8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 23 , 1891-SIXTEEX PAGES. OMAHA'S ' BIG HEART IS OPEN And Gensrous i'tmcs Are Giving Good Backing to Helping Hands. CRY OF THE DISTRESSED IS BEING HEARD oblii Work Dniio i y Clmrltnlilo Uoiinnml Citizen * Durlnir the l.i t We lint iiicrd ot SiKTorlnc Uollovod VVIiut tlio Mttmtlon The greatest of the three giaces , charity , with a loaf of bread In ono hand and an order for coal In the other , Is now actively nt work alleviating distress among the poor of Omaha. If any ono suffers the pangs of hunger or Is chilled by an empty stove , It Is the relief societies n self-imposed privation , ns cieties announce that alt requests for aid will iccolvo prompt and substantial niton- lion Uvcn the thermometer has a more charitable consideration for poisonal com fort. fort.Many men of means who realize that "there tuo no pockets In a shioud" are p.ut- ing with some of their earthly possessions fern noble pause. Henry W. Yates , chair man of the citizens'relief committee , was kept busy v csterdny i cccl vmg cash donations from men of large hearts as well as largo In comes.Vago earners who aie blessed with employment aio proving themselves natuio'n noblemen by parting with a portion of their silaiics to swell the fund for the utifoitunato unemployed. Women who aio not theoretical Chtlsllans arc devoting time , money and suoplies In the gicatworkof rescue. Many of them aio canvassing the city Hlbows covered with sealskin are brushing against , the rags of povctty. Food , fuel and wealing appirol aio being supplied to all who need it. Con fronted by a condition and not a thcoiy thc chailty woikcrs have dispensed wilhiod tape melhoils Ycslctday was a DUSJ day In Iho world of leais Donations are pour ing in upon the various benevolent organiza tions and are being distributed Immediately to those in want. Cash to the extent of ft,000 has been sent to the citbens' relief committee The cinploies of the Cudahy Packing company icmomhcted the Asso ciated Chatilicn of Omaha and South Omaha ycsteruav to the extent of ftOS'JO ] ) r Durvoa received several hundred dollats with iustiuctions to place it whore It would do the most good. Chief Soavov and his men nio doing excellent work in behalf of chat ity Ycstctday noon Ofllcflr Uavcncamp found a sad case of destitution on South Twcnt.v-oighlh street An old mnn , ' < 4 jeais of aire , and his wife , who is only four .vcais his junior , were both found sick , penniless and without fuel. The woman was a victim oficanccr and died ftom that causa dining the day. The old man was taken In chaigo at once by sjmpathcllc Samaittans and pro vided for. Xolilo Wnrlt of Women. A Brc rcpicsentalivo visited the supply room of the 1'aush Aid committee at the Klist Congregational chuich jcBterday afternoon. This distributing depot for the destitute is open dally between the houis of li and G p. m. Food , wealing apparel , coal ouleis and In fact geneial supplies for the poor me disbursed daily. A surging mass of grateful humanity , with aims Illicit with nccesslllcs of life , emerges fiom tl.odoors of this povrity paradise every day. The committee is well organized. Unity Is the watchwoul. It ! s accomplishing n vast amount of good. Mrs JcnnetteK Nicholas , n woman of splendid executive ability , has ac tive chaigc of the woik and Is ably assisted by Mis. Ahlqulst , Mrs Squiics , Mrs. AVert ? , Mis. Obor , Mrs. Purvis , Mrs. Snydcr , ami lu fact bv all of the women of the chuich who work with the energy of tiuo Clulstlan wonuiuhoou. Not to Hurt The committee respects the souslttvo poor , whose pi Ido masks their destitution. In order to i each this class of people the committee has secured postoflico box ! MU and v\ill keep every icquost for help in con- ildcnco. Telephone 102. ! has also been put in the supply room to expedite the work of do nations and distribution. The committee can use all discarded boots and shoes , over shoes , rubbcis , overcoats , bedding , fuel ciders , piovlsions , winter headgear , etc. , to good advantage. More carnages are badly needed for canvassing - ing Ecrvico and the use of the committee. Mis. Nicholas was responding to an cmeigency case the other day and pressed a passing milk wagon into service The obliging dairyman possessed the milk of human kindness as well as the lacteal fluid , and cheerfully lashoci his team into a record- ui caking gait to accommodate the tireless woman who is doing so much for Omaha's poor. Tlio followinc blanks were printed and distributed justoiday : If jou doslro to recommend the hearer , . , aaanerM > u worthy to receive iisslslancu from our I'ailsh Aid committee , vvlll JOH pluaso write your naino and addicsj below , ndu In , , ' any furthui Information yon may deem useful tons. Tldscaidciin then bo ro tinned to bearer or mailed to us ditcct. Vouts truly , Name , . , , Address . Uhulimin. Thocommltteo of the First Congregational church will 1111 coal orders in imperative cases today between the houts of 10 a. m. and i ) p. m. Many cases of destitution aio being found in various portions of the city by the can vassing committees. In each Instaneelmino , mediate inllof follows the discovery. All applications are also receiving prompt alien- tcntlon. All benevolent and charitable or ganizations , UB well as many secret societies , mo actively at wet k In behalf of God and humanity. nr.scui.Miran riKibiu.\o. and Iiiitltlilutt KITort oil UolinU OT till ! OpKtltlltU. Omaha people aio icsponding nobly lo the needs of the poor , as dc'scilbed in Tun Ben , and it Is bollovoil thai the benevolent inter est now aroused In their condition will bo poimanont enough lo provonl any fiom pur- IbhliiL' in the corulmr winter mouths. Several more Instances of the Incon veniences of poveity gieotcd the 03 es of n UEE reporter Fridaj. Between 4 and 5 o'clock In the aficinoou n Irausfer wagon was driven to the httlo cot- tagoatfilt Koi tli Fifteenth street , wheio Mrs , Brown and the Biownies icsldo. A member of the Kntoipilso Credit companj accompanied the wagon , llo pushed his T well dressed form tluough the doorwaj and confionto.l the occup uits of the house , who vveto Inutillod together In diead at the thought that tho\ would soon bo deprived of every plccoot fuuiltuie , with two excep tions , In : ho house. They had bought it on the Installment plan and worn to pay weekly or else forfeit the goods. Owing to adver sity , Iho lessees were behind In this i aspect ami could not meet their obligation that day. There was ovori indication that mis fortune would prevent fin thcr p.ij incuts fur ( onto tlmo in the futtiio us well as the past , This state of alfalia Iho woman f lankly told the linn , and accouiln r to tlio honclad terms of the contract there was but ouc alterna- tlvu"tosunondor the goods upon demand , or else go to law about it.Vltn ' . ' 0 cents lu the house ami n family of six the unfoiluuato woman conclutcd not to incur litigation , The publication of her con dition in Tun nvnviNO HEI : had at tracted attention. The Associated chari ties were notified ana utonco pioparod to cciut some furnlluie to the house as soon as the "credit company" carted awny Its "In- Hullment" collection of fuiniture. lltey Ti ol : Iho Comli. After some discussion botwoeu the icpro- ontntlvoof the histallmeiit house and Iho mpoyorlshcd mother the founcr Issued In- fclructions to his men to take the gootji. 1 hey obeyed with alacrity. The bedsteads , iiitlowa and bedding vverohastllj curried out. 'i ho carpel vvos pulled fiom the lloor. Lvon tno table fiom which they ate their frugal uicals went with the rest. 'j hero vt us a tire In the liltlo ncct iron stove and It was red hot , After survcjliij the glowing complexion of the steve nm fearing that they might burntholrnnrors by removing It , the Installment moil had n spasm of generosity and told Iho womat that she might keep It. A fevr dishes were also loft , but for these except Ions the fnmllj had paid well , no they had given $17 In In Rtallmcnts for the use of the furniture About this tlmo tlio AssOcntcd charities wagon drove up. A curious group -ratchet the proceedings with Interest , and when I was evident that the unfortunate family waste to have their last goods supplanted by n now lot from the hand of ohailty , un old coloret man among the spectators In the alley pushed his spectacles back over his forehead clapped his hands together nnd shouted joy fully , "Brcss do good Ixiwdt" In the meantime the family , including the mother , her diughters , and a con siimptlvo-strlckcn son , watched the work with awe from a coiner of the front room They then proceeded to weep "on the Install tnoiit plan " The Hist time they crici with sorrow the second time will Joy. As the Entorpiiso Credit companv took their furniture out of the front dooi the Associated Charities'men In ought In t load from tno hick door. H wasn iraus- foiniallon scene from life. Had It not beet for the timely discovery of the approaching crisis which confronted the occupants of the cottage , which Mr. Trenoiry ntul a BKB repicsentativcmado Wednesday , Iho fnmllv would have been w tthoutu scrap of ftirnltuio or bedding that ulght. The supplj sout by the Associated Clmii ties Is Inadequate and the family Is now in need of another bedstead , some chairs , n lamp , mote bedding and n dining table. The lloor Is b ire and n conti ibution of a covering for the bonds might sive thollfoof thoson who Is subject to lung trouble llo Is uj now after a sovcio illness , but the doctor has advised him not to leave the house for two weeks and not Incur any i isks of catchIng - Ing colu. In reality there are ihrco families under that ono toof , bul nil related. The joungest mairled daughter will soon bo a mother. They evi dently appicciato all that is done for them. Ono bcdbtcad and n numerical sticngth of six in the famlh is what ( onfiontcd the un fortunates Kilday night. They did not have a lamp until W J. Hughes hcaul of the case and sent over ono just as the shades of dark ness gathcied over Iho citi. Not HID Mill } \'A\\o. A number of other cases of this characler have occurred in this cltj during the past two months In older to guild against mtsplacod aim- path } ' and duplicate assistance , the cllizcns iclicf committee has decided to concentrate , as much as possible , all appeals for aid. Tlio Associated Charities will investigate and cndoise each icquisition and tlio committee will then ( llabm.se the desired relief. It is evident from tlio icsults of Investiga tions that the prime cause of the man } cases of destitution is the same which has aflllctod over } metropolitan center of the United States , namely , the af tot math of the timidity of capital caused b > the national depression last aummer. The hard times have ocen couched In poll to vernacular as "flntiiichil depression , " "commer- ciil prostration" and "monetary decrepi tude , " but the poor of Omaha this winter aio abbiovlating It and callIng - Ing It "famine , " plain and simple , without any embellishments , 'three-fourths of the present destitute wore found to bo men whose names have adorned the pay rolls of honest labor. The slo of their families , with a dash of sickness in many instances , precluded many of them from s iving money for the omeigenev which now stares Ihem In the face bomo , however , maiiaired to put aside a few dollais , but continued idle ness ami the diain for lent , coal and biead soon absoibed the smplus. Tlio next was a sttugglo between privation and pride. In many cases the latter conquered and their condition discovered by a house to house canvass. An investigation disclosed tlio fact that the sufTcring was not confined to hovels. I'lieio are many poor women cring with povcit } behind lace cui tains and actually stinting themselves in food in older to meet their icnls. Tliis class consists of widows or indigent pcoplo who rent f mulshed i oems nnd have a luud snuggle to make expense * It was nscei tamed that icnls are high , there bolntr but a slight icduction m some instances ovcrpiovious years. The lesult is that piices for fui- nlshctl rooms are maintained nt a stiff figure in order to taeot the routs. Cottagoienls arc also lather high for the present times. It was found that notwithstanding1 the fact that wages have boon reduced in many jn- dusttial plants the pi lee of fuel nnd commodities ( except Hour ) has not de creased to meet the cut. The cost of living is practically the same as usual for a wage earner on n retrenched income. This Dre- ciudes any possibility of saving money for a ialny day , or more apptopilately , a snow stoim , and the icsult Is that If many of thcsu men losn their positions they will join the ranks of the destituto. Lower louls nnd cheaper fuel is , theiofoie , earnestly hoped for by these people. Meeting ot I.otlof Commltooe. The citizens relief committee mot at the Commercial club at 'J p. m. today to hear the reports of thovaiious soliciting committees appointed last Thursday , and to commence the distribution of funus among the needy poor at once. At the meeting of the citizens relief com mittee yosloiday it was decided to add Dr. Ceorgo L Millar , W. A. TJ Gibbon , Thomas ICilpatrick and Dr. Durjon to tlio com mittee. The soliciting committees 10- ported $3,2-15 lecoivcd up to data in cash subscriptions. A icsolutiou was pissed inviting all chailtablo associa tions and relief societies , pastors and citizens gcnoially who know of cases of iles- lllullon which deserved relief to icpoit the same at ouco to the Associated Chaiitles The citizens loliof committee will honor all such icqulslilons promptly. Ma\or Bemis made an addiess , in which he haul that there was now an excellent op portunity for some Omaha mllllonalio to have his name go thundering down the ages alongside the names of George W , Childsnud Lcland Stanford , by drawing a check for 5,000 to loliovo the distress. Ho also hoped that the rich propeity owners of Omaha would provide employment for some of tlio idle men and thus give the latter an oppoi- tuulty not to bo objects of charity. W. H. Hobcison was olcctcd assistant seeietary of tlio committee. The soliciting committees were authorized to continue their v\oik of raising funds In the meantime the money now laiscd will bo disbuiscd for the immedi ate loliof of these who need it. The general committee will meet again next Satin day. The police found ilfty-sovcn destitute fam ilies yesterday and have icported the names and nduiesscs to the chief. wnitit or unsoui ; H.VI.I , . Dciorltieil liy Kxocntho Coininltlon with Miitomoiit or 1'rcneut Nui-iti , The executive co'nmlttoo of Koscuo hall makes this statement , showing when Rescue- hall work began , w lion It coiscd under Its old management , and conditions under which It was taken up by Its present direction , to gether with the lattcr's first monthly re port. In December , 1SW , at a meeting of tha. citizens hold nt the looms of the Young Men's Chi Istlan association , was born Itoscua hall , under which name a work has sluco been conducted , legaullng which Its sup- porton aio entitled to the Infouuatlon here with sumnlttud. At this meeting , on lopicsentntion of B Faj Mills , Dr. Iur\ea and oUiors ns to Iho uccessliius of n class of people , which It was bcllovod by n s.\8leiu of woik then outlined could bo covered , a committeercpic&cntlng thovailons chinches of Omaha was ap pointed. The first thing needed being money , n subsetIptlon was called for , nnd $5XW ( sub- sciibcn in amounts of from S3 to $500. The dlstilbutlon of this fund was placed In the hands of the following committees : Kxccutlvo Committee Colonel Charles Bird , John Dilo , Cadet Tailor , Mis. Graham 1'aik , F. M. Humbling , Finance Committee GeorgoM. Tlbbs. , Io- soiih McConnell , Heniy J. Ponfold. nmployment , Kollofnwt House Commit- toes-Georeo W. Loomls. P. W , Bliuliausor. 1) il Goodrlch , Mrs. J , H Jaidino. chairman - man of lollof , nnu Mrs. K. A. Misenor , clmliinan of the house committees under direction of the executive rommltteo. A lease of the old Academy of Muslo building : , 1307 Douglas atioet , was iniuto tor one jear fiom December 15 , ISirJ , all details of the woik being placed in the hands of Key A W. Clink , subject to ndvlco nnU dnectlon of the board of trustees nbovo named Thtco thousand two hundied dollars ol the J5ooo subscribed was collected , together with fl.SSO ( M subsequent subscilp- lions and other sources , making n total of WI80. J. December 15. 1801 , the committees found themselves In debt about (1,800. which amount has slnco boon settled , with the ex ception of about $200. The last named date brought with It n largo number of persona to bo cared for , or left to drift homeless nnd starving. The leano of the building had expired , there were no funds In sight nnd the trustees did not see their way clear to continue the work , Just hero Superintendent Clark , determin ing to do something on his own account , assumed the tent of the building with con tingent expenses for fifteen dajs , Jolng such missionary work ns he could until the 10th , when ha presented facts to the executive committee of thn Commercial club , whcro ho received material aid for Immediate use and the nssiiranco of further assistance , which was followed by n call by the club for a meeting of the cltlrctis to bo hold nt the looms oh December'J. ) . At this mectim ? wits pledged 60. ' , " > , nnd n committee appointed , who subsequently nppolnicd the under- slimed ns an executive committed to sec that the-offcrlugs of the citizens should bo prop erly disttlbutcd , which committee submits the following leport , covcilng work from December 10 , 1WU , to Jannar.v 18 , ! $ > ! ) ! The total cash receipts have asgicgatcd over ? 1UOO. and whllo wo still have some money lu the treasury the present demands me so pressing , an J arc , during this severe weather , aoiapldly incieasing that wo shall soon bo without funds It IB proper to state that no ( lisbuitcmimtH are inailo except on the Inspection and approval of the auditing committee. In addition to the cish receipts Swift & Co , Cudnh.y Packliie compiny. Omaha Packing company and Hammond & Co are contributing meat each week , as Is also the Cold Storaee compiny Jlsh. Cltl/ens have contiibutcd considerable quantities of clothing , as well as other useful articles During tno month Rescue h ill has fed daily and shelteied nightly an avcr.uo of over ! ll)0 ) poisons , aside fiom supplying many families Ihroiighout the city with coal , biead and mo-it Since January 18 the excessive cold weather has greatly Incicascd the numoor of tnuii , women and childien callttm for shelter , as vvell as demands fiom families in the city , which upon investigation have been found to bo in disticss. Our llrstgieat need nt picscnt Is piovi- sions to feed tno hungry. Our second pros- sine- need ts.clothlng for men. Signed , W. H Hoiirit'ov , H J. Pr.M-ou > , ' C. W Li M iv , J. II Gll.II9lIC , Gcoitnn M. TIHH * , Kxeoutlvo Committee. I'ollco Working Tor tlio Poor. The police department started In Ftl- day to donate food and clothing to the As sociated Charities and tholKt which follows shows that evei y man on the force did what ho could to tcliovo the sulloi ing Poor. Friday night the Police Uoliof association held a special meeting and passed a resol ution authoiiziiiff the chief of polica to send to the Associated Charities at once all un claimed clothing now on Imnd. These clothes aie usually sold at auction every j ear , but as theio was no sale last jcar thciewas quite a bundle of clothes on hand. De- tcctivo Haze had this matter In chaige , and basidcs $100 worth of unclaimed clothing he dug un six sacks ot Hour and hired an ex- pi ess wagon to haul the gift of the icllef association to the hcaclquaiteis of the As sociated Chanties. The list made up at police headquartois Is as follows : Judge Louis Berka , 100 pounds Hour nnd 100 loaves of bread j Chief Seavcy , 100 pounds Hour , litty pounds best sugar ; Captain Coimack , lifty loaves breid ; Cap tain Mostyn , side of baconScigeantOrmbv : , leu pounds coffee ; City Prosecutor CoCh- rane , thiity loaves brcid ; Patrol Conductor Dlbborn. ono sick Hour ; Court Ofllccr Wal ker , ten pounds sails ige ; Police Hc-poi tor J. E. Glujk. one bushel potatoes ; Police Uepoi- ter 11 H. f lemming , ono bushel potatoes ; Jailer Havoy one sack Hour ; Detective Ila/e. one sack flour ; PatiolDnvorOsborn , grocer- riesAndiow ; Mason , jailjanitor , groceries ; Dectivo Hudson , $1 worth of meat ; Detec tive Tom Haves , ono sack of flour : Detec tive Dunn , ono bushel of potatoes ; Detective Donahue , fifty loaves of biead. Oniccrs Mitchell , 51 woith of meat : Kissane , Hour and coffee ; Davis , $1 worth of meat ; Green fifty loves of btcad ; Meals , groceries ; Poole , ono sack of Hour ; Kussell , sack of Hour ; Uyan , sack of Hour ; Drummy. ono ham ; tier , gioceiies ; ICoysor. sack of flour ; Ga- dola , side of bacon ; Dillon , sack of beans ; O'Brien , sack of flour ; O'Gornnn. bed clothes ; Tiedcman , sack of flour ; Ueiglo- man , sack of Hour ; Havoncamp , live bushels of potatoes ; Monroe , llvo bushels of pota toes ; Operator Petty , biskot of provisions Emrrgmio } Itullrf Hooting1. A special relief .noetlng will bo held at the second Presb } terian church , Twonly-fourth nnd Nicholas , , Sunuay afternoon at 8 o'clock , to which all Ladies Aid societies connected with chinch organizations In the Eighth waid , or contingous ihoieto , are requested to send nt least five loprusontativcs. All oilicts interested aio invited. An emer gency relief committee will be appointed to woik in connection with other oigunlzcd charities for tlio relief of disticss. The cili- /ens ot the ward have alieady placed at the lisposal of this committee a quantity of jrcad , meat and coal lor instant use to relieve lievo actual disticss until hotter piovision can bo made for the destituto. It is proposed , o have the emergency work thoroughly or- ; ani/ej by precincts , and the co opoiation of all L idles Aid societies it oxpecled. Wo \ the best and most consecrated workers. .lon't delay. Como piomptly and in ing your li lends with you. Tlmnlc VIiij or llemli nm ! Dr. Dnryen. Wheieas , At a joint meeting of the luiljrhts of Labor , held under the supci vNlnn of dls- rlct assembly 120 , KnlglitN of Labor , at \nUlits of I , Uior liall , the nndeihlffnoil woio appointed a committee to draft a sot of roso- inlonbemloising the action of and latuinlng hanks to Dr. IHiryca mid Hon. ( icorgu I' . IcmK ma lor of Omuha , for thu woik dona by horn In allo\latln'tlii ) distress of the unom- iloyed of Oiniihu , thcruforo ho It Kesolvcd , That \ > o , thu K'nlxhts of I.iborot linuha , doslio lo express our thanks to lion , leorgo 1' . lluinlsmid Dr. Duryon foi thuli un tiring and oirectlvo survlco in relieving tlio llstross of our unemployed biotheis dmlnc ho proton ! financial cilsls. \\o call upon 0111 brother KnlKhts to stand by thuso , 0111 li lends , and nuhold tlieli hands In iivmy possible way n the good uork they aio doini ; , II , Conus. ( M ilrnian , ClMlll HCOIlhV , A K. HI.VMSI i.\ . I'or Uhurlty'H SiUo. Dining the winter the Danish Ladies' Aid society tins done gicnt gr.od In assisting the > oor nnd needy nnd kept the wolf from many i door with tno limited means at its dis- tosil. In recognition of this Iho Danish L'hcnter company , so well and favoiably cuown for its ictont pioJuutlon of "Tho Jonnt of Monte Cimlo , " will tender a bene- It porfoimanco to llio Ladles' Aid society Jtinduj evening , January' ' , at Washington mil The old dinma. "Father nnd Son , " vlll bo pioduccd , and thn advance sale of Icliets luomtses n gratifying and substan- ial icsult. The Danish association has do nated the use of the hall for the evening. TO Vlu Denver uml lit I nko City. Patrons of the Grout Central route vcokly excursions to California via tlio Union Puctllo can have tholr tiokots rend via- Denver and Salt Lnku Oily vlthout nddltloijril oxponso. Sontl for oldur ivliij , ' ilotutls anil iulvuutii , roB ollored. R E. SIIIAUIU : , > 101 South Oltiflc Htrcot , K. L. LOJIA.V , General P.assongof and Ticket Aycnt , Omaha , Nub. Best flour made , Sleepy Ejo Crotim. Plnnostorent. A. Hospo , 1513 Doughm. DIED. Xotletntr fife Itntu nrltit umlerthh hMl , tnts ; each ntlilttlniil line , ( encenti The fiimiral aei vices of the late U'llllum 1'm- ihcrson will bo hold at his residence. 1U10 outh Tenth street , Sunday , Januaiy , at - o'clock p m. ny the Ituv , I'niUIn , the A. P. V A. M. and \Voodmuu , I'rlondsof the family ro cordially Invited .UOAB-lt. U. , aped 08 yoais n months-at bis rusldoncu , 1011 I.oaenuirth hi. , I rldny ovunlni : , Jan , 20 , ' 04 1'unurul lo taUo plucu from ( , 'asllo Hull Trlauulu Iwlgo No l. KnlRhts of I'ythliis , 'J.'d uud t'umuik' Ht. at 'J o'clock Sniiimy nftcrnnon , Janmiry W , MJ4 Inlurment 1'rospuct lllllciuivtcr ) . Trie-lids luvlted. r. IHNSO.V. . , . . . Kvory Article In i tlio Store Sold nt n I'DldCount. Wo Imvo jtietj rccolved our spring line of infants' ' wcanund wo will give special bargains In thorn whllo this lot lasts , Sco our west show window. Pique kid cloves In nnpllsh red , with four largo buttons ; regular $1.60 glove for 0'e. Gray angora wool at Oc a ball. Good Gorinnntown wool In black r nd brown , 10 skoln , 80o pound. Hug yarn , ' ! Se potintl. A variety of colors In best sniony yarn" ) , f > c skein , 8jc pound. Wo have an elegant stock of camels' hair jackets in navy blno and cardinal , sl/es 8 , 10 and 12 years , regular prices $8.i > 0. This week wo will sell them $ ; ) . " " > . Wo have an elegant line of cm- broideries , and will poll thorn nt only a Httlo above half former prices. Now Torchon luces from f > cents a yard up. Mns. J. UI.NSO.V. Ciirtl o' 'Ih i M Id. To each aiid'all of the many kind friends antl neighbors who HO kindly as-1 slated our daughter , Mrs. .1. C. llutr. and sought U comfort and sympntht/o with her dtirlne the long tlmo of her Illness , wo wish t' ) tender our most , earn est and heartfelt thanks. Mil. AND MRS. G. W. RATinciN. OM vii.v 10 rui : ritoxr. ( In the IncrrnHc. Two more cash sales just made of our Virginia and Georgia avenue property , and cnntinots lot for two now houses. You will never again have an opportu nity to buy such desirable residence property at the price wo are ottering thin. Omaha values struck bottom in 18M , and commenced to advance in 1894. Come and hco 113 about it. FiDKMTY TuUbl' COMPAN'V , 1702 Furnum. Try the Sleepy Eye Cream Hour. Samuel Hurns , in older to move a lot of Ilaviland china dinner sots bofoie Thursday , olTcrs them at SUI.50. for merly S-13.00. A. r. & A. M. All Master Masons in good standing are requested to meet at Freemason's hall , Sunday , January 28 , at 12'tO : o'clock to attend to the funeral of our late brother , William Unipherson. Ser vices at his Into rcbidencu , 101 ! ) South Tenth street at 2 o'clock p. m. FHANIC S. HAYJS : , W. M. St. John's lodge No 23. Mrs. J. II. Ficedman of Dctiolt la yisllnig her sister , Mis. A. D. Brandies. Now attractions in men s clothes made of the finest woolens at Prank J. Kamge's. Trunks , tiavollng bags and "sample cabos , Jab. A. Howard's , 1510 Dodge st. , successor to MnrholT's trunk factory. Attention -Modern tv uuilui tu of Amorlci. All members of Omaha camp No. 120 me requested to meet at their hull at 1 o'clock Sunday to attend the funeral of neighbor William Umpherson. C. II. T. UIPKX Vice Consul , Members of other camps ate all in vited. Attention Knlirm.n of I'ytlilas. All members of Triangle lodge No. 51 , Knights of Pythias , arc requested to meet nt their castle hall , 22d and Cumingst. , at l.MSundny , , iau. 28 , 18)4 ! ) , to attend luneral of our late brother , H. H.-Lucas. Members of other lodges are invited. By order ofJ. J. R. STINC , C. C. lies : lurilou For interrupting you , but yon may pos sibly bo going east. If so , there "aro a couple of trains you should really bear in mind. These are ' 'Northwestern Lino" Nos. 0 and 2 , leaving union depot daily at 4:05 : and G:3u : p. m. , i objectively , arriving in Chicago at 8:15 : and 0UO : next morning. City ticket office , No. 1101 Farnam &t. Cheap excursions to California under the auspices of the Phillips Hock Island Personally Conducted Pacific Coast Ex cursion agency. Through Pullman tour ist sleeping eais leave Omaha via Colorado rado Springs , Pueblo , Salt Lake and Ogden to Los Angeles and San Fran cisco every Wednesday at 2:05 : p. m. Also through tourist car daily via Fort Worth ana El Paso to Sail Francisco. Twelve hours quicker time to Ft Worth , Houston , Galveston and all points boutli and bouthvvest than can bo made via any other lino. For low rates , fast time and superior accommodations call on or addrcas Chas. Kennedy , G. N. W. P. A. , 1002 Farnam street. Hot Spring * , Ark , Without Cltingo. On and after January 20 the Mibsourl Pacific railway will run a through sleep ing car from Omaha to Hot Springs , Ark. , without ehniiffo via Kansas City , Fort Smith and Litilo R ck , leaving Omaha daily at 10 p. tu. For further in formation , rates , etc. , call at depot , 15th and Webster streets , or city ticket of fice , N. E. corner lUth and Farnam. THOMAS F. GooriiHY. J. O. Pmirii > i'i , P. & , T. A. A. G. F. & P. A. Jewelry. Fren/or , opp. postolllco. JotT W. Bedford is having a run on the Iluntington bumnii anthracite as a Mib- btituto for hard coal for furnace iibo. The Festnt r Printing Co. , K107 How ard st. , will bind all World's fair port folio books in elegant btylo at $1. NIMV ( JltJ Otirotoru Changes of ivaidonco , business and boat ding place Hhoiiid bo handed In at once at 51(1 ( Puxton block. J. M. WOLPU DmiXTOiiY Co. OLD SOLDEEKS * REUNION. I'lirtlirr ArrniigemriitH Miulo by tlinl.octl Comuilttio l.ixt i\oiilnc. : The heads of comicittvea appointed nt the meeting of the old soldicis of Nebraska mot last evening nt the Moicer hotel to nmlco loportsnnd talk ever the coming lounlon. These picsent woraMessors. J.V Paddock , U , K. Uuimestor , Ohrls Haitnun , J. W. I'enrman , A. 1C. llhwics nnd J. ( } Oosa , " Cioimaula hall was engaged for thoio- union , anil the Seventh Ward band will fur nish the music. Scciotaiy ( loss hqs sent out 500 chculars to mom bora and friends , nnd has sent notices to llfty of thoKtato nowspapors. It is ox. pectcd that n special rate will bo niranged Monday for the transportation of the veterans who can attend the reunion on the last day of this month and the Hist of February. On nil Old Uontiuct. In the district court A. H. Donocuon has sued the Ameiicau Fuel company ami U. V. Uploy In an action to recover the sum of $1,200 , which aura ho alleges Is duo on n brlclf contract entered In o the joarlSUJ. The plaintiff alleges that ho contracted with Kplny to burn for him 100,000 brick , and that afterward ho put up the amount of cash for which ho now sues us u part of tlio pur chase price. After this was done the plaintiff alleges that Uploy mortfrasod thu whole of the brick to the American Fuel compaiii , leav ing him kO bolu the lack. AFFAIRS "AT SOUTH OMAHA Watchman Anderson Kcco'.voa a Hard Blow from a Negro Thief , SENSELESS ON THE GROUND TWO HOURS Orclnr tint Political MootingCiinnnt llo Held in Sflinnl ItinlilltiKS Worried lllnucir limnn Clilof Mitch- all's SiirprUo Other NOWH. Ous Anderson , n watchman In the yarns , was knocked senseless by a negro o.ulv icsterday morning nnil lay on the cold ground for nearly two hours before lie was discovered. About'J o'clock In tlio morning Amloison ( llscovciod the coloicd man stealing coal Ho placed him under arrest and startc 1 to take him to the police station. 'Ilia men had only eono a short distance when the negro pounced upon Anilcisoii and knocked him dowt. . 'L'hu prisoner escaped and is still at Inigo Amletsoii was found In his senseless condition by a switchman. .Must Mny Oiitxhlo the Killing. J er since the organization of the fax- pavcis league thciohis been tnoio or less feeling against the mcmbcis of that oiganl- rnlion by ccitaln nicinbois of the council The league conimittccs have been vigilant and h.ivo disco\eicd several It regularities that have been thoins in the sides of curtain councilmen. Councilmen Bruce , Uulla and tichult ? have joined the league and have at tended sovctal or the mcotings , hut the other cotmcilmun have not paid much atten tion to the lciguoclil iilti ; ? it Is purely a political body. Kil Johnson has uc.cn ns active as any member ot the league and in conjunction with Johnn.v Hyan has gene over the iccoids in the city clerk's ofllcc w hcncer Ihf y saw lit Vesteidny morning Johnson and Uvan went to the clcik's oflko to look up some mattets Johnson had cot inside the tailing and pulled off hisovcrco.it , when ho was called clown bv Cleik Dltzcii , who infoimed him that ho had UCPII instructed by CoimeihnenVytnnii and behulu not to allow the league members to como insulo the ratline. If they wished to look at any of the documents In the olllco they must/ call for them one at a time and they would bo set red as re ulily as i osslblo. Johnson drew on his coat and went out to look for Major Walker , ftom whom ho ex pects to get an ordcii allowing him the piiv- llcgc of visiting the clcik's ofllco and scan ning the iccords and papcis at will. "It would keep one m in busy wailing on us all the time , " said Mr Johnson , "ifo weio to stand on tlio outside and ask for the documents wo wish to look o\cr. 1 reali/o that Mr. Wyuian and Mr. Behurthao no power to deny us admission , but if the cleric soss lit to obey any such order he can do so. Wo will have the iccords just the same. " Iho league committee promises some lively mattcis. which it will submit to the council next Monday night. Ho MiriirUiMl Clilul tlltthall. Dave Swanbick walked into the police court loom last night anQ gave Chief Mitchell .ibout as great a sui pi ibo as ho has had for some time. It has onlv been about three weeks since Chief Mitchell airested Swanbaclc on the charge of being a doseitor from Joflcison baiiacksin St. Louis. Ho was turned over to the government authorities antl Mitchell received his re ward. To see ttio joung man walk into Mitchell's odlcc knocked the guessing quali ties of the chief into a cocked hat. Ho was about to arrest the fellow again w hen Sw.in- back explained that ho had been taken to St. Louis and after an examination the doctor found that ho was sufk'iing fiom heait ttoublo and ho was then dishonoiably dischaiged. Swanback is thankful to the oniccr for aiiesting him , an ho is now free to go wherever he chooses. Wnrrlril llliiKulf Inmino. Father McDovitt ran across a joung man Thursday whom he found in cxtiemo haul luck. The fellow siidho had been unable to got any sort of work and ho appeared to bo very despondent. Father McDovitt no ticed that the joung man's clothing was pretty well woin and Invited him up 10 the charity btoro Here the lad was allowed to pick out some warmer clothing and ho did so. Just as ho was about to leave ho discovered that ho was in a charity store and thtcw down the gaiments and dcclaicd ho would steal lather than bo a public sub ject of chanty. Yesterday morning tho.voung man was found w audcrlng about the streets a complete maniac. Ho had lost his reason over woiry because ho could not find employment. Father McDevitt took tlio voung man to Council Bluffs , whcio , it is said , ho has lela- tivcs living. Politic * tlimoit from school * . Theio was a called mooting of the mem- bcis of the school board in Picsident Check's ofheo in the Exchange building i es- tcrdny afteinocn. The matter of allowing janitors , or any othois who aio connected with the schools , to hold political meetings In the school houses was thoioughly discussedand it was given out cold that no moio meetings of that sort should take placoin the school buildings. G. W. Sherwood was chosen ns janitor of the Third ward school house. The committee on furnltuto was instructed to buy whatever tutnituio is needed for the now quaitorb In the basement of the High schorl , for the USD of the sect clary and supciintcndcnt. tliimpoit fiom tlio Iriln. A woman traveling west with thioo small children , while suffering' from lempoiaiy abiTialiou of Iho mind } oslcuiny. sprang from the tiain as It was about to pull out , and blaitod actoss the liaoks on a fast mil She was discovered by Detective Thomas , who pvoi took her and helped her back Into the coach. The woman was labmiiiK under the delusion that the conductor was lying to her about the direction his train was going , and she piopo&cd to chanao her unite After being comfoitably sealed again she cooled down and was appaicntly contented to go ahead. Tor tin inifrc''ii''y ; IIo pllnl. The cntcitalnmcnt to ho given at Uaucr's hall on the. evening of Fobiuary 'i will bo an onjojablo nfTalr. It Is gotten up to raUo a fund for an cmcigency hospital and some of the best talent in Omaha and South Omaha will take part H M. Boniiell Ins chaigo of thopiogram Mr O Donnell has boon given the custody of the tickets nndwlll divide them among poisons u ho are Interested in chat it ) woik for sale South Omaha cer tainly needs an emergency Hospital ana the cntcrtainmcntHhould bollbcinlly paitoni/cd , and It no doubt will ue. Jfot Much VViillintr Ili'rii The rapid manner In which cms of Block aio disposed of at the South Omaha stocic yauls is commented upon bi all shippers who have had nnj oxpeiicncoin other i aids. A complete iccord Is kept bi the company of the time the cat Is iccol\cd bv the van ! company and when It Is delivered back empty. The time vaucs fiom Iho minutes to onu hour. Tlio avctago thno is ono minutu and iv half to a car. On thobihof this DOSTON STORH inits up the fifth box contnlnitn * $20OO fn gold , Tofnorrow keys to it will commence to bs g von out VVf have placed on exhibition In our store a l > o\ containing $25.00 IN GOLD We present a ! < oy with every ptirihnrp of fifty cents. Only ( HIP key wilt tinllicU tile IKIX. I lie IHTKOM u Itc'ic opens tlti : box tala-s the uinncvJ25.00 In ifuhl. Some ono muni iet Uurlu'lit Koy. It iniiv h Jon. Ktjs may be trlul on ntul after rat h Mointny. A NEW BOX EVERY WEEK. tTT"Xo Kej will lie itotlicil unless att.icluil to tinorlirln.il tag. A fur trvluir ! ) Icavo same at Mori- . BOSTON STORE - ' -Si These tire the nniuos of these who opened the llrst three boves , nnd o.ieh got JJfi SHKr.lJANr HA/K , Police lloailquartcis , lio\Nn. 1. .Mrs. JOHN MuCORMlCK. 101 ! ) N. Kith St. . Hex No. 2. - 31 rs. K. P. JOHNSON , ( M7 111) ) St. , Council HI nils , Ho.No. . . EVS ToivlosmoW poi poK r < ! j. 4. See page HI for Boston Store's gro.it bankrupt s-ilo of C. 0. Uonnutt's Council Hltills bankrupt stock of Drj Goods an I bhoos at BOSTON STORE , - - W. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. month lifi caiswero unlo idc.l In 17-1 minutes , being less than a car n minute , and on the 'J d lUllcars were unlouk-d in UK minutes This department is moio complete than most any other nnd shippers nil s-iy that the serv ice boats Kausas City ana Chicago nil to pieces Anothercomincnd Ui'o fonturo of thoSouth Omaha inrds Is Iho clc inllncss of the psns \Vltln Aw i Id ) turit I'urty The Wide Aw.iko club hold a pleasant card pirty Friday evening at the homo of Miss Mary Gllehrlst , Twenty-iKth and i : slrcets. Miss Jacobs and Miss McCoy won first piizes and Will Gilchrist and Miss Ilcko\ ! the boobies These picscnt vtcro Misses Jacobs , Ilicliov. Gllcluist , Davidson , Anna Hunter. Nellie Hunter , McCoy , Mis. Ackerly , Messrs. Jacobs , Gllcluist , Gllcluist , Hunter , Hickoji , Uavidson , Xltscho nnd Ackeil.y. AH i ; L'iiinir ut iiih rivr. Mr. and Mis. J M. Tanner cnlci tallied n small company of friends at high live Fnday evening. Fifteen games of twonti-otio points each woto played and roficshments served. Mis C. G. J.iycox and Mrs. lj C. Gibson and Mr. JJi Doud and Mr. / Cud- dlngton won prizes. Those picsent were Mr and Mrs 1J Carpenter , Mr and Mrs. Iwll Doud , Mr and Mis L C. Gioson. Mr. and Mrs C G JavcoMr and Mis U O Alaylleld , Miss Cariio Wredo and / . Cud- dington. IVlll Srw lor the > ocdy. At the last meeting of Iho Associalcil Clnritics It was agreed thai a committee of ladies bo put in charge of some sewing to bo done in making up clothing for childion. 'I his commltlco is composed ot Miss IJ/rto Wells , Mis H. F. Carpenter and Mrs Wai- worth. These ladies c in appoint assistants , and the icgular weekly meetings will take place at the chniity sioie loom at a o'clock on Wednesday of each wccit. nUullnitlOM ol Urn ill. Two hundred nnd fifty loives of bioad will bo civen away to the needy ne\t Mon day afternoon. The biead is a donation mndo by Mr. 1) . Tj. McGuclcen , who conducts n hotel on Q sticot. The bicnd will bo given out at the ch.iiity stoio on Twenty fifth btiect. All poisons who call Iheio wll bo piovidod. ' Wcro 2xot Vild HOIP. Chief Mitchell iccciveda telegram fiom Sioux Citi to lookout for two men named Dustin and Ctliertonlio aio wauled It lhat fcitv for stealing cattle It was thouuht the stolen slock would bo btought to this mat lie t I'or sale , but a cnioful search u.\ the police developed that the stock had not beet biought hcic. I'litcrtiiliuiiPiit mill 11 inc o Upchurch Ledge , Degree of Honor No. 'J will give a literary outcitainmcnt and dance on Thursday evening instead of Wednesday ns previously announced. The ladies are making extensive preparations for this affair and expect to have n good time. IMulc City CioHHIp. Miss Mjrtlo Foster of Papillion Is visiting friends , In the city. Kd Muushaw and Attoiuoy Murdock weio in PapHlion icstcrdny. Cily Altornoy Van Dusen lotuincd fiom Sioux City last ovenins. The chailty concert takes place at Bauer's hall on the nlcht of Fcbruarv 2. A case of diptherla is icpoitcd al the rcsl- donco of Mr. Voss , Thirtieth and H biiccts. Special choial services conducted by Hoy. C. C. I'omeioy at Iho Church of Christ thib evening. The Homo Circle High Five club m"t last night at the losidcnco of Mr. and Mis A. H. Kclloy. Key H. Ij Wheeler announces that theio will bo regular services at tlio I'lcsbyterian chuich today. Hev. Stophcnson's .sermon this moinlng will bo on "Host for the Weai'i , " and in the evening on "Sins of a City. " Miss Grace Cioivcll nnd Miss Mailo Cook of Hhiirand Cluls Ciowcll of Chlcairo weio thogucslbof W. Heed Dunroyesleidav. . All mcmbais of Lily division. No. y , uni- foiiucd iank , Knights of I'ithl.is. aio rc- ( | ueslcd lo meet at their hall at 11(0 ( o'clock today to attend the fnncr.il of their late tnother , Mr I.ucas. Tlio funcial will take [ ilaco in Omaha. Joseph I'otao , who was fined ? . " > 0 and costs for coi callug ai tides that his tiaughtur liad slolen , paid hh line. His daughter Annie has been taken to the comity jail , being unable lo furnish a $ . ' ( ) ( ) bond for her appearamo In thodlstilct couit. She Is in jcais of age. o "In III" Klnviitfir. " "In the Kloxalor1 a farce by Howell , will bo given nt Washington hall Satuiday , February - ruary M , under the auspices of the King's Daughteis of the Chuich of the Good Shop- icid. The Individuality of the cast Is good , uul oxcoptlonnlly good judgment has been shown liy the poisons In charge In mounting , ho piece The piotecds of the cntcitaln- neut will bo devoted In chaillablo putpobca following Is the cast ot chaiactois Mis. I'dttiiid llohcrts MUsdraro Turner vji I'duuid Kiiboils'l ( ho liuibiind of his Mi. ( 'harks l \\lfdi < Thomas MiMllls ( amplioll . Mi Chuiles .NIi'luilH Mr- < < i iilmw Ml i Nclllo Caiujiloii MNs Lint I.HVHOII . . .MlssTlllj Irlt'd Mis nic-iyc' Mlllu ! . . . .Miss Sun Klin ; Mnj en Iliinils . . . , . Mr. Ah In I'atton .llorj i' Miller . Alticrt W .lolli-ils Mfud lluiiih It A ( onus Mi * Cm wc-ii . . . .MM. Alli'O r.llsnorlh Mi Cumin . . . .Ml IMuaid I , Ilradloy Him 1' l.iuton . .I/ynlo 1 Abbutt 'tank Mt'vuis 11 Ju MI lor luij ) . .MasU'i ( Juy I ) Tlioiuas Closud hv ( rdilltorn. The drug htoic. ot U'llliam F llulLwky al lOJSouth Thiitoenth sttcet was closed by > ho cicdltois vcsieiday , ai.d now 1s In tlio hands of i ! K Iliiico ic Co. who hold n chattel inoi igago on thobtouk Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only I'ure Crcum offarlar PovvJer No Ammonia , No Alum. Used In Millions of Homes AO Years tlie Standard- HOLT COUNTY CENTENAIIIAN I'rcnrs fp on ( iovcrnniPiit Cl Uiii A It PC Stoilrs of men who h-ivo far outlived thu allotted Rp in ot llfo continually como lo Iho front , unit Holtcounti comes to the fiom with n champion In this line Holt county Itself Isn't sm ill , and her people noor du aio thing bv h lives The Holt county chain plon tiny possibly not bo the oldest man in the state , but he Is w Itliout doubt the oldest , maii who over seemed n goveiiinicnt homo btcad by living upon and cultlvitlnir th sniuo for llvo VC.UM .lames McDonald of Delolt township , Holt county. Died upon , i < iuaitor section of cov eminent land when ho was ! )15 ) i oars of ago and completed his i csi deuce , lendcied his proof of the same at thu local land aOlco and iccclvcd tlllo to the land. d.Iamcs McDonald was hoi n in Ireland nnd canio to this count i.v ivhcn a joung man Hu came lo Holt county and ho and Ins sons took claims adjoining , and the old man pci sistcnily stuck to his until ho hail peifictcd his tlllo. At the time he made his pioofa stinngcr would not have taken him to bo nioro than (55 ( orTOjeiis of ace at the out sldo. Dtiiingall tils life up to about two jearsago ho was an active , hard working man and it was with thogicatest leluntinco that ho was persuaded to give up an > .itteinpt at labor. After proving upon his claim he went to llvo with his son and took upon himself the task of laismg Iho u-aidcn liuck for the family Ho selected for this purpose niicli plcio of land on Iho cicek bottom about n ( [ ti u tor of a mile fiom the house , ana daily during thu Mimmci months , w hen the weather was suit ihlo for woik , tlio old man sliouldcicd his boo ami tiudgcd ilown towoilc In his g.itden pitch This was his pot , and the old m in chciishod il as fondli ns a small boy docs his lint p ill of iiibbjr boots When advaiicin , ; veils llnally compelled him to give up oven this woik the old man vicldcd to the luovitiblo with many icgicts. From far Uoiontl the allotted spin of llfo ho looks hick over tlio .vcaisof toll anil haulshipa cheerfully endured dured and c ilmly a vaits thu summons th it shall end his carlhly career. StJNDZRLAND'S GOOD LEGS. They Kntbln Him tci ( .ot Ills llniuU on a Coul riilcf. Sccretaii Sundciland of the Oniah i C oil , CoUo and T.inio compiny scented Iho ancst ot Hd Riidges , coloiol , for stealing real fiom the company'si.iuls , Ninth and Daven port sticcts. About 0 SO last night two or iluce shots were he.itd in that vicinity , and a wagon load ot police burned to the place. Accoidlnc ; to Mr. Sundcihiml , the pcoplo living in the bottoms , and especially coloiod people , have been raiding the \aids ullli sacks , wagons , wheclbmows , antl laking away coal in an\ quantity from a bushel tea a ton. This has boon goimr on for some time , nnd Iho cold of Hie lasl lew davs has causc-d tlio number of thinvcs lo lucre ise L.ast ovcnirif Mr. Sumloiland was at Ihn yards a little late , and about duslv ho heatd somcbod.v bicakmg in thu door of ono of the sheds Ho went out quickly , putting out Iho light in the oftko bofoiQ leaving and taking with him a re volver. Just as ho stepped oul ho noticed two tigV lues busily engaged living to enter ono of tlio sheds ana ho called to them lo know y what was wanted , thinking , peihaps , ic j * might bo some of the diivcts. Hough she ho was about certain n'l had gone home The men loo.ted up and as thcs.uv Ml Sundeihind they ran in dilToiont diicctloiib Mr. Sunderland fiieu hl-i icj\olver at ono of them , but missed , so ho took after the other on foot , llnally capturing him Ho held lit * prisoner till the police ai lived , a MAY R-iCONSlDER. Dr. JHililtt'H Nil mo Vluy ( 'omit Up Again for City V nturlii.irliiii , At the last meeting of Iho council Coun cilman Burner went back on the caucus agiec'iiout to conllrm the mayor's nppoln mcntof Hlchaut Kbbllias city vetei inailan , nnd ns the caucus combine had but tins ton votes necessary lo conllini , this do fcctlon was fatal to the asplialious of tlui doctor. Brunei's action nngoied Mr. Parker , and when his name xvas called he also voted against Hbhitt , as his veto in thu nhirmntlvo would have douo no good Slncn that time ho has been seveieh Liiilei/.ed his course being nttiibntod to allcgianto to thu antl Uatholic oigani/atioii It is now given out that Mi 1'aikct will move at the next mooring to iccoiibldor Iho action hywhlih Hbbitt's appolnimenl v\ns rojcctcd , but.ns It takes two thiids to leten shlei , il is not appaicut w'luno the ncces snry votes tno coming fiom , oven though thu democrats will have thu pionilsed asslstajiiu- nf onu icpiiblican , whoso name , by Iho wa > , Is not Iliuucr ThlH la coin ? to bo n Uldulio ird yuar liim- Ircdsnf pursuns w U bo lomptud by tliu iinw Htjlus and wo hollovn tlmrn will lju iiionisldi : joird chuiiKC'H In Is' ' ) ) than In any pruvluna twulvo ironths ever Known. I'rlccls mi linr to ilicmnv rmuerncnt. Uailiur t Is u ciintrlhiitln t fn < tor. 1 1 pro Is ono of th < ) now designs that has ul- nvuly hui'oino vury poimhir. Thu wii | > o rruiit IH a l > l i/nof orniiiionl Inn n Is In full r.dlef iiiiiitiion dhliuin thn lar.'n mlrroi 1urv 1 NtiiUliu .No dutall nf ( OiivtnloiiM ) IM ( itiiltlul I In ) ilutu oliiHuti moor c\in huhilit uml llttud with Kcipinilu locks 'Jlit'io uro lo Ks un ull liawtra. The hliulf ( iriariitiiiiient IH i > xc'U | > - mnally tnod , il tl u in rrois uiu of homy 'mi' li plnlo Wo iiuiiinl llilu 8U | ( board un CHAS. SHIVERICK 8t CO. , lim IJJ3 DoiiiilnM H trout , JUllluril Hotel "IticM