Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Til 10 PAl-liY
, ni.i rm
HI Kits XO 12 t'UAUt ,
to tiny pfirtof the rJly
11. \ \ TTI.TON
Uoston Store , eloihs anil holiday Roods.
IJoin , to Mr. and Mrs. t'rustcnburg , a
einistmas tiny services will bo held tomor
row at Grace Episcopal cliurrh at 10 " 0
o' ( lock
Horn , to Mr and Mis Carl Sivuildlng ,
' and Ninoteetith
corner of 1'lfth avcnuo
Rtreet , a son
Mrs A H Hnrterton was paid $2,000 jcs-
tordav by the Ancient Order of United
Woi lemon as insunneo on the life or nor
late liuAbatul.
Loccox , the alleged burglar of some tta-
Irish fiPlght cats not long ago , has been
Kianlod a continuance by Justlco \ ion until
The local ficlEhlofllco of Iho Union Paci
fic lalluny will bo closed tomorrow In older
Ihiit thu emplovos may spend Christmas
\\lth their families
Miss ithel Narclay entertained a number
of her joumf ladj friends justerday morn
ing at her homo on Hess street In honor or
MI s llertha ( lines
George Davis , who lives on Tlrst avenue ,
between Twontjfourth and rwonty-mtn
streets , ami ib not In the ill UK business , vjas
an CM vd last evening : ona dial go of beating
his wife
A number of the tnombeis of the ( Inny-
meilo Wheel club responded loan Invitation
from the Onmlm Wheel club to aUond a
Chiistinas tree" at the lattcr's club looms
l.llt UVCIling.
Chailcs Harris. C. II. Preston and U II.
r.v.uis willluvc-i hcailng next Tuesday In
Justice Hold's com ton thoehugpof brcalc-
liig Inlo n show ciso in fiont of Bonn won
li ) os ' stoioa few days ago.
Uotruinr meeting of Star chapter No 47 ,
Hoyal Airh Masons , will be held Monday
evening , Januaiv 1. All niombeis and visit-
Intr companions aio tcspectfulU United to be
piescnt 11ordorot the M. 12 II ! '
The Noi Umestutn Mutual Life liisurnnco
romp my comment e < t proceedings In thu dls-
tiiet court \cstciday to foreclose ) a moi tgaeo
for ? IOUOO on tlio roster II its located at ttio
cotuei ut rust avenue and Ulghlh sheet.
The case of Maltha Huriinpton against
thu eltj , for * .r > , uOO damages for personal In-
Jin los. was completed in the distilot couit
iiml given to the Jmy At H late hour last
night a verdict hud not been agreed upon
Mis Magpie Mitchell had a writ of re
plevin issued In thu district court justorday
for a lot of household Roods hold by John
Cojlo at ! 2MO ( West Broulway. The stuff
w as seized by Coylo in satisfaction of u claim
for i ent
John McDonald died nt 11 o'clock yester
day moi nine of paialv sis , aged 83 jc.ns , at
his huine , 171M Aoith lUirhth street , after
beinc ; helpless for seven months The funeral
will tike place this afternoon at - o'clock ,
nud the icmaius will bo buried In Pairview
W. S. Thomas , a resident of T.ulor sta
tion , was run into by a motor Ham on Bio ad-
vvaj near the corner of Bryant stieetru-
\laj- , while drlvhu alonfi in a , wajrou , and
both ho and a friend who wasiidhif : with
him weris tin own out andsomeivliatbrulsod ,
although not seriouslj' injured
The com pi nuts of thopuohc Ronorallyin
rccaid to the tculblo pondltlon of thu
streets had their olTcct jestoulny , and Of-
licer Wlatt was sent oat with his , chain Banff
to put in the day cleaning up. The state of
ll - the city was considerably improved , but it
will take so\oral d ivs of work to m ike it as
B KOOil as it ought to be.
| -Dr. Gunsaulus of Chicago won many ad-
mitcis huio by his Icotmes duiiup ; the asKemblv. These nnd otheis
will boplcasea that another oppoitunity is
now present to bear him lie is lo lecture in
the 1 list ConKicRational church of Omaha
next Tuesday ovenine , Dei ember SO , on
"Savonarola. " Tlio admission is f > 0 cents
and the piocecds RO to chaiitablo purposes.
Ur. Ucotlccn. who lives at 510 Washington
avenue , had some coal dolivcied at his house
vcstcnlaj-afternoon bja imn working lor
II. A. Cox. The man. ho claims , drove up
on the sidewalk , breaking it and mining the
cuibstouo. Ho called at the city elotk'sof-
lice jcsteiday afteinoon and filed an in
formation chaiglng both Cox and the duv r ,
whose name he did not know , with a viola
VUlon of the city ordinances.
Will ( iivo Vim r.Oo to It t-u ( I Tills.
This notice , if cut out and brought to"
\V. W. Chniunnn , is Rood ( or 50 cents
cash in payment on the pmchaso of any
pastel or otchiiiff nt his holiday head
quarters , No. 18 Main Btioot , which ho
lias sccurc'l fop this special bale. Viva
hundicd framed subjects , jubtpurehuscd
by Mr. Chapman ut a forced sale in the
east , art ) olTeied by him ut lc s than
inunufactmor'B cost. AU now , artistic
ally darned , perfect gems ,
Ladies , if you desire aosoluto pcaco in
the kitchen able your grocer for J. O.
lIolTmayr & Co.'s Fancy Patent Hour.
Trade mark Blue Rooster.
Able your grocer for Domestic soap.
Miss Susan Hoffman has gene to her home
to spend thu holldajs
Andiow Knstncr left list evening for a
business trip to Denver.
J. Ulckey has pone lo DCS Moincs to spend
Chiistmaa with friends.
Mis J. G. Wndsuortti is coullnod to her
homo by a case of la grippe.
"Frank Trimble loaves today for Kcokuk to
spend Olnlstmas with his parents.
J. S. Oro'zcr and family have gone to
Sioux City to visit friends for a week.
Martin Hughes , jr. , who has been attend
ing school at Atchlson , Kan. , Is homo for
the liolidaj H.
Miss May nattollo of Hiawatha , ICiin , In
In thocltv , tlio gue of her sister , Mr . J.
M. Matthews.
Mr. Herbert Huffaker of Silver Citv ,
In , was a guest of It. HYlati , Fr iday
and Satin da v.
Frank Compton , who has been travollng
for some weeks , is at home to spend Chllst-
mas with his family
Charles L Whltmin and sister left
jestoiday moinlng for Stanbcrry , Mo , to
visit their parents and friends during thu
Mr. Henry Sllkkerveor of Orange Citv ,
Kioux county , is visiting with his son at the
Institute for the Deaf j also with Mr C.
Spruit , 1100 Fifth avuauo.
Mlpsos Maud and Mabel Hrucn aio homo
fiom Highland I'ark college , Des Moines , to
spend the holidays with their paients , Mr.
and Mis. John T , Hazen ,
Mr. and Mrs , Hugh \V. Hiirlte , who have
boon visiting iclativos lu this city for ROV-
eral wooUs just , leave next Tuesday for
their home In San Francisco.
Miss Hurnlco Kemp has i etui nod from
driswold , whoio she has been leaching
painting , and will spend the holidajs with
tier patents , Mrs and Mrs. W. 1C. Kemp.
Owing to tliu increase In the Iniblnoss of
the Cattlemen's bank Cashier W h Koinoy
has piocured thu t > ei vices of a bon 10 till tlio
place of assistant o ishior. Ho arrived In
advance of Santa Claua und weighed ten
( touuds ,
For fancy holiday goods ot every do
Bcription go to
kCiiNii : unit's nuuo STOUK.
PorfuincH , the lutost styles in paokago
and the mo > t delicate in odor. Fancy
out glass bottles , cellulolil goods ami
toilet cfibos. Call and see our line of
specialties. SCHNUIDKH'S ,
511 Weht liroudwuy ,
Go to SclinoiilorV drug store for holi
day goods. Our line of perfumes , put
up in original and outghibb bolt Ins , with
the latest and most doliuato ut\les and
odora , Cut glubs bottled onr tapeeiulty.
lliuo you seen the now gub heaturs ut
\ho \ Gas company's otlico ?
Domestic boup is tuo
Oharles OUtio ttta a Narrow Esoapa from
Instant Dcitb ,
U'licn riiiinil Hi- Was III n Sciiit-
Condition.'I limiKh llnilly Hurt llo
\VMI I Ivc-Uow the Accident
Charles Cllno , a carpaatar who vvas cm-
plojcd at repairing the r3of of Vic Jennings'
barn at the corner of llroidvvaj nnd Beiiton
stt cot , had a nai row escape \ pstcrday after ]
noon about 1 o'clock In moving about thereof
roof his feet slipped , and ho fell to the
ground , a distance of-about ten foot , lauding
on a pllo of wood He sti tick his back on
the sticks in such u way as lo Injure him
vcrj sovcrelj. being almost senseless when
was found Ho was picked up and cairiol
to his home , ' "JO Ilarmonv street , and for u
time it was thought ho would never
tally riimllv. however , ho iccoveied con
sciousness and last evening was loportcd
resting casllj , vIth some chances for rccov-
oiy. Ills Injuries are In the vicinltj of the
kidnoj sand the small of the back , and aio
thought vciy sr-ilous.
roil Tiiitii : : nnirif * VIONDAY.
Ilro . \\lll Kpop Upon Montliy
MornliiK nml Crnitn u sons nlon.
Wo had thu biggest business jestorday
wo have over had in the city. It was
simply more than we could take earo of.
The bargains wo have allured are gen
uine , and the people who bDiight their
holidav go" > dsof us reali/.edour promise ,
that we would enable them to make n
dollar go farther than ever before. For
the purpose of obliging those whovvcro
lost sight of in the rush wo will keep
our store open Monday until 11 o'clock ,
nnd every bit of holiday goods in the
stock will be given away at from onu-
quin tor to one-half price.
If you lack un\ thing , come around to
morrow and wo will di < ito the biggest
half of whatever vou want.
BKNXISOI * Uitos. ,
Council Blulls.
VV licrti tu Worship.
Christian Church Morniug subject , "A
Christmas Carol ; " evening , "What is the
Inllucnco of the Life of Ctnist After Eigh
teen Ceutmlos ? " The Sunday school will
hold its Christmas exorcises on Monday
night A cantat t , "Mother Goose and
Santa Claus , " will be tendered.
riist Piesbj toil in Coruurof Willow avenue -
nuo and Seventh street , Itev. Stephen
1'hclps , pistor. Christmas services morn
ing and evening , pleaching bj the pastor at
10 110 a r. : and 7 iO p m.
Fhst Baptist Coiner Sixth sticet and
rust avenue. Soiviccs moining and even
ing. Sundaj school nt 12 m Younsr pee
ple's mooting at iHO ! : p. m. Sunday school
at Dethnny mission at J p in. James II.
Davis , p tstor
CoiiKie'gational Dr John Askin , pastor.
Mornlrgsubject"Woishlpo's ' at Bethle
hem" In the fvcninc theie will bo given a
Chilstuuts conceit by the Sundaj school and
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal J.
Indus Pat lev , pastor. Preaching oA 100 : ! !
b\ pastor Chanliiii Webb will preach on
the subject "Chiistian Baptism , " atJ ! p. m ,
followed bv the adimnistiation of thooidi-
nancc to Infants and adultb. Preaching at
7.80.St. . John's nnglisti Lutheran Services In
the YOUIIC Men's Chiistian association
chancl in the Men i.uu block at 11 a. in and
" HO p in. Kov. G W. Snjdcr , pastor.
Chiistmas IIIUMC und scunon at morning
sei vice and Chiistmas piaiso service in the
ov cuing
Bcip.iu Baplist Chinch Divine service at
10-0 ! ! "a m and 7 30 p in. The Sunday
school meets at 11n a m
Reorganised church of Jesus Christ of
Lattei Diy Saints , near comer of Pieice
and Glen avcnuo Preaching it lO.SO : Sun
day school at 11 ! in. Y P 11. lj sotncty at
0 p. m Pleaching at 7..iO. Subject , "Lost
Dispensation "
Young Men's Chiibtian Association Bo\s'
mc-oting at : i p. m Men's meeting at 4 p. in. ,
led bv Hov Hom.v DuLong.
Trinity Methodist Kpiscopil Preaching
10 HO a in. bj Ken- John \Vebbof Des Moines ,
and 7 30 p in bp istor. Subject , "
tion for the Advent of Cnrist " Sabbath
school 12 ! in. Junior league 380 , Upvvorth
league 0:30 p in.
rn VA'nnks in u Vonr.
The holiday business of ono year's
time has got to bo done in 2 woekfa in-
s.oud of having 02 weeks to do tliK.
The Boston Stoio has undertaken the
Uibk of clearing out its immoiibc line
in 2 .veoks , and if the past 10 days' trade
is any indication , wo will succeed. To
know the leiibon why wo do such nn im
mense business , lead the following list :
( ilc ) plush albunib at 2ic.
fiOc woi k boxes at 2 > o.
50c glove boxes ut Tic.
$1.00 plush work boxes , oxidized sil
ver trimmings , fi c.
lion toys at half price. ds at half price.
$1.25 umbiella stand , ( We.
$2.2. ) sewing machines , $1.00.
Dickens' works , lf > volumes , 12.08 sot.
Scott'b works , 12 volumes , SU.73 sot.
Shnkcspeui o complete , 45c.
12. P. Roo'b works , 18o per volume.
25U 12nios , u good line of authors , at
l.sC.Hugh Miller's works , 111 volume , % l.i : < ) .
Victor Hugo'bVOIUB , ( I volumes , $ .1.118.
Wo are not helling dollh at half pi ice
of what they are markt-d , but our .price
in many tnstnncob is loss than half other
merchants t-ull them for.
Ponii.uiNuiiAM , Wnrrjrv & Co , ,
C'oiuicil Blulls.
rioti < _ iii Hur bun.
Mrs Johnson , whoso son Pctor played
such a scurvy ti Ick on her in stealing 34UO of
her money , failed to uppoar when the cise
was called up In Justice Fields' couit j'os-
tordav moinlng , and the younj ; man was il's- '
charged Investigations showed that she
was afraid her testimony might icsult m
lior son's transput tution acioss the state ,
nnd so went to Umaha HO ns to got out of the
( ourt's Jurisdiction At the tlmo she had
but 50 cunts to hcrnamo. ncrouling to the
siatcineiit of a friend , but she w Illinglv spent
ucailv half of her possessions to bhield hot-
son fiom the resultb of his own crime The
Ws which he hud in hU pocket at the time
of his ariest was considoiably ledue-od. as
ho had to piy a couple of uttoinejH ? ( K ) lor
their services in cottinir Mrs Johubon out of
the waj and bc'cuung tlio dismissal of the
eii.iinliniV li.iiHinu-
For boglnnoi't , , every Monday. Junior
clubs , 1 p. m. ; adults , 8 p. m. "Advanced
junior ohibs every Wednebday 4 p. in.
Assemblies every Wednesday SiliO p , in.
Ills ologunt academy in the Shujrart-
Bono block can ho bccured , w 1th elevator
borvlces , for pintles and mnsicales ,
Apply to Mr Wlntut sat elevator. The
best of miibic can bo furnlbhcd for all
riirt liiiH fir I luln Solillnrn.
The annual aistrlbutlon of Christmas pios-
enis for iho children of soldiers will take
place next Hatunlny evening at Abe Lincoln
pout hall. Hv the generosity of General G.
M. Dodiro this annual uUtiibution has come
to be a lixed affair , a draft for * 100 coming
around everj * twelve months to bo used in
giving the llttlo ones a rousing good time.
1 ho committee , which consists of II S Daw-
son. L. It. 1'o'ida , Jumt's Jacobv , II j. Ab
bott anil A. N. bciitwor , lias boeu tnaklng
pr pinti ins for 4.h < 'neut and has
Inuiiptitli s'h iion , pwvtiUdln n\viv
tli it will the iiust rnjnytnont Uo
Mil- , tin distribiubn of i ift < i tlicro vvlllbft
an Intorostlng pi-ogran N P , Do Ipp will
liroMdo. Alter prav or by Kov John Askln ,
1) I ) , addresses will be drllvoied hj- Judge
Carson and I1 M lint ) . Music will bo fur
nished by the drum corps and others , and a
nubstnutlil lunch will bo served Abe Lin
coln post Is the only Gland Atmv organisa
tion in Iowa that has this annual Christmas
colobtation ,
The Oullds of St. 1'uul will give n ,
inuslciil TuuMmV ovoninif , December 2(1 ( ,
In Cliiiinbers' hiill.
'Vj I'ltOdlUM.
Duct Selection . . . .
. .I. II. MIIIIIIS , Miss Ucrtrudo Cll"i ( oij
Botij ? belc'Clc'd . . . . . MisViikcllold
Sonit lludlcy HiicK Oimrlett
Itecltiillon , MI s Cdllb Tlioinns
Sons ' ulct'lid . . . . Mrs \V lclch l
Huol .Prof W \\ldnor , Aaion
HOUR ' c'lct'lcd. . . MISH I'oniuroy
! - omxclcctsd Dudley lluck ( juttrtotto
l.ctic i Hi-Id tliniirl ; .
Coincllus Uccso , a colored baibordoliiR
business on Uroidwaneirtho postoftlce ,
soucht to make aineiuls for the pievalllng
hard times bv making a haul on the coal
pllo of Smith & Flood , near the coiner of
Broadway and Sixth stieot , jcsteiday
moinlng about 1 o'clock Olllccr Lcuch
nenid the i.ittlo of iho coal and made nn In-
vcstlis'allon Hecsu How , tunning wllh such
haste aa to HIM i lear uut from under his hat.
Ho was moio of a spi inter than Lunch and
got away. Ho loll his hat and the sick
which ho had expected to cany aw.iy full ot
black diamonds , and Ihoj arc nowIn the
olllccr's possession , waiting for him to call
totthem. . Ho failed to show up for vvoik
jcsteidav morning , and Ills follow bai hers
claim h& has gene for good
To our thousands of potions ;
The gicat rush this week 1ms taxed
ns to our utmost capacity : although wo
try our best to deliver all packages us
promised , mistakes will happen. All
those who fail to receive their packages
as piointsed w ill Hud us at the store Sun
day ana Monday until noon to adjust
matters. HOSTON Sioun ,
Fotliorlnglmin , Wliitelitw & Co. , Coun
cil BlulU , Iii.
IlniiiNiiinn llolld tj ll | > li.V.
L.OOIC all nlontr Broadway and see If
you can llnd anythinir that compari's
wllh Davis' display of line holiday goods.
And they w 111 bo bold , too , If beauty ,
merit and price mean anything.
I iiiiiliilitlts tor ( mice.
There is no dearth of candidates for the
ofllce of ovcisecr of the poor , although so
shot t a time has elapsed since iho death of
the former incumbent Henry Uclong , who
has aheady been mentioned , stal s that bo
will do his best to 1111 the onlcc if ll comes to
him without anv secklngon his ivut George
Graves has a petition signed by a laige num
ber of his political and personal filcnds , and
the smio majbo said of C. A. Hummer ,
formeilj- justice of the peace. J. J. Walls ,
who has been occupj'lng the position In Iho
absence of any one else , Is so well taken with
the job thai he ib said to bo casting cj-cs at
the permanent appointment.
They Must Ho Sold ; Tiiko rhom at Your
Ouii I'rlct- .
Monday morning at 10 o'clock W.V. .
Clmpmun will tell at auction ut 18 Main
street the rcmaindor of his elegant
stock of line etchings and pastels. They
must be closed out and will bo sold to
the highcbt bidder.
llomn Miulu VVIiulrstimo
Got only the perfectly pure nml clean
candies ut Driesbaoh's for the childicn'b
Christinas , and the magnificent imported
Fiench and German goods for your
lady's ' present. Open all day Sunday.
Ivvtntv Prr Cunt Discount
On all silver and plated , ware. Ster
ling silver teaspoons at $1.00 per set , in
cluding engraving. U. B. Juiinuemin
& Co. _
Olllci-rs lUictrtl.
Augusta piove , Indies' auxlliaiy to the
Woodmen of the World , has elected Ihe fol
low ing ofllceis for the coming s ear : Woi thjf
guatdiai ) , Mia John Bolin ; excellent ad
viser , Mis P. T. HIckock ; sccretarj' , Mis.
K D. Heckman ; treasurer , Mrs. D. A. Hag-
gortjvvoithv ; macicinn , Miss Cutler ;
worthy attendant , Miss Clara ICracht ;
worthy plivsician , Dr. V. Ij. Tio.vuer ; inner-
sentinel , Mrs C. A. Tibbutts ; outer senti
nel. Miss Annie Scnifcill ; manager , Mis C.
J. Hoth. _
Great sale of skates , sleds , pocketknives -
knives , velocipedes , boys' wagons.
These are our Christmas specialties ,
and you can buy a pair of club skates for
f > 0e , or n good sled fiom o'Jo ' to 7nc. Big
line of 25c knives. Cole's , 41 Main
street. _
Jlliirrl i i > l.lcniiics.
The following maiilago licenses weio
issued bj' the county clcik jesteiday :
NIIIIIO and Addrcbs. Ago.
If. I , llowo. Council Ilhilfs . SO
I Lucy A Klluni , , . U3
j GuorKu.fcliiious . 50
( Miiiy Johns . -1O
j August tarlsnn . -15
I Mrs Juno O Holioison . 38
I Prod b Helle-r . 22
1 Lottie P. Arnold . 20
Holiday ( iooiH.
Our specialties in celluloid goods nnd
fancy toilet cases of every description
are unco.ualort in the city.
SciiKKiDKit's Dituo STOIII : ,
541 Went Broadway.
timoko T. D , Kincr < 5 : Uo's Partagas.
Clirlitni it ( ir\l\c.
Christmas has Its sacred aspect , which will
have the ctibtomary obsorvaneo at St. Paul's
chinch. The festival character of the day
makes the musical paits a specialty , for
which ii cut dlhgcnro IHIB been given under
ditccllon of the organist , J. II. Slmms , who
lias added to the choir for tlio occasion , The
regular sei v ice of moi ulng prayer , holy com
munion and Chrislmns sermon Monday morn
ing at 10:30 : o'clock , The public is Invited to
attend. .
Bourioiiis1 music house 'does not ad
vertise much , but their pianos and
organs are of the best and their prlcus
aio very icasonablo , as thu oxDniibos at
110 and 114 Stutbiiian are next to none.
Abk yo'ir grocer for U'jniestio soap.
I'dstnlllci ) Hour * .
Chiistmas and New Yeais carriers will
make regular collections and deliveries In
the forenoon. Business collection will bo
made In the afternoon , carriers leaving the
oDlcual tiO. ! : ! General dolivoiy , stamp win
dow-and monoj- older division will bo open
ftom II u in until 12 m.
Ten carloads of poultry wanted. High
est cash price paid , John Dunn , 110
Upper Broadvvuv.
George S. Davis , proscription druggist.
VVnnlH u Illviircf ,
Jennie 1'stus has tiled a petition in the
dlatilcl court usklag for a divorce from Lo-
Innd W Kstus , to whom she was inairicdin
this city In Ib87. She claims ho deserted
her two jcais after their niairiago , and
upon that gioutid bases her petition ,
After January I. llrown's C. O. D.
grocorv will close each ovonlntr at 7
o'clock"except Saturdays and Mondays.
Domestic boun is the uest
I'uniltiiro Dniilur
Ky. , Dec. 23. J. II. Ililoy , a
largo furniture dealer , who has stores in
Ixiulsvilto and al different places In Tennessee -
see and Ocoigia , has made an assignment.
It was precipitated by an attachment suit
fort-1MX ) . The liabilities of the Ix > ulsvlllo
store are placed at KiO.IHK ) with the asaots
at MX,000 ) II is feared the assignment may
fure-o the other stores to tlio wall.
81ny of Sioux Gity OnnfUonoo Men Exon
erated by'tto ' Coroner's Jury ,
Members of tlio UniiRlio T otpcil tlio
llnllcts of tlin frry 1'HlovYr -
rojtotl unit Will Ho Vigor
ously I'roicciitctl.
- . . "It
Siot-v CITV , Day , 2.1 , [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hnn ] A. II , , Pilla , who killed O I !
Mcjcr nnd .Ino Ilium , the confidence men.
went hoforo the coroner's jury today and
told his storj ol thobhootlng , us elvon In
ycstcidny's iilspatches The com 1 1 oem w as
crowded , and when a verdict of shooting in
self defense was ictmncd tlio crowd cheered
und ( 'hue-rod
Afterwards Pilla held a sort of Informal
reception In the oflicc of the chief of pohco
anil lui ml roils of the best litlfcns met him
thcie and congiatulatcd him on the neatness
and dispatch with which he killed the con-
lldiMieo men He was leleascu and all prose
cutlon ttiopped
O G Giaves Ccorpo ! Sncll and Jim How-
man , members of the confidence pang , who
escaped his bullets , have been attested and
will bo piosccutcd for conspiracy and lob-
VV 'll Ktioun Inn. i Cltlrcn l'imrs Avtny
Mlildenl } 111 Uorli.
DtmtQir , Dee. VM [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HIT ] Kiank Krutsclimcr special
agent forthe interstate commcu'o commis
sion , died at Thomusvlilc , Oa. , lodav. Ho
was taken sick"at Omaha while encaged
theio scAcual moutlis ago in linostt ating
Infiaetlons of tlio Intcrsiato coiumcioe law.
ii'j Tsou C lurch.
MAIAIMIS , la. , Dec. 'J.J iSpcelal to Tin ;
lliiTlio ] beautiful now Methodist Kplsco-
jial chuicli was tilled to overflow-in ; ; last
Sundaj to witness Its dedication. Bishop
How man , the senior member of iho Motlio-
dist llpiscopil church , w-ns expected to bo
picscntaml conduut the exercises , but : it
the list moment a tclcgiam was received
sajing that lie was lee slel : to attend Tim
dedicatory sermon was delivered by Kov .1
F. St Ulnlrof Creston , a fonncr pastor of
this church
The ills ippointment that was felt hi many
who expected to lioarthe blsliop wns laigelv
overcome nftcr listening to the eloquent and
able discourse of'.Nir. St Clalr.
Tlio following mlnistciH assisted In the
exciciscs Hcvs. O. M. Hughes nnd
C. M. Wind , former pastors , Uov.
Howaul , Methodist Hplscoual pastor of
Glcnwood , und Key. K W. Brown ,
1'resbstciian minister , who dismissed his
mottling\lco that his coiierogation might
attend. Tlio cdlllco cost , complete , $0,1:28 : ,
all but § 1,100 being pieviously i.ilsed In
less than an hour moio than the amount re
quired had been nlcdpcd and the church
duly dedicated to the worship of God
The building is of the Gothic stile , with
laipe stained glass windows , ami is finished
in natural wood The seating capacity is
about 100. The mcmbcis aie Justly proud
of their nowhousl ) of worship
In addition to the errctlon of the Methodist
dist Episcopal , the- Baptists have in
process of buildim ? an elegant buck church
that will cost v\hcn completed about $12.000.
The 1'rcsbytciians iflso beautified their
house of woiship by uiinting , inpcrlng and
carpotinc anew at an oxucnse of about { GOO
The Chustian , or'Disc-iple , church expended
over $100 in rep firing its building , making
a totnl outlay for'chinch ' building for the
year hero of over J1S.SOO
11 } mouth Cotnitj'K succom.
DCS Moi NFS , Dec. S1 [ Spqclal Tclcgiam
to Tac'l'liq ' , l3os Molues Uippccanoo
club banner which is , nvvarded eacli year to
the county showing the greatest percentage
of republican train , tuts ye.u goes to Ply
mouth county. It was Hist decided in favor
of Clintoa uounty -piescalation had.
been made , but amciror was discovered that
gives It to Plymouth.
IScturnril In the Sci-na of Ills Crime.
CLDAH Kvi'ins , la. , Dec. 23 [ Special Tele-
pram to Tun BEE.J Charles Stoessinper ,
who conducted a bakery heio for a time nnd
decamped about n month ago leaving debts
of bcveral hundred dollais , v\as today
brought back liotn Parker. S. D , where ho
was captured. lie Is charged with dispo -
inp of moitpagGd piopcity and clieating by
false pretenses.
Kstililislieil an Alibi.
Siouv Cm , Dec. 2. ! [ SpecialTelegiam to
TiiEBr.u. ] The three men iinplicated by
Jessie Williams In the muiderof John itoh-
icr 1mvo been ahlo to prove a complete alibi ,
and the police lecotds show that Jessie was
in jail lieiont tlio time that Holnei was
muidcicd , so that her dcath-beu confession
is a fabrication beyond any doubt.
Twi'illj-1 "n l'lU'litol Huron.
DcsMoisrs , Dec. 23 [ Special Tolcgiam
to Tin : Bui : ] A twenty-ton lly wheel in the
DCS Momes Stieot Ilailway companj'aiiowor
houbo burot today with disastious conse-
( ] ucnces. Iho damage is about $10,030. No
ono was liuit. Tiafllc wasdelajcd about
tin eo hours
MXIJ-TOII I lyVliool Ilursti.
DCS MOINES , Dec. 25 A sixty-ton fly
wheel on Ilia electric car plant buist this
morning doinggicat damapo , but hutting no
Clothing Cutters' Unloim Will , Jolii _ the
IVUC'i itlou of Inlor.
NEW Yoitic , Dec. 23 A meeting of tlio
clothing cutters' assemblies , 2,8T > 3 of New
Yoik , 2'J04 of Brooklyn , and 0,221 of New
ark , Knights of Labor , was hold In Glaien-
don hall In this city this evening to consider
and decide on the advisability of abandoning *
the Knights of Labor and joining- the Unltcii
Gnrincnt Workers of America , wiileh oigan-
Untion is aflllmtcd witli the Amciican Fed
eration of I/ibor. Over ( MO members w 01 e
present , and It was unanimoiibly decided to
renounce the ICnlghtH of I abor.
John Law rente of Clothing Cutters union
No 2b53 , Knights of tabor , was chniiman.
lie recapitulated the work of the haunony
committee ami said : "Our pioposals wont
before the Knights of Labor executive
boaid , but they rejected them. The
same proposals wcio sent to the American
Fodd.Uion of I/ibor and they not unlv
adopted them , but piomUcd ub all the s'ip-
poitln their power. "
A long manifesto attacking the Knights of
Labor and netting foilh icusons tor iho
scvoiancoof the relations oxUtlng hoio.o-
foio between them is Issued by Iho gJimcnt
woikeis. It allegesdiasatlsfactlou with
Giaud Master bo ifrp/gn. /
nn.untit ; * ttnti. < Jini.i.
Ancitlipr Coulyn \ i lit 1'riniilxpil for this
bed ! Ion Today.
WAMIIMITOV , Dec 2. ) rorecasts for
Sunday : For 'Nebiasku and Iowa
Showeis tonight i\nd n the caily mornlnc ;
fair Sunday ; cold wave ; winds becoming
northerly. "
For South Dakota Unlit rain or snow
tonight und In tho.oariy morning ; fair Sun
day aflcinooD ; northeasterly winds ; colder.
liurul Uecoril.
OFncnofTnis URriiEH llunsiti. OMAHA.
Dee 21 Omaha.rec.ord of tcmporatuio and
rainfall compare , wjth corresponding day of
past four years : ,
1803 1892 1891. 1890.
Maximum tomporatuto , , uao 44O n4 =
Mliilmuiii tcinjitiraturo. . . lie iB ! = > V6 ! =
Aor.lKotoinpor.Uuro . . 173 30 = 30 < =
I'lfcipTimion oo T. .00 ,00
Statement showing thu condition of torn-
pcii.tuiuand precipitation ut Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , iS'JJj '
Noimal lemporaturo . 24o
Kxft-sa fin iho day , " 2 ? ,
DollcluncyolncoMuichl 1H7O
Normul ureclplt itltin . , . , 03 Inch
Dnllcliiiicy funliuday 03 Inch
UoUcloncyklucuMaiuli 1 . 0 Od Inches
Ix > cal Forecast Ofllcial ,
I'urlhor 'Irouble lor Meilro.
Ki. PASO , Tex . Dec. 23 A special to the
Times from Doming , N , M. , sa > s that In the
battle frumht in th si , ni Midr- IM ( in !
huiliu i o i iho sin I tvv n I ' I mi > hi 4 ,
and tlio frtli-ialti , i ofllce. ' < ap |
tutcil and hauled to n tree , and that
sovcntj , lUoof. the soldlt-r-i dtsutcd to the
icbols ' 1 ho ichels are now on their vvu toward -
ward the town of Guericro , further south ,
and further engagements with them wlU
take place In the Interior oMho'MaU1vtioi e
they hiivo friends ami lolnllvcs wlio will
give them necessary supplies ,
ChrlUinn * r.ntcrtnlniiicnt nt rrcshjlorlnu
Cliurch ( Hlicr Mnglo City NP\TI.
The Presbi tctlan church was prettily dec
orated last night and the cdlllco was picked
to the doors to listen to the Chilstims en
tertainment. 'Iho following nrogram was
can led out.
Organ voltinlnry .
SoiiK- All Hall lo Christ . . . lly tlio school
| { ( > sionxxo | r ailing .
linucntlon by the p islur
SoneJPMIS U Como . lly tlipse
Hui'ltalloii . . . Illldii'omlron
Hecltatlon Mamlo Ka > north
Snni : n Ing nml Miii !
Koi'ltathin . . . lifoino Ki rr
Itfcltntlon . . . . HoMiPilclls
Sontt L'bllslls I'nmu . . . lly the school
Itocltutlon . . Vi'lti llnxt'iis
Heellatlon. . IjdaMlllc'i
Aiitlieni bi thu i hull. . . . . , ,
Ifeeltallon . I lam Moi it'll
Son ! ! Hulls . . . lly the s-cliool
KUi'll.lllOM . . I'OI I ( lllOlllllMII
" -one lln-miimi . . . llj thfi'liool
KiHlliitlon . . . . .I'enleheelor
llui'land Chorus
ChorusCoia and Mahol Ulch
Hecltattoti . . . . Nullo
Mingliy Ilioeoiiii3 ( allen . . .
.Mninnrnil KosolntloiK.
At theiccular uipotlnir of the Snaisllold
club last 'I Inn sila v evening the follow Ing i es-
olutions woie uianlmousludoptcd -
\\horeiiM , It liaspli' AlmUhlj llotl In Ills
Inllnltu wlstioni to it > mofiomoui ndiKt by
death our I ile brothci , .lolm I I'llt'rald ,
who rc'iircsi'iilt'd In himself n l\ir | tiftiuu
innnhood , a 1,1mlon , : i loving binllici and a
falllirul Aim-lie inrllln'tr Ilicri'fiiri' bo It
KuMiH l , Ity HID'-uarsllold dull In nu-ctliiK
nssuinhlcil , th ithltu luinilily suhjiilttlm : to
dlIno \ \ III U ( ! must c\pi oss inn uciot it tin1
loss of su Mnct'io : md ttmoti'dn. biolhur of our
older , and tin II
Ui'sotvul Thilpotonil to the futhir , sK-
tuts and Illotlu is of dccuasod , mil hc.itlfolt
sjiniiillo In this theli time ofsonon and
nllllcllon ; and ho It furthot
Itc"-ol\eil , Tliut as a inc'inoilal thosp rpMilu-
tlonsbj spioad upon out ucoids and that n
copy of Iho s.iini'be cnciossoil mid picsLiiluil
to the ic'luthcsuf urn ilnc < , IM ( I binihi'i
Kom ui I1 LAUKIV ,
r .1 M Mills ,
I' HltlNNVN ,
DhisionNo . ) , Ancient Order of Iliber
nlniiB , p.isscn the following
Wheicas , It has pleased Almichtj ted !
in His inllnito wisdom to lemovo fiom our
midst our most esteemed biolhcr and olllccr
Juhn.l. Pitrgeiald , and
Whereas. By his death his family has
lost a dutiful son and affection.lit ; biolher ,
division No ! ! , Ancient Older of Hlbeinlans ,
has lost eau of its most eat nest and faith
ful members and the communttv a worthj
and icspeotetl citi/en ; therefoio be It
Hesolvcd. That division No. .1 , Ancient
Oidorof Ilibcinlaiis , of South Omaha , ex
tend to thoioriowlng faiuilj of our deceased
biother its sincere simpithyin this their
hour of bereavement ; anil belt also
Kesolvcd , That the Ancient Older of
Hibciniins hall of tills city bu draped in
moulding for a pctiod of thhty dajs.
Kesolvcd. That : i cop.of these icsolu-
lions bo dcllveicd to the family of the de
ceased and spiead upon the iccoidsof our.
association Dhlsiou No 3. Ancient Older
of Hibcinians. T .1. O'Nrn i ,
.1. .1. O'Uot HKP ,
I'Arinck McDoNOUfiit ,
C it j linn u C' inc.
At noon vcsteiduv the in ichinists and ciu-
Dcntcrs in the emploi of Swift & , Co. assem
bled in the bone house and sent for their
foiem.ui , Mr. II. Lewis , telling him that one
of the clovatois was broken. When the
gentleman ailived Mr. A. M Gallagher , ju
an appropuato speech , picsented him with
a cold-headed cane in behalf of his t'ni-
plo\es. \ Air. Lewis thanked the bo\s
heaitily. Mr. Lewis is very popular with
the men under him , which fuut has been iicm-
onstiatcd by the gifts holiasiccelvedfiom
them at Christmas time in the past.
United UorKmrii DllUors.
The following oflicers of Neorask.x lodge
No. 22 , Ancient Order of United WorUmen ,
hiue beer elected for the next teimM
Casey , past master wotkman ; Hert Wepp-
ner , master woikman ; A. M Gallagher , le-
coider ; J. Kelley , llnaiiciil sccietaiJ. ; .
Vob. foi einan ; lPi alt. outside guaid ; D ,
Brcssciihiun , guard ; W. Stnnton , Inside
vvaidcn ; J. ricming. outside warden.
The III C'H Ait I'nrl olio.
Airangemcntshavc been maJo to deliver
THE BRC'S Woild's Fair Ait Portfolios at J.
S Stott's news stand on N sticct , between
Twenty-font th ana Twcntv-Jlfth. Tauo
jour coupons tliciv and get the bcautltul
book , This is done to sav e the South Om ilia
subsciibcis the tioubloof going to Omah-v
to get the portfolio
rnntittu .u U < lliix'.iht Cliuroh.
A cantata and lltoiary program given
at the new Methodist church last evening
Tlio intci ior of the building w.ib charmingly
decoiatcd , and all the seating capacity was
occupied. The .voting people of thisoliuich
arc very active and all of their cntcitain-
mcnts me highl ) spoken of.
JMiiRlc Cltj ( liissip.
Tlie stock j arils will bo closed on Monday.
Olllcer Argabiight is again able to bo out
after a sovcie siiell of siekncbs.
Major Walker and Ofllcet Hiningcr made
a Hying tup to riomont icsteulaj' .
The Modern Woodmen meet next Iliuis
d.iy night to elect oflicers lor the jear.
Joe Ilaisch , night jard master for the
stock v.uds lomptny , 1ms gone to Wisconsin
to sDcuil the liolidaj s
J. L Paxton , supciintendent at the stock
jnrds. has gene to Mlssoun to spQil Chiist-
mas among old lilonds. x
A mas < ] uerade br.ll will ho given by South
Omaha lodge No. ( ill , A. O. U. W. , New
Year's evening at their hall.
Contractor Clmiles Fanning jcsteidav
completed the vvoik of placing $10,000
woith of sewerugo in the stock jards.
The Drive Whist club wns cntcitallied
Friday evening in a most charming inannor
attlio ; residence of Mr. and Mrs II. Ho0'lo
Kov. K. L Wheeler will deliver a dis-
couiso this morning on "roiofatherb1
Daj' . " In the oycnlm ; his subject will bo
"Chiistmas Thoughts "
Mrs. Mulcuhy , ivvl.o lives at Tlinty-
sccond and It streets , has caused a wairant
to bo Issued for tlm nnestof Pan irk Kuutis ,
Thochuigqls aisturbing the pcaco , Kustib
was dUcha'igcd , ,
Tlio Fremont , nikhorn , t Missoml Vnlloy
company yesterday took out a budding per
mit for tbnir now round house now under
course of conUiuction. Thu pciihlt calls
for a tJ.OOO . building
The tuinvoioln has boon ieorsani/od anil
the piraphcrnalia of the old society tin neil
over to the now oiganizitioi5. A to ichor
will bo engaged and the membcis will go
into active tiaining atonic
Next Monday evening a minstrel enter
tainment will bo given at Bauer's hall by the
Black Diamond Mlnstiel and Specialty com
pany nd Fitch , the maniRer , piomisos : o
glvo a liist-clabscntertainincnt
A Christmas concert will bo t'lvon nt ttio
Baptist church by the young people of the
Sunday schoof this evening At thoclosu
iilaigo number of presents will bu given to
scholars. This morning Uov. Sioph-
onson's subject will bo "I Btorn btnr "
DJVO McCouit was arrested for slapping
his wife , Ttio evidence showed that Mo-
Court gave his wife $9 a weelc to support the
house and that she gave thu grc it or portion
of Iho money away to lolailves McCouit
fietjuently went homo from vvoik und was
given nothing to oat but n cruu of diy
bread , This vvasthocaso jcstcuav , and it
made him BO angry that he blupped the
woman. lie was discharged.
Mliuir TIIUIIIK VVIllicit' l'lnce
CIISTOV , ind. , Doc. 2 ! ) 'J'hero is consld-
ernblo cxcltomont In this little mining low never
over the Importation of 100 netro miners
and laborers from Indianapolis and other
points to take thu nlaros of white mliiciu.
The operators have , His said , paid the faro
of the ncgioes here and promise , them { 1.50
per day. The white uuucis say that the
Their Sorvieos Are in Lively
Supprlnr lixccllnicc nntl I lllclonry nf their
SjM nn srrinstn llo UnHcr < inll } Conrfidctl
Itrlimni ; l.-irRr I'roi U'rlcoinluc Now
Appliniils to n I'rcolot Trentinriit.
Omnln Is full of oiluentod fimll phy l-
cl ins ; vihy Is It lint such InrruniliiK nuiubcrs
of chronics ilTorors in uilfesl so nmrkoil n preference -
eronco for wbnt Is known tis tlio C'ouoi-tnd \
Sliopird Svsto .f \\\\y \ \ U It that the unices of
tlioto DhyMclunsnroexcn tnoro Hinmsoil ( o-
dnvtlinn when the public , jour < isr , foil Itn
llrit cntlmsinsin oxprtliclr ndinlr ililtMvorUV
llc-ro uro the ro isnns In iho Iliit film-o they
lieuui joirsnuo In euro in my for us of oh ron-
Icihsouso , liu'hiillnis rlipiitnatlsm and "eattd
rut irrhil malailtos nliipn li > d IIAPII pnnhius-
IvroitnriU'il us lucuinblo. I'coplo nho li itl In
I'liinoiloiit from cutiirrh of MID loud wont to
thpin nnilwim'rurcd '
I'oople vvliohiitl couglicnl
fortwi'iily-IUo joirs fiom luonchlal cut iiih
or who hit I been gnsplnji for uro lib for half i
llfulllno frniii cuirilnil iislhnu 01 wliohul
ic'iu'lipd the punol of iilizht i its , inunlnt
feicrs nndvii9llnt IIPIII irrluiues of Incipient
uiimiiiipt'on ' , woui iolir * . ( inolind &Muip Ml
and vvcio eurud I'coplp who weio'tlllpnoil
nnd prlpiiletl with rliouniiilNin 01 who wire
purlshliu ; undt r Us llory iconics cnt to ihoin
nnd wcic rurod
Ihesu things col to bo t-ilKod ihout Tliny
bocuiiiu a topic , it eot MI th it ninny thous
ands or cured tulTorors , MjpiMiiK from iholr
own por-.onul uxucrli nio. wt > ro prlvtitdv
pialsliiK nnd mlvuitislnit liio ndmlrihlo xpcp-
laity system prietlecd bv llu-so phvslclaus.
Another ililmtt Drs Copohinrt \ Hu < p.nd
w in public'lospooi liy tliD'rconriL'coiis.Icier- .
tnlmitlnti KiHC'elhiitllinlJon ri'soureosof nit-d-
loil su cuco MI | ill ho iiindu uv.illnblo to Iho
misHi's Instoiil of taking atUnnlucc of a
gro it sncopss to ovact niioimous fi' , thi > y
lime in ido the1 i'li HUM forthc'li in itehh s ivs
turn of UP.itiiienl so low thai all can ullord it
riipli fin Ismadolo liiPiiulo nil Iliu
iiiidlelni't roqiilMul mi I pa outs irp not pcr-
jiiltlud lo p.iy more , oven \\huio they at u ti
i IIA : i MI.S.T i.VIAII. : . .
t'tiroil at Moinp ol llroni lilnl Cnuuli , Night
Sue Us iiml llriiiiiri h IIJI'H.
Mrs I. p 11 in Kins , wife of tlio Kov. t. 1' .
Hawkins , the cp'.pl rated taitheian minister
writing fr mi l.lllv , I'H . 9 i > s :
"HoforoM It'iin' to Di Copi'lnml for ono of
his fiuo sj niptoti liinnUsvvllh nvlou to trout-
mont tluoiuh thu in u < I had In IMI snirui n ;
from an njctatnti'd form nf bronchi il i iluirh
rot tnoi IIMI vo in lie. cully It < lc\oliiioi' | ' Into
the earlier s | IIIPJ of coiHUiiipllon I hu pain
ful couuli which 0 loiu boon usi-
Ins my llfonvvuy hpo une more 11111 morn ho i\- with b ool. whl.o Iho tlo ulllit n
nl.'lil Huoiits wcto bccoinhiK muro un I moro
"I'lioro w is IHItliIn- oneouraie HIP hop > of
rccovoij except Iho.issiu mcutli it III 11 fiorn
frlonds regard iu thn ellMonor of llio
( 'opolnna system of liiiii : tro iliiiunu I'lu-ro-
snlti of my tr.ul of tli it sv toui n ivp IIUIMI
happy beyond any \\oitls of do < rlpl'on ' It
bun boon the nio 1113 In u cmiiparatlvoiy bili-f
lime of coinplolQly niijtorliii ; the mou Hill-
cull iind ohstlnilu of dlv > is-s. nml of io < lor-
In ? mo once moro to ilmost iihsolulo ho illh
"Miiv ( Jed blo s him and prosper him In Ills
good worK. '
Helloes shall not go to vvoik , while the
opeiatois siy , if uecc-.sarj , they will pio-
tcct the negioes with an aimed posso.
Uloodshcd is feaicd
Sir CJcor o JilKit , loulcr ol tlin < ) i\ncr In
tlui Ittecnt l.ntll ] i trllcp.
LONDON Dec U Sir Georno Elliot , the
gicatcoal rnino owner , author of the pie
posed trust nnd a prominent member of
the Coal Owners association , is dead
> i < ; iiiKl : > iulN thh > st lull
SAIISM , Mass. D ? ' 23 The mm whom
the people of the citvclaitnoil as the oldest
in New Kngland , Diniel Hagiteuy , is dead ,
at tno ago of 11M Ile was bom In Coik , i
liclaud In IT&'J. '
AlrK. Siinucl lionloa , Sr.
SriiiNOiiiM.i ) , Mass , Dec S3. Mrs. Samuel
Bowles , sr. , vvifeof thccditorof thehpiimr-
llcld Uepubliean , is dead , aged COeais
( cnrgo II. Wouiluorth.
Cnicvoo , Dec S.I Oeoigo It Wooduoith ,
a wealthy meielnut foiihoilj at Algona , la ,
wa found dead in his room at the lltiggs
house today. Hc.ut iliscaso ib supposed to
have caused his death.
( ' ipniln dim IOH iliilinsnii.
N , Dec 2 { Charles Johnson , a
captain on the letlicd ll t of thu aimv , is
dead. lie enlisted in the aim v April 21) ) ,
Iblil , as a puvato In the Fust Wis-
coniln infantiy , and served thioiigh
outthevvarin Wisconsin ic'giinonts , being
inusteicd out in 1S1S3 as a lieutenant of the
Fftjthird Wisconsin infantiv. llo entoied
the legular ainij ns a second Innitenint and
in 18UJ was placed on the ictiied list. > K.i :
Argnmi iits .In tin-1 rlnl ill Atsisslii 1'rtMi.
( llT MHl to III Kill rill-Hdl > .
Cmcuio. Dec 2.J Tlic evidence in the
Piendcigast taso was completed today An
attempt to introduce Miiiebutlal oviuenco
was made , out the Judge would not pel nut
anthing 01 impoit.incu to bo stated Tne
aigumpiits in the case will bo begun next
Thoattorncjs for the defense tin eaten
to attack the competency of Jurjmin A
Ciordon Murr.n , the well known Scotchui in ,
on the alleged giounus that they have dis-
coveied that he was an Intimate filend of
Major Ilaiiison.
John \\unlciiKcn last m ruing shot and killed
John iicUnianatir.ind : Kaplds , Midi
In un act Idunl yoslonluy at Iho I'lwood ,
Ind , tin mill lluoo inun woio sciimiily In-
TlioHtcuin tin ; 1'i.inU (1. Powlor Has wiccKcd
Tililiiv on Iho coast neui Itlo ( iiiindu ,
Nl ! II I'tllM. X. V. , lllSt IllKllI tWO IIUtsliLlI llll'Il
rubbed an iigud faiiiiii iianie < l Mittlhuw MInc'j
of Jl.OOO
Kansis City's nmyoi jesli'iiliy at'li'd as
Sanlft Chins nml ov t-ry pool child In th it city
leculvud it pii'si'iit.
Aiiankalti'iiipleMltoMll ' 'lias VVallbrliU-o ,
a wealthy -.Into dealer , In lib olllco yen-
lonlay at Itocht tur. N }
hlulollinlv t ( imiiil lonoiIII lenilcnlli il of
Uana-ius ; MKc'ii jiiivi bslon of llio 11 ink of
dioLiiobuu' , Kun. . In Mow.i count )
A movement Is on foot to unllo both river
nnd rail inhiPisof I'ciiiiHvhanliv Into DUO or-
gaiil/atlon , audit Is inoctlnlthLoiibldtiiililo
I'lillpom in Iloiinolt of Cialnsxlllo , I'la , shot
nnd iillh'd I'oni AdUliib , a nc-'iii despoi.ido ,
wlillo Htluiuptlng to ariest him je-stoiday
A ii : in st , thu sculptor nnd nitM , has com-
mem I'd Milt In an Ohio coin ! against llio
tiiisti-pHiif the ( Jui Ih'ld Monument as-iojition | (
Tliotniis C.ihoon. pollen Jmliro of O ilnn , U
T , alti'iiipltd toi.iiniiill hiilcldu yisloiduj by
. ( nmiiililiiu. llhllfo jet IUIIIKS In llio
( ii'oignO Ma.'oun wan Imrloil yosloid.ty In
Mount AiilminitiniPtiiy , Cambild.-i ) . Mass A
brlnf wnleo was lit'ld In tlio ehapul un llio
The Cons II ly mall MHJSO was hold up by u
loiioliU'hwayiii.iii 1'ilduy iilKhl mat Mviihj
I'olnt , Oic , thoiobborhcpuihiB tlm ivgUtoiLiI
mull pom li
JiulBinonU HKKrHg.ilIni : $100,000 WIMO oic
tuifilyuiluday apilnst 1 li'Minmii A < o , ono
of thu liir iist thy jooiUand notions Unas In
I'lttHhUM , I'a
Illiain A 1'iiUlU" , lalct'ashlci of Ihodtfiinct
Vlnnnmsdnd National bink , wan niiust il
luM i\eiilii ) ( { fii alh \lolutloiiuf llio na
tional banking ! iws
( iiirrutt CiriM'HbccU , iiKi'd uboiit lOjcniH , and
Ills sun , iiK"'d a Unit 0 yuan t 10 Mf It'll by lli j
tiMJidiig iniH'.oiKti'r train about u nillu east of
jikliiin. : ( \\lh , yt'hUirdny
The TiiMiilianii ruiiillurn coniimiiy on thn
TuiubMldi ) . K U llrjantiiriildfiil. wusiiluctd
In the bunds of a rei-ohor jci > tcrda > AbhU ,
JMO.OOO , . * . )
I'or killing Captain II II l-hur on thu klitot
Oclohoi 'J& , last. Moigunrlxht and \Mlhiirn
Norliiu of WlnlUld , Kan hnvu been con-
viclidof niuiilur In the ( libt ( IfKico
Miuy 1. Ciavcr , daiiKhoi of a woll-lo-do
carpenter , lust night Hi row \lticil In thn fncu
of Ihoiiins lii'lmicy. lioml waller In ihuobi -
urn liolol , Demur , bllnillnx Idm for Hfu.
Anoluvaloi In thu nuw Moe-k oxilmmii of
Chleit'o , In course of e-oiistrui lion at l < i .sallo
und \\nshhigton HlictlH , foil vcxtorduy und
four men \vcio probably fatully Injuiod
Two moro ImllctmunU huvo been found
Rir.ilnst Cashle-r Vnlll of the dofiini I Comiuoi-
cfal tank ut llicoUlyu , It U uld tUut au In-
III.Ml VNtl STtM l ( It.
I'lnln rnlh h.u . \\oll KIKIITII untrinl ol
Council lllun ,
Mr U T Albortl , aoputy city engineer of
Ooutioll Uluft * . with olll a nt the illy hiilldinK
ind rcsidlne nt \Vr.shlnRton avenue ,
I , . T. Al.lir.U IM lU'puU l in 1 si i > ' pr ,
Council lllnlN , I i
' 1 IndsulTotPil frnniMtnio i"lt irrh il afToctlon
of thehi'iid and stoimi hull It ihroiUonod mv
poiipriit honllh qullo sirlousty but 1 found
the tioitmi'iit | n tctUo 1 liy lr < Copol mil *
siiopntd to hi' vorv thoronili nnd plllc'loiit anil
siiuh r.s to alTord mo out Ire relief In a ii'imirK-
alilv sli'irt tlmp.
My condition when I iipplh-d lo ihcm for nx-
pcrt diagnosis nn I tic ilinent w ts"'t lhat of
any v lo ei > t orptostr itlnu Illiuns bill Hint of
const uit Ind'simslllnn ' orhnlf-slcUncsi. 1 WHS
alwnvs in ispra lily out of oiis , ho id Inn f over-
oil. Muireil up cotidltluii piln and "orouels
o\t-r thoojps i sickly und almost conl'nuitut '
licndiiolu' , 11 iontHiit foolhiT of phvslt'ul iltj
nrosslon lii'iivlnt'ss an 1 fntlcun bully poatrd
tomiuc an I tlio tiste of soul po ! ons In tlm
iiioiflh and a sensp or something wroiii In my
thro it as thoiub there was vonmthltis urow-
1 wsis never huiury-soomod to h ivolost nil
nniurnl rollali of tool and would bo tioubh'il
wllh u blontliiK of thootomii'liiind uslck unit
diowsy fcolliu for two or thioo hours iiflor
pit'iig ' My Hlt'c'p was hid II dldn t rottor
icfrish mi' so th it 'HtnU or nouorU' I was al-
wuvs tiled , nlw-ius fiiuuicl out , nnd Justus
much that \ > av iiiorn tit-i as iirict the lahiirs
of a dn\ .
Hut .is I mihl , under tliuCniiotnn 1 A. liupinl
tie itini'iit all the u anne ; In and muro or test
distresslni < ! mploiiis IIHNO p i si'd uwny on-
tlroly , an I no hcillh Irom that tlmo on his
boon cxcollont In uvory ruipeet "
Snn"eiers from cut irih , rlioum itls-n or olhcr
euriblu chn me iiial.idlo , ilosliliu to obtilii
soaiu InlollUent Ido i of tlio Co loliuid & Mk'p- '
nrd systjin < if Ire itincnt lioioro IncurriiDr o < c-
pouso , wit bo ac'ordjl in oinilii itlon a id
llrst trj itinent free of e-h irio. All who ipp y
In person will lu o\ inline i , udisi > 1 and tro it-
ed upon their llrstisltubi ) ntoly free of ox-
itoyMs nu A\ ' > it : NIW : vo'tic i.iv t
Oill-o Hours -U to 11 n. in , , ; to > p in. : T to ) ! >
m Sunday U a. in. ton in.
Special ftfobicasi
\\TANT13I ) To rxil.iupi' MtdilU liroiiuu.iy
11 ei < h foi food drill It lid In DiMtin ( uin (
Nilir.iHki mir tin * town uf Co ? 11 U J Hutch-
hmun .v. Co HIT Uro iilu l > Couiull lllilltK
I/OH SVI.K Vt low fliTimHI u-roH mostly
1 ilnihir - inlli from cltj limit * line Inilt
luul AiUlri'SH P 111. lieComii ll llliills
YOU , < now lint Diy A , Ili'Ss tuvo HOU >
UO bir JliiHln mil ind k'U'l
HSTHACTS , uul IOUIH P inn .111 Cllj proiur./
lHiii0-ht and sold I'usoy X Tlio u is Coaiul
/i \ UnGnrinool C PIIOIBuiit'
VJcloinoil LM Umlio , .it i'ijloi urooi-ry , ull
Uro ulw ly
. ) HUVT A l-muii IIJHJ lanniJ or V 11
Li \ In J1S boilth 1st Hluel
\\rANl I3I > To tr ulia voimir .t inliiiitt' ImrHuJni
' 1 irooil pni'iiin illt' Und lilurli ktiml < li ulco for
biiiraln Adilioss Ho < I''l I'liiim II liliilfs
s VI.K V irl of tinlltiin" < mil coed w 111 ol
IfOK VM'll Ix-UiMl Hilooii oil lluiidw.ij I'jiinell
IllnllH Tail of llMini H n HI il with bmUlmiT.
( 'hi'MI If Mold it oiiciAdihi'HS A U
' 1 lllnlts
' SAM : Pool liblc > cunipli 1C .mil M'VLiiti
J'OH ( hop llOIIHIM Illlllltl Wllll HlOOlH IIS
Ilioulwav Comii 11 HlulTH
dlctmint hisbci-n found also ii i u dl-
iccloi , hut his naiiip Is iiiiKiiown.
ltcDi f'nnili's PiiiMiui-t b is jet .iiiothoi
bomb fin Iho police1 dcp iilmenl of .New Veil
City : ind lhiUl > . | ilct attoMiPj'sollIco It Isle
tlio fin in of a Maic'mc'iii and will be m idenuM
In the llownid P.T-P , it lacK on , TPIIII , jcs
tPiday , witnesses fiom Ncu \ ol I , and I-omloi
icstllU'd that tlipj Kut'w P Ito s and Wlllliii
I/OKI Monip , and Hi it the defendant llowaic
was nc'lllu'r
V Arlington , o\-lic isuioi of DoiiL-l u
cniinly OK 'nn , who WHS < onv jclcd of the I ir
cuiof public fuiuN , was jpstpiday siiitcncet
to tlm o M. ' UT In the pc'iilteull uy and to p 11
u llncof } ri ' ) H1
' PV i'li of Ihoojipi itmsof ihp I."hU'li Vnllcj
i illio id have licon aiii'sti il a' \\lilli llavou
I'a , chatipd with liclnntlio c niso of tin wiccl
at that place liming the slilko , which cost tin
compitii } iflTO.UOO
A vcidlcl of not Kiillly was luicht'il In tlm
trl il of Kinductoiiolt jtiitcidiy uflcinoon ,
wlio had liccn held io > po isllihi for the terrlbln
Michigan Ccnlral wioiU In width so mail )
pinjilo WPIP Killed
The Amos lion woilc > of Otno o , N' iY. ,
in iiiilfactuiliiK bollois , olc , and oinploj Inn
0(1 ( mou , shut doun hist iil for ono unek
WIIKPS will h ludiiLcd 10 jiui cent on re
sumption of business
A w nraut foi the must oflllard P
Ilolmos , piosldcnl of Iho Seem lly Siting
Tiusl company of Kansas City , which maih
an iiNsl iiinont last June , u us Issin d toil ly
, , ' niiiil IUK cny.
l.mils I'ljodi , who sav slii > Is a mi dlcal stu
dint I i Washington and Mho li'ills fiom Vcn
( /in-Ill , was held In $1 000 b ill for n lal yester
day fet Bltlni ; a biuusi lurk to tlio piopiluloi
of Iho S'Ulhntul , New VoiK City
_ . .IllllU t. > l&ll ) WOII ) C'll.
Ion d „ III the eon it v clerk's ollh'ii it Von > -oili
jrstt'iibiy nuiilnst lli'iuy ( Alhiil , of the
linn Allii'il lli'.iiriir i'vi'o , luco do ilora. In
f.uoi of Mi-hohiH Alhcrt and lolm II I'liulm
The Jmy In tlio I'orll mil , On > , < him ii ) foil ,
hpliacy i-is" nfloi hi'hu tun twi'lity-foiij
Jiouit liimi''lit In a vt'idli'l last nUlit Tin
luiv llndi I ! I Miilltj t \-spcfltl iiKuntnf tin
'I'M isuiy dcptilinc'iit , \\lllliuii lluuhii and 1' .
.1 11 union Ktillly
f-chodulcs In the asilKiiinc'nt ofVllhon Ooil.
ficy & . I'd , the Inmlidi Him , In I'llit'iIon 1C
Chiipniiin , Illi d In the i om I of rowniim pin IHOI
Now Vork vchlt id'iy , show ciiiitlii enl Ilithlll.
llos JViU.l'JH and tliicct Ihihlllthis f 11 JiHJ : ,
noiiilniil iihSfls flJU.OMU nnd ai-tiuil assiiU
Tlic biiproruo couit nt JiiirurMin < lly Mo. ,
lias ii'fiiM'd to uinl the writ uf HUD wiiri inn
iihkt d fur by iiioiii limn III ! ) ( it luinsas t lly'i
tavii/ivcih , toiiiinpul Itociiidui of v ntius ( Jw +
Icy In hhon hy what ilKht in nulliiiilly lin dl *
chiir rd Iho dutlo'i of reeoidoi of vutoiN foi
Jack on count }
A cruit illt-coitiry of hllvtu ni'iir the lown ol
nhiiflci , Tt'Is leporli'd , whcui ovli-nslM
nihios am Hint lily hcuu win Uid Ihu Him h
lociiti d ncai the Itlndiandu In I'lo ldlocDuntt
and In u dlhtilrl which coiiliilns hiivoral old
n h untuned iiilncn whi | h wt'ic woiKcd uiunturj
or nioiatiK" 'O' ' the himnhnds
'I ho pollco of .Niiiv 011 < will hulu the iinoiii.
plojcil. hupi'ilntondint Hymns hold a con.
Hiillatliin with Iho liihpivtuiH and httvcral ol
thticiipt ilus jiistunlaj on Ids puiuosud pluu .
of luliiu f i om ilu P iy toll ( ino-hilf uf 1 put
citnl 'Ihu p.iicouliiKi's ' uf deductions will
amount toiAOUOpui month
'IhotillecNof Iho ( ) ' lliuiU of riloiii'on.
ti-rdly NI i > ro biild hy Iho ucuhrr yiH.
toidiiv hci iiilllns , iho fiu-o valuii ( if wliluli
HID $10(1,0,1(1 ( ( , hniu ht UifH thin t'MO Tin
ratio wns uhoiil 'i mills on Iho dollar A Judit.
inent of fii.oui ) luahmt ( . ' I- Work , the presl.
( lout ( if Iho I ) ink , sold for till 1
A iintlcu wa-i puitc'd ut lh Mori nurks ol
I'unhlo , Cole vu'tiiiiluy hy llio uiiiiiimumc'iil ,
ciilllnit upon the mil mill innn to i-oufor with
r-uiiarliilniidoiit Itohhibon with j-cforunfu to
WIUIH I'nlohi tlin men HCC'lit the I'lttHhuric
scale1. Mr Itoblnson xiiyH , tlin loiiipiiny will
not attempt to III ! Ihu oidi-M now on h mil
JlctwiinU and 4 o'clock yuuturJny after
noon , wlillo J II 1)1 ) sou , a i * al until nnd
bond hroke-r of hprliiKlluld , Mo , wan uh > ; nt
from his ollho , thluvt's unload nnd fort-Inn
OIMUI thoBiife null thu ilinwor ( oiui ) irliumitu
vvilhln , Niiccrudcd in uotlliii ; itwuy with it
luuo nuuiliur of vuluahln boniU , mic'iirlMoi
unddceiU lei ntnl e-stato and t'JH 'M In cash.
'Iho town of ChiiHurtoHii , lull , IH oxcltol
ov or thonovul ChristIIIIIB pitihoiil hy
OMU of the iiiomliitnt Inuluosd men ot thul
town Ira II TlllotMiniii. n bjihtlor.on iro-
liUluhU iilacuof Luulnubu thlM iiioinlnu found
u Luskiit In lilb door , to which wa n , card h ur-
lnn' tht ) Inscription "A ChrlHim u iirusunt. " In-
Hldu of 'ho liaskutuuH a pull of rud-houuud
babies about u mouth old.