnd lace
$2.2S shoes , $1.50.
130 pairs men's flno rordovan $2.75 shoes ,
Ladles' fine clolh congress , worth $1.GO ,
Misses' fine grain Up school aZUZ , wortli
$1.50 , $1.00.
Youths' flno 'bullon Up school shoes ,
worlh $1.00 , $1.00.
Roys' shoes , worlh $1.75 , $1.20.
Men's shoes , worlh ? 2.25 , $1.50.
HAYDEN nnos. ,
Dry goods and shoes.
Relief Committed CoiiHtilts It to Ucclilo
Whom to "Call" On.
Messrs. Alfred Mlllnrd nnd C. C. Turner
met with Mayor Demls yesterday , as the
special committee appointed bv the -IliiEns
relief assoclallon at Iho meellng nt the
Commercial club Thursday to prepare a list
of names of parties who oughl to be called
upon for various sums lo relieve destitution
and suffering In the city. The "blue book"
was called Into requisition , and Iho commit
tee went through the A's , B's and C's before -
fore adjourning , selecting tlierefrom fifty-two
names that represent a vast amount of
Omaha's wealth.
This course was adopted as the result of a
lalk made by the mayor , who insisted that
up to the present tlmo the grealer part of
the relief work that has been done In the
city was the work of the middle class , and
that the $3,500 given by the wealthier class
was a mere bagatelle as compared with the
total amount that had been contributed.
The talk stirred up the meeting to n per-
cepllblo degree , and some of Iho members
were disposed to take exception to It , but
the oxecullvo Insisted that he knew what ho
wns talking about , and declared lhal It was
tlmo for Omaha to have a Chllds or a Peabody -
body or n Stanford./ said the develop
ment of such a man would advertise the city
as nothing else would at this time , and ho
stated further that there were men here who
were nbundanlly able lo figure In lhat way.
The mayor's "shaking "up" had its effect ,
for although some of the gentlemen present
professed to bellove''that Ihe raising ot $100-
000 for Iho relief of Ihe poor would bo a
questionable advertisement to go abroad ,
the majority agreed with the mayor that it
would bo far better than for the stalement to
go out lhat any die was allowed to suffer
hero for the necessaries of life.
That Is how It happens that the owners ot
"bluo book" names will bo Invited to do as
much for their suffering fellow men as many
of tholr less abundantly blc.ssid neighbors
have already done.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 2 ,
1891 :
S B Christie to n 1 ! Wllcox , lots 13 nnrt
14. block 4. Potter & Cobb's tuld to South
Omaha J 2.000
Benson Land Syndicate to I. 1' I.irson , lots
1C to 19. block 11. Ucnson 1,40V
F E Cutler nnd wlfo to J C Balnea. lotH
5. C nnd 7 , Williams' subdlv 4,000
Same to panic , lotI , block 1'J , West Kml
add C.DOO
Same to same , lot 15 , block , 11 , Kuimtze
K U's mid 4,500
South Omnlm Land company toVllllam
Hall , lot 7 , blocU 131 , South Om.ilU C40
Herman LnMotte and wlff to Alma I.a-
Motte , 10x20 rods In nw 19.1S-13 2
Same to Herbert LaMotte. UJxJO rods In
same Z
Tlmm anil wife to Kobcrt Dlnsdalt1 ,
lot C , block 1 , Cruwfoid'H udd to llllc-
horn COO
C W Scott nnd wlfo to Nicholas lllcdcn ,
nw 20-15-11 1
W C IlORcrs ct al to U n HUKCIB , lots
7 and IS , block 1 , West Hide ndd 1
II II Irey , county treasurer , to O W Cun
ningham , c ir.2 feet of tux lot 8 In 2G-1J-14
Fame to name , w 132 feet of tax lot 8 In
Total amount of transfers $ ll,44b )
Murrhigo Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
Nnmo nnd addrcsi. Age.
John C. ScliulU , Omaha . W
Anna Anderson . , . 19
Henry Lildgnrd , South Onrilia . "I
Kitty P. SteveiiB , South Oninhu . 1C
A ' .rochet Hditlmi of lu > U'orlit'n I'nlr
Is Iho way Iho Mldwlnler exposition is now
referred to. And the description Is a prctly
good one.
The fair Is well wortli seeing especially
as llio . low rales and excellent facilities
offered by Iho Burlington route bring It
within easy reach.
The present round trip rale lo San Fran
cisco Is $35,50 , and llio Burlington's -1:50 :
p. in. train for the west IB but you had
boiler see Iho oily itlckol agent at 1321 Par-
nam strcol. He will bo glad lo tell you all
about it ,
ISO anil > * - ' < ) .
To San Francisco.
The $5 pays for your berth In one of the
through 1'ullman tourist cars and the $20
pays for a first class passage , all via
No , you don't. have to change , the sleepers
run through to San Francisco. Have your
nearest Union Pacific agent reserve you a
berth or wito |
Harry P. Deuel , clly llckcl agent , 1302
Fnrnam street , Omaha.
Notice of five tines or less under thli head , fifty
c 3iit8j each luUlliUiuil line , leu toiim. _
To Mr. nnd Urn , W. W. P. Horn * , 2ffl2
Dodge street , , u JO-pouiul daughter , Feb. 28.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
" "
Tbeonly 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.--No Ammonia ; No Alum.
tJsed lu Millions of Homes 4.0 Years the Standard-
lUco\orr l tlmt the I omit jOwr * the Cltj
Hnvornl Thoiinnml Holliir.i.
Several dnys ngo Clerk Crltclimoro of. the
complrollcr's ofllce , In checking tip tio' | ' re-
porls of Iho police Jmlge nml clerk of the
police court , nmilo a discovery thnt shown
thnt the clly Ircnsury hns been depleted lo
llio extent of several thousand dollars lhal
should linvo como out ot the county funds
for the feeding of prisoners confined In the
county Jail. It seems thnl Iho synlom of
bookkeeping there In VOKUO hns been such
thnt when prisoners were sent to the county
Jail , no iimttcr whether ns clly pris
oners convicted of nilsdcmcnnors or
prisoners held to llio district court In
state cases , Ihcy hnvo Rene ns the
prisoners of iho clly , and the city hns paid
Iho bill for lliclr feeding whllo Ihorc. It
Is because of this thnt nn Investigation hns
been started , nnd for sovernl days nn em
ploye of the comptroller's ofllco hns been
nt work In poflco court looking over Ihe
records for severnl years bnck , to uncertain
In Just What sum the county Is Indebted
to the city. Whal llio amount will bu can
not bo told , ns It depends on how _ far back
the mistake extends.
In nil cases where the prisoners were
convicted of city offenses Iho clly wns
properly charged with the meals served ,
bul U Is slated lhal Ihe City should nol
have been charged for n meal Hint wns
served In Iho counly Jail lo n prisoner who
was convlclcd under n slnlo charge , or who
was being held Ihcro for trial In the dis
trict court. An attempt will bo made lo
recover from Ihe counly Iho amount lhat
haa been thus wrongfully paid.
Twenty llnllurH to California.
$20.00 buys a one-way and ? 3fJO ( a roundtrip -
trip llckel via the Burlington route.
Everything first-class tickets , trains ,
time. Tlckot ofllce , 1321 Karnnm strcel.
Council U'll'l Appeal It.
Speaking of Ihe ruling of Iho federal court ,
exempting llio railroad properly outside the
right of way from municipal taxation , City
Altorney Council said yesterday lhal ho
would take Iho case lo llio clrcull courl of
appeals as soon as the record could bo prepared -
pared , and ho looked for n speedy hearing of
the case as the business of tlmt court was
not very far behind. llo said ho did not
llilnk lhat Ihl3 decision would affect llio
IKSUO of sewer bonds In Iho sum of $40,000 ,
as ordered by Iho council some time. ago.
Taken ns directed thrso famous Pills
prove marvellous rustoratlvos to all oafeobled
by tbo above or Uadred discuses.
25 Cents a Box.
bat generally rccoffnlzcd In England and. In
fact throughout the world lo ba "wortn a
, iinilnen a Itox. " for tbo reason that they
! ) WILT. CUItC a wldo ruuco of com.
i > pmlntv , find tliht they hftva eaved to many
nudercre not , uieiely one but many gulueti , In
doctors' bill * .
Covered with a Tasteless & Sotublo Coating.
Of n'.l drUL'Rlsts. 1'rlco 25 cents a box.
Kow Vnrk Dopot. 3B St.
The effect most dcolrcd In a Folding Bed Is
thnt It shall bo anything : but u bed by day and
nothing but n bed by night.
Step by btop wo have Improved It at boln
these pointfi , and the I'oldhiR lied as now per
fected Is a triumph of Ingenuity.
By night U Is u full-fabhlom-cf , luxurious bed
with not the slightest HtiKCCftlon of llio'Valj-
Ined , cribbed , confined" bortli nnout it. Tlio
sides iiru own their ontlto length , nml the bed
could not bo detected finmii regular bedstead.
1'urtbormoro , In tins bud there Is u poi feet sys
tem of ventilation throughout tbo day , nnd
this removes the last possibly objection to a
Folding Bed.
In the day time , wlitm this bed N "mado up.
Its owner would not bo ublii to reeojnil/o it. It
Is a bureau or 11 desk , u plitno or u. cabinet ; or
It can take no npuco whatever , and glvo you u
lane Kronen mirror umilnsl the wall.
Buy no folding bed of uny make until you
have personally examined our buds.
Temporary Locution ,
A Kow nnd Trentmout of
Complete , . . . , . consisting . . . . . ,
RurrOHITOUli:3. Capsules nt Ointment anil two
Uoifsof Ointment. A novor-falllnif Cure ( or riles
ot over ? nature uu.l dpprce. It make nn operation
with tlio kniro or injections ot ciubollo odd ,
uro imlnful mul eoldom a purmnnont cure , and often
resulting In death , unnvrossurr. Why endure
this terrible dlseunoV Wo > Kunrnnteo. O
boxen to euro anv cnoo. You only imy for
benefits received , ( la box , 0 for 15 by mall , aauiple
free. Ounrnntooa lesuuJ | j / our nuunts.
nnM < ? TIPATIfiMCured' Pll ° * Prevented ,
OUftO I II Ml IUN bvapan8SBLIvorPell ) ts
Iho trroat LTVF.U nnd BTOM AOlf JtUUULATOK and
ULOODI'Umim : ! ! . Hrnall , ullil anil iilon.act to
lulu , especially ucliptcd for cMlCrcn'd uso. ODJJOica
15 conls.
- QUAUANTEE3 Jesnod only 1)7
BIVIT. OHiMlHKH , will
ri'Htuiu all tlio KCiiur.itlvo
O1T4HH. IlllpoK'lll'y llll
Soml for five clr-
ami ti-sthiionlaln.
1' . O , llox ' . ' 070 , Sail
C'lHC'O. L'.ll.
The latest , the cutest and
most artistic little picture you
have over soon. To introduca
this style , wa will make thorn
lor a time at $1.50 per dozen
313-315317 S ) , loll St. , Oufn
Take E ovntor ,
Uctuo u K.intam .nil lljru y
To know that a single application of the
CUTICURA REMEDIES will afford instant
relief , permit rest
and sleep and point
to a speedy and eco
nomical cure of tor
turing , disfiguring ,
itching , burning and
scaly humors , and
not to use them
without a moment's
delay is to fail in
your duty. Cures made in childhood
are speedy , economical and permanent.
{ "IT * "Ati. ABOUT Tim Di-oon , SKIS , Sci.r , AND HAIR , " taailnl free. CI-TICURA KTHPDIPI
re sold throughout the w or I.I. 1'iicc , CinicUKA , joe ; SOAI' , sjc.j KusoLvcfii , J i. 1'uTTim Uxyu
AM ) CllKinCAL LOKr.i Solo I'rOfis. , Uoston.
Disfiguring Facial Blemishes
Arc the cause of much unhnppincss which may be
prevented by CU'IICURA SOAP , the most effective skin
purifying and beautifying soap in the world , as well as
the purest and sweetest for toilet nnd nursery.
AVliethcr detrimental or successful , wise or otherwise ,
we ventured a new move on the commercial chessboard.
We ignored the prophesy of hard times howlers , disre
garded the opinion of inerchantilc agencies , dismissed the
theories of the financier , and stocked up with a stupen-
dons maga/ine of spring goods , uneqiialcd for grandeur
and double in size even to Omaha's booming year of * S7.
"The Nebraska" knows no defeat The past sea nT
with its deplorable condition of the times passes into his
tory as one of the mo&t prosperous seasons on our record.
We've clothed more men even if our receipts Avcrc none
the larger. Our aim it > to be popular To gain popularity
is to do better than the next fellowman. We sell you a
better value and take pride in charging as little as pos
And with such golden principles we march onward ,
and grow like a tapeworm in a well fed man. We have
earned glory as public'bcncfactors and gained the respect
of the manufacturers of the world. Uur cash system of
bi yl ig makes choice clothing bow to us , and our system
of cash selling for this reason , is a blessing to those who
are willing to pay for what they get and not elseoue's
The announcement of spring will be published in these
columns in a few days it'll interest you to be sure.
Catalogues ( Spring ' ! ) ! ) now to be had on application.
A'o Jtultrr. No Steam. l\'o Kniilnccr.
11EHT I'OWEIl for Corn anil Koeil Mlllx , llnlltiK
liny , Kuiiiiluk'.Sfpurntorn , Orcaniorlu.s , Ao
Stationary or Portable.
ltd 00 H.I' . B to 20 I I.I1.
fiend for Catalogue , I'rlccs , etc. , describing work lo bo ilune.
Chicago , 245 take St. > IOTTOGAS ENGINE WORKS ,
Omaha , 107 S , 14th St , I 33il& Walnut Stu. , IMIILAUKLIMIIA , I'A.
Wliy waato tltuo , money and health wllli "dnctcru'1 vondcrful"curo.
nll , "epcclflcaoto.vtion Iwllliicnd I'KKU Iho prescription of r.
naif nml positive remedy for tlioproinpt Justlnjr euro of
I.oit Mnnuond , NIehtly IJinlsslons , fi'urvuuaVuiiluia < i In
old or TounKraca , Vurlcocclo , Inipotcncy , nud to onlorfio wo.ik ,
Blunted cream. Curcu In Two IV'i'ol.s. I contl tbU nruiicrli-
tlou Frco of chnrin , nndtliero 15no humbug or udTortulnf.catrli
Work whuu done by a compuleul nun.
Go to DR. R.V. . BAILEY ,
A Graduated Orntlnl ot fxp'rlcnrei plac *
your Itrlli In liU carr and Iliu will t consul *
entlourly cared far , Offuo , 3id tlvur 1'BXtua
Ulock. Tclcvliout IMS ,
i la llio only
WUOTBIATa 41. ; ,
Womin Encludtd ,
18 yean perl nc t
Circular * free. 2 / >
14th and Fornira BU