THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MplltflNG , JANUARY 21. , 189J. SINGLE COPY l TVi3 CENTS. WILL COHE IN FREE Action of the House Yoitorday on the Sugar Schedule. DUTY HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM ALL KINDS Refined and Raw Uavo Now Been Placed cu an Equal Footing. REPUBLICANS AID RADICAL DEMOCRATS With Their Support the Measure is Passed by a Big Majority. COAL AND I30N SCHEDULES TAKEN UP f Tlio DHoiiBBlon ItovciilH There Are Still u I'cw Kundiill Democrat * I.oft In Iho llonnc Tnlk uf Itciiiibmitllnff tlio Wilson Hill. WJIBIIIXOTOX , Jan. 21. The house today determined the abolition of the duty upon refined sugar , which was passed upon just before the house adjourned last night as an amendment to an amendment of Air. Robert son of Louisiana. A way out of the confusion which existed upon the effect of the amend ment adopted lust night was found after a two hours' discussion of the parliamentary situation , by submitting the question to the house , as to whether the Warner amend ment placing rellncd sugar on the free list , should be considered as a substitute for the Robertson amendment. This was decided nfllrmatlvely , and then , by an overwhelming vote , In which the republicans joined with the radical democrats against the sugar men nnd several memoers ot the ways and moans committee , the substitute was adopted. \Vlth regard to the sugar schedule , there fore , the committee of the whole has abolished the bounty and placed all sugar , both refined and raw , upon the frco list. Vigorous l'rotc t from Southcrneri * . When It came to consider the coal schedule toJny , however , the committee fared much batter , and all four of the amendments , de signed to place a duty of from -10 to 70 cents per ton upon coal , were beaten. The debate on the ctfal schedule developed a great deal of fcclinc among the southern members , es pecially thosn from Virginia , West Virginia , Tennessee and Alabama , whoso states are in terested either In coal or iron ore. The general oral impression is that the defeat of the sugar men and of those who are interested in retaining a duty upon coal will result in strengthening the movement developed on the democratic sldo to recommit the bill. If the iron men are defeated tomorrow , and especially if the ir.como tax should bo placed upon tlio bill as a rider later In the week , another stronc faction on the democratic side will ba added to this movement. The republicans will also vote for the motion to recommit , and the republicans who dare not -voto on the . bill outright.bjtwbonra not satisfied .with it in 'its' in-osaut form may end It back to the committee. This is now admitted to bo the chief danger. If the bill could be brought to a direct vote thcro is no question about its passage. * JtofrrrtMt to n Committee. At the opening of the house this morning , on motion of Air. "Wise , the president's veto of the New York and Now.Jcrsoy bridge bill was referred to ho committee on interstate and foreign commerce. A few minutes later , when the house went Into committee of the whole to resume the consideration of the tariff bill , Air. Oates of Alabama called attention to tne peculiar complication that had arisen owing to the failure of the committee to complete the consideration of the sugar schedule. It came over as unfinished busi- r.css , while by the special arrangement last Saturday today was sot aside for the coal aud iron Ecnodulcs. Some discussion followed us to the parliamentary status , and It was llnally decided by unanimous consent to go ahead with the vote on the sugar schedule , nnd after that was disposed of to take up coafand iron. The pond in ; ; question was the Robertson amendment Imposing a duty on raw sugar nnd Increasing tlm duty on rellned sugar as amended by Air.Vurncr , placing both raw and refined stigur on thofrcojist. The conf tinlcii entailed by thcso two Incon gruous amendments had lirst to bo straight ened out. Air. Dlugley claimed that the Warner amendment was utterly inconsistent with the Robertson amendment and should bo considered as a substitute , Air. Robertson took issuu with him , main taining that the effect of Air. Warner's amendment simply was to place refined ugar on the free list , leaving so much of his amendment as imposed a duty upon sugar below 10 Dutch standard unaffected. Finally the Warner amendment , as a substitute ] to place all raw sugar and re- llncd sugar on the frco list , was carried 101 to'US. Tallied for un Hour nnd n Half. The debate on the point of order consumed over an hour and a half. . The chairman llnally stated that the Warner amendment was voted upon as an amendment to thu Rob ertson amendment. Ho was now nskcd , ho aid , to decide that it should have been . voted upon as a substitute. Ho declined to rule and submitted the question to the house to determine whether it should bo considered n substitute or nmcndmcnt. Without divi sion it was decided to treat the Warner amendment us a substitute , The committee ' was then called upon to vote upon it as n substitute , its effect if adopted being to place all sugars , raw anil refined , on thu frco list. The great mass of democrats nnd practically all the republicans voted for the proposition , only n handful of democrats , in cluding Mr. Wilson and several others of the ways and means committee , Mr. ISvcrotts , Combs and the members of the Louisiana delegation voting uculnst It. It was carried by \otoof 101 loW. The coal schedule was then taken up. The first amendment was made by Air. Oates of Aiabanm , as follows : "Stviko out of the free list frco coal , etc. , and Insert coal , bitum inous and shnlo , 40 cents per ton of twenty- night bushels , eighty pounds to the bushel ; coal , slack or culls , such ns will pass through a half Inch screen , 20 cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels , eighty pounds , to the bushel. " Air , Wise of Virginia followed with nn nimmdmont to the amendment , striking nut 40 cents and Inserting CO cents. Air , AlcKulg of Aluryland then offered a substitute pro viding for a duty of 75 cents per ton on bituminous coal , 30 cents on coal , slack or culls , nnd striking bituminous co/il from the free list , llltt'a .YmctiilmaiU. Mr. Hilt of Illinois offered an amend ment to the substitute as follows : "Insert ut the end of coal paragraph , provided that If any article ou the frco list in imported , the product of any country \\hlch imposes a duty on said article exported from the t'nltcd States , then there shall bo levied , collected nnd paid upon said Imported arti de the rale of duty existing prior to the pas sage of this act.1' Mr , WiUon made thu point ot order that Mr , Hilt's reciprocity nniendmcut was not &t Rcrmnno nnd , therefore , not In order , It CA. was n proposition for general reciprocity ou * the whole turlfT bill , or rather rcttaltallon upon ourselves for the follies of other piople. The chair sustained iho point of order and Air. Hill modified the amendment so m to restrict it to articles on the frco list. Mr lurro\T& , republican , of Michigan made the point that , as modified , the amend. meat was not germane , and the chair also sustained the point of order. Opposed Free < 'iml. Air. AtcKnlg , democrat , of Maryland was first recognized In support of his substitute. ills constituents , ho snld , were vitally Inter ested In preserving the duty on coaL Ho Insisted that the miner was entitled to a continuation of this protection. Mr. Urossius opposed free coal. Ills state produced 1)0,000,000 ) tons a year. Free coal would luavo his constituents naked anil de fenseless , Mr.VIso supported the proposition to place a duty on coal. Mr. Tucker , democrat , of Virginia advo cated nit amendment to plnco a duty of 40 cents on coal , . Mr. Allcrcon , democrat , of West Virginia nalil the democrats xvcro elected to reform the tariff and this they would do. This was the tlmu to measure democracy , and no tlmo to bicker. Mr. Inccy , republican , of Iowa said ho had supposed the lust of the Randall demo crats bad ROIIO , bu : hu was glad to sco so many democrats on the other side appealing for protection to their Interests. Mr. CSrosvcnor , republican , of Ohio said his stuto was third in the production of coal , and that his district produced three-eighths of ihe production of slate. I'Yco ' coal meant thn destruction of the coal Industry of Ohio. Mr. Wheeler , democrat , of Alabama orlti- clseu the frees trado.cbaracter . ofjthc bill , and said It put the burdens on the south , and Now Kncland IB to enjoy Its benefits. Mr. I'erklus , republican , of Iowa I Judge that the gentleman will vote against such a ' nefarious' measure ! Mr. Wheeler No. I will vote for it. [ I/uightcr. | Mr. Hicks , republican , of Pennsylvania said his state stood at the bead of the coal producing states. It produced last year over 100,000,000 tons. Many people were dependent unon it for support , numbering at least JtOO.OOO. while another t , 000,000 were inulrocai.v affected. Fifty per ccntoftlio freight of the state was coal transpot tatlon. Mr. Walker , republican , of Massachusetts declared that Massachusetts would vote for a duty of 75 cents on coal , nothing less , nothing more. tiocl : the Debate. Mr. Wilson , democrat , of West Virginia closed the debate in support of the frco coal proposition in the pending bill. The voting then began upon the pending amendments. The first vote was on an amendment of Air. Wise to the amendment of Air. Dates , to make the duty on coal 50 cents instead of 40. It was lost without a division. The next vote was upon an amendment to Air. AIcKaig's substitute , reducing the duty , by a sliding scale , ISJrf cents each year for six .years , tne duty to cease entirely at the end of that time. Upon this proposition the re publicans refused to vote. Lost by a vote of 2 to 171) ) . Tins vote then recurred upon the AIcKnifi substitute , practically to restore the present law , imposing " > cents per ton. Upon this proposition the republicans voted almost solidly with several democrats in favor of it , while the rest of > the democrats voted against it. It was lost. The Html vote was then taken upon Air. Dates' amendment , placing the duty at 40 cents. The republicans divided oa this. Alessro. Gates , Outhwuitc , Tuclcer , Coffccn , Ulanchard , Pendlcton , Wise , Brickncr , Alycr , Weadock and the Pennsylvania demo crats and others voting in favor of it , while the vast majority of the democrats supported t'no position taken by the committee and voted against it. Defeated , 81 to 181. Took Up till ) Iron .Schedule. . The iron schedule was taken up under the order allowing three hours for its considera tion. Air. Oates offered and advocated an amendment taking iron ore from the frcn list and placing . a 40-ceut..dutyi.per ton " * ' ' " * thereon. - " Representative Slbley spoke , against Irco iron ore. " ' . Air. Ilendrlx , democrat , of Now Vorkspoko against the iron schedule of the bill and Air. Huughen , republican , of Wisconsin co- sired , on the part of the iron men of the ly&ko Superior district , to enter a protest against the proposed abolition of the duty on iron ore. Air. Blair , republican , .of Now Hampshire tank the lloor and was spoaklng when a recess was taken at 5:80. : > il lit Srsilon. The night session was devoted to sot speeches. The sneakers wore Tatc , demo crat , of Georgia ; Hall , democrat , of Allnnc- fiota ; liartholdt. republican , of Missouri , and Patterson , democrat , of Tennessee. Nutlmml Kc'iinl ' of Tr.ulo. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2 ! ) . The National Board of Trade held its annual banquet tonight in the Shoreham. A large number of delegates were present from boards of trndo and chambers of commerce from all over the union. After listening to the reports of the representative delegates the board reelected - elected the venerable President Frederick Fraloy of Philadelphia to his twenty-seventh term unanimously , The afternoon session was largely taken up in the discussion and action upon recommendations and resolu tions proposed by the boards of trade of various cities represented. Among these were the resolutions offered by the Now York Hoard of Trade and Transportation , urging on the congress the enactment of legislation to authorize the registration and protection of trade marks. _ Sxvctt'H Ituwiihiin Kuiolutlnn. WASIIIMOTCX , Jan. ' - ' : ) . The addition to the Hawaiian resolution In the house today was the following , presented by Uoprcscntativo Sweet , republican , of Idaho : Whereas , An olTort Is now boltifr inado to es tablish a lupubllc In the Hawaiian Islands , andWhereas Whereas , Conflicting reports are In circula tion its to the policy of the United States with relation thereto ; therefore , Resolved. Hy the IIOIIMI of representatives of tltu United states of America , the senate of thu United .Status extends to the struggling representatives of paid Islands Its Miieem sympathy with thulr efforts to extend the principle ; ) of free government. Curllslu's Instructions to Illililcrc. WASIIINOTOX , Jan , Sit. Secretary Carlisle today issued a circular of instructions to bidders for the 5 per cent bonds to bo issued by him February t , The bands will ba Issued in the folio wing denominations : Coupon pen bonds , $50 , $100 and SI .000 ; registered bonds , $50 , 8100 , 51,000 and $ 10,000. Uold ccrllllcatos will bo received the oamo as gold coin In payment of subscriptions , but no payment should bo Hindu by any sub scriber until ho has been notified by the secretary - rotary that his subscription has been ac cepted. _ To Iti'uomiuit Mm VVIlxan Hill. WASHINGTON' , Jan. 23. The vote on the tariff bill thus fur , especially upon matters In which many members were Interested , such as coal and sugar , lias revived talk of a movement to recommit the cntlro Wilson bill , Representative Hnlncs of Now York has been arranging such n move , but the members of the ways and means committee say it cannot prevail. . In Ilounr fit .Mr. anil .Mrs. Clovelnnil , WASUINGTOX , Jan. 03. The ofilcial dinner of Secretary and Aliss Herbert to the president and Jim. Cleveland took place tonight , but owing to the presi dent's departure for Now York ho was un able to bo present. Among the guests were the cabinet ofllccrs ami their wives and sev eral others prominent In official life , rnlti'd of u Oiiomm , WASHINGTON , Jan.Tho ! ; ! ways and moans committee Inado futile efforts tohnvo n meeting this evening to finally pass on the internal revenue bill , A quorum failed to appear , ana the subject went over until to morrow morning at 10:1'0 : , ( ! tevi < tinit'H : Suit M Union. WismxuTox , Jan. 'Sa The president will go tn Hartford tonight to attend the fuucral of his nephew , Henry K. Hasting ! . lmr Hupniunr. MONTEVIDEO , Jan. iM. At the rcqnctt of the Hrazillan mluUtiu4 tlio Uruguayan police have captured a supply tf arms Ir.tct.dcd for the insurgent ! lu Ulo Uraudo do Sui. HAWAII AGAIN IN THE SENATE Bittsr Words of Criticism Directed Toward the Administration. CLEVELAND ARRAIGNED BY MR. CULLOM Ho Clmritctcrlzei tlm Course of the Government Toward the ImnniU an blminofnl tin Well as Oltenslvo to u Friendly 1'ower. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. In the senate today Mr. Turplo , democrat , of Indiana , from the foreign relations committee , reported favor ably the following : ItPMilvcd , Tliat from some of the facts and papers laid before the sotmto It Is unwise and Inexpedient to consider at tills tlmo any pro ject of anni'xatlon of Ilio Hawaiian Islands to the I'liltod States ; that the provisional gov ernment there , having boon duty rccoRiil/od , the blithest International Interest requires It shall imr.suu Its own line of policy , and foreign Intervention In thoipolltical affairs of thuso Islands would bo regarded as an act unfriendly to thu government of thu United States. Senator Turplo asked Immediate consider ation of the resolution. Sonntor Teller Objected. Senator Teller objected vigorously and the resolution wont over under the rules. A bill for an American commission at the Antwerp , Belgium , international exposition was presented by Senator Alandcrson , repub lican , of Nebraska. Senator Pcffer's resolution , denying the authority of the secretary of the treasury to Issue the bonds now.contcmplated vas taken up and Senator Stewart took the lloor favoring the resolution. When Senator Stewart concluded the bill repealing the federal elections law was taken up. Senator Wilson , republican , of Iowa ad dressed the senate in opposition to the bill. At the end of Mr. Wilson's remarks , Sena tor Culloin asked consent to take up the reso lution of Senator Fryc declaring against in terference In Hawaiian affairs. Senator Chandler of the republican side was quito willing to extend the tlmo to Senator Cullom for that purpose and allow the elections bill to BO over. "In fact , " said he , " 1 will make even a broader proposition. I will suggest the bill repealing the elections law bo allowed to go over until the 1st of December next , in the absence of any recommendation by the president of the United States that this bill should pass. I infer the president of the United States would bo very willing to let thcso laws remain on the statute books and bo tested at another election. Therefore , I suggest to tbo senate that the bill bo al lowed to go over until the first Alonday of December. " Senator Gray , however , objected , and Sen ator Chandler then yielded to Senator Cul lom. The elections bill being temporarily laid aside , the Illinois senator spoke on Air. Frye's Hawaiian resolution of noninterfer ence. Cllllom's Severn Criticism. In his opening remarks Senator Cullom reviewed briefly the history of Hawaii and the incidents which led to the revolution of last year , occasioned , ho asserted , by the queen when she attempted , to revoke the constitution of 18S7. He spoke In sharp terms of this action and then directly at tacked , the policy , of the. administration. Abundant testimony , he said , had been fur nished upon every hand in controvcrsion of the assumed theory of the president and the secretary of state and the reported declara tion of Minister Willis that the revolution was primarily incited and fostered by United States Alinister Stevens and by Captain Wlltze , who was in command of the Boston. That theory had been completely disprovbn , not only by the combination of circumstan tial and corroborative evidence , but by di rect and conclusive testimony. This testi mony bad boon accepted by the mass of the American people as ample and sufficient , and it would'oe an imposition upon the pa tience of the scnat'n as well as upon the pub lic to present , it again on this occasion. "But suppose the Americans had ( which I deny ) committed the acts alleged , what difference would that make us regards Air. Cleveland's act in attempting to rccrovvn Airs. Donilnis ? Air. Cleveland found there an established covornmont you may call it what you will , but it still is a government in possession and in operation. Where did the president of the United States find precedent or authority for the most singular action which we have scon. ltliindur.4 of F.ilHinlll.-ui Diplomacy. "Passing by some of the intermediate steps taken by the United States govern ment , such as the withdrawal of the pending ing treaty from the senate , the sending of a special commissioner us a dotcctivo to act us a spy upon a foreign government without the advice and consent of the senate then in session , and other equally ridiculous blun ders of Falstaftlan diplomacy , wo have found a trovornment In Hawaii recognized by the world in full control of affairs. Acting um or instructions this American spy per formed his duty by frequent secret reports to the secretary of the state as to what he found and what ho did. which included the singular Incident of pulling down the Ameri can flag. "A distinguished American issued the order - dor : 'If any man pull down the American flag shoot him on the spot.1 At a later Oay , by the order if I mistake" not of Gen eral Butler at Now Orleans , ono man wis shot for the same act for which another now receives the thanks of the executive of the United States. ' Another event in revolutionary history has a certain parallel to the story of the president's detective in Hawaii. Some thing over 100 years ago a British ofllccr of undoubted character and reputation uns selected as the special commissioner of hh government to act the part of what would complete the betrayal of West Point and other American forts Into the hands of the British. Major Andre , the distinguished spy , was apprehended , and paid the penalty with his life. ' 'Whatever may bo said of deserting our flag In Honolulu that was only humiliating to Americans and a self-Indicting disgrace to this administration. But the sending of an American spy into Hawaii with creden tials to thu head of the recognized govern ment addressed : "Aly great and good friend , " for the simple purpose of plotting and ncgotlalliiK with Mrs. Dominls , then an enemy of tlio government , and secretly and stealthily endeavoring to arrange for her re- enthronement upon the ruins of the temporary ary or provisional government , wns such an offensive net that the pro visional govern ment would have been fully Justified , under the rules of war In declaring him a public enemy and treat ing him accordingly. mount WIIH I.nld Open To. "lu the United States treason consists in levying war against the government .or in adhering to Us enemies , giving them aid and comfort. What was Blouiil in his relation to Hawaiii Neither more or less than u public enemy. Personally I am very glad to seu the uxparamouiit here in Washington , walking safely about the capital , but I must confess there would have been a good deal of grim jnstico if the act of the Hawaiian government had caused his trial , either by thu civil authorities or by court martial at Honolulu , us would have been done by any other government. Just look at it. Purporting to bo an ambassador and ac credited to u recognized government , his secret liistiuctions not even made known to this sonata , if obeyed by him him in the attitude in fact and In effect of the most despicable offenders against International proprieties. True , his offense was that of his superiors merely , hut the punishment Is to the agent who Is caught in the act. Major Andre sitlTcrcd death. Commissioner Blount received compensation from thu United States , but the world condemns him and his employers. The people of the United States of America of all shades ot party have dis cussed with baled breath tbo series of events in our dlplqnjtiv..scrvlco ) ; ! Initiated since March 7 last 'hhd fiavo seriously con sidered the mental equilibrium of the execu tive and cabinet who wuld each , by accident or design , have stumbled .into such unpra * ccdentcd and incomprehensible errors. In the Hawaiian affair , the , history of nlno months of successive blunders is so full of the tragic , the ridiculous and the farcical and the responsibility bia : become so diffuse and general that the president , premier and cabinet , with all tholr now-fangled para- mounts and mystcrlous clphcr dispatches , are the tin clad adtoiti in a stupendous comccy of errors. Itldlciiloim Mnntto of Secrecy. "But whore Is the man whoso ehccu has not blushed with bitter shame as , day after day , ho has been forced to read the humili ating story of our blundering Hawaiian policy ? Where Is the living man whoso very heart has not swelled with Indignation us ho witnessed the perpetration of inexcusable and unprecedented outrages upon a weak nml struggling people , Outrages which , un just and criminal as they wcru toward the little band , were a tnouiand times more dis graceful mid criminal irjulnslour own Amer ican citizenship ! The smell and panoply of honor which has like n star over the homo of American glory has been blackened and tarnished , while otij' cntlro people are doing penance of humility and shame. "Tbo ridiculous mantle ot secrecy which had hidden for months the actions of the executive has been removed. The patchwork policy is fully revealed , flow now appears that sham and shoddy management which , according to the public press , marshaled the subordinate employes of the state in the halls of the state building and administered to the charwomen , messengers , laborers and clerks n monstrous oath that they should novcr reveal to the Outside world a single word or thing pertaining to the Hawaiian correspondence. Wns the usual constitu tional oath of oftlco M'hich every ono had taken of so little value that Secretary Gresham could make the obligation stronger by a new fanglcd , unlawful and wholly nugatory position ? Wusall this necessary to impress the beautiful queen with the cn tlro sinccrityof an American prime minister ? Or was ho fearful that the touching petition sent to her on tinted paper and endorsed , 'By the politeness of Air. Willis. ' urging her not to cut off the heilds of his 'great ami good friends' might ilrially reach the Ameri can people ? lint Only Ono Answer. "By the persistence of. the representatives of the people In congress the electric light of public scrutiny was. turned upon a scene which until now was only recently brought into view. And what , personal hates and dislikes , partisan prejudices , charges of un faithful conduct nsralnst an honest minister , offers to restore a fuller monarchy upon the ruins of a crushed republic , disavowals of American manhood , treachery and unfair dealings 1 All thcso tilings piled up each upon tlio other give the llo to an honorable record of more than 100 years of our national life. What answer to these things do wo hoar from those BonatOl's' who timidly and with soft step and whispering voices say a weak defense for the administration which has two or three year * longer in which to ' dispense its patronage , Up to this hour the only attempted answerof defense has been , 'What about Stevens1 ? "When Secretary Grcsham revels in cipher' dispatches which take him days to translate and senate and press and public grow weary of waiting and wondering why be doesinot'tako the United States > into his conildcnco some pecning cuckoo settles the whole matter by saying , Well , Stevens is to bhiwe.1 Kail of u Vindictive 111 under. 'The president set hitftsolf in hot haste upon the task of carrying out the Chicago platform by offering tortiako , Airs. Dominls once moro the queen oih e'CaunlbaIislunds.-- : After various sorts g/fthfrves , hetoid Airs. Dominls.throittrll .Ml7ltcr Willis , 'Now , Iiil , if I do thls'thlng ' y&U must bo a good queen ; you must not got mo Into trouble by cutting of the heads of my great and good friend Air. ( Dole' , ana the , other fellows : ' The dusky madam stamped her foot and swore she would kill every mother's son of them and confiscate all their property besides. Im agine Alinister Willis with tears in bis eyes begging the angry womau not to throw away this chance to' become queen again 1 "But the march of events continued steadily on. The effort to , discredit the clear and honest policy pf a previous admin istration lias passed into iho bundle labeled 'vindictive blunders" . ' Everything which has been attempted to bo done in that re gard has como to nauulit , but the president has finally gathered the scattered shreds and pitches In disgust , has brought them to the capital , relegating thowhole ; subject to con- gre 3. No'othor president of any party dur ing our history of nearly120 years has over put this people in un attitude of contempt and shumo , subject to popular derision and made us laughing stocks before un enlight ened world. " Other Correspondence Requested. At the end of Senator1 Cullom's remarks a resolution , presoiitca by Senator Dolph , was adopted , requesting the president to communicate to the 'senate any correspondence - once exchanged bouvcen thisand the govern ments of Colombia , Haytl and Venezuela slnco the proclamation : issued by the presi dent on the 15th of March. 1893 , levying' im port duties on sugar , molasses , coffee , tea , hides and other produce brought from these countries to the United States. The federal elections bill belug again taicnn up. Senator Chandler replied to the recent speech of Senator Vest ot-MIssouri on the operations of the federal elections law In 1STO. lie was interrupted at 4:45 with tin executive session and at 5 p. m. the senate adjourned. 13ll'LW.lTRn J.V J 31OniER. Wilson or Omnhu Held on n Sorlnna Cliarc" In Texas. WACO , Tox. , Jan , 23. Among the prisoners in jail as suspects in the Lipschltz murder are a negro who says his name Is Had ford and a white boy who gives Wilson as his namo. Pollco Officers Hardwick and Hall arrested them at the stock pens of the Alls- souri , Kansas & Texas railroad shortly after tlio murder was committed and entered charges of vagrancy aeislnst them. Close examination made today reveals the fact that the negro's clothes had been recently roughly washed and stains remain which may bo blood. Ho had a key In his pocket which fits the door of the Lipsohitz store. Kn- tratico was effected tlil'OUfih the window , but the key which was inside was missing and the theory Is that it was taken off by the murderers. The , white boy , Wilson , says ho came from Omaha. In her incoher ent mutterinirs Airs. Lipechltz continues to say : "Two men killed iny husband ; they hurt mo so bad. " Her first remark this morning wns : "Keys/ and money. " She gave birth to a child today , which had a red mark on Its head corr < ' ? pondlnff with the gash on the head of the mother. It died within an hour of Us 3t. IV It JlOXftolll. ' ! ! F.ITK , KurmUs of n Kunsm Ctry Fieteotlvo Wlio HIIHVorkeil ou Ilia Ciso. : KANSAS Crrv , Jan. 2U , Thomas J , Conklin , superintendent of Ppkcrton's detective agency , who has had chCfeR ? of that agency's search for Miss Maud Bonestucl , who dis appeared January 11 , and who personally worked ou the < ; asc , tfal',1- ' today that ho had como to the conclusion that she had drowned herself. Ho based this decision upon the fact that no trace of her could bo found after she loft the corner of Ninth and Wyau- dotto streets u week ago last Thursday , that she was dreJxioJ for the theater when she loft home and had no money with her. Tliu Union rucilla In llait Favor. CHICAGO , Jan. 2 ; ) , Western roads today had not much good to say of the Union Pa cific. They charge . ( hat road with sundry breaches of good faith and guy that it Is bent on causing trouble In the transAHssourl territory. Thu reason they aver Is that the Union Pacific notified them it wou'd extend the sale of tickets for the Midwinter expo sition at excursion rates until June 'M. Thcso tickets , by agreement , were lobe withdrawn from sale April 15. The Union Pacific had previously extended the limits to July 15 without watting for the western roads to ar range for this contraction. WILLING TO QUIT FIGHTING Mollo and Poxioto Snid to bo Growing Tired of Their Little War. BOTH SIDES READY FOR A SETTLEMEj | | * Humor * that Overture * Have Item Mnilo to thu United Stilted to Act in Arhltra- , . „ tor of DID Dlll'frcnres Itotwrcn the Itlviil Coiiiiimndurn. H < bi ) ( lie i'r.ns'AMiift'o , .Ian. 2J. : A dispatch from the Associated press" correspondent at Hio da Janeiro says : There have been rumors that the United States was to bo asked to arbitrate the mailers In dispute between the government of President Pcixoto and the commanders of the insurgent forces. But thcso reports were denied. It is understood that feelers have been sent out by the government of President Polxoto and that the reply to these feelers was that the United States officers were not in a position to arbitrate any dispute so long as only one of the parties directly inter ested Intimated that It was oivctrto concilia tion under the advice of a third party. Today , however , the Associated Press cor respondent lu Hio was Informed upon good authority that Admiral do Oaina , the rebel admiral in command of the insurgent licet , has made a rcuucst to Admiral Bcnrmm , the American admiral , asking that the latter would bo kina enough to act as mediator between the Insurgents and the government of Peixoto with the view of bringing about sc mo understanding. The Associated pi-ess correspondent has been unaUlu to sco Admiral licnham and ob tain a continuation or denial of this report , but It may bo safely bald that thcro is little or no doubt of its truth. When the news that Admiral do Gama was communicating with Admiral Benhain reached this shore the greatest satisfaction was expressed by everybody at the prospect of an ending to the wearisome civil war which has been clogging the wheels of busi ness for months past. Nobody seems to doubt that the admiral will soon be able to patch up a peace , but both sides , all admit , are heartily tired of the distressing bombardment and attacks and counter attacits which have been going on for so long with little or no advantage to either side. INsUKGISMU GAINING IIOl'K. Ilccciit Dovolnpmciitfi 111 tlio Hnizlllmi Trim 1 > Ius In Tliclr Favor. [ CninirbjMcil , IS2-I , liu the Afiocuttcil Press. ] LONDON. Jan. 23. The Times tomorrow will publish the following cable dispatch , dated Hio do Janeiro , January 20 , via Alontc- vi'.lco : Since the arrival of the Aquldaban , the in surgents have been gaining ground steadily. They appear to bo more confident and public opinion asliore is becoming more favorable to the revolution. The people condemn se verely the action of the government in not adopting decisive measures. On the morning of the 10th the rebels at tacked Alccungua islands. While the Aquldaban inado preparations to advance , she kept up a heavy lire % vith the niuehilic and.onick.Hriag uns. until half pastBolclock. Then at 4 o'clock tho-irisurgou't launches" advanced , covering the landing of three parties of twenty-seven men , each with n reserve of tnirty-elght men , who were placed on Mocangua islands. J'he insurgents landed just at daybreak ; and1at once charged the government bat tery , capturing its Krifpp field pieces , one heavy Whltworth and a large supply of ammunition. The insur gents then turned the battery against the government troops stationed at Alorro d' ' Armacao and Punta Arcia. A sharp hand-to-hand light took place on the island and was maintained for half an hour. At the expiration of this time the govern ment troops sin-rendered. The total loss to the government on Mocangua islands was as follows : The commanding officer and ten men killed , fifteen men wounded and three ofllccrs and 100 men taken prisoners. The government loss on tlio mainland is un known. The rebels lost five men. iloth sides showed pluck , but the determined rush of the sailors overcame all resistance. Advices from Desterro say the insurgent : * have occupied the town of Paranagua. After two hours sharp lighting the garrison sur rendered , the creator part agreeing to join the revolution. The insurgent ! ! captured a largo supply of rifles and ammunition , six Krupp Held pieces and 20,000 rounds of am munition. General Lima , commanding troops nt Paranagua , together with the governor of that state , fled to Sao Paulo. The government's now warships are still at Poruambuco. The man-of-war Tlradentcs and the Bahla remain at Montevideo. The government continues to arrest many persons on suspicion of their sympathy with the revolution. It also keo-.s ; on sending strong reinforcements to Mutheroy , where the garrison now amounts to about 1,500 men. The insurgents report they have received notice of the consignment of 5,000 rifles , 2,000,000 cartridges , forty-eight Krupp guns and a large supply of ammunition for their use. There is no confirmation of the report that tlio presence of live warships in this harbor is duo to tlio proposal by the United States to Interfere in the present quarrel. No such proposal has as yet been made cither to the government or Insurgents. The epidemic of yellow fever hero is increasing - creasing in virulence. s\ii.ii : ) rcm TIM ; soum. Pelxoto's Warships Sot I'ortli to Do llattlo Yilth til < Insurgent Flrrt. [ Coinii-tuMcit , ISM , Jju tti' Atsoctatfil I'm * . ! Hio in : JANKIIIO , Jan. S3 , After a long de lay , puzzling alluo to the people who continue loyal to tbo government and to the Insurgent leaders , Pcixoto has given orders to his now warships , purchased in the United States , to sail southward and begin the long expected naval contest , which , In all probability , will decide the struggle for supremacy between Brazil's chief mngls- trato and those who nrn seeking to wrest the power from him. Word was received today that the Niothoroy. Aurora , Parauhuiba and America reached Bahia today on their way from Pornanibtico to Hio. They uro reported to bo fully manned and In hotter condition for fightIng - Ing than was supposed their ofllccrs would be able to gat them , considering the fact that their crows are made up of mixed nationali ties. The dynamite gun of thn Nlcthcroy has been tested and is now said to bo workIng - Ing to the eatlsfactlon of the ofllcors of the vessel. Alui'h comment has been excited by the visit yesterday of the insurgent admiral , da damn , to Admiral Bcnhnm. It confirms the rumoi-H current hero for some time that da ( > amn has nmiiu proposals to Admiral Bcnham to not as mediator between the In surgents and thu Brazilian government. The conference lasted four hours. The nature of it is , up to HID. time of sending this dispatch , kept n secret. - . The Infurmatlon thatnho government war vessels had sailed from Pornambuco , it Is believed , was conveyed to da Gumu by some of his adherents in the north , and his visit to Admiral Benlmtn was the result of this Sailed lur America. Dnii.ix , Jan , 23. Nolan and Mearns , the two men arrested on suspicion of being im plicated in the murder of Heed , and who wct\ discharged owing to the failure to con- ncct them with the crime , have sailed for America. _ _ Khrdivi ) nml ( In MritUll Slrdir. O A I no , Jan. 23. It Is reported that owing to a stricture of tuo UhcUlve upgu tbo Egyp army and the Hngllsh army during tits trip on ttie Nile Brigadier General Kitch ener , sirdar of the Kgypthn army , resigned , but subsequently withdrew his resignation at thu request , of the khcdtvo. The criti cisms of the khodlvo have excited military and political circles here , and the oftlcers are highly Indignant. : SM US UKItMANl. Hlscimtoii In tlm Hrli | HIIK : IIH to tlio llcst Alnnnrr for Ito.lnvlnt . ; It. BEIIU.V , Jan. 23. In the Reichstag today thi-debato on the distress among the unem ployed wns resumed , in Herr Singer denounced the methods of the police nnd cited the case of a reporter named Rcuss , who was a pollco spy under ex-Alinlstcr of the Interior Von Puttkamor , nnd who brought Anarchist Novo to the gal lows. Rcuss , Ifcrr Singer continued , was now admitted to the gallery of the Rolens * tag , though it wan intimated ho still had relations with the police. Herr Kardorff , Imperialist , said the exist ing distress could only bo relieved by the protection of national labor , which , ho added , 1'rlnco Bismarck Initiated. [ Loud ohecrs.j 'J hen , amid loud nnd prolonged applause , llorr Kardorn" expressed the urcatest satis faction ut Prince Bismarck's impending journey to Uerlfn. After a further nnd long discussion of the condition of thu unemployed , the question was dropped. OilirilAKIK * FOIl OK. TAI.MAUi : . American Pulpit Strooc KnoiiRli to IJls- POIIHU nlih Ills I'eciitlitr AUnIiudx. LONDON" , Jan. 23. In commenting on Dr. Tulmuge's announcement of his Intention to resign from the pastorate of Brooklyn tab ernacle , the Chronicle says : "Aro wo to suppose that there is any connection be tween the resignation of Dr. Talmago and the falling receipts of his Tabornaclcl Dr. Talmago lias been an eminently sensational preacher , and maybe , after twenty-live years of overcharged rhetoric , the people of Brooklyn think that they have had enough for their money. The American pulpit of today , however , Is strong and influential enough to dispense with the peculiar metlfods which Mr. Talmago has adopted. " The Standard says that ho Is without a serious rival in his peculiar line of oratory , and adds that when ho retires from the Tab- crnaclo pulpit it will be u difficult thing to replace him. IttSCUUl ) ItV TllK I'AVOMA. Croir of n U'rorltcd American Schooner I'ii'lcuu U | > mill Ijiinttnil Snrrl3' QrnnxsTO WN , Jan. 23. The British steamer P.ivonla of the Cunard line , Captain Watts , which loft Boston January 13 for Liverpool , has arrived hero and reports that on Janu ary 15 , in latitude = north and longitude 88s west , she met tlio American schooner PorterS. Hobcrts of Gloucester , Alass. , in a sinking condition. The crew of the Roberts , fourteen In all , ran alongside the Pavonla in four dories and were taken on board and brought to Quecustown. fllKXICO WANTS THIS ISLANDS. i'nrt ol Southern California Cliilmod by tlio Rrniiblic. Cirv or AInxico , Jan. 23. A movement is on foot in Aloxlco to annex a portion of what is commonly considered to belong to southern California to this republic. It is claimed thiit tlio rcltnquishmcnt of the California archipelago off the coast of smithcrn L'ali- fornla has never been made cither by Spain or - Alexlco to the .United States ; Tlio islands to which thu claim is made urd those of Santa Caturlna , Santa Hosa and Santa Cruz. I.OBHNGULA'.S FUTKltE. Arrangements .tludu by lilt Urltlult Captors for Itli Well Holng- . CAPE TOWN , Jan. 23. Commissioner Loche has sent a messenger to King .Lobougulu as suring him In the queen's name that his life mid interests will ko safely guarded if lie surrenders , and promising tlint ho will not be sent out of Africa. Commissioner Locho has arrived at a settlement with Premier Rhodes to give King Lobcngula an adequate tract of land south of Orange river. Provi sions have also been made to maintain him. Victor ! : ! \Voodhiill mid tlio lirltUli Mnsonm , LONDON , Jan. 23. The libel case of Airs. John Bldulnh Martin , formerly Airs , Victo ria C. Woodtuill , the social and political re former. against the British museum , for al lowing hooka touching upon the Bcccher- Tilton scandal in the leading room , came before the court of the queen's bench today. The appeal of the museum was dismissed and its management compelled to show from whom it received the books and what steps were taken to ascertain their characters. The museum representatives pleaded privl- leae and absence of malice. This is only a step in a litigation which promises to be long ami interesting. ItiiSHlun Honors for Franco. LONDON , Jan. 23. A Paris dispatch to the News says that there will soon bo a shower of Russian orders in connection with the Franco-Russian fetes and that the confer ring of them Is only deferred until the Rus sian now year's day. Baron do Molircn- hcim. the Russian ambassador to France , will receive Uio grand cordon of Vladimir , and among the Frenchmen who will receive the grand cross of Nowskl Is Included Al. Dupuy who , when n minister , rendered serv ices against tlm nihilists. Numerous mayors and prefects will also bo honored. Kolililnp : HID Pojin to I 'ay I'utor. LONDON , Jan. 23. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Rome says that the monthly dcllclt of 100 francs In Peter's ' pence will bo balanced by drawing upon the reserve which the pope has kept in the name of himself and the trustees since the losses by Folclu's Injudicious Investment. The decrease In the revenue Is largely duo to the fact that the French loyalists have lessoned their sub scriptions. The increasing donations from all , however , will enable the Vatican to turn thu corner and the pope intends to abolish several costly sinecures. Coalition Scliumo A tmmlomul , BtM.niiADi ; , Jan. 23. The proposed coali tion cabinet has boon abandoned and the king has charged M. Arukumovics to form a liberal ministry. M. Arukumovics has failed to form a now- cabinet , arid M. Slmltsch , the Snrvlan min ister to Austria , Is trying to form a coalition cabinet. _ Another Itulluii Hum lu Trouble. RO.MK , Jan. 23. The Banca Populare at Brescia has applied fora moratorium , Us assets largely exceed its liabilities. o Jt.lll H.IMJ linuKKS Ul > . liullnn Territory Duspeiudorg Killed nml Captured by Olllcem. \TINITA , I. T , , Jan. 23. The gang of train robbi'rs of which Bob Rogers was the leader , and which hud its headquarters In this sec tion of the country for months , were located by officers this morning at the homo of Rogers on Big creek , twenty miles from hero , between . ' ! and 4 o'clock , and the pot > s-i pounced down upon them whllo the outlaws were asleep in the house. Bob Rogers and Dynamite .lack were capture- unhurt , Dyna- milo Jack's brother , Klowa , was killed , nml Willis Brown wax HO severely wounded Unit his death Is expected. None of the oniccrs were hurt. This IK presumed to bo the outfit which Kiicccssfully robbed the Kansas & Arkansas Valley train at Sunlnolo a short tlmo slnco iMiil two days before that made on unsuc cessful attempt on thu Jllssourl , Kansas & Tcxtis at Ivrlsu. FOIIT SMITH , Arli. , Jan. 23. A tolccram from Dcputi United States Alarshnl , U. Smith conlirni * the capture of the Rogers gang of outlaws , It rcadst VINITA. Jan. U3 , IflO-l. Wo have captured the KoeiH gtiiii ( ! klllod one and wounded ono badly , TUU other two are not hurt RECONCILED AT LAST Bismarck nnd Emperor William Are Nort Good friends. ALL GERMANY IS VEtiY MUCH PLEASED Ita Good Effect Upoii Scoial , Political mid Business Affaiw. , ? ' WILLIAM MADE THE FIRST OVERTURES His Little Kindnesses to the Ex-Ohmicollof Briiijs About the Result. THEY WILL MEEF SHORTLY IN BERLIN I low Iho ICcconcllliitloii Una UronclU .About ( iiriiiinyM : Ciroiit Ntiti' : > n.ui AlluotiMl \ > y Ills Kiilcr'K Comk-gcen- lon Kinpuror'H Ilirtluhiy , .teil 1SH liu the Ansitetateil Press. ) BHHI.I.V , Jan. 23. Kmporor William lias apparently become reconciled to Prltu-o Bismarck and the latter will In all proba bility visit the emperor In Berlin shortly after the lattcr's birthday celebration of Sunday next. The greatest Importance is attached in tills city and throughout Germany to the reconciliation between Prince Bismarck and Kmpcror William. Special attention is paid to the effect which it will upon the Internal polby of the empire , much comment being made upon thu announce ment that Blsm.irck , in addition to being reconciled to the emperor , la ajso In full ac cord with Chancellor von Caprlvl and the imperial secretary of state for foreisn af fairs , Huron Alariclnll von Biobcrstoiu. 1 Heroines \Vllllim'n : Poimlurltv. It has also Increased the emperor's popu larity and strengthened tlio government. There is no doubt a very great number of people ple in tiermany objected to the practical exil ing from Berlin and from the participating in the affairs of the empire , of the great Ger man statesman who laid the foundation of German unity and who built up on them the umpire of Germany. On the other hand , the Agrarians , who re lied upon Prince Bismarck's support against the Russo-German treaty , are downcast and apparently convinced that tboro is no longer much strength in their opposition to this measure. The effect of the news of the rcconcilla- - tion between the emperor nnd the ox-chan cellor was most marked. There was a gen eral rise in stocks and bonds on tbo bourse and a much stronger and moro.hculthy feel ing ou all sides. Uoll IUs in Surprises. Emperor William delights In surprises and thus it was , according to the story , that lit * allowed no Intimation of his Intention to seek n reconciliation wltlV/Pi'lhco Bts"murclc to leak out until after'tho.recQneilintlon > yas an fait accompli. Ijlttlo by little iho facts in the case are gaining publicity , and it would seem the reconciliation was brought about entirely by the cmpcrur himself and that ho accomplished it in a most graceful manner. The nid-dc-camp of Emperor William , Colonel Count von Aloltkc , arrived at Fried- nchsruho yesterday and sought an inter view. with Prince Bismarck , which was readily granted. Colonel von AIoltKo , it ap pears , was the bearer of an autograph letter from Kmpcror William to the ex-chancellor , containing congratulations on the recovery from his recent attack of influenza , and beg ging him to accept ti bottle of old and very valuable wino from the imperial cellars , which Colonel von Aloltko was also charged to convoy" to the distinguished German statesman. Prince Bismarck Is said to have been much affected by the kind messages con voyed to him by the emperor's aid-do-camp and the best of feeling is reported to havu been displayed on both sides. I'leaaeil the Kx-L'huticullor. Colonel von Aloltko was so successful In pleasing Prince Bismarck that the lai tor not only Invited him to take a drive about the neighborhood ot Friedrlchsruhe , but also Invited him to dine at the castle. The emperor's aid-do-camp accepted both these Invitations and returned to Berlin bearing , it is said , an autograph letter from Prince Bismarck to the emperor , in which the .iron chancellor thanked his imperial majesty for his extreme kindness and thouchtfnlnrss and assured the emperor that ho , Prince lilsmarck , would bo most pleased to wait upon his majesty after the lattcr's ' birthday celebration. Newspapers hail the reconciliation as the happiest event In Germany for a long while , aiid the people everywhere give ovldenco of joyful excitement and thanksgiving , Thu seml-olllcial North German Gazette says Colonel Von Aloltko's. . visit to i'rinco Bis marck was duo to the emperor's own Initia tive , and the same paper quotes Prince Bis marck as snylng ho would pay his respect to the emperor at Berlin immediately after Emperor William's ' birthday. The Colopnu Gazette , referring to the prosnnt of the wine , says Prince Bismarck , replying to Colonel Von Aloltkc , said ho would -wait upon the emperor at Berlin at the beginning of next week , In tie ! Itel In the Reichstag the statement of Hcrr KardorlT , imperialist , who said the existing distress could only be relieved by thq pro tection of national labor , which , nu added. Prince Bismarck initiated , was greeted with loud cheers , and prolonged appluusa was oc casioned by Herr Kardorff's announcement that ho felt the greatest satisfaction ut Prince Bismarck's impending journey to Berlin , Ono of the results of the reconciliation ho- twceii the emperor nnd Prince lllsmarck Is that preparations to celebrate the ompuror's brthday [ on Saturday next have been multi plied , and that this event will now probably bo made the blgnal fur a general outburst of patriotic enthusiasm throughout Germany. The excitement and r.atlsf.ictlon is not confined to political circles , In the army , among the hourgcolso , among the clergy , among the aristocracy and among the peas ants , bore and thcro and everywhere , all ranks and all ages , as well as all runditfons of people rojolco to hoar that there Is no longer that angry feeling between the rulur of the Gorman empire and the renowned servant of the country. Thus it in , thu approaching preaching meeting botyyceu Kmpnror Wil liam and Prince BtsrnarcK will bo a memor able ono In the history of Germany , and ono which will lln 1 an echo of sympathy In every patriotic German heart , not only throughout thu German umpire , hut wher ever the German language Is spoken , The Dlmnurck incident was the principal topic of conversation In the lobbies of thii Reichstag today. Some of the ' evening papers refer to the stop its the o'utcomu of thu messages exchanged between the empotorund Bismaielc last autumn , i.n I they nntlclpato u complete reconciliation In vlow of Bismarck's advanced ago and en feebled health it Is not expected ho will over again taito u prominent part In politics. | fo < iiilt Hi HID Klntn. PAI.KHMO , Jan. 23- General Lavcrnlo has addressed a circular to the l-'ldllar. prnfccli enjoining the economy m their com munal expense , thu adaption u ! mciisurrt tn improved the condition of the people ami thu itibtltutlon of an inquiry into tlio method * of levying commuual uxe * .