TIIK ( W.UIA HKK : TrUSDAY , TITlfl DAILY BEE COUNCIL MMTI'S f E ! NO. 12 PBAllti 5-TU1T.T relit ffed ty rarilcr to nny part of ( lie rlty II. W Tll.TON - Manngcr rrri . riMinvra . I tlmlnmOfflPC No.43 Tr.IJ.I IIONHS j jjigtn Kdltor No.Ii.l HoMon Store. oloaUs nnd holldny goods. A seated verdict , in the J25.000 damage suit of IlnrrliiKton ngnlnul tlicCll.V will be opened when tlio district court convenes tills morn- Ins ( icorgp Simons ami Mnry ilohtis wore mar ried yesterday nf lot noon by Kcv. He-no Do funeral of tlio Into .lames A. .Inekson will tnlto place Inmoriow nflwnoon ni a o'clock from the residence of A. T. Hire , 1M ! 1'ourtli sheet Special miM'tlng UltifT City lodjre No 71. Ancient I'Yeo nud Aeecpletl Masons , this evening for wet k in the second decree. All fellow crafts nnd Mailer Masons Invited. Mr nnd Mrs John Collins desire to Until : tlioir friends for the Iclndly sympathy shown In so tiiiiny ways during the sot row caused hv thi < illness and death of their daiiKhler , IMii Klierift ll.ii-on left tnst cveninp for Fort Madison with Larry Mnsliy. Svu'do Henry Anderson and Polo Anderson in charge , nil of whom will servo sentences in the pcnl- tcntlarv Thocxocullvo committee. of tlio Council Nhifis Assoi luted Chnritiesvlllinot tit the I'nion Christian Mission rooms on llrynnt street this afternoon nt ! ! o'clock. Hi order of the chairman , Henry Dclxing. Ht'iitricp , tl-yenr-old duupliter of Mr. and Sirs Hceklo.v. clled atI o'clock Sunday afternoon ut the family residence in Ha/el Dell township , of diphtheria. The funeral v. Ill In UP place at 1 o'clock this afternoon and the remains will be burled In Keel's I'Yank Wilson , who Is In jail charged with ohtnining hoard and lodging under false pic- tenses sit the residence of Mr. Clark and at the Neumajer hotel , has. It scums , been plaj inif the same trick on other residents of the city He registered at the Morgon hotel on Lower Main street a few days ago , not only for himself , hut for live or. six men whom hn .said would ho there later on. Among the list of nainrs ho signed weio thosoofChicf Kcanlan and Ofllccr Murphy. The two oillccrs take this as a personal nffront , and they will ho pleased lo see Iho fellow sent tip for a time. For fancy holiday goods ol every ile script inn tfo to M'HXKiumt's niiL'fs STOW. I'orfimips , Uio IntosltityloH in package null tlio most ilulieuto in odor. Finn y ent lasH bottles , celluloid Roods and toilet easox. Cull and boo our line of Hpeeialties. HCHNMiliK'ri : , 511 West Hromhvav. After .Tixnimry I. Urown's C. O. D. grocery will close cac.li ovoninir at 7 o'clock oAcopt Saturdays and Mondays. Domestic FOiip is the nest. Miss .losio Fhoa of Avoca Is In the oily vis iting relatives. ( 'conn * Kudio loft yesterday for a business trip to Buffalo , N. Y. 11 A. Hallciifter has returned from a trip on tne road to spend Christmas at home. Kov T. V. Thickstun Is spending the Christmas holidays with his daughter , Mrs. Dclviiy , in AlUnlie. Miss Howard , a teacher In the Washing ton avenue school building , is spending the holidays with her parents in Ked Cloud , Nob. Nob.Miss Miss Mnimo Hill of Richmond. Ind. . who has been visiting her cousin , Miss Lilian 1 In IT. for some time past , has decided to pro long her si ay Indefinitely. She is a very talented musician and will organise a music class horo. rliumbortt' D.iiirlni ; I'r.ietico. For bcginncra , ovoi'.y Moiulny. Junior clu&s , I p. 111. ; : ululls , 8 p. ni. Advanced junior class uvcry Wednesday p. m. Assemblies cvory Woilnosday 8'tO : p. in. II ! H elegant academy in the Shutrnrt- IJoiio block can bo secured , with clovntor sorvh'os , for nartios and niUHcalos. Apply to Mi- Winters at olorator. Tlio best of music can bo furnished for all jiai'ties. Great halo of skates , sleds , pocketknives - knives , velocipedes , boys' wagons. Thcso are outCliribtmas specialties , and you can buy n pair of club skates for fiOc , or a flood sled from fiUo to 7. > u , Bitf line of iloe knivcH. Colo's , 41 Main street. iioiiii.ir iiiiiiii i. Our specialties in celluloid poodc and fancy toilet cases of every description are unequaled in the city. SfHN'niUIIIt'H D'ltlW HTOItIC , Till Woht Uroadwtiy. lionc Hlhun. Mr. Charles Howe and Miss Lhoy hliam , both of this city , were married Sunday evenIng - Ing at the residence of the bride's uarents at the Mergon hotel on Mala street. The cere mony was performed bv Uov. Alfred ICnoll , pastor of the Trinity Methodist church , and was witnessed by about UK ) friends , some of whom were from oilier towns. Misses Anna Oemmlck and Mamu I'ardoo acted as brides maids , while Homer D.ivls and Ceorgo Dunne divided the honors of best man be tween them. After the marriage a sumptu ous supper was served. Tlio happv couple received maiiv beautiful and valuable * Kifts. They will make their homo In Council Bluffs Go to Sohnoidor'H drug store for holi day goods. Our line of porfunies , put up in original and cut glass bottles , with the latest and most dollcato Bt.vloa and odors. Cut glass bottles our specialty. llu\o you seen the new gas hcatur.s at the Gas company's olllco ? Domestic bean IH the best Sorvli'ii lit Ml , I'jinl'x , A pood-sl/od audience cathcred at St. 1'aul's chinch jesterday morning 10 eolo- brato tlui Dirlli of the ChrUt child. Uev. 10. .1 Babrock preached an eloquent sermon on n subject suitable for the occasion. Ono of the attractive features of the service was thu Blnginir of the surpliccd choir , which , under the Instruction of the organist anil choirmaster , . ! . II , SinmiH , has attained a degtce of prollclcno.v that is remarkable The offertory anthem , "Sim. , Oh Heavens , " bv Tours , was given with dash and vigor , Miss 1'omeroy , ho has a sweet soprano voice , taking the boln part. In the selection , "LikoSilver 1-amps , " by Barnby , tun choir also showed the effects of careful and pains taking drill , Great clearing halo of upholstery goods , fringoti , Cliinanllksdotted SwihiJ , Koinnn htripes , etc. , at le s tlian coht until .Ijimary 1 , 1801. Council Hhiffb Carpet C'o.107 Uroadway. Doiibiuoro tynowritors , Hiilios | | ) and repairs for all typewriter * . .1. T , Find- loy. Tel. Hll. Abk your tirocei1 for Domestic soai\ Olllrcriii : > cli-ij. The following ofllccrs have been chosen for tno coming A car by I'otuwuttamio di vision Xo. ! 8Oiilcr of Hallwny Conductors : (1. T. Joslin , C. C. ; W. S. Wllkins , A. C. O. ; 1) . J , ( Jutes , secretary ami treasurer ; (5. Miller. S. C ; J. T. Bell. J. O. ; O. U. Lundy , O. S. C , i John Moreau , I. S. C. _ LudIcs , If you desire ansoluto peace in tlTo kltulion nek your grocer for J. U , lloffumyr it Co.'s Fancy Patent Hour. Trade mark Hluo Hoostor. Ten nivlradB of poultry wanted , High est cash price paid. John Dunn , 410 Upper liroudway. Ask your grocer for Domestic sap. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Hotel Minnwfi Burned ti Gronnrt Jtnt nt the Oloso of OhriUmas. END OF A POPULAR BATHING RESORT I'lro Started from Sonio Unknnwn Cnnin and llclng fnr Itrynnil I'lro l.lmln Noon llurniMl Ihn rrixnn llnlld- The Hotel Manmva caught fire about H o'olork last night nnd burned to the ground. ' 1 tie building had been unoccupied since the close of ttio bnthlng and bj.Uinp season. It was erected about live je. rs airo and was a" frame structure , two stories high and about -Klxl'-'O ' feet in ground dimensions Soon after it was built S. I' . McCouncll , who furnished the material , was compelled to foreclose a lien on It ami in his possession it remained. The loss is estimated at about ? H,0XI. ( Whether the building was insured has not been learned. Information of the fire was sent to the Council HlulTs lire department , but owing to the remoteness of the building from hy drants , Chief Nicholson thought that It would be futile to attempt to save It. SnrrusHliil IlliliTlnltuinnit. The entertainment given Saturday even ing at Do Long's mission by thu girls Indus trial school connected with that Institution wasijulto largely attended. The amount oloaied was about J.V1. which Is to he used In the purchase of supplies for the Industrial school and other urgent needs of the mis sion. sion.The hall was nicely arranged for the en tertainment , being staged and curtained , and the program rendered was pronounced excellent bv all present. Yesterday Messrs. llancy A le Lorn : and Henr.Coker . , under whose direction the entertainment was given. , veie requested by various persons to repeat it. Tncy luivo decided to do so , also to make It a benefit for K v Henry Ie Lonir. The. date llxed is Mondav , .Umimry 1. High t hero a few words might be s'tid In regard to tills mission and Industrial school. Neatly ovor.v one In Council Bluffs IUIOUH of the work accomplished b it in the two years of its existence. It is an actual fact that thousands have been clothed bv Mr. DoLomr , and the results ot his labors have been felt all over the city. Of course , he lias been ublo to do this thromili the help of the coed people in this city , but be is thu medium , and seems to bo thu one to till the place. Mr. Ue Long has received as salary during the last two years a sum amounting to less than * IO per month. His wife has also given almost her entire time to the wont of supulying clotl'iue to thu poor and in looking after the Industrial " trial school. In view"of these Im'ts the people ought to make these worthy workers a suitable Now Year's present on * this occasion. The price of tickets is hut 10 cents and the entertain ment is worth far moro than this amount. You can make up for this , however , after you have supplied your own needs by pur- uhasini ; as manv extra tickets ns the amount you wish to give to this worthy purpose will allow. Mnt < iutih > no Kntirt lilt * . Chambers' hall was the scene of a happy gathering last evening. The Mncmosvno Uaucing club was out i'i full force , the oc casion being its second party of the season , The impronotmccnhllity of the mime ol this now club ulil not seem to have any effect on the members , and they danced as long and as earnestly as though there was nothing in their make-up but what was purely United States. The gowns of the girls were paily colored , and harmoni7cd with the tints of the hall so as to form a charming picture. It was ono of the men lent parties ever given in Council Bluffs A punch bowl and cake founed ono of the nt tractive tcatures of the enter tainment. Pho following young people were present : MissesSadio Mudge. Mate Crandall - dall , Anna Ilujes , Nellie Hai'dln , Lena Fonda , Alice Boiiham , Kdlth Allen , Bertha Ilungnto of Omaha , Mamo Hume , Sadie Davis. Charlotte Bobbs , Jessie 1'ickoriug , Mnhoi nnvlrn Annl IfndlipM nf Ontn MM. Aliiiii 1'feiffer , Kiinna Inninii , Maude In- man , Dora Anderson , Lllllo Davis , Nellie Keller , Jessie Gilbcit , Bessie Hungato of Omaha , Kthel Colclongb , Air. nnd Mrs. 'F. K. Dobbins. Mr. and Mrs.V. . 1C. Da wson , Messrs. IlarrvP. Davis , J. 1' . O'lConfe , M. Cloldsmith of Omaha , OsearS. Williams , H. B. Crouch , Clark 13. Hayes , George W. Westerdahl , B. L. Komper of Omahn , H. D. Sawyer , John Beno , jr. , H. N. Hattenhauer , Herb Kitfga , John Mudge , .1. 10. MoDormott. W. Jacobs , H. D. Drown , C. 1C. Stoddard , F. Strykev of Omaha , W. C. Bartlett of Omaha , Cnnrlcs ( JcrUc of Omaha , A\ ill Martin , A. C. Keller , 10. A. Ingoldsbv. O. ( J. Osboruu of Omaha , S. K. Barker . D. Bebee , William Gilbert , M. 7 . Korsaitt of Omaha , William F. Mack of Omaha. _ Clirlitmiis Aiiioni ; tlin .I.tll Itlrils. 'J'ho iiritoners in the county jail were given a big dinner yesterday and they all cnjojed It to thu full limit. In addition to thu usual delicacies , Sheriff Ilnreu extended them an extra courtesy In the shape of a box of clears , live pounds of smoking tobacco , a lot of chewing tobicco and a bushel of apples. The sheriff of the "kangaroo court" took the extras hi hand and divided them up among his constituents. Some of the men did not smoUe , so tnoy traded their cigais for po'inuts. Somu of tiem were uncom monly fond of apples , and they set up a > oker shop with a onc-applo ante , the result Doing that the rich man's fruit was soon divided very unequally. Among thu prison ers \\as ono colored man , who , with loirs In Ills eyes , hogged that ho might bo allowed to stay in Jail until after the turkey anil cigar spioad was over , ids term being out yesterday morning. His request was [ ; ranlcd and ho was given the last whack at a turuo.v wishbone that ho will have , in all probabilltv , until iho next tlmo tie steals his way behind tlio bars. Altogether , the prisoners had a very happy tlmo ol it , and although their way of passing the day was rather different from that of aomo people who wear holler dollies and smoke bolter cigars , it Is lo l-o doubled if the amount of pleasure they experienced to tliu square inch was not fully as great as their moro fortuualo bill less plclurcsquu brothers. llro'ce u Mtow C'MMC. Charles Swoiletiburg , a young man who was formerly employed In Iho J\ow England bakery on Bioadway. is in jail as Iho result of a llillo trouble ho had with thu proprietor of the place Sunday ovenlni ; . Yhero had been a misunderstanding between iho men , nnd Swedenborg went Into the place with the object hi view of settling it then and there , tlo was accompanied by a Jatrof very comfortable proportions. Ho encountered Air. Efford. who tried to put him out as boon ns tin found that Swcdonberg was bent u.on | making trouble. Tlio young man was some thing of u scrappnr , however , and KfTord had eonaldurablo iroublu In pulling him oul. Swcdunbiirg kicked o\ef a show case an. I knocked Mrs. KlTord , who happened lo bo mantling near , over in among ihu doughnulR and cookies. Shu was badly hurt , and stilt worse frightened. All day \estcrduy she \\iisiindcrlhucaroof a physician. Olllcer Murphy nrresioit Sxvcticnborg yesterday on nn Information tiled by IClTord charging htm with disturbing thu pence. DoWItt's Little ICarly Ulsurs Small pills safe pills , best pills hu-'iir i urn ! MI' : ir Cum ! Try the Council lllulfs sugar corn. The best in the market. " Absolutely no chemicals used to bleach the corn white. It is young , tender , bwcot , clean and wholesome. George. S. Davis , jrc ) cnptionUniggist. bmoko T. I ) , Kuiir & Co'a Purtngas. l i Arcuiiiiiiinliito. Texas Sittings : it was a very ragged but an exceedingly polite hoggin- who took off Ills greasy cap to u gentleman on Hrcadway and hiiid : "I'ardon mo , sir , will you please grant mo the favor of a gratuity of fi centhV 1 have not yet dined. " " 'either imvo I , jaid the gentleman , more ( o himself than to Ihn i > < ggnr ' < c- CIUIM ho was hurr.Miig home for Hint purport' , "T'li'ii ' make II lOconK" snlil the bofr- gni1 , "and we'll illnu togothor. * SUE 18 AWONDSH. Itrmnrhnliln Trick * I'prtnrmril IJ" n Mlnd- Thci'o Is n young Knglishwomati In Now York who. according to the Time' ? of that city , is either the greatest fdelght-of-hand performer on earth or else n mind-reading wonder bo ldo whom Washington Irving Hlshop and the rest wore clumsy apprentices. Tlio young woman's nnmc is Mi ? Maud Lancaster , and she hails from Lou- don. don.On On Friday night she gave a private exhibition of her powers in ono of the parlors of the St. James. When she had linlshed , the audience , miulo up of news paper men , Dr. Cvrus Kdson of the Health board , \r \ , Wynkoop and a num ber of other skeptical persons , \\vro utterly dumbfounded and tumble to ao- count for the remarkable performance on any other ground than the po-sesshm on Miss Lancaster's part of a psycholo gical power that is incomprtdii-uslblc. t'nder the circumstances surrounding her performance , charlatanry was ap parently out of the question , and the things accomplished by bur bad to be taken as evidence of a moat mysterious psychic force. Hut Miss Lancaster does not appar ently require personal contact in her performances. She asks a room full of people to concentrate their mind , and , coming blindfolded in the apartment , she ims-os her hands through the air , touches a person here and there , and then lindh a card that has been hidden away , reads its face , without e\en put ting her hands on it : finds a pin that lias been carefully feccretcd : and t-o on , The now mind reader is a very slender young person , not at all handsome , but gifted with a pair of great , dark , liquid eyes that almost transform her severely plain face. She looks ascetic , and speaks with a peculiar , fur-away intonation , as if the did not see the people in front of her. even when the cloth which she wears before her eyei so much is re moved. Her arms , bare to the elbows , are so delicate that they worn almost transparent , and her long , white hands are apparently a ma s of tender nerves. They move incessantly in a slow , ryth- mic , graceful manner , and seem to bo the mediums through which she lirst feels the thought waves that como from the people in the room. All the bo-called mind-rcauing feats accomplished in the past , however mys- tlrious and bewildering they might appearhavo been accounted for by inves- tegators on the ground that it was not mind , but miibc.le-rea ing. The nor- former would bo in personal contact with the individual whoso mind it was sup- popcd he was reading. A hidden pin would be located by the blindfolded mind-reader by the involuntary twitch ing of the muscles in the hand of the per-'on who had hidden as the place of secretion was approached. A very deli cate physical o'rgani/.ation would there fore ace Mint for nearly , if notnil , , the mind-reading phenomena exhibited in the past by Bishop and others. The performance on Friday night was arranged in the shape of a program containing tix numbers. In her peculiar voice .she lirst explained to the people who had been summoned to meet her her method of "tuought transfer , " as she culled it , without personal contact. "If some lady or gentleman will hide a pin Mdnewhi're after I withdraw , I will return and liud it , " she taid. In company with two of the spectators she left the room , and at a given signal she returned blindfolded. The nin had been hidden in the under side of a man tel lambrequin by a newspaper man. Miss Lancaster gently waved her hands in the air , passed in trout of the people seated on either side of the room , and , with slight hesitation , she went directly to the mantel. Hero she hovered for some time , us if in doubt , but dually she jiullcd out the pin amid general applause. Miss Lancaster withdrew again under proper escort , nnd the company selected a lady and gentleman to whom the mind reader was to present bouquets of dowers which had been prepared. A. II. Ilummol , the lawyer , made the selec tion , fixing on Mrs Cyrus Edsou at , the recipient of a bunch of pinks and on a re porter as the recipient of n white rose. Mibs Lancaster came in blindfolded an before , picked the pinks from the table , and. after walking half way round the room once , she retraced her stops and , after gently touching Mrs. lidhon'b Head she presented the dower s to her. The white rose was handed ts the reporter , eho.-.ou with oven greater rapidity. The young woman bowed as overv ono ap plauded , and , removing the cloth from her eyes , she said : "Now I will find stolen jewelry. If some lady or gentleman will take a piece of jewelry from some one in the room , 1 will find it and restore it to the owner. " Dr. Kdson was selected after Miss Lancaster had retired. lie took an cmornld ring from tlio linger of Dr. G. W. Weld , and hid it in the plush of a botteo in the room. Within a few min utes after her reappearance Miss Lan caster had found the rimr. Then a peculiar thing occurred. Dr. Weld bad unconsciously changed seats witli a lady who sat beside him. No ono in the room had noticed this , but the mind reader was evidently induoneed. Aft > r homo hesitation , and groping around , she dually placed the ring on the linger of the lady. There was a murmur of dissent which allowed the mind reader that she had made a mis take. Again bho bugan her groping , gently swaying to and fro and feeling the air incessantly. She came buck to the lady and placed the ring on her llifgor again , then drew it olT again , and then , suddenly taking hold of Dr. Weld , bho slipped the ring on his linger. Ono of the reporters took tlio aeo of hptides out of a pack of cards and hid it in the pocket of another reporter. Mihs Lancaster returned blindfolded , deter mined where tlio card was , and then , without taking it out of the roportcr'h pocket , fahe buid slowly : "It is iho acu of bpndes. " She repeated this trick twice. She also ruiul the number of a bank note , which wiii held by I'olico Captain O'Connor , without touching the captain or the note. Then she picked out , blindfolded , one of nine knives that had been used in the commission of a mock murder during her absence from the room , selected the murderer from the audience , picked out the murdered man , who was Francis St. Gojrgo Howe , the railroad contractor , and illustrated exactly the manner in whichthe killing had been done , by bending Mr , Ilnvo'o bead back and drawing the knife across his throat. Sweet breath , 8i\oat btomaun , sweet tem per } Then use IXsWui'sLHtlo ICirly Hisera. A lii'iiiiin > tritliui Cleveland Plain Dealer : Haby Wa- ycow-oo ! Wife Quick , John , the baby's fallen Into the buckwheat jar ! Qdlck. on your life ! Abs-ent Minded Student No hurry , u great principle U involved. That child , madam , hat ) reversed the plan of the solar sy&tem- ' 'Wluit cioyou mean , you fool ? " "Djift you tee , madam , that the gun in the yeaat' ; " ' SUPPOSE WE HAU WAIl. Tlin S irt Columbia ) < | lnlil S ci-p ( Nun. merer frntitUiBeiK. Whether the new cruiser Columbia could catch the fastest'lM-can liners nbw alloat or not Is a quf/iion often dis cussed in shipping circles , tajs the New York Tribune. Tliat-nho would be a'llo to overhaul nearly alUoccan merchant vessels is admitted , nny there are one or two which it IB a qoniitllm if she could overtake. On her trial trip the Colum bia for four hours Timde an average of 112.81 knots an houvVD'hls was made under the most favorable circumstances , with picked coal aiuFpleked lit emeu. It is a rule that a mrtn-of-wnr does not make afterward , In the ordiimry course of her life , as fast thujas on her trial trip. It is ul < > trije tluit modern men- of-war have never been called upon to make phenomenal hunts of speed in the course nf their cruises , except in caes of pressing emergency. It is ' afe to say. however , that the Co lumbia will Imvo a sustained sea speed of over twenty-one knots in cruising time. The two vessels which the Co lumbia might have dillleulty In catch ing are the Campania and the Lueunm. The Campania lias made the highest averuce hourly speed ever attained ba % vessel in a tr > in"tithintic voyage. She did it this month when she made an average of 21.118 knots from Queenstown to New York. The hlghcbt average speed for one day was made recently by the Lticania. which ran at an average of 122.7-1 knots for twenty-four hours and fifty inimitosT-a nautical duj-coming west. It will be vei'ii that the Columbia. Lit- cnniu and Campania arc at least worthy rivals in speed. The greater length of the big Cunarders would tell in their favor in a heavy s-eu way , but that ad vantage might be otlset by the fact that while the screws of the big Cunurder.s might bo "racing1' the triple screw equipment of the Columbia would give her a greater hold on the water. "This,1' Chief Constructor Wilson once -aid of the Columbia , "would tell greatly in a chase after a liner. ' ' If the Columbia were after a trnn-ut- lantic liner , on thoughts of capture in tent , she would undoubtedly bo driven for all she was worth oven as the Prairie Hell was when "She ciinic teai lug along that night , Tli oldest hunt In the line , With u nlKjterMuml on berinfctyalo And her Cm mice ciammedltli iiisln and pine. " Then she might make her twenty-two knots or , if the weather were favorable , como up to her trial speed. Hut the Campania and the Lucania would also be "hust ling' ' and making the best time they could. Now suppose there was war be tween niiglaud and America , and the Columbia was looking for ono of the two big ships , which , under those circum stances , would be either in use as trans ports or transformed into light-armed commerce destroyers themselves. A sharp outlook would be kept from the crow's nest for the swift and terrible Columbia. As her four smokestacks would make her more readily distin guishable than an ordinary ship , she could bo recogni/cd foV u certainty with a glass , say fifteen miles under ordinary circumstances , or 'sa-y1 approximately ojghteen miles undcjr the most favorable circiiniHtuuecs. The Columbia would , also rcoogiir/.e the Cunardor and the1 race would begin. If the Columbia made the time the made on her trial race of 112.81 knots and the Lucnnia made the best time she ever made of 22.7-1 knotsnn , Hour the Colum bia would have gained on the Lucania at the cud of an hour .07 of a knot. Hut the Lucania has the advantage of an eightccn-milo start. Righteon miles is equal to about 15s knot's.1 ' Tlio fraction is a trille larger , but two-thi df ? is near enough for practical purposeXow , if the Columbia gains'.07 of a knot in one hour it would take her a little over nine days to overtake the Lucania. In that time the Lticania could easily intikc a British fortified port , no matter where the chase should take place. Kngland has a chain of fortidcutions around the world. In the case of the Campania , taking her best average speed for a transat lantic voyage of 21.28 kn-.ts , the Colum bia would have u difference in her favor of l.ri.'l knots. If she gained 1..0H knots an hoar on tlio Campania it would take her to overcome the 15j knots which the Campania had the start , about ten hours , and twenty-five minutes. It would therefore seem as if the Lucania were the only ship which the Columbia could not catch. In a long , .stern chuso such as the Columbia would have after the Lucania , she would not probably get within fighting range until days enough had passed for the Cunardor to make a port , or for the chase to bo given up. In the case of the Campania , u gun from the Columbia would probably shorten the chubo. Say the Columbia , in chas ing the Lucania , opened lire on her at five knots distance. Then oho would have ten and two-thirds knots to over come before she could fire , and that would take her over six days. Nolhinn can exceed Ihu care with which Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne is in ado. PATRIOTIC TABLETS. New York I'.irnlHliun \ Imliln I'roof ot Itcvu- Intlomiry l.ujulty. New Yorkers are endeavoring to eradicate the common belief that it is not a true American city. The erection of the Halobtatuo In City Hall park and the ceremonies of unveiling that deserved tribute to an hericc llguro in tlio re volution were visible and gratifying evidence of a patriotic awakening. The erection of the statue was fittingly supplemented with a number of tablets markiiir ! historic spots in tlio struggle for liberty. The first tanlot unveiled by the Sons of the ItotoIiilEon was on the spot where the battle of Golden Hill was fought , on January 18 , 1770. Thin engagement occurred at a point now bounded by William , John , Fultm and Gold streets. The place was marked by a house which was cruclod soon after 1H)2 ( ) , in which - your the corporation opened up the stl-obts between Wall and Pair now ( l ultbit1 greets ) and east of Hrondwny to tlq | * river. The house was used at varloiib times before and during the rovpluijon us a tavern and eolTee house , , and it numbered among its patrons Gu.'n'go Washington , Lafayette , Stoubuii , "General Putnam , and other illustrious ihuii. Its unmoor now , 122 Williain sireot , is kept as a hostelry by Joriopl ) JJolus. Tlio tablet committee-of the Sonsf/f the Revolution , oniposud of General Daniel Huttordold , Rev. Dr. Morgan l > ix , C'jloiiol Floyd G'larkson , John Austin Slovens and Uiivid Wolfe , mot kit vTi historic house and had a holiday 'juJMation. ' Hero is the in-criptlonou tlnj , ) j/on/.e tablet : Here January 18 , ITT'kdho ' light took place between iho Sons of Liberty and thu liritish rcgulais ( Sixtccnl'j foal ) . First blood shed In tlio war of iho rJvo'.uUun. Jerome Buck tinvolleii the tablet on the Washington building , at No. 1 Broadway , tlio in peciuoj ; being : ilc.ru blood the houbo unvo occupied b > Genera ! Gcor&u Wuslimclou and General Gcnrt'o Clinton as hcaJquautrs uurmg thu revolutionary war. The tablet at B jwllng Urenn has this record : Hero stood the leaden sinluo of Georuo 111 , kintr of Knuland. was dusiro.\cd Uy iho peoplojuly U , ITTiS. and later m.ulo Into bul lets for the American .inn.v At tUo southeasterly corner of Wash and Lalght streets the tablet reads' To commemorate the landingofGencr.il ( Icoige Washington at the fool of L'llpht street. North Kiver , accompanied by the troop. . Philadelphia City Hoise. .July . l < * 5. on his way to lake coinmiiud of the American nnnj at O-imbridae , Mass At Broadway and Forty-third street ' the tablet has'thls inscription : Near tl .A spot. September IS. ITTi'i , the da before iho bailie of Hiirlem. General Georg Washington nnd General Isrnl Putnam met and consulted during thu movement of the American army. The tablet at One Hundred and Fifty- third street and F.tc\cntli avenue reads as follows : To commrmnrnte the batlle of Harlem , on September 10. iTTii Here Colonel Thomas Knowlton and Major Leltcii weae so badlj wounded thai < tcath soon closed their pa triotic sen Ices for ihelr couutty. AHM1ES FiiAU THIS FLY. Wliy Kill ? t.nliciisulu I'll red tin' llrllUli K.itlicr tleni lln < DiMidl.i 'Im-Mo. Probably never until the Matubele war was the Ilight of an tinny , a nation and a king from a victorious enemy effectu ally stopped by a lly. Nor is the Uy which barred the path of Lobciigula and his people very large or very for midable looking. Of ah tut the si/o of the ordinary American housclly , this African lly seem" to have peculiar function tion- , one of which , at that particular time , was to stop the Might of the de feated Mutaboles from the pursuing British. Tlio tsetse lly bolt extends through the Xtimbe/.i country. The tsi't-e is found among bushes or weeds and ne\er in the open country. This particular belt of territory it never leave- . Its bite or sting is certain death to cattle , hor-.es. sheep and dogs. It luis no harmful elTcct upon men , mules and gout" . The formidable isot-o i- only a shade larger than our ordinary house lly. The nrirnn with which it slays its victims is a long , horny proboscis. It contains a compound bristle , or two needle-like piercer- . These piercers communicate with a poison bulb at the ba-e. It thrusts its proboscis into the animal's body and then pumps the poison through its veins from the bulb at the ba-e. The tsot-e's sting produces uri immediate ellcct , but in a few days there appears an exudation for ab'iut half an inch around the punctures. The eve and no-o begin to run. The skin quivers , as if with cold , and swelling under the jaws occurs. The animal growj thin and weak , until it is but liltl- more than a skeleton. It may live in that condition for months , but death always occurs eventually. There is no explana tion for the immunity enjoyed by man , the mule and the goat from the poison of the tsetse's sting. Nor do wild ani mals stilTer from it. .Irduo Muxpm'M 1'rovpihH. A man that kin make money ain't waiitiu' a government job. This sine , $ , ought never be worth less than 100 sent.wharevcr you -co it. Tulkin' is workln' in the United States sennet. A candidate that wants votes rite bad is liKely to fergil the Ten Command ments. Some voters vote for rovonoo only. A stump specker's backbone ain't a serkumstaii-o to his jawbone. The Goddc.-s uv Liberty ain't ollijibblu to the Tinted States sennot. What a pui'lie man says in n newspa per is subjick to change. lit a diplomat never told a lie he'd never hav a job. Wimmen kuos more about euliko than they do about the coii-titution. The pruetiklo polltishau is the works iu-ide the clock. An editor can't run the country mobbo , but ho kin toll Homebody else how. It is a heap site eir/.ier to brake a party than to make it. That party ain't got much use for a HEALTHY CIIILDUEN como from healthy mothers. And mothers will cer tainly l > e healthy if they'll tnlo Dr. l'icree'8 Kmprito ' 'Proscription. Nothing can equal it in building up a woman's fctrength , in icgulaling mid assisting nil her natural functions , nnd in putting in perfect order every part of the female system. It lessens the pains nnd bur dens of cbild-beariiif ; , supports and Micngth- ens wcnk , nursing inotlieit , nnd promotes un abundant bccietion of iiourfehmcnt. It's an invigorating , restorative tonic , n soothing and bracing nervine , nnd u f/imcoi- trcd remedy for H omen's ills nnd ailments. In every chronic " fenmlo complaint" or wenknesH , if it ever fails to benefit or cuie , you have your money buck. Thousands of people , with worse cases of Catarrh than yours probably is , liavo l > een permnnontlv cured by Dr. Sago's Catarrh Komedy. That is the reason why its pro prietors nro tiling to promise you $ MW if you can't bo cured. ON FIRE With nt'Oiil'Ing rircinna nnd other Itdiluu , Ijiiinliiu'i blci-ilint ; , M.dy , bloUli > anil [ ilmjily rLIn .mil null ] ) dlnc-ii 'B vruiiirlHiilli ulitMil and Hlindll ) ciiri-cl lij lliiccluljiatul CUTIILIIA IlBHhUIKn.lbeKrratiH * Un curi H , blood puiillt'iH , itiul hu iiiui fiixilliH ul modem tlnuu hol > I' i I'Dhoi , l > i > oilij. Mnu Dnvolopoil RENEWED IMHJ ( JURAT MPK I uUer. CIII'IIJINK , will ivHioie all tin1 iron tr.iilvo onraim. liniuitiinev lui- liOHHlhleir CUIM1IINK H lined. Send for fl'Ju clr- ciilarH and testlinnnl.ilH. IIAVOU MIDICINI : : co. l' . O lIux'JllTII. Sail Kr.lii- idhi'o Cat. I'ropdKilK lur him or ( 'niMtriietion. denied liliK for hulldln u Ktorni walnr hewer on Twelfth. Thli Icenth , D.ile nnd Sevi'iitceiuh htreotH will ho ri'Lvlvtd hy thoclly elurlc of Sioux City , la , until H o'elo ' p. in. TiiL'siluy , Jiinuaiy in , IH'Jl. Thuie will hn uliniU 1'JOO . feotof t foot 4 Inch. MOO feet of 4 fool li Inch , nnd : ) , : )0l ) ( feet of l > foot hi Id ; i-ouer , and .i''oul ' fiOO loot of 1' ; , 10 and 18 Inch plpo huuui , ahoutiJU hrlcU In- lids and 10 niiinholiih. Plans e.iui he won , and spei'lllcatloim mid luitdhiK hlaukii ean ho obtained at the olllcu of iho elly enulnoer. A bund In the sum of 40 pur ( ! lit of tlio amount hid , lth two ueeupiahiu hiuetles , onii to bn u leililiiit of Moiu t-'lly , must ueeoni puny euch bid. Two hhls am iisKed , one eondltloned upon payment on mouthy eMliuuto * In eiibh , und onu on puynu'nls on monthly n-.tlnmtcs ! In hewer honiN iiiiiiiliii : IMU , thii' , four and ll\o yeais , beiuhiK Jnloiest at Hut. rain of li pur cent. Tlio light U lubcivuil to reject nny or all bid * . K.M'IIK PlINDK , Chairman Sewer Commltli-e. .SottiMi to ruliiKIl er , Notieu Is lierobv ulvun thnl boilud will ho reouhel at Ihu ollleo of the county elon < of Kuya 1'nhii county. .NuUr.iMldi , until January 1 1 , Is'.H , for fuiiilahlu ; sulcl uonnty with Two ( ! ijulro dead records. TwoOquiro innrt'iiao iccorlc , Onoiiiinlro induv of mo-l nuua , One Uiilro | Indtx of dcuun And , tlso nil older records In llrjulro bonln ; , nnd i : ul uiunUh , puns , holdorH anil ncnc.lK , rnhl.'cr ifinds , etc. , fur tliu your 1KU , eoniinla- bliinuri reserving Iho r xht to ioj ot any und nil Id ( in. Uv ur.ler of county hoird nf Keyu 1'iilm ctiunlv. NuhrasU i , W.T. THU.MAK. di-U'-lU 3tl County Dior * . MJ1V J'C 111 , UJA'I I ( .V . . ci'uiiiil of Ihn only rational mode of treat ment l > aiiiihlt | * ! ltloii JOc AililrouK lr WlllUiiiDon , New London , Conn , mnn tlmt Ililtiks uv Ms foim'v Ills partj l'nrl > | irlnslcl { iilnt tmrty every time. Unltotl Stntos Hcuiitors h sllll ( | iuitoil par. A jiuriy tlitit h ufrciul to llto It out H ( int. Cifro liidU'dstloii and hlliousnosi with Jo-Witt's l.lttlu KarlyKlsers. DIGUING FOR A FORTUNE. Nrnrlj Tno Mtlllnni ' Itiilmitrrdit' * Moiipy A unit * u I'l'iiler , ' Near the town of l.i : 1'latti , in tlio rgcntlno 1'opnblio , there is a fortttno of sonio $1,500.000ocmvly bound in n tcol ehost , buried in the ground out- < ido the cltv. This tivasuro is somewhat on thoonloi1 if the supposed Captain Kidil troii-uro , int the iiiono.s is in Itank of Mnglnnd lotos , and the following IH iho wuv In which this enormous iiiUDunt of cash was ilddon from a lur o pai'ly who moon : ho hunt for It. When the civil war broke out In Chile , I'resident Malniaccdn , fooling Iho neces sity for several men-of-war , coinniis. sionod Colonel Pinto , ono of bin most trusted friends , with the amount of noney above nicntioni'il to purchase ves sels in Kngland. Colonel I'into embarked on ono ot the steamers plying between Valparaiso ind Liverpool , but the time required for 'lim to get to Knirland wns t-o long that icforo he reached port Malniaccdti had ologrnphed hlni-to rctui'ii without purchasing - chasing the s-hip. C'oloncl I'lntj changed the bills of ox- 'liiingc whicli the president had given lini into Hanx of Knghind noloH , put hem into a hteel chcsi and returned to Valparaiso. Hn route ho learned of the lownfnllof Ualniaccda. and he concluded that the Arircntino republic would be a nore agreeable country for him to ll\o in. ITe consequently took up his ab-idc in that ] dacc , but. being afraid to put Iho money in anv bank , for feat' that his oncmicM would claim it. he buried the treasure , and later , fooli.shly. went , to Valparaiso , where he was arrested and imprisoned. Naturally , the government wanted iho money , and they t"iod all the means in their power to obtain it. Colonel I'into fused lo divuliro the hilling place of the treasure , and the fact getting abroad that the money wa < buried , almost ovor.vbodv around the usually quiet town of La I'lata is digging with pick and bhovol in their hunt for the bteol chest. Little pills for great Ills : DoWUl'sUlUe ICarly Risers. _ II'H : i l.oiid Tb I MI ; . Thcro Is no relish moru comforting lo the inner being ihan Iho conseiousuess of bav in r 1 g ilcned Iho burden ol poverty and carrioi ch-'erinto the haunls of luislorlune. 'fry it. Relieved me of a bevcrc Hlootl trouble. It lias also caused my hair lo grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S.S. S. O. H. EuiiiiiT , Galvcston , Tex. ' THJP * ? fiyforclnp out perms of ( h- > SC'l J 1 1O c.ifeand thu poison 3 well. S 3It 13 entirely getalilu and hanulc' ' ? ' ? . Uloodnnd H.ln mailed free. STicatlsoon Swell w Co. , Atlanta , Ga- 100K , This T.nilt He'lii'iwill KiT | > i iriin HUil Hloclc tank from frce lnu In coMest ui-.ithcr. Ki-w Htuck- men n-allre the Hivlni ; lo their e iltli * In cold we.itlier. Made of cxlia hc.lv.N k'.lU .nil i-il IKIII Will IIIKI niMiiyI > : IIH wllliuni iviuliSnl in am llildri'HH on ii-eulpt of tlO IHI 1' . O. II. Hero DlHouiinl to tliu ti.idc. COLE & GOLE IU , , a. lotfs/iUjj.wflvi / LOUISVILLE /rx PROTECT YOUR EYES Spcclaclcs an I Eyeglasm Don't Waste Money. Don't Buy Something You Don't Want. You Won't Regret It. Your Wile Won't Forget It. You Won't Believe It Until you BOO the hundsomo Christians novelties AT DKVOL'S. Cooklni ; novelties , of ull the lnto t pittorns. llumitlfiil ( iarvn | Bnts. lint ubovo ml thu thin K that will plousoyour wife ino t und cos I you tbuloasl inoniiy , THU IIAWKUYU DL'ST I'AN , A inw novelty that makej vnthorlnuodiut npleavnre. No tundlmjovcr. No hroUun cor- euU. Nouvhluv u-tukH. Mo lolllnn how yunr wlfuyoi iilonR without 11 Uuforu. And It only costs "i ) cents. Como In and HCO II. It Uu OhrBtinai prt'kcnl that U handsome , useful , P. O. DKVOL , H llrottdwsy , Cuuuvll UlulT * . VII AM ) STIMIAt II , Pliiln Tnlk tiy n \\rlt Kiiuun Illllcml < il Cipiinrll Illiill4. Mr. U T. Albert ! , arpnty clly oniflnpcr. of fonnell llluiN. with ollleo nt the cltv Btul resldlni ; at 111) ) WtishltiRlon I. T. AtiUrtin. li.-Miutv I'lly Kngliiecr , ' lihills la. " 1 had illlTored from some oitnrrhnl affection ( if the he. id nnd sloin.u li till II thre.tlcned niv umit'rul lie.Ulli quite sn.oiis'y , but t found ihu tio.itinent pru'llro I l > y Or * Cupola ml .V. Hivpaid to lie \ur.v thonniirli nnd cUlolcnl mitl Mich r.s to afford mo ontlro relief In a icmaru- atilv short lime. My condition \vhmi I nppllcd to them forei- ptirt diagnosis ami tru ttinent , wasn't thnl of any vlu ent or print rut hit : tilings , hut Unit of entistnnt Inillsnosltlim or half-sicklies" . I \\iis alwiivs mhmulily out of nrKheul : Inn finer- oil , otuiri'il up ( . ' 111111111(111 piln nnd Miri'iipss user the eyes , nxIcUly mid nlimisi ( onllnuims hcniliu'lie , , t constant fm > lliu' of physical de- tri"lon. ) . heavlue i iiml fiilluuc , li.idly conlud tonuiui ami Iho taste ( ifour potinitis In tlin month , mid u SCUM * ot something \MIMIK In my tlinut as tlumuli tlieioas somulliliiK nm- tnc there. I \ \ us iioxer huimrySOOIIILM ! lo ha > e lost nil niitiirul rnllsn of too I and uould ho lioutili'd ultli a bliKitlnn of thesuumrh mid u Mok mid Inittsv feulliu fur two or llueo hours nftor oatMiir. My sloop \vtsliad. It dldn t nut or idTresh me so thut 'norl < or novxirl. ' I was al- \\uyn tired , alwixvs failed out , mid | usl us much that way iiiorii n i us nfiei the labois of a dav. lint , as I s'lld , under the ( 'mwhittd & ShiMianl re itineiit nil thovj aimnvliu mid moio 01 trs * Imticssliu symptoms IIRXU p'i scd , iutiv en tirely , and my huallh from tlml time on Inn been excellent hi o\ery respect , " M nur. SulTeiers from piitarrh , rlionnril ls-n or othri cur.ililo chrontu maliidlos. dusltltuto olitiiln ,01110 , InlolllKent Idu.i nf thu Copoltind & Shup- nidaystum of treatment ttofoio Inourilntf u\- penso , wl < l lie accord 3d an osamln itioti ami lli t lieitnieiit ; free of charge , All \Thoapp v In person \\lll ho esiunImM , advlied nnd lro.it- eil upon thulr llr t visit utisoiutuly true of u\- pcn ° e. _ _ _ _ _ DRS. COPELAND & SIIEPAlli ) , liOOMS nil AND .It ! NEW YOSK l.tl'1 ' J HUlUIINa OMAHA. Ntil : Ofllco Hours - ' . > to It n. in , : i to > p. m. : 7 lot u > in. Sunday U u in. tnlJ m. . PMEIE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Lspericnco. ADRU OF DISIASKS : OK MEN AND IVOMCN. J'UOPKIETOK Ol ? TUB WOUIAVS IIKHHAL DlSl'EK- Y Off MEDICINE. Hreat 1fio following Diseases : Catarrh of Ihe Head , Thront , and I.tinpl ; Dt . ecEcaoftho Eye and har.l itsin.d Ai > oplciy , Hcurt Disease , Liver Complaint. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Lose of Manhood , Somlnal WoD.knos , Diatcte'.Briciit'B ) Di'cnse , et vilua' j.'auco. Khcuiiitttlfm , 1'aralysls , White Swelling , Scronila , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors nnct Fistula > n ano rcmovod without the knife or drawina a drop ol blood.Vonipn with hir dolieato or > ; iiu3 re- ( itorcd to health. Dropsy cured \vllhout tupping. Spscial Attention given to private Diseases of all kinds. S5O to S5OO forfeit for any fJls- ef.so I cannot euro without mercury. lipo Worms removed in two or three hours , or no pay. lu'iiiorrholda or Pi lea cured. TllOSh AVIIO AUH AFTMCTED Will pnvollfo mid ImudredJ of dollars by culling oil or using PR. G. W. PANGLC'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlioonlyl'liyHlcIaii wtio can toll wlm ! nil ! u person without risking a ijiicstlini. All correspondence rlrlcllvconfldcntlul. Uodlciut ee/it by uxprcas. Addict ail letters to c. u . i3AJsra/i3M. D Ji/"iiH'lusn : I cents In Htniuim ( or elr.nlvr : : CHRISTMAS MEATS The most for the money and host In thu city. If you want to sco the llnest display of meats , lisli , K.imound poullry , nnd If you want to got tlio host meats for the IO.IHI money , | 'o to I'okorn.y'n new iii.ir'.ut , l'l ! ! Ilronilway ( MeselKindorf's old stand ) Hero's prices that talk. Head Ihoin aiid HC < If It is nueoHsary for imyhody lo no h'liwyi Roast heof from lie to tlo ; boiling heof fiom ! le to Oc ; sirloin steal : from 111 : lo l-c ; pot'tcr- IIOUHO sto.ilc from lOu In 1'Jc ; tininil sluah fiom tie to lOii ; ribs and chuck htoak from liu lo " ' .Jc ; corned beef from lo lo tin ; clod.H ( .honclc'ss ) , Oc ; pork chops , lie ; pork hulls , llic ; halt pork , Hie ; mutton of nil kinds from Tii ; to KM ; veal of all IciniU Irinn To to llio ; pork KiiuhtigCH from be to lllc ; ( 'allforniit iiiuiiH , lo ; bacon , l'J' ' > u ; lard from 80 lo I''u. Tliiiso price ; are Hiihject lo cluing j. Wo malio ourouu saiiuaKOH ( .ill llndn ) . \Vo Hell AII-OI.I nn : oiiiHi'iiu than nny inarkot in town , Wi.- have thu largest and ilucst fish and linn.o dlbplay at lowcHt posulhlo privet ) . A. P. PQKORNY , - - 333 Broadway SIms& BaiuMdjWff ) fedeiul couili Kiitiii JJl-T-i-'J , Oon ncll III u IT : , la 'Special Notices * BL'Ji \\rANTKII To uxvli.'iiitfo , iniod elly propel ly ay ' ' ranli [ ork'oa < l Mnu l.i'idlu III HKUM roiiiil KeliraHka m-ir the tuun ( if C'usa I. I ) , J. HutoH- IDHOII A Co , 1117 llrotq .i ) . ( io iii'll IlllilTK. I.'Oll SAI.K Al low flzur" ' . 10 acri-f iiiosllr limber. ' . * inlleH fnini elty llnillH , llnu Ir.dt land. AditrexH F IP , Ilu i , Couin-11 DO VOU 'Aiiow Hint Day .1 lluss Into clioU'o b iri'.ilns In ridl unit tSAr-lin AHSTIUCl'8 unit lo.vm P.inn n ul ( illy bought auU itolil 1'UHoy A. The nas , ( Jo a ut JJhin ( lAHDAfKrenmvi < dcoHbpuol4 , v.nllta cil ! ll'IJ/1 Jclu.uii'4. I'M llui-ku , ul Taylor's ( rjsjrJO /O1 HUNT A 4-ro'iui IIOUHU. IdjiirJ ut i IbtHtruul , \\rANTKD 'I'u trade , n yoiinir : i-iidmiti > IIIJIHU ! it tixxl iMieuniutli' lln-d blcjcle , K""J eh. men l t AUclre * * ilex lai Councllllluifu.