Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    FE,5iUrAllY 8
Rumen Afloat to the Effect that the Motor
Company ia Willing to Settle.
Intimating tlin CoKt of tlie SU-Inrli Strip
Occupied by the Jtnlln lla/clton
Bnj * ] ! ! ! Will Vuili
"ill * Suit.
Certain appear.inr/w Indicate Just now tint
the motor company ofnclttl are contempla
ting paying the back taxes for paving In-
tcrKcctlnnn xxhich haxo be n the subject of
BO much controversy for years past. N. W.
\VcIls and George V. Wright , Uxo of the
board of directors , were al the olty cnglnecr'A
office yesterday making atrangements for
finding out Just lio\v much H clalmc-d from
the city for paving tlio strip six Inches wide
occupied by the rails. They haxo had a
man make an estimate and they noxv want
to rco l.oxv nearly his estimate agrees with
that of the city.
Just what their Intentions are has not br > on
told the city officials , but from a source con-
Kldcied to bo reliable It Is learned that as
noon as the amount of this Is ascertained ,
the whole of the taves noxv claimed by the
city xxlll bo paid , protest being entered up
In due form upon this amount and all others
In which the company claims It has been
overcharged , and suit xxlll then bo Instituted
at once to rccoxer that which has been in
dispute. If this course Is pursued It will
Bhow conclusively that the company reall/cs
the uncomfortable position In which It has
been placed and Us desire to conciliate the
With reference to the strip of six Inches
It should bo Btatcd that the city olllclals
scout the Idea of the company's being able
to collect anything back As n matter of
fact the pax Ing could have been done more
cheaply had the rails not been there , and
It cost considerably moro to fit the pax Ing
around the ralln than the material xxould
have cost to fill the space. Furthermore ,
It Is claimed by the city offlclals that when
the granite pax Ing was torn up to make
room for the rails the "tone that came out
of the six-Inch strip thus formed was gob
bled by the motor company and used for Its
oxxn purposes. This , of course , glxcs the
city a good chance for a counter claim , pro
viding It Is found that the company really
thinks It has something coming to It on this
score and has not merely beten bluffing.
The hope Is universally expressed that the
report of the company's change of tactics
may not prove false. City Attorney Hazel-
ton said yesterday that this rumor xxould
not Influence him at all In commencing the
unit , as ho xxas Instructed by the city coun
cil Monday night , but that ho xxould file his
petition as soon as It could be drawn up ,
claiming the full amount as shoxvn by the
tax books.
Frank XXcb tor DriixxH n Knife on IVlloxv
Workman mid CitH Into Tr ublo.
The scenes of Monday and Tuesday among
the striking Ice cutters xxero repeated yes
terday xvlth a little variation , and although
nothing xery desperate was done the situa
tion was sufficiently exciting. During the
morning a fight took place betxxcen Frank
'Webster , one of the strikers , and Da\ld Lud-
ixlgen , xxho Hxes on Benton street. Sev
eral others other xxcre mixed up In the
affray. Webster droxv a knife and threat
ened to carve the Interior of I.mlw Igon's
body from the outside. There was a stam
pede , In which Webster's team Joined. The
frightened animals dashed frantically
through a barb xxlro fence and were badly
injured , besides almost demolishing the
wagon. Ludxvlgen called at Justice Vien's
oinco and swore out an information charg
ing Webster xvlth assault with Intent to
commit murder , and an officer was camping
on Webster's trail last evening.
Sheriff Hazen spent the greater part of
tlie day at the scene of the strike , but
there was no very great demonstration.
The strikers devoted their tlmo to pelting
the workers xvlth mud and lumps of Ice
and calling them scabs and vllo names
generally. There xxero fifty-txvo teams
ready for work In the morning , but only
thirty-six worked , the rest being Intlml
dated by the strikers.
N ItlUH.
I'cbruary sulr.
Muslin undorxxcar , linens nnd xvhlto goods
During this great sale wo offer bargains
nevef to bo duplicated. It will pay jou to
buy now. Sale commencing today , Thurs
day. February S.
COO pairs of ladles' muslin draxvers , 5 tucks ,
good material , 18o a pair.
200 dozen muslin underwear , consisting of
gowns , corset cox-ers , draxxers , chemise
fcklrts , and all nicely trimmed with em
broidery and laces nt GOc. 75c , DSc , $1.25 ,
$1,48 and $1.08 each , worth fully 75c to $3 00.
Our muslin underwear Is all made on lock
stitch machines with flat felled beams , the
celebrated W. brand , and bold only by us In
this city.
Special towel sale. 1,000 all linen satin
elamask towels , knotted fringe , fancy bor
ders , size 1S\37. a regular 25e toxvel , during
this sale only 15e each.
500 all linen huck towels , fancy borders ,
size 18x34. only lOc each. Hotels nnd
boarding houses should take advantage of
this sale.
72-Inch bleached satin table damask
worth $1.35 at this sale Sc ! ) a yard.
All our COo quality German table damask
now 39e a yard.
Our $1.00 bleached table satin damask ,
70 Inches wide , noxv 75c a yard. You nexer
bought table linen nt such prices before.
Lonsdalo muslin , 7V4e a yard. "
Standard dress prints , 3'/.c a yard.
Check white goods at 4lie , Cc , CHc.
and lOc a yard , only half actual value.
Attend this great February sale. It means
- * a great saving to > ou.
Council Bluffs. la.
For sale or trade for Improved city prop
erty or unimproved farm lands , an Improved
farm In Iowa , two dwellings In Cedar Rap
ids , la , , and txvo fine bred stallioiiH , with
records beloxv 2.20. Ohio Knox , Council
Bluffs , la ,
Haxo > ou seen the new gas beaters at the
Gas company's omco ?
Domestic soap Is the best. i >
\Vunt u lloinm.
Frank Trimble returned jesterday from
the east , xxhcro ho wont as a reprcsentatlxo
of the Merchants and Manufacturers associa
tion to look after the claims of Council Bluffs
In connection xxlth the big sugar refinery
which Is to bo moxed to borne xxcutern city
In the near future. Ho found that there were
about thirty cities In the race , and each ono
was putting forth Its beat efforts to secure
the prize. A proposition Is about to be went
In by each one , and the company xvlll then
select xx hlclicvcr place offers tlio largest ad-
vantages. Council Bluffs compares xvlth any
of the others In natural advantages , but
there must bo something else besides nat
ural advantages In order to command the
attention of the refinery people. It Is un
derstood that a bonus Is the thing they are
looking after. Mr. Trimble thinks that If
Council Bluffs business men got together and
raise a bonus of $100,000 and buy a site of
forty acres on which to locate the plant
they will cot the plum. It remains to bo
aeon whether they will do BO , On Its part
the company agrees to put up a plant to
cost not loss than $1,000.000 and employ not
K'ss than 1.800 mini ,
A big consignment of the fi-ieU wrll
paper Just received ut .Viltor's. II rmrl
Btrcet , from 4 eta. a roll upaardj Kuw
patterns. _
George S. Davis , prescription druggist.
Drmnriittlu C'ltj Ciimvnflon.
Chairman Casady of the city central com
mittee Issued a call last evening for the city
conxentlon , which xxlll be held on Wednes
day , February 14 , at 1.30 p , in. , In the su
perior court room of the county court
house , to put In nomination canJl-
dldates for mnjor JtK'K1 of tltc su-
perl r i jiirt alderm in at large , sAt i IT ,
treasurer , auditor , ass ssor , engineer ,
marshal , park commlss oner and xvclgh-
master HIP primaries will b < held In the
\arlotu precinct * on Saturday cxonlnR Febru
ary 10 , from fi to 8 o'clock , to select dele
gates. On Monday evening , F bruary 12 ,
the democratic voters of the Flr t , Second
and Fifth xvnrds xvlll meet and select candi
dates for waul alderman.
If you want cheap hard coal that will glvo
ftatlafactlon try
Southern anthracite , $3.50 per 2 , < V)0 ) Ibu.
Semi-anthracite , $3.00 per 2,000 Ibs.
31 Pearl street. Grand Hotel Uldg.
Ladles , If jolt desire absolute peace In the
Kitchen ask jour grocer for J. C , lloffmayr
S. Co'n 1'ancy Patent Flour. Trade mark-
Blue Hoostcr. _ _
Domestic soap ID the bes > t ,
I'ollic l'klilp < .
William Butts was arrested at an early
hour yesterday morning by Franlc'Scanlan
whlln ho as making off xxlth a largo bundle -
dlo ol clothes. Scanlan thought ho looked
suspicious , but when ho xvorit to arrest him
Buttx showed fight und had to bo brought to
terms by the use of the olllcer's club. H
was supposed that tlin clothes wcro nipped
from some one's clothes line , and xxlien
Butts xvas taken to the station and locked
up they were Identified by Willis GronewoR
as having bee'ii stolen from his place durlnp
the night. Buttx xxas sent to the county jail
for thirty < ln\s It scums that ho has been
guilty of the same offense before. A search
xxarriint xxas Issued from Justice Vlen'a
court jcstcrday and an Investigation made
of his premises nn Harrison street. A shirt
xxaH found there xxhich belonged to a man
named Ilamlltln , It haxlng been left at the
residence of a man named Wallace on Wash
ington axonuo to be xx'ashcd Mention of the
robbing of Wallace's clothes line was made
In The Bee a day or txvo ago. Butts Is sup
posed to have been doing considerable of
this sort of night xxork recently , ami ho xxlll
bo glx-fii a hearing on the nexv charges as
soon as he has completed Ills present term.
Ben Ragan was fined $1570 for drunken
ness and using obscene language.
John Hale , xxho stole a sack of flour from
Peterson's grocery , xxas bound ox'er to the
grand Jury on the charge of larceny from a
building , and In default of a bond of $100
was sent to the county Jnll.
Frank Jones , xxho has served a sentence
for petty thieving , xx-as locked up on general
principles jesterday afternoon. At the time
Jay Worden , the boy burglar xxho Is noxv
doing tlmo In the penitentiary , was first ar
rested , ho told the police that Jones xxas his
accomplice , but Jones has managed to keep
out of sight for nearly a year past.
Do \ u UKU
Ex-aporated cream or unsweetened condensed
milk , and desire the best ? Then obtain from
your grocer Borden's Peerless Brand Evap
orated Cream , xxhich ranks first In quality.
Prepared by New York Condense ! Milk Co.
Favorable Inducements xxlll be offered tea
a few reliable and energetic agents xxho will
solicit for the Mutual Life Insurance com
pany. Call on or address Pusey & Thomas ,
Council Bluffs , district agents for southwest
ern loxxa.
Ask jcur grocer for Domestic soap.
tinKriugrr t nse.
The city council held a jneetlng yesterday
day afternoon. It xxas not'cMetiMxcly ad-
xertised. and the aldermen got together In
a xx ny that Indicated that they had some
prlxate business to perfrom. Whether this
xxas so or not , the fact remains that there
were no spectators present. A pioposltlon
xx-as presented from John Limit , as the at
torney for Fred Knteger , xxho got a Judg
ment or txxo against the city and then
skipped out , taking with him $150 belong
ing to the Treubund society Limit could
not get any fees from Krueger , so he began
negotiations with the city for a settlement
of the txxo cabcs. Both grew out of alleged
Injuries to Mrs. Krueger. In one of them
Krueger got n judgment of $750 against the
city and the case xvas appealed to the supreme
court. In the other ho got a judgment of
$1 , but the judgment xxas afterwards set
aside on account ot the misconduct of one
of the jurors In slipping axxay from the rest
of the jury and getting a drink after the
case had been submitted , without Inxltfng
the bailiff to go along. Limit offered to
dismiss both cases and pay all costs for a
cash scttlomont of $1,000. Ills offer xxas ac
cepted by the city council.
The matter of condemning n triangular
piece of ground In the rear of the city
building was discussed A suit has already
been commenced In the court against Mrs.
Eliza Craxxford to condemn the ground ,
and It xxlll bo tried next xxeek. The city
attorney xxas Instructed to offer Mrs. Craxx
ford $200 as settlement. _
For nn appetizer Cook's Extra Dry Impe
rial Champagne lea Is all. For 40 years It
has taken the lead for Its purity.
Co it.
II. A. Cox , 10 Mam street.
Best qualitv , loxxest rates.
Prompt delHoiv Get piices before buy
ing. Telephone .
Mill-rinse Licenses.
Thofolloxxing in irriajjo licenses xxe-ro Is
sued yesterday by the county clerk :
Name and Address. Ape.
I Krank L. Williams , Council Bluffs . 30
1 May Oatflner , Council Blulls . 21
j II. II. , Ciiialui . 25
I AnnaM.Troniler. Umaha . 24
Attention Is. again called to the Robinson
concert to be glxen Feb. 13. All persons in
terested In helping Broadxx-ay church are re
quested to buy their tickets at the church
door on that evening. _
Itoxx mini IB I'nstnmHtcr.
Hon. Thomas Boxxman received his com
mission as postmaster jesterday. This com
pletes all the formalities and he xvlll at once
take charge of the office and the axe.
Dr. Jeffries' diphtheria remedy kills diph
theria but not your child. At Davis' ,
Beardsloy's , DoIIaven's , Council Bluffs ; 210
Cumtng street , Omaha.
IVrsoiml I'liriigrupliH.
Miss Rebecca Bcrryhlll of Davenport Is
In the city , the guest of Mrs. W. 8. Stlllman
She Is well Known to a number of former
btudonts at Iowa City llxlng here.
Rev. T. McK. Stuart , formerly pastor of
the. Broadway Methodist church , now presid
ing clJcr with headquarters at Charlton , la
In the city for a visit with his son , D 13.
Stuart. He has just been to DCS Molncs and
leaves for thu xxest this morning.
Nassau Investment company guarantees
Nebraska railroad collections. Mcrrlam
block , Council Plugs. _
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
.MinorMention. .
Boston Store Linens , toxxcls , muslins.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. . John's Eng
lish Lutheran church meets Thursday after
noon at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Snyder ,
217 South Seventh.street. . .
II. II Baker and Anna M. Tromley , both of
Omaha , and Frank I. Williams * and Mary
Gardner , both of Council Bluffs , xvero mar
ried by Justice Fox yesterday.
The small pox scare has been somewhat
complicated by the birth of a child at the
Hoffman resilience , xxhich Is under quaran
tine. The child belongs to the younger Hoff
Mis Georgia Garner entertained a number
of music loxcrs at her homo on Fifth
avenue Tuesday evening. Mandolin and
gulUir music formed a part ot the evening's
The following cases of contagious diseases
wore reported yesterday Measles , Bula
Stone , 740 Mynster stre-et ; Ray Matthexxs ,
lOfi Broadway. Mabsl Bouquet , 601 Broadway ;
diphtheria , Mrs. B. Church , 1815 Eighth
ax enue.
Cliff Hough claims that burglars got Into
his house xxhllu the door wan left open nnd
no ono xxas at home and otolo a valuable
ring and a gold molal , the latter being a
prize he won In a sprinting contest In Ne
braska a year or txxo ago. He lias no Uexv
to the thief.
A man named Asmus , who keeps a small
shoo store at 031 Main street. Was golm *
home from a dance at a late hour yesterday
morning and topping at hlo place found
that burg'ara hd be-n there , Dntrance ha j
been effected through the rear door , and five
pairs of Htioes and eight palm of rubbers
were missing.
Bitter Newspaper Attack nt Cedar Hnpidi
Leads to Trouble.
I'ollcriinin Kiliriiril Miihrr Callcit to Ac
count for Handling His llctolxer
xtlth n llviklrsn DUrrgnnl
of Cansriuruc | < s.
CEDAR. HAPIDS , In. , Feb. 7. ( Special tc
The Ucc. ) ProJerlck P. Davis , city editor
of the Dally Uepubllr-an , who waged such n
bitter xxnr against * -Mnrshal A. H.Vesl
and tlit' po'.lco force of this city and xxho xxat
arrested on a charge of criminal libel , ha1
been completely vindicated , the grand Jury ,
after making a careful Investigation of the
case , falling to return an Indictment.
The fight xxas one of the hottest In tin
history of the city , and the end Is not yet
It originated x\lth the shooting of Charles
Oiulhlrk , a young telegraph operator fron
Chicago , by Policeman Edward Maher 'abom
two months ago Otulklrk had been drink
Ing xxlth txxo companions , and xxas justgolnf
Into the Globe hotel when noticed by Mar
shal West.
Ho folloxxed them to their room , xxhcro r
only xxranglo ensued , xxlilch xvas followed
byVost going to the pollca headquarteri
and detailing three policemen to arrest tin
boys OudKIrk xxas placed In charge ol
Maher , and \vlicn near the station Ondklrli
broke away and started to run Ho xxas shelby
by the officer anil for some tlmo It was
thought ho xxould die. Then folloxxcd the at
tack upon West and the police force In the
Itepubllcan resulting In West resigning anil
the arrest of Da\ls for criminal libel.
The grand Jury , xxhlle It failed to Indlcl
the nexvspaper man , did return an indict
ment against Matter for assault xxlth Intenl
to commit murder. His trial has been post
poned until the March term of the district
court. The prosecution xvlll be assisted by a
prominent attorney from Uenxcr , Cole , who
It Is understood , xxlll be paid by the tel
egraphers over the country , xxho haxo con
tributed a sum of money for this purpose.
i.v TIII : Liii-ji.Aiuui : .
Dun for Simplifying f.iind Tr.imfew Cbrjs.
( nll/cil In UKHill. .
DCS MOINES , Fob -Special ( to Ttio
Bee. ) Ono of the bills now before tlio legis
lature and is attracting considerable at. on-
lion , Is Intended to slimilify land titles nntl
facilitate the transfer of real estate. Under
thopicscnt s.xstcm ttansfers require lone
abstiacts of title , giving a full history of
the changes In title back to the original
government patent This abstract business
is all In the hands of nrhtito parties i'ho
bill introduccu by Mr. Snoko provides that
all iciordets of deeds and their deputies
shall bo of titles Exery sui-h of-
ilcer la icqulrcd to give a bond , approved by
the disttiot court , in the sum of
$20,000 , conditioned upon a faithful dis-
cluiio of Ills duty ; said bond to be filed in
the ofllco of secretary of state. No
registrar sball bo an attorney at
laxxbut may appoint txxo com
petent lax\\ets to examine1 titles
Any oxvncisof ical estate , xvbothcr legal or
cqultablo , ma\ have his title registered , but
no mortgage interest shall bo registered un
less the feu simple In the same is lirst re
corded The application for registration
shall be in the form of an affidavit and shall
contain name of oxxner and full desciiption ,
xxith names of oxx tiers of adjacent lands.
The certificate of title shull only bo Usued
upon tno xxrittcn opinion of the txxo ex
aminers that the applicant has a coed title.
and the ccrliticato shall contain a specific
statement of all mortpace liens or other In-
cumbiances. The effect of registration shall
bo to exempt the land fiom nllchaigcs , ax-
copt such as arc noted in the certificate of
legistration and the folloxvln ? : Any exist
ing lease not exceeding five \ears. public
highxx-ajs or any existing right of xvay or
casement and all taxes or special assess
ments All subsequent transfers shall be
made by simply making the usual deed and
having previous title cantolled by the legis-
trar. 'Iho fees fixed are When making
the anplicition , 815 ; for the cortilicato , STi ;
for registering the same. J'J ; for registciing
each transfer , $3 , and xxhen held upon tiust
condition or limitation. $ . " > For each cer
tificate showing the condition of the regis
ter , xxhich is equivalent to an abstract of
title , the fee charged is onlj SI. The author
believes that this sjstciu of transferring
land titles is bound to coma and hopes for
lavorablo action by the present general as
After concuriing In the house amendments
the senate passed the Turner bill , requiring
hotel and restaurant kcuners xvho use imita
tion butter or tbccsa to display a placard to
this effect in their dining rooms. The senate -
ate also passed the Terry bill , declaring all
assignments of claims to parties outsldo of
the state , for the purpose of depriving citi
zens of exemption rights , to bo "against pub
lic policy and absolutely void. " Senator
Gionexxcg ilgorously opposed the measure
and declared It ought to bo entitled a bill for
tbo piotectlon of "dead beats "
Kills xx cio introduced : By Conaxvay , cn-
laiging the powers of the State Board of
Health ; by Penroso , limiting life of mortgage
Hens upon real property ; by Gronoxvep , mak
ing appropriation for the Institute for the
Deaf ; by Turner , authorizing boards of su
pervisors to provide Institutes for the treat
ment of habitual drunkards
The house passed the Nlciioll bill prohib
iting the selling or giving axvav of cigars ,
cigarettes or tobacco in any form to minors
under 10 without n xxritten order from patent
or guaidlan , the penalty being a fine of from
* T > to * 100.
Bills xxero inttoduccd : By Allen , provid
ing that In cabcs whore husbands dto in
testate and \\lthout issue all the piopcrty
shall go to the vrlfo , b ; Dlcdctlch , appro-
pi lating MS 000 for support of the Institute
for the Deaf , Council Bluffs ; by Doxvoll , pro
viding for an additional judge for tha Ninth
dls'.ilct ( Polk county ) ; by Lauder , requiung
all non-resident physicians and those xvho
havo'no diploma to pass examination bofoio
the state board ; by Robinson , requiring all
notes to bo presented to the assessor and
listed for taxation ; by Ross , pioviding It-
ness fees for persons testifying before boaids
of supervlsois ; by Sawyer , authorizing cities
of the Jlrst class toolo aid to combination
vt-agon and r.dhoad bridges across boundary
llliiclcnmllril bullio
CnDAU UAPIDS , la. . Feb. 7. ( Special to
The IJee ) For several j ears this city has
been Infested ultli a set of felloxxs xvho
claimed to be lawyers , but xxhoso business
haa been to blackmail the saloon keepers.
They linxo succeeded In accomplishing their
object In different ways , but the result has
alxxays been the name , the saloon keepers
paying over to thcso felloxxs Bums of
money every month or txxo rather than
to - have suits brought against
them In the district court for violations of
the piohlbltory laxv. Various xxays haxo
been tried to suppress them , but aluuyn
xxlthout success , and they ha'xe grown rich
off the fellows xxho haxo persisted In re
tailing liquors , despite the many obstacles
In the xx ay. At times men entering the
saloon business have tried to Ignore them ,
but bulls xxould bo brought In such rapid
succession and the fines xxcre so licuxy ,
that they would soon bo forced out of bus
iness. As a result , > cry fexv Imxo refused
to pay tribute to them.
Kcllnf U now In sight , hoxxexcr , oxen
though the general assembly should fall to
modify the prohibitory law tilts xx Inter. Rep
resentative Dyers has Introduced a bill In
the house to correct such ovlln , and as other
cities have suffered to a certain extent by
reason of the operation of the blackmailer ,
the prospects are tlmt the bill AX 111 become a
laxv. _
Supreme Court Decisions ,
DBS M01NUS. Feb. 7. ( Special Telegram
to The lice , ) The following opinions xxerc
died today In the Kuprome court : John F.
Williams , Jr. , appellant , against Henry Ever-
hun , jr. , Mills * district , reversed. Llojd
Hlnkle against W. I. Smith , judge , reversed.
Marietta Hurto , appellant , against Nclllo
B , Grant and Emily Daniels , appellees , Scott
district , affirmed. A. Ady , appellant , against J ,
H. Freeman , Muscatlne district , af-
tlrmed. Hannah r. Haggerty , ad-
n Inl-trator , against Cliicat.3 St PaU
i1 KatiKai ( i > y re. d l'ub < < iil ills
trut , ro\orscd L > Ifrilturni and ( ' Kcb
stir appellants ailu/nst / M L Mi Nelly
mayor Ilminrd district -nfllrnied F J Mof-
fctt npi/ellant. / against Horace Moffett CeJai
district , rcxersed Franklin llradshaxv and
\xlfo , appellants , ngatnHti L. I ) , Hcmlrk et al
Qrcen district , ninnnod.i John I , . Nlcodemus
appellants , agnlnst Samuel Young ct al , af
firmed , ti <
I. > SVIt.\N .i : COMI\NliS : Sl'IM ) .
\Vldou of mi Onmhn 'lliulnpss Jinn In < tl <
tuten lmpoiliii ; t , t.ltlKnttiin ,
CKDAU UAPIDS-Ja. | Feb. 7. ( Special t <
The IJce ) A case of opnslderablo Interesl
Is on trial In the superior court of this city
It Is that of ArtltJ G6odx\in against the
Mutual Ucservo Ptjpd1 I < lfe association o !
N'exv York and the , Provident Life Assur
ance society of Js'oxr York , Inxhlch sin
seeks to compel each company to paj
$5,000 on policies xxhich xxero held b )
her husband In those companies. Goodxxlr
xxas an Insurance man himself , and ua ;
formerly secretary of thp old Cedar Hapldf
Insurance company of this city. After II
xxcnt out of business Goodxxln xxent xxcst nm
xxas agent for an Insurance company al
Omaha. After he had been there a time hi
took out policies In the companies nbovc
mentioned , $5,000 In each. In his applica
tion In ansxxer to the question as to xxcthei
he drank ho filled In the words
"An occasional drink. " After the pollclc <
had been In force some tlmo thej
xx ere canceled , the companies learning thai
he xvas addicted to the liquor habit. Latci
ho Insured for the same amount In cacl
company upon the representation that IK
xxas of temperate habits. Shortly after thli
transaction Oooiluln committed suicide while
upon a big spree , so It Is alleged. When the
companies learned the circumstances undci
xxhich he came to-his death they refused tc
pay the policies on the groud of fraud , claimIng -
Ing misrepresentation In securing them. Tills
suit In the superior court Is to compel the
payment of the policies. It xxlll not be de
cided for Eoxcral days jet.
Hjnn "Uus short.
CRDAR UAPIDS , la , Feb. 7. ( Special
Telegram to The Ilee ) Geoigo A. Lincoln ,
postmaster of this city , lias returned from
Vanllorne , xxhere he xxas called to help
straighten out the affairs of the postoillcc ,
Postmaster Hyan of that place having com
mitted suicide xx hen called on for nn
accounting by the postofllcc Inspector. Upon
Investigation it xxas found that the amount
of deficit at the Vanllorne postofllcc xxas
$1,441 , and that there had been no report
made to the goxeminent slneo October 3 ,
1S03. The cause for so long a delay In In-
\cstlgatlng the affairs of the ofllcc Is due
to the fact that there are about txxo post
ofllcc Inspectors In the state of loxxa , and
they cannot meet all demands promptly.
PostmasteV Hyan's suicide xxas a sudden
blow to the community , as he xxas a genial
fellow and xxas thought to be straight. He
Icaxes a wife anJ eight children penniless.
DlMUHMfl llrlik unit Tile Work.
DCS MOINCS. la , Teb 7 ( Special Tele
gram to The IJce ) The state convention of
the Brick , Tile and Drainage association of
loxxa began here todaj and xxill continue to-
morroxv. About fift > members xxerc In at
tendance and more coming PicsldentJ 11.
McHoio of Iloone dellxered the annual ad-
dresh thlb aftcrnoDn.Thu 'Caic andAdjiistnient
of Machinery , " \xasi then discussed by J. M
Harris of DCS Molnqs , after which J. M Star-
buck of Cherokee du-cusscd "Drying Uriel :
and Tile by Steam Pipes. " The difference In
up and doxn draftikllmi and the difference
In the cost of burning xxas discussed by John
Wild of Toledo. Prof. 13. H. Longsi\ale \ read
the last paper on the program , "Geological
formations of the Clays of loxxa "
Tno Witts Arj ) ' Looking for Him.
WEUSTER CITY , ] la , , Feb. 7. ( Special
Telegram to The Uee ) L A. Cushman Is
a much wanted mart In loxxa. Ho married
a most estimable latty at Coon Haplds xxhlle
assessor there , and deserted her to go to
Harlan to marry another lady xxlth whom
he had become Infatuated. His second wife
xxas also deserted , uiirt now both ladles are
searching for him If found ho xxlll be
prosecuted for bigamy1.Cushman has sex--
eral thousand dollars worth of real estate In
loxx a. i
tllood's Sarsaparlllnf'Is carefully prepared
from Sarsaparllla , Dandelion , Mandrake ,
Dock , Plpslssewa , Juniper berries and other
well known remedies , by a peculiar combi
nation , proportion and process , glxlng to
Hood's Sarsaparllla curatixo poxxers not pos
sessed by other medicines. It effects re
markable cures xx hen other preparations fall.
Hood's pills cure biliousness. , .
This evcnine the woll-knox\n spectacle
and pantomime "Fautasma" comes to the
Bold for four nlchts and Saturday matlnco
The Ilanlon Brothers evidently travel on the
principle that the public enjoy and appre
ciate being treated honestly. They have
been posing before the public noxv for mani
yea is , and are known throughout the coun
try for gtvlncr just xxhat they adx'crtise.
Their production of "Fantasma" in some ic-
spccts exceeds any spectacular noxv travel-
Ing. The scenery is fiesh , and the effects
are startling and thoroughly pleasing. In
the now production the Invcntlvo gen
ius of the Haulous shines very con
spicuously. The tricks which aio con
nected xxith the scenery and para
phernalia used ni "Funtasma" arc vety
gratifiiug. To attempt description would
convoy but a faint Idea of the beauties , the
highly picturesque revelations and startling
and original effects evolved on the stage at
each performance. As far as the spectacular
features nro concerned It Is cqu-il to any on-
ttu'talnnimit of this kind ever offcicd The
tableaux , transfotmatlons , pictures and
scenic beauty and mechanical ingenuity of
the production xxould alone make it remark
able ; but xvovcn through these , ami havlug
close connection xvlth them. Is an entertain
ment \arloty and unusual merit.
On the first three nights of next week
Chauiu-ov Olcott. thoxxeil knoxvn actor and
binder , comes to the Bojd ID W. J. Scanlau's
greatest success , "Mavourneen , " supported
by Augustus Pitou's coimmnx.
The dramatic cantata , "Ruth the Mo-
ahltess , " xxlll be given In full costume under
the direction of Prof. A. S. Roe , Thursday
and Friday. February 8 and 9 , at the First
Christian church , Capitol avenue and
Twentieth street. Admission CO cents.
Itcril , Harrison , or MiKlnlpy.
US ANGELES , Feb 7 Robert Todd Lin
coln , ex-minister to England , has arrlxcd
here. In an Interview ho said the prospects
of the republican party are brighter than
for years. "I do not believe that the Wil
son bill , as It now Stands , will exer pass the
senate , " said Mr. Lincoln , 'in answer tea
question , ho said hd wrtH not a candidate for
the presidency ; that he xxas out of politics.
Ho thought the candidate of the republican
party xxould bo Thomas n. Reed , cx-Prcsl-
dcnt Harrison , or GQHT/IQT McKlnley.
Ion ,
The gulf coast of Texas Is a charming re
sort for Invalids xxi < i dvn't like zero weather.
Dig attractions albo fijr homo seekers ; 20
acres of land planted In , pears net the owner
$0,000.00 each > carj ofter , orchard Is estab
lished. Strawberries nnd grapes alto profit
ably raised. Regular Winter tourUt tlcketu
can be bought any" " day , but special excur
sions will bo run the second Tuesday of
each month from a limited territory to all
points In Texas , '
The excursion fare ? It's cheap enough a
little oxer 1 cent n inllo , tickets good 30
days xvlth stopovers southbound.
Talk U over xvlth nearest agent or address
E. L. Palmer , P. A . A , T. & S. F. R , R .
Omaha , N'eb. , and ask for free copy of Illus
trated pamphlet describing Texan coast coun
try. It only costs 1 cent to ask , and It may
mean a fortuile for you ,
Hrg I'arcloii
For Interrupting jou , but you may posslblr
bo going cait If so , there are a couple of
trains you should reilly bear In mind. Tlieso
are "Northwestern Lino" Nos. 6 and 2 ,
leaving Union depot daily at1.05 and 6:30 : p ,
ni. . respectively , arrlxlng In Chicago at 81C ;
and 9'30 next morning.
City ticket otilcc , Ko. 1401 Farnam t.
i PP i mo T pni"i'ii AH i it
John McOnrtj's ' Assault on Attorney Bnj-
l s Mrjy Result Fatally ,
Ilby llrliiRB Suit ARtilnM Cnnthlrr * for f.onscx
Ounlfc Mentor M-ntoncoil mid
Another Am steilMooting
of C'biirlt } Pin itors.
D. r. Ilayless , the attorney who xxas so
badly beaten by John McCarty , xxasery
much wor a yesterday and for a time It
xxas feared that he was dying. Last night
ho xxas suffering great pain In his head and
ho also has pain In the back and stomach.
If his condition Is not Improxcd xxltliln the
next twcnty-foiiD hours , McCarty xxlll bo rearrested -
arrested on a more bcrlous charge. He la
noxv out on $ .00 ball and If llajlcss should
die It Is feared ho will skip the country.
Mr. Daj less refuses to talk about the
trouble. Ho sa > s he will make his statement
In court at the propjr time.
Siting ( Iiimblor * for ln s
J. S. Hby , the man for xxhom a xxarrant
xvas Issued , charging him with obtaining
money under false pretenses by giving n
check on a bank where ho had no money ,
came to town yesterday and made the check
The check was originally Rlxcn to Jerome ,
a gambler , xxho passed It to Vic McCarty.
As soon as Cby made the check good he
went before Justice Montgomery and started
a suit against Jerome & lieaxer , proprietors
of a gambling house , for $200 , claiming that
he had lost that amount of money plajing
at games In their place. Jerome ft
Dcaxer took a change of venue to an Onuha
Justice and from there It xxlll go to the dis
trict court.
Dea\cr claims that Kby won money from
him Instead of losing and sa > s he will bring
a counter action to rccoxer what Eby xvon
from aim. . _
Olllrrr IIurdliiK Kxpliilns.
Hiram Harding , the police officer , denies
that the- man he had the scuffle with at
Bauer's hall Saturday night got his club
away from him. Mr. Harding sa > s he
knocked tlin man down three times and still
had his club In his hand when the fellow
got up and run away.
"I am not so much of a noxlco In the
police business as home people might think , "
said Mr. Harding , "as I serxed three years
on the force In St Louis. That man I had
the tussle xxlth Satuiday night tripped mo
on the stairway and fought like a tiger all
the while. He did not strike me on the
face , hoxxexcr. and did not Injure me In the
least. The kicks he gaxe me on the side
did not gl-.c any pain. The statement that
he struck me xxlth my club Is false. "
3Ii Fling of < Imrlt.x Director * .
The directors of the Associated Charities
will meet this evening at the office of Presi
dent Adams to adjust some financial mat
ters Some of the directors haxe paid money
out of their oxxn pockets , and considerable
of It , to tide oxer emergency cases , and these
bills xxlll be settled up Another thing to
be discussed Is the salary to be paid Mr
Edxxard Mcliride , the gentleman xxho pie-
sldes at the charity store. Mr McUrldo is
just the man for the position , and xxhilo he
has never requested a salary , the associa
tion at the present time Is In a position
xx hero It must haxe a competent man con
stantly on hand to attend to the btore , nnd
it xvould be difficult to get Biich a person
without reeompciibe , ex en though the amount
be small.
IllSl | < - < tlMl tlin
All the members of the school board met
jestcrday at the Exchange building and
started out on a tour of all the schools In
the city. The teachers had been notified In
adx-ance of the coming of the visitors , and
the teachers as xxell as the pupils were
looking their best At each place the mem
bers of the board found things In excellent
working order , and , In fact , xxerc surprised
at the progress that has been made In many
of the departments Tlieso visits will be
made in the future about once a month.
South Onuili.i Hoe Olllro.
The South Omaha office of The Bee has
been moved to the basement of the Singer
block. Take the" stairway to the left of
Melcher's drug store and enter the first
door to the right. Orders for subscription
or advertising for this department should bD
left In the South Omaha office. Take your
coupons for the World's fair portfolios toJ.
S. Stott's book store on fi street.
CluirRril xxltlitu \ H
A warrant was Issued yesterday for the
arrest of Joseph Hopp , xxho Is charged xxith
Mrs. Hopp appeared at the police station
and filed the complaint. She claims that
every time the old man gets full of liquor ho
pounces upon her and assaults her brutally.
Slrk mill Destitute.
A sad case of sickness and destitution
was reported to Chief Mitchell yesterday
Mrs Bell , a widow xxho lives In Albright ,
Is confined to her bed , xxhlle her txxo chil
dren are doxvn xxlth malignant diphtheria.
Immediate assistance xxas rendered.
A KcpublUiiu ColK the Job.
Ed Hanley , the democrat xxho xxas elected
constable hero last fall has failed to qual
ify , and the county commissioners ha\o ap
pointed J D. Bennett In his stead. Martin
Eddy Is the other constable. Bennett Is a
republican , while Han'cy Is a democrat.
< It } ( ioHSlp.
Horace Gibson returned from a trip to
David City last evening.
Miss Minnie Brown of Council Bluffs Is In
the city xlsitlng her mother.
Ash Wednesday Ecrxices were obserxed at
St. Agnes church last cxenlng.
Klgat members xxere recelx'cd Into the
Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Rex1. R. L Wheeler's topic last night was
"Phillip and Andrew. " The church was
Koutsky Bros , are figurliiR on erecting a
largo building for their business In the
There xxlll bo a social and spelling school
at the Piesbytcrlan church next Friday
Mr. Fred Mullen will lead the "Junior ser-
xlces" ut the Presbyteran church next
Wednesday exonlng.
Rex' . Robert L. Wheeler has been Invited
to take charge of the Third Presbyterian
church at St. Joe , Mo.
Mr. Metz and Mr. Harttnan , both em
ployed In the paid fire department al Sioux
City , xvcro In town last evening.
Mr. Francisco , a traveling represcntatlxc
for the Hammond company , spent Sunday
In the city with his family and left for Iowa
last evening.
All persons who are Interested In the es
tablishment of a public reading room should
"Many diseases
.arise from one cauge !
I blood impurity. e
( Tastclcu )
O Purify the blood and ,
Othus , go to the root1
fof | many maladies. "
aj cents a bo * .
at' 1 Dir muting at tl.s H-s'i 'hti 1
binUing tought
Th Ladles Aid souely of the Prosby-
tcrlan chunh jrstculaj at'nnooii nt the
risljiiuc of Mrs Hiram Hull , T cnt-lhird
And J MrcetK.
The \Vldo Axvako club met last ex'onlng
with Mlffl Marlon lllckox. Mies Franc
JaeolH and Mr. Itlckox won flr t prize" ) and
Miss Annie Hunter and Mr. Dnvldion the
booblei. These precent xxereMl s s Nettle
Hunter. Annie Hunter. Mary Ullchrlst. Min
nie DaxhUon , Mary Htckox , franc Jacobs ,
Nellie McCoy ; Messrs. Albert Hunter ,
Daxldaon , Brad Hlckov , Ira Jacobs , Charley
Gllohrlst. I'reel Utter.
x.t FA it MI. 11 > > AT.I.I.IXCI : .
ieH mid Oilier Proceeding * ut the Open
Se limc t ( nliij.
1OPKICA. Fob. 7. Todaj's sessions of
the National Partner * alliance xxero ex
pected te > bo behind cloned doois , but nt a
laic hour it xx-as decided to have the midday
meeting ar open one * . About 300 people
xxcioln ntlemlanro when J. H. McDowell
atoso to di'livcr an addles * . Ho Is the edi
tor of the Nashvlllo ( Tenn ) , Teller , and
made a political speech. Ho said that the
Oroxcr Clexcland-Johii .Sherman combina
tion xxas malting menu rotes for the people's
ptrt.v than all the populist rampaten orators
and ncxx'spapcis combined. Ho said
that in the south the popullsti ax'cr.iRcd ! ( ) . -
000 votes to the state * , uhllo Iho nor them
populists had not jet brought the nxcraco
up to txxo-thlids that number Ho spoke
until the adjournment for this afteinoon's
secret session.
The political demandof the National
Farmers alliance adopted today aio the
satno as last icars. Txxo resolutloi.s in
addition \vcrc adopted , not as demaiut * , but
ai subjects to be eliscusiod bx them. Ono Is
in fax or of a Kfadu.itcd ti\ : . and the other
In f.ixor of such st.itc legislation us xxlll the liquor tralllc under state agents ,
propcrlx- bound to obe\ ' the l.ixx , so as to
eliminate from the busiiu'39 the element of
cr.iAiti.\a vr A j/jv rK r.
IVctillur rimso of tlin lllllin.iii 1,1 fc Insiir-
ntur CiiBt' ,
TOPCICA , Fob " . Counsel for the insur
ance companies In thu famous c.iso
today claim toh ivo unc.irthcd the ical facts
in the strange disappearance of John M. They say Hlllman died subse
quent to the tiial of the case iu IbbS. Hillman -
man , they hold , did not fllo in the United
States , and at the timn of his death he xx.m
not 1C noun as John AL Hlllman Ho claimed
that all the ciicumsl.incrs of the nun-
stoiyxotiUt sustain the line of defense
heretofore adopted , and confirm the confes
sions of Hillman's , that the tiodv xxhich
xxas produced and idcntitiud by Mrs. Hillman -
man and other friends not that of Hillman -
man , but of a Port Madison clsai maker , xvho
xxroto to his mother and sxxccthcart on the
cxoof hisdep.irturo from Wichlt.v that ho
xxas Rolii xxith a man n.imcd Ilillm.m to .1
ranch near by Since then It has been re-
pcatcdli piinted and scxcral times piovcd
the cifjaimaker hasnoxcr been seen s.ncc.
The clg.irtnalcur had oxcry icason to Hxo
and Hillm.m hatl a mollx'o to dlsippcarand
seem to bo dead.
Judgment AKtiliiNt nn A. I' . A. I'lipcr.
FOltiVAYNL3 , Feb. 7 In the circuit
< -ouit this moining Judio O'Kourke over-
rule'd the demurrer to the complaint of the
plaintiff in the case brought by Ut Uov.
Joseph Kadcrmachcr. bishop of this Catho-
llo dioce-sp , against William P. Didwcll , the
proprietor of the American njglo , for crim
inal libel , and entcicd .1 Judgment of $500
for the defendant. The American Kaplo is
an American Protcctixo association piper
and the case had been brought for libelous
xx outs published in it concerning the C.itno-
lic oiphan asvluin in this cit > The defend
ant cxcciptcd to the ruling anil xxill appeal to
the supicmo court J'lio Catholic authoiltlcb
xxill bcgl'i tomorioxv txvo other cases for
criminal libel against Biaxxell.
Splrlte nf Camphor Kiplndcd.
An alarm of fire took the department to a
ane-story frame house , 2327 Dccatur street ,
at 8 o'clock last night.
The fire was caused from a bottle of
spirits of camphor exploding , and had It not
been for the presence of mind of ono of the
members of the family in throxving out the
burning mattress It might have resulted In
death. Mrs. Freeman , who Hxes there , has
been suffering xxlth rheumatism and xxas ap
plying the camphor xxhcn It exploded. The
house was owned by II. F. Koch. The dam
age will be $50.
Cltj i\niiKcllinttmi. :
ST. LOUIS , iFeb. 7. Toda.x 's sosbion of
city evangelization conference xvas cjccupied
xxith Iho reading of papers and discussions
, \ I'rnmliiiMit I'rofeunr .Sprite * About tlin
Tlirntrnliti * Thine * Abroail nt Thu
Thnu of tlio Vcnr.
"It Is surprising IIOXT many people are s > , f
forlru today from so-called e < oughs , colds nn I
Influonrn. "
'Iho remark wus made by i xcr , ' proiilnonu
professor co inn'todflth one of the loading
Noxr York hospitals. Continuing , ho stld
"It U not llio < e thin : * that are troubling
peMiple * . but It Is an advanced form of our old
enemy , the crip. 1'e-oplo fcol out of sorts ,
sni > p7p , haxo pllns In the and bonoj.
htxxcnoappntlto , loss nil Inlerost in the world
and xvondor xxh it U the matter. It Is Iho grin )
nothing else. . k
"Now , all Ritch symptom * ncol to haxei
preimpt trout menu Tlin nit ia\t \ must bo mob
iind icnolled at iimv , or It U eurtilu to ill it
Into -omi'lhtii l know of but onu
XT.IV tocortnln'v ' mold Ihoso troubles X hlcli
nro now so common , nnd that Is to 1m-
mpllaloly counle-mcl them bv using n
Kooel , pure , mroii. Htlmnliint. Notli tie
of thu ordlmry kind , but something
pnro ind sn oiitllic' . I'or this unrpino iiotliln
Inisoxorotnialod DnlTy's I'uro Malt WhlnUey.
xvhlch Is ue'knoxvle'dgo 1 todiiy by phystcl inj
: tml sule'tiliriopioplo tobollui only pun1 , niu-
llcituil innt whiskey upon the nmrUot. '
Tlie xtonUof the profcs < orurotruo and thojr
curry u wonderful me mine to mnny in on ami
xxDinun who are sulToiliu with the tlrst symp
toms e > t trrln , or olao ( ? rtp In Its aaviincul
start's. Tor 'ill hUcb pcopliivo olTcr a nerd ot
ndxlcc : xxhle-h Is to tuKo the bust menus In
oxerc'omn the < > ( < troubles nnd do not permit )
nny dealer to sxrervo you from your purposes
to Max o that ulik-li has proven Itself by yeiir < 4
of nsti to bo the best nnd purest stimulant lit
the world.
Buy -You ] ' .
If jon win ! llrst-i'lnss moats , fresh orery
ditj , an I If to buy thorn at theory
leixxe'st mli't's tiy I'oUorny' * Ninx Mout Mui-
Kcl , 33 J llro id ly l 'onip in ) tbe-,0 prices xxltli
the price's yon haxo bocn p tying :
Hoast Heof. from ( > o to ! kj
SnlolnStia c , fiom lite to I''o
PorteihousoStc.iU , fiom lOc to 1LM
Hound Steak , from beto 11K >
Hlb and Chuck Steak , from Co to 7\ej
Hollins Heef , from iio to LHJ
Corno I Hoof , from 4c to iVi
Clods ( boneless ) Co
Pork Chops Ho
I'oikHutts 10i !
Salt Pork 10u
All kinds Mutton , fiom fie to lOo
All kinds Veal , from "c to 1'Jci
I'oik Siusage , fiom , bo to KM
Califol nla Hams Tel
Uieon 1'J'jO
Uarel , fiom bo to l-'u
roiiltrv , OIIIDO iind IMsli nlwiys on hail 1.
1'rc h Uocids itt low nrlces
Gafarrh Powder
Itellavos Catnrrh anil Cold
In tbo Komi Instoatly by
Cures NolBOD &
CU dt vrtt *
'i ' l oi Mmonl ] lrm [ < 1ff ( blca o *
rrInltri'rttintMitor ampIofrcO
Bold by druinriotP , OOc.
t.j | , | i to 111
federal couiti UJJMI JJj-7-i-J ,
block Council lilti Us la
8 PLnNDIDfliiHini'HH Chance- For rent , to a eooil
rouponslblu p irt > hixlni ; about $100000 cash
c iplt il lo ImcHt In milk nut Imtlcr iliilry In con
junction with poulto , lie * IK ! irmeril p.ibmrn
buslneHS About 1 SOU .ICTVH. uiustl } upliml pua-
tiiru nbonl _ ' mile * fron t'u nicll HluOM ami K
nilkH fron Om ill i cltv limits \\V\1 \ fuicod and
xxiterilcul ] > aiulconxunleiit In u.tch of I imulOH-
iire ( louil. comfort iblu ll-room homo and irooil
birti hop .mil chicken holmes Inquire of li PI
JiidHon.'JJ'.l Ulh .nennc , or JJS ItioaJxxay , Coiuicl.
lljuBH _
DO YOU know tint Diy & Iloss nix'o
choice bir.-alusln rultnnil fardo i lanl n
GAKHAGKremoreJ , cesspools , XMiilts oh
cleincd. Ed UarHo , at Taylor'a srocsry , JO
11 uadvx.iv
A ItbiHAurs ami lo um Farm and cliy properly
Jibo\ifht and hold. I'lmcy & Tho-ii is , Council
IthirfH _
OKL.LiVlK\V Fruit F.irn for Bile .IHi mllus
UfiomlieaBt of city Will ) . 10 fill ilOorHO
acrett 1'ilco for thoxxliolo * llf > UU Korpirtlcu-
1 ira addrcBH II C Uii > munil , Council IlluftH In , _
V I A VI Homo ti-c itment foi ladl'-H Health book
' anduoiihult itlon fitso I ul > attendant. Addrent
or c-ill rooms .103 , JOG Jlerri.uu block , Council
IlllllTB _ _
LObT clasp Hetimi lo lleo office
FOUND IlnnclTof VejB oir I > iitoTncar transfer
Appl ) it 1U.Q olilre *
- fanTiToi Bile or lenl Hinllii toxxn-
200-ACKH , inllcH cast of Council HlutTs Imiulra
ot U , F Ituln or II Hagg , Council llhilTu.
for ( Infants and Children.
" Castorla 1 $ so well adapt CH ! to children that Cuslorl.i cures Colic , Coastlpitlon ,
I recommend It as superior to any prescription Bour Ctomach , Diarrhoea , llructatlon ,
Lnoxxntomc" II A Anenui , II I ) , Kills Worms , glxcs tleen , and prciDtcs eU
111 Bo. Oxford IX , ErooVlyn , N. Y. gestion ,
"Without Injurious medication.
"Tho use of 'Castorla It no universal nnd 'Tor several jean I have recommended
Its merits so xxell Luoxxn that It bccms a xxork your 'Co&torla , ' and shall ultxajs continue tc
of supererogation to cndono It. l'eu are the do BO ax It has Invariably produced beneficial
Intelligent families vlio do not Leep Cat > torln results. "
xrlthln easy reach. " EDWIN F. PAHDCC , II. D. ,
CAIILOB HJUVTVN , D. D. , 125th Clrcct and 7th Avo. , Kcxv York City.
* Kcxv York City.
Trie CnxTAun COUPANV. 77 McmtA * " ' STKEET , NEW YOUK Crrr.
tl /MMtHH ' SEW"
Look Wei )
To YoUr
The best is none too good. I want
to call your especial attention
to the
Monarch Brand of Canned Goods
All Fruits , Vegetables and Fish.
The Best Teas and Coffees
That can be purchased. Poor tea
or coffee Is not economical.
Flavoring Extract
The finest line In the city. All the
new flavors , celery , onion , etc.
The finest Fresh Roasted Coffee in the City.
I bollovo I have the only MODEL GROCERY In Council
Bluffs , nnd I want you to Inspect It.
Telephone 101 , 34 Mnln St. unit U33 IVnrl 8r.