Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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    „ _ „ _ . _ , „ , _ _ , .i-yyr * v 'T r iW
The goods purchased from , the SLOAN ,
The Basement does tlie bursiness , Garneau's nice fresh. Snowflake , Rye JOHNSON & CO. bankrupt stock of gro
ceries are on sale in our basement.
or Graham Bread at 2c a loaf. Other bakers' products similar prices
Dress Goods Dep't.
YOUNG MAN , while down town
today , make it part of your business to
pass our store and look at our display of
urofls goods in one of our show windows ,
nnd if the prices will convince you that
it docs not cost too much to
Dress a Woman and Dress
Her Well
do neb let anyonn hoar you say : ' 'L '
would got miirrlcd , but it costs too
much to dress a woman ; but brace up ,
call on your best girl tonight nnd pro
pose to her , and when all is Jollied call
Our Jewelry Department
on Monday and get the ring. Then call at
Our Dress Goods Department
and got the dress. Remember wo have
them in all shades and prices from the
leading factories and looms of Europe ,
Asia nnd America.
Look at Our Cut Prices :
81.25 honriettas at 7oc.
$1.00 henriottns ut 50o.
$1.75 serges at $1.15.
81.50 serges at S5c.
81.25 sonres nt 75c.
85c sorges at 50c.
$2.00 whip cords at $1.25. . .
81.60 whip cords at $1.0a
31.33 rhadamas at 83c.
76a novelty suitings at 43c.
C.'ic hopsacklngs at 43c.
SOc hopsacklngs at 35c.
60c brocades at 25c.
40c brocades at 12jc.
Seeing is Believing.
Come and see for yoursoltand you wlr
bo convinced that you can get nibro and
bettor goods for your money from us
than any place in the city.
Look at Our Columbia Suit
in our front widdow. Warranted nil
\vool. Worth $0.00 a pattern ; Mon
days sale only $2.39 for a dross pat
tern. Remember , only 82.39.
In our center aisle you will lind a nice
all wool Indies' cloth , a nice line of dark
and light shades at 35c.
v On Monday wo will place on sale a
, v > ( large line of cheviots , homespuns and
flannel suitings , strictly all wool 30
inches \vido , goods worth" from 50 to 76c ;
your choice at only 27o.
Silk Drapery.
Closing out alargo line of silk drapery
fringe at lOc per yard ; cheap" 2oc.
Chenille and wool fringes at 16c to 20c.
Silkaline , oc , lOc and 16c.
Third floor.
Wo have an elegant line of fur rugs at
very low prices for holidny trada.
Also Smyrna , Brussels and'moquotto
rugs in great variety.
Third Iloor.
A first-class sowing machine , fully
warranted for five years , at $15 , is a
good Christmas present to the lady of
the house. Third floor.
Have VoU Read the
Scariet Letter ?
By reading this ' vou will bo reading
lie nnnounccinont'of the "RED LET-
ER " day in this depattrecnt.
These Prices Defy Comnctitioa
8c Handkerchiefs only2Jc.
lOo Handkerchiefs onlv 4c.
20o Handkerchiefs only 12c.
2Gu Handkerchiefs only 15c.
GOc Handkerchiefs only25a
25c Windsor Ties only 12jc.
30c worth of Needles for 5c.
So Elastics only iijc. per yard.
15o KUistica only So. per yard ,
25o Elastics only 12o. per yard.
35o Elastics only 21c. per yard.
GOo Stamped Pillow-Shams only 43o
25c Stamped Linen Splashers only 16c
COo Slumped Linen Tray Cloths only
25a each.
30o Orochct Silk only lOo per spool.
lOo Silk Floss only 60.
40c Brushes onlv 2oc.
25c worth of Hairpins for 5c.
lOo Corset Steels for 5o.
15o Dross Shields for Oc.
lOu Rubber line Combs forSc.
lOo Horn Combs for 60.
16e Dross Stays for 7c.
l5o ! Tooth Brushes for lOc.
( > ( ) c wortli of LliieuTlireail for 20c.
Wash Dress Goods.
500 nieces of 32-inch wide , SO-lnch and
HOInch wide serges , chevrons , llannel
back and plain back fancy printed -Jrcss
goods , all reduced to lOo yard.
In cantor aisle on Monday wo offer
fast black saline , light shirting , striped
Katocns 30 inch wide , serge , chevrons ,
Bedford cords , Giant cloth , Louleana
cloth , till lu mill remnants at 3o aril.
Look out for u big crowd' and bo on
time , They nro worth from lOo to 16c.
On Monday to bo closed out ut 3u } yard ,
quantity limited ,
Dress Linings.
Have you seen Iho new liuo of fnsi
black printed Ecllsln at HuydeimV Did
you ever notice the lOo golislaV All
colors in sollsla at lOc , ISo aud 20o yard.
All colors best lining ctunbiio atyjc.
Hivydons carry the most complete liu-
up ijcparliocnt in Omulio ,
* ewelry Dep't.
We Are Too Busy
Unpacking silverware , watches , jew
elry clock and novelties to civo In do-
tall the varied articles wo a'ro olTcrlng
in this department. The buyers in *
search of sightly and presentable bar
gains please note and compare our
Opera glasses , white , black and oriental
pearl , achromatic lenses and morocco
cases , millionaire and poor man's
prleo alike ; jewelers' GJO O > t
price $ S , our price tp < & . t/U
Largo size morocco leather opera
glasses , .with loiithct case , Qp
jo weirs'price S3 , our price. . . * /t _ l _
20-year filled watch cases , gents , Elgin or
Walthnm works , the genuine article ,
no imitation , fully guaranteed , jewel-
20-year filled wuloh case , Elgin or Wnl
tham works , jewelers' cb-1 O t C\
price 825 , our price. . . . tpJ-w.OVy
Solid silver ( coin ) Swiss watch , 10-
jewel works , jewelers. ' Cbp Qtx
price $7.60 , our price. . . , < pw. t/O
Elgin or Waltham silvorino 3-ounco
case watch , the mechanic's timepi ceo
strong and durable , jewCb1 _ Qfc >
t elcrs price $9 , our price. . < P * tJ
Ladies' and gents' 14 karat gold U. S.
assay watches , from dj-1 Q K f\
S18.50 .ipwards tpJ-O. OW
Solid gold sot nnd bind rings , plcaso
note. Solid Gold , not plate , OfcCp
jewelers'price $1 , our price. . wOL
Gents' and ladies' ten-year roll plalo
vest chains , all ion < rths , the entire
production of one of the most respect
able nrikers. Cash surrenders val
ues. Wo had the cash. C - | tZf\
Jewelers'priceS3our price P * Ow
Rogers 12 dwt. knives or forks , ours
have the new improved solid nickel
basis , none boiler mado. Whore can
you duplicate it ? Jowald > - | QtC
price 83.50 , our price Cp J.C O
Rogers'teaspoons , AA. , jewelQQx *
crs' price $2.25 , our price t/OL
Wo call special attention to our 4-pioco
silver quadruple plato lea sot , a mar
vel for beauty , jewelers' dj K Q K
prico-$12 , our price tpO. t/O
Wo ask those intending to buy Christ
mas gifts in Ihis department to call and
look over our stock. Selectiohb will bo
gladly laid aside. Late buyers can in
thU way have the same advanlago as
early buyers.
! TTTOu" Jewelry line is most complete.
1 Wo solicit inspection.
Our line is full and complete , em
bracing till the VEUV TATE&T and
MOST popular new music. W.o sell
nil Iho latest vocal and i'nstru-
mental folios at See each. Call or
write for catalogue of our Co sheet
music. Over 4,000 different pieces
of standard sheet music at Go per
copy. Instruction books , all kinds ,
at one-half regular prices.
AVe handle the BEST , the
# Chickeriig *
Wo also have eight or ton other
first class makes. Every instru
ment guaranteed. Our prices range
from $175 up to the price of the
very best Checkering piano.
In appearance they exactly re
semble u handsome upright piano ,
being beautifully carved and pol-
ishca nnd containing seven full oc
tavos of keys. All classes of music
can bo executed on this organ the
same ns on pianos. COME AND SKI :
THKM or write foi % catalogue ,
Small niusical mcrchan-
chandise of all kinds sold at
dry. goods profits ,
The rush still continues at this depart
ment. Books were never so cheap and
our holiday assortment never eo com
plete. You can buy Children's Fancy
llolidny Booljs for'3o. ' ' v
Your choice of 1000 bound books for
12Jc ,
Your choice ot 500 bound books , worth
40o , for 15c.
Oxford Bibles , toaeliers' edition ,
bouud in Eoal , only $2.08 , This book is
worth 85.00.
2o of IhabeslEnvelopes for 8c ,
Prices pf High Class Silks dropped within
reach of all. One glance at the goods and you
will commence buying. Deep , deep are the
cuts. Down , down go the prices. 1
It is better than 50 inches to the yard.
It is belter than 25 ounces to the pound. ,
It is more than 20 to the do/.en.
The impressive quotations given hero are typical of hundreds of others in our
mammoth bilk and velvet department , the largest and mdst complete in the west
and whore the prices are always impressively low.
There are a
great many
grand good
tbings in the
Cloak De
yet. Some
prices are
given here
on a fela / -
dies1 gar
ments. The
tew styles
of Ladies' '
Cloaks go
rapidly , but
we have a
few garments just in Saturday which we
think just a little the best values we
have yet offered.
A nice Heaver Cloak , fur-trlra-
med , Worth collarfull sleeves ,
elephant back. Latest thing
out. For Monday they go for
$19.00 Plush Wrap % . . $4.75
$21.00 Plush Wrap 5.QO
$25,00 Plush Wrap 7.SO
$12.00 Fur-Trimmed .Tucket 7.5O
$18.00 Fur-Trimmed Juckot 9.OO
On Second Floor Take Elevator.
, i
Domestic Dept.
The largest domestic stockin the west.
All the leading brands.
Ready made shoots , 49c , 59o , GOo and
75u each ,
Pillow cases , lOc , 12o , 15c nnd 17c
Unbleached cotton flannel , 8c } yard ,
Bleached cotton llannel , 5a yard.
All kinds of hlrtingdoniias and tick
ings. _ _ _ _ _
All Right' Oil Slove
This steve is provided with four
cold air Hues running from the floor to
the hot air chamber , directly through
the oil tank , thus.dbvialing any danger
whatever , as the oil tank , by means of
uch flues , is constantly kept cool. Wo
have put the price of the ALL RIGHT
OIL STOVE within the reach of all.
Wo have reduced them form $12 to
Hard and Soft
Coal Stoves
Four car loads of stoves , and a price
that talks.
No. 10 Junior Oak , $ 0.25
No. 11 Junior Oak , ' $ 7.76.
No. 13 Junior Oak , $ 9.15.
No. 15 Junior Oak , $11.16.
Np. 17 Junior Oak , $13.87.
No. 10 Pulman , 85.58.
No. 14 Pulman , $0.43.
No. 10 Pulman , $7.05.
No. 91 Mounlcd Pulman for hard coal ,
No. 101 Mounted Pulman for hard
coal , $0.45.
No. Ill Mounted Putman for hard
coal , $0.95.
No. 121 Mounted"1 Putman for hard
coal , $8.15.
Stewart Oak This is the finest oak
glove In the murker It excels m con
struction , mutoriaVJlniBhoperation aud
ornamentations The
NoTlBS 16 $13.05.
No. 17516 $10.85.
Not-10516 $18.05.
Wo show you what no other house in
the west can do6ver 200 different styles
nnd sixes of stoves' , and prices the very
Linen Dept ! .
Wo are letting dMvn the prices , and
Btocit is going faat'j
All linen crush , 2c } yard. * ,
Brown twilled crash , 7o yard.
Fine glass toweling , So yard.
24'inch checked toweling reduced to
12c. }
Fine full bleached twilled crash , lOc
CC-inoh cream dainusk , 60o yard.
72-inch bleached damask , 6'Jc , 76o anil
$1 yard. <
Linen drosso : Bcnrfs. 'JC'dacli ,
Bleached Turkish towels , lOc each.
Best 5c towel in America. '
24x40 full bleached , all linen , knotted
fringed huck towolo , worth 20c ; on Mon
day nt-Haydens' , and at Ilaydons' only ,
IL'c each.
Closing prices on napkins , bed spreads ,
Fine crochet spreads reduced to SSc
onch ; U-4 Marseilles spreads reduced tc
$1 cuch.
$5 imported Marseilles gproaas , $3.50.
This Week on Shoes.
Ladles' fine dongola patent tip slices ,
81.75 , worth 52.60.
Ilnydcn's big bhoo pur
chase on sale this week- .
A splendid child's school shoo for 7cc ,
worth 81.25.
Wo always buy good
shoes when they are
cheap. That is why
this shoe sale is at such
low prices.
as long as they last.
$3.75 This Week.
Wo offer several hundred pairs of
Brooks Bros. ; 85.00 French kid hand
made ladies' shoes at $3.75 this week.
If you want a line shoo see these ; they
are the greatest bargains wo have ever
Ludlowte make ladles'fino shoes$2.60
worth $4.60.
750 and § 1.25.
Ladies' fine ovorgaiters at coat. Wo
put into this sale the largest and finest
line of overgaitcrs at cost. Every lady
should have a pair.
Ladies' felt house slippers , 45c , worth
' Ladies' fine plush and felt embroid
ered $1.60 slippers 98o a pair this week.
Ladles' fine 1-strap $2 dancing slippers
Ladies' fine warm lined $2.50 satin
slippers $1.8o.
Ladies' homo comfort "foot-warmers"
$1.20 , worth-81.60.
Ladles' felt lace shoos 75c , worth
81.23 , ,
The boys' all want them now. Wo
you the finest made ut cost in this
School Shoes !
Children's fine $1.25 grain A , S. T.
tip school shoes t)5c. )
Misses' fine $1.76 grain A. S. T. tip
school shoos , $1.25.
Boy's But in calf $2,25 button shoes
Men's shoes 60o to $1 less than regu
lar price.
These are the articles most appropri
ate for a Christmas present. We are
talking presents now because our line U
now complete and you can secure any
article by payinp a small amount and
we can deliver any time for you. Wo
have just arranged alt these articles so
you can have no trouble picking out
what you want.und.tho variety islarger
than over.
The above rocker is solid oak polished
finish , spring seat , nnd covered in silk
plush , nssorteH' colors. Price 53.50 :
worth S5.00.
Pictures and easels , all now goods nnd
at prices that make it easy to buy what
you want.
Elegant line of wall pockets at 75c ,
$1.00 and $1.25.
That Hayden Bros , carrv a first class
line of furniture and that they sell you
every article at a lower price than is
usually asked for the same goods. The
volume of our business proves that the
public appreciate this fact , and you
will if you give us a trial. We save
you money.
CHRISTMAS will bo hero next
What do you want ?
Tables ,
Rockers ,
Chairs ,
Book Cases ,
Sideboards ,
Foot Rests ,
Pictures , Eusols ,
China Closets ,
Lounges ,
Bed Room Suits ,
Hall Trees.
You can got what you want at
DEP'T. '
Hats and Gaps.
Hats and caps , we carry the largos
stock in the city. Prices still lower
than over.
Moiis' line fur Dorbys , in the latest
shapes , $1.00 , worth no less than $2.50.
Mens' fine fur fedora in black and
brown , $1.00 , less than half hatters'
prices' .
Mcns' fine fur crushes in black and
brown , 75c , good value $1.50.
Mcns' dillerent styles of fur soft hats ,
$1.00 , worth $2.50.
Mens1 genuine Scotch caps , 25o worth
Wo have the largest line of men's
heavy winter caps at OOc , good value ut
Boys' heavy winter caps and turbans ,
SOc , former price , GOc.
A largo line of children's and boys'
turbans , lOc.
Boys' fancy hats , 40c. ,
Boys' crushers , 50o.
Boys' fedoras , 50c.
Boys' plush caps , 50c.
f Men's genuine ecal turbans , $5,00 , none
worth loss than $10.00 and $12.00.
Blankets and
Wo arc offering special bargains In
blankets to-morrow.
4-llrgrey wool blankets , 49c a pairT
4-lb grey wool olonKots at 7Go a nalr.
60 pair white cotton Uooced blunkota
reduced to 65o pair.
60 pairs silver grey cotton blankets at
55o a pair ,
1200 pairs of while or prey fleeced
blaukots at 75c a pair.
60 pnirs of silver grey blankets , 08o.
30 pair of white wool mixed blankets ,
silently soiled , $1.60 pair.
25 pairs 11-4 While California blankets ,
to close , slightly soiled , $2.08 paiJ.
82 paira 10-1 all wool silver king grey
blankets reduced lo $3.60 pair.
0-lb 11-4 groy wool inlxtd blankets at
$2.85 pair.
12-4 sanitary groy 0-lb all wool blan
kets at $0.60 a pair.
Very fine white California blankets nt
$5.05 n pair.
See our red blankets at $3.08 a pair ,
You will gave money by buying your
blankets at IluydeuV. "
Host California 3-lb. can ponchos , 15a
each , or 81.05 a dozen.
Best California 3-lb. can pears , 19o
each , or $1.S5 a dozen.
Best California 3-lb. can grapes , llq-
each , or $1.25 ado/.on.
Best Callfot nlii 3-lb can apricots , 12Ja-
each , or $1.15 a dozen.
Best California 3-ib. can white cher
ries , 17c each , or $2 u do/.on.
Good corn , 2-lb. can , ! ) c each , 'orl ? > .
3-lb. can good lomalocs , 9c each , or $1
a do/on.
3-lb. can California cgj plums , 12Ja
each , or 81.45 a dozen.
3-lb. can California golden drop-plumg.
12jc each , or SI. 15 a do/.en.
Jl-lb. can California green gage plums ,
12o } each , or SI.45 a dozen.
Good Columbia river salmon lie can ,
or $1.2-5 a dozen.
1 pint Columbia blue label calsup 15o , ,
or SI.05 u do/.en.
Imported Moutardo , French muslartK
ITalf-jrallon bolllo mixed pickle ( wortlv
75c ) , sell for 35c.
20 Ibs. granulated sugar , 81.
California dried grapes , 3jc.
Now California 2 crown raisins , 6o ,
Ojc , 7c.
Now California 3 crown raisins , Oo .
7p , SJc , 12c.
Now London layer raisins , lOJc , 12jo.
At Haydens
Garneau's Snowflake , rye and graham ,
bread. 2c a loaf. Full sixteen ounces to-
the loaf.
duns , "tic per dozen ; cream puffd , 10q-
per doxen ; pound niiRol cake , 17cj ,
mixed cookies , 7c per do/.en ; wine cakes ,
8c cacli ; doughnuts , 7c per dozen ; Bos
ton brown bread , 4c per loaf ; all kinds of'
pics , 4c each ; apple cake , Sc each ; gin. *
namon rolls , Ic each , and all other klnd0 ,
at lowest prices.
Fish Dept.
Is whore you can got anything you want ,
in smoked or salted fisn'at lowest pricoSl
Smoked white fish , 12ic ; ; smoked slur -
gcon , 17ic ; smoked. salmon , 6c per
pound ; Finnin hnddies , 15c : EnglisH
bloaters , 0 for 25c ; best slock fish , 12ict.
Swedish syngons berries , lOc per quartC
Wo are selling all kinds of'horrlng at ,
very low prices. Ten fancy NorwoV-
herring for 25c ; 7 largo shore horrinff-
for 2oc ; Norway anchovies , lOo pep
pound ; fine muckorol , lOc per poundV
largo George's bank codfish , 7ic ; oxtr .
fine white llsh. 12Jc ; lake trput , lOct
boneless codfish , lOc per pound. Romomj ,
bor , when you are down stalre , to got 4-
cup of our cocoa. Free to every one.
Gottolene and Lard *
3-pound cans cottoleno , 28c ; 5-pound
cans , 45c ; 10-ponnd cans , 90c ; 3-polin4
cans of best lard , 38c ; 5 pounds , O'Jc ; 10
pounds , $1.19.
Meat is Down Again *
Salt pork , lOc ; bacon , 12Jc ; sugar
cured No. 1 hams , lie ; picnic hams , lOc }
dried hoof , lOc ; pigs foot , ficj tripo. Co ;
bologna , 5c per pound ; boneless ham ,
IHc ; plate corned beef , 5c ; bonelosi
corned beef , 7jcj spare ribs , 7 jc.
Butter , Cheese
and Preserves.
Country butter , 10s , 17c , 19c and 21o |
creamery , 2IJc , 25c and 27c.
Jolly 6c per pound , any kind you \vanb ,
Apple butter 7jc , mlnco meat 7jc , raspl
borriefl , Btrawberrios , apricot , peach and
plum preserves all 12Jc.
Wisconsin full cream chceso lOo ana
12c. }
12c.Brick clicoso 10c , 12ic and 14o.
Llmborgor chceso u5c , Swiss chcesa
12 jc , 14o and Kic , Noufohutol Co per pkg. ,
gap sago Do per pkg. . Swiss 12Jc , 14oand
lOa Cranberries 7jo quart.
Did you over Iry Armour's noups ? W
have them at lOo , 15c and 2io per can | V
they nro lino.
Come hero for fruits and nuls. Fanoj fj
mixed nuts 12ic. 41
and Cookies.
Soda crackers , 6c ; oyster crackers , Bat
frosted creams , ginger snaps , sugar
cookies , oatmeal crackers , molaesoo . .
cake , milk crackers , aud butter crack *
ors ull ut 7jo per pound. In fact wo ca .
give you anythlngyou want in craokori *
Scott's Emulsion , 7/ic / ,
Cutlcuru Resolvent , 75c.
Palno's Celery Compound , 76a
Garflold Tea , 20o.
Dulfoy's Mult , 860.
Dr. WlUUams Pint Pills , < 0o.
Janes' Expectorant , 70o.
Have your Prcsclptlons filled