THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1803. THE DAILY BEE cor NCI i. nu I'I HI- . iNO. 12 i-Tiunrr Ldluitrtly rnirlcr to nny part of llio clly U. \ \ 'HI/TON - Malinger . . , . . No 4.1 - Nlalil Killlor . Xo.21 MI. UK .l/Ji'.N r/O.V , Hoston htoro , 10 tiny sale 'llio f.adlci Aid society of St. Jolin'n )2n- ) plNt Lutheran church moots tlm afternoon nt the residence of Mrs. U. S Williams , ! BM , Ilh ( ? HcliOol avcnuo W C Stacy , who uas said to liax-c intcri- tloni ot inning to Mlnntrumll ! ) . denies the charRo , and is nt iv loss to explain lio\v tlio rri > ort onglnnted. Ho tliliiKu Council Jlliiffs Is good riiOugh ni n phicc to Ihc 'I lie llfth nnnunl ball of Union Pai-lfli1 av temblv No lron , ICnlptiti of l ibor. Mil * RMOII Instoniiip m tlir Masonic temple. A Inipo number of UnlRhtsvero pi esent \villi tliclr filunds , and the dancing was highly tnjojcd Special toniinunlcntion of HlufTClU lo IRC , No 71. Ancient. Tree and Accepted Masons , l'"rldiy , December I , at 8 o'clock 1 > m , for woik In the llrst decree. All matter Mnsons nro rcii.itcd | to bo present T. U\ , worshipful master. Iho police were notified of the turning of n confidence trick on the Northtristcin jus- scngrr train Just bcfoio It airlveit in the city Wednesday nltrlit A gt.iuicr lost $1(5 ( in tlicMinlllc , but ho did not lea\o his iiamo vllh the authorities. The nicinbcrd of the Council Hlttffa Hillo club spent the two afteiiioons In cxei- risitiB tliclr shooting talent.Vedntsdaj the prl/cs \\eia turhois and n number of tlio tncinticis nucceedi-d lu lajlntj up u choke Hoc1 : of 'UmnlcsgUIng edibles UheduimtRc suit of Gilinmcltnnn n pa hist the Union 1'nsMllc Hallway company \\ris completed and fjhcn to the Juii on Wednes day In the district coutt. At 11 late hour in the nlslit the Jmy came Invitll u scaled verdict , \\hich lll bo opened In couu this Srluibi-rl Sj inpliin > Clnli. 'L'ho program to be given b } the iibo\o named company nt the ojioin hou c , 1A Way evening , December 1 , under tlio auspices of the Y. M. U. A. , is rich in nmuaing and cntuitaining fealtm * * . It contains lady quartets , banjo , mandolin nud gnitat- music , string quintets , violin und cornet solos , comic and horious readings , soprano and contralto holes , besides songs , recitations and violin Bolos by tlio gtcatcst of all 5-ycar-old procligies , Master Tomnii Pin cell. This promises to bo a treat for all ; one that none can allord to miss. The price ( . " > 0 cents ) places it in the reach of all. There should not bo a vacant seat in the liouso. The Y. M. U. A. is. to bo commended for endeavoring to give the people of Council Bluffs so high-classed nn entertainment at so icasonablo a price , and you should show jour uppic- cuttion by patroni/ing this concert. Tickets on sale at Y. M. C. A. rooms , A. A. Heart's jewelry store and opera house pharmacy. No extra charge for reserved scats. Carpet itoiuii.iiitfl , Lnige enough for good si/cd rooms , , newest and lincst patterns , at away less than cost , and all other kinds of goods , portieres , laces and npholstoi.v mateiials nt prices that cannot bo duplicated anywhere whereelse. . Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Ten carle ads of poultry wanted. High est cash price paid. John Dunn , 4 10 Upror Broadway. Mrs C. C. Lincoln of I'ci ry , la.j is v isltiiifj her parents. Miss rioy Smith of Sioux City Is the guest ef Miss Lou Smith on riist nveuue. Miss Fife of Pamdena , Cal , is in the city , theRiicst of Miss Stella Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace nroisItiriB their daughter , Mis Wvmun , in DOS Moincs Hon. Ihomas Bowman will leave today for WnMiIiiKton on business , m-u Inch it is 8aid a number of postmasters and \\otild-bo vostrauslcis of this vicinity are more or less Intoiestcd. I ho Twin City Ij e Worl.ii. The Twin City Dyovv oiks is now the largest and most complete in the west. The now building is equipped with the newest approved machinery , in hands of expert vvoikmcn. All kinds of djoing , cleaning and icnovating ladies' and gen tlemen's garments , featheis , etc. All woik guaranteed Ollico andvvoiksnt EOth hticot and Avruuo A , Council 131uffb ; Omaha olllcc , 1521 Fainambtteet. G. A. SciiOKDSAC'K , Pioprietor. You pay your money and you take your choice either Dr. .folloi-is' Diphtheria Remedy or a funeral. Thirty- five ycais tiial panes Dr. .TolTonV diphtheria medicine infallible in putrid sore throat , as in malignant t-carlot fovoior inaliciiiuil diphtheria. For halo by Bcai'dt-ley , Davis and DoIJavon , also * 3104 Cuming stieot , Omaha. hue. ir Corn ! Cum ! Try the Council Blulls Sugar Corn. The best in the maiket. Absolutely noelioinluilH used to bleach the cqin white. Jt is young , tender , swcot , clean and wholesome. Smith-Pi emior typewriters for lent. Telephone , 1112. \V. S. Dalrd , Lawyer , Eveiott block , Ohtiroli hri VICUK. Tlianksglvinir day v\us observed in a ocord Bncu with the time-honored custdm by the vailous chinches of the city. The liaptist , Methodist , Lutheran and Prcabyteilaii ehurchcH united in a union fcoivico , vvhli h was held at thorirstl'iesb.v- tcilan church The Inclement weather kept Homo away , but the audltoilum was well filled v > 1th tlioso who vvnnteU lo show their thankful spirits lu other wajs than eatlmr Jiov , Dr. ABUn was to have preached , but for Bo\eial dins hu has been soiionslv ill His ECimon , tjiciofore , had to burcad bDr 1'hclps. U was full thoughts and was enjojcd by all , notwltlist-uutliiR the audlenco would hsivobcen plud tohavohcani it from the lips of I ho w i her himself , ix. cclleat iniislo was f mulshed by Mrs W. H. Wukclield , MissNeoloOgdc'ri and Mr I. M , Troinor. The collcctlun which was taken was for the poor of the city. Hen Ices wuie also held at St. Paul's and ( Jruce Kiilbcopalchutchcs. At the former Hov. K. Haboock preached , nnd thn pleasure of these prcbcnt v\as much inn eased bv the hiKinp of soveial selections bv the boy choir. Muster Itoddii Laiuendorfer sang a bolo m which hobhowc-d great talent for one of his } cai s. _ Unity Guild will borvo n. Now Kugland supper Ktidny evening , December 1 , from 5 to 7 o'clock in Masonic temple , followed by a parly. Supper 2. " ) cents. and party i"cents. . No extra churgo for dancing. Call at the bazaar of the Indies of St. Peter's chinch in the KIboinan building nnd Imvo u good time. Admibsion 10 cents. _ _ _ _ _ _ A full line of lypowritor supplies car- rled in btccl : by the Smith-Pi omior company. Ollico JOtl S. Main street. W. K. Chambers , uanoing academy. MuBonlo temple. Classes each " \Vcdnes- day uftornoon and evening. Domcstiu > oap is thn . . . . . For neat job printing , prompt delivery and lowest prlcea IJTO tu Prvor Bros. , Bto jpb olllce , 12 Pearl street. . George S. DUMB , prescription druggist , Atk your grocer lor Domestic aoap. NEWS FR01I COCSCIL BLUFFS Burglars Pay Oakland a Visit tied Do a Good Night's Business. TWO SAFES WERt BLOWN TO PIECES In lite I'oitolllrn ( Strut Dunnso VVni nntl n Illff Until .Mnile V Darin ) ; 1'lcco of VV'oiU Onircru < m tlio Frail , The United States authorities aie on the traelc of a couple of men with a brown covered wacon , who ate supposed to have huiglailzcd the postofflcc at OaUlind last .Tuesday nieht anti pursued an eisterlv dlicctlon thiOiigh the county. Sheriff Hami loturncd jrstcrdav fiom Oakland where ho went to make an Investigation of , the case , and the stoiy ho tolls indicates that the lobbcrs did a vcri satisfactoiy night's work ' 1 he first Inoko Into a car penter shop nnd secured thn tools with whlrh they woikcd the icinaindcrof the- nl ht Thov bi eke off the knob of the door in the postonico stifc , makiiig a hoio into which they pouted sonio line Kiinpowder anil in setted n fuse 1 he explosion that followed toie the door loose from its hinges , biokc all the windows In the building and mndo some laigo cracks In the comer of the room near the celling 'Iho explosion must have been a ten iftooup , judging f i om the havoc It made' Thoiubticis took with them $ ' 'W ) vvoith of postapp stani ) s , flW ) In cash he- sides two watches and a number of nillolrf , of juwehi fiom a showcase that was in the loom. Crnckcd Another ' nfe. The snme parties also made a laid on a hatdware store next dcor. Kept b > i man named Williams 1 hiy ti led to effect an cn- tiance thiouuh a rear window , but failing in this they piled open an outside cellar dooi and ascended tlio stairway , fencing open an- othci door at the head of the sluiis. 'I hcv dilllcd a hole in th safe door and pouicd in powder Tailing a stiip of moulding lif- teen feet lomr. theiiappcd aiounit one end of It , a piece of paper and ignited It. Thcj then stood in the other mom and poked the moulding tin ough thodoor. thus scttingou * the powder. They ruined the combination , but onlj succeeded In potting in Iho nulgli- boihood of ? 4 in change 'ihc nlpht befnie tlii > i would have lealbod several hundied dollius as the lesult of theirenteipiise. Inn they happened to have stim-lc It on n night when the finances vteie lunnlng low All dayTncsdaj and as late as SI o'clock at night two stiango men wore seen about the town , with the wagon above icfeiied to Wednesday morning at 'J o'clock some people who wcio lotmnlng ftom a dame several miles east of Oakland mot an outfit ans\vcrirgThe dcsctiption , nnd the two men arc thought to Le the guiltj parties Two United States detectives have been put upon the Hall and the town and county officials to the eastwaid have beer , notified. The piospects seem to bo that they will bo cap- tuied before many clajs have elapsed. Its Corset * . In addition to our great 10-daj clear ing sale for the next few days we will have a new atti action in onr'coi set de partment. ildlle. Gorold , an expert in corset fitting , will bo in attendance at our corbel department for the next few tliijB , "Floxibono moulded coiselB,1' who will adjust the-ie excellent gar ments to nny who earo lo test their lit ting qualities. AVhether jou putcha'.e or no , it does not matter. ( Jomo and bee the got/ds and perfect styles. Fle.xibono moulded corsets icccived medal of highest awuid atVoi ld\ Co lumbian exhibition. In addition wo will offer the greatest bargains in the corset line over shown. In a great many cases coibetsat less than half price. Corsets that bold from to $ l.f > 0 , during this sale for : i9c. Coisets that sold from $1.2Tj to S2.00. during this sale b9e ; this lot include ? Thomson's nurtiing , G. D. , Chicago waist , \rtlrllor s Health and Thomson's abdominal coisota. C. B. la Spiito coisots , during sale $1.00. HlJAU IN MIND 'I HAT OUU OIIKVT TUN- DAY SALU KNDS SAl'UUUAY N1OHT. NEW AND AIIUAfUVn llAHCiAlNS I.A1I ) ON ont couNnus DAIIA 'IIIAT AKKNOI MUNTIONUD iiiun. : Bos i ON STOUI : , rothcrliighnin , Whitolavv \ Co. . The Leading Popular One Price Cash Diy Goods House of the West. < ' pitHl Ainplj riiilcftnl. To the Kdltor of 'Inn HUE In a com muiiicntlorf * ( n Tin : BEE on .vesterday "S" i expresses the fear that "invested capital has no ceit.iin lights in thin community , " nnd also questions the "giatitudo" of our people in their tieatment of the electric motor company. It is possible that a t lotto reading between the lini's of the communi cation may disulose a cunninglv hidden vela of saicasm. The writer muse certainly know that capital of nil Kinds Is fully piotected b\- the constitution of the United States and cannot bo talcen or confiscated without due ptocessof law and with lull compcnsition , and It is on account of this ample piott-ctlon and absolute sateiy and security under the guardianship of the constitution and tl u coutta , that Cuiopean capital has been flowing so freely Into this countty for .ve.irs It was by reason of this piotcction that the piomoturs of the bridge and motor line wcio enabled to boriow $010,1)00 ) In Kuropo to make the original consli notion which , together with the In Id ye tax paid by our citizens , was about sufficient to pay for the plant and on which the patrons of the line have been pa.vlng 50111 ! annually a good , roun'i rate of Intctcst , together with a PICO dividend on the capi talization of fl.MW.OOO In addition. 1'ossiblv , however , it is thu money invested uy the stockholders in the plant and not the bonded debt that S" regards in danger of c onlisca- tion and othciwise In jeopardy by the de mand on the part of the taxpayers of this cltv that thu company Mmll paj like indi viduals Its Just debts and operate Its line In accordance with the terms of Its chatter. If his alarm lies In this line will ho not kindly infotm the readers of Tun Un : Just how much cold cash the stockholdeis put Into and loft in the enterprise for which thci Issued - sued themselves stock to the amount of * 1 , .100,000 , to cam a dividend on which they aio now dc'imtndlngn lOtent rate Ab to the losition taiten bj Major Tjiwienco and City Attoruc'i Hazelton , it might ticHiilii that the c.iae of thu city against thu company bus been tiled and Is .iwaitingthodccialon of the couu , and that the $10,000 penalty case for falluio to comply with the ! ) cent ordinance Is substantially at Issue and w 111 probably bo tried at this term of court Vims LANU- . Tia ) Smith-Premier Typewriter com- ininy has opened an ofllce , 100 S. Main. Ty | ewritor biipplies for all makes of machines. Tclenhono , 111 ! . Call us up if jou wish anything in our Hue. The last chance for n Round Oak this year ; only 25 left , and can't ' got any more. They won'Kjast over ten da } s. A very few Hadiant Hcmes loft at Cole & Colo's , Main stieet , IIuvo you seen the new gas heaters at the Gub company's ofllcoV VVIIIkon .M The growing mtcicst in thciiu meetings was clearly manifest by the inn eased at tendance the past two or three evenings. At the iloso of the sermon borne ten or twelve presented themselves for praj er , Mr.VilUon is a fearless talker , not ulto- pother pleasing to sorno who piotend to bo Christians and who never do auj thing in the church or for the work nxccnt to "hold dow n a scat , " Ho believes In aeuvltv. Hisj argu ments are clear , stroiiK and foiciblo. He corners the unbeliever so cloao that ho will bo obliged to surrender or show the white feat her. Meyer has gueb tinging been heard In the oily churches. Mrs Willson and Mrs , Smith with their cultured vokes give evidence 01 ( Uo iuo t c i ful and thorough iramiuf for work You must hear thorn In order to fully appreciate their wonderful power 1 his afternoon ato'clock ! ) in the Droad- vvnv Methodist Kplscopnl church Mrs. ill- sou vrlll give an Lour to women. Old women , jounp women , all kinds and conditions of women , nil will be welcome. 'Ihis evening thciu will be n song service nt 7,00 o'clock , Ladies if you desire absolute peace in , ho kitchen nsk your grocer for .T. C. Iloffmayr & Co.'s Fancy Patent flour. S. M. Williamson still sells the Stan * dntd nnd Domestic nt 100 South Main sticct , and lias not icmovod to Broad way , us has been reported. St , AndtotT'ft ( rlulirttlnn , The Scotchmen of Council llluffs and vicinity wcio out lu full force last evening it the celebration of the anniversary of their patron , Saint Andrew , held In the hall on Pearl street. The following piogia 11 was icndcicd Itislninioiit'il music by the Caledonians \n- < | iew Hell , Albert Klein anil I'rank Hell 1'rnjpr l > r O AUnrdon Clionm by W. > . McMlckeii. John < , CSaidlncr. M. I1 Itne , Mr llt-niy > loven oii , Cella Dull und Him la Illuod. Opening uddrc" > s . . . . A.lliiuhatn Address . Hov 'Ihomas t'to ' -onir . MNs M irRiret s-hnrt Mn lclolln , plniiii nnd cello MN'-esNottlo anti , Ic < .vk > nnd Miislet Hobpit VVull-u-c. Addic-ss- . AndroxT Di. Donald Macrae OIIK . . Vlls us .Maud nnd Kdni Hell ' out , . . , James Mui'rai ! AdiireiS Ct. Andrew's foi'Ietv. . Dr. I'.I. Montgomery Highland I'llnx MKsus Maud nnd Kdiri Iloll " ( ins MKs l.ulu Kt-ri Oration . VV It Monurt Song . . . Miss Hollo'nnipbc'll ( scotch Itcadlng Jntne ! < . .liihiioii 'OUR . . . James Mai tin ipecch . . Or ( ) Wrtiotdon ontr . . Mlss > l.nlu Vim Hi tint Auld I.iing inc Chornsnnd Audience , ivvnid D.inco lo'-cpli Ur.iy After the piogram was elided theio was a feast at which the "Haggis" was set bofoio Lhj ( banqueters , together w lib a host of other things vvhlcli SeotUitr.en and women know so well how to prepare and to cnjoi. St. Andrew , who by common tradition is said to liavo boon a guest at the tar famed wedding at Cau.i of G ililce.whetoiiimcthingsttonger than water was had to drink , and the habit he theio touned was honoicd last evening , Ihc colebiatiou was otic1 of the most pleas ant over cnjojcd by St Andiow's societv , which la lamed for its cnteitainmcnts. A number VM'tc ptescnt fiom out of the citj. among them being the following Mi and Mrs Kobe-it McPheirou , Huiglcr , Neb. , D ive McKenzle , piper major of Clan lionUm , Omaha ; Miss McKcnyie , John Kindlo.v , ox- Chief of Clan McICcnrlc , Sioux C'ltj : Joseph Giaj , South Omaha ; Thomas Falconer , chief of Clan Goiclon , Omaha , Oeotgo Me- Uougal and ,1. C , Uiichanan , pipcis of Clan ( lOidon ; Messrs. McClaln , Miller , McAdam , Taj lor. Hutheiford , Mis. Kuthcrfoid and Mrs. Milne of Clan Gordon. The success of thpenteitaimnont was due in a latge nieasiue to the efforts of the com mittee on ariangcmcnts , which consisted of K. Trummill , Dr. O. W. Goidon , J. K. Mc- IMicison , Heniy Stevenson and U N. Waller. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Smoke T. D. Kimr & , Co' Partagas. Domestic soap is the cost SNAKES FOB FOOD. Only I'rcudlco | I.\tliules Them Iruni tlio Jllll < if hare. "Why don't ' people cat snakes ? ' ' ' 'Because it is not stilish. ' ' The above question nnd answer are really all that is necessary at this date , sajb the American Field. The question is suggested because at the picsent day theio is n great demand for two other classes of icptilcs , namely , frogs and turtles , for food , and jot wo never hear of snakes being offered on the market. The answer fol lows , for the reason that fashion dictates all things , from our birth to our death , and as jet biiakes aio intoidieted for food , to Americans , at least. Frenchmen are generally credited with "knowing a good tiling , " and they practiced frog eating for centuries be- foio other countries acknowledged the delicacy of frogs' legs. At lust the cus tom i cached the United States and was quite generally adopted and the term "fiog-cators" was no longer coiibideicd oppiobrious. Somewhat over a cuitury ago there was a revolt on a Virginia , plantation because the slaves vvoio principally fed on diamond-backed tori aphis , which could bo bccuted ai an expon- of $1 a cartload , rvow these terrapins bring from $ -40 to $00 a do/en. Snake llesh is white and tender and I doubt not is as good as that of any other cold blooded annual. There is no earthly reason to doubt it and it vv ould be un reasonable to dismito it. Piejudico alone in events our trj ing fried snakes and tlio same piojudico keeps munv per sons from eating nicely cooked eels , be cause thoj so closely i e 'inblo snakes. lot us compute snakes and eels and wo bhall find that snakes , and , in fact , all eptiles , including our favonto gieen tin tlo and delicate fiog , aio immeasur ably ahovo the cols and all other fishes in the scale of animal life. But , allowing that mummaliicptilcs md clear down to the degenerates fishes ire all good because they are verte brates , vvlij' do wo not limit ourselves to ihis sun-kingdom , instead of dropping to the lower and berv ing up crabs , lob- btei-h und shrimps ? But , not content with this drop , we take another plunge , und , going away , away below the in sects , we reach the clam and ojstor , which wo cut entire and often in the taw state. In certain parts of l < uropo biiakei mo eaten by thn lower class of people. Tlioy are sold propaied at the market as hedge eels and ate 'in considerable demand in southern Franco. In many parts of the uncivilised world the llesh of serpents is eaten , and wo have it on the authority of well known traveloio and explorers that , although not tempt ing , the dish is in nowise unpalatable. It m.iy bo a long time bofoio the fashion generally adopts snakes us food , but it should bo berne in mind that we descend lower in the Hcnlo when wo feed on llsh. and immeasurably lower in our civili/ed taste for oybtotw. TERRAPIN FARMING. How the Market In Supplied with Thli Great Dclliiic } , Terrapins , the now greatest delicacy known to the epicure , are a little lower in price this jenr than they wore lust , although their comparative bcarcitj1 makes them ono of the mobt piecious luxuries. "Counts" that is , terrapins that measure six inches or over which brought f > 5 per do/en last year , me now soiling for $50 in Baltimore. The largest specimens nro highly pri/ed for their llcHh , and have brought oven this year us high as $75 per do/on. The more common variotien , which have not changed inatcrialh in price , sell for $13 to $20. Torrauin fanning , as it is technically dubbed by the ttado , has proved itself a lucrative business. Of late v cars many have entered into it and have earned u good living by plying their Btrungo trade. Ono of the most noted /urais / ib situated on Hog Island , Vn. . which is located at tlio mouth of Coan river , whore all the advantages of water and surroundings necestari'or the tearing of tlio animals are at hand. The farm covers ubaut two and one-half acres of land and water and is surrounded by n board fence , which effectually prevents the terrapins from escaping , Tho.ln- tcrior is divided into lots , Marshy ground is afforded the animals for bur rowing in the mud when cold weather sots in , The summer months seem to bo the favorite time for the tonapln to lay its eg s. This operation is performed in a peculiar way , which uainhably demon the sajfncltv otluj animal. The female first d'gs ' n holfin-tho sand with her claws and hollows It out clev erly in the form of an inverted cone. In this she deposits her egpsaWio lajcr at a time , and having filled "tho cavity she covers it over catofuily , utid , with her hard breast shell , paorksitho sand down over the nest. She usually lays about twelve eggs , this being1 a fair aver- ago. The heat of Uio , eun hatches the eggs , and after. , they have been in the ground about two months and a half t-ho ( little fellows dig themselves out of tlio fcand and take to the water , whcro tbpy , proceed to ob tain nourishment asi bi-st they can. When the cold weather < comes on tlio terrapin hunts his 'j iiftcr quarters , which are generally located at the bottom tom of the pond. The older ones sleep all the winter at the bittotn and the younger ones live around the edges of the bank. As a natural convcqucnco the terrapin only requiios caie during the warm weather. Then they must bu fed regularly with fish , crabs and other food of which they are fond Such farms aic stocked at any season of the year. "Whenever the animals are caught they nro placed within the inclosure , whete they find the quarters all prepared for their loaeption. WHERE OKEAT ACfORS FAIL. iIclTcrunn , Irving anil Su\lnl | Could Not Mptniirlrc Tltrlr Own spunrlio . The pftcn repented statement , little be lieved In , however , bv the unproicsslonal public , that an actor cannot learn his own lines , was ctiriouslv proved , S'tvs the New York Humid , at the plavcis1 ceremonies In the Madison SqUire Gaulcn concert hall upon the bhthday anntvcrsiry of l dvvtn Booth. It is quite incredible to most poisons that any one of average memory should ho unable to commit words which ho himself has wiittcu. On the contr.u.v it would seem that the author should be ahle to remember the woids whlca crystallize his own thoughts much better than any ono else Thcpioofof tliU apparently self evident proposition scorns to He in the fact that pub lic men , oi.itois , clcipjmen and other fu- client speakers aie not onlv in the Inblt of committing to memory their own literary pioductions , but tlmt , after a few jcais of inactice , they do it with an ease which is posltlvch BUI prising. It is well known , lor Instance , that Chauncey Dcpow has to do llttlo moio than write his speech to have it by lote. Ho can compose a long oration at home one ni 'lit , and the next night , after a busy daj nt his business , can deliver It almost veilitini ) , ie- calling the woids with nn ease which en ables Him to devote hi& attention on the platform vv holly to the oratorical effects of his delivery. Why , then , cannot a profcssion-il actor , whose maivelously lapld acquisition of the phiaseolopi of complicated "parts" is pio- vorbial , le.nn parts or speeches which ho himself has comuoscd ! But the ptoof of the pudding lies in the cat ing , aslcaincd the other day , when I at tended the Booth cxeicises to make .1 ie- port of them for the Herald. Tineo gieat actois were theto to make ad- diesses In mcinoi v of the famous dead they each h id intimately knowh They w cro re spcc'livoU loorcsentativcof the vcrv lust rank in their profession in thice diffctent nations , nnd all of them weie men whoso hair was whitened by jcars und labor , and who were far above the trivial affectations of thn joungbr men of their craft There vvoio Joseph Jcffcison , Heniv living and Tommaso Salvmi. Anxious to obtain copiqs of their speeches In advance , if possible , I asked Mr. Jefferson in theante loom befoie the piogiam was be gun if bi anv chance ho had piepaicd copies of his speech for the pi ess. > "Why. no , " lie said slowly , "I have not. I haven't even made a topy Tor miself. 1 haven't wiitton any speech , for I couldn't learn it if I had. " "Whv , that in cuiious , " I said , smiling. "Well , it's a fact , " said Mr. Jefferson quite earnestly. "I can't possily le-irn my own lines , so 1 don't try. I hae mciely mapped out in inv mind , in a very gcucial vvr.j , w hat I am Roinc to say. " It iraj bo said ilgnt hcie that It was well Mr Jefferson did not piepaio and delivd a set speech , foi no woids prepaied befoic- hand could possibly have equaled the simple and VTondeifully encctivo aadicsshe dcliv- cicd , coming as it did , on the spui of the moment , eloquently and bioken bj emotion , fiom the warm 1-eait of Kdwin Booth's doaiest filcnd. Henry Irving came in piescntly and took a modest scat on the floor ncai the platfoim , cioucliinp comfortably down , his ICRS crossed and his flno face ncarli concealed b.v the hand upon which it rested. Wln'ii I asked him thu same question I had asked of Mr. Jefleison ho looked up smilingly and said : "Yes , I have vvtlttcn out a speech just a few wotds "Hut I have unloi Innately only ono copy of it , and I cannot give to jou now. for 1 have been unable to commit the words and must lead them. But I will cheerfully B'vo it to jou ufteiwaid " Mr living took nis manusciipt upon the platfoim with him , ana , though he did not actually lead fiom it , be glanci'd at it four or five times duiimr the brief delivery. Ho made peed his promise to give me the manu script afterward. I have it befoio mo now thicc small sheets of single note paper of the Uvceuni thtMter. Upon the icveise side of these aio written in Mr. Irvins's largest and plainest hand -M wotds his entire addtess. Two hundred and flfty-oiiglil woids ! And jet the greatest of living KiiLjlisli aclois , vv ho has mastered Innumerable "pails" in his long and successful career , was com pelled to carry the manuscript upon the platfotm with him and to refer to it a half do/en of times. Mr. Salvmi sat bnsluc * me , but I did not ask him for his snecch , for the double ic.ison that I did not speak Italian and that 1 al- icadj possessed a copy of the translation of it. But when Mr. Salvlul faced the audience ho carried u incnuscrrptr- his hand , and Mr , JoRcrson , as the piesidlng oflker of the meeting , olfeiod an apology to thu audience In behalf of the speaker , sa.ving that us Mi Salvini had ueen unable to rocmori/e his own composition ho would bo compelled to lead It. And Mr , Siilvlui did read it , though ho showed the effects of study bj dollvi'ring some of the liner pcilods without looking ut Ins manusciipt. Can any better proof bo offered of the statement that uctcts cannot mernorUu their own lines ? ISeport to the AV'iir I ) pirlment tlmt Them la Xn trouble h\ \ Mexico , WASHINGTONNov 80 Atelegiamieceived at the War department frbnl Brlpudiei Gen era ! Whcaton , commanding tlio military de partment of Texas , confirms the belief that the alleged Mexican lovolulioiury trouble wns more visionary than rpai. ( Sencral Wheaton sajs it is quite cei tain , ami has been admitted by the Mexican authorities , that no patties of armed men had crossed to Mexico from the American side. Ilattlc In a I'ow l iV * > DFMISO , Nov. ! tO , It U admitted by both sides that a battle between the rebels aim the government forces will bs fought neir Ascension within a few aays , Tboto aio now : K ) goldlcis stationed at MI" town of As- tension and 100 more will /each thoio today. The rebels , under command of Cruz Cluve/ . are ciK-nmped In tno mountains near by and have plenty of ammunition a'd firearms and nio fearless and determined. It is almost certain tbat the first fight > vill result In a vlutorv for the rebels ou account of their po sition la the mountains. 'Hie Ascaruto brothers , who were thought to } uve been captured by the rebels , arrived hero all light last night. WUK on 1'irit ut Hen. NEW VOIIK , Nov. i0 ! The steamer Europe , which arrived this morning from London , was on lire during the rojaco to this | x > tt. The tire broke out In Iho forchdld amongst a lot of chemicals , aud was with great diffi culty subdued. The cause U supK | > sed to bu spontaneous combustion. I'lrn nt Commie- COIININO , la. , Nov. SO ( SpecialTelegram to TUB BEE. ] fauottly before 7 o'clock this Apples ( So says Holy Writ ) Are Fitly Framed In Pictures of Sliver And so Of the Are Best Preserved in Which Are Now Being Distributed "by THE OMAHA BE v Among Its Readers and Their Friends. \ BEAUTIFUL OF PORTFOLIOS WORLD'S SUPERB MIEWS $3OOOO : SECUKEID A.T How. + o Get Them EKSILY CHEAPLY How to Get Them G Art Portfolio Coupons ol different dates from pagc , of this CLIP , and send or orlng them with 10 cent * in stamps or coin ( coin preferredto ) cover cost ot postagewrappmd.mailing.etc. to room Art Portfolio Department , THE OMAHA BEE , Omaha. Neb , and ono portfolio , containing 16 plcturoe 11x13 inches In nice , with interesting and authentic doscnptlons. will be ma led or delivered The ontlro oerioa ot THE 16 Portfolios , 256 photographs , if purchased at retail would coot at a low estimate S135 No such oppo.tunlty was ever before presented. No such opportunity can ever again be altered in Chicago. 000 Vas appropriated by the TJ S Goveimnent to cover the ex- tWV penae of necuring these photographs for preservation in the archives at Washington. RFMFMRFR Thi3 PaPer has the EXCLUSIVE WONT to make'it i-rv - - - - thQ distribution ol these reproductions from theao " Official Government Photographs. Please favor your friends who may not bo regular readers of this paper by in- terming them of the particulars of this un- cqualod offer. CAUTION In sending for portfolios do not include any other buci- nocs or requests with your order It Is Impossible to answer letters in this department Send or bring cou- pons. etc , to PORTFOLIO DEPT , oveniiiK Kellogir's lively stable coucht fire and the llauies tmd gained such neadu.iv before - fore tlio lire ilepaitmcnt.irrl\eil that it could not bo saved Six boisesoro cremated. Lohsubout $1,000 Dill Nut Urine Any Vliirmlinr Vo v 5AS rii\Mi = co. Nov. , ! 0 'llic Amcucnn biig .lolin D Sineelvcls aimed this inoining , eleven dais , fiom Kahului , Huwaiian islands. U ) ) to the time of hci ( lep.utiiio theio tiad bocn no new developments m the llauniiiui Bituation. Joilirc U'axmn'rt 1'ro vrt u * . Detroit Free Pi ess : United States sonatcia has \\caknusbCBlikchuinnii boln'fl. Most party platforms in rimi-jliaddy in places. boino Btatcbinen ou 'ht to bo faiinus for thor olTotta to be. When you find a congressman that don't like to lead hib 11111110 in thu iiusu- piipors ] > int Jiim out. The Amerildn earlo } , can't rite his name. When a pollittahan htarts in nftoi1 a holdier'n noiishun the fur on piittiiutibin is ( join' to fly. It lookfl , homctinios , oof tlio p.i'ajuin ' uv our linbertioH / in the hands uv monnpperllbtu. Whoii onndidatos { jo to bullin" the vote maikot it's a sine uv a oloto ruce. It's a IOIIR : time between olecksliuns to defeated candidate ? . HKATIIRH FH. I'nlr mill Conlliiucil North WlniH Arn the NuliriKkn I'redU lloiid lur Toiliiv. WASHINOTOV. Nov 110 roiecasts for Fii- day : For Kebiaska. In a and South Da kota Fair ; continued north winds. I.niul Itctnril. Oi'HCE Of TIIE WEATUEU Hi IIBAU OMAIU , Nov 110 Umalui recoid of temperature and lainfall compared with cortespomllng day of past four years ; 1H03 1H12 1801 1800. Mn\lmnm tempo rat nro 31o fj55 f < oo t > ( o Mlnliniiiii toinpuintuic. 00 = 1111 = 23 = 'Jfio Average tninparatuiu Ifio 4'J 403 43 = > I'lFUlptttttlon .04 00 00 .00 Statement allowing tlio condition of tem perature ami precipitation at Omtxiu for the day and since March 1 , 1803 : Noi mill temper.Hiiro 33 o Doticloncy for tliu day 17O Dodclunoy Klnco Mnirli 1 122O NorniHl precipitation 04 incb Deficiency for HID dny. . . . . 00 Inch Deficiency slnto.Marcfi 1 . ti-40 Indies Jteporo from Other Stations at H p , in. "T ' liullcatce ' ' trace bflow zero Oiuii.L ( U , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All Idntlsot Dyolni nnd Ole mill ; cluuo In tiio hUliu-a "tylu of the iru l\i lo 1 .uiJ ttalnod CaUrlus IIIJ.UQ to lool : ni 0-ou-l ii4 now.VorK ) ) roni tly donu nn I dellvcro I In ull parts of ttio country rioiil Cur A. MACIIAN , Proprietor , . ' 1.tL.rj. , TjamA * Mj-tl- " " ff = x * * sifJ. < * - - \ Itroiulwav , noir Noitl wuslern ilupot. Tulopliuuu "i. Machine nt n 10-Tons n Day Price. Our Warranty Gees with Each Machine. The Soul hwtck llnlln ? Press K a" liorio , fill' . Circlemuiklno. It lias HID l.irneit d cil i nny ( ' ( intliiiions lialli Double Stroke 1'rtis In tlio World. liales tlulit ; draft llRht. Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all the UGST. Now is the time to buy a h vy 003 machines hold in the laat 90 duy. SANDWICH MANF'G ' , CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS "wTrflalT an ! Sp3Cal , Diseases. . Wo euro Catarrh , All Dl oanoi of the Noiioi Throat , J ioit btontnoli , Llvor. Blood , Mclii and Kljiioy lHuoanoii. Fo- imilo Woaliuosjos , j-o t Mauhoad , btrloturo.lydrooole , VerloooJl'i , Kto 1'u.Kj. l'i8TiiiA xvri KKrrAij Ui.OKin ourod without p tin or iletenljon from liualnuss Call on or aililri in w Itli htamp ( or clronlarn froa book uiul ncilpts , flrat utalrvv.iy south ot p'Jit- olncu room 7 , Dr. Seirles & Searles , 118SoulliA1Itil. ] ? t'u LUXURIANT HAIR Ii produced by Ibe Cirruuiu HtMEiurs when till cthelb fall , U lit ) ' cltunic Ilia kulp olirllatlO ( | { . * ) , cru.teil , ttuil llotrLy h naori , ttlmnlula the b lr I'.lliclci , unddoitro ) ml. croicouli ) | u cli wblcli tttil on the huff , unit hence tuicreil wh < a . . . the bcit | > Iij' IUsu nu J nil other icmctlltt full , bold thrvugUaut llie M oilJ. Special COUNQ1L BUJF7.1 : ] ? OKSAIjK AcomplPtn hnttlhtj worKs townati'l clohi , ' .1 tfoo I ptylnir liiuliimi Uuol ruabotiH fui solllif. Aildruis ( J _ ' . ) lice onico DO YOU Know th it nty .t IloaH nivo : aonu cliolpii bir.-iltirt In rult and crardun Und near tmacllyf HSTHACTS nuil loin P.inn.i'il city props.-i/ bou.-lit and uold 1'imoy i Tlio ima , Co a i : | WANTni ) I'JnccH ( or l)0\8 and flrls to woiU for room mill lio.inl hllu nttcndlmr colkgis AildrtHHW S GAKtiAOK romowHl. ce")4 > eli vmlH u'lliu clcanuil. Kd Jlnrrfj. at T.iyUr a eraser/ , llioaduay 1701 UKNT-\4-ro-j n ho H : larjiuru o ( F , II 1 Lovln JIM South iHt Htruut 17OIISAIKOII TK.\li-A : line lirlck r > > aldipcj -Lii'ntr.illy lonilntl , In Council IlluflH J K. Ulce , 1JOOMS fo rent I'llhor ( uriil li I or nndirnlM ln l , IVNo ' 'ii : Wlllou uvi iinu HKNTT o ncely rooniB , 11H 7lkHlrt.Ll < r llio Ltquor Habit I'twItlTrlr Cured br ndiulnUlrrluir 1 > I. IIului * ' UolUfii N | > erlllr. It can ba ( Iveu la a cup o J oottoo or tea , or in food. without the Know ! dc of IbopitleDt. II li absolutely barmleia. aad will efftot & permanent bud aptedr curr , wlitttur the patient la s. moderate driuker or an aloohollo nreok. It liaa boea elven la tbouaanda of cam. , and in ererr Ipmaaoe a perfect oure baa fol lowed ItNoirrl'ulU lueayatemoDoelupreenatgii ullh Iho beoomeian utter Irapoiiibllltr for the liquor appetite looxlat. UOI.UBN HI'I-C'U'IU CO. Vrop'ci , < 'lor | n. ( | , O. 4Spa l > ook of parUoulara free , To l > had of Kuhu & Co. , nnd louilu bta , Uuuuliu , WwU