Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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01 t < r.s NO. 13 1'KAnij bTHKTrr
Kill'.ric.My riuloi to ftny p.irtof tlio cllv
I ! VTI I/TON Malinger
HltlMnWOfllrp No 43
rri ri l > iin\r
TI I.l.l'llOM.S
, xigt | , ttntnr No 23
.t . ) stoic , 10-ilny sale.
1'rrn Ktrney has taken the oath of ofltco
us stiuessor to Charles Alexander on the
Itoiid of Supervisors.
J. K nietilch slipped on an ley olilovvnlk
jcstuidnj mornlnu nnd sustained a badly
ilirahicd ankle , vviiloh will laV him up for
icveriil unjs.
A iiMiilatte license was issued icslcnla.v
to ( ( nto I' Hnckmnn of Grand Island.
Neb , anil Bessie H Uarpcn of Council
IHuffM Their ngcs me ! ii ! Htm 18.
Itrpuiar nicotine of 1'tcliPtah council , Ko.
ft , DcKtut of 1'ocrthontas. this ovenlnc at the
ciKlith run at their tocpeo , coincrltrondwny
and Main-meets , lor regular business und
< ICK"'t' " ' 'ik
S Tucket , who ilnlmed Guy Andrews
robbed him while diulik. is said tnhaveflls-
appcaicd usall offotts of the off cor to Had
him justerday weic unavailing. nllhoURh
the CUSP was booked for a hc.iihig A con-
tlnuanco wns taken until U o'clock in the
bopi that before that timu the lost may bo
HoU's 'A Trln to Chinatown" will bo the
iioja'attiiictinn at Uohany's , on Wednesday
nielli , Dei ember I ! It Is under the personal
management of Charles A. Hoyt , and like
all of his | ilii\a , scored a wonderful success
In llii'ciist It cmtled oft tne pnliii , bnviiiK
bad a run of WO nlphtfl in New Vni K Citv , a
blptici lucoid than any other play 1 as ever
had .
i IID Twin city i > y WorK * .
Tin' Twin City Dye works is now the
largest and most etmpleto in the west.
The now building IH equipped with the
newest appiovnd machinery , in hands of
expert workmen. All kinds of dyeing ,
cleaning and renovating ladies' and gun-
llomen'H garments , feathoif , etc. All
work guaranteed. Olllco and works at
IXHli street and Avenue A , Council
Hlulln : Omaha olllcc , 1521 ParimniHtretit.
U. A. Scnor.DSAOK. Proprietor.
T argo I'liough for gocd si ed rooms , ,
newest and tincst patterns , at away less
than cost , and all other kinds of goods ,
portieres , laces and upholstery materials
at prices that cannot bo duplicated anj-
whoieelso. Council HlutTs Carpel Co.
Ten carloads of poultry wanted. High-
cnt ea h price paid. John Dunn , 110
Upper 15 road way-
f -
Ask j'oui grccor for Domestic scap.
11. TC Montgomery of Denver Is in the
lAiclus Wells has gone on an eastern busi
ness trip
Miss Mainio Fitch of Omaha is the guest
of Mis II .1 Chambers.
Miss Nelllo Hlakcnmn of Dccorah , la , is
the K'iPat of Mis. Wade Caiey.
L. W Kendall of Chicago is visiting his
brothur , Ian Kendall of the Milwaukee.
E A ( illbcrt , who has just ictnrned fiom
Chicago , tilings the news that his brother
Amlj , who lias been very ill fora long time
past , is slowly recovering.
Mr ami Mis.V. . Pope Ycaman of Mlssont i
and Mr ml Mrs. D. Y. Van Dine of Kansas
City spent Thanksgiving with Mis. Whitney
I.ayton , daughter of lion. W. Pope Yeaman.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Wadswottli have 10-
tiitncii fiom Blair , Neb , where they spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. Wadsworth's pir-
ents. Ills father was very ill during the
gi eater part of the week , but U now somewhat -
what 'mpinved.
Miss Carol } n Alexander spent Thanks
giving with her parents , Kov. and Mrs.
Alexander , bringing with her several of her
school mates from the Univctslty of Omaha
Miss Conner of Tort Scott , Kan. ; Miss
KHIott of Heatrico , Neb : Miss Palmur of
Blair ; Mr. Moinlns of Opden. U. T. , and
Mr. Williams of Dakota. They mndo n
inotry company and the daj was nlcubur.tly
spent. _
You pay your money and you take
YOU i1 choice cither Dr. .TelTeris'
Diphtheria Remedy or a funeral. Thirty-
live years trial proves Dr. .lotloris'
diphtheria medicine infallible in putrid
HOIO throat , as in malignant hum-let
fever or inaliLMiant diphtheria. For sale
by Ueardhlev , lu\is and Dollaven , also
ll'Wl Ouming street , Omaha.
Sitsiu Corn ! luenr < 'oin !
Try the Council Bluils Sugar Corn.
The best in the market.
Absolutely no chemicals used to bleach
the corn white. It is young , tender ,
Bwcnt , clean and wholesome.
A largo block of line potted plants and
shrubbery for bale at wholesale or re
tail , tit greatly reduced prices. Also cut
llouci's. Leiivo orders or address KOH-
tor nur.sories. Harrison street , or II. G.
McGee , Merriam block ,
hill IB lor Insiiriinci' ,
Christina Siovers is suing the National
Dcnovolent association , nil Odd Fellows
uiganlinlion , for $5,000 , the face of an insur
ance policy which she holds on the life of
her late husband , 1'ritSiovuis , who , until
the time of his death , kept n Jouoliy stoiu
in the city The policy was allowed to lapse ,
hut Hievois renewed it only four months be-
foio his death. The company claims that
hu made a false nnd fraudulent statement ot
the condition of his health in otdor to have
his policy renewed. The trial was com
menced in the district court last evening and
will continue today.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter com
pany bus opened nn olllee , 10(1 ( S. Main.
Typewriter supplies for all makes of
machines , Teluiihoiio , 112. Call us tip
if you wish anytnV'g in our lino.
The last chance lor a Hound Oak thih
year ; only li. " > loft , and can't got any
more. They won't last over ten dayt * .
A Miry few Hadiiint Homes left at Cole
iV Colo's , Main street.
ITuro you seen the now gas heaters at
the Gab company's olllco1
ICojul Arc mini ) Olllior * .
1'idclit ) council No. 15G , Ho al Arcanum ,
held lib annual election of oftlcurs last even
ing , uud the following ofllcerb w eio chosen
for thu cunning iear :
Pnst regent. ! ' , H , Warner ; regent , U A ,
Tioutman ; vice icgont , C. | ; oia or ,
I ) . 11 , Dally ; bpcretary , W. A. Uronoweg ;
folltvlor , .1. T Tiild : tiuamuor , A , W Kiok-
man ; warden , ( ) . H. White ; sentry , F H ,
Wnrniir ; guide , S , T. .MoAtco ; chapluin , .1.
II. Arthur ; trustees , r. II. Warner , A , T.
FllclmipCT and Charles licno ; delegate to
rrand council , Jutnus I'atterson ; ulteinatu ,
R A.Troutman
A full line of typewriter suiiplies car
ried In htoek by the Htnlth-l'iemier
company. Olllco 10(1 ( H. Mnin btreet.
W. II. Clianibors , datieing academy ,
Masonic temple , CliibSCH each Wednes
day aftoriiiHm and opening.
Domett to t-oa ) ) IB tli
riui-tilluiiuiy linturtMliiiiiriiti
An elocutionary enteitalnment was gi\en
m the parlors of the 1'list Presbyterian
thurch lubt o\cnhig under tlin management
il Miss 1 My Hi Thomas. All of the per
formers were little people , but many ot them
ihnwctl considerable talent , and the unter-
talnuioul was highly enjoyable. The pro-
rritls \ > cio deuited to tlm Clirlstuin liomv.
tiiuoko T. 1) . King fc Co's Partugas.
ReorguS. Davis ,
Domestic coup ib l lie "
Qrimmclraan Wius His Suit Agaimt the
Union Pacific Railway Company.
lie Inrnnlcil > .SOOO for thn Dc.tth >
1IIH Son The llnllrnail Coiniiti | ) Will
Appcul tlio CUB i ! to the .Su
premo Court.
Judge tynlth opened the \cidlct In the dis
trict coin t J cstcrday morning Hi the case of
Unminelinaii tigainsl the Union IMcllle Kail
way eomiiany and found It to bo In fn\or of
the plaintiff In the sum of S8.000.x
Tins is a suit in which there Is a good deal
of nubile Interest felt William Gtlmmcl-
man was clyploicd nt the Union I'aclllc
transfer In this city until about two jears
ago , when , one night wlnlo at wor t , ho fell
Into n vat of boiling water. Heforo ho could
bo rescued ho icccived injuries from which
hosufTcicd tcriibly for several days and
finally died. The suit was commencedby
his rattier , and was tried at the last tctm of
coutt. The trial resulted In a dlsagicement ,
It being leatncd aitcrwards tbatone of the
Jut01 s ref'iscit to take any part In the delib
erations with his follow Jurymen In the
jur.v room , but sat anait , evidently having
made up his miml in advance Tlio Jutors
signed it tcqnest of , ludro ( Macy Hint ho
would not ietUlto | them to sit on any more
Jut lea with tli"lr rofiactory brother , but
this tcqnist was dialcgarded. As the \er-
dlct In tills instance only lacks f'J.lMX ) of the
full amount asked for by the plaintiff It is
ri'gaided as an o\crwhulmlng victory against ,
the railway company. Thoultoincysfertile
defense tiled n motion for a ne.v trial , and
will light the ( .use out in the supreme louit.
Sixth Vfiuilcis Oruniilzliig u Nickel I'.TO
Jf AUIeiman C H.Nicholson happened
aiouid about the timu the mealing : of
Sixth waidcrs was being held In the build
ing at the corner of Twenty-third street and
Iltoadwa ) last o\enlni ; he would have * ar
rived at thu i onclusion that some eau had
conceived the notion that as a member of
the cit.v council he was not a blooming suc
cess. 'I lie meeting was called by twcnti-
nmc of tin ) vottis of the ward , Irrespective
of politics , and these present wcie about
equally dhidcd between the two leaning
A. C. Keller was appointed chahmanand
TJ. DoiiL' seciotarv. The oblect of the
incotlnc was stated by Chairman Keller to
be the dousing of ways and means for pro-
seiving the lights of the elti/cns of Council
Hluffs , and especially of the Sixth ward ,
airalnst corporations , and especially against
tlie motor company. 'J he meeting was
rather an lufoimal one , the time being oc
cupied principally with the discussion of the
piesOnt status of the 5-ccnt fare project and
ttie relations to it sustained by the alderman
who icpicjonts , or inisiepresonts , as one of
tlio ilcmocratio brethien put It , the Sixth
ward in the city council.
The main topic of conversation was the
question ot extending the Inteistato Uridgo
company's charter for another two yctus.
This , so those in charge of the nicotine : con
ceived , had an important beating upon the
5 cent fare scheme on the theory that there
was such an understanding between the two
motor companies that if the Intel state com
pany's chirter is extended for another two
j eai s the prospects for a competing line will
lie dormant for that length of time , and
with them the possibility of a C-cent faie.
"Aldeimau Nicholson has said that Tom
Hvans is the only man in the western part
of the city that wants a 5-cent fare , " said
one of the speakers.'What wo want to do
Is to convince him that he is mistaltcn , and
that wo all want to bcoa5 cent faro as badly
as 12vans or any other man. " A committee
was llnally appointed to lonfei with Alder
man Nicholson between now and next Mon-
iny evening and Inform him that it is the
wish of his constituents that he cast his
vote against the extension of the Inteistato
charter for two \can and to bo present at
the niLcting of the council fin Monday even
ing to see whether or not ho acts in accord
ance with their wishcf. This committee was
made a uutipartisnn one and was composed
as follows : ( J. U. Washington , A. U. Hard
ing , M W. Dempsey , W C. IJo.ver. Ij. Doug
las , Ij Al. bhubcrt ami A. C. Keller. The
meeting then adjourned until next 1'ridny
In addition to our great 10-day clear
ing Mile for the next few days wo will
have a new attraction in our ooi-ct de
Mdllc. Gerold , an export in corset
lilting , will bo in attendance at our
corbel department for the no.\t few
diiyw , "Floxibono moulded coibots1
who will tuljiibt these excellent gar-
inentn to nnj who care to their fl t
ting qualities. Whether jou purchase
or no , it dees not matter. 'Come and &eo
the gords and perfect style- ) .
Floxibono moulded corsets received
medal of highest award at World's Co
lumbian exhibition. In addition we will
oiler the greatest bargains in tlio corset
line ceishown. . In a great many cauos
eoi-hots at less than half price. Coi-botb
that sold fioin"5o to $1.00 , during this
sale for : ic. ! ) Corsets that sold from
M.- . ' : > to * 2.00. during this bale title ; this
lot includes Thonibon's nursing , G. IX ,
Chicago wuifat , Warners Health and
Tliomson'ri abdominal cot sots. C. B.
In Sprite corsets , during sale $1.00.
Kotlicringham , Whitelaw & Co. ,
The Leading Popular One Price Cash
Dry Goods House of llio Wcot.
Tliren I'nmiiiiK Wli > Wanted to He I'rut-il
from llnlmppj Alarrhiccsi
Otto Caimack Jlled a petition in tliodis-
tilct court josterday In which ho asked for
a Ulvoice from Minnie Carmaok. He is Ib
jcaih of ago and was uv.uiio.l in Melrose ,
la , , last , , lnly Ho claims ho supposed his
wife waiiituous until after the marital
knot was tied , when ho suddenly found that
another man would bo thu father of her Jlrst
child when it came.
Annie Dclslai ; hiought sultatrainst George
Doislng , iilleging ttuit they were married in
Omaha In September , IhSI , and lived to-
( . 'Other until Juno , 18 4 , when the defendant
deserted her. Dm ins the time they wore
living together uhu claims ho continually
bjut her , called her vile names , kept her
w Ithont food or shelter and became addicted
to habitual drunkenness ,
Mari-i W tJoolev wants to bo separated
fiom rranltlliiT Cooley , whom she married
twenty-live > ears ago In HluhlielU , Mont-
gomeiy county , la , Ihey lived together
until fouvjcuru ago , when the defendant
disappeared , Hhu also wants the o istody of
their two uhlldicn.
S. M. Wllllanibon btill bolls the Stan
dard and Domurttiu at 10(1 ( South Main
.street , nnd 1ms not removed to Hroad-
wuy , a * has Iwen reported ,
Ladles , if you desire absolute peace in
the kitchen ask your grocer for J , O ,
Hoftiuuyr & Co.'s Fancy Patent Hour.
W. S. Hiiinl , Lawvor , iCvorott block.
Abk jour grocer for Domestic soap.
'llielr I'irtt litrly.
The Mnemosyne , club gave Us opening
party 'Ihatikigiving evonlng at the hull of
the Woodmen of the World on Upper Hroad-
way. About fort } couples were present ,
ami the beautiful tmrroundiugi and excel
lent on-bestial music made the affair onb to
'm long reuivuibciotL It wan a
fin.iti'i \ . \ us \ . , i i.s i.ocl ilinnd th mem
bets hil\eile < Uled to K\\O \ similar entertain
incuts for their ft lends nt Intcrv.nlo rttiring
thowlnlir The next of the series will be
given on Christmas night
srr.i-itisin : nn. < iiii. ! <
Two Coiuif II llliilT < DnnneM Kim t'p
nil Unc iicitrd Sniic.
The danpcr that lurk ? In the seductive
coriespondencc bureau , newspaper personal
column onu the line was brought forcibly to
the knowledge of a couple of gills hclorginc ;
to two of the host families of Council Bluffs
a few dajs ago , nnd , as n consequence , there
arc two girls whose patronage -will probably
not be given to such enterprises in the fu
ture. Scvoial weeks ago an advertisement
appeared In a ccttaiii Omaha paper calling
for two jouiiit ladles to coitoapond with
a lllio number of college bo\s living In
Omaha and upon whoso hands time bung
heavily. The two ioung ladies wete looking
foru little excitement of ia romantic islmt
and answered tlioad ' '
l.cttcis pissed hick and foith firquentH
and the upshot was that a certain day and
plaeo of nicotine was agiced upon , and at
thu appointed time the gills ciossed the
liver I" meet their unknown Komcos As the
clock struck the Uomcos appeared upon the
scone , and then there was a scene that was
histoiical in tlioc\tieino. The "two < ol-
lego bojs" who wore Ucht upon making the
aoqualnt-iuie of two joiing ladies of literary
tastes were found to be two well known
ioungmen of Council UlufTt. , who , of course ,
had known the names of their lady corre
spondents trout the start and had been
gracefully steeling them toward the Inev
itable smash-up.
k It Is tcported upon the best of nuthoritj
Unit the girls worn noticed to tutn seven
distinct shades of color when they discov
ered the trick that hail been placed upon
them the un
feeling young men did not seem ta care a
straw for the effect the joke might have on
the gills , but allowed the stor.y to leak out
little liy U Ale. with the tcsult that at the
piescnt time -i\\o \ gills arc possessed by a
mortal torior lest their fond mammas will
hear of it.
< ) HAM > Aitr ( ioois SAM : .
ClniliiR Out Art Goods at i Ills : Dlscnunt
I lnineo for I'lnp VhrUtliiiis I'lTM-ntx.
The great block at Itfloy fc Sherra-
den's art toro on Main street is to bo
slaughtered. They intend to close out
the stock before the holidays"and will
start in with a cut of from liO to 0 per
cent. H is the royal opportunity for the
people of Counoiruiullo and Omaha to
get appropriate Christmas presents foi
litllo rnono.v. Tlio cut includes every
thing in the stock and all orders foi
frames. With overj do/en cabinet pho
tographs taken in the next 110 days t
beautiful otehinsr will bo trivon fr > n.
Call at the bazuur of the ladies of St
Peter's church in the Kibcmun buildiiif ,
and have u good lime. Admission 11
For neat job printing , prompt delivery
and lowest prices 1:0 to Pryor Bros. , Bio
job otlice , 12 Pearl street. .
Smith-Premier typewriters for rent
Telephone , 112.
Oliuiitiimimi Colli'K" Kntcrt illicit by u Talk
DU MnliumiiinttaiiHm.
The ChautaiKiua college of the Firs
Methodist chuich had the pleasure las
evening of listening to an address b Kov
M. S Terry , president of the Garrctt Bib
lical institute of Kvanstnn , 111 Dr. Tctry
spoke on "Tlio l.ifo and Piecepts of Mo
hammed , " and his remaiks were full of his
torical inteicst.
The speaker contended that while Mo-
liamme.l might have been mistaken ho was
sincere in his belief. The cruelties vvliiuh
accompanied his conquests were the fault of
the aec rather than the individual and in no
instance approximated the horrors which
weic perpetrated bv the inquisition in the
name of Christianity. His uniform success
had no doubt seemed to him to stamp the
mcasuies used with divine approbation.
The Koran was a book about one-half the
si/o of the Old Testament and consisted of
114 clmptois , arranged in the order of their
length. It was dictated by him to his fol
lowers during thu last twenty yeais of his
life and was chiefly icmaikaulo for its na
tural diction. Tnst among its doctrines was
the unity of God. It also taught thu immor
tality ot the soul , the death ot the bodv anil
the future Judgment. Mahomet's idea of
hell was that It consisted of seven stories
Into which souls wcro distiibutcd according
to their tajth The first story was for the
Moslems , the second was occupied by the
Jews , thu third b.\ the Christians and the
lowest was for hj pociitos. Heaven , accord
ing to his philosophy , was a place1 whcie all
the faithful dressed in uidient appaiol ,
decked with rubies and diamonds. The
time was passed in feasting and with music
and each man was attended by seventy-two
nymphs of paiatMsc who possessed all the
chaims of eirthly beauty with none of the
Mahomet acknowledged the psalms , the
books of Moses and of thopiophels. Ho be
lieved In .Icsus and in most of the prophets
of the Old Testament. The Koran piohiblled
the use of wlno and extortion. Usury and
gambling were among the vices which It
The .Moslems bad created the sciences ot
n'gebra nnd chemistry and developed that
of astronomy. The most perfect jiicco of
atchitcctuto in the world was a Moslem ) in India , But Islamism had been
weiirhcd in the balances of 1,000 years , and
had been found wanting They had never
made a people hotter than the Arabs them
selves. The presence of the Mohammedan
Turks in Euiopo had been an unmitigated
curse , anil all the cuctgy to bo found In.Tur-
kev was duo to the .lews and Christams
among its population , The failure of IslamIsm -
Ism was due to the fact that it had been as
sociated with tlueo great evils , despotism ,
polyjamy and slavery. Such n lellgion was
incompatible with nil.v other form of govern
ment , ixnd the result was that the Moslems
had but desolated every country which they
r.uldy Ityini , a Pat-Un ? Ilnimo WnrUmnn ,
Killed nt .South Oin.iliu.
The life was crushed out of I'addy Hyan
at thoQ stieet ciosslng at South Omaha by
a Un.on Pacific engine at 12:15 : yesterday.
Mr. Hyan in company with two other moil
weio on their way to the G. 11. Hammond
packing house , where they are employed.
The Lincoln pissenger train caino whiz/ing
along just as they reached the tracks. One
of the three men started to run and made
across just uhoad of the cngiiio. Uyan ,
who Is a man fully M yeaisof ape , attempted
to follow , but ho was too lato. Ho was
fnlrli in the center of the track when the
engine dashed against him , causing instant
death , His companion who icmalned behind
made nn effoit to stop Uyan , but he was too
Coroner Maul was notified and directed
that Undertaker Itrowur take possession of
the ictnains until he could arrive and hold
an Inquest ,
Mr Hyan has been a resident of South
Omaha for some time , Ho lived In thu
Third waul and was employed at the Hammond
mend Packing house ,
to Work.
Sixty-two u.en were fed at the City Mis
sion on Thursday evening. Almost without
exception these men are honest worklngmen
who are unable to secure employment , and
they aio willing to do any kind of labor in
order to secure enough money to got them
something warm to eat. The managers of
the mission are doing all they can for de
serving men , and Mr. O. H , Hichards , who
Is taking a rrcal inteicst in this work ,
asks any citizen who has an odd job
which he wants done on bhort order to leave
word at the mission or telephone No. 1581
They will furnish , a man with toolg for sawIng -
Ing wood , carrying in coal , khovelitig snow
or almost any kind of work. All the appli
cants for assistance ut the mission are made
to work for their meals , and drones or bums
are not tolriated. Some sad tafes of priva
tion are toll' ' by the appllcuuts , but the mis
sion people are ilolug all they cau to assist
luuse uufortuuatu men.
Tw. ) Men Hold t p n I nrntm Mrrct Drue *
ulit nt nn inrlj : Hour.
One of the m&st d-ft-Ufff robbeilcs whkh
las occurred In this cl'v for many months
ceuirod at 10 o'clock last night.
At that hour two joung men stopped in
rontofW , T Hughcs'drugstorconTwciitj-
ourth and Tni-nam streets and looked abot.t
hem to see It" nnv one WAS nppioaching.
Seeing that the coast was clear the men
Ircw their revolvers , and while one of them
stoo.t on guard at the door of the store the
other went inside ami ooreilng Air Hughes
with a gun made him give up all the money
n the cash drawer.
Thcie was between flO nnd t10 in the
Irawcrntidas soon as the robber cot the
noney ho backed out , keeping Mr Hughes
coveicd with the gun
The men made their cseipa down Tvventv-
'ourth stuet nnd the iliuggist luitrledly
called tin the police by telephone.
Diteetlves wire put at work on the case
at once , but up to il o'i lock this mouilnir hail
Uncovered no clew to thu roiibeit ,
As the drug stoto is situated In a thlcklj
settled pai t of the cltj and somu ono is gen-
eralU passing that curnci overi few tiiln-
ties milll midnight , the robber.v was a very
mid one and the thieves must have been
tespciato characteis.
Itcilnrril Itutcn lo All I'oliito In 'lrv > .
On December 12 tne Chicago. Hock
Island Pacific' ruihuiv vuli sell
HOUiVD TRIP tickels to "all points in
i'o.Mis at OXI1 FAKII for the round trip ,
tickets good . ' 10 thijs. Twelve hours
quicker time than via any other line ,
heave Oinuhn at O'llO a. in. , arrive Port
Worth Silo next morninir , making eloso
connection in union depot for all points
south and west , riouuic your tickets at
1002 Purnnm street.
( i. N . W. P. A.
Danish 1miles Kellrf Soulclj.
The Danish Ladies Helief socletj gave a
fair at Washington hall lust evening llc-
frcshmcnts wcro seivcd and a neat sum was
reallred from tie ontcttaliiment The ei-
program concluded with a dance.
Dlillll ! , ! ! ( .
Tlio I'mhrl'i will taUo out fium Ni Yoik
today J50.UOO ounces of sllu'i.
Maysvllle. ICy. last nlsht cnleitallied ! ( ,
citizens and \Nltois with a scilcs of ci > i-lc
The t'nltcd Sliiles win-hip I'oi tsinuuth went
ashoiuiil llonury haj , ne u Astorlu , ii-slei-
ihiy afieinoon.
Tlio Ilalilnln I.ocoinolhe vvotKs ha\o 10-
eohed un oidi-i for > > o\eiit-iino eic'lnes from
the AtchKon , I'upcliii i . * mtii I'e sj tom.
The Pulled tate * comt at Now YoiK luis
susluinod thi ) WesthiKlioUKo HniKo company
uiralnst the NVw YoiU Alt lliaKe cotniriiiy.
An iittuuhnient for $45.000 acaiiiM llucclint
BcliuneU A Co of Now Yoik In fivoroftlio
boilthcin NillloiiitlliinK wiislsstiud ji'stcrdi.\ : .
The It iKe ' upuiliir Iron company nt Khpcin-
tiu. Mlch.yostuiilay tuBiiined neil < In what h
Ununn us section sixteen , " 00 niln hulnz viu-
plojod ,
The movement started last spiliiR to i liso
money for a monument lo thu lulo .lumcsU.
Ilhilno lias pro\L n u falhne Onl $110 has
been siiljii-rlbcil so fur.
SnMitinuh uilscd the quniantlnn against
IlriinswIcU ji".ti-iday , whlih has Iron In effect
since HiMitcmlipt 13 , ey.1'pt on
goods and niorchiinilUc.
Thu Louisville , Xew Alb my .S. Chicago Itall-
vvuy coiiipany jjhes ilultfe th il the 1 ( > ,0)0 ( )
ih ires of nu\v rcfeirud ijto-U olTuied to tlio
stockholdeis havu all boon sold.
Mujor I'lnitloo of Donvei has icccl veil a let-
tPi from mi t'nltcd btutcsollleoi : it I'alonias ,
McIn which host ito- , tint the roxoliillon-
Ibts iK'nr there ! ito ( HsbanilltiK uiul lemming
to their homos. > C "
Noel Mttlson , the 1'iuuch linatcliNt who wa > -
lald and Killed Jlisiiphhi Koes und hiuliilly
heat hut husband at Calan.lty , I'.i. , u fuvv
months ago , ai sonleiiced to dciith In thu
criminal conn yt"-teiday
The buy In the case nt Dick Kilnaiils , nllas
Hilly Lo lioy , alU < < ] < ISpcais , cliurecd nlth
the nmrdci of Mrs. liuynos ut DriiUon ,
Te\ , has decliiicil Uio defendant fcullty uiul
assebsud his pmilslununt ut llfo linpilsonmcnt.
Tlio court of pilv.-itu Innil cl urns of Xcw
Mexico haniled down three decision ! , yestoi-
dny , It unit mud the iuu'lio-i ; < lc Allnuiuenino
Slant In HeriiuHIo count J of 70,000 ucres and
rcjectPd tlio Hosiiir | s : intr4,000 ucies , and the
yiinta Teicbii du .linns unint , n.OOU ncic- , .
The old Aspen short Line cnnipany has con
solidated with Ihu Coloi.icloMidland i onip my.
Vesleidnv moinliu nitlclcsor Iiicorpoiatloii
v\ere niod with the sfcrolaiy of stiitu. At u
meeting of tliu MncKholduin , huld In ( 'olonulo
SprliiKs.luIy 'JS , It as iinaiilinoiisly duclikd
to do this.
Tlio leatliri tlrm of Kdnnids > t Itirrclt ot
Itoston fulled yestt'iday us si result of It" at
tempt til cany papei of the 111 in of Aim stuln
A. C'o of Nun VoiK , foi which a icculvei hud
been iippuliited. lloth members of thu Him
having HOO.OOU In the business
In Match List Uoveintir O-hoinoof
appointed l.uuis Mlllci statu cuninils-
slonoi. ' eeioliiry of Mute A. W. Umber 10-
fiibed to attest tlio comnn > < sloii 01 ; illl\ the
Main seal. 'I ho statu hiipromo com t has de
cided that a writ of maud.imiib should bu Is-
buud lo compel thu si-cretury to attest the
commission , riilliiRlhat his dutli-s me inlnls-
turlal , and not judii-iul.
Homy ClicncU , alias IIiixo S-hlltcr , v\as at
tested iiKialvcslim josteiuiiy liy Dulcctlvo
C"owlo c > f Clilc'igo I'heni'k uirlved fiom HID
tlty of Muxlio ji'bteidii } Within the past
yuar iiumeroils Hies li.ivu OIIMIIIL-I ! ntl'hl-
c.uo , I.ouNv Hit' , Diilnth and other places , unit
the L'lilfdpodotuutlvu f < irci has lu-un endu iv-
orinc to lu atii thu unllty jiartlos. A l.iixe
number of men huvo beun urieslcd. I'hunck
wasaUo ono of thuincu wanted.
I orulRii.
Alderman nolllon was yesterday elec'od '
lord mayor of Dihlln.
Lord llnnraven last uveiilng was Impiovlng
nnd theiu it , no dannror of n fatal c-nillng lo lib
Tlio Madagascar mall , whli-h has aiilvcd at
M irsollles , iinnounues Incie.ucd activity
umoni ; thu hilgunds whonio pillaging n ithos
In addition to lliuopoan ptonuity. Over l0i ! )
Iiooplo aru bald to ho prlsonein In thu hands of
the hand.
Thu London I'ull Mall ( la/etto ays It Icains
from u ullablo hourcu that 1'atilek Keed , Hit )
uiau muulured In Dublin icceiitlv , Iris lii-cn
nn Infoimer , and that connection hiisheiu
clcaily iiioviin between Heud and the recent
utplosions In Uuhlln.
BuJTercd , Scratchctl anil Bled. Doc
tors No Heller. Cured by Two
Sets Cutlcitrii Kemcdlcs.
Nothing lllco CniicniA RKuroirj ) was ever
jnannfacuired. Tor llireu u-ars have I BuITuroil
with a Bore head. I ivoulilmcak out allovcrmy
licadw 1th iilniples which vvoulil
form n walor } matter , and I
would ha\u to acratch until 1
Houlil blceil. After doctoring
with two doctors for throe
Ji'ars , IIIOID 01 ICEI , I filial ! )
mailonp iu > miml to try jour
IIMIIH 1A ! lCirnil , willl
result urilliely BJliefactory to
mo. Aflir using tvto nits I
' am entirely curcu , I have rco-
ommcnd < , u } our romcillca lo
several persona , and they idl
tell me they are No 1 OurtlmcRist Is doing a
nice business in CUTICIJIU Id MUHIW , ulnioiujr
cure. 1 havegUon him tlio ] iriUICu | of nilng
my immoas proof of their clllolcnc > , I enclose
iny jiortralt. A/ ! ' . < iltAM.M ,
I'liotogrnpligr , Sit. Horcb , Wis.
My wifohas been truubleil with tlio salt rheum
far four xnnrs. Durinc ihU lima ilo turd of
n , Illinois , ami 'llio ' most eminent of
Chicago , lulled lo clvu nilief. 1 bought Uiu
OLTIOIMA HKMKUII.S , ali'lsho used only ono box
of Ourici < cif CUTICUIIA SOAT , utul
halt a biittlo of CtTfCUHA HB&oiAfcM , and
tlieuo have cured her Lrminlttrlj.
0. M. b'lO.NII , 141 BUitft St. , Chicago , III ,
There Ii no doubt that the CUTICUIIA lltMB-
vies dall ) iiurfotni more uuadtrful ruruj than
all other bldii nnil blood rcmeilloa comLihiLil
They Inttantl ) relieve and speedily euro into'
humor of llio skin , scalp , aud blood , uilh loai
of hair , from Infancy to aic , from iiluiplci to
ecrofula , vvheu the beat plitlciaii9 fail.
Bold throughout the world. Prlco , Crriruiu ,
We j BIUP , ? - > c ; IUxii.vr.NT , $1. I'nTTnii UIILU
AND CUEX , Com- , Hole 1'ropiiciora , lluilou ,
JUT" How to Cure BUu IUca cn , " inallfd free.
DIM1'-1'8 , M-icldidulii , red , rongli , ttupp , duud
rllll ° " > > l > ln i-und by UUTICUIU tiuif.
" ' ' ' "
liack Arhe , Kidney laln , and Weak-
iicaa , boicneas , I.AUIOIII I , hlrainn , and
I'.ilns rrllnvnil In uon iiilnulo by tha
CulKuru Autl-i'alu riu lc .
DanuMtn Trouble * Ciimo Mini to At'cinpl
" < I -lc ) < lru < Hon.
.Stove Tox. a nnn about -IS jcats old , took
slryclinttio last night ultli suicidal intent.
Tex nnil some ft lends went Into Met ? hall
on South Thirteenth street , and after drink *
IIIR some b cr ho rctnaikcJ that hevas
tlrcil of llfo. Ills i-ninpanlnni paid no atten
tion to him nt the time unit tho'iglit ho was
onli Jcstinir
.Shortly after 11 o'clock 1'ox onlcrod a beer ,
anil when no \\nsobscrvlmr him bo put
a qiinntttv of the poison In the bcvcr.iRO and
swallow oil It. Tlio Urns ? soon took cfteot nnu
Just befoio mliinlcht theeltj ph\stiiaa was
sutnnioncil AntlOotcs wcro tivun him , and
it is thought bo will tvoovcr.
VnIs emp'.oioil in the sineltlnir woiki ,
and the cause of liis altoinpted solfHlrstttie-
tlon is hild to bn ilonipstli1 trouble . He sop
niMtod from hivlfe about two jcain ace ,
and has boon living near TVJuti' hall sliu-o
then. Ills vvlfo lives on South fourteenth
sticpt and a inn n led son lives on the north
sldo of the illy Another son is living with
bis mother.
At ttnu's.wlion brooding over his domestic
aiTairs. l'oooeaino despondent , anil , it is
bald , sought solai-oln Intoxicants.
I ) Cnrlimll.v ,
Mrs Unitn.i Hear and Mis I * . A l.ibbev
have been in-rested by the United States
autlioiitics for icccIvniR mall at the post-
ofUco at l.nwcllon for IX A. Miller without
hlsauthmlty. H Is thought their Intention
was mercli to pii into'tlielrneiglibor's bifsl-
l.lLcmr .
'I IIP follouhi } , ' marriage licenses v\cio
Issued \cstoulaj
Nntno mill Aililrois. Age
I Itoiiminoluli' . Suitb Omaha . . . 'J.I
l Alililo Ilolii-rtc , inilh Omnliii 'Jl
( ( liuciH'it.l ' hccKcll" , Onmlia ! il
I Ada ( liilikn tliiiiiliu 17
T. J. Moore is President of the
Trades' Council.
Well Known Trustee of the 1'aint-
eiV t'nioii in Toledo.
Many Other Workmcjmen Having1 the
Same Struggle for Existence.
The paiik- just past bore Iiaideat upon
the workingmoii and vvoinon.
Tlioirs has been tlio croatost worry.
They havohad tolahorhauler thntiover
to support their families. Today there
are thousands of overworked and ovei-
worried people tt UK"li" ; { ? aloti.r } , iliany
of ihein uudor tlio burden of dyspepsia
or insomnia , unhappy and fiolful , oilt
not helpless as Mr. Moore shows.
Those who awake inoro tired than
vvhon they went to bed , with an unpleas
ant taste in the mouth and the tongue
T. J. MOOltK.
parched , coated anJ dry , Know ono of
the many ai-jna of the disease that fol
lows overwork.
A poor apnclito for broa.vfasl , at times
a cunplele distaste lor all Kinds ol loou
( even the little reluctantly taken pro-
duuino ; general diboomlort ) thso svmn-
toms demand a bober thoutfhl. Today
it is know n that the nerve centers gov
ern all the processes intoughout the
body. Perfect digestion and assimila
tion" require that the nerves work in
harmony with the digestive apparatus.
And it was on tins recent highest medi
cal iufoiination that Haine'acelery coin-
pound , the medicine that makes people
well , vvab lirat prepaiod. To all who are
overworked , the following lettlor from
Mr. T. ,1. Moore tells a story thatbliould
be read and heeded. It is from ono of
the plain people :
"Iain greatly pleased with tbo good
rcsnltH obtained from the ueo of I'.uno's
celery compound. Previous to its use I
doctored with two of the best doctors
hero , and my health was not improved
in the least ly the tioatmoat I received.
On the recommendation of a friend I
procured a bottle of Paino's celery com
pound , and before I had used one bottle
I noticed an improvement in tny health ,
md T decided to continue its use and
jive ilia medicine it fair trial. 1 have
ibout finished the fourth bottle , and I
itivo almost entirely regained my old-
tlmo health and vigor. My ailment was
i disordered stomach , ana my whole
spstom was out of order. My appetite
was poor and very irregular , and as un
old friend whom I mot on Oio street ex-
iro'Si'd it , after enquiring about my
lioallli when I was under the doctor's
core : 'O , you are a ronor ! ' Hut my im-
Droved condition has convinced him of
Ills inetllcionoy as a a medical examiner
and prophet. "
Air. Moore is a lUtixcn of Toledo , and
lives at 2109 Fitch wtreot , In tiiat city.
Ho is president of the trades' council
and trustee of the painters' union , "lie
stands high with all union men , " says
the 'lolodo Blttde.
A caieful mm or woman either kcons
Paino's celery compound on hand or
knows just vvhoro ho can easily pro
cure it.
It is the remedy that makes people
well. It lias shown itself to bo an ido il
remedy In cases vvhoro nutrition is an
important factor , and whore digestion is
It U as far superior to the ordinary
nerve tonics anil i-arsiparillu as thu diamond
mend is to the ordinary glass. Try U
and bo convinced.
uri'icn or THJ : OIAIAM-A-J.ANI > ANM >
OMAHA , NKII , NnvFMiim 1. 1B93
Notlcii Is huruhy lilvun to tliiibtouKliuhiurn ot
tliu O alallu h.uul anil I'attlu conipaiiy that
tliu annual mi ctln ot tin ) btnekliolilcrj ot thu
company will bu huld ut thu olllcu of thu wild
company In tliu city iifl.liii.ili i , In Ihuttato of
rsi-UriisIm un Wednesday , Discciuhor , A II
Iti'JJ. ut 2 o'clock p in , , fur the purpoxo ol
C ItH'tine u butird ot ( lliuclois fin thu company ,
lo serve dining thu tuisuliin' your , uiul to trails-
net any hiislni-iN v > hlcli may ho pioscntud at
biich ineetlnp
Incabu thu oDIco of ) < all company , In ball
rlt.v of Onmliu , shall nut l > o htigo ummh ; ti
uccoiiimoclutnull thubtocUholdi'ib who mny IH
piti unt at biich anniiul inuotliiK , tli * > n sucl
ini.'i'tlnir Kill itiljmiin fniin lliuriiiiip.iiiy'holllcn
to tliu liatfl Kniiuii us thu I'aMun house
tit mill ) nt tliuboutli e t corner of Kourtuunil
anu 1'uiiiaiii btivLU , In bald city of Ointihu
and thu nmtuliiK will untfr upon und contlnuo
IIH dellhuratloni , ut- bald I'uxlon hon u ,
' ' - htix'K-
The dlri-'i'toi-Henriiiistly request uacli -
liolilfi lo ho puiMjimlly prusuntut hulil stock
holut'iV nic-ctliiK , und If Impossthlu to ba pius-
tut , to appoint u pi o\y.
} . . I , I.AUIIC.SCE.
Attest ! I'loildenl.
* * r - * bf v - * * r * , f v * V %
II. .U. II \ ' . , \l If , At , , u u u }
Double the Edition of any other
The Tlrst Edition Per
- 359,000
tin EiiitiJn I
Nrurlj ! ! 00 tllustrttlniM. z no In ihu World.
IIIH'KIVION SMITH , , M > lfS ,1 I Ml VI.I.S , AIUII1 It S II MtllV ,
T ( IIIAM1 , I.V VI \ ' ( ,1. ( IAdi : , mill ntlirlK.
Illusttutod by llopltinsnn mlth. Unmhle , llorry Torn 1' t ) . Small , Utwool UcncKol.
Han Hoard , Kulnhnit und Ilumliigton.
Thu December riKiuiipiilltitn i iiiitulim \ \ lint U liellid to lin thciinl } iiiipulilHhiMt
> = pitnrj \ > \ OUY ni : \in-\ss vvr. niimr.itr.i ii MKKC.I : .
"Soml its H Humlroil Tonit of MnfiaalnosThp lureest Nous Comunny
onlrr uvorizlvon.suloni ; in iilvuneu of iinhiluntlnn. fur tiny in i a/lno U us follow * :
Nuw Vorli , Niui'inber 'i. Iffl I'liMlsbui fiHMiu-oi.lTAN lloir t-lr : Of thn
y tnt > , ( JO ( ) ' < I ; ; < . M < if/Ji > L'c'in n'r iiiiinfici'to bu sent us u oimo cnt us folloWH. rwuLir edition , 4t- . ' * < 0 copies It , U. edition Yours rrsncclfullv.
Tin : AMPIIII * v Niws ro. "
If jou are In the country whcro vun cnnnot conveniently putch no from news stands
Hi KIII j ( MirMilMcrlplliHi Illi llt'cninliur Uusiiiiipiilliuii , i < l.r ; i V o u j 7rc 0 Months
IthMIl in ( lli : ( . K Oil I'OST-OI I'll i : ( HUH It
TH ! CQSMQPailTAN MABAZINE , or'i-it o. inn//MI * ! , . .vi\r VOKK.
( V IV -II- iv | v n
V Cnucor. Tumor Ca'arrli , Pl'oi.Flstuln , Ens"
ma and ullS ill and Womb DI souses-
rAXriillnfllii'No-ii' - IJve l.lp 13 if X < i'k llr.Mst Slom-
ach VVuml ) ludut all Inlc-in ilor < - \ -uiil oi"im or tin
HIII tented VNltlioill tin linlteor hnitihiiillOMH but \\ltli
Hixilhliik'aroui itle nllH II vv.n Mir frin li a ul I'ull Hoi * , as
theivan otliiMHVvhu liope to iMolH lj i tiiMilnlii ; lo euro
thestllH < -iHes \ \ Ith an till
flT'P 'PTTTC rkfTT mil si 1 It fur IlliiHti-itol
V.U 1 IlLlowUI boolc oil thu 11 j ovedls-
rasct Mailed free Address
DR. D. M. BYE , Combination Oil Cure ,
Portsmouth BldK.Knniivi City ,
Is n duty no person should neiflcct. As
the sight hogins to fiiil it is ot the ut
most importance lo prouuro ] iropot' oyo-
. is - nnd its -
glasses. Sight jirii-clcss pro-
uor prcsoi'vatlon is a niattor for the
mosl cnrnocit eonsidcrutionxir every nor-
son who values their oycs.
An imperfect pair of spoetacles vvill do
incalculable injury and : \ propocly lilted
pair will greatly aid in prolonging Ihe
sight.Prof. . Hirsclta
Has gained a world wide ropulalion in
this country and abroad i'l consequence
of Ills original and scientific method in
connection with the adjustment of his
renowned noii-ohangoahlo loii'-es , nnd
all those sulluringfroin defective vision ,
no niattof fioin vvliat cause , vvill lind it
to their intoiesl to consult Prof. Ilirach-
horg , who bv hccial ) ) request hiis con
sented lo visit MAX MTA'EK \ , HUO.
CO. , from
December 6th to 12th
Ac the Store of
No Charge for Consultation.
You going to buy a suil of Un
derwear todayV Our stoic is full
of warm winter Undorwjar.
Can rig yourself out hero at a
great saving. After you have
vibilod the other stores run in
lioro and lotus surprise you vvilh
seine lirst quality gooiU at low
Wave vvcathor IH Imro I'omo lo
Htav. too bcittor eoino in today
and lot ugmakoyoucnnifnrt'iblo.
( iood Undorweiir Is too cheap lo
deny yourself of anything.
502 Broadway.
A BfiviiiK of from $ .ri to $10 on Suits to
order. Sou our
l'r , iiloi
i > isri.ssAicv. :
( /'iinsiiltutloii I'ree.
Hiuii.iSHcl In tliutiuatmsiU
or nil
Chronic , Pi-ivnto aul
Novvous Olioaieii. \ \ ritu
to or eoiunlt lurhonull v.
_ AililreHH vvlih HI tiuii , Jor pn-
hidli will IK > b nt In pliln uiivulJii ] . 1 *
Djl Onoj 11J M IStli utiuoi Uinaba NJJ
Is tlio only
Women Excluded ,
18 year * experience
Circulars free.
1 1th and Farnuin bu
-\tt irnoyi-it-law I'rvs
tll'U 111 t'l'-i SI.H3 UIll
fudeiul ciirti ( twin JJi-7-3-J , dUUj ll
blocU Council llluITj la.
. W. PANSLE , M. D.
The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience.
8AICY or .1IKUIOI > .
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Ilead , Throat , and Lungs ! PIf.
caeca of the Eye and Ear , Iltaixnd Apoplexy , Ue tt i
Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , SVJontal Dcprep-
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes , Brlghfs ni-.eaw3 , St. Vltus'
Banco. Uhcuraatlsia , I'ftraljrb , Wlilto Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Sorca , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula in ono rcmovea witnout
the knlfo or drawlna a drop o
blood. Women with hir dcllcnto orRaus re-
Btorcrt to hoalth. Dropay cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
Diseases of all Ulndo.
85O to S50O forfeitfor anV Dis
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Itro Worms roraovod In two or three hours , or no
pay. hemorrhoids or PIIC3 cnnd.
WiltEaTO llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only I'hyMcIon who can toll what alia
a iiorsmi without asking a question.
All correspondenceBlricllvconndcntlal. Medicine
sent liy oiprces. Addresa all lettera to
G. W. FANGL& , M. D.
555 IfrrjficfU'fij' , Coiiiio/I llliil't'H ,
WJInelohe I ceiitH III Btanib | foi ilicnlai-
In t-hurgo of llio Slstora of Nloroy.
This renowned Institution U hltuulod on ths
lilrli hlnna back of und uvorlooklii.- city ot
Connci ; lllniu. Thu spiclom KrounU , Its
hlith lei ; \tlon nnd splondld v low , nriliu It a
most plutisliiB ictri ) it , fin Ilia ullllotod. A stilt
of em nuntjihyalula 111:1 nd a lurn-e eorpx nf cx-
perlonuod i' nilnlstnr to tlio comforts of
tlio p itlonta Bpoclul earn glvoii to ludy ui
1'orpjitlculai'3 apply ti
Frank StmtCjirJl
- - - BUU.Ionri . ,
iOHSATH Acoinpletd boltlliii uorkh , In ( fee 1
1 town .iinJ ilolu , ' a irood , pi > ln - buslnusn final
leaHuiiH furiiulllii. Ad < lruHH (1 'J.t. lieu ullluj
IAO YOU Unow Hut Day AHoas into
J 'cliolco lj uv n iidtaiij trarJjii luul : neac
tlilu city'
AIISTKAOTS mill loins Far.n .imlelty proiurt/
liouglit and uolU. i'lixoy .V Tlio nan ,
\VANTKI ) I'liuea Jor boiH and Klrla to work
ii ( or room and uoiird wlillo uttenilliiK collcgu.
tt W H
( JAltIIAfiBrnuia\rl , coHHpoolu , v HUH , eld niiayi
Jcln-iiiitL KJ llurko , al Tjylor'a u'rocor.31)
JM ) i UKNT A l-rouin IIOIMJ. Iniiiilro ot K U
Jxjvln , 'J18 Houtli iHt Html
KOOMS to rent t Ithi r furnlsli a or luifnrnlH hed.
No i ! a VVIllua uvinmi.
_ _
IH HKNT-Twu nlcch ( uriilaliul rooiriB , 1J8
-IS TtliMrict
Al ANTKIl A XIIIIIK muii to u oik about lioiii >
'i aud tiaiu Appl } ul ollltu ol Liuiiura KvnclL