0 THIS OMAHA DAILY BER : TIIIMISDAY , FRniU-AUY 8 , COMMERCIAl AND HNANCIAL Wheat Continncci It ? and -IIalf Cent , T OPENED WEAK WITH MAY LOWER Under tlio Do. ironing Condition * 1'rlcen De clined ulth Slight I'luehmtloiis Until Touched n Ne v Low 1'rlco Itecord < CHICAGO , Feb. 7. The wheat market con tinued lt downward course today and landed May 'Ac lower , the close being a new low price record. Krec selling , largo recclptB , weak cables and mild weather worn rcspoif islhlo for the decline. May corn closed tin- changed after an early break and a now low price record. May oats closed Uo higher and provisions slightly higher all around. Wheat Btartcd weak with May % c lower at C2c. Cables were lower , Liverpool being quoted depressed and > , Sd lower. North western receipt * were again heavy. Minne apolis and Duluth were 313 cars compared with 207 on the corresponding day last year. 1'rtmary market receipts of wheat today were -117.000 hti. . against 237.000 hu. last week anil 353.000 bu. on the same day last year. Pri mary market receipts of wheat the first three ilaya of this week were 510,000 bu. over the three same days last week. The weather wa-j mild and there were no Indications of the weather being sufficiently cold to Injure Iho crop. Under the depressing conditions prices declined with slight fluctuations un til May touched 62'Ac ' , a now low prlco record. The selling became frco and general , being 'led by Lanson , Schwartz- Diipco , Geitdcs-Klrkwood , Itamsey-Clmnd- ler and Popo-1-.owls. Hangs , a trader , was a very largo seller , presuma bly for Soaverns , and Seavcrns himself Hold , as did Armour & Co. Hradstrcet'8 de crease In the visible supply and the more liberal export clearances had little effect In mistalnlng prices and May closed but HO above.tho bottom figures of the day. May opened at 02c , advanced % c , lost % c and reacted % c to the close at fic. . In corn still lower prices were recorded , the low market on May being 3Gy4o and July 37c. The opening trades were % c lower , and on continued liquidation of long corn the prlco was forced down another ttc , one Hue estimated at 300,000 bu. coming on the market on this break. There was also fceo Helling by several of the larger receiv ing and elevator Interests , and this alco helped to depress values. The decline was followed by Improved demand and this caused values to react from % c to % c , when the prlco held steady for n time , again xagged back a fraction and closed with no change. Tlio action of the wheat market and the liberal receipts were the principal factors In creating the weakness which prevailed - vailed early In the day and cables were weak anil unfavorable to holders. There was only a moderato trade In oats , and considering the weakness In wheat and corn the prices held remarkably steady. Selling by longs was surprisingly light , and thin , combined , with the late rally In corn , was the chief cause for the rally of from Vic to % c from the bottom figures. The avrtll- able supply decreased 2SO.OOO bu. , which also iilded In the firming up of the market , and May cloned but Ho from the top figures of the day. Provisions were somewhat nervous and Ir regular early , opening higher and advancing tm a few shorts covering and then losing the advance on the break in wheat and re covering on buying on outsldo 'accounts. A moderato break followed on increased scattering offers , no one In particular selling. The volume of trading was moderate. A firmer feeling prevailed on a little support to the market later , presumably by the packers and shorts covering , a good advance from the Insldo prices being scored. Tlio final llgures were at the outside for the day for lard and nearly so for pork and ribs. Com pared with last night May pork Is IGc higher , M y lard 2V4c higher and May ribs lOc higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , E7 cars ; corn , COO cars ; oats , 140 cars ; hogs , 23,000 head. Tliu leading futures ranged as follows : ( * aHh iiuotntlons were ns follows : l-'LOUll Wi-nlc. WIIKAT No. 2 pprlng , SSiic ; No. 3 spring , B7e ; No. 2 red , 5SV4e. COUN No. 2. 3tc ; No. 3 yellow. 33Hc. OATS No. 2. 27jc ; No. 2 white. No. 3 white , 2S 30'ie. ' KYK No. 2. 4le. . llAHl.nV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 44Q53c ; No. 4. 39H43C. I'liAX SUMO No. 1. 33c. TIMOTHY SRI3D 1'rlino. S4.15. PIIOVISIONH Mpim pork , tier bbl. , J12.30JJ 13.32KiJ lard , per 100 Ib.i. , $7.37jW7.40 ! : . short rllis Fide * ( louse ) , JG.30fiO.35 ; dry Balled BhonldeiH llHixed ) . tC.25QC.50 ; Hhort clear , tildes ( boxed ) , tii.75 7.12Vs. WlllSliV UlHllllcra * flnlnlinl eoodi , per gal. , Slia.MtS-Unchaiigcd. Tim following weru the recelptH and Bhlpmcnta today : Aitlclex. IteidlptR. Shipments. Flour , bblfl 9iHX ) S.OW Wheat , bn 70.0iiO Corn1 , bU . 489.001) 33,000 Oatu , bu . 223,000 33OilO Hye , bn . 9.000 1,0110 llarley , bu . 87,000 18,000 On thu I'roiluco excl today the butter nmiket waa iinchnnged , Kggx , uleaily ; fies'.i , NKW York niiirletn. NKW YOUIC. Feb. 7. VLOUIl llocclpts , 13.- SuoO pkKK. ; exports , 37.ll > ) pkgs. ; sales , 3,20. ) pkBS. Market dull and weak. lliislnesa checked by weakness In wheat. Southern Hour. Mulct ; ryu Hour , slow but blcady ; bucUwhc.it Iliuir , dull. JZ.30 2.50. lll'i'KWIIHAT-Dull. COHN MKAL-yulet. UVi ; Nominal. IIAItLKV Uulct : two rowed state , C3fl61c. IIAltliV MALT Dull. WIIKAT llecelius , none ; exports , 79.000 bu. : Fates , K.000,000. bu. of fulurcs and 8,000 bu. of spot , Spots , weak and lower ; No , 2 red In Htoic nnd elevator , 64Kc ; iillnat , 65H41WU' ! f. o. K , SITfcijttUc. Options opened weak under hea\y Iliiuldntlons and foreliin selllni ; , louched lnwi'it point on record , then rallied on coveilnK by slums , weakened iiKaln nnd closed heavy ut iW-\o net decline. No. 2 red , I'elmiiuy closed Illtto ; Miuch , 6 4fj63 3.6c. | closed ( J4\o ; May , l > ii'i < | 67 716i.closed 67liiUi July , 6'JiJ69Hc ' , cloned M'toi AUKUst , 6 HJ6'Jc | , closed Ii9i" ! IK-cuni- I XT. 73mi73T4c. closed 73 > , ie. fOUN llecclpts , 7noo bu. ; exports , .i.&W bu. : rub-H , 10.VOO til. of futures and I.'WO ' bu , id hpot. Hix't ' muiket dull but hteady ; No. 2 , 42c 111 t-levntor ; 4So nondnnl nllnal. Opllons opened weak under local longs Ht-lllm ; C.III.MHI by \\cnkne.H.s In wheat ; milled later with nats and I'ltnml iincluinKed frondant nlu'it ; I'ehruaiy eliwed 4i'J Match , 43 i | 42V. closed 12V : May , 43 B-l6tM3\tc \ , cliwed n\t. DATSHccelpts , 2.100 bu. ; exports. 600 bu , ; vales , m.OOO bu. of futures and . ' .O.IAW bu. nf nf VHI | . Spot dull but tinner ; No. 2 , Ul'.af S4 u , No. 2 delivered , Xw. No. 3. SSMjIjSS o ; No , 2 white. SUVUliOUe ; No. 3 white , HAHo ; tmck mixed western. K > 36 > ! ; truck wldli' wesl- FIII , 37(41c ( ; track while rtale , 37(1 He , Opllons npeiu-d weak but turned stiulii ; on local receipts nnd closed r'itflV' ' net luhlince. l-'ehiuury rloved 34 c ; Muivh , 3n(3lVclomd 3l lc ; May , lf34 it. cloBcil 3 > , e , HAY -Sternly ; good to average , JD.MWS.W. HOI'S-l'lichnnKMl : Hale , cjminon to choice , irUSii' . I'liclllc count. 16 < (22i- ( , IllOnS-Dulls wet Bolltil Now Orleans , up- lecled , 4.ti Dm. , 4'4il ' ( > lilc ; TuxaH. uelwted , Sf.iP f ) UIH. , 4l)3o ; IIiii'iiiM AyrvH , dry , 30 < | 2I Ibn. , 10 < j ( ill , , Texan , dry , 2ilHJ ! ! lbn. . Co , I'llOS IHIONSIteef , nil-ally. Cut mi-alH , nlutdyj pickled bellcH.I | > HtlSc | pickled BhouldiTH. | > V' . Ijinl , eanyi we lern ntcum klum-d , J7.7ti5i 7.SO , IVbiuary cloveil , { 7.73 , nominal ; May , 17,63 bid , icllned , inilft ; iiimp limit , )0.5n , I'oik , uteudVi new IIII-IIH , JH.W ( H.i"'i rtru | prime , | ! 3.0i > > ilXuO ; rhort clear , 15.ul l7. < . COTTON HiiD : : Oll-liuicthe ; nnre BelliTH than IIIIJITM ; rxmrn roimlderubly under exp - p rlatlim : WHUH Iniiulry nl laivrr pilcvn. Halt-H , 10D blilK. prime crmlu ut 30o , and luo bliln. prime ciudn > i-lliiw ul 3lc. Quotulloini : I'rlme rnule. liblii. , 2IU30ci ! prime ciuile. loovo , 27ti2Jc : off crudn In I'M ' * . , 2tKSc ; tirlma Kiniiiiicr yellow , 3llf3fci off Kruditi yellow. U UUc ; yellow butter Kmdm. 3H3J : prlm while , 3SU40o. lll"lTKIt--Murkvt nteady ; fulr demand : wettern dairy. 134 < jl7u ; wr > tern creamery. 'ISiitflic ; wilini Uolury. IMIICWc ; liUlnv. 27 v ; BtutB il lr > , 16Ji2lo ; mute creumi-rj. llfiilc. flliiJKi-l'alr : demand ; lurKe. 13\c ; mnall , l 'kc. pull Kkliiis , 46'10ifull ; > klm > . J4irk\ b-CJuUt ; lc ltuu , tt-r l'in fle'h. * | > . s. llli'M tiffin , t' Ip'- H,71" | > kn , fM Hirndv. I l ted i-lmtv.1. Hlil.'d ' HOSIN Quk-t. tiiliud : , ciiinniDil to Rood , $1 1) rrill'KNTIN'l : Hi.-mlyj 1Zf > . .2'7' ' ' . ItKT r'lrm : lUmcftlo , fulr 'o extra , coppRll Dull ; inko , ' .7J. . / M2At ) fltmiIy ; donvtilo. tJ.K. TIN I > nler ; ctrRltn. JIB.SO ; platen dull , BI'ULTKIl-HlronK : t1atnmtlc.lt.eo hid. HUOAH-Ilmv. firmer nnd more active ; fnlr reflnlnR , 2 13-lDci ci'ntrlfUKHlii. 00 test. 3 > r ; pale * , 4K ( IKIBSI ci-nlrlfunnl , M tent , 3i \ , oust nnd freight i SSO Inn * Mtiecovudo , 80 test , Z 13-lOc ; refined , fnlrly ncllvo. _ Oiimliu I'roiliu-o .Atiirtiel. nUTTKIl There l.s no change In the nnrkoS and trnde l rpilet , rsperlally on the medium grades. Choice country , 10l7e ; | cklni } Block , liltKSHKI ) I'OL'I.TIIY The receipts have l > rcn llRht for several dayn , but nH there In bill iv small demand price * remain about stationary. Chicken * , W7i i turkoyn , IV ! gecno nnd diicki" . 8010C. Infetlor stock would tell below the aliovu V.'m- ' : I'OfLTItY-Thc-ro Is some dcninnd for cholco stuck and the nutket Is fairly well sup plied. ( lni > il stock Is quotnlilfl nl SflO'ic. ' VIJAI - Tliirenlplfl are lUht and tlicr" In n good demand f"r chnlci- stuck ! cholco , good fat veals , 7 rle ; thin or heavy , 4 < ! i' , OAM13 I'mliic chickens , quail nnd venison nre out of seamiil , nnd there Is but little on the mar ket except diirka. fiinad.i geese , Jii ; mallard ducks , W.IIIH2.50 ; Jack rubblls. I1.M02.M ; small rabblls. Jl ; wiulrrels , 71c. itHl : The market Is n shade weaker. There Is mi Halo for rnld KtoiiiRf or snltrd eggs at any pili-e. Strictly fii-Bh eih-s nre quoted nt lUHII2c. HUNIjyCholco white clover , 25c ; California , . : - , I. X. L. , 13c : horseshoes. ISc ; extrn slandnrd , 200 ; selects. 21c ; extr.i BC- lects , 22e ; company selects. rc ; countM. 30c. NrTH-Chestnuts , 12o per UK ; Italian chest nuts , 12iri3c ; almnnils , lCfITc ; Mnnllsh walnuts , 12Wllc ; lllberts. 12c ; llrnzll nuts , 12c : pecans , large. 13 lte ; pecans , medium , lOc. The trade 'rmim-riir'p ' Juice , per bbl. , > .50 : half b < il. . $325- Oregon , per bbl. . l ! half bbl. , 3 ; clnrllled IWOflfcOOi half bbl. . VIanTAm- : , : , . I1KANH- California hand-picked navy , JI.908 2.00 : west-rn navy , tl.S3ifl.9d ; common white ONIONS -Onliin arn auolcd nt 505I65C , and on orders at G > if70C ! Spanish onions , per crate , i'OTATOKSNebraska , Iowa and Minnesota grown potatoes. In small lots from store , 65B70c ; same In car lots. 60c ; Colorado , from store , 75c ; Colol-ndo , Ints , 700. CAI1IIAU1- : Orders for cabbage from the coun try nre llllnl nt 2W2'ic ' per Ib. CKLUHY HOOTS According to size , 40SWc per CKLKHY flood Block , 35c ; extra fancy Cali fornia. nocjiti.oi ) . SWIJKT rOTATOIIS The supply Is fair ; good stock , per bbl. . J3.2. X50. ( VIIC.CTAIILHS-Splnach , 'per bbl. , J2 ; salsify. 30f35c | per doz. ; radishes , per doz. , 33e ; endive , per do . , 73c : onions , per doz. , 2Ho ; caullllower. per doz. . J1.MST2.00 : lettuce , per dos. . Wii'7511 ; ciienmbers , (2 ; toinntocs. per crate of 20 His. , } 2 ; Ktrlng beans , $2.50 per 2-3-hu. b.ix ; parsley , per do300 ; egg plant , per doz. , J2.SO. FltriTS. APPLES The supply Is lighten this market and prices higher ; fancy westerns , J2.1J5J2.25 per box. box.CIlANDHimiKSOrnnberrles arc arriving very freely nnd are In good demand ; Cape Cod , per bbl. . JO.OOi/6.50 / ; bell nnd bugle , J0.50 ; Jersey , JC.OOflO.25 ; bell and cherry , J5. CALIFOHNIA OIIANOKS The stock Is arriv ing In good condition ; Itlverslde secdllnKS , pel- box , 12.25 ; Washington navel ! ) , JJ ; Itcdland navelH , J3.2J : Iledland secdllnES. $2.50. TKOPICAL Kill' ITS. HANANAS 1'ilees remain about steady ; per bunch , Inigc , $2.00ft2.50 ; put- bunch , small to medium , Jl.7Mi2.iH LMMONS-New Messina lemons , size , COO , J4.50 05.00 ; size. 360. $4.255TI.W. ORANf.KSMexicans , per Ixix , J2.50 ; largo sizes , $2.2.Vi2.40 ; fancy FlurlUas , $2.75 ; chloce Florldas , J2.W. TANdKItlNKR 1'er Imx , tl. GHAl'i : FHL'IT 1'cr box , J4 , St. Louis .Miirketg. ST. LOflS. Fob. " . FLOtnt Weak ; very llt- tln doing , with prices unchanged ; patents. JJ.9081 3.00 ; extra fancy. $2.55 < ij2.6 > . WIIKAT lleurlsh all day , not n single sup- poillng Inlluence appearing. The close was 'Sjf ' ? Ho off. No. 2 red , rash and February , closed at 53Hc ; May , 5l ! " 5'Jie ! ; July , COc. I'OUN UUII. but with very little weakness , and that little due to wheat's actions. The close- was about unchanged. No. 2 mixed , cash and Fcbumry , 32V.o ; May , 3l'ic ; July , 33c. OATS--Llfik-ss : ; No. 2 cash closed at "SHc ; February. S'c ! ; Slay. COo. UYK No. S , lids side , 49c. UAItLHY In better demand : sales of ordinary Minnesota made ut loo. nilAN-Kaslor ; CCc. FLAX SUKD-fl.ii : ' . . HAY Weaker , without quotable change ; prime to choice. 58.00ft 10.00. IIIJTTEH Firm nt yesterday's advance ; creamery , 2lij2ric : choice dairy , 20/f21c. naOS-Hlghcr ; Ho. LKAD-Firm : $3.15 hid. SPRLTKU-lllelipr ; $3.1714 COItN MUAIy-$1.7001.73. \VIIISKY-J1.I3. co-rroN Tiis-9Jcnti.oo. IIARGINR < ! Up. I'HOVIHIONS Lower. Pork , standard mess , $12.7.1. Lard , prime stcnm , $7.30. Dry salt meats , loose Hhouldera , J6 ; longs and ribs , $6.30 ; shorts , J6.45 ; boxed , 15o more. Ilacnn , packed shoudier.- | < , J6.b7'.i ' ; longs , $7.1255 ; i1bn , $7.23 ; shorts , $7W. UKCii ITS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000 bu. : corn. 69.000 bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu , SIIlPMKNTS-FIour , C.OOO bbls. : wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , iti.wO bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu. MinncnpnllH AVhent Market. MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 7. nectipts of whe.it today weru 211 cars ; shipments , 77 cars. The de mand was not very brisk for any style of wheat nnd prices declined % o from Tuesday's closing. Huslness continued to bo mainly In May , with Homi ! turning over lo July. In the cash wheat market business was slow and prices wore weaker. No. 1 hard brought less pnmilnni over No. 1 northern than previously. The latler sold fairly well at 59i )60c ) , closing at 69 0. Wheat that came In over the Milwaukee and Great Northern roads brought about ' , io a bu. moie than that coining In over oilier roads , which was mainly due to the elevator nnd switching clmigcs. The premium for No. 1 northern over May ranged from Ho toyc. . Opening prices were : May , 5994C- ; July , Clc ; February , 6840 ; May. 59',4o ; July , 604c. ? On track closed : No. 1 haul , 61'ic ; No , 1 northern , 59 > lo ; No. 2 north ern , 6So. . Tlio Interior movement is steady and continues up to about the amount offered the fore part of the week. H Is now believed there will bo an Increase ! n elevator stocks this week , and an In crease Is also possible- country ele.vator stocks If there nre no Htorms between this time and Saturday. Flour Is quiet nnd weak. The production Is a little larger and inora Hour Is b lnu Bent abroad. Trade , however. Is dull , but It Is not so slow us u week oso. Freight rates to the cast are be- g-iimlng to show a weakening tendency. The de mand In the west Is fnlr. Shipments. 16.477 bblH. First patents , $3.2583.60 : second patents , $3.COfi3.30 ; fancy and export bakers , tl.fiOfil.85 ; low grades in bags , Including red dog. Jl.15Kri.25. Thu nverage dally output from mills grinding today will probably aggregate 20,500 bbls. \\ool Murlu-l. ST. LOITJS , vob. 7. WOOL-Rhows a better tone , but no iiotahn | ) ! change. In prices. LONDON. Fob. 7. At the closing wool sales today 11,700 bales were offeied nnd 1,200 bales were withdrawn. There was a moderalo assortment - sortment and bidding wan good , American going largely. ' 1 hi > total purchase for the United Stales was l.SOO bales , which will probably bo shipped only In the event of the new I'nlted Stales tarllt providing for fre wool. The con tinent bought well nnd the net result of the sales waa belter llinn expeolod. Mvrlnos were unchanged and the lower grades were un changed to ltd down. Fine croBs-brreds were unchanged to > j.il down. Coarse was unchanged to Vjd higher , hnow wlillii capes wornil > dearer , all others 'iffi'-ad ' lower. The continent took H'1,000 ' bales , homo purchases , k9,000 bales , and 40.000 bales wcru withdrawn. The m-xt series of wool sale will commence on February 27 and the third on May 1. The sales today In detail were ns follows : Sydney , 3,168 bides ; scoured , lOttdOlK 3Ud ; greasy. - fi9d. Queens land , fifij bales ; scoured , lOdftla 7d : Kicagy , BMONHjid. Adelaide , 33 bales ; scoured , 7Uifli4d- ) ' greasy , 4i ; < i ) , d. New Zealand , 638 bales : scoured , GVid ; gionsy. SHBIOd. Capo of Good Hope nnd Natal , 1,216 bales ; scoured , 7d- greasy , D'itn'.id. ' Violorla , 1,657 bales ; scoured , bdJls 5d ; greasy , Co Too Mnrkft. NI2W YOIIK , Feb. T.-fOFFUR-Optlons barely steady at unchanged prices to 15 points decline under Umopean tHIIng and generally weak cables ; closed steady Sffir. paints net de- . cllne , ( \cept No\ ember , which la 5 up , and December to up ; Kales , 18,750 bags , Including : February , JIC.3. ' . ; .March , J1C.05 ; April , J15.70W 15.M ) ; May. JI5.CO ; .Inly , JlS.OOlflS.O.'i ; September ; JN.COri 14.70 ; October , J14.iO : ; December. J1403ff I'-VV 1" " Ul0' 'I" ' " " "d henvy ; No. 7 , $ l7.37i Mild , quiet but easier ; Cordova , J20.00 20 25- Bales M-nUTilay , 2.3m ) bags Hlo. No. 7 , to Haiti- I11" , liy ' 'I1,1 " ' . ' , " ' " " > felgllts ; today. " 8 M'rtul"ni0' 2j ° ba -Mexican mid 000 , "JA'.J" ' ' JANKIHO. Ktb. 7. Market firm ; No. i AvMii ' " ' ; ! . ' ; ' sj"0' ' . ' ' " ( : htock , 217.KO bans. lUttVj ? * * N > lt > b > 7'-M r > " 'imi ; prices SOW St. LiiiilH Lhu Stock Marliet. ST. LOl'IS , l-Vli. 7CATTLKIleceluta. . 1.7GO head ; shipments. 500 hcnd ; market faHy acllvp ; alt kinds steady to utronif , except calves lower : natlvp nteers were mosily hmcn.-r BrmlfM , nnd IlKlil ( u medium sold nl J3.0503 65 only oni- lot brhmlni ; Iho luttvr mice ; iiutlvu unit heifers , n'.TSSS.JO ; mlxiM imllves , HlKlS--Ilceelpl.s. 4,100 head ; Bhlpments. 800 bend ; weak nnd lOtftSo lower , but active ut the decline ; buicher gradea mild nt J5.IOfl5.is- puckers. JI.7Mrt.03 ; Yorkers. J5.00W8.15 ; pigs an l'"i'lV-l..ml.xe ' ! ' < 1 ! ° ! " " ' "Sl l ' JI.OJ4J4.10. SHKii'-llecelpU : , koo head ; uhlpments , none ; though there were plenty of buyers on hand this morning wanting S' > d sheep und lambs , the inaiket was quiet on account of a light wliiidv which nveriige. ! poor In quality , KverythlnB Aoid at steady prices for common nml stronger for lamb * tsUlS K"1"8- Native mixed. J2.KMJ3.SS ; Nunr York Dry ( iooda . Market. NKW YOUK. Kub.T.-Tlio dry irootlo nmrkel con tinues fairly acllve. wllh out of lown buyura umtu nunu'rouH unit re ldent traders showing mo.n Htlr. ilull t/rucr * kwp upqultu WfUauU Uuw burnt1 1m- , | > I M limit , IM lo III" < iti iln of . "o Is c > ! ! ( I fi ' I < > ( i , iri oi < N'II ' \v inr.i asrd Nt'tint print clotim | af- lintel ffliiiiinmn. woven wunli ( roods nnd < prlniHireniTtill , hhuv. n fair nnio.inl nf Interest at tinner price * Wooh'ii fc-m'ds of ml UlndH are qul'-t wllh Honi'- wi-akm-K'i and Irn-iriilar an lo Iho lii'nilrr Wi-l.'litnnii-l d.irker n-lors. Tln > Jobblnir trade IK fnlrlv active nt unehnnircl prlcrs. The demand for dry iHxiila generally contlnuus tucomc clilolly from the Month nnd southwest. INTiili.ST3 ; : , .Miirkclliit ; of HORS .Modern ! eljr Jtcditrril the I'nst AVrel . CINCINNATI. rel ) . 7.ucclal < Telegram to The Jloc.i Tomorrow's 1'rli'o Current will 8iiV ! Tlio murkutliiK uf hoifs lias liecu inotler- iiloly ri'ituceil Hie past week , puck ( tip rot urns Imllcatliu : URO.UOO lieail , compared wllh UUO.- IIUO head the prer.edlt'K week , nml 100,000 licad last year , making n totul of 4,076,000 lieail slncu November 1 , iwtlnst 4,000,000 liciul n yc'iir ago. I'romlnunt places compute ns follows ; o.Vinv York I.hi ; Stock IMnrlu't. NEW YOIIK , Kob. 7.-IIBI5VKS Receipts , 1,020 henil ; on wile , io mi-H ; market dull mid lower , the drrllim raiiBlnir from illo to iBe ! per 100 lua ; very cholec natives , $ I.IM ) ; Rood to utrlctly prime. $1 n5 CM.10 : Inferior 10 f.dr. $ : i.-iOc tl.im ; oxen * ' . ' .iin II.IH ) : hnllM. fJ.Oeti.S5 | ; ! dry COWH. 1.4lf.73. ) Knropuan valili ! IIIKIICH American Hteers. lIXcllu iwrlh. , dri-Hfid wnlehtN ; American rcfrlKerator beef , HKc per II ) . KxportH today. : i,000 quartom of bents tomorrow 75 IMMIVUN. CALVI'SKi'celpttt , 71i7 hondi on Hale. 01I head j market weak anil lower ; i veals , poor to choice , 6C " ) ( P pr Hi : fpw fliolo * . He. SIIWKP AND LAMIIS-lU-celpts. ll.70.-i head : on salis ul ) cant : prleen lownr : market worno than Monday ; 7.000 head miHold ; Hheep , poor to prime , J'J.li ! ( f.i.r : > 0 per 1UO Ibs : lainbH. Inferior to choice , $ : t.fii.t ) l.HB. HOiS--UecelptH. 4.(1M ( ( ) head ; on sale , 2 cars. market uoalc lit # 'i.7flatU'i ) ! . ( . KIIIIHIIH City . KANSAH CITV , Feb. 7. WIIHAT 102c lower ; No. 2 hard , r > OfI30'.4o ' ; No. 2 red. Sic. COIlN-In fair di-mand and ' .iffllie lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3i > > si.10V . , , , , , OATS Slow and nnclinngi'd ; No. 2 mixed , 27',4 C28c : No. 2 white , 2flo. KOOS CJiilft nnd Htcnily ; llljc. UYK Sli-ady ; No. 2 , noinlnnlly 47c. ' KL.AX Hl-i'l : > -l''lrm ; | l. Cfl.Z7. IIHAN Klrin ; D7C591- . HAY Wcnk nnd lower ; timothy , 8.00ga.OO : prnlrln. $5.00Ti0.50. HUTTl'U nnn ; creamrry , 1302lc ; dairy , 1C GISc. Ill'CI'Il'Trt Wheat , 13.000 ! ) . ; corn , tiono ; oat , n.ini- . SIUPMHNTO Wheat , S.OOO bu. ; corn , C.OO. ) bu. ; oatH , none. 3Ill iiiil < ec "nrltelH. JlILWAtJKin : , Kcb. 7. PI.OL'11 Steady nnd quiet. quiet.WIinATl.ovcr ; No. 2 spring. CCc ; No. I northern , ( Me. CORN WenU nnd quid : No. 3. 3S'4e. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , SOc ; No. 3 white. HAHLl'Y Weak and nominal ; No. 2 , c ; sample , 42W."fle. HYE Ijmcr : No. 1. 40' ' e. PHOVIHIONH-Ixiwcr : poik. $12.20 ; lard , J7.30. HHCKil'Tti-l'loiir , 10.000 bbls. ; wheat , 42,00i ) bn. ; barley. S0.401) bu. SIlIl'-MHNTS Klour , 4,100 bbls. ; wheat. 3.9CW bu. ; barley , 20,400 bu. I'riirlii ( Jrulll Market. PEOltlA , I-Vb. 7.-CORN Market active and easy ; No. 2 , 33c ; NOJJ3 , 32'Je. ' OATS Market slow , cany ; No , 2 white , 2S48 ! > 2S4e ; No. 3 white , 2Sj28'ie. ' HYC None. WHISKY Market nrm ; high wines , basis , ilECRIPTS Wheat , H.2CO bn. ; corn , 72,800 bu. ; oatn. 38.500 bu. ; rye , none ; bnrley , 10,500 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , l.SOO bu. ; corn , 3,250 bu. ; oats , 22,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 4,200 bu. Liverpool Market * lilVEIlPOOL , Feb. 7. Closing WHEAT Dull ; holders offer freely ; No. 2 red , winter , 63. rLOUIl Holders olTijr moderately. COHN Spot , dull ; holders pre H sales ; No. 7 , new mixed , 3a9id ! ; March , 3a 8'/id ' ; April , I'HOVISIONS-Iard , spot , steady ; holders offer sparlncly ; W : futures , dull. Shoulders , offered moderately ; March and April , 33s Cd. Pork , dull ; holders offer sparingly ; prime mess , western , line , us ; medium , no Block. So'.x ! City I.lvu Htoclcriirkot - . SIOUX CITY. Feb. 7.-HOOS-necelptH. 1,200 head ; onicl.il yesterday , 1,181 head ; shipments , SOj head ; market lOc lower ; JI.75ifr4.SO : bulk 4.75iN.77',4. ' CATTI.IJ Hecelpts. SOO head ; odlclal yester day. 245 head : HhlpnientH , 101 head ; market ncttve nnd steady ; feeders , J2.50S3.20 ; yearllncs , I2.25ff2.75 ; cows , Jl.Mtl3.00 ; bulls. J1.50S2.DO. Oil Markets. OIL CITY , Pa. , Feb. 7.-Natlonal Transit certl- flcates opened at SOKc ; hlRhest , Sic ; lowest , EgMji O'OR ' . sOMe snleH. { .000 bbls. ; shipments , 77.-J24 bhlw. ; mns , 7H.83U hblH. PITTSnUKO. Pa. , Feb. 7.-Natlonal Transit cer- tincotOH opened at 81c ; closed. 80J < c ; highest , 81c ; lowest , 80Hc ; sales , 700 bbls. Duluth IVIirat Market. DUI.UTH , Feb. 7. WHEAT Tlie close was dull and heavy : No. 1 hard. cash. Cl'ic : Feb ruary , 531,40 ; jiay , ClUc ; July. C4'/4o ; No. 1 northern , cash , COc ; February , 6Sic ! : May , Gl'te ; July , Wic ; No. 2 northern , cash. COHc ; No. 3 61iic ; rejected. 4S'.4e. ' On track. No. 1 northern. to arrive , Cliic. I'liiunrliil Notes. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 7. Clearlnus , $1.531,120. PARIS. Feb. 7. Three percent rentes , ! > 7f OliUo. for the account. - 7fl,721,7SO ; NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 7.-ClearinirH. $2,374. < I77. Newlovk exchange , bank , $1 per $1,000 premium : commercial , OOc premium. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 7-Clearlncn. $ : t,030,2nO ; bal ances. $473.030. Money dull nt lifi7 percent Ex- clianeo on Now York , OOe premium. CHICAGO , Feb. 7.-Clearlnga , $12.277,000. Now ork exchange. fiOo premium. Sterling exchange , dull. Interest rates at almoHt nil of iho baiiktniro ISO per cent on call mid Sfciil per cent on time. NEw YOIIIC. Fob. 7-Tho Htatoment of the AtbblBoii , Topeka & Santa Fo for Mix montlm ond- V.l.VH < ; ' 'lnl"lrl1 : 8ll ° WB prouH earnings of $ in.- 0'J2M ) I. n dccrrasi ) of f'.MIOS.nnii ; nci , $ rt,074 147 ttdecrcaRoof $7flO,07 ( ! ; Burnlus , $ t.20u.147idc- creano of S81I4.UI17. The St. LonlH .V Sail Francisco report for nix niontliH eiiillns December III BhowH eroaa wimlwm fcmoo.Ofll. n tlecreaHo of Vssi " 0' > - net carnliwH , $1.457.HO'adecruaao of $55 ° ' 8.17 : ' > ' > 180" * - 1'17ta'alllBlaBllr'Um | | of $ auooua in STOCKS AND IIONDS. Slmro Speculation AVus StaRiinnt DurliiB tlio ( Jrruter Tnrt of thu Dny. NEW YORK , Feb. 7. The share specula tion on the Stock oxchanRO waa stagnant during the greater part of the day , the dealIngs - Ings being In tlio hands of the board trad ers , and they were disposed not to operate very heavily on clthtr sldo of the market at this juncture. Commission houses report an absolute dearth of orders and the London houses added very little to the transactions. Fortunately for tlio stability of values there Is ( julto a largo short Interest In the market which Is more disposed to cover than to ex tend Its dealings. Consequently the pressure to sell In not heavy , and were It not for tlio Industrials tlio dealings would liavo been very small Indeed today. Of those , Sugar was most active , soiling up 1 % per cent In the early dealings. Later In the day prices sagged off ' 4 per cent , leaving a gain of % per cent. Distilling made an advance of % per cent on the day. being ' ,4 per cent below the highest point touched. The buying was on orders from "Washington and the west. St. I'aul was second on the list of transac tions , but fluctuated within 1 per cent , ad vancing % per cent early and dropped 1 per cent In tlio latter trading , closing at the lowest point. Tlio question of the next dividend Is also being again discussed , the llurllngton divi dend also being considered In doubt , A Denton - ton dispatch to a local financial agency as sorted that the directors ot tlio last named company would meet In lloston next week and declare tlio usual dividend of 1 % per cent. Durllngton lost % per cent on tlio day. Western Union was well held until after de livery hour , when a ilrlvo was made on the stock based on the report tlmt tlio statement of the company for the quarter ending March 31 will show j ) material decrease In earn ings. An early advance had been scored , from which a drop of 2 % per cent was made with only a recovery of % per cent nt the close. The general market was fairly firm throughout the morning and during the first part of the afternoon , but during the last three-quarters of an hour It was quite hoavj and closed weak. A strong tone character ized tlio dealings In the bond market until Into In the day , when a reaction took place , but In tlio final stage the market becamu firm again. The 1'ost cays : London arbitrage brokers bought some stock this morning and the pro- fesslqnal sellers of yesterday covered their Hhorts , a common experience of the "light- waloted" traders In these days. Sugar cer tificates were among the points of strength , This movement , however , waa not on the The rJiiKi ; of prices as reported tiy J. W , Denno A , Co. , Hoard of Trade hnll , IH au f&llown ; Stocks. Open ClOROl Yl'Ht. Krlo 1 8 oj * PaclllcMall L..VN 4HM l6 f.K -tfH Northwesiern. . . , mm o : { ! ( : tj ! io : lii Mo. 1'acino a aax 22 ? ! Union Pacific. . . . , IH'f W ? IH'i IS N Pacific , pTd. 17JS 17 N. Paclllo com. C. II. .V Q 7(1U ( 7HK 70H ! TOVd Ilocl : Inland 0751 D7U It7 ! 07-K St. Paul , f > HJ C8M Western Union. . H44 H'J-H 7M * 78T * 70M NcwKnland. 11-M UK 11M Atchlson HH 1154 Chlc.-iuo Gas. . uiH : D.l Hcndln ; 20 20K JIIJ4 Bllit 205(1 ( I ) . C. F unu Jllld 21) SUM K. O. K : : iHi : B Cordnjro 17H 17 is 17H The total sales ufstockH today were 130.000 nhnreB , Includliu ; : American Sim'ar. 33.000 : llur- lliiKton , 7,000 : Chicago Gas. 7,000 : DlHlllllnir , 12,000 ; Gi-neral Klectrlc. 4.000 ; Ueadlnir. 3.000 : St. Paul , IH.ntll ) : Silver Certlllcates. 10,000 oiinceH : TenneBso Coal and Iron , 4,300 ; Western Union , 14,000. , New York Money Mnrkct. NEW YOIIK , Feb. 7.-MONEY ON OAI.L-1 per cenl ; Instlonn , 1 percent : cloned nt 1 percent. 1'ULMK MKUCANT1LK l > APElt@uj ! ! per cent. STEUL1NG KXCHANGE Dull , with aclual bus- hiesB In bankers' blll at $ l.8lifii4.87 ( for de mand andI.Hl { i'M.H. > for sixty d.'iy bills ; post rates , $4.Ml. t.SH : commercial blllH. if I.83 S4.81. SILVER CKKTIPICATKS-rtUMSlWMio. GOVKKNMENT liONDS-Steudy : Btate bond dull. dull.The The closing quotations on bonds : - " - ITi S. 4a reir 11354 St. Paul Onnioll. . 12"4 II. S. 4s coup lli ! < . St.l'aul.C. . i I'.lBtg 107'/j i ; . B. 4'iB retr 90 T.l'.L.O.Tr.Hcts. . 77H 1'aclllc Ca of ' 93. , 102 T.P.Il.U.Tr.llctB. . Sl Louisiana stpd. 4s. 93'i ' West Shore Iu3 Missouri 6s , ' \ 100) ) Itlo O. W. Ists. . . CO Tenn. new set 6s. . 104 Alchlson 4s Tonn. new set 5s. . 1)7 ) Atchlson 2' A. . . . Venn , new set 3s. . 75' O. II. & S. A. Cs. . 92 Canada Po. 2nd.s. . 103 % do 7s offered . . . 14 D. & II. O. Ists. . . 110 II. & Tex. Cent. 6s IWi 1J. & II. a. 4s. . . . 77i ( do Cs 101 Krlo 2nds ' 77U N. C. Cs offered. . . US M. 1C. .t T. ( Icn. Cs da H. 95 SI. 1C. & T. C. n. 5s 7JH Tenn. old 63 60 Mutual Union 6s.- 110' Vn. I'enturles. . . 07' ' . . N. J. C. Int. Cert. . , i Vn.do deferred. , N'o. . I'ac. IBIS . i * 10SH Ala. claps A. , No. I'nc. 2nds..r 82 Ala. class n. . , N. W. ( "onrolx. . . . Ala. class O. . 92 SI.L.&I M.Oon.1,1. . Ala. cur. . . . 87 SI.L. & S.Rf-n.M. S. O. lion * fund. . . llostoiiSt _ < iek ( Inntiitloim. HOSTON . Feb. T ! Call loans. HifiS per cent : time loans , 3T4 p6r * cent. CloshiR yuot.illons on stocks , bonds and nilnlnK shares : Sun Francisco Mining Oiiotntlons. SAN FHANCISCQ , Kcb. 7. The official closliiK quotations for mining stocks today wvru ns fol lows : Now York AlInliiK Quotations. NK\V YOHK , Keb. 7. The following are the closing mining quotations : Choler 40 Ophlr U Crown Point 55 Sierra Nevada , , . . S5 Con. Cal. & Vn. . . 300 Standard 125 Dcadwood 50 Union Con 93 Gould & Curry. . . , 63 Yclluw Jacket 63 Halo & Norcross , . CO Iron Silver 10 Homcstnku 1050 Quick Silver 150 Independence 130 do pref'd 1200 North Star COO HuUver 5 'Ontario 2J1 atked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On tliti London LONDON. Feb. 7 , Tlio Evening Post's London financial cablegram Baym The fall of H liver rupee paperand Indian oxuliangi * monopolI/.eH attention in financial circles hero. The Indian council Hold today H lacs of rupees In telegraphic transfers at 14 l-3''d. TlilH liidicatcn Dial Urn council will allot practically at any rate the market tcmlurs. Sliver was 2P ii-t2d : : per ounce , and the forward quotation was only 2UKd. There In an utterly de spondent feeling In tlm ( diver market , but It Is not t bought that the Indian mlntH will.reopen. iriiATIIKlt FlIUKVAHTS. dandy anil Tlirentenliii ; with Two Kliuls of Ti'inperuturo for Nebraska. JVASHINQTON , Pub. 7. Forecasts for Thursday ; For Nobraslta Cloudy nnd thrcntonlng warmeiIn northeast portion ; decidedly cooler 'Ihursday night ; variable winds. For Town Increasinp cloudiness and probably showers ; variable winds. For South Dakota Cloudy ; warmer in eastern portion ; decidedly colder In western portion oy Thursday oveulnir ; variable winds. I.ocnl niTiinl. OFFICE or TUB -WitATtiisn Honniu , OMXHA , Fob. 7. Onmha 're.q'Ura of temperature and ratnfallcomp\ro'4. ; wUh oorrospondlns day of past four years : - , . 1894.1893. 1892. 1891. Maximum tomporatWo r > l = 0 = 210 HO Minimum temporntiirO. 20s * 1G = ie = > i2o ! Avoratto temperature' . y8o * G ° 18 = UC'0 Precipitation . . .JSAv' ' . .00 ' 01 .10 .00 Statement shovlnftho condition of tom- pornturonnd pi-ocjplliitlon at Oamhn for tliu day and since March Ii 1803 : Normal temporatnro. ! 21 o Excess for Ihu dav. ivo llullclency alncuilurch 1 UHO Normal proclpltivU < 02 Inch Dnflclcncy for tbo dny 02. Inch Dotlclency sincoMarqh 1 C.G9 Inches Iteports from Othlir StntliniH ut H r , 'M. "T" Indicated trace , llnlow zero. E UUXT , Local i'orccasl OBlclaJ. mi \ ii i i ni1 cTjfiTitniTTp / OiuAIIA LIvli STUCK MARKL1S Receipts of Oattlo nntl Hogs Somewhat Moro Liberal thim Last Wceki CATTLE TRADE IS UPSIDE DOWN NOW Undrr ( inidcs Are Srlllng Itcxtrltli fat Cattle Still IleiiionilUrd-lliigH Slump llndly In .Sympathy ullli Provision WEDNESDAY , Feb. 7. So far this week , compared with last , there has been an Increase of about 00 cattle and COO hogs , whllo sheep receipts Imvo fal len off over 1,000 head. The supply of cattle was not at all largo today , neither was the demand from any quarter. The general trade was quiet and slow , Whllo aside from the really desirable beeves the market ruled weak to a shade lower than Tuesday. Low grade and medium cattle , and these made tip the big end of the supply , did not appear to bo wanted by any body and sellers found It slow work to got rid of them oven at rather shaded prices. Fair to very good steers weighing frotu 1,100 to 1,300 Ibs. sold at from J3.30 to $3.CO , whllo the poor to fair grades were slow Kellers at from $3 to $3.40. About everything was out of first hands by the middle of the afternOon - nOon , but the tone to the trade was decidedly weak. Prices for eows and mixed lots wore steady to n shade higher than Tuesday. Not over a third of the offerings came , under this head , and competition among local buyers was brisk enough to pu sellers on easy street without tlio assistance of outside orders. Ex- treniu sales ! of poor to prime stock were made at from ? l.r > 5 to $3 , but sales at over $2.75 and under $2 were very scarce. Com mon largo calves and yearlings sold at from J2 to $3 , or Just about steady prices , whllo veal calves were generally ( inner at from $4 to $5.CO. Poor to choice bulls , oxen and stags sold at from $1.75 up to $3.40 , or not far from steady prices. In stockers and feeders the volume of business transacted was somewhat above the average. Supplies were fair , but there was a good demand apparently notwithstanding the further slump In fat cattle values. Prices were well sustaned on all suitable grades. Good to choice feeders are quoted at from $3 to $3.40 , fair to good at from $2.70 to $3 and lighter , commoner grades 'at from $2.70 down. Ilepresontatlvo sales : WYOMING. 1 cow S60 2-40 12 cows ! > C7 240 13 feeders 1020 3 33 HOGS Evidently packers took tlio con tinued fairly liberal receipts ns nil Indica tion that there were plenty of IIORS In the country. At any rate with 5,733 hogn hero today they proceeded at once to pound out a ICc to i0c ! < leclliioanil bought the lioga in on that basis. They were materially assisted In this by tlio discouraging character of re ports from eastern markets , the weak close ( o the provision market Tuesday nml the total absence of support from either slilp- Ing or speculative buyers. Several loads or cholco light butcher weights sold nt $1.90 uml common light mixed stuff nolil down to $4.75 and pigs down to $4.C7'/i. . For fnlr to good hogs of ull weights It was practically a $1.80 and ? I.SG market , the big bulk of the offerings changing hands within that range. Tlio movement wns fairly active throughout , as the feeling on all sides wax weak ami there was nothing In the situation to war rant holding out for anything hotter. Over halt of tlio miles today were at $4.8.1. On Tuesday the popular prlco was $5 nnd a week ago today $5.05 bought the bulk of tlio rccolpts. Representative sales ; AT tHE NEXT MORNIMQ I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IB DETTEn. My doctor nays It acta gunily on-the itaniirn , Jlver nd kldneri. and Is a pleasant laxative. 'I hli drink Is mads from herbs , and la prepared for usa aieaalljrajua. Ulacalled _ 4 ' . (7 M 4 S- . V.i I 4 n > 4. 4 < 4 M n 4 > ' . 111. 4 M ) nj 4 V- I XI ) ' ' 4 S'i r > 6. 4 ro i' . .212 4 S\ 6.w 4 M ) n .VI 4 > ' ' w 4 SO 4 S.i M. . . . . . . ,1M 4 ( rt II 211 4 o5 AW 4 ftO f t 4 M . . . . . . ; 4 S ) < B tM ! so ! ! ! . ' ! ! ! 4 M ( S 323 fll Ml 4 M M It ) : 4 SO 17 Ml 4 Mi 3 * 211 40 4 M 7 S 4 M 12 17-.I M Ill 12 315 4 > 0 70 J 4 SB 77 22 40 4 80 41) ) 4K 4 S 19 31 ! ! 4 W > 37 211 40 4 66 B 2SO 4 (0 OS 213 4 Mi 6 .Ill 4 SO 4 M > C2 24 ? so 4 Stt 4 SI 71 232 ICO 4 si ; r,7 in 4 Mi 70 IK 80 44ui 70 aw 61 ! K M SHI 4 * r 48 317 M 4 81 ! m 242 1410 4 Ml 111 VSI 130 UI | 4 85 " " ' 4 82 ! 76 250 4 n ; ! ; ! ! 'to 4 SI 52 273 4) 4 S } i ! ! l."s ! ! 2 4 sn 64 SSOKX ) 4 S3 " i sr , 70 Ml 40 4 S3 ! ! ! ; ; ! 4 n > es 2i5 84 4 ST. M 21) 4 9) 68 202 4 ST M 211 4 m 41 .3.17 I 8" . 237 4 90 37 241 80 4 s : > 61 243 so 70 2I'J 100 4 Ml S3 213 40 G 231 110 4 80 PltlH AND IIOttQir. 1 410 . . . 43" 2 S7.1 4 Co 1 330 . . . 4W 80. . . . .121 so 4 674 1 420 . . . | BO SIIKK1' Only n few were received The ilcmnn'l wns fair nml thn market was nctlvo nml qtiotnbly Btendler. Knlr to ROOI ! natives , $2.753.10 | ; fair lo Rood western's. $2.2riij ( > 3.25 ; common nml stock nheop. $ l.50fr2.15 ; Rood to choice ' 10 to 100-11) lambs nt $2.50 ® 1.00. Koprescntntlvo alcs : ? o. Wt. 1'r. 22 nntlvo lainhfl C2 WOO ItrrclpN nml IIUpoHltlon of Mnclc. Official roijilpt * uu 1 ilUi-nltloi : nt stoelc ai shown by the lool of tin Union Snslc Yur.u iToiiiDiiny for tlmlwontr-foiirhoiinonJIiij at 6 o'clock p. m. , 1'obrutiry 7 , 1801 : UKCKIITS. DISI'OHITIOV. OIIICACO I.IV13 STOCK. Fifteen TIintiMinil Cuttlo AVrro Iteerhcd lint tilt ) .llnrkel AViiHVciik. . CHIfAno , 1-Vli. 7.-The rattle market wns not very llbi'r.illy Hupplled. KlflitMi thousand lieiiil Is not nn iivi'niKi1 supply for nVcdnf day , nnd oitllnnrlly the mnrkct would have IN-CII strong , but It wan nnythltiK but HtrnnR today. Tinhenvy lioiiKt-a were nuini'nnialy ri-prc.ientud and ull wnntnl Hiiine entile , but they lliHlnted upon buylnK Ihi'in cheaper , nnd tluT ImiiKht thfin that wny. AltlnillKh then ! were Initiinocii where ivpeclully drs-lratilc lots i > old wry close to Tnpyilny'8 prlri-H , the Kmrrnl mniki-t won from 10o to irc lower nnd dull nt that reduc tion. Xot nil of the receipts were placed. It Is Impo-slble to say Just where the extra smiles stand , us none of that sort wns offered , but the iiuallty would need to be superfine to lirlnK more than | 3.2 : > . The Ki'ent bulk of the Muff In the yards today sold below M.M. Hood Hteers mild nround J3.M and very decent Htuff was neKlei'te.1 nt fioni 53.23 to J3.3.1. COWH nnd heifers .suffered less than steers , the mipply belnc coinp.uailvi'ly light. Sales of the former were principally nt fmm J2 to } 2.S. > . Slockers and feedcra were only a ( rllli- lower nt from JU.50 to J3.50. lluycrs were not catlsfled with what they knocked off the IIOKS earlier In the week nnd they Jumped on the market at the very outset and forced It on" frnm lOc to 13c inure. They would not bid more than $3.20 for the ricnin of the offerings nnd there were not more than half a dozen ti-.ulps nt better than $5.15. The irroiiter part of the 22Hi ) or 2J.OOO on snlo clmiiRi d hnmN nt fiom J3 in J3.10. There were n number nf snlcs below J3 and n few ns low as fr nil JI.S5 to } ) . ! ) ) . Heavy boss were dUerliulniiied against nnd fur the first time in many days Iluhl and heavy weights wild on a p.irlty. Iterelpls were IlKht , beliiR estlmiteil : nt 2lOiM. Tlnit makes only & ) , Uti ) ) since Saturday or neatly 4il.OiW less than for the same time last week. Thu clo.su was steady , nil the IUIKS beliiK sold. The local market has received 12.0'W fewer ! dn 11 r.ir Hu Him imltid lUirmir lh .i. < nnno Iniunvrm l > l \ lirliivi might have l > .u ni'n-lrd to filljw I'U tladeMI - < dull I nl.iv .in.I ( illicit Imrrly mrudyr lit fuel onuKti" < in ii iiit'iied price * lOc lowrtr > than yntti-nln ) . HalKir * plow nt from 1178 to J.Lii fur | mor In rlniii. . hpcii. nnd nt friurt ja.js in n * : Mr l mt . Iterelplp ; Oil lie. r , , l hrnd ; mlVM , 2J ll .ulj li" * * . li.i vl hrnd : fdlrep , H.n * ) hrnd. Tht UvcnlitK Jouriml report * : f'ATTLH-lleeelldn. IS.Ort ) limit ; market idon"/ with nmlhcr dimnturn nf SfHIHno ; extra territ i here : nninliinl tit M. < ! i > . -lo ; fair to peed , H.-'tV .j' 5.7S ; nthcm. M.004CI.2 * . IIOOH Ili'Cflpts. 21,000 liond ; mnrket Ploir. J KlronK nnd ltc lourr ; iim-hers and ml ed , II 90WX S.IO : prime henvy and hulchcr wclnhtu , t : > .li&f & . ; | irlmo IlKht , $ : . .r. .V2il. SHEEP AND I.AMIW-llevelplii , 10,000 hcnJj maikct unclniiiKed. * tllty l.hn Morlt Murkrt. KANSAS C1TV , 1-Vb. 7.-CATTLE- -clptif , 4.GOO hoadi PlilpnienlK , 3,100 liend ; lieiit Mcndyl othr lower : Texan Plcer * . l2.7W9.6i ) : uhlppllie jlocni. .1.7.ff.03 ; TPXIW and imllvc cown , Jt.T tii J.OOi Imli'her nt-n-k. | l.Si3.75i ! nlockcrii anil feeder * . > 2.7tnS.ffl. IIO < -Heeeipti. l . , 7,7 ( ) hrmli ithlpmrntii. 1 &XJ "eHd : 5ftl"c lower : clnnliiR Ktroni ; ; liuju. | l Vnj , ! , : llrnvi < % 11. l > acker < and nilxe.1 , ll.li .OSJ ' . . ? . ! " ' ' ' ' " ' " ' I11"1 ll-Mff4. J. - - ) , 300 head ! uhlpmcnld , noncj , Stuck In Sight. The /ollowlnc antin. . nvelpm at Iho four princi pal western cllles Wednesday , February 7 : , ' . t'alllo. IIosH. Sheep. South Omaha ' .MIII ? r > .7.ti : - - - - [ Ililc.-ici ) 1.1.Kin ( 21,001) ) 10.00O Kans.incity 4riin 7.71M ) * 0 < Ht. Louis 1,700 1,100 800 Total . S.V.'DT : I8,533 lliJ2O Pills that euro sick heatlnclio : DeWltt'n Little Knrly Hlsers. Thin Children Grow Fat on Scott's Emulsion , because fat fo o d s make fat children. They are " ' Vye thin , and remain thin just in proportion to their inability to assimilate food rich in fat. of Cod Liver Oil is especially adaptable to those of weak diges tion / ' / is partly digested already. Astonishing how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its use ! Almost as pal a I able as milk. Prepared by Scott 4 llnwne , N. Y. All drucRitl ] . IfJDAPO TIIK CKKiT HINDOO REMEDY rOI.DVCES TltK AIIOIK ltl > I.'LTS III BO KAVlJ , NerToua li | en e , Knlllni ; Memory , 1'ftro. l , Sleeilei.'MeiiiiWeaknci'iieli- | ! . , caime I hy pmttaliUfeHnnil ijiiickly tint surely leatoroi l.o t A.inhnoil In old or ) umi . Kn > : lly carifi-il In vest pocket. : 'rli-o4H.U n | > ni > kiie. | Hli lor * -lo ( M llh iv iri-lttc-iliriliiriuilrelfiriireiirmoiiry -riiiiti > il. Dun'l . * bur/ ( ill tnttatfon tntt limUt on lmtlii INIIAPO. 1C V - 4 [ > urdriiK'i.'lst linsiiot nut It nn will tend It u renal it. PA M S rk-nlul .Mrillrnl Co. , I'llirAliO , ILL , or llirlr igmtt. J f EOi',1) by Knlni.t Co..Cor. Utlinnd lloiiBlniuKtu. , nnd J. A. Fuller Co. . Coi-llth K l > oiiBla Hti < .lMAllA ) | by I'lllll O. Si-lineliler , f > ! U llnmilway A 0 1'cail DU > COU.S'CII. 11I.U1T.S , anil IcaillliElruBBl t . And most desirable thing for floor covering , is the new iV/fl These are exact imitations of the handsome and expensive Turkish goods and at very low prices. They fill a place in ar tistic and economical furnishing - t ing Sizes : 3x6 feet. 8x10 feet 4x7 feet. 9x12 feet. 6x9 feet. feet 12x15 feet. 1ft 1414-16-18 Douglas Street ,