Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMATTA DAILY BKE : DAY , FEimrAKY 12. 1801.
Several Stores Haided and a Quantity of
Material Stolen.
_ _ _ _ _ t
Nmnll Amount of .Money TtiUfii by tlm
Tlilrvrn-l'lrr * nt ill-it Cloud mill
Wlllirr Dongln * County
I'lonrcr * Dmd.
CIIKSTKH , Neb , , Fob. 11. ( Special Telc-
rrnm to The lice. ) The stores of G. P.
Strain and Jamco Wilson were broken open
last night. From the former a quantity of
clothing , consisting of overcoats , suits of
( jlotjilnc , shoes , gents' furnishing goods and
ROnio groceries , together with JIB , were
taken , and from the latter revolvers , cut
lery and other articles. The robberies
nro supposed to have taken plac.1 ho. ' u n mid
night. . _
A. O. I' . U' . Aiiilllnry ln lllutc < l.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Feb. 11. ( Special to The
J ! Q. ) A lodge of the Degree of Honor , nn
auxiliary to the Ancient Order of United
Workmen , was organized hero Friday
night by Grand Lecturer S. S. F. Kent ,
with the uislstanco of the ladles of. Fidelity
Indgo No. GO of Grand Island. The now
ledge has sixty-live members and Is In a
nourishing condition. The following nro the
newly elected officers : Mrs. E. Morley , chief
of honor ; Mrs. Nettle Van Shlkn , assistant
chief of honor ; Mrs. It. Havey , lady
of honor ; Mrs. S. Mead , chief of cere
mony ; Mrs. J. M. Jeffords , recorder ; Mrs.
L. S. Mead , Inside guard ; Mrs. W. J. Crow ,
outside guard ; Hans Hanscn , treasurer ; J. C.
Jensen , financial secretary.
Dough ! * County rloiii'1-r Druil.
RLKHOUN , Feb. 11. ( Special Telegram to
The lice. ) John Qulnn , sr. , one of the pioneer
neer settlers of Douglass county and a most
successful farmer , died this morning of lung
fever at his homo .one milu north of this
Hty , Ho was CO years old , nnd Is survived
by Ids widow and five sons and three daugh
ters , all of whom nro grown. Interment
will bo at the Catholic cemetery hero on
Tuesday. _
Tire nt ICi'il Cloud.
RED CLOUD. .Neb. , Feb. 11. ( Special
Telegram to The Boo. ) Last night fire was
discovered In the frame dwelling occupied
by Hlchard Gray , owned by M. H. Bentlcy.
Tlie family were away at the tlmo nnd a
Iilgh wind was blowing. The department
responded promptly and soon extinguished
the flumes , but the house nnd contents were
mostly destroyed. The building was fully
Trulim Abii'KloniMl.
' Feb. ll-Spe-
clal to The Bee. ) The snow drifts wore too
much for trains on the Alma branch of the
Kansas City & Omaha , from hero to Fair-
Held , The trains have been abandoned
und no malls expected until Monday.
CENTRAL CITY , Nob. , Fob. -Special (
Telegram to The Bee. ) It has been snowing
nnd blowing hard nil day with little signs
uf abating. The mercury Is 12 above zwo.
Ilccr Warehouse lliirnril.
WILBBR , Neb. , Feb. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to The Ileo. } During the storm tills
nftcrnoou a beer warehouse belonging to
Krug of Omaha , containing a carload of
beer and Homo Ice , Was destroyed by flre ;
nlso a large Iccliotiao belonging to the An-
lieuser Busch company and a small dwelling
belonging ( o Mr. Harmnlk. Lossnbout
(2.COO ( ; no Insurance.
Alleged 1I ( > K TliluvrH Arrcfttcd.
TRKAMAH , Neb. . Feb. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to The llco. ) Three men named
Ilotls , Qrover nnd Shafer were arrested hero
last night and are now In Jail accused of
( dealing six hogs from the Holmqulst Grain
und Lumbar company of Craig. They sold
the hogs In Iowa , realizing about $100. They
will have their trial tomorrow.
Itliirilur In tlii'Si-roml Drurrc ,
WAHOO , Neb. , Feb. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to The Boo. ) Charles llnyso , who shot
nnd killed W. L. Wright at Valparaiso , has
been found guilty of murder In the second
degree. The verdict was returned yester
day afternoon.
IIMI'O/CO.V/17'.l ; j// | ' > ! / > OUT.
I. tUlii Ohio Tnun HUH n Tough Tlmo nltlin.
l\\K \ I'li'i' .
WAPOKONETA , 6. , Fob. 11. Wapokonotn
lust night experienced the mast serious fire
In her history , The fire originated In the
business room of A. S. Smith , who hat : a no
tion store. A lot of frame shanties to the
rear caught rapidly and spread along the
rear end of the buildings. The firemen could
not reach the blaze from the rear on ac
count of the proximity of the river , which Is
very high from recent rains. The llro be
came complete master of the r.ltuatlon owing
to the firemen being poorly equipped , with
nothing but n small steamer and a hand en
gine. Clothing stores , cigar shops , notion
Htorus , bank , dry goods stores and drug
ntnros were all burning at the name time.
Tliu Mechanics block , the finest business
block In the city , wan completely destroyed.
Auglazo street , the principal business thor
oughfare uf the place , hail forty to fifty busi
ness houses , some of thorn substantial brick
tftructurcH , and nearly all wcro _ destroyed ,
the total loss being not far short of $350,000.
The Masonic temple , Koynl Arcanum and
Knights of Honor halls am among the ruins ,
The First National bank burned. The
Auglnzu wholesale and retail whisky store
burned. Explosion after explosion followed
as thti whlaky barrels caught. Kauhn's dry
goods store , the Flutter rlothlng store , the
Buckeye Cigar company nnd a number of
other stores were burned , A hundred fami
lies nt least will bo rendered homeless , and
It may double that number. No fatal acci
dents so far as Ic pwn , though a number of
minor casualties uro reported.
of u l.urit Krhoonor.
GLOUCESTER , M.iss. , Fob , 11. The first
Intelligence of the fntn of the schooner
Hobort J , Edwards and crow , which was
given up last Monday , was brought In to
day by the schooner Mnbol Lulghton. While
fishing on the banks on January 21 , fifty
mlcs | from Capo S.iblb , a carrier pigeon ,
completely exhausted , lit on the davy plunk.
On bccurlng Ilio pigeon the Bailers found n
dispatch which read :
"SABLE ISLAND. Jan. SI , Schooner Robert -
ort J. Edwards and all hands lost January
1U , during S , E. hurrlcaiu > .
Mutt Atiuwvr fur ll < < liimii
WATHRLOO. Ind. , Feb. U Sum Doctors
will 'be placed on trial at Angola tomorrow
far thu most heinous mnrJ.jr over committed
In Stcubon county. On August 3t last.
Hooters shut and killed his neighbor , Amos
FEBRUARY 12. 1894. .
T El B B , EX
World's Fair
Art Portfolio ;
To secure tins superb souvenir
tend rr bring t > lx coupons of thU
setlca bcnrliiK OllYorcnt dates
wlh : 10 cent * In coin tu
Boo Office , Omaha.
tUichtcl , and the lattor'a daughter , Mrs.
I iura Lowe. He then wounded William
Yatefi And attempted to kill his own mother
by locking her In n barn nnd firing tlio build-
Ing' She escaped and Deoters wa Jailed.
1'KCUI.r.lIt CJHK tiilTTMtl > .
W. II. im > Iln lluril Tlmn t'ollrrtlnR
III * Insurance.
BIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Feb. 11. ( Special to
The Ilee. ) Thcro has been no more fan.ous
case In South Dakota than that ofV. . I ) .
Knoa , who formerly kept a hardware store
at Gary. The store burned nt lOnos was
arrested for arson. After a hot trial ho was
acquitted. ' There was $2,500 Insurance on
the place and the companies refused to pay ,
alleging that Kno * had set fire to the buildIng -
Ing , Knot sued for the amount. Twlco
the jury disagreed and the third time his
attorneys st'cured a change of venue to this
county and the trial , which occurred hero In
the Hprlng of 1802. resulted In favor of KIIOB.
The miprcmc court ban just alllrmcd the de
cision nnd the case Is ended <
This case Involved only the St. Paul Fire
nnd Marine nnd the German Insurance com
panies , but suits brought by Hnos against
other companies of a precisely similar
nature will doubtless now bo settled. Some
very sensational testimony was submitted
during the progress of the arson trial. The
flro occurred on Sunday night. Enos
claimed that ho was In church nnd some ono
came and called him out , got him down to
thu store , assaulted him , robbed him of
$3,000 , which ho had received n few days
before , bound him hand and foot , net the
building on lire ami left him to perish.
During his trial for nrson the state's
evidence showed that he had been found In
the building unconscious and tied with a
rope ; that he remained unconscious for
twelve hours , nnd that fifteen minutes after
ho was taken out the burnttfc ; store col
lapsed. No defense was put In at this trial ,
and he was acquitted on the state s
evidence. In the Insurance cases the com
panies claimed that Enos set flro to the
building and then tied himself , to carry
out the scheme he had evolved to beat the
I.urKC KHtnto I'neliiliiieil.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Feb. 11. ( Special
to The Dee. ) The Immense herd of-cattle
branded JUS , ranging In Lyman county
have b'een levied on by the treasurer of that
county for taxes. The owner of the herd
was John B. Smith , who IB reported to have
died suddenly In Minneapolis while on a
business trip to that city some weeks ago.
The Lyman county authorities , however ,
have no proof of his death , nnd thcro Is no
record In the probate court of that county
showing that his estate has over been pro
bated. 1'artlos claiming to have held n mort
gage on the stock have been running thn
cattle out of the county without nny process
of foreclosure , and the county treasurer
finally came to the conclusion that It was
time for him to act , nnd accordingly levied
on the balance of the cattle for the taxes
due. TlilH action wilt probably be followed
by other clalniH ngalnst the estate. The
rumor of Smith's death was accompanied by
a report , apparently well founded , that he
had left from $ S,000 to $10,000 In life Insur
ance , besides the large herd of cattle in
question. It Is regarded as a little peculiar
that his heirs have never attempted to settle
the accounts owned by the deceased cattle
count// > it.i I'JHiiKit i.rxcini > .
Henry Mcl'rexK Uulvkly I'ays thn Ton ally
for a Capital Crime.
JI3LLICO , Tcnn. . Feb. 11. Henry Mc-
CreES. a negro , assaulted Mrs. Taylor , wife
of Silas Taylor , yesterday morning near
liuckcyo and brutnlly beat her , leaving her
moro dead than alive. The negro was cap
tured at Oswego this morning- officers
who started with him on the train for
Janksboro Jail. At Buckeye they jvero met
ami ovorpowercd by n mob and the prisoner
taken from them. The officers finally in
duced the mob to give the. man a trial before -
fore a Justice of the peace. There wore
two justices In tlio crowd and after going
through a formal , trial the prisoner was pro
nounced guilty and ordered to Jail without
Before the mltlmus could bo written four
'masked-men came out of Taylor's house ,
where the negro had been taken for Identifi
cation by Mrs. Taylor , and seized the pris
oner and rushed him up the ravine. Several
nhots were heard and In a short tlmo the
llfolcss body of McCregg was found hanging
from n tree.'iTic \ \ noitsK miKVES.
< . '
Texas Sheriff uml Ills TOHHO Have u Hot
KlKhl u'lth Ontlmvn
ADILUNB , Tex. , Feb. 11. A running bat
tle occurred on the Clear fork of the Brazes
river , nbout ton miles from this city , late
last night , between n party of horse thieves
and u posse In pursuit , headed by Sheriff
Cunningham of this city. The outlaws had
In their possession , at am ) time ofthe pur
suit , some twenty odd head of fine horses.
Yesterday , whllo the sheriff was Inquiring
nt a farm house for news of the robbers ,
tlio herd of horses thundered down the road ,
being driven by the thieves. 'They wore
Immediately called upon to halt , which de
mand they answered with a volley ol shots
Into the posse , who returned the flro. Tlio
fusllado became general , nnd numberless
ahotx wcrn fired on hath sides. The thieves
gained tlio 'bottom and found safe refuge.
The search for them continued all day. It
Is thought tliaC some of the robbers have
been wounded , us several dead horses and
saddles smeared with blood have been found.
One. of tlin .Johns Arrrxteil.
John Hughes , one of tlm two Johns who
have boon running arnund the streets re
cently distributing bills and engaging In
other deals , thcrobys making nil sorts of
money , was , arrested last for being drunk
and disturbing the peace by using loud and
disgusting language on tbo public streets.
Ho was taken In while parading up and down
Douglas street and calling people names.
Thu two Johns are cripples , their logs hav
ing boon cut off ut the knees , and they are
on this account very fortunate In securing
money from nny ono whom they ask.
A police ofllccr said last night that these
follows parade around ns cripples and that
he has known them to make from $10 to
$1C a day , and when night onmo they would
go to Homo Hiiloon nnd treat everybody In
the place. For some tlmo they have been at
Ucacnn hall.
John created such u disturbance that he
had to bo put In the sweatbox , and when he
came out ho hlnzod away with another gust
of abuse for the benefit of the police , and
nlso his partner , whom lie said was
neglectful for not earning down und securing
his release-
( ieorguVllliiril ID Djlnt ; .
George W.Vlllard. . ox-proiddont of the
State Federation of Labor , und ono of the
best known printers of Omaha , was reported
dying Ht 10 o'clock last night.
Ho is at the home o ! his brother-ln-taw ,
John Slafford. 2301 Sewnrd street. Mr.
Wlllurd'a Illness has been but short. Ho
waa employed In The Ileo composing room
up to lust Sunday , u week ago , when ho
complained of palim In lib bead , Ho was
down town on Monday , hut nlnco has been
confined to Ma bed. What was nt first
thought to be H slight attack of the grip
dnvelopc-1 Into coneuatlan of the brain , and
the brenkliiK of a blood vessel Saturday
night settled forever the life of ono who
will nlw.iys bo remembered ns n man of
excellent parts and worm nature.
Uiimin rniiipniile * In Itet'eUt-r'N Hum ! * ,
TOI'RKA. Fob. 11. Judge Hlner of the
United 8 tu tea circuit court has appointed
Ellas Summcrtlold of Chicago receiver of the
Topeka Water company. The application
was made by John O'Hallorau of New York ,
who luts a Judgment against tlm company for
nbout $1,000. J ml go Hlnor also appointed
Hununorflcld receiver for the Kansas Water
und Light company , operating tit Lawrence
und I'nola , on application of the American
Debenture company of Chicago.
Will Imltatti the rro ! nmm.
MIDDL13TOWN. Conn. , Feb. U. The
young ladles of Weuluyan college luivo
created a mllJ sensation by announcing that
they will appear with canes on Washington's
birthday , the day on which tlm freshmen ,
according to an old custom , first appear with
( Continued from First
test. The plate tested Is part of the 11V&-
Inch barbette armor of the battleship Mon-
ndnock and Is of curved formation.
There Was first flrcd at It a 230 pound
solid shot of hard cast steel from an 8-Inch
rifle nnd eevcnty-two nn a quarter pounds
of powder was used. ( Success depended
upon whether or not the plato would crack.
The projectile penetrated twelve nnd n
'luartor Inches , Including the armor and
plank backing , nnd then rebounding split
Into three pieces. A load of ninety-eight
and n half pounds of powder nnd a 250
pound shot was then fired , this test being
for penetration and the plate coming up to
the test If the plato was not Cracked and
the shot did not go through platu and back-
Ing. The shot penetrated the steel
plates , but Imbedded Itself In the backing , so
this test was likewise considered successful.
HAWAIIAN MINI.STIK : cnr.iiii : : : ) .
AfldrriM'i u IVitMiltigtori Andlenrn
on tint IxlumlV Condition.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 11. Minister Thurs-
ton addressed a largo nudlcnce hero tonight
In the Methodist Episcopal church on
Ilawal ) nnd Its future nnd was greeted
with great applause when ho referred In
directly to annexation. He said In begin
ning his address that ho was Invited to como
there If only to show himself ns one of these
Hnwallans who were In danger of having
their heads cut off. Hawaii he continued
Is not so far nway from civilization ns many
people Imagine. Hawaii , ho declared , la
a child of the United States If ever any
country was the child of another. Ameri
cans found the Islands Inhabited by n people
ple ono step advanced from barbarism , form
ulated nnd framed the language and Intro
duced nnd arranged laws modelled after
these of the United States.
From n religious point of view Hawnllans
sot a good example of brotherly love among
denominations , for nil the Protestants there
worshiped In ono church. Even In the
COO Mormons there are no polygainlsta.
There were no social distinctions and the
natives were as kindly nnd lovable a race ns
existed on the face of the globe.
The recent trouble , ho declared , had been
caused by foreigners stirring up race .preju
dice. To this day , said the speaker , there
Is no more danger of nn uprising among the
natives than thcro Is from the foreign ele
ment , who are n sort of ward politicians
from America and England , and maku the
poor natives pull chestnuts out of the flro
for their use. The speaker then told
how Hawaii found It necessary In 1SSD
to prohibit Chinese Immigration for self
protection und self preservation. Ho paid
n high tribute to the Portuguese , who , ho
said , were a homo loving people and the best
kind of Immigrants to have. In reply to the
question , "What are wo going to do ? " the
speaker said : "We are going to cross each
bridge when we got to It. We do not pro
pose to allow the country , after beventy
years of development , to lapse again Into
despotic heathenism. We will endeavor to
hold the country , to the best of our ability ,
meeting each problem. With the help of
Almighty God nnd the American people , I
believe wo shall , succeed In keeping Hawaii
ns the gem of the ocean , the brightest und
best land of liberty In the Pacific ocean. "
The big nudlenco vigorously applauded this
formalities | , , Trnnamlttlng nn Indite to
( .eriiiuny DUpcmrcl With.
WASHINGTON1. Feb. 11. Comptroller
Mansur of the Treasury department recently
received a letter from the German consular
agent hero. In which he stated that It had
come to his knowledge that a soldier In the
regular army of the United States had re
cently died Intestate' ' and that his only rel
atives living were two brothers , who reside
In Westphalia. Ho stated further that there
was due the soldier nt his death for services
In the army about $1,300 , and , In view of the
fact that strict compliance with the regula
tions of tliti department would Involve much
tlmo nnd expense , requested that so far us
possible these formalities bo dispensed with.
Comptroller Mansur Investigated nnd found
the facts substantially as reported by the
consular agent. In view of the exceptional
circumstances of the cnso ho has directed
that the regulations , which require letters
of administration In all cases of this char
acter where the ujnount Involved exceeds
$500 , bo dispensed with , and that the money
be paid to the German ambassador hero for
transmission ro the rightful heirs.
\vu.r , MSSK ? { TIIK run ; LIST.
IIoiv the Snnnta riimnco Committee Will
Handle the Turin Hill.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. Members of the
senate finance committee say there has been
a great deal of misinformation sent out
about the time when the tariff bill will bo
reported to the senato. H Is claimed no
tlmo could possibly be fixed for reporting the
bill until the full committee canio together.
Besides the bill Is not ready to be reported
yet from the subcommittee , nnd the mem
bers of that committee cannot tell when It
will be. It is also said that while It
Is from tlmo to tlmo assorted ah
agreement has been reached on certain
schedules , ns n mutter of fact nothing Is
definitely arranged , and what has been done
so far Is subject to change by the subcom
mittee while It still has charge of the bill ,
and by the democratic membership when
they como to consider the work of' , the sub
committee. The only tiling that seems to
be definitely settled Is that the Intention Is
to mnko the bill provide suinclont revenue
for the government , and to this end articles
will bo taken from' the free list Und In
creases will bo made In some directions !
Western rcitsloiiH.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 11. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Pensions granted , Issue of January
30 , were : Nebraska : Original Thomas J.
Fennel , Humboldt , Richardson ; Alfred Corn-
stock , Crawford , Dawos. Itebisuo James
W. Davis , Omaha , Douglas. Original
widows , etc. Millie J. May , Beaver City ,
Furnas ; Elsie T. Howe , Kearney , Buffalo ;
minors of Illchard Show , Omaha , Douglas.
Mexican war atiivlvors William W. Thomp
son , Valentino , Cherry.
Iowa : Original John H. Landers. VII-
llsca , Montgomery ; Edward G. Ea&tham ,
Ottumwa , Wapello ; Minor Palgn , Oolweln ,
Fuyette. lucrenso and reissue Thomas
Tlernan , Mnnson , Cnlhoun. IIIssue Ocorgo
Ilunkln. deceased , I.orlmor. Union ; Ornn-
vlllo Priest , Imogeno , Fremont. Original
widows , etc. Emma 0. Uarber , IJeuvor ,
North Dakota : Increase William Orr ,
Crnry , Ilamsoy.
Colorado : Original John Inman , Oun-
iilaon , I Gunnison. Additional Levl II.
Cromwell , Kastonvlllo , Kl Paso. Mexican
war survivors Increase Hartsvlllo F.
Jones , Denver , Arapahoo.
Colonel llt'iidrniiiii'ii Itemlntler.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 11. Colonel David H.
Henderson o ! Iowa , who lost ono leg nt the
knee during the war , was compelled to un
dergo nn operation on the wounded mi'inber
yesterday. Ho stood It well nnd Is rapidly
recovering from Its effects. An abscess
which had Inflamed was successfully re
moved and It will probably not bo many
days before Colonel Henderson resumes his
scat In congress.
Will Nut Delay Construction ,
SAN B13HNAUDINO , Cal. , Fob , 11. As n
result of * n suit Illed In LQS Angeles county
by the receivers of the Atlantic & Pacific company ugalijBt the Nevada South
ern to recover $70.230. claimed on account ,
I. writ of attachment has been Issued here
against the franchises , property and all
property rights of the Nevada Southern ,
The road Is projected from lllaka on the
line of the Atlantic & Paclflo to the Nevada
state line. Thirty miles of truck have been
built. Interested parties state that the at
tachment will not delay the work of con
Wanted tu Convict tln > Witness.
ST , LOUIS. Feb. 10. A jury In a criminal
court larceny case hero made a bluq ribbon
record yesterday afternoon. It came Into
court and through Its foreman asked the
Judge that It bo allowed. Instead of finding
ugulnat the defendant , to return a verdict
with tun yours Imprisonment against u wit
ness whose cvlderfil OioWed that ho had
been made a cntiQjiw , . of the defendant.
Judge Edmunds. almost speechless , gasped
out a refusal. Tho.Jurythen disagreed nnd
was discharged
- 33t. . -
Colored fllrn Pull -Outuiind One Wants to
Alexander Pcnnlcq , .Colored , came to the
police station last tjght | anil wanted the po-
'llce to start out nnd t'nko along enough offi
cers to arrest another 'colored fellow named
Ilodo Williams , ' -
There Is quite n company of colored people
who rcsldo nt Nineteenth and Hnrney streets ,
They live there ns one family and the vis
itors are entertained by any who may hap
pen to bo In nt the tlmo of their arrival.
Mr. Phillips nnd his wife also reside there ,
nnd Pcnnlco has been making his homo
with them for some tlmo. Phillips
some days ngo left the city nnd
trusted his wife to .the care of Pen-
nice. During bin absence Williams
frcutiently called on Mrs. Phillips , much to
the dtagust of Pennlce , who often told him
that If he did not keep nway ho would have
him nrrcstoJ. Ho luft'lfut promised to re
turn nnd to make It warm for Mr. Pennlce.
Last night ha made , hls word good and
along nbotil 9 o'clock ho put In an appear
ance nt the Phillips residence. He was
admitted and as soon ns ho got sight
of Peilnlco ntnilo a lunge toward him ,
Pennlco got out of the way , but upon lookIng -
Ing around again ho saw : Williams making
for him with a knife. . This looked bad ,
but Hick favored Pennlco nnd ho broke fdr
the next room and held the door shut
against his enemy. He watted an hour
or so until ho was sure ho was gene nnd
then ho came on tlm gallop to the police
station nnd wanted Williams arrested.
Ho was told to como down today and
swear out a warrant.
Another C'ltno of the Malady Develops nt
Jlmviia Hull.
Last Saturday night a boy went to Rescue
hull nnd complained of feeling sick. Ho
was given a place to'stay and made us warm
as possible. It was thought that ho would
bo nil right when ho got warmed up and
something to eat. Early Sunday morning
he , awoke , nnd feeling no better , ho told the
doctor his condition. He then said there
were peculiar little marks on his face and
hands , nnd wlicn ho got to the light these
marks were more apparent. It was another
case of measles , and no place to take the
poor fellow. A bed Was made for him
alongside of Ed Smith , who Is also at the
hall and who has been there for a couple
of < lnys suffering with'a like complaint.
He has a father here , a grlpman on tire
cable line , who Is working every day. The
boy , when asked why hit ) father did not como
to his assistance , said that he was In debt ,
and for that reason could not help him In
any way. His mother was dead , but ho hod
a stepmother , and that she nnd Ills father
lived somewhere in North Omaha. His
nnmo Is Wyckoff.
The officials nf'tlio ihall will notify the
father today , nnd If'ho ' cannot bo compelled
to provide for the Dick 'boy's wants the case
will bo sent to the hospital.
Now there are Ufo casfca of measles nt the
hall. 'H i
Ono man came ! t r'lnst3 ' night with his feet
badly frozen. Ho llhd been two days with
out food. His wnnls'were attended to.
uii * ni
Tearful Tulo Told ' tliVVqllcc by I'red .Haul
J.UHt' tyglit.
Fred Maul , yrhot works at , the " .Schlltz , "
told a tulo at the police station last night ,
accompanied by a ildulrpf ) tears. ' .t'liat would
' '
move n .stonier , j rt' than ever bent bo-
neiilli the stnifjof. ijupoll oraan. '
. His wife hog- left Jilni.- . They had only
been married a yo frand < ho loved her so
much. But' he 'didn't 'always treat her
rl ht , at least that Is what' ; thoifa w'ho know
flip facts state , and nfeen ho went tq bis
4iome on Williams street yesterday mornIng -
Ing he found that she had gone , and had
taken everything with her , or as she her
self put It In a note she left for his perusal :
"I have taken everything but my husband ,
and he Is not worth taking. "
To the police Maul stated that ho was of
the opinion that Mrs. Noble , who keeps
rooms for rent on Sixteenth s'trent , had en
ticed his wife nwoy , but Mrs. NoblQ denies
knowing anything of the wlfo'.s.whereabouts. . .
At present Maul Is Inconsolable , but seems
to have some difficulty In saying which lie
misses most , his , wife , his gold fish or his
canary bird , nil 'pf which wont together.
A Small dnt I'rofltiililo Policy.
That was not a , bad , .Investment in a mod
erate way made by ox-President Notman of
tie Niagara Fire Insurance company. In
IS52 ho procured Insurance on his life in
leading Now York company. Ho died re
cently , qn'd the company paid to his heirs
$3,316. A careful comparison of this
amount with the sum paid In by Mr. Not
man as premiums show that , In addition to
the Insurance protection which ho enjoyed
for forty-one years , the company returned
just $2.78 for orory dollar ho paid.
This Is a conspcuous Instance , thouglt on
a small scale , of the benefits of standard
life Insurance , and yet It Is Just what Is
being done every day ) In a greater measure
by the regular Ufo Insurance companies.
How is It possible , asks' the reader , for the
organization In question to afford insurance
protection nnd return moro money than
was paid them ? The answer is simple. It
Is the result of compounding of Interest. Tim
great Invested reserves of the standard Ufa
companies are constantly growing In value
by reason of careful management and con
tinual reinvestment. Thus It Is that thosV
largo assets not only stand for the protec
tion of every policy holder , but nro nlsi >
earning profits for their benefit , so tlm the
rccular life companies nro nlwnys In a posi
tion to pay losses promptly nnd at the o.x <
plrutlon of n term of years nro able to main
handsome returns to tholr policy holders on
the money Invested.
I.ovti mill .Jonloimy.
William Grimes nnd another colored man
both love the same' girl , so the neighbors
say. Frequently they have discussed the
situation , und occasionally blows would bo
exchanged. They mot sometimes Just as
ono or the other would ibo leaving the home
of the young ladjv- who never seemed to
bother about the fcblhigs of her two ad
mirers. ' i'pl
Affair. ) have progressed more favorably
for Crimea than -fopHtho other follow , and
no ono know It biittor than ho did. Last
night was Suhdayf and Grlmeu thought to
escort the Idol oft hlttllicurt to the services
to bo held In tho-\eTVlilg. ) ' The other man
was there also , nnU When ho looked toward
the entrance nnd'-limiv ' the exultant smile
that bespoke Inward Eatlufactlon on the face'
of his antagonist , H ntmlo him angry.
Not a great whlltHthtttor , whllo Grimes and
his lady friend Vorin passing under the
Eleventh street vlaihiit , a fcmash In the
face convinced the favored suitor that the
other had not nbanlldAod the game. Grimes
wont to the polled 'htlitlon for solace nnd
was told to 8Wcjrnott"U | warrant ,
Illoody Nolilhirii frugally.
I3IUMINOHAM'n''Ala.1 ' ' Fob. II. News
reached hero of a bloody double tragedy lit
Johns , twenty miles away. Dsiinls Clements
and Will Barge werij , In love with the same
young lady. They mot nt her homo and
n quarrel resulted , tlarge dually drew a
pistol and shot nnd killed Clements. Barge
Hod , nnd later Deputy Sheriff Charles Hol-
man attempted to nrrot him and the mur
derer drew a pistol and tried to shoot Hoi-
man , but the latter quickly raised n shot
gun nnd blew his head off.
Ki-ppluK tlm Cur Trurku Opi-n.
The storm ' , 'bt yesterday continued In BO
threatening a manner that It looked as
though the street cars would have to stop.
The superintendent wan seen and asked the
chsnces for a ride , und about how the cars
would run. Ho ualdr "We have all the
sweepers out nnd wll | keep them at work
the entire night. I am sure we shall start
on tlmo If the storm grows no worse , but
should It we expect to start nearly on
tlmo at uny rate. "
Iowa Bolons Seeking Escapu from the
Labyrinth ofl'rohibition Modification.
Mum of Plnim I'ropo c < l but Noun Yrt
Attract * the Support ofAlt-rronprcts
of Agreement Mri'tn Slim-Other
f. < * l lntloii.
DES MOINES , Feb. II. ( Special to The
Ilee. ) But little , If any , progress was made
during the past week In solving the voxct
problem of liquor legislation. A largo ma
jority of the members of both houses have
reached 'the conclusion 'that ' "something
must bo done" to redeem the platform
Pledges , but no ono appears to bo endowec
with Htifllclcnt political sagacity to draft a
measure that will harmonize the conflicting
elements. The prohibition contingent has
united In favor of rcsubmlttlng the ques
tion to the people at the very earliest mo
ment , nnd nro gradually swinging Into line
With tllo Finn bill , which authorizes Incor
porated towns and cities to "provide by or
dinance such further nnd additional penal
ties for the sale of Intoxicating liquors ns
may best subsorvo the Interests of temperance
and morality. " The Funk mulct bill still
lingers In the pigeonhole of the house
committee on suppression of Intemperance ,
with no apparent disposition on the part ol
the author to drag It from Its seclusion.
A Joint meeting of the two committees
has been bold to hear Representative NIc-
oil of Ida present his plan of putting the
exclusive solo of Intoxicants In the hands of
a corporation composed of a dozen persons
In each county on what Id known as the
"Gathenburg system. " Tuesday nn audi
ence will be given , to the delegates from the
localities demanding "relief , " who will bo
asked to frankly state what legislation. In
their opinion , will bo necessary to minimize
the evils of the liquor traffic In their respec
tive counties. With this Information before -
fore them the republicans will probably go
Into caucus and there formulate some bill
on the subject , which will be put through
as a party measure. Meanwhile a special
subcommittee of the house , consisting ol
Martin , Reed , Morrison , Smith , Myerley ,
Sawyer nnd Walters , Is hard at work adopt
ing a bill which will harmonize all elements ,
and the same thing Is being attempted by
a similar committee In the senate. Some
definite action may bo expected during the
coming week , as all Important legislation
Is being held back by the uncertainty pre
vailing In regard to this subject.
The bills for the revision of the
revenue laws , to equalize the system
of taxation nnd relieve the farmer
from the heavy burdens now being Im
posed , have made but slight progress In
cither branch of the general assembly. The
senate committee on ways and means has
seemingly lost all Interest ( n this measure ,
nnd It has for the tlmo being been displaced
by the various hills asking for nn Increase
In taxation. The agricultural college wants
to add one-tenth of a mill tax to the present
2-mlll levy to create a permanent building
fund for that Institution. The same request
comes from the Iowa State university ,
which claims to be badly hampered for want
of sufficient funds to meet current expenses.
There Is a marked feeling In the legislature
against establishing any such precedents ,
and especially against Increasing taxation
during the present financial depression , and
the prospect of getting any such schemes
through the legislature are exceedingly
The Spauldlhg bill providing for thd tax
ation of mortgages as a part of real estate
and the bill Introduced by Robinson requir
ing all promlssary notes to be presented to
thu assessor and listed for taxation have not
yet been considered.
The committees' on highways In Tioth
houses have agreed upon the general feat
ures of n measure to Improve the public
roads. The bill that will bo reported makes
each civil township n road district ; abolishes
all the local districts and the office of road
supervisor ; requires all road taxes to bo paid
In cash , nnd makes the township trustees
the supervisors , with power to levy , with
consent of the voters , a small road tax and
to expend the money In such manner ns they
may deem proper. It Is the Intention of the
conunittecs to divide the state Into ns many
Independent road districts us there'uro civil
townships nnd leave the voters of each dis
trict to determine just how much shall be
annually expended in the Improvement of
the public highways. The measure lias been
warmly dlscusicd In committee and will
meet with vigorous opposition from the mem
bers who favor the Issue of bonds by the
county or state and a general system of road
Improvement under the supervision of the
same authorities.
Some progress was mndo In Insurance
legislation during the week. The Finch
bill requiring settlement of losses within
thirty Instead of ninety days , as Is now the
law , has been placed at the head of the cal
endar , and will como up for. action early
this weolc.
The bill creating an Insurance department ,
which was Introduced by Root , has * been re
ported adversely ,
The Wyckoff valued policy bill , requiring
Insurance companies In cases of total loss
to pay the full face of the policy , regard-
IP&S of the actual value of the property de
stroyed , has finally been reported from the
committee , with the approval of u majority ,
who recommend Its passage.
Illlis are pending providing for a standard
or uniform policy for all fire companies
to bo drafted by the auditor of state ; to
require all so-called benevolent assessment
companies to incorporate In this state , and
to require all outside flre companies to de
posit $ " 5,000 with the auditor of Mtate as
an Indemnity bond before being permitted
to transact business In this Htate.
Owing to the make-up of the senate In
surance committee It Is not likely that any
of these bills will become a law.
Several propositions uro pending In the
legislature which are intended to reduce
court expenses. Bills have been introduced
to dx a salary for all Justices of tlm peace
and constables , county recorders nnd sher
iffs In the most populous counties , nnd pro
viding that thu fees of these officers shall
be turned Into the general treasury. Rep
resentative Barker ( dem. ) of Durllngton has
Introduced a constitutional amendment re
ducing the number of ( rial Judges to six ami
providing that four of these may return u
verdict except In cases of felony.
Bills nro also pending In the house to au
thorize nlno Jurors to return a verdict in all
civil cases.
Tim bill providing for the extermination
of the Russian thistle or snltwnrt , which has
passed' the house , will receive favorable
consideration In the Donate early In the
The house committee on elections Is In
favor of modifying the Australian ballot by
removing the circle from opposite the party
name MI that each voter shall bo compelled
to inako a cross opposite the nnmo of each
person voted for.
The coming week will witness the advent
of n formidable railroad lobby , attracted hereby
by threatened railroad legislation.
A bill Is pending before the house commit
tee to make nil mileage books transferable
nnd all tickets good until used , nnd the bill
requiring the use of the Interlocking swlteh
nt all grade crossings Is already on the fllo
of the houic.
Martin of Adnlr has Introduced n bill re
ducing passenger fare on first-class railroads
to 2 cents per mile.
Elilnon of Jones Is the author of a measure
prohibiting Judges from Instructing Juries In
damage cases In regard to "contributory
negligence , " requiring this question to bo
submitted to the Jury and determined as a
matter of fact.
The Bankers association has asked the leg
islature to repeal the law allowing the "three
days of grace" In the payment of promis
sory note . A bill to this effect has been
Introduced | ti the house by Allen of Van
Duron , "by request. "
Th'it lower house killed on final passage
the bill Introduced by Hyoi-B of Sliolby mak
ing Home radical chances In the exemption
laws. The author of this measure pro
posed to Increase the farm exemptions from
forty to eighty acres and to limit the home
stead In towns or cities which may now beef
of nny value to $5.000. The opposition wa
led by ninnchnrd of Mnhoska and Harrlmat
of Franklin nnd was dcfealcd'by n vote o
II to .to.
Sawyer of Woodbury lias been unable to
get his bill to allow the manufacture1 o
wine , beer nnd distilled liquors for legn
purposes out of the hands of the house com
mltleo on suppression of Intemperance ant
the prospects of the bill authorizing grnp
growers to manufacture their own product
Into wine nro not very promising.
The woman KUfTrngUta have succeeded It
getting their bills mndo n special order It
the senate for Tuesday.
tVitlimhln Addition * Mndn to the MiiirUtn o
tlm Imtn MiiMinlc l.tlirnry.
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Feb. 11 ( Special to
The Bee. ) The Iowa Masonic library of till
city , already one of the fluent In the conn
try , has Just been enriched by the thin
fine collection of specimens from the Wind
caves of South Dakota. The cnso Is now
well filled 'with rnro varieties of crysta
from these wonderful caverns. In this las
collection nre several specimens entirely
different from anything ever found In cavn
formations , ono cf the finest being that o
box crystal , filled with fine mineral wool
Also several of the double geodcs , having
crystals of different varieties on both Inside
nnd outsldo of geodcs The case In tin
library which has been set apart for thl
collection now shows the greatest variety
of cave formations of any cnso perhaps In
oxlstcncc. nnd It Is now ono of the most at
tractive features In the museum dcpartmon
of the library.
Grand Secretary Parvln has nlso recentl ;
established a reference department , whlcl
has been thrown open to the public , whlcl
IB welcome t'o It nt any time. This Is being
taken advantage of , particularly by student
In the public schools and colleges , not only
In this city alone , but from the surrounding
Another feature that has lately been nddeil
nnd which Is attracting widespread atton
tlon , Is the Chinese collection of Dr. George
William Halley ( Tank Kco ) , which Is unl
vcrsnlly acknowledged to bo the finest In the
Sentence Uiiy lit JMurlon.
'CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Fob. 11. ( Spccln
Telegram to The Bee. ) Convicted persons
were sentenced In the district court n
Marlon Into last evening. Elsie Cress for
highway robbery was given five years In the
Annmosa penitentiary ; Bert Patterson for
grand larceny , two years , nnd Frank Sykera
grand larceny , ten mouths. Twelve salooi
keepers for violation of the prohibitory law
were each fined $300 nnd costs.
.s//,7yiK iro.v MUST nr.oou.i
Ileglnnljif ; of tliei dies * Context for the
American Championship.
NEW YORK , Feb. 11. Jackson Showaltcr
today won the first game In the series
against A. B. Hodges for $200 nnd-tho chess
championship of America. The match Is
seven games up , draws not counting. Time
limit , seventeen moves an hour.
Showaltcr opened with a Kuy Lopez ,
Hodges 'adopting ' Stelnltz's Ocfenso. The
latter lost ground In the opening while
Shownlter pushed the attack with great
vigor. At the tlmo of adjournment on the
thirty-fourth move , Hodges was in a very
precarious situation , and , at the hour of re
sumption , resigned without t playing nny
further. Adolph Albln , the Vienna chcsa
expert , engaged in n match with Eugene
Dclmar , live garnet ) up , and lost to Dclmar
after fifty moves. The wecond game In
the championship match will bo played to
Skating at .Stockholm.
STOCKHOLM , Feb. 11. The skating
championship contests were continued to
day" . The Ice was In better condition than
yesterday. Results : Tv
First race , COO metres : Halvorsen won ,
time , 2:35 : ; Edln , second ; Castlund , third.
5,000 metres : Halvorsen won , 9 minutes
32 seconds ; Slleson , second ; Castlund , third.
In this race Edln , who had tied for flrst
place In the GOO metre race and had won the
1,000 metro , race on Saturday , fell. As no
body won three races the championship Is
yet undecided.
Diinny M Ins the 1'lgbt.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 11. It was rumored nt
un early hour this morning that Danny Daly
of Omaha , the clever brother of Mlko Daly ,
the Bnngor ( Mo. ) pugilist , had succeeded In
besting Jack Ryan of California In n glove
contest which was pulled off In n suburban
reSort. The purse was $1EO , mndo up by
thirty spectators. It is not known how many
rounds were fought.
Speetutom Didn't I.I Ice It.
PARIS , Fob. 11. In the fifty hours race
Cody today went 257V& kilometers on horse
back. Fnllot , the Belgian , on foot , went
242Vj kilometers. In the last half hour
Cody , who was allowed two horses , changed
every two laps , to the disgust of the on
lookers , several of whom were expelled from
the building for pelting him.
The four champion athletic actors and pan
tomimic artists. Brothers Byrne , will appear
at the Fifteenth Street theater week com
mencing Sunday matinee , February IS. This
season's production of "Eight Hells" will
bo marked by a number of new tricks , em
bodying some of the most wonderful mech
anism known to stngo art. The wonderful
success of the enterprise everywhere last
season ( on which there has been an outlay
of over $15,000 for this season ) guarantees
"Eight Bells" a fixture In popular favor.
Sam T. Jack's "Lilly Clay company , " com
bined with his "Old Ago and Youth com
pany , " will begin n three nights engage
ment nt the Fifteenth Street theater on
Thursday evening next. This consolidated
attraction Is tlm strongest Mr. Jack has yet
ircsentcd to the public. The "March of
All Nations" Is ono of the prettiest things
of the kind over placed upon the stage. Snm
T. Jack Is an American ; of course , Amor-
cc.'s flag holds the loading position In his
march , but the banner of old England Is
born beside It In the line , and holds a rank
of highest honor. _
Tlev. Tom Sliifr , a Chinaman charged with
mportlng Coolie * Into this country on pretense -
tense that they wotc Chinese actorH for the
World's fair , WUH released from custody at
Tneomii , bis case being nolle proHcquled.
The Dnlutli Hoard of Trade building was
ICHtroyeil by llro yesterday afternoon , enus-
nir u total loss of over $ ia > , WJO , with Insnr-
ini-e iiKiregntlni ; ; $ SOUOO. Twenty-tlvu or
hlrty llrniM lind ndlct's In the building nnd
lothlng was envod. Origin unknown.
JiiHlnh QuIney'H frequent trips to Wash-
ngton from lioHtnn sliu'i ) lie resigned from
ho Stnte department nro accounted for nt
nst It IH stated on what Is consld-
rod good authority Hint be Is thu attorney
of Argentina In the boundary dispute ,
which Mr. Cleveland w'll ' arbitrate ,
The inlncrn of the Kdgnrton Conl com-
mny nnd the QnTncy Coal company at
olc'hcHter , 111. , have agreed to nccept u
reduction of n bnlf cunt per bushel , or ll'li
ent.i per tun , on thu Hummer mining' scalu
if coal. The miners working for n third
company huvu also agreed to u reduction.
Mrs. Paul llerrot , llvlnu four inlle.i eimt
> f Hanno Terre Mo. , locked her two cbll-
Ircn , aged 3 nnd fj years , In the benne
vbllo hbe went to the ppring for water.
Un her return tlio room was In ll.imeH nnd
bo two little ones were burned to death.
The IIOIIHO und nil Its contents was con
Short breath , palpita
tion , weak and sore
I lungs , plcuiUy , coughs ,
I colds , asthma und bron
chitis relieved In O.NB
MlNUTK by the Curl-
CURA ANTI-PAIN PIASTER , the first and
only instantaneous pain-killin" ; plaster.
For weak , painful kidneys , hack ache ,
uterine pain ) and weakness , it ii simply
wonderful. It vilalhtt the nervoui forces ,
nnd hence cure * nervous pains and mus
cular weakness when all others ( ail.
Price ! > jc ; five , $1.00. At all drujjimor by
mad. roriiK IlRUti A i > C'MEM. Cow. , Uoktou.
( Continued from First ! t'agp. )
his mother-in-law $15 a month , which sum
ho promised to continue after Annlo'H death ,
Nevertheless Annie's mother. when In
formed of her demise , wrote Hobort Fnl- A
ford , hinting nt nil kinds of dark deeds , and
concluding with the suggestion tlmt cremn-
tlon was resorted to In order to preclude any
further InvcstlKntlon Into the death of the
American actress. In n second loiter , Mrs.
Fulford further stated , Annlo I'lxloy's mother
wrote : "Now Unit she Is cremated nothing
cnn bo done to you. "
Annlo's will | * deposited In Philadelphia ,
nnd Mr. Futford has gone to the United
States In order to distribute her property In
accordance with the terms of the will.
rtr < < nt lleliilvnion , Ky.
I1RNDKUSO.V. Ky. , Feb. 11. John H.
Barrett & CO.'H largo tobneco stemmery nnd
the factory of It. II. Soupor , with their con
tents. 1,000,000 pounds of tobacco , nnd four
ndjolnlni ; dwellings , were destroyed by llro
today. Loss , $150.000 ; lnsuraneo$112,000.
irj.M TII in roniv.itirs.
liiillrntliinn ( tint XelirnHku.Muy Unto n r.lttla
Snoir DuringMonday. .
WASHINGTON' , Feb. 11. For Nebraska !
Snow In the early morning In no ut Mount
portion during Monday ; warmer ; variable
For Iowa : Snow tonight nnd probably
during the greater part of Monday ; colder
In eastern nnd warmer In western portions ;
north winds.
For South Dakota : Fair ; warm , variable
winds , shifting to south.
1. drill llreoril.
Feb. II. Omnhn roconl of temperature nnd
rnlnfnllcomp.irod with rorrospomling day of
past four year's :
1894.1893. 1802. 1891.
Maximum tomporntnro 1)3 ) 283 12O ! 430
Minimum temperature. 23 1'JO 70 270
A\oraxo tcmporntuiu. . 40 203 140 340
I'rcolpltntlon . 07 T T .00
Statement showing the condition of torn-
perallironnd precipitation nt Omaha for the
day and slnco March 1 , 1893 :
Normal temperature . 23 °
Di-Ucleiioy forthodny . s . lee
Kxcois4liuo March 1. . . . , . 19O
Normal proclnltatlnn . 03 Itich
Kxct's * for tbo day . 04 incli
Dcllclcncyslnuo March 1 . 5.02 Inchoi
Reports from Uther .Stations lit H P. .It.
"T" Indicates Iraco. 'below zero.
OEOUUK i : llit.vr. Local Forecast Odlclal.
JJTra. J. N ,
Of Etters , Pa.
Blood Poisoning
Intense Suffering II Yoaro.
I/bod's Healed the Sore in Seven
' WecUs A. Perfect Cure.
"I will recommend Hood's Sarsaparlla as
first-class. It has proved Jta merits to ns.
Twelve years ngo my w lie was picking rasp
berries when she scratched herself on tv brier ,
the wound from which soon developed Into a
terrible nero , between her knee nnd nnkli. Not.
withstanding nil wo did for It , it continued < 1U-
charnlns lor eleven lonrr years. Wo tried medi
cal skill on every side , with no efleet. About n
year ngo slio read of Hood's Bamparllla nnd
concluded to try It herself , and while taking the
first bottle she felt better and continued with It
tintll today she Is entirely well and belter than
ever. The sore was healed up In sovcn weeks.
Itor limb ls perfectly Round. Wo attribute her
euro entirely to Hood's ' Harsnparllln. ' ' JACOB
N. Audiir.NiiAuaii , litters/York Co. . Pa.
Hood's Pills cure nil Liver lib , Hlllou *
mm Jaundice , Indigestion , Kick Headache.
U\j .u " .
coiiimonelnir FED. 12.
InV J Scanlan'H Rienteut SIICCCBB ,
goonu laid In Ireland 177-1-1781.
Irar Oleott Mni ; all .Seunlou'H l.iueat Hoiiu * .
"My Molly O. "
Hlio'n Tlko the Vloleln Illno. "
Tlm Ulllo CIirlhtm.13 Tree. "
"KlnK tlio IliillH , "
"Tliu AuldtJoimtrlo , " and
t'Murournouu , "
Seats now on nulii ut uaiiiil priced.
'Q I'rld'iV and Saturday
d nnd Haturuuy Milt ,
The Young Itoiiiantlo AotrCHS ,
Suppurto.l by
i'rlilay Night and Saturday Mntizioa
'or tins MfHl tlmo in llilH city , an orUlnnl rnmnnlla
Iiluy In thru ) nuiH by Mu , Durenport Ian.
cluriimlMr Frcderiok 1'mildlnir , enlltlcU
A'nmiAManTTliO ( Dowager ' Ducte
Double Grand Bill. The Setting of tbe Sun
SealH on wile TlinrHclay. nt ntmul prices.
Coining "In Old Kt > mueUy , "
! 5th STRE TTHEflTfiEl0Wi- _ | !
3 In the Orvafnt Lauxbliif HncccnH ,
' .Mutlneo Wodnv winy.
Three nljlitH , coinmenclni < ThurHiljy , Kutirnarr