Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1894, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    ir rvr r w > r , - trnV
r. . > rr T r .rm t-r , - . . . . , .
i ! lycrmler to nny pnrtof tlio city
II. W TJLTO.N .Manager
i tlnilnmOftlco . " .43
-s No.23
rioston Store Linens , towoU , muslins.
Two children of M. J. Sullivan tire sick
with measles.
Mlzpoh lomplo No. 0 , Pythian Hitters , will
clvc n social Wednesday evening at Knights
of Pythias hnll.
The member * of the Christian church enJoyed -
Joyed n social Friday evening at the homo of
Mrs. J. J. Prnlncy In the Grand hotel annex.
U. n. tt'ntto nnd H. II. Van Hrimt have
formed a copartnership In the hardware
business , to bo known as Van Uruut ft
Jennie Ksttis was granted a divorce by
JudKoThornell yesterday from IM. . lOstus.
her grounds alleged being cruelty and in
human treatment.
Fred Hoveonnd Oeorjro Myrrs werogUcn
ten days each in Jail by Judge MefJco yester
day morning fir stealing coal from u car In
the Northwestern yards.
Larry Himbar and O. II. Perry , two resi
dents of Marne , have been bound over to the
Brand jury of the United States court on the
charge of violating the Internal revenue
B. D. Daker has furnished n bond of $100
for John Hale , who wus arrested u week ago
on the charge of stealing iv sack of Hour
from Peterson's grocery store und has been
In jail ever since.
Ncphl North's friends expect to have him
return homo about March 1 from Clurinda ,
where he has been for several months past ,
having been found insane. It is said that
ho has been very quiet while in the institu
tion , showing almost no signs of lunacy.
Council camp No. M , Woodmen of the
World , will meet In Woodmen hall , middle
Broadway , tomorrow night and every Mon
day night thereafter. Initiation ol new
members on the first and third meetings of
each month. Meetings of Degree camp will
follow the regular meetings.
The ladles of the North Eighth street
mission on Friday distributed clothing to
thirty destitute children. They have de
fined to have a like distribution every Fri
day afternoon. They have a largo amount
of clothing on hand which they are anxious
to give such as are In need.
The Knights of Pythias will celebrate the
thlrty-llrst anniversary of the founding of
their order on Monday evening at their hall.
Owing to the smaliness of the hall and the
size of the lodges , It has been found neces
sary to invite only the members of Concordla
lodge No. 'JT and division No. 27 of the Uni
formed Kun If.
The Fruit Orowers nnd Gardeners Associ
ation of I'ottawattamio County held their
semi-monthly mooting at the court house
yesterday afternoon and discussed the rals-
inc of potatoes. The next meeting will be
held ou Saturday , March 3 , and the topic
for discussion will bo the best way to culti
vate small fruits.
Lena N. KIggs , wife of M. L. Ulcrgs , ( lied
ycstcrdav morning at It o'clock as the result
of an epileptic lit , to which she had been
subject for homo time. She was occupying
rooms in the ( irand hotel annex. She was
" 4 yours of npo and baa been sicl < only a day
and a half. Her husbind was in Missouri at
the lime of her death.
Comrades of the Unioii Veteran Legion
and members of the Ladies Auxiliary have
been very cordially Invited to attend the
Christian church In a body next Monuay
evening , February ll > . Comrade Chase , r ex-
governor of indiiina , will preach. Please as
semble at the College hall at 7 : 0. W. S.
Paulson , colonel commanding.
Don A. Judd was tendered a surprise party
on Friday evening , February 1) ) , by the mem
bers of the Sunday school , of which ho is
superintendent , at his homo in Los Angeles ,
Gill. During the evening n magnlilcently
upholstered arm chair was presented him.
Mr. . .lucdvli , , ! | bo well remembered by Coun-
tll.HltilTsf liaviiie been n resident of this city
up to a few years ago , when he left for Cali
fornia. _
Jtllcy & Slicrnulrn'H Art Goods.
Not a UK uro 1ms been changed on a single
article In Hlloy & Shcrradon's art store , and
the sellltiK price Is just one-half the marked
price. Tube paints and water colors , 5c ;
sable brushes , 5c , and all frames and mould *
Ings half price. This Is a genuine closing
out 8ulc , as hundreds of customers In the
last few diiya have discovered.
Carbon Coal company , 31 Pearl street ,
Grand hotel , del our caali prices on best
hard and soft coal before buying.
Dr ncllcr.homeopath , 810 First ave. Tel. 35.
15. C. Smith has returned from a trip to
Clay Plainer has gone to Kentucky for a
ten days visit.
Mrs. James Johnston has gone to Perry to
visit her daughter , who Is quite ill.
Horn , yesterday morning , to Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Damon , on Bluff street , a son.
E. D. Patton and family , who went to DCS
Monies with the Intention of living several
months ago , have ruturncd and Mr. Patton
will resume his old place in Bowman's hard
ware store In Omaha.
Miss Mary Duncan , a well known teacher
In the city schools , left last evening for a
visit to California. It Is reported that slio
will stop at Heno , Nov. , and there bo mar
ried to a prominent young business man o (
.that place , after which they will tnko the
remainder of the trip together. On their
return they will make their home at Ucno.
Mr. George Fowler of ISlngbamton , N.
Y , , the eastern partner of Fotheringham.
Whitelaw Co. , Is in the city for a Sunday
stay , llo expresses himself as well pleased
with both the past record and future out
look of Council Bluffs , und whllo compari
sons are odious , ho cannot but bo enthusias
tic over the way business has prospered In
Council fluffs durin ? the stonr.y times
whicu have so deadened other cities of this
Ladles , If you desire absolute peace In the
Ititchcu nsk your grocer for J. 0. Iloftmnyr
& Go's Fancy I'atent Flour. Trade mark
umo Uuouter.
Fresh bread , 3 loavca for lOc , at .Brown's
C. 0. D. _ -
Have you seen the now gas beaters at the
Gas cotnpuny'fi ofilce ?
.Ti out lily Ilciport.
The monthly report of the Woman's Chris
tian association hospital shows that on Feb
ruary 0 , after paying the monthly bills , the
ladles had on hand just 41 cents. During
the month theru were sovcn patients re
ceived and four discharged. Tha whole fam
ily numbered fourteen , and there wore two
deaths. There were nineteen grocery
orders received , aggregating $43.60 , From
the county was received MU , and from the
city $10 , whllo the receipts from the hos
pital wore JU'c'.lU ) . Tha totalcush receipts
were g''OiUu. and S'JOU.ltt ot that amount was
pent In paying bills.
Grand ball given by the P. 0. S. A , and
P. O. I ) . A. , on Washington's birthday ,
Thursday evening , February 22. 1894 , at
Chambers' Dancing academy , In llcuo's hall.
Tickets admitting gentleman und lady , $1.00 ,
Including supper. A cordial Invitation ex
tended to all.
Fire and tornado insurance , Lougoo &
Towle , 235 Pearl street.
lllKli I'lvo 1'urty.
Mr. nnd Mrs , W. A. Travis gave n very
enjoyable high IIvo party Tuesday evening
in honor of Mr. und Mrs. H. A. lioblnson of
Cleveland , O. Those present were : Mr.
nnd Mra. J. T. Tidd , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. H.
lluworth , Mr. and MI-L. A. D , Annls , Mr ,
nno Mra. E. A , Kisser , Mr. and Mrs. F
IIollls nnd Mr , and Mrs , F. E. Shcpard. Thn
ladies' prize was won bv Mrs. Tidd , the gen
tlemen's prize by Mr. Tidd.
Get prices from Shugurt & Ouron , the leadIng -
Ing seedsmen of Council 11 luffs , Masonic
temple. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fresh bread , 3 loaves for lOc , at Ilrown'B
0. O. D.
Ask your grocer far Domestic < so p.
Pirst Annnal Exhibit of Iowa Ohickens
Gomes to a Successful Oloso.
Chickens of Itluo Itloixl Unit llnvo Ilron
ThmiKlit Worthy of llelng 1'ut In the
Highest C'limx An InterestIng -
Ing Uthllilt.
The first annual exhibit of the Western
Iowa Poultry association came to an end
last evening nnd the feathered pets who
have been making their morning anthems
crack the plastering until bed tlmo have
been taken back to their homes to wait for
another year to roll by until they can have
a chance to strut about their little
cages for the admiration of the pubhu. The
exhibit has been a most successful one In
every particular. People who were
not supposed to know u good bird
from : i bad one umcss it was well
cooked und cut In slices , have been
found to bo engaged in the raising of
blooded poultry , nnd nn industry that was
thought to be almost unknown in Council
Bluffs and the immediate vicinity is shown
to have obtained a decided foothold. Similar
exhibits will be held every year hcrcattcr ,
BO much cncduiMgcmcnt has been given
those who had charge of this year's trial.
The following is a list of the prizes that
were awarded exhibitors yesterday :
Plymouth Hocks T. .1. Shugart , llrst and
second on hens ; W. J. Scott of Omaha , first
on pullets ; .1. A. Lunger , second on pullets ;
W. S. Clay , third on pullets und fourth on
pens ; C. D. Slmms , llrst on pens ; Thomas
Simuis of Dow City , second on pens ; C. D.
Ilafer , llrst , second nnd third on cockerels ,
third on pens und llrst on trio ; Cochran ,
second on trio.
Silver Laced Wyandottcs-C. C. Dorr
first on pullets ; W. A. Gronowcg , second on
pens and llrst and second on pullets ; Charles
Bcno , third on pens.
Light Brahmas C. L. OIHettc , ilrst and
third on pullets ; O. K. Pratt , second on pul
lets and second on pair ; E. C. Harvey of
Omaha , second and third on pair ; E. C.
Ifurvcy , llrst on pen ; C. D. Simms , ilrst on
tr.'o ' ; M. H. Hill , second and third on trio ;
O. O. Monroe , first on pair ; E. C.Harvey ,
second nnd third on pair.
Dark Brahmas Itelloy , first on trio.
Buff Cochins J. A. L.ingcr , llrst on pul
lets ; I ! . O. Monroe of Omaha , ilrst on pens
and first on pairs.
Partridge Cochins ICelley. first on pairs ;
C. A. llafer , first , second and third on pul
Silver Comb Brown Leghorns C. L- . Gil
lette , first on pens ; W. J. Scott , first on hens
and second on pullets ; Mrs. Louuinger , second
end on hens ; C. A. llafer , first on cockerels ;
Sly tor , second on cockerels ; W. S. Clay ,
third on cockerels ; W. II. Pardoo of Honey
Creek , first nnu third on pullets.
Buff Leghorns O. L. Gillette. fir t on
pen ; W. H. Pardoo. first , second and third
on pullets.
Sliver Comb White Lcghorns-Uolla S.
Grason , first and second on pullets.
Silver Laced Hamburgs W. J. Scott of
Omaha , first on uairs and first on pullets.
Houdans W. J. Scott of Omaha , llrst on
Lanu'shans Kclloy , first on pairs.
Black Mlnorcas O. II. Luiz , first on
pairsC. ; Hafer , second on pairs ; W. T.
Cochran , second OD pullets.
Pckln Ducks C. A. liafer , llrst on. pairs ;
J. A. Lapgcr , second on pairs.
Kouen Ducks Hobert Green , first on
pair , and first on ducks.
Cornish Indian Games First on hens ,
second on pens ; Hobert Green , first on trio ,
second on trio , first on pen and third on pen ;
C. A. Hafer , first on cockerel and lirst ,
second nnd third on pullets.
Pit Games W. D. Harrtln first on
cockerel , Fred Latnu second on cockerel ,
Thomas Bowman third on cockerel ; Ira
Parlow first , second und third on pairs.
Haddock Japan Games W. T. Smith first
nnd second on trios.
Hed Hipper Games William Arnd first on
pen , first on trios.
White Fantail Pigeons W. S. Cochran
first on display of pigeons , M. C. Moxloy
second on display , Mrs. Loutzinger lirst on
turtle doves.
C. A. Hufor carried off the prize of $5 for
the largest and best display of fancy poultry.
Kscapcil Convict Is Now on Ills AVuy to Des
.Mollies to Servo Ills Sentence.
The notorious Frank Snowden , formerly n
Missouri Valley saloon keeper , has been run
to cover , and is now on his way to Des
Molncs to servo out a sentence o'f ninety
days in the Polk county jail , which was im
posed on him by the late Judge Love of the
federal court. Ho acquired an unenviable
notoriety by reason of his big talk more than
anything else , and lie was regarded us an
all-around desperado. Ho was finally run
down by thq United States oftlcials , how
ever , and was tried on the charco of boot
legging and sentenced to a term of ninety
da.\s in the Polk county Jail nnd a line of
S100 or nn extra thirty days
in jail as ho might choose. On the
way to Des Moiaes ho managed to slip away
from Deputy Marshal Etherldgo , jumped
from the train while It was going at n vapid
rate of speed , and took so much leg bail that
for three years nothing definite has been
known as to where he might bo found.
Nut long ago ho stele back to Missouri
Valley , but the old terror in which ho was
hold was revived by the officers of that
place , and not one of them could be found
who had more courage than It took to go to
the telegraph office nnd notify the United
States authorities hero that ho was to bo
had by nny one who thought he was big
enough to tackle him. Deputy Marshal
Hlchurds went to Missouri Valley yester
day ami nailed him withovt the slightest
clinically. Snowden claims to nave been
spending the last three years in Wvomlnp ,
where ho has been working ut anything ho
could cot to do ana has mot with un cnttro
change of heart.
FriT. I'rrp. Free.
One thousand flno crayon portraits to be
given away by C. O. D. Drown to every
customer who trades with him to the
amount of $10.00. Wo have contracted
with the largest portrait and frame manu
facturing .establishments In the United
States to furnish us 1,000 crayon portraits ,
which wo will give away free of charge
to uvory customer that trades with us tn
the amount ot $10.00. Secure tickets it nil
onlor frames from our agents , who will
call on you In a few days. Positively no
tickets given out at store. It agent docs not
cull on you leave your address at the
store and wo will send him to take your
Snve 2B per cent of your grocery bill by
paying cash at ll.-own's C. O. 1) . Compare
our prices with your high-priced credit
grocer : 22 Ibs. granulated sugar for $1.00 ;
best XXX soda crackers , 4VSo u Ib. by the
box ; best XXX oystsr crackers , 4 > ,4c by the
box ; hand-picked navy beans , 3o Ib. ; oat
meal , : > o ; sweet California oranges , lOc
dozen ; California dried grapes , 314e Ib.j
good broom for IGc ; 4 packages BOda , 2Bo ;
4 packages condensed mincemeat , 2Sc ; 3
loaves fresh bread , lOc ; corn meal , lOe u
Buck. 0. 0. D , mtOWN ,
The Gush Grocer.
.Attachment sale of entire stock of cigars ,
tobucco and fixtures of T , D , King's cigar
store , ut 2 o'clock p. . m. , Monday , February
1U , 1891. John T. Iluzon , Sheriff.
A big consignment of the fltenlrll
paper Just received ut ltll' . ' 'B , II F rrl
street , from 4 cts. a roll upxanU. New
patterns , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Domestic soap Is the best.
They Don't Want Millet.
Mr. N. M. Pusoy , one of the Councll.Bluffs
delegation who visited DCS Molncs to secure
some modification of the prohibitory law ,
says that he thinks that their mission will
not provu In vain. Ho believes that some
option law will bo passed , by which the
desired rollof may bo secured and the pledge
of the republican party made gooa. "Wo
don't want n mulct law at all. It's worse
than getting uotnlcg and I bellovo that
the liberal republican * will refuse
to support nny such bill , nnd of
course the democr.ics will vote ngalnst It. so
thcro is no chance for n mtilut law , nnd I'm
plad of It. What wo want is some form of
local option nnd I believe that good common
sense nnd Justice will bring to us the rollof
to which wo are entitled under the plcdgo
of the republican phlform. "
KllNAl'l'ii : A ViSTAI : , .
Vnliml.lo I'omprllnii C'nrloilty In tlio l'o-
nrHlon of Muynr Ijiwrcncr.
Mayor Lnwronco Is looking forward with
feelings of considerable Interest to
the European tour which ho con
templates taking as soon as ho Is re
leased from the duties of his official position
about the middle of next month. Among
the places ho will visit is Pompeii , nnd his
nppottto for pryint ? into the wonderful se
crets of the burled city Is only sharpened by
the fact ot his having visited It twice be
fore , once in 1ST" and ngam In 18SO. Since
then the excavations hnvo been going on nt
n rapid rate , so that ho will bo able to notice
many changes.
People arc not accustomed to think of
Mayor I/uvrcnce as n shoplifter , but It must
bo confessed that there Is a little rellu In his
homo on First avenue that would not have
been there had he not been quicker with his
fingers than one of the numerous Pompcllan
guards wuswlth his eyes. White watohing
the work o cxcavutlns n dwelling house on
one of ills former trips , ho caught n sudden
glimpse of what looked like the head of n
statuette Just pooping out nt him through
the dust nt his feet. Ho offered his guido
stealthily u gold piece to got it for him. but
the guido. utter looking around , withstood
the ituhlng of his fingers for American cold
and pointed nbovo at n guard , who stood on
the alert for nny ono who tried to make off
with the multitude of antiquated relics that
were constantly being turned out by the
shovels nnd picks of tno workmen.
Dr. Lawrence watched his chance nnd
dropped his handkerchief upon the spot
where ho tmd seen the head of the statuette.
He then sat down on the ground nnd com
menced to work away in nn nbscnl-mindcd-
manner to free the statuctto from its sur
roundings of 1.80U years. Ho finally got it
loose , nnd concealing In It his handkerchief ,
succeeded In getting"it to his hotel. It is n
little Imago of a vestal virgin , done in bronze ,
and bears hardly a sign of corrosion. Dr.
Lawrence says ho would not take $300 In
cash for it , and these who share his venera
tion for the antique win ro.idlly undors tand
how ho places such a value upon it.
Stupendous Iliireulii S.iln Monday.
Greatest sale of fine merchandise In the
whole west. Read the prices carefully.
Come to this sale Monday , It Is genuine.
300 pieces standard dress prints 3c yard.
100 pieces light sllntlng prints 3c yard.
100 pieces American Indigo blue calico 4V c
10 bales of Lawrence LL fine 30-Inch
unbleached muslin 3e yard. Fruit of the
Loom and Lonsdale muslin 7c yard.
12V4c snow white cotton baits 8 l-3c roll.
Enormous sil sale.
3,000 yards of printed china silk In black ,
brown , green nnd navy grounds with neat
designs , small patterns worth nt wholesale
40c , we bought them cheap and offer the
entire lot Monday at 2Ec yard.
150 dozen all linen huck towels with fancy
borders , size 17x31 , Monday 9c each.
100 dozen satin damask towels , knotted
fringe , size 18x30 , Monday 15c each.
72-Inch bleached satin table damask , worth
$1.50 , Monday 88c yard.
70-Inch , our regular SI.00 bleached satin
table damask , Monday 75c yard.
5-8 bleached napkins 75e a dozen , worth
3-4 bleached dinner napkins Monday 98c
Come for these linens Monday ; you
will not bo disappointed.
1,000 pairs misses , children's and boys'
bicycle fast black hose , regular 2oo quality ,
sizes 6 to 9 % , Monday all you want 15c pair.
Ladles' fast black hose , regular 15e quality ,
Monday DC pair. BENNISON BROS. ,
Council Bluffs.
Where to Worship.
Christian science service at the Royal
Arcanum 3 p. ra. Mrs. Delong , from Chicago
cage , will deliver a free lecture.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Corner
Fourth street and Ninth avenue. Alfred
Knoll , pastor. Preaching 10:80 : a. m. and
7:30 : p. m. by Rev. C. Knoll of Prescott , In.
Sabbath school , 12 m. Junior league , 3:30 :
p. m. Epworth league , 0:30 : p. m.
St. John's English Lutheran Services In
the Merrlam block , in the Young Men's
Christian Association chapel , at 11 a. m. nnd
7:80 : p. ra. . Hev. G. W. Snyder , pastor. Sun
day school nt U'43 a. in. Young people's
meeting at 7 p. m.
First Baptist Corner Sixth street nnd
First avenue. Preaching by the pastor.
Morning subject , "Tho Ideal Church. "
Evening , the first of a scries of sermuns on
the fundamentals of Christianity. Sunday
school at 18 in. Young people's meeting at
0JO : ! p. in. Sunday school ut Bethany at 3
p.m. Preaching nt4 p. m.
Broadway Methodist H. P. Dudley , pas
tor. Preaching at 10:80 : a. m. nnd7iOp. : ! m.
Tnirty-minuto song- service in the evening.
Fifth A.VCIIUO Methodist Episcopal J.
Indus Farley , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 :
und 7:80. :
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Near the corner of
Pierce street and Glen avenue. Preaching
nt 10:30 : u. m. Subject : "Tho Purpose of
God Concerning Mun. " Sunday school ut
12 m. Young People's society nt 0 p. m.
Preuchlngnt7:30 : p. m. Subject : "Moral
ity of the Scriptures. " T. W. Williams ,
Spiritualist Mrs. J. M. Harvey of Ma-
quoUota. a regular ordained minister of the
spiritualist persuasion , will lecture at Wood
man hall at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. in.
First Presbyterian Corner of Willow avc
nuo und Seventh street. Hev. Stephen
Piielps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt
10:30 : n. m. nnd 7:80 : p. in. The special meet
ings will contlnuo this week. Preaching
every evening.
Spiritualist meetings nt the spiritualist
now hull , 404 Broadway. At 2:30 : p. in. con
ference meeting. At 7:80 : p. in. there will
bo a lecture by Dr. Grabondilco.
Grace Episcopal Rov. John Williams ,
rector of St. Barnabas'church , Omaha , will
preach this evening.
Congregational Rev. J. Powers of Ne
braska will preach in the morning. In the
evening there will bo a song service by the
Chiistlan Endeavor society.
llopo for llplleptlo SulTerern.
A great deal of public interest has been
awakened by the remarkable relief that has
bean afforded the little daughter ot Robert
I'atton , 2C20 North Nineteenth street , Omaha ,
an account ot which appeared In The Dee
several weeks ago. The child had become
a mental and physical wreck from the awful
effects ot epilepsy , having suffered as many
ris forty Revere uttacku In n day. All the
usual methods of treatment hud been K--
sortcd to without beneficial results nt any
time , but with serious consequences at the
end of the second year , when the purents
ot the child almost prayed that cpecdy
death might end the terrible blight that hud
fallen upon their bright little ijlrl. The
effects of the Sweetland remedies and treat
ment were noted In the article referred to ,
when but two spasms were noted
after tlio commencement ot the treatment.
Since then many Inquiries have been re
ceived by Sweetland's * Specific Remedy com
pany nt tholr ofilce , opposite the postolllco ,
Council Dluffs , and by Mr. and Mrs. Pntton.
These Inquiries have come- from half u dozen
slates. As an answer to all of them this
statement of tlio case la made : So far as all
outward conditions Indicate little Louise
1'atton Is practically cured. There has not
been a symptom ot a spasm , Hushing or
blanching of the countenance Incident to any
stages ot the disease. No trace of nervous
ness has been discovered. The little girl Is
going to school regularly , and 1s hearty ,
bright and rugged. Her general health la
better than It has ever been , and she Is ex
traordinarily bright mentally.
Thero's muulc In the air It's coming-
Dudley Huck quartet Congregational church ,
February 22 , Washington's birthday. Mra.
Wadsworth will a Inn.
ClirUthiu l.'mleuvor Convention.
A district convention of the societies of
Christian Endeavor will bu held In thU city
tor three ( days , commencing May 3. W. R.
Pomroy of Shelby , president of the western
Iowa union , and Miss Tina Anthony , secre
tary , were In the city yesterday making the
nrrnnKomcnts. A-eonfercnce was held with
the officers of the local associations of the
Presbyterian , Congregational nnd Christian
ehurchcs und n program drawn up which
will be publisher' when fully arranged In
nil details. The district Includes seven
counties , nnd 100 delegates , at least , nro ex
pected to bo present.
They Neeil u Itopo'a tCnil.
There Is u gnngAJ boys nnd half grown
men operating oowcst } Broadway to which
the police might W3 some nttcntlon. Dur
ing the past wcokslffe slelghlnc has been ex
cellent , nnd at nll purs ot the evening the
streets have bc&if crowded with sleighing
parties , to whom the moan was equally at
tractive with the snow. Among the parties
that have been out were n number from the
city schools. Miss Dale's pupils were out
Friday night in n big bob sled , packed in
until there wus no room for any moro.
When they were passing the North
western depot on Broadway they
were suddenly nttackcd by the gang
nbovo referred to , nnd were erected with a
volley of snowballs , chunks of ice and
stones. Several of the occupants of the
sleigh were struck nnd badly Injured , n little
girl named Rutledge being ono of the most
severely hurt. A stone struck her just above
the eye nnd knocked her senseless. She did
not recover consciousness for more than half
nn hour. Yesterday her face was hgrrlbly
swollen , one of her eyes being completely
closed. It is said that the miscreants hnvo
been in the Iriblt of treating sleighing
parties in this way , and if caught they
should bo given u lesson which It will take
them n long tlmo to unlearn.
Tlic Kuglc l.niinilry'H Xoiv Machinery.
The Eagle laundry , nt 724 Broadway , has
just added a new brass washer to Its already
extensive plant. This Is the finest machine
of Its kind manufactured and the Eagle people
ple are very much pleased with It. The laun
dry presents n very busy scene nnd npoak-
Ing to The Ueo representative Mr. Ducrr
salil : "It seems everybody Is just learning
that we are doing the best work In the city ,
and the increased number of bundles of
spiled clothes that are sent to us every week
to be laundrlcd Is a continual surprise to us
nnd keeps 11.4 busy to properly care for them.
There may be some who have not yet dis
covered us , and If so you might tell them
through the columns of your paper that wo
extend n cordial welcome to them to give
us a trial , feeling sure that If they do so
the result will prove to be mutually satis
factory. We will have a new , first-class
Ironing machine hero soon and expect to
keep the capacity o.f our plant fully up to
the demands of our" business , and our work
will bo the best that can bo done with first-
class machinery , help and material. "
Favorable Inducements will bo offered tea
a few reliable and energetic agents who will
solicit for the Mutual Life Insurance com
pany. Call on or address Pusey & Thomas ,
Council Uluffs , district agents for southwest
ern Iowa. _ _
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Cltl/.eiiH1 Convention.
The plan for a citizens' ticket has fully
materialized as mentioned in The Bee
several days ago and a call was issued last
evening for n mass-convention of citizens at
the court house Monday evening. February
10 , to put in noiniqation a full ticket. Tlio
call invites the attendance of every citizen
who is opposed to njonopolics and corpora
tions and the voting away of the franchises
of the people. ' _
Wo are headquarters In Council Bluffs for
the famous Monarch brand of canned goods ,
and everything else that la first class and
good In the grocefy'Une. W. S. Homer , 038
H. A. Cox , 10 Main street.
Best quality , lowest r.itos.
Prompt delivery. Got prices before buy
njj. Telephone IS.
1,000 hot. bed sash , glazed and ready for
use , made by the Council Bluffs Paint , OH
and Glass Co. , a prices to suit the times.
Out of town customers save money and get
prompt attention. [ Masonic temple building.
Domes tic. soap. Is , the best.
SlelRhlilK Tarty.
Mrs. Rush Williams gave u delightful
sloigning party yesterday aiternoon. These
who participated in the fun were : Lauru
McFuddcn , Lido McFaddcn , Bertha McFud-
dcn , Fay and Edna Towns , Magglo Hender
son , Lottlo Newton , Maud Bell , Do Lilla
Reeder , Walter Williams , Guy Bouricious ,
Eleanor Coffecn , Maggie Ilallonbeck and
Bessie Bono.
A choice concert Is promised at the Con
gregational church on February 22 , Wash
ington's birthday. It will bo given by the
Dudley Buck quartet , assisted by Mrs. Wads-
worth. Admission , 25
The Bee Art Folios nicely bound for $1.00
at MorehouBO & Co.'s , Everett block.
Everybody knows Davis sells drugs.
Resolutions IteKiirdlns tlio Death of ( leorfie
Central Labor union at Its last meeting
appointed n committee consisting of Alfred
Fnwkner , K. S. Fisher and S. B. Smith , to
draw up suitable resolutions expressing the
great loss which organized labor has ex
perienced In the death of Its ex-president ,
George W. Wlllardi _ '
The committee reported the following
preamble and resolutions , which were
adopted unanimously by a rising vote :
WhereiiH , Our ilenily Invert brother anil ro-
worker. UeniKc W. Wlllard , ImvliiR been Mllckcn
down by Ueiuli In the \ery pi Inn ; ( if Ills uxeful-
UPS * und nmnhoucl ; uml
Wild-ens. Our iK'iiartert brother wns ever a
whole-souled unrt consistent ailvocutt * of the
equnl rlfthta of nil men to life , liberty nnrt the
pursuit of happiness as exempllllcil by tlio nil-
vuncotl thoiiKhl of mature anil conservative
labor organization uUniK ttnrte lines ; anil
Wlieicas. It has been the pruiul prlUleno of
this Omann CVntiul Labor union to liavi * hart
for ono of Its presidents u man so Kelf-KacrltleliiR
unrt lovert as our dead brother ; theiefoiu IMS It
Henolved , That the Omaha Central Labor union
( Id nlllclully express Its enthusiastic appreciation
of the devoted and tireless efforts of llrolher
Wllluid towards the betterment nnd uplifting of
his follow men : that this central body of lep-
irsentatlvp trades nnrt crafts of which our rte-
parlvil brother was for no nmny years nil uc'tlvn
member and honored leader does fully appreciate
his lovable H < * lf-ubnegatlon ; his ever eauer , iictlxn
charity ; his manly worth nnd sterling inicKilty ,
nnd tlu > Kenlle thouRhtfulness for the oppressed
KII depressed of Ills fellow tellers In tills valu
of wrone conditions and oppression.
Whilst his kindly xmlle nnd 'ready
lielp can never acaln assist by wonl
or deed the faint-heal ted nnd haltlnK ones In
the BlriiKKlu for u wider freedom and cjo. < er
brotherhood , still wt * . hlx comrades IhtouKh life
to death , realize that the cxamplo of his pun ;
and unseinsh life ymu\er , be u stlrrlni ; example
find Inrentlvo for the best of us to hew close to
Ihe line of his lives' life , whose virtues command
that wn shall go lulll'dii likewise. We , Ills com
rades.vhn dirt lovegfcut now rcveru him , do not
begrudge him Imouirtallty , but do reverently
and fondly wish him the patriot's crown , If
such IhhiKH be , To' ' the loved wlfo so suddenly
bereaved , \\e , thqlKDmpanlons and friends of
him who has none by/ore , would extend our sad
sympathy of mutual 'regret In our common loss.
You and we loved Ililm. and WH toKether mourn
his loss , The orplitni | < d little ones who mourn u
father's love , wu f-ripvo no words of ours can
assmiKC their Krlefl'fAit If tlio promise of fiitnro
caru and watchfulm * * * In their behalf counts fur
unythliiK , then leu.llielr tears be dried ; und l >
It furt.u'r T | .
llesolved , That two copies of these resolutions
be guttubly eiiKrosiied ; ono for the sorrowing
widow nnd the oOffi'Jt" bu appropriately f rallied
to hunb upon the u'ltllH of our meeiliiK IOOIIIIIH u
memorlnm of our lo t brother ; and b It further
Hesolved , That copjes of these rcHOlutloiiH bi
Printed In all papery' ' w hosu sympathies nro In
accord with orKanlzed lulxir In Its efforts to-
wurds Christian Ifllmvshlp and the wider
brotherhood of iuai | , (
KIU.KU Till'
Idaho 1'rlnoner .Sullen the < ) Ulcer's < inu anil
I'ncs It toCooil irfeet--IIo : Is 1'ri'i' .
BOISE , Idaho , Feb. , 17. A double tragedy
occurred at Hugetnan , on the Snake river ,
Thursday night. Jumes Cross was under ur-
rcst for robbery nnd the officer in charge
stopped at a ranch. Samuel Dirker nnd
Hubert Wlleon , witnesses ngalnst the prls-
oner , wer i there , nnd Cross , seizing the
olllcer'B revolvers , shot both dead and then
rode away , A postfe Is In pursuit and lynch
ing Is probable ,
Kuch Killed tlit > Other.
DALLAS , Tux. , Feb. 17. At Saxse , Jim
Ulcharils and Tom Hawkins , farmers , ijuar-
roled over the euttlcment ot on account.
Hawkins shot Richards three times und
Illchurda slashed Hawkins live times with u
bowlo knife. Both men will die ,
Iowa Legislators Have an Understanding
Along This Line ,
I'ropoird Mulct Mraviru ItrRiirdtMt an Un-
onstlliitloiuil by ThoMi t'liinlllur ullli
thn SiibJect-rrohlhltUmUts .Still
nn Actlvo 1'lglit.
DES MOLN'ES , Feb. 17.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The rumor In circulation
nt n Into hour hist evening that a majority
of the republican members of the senate
committee on the suppression of liitcinpnr-
nnco had abandoned the mulct tax
measures as belug clearly unconstitutional
has boon vorilli'd today. Senator Harsh re
luctantly abandoned ills mulct bill in obedi
ence to the veto of the majority , und with
Harmon and Boardmun , both pronounced
prohibitionists , u-avu his consent to u local
option bill drafted by the representatives
from the river cities.
The measure is in the hands of n special
committee consisting of Carpenter , Water
man , Kills nnd Harmon , who will perfect
some of its details , and U will be formally
presented to the senate with tin- endorse
ments of Senators Funk , Kills , Carpenter.
Harsh , Harmon , Bonrdmun , Upton nnd
Waterman , being eight of the eleven repub
lican members nnd u clear majority of the
entires committee. Three icpubllcans ,
Conuway , .iatnicson and Turner , will prob
ably lilo a minority report. The uctlon of
the four democratic members is uncertain.
To offset this movement the prohibitionists
in the lower house have entered into an
ironclad agreement to pass n mulct bill ana
resist local option to the bitter end. Thny
claim titty-two members , with four doubt
ful , Imvo joined the compact and arc bold
ami delimit. The light will open in earnest
early in the week.
The senate met nt S o'clock nnd transacted
n larco amount of routine business. A bill
was introduced by Waterman making taxes
a lien on stocks of goods owned by mer
chants as against subsequent purchasers in
bulk. The home bill prohibiting the sale of
cigars , cigarettes nnd tobacco in oil its
forms to minors under 10 wns passed with
out amendment. Senator Brewer , from the
committee on railroads , reported favorably
on the bill nulhoming railroad companies
to purchase securities of another and also
to mortgage their property and franchises.
A bill wns introduced by Andrews authoriz
ing the addition of costs of serving notice
nnd of publication to the expense account in
the redemption of lands sold for taxes.
A bill. was introduced in the house by
Walters , empowering the attorney general
to enforce the prohibitory law at tlio ex-
puuse of the state in all counties where the
local authorities fail or refuse to do their
duty , and ono by Chassell , invr.stlni ! aliens
with the right to dispose of real estate to
The resolution providing for the resubmission -
mission of the prohibitory amendment to a
vote of the people was reported for passage ,
but after -varm discussion was referred
back again by the solid vote of the friends
of local option.
INJl'ItlUl IN A WItliCK.
Tour .Hen Crushed In Collision Xfiir Vnl-
ley . ( unction.
DES MOINES , Feb. 17.- ( Special Tele
gram to The Bno. ) A freight train and a
passenger engine collided near Valley Junc
tion this morning at 0:20. : As ; i result four
men arc seriously injured , as follows :
George Laird , engineer , injured knee and
fuce , head and arms seriously bruised.
James Wolfe , engineer , serious injuries of
_ ho head.
"Jolm Myers , ( Ircman , head and arms seri
ously Injured ; may die.
A. P. Alcott , injuries of the head.
The passenger cmnne was backing into
Des Moincs from Valley Junction It usually
comes into DCS Molnes on the south track ,
but this morning received orders to como in
on the north trucK , but Is said to have re
ceived these orders uftor the freight train
had started for Valley Junction.
As the freight was within 15U yards of a
switch , rounding u curve cast of Vnlloy Junc
tion , it collided with the passenger engine ,
which had just started. The two engines
were very much demolished. Seven box
cars wore ditched. The track was soon
cleared and that portion of the freight train
which remained on the track was taken to
Valley Junction , having on board the Injured
men. They wore all brought back to Dos
Molnes but John Myers , whoso injuries are
such as would not warrant his removal.
Jackson's Appointees Confirmed.
DES MOINES. Feb. 17. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Governor Jackson sub
mitted five appointments to _ the senate to
day , which are the same as 'given in these
dispatches last night , with the exception
that W. K. Obloness is named for labor com
missioner in place of Greonhow , as antici
pated , The senate confirmed the nomina
tions of Motzmr for custodian , and Mer
chant for oil inspector , and others not re
quiring confirmation except by the execu
tive council. Today general Greene gave
up Ills ofilce as adjutant general for the state
of Iowa and Major J. K. Prime
assumed the position according to the
appointment of Governor Jncksoi. Mr.
Greene will return to Cedar Hapias. W. f t.
Alexander , who wns for several terms Iowa's
adjutant general , but who has been in tlio
otllco ot the commissary general at Washing
ton for the past six months , has been , ap
pointed to the oftlco of purchasing commis
sary of subsistence with headquarters nt
Denver. The order was issued February 11 ,
and the general will ussumo full churgo of
the ofilco Mnrctt 1.
rrofjrrsH of thn A. O. U. AV. right.
DUBUQUK , Feb. IT ( Spcelnl Telegram
to Tne Beo. ) Grand Master Graham of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen ( loyul )
pleading to the seceders' petition to enjoin
the loyalists from doing business in Iowa
today tiled motions to substitute the supreme
premo lodge us defendant uml to strike out
the reference to the supreme court's decision
in 1SUO that the Workmen wus un insurance
society and the seceocrR' grand ledge the
legal ono. Graham explains thut the ques
tion In this case is the supreme lodge's right
to maintain n subordinate brunch in lowu
with voluntary obligations , and that the su
preme ledge will spend $ . > U,000 to vindicate
this riuht. Iho secedors , ho declares , have
$40,000 , debt , nro losing ground und iive-
Bovenths of their 7,000 members uro over 60
years old , while thu loyalists , from HO , have
grown to 8,000 members.
ClmrRtMl with 1'orKcry.
CUESTON , la. , Fob. 17.-Hpecial ( Tclo-
grum to The Hoc. ) Ljst evening W. A.
Tuttle wns arrcited for forgery. It scorns
that Tuttle borrowed a large sum of money
from Dr. Reynolds of this city nnd gnvo n
promissory note signed by W. H. Bowman ,
E. Potrlound W. Milieu as securities. The
note was duo several duyu ago and the
three men were notitlcd to call and settle.
They ut ouco pronounced the note n forgery
nnd swore out a warrant for Tuttlo's arrest.
He entered u plea of not guilty nnd was
released upon $1,000 bond. Tuttle is an old
resident of the county and was ut ono tlmo
worth qulto a sum of money. Ho U greatly
worried over his arrest but will make no
Urn Mollies Merchant 1'ulln ,
DES MOINKS , Feb. .17 ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The dry goods house of
K. A. Convcrsn was closed.this aftcinoon on
an attachment for $7.000 by theCltUons
National bank , chattel mortgngCH to the
amount of Jfi.OOO having been filed In fuvor
ofV. . O. CurtUs , Emerson & Co. , Mary A.
Buckley and Ledorer & Strauss.
Sold lo a Syndicate.
SIOUX CITY , Fob. 17 At receiver's sale
today the equity in the Sioux City Knglno
works was sold to n syndicate for fUO.OOO.
The Industry was one ot those Involved In
the failure of the Uaion IXKUI und Trust
company last April. The Cash Credit nnd
Commutation company , the organltuiton of
the trust company's creditors , opposed the
iUore About thu Physicians in the
New York Life
Nolnlilo Colnrldunco In Ilia OrrdrntlaU of
tlio riiy < lrlan ul tlio Copoliinil limtltutr.
Urn. Ccpolnml nm ! Shepnrd as Individuals nnd
ns n medical drill represent , primarily , tlio
highest medical education In this country , cueh
brine nn itlummis of n famous school.
Stoic than this IJr. Copcland wns cpeclally
honoied by his clncsmaten at Ileltv\le | , and Dr.
Shepard likewise nt Hush. It Is reasonable to
lielleve that In both cases the recipient * mcr-
lied the distinction bestowed.
Dr.V. . H. ( "opeland wni president of his class
In Ilelleviie Hospital Medical Colle f , New York ,
where he graduated , the most ruinous Institu
tion of Its Itlnd In the country
Or. Shepard's credentials nrc no lesi almmlnnt
nnd unqualified. lie was j resident of his class
at Hush Medical College , Chicago , the most
noted medical school In the west. Also , mcni'cr
of the Iowa .State Medical Society , and of vari
ous other medical nnd surgical organizations.
Doth gentlemen , nfter tlionmgli hospital ex-
pctlcnce nnd practice , have duvoted their lives
to the practice of their specialties , with what
success the columns of the dally pupcra show.
ree-clmiKlnjr iy ,
twiny fpeelallsls being n
tn ere mailer of plunder. Is without nile , Irregu-
lar and lecklesH , like Hie grab of u fox among
lrkPiiK. To one Ihe fee Is to or JS n month ; to
another JI'V ) a month. All regular physicians
have a icxulur fcal > of rales. I'nder the Tope-
land and S.icpaid system the expert tieatnient
of all chronic diseases Is provided at u regular
low fee per month , medicines Included , Larger
fees , when offered , arc courteously declined as
umtiary to the spirit nnd purpose of that sjs-
A Ilrlclit l.nd Who Holds liotrn n ( loot !
I'OHltlou with ihu W. U. Telegraph
At the ago of 13 , nnd doing dllllrult work
usually InluiMed to older perrons , l.'rank 11.
Knappcn Is a regular operator at IMP main cilice
of the Western Union. lie lives with his par
ents at S2S So. 17th St. , Omaha. Spnuklng of
relief from u chronic case of culurih , he says :
sale. The bonds against the plant nre
largely owned by the local syndicate. It is
announced that 200 men will bo put at work
within n mouth.
Ilrllcieil of H I'lno I'lll.
CHESTON , la. , Fob. 17. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) 10. Goldsmith was re
lieved of a valuable scarf pin this afternoon
near the depot. A well dressed young man
stepped ui ) to him and asked for 25 cents.
stating that ho was in hard luck and wanted
money to got a place to sleep. Mr. Gold
smith gave him the money asked for and the
man turned and walked away. The pin wus
not missed for some time and a search for
tlio thief was unsuccessful.
Mllli County I'nrnicrs Meet.
MALVEUN , fa. , Feb. 17 ( Special to Iho
Bee. ) The sixth annual session of the Mills
county farmers institute has been in session
in the opera house during the past two days.
The proceedings have been both pleasant
and proiltablo to these who attended. The
principal address was made by John Cownlo
of Iowa county. Two excellent papers were
read Friday , one , "Feeding Cattle for
Prolit , " by John Honeyman of Kmcrson.
AV B Ilsiiipoliilt ] > il In I.otc.
CEDAH UAPIDS , la. , Fob. 17. ( Special
Telegram to The Bco. ) Christie Mumford.
a woman of the town in tlio city Jail , set lire
to her clothing this afternoon with suicidal
intent , and wus benotisly and perhaps
fatally Durncd. The belief that her lover
hud deserted her prompted her to attempt
to tnko bar life.
o -
Portland Kmbrzzlcr Arri-stotl After aindi
Searching ut l.eir < > nworth.
PORTLAND , Ore. , Feb. 17 Frank C.
Brady , arrested ut Leavonworth , Knn. , for
embezzling $25,000 from the Sunnyslde Land
and Improvement company , was for about
four years bookkeeper for the Orcgonlan.
In July , 1S92 , ho obtained n leave of absence ,
saying he was going to the mountains In
Idaho for rent. When ho did not return
ofdcers of the land company began an In-
vostiRatlon nnd found ho had been embez
zling money for sonio time , nnd the matter
was put into the hands of the detectives.
After an absence of three weeks he wrote
a letter from Liverpool to II. L. Illttock ,
manager of the Oregonlnn , Baying ho was In
Knslaml for the purpose of nrrangliiK some
money matters with his father and would re
turn In u few days.
Iinnnn Printer AVulIu'il Douii thn Aisle und
Murlcd to Tulco Off III * Clothes.
NEW YORK , Feb. 17. An Insane printer
who gave his iiamo us John McDonald
created a sensation In Iho Uomnn Catholic
church of the Kplphany this morning.
While the services were being conducted
the man entered and , walking down the cen
ter aisle , proceeded to remove all hl.s cloth-
Ing. An olllccr of the church , after consid
erable dllllculty , succeeded In overpowering
and ejecting .McDonald , but not until many
women In Iho audience had been badly
frightened , .txi > A r/j. % din. :
ThuI'M About All Unit K KIIOIVM of u llorrl
hit ! ( "rliim In Al.ihiinm.
SELMA , Ala. , Feb. 17. Stunlon , rhlllnn
county , Is In n stnto ot great excitement
over the murder of Mrs. Jcsso Itucker nnd
Its avenging , the dead body of n negro be
ing found riddled with bullets lying near thn
scene of the dastardly crlmo , while nnolhur
negro is under arrest. The pUce whom
Mrs. Ruckor was assaulted and murdered Is
a lonely Eotlemont , und the unfortunate
woman being dead , tliuro Is no wuy of get
ting nt the details of the horrible crlmo.
K < l lir < l .Man" , Lost In St. I.ouN , Dlsciucrril
In thn Woodu hi ArkuiiKiis.
GUERDON' , Ark. , Ffb. 17. Edward H.
Mann of Syracuse , N. Y. , who , whllo enrouto
to Texas with u party of tourists , disap
peared mysteriously at St. Louis , has been
found In the woods In an Insane condition ,
apparently caused by Botno drug. The valu
ables ho had with him when ho disappeared
lie still bus , except u diamond. Ills relatives
In Syracuse have been notlllml.
RI.V.Viir * i xrirr / ! / ; / ; / / ; .
I'orcht I'lres HugliiB und Mnlilnu ( iri'lil llciul.
wuy Near Minilloii Mining Cuiiip.
'orcst lire In burning In the mountains northwest -
west of hero In the neighborhood of the
Munlton mining camp. The II ro is fanned
jy a stiff hrcczo fiom the south and lit
naklnt ; great headway. It IH supposed lo
mve started from a mlner'H camp llro.
Overruled the Motion ,
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 17.Tho motion to
ItiuHh the IndU-tmcntR In the criminal
court against George W. Toulmln. priHldcnt
of the Continental l.uan nnd Trust uoin-
mny , wax nrcm-U toddy nnd wan ovrrrulod
ty Jiult'o WulTunl. _
Shoemaker * Aixdgn.
I'HILADKLl'HIA , Feb. 17. A. A. Shu-
nakcr & Co. , ahoo dealers , have made un
assignment. The causu given In the staf-
lutlon in the shoo market.
"Harare I went lo Dr. RhfparJ for n short
course of irenlment , wlili h r ult J so Imiiplly.
luy rystem hud been Uhd'r sonic flow
poisoning for icvunil yenix. t hnd the UMinl
symptoms of 'common calarrX' That Is , t t of
fered hahltunlly from | mln In tha back , of the
Iiend nnd over the .ves , The Unlit daitlfd inv
OJ-M mid ave me pain. My nope WHS stopped
up us you would Muff up th" windows nnd main
plpps of a house. There wns Iho discomfort
nt fctllng my head lo bt > In u plugged up , air
tight condition. About t\vlco n week my m > no
bled freelv , and nt night t had to get out of t > ril
und snuff-up sult-vvnu-r to gel nlr through m/
nose. I to do this In older lo sleep.
Operator. Main Onicc. W. 0. T. C ,
"T'.io stomach soon foil the disease , for mucus
from Ihe tluoat nnd head was swallowed. 1 lost
rell h for food and got dejected and weak.
Mother noticed Ivns I getting thinner and lookIng -
Ing pooily. I \\.is bound to get help before my
cum' became hopeless , find ttont lo Dr. Shepard.
who put mo upon n mild treatment thai hna
liuidw me well. My health Is excellent In every
way. I nm free Innn disgusting nnd dun-
goiciiB disease eat.iirh. 11 seems lo m that
people who me ailing ns I was nro foolish K
they do not go to l > r. Hhepard nnd get cured. "
Voung l.mly TiMirlinr Ix-llglitptl ( Ivor llo *
Spluiull I Trenttnoilt hy .Mull.
Miss Allena Hprlggs. nn accomplished yomiR
Indy te.icher In the public schools of nmnoiul ,
! > ' Knlli roinily. III. , an nsthm.i sufferer from
Infancy , writes thus of her pi'impl cure by the' "
Copeland and Klicpard system of treatment by
mall :
"I have been trying tin- admirable system of
mall tientnient fur u yi.\m' asthma , from which
I hail sunVicd from Infaii'.v. and 1 must wiy
Unit I haxe been IhiunuKlilv dellg.ited with tlio
results. It linn brmight me absolute relief from
the agonies of n lifetime , and the cum seems to
bo ladlcal and Inilllm , in I have now U'en ex
empt fmm all symptoms of the malady for over
three Inonths , wheieax I hnd previously seldom
passed n week without a prostiatliiK attack. I
linvo gain" ! twenty | r.nnds . In weight slnco ro-
c-olvlns my Mist package of medicines , and all
my fi lends have been remarking the wonderful
Improvement In my hcnl'h. I wish that nil
fmnVrors from asthma could be Induced to wrlto
for n symptom blank and begin treatment at
once. "
OnicoIIoiirs-'J to It n. in. : 2 to 5 p. in. : 7 to 8 n
nu Sunday 10 a. m. to 12 m.
pome choice bniKiilns In fruit and Burden
land near llils city ?
chimneys cleaned , K , | Ilurkc , at T.iylur'i
grocery , CliJ Hrogilway.
city property lioucht and sold. 1'usey St
Thomas , C'ouncll Illun"s.
inllc.s MniiliriiFl of city. Will sell 30 ?
in. M. M or SO acres. 1'ilco for the whole ,
Jll.iO . I cr particular. * , address II. C. Raymond
mend , council niunv , la.
liraUli book and coiiMjItiitlon free. Luuy
attendant. Addiecs or call rooms 203 , 3W )
Merilam block. Council Ulun'a.
looms for rent ut 122 South Sev *
eiilli street.
rent , to n good responsible party having
about JI.OOO cash capital to Invest In mllta
and butter dairy In conjunction with poultry ,
hog nnd Eenei" ! pnstuie business. About
l.DUJ acres , mostly upland pasture , about 2
miles fiom Council lllurfs nnd 5 mllca from
Omaha city limits. Well fenced mill water
plenty and convenient In e.ijh of S vnilaiurck
Good , comfortable 6-room house and good
barn , hog and chicken houses. Inqulro of.
1. . 1' . JuilEon , S29 6th avenue , or 328 liroad-
way. Council Uluffs.
about lions.i nnd Etable. Apply at otllci ) oJ
Leonard Kverett ,
nnd tun ear , black ppot over eye ; stub tall.
Reward far letuin to L. Hoist.
Kent In plain package for 11.00. Address tSo Ot
M. L. , Council IlluiTs , la ,
Oass Oouuty Bank Pniluro Said to Bo Grow ,
ing Worse Daily.
Many I'uuiillui' 'I'ninxiicllcnis In Coinievtloi )
with the Case Coming to the Snr-
fuci ! I'oinpllciitliiK I'i'iitiircH
of tinAITalr. .
ATLANTIC , la. , Fob. 17. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Cuss County bank failure becomes -
comes moro muddled and Intricate in detail
us developments are made in the settlement ;
of the cuso. The number and variety of law
suits , petitions nnd attachments and legal
points contained therein are almost boyoud
comprehension. The receiver of the bank
has asked for a receiver of the hardware )
Hrm of > I. C. Yotzcr & Co. , ns Yotzcr had
turned over his Interests of the company to
the bank , nnd the settlement of this has be MJ
come a block In the way ol speedy sottlo- J
incut or report.
\V. 1' . Crcsiy of the llrni of J. C. Yotzcr ft
Co. now claims that notes to the amount of
$10,000 given by him 10 Yotzcr last August
wore accommodation notes nnd did not Indi
cate a genuine indebtedness , but were to
help out In the gi 'at stringency In the ban I :
ut that tlmo. A petition to that effect anil
asking a compromise oi the same lint , been
Hied by IsaacDiekerson. . Yetzer had turned-
Iho notes over to the bunk and rccl'tvodi
credit for Iho same. If the petition holila
this will adn f 10,000 more to Ynt/er's JIUO-
OCO indebtedness to the bank and cut dowu
the assets that much.
Interest In the CURO now is greater tlrin nt
any limo since the failure. Matters seem to
grow worse daily , and the receiver's report
Is a waited with great eagerness. The Jurtpa
bus called for the report of tlio receiver
Thu second petition for a receiver ns n prl-
vatu uanklng Institution has been tiled and
nay add many now features to the case.
While it Is the opinion of most people that
UocclverStomico line been true to his duty
others have become excited and claim that
ho Is withholding the report to enable stock
holders to got property out of their hands
und cite Judge I.oofhoro oi Salt Lake as nu
instance. The Indebtedness of the olllcera
and stockholders lo the bank l'i the way of
notes and overdrafts Is suld to roach over
$ ' , . ' 10,000. No indictments have yet been re
turned , but the grand Jury Is hunt ut work
on the case. Auditor of State McCarthy
was before thn Jury to tell nil ho know about
tlio Institution closing up business ns a stale ,
The receiver's report may probably oo do-
la.\cd until Tuesday. U Is expected the
grand Jury will return Indictments against
some of Iho officers early next week.
Drmv llui Color IInc.
UI2S MOlNIiS , Feb. l7.-Si ( > ochil Telegram -
gram to Thti Hco. ) Trouble Is brewing for
the keeper of the restaurant nt the ututo
house. Ho isn democrat and today refused
lo servo un employe of the legislature us-
caiiso ho Is colored. He will bo arrested.
Monday under tlio civil rights lav nnd betaken
taken through n course in the courts.
( ilcmvnod lluchelorJ Knlerliiln ,
OLHNWOOD. la. , Feb. IT. ( Special
The lice.-A ) novel dancing party was
Klvon nt Company 15 armory on St. Vnlcu- ' "
lino's evening by the buehcclora of ( iluii-
wood , A punch bowl and daln'.y confections
furuUhed refreshment to the uanccri. .