8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 25. 1803. Eatnrdny and Saturday Niglit the Following Eitraoidlnary Bargains Will Bo Offered , ALL OUR CAPES AT HALF PRICE J.ntllfV 10.00 nemlr Al ile Urriier , 83.50 llookt , llnndhrrclilofi , ( llorci , Droin 1'HttcrDt , I.adle * ' ninl GcnU1 ruriilililnci All Go. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! BOOKS ! Our splendid assortment of books is now open , prices nro fully 25 pot1 cent less than over. Today wo offer over 1,000 lOc , IGc iind Soc booklets nt He cncli. Hundreds of Sl.OO bound books nil the best titles nt Coo each. Uny now for Christmas. Kllft Whcclcr Wllcox's poems nt OOc ; Jnincs Whltcomb lliloy's poems , 81.25 ; Household edition of peels , $1.35 ; Rose \V. Gary's novels , OOc ; "Queeoly , " by Kllznboth Wlthnoll , ! > c ; Mark Twain's books , 95c ; sots of every author cheaper than they \\ore ever seen before. LADIES' READY MA UK SUITS. 100 Indies' ready made dresses came in that stock , bought by our Now York innn. "Wo reserved them till today ; 812.00 , 81I.CO ! and $ lf > .00 dresses yo for & . ' 1JO. ( All perfect and guaranteed to fit. fit.Ladies' $ I7.f > 0 and $20.00 ready made suits t'o at $5.00 , five different styles to tolcct from. This is by far the beat bar- rain in ready made dres&cs ever olloi-od by any houeo in the west. All our capes at half price for one day morn. Today will positively bo the last day of this sacrifice. If you want a cootl warm capo buy now ; Sl-.OO capes $0.00 each ; 315.00 capes $7.50 each ; 130.00 capes 815.00 ; and so on. The price on every capo cut in two for one day more. Sl'KClAL IN MEN'S SHIRTS ATISC EACH. A largo lot of ttio finest quality of men's unlaundered white shirts mon arch , Quaker City , none such , etc. , etc. , 7Bc and $1.00 each regularly , today 8 shirts to a customer nt 48c each. MEN'S UNDER GARMENTS AT 02JC EACH. Over 100 dozen men's odd merino and flloeco lined under garments came in in that stock ; there nro garments in this lot worth $2.00 ; your pick , if you come early , today nt 0 2Jc per garment. AT ISO A PAIR. A full cuso of children's fast black , long stockings , worth over any counter Sue to 35c , per pair , no limit today in this great sale at 13c per pair. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS , 21C PER PAIR. A largo lot of children's all wool hose , fast black , a beautiful 35c quality , all you want today for 21c per pair. LADIES'COMBINATION SUITS 81.09. 50 doz Indies' S-wool non-shrinkablo combination suits , a splendid $3.00 quality , all clean , nice goods right from our regular stock , today $1.00 per suit. Don't mil to look this item up. . HANDKERCHIEFS ! HANDKER CHIEFS ! All silk handkerchiefs with pretty little initials in the corners , sold all over town nt 25e each , to open the handker chief season wo will sell them today in nny quantity nt ICsc each , $2.00 per dozen. 20o plain colored Japanese silk hand kerchiefs , 12jo , buy now- for Christmas. 75c heavy surah silk mulllors just the tiling to wear under ones coat , today only 48e each. * A special lot of new Mviss handker chiefs , imported hy is to sell at 25c , to day 12ic each. 35c plain.white hemstitched handker chiefs , for one day , 25t ! each. , LADIES' AND GENTS' GLOVES. ' Gloves Worth up to Sl.CO , today 48c per pair. ( Odd lots. ) Gloves worth up to $2.00 , today 78c per pair. { Odd lots. ) FOR SATURDAY NIGHT , I After 7:30 : , 1 We have the following EXTRA SPECIALS. Wo make these Saturday .night sales especially for those whoso 'calling keeps them from shopping dur ing the week. Wo never take cost into consideration on these extra specials. DRESS GOODS I For Saturday night only $7.00 , $8.00 and $10.00. Rich novelty dross patterns Saturday night , one to a customer nt $3.75. 300 line all wool dress robes that would sell in the usual way from $ ( i.OO to $7.00. Our pl-ico Saturday night $2.98. See west show window. All our SI.60 , $5.00and $5.50 dress pat terns all thrown in one lot Saturday night at $2.10 ; 7 yards to n pattern. For Saturday night after 7:30 : p. m. BOO dozen men's fancy colored and plain white silk handkerchiefs and mnt- nors , regular 75o , 81.00 and 81.50 quali ties , after 7:30 : choice of the lot 48c each. 2,000 men's light and dark colored silk took ties , worth upwards of 25c , after 7:30 : lOo each. 155 dozen mon's now dark colored ellk four in hand and tcck shaped ties , regular 2f > o , 3fio and 60c styles. After 7:30,10o : each. 200 dozen of the latest styles of silk in ieck and four-in hand shape ties , light and dark colorings , many 75o and $1.00 qualities among them. All in one lot. After 7:30 : , 48c each. N. B. FALCONER. P. S. Wo will open our Christmas toods on our third lloor about the Ibt of the month. A GRAND DISPLEY Is promised , IsVR. FALCONER. Mon's black jean pants 39o at the sheriff sale of clothing , 115S. 10th st. " .Suinlilnr , rmlt unit l > 'lo\vent. " The Midwinter International exposi tion will bo held In San Francisco , bo- pinning on January 1 , 1891 , and continu ing six months , The climatic feature , the commercial Eitnation of Snn Francisco , the fact that .the city IH the natural distributor of the products of the greatest agricultural etato in the union , the character of its Biirrounding population , engaged in pur suits more dlvoi-billcd than those of any ether facotlon of the United States or the world , embracing mining , cattle raising , fancy stock breeding , wool growing , manufacturing , agriculture in all its branches , and Mailing , ought to insure a great BUCCOSS for this enterprise. Greatly reduced rates to all California points and to Portland , Ore. , via the Union Pacific. For full particulars re garding rates call oa or address any ticket agent , or H. P. Douel , 1302 Far- nam street , Omaha , Nob. 10. L. Lomax. General passenger and ticket agent , Omaha , Neb. Cheap Kiourjlm.s lo California , Under the auspices of the Phillips Rock Island Personally Conducted Pa cific Coast Excursion agency through Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Omaha via Salt Lake to Los Angeles and Sun Fiancisco every \Vedncbday at 2:05 : p. in' . Low rates , fubt time and su perior accommodations. For particu lars address Chus. Kennedy , G > N. W. P. A. , lt02 ! Furnam street , Omaha. Fur overcoats , $7.75 at the eherilTsalo 115 S , 10th at. MYDEN'S SATURDAY SPECIAL Qennantown Yarn Go Per Bkeln , Worth 20a 25o for 76o Oorseta. i _ _ _ SI9.00 PLUSH WRAPS FOR ONLY $4.75 HerorM Hplenillil OfTerlac * In Silk * A One- l > uy Drive In Dreni dooili tJopnrtment Men' * 83.flO lint * 81.00-flo llniid- kerchlefs S l-2o S tur < l r. Germantown yarn Co per skein , worth 20c. 20c.7fic 7fic corsets go at 2oc. Ladles' wool mittens 25c , reduced from GOo. Gents' 20c wool BOX go at Oc per pair. Gents' camel's hair underwear U3c , worth 75c. 100 dozen of gents' underwear , nil kinds nnd qualities , some worth as high as $ l.f > 0 , your choice today G'Jc. ' Gents' ' cardigan jackets OOc , worth $1.00. Gents' natural wool BOX 15c worth 2oc. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. Judging from the sales It is pretty well known hy this time that \vo nro closing out an immense cloak stock without reference to cost or former prices. We have put on extra help for Satur day. Hero are just live straws which show how the north wind isjilowing in the cloak department on second lloor. $ lt.OO ! plush wrapsat$4.7f > . $21.00 plush wraps at $ f > .00. 82T.00 plush wraps at S7.50. $12.00 fur trimmed jackets $7.50. $18.00 fur trimmed jackets $9.00. HATS AND CAPS. Ilats nnd caps , we carry the largest stock In tho'city. . Prices ( .till lower than over. Mens > ' line fur Derbys , in the latest shapes , $1.00. worth no less than $2.50. Mcns' line fur fedora In black and brown , $1.00 , less than half hatters' prices. Mens' fine fur crushes in black and brown , 7 c , good valuo.l.f > 0. Mcns' different styles of fur soft hats , $1.00 , worth $2.50. Mons' genuine Scotch caps , 25c worth 7oc. 7oc.Wo have the largest line of men's heavy winter caps at OOc , good value at $1.00. Boys' heavy winter caps and turbans , 20c , former price. 50c. A largo line of children's and boys' turbans , lOc. Boys' fancy hats , -10c. Boys' crushers , OOc. Boys' fedoras. OOc. Boys' plush caps , OOc. Men's ' genuine seal turbans , $5,00 , none worth less than $10.00 and $12.00. SILKS AND VELVETS. Hayden Bros , make the prices on silks nnd velvets. You can't beat them anywhere. China silks , in black and colors , almost every shade made , at only 25o a yard. Japanese wash silks in black nnd colors , fifty different shades , at OOc a yard. Duchesso satins , absolutely all silk , in black and-colors , worth $1.25 , only 75c a yard. Black faille f i nncnisc silk , absolutely every thread silk , worth 98c , goes a't OOc. Black satin rhadzhnor , . all silk , worth 08c , goes today at OOc a yard. Colored crystal bengalmes 12 yards for $3.00 , or 30o per yard. Beat this price if you can. $1.00 colored silk velvets , all shades , for $1.00 per yard. $1.00 colored silk velvets , all shades , for'59cper yard. OOc colored silk finish velveteens , all shades , for 29c per yard. DRESS GOODS. Do not fail to see the Columbia suit ings , strictly all wool. $2.39 For a complete dress pattern , now on sale in our dress goods department. NOTION AND FANCY GOODS DEP'T. ' Our big handkerchief tale still con tinues. Aud you can still buy Oc and 8c handkerchiefs for 2c. } lOc handkerchiefs for -Ic. 20c handkerchiefs for 12c. 20c handkerchiefs for ICc. 50c handkerchiefs for 2 , > c. All now goods , being importers sam ples.Remember Remember our elegant spool cabinets , containing spools of Clark's O. N. T. thread , 2 thimbles and pincushion are still sold for 25c and a Domestic Fashion Review worth lOo given with each cabinet. Wo also offer 5 packages of Sharp's needles nnd 9 darning needles for 5c. This means HOc worth for 5c. Sco our now enameled fancy goods just opened. IIAYDEN BROS. , Getting ready for holidays. Bachelor buttons , 4o a box ; coat springs , Oc ; 24-inch turkey red hanakor- chiels , 2c ; Rockford socks , 3c , nt the sheriff sale of clothing , 115 S. 10th st. Men's handkerchiefs , guaranteed to be worth lOc , go at Ic at the sheriff Bale of clothing at 115 South 10th St. P SI'lltlTUAI.ISll. Two Kmlnoiit KjilrltuulUtlo Mediums Com Ing lo Omnlin. Charles T. Eglinton nnd C. Frank Emerson , two spirit mediums of wldo renown , will appear at Washington hal Sunday evening , November 20 , in a Borlcs of experiments with the physical am mental phenomena of spiritualism. Mr Eglinton produces materiali/.titlon , slate writing and much ether physical plio nomona , besides mind reading feats of i bewildering nature. They coino highly endorsed by the scientists and press o two countrlcH , nnd the peculiar gifts o these gentleman have admitted them to the homos of fccluntlbtaund learned men Their phenomena i all presented in ful gaslight and they court nu lutolligon consideration and investigation of the phenomena occurring in their presence Mr. Emei-go'ii dosorlbua * your uplrl frlondu accurately , giving age , time o death , cause o ! death , full names am other convincing tests of his clalrvoynn powers. The other opera houses being engaged , they were forced to use Wash ington hall. OOo heavy blue overalls go nt 25o a the sheriff tale of clothing at 115 S 10th St. GET YOUR SHOES AT MORSE'S Of the Great Saturday Bargains Keep Warm for Little Money , MENS S3.00 FINEST UNDERWEAR , S1.50 n , Ores * Ooodi , Uren Romnnnt * , Hoys' Cluthlnp , Itlbliuni , I.lncni , Uiidrrwcnrj llniidkorclilofi , rinniicln , Itlnnheti , l'ur , Special prices Saturday on all of these goods. Saturday all our curtains nnd portieres left from the great lire sale will bo closed out for half price or undor. Also all odds and ends from upholstery do- "partmont. These goods on sale on Jlrst floor In blanket department. Choice pickings ; short curtains 23c and 35c. Fur trimmings , 50 per cent off. $4.00 all wool blankets , 82.00. 40c red flannels , 25c. v 75c printed flannels , French , -15o. Shaker Manuel , 2ic. A line of $1.00 dress goods , COc. A few of those beautiful dross goods novelties from the great sale loft at 75c , 51.00. $1.50 , worth twice the price. DRESS REMNANTS. We'll ' close out Saturday all the short pieces loft over from the big dress goodB sale at exactly half price. 75e ones at H7Jc. $1.00 ones atuOc , $1.50 ones at 7oe ; $2.00 ones nt $1.00. J net the chance for a waist or a piece to make over your dress with. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. A line of $3.50 finest wool , closing out for $1.874. A line of $3.00 finest worsted , closing for $1.50. A line of $2.00 heavy ribbed , closing or 81.2.-5. A line of $1.27 heavy ribbed , closing or 75o. It will bo money in your pocket to buy hcso. Wo never saw their equal. Hoys' $1,50 llanncl shirt waists , $1.00. Boys' $1.2o flannel shirt waists , 75c. Boys' King , star & Wilbon Bros. ' valsts. 75c. Boys' S9.00 suits reduced to $0.00. Boys' 37-00 and S8.00 suits closing at $3.00. Boys' $8.00 fine kilt suits at $4.00. A table of odds and broken sixes from .he . big sale at $1.00 , worth four times money. THANKSGIVING LINENS. 25 fine linen cloths , no napkins to match , worth from $4.00 to $10.00 will )0 closed out at exactly Ijalf price. Napkins special values at $1.25. $1.50 , $2.00 and $2.50. Damask-i 50c , 05c , 75c , 85c , $1.00 and $1.23. Linen sots , napkins and cloths , line double damask from $ G.OO up to S33.00. RIBBONS. Big sale of ribbons from an over stocked manufacturer at fully 50 per cent off. Now is the time to buy rib- xms for your Christinas fancy worlc. Lot 1. All silk ribbons , 1 jc yard. Lot 2. All silk ribbons , 3jc yard. Lot 3. All silk ribbons , 5c yard. Lot 4. Satin ribbons , No. 5" , 7c. Lot 5. Satin ribbons , No 7 , 9c. Lot 6. Satin ribbons , No. 9. lie. Lot 7. Satin ribbons , No. 12 , 18c. Lot 8. Satin ribbons , No. 10 , 15c. Lot 9. Satin ribbons , No. 22 , 18c. The- best lot wo over tocured. 100 dozen ladies' handkerchiefs , no. Hemstitched initial hankerchiefs , 5c. Ladies' hemstitched , embroidery scal loped nnd many now styles ' , DC. ' LAST DAY OP TH'E BIG UNDER WEAR SALE. Ladies' heavy fleeced underwear , 35c. Ladies' $1.00 nonshrinking under wear. CUc. Ladies' heavy combination suits , $0.00. Ladies' heavy silk fleeced hose , 37c. Ladies' flue cashmere hose , value $1.00 , at 50e. Ladies' heavy ribbed hose 2oc. Ladies' $2.50 union suits , closing at $1.97. All $4.50 and So.OO ladies' flno all wool union suits , your choice for 83 00. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Ladies' reefer jackets , Scotch mix tures , tight fitting jackets , storm collar , full skirt , trimmed with braid , $10.00. A very ( line jacket , full "skirt , storm collar , trimmed with braid , made of flno beaver , for S15.00. A largo line of mnlTs. all the dc&irable furs , from 75c to $20.00. Look out for Thanksgiving week an nouncement Sunday. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Men's Windsor caps 19c , mon's shirts 12c , at the Sheriff Sale of clothing , 115 S. IGth , opposite Boston Storo. IUmH | od the CHRP. ( James Criflin , who was accused of larceny as bailee of about J200 worth of goods from Moso Block , was given n hearing In the pollco court yesterday afternoon , and ns Block did not desire to prosecute him the case was dismissed. The Madison ( family hotel ) , 21st and Chicago. Transients. $2.00 per day. Mon's fur hats , guaranteed to bo worth $2.00 , go at 75c at the sheriff sale of clothing at " " 115 South Kith street , op posite Boston storo. Mcn'a double breasted Cheviot suits $ -1.50 , worth double , at tlio Short IT Sale , 115 S. 10th , opposite Boston Storo. Church rilferiTS Ilotiml Over. James Collins and John McDonald , who are accused of burglarizing the church at 1407 South Thirteenth street sovcrai days ngo , were bound over to the district court hi the sum of * 1-0 , ! ( ) each. Men's wool mittens 5o at the sheriff sale of clothing for men and boys , 115 S. IGth , opposite Boston storo. Cheap Hilton to Calllornm. The Union Pacific is offering greatly reduced round trip rates to all California points and Portland , Oregon , this year. For full particular inquire of your nearest ticket agent , or address II. P , DKUKU 1302 Farnam street , Omaha , Nob. , or E. L. LOMAX , Gon'l ' Pass , and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. $5.00 ulsters go at $2.23 at the shot-Ill , sale , 115 S. lUth St. , opposite Boston Storo. Men's ' underwear 12jo , boys pants 25e , worth 50e ; wool filled mitts , lite , at the shoi-HT sale of clothing , 115 South IGth st. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only -Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Aniiuouia ; No Alum. Used in Mulious of Homes AO Years the Staudard NOT A 2S1IOE FAILURE Panic Prices fort Just One Day nt Haydon's ' on a Lindef Winter Shoes. LADIES' ' FINE PATENT TIP SHOES , SI 75 n llro . ' His Shoe I'urohnne L'lnrrd on the MnrUcc-Snltirdny nt Kxtromely Loir I'rlcci A Splendid Child' * School Shoo for 7/ic. It wasn't a failure outright , but might have been if this manufacturer had not found a firm to hnndlo a big line of shoes on short notice. Wo always buy good shoes any time they are offered cheap. That Is why this sale is nt such low prices. Today wo place on sale seven him" dred pair of shoes which , arc exceptional bargains. $1.75. Ladies' fine patent- tip dongola $2.50 shoes at $ lj75 , to close out. 45c. Ladles' felt 75c house slippers at150. . Ladies' ' $1.35 felt , i lace and congress shoes at 75c. DSC Worth 81.50. Ladles' line embroidered and felt and velvet $1.50 slippers , OSo. Ladies' fine dongola opera 82.00 slip pers , $1.45. 50C , 75C , $1.00 Worth 75c , 81.00 and $1.50. The largest line of overgaiters in Omnlm at cost. If you haven't n pair , take advantage of cost prices. Every well dressed lady wants them. SCHOOL SHOES. In Fchool shoes wo oiler wonderful bargains. Child's solar tin , pebble grain , 75c , warranted. Boys' N. K. calf , lace and button shoes , $1.00. Warranted. Misses' line pebble grain A. S. T. tip shoos , $1.25. Warranted. $1.50 worth $2.50 Men's fine satin calf $2.50 bhoes , $1.50. Men's line hand welt $4.00 shoes , $2.40. Wo bave you 50c to $1.00 a pair on mon's shoes. IIAYDEN BROS. Big sale of shoes. NKW Ti.MU CM' I ) Via The MlMourl Tactile lly. On and after Sunday , Nov. 19 the Kansas & St. Louis ex press will leave depot. 15th and Webster streets , at 12:20 : noon instead of 12:45 : noon. Night express for Kansas City and St. Louis leaves 10 p. in. Nebraska local daily , except Sunday , leaves nt 5:10 : p. in. instead of 5:40 : p. in. Trains arrive from Kansas City and St. Louis at G a. m. and 4.50 p. in. Nebraska local daily , oxcont Sun day , arrives 9:20 : a. in. instead of 8:45 : a. m. For further information call at depot , loth and Webster streets , or city ottlcos , N. E. corner 13th nud Farnam. THOMAS F. GODFREY , J. O. PuiM.iPi'i , P. & T. A. A. G. F. & P. A. The Exposition J'lyer Via the Lake Shore route , "America's Best Railway , " will bo discontinued on and after the J'Jth inst. Commencing the same date the Lake Shore LimiteU will leave Chicago daily at 4:00 : p. in. for Now York and Boston. No change will bo madq in the "Boston and New York Special , " leaving daily at 10:30 : a. in. The Atlantic Express at 3:10 : p. m. will run as heretofore with the addition of a through' Pittbburg sleeper. The through parlor car service to Plttsburg at 8:00 : n. in. will remain unchanged , as will also the through car service on the 7:45 : and 11:30 : p. in. trains. After abovs date mileage and ether reduced rate tickets will be accepted on all trains via the L. S. & M. S. except the Limited. B. M. Humphrey , T. P. A. , 727 Main street , Kansas City , Mo. ; C. K. Wilber , West. Pass. Agt. , Chicago. Skin and Scalp. Triad Everything. Used Cutlcuru. Ju Three Weeks Not a Scar or Pimple. \71ien ray baby rras three months old his cheeks anil forehead began to break out with white pim ples on rod surface. In a few days itching com menced , which was terrlblo. After ho would rub It matter would ooze from the points. Innehort tlmo It spread over the top of his head , than scabs BOOH formed on head and faoo. Wo used ci er ) thlnp ; wo could hear of for nearly flro months. It grew worse all the time. I saw your advertisement of the CUTI- CURA IlEMKUIKS ill a CllN rape ; weekly. Wo purchased CUTICUHA Kr.MKuiF.s mid commenced their use. In throe necks' tlmo lliore was not a sere or pimple , not oven a star , onhbftdorucc. lloUnlnotccninonthsoldnow , nnd lin no slcru of the illaeaKO. ills scalp is hcnlthy and ha has a beautiful head of hair. ( Sco portrait herewith. ) Jilts. OSCAIt JAME3Woodston , Kan. CUTictmA cured n Disease which I had three yeirs. M > Btcln was sore anil hi cohl weather my taco wasamasjofsciloH. 'I bo pain BO Intense it would brine lean. I tried every remedy with Hale bcncnt. The first application cuTirciiA. rave instant relief. Inn few weeks' tlmo cured. KD.MUNU KRIIA8 , 27011 Union Avo. , Chicago , 111. WONDERS CUTicurtA IlE oivnxT , the now lllood I'lirlflor , internally ( to cleanse the blood of all Impurities end pobonmH element * ) , nnd CUTICUIIA , the Krsat Sltln Cure , with titrricuitA HOAIan ex. fnilslto flkln rnrillPr , externally ( to clear the B\ln and scalp and restora tlni hair ) , ha\e cureu thousand ) of casMi wlicro the Buffering was almost Icjonil onduranre , hair lifeless , or nil gone , diiDgurenienbtrrrlble , Oold throughout tba world , I'rlce , tOc. ; Uuic , 2:0. ; RKSOLVENT , 61 , I'OTTEII Llnuo AMI C'IIKII. Co dr. , Hole I'roprjptors , llonton , ii""lIoiT toCure'Sklu DUcnuon , " mulled free. ' ftbln and Ucilp pnrlflcd and bcaatlflod BABY'S by CUTICUIIA SOMAtaolutcly pure. AQKIKQ SIDES AND BACK , Hip , Kidney , and Uterine Tains and \Voaknu05fi relieved In ono inlnuto In the Omlcum AntM'nlii 1'JnMcr. \V i/lll tind ) ou the roarroloui J Kunih I'ropkrallou CALTHOO I I rev. And * l ; al cu > runt r thnk liAl/I'llOS vrlll Itnluru > our Olvallb , Htrciifflti uUlieor , Hit it and far if tatisjitd , Address VON MOHL CO. . t REAPING DENTIST .MAKES A FULL.SET ON RUBBER $5 ° ° Tucth extracted niilnlosily In inoroln ; . NBW TEETH HAMK 1)1V. J'ttlitlottH I'lllliiu A'ou' I'ruoosM. Urldgo and Crown work , finest and best at lowest prices. All work warranted. Paxton Blk. , IGth and Farnam Sta. Culruuco ou lUIlt tit. 'leleuhoo * 10B5. BREAD2GAIOAFATIIAYDEN'S Garnoau'B Snowflake Kyo and Graham Bread 2o per Loaf. FULL SIXTEEN OUNCES TO THE LOAF Harden llron. Will Teed thf Muncry S.ilur- jjTiliijr Menlii , I'rrnprvfK , Ituttftf. Checnc , Ctc. , nt Spcclnl 1'rlccn Our Huie- metit Ulrcstlio 1'iireit itiul licit. Buns , 74c per dozen ; cream puffs , lOc per dozen ; I pound nngol cake , 17c ; : iilxcd cookies , 7o nor do/en ; wine cakes , ? o each ; dough'nuts , 7o per dozen ; Bos ton brown bread , 4c per loaf ; all kinds of pieHlo , each ; apple cake , 5o each ; cin namon rolls , lo each , and all other kinds at lowest prices. MEAT IS DOWN AGAIN. Salt "pork , lOc ; bacon , 12c } ; sugar cured No. 1 hams , lie ; picnic hams , lOc ; Irled beef , lOc ; pigs feet , 5c ; trlpo , 5c ; ) olognn , fie per pound ; boneless ham , llle ; plate corned beef , fie ; boneless corned beef , 7ic ; spare ribs , 7c. } COTTOLENBAND LAUD. 3-pound cans coltolcnu , 28c ; fi-ponnd cans , -loc ; 10-pound cans , OOc ; It-pound cans of best lard , ! l8c ; 5 pounds , OIlc ; 10 UMllUlB , $1.10. BUTTEH , PRESERVES AND OIIEESE. Country butter 15c , 17c , lOc and 21o. Creamery 2tc ; , 23c and 27c. .lolly 5c , ninco meat , apple butler , poach and ) lum butter 74c. Raspberry , straw- jerry , plum and all ether kinds of pre serves at 12jc. Wisconsin full cream cheese lOc and 12Jc , brick cheese lOc , 12c } and vMc , noufechatol fie , sap sago Oc per pkg , Swiss 12c } , Mo and ICc. Cranberries 7 Jo per quart. Did you over tiy Armour's soups ? Wo : iave them nt lOc , 15c and 25c per can. They arc fine. Coir o hero for fruits and nuts , fancy mixed nuts 12jc. CRACKERS AND COOKIES. Soda crackers , 5c ; oyster crackers , 5c ; 'rested crnams , ginger snaps , sugar cookies , oatmeal crackers , molasses calce , milk crackers and butler crackers , all at 7k per pound. In fact wo can give you anything you want in crackers. IIAYDEN BROS. , Leaders in everything. Miss KVA DECAMP , DASVII.I.E , IM. Saved From Suffering. The Gratitude of a lady Cured fcj Kickapoo Indian Sag\va. * - - T DANVILLE , ILL. , Oct. 2C. I ( e l It my duty to express my grati tude for what the Kickapoo Indian Remedies huvo done lor mo. I wns Buffering with Neuralgia , and had to stay up every night for weeks. At last I fieut lor a bottle ot Kickapoo Indian OH , and in less than ten min utes after application I was relioved. I continued its use and also used Kick apoo Indian Sngwa at the isamo time until Entirely Cured. Many of my friends have used yonr Remedies for different troubles , nnd find them to do exactly as advertised. I believe everybody who is Buffering ohould use them , ns we arc- all brothers and sisters in Chriot. I will answer any Questions as to what with the help ot God they have dona for mo. Yours respectfully , EVA DECAMP. KICKAPOO INDIAN SAGWA. And all Kickapoo Indian Remedies Sold by Dealers GRAND CHRISTMAS OFFER 12 CnMnotP , each ononn auoroprlato Christ inns pros- Borituml a buiiutlful Min- tba Glnoo PhotJ all for THIS MOM ONLY It Tnhoa TIMK Inlttrn out GOOD \voun : . 313,316,317 , , S3. IDto St. , Omaha , IvCfl I UUWAml nil the Irnln of KVIL.S. WKAKNKbSKS , IIUUILITV , UTC. , Hint 110- roinnaiir tin-in In moil QUWKlg mill I'JJllMA- NENThY OUUKI ) , I'ull SCIHJNOTII and tone ) Blveii toovorv pirlof tin ) body. I will Bond ( BO- curoly iMckixl ) FJIUIJ to nny minercr tlin invHorlp- llon tliiitfiirfdiiiHor tlinms tronUli-H. Addn-HS t > \V1UOHT , MiwlB Dualur , Uox 1'JdO , Maraliull Mlchlu'Uii onaon OF TIJB OOAIJAI-LA LAND AND OATTMJ OOMl'ANV. OMAHA , Nr.u. , Novi'.Miir.u 1 , 1803. Notlco IH hereby Rlvou to the stockliohiurH of the O.iiliillu Luiul anil Cattlu compiiny that the nnnuul niPulliiK of the Htocklmlilurs of the company will ho hold ut thu olllco nf the said company hi tlio city of Omaha , In the blato of Nobrublcil on Wc'dausduy , Douumbor 0 , A. I ) . JH'JD , at - o'clock p. m. , for tlio iiurpoio of electing a hont ( I of directors for the comp.iny , ta servo during thu onsuhi yoiif , and to tians- uut any hnslnubs nhluh limy hu prosoitud | nt buch mcotliiK. In cast ) thu ofllco of Rnhl company , In nald city of Uniiiha , shall not hu lurgu tniou li to uccoininodatonll lliostocl.liolilcrti nho tuny ho Iirosont nt hiu-h minimi inoetln , tlion t > uch incut IIIK lll ad Join n from thu coinp'iny nolllc-o to thu liatul l.iiown us Iho I'n.xton house , hltiliito uUlioHOiithwi'stconiur of I'oiirU'OiHli nnd Kninnm btrt-nts , In bald city of Oniahii , nnd thu mooting will onli-r uiion nnd eontluuu Its dc-llbcrntlons at hiild 1'axton IKIII-.O. The dlit'i-toraoaiiiostly iiiquust uach stocU- lioldor to bo personully iircbont ut , halt ! stock- hohluib' muothiK , mid If ImposslUlo to ha prua- eut , to appoint a nro\y. E. I' , li11KNCK , AttiMt : 1'iusldcnt , JONATHAN Aucu Becrctury , no\18 < llUtm Notice Snlo of hcliool lloiuU. Scaled Unit will ho received until Thursday , November 80 , 1H03 , at 2 o'clock p. m. . for the purchuso of 5 bonds of 1 1.00(1 ( each , Buld bonds Ibmicd by school district No. 71. DawoH county , NebraKku , dated AuKnst 'J2 , J803. duo Juno 1. 1023 , Interest 0 per cent , paynbluon thn 1st dayofJunoof cui-h'yeur. I'rlnclpul mill In terest payable nt tbo Nebraska 1'iscnl Agency , New Vorlc. llldb will bo accepted for one or all of tmlil bonds. Itlght resorvud to reject any or nil bids , l.nvclopes containing hldi sliould ha inarkoa Bids for Bonds , and addrebsud to MUOY : HAM/ . Crawford , Neb. Kt , - ? , Vfi T.V , , W - = \ an i .11. at ! k : THANKSGIVING. Is not the day when you swenr off for n yonr. Its n day devoted to thanks. 08 millions of people who form this model Amrlcnn nation , fonst , rest , rejoice ana honor the day. Each blessed soul has something to bo thankful for , even the young man whoso swnothcnrt has married another. Some express gratitude fern n democratic administration , some Iowa politician thank because some 30 odd thousand voters have sympathised with him In his efforts to retire to private life. Sensible clothing buyers thank for that Into money nan to. The Nebraska offers thanks for your liberal patronage , and unlimited confidence. Going lo have a turkey dinner that'll last a week. Man and boy will got n slice. Carving prices on 0 pretty , warm , long nnd durable ulsters. Anticipate * buying olio this season , ohV Just scruttnix.0 this offer for a mlnulo. ' FOUR FIFTY F. . or Boys. For boys up la 20 years old. Wo cnrvod nn $8.00 ulster down to $4.50 , just bscauso wo can't afford to sell It at loss. Would have been $8.00 If wo did'nt have that brainy buyer with eagle eyes hack east 2 styles 2 colors gray ami brown Shetland cloth " " lined with fancy checked stuff. SIX FIFTY For Boys. As old ns 20 years. It would take a $10 bill to buy one and there wouldn't bo a dime wasted as far us honest value is con % cerned. Again 2 colors 2 fabrics-one of black ehir.chilla-ono of gray Shetland one style the newest of shawl collar and exquisite ly ornamented with pussamonterio lined \vilh fancy checks. 2 3 TEN FIFTY For Men.tf it I Every size known. Hero wo curve the fattest part of the Thanks giving TuJkoy and throw in the sauce. If it ain't the best ulster over obtained by man for $18 we'll agree to throw In the cham pagne. 2 colors 2 fabrics Take your choice. The gray is an Irish Freine , extremely long nnd a fort against cold The black is of a line Shetland overcoating , with shawl collar , pubsamontrlc trimmings Bjth lined with contrasting blue or gray linings that usually servos to donate an aristocratic appearance to the gar ment. Consider this our Thanksgiving tront. Si-cry American has known thttl Clio colute was pleasant when the riijht product was used , but it r s a revelation to Jlnd that U IKUS us liburishiny as ' Thousands , footsore , famished and almost fainting under the \musualfatiguo of the Fair have fauna out how invigorating a cup of Chocolnt iMcnier is and can now understand why 33 mil lion pounds annually of this fa mous chocolate is consumed in the countries of the old world where 1 > Jo Tea , No Coffee , No Cocoa , Is their motto. Try it. Did you see m a ! tin faij ? Your grocer will get it for you. What's better than a nice pocketbook for a holiday gift Nothing- - unices It's a gold watch. RAYMOND , JEWELER , Corner IRth and DouvlUH StruttH , Oiinlia. WITH SOOTHING BALMY OILS. V V Caitoor. Tuaior.Ofttnrrh , Pi'.m.Flstulfi , Erza- 8. Vi mn mill nil S Hu and Womb Diseases- J CANOIIH of the NOKO , Kyo , Up , K ir , Neck , Ilre.vU , Stum- 1 noli. Wointi-hi lacl , all liituniul or external orif.in * or tla- Biii'Bciiicd wltliont tlioKnlftior liiirnliif ( illinium , but wllli Booth 1111 ; uroin.illi ! oIlH. 11 JNVUICI of frauds and Imitators , an there nro otlii-ru who liopu to prutlt by udvertlulntf to euro " ; a wllli iinell. 'lx TTTTti nil'P nnd send It for Illustrated 1i IlJnVJU L took on tlio uuoru dli- UullcU free. AildrcHa DR. D. M. BYE , Combination Oil Cure , Portsmouth Bldj ; , Kaums City , Ku * NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. B , Depository , Omaha , Nab. CAPITAL , - t400,000 SURPLUS , , . - C65OUO OfCccM nivl DlnxjlorsHenry W. Yale * , prpil. dcut , H.aOiKtlilnj , vlco | ir8 iaont , a S. Maurlsu , W. V. MOMO. Joliu S. Colllui , J. S. IL I'utrls * Lew IB S. Hood , caaUler. THE IRON BANIC. Promlciit HEW ERA ' 4 Ml lil ( 'Ah IHSI'KNM.VHV. ContuUiitlim I'rcr. ' IsunmiriuusoJ In the treatment of all Chroulo , Private nntl sNorvousi Dliou ov. iVrtU Ito or ciniuH)3rhOiiiilly. ) | ) TKEATIIU.SI1 llVMAUj. . . AdUrob * with stamp , for pr. . . . \vhlali\Yill bo Bcut In plain envelope. ' I' O iiox 031. uffloo Ud a icth itrcat , Uinaha ,