1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 171. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 18 , 1804--SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ! Two solid carloads of Linens , Domestics and Blankets received Saturday ; on sale Monday. One solid carload of Silks and Dress Goods. These were bought at auction The crowds an I you'll get to Filled promptly and with llayden's. and they'll be sold CHEAP. Consult prices below : judgment , Wash Dress Coo ds. The James II. Walker & Co. Block , added to our stock of wash goods , nils this depart ment. ment.Wo Wo toke Rreat pleasure to Inform the readers of The- lice that wo have the largest wash ilreess goods department In this coun try , and would Invlto all to Inspect our stock , look over our novelties In new spring stylcii , both foreign and domestic , and com pare prices. Wo are showing exclusive novelties In French sat lues at 35c per yard. Imported brochet cr pi > , fast colors , fancy weaves , Zflc , 35 and 40c per yard. Fancy Imported duck suiting , 25c pel- yard. 32-Inch wide domestic duck , fancy designs , at 15c. The new cotton hcngallno In light or daik ground at 25o per yard. Fancy flguied Imported lappets , 35c per yard.A . A beautiful line of Imported fast blaclt brocaded satin at 25e per yaid. A novelty In Cnlio cloth , Zric per yard. Now stjlcs In Jnpanette , 25c per yard. Printed Irish lawn , printed organdie1 ! , crlnked and plain Beersiickers , linen-finished zephyri. Satin stripe and lace effects In French and Scotch zephyr. Domestic zephyr nt Co and lOc per yard. Largest stock of dress ginghams and prints. In fact , It Is Impossible for us to do the stock Justice In this advcrt' ' ement. Ono thing is certain , the goods arc liure , and more of them than jon will find In all the stores combined In Omalia. Linens. Have jou seen our enlarged linen depart * uient ? Look , at those damask towels at 5e each. Bleached or brown twilled crash , 3'/ic per yard. Fine Ilarnsly crash at lOc , cheap at IGc per yard. Fine all linen huok toweling , worth 25c , on sale at Ha } dens , only 15c per yard. Turkey red damask nt ICc per yard. Fancy 50c turkey red damask at 25c per yard. Particular attention Is called to our line of bleached damask , red chocked or cream damask , at COc per yard. Special bargain In 5-8 German linen nap kins at $1 per dozen. 3-1 all linen Scotch dinner napkins at $1 per ilo en. Fringed napkins , 25c , 35c , 50c and GOo per dozen. Largest stock of white bedspreads , 47c , BOc , C3c , 75c , S3c , Hoc , $1 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.50 and up. 5-1 and G-l cl.onlllo table covers , worth $1.75 and $2.50 , reduced to 95c each. Notions and Laces. Our spilng goods are arriving dally In this department , and Monday will begin n QKANU CLEARING SALE. Every article put out will bo at such prices as will closu them at once. 25 DOZEN HXTUA FINE IIAIK BRUSHES , 11C EACH. These goods were ahvn > s sold for 25c and 35e , and wore cheap oven at these prices. JO GKOSS HXTRA FINE TOOTH IJUUSHES , DC EACH. This lot Is a Job wo bought , and were made to retail at 20c to 25c , at Oc. They aio the biggest bargains over offered. 25 DOZEN HEAVY CLOTH BRUSHES , 150 EACH This lot Is fully worth 33o each , but for one day wo will odor them nt 15c each. 50 DOZEN ELEGANT HAND BRUSHES , 3C EACH. This Is the most useful brush made ; they are regular IBo goods ; our clearing in Ice la 3o each. 100 GROSS FINE SATEEN DRESS STAYS , 2C I'ER SET. These goods always retailed for 15c per set ; then were cut to lOc , being almost the actual cost. Wo will clear them at 2c per sot on Monday. 100 BOX13S OK 100 BALLS CROCHET COT TON , -P/jC EACH. These arc clearing prices for Monday only. 1,000 YARDS OF EMBROIDERIES AT 1C I'ER YARD. Thesn goods cannot bo purchased at the factory for the price wolll offer them on Monday. All Ht > ler , at le , 3c , Go up to 23c per yard. Big Job lot of laces nt le. 2o and 3 per yard. Special Rale on heavy all silk ribbons , 3c , Bo , 7c and Ou per yard. We Have the Walker Stock Tremendous bargains for tomorrow. Walker's hosiery. Wnlltur's underwear. AVnlKor'a corsets. Walker's K'o ' eu. Walker's muslin Walker's Rents' IJvcrjtliliiB goes on sale tomorrow. Ot the abo\o stocks \so purchased the en > tire lot , which plvos us control of every dollars lars v.01 tli of this line of goods. This will bo the greatest moncy-loblng sale over given In this country. The Walker stock will go regardless of cost. 1 cas.0 of James II. Walker's hosiery for children , their price J3 00 per do/en , our price Do per pair. 1 caho of dilution's fast blnck cotton lioso from .tho Walker stock , worth 15c , our prlco Do. 1 case of boys' heavy fast blade cotton IIOBO. Walker's prlco $1.50 per dozen , our prlco 25o per pair. Walker's 50o underwear reduced to 23c. Walker's 75o men's night shirts , 39c each. 1 lot of men's fast blnck cotton hose from the Walker stock goes at tic per pair. Walker's "Be cornet covert go at Do. Walkers 75o aprons go at 35c. Walker's ladles' gowns , worth tl.OO , go at We. Jl.no boys' shirt waists , dark colors , only COo each. Walker's 60o corsets go at lGc. ! Dross Linings. New stock of linings , Everything In tha way of linings , Tim most complete stock In Omaha ; at Huydcim' popular prices , Blankets. Bankrupt stock of blankets. No such value over offered before. IJIankets at I9c , C5c , CHc , 75c , 83c , 93c , $ l , | l.l5. $ l a. . , $1.GO , $1 C3 a pair and up. Kino California blankets , In white or col ors. Now In jour time to buy blankets for next season If you wish to save money. Cloak DeptBargains. . CommencluK Monday and continuing during the entire week In this department , all ladles' , misses' and children's cloaks , ulsters , capes , etc , will bo offered you at such astonishingly low figures , joti cannot afford to lot them pass , If yon wish to bavo from CO to 75 per cent on a garment for future use. Spring goo-Is are arriving , and more room Is a necessity. How arc wo going to got more room ? We are not going to move Into a larger one than we occupy at prr&cnt , but are golni ; to slaughter prices as they ha\o ne\er been slashed by anybody. Children's cloaks $2.75 , $100 , $3.50 and ? l 00. sold all season at $6.75 , $7.50 , $8.50 nnd $10.00. JIIss.es' jackets and cloaks $2,23 , $2.75 $3 00 , sold formerly at $3 00 , $7.50 and $9,00. Ladles' cloaks and jackets , every garment , former values $000 to $25.00lll boll from $ J.OO to $15 00 , and the obsortmcnt could not possibly be better. IIea\y dark sateen waists , dark coloib , at SSc , icgular $1.23 and $1.75 goods. Some rare baigains In long ulsters with detachable military cape at $5 00 and $7,50 , regular prlco is $13,25 and $17.50. A few dozen skills at 49cand 9Sc that arc worth more than twice this figure. Clearing up a lot of odd sl/es In cashmere wrappers and tea gowns , worth $5.00 and $7.50 , your choice of lot at $3.75. Uuy your fur capo now. See the garments no now offer at $4.50 and $7.50 , regular \altie $10.00 nnd $15.00. A \ery good chance to save $3.00 or $4.00 on a bea\er or heavy woolen shawl. Hakes no difference what jou need , call In and bo tempted. Our prices will be hard to resist. Furniture. Dcdroom suits , made of oak with French plate mlirors , at $15.00 , $17.50 , $18.50. $20.00. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Largo oak bedroom suit , 3 pieces , all full size , cabinet work peifeot , 2I\30 , be\el plate mirror , $1850 , worth $23.00. Elegant line of chlffonleis nt $750 , $850 , $11.50 , $1350 , $10.00. Wo ha\o aery largo assortment polished oak with Kreiu-li plate mirrors , all gotten up In the latcbt style. Wo make u specialty of extension tables niul fcldeboauls of which wo cnrr > a wiry largo abuortmonl , all new demons and the ticst material \\orkmantihlp SUtbonrds at $1500 , $1050 , J18 50 , $2000 $ -.00. Extension tablts , B-fiol , $4.2" . $ | 50 , $3.00 , $7.25 ; S-foot , $5.00. $6 50 , $ S CO , $9 00. Wo are showing over 3'J illifcrent styles of dining room chairs , In oak' , cann Beat , tit S5c. $1 00 , $1.25 , $1.35. $1 50. The designs i.r.j . all new and wool and finish thn lu-ht , The prlco Is as olwas low. We wUli to close out a/lot of while , blue mill pink enameled uiecls. with Inasa trim- mliifs , adjufetable'rest * . at $1.25 each , regu lar price $1 75 and $1.50. Also a lot of oak easels at $1.00 $ and $1.50 each. In , and the next thing is to get it out. To gpt it out at once we have made two lots at 4gc and 150 a yard. There are 1927 pieces in these two lots : The Ifortyniners"consist of some of the finest fabrics produced by foreign or American jooms , late weaves of stylish and popular cloths. ALWAYS SOiLD FOR $1.00 TO $1.75 A YARD f They are Whip Cords , Rhadamas , Benrralines , Serges , Henriettas , Satin Burbers , Wool and Silk Mixed French Novelties , Persian Crepons and all other late novelties. These goods are all high grade , new and fresh ; from the makers , and will make suits fit for a princess. LOT 1 2 49c. 15c. The 15 cent lot consists of Henriettas , Serges , Cashmeres , Bedford Cords , Alpine Suitings , Illuminated and Fancy Effects ' , and other late novelty suitings. Not one of these fabrics sold for less than 5oc and some'of-them up to 750. If you will need a dress within the next year you should buy at this greatest dress goods sale ever held in Omaha. These goods will be on separate tables in the new annex. SILKS/ / SILKS ! SILKS ! WHY IS Trp Tlmt tllo largest crowds go to IIAYDEN BROS. A magnificent line of plain and printed * * SILK SALES ? China BilksIn almost every conceUablo shade WHY IS That poopio como ONE HUNDRED .MILES to nt- and coloring , only 25c a yard , worth 40c. tend our SLK SALES ? 200 pieces of the finest quality , double WHY IS Trp Tlmt nil purchnsots go awny pleased and then SEND warp surahs , in all shades of browns , blues , * * THEIR FRIENDS ? greens , reds , plum , old rose , pinks , cicam , yellow , orange , tans , purples , etc. , woith BECAUSE We offer unmatchable bargains in Silks 75c a yard anywhere else , go during this bale at 5 ! . > c n jaid. WE SELL and Velvets. We have received in the past Yeddo silk crepes , 21 Inches wide , r In navy , light blue , cream , salmon , old rose , GOOD SILKS two weeks over $20,000 worth of silks from yellow , pink , cardinal and gobelin blue , Walker's wholesale price , 50c a ja'.d , our a number of forced sales , among them the price , 39c a jard. Chinese silks on green , black , brown and J. H. WALKER & GO. , Chicago , blue grounds , handsome designs , goods that never have retailed for less than Cue a stock of silks ; all new , clean merchandise , yard , go during this sale at 39c a jard. A largo line of handsome black bilks and ELSEWHERE , sold at less than the regular wholesale price. satins on sale at 09c a yard. You mutt those Imndsomo Read the Magnetic Bargains for Next WeeK. jard. silks wo Walker's uio bee selling price at on 75c them and was $1.00 novelty from per $1.25 to $2,00 a yard. CHINA. SIL1ZS , 15c. Velveteens In most desirable shades only 25c a yard. 1 RINTKD CHINA SILKS in Black , Drown ami Navy Hltic grounds , No matter what yon want In silks and vol- designs , neat patterns , Walker's wholesale price on them was40c vcts bo sure and give us a call before you a yard ; our price , 15C yard. j purchase and wo will faurely gl\o you a good bargain. Fish Department. Hero Is where jou can buy fish at n price never heard of before1 Norway herring only le each ; cod fish only 2 ! e per pound ; largo Swedish herring , S for 25p ; Norway niicho\les , 7'io per pound. Read these prices on mackerel : 7'XsC , lOc , 12'C ' ! and IGu per pound ; wjilto fish , lOo ; eels , IGc ; salmon , lOo ; black , 7V4c. Wo have all kind : ) of smoked fish also : Smoked white fish , 12'ic ' ; sturgeon , 17lic ; halibut , 15c ; celt ; , lie. Hardware Department * Wo have left about GOO kegs of best wlro steel nails which wo are closing out nt one and one-half (1'ic ( ) cents per pound basis. Just think of It , I'/fcc per pound for best1 wlro nails. * The great slaughter Bale of tools and buildIng - Ing hardware still continues. J Note the following prices , f 2Gc Jail padlock for 6c. f lOo 2-foot boxwood rule for 3c. $ 30c 2-foot half bound rule for IGc. lOc 2-foot all bound rule for 25c , ! ! 5c rim door lock for 1 le. j 3Gc mortice door lock for 14c. I 30c pad hook and eye rings for 7c. 7Go double Iron smoothing plane , 29o ttflc. double Iron Jack plane , 35c. 35c braces for lOe , 75e braces for 25c. Hatchets , lOc. Remember wo are selling everything In Meat Department. j ( Sugar cuted hams , II pounds up , for 9c. 1'lcnlc hams , 7c. Pickle pork , 7' ' c. > Salt pork , 7c. Sugar cured bacon , 10p. -I ' - Fresh link sausage. 7' ' c. Celebrated breakfast sausage only lOc. Fresh fcparu ribs , G\'jc. \ Corned beef , 5o per pound. , Bologna , head cheese and liver bauhago only 5c per pound , llonclc&s ham only Oc. Bakery and Crackers. Garneau bread nt 1'c per loaf. Cream puffs , 15c per dozen ; doughnuts , 7'/4o per dozen ; pies , ia each , Boston brown bread , 4c per loaf ; soda and ojster crackers , only Cc per pound ; graham , oatmeal , ginger tmupa , grandma's cookies , sugar cookies tin ; ] , lemon creams all at 7'&u per pound ; yOI | will bavo money by bujlng the&e fjofls of us. MONDAY WILL PLACii ON SALE ALL OF OUR $5.00 Suit , $2.00 $6.5OSiiits , $3.50 89.00 nnd 310,00 Suits , 85.00 $11,00 and 12 00 Suits , $0,50 and $7,50 Still a Deeper Cut in Children's Suils. Lot ! i Agoc from to 14 , $1.25 ; formoi' price from $2io ! to f..25. ! Lot 2 Afjoa from 4 to 1 1 , $ , ! ) , " ) former prleo from $3 50 to "Jo.flO. " Lot 1 ASUS from I to 11 , $ : i.2.V , former prieo from SO 00 to 58.61) ) . TIili iuoluilou the oiitii'o utoclc of Children's ' < ! p'cuu imilu Mud's odd pants , nil wool , otiMilo Mon day , 76c , worth * Ufi : $1 2 ; ) . vvortli * l.f ! 0 : $1.70 , worth eii.2 ; ) . Vav $2.00 s.s . ( oed nil wool punts ns you will buy any plauo for W.75. Men's Odd Overcoats tiwt is , tin co or four of n kind for 'i-.fiO ; an all nnolon ovorcotit worth $0.00. for $11.00 ; an ulster worth ? ( UO for ? 5.00 ; an ulbtor wotlh 10.00 for$0.fiO ; two Hhndcs , brown and cray Mol'on ' all wool , double or bicustcd , north nothing less than 12 fO. Boys' ' Knee Pants at 2Sc , 35c and 40c are going fast , Groceries. To Introduce Hnydcn Ilros. ' 5x flour , we. will for n short tlmo put in 0110 of the fol lowing articles. The Hour Is warranted to bo the best jou e\er used , or money refunded funded- Ono gold ring. One diamond ling One caning bel. Ono gold watch. One $5.00 bill. One scarf pin. Olio ladles' solid silver hair orn itnent. One gent's rolled gold watch chain. One solid gold plato cluster diamond lace pin. THICKS. Queen olives , best Imported , per quart , 33e ; Imported chow chow , per cjuart 15c ; Impelled sweet pickles , per quart , 15c. 2. ! pounds granulated sugar , $1 00 ; 30 pounds New Orleans granulated sugar , $1 00 ; 25 pounds light extra C sugar , $1.00 ; soda crackers , 5c pound ; oyster crackers , fie pound ; ginger snaps , 7'ic pound ; sugar cookies , 7' c pound ; California dried grapes , 3'4c ' ; California blackberries , 5c ; now Cali fornia ral.slnb. So , 7'ic ' and lOc ; now Califor nia prunes , 5c , 7'XiC ' and lOc ; new California peaches , lOc and U' c ; now California apri cots , 12'ic and 15c ; now California pears , 12'Xic ' and 1fic ; now California slhcr prunes , lOc and 12'Ac ' ; new California layer raisins , lOc and 12'ic ; best Alden apples , 7Vic and 30c ; Mm dried apples , fie , new'ante cur- lants , 5c , 20-pound palls pure fruit Jolly , 35c ; pure home made apple , peach and plum butters , fie ; New Year mince meat , 7'iiC pound ; Eagle brand nilnco moat in packages , 8 1-lc , self ralblng pancake flour , 34c ; bolt laislng buckwheat Hour , .Tc } : corn starch , 3ic ; gloss Htaicli. 5c ; lima beans , 6c ; Impor ted muccainnl , 12'Xsc package ; Imported ver- mlrelll , iVjO package ; all kinds California plums , 12'C ! can ; { California peache.s In heavy syrup , lui2pound cans cholca pears , 15c ; 2-pound cans stignr corn , 7' cortli J5c ; 2-pound cans stilng beans , 8 l-3c ; --pound cairn early June peas , 8 l-3c ; s\\eet chocolate , fie package ; baker's choco late , 17'tc package ; condensed milk , lOc can ; evaporated cream , 12'.4ocan ; fancy mixed pickles , fie bottle ; chow chow , 5c bottle ; Columbia i.iHnp , pints , Ific bottle ; Columbia river salmon , 8V4c. lOc , 12Vic can , California breakfast food , 5c pound. Tea and Coffee Department. Tea and colTco department. Hero Is the cheapest place on earth to buy good teas and coffees. Cracked coffee 12'/4o nnd 15c , north 20c , fiackcd Java and mocha 17'io ; No. 1 Ulo 25c , Golden Illo 27c ; combination Java 30c ; old gov. Java and Mocha 33 1-3 or 3 pounds for $1 00. Wo carry everything worth carrying In teas. Tea dust , 10 , 12'Xsc ; tea nibs , 19c nnd 23c , sun dried Japan , 25c , worth fiflc ; basket fired Japan , 29c , 35c , tOc ; Imperial tea , 29c , 35c ; gunpowder tea , 33c , SSc , 45o , fiOc , Ceylon tea from 50c up. Butter and Cheese Departm't. No. 1 fresh country butter , 12'i ' nnd 15c ; creamery , 17c and lc. ! ) Cream cheese , 9e , lie nnd 12' , c. Young America full cream , 9c. Hilck clieebe , 8c , lOc and 12'ic. Swiss cheese , lie , IfJc .ind 18c. Llmburger cliecRo , 15c. Edam cheese , $1.10. J'lne npplo ehcese , ii'c Notifchatel cheese , 5o per package. Sap Sago cheese , Jaigo sl o , lOc per package. Kpnieiubor , wo have any kind of checso jou want nt lowcht prices. Drue' Department. Ed I'lnaiid s pui fumes , regular prlco 75c per ouncp , .Monday only Ilftc per ounco. 2-quart rubber water bottles , 7fic- . : i-itiart | lubber watrr-bottles , 8' > c. 4-quuit lubber water bottles , 9Dc. 2-quait fountain Mjrlnges , 85c. 3-ii.irl ( | fountain syrlngoH , $1.10. 4-quart fountain Hyrlnges , $1.33. 2-plpo liulb Kjrlnga , 39c. ( 'ouoaniit oil soap , 2fie n box. ( Jooso oil ho.ip , 250 n box. 1M1 net ) celery compound , 75c. Kimw.i , 7fie a bottle. Hood's Harbaparllla , 75o a bottle. Ajei's sni aapai Ilia , 75c u bottle. Stationery. 50 3X Pinelopi-s for 3c. 50 BhePts of note paper for 5c. 12 lead pencils for lie. 2 bottles of lit'Ht mucllngt1 for 5c. Wo luuo Just leiehvd n flno line of fancy papetorles. Fancy licialdlc initial papeteiics 45c , rcfu- lur pilco S"ic Fancy ( ablets fiom 3c to 20c. Crockery. The > ciy best white granite waro. Cups , le each ; saucers , le , plo plates , 2c , tea plalch. He ; dinner plains , 60 ; bakers' plates , 2c ; bowln , fie ; round nappies , Cc ; uquaio mipplcH , 5c , milk pitchers. Cc ; cham bers , 19c , wasli pltchurH , 23c , soap dlslit-i , Cc ; 20,000 1-gallon Hro pioof baking crocka at Cu eauh , woith 15c each. Wooclenware. C-foot bteji ladders , 72c ; folding dining tables , 89c , haid wood pastry boards , 1'jo , tubs , 25c ; towul rollcrH , 3c i-nch , clotliett pins , le do/en , clothcH wrlngeiH , $1 25 each , $2.00 bplco cabliR'ts , b'Jo each ; wooilon spoons , CP c.uli ; ioiling pins , 5c , 3 rolls toilet paper , lOu ; wooilon bowls , 5c each , 0-lnch ilco root bcrub brushes , Cc , whiHp brooms , 5c each ; ro\ored hiiuro p.ins , ho e.iPh ; ti > u kettlcH , 15o each ; tin ciis | ) , 2'/jo puch ; trnjH , 5u unclij 2-qnart dlppcrH , 7c rnch ; 2-qimrt tea jiotw , Uo each ; ID-quart tin pallts , 15u. Kettles- Whlto poicplaln lined lion kettles nt 5o per pound Tin-so kcttlos neil gunurnlly from 7fio to $100. They weigh from I ! to 10 pounds cacti. Domestic Bargains. rino nortllnlhln.il blotched muslin , Ccpcr yard. Illcarhpil clipeso doth , 3o per yard. 12-Inch bleached plllou-cuM ; muslin , T/4o pet janl. U-l lilcMchcil pllllow-cnso mUflln only 12'ic per > nrd. 18-nluh brown pilllow-caHlng , So. 45-Inch brown pillow-casing , 7u. d'ood ticking , worth lOc , reduced to 0 > o , Apion-chrckpil glnglmm , 3Vc per yard. flood ftjk'8 In drt-Ms ginghams , Go pjryurd. llcut iihlrtlng pilntH , av u per yard. Indigo bluii c.illco , 3 o ( tot yard. ( idinl daik calico , ilruKH styles , 3' ' u. Cream linker llannel , Cc , lOc anil 15c. Ni w spring styles of outing llunnel , Go , lOo and I5c per ) unl.