THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUUD/VY , NOVEMBER 2T , 181)3. ) SPEGIHli NOTICES * FOR TIIESfi - ' < J ADVERTISEMENTS 12SOp.m. : for Ihn I nnd until 8 80 p. m. Tor the. morning and Sunday 1 Advertisers , by reqnewtlnr a nnmborocl check , Iran have their answers nduressort to a nnmberen I letter In ea re of THE Urn. Answers w > addressed Ivr111 bo dell vcrwl upon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. I lutes IKoaword first Insprtlon.le a wordMicro- | iltcr. Nothing taken for ICM than 2'c. [ I WANTED. POSITION HY YOUNO MAN AS ' /Ybookkpcprrand Btenosraplier ) food references. \dilrcM Vf fi7 , Bw. > jl 301 r SITt'ATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH AdrucRlftt irradnatert In Sweden awl irclHtcred Iin Nebraska : 27 yearn old i absolutely ' ' > * 'r and rHlnslrloust speaks Oermrm and EniMlih per- rectly. two.Venn experience In America ; flrM- I lass recommendations. For particulars , see Dr. l.wonnon , Continental block , Oinaha , Neb. I l A POSITION AS JANITOR , WATCHMAN OR I/VaU nrouiwl man. by a reliable and sober Not- | wpRlnn. Address X 11. Ree. _ > -s -A PRACTICAL liOokYKTn'ER DESIRES A A position as bookkeei r or In keep two or more . win fornnns notomplciyliur a , n"0.1lticlv ? < : ft1.r.j'5t8 ) t to keep nt nlRlit. Addn-ss X17. Heo. M01U 25 IT 'EXPERT ACCOUNTANT OPEN FOR KN- IjVracement In oronlof cllyj cipablo ot ninnaij- I inir onico. nrcouuls wrltlcn up and cxamlnert. Ad- ' - jX 111 , Omaha lice. MtllG 25 * WANTED MALE HELP. I Ratcs.lMcawonUlrM Insertion. Ic a wonUhcre- I nfter. Nothlnir taken fur loss than 2 * > c. J-SOLICITORS. TEAMS FURNISHED : EXTRA > p.iv to men with rigs. American WritiRer Co. , FlOOO Howard Rt. BU- ' I'-n-THK NEI1RASKA GUARANTEE SAVINGS IJjand Investment eompany wants a few itMitlJ- 1 men of food address to net an solicitors. Apply at I rooms ' . ' 2 and --.I , Pouitl. block. HO' -AOHNTsTsALlHY OH COMMISSION. TUB Sirreateiit Invention of thoajn. Thn.Now . Patent Chemical Ink EraBlnir Pencil. Soils on flight. Works llkontairlc. Aireiils arc mak nir * . --l > l > to 125.00 per week. For further particulars wr to [ the Monroe Eraser Mfc. Co.-XiO : , La Cross-j - VNs. } - MAN WANTED FOR OUR CITY RtJSINESS. JSah.ry paid weekly. Call at 1510 T > -WANTED , MEN FOR TUB SOUTH IN TEN- . . J JnesBee.Arkaiifias.Mlsslhslppl & Louisiana cheap jtlare.Kramer A O'Hcarn.LaborasencyM jjji1. _ . -WANTBD. . PARTNER WITH * 20rt Oil KIOO ' AJto put azalnm equal amount to open Dlmo Musce."you to liandlo all money. Address uo , * Bee. M52G 20 - , MEN TO TRAVEL * . J. TO $10 B-WANTED Stone , t Wellington. Madison. \ * . IsO - . COMPETENT COACHMAN : NONE B other need apply ; glvo roJcrenccs In J < 1lt < 1r. Ad- ilrcns X in. Bee , MU2Q20 1)-WANTED. MEN IN T.VRRY COUNTY TO iJdlstrlbntii circulars for big advertisers ! Jrt.OO Ilionsand : two ono-rcnt stamps for partlcmarn. Wilson Company , Indianapolis , Ind. M1I12 25 * WANTED. S GENTLEMEN AND PIANIST B for comedy Co. , call at Midland hotel Sunday J . M038 25 p. in. Hlcknymanager. WAN TED FEMALE HELP. Rates. IWc a word first Insertion , Icaword there after. NoluItifT litkoii for loss than 25e. " WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOKSR- C work. muBt be Rood cook and laundress. 11.10 S. 2llh BtieeU 412-2S - , COMPETF.NT FIRST GIRL : MUST C-WANTED ? . Mrs. M. Levy. 20.17 DodRO | It street. MSO ! ) 25 - , A COMPETENT COOK IN FAMILY 0 , of three ; German preferred : only those having xperlence need apply ; good \rairtw lo rleut partv. Apply room 711 , Paxlon hotel , between 12 and j Pm. . MJ1J _ WANTED , A NURSERY GOVERNESS FOR C child of 4 years Apply room TJ , Paiton hotel , octwccu 12 and ! l p. in. M591 2fl P-WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL Mioucowoik. 8112 Georiri.i avenue S. snth Itri-ot. second door north of Mason , JluJ I n-WANTED. LADY TO TRAVEL. ( NO CAN- VvnHHtnc. . ) Moderate nalary. References and Itnall cash seem Ity required. Address X 20. Iloo. Muu2 2u -WANTED , A GOOD COOK AND LAUNDRESS 2GOH Dou aB at. U- ' ' " 5 n-OIRLFOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MUST L/be Bood cook , linauue for 1J. , City Steam Lauu- Bry. I \ r * t , . , MU4P 20' rt-WANTED , B LADIES FOR COMEDY CO. . AND Lsladyyianlat. call at MldUiud hotel Sunday 3 p. in. Hlckey , maiiager. MII3U 20 -WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work , two in family. 115 S.2iithM. MU41 23 * EOR RENT HOUSES. Rales. lOca line each Insertion , $1.31) a Una per month. Nothing taken for le'ss tlnu 23e. 1IOUSIS IN ALL PART3 OP THE CITY. D The O. F. Davis company , IgOJ Famam. KOJ I 4-0-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN. CHOICE. IN Stanford circle , C. S. Elsutler , 201 Hue- bid ? . Hl)7 ) - - HOUSE , 1815 CASS. J. JOHNSON D-10-ROOM . M135 - . F. K. D"ARLING , BARKER BLOCK. B-HOUSES. M374 -FOR RENT. SIX ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE J > I llllit Dodgu Street. M4U-J TV NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HANSCOM JJl'laos cheap. 3. W. Squire. 248 llco. M3IB -D-ROOM HOUSE , PERFECT CONDITION , newly painted , modem : Bmall family : loeallon 810 North 20lhBtrcet : rentrcsouablo. Bosirn.yHlll. It JO ili -FOR RENT. COTTAGE CORNER 2.1TII AVE D ant * Dodit > : modern Improvcmeutai flist clas lepair. liinlro'JSH Dodrost -00 - RENT. 13-ROOM HOUSE WITH STAble - 0-FOR 4 liurnua , all modern conveniences. No. JOlll Park avuuue , now occupied by Captain A. Illnl.U. S. A. ! i508si-SBlou clveu 1st of December. Apply at 322 Ikro bnlldlnir or 1021 Park avcnuu. M ul - - RENT , SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. $23.00 ; D--TO deHlrertj nlco lawn , tn-eH. dtv water , ClHtvni , rementeil cellars , bath , near motor. Sec- owner , D. V , SUivens. C01 Paxton block. M35U - HOUSES IN CITY. I-I BEST r AND R-ROOM JJLoweHt rates. Iiiqulro 2002 lllondo Btrecl. - - HOUSE. MODERN , FURNISHED OR D-S-ROOM . Apply 1112 S. 10th. 41U T-V-FOUR-ROOM HOUSE 034 S. 17 St. Sll.OO. i-NICK K-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH > barn. 402t : H imlllon. M452 28' - MODERN fi-ROOM COTTAGES , 120 D-FINE S. .llth struct , reduced to * lil.llll. O. F. Ulltts , 220 t 17lh Dtrcut , M50.1 25 RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , DFOR block. 002 So. Kith Btrect. M4U7 25 THREE-ROOM COTTAGE , 11104 SOUTH D 14lh HIi.UU , Kuqulre , S''S S. 18lh Bt.SfW SfW 27 - VOU RENT. NICE S-ROOM COTTAGE IN DVOU . B hlix-ks Irom courthoubo , * ii ) 00. J I ) , Zlltt ! > . Jlrown blui-k. . MUOl ROOMS , SECOND STORY. EVERYthing - DSIX In good order ! city water ; sw er : $14.110 a inunth. 2IHS Davenport. M 00 28 * KLKG.VNT"OROOM HOUSE , $ uou N. ' 'Otlt , limiitro ynO I Hurt. 02830 * KOR KENT ? 0BNIBHED ROOM8. " " Rates. U c n won ! ilrst a ward thcra lUUT Nothing Uiken for Icsu than 25c , R' NT. Pt'RNISHKD ROOM FOR 1 OR'J EFOIt . 2017 Uodgo HlreuU M30U T FOR ilKNT. KLEGANTLV FURNISHED 1 jsteaw UisMnl rouuui. U02 So. lUth Btrei. . M493 25 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GKNTUr" men only. 323 Smilli 2Ulh street. (147 ( ' ROOM , ' . ' 017 HARNBY ST. EFt'RNISHBD 5S2 88 ROOMS VOR HOUSKKEEPING , steam heat and tu . 700 S. llilti btreut. 570 24' _ ? -FPRNISIinD ROOM WITH UATI.tU ! MONTH , 1FPRNISIinD 1 UlUll Faaniuii. . B12 aa ITUIIKB FURNISHED ROOMS FOR nous- tettfulnir. lam huat , a > aiid bathi flil.UO per month. 70 * S. lUth st , 3rd Hoar. ( Ill 24 > ' ROOMS , AT 10211 CAPITOL Ei'UUNlSUEIl MU'jSpaa' E-MODERN IIOOMS , 2222 HURT. M037 O2t ROOMS ENSUITB CHUAP TO 1 GENTLE- E mcu , llim ! > utillul. U043 27' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Kates. IHo a vrurd first Insertion. ID a ward there after. NotUhijr taken for lua-i Ilion 2Je , YTYOl'NQ WOMKN'S llOViE UNDER ( JAllKlo .1 Woiiicu'i. ChrltlUu aa&oclatlon , 1U S. 171U t. "iT UTHllOOMS , LOW RATEti.'J.'VSi HARNKYi J ? 021 1)2 * TTHF. > UOLAN , ' . ' AND 211 N.lbTIIST. ' Lf-HOO113 AVQ BOARD,1727 S. ISTH STREET. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ContdiuM " T7 UTOPIA , 1719,1721 IJAVKNPORT STREET. 404-g4 T7-ROOM9 AND STRICTLY FIRST CLASS JL board nl 2109 Douirlns direct. MQ37 -ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLEMEN 621 South 20th aro. C.08 a7' F-HANDSOMELY FOHNI3HED ROOM3 WITH board , modern conveniences ; ratus rpinonablo. 2020 Ilnrney. MitlU 30- T7-nOARD AND ROOM ! STEAM HEAT. OAS , L1 bath : $4.r > 0 and S3.0O per week. 411 North 14th. M770 28 * - LAROK ROOMS AT HILLSIDE , 18TII and UodecnNo day board. MU44 27' FOR RENT TJNFURNISH'D ROOMS Raton I'foaword flrnl Insertion , lea wordtherj- after. Nothlnir taken for lovilhnnSJc. 4 FINK oNFOnNMiED ROOMS FOR G housekcoplne , $11 , 2U11 SU Mary's nvennc. MU02 25 - ! ROOMS S. W. CORNER 10TH AND G-N Ix > avenworth Bt. r > 70-20 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Kate * . IKc a wordflrst Insertion , Ic a word there after Nothlnir taken tor lex * than a'to , f FOR "K ENTTiu AfllflFarnain Bt. Thobulldlns has a llrcproot ce ment baicment. romplcto Bleam hnattnfr tlxturo'i , waleron all tha floora.gas , etc. Apply at the oRlaa ot TIIK Ht.t : . _ P 10 r-STORE , 321 S. 16TH , STEAM HEAT. i. M7.13 N28 _ T-OFFICES W1T11NELL BLOCK. STEAM HEAT. 1 M7I5 ! N28 _ FOR RENT. LARGE n-STOUY HtOOtN T earn , 10th nnd Leavenworlhj thirti' horae.s and Htorago. J.W. Saulre. 248 Iloe M.U4 AGENTS WANTED. Rnten.IVc a word first Insertion. IP a wonl tliere- aftcr. NoUiluit taken for less than 25c. T-AOENT9 WANTKD , IAIA u for a iiulck Helllnir patenled novelty. 100 to ISO per cent prollt : good nollcltora can make front $100.00 to * 100.00 a month : territory fresh ! write for particulars. The Ohio Novelty Co. , D 1 , Cincin nati , O. M487 NO MAN or woman need complain of hard times while wo olTcrnuch liberal Inducements to'iigunts to liandlo our fast helling unar.mtceU herh rpmedlei. No money required. Work easy nlid higtlv prolllablo. Full particular * If yon aak for them. Tha Dr. Starr Herb Remedy Co."Jl lisat 43rd at , , Chicago , 111. 4S'J - YOU LAUGH ? SEE F-DO "Samautlia at tlio World's Fair. " Bouanza for acejils. Prospectus ready. [ Norrls Pub. Co. , DCS MS52 27 * 1 AGENTS # -t.OO TO $ . " . .00 A DAY , CITY OR O country. Call 2707 Hamilton , 7 to H n. in. MfiB7 D20 AGENTS. WE HAVE SEVERACi DECIDED " noveltlcH on which you can easily make f 100.00 .1 month. If taken Ifoldof quickly. Onr goods sell In all localities , no matter how hard the times , as readily as bread lo thn hunery. Address. "Manu- faclurers. " Kox 5308. Boston. Mass. MOII3 'J WANTED TO RENT. Rates. IKc a word first Insertion. Ic a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 2.H ! . UNFHKNISHED ROOMs WTTU . Stain price. and location. Address X 13 , Bee. 009 23 STORAGE. Kates , lOe aline eacli Insertion , 41. .To a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. M STORAGE , WILLIAMS & . CROSS , 1214 HAR- ney. 811 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , M clean ; and cheap rates. R. Wells , lilt Famam S13 I STORAGE FOR CARRIAGES AT WINDSOR JBlablus. l.'illi and Dq\onport. 407 D I" WANTED 1O BUY. Rales , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.CO a line per mouth. Nothing taken forless than 25c. T LIST REAL ESTATE W1TII pTo.VEAD N IGth and Douglas. M'jH'.l J WANT 80 ACRES LAND WITHIN 100 MILES t Omaha.AdflroiS'X21 Bet030 2(1 ( * FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates. IKc a word flrKf Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. -STOVESTop ALL KINDS GOOD AS NEW. O-s We Us ; Auction Co. , 1111 Farnam St. 810 - ALMOST NEW , CHEAP. 4 Ox ! 30tli at. U1U 20' FORSAIjE MIBCEIiUANEOUS. Hates , IHc ii word tlrst Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothln ? talcun Fur ItMS than 23C. " /y-ONE rfittUNSwVcK UlLLIAUD 'TABIVB AND Wone pool tablu , nsed 11 nionthn , as iroodas now , forsalu cheai ) . Addresi P. O. oox SVJ , West Point , Neb. .V.lrt Q FOR SALE CHEAP , 1 TWO-HEVOLUTION Campbell ncwBpauer press and 1 doublp cylin der Taylor , air sprtus- . with two folders : coed con dition. Address for particulars Loclc Box 8 , South Omaha. Nub. t 'J72 -FOR SALE , PUG PUPPIES , itflK BUHT strv-et. M5UO D'-'O' Q REMOVAL SALE. 1 upright piano. $30.00. 1 : t htrlnsred ue\v scale piano , $125.00. _ 13 strhifed new Kcali ) piano , $1113.00. 1 elaborate hand carved walnut case piano , $187.r,0. 1 Klml'ull oran , $28.00. 1 Smith American oriran. $23.00. 1 Bay Mate organ. J27.00 , Tim trreat World's fair prize getter and compe tition hitter that out Bold nil other pianos in Chleaco tills la&tyear. viz. . tlio Wcginan piano , wo offer from if.J30OOup. These prices are not for agents. Woodbrldgo Ttroa. , Bell.Dopt , Store. fi73 23. CLAIKVOYAMTS. Rates , lOcalhioeaclUosertlon * 1.5il a line ixsr lonlli. Notlilne uikeu for leas lliuu U3c. Q-M I W. NANNIH 'V , wXuttW. CLAIRVOYANT , OrullablabuslncHtmedluni ; Glhyearat lIllN.lUlh. 817 MASSAGE" , BATHS. STO. Hates lUc a line e.icli luBerllon l.r 0a Una per lentil. Nothlnctaken for Jess than -3c , MAUAMB SMITH , 60aS. ISTH. UNO FLOOR. J- Room : i. M.iBnagu , vapor , ulculiol. uteam. sulphur * no and oa oatns. JI511 ' . ' 5 * -MMK. . CARSON , lliil DOUOLAS , THIRD L floor , room 7i massage , alcohol , tinluhnr and tea baths. M3U iiC' _ I'-MME. LA RUE , MASSAGE , 110 SO. 1BTH. 1 M570D 21 Rales , 10o a line onoh Insertion , f\.M \ a Una per mouth. Nolliliu takuu for less tliau - ' . " > . U * 3wSaAGKTKBATMKNTT ELEOl'llO-THElU mal baths. .S\ > alp and hair treatment , manicure andc'ilruKKllm.Mra.l'ostillH [ ) . .15tli.Vltlitifll blk Bib U-MATRIMONY OR PLEASURE : NEW DEAL. Send'J-ceut btamp to P , O. Box bill. Hastings , Neb. M7UO N'-'B * U-LABIES , SEND NAME AND ADDRESS TO VlaviCo. , 1101 N , V. Llto IlliU. , for a UO-pazo iieallh book. ORIcu conanltuilon freu ; lady In at tendance. 70U-NUO * U-A WIDOW. FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED , asks Homo 01111 to loan her two thousand dollars ( J..IHHI ) to hulp Uur to keep valuable | iroM > rly. which othcTKlbo must bo sacrificed. Address X 10 , Omaha lieu. 115'JI-JO * -IIACHKIXIU 31. AIIOVE REPROACH. worth twelve thousandwlsheit corruspondenco with refined and Intelligent lady , with half or ixinul mcaua , with view .of matrimony. Address iiiillue. UU'JJU * WILL. II. 11UBSER , ADOPTED SON OF James Unbscr , or any emu knowing his wuero- abouts , pleuso tMtnd address. I tst liennl front was kfcplne Fair Mount markft.'j'tli and Grant streets , Oumlm , There la nioJiey coining to you. Address J. u , Kaufman , funeral administrator , Onalaska , Wls. MUW.0 : MONEY TO LO&NREAI * iSTATE. Rates 10 a linn each Insertion , if 1.50 a line par mouth. Nothing taken for Jio > 4 than 'J3o. " " ' V\T"-MONKY"TO'JIMAN AT LOWEST RATES. ' i The O. K. Davis Co. 1503 Farnam itiret. 810 W-LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED cltyiiropcrtv , tl.OJOand ninvartls. 5 to Chi l > ur ccut ; nodelnji > , Vr.r\irnam Smith & Co.Uf.0 Famam \\r-ANTHOXYIXJANANUTRUSTCO..318N , V. 1 Life , leudu at low rates for choice Hconrlty on Kcbrabka and Iowa farm or Onmlui city property. ti-JJ \\r-MONEYTO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON < ' Improved and unimproved Omaha real estald , 1 to 5 ycara , Fidelity trvist Co. , 170'J Faruum. 820 _ _ \V MONEY TO LOAN AT JuImEST RATES. > Apply toV , II Mtikle. Flrtit National flic bldg. 8--J MONEY TO LOAN OdATT4SlS. Ralt-8,10oa lluooach hiBxrilon , I.5i > a line per mouth. Nothing uken for l a ttiHivJ5c. . X WILL LOAN MONEY ON AN V KIND OF SB- curtly ; utriutly couttdeutlaL A. K. Harris , room 1 , Cuntlaunul block. B''U Howajwnt Mrs. Columbus . Now Christopher went on discoveries bcntv < 0f > And captured more honors than ever were irifeknt For mortal to wear. ' " " But Mrs. Columbus , I think yes , I know It. Is pining for notice from rhymster or poetH , Let her have her share , i " - ' While Christopher studied a dingy old chart , She doubtless did washing a heroine's part , And dreamed of the " Fair. ' While Christopher's life was so brightened by hope Her task would have lightened if Santa Claus Soap Had only been there. - * m3 She might have had time to be famous herself , If she'd but hadald from this jolly old elf. Santa Yes Santa Claus'Soap , the good housekeepers say Is the choicest of soaps manufactured to-day , Claus Soap. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. COtltllllltri. jo jjj"Yj , j JAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , email or large , at the lowest posnlbln rales. Itutlie Quickest possible time , and for miy length o ( time tomiHjou. You can pay It back in such Install * mentn as you wish , when you wish , and only pay tor It a ! onc.isyimkeeplL You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAOONS AND OAURIAOKS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. SIEKOHANDI3B OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. , 3011 SOUTH 1GTH STREET , . first door above the street. THEOLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 824 " -DO YOU WANT MONEY ? Wo will loan you ANY SUM von wish on yonr FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. WAOONS , CAIUUAUKS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. We nlve prompt attention to all applications , and willf arry your loan as lonsr as you wlsli. You can reduce the com of currying yonr loan by n payment at any time. There la no publicity or removal of property. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4 , Wlthnell block. Cor. ISth and Harncy ats. 8U.-S BTTSIN.ES3 OHANOcIS. Rates. lOc a ll e each Insertion , $ ! . , ' ( ) a line per month. Nothing taken for less than I'Jc. Y-FOR SALE. AN INTEREST IN A M ANUFAC- turln ? plant ( with position In the omen If so dn- Rlred ) . $1U,000.00 tolSll.OOcasli ( ) ) tvqulrod. No trades considered. The company has nti estab lished trade on a ready selling article at a good profit. Address S OH , Bee. 828 Y FOR SALK. DUOa STOCK : AND FIXTURES ? Address E. E. Howendoblcr , liertrand , Nob. 332 V HARNESS STOCK. NO OPPOSITION : MUST i be sold before January 1 : about $ .C > 0.00 cash required , balance on time. George E. Gill. Ute , la. M30B 2.V FOR SALE. AN ESTABLISHED SHELF AND heavy hardware business In a tlirlvlnx' town In Nebraska. Address W 07 , Omaha Hee. M532 23 A'PAVORABLE OPPORTUNITY TO ENTER an oldestablished business. Will bcopeu Janu ary 1. Increase of business , making desirable ad ditional capital which may be active or sllunt on Riiaranteeti legitimate rutnrns. Correspondcuco or Interview solicited Win. Fleming & Co. . llth and Douglas slrcet. Muti2 FOR EXCHANGE. Rales , lOc a Una each lnsrtloi. $1.30 a line per month. Nothing takeu for less than 23c. Z-I OWN 10U FARMS IN. NKIIRVS1C > , . .KANSAS and Dakota. Will Bell , cheap or exchange for uidse.hoMB8 and cattle , Add.bov70Fi"a9kfort. Ind J 830 _ _ _ r/-rOR EXCHANGE.CLEAR IOWA LAND TO Strode for stock of general merchandise , o books and stationery. Confidential. C. W. J.ickson , Sioux City. la. li.7i : ) US * r/-CLEAR EASTERN NEB. LAND TO EX- lcluinge for mdse. P. O. Box 30J , Fremont. Neb. M4I2 U17 r/-SO ACRES CLEAR LAND TO TRADE FOR grocery stock. Price. $2,000.00 : 4 miles from Central City : 40 acres In cultivation , balance Hi for cultivation. Address lock box 4 ( > 3. Central City , Neb. M17ti D4 * rr STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS e-t want horses and cattle. Box 2'J5 Frankfort , Ind 830 V FURNITURE FOR LAND OR CLEAR CITY property. Brunswick pool table. 100 opera chairs , oak with perforated- beats , 18 wal nut settees , perforated Beats , 3 hardwood dining room extension f ibles , nearly new. Wil liams .V Mlttan , room 313 , MuCague bnlldlnc. oppo- Hlto postofflce. OO7 20 rino TO 1,200 ACRES CLEAR BLACK SOIL "and cash for mdse. D. J. Wilson , Norfolk. Neb. MOSS D24 * Z TO EXCHANGE SEVERAL NICE RES1- donco properties to exchange for land. buslneHS iiioperty orcood clear lots. If you want a nlcu homo I can glvo you a bargain , but want good Sroperty In exchange. II. O. McGee , Council luffs M045 1 y FOR SALK OR TRADE FOR GOOD IM- A/proved farm In north Nebraska , ik.piyinc.iumt market , awful cheap ; prominent loca tion , including dwelling oiv ruaroflot ; slaughter house , 70-ton leu house , feed yards. Iiog shrda stable , etc : 40-acre pasture may bo rented If de- Hired. B. H. Hals , llellwood. Neb. M031 23 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , Idea line each Insertion. $ l.fiU a line 1)3r LontH. Nothing taken for less tlian 23u. 17ARM TOR SALE. JL A choice , well Improved 40-acri" Iracl In Sirpy county.within onn mlle of the town of Lu 1'latte , and only llirro miles from new Fort Crook ; two stations near by : tuxes light In llil-i county : nearness to Fort Ci-ook , O miln and South Omalialnuures goo.l and purniancnl markets for garden truck , fciniill frulls , butter , eggs and poul try , besides usual farm prodnrts. lean offer this splendid property at an attractive iirlco for a short time. Waller G , Clarlc , 1218 Ilaruey st. 370 Dill AUOAINH. HOUSES. LOT'S , ANDFAKMS.SALB or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. 8.11 1OR SALE. ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS , JL line aero lots on Q fit. , half way between Sey mour Park and South Omaha. IIo InterestJ. . A. Dodge. 12UU S. 23th Bt. filS IU BUYS THE EQUITY IN AO-UOOM HOUSE $250 with barn. Mortgaged for $2.1100. Tills properly is worth $0,000. A. it. Cowlo , U. 1 Ben olilg. 3S5 21 * l OR SALK ON EASY PAYMENTS , A C-ROOM - 1cottagu , newly palnled. east front , nearcaraud within walklugdlstaucn of bnsluess. Price 9I.IUU , a good Investment. D. F. Hutchlsou , I0d N. Ifltli. 113 L 23 LOST , RaU-s. 1H" a wora fir4t msartion , lo a word therualter. Nothing taken for l n tliiu 233. r OST , I , A D Y'S GOLD WATCH ANDi "siIORT JUchaln. Ituwanl for return to Boo uttlce. uttlce.D83 D83 2J OST- BUNCH OF KEYS ; NAME PLATE , KN- graved U. Conrad , attached , 1'lcasu n11 urn to UPC o nice 01025' CTRAYED. SATOKDAY , NOTEMDRIi 18TIT , Odarlt bay horw between l.noo and 1,1011 vonnda , whltu star In forehead , wlilto npat un hind foot. Reward for Information or return to CJuo. L. Vra- denbenr , 1U3.I So , 20th stivc-t , Omaha , UOd 23 > T WILL PAY TO ANYONE RnTtJRNING MY JL Iron gate , stolen un last UallowtiVn. J. M. Woolworlh. Mil 18 211 OST BETWEEN TWENTY-FOURTH AND Caltfonda and Fortieth and Hamilton , one car- rlago rob ? . The Under plttasn return U to l&UU Douglaa HU ami rcctUvu reward. t)2U ) 24' HORSES WXNIERED. a , Iflo a line each initertlou. $1.S9 a Una p.-r inonlli. NuUUnr taken for le h than 23o. ORSE3 WINTERED I . mo. : hay and grain twlu a day ; every hur a box stall ; leuvo orders at JT , WIUirow'H.Tele. lUi ) 1122 N 25 _ HORSES WINTERED A SPECIALTY. AVPLY to Coiton'tt barn , corner ISih 'and Cah sinieis. U-flS D8' _ HOUSES \VINTERKU f PER' MONTH , AD- dress W. U. Mtllard , Onmlia National bank. [ ORSES WINTEHED,3TUUEN,12JU PARKAVE. HO11SK3 WINTERED AT WINDSOR STAIILES , 1SIU und Davuniiort. Will receive bent of cam. Tarnib reasonable. * M4rtl DU * O11SK3 WINTERED : * 1 PER'ilONTIf. , AD- drt-as Hopper Ilros. , Klkhorn , Neb.M507 M507 1YPEWKITER3. CMITH3.REMINOTONS.OALIGRAPHS , KVEKY Othluc ; unheard of prices. To I. COB. Uofles it B bbU13 N.Y Llto bid ; . Seal ( or tutuploa SJ7 UNDERTAKEKS AND EMB AIMERS Kilps : , lOc n line each Insertion. $1.30 a Ihi3 pur montli. Nothing taken for lc i tliAn 'Joe. -1 W. BAKF.R ( FORMKRLY WITH jbYiN O. viii-uos , deceased : later with M. O , Maul ) , under taker and embalmer , ( HD S. lUlh su Tnl. ( till ) . 833 K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND . embalmer. 1018 Chicago SU Tel. 1)0. ) MI51 SECURITIES FOR SALE. ItnlcH , inoalhipcaph Insorlloii. S1.30 a line l > er nonth. Nothlur Liken for loss than 2uc. K joAOK3. ANV AMOUJfT. G. V-/O , Wallace. Drown block. 10th and Douglas. 81'KHCENT MOBTQAOKS FO1C SALK. SKGUIl- Hy absuhilcly safe , Ames lloal Kslato uoncy , 1017 Karnain. S3U FOR RENT HAI/LS. Rates , lOonltuocnch Inaartloii , Sl.'iU a line per month. Nothing taken for li-si _ _ tliun 'Jjc' . AKMORY HALL. 1714 CAPITOL AVKNUK. AND'saHiMitiibly rooniH. 1510 Hamey MtiT-pt , forbillfl , club parties , mi-eUnss , etc. ! rent very cheap ; halls llrst-claa . Call at 1310 Harnoy. M1II8 PI _ JDANOrNG ACADEMY Kates , lOc a llnep-ioli Insertion. $1.50a line per month. Nothing taken for le s than ' - ' . " > c. ItTOIlAND'S DANCING SCHOOrlolO -I'Aslrect. I esHon-i foradultH , TuisiUy auilThnrrt- < liy 8 t . in. : chllilron. Tiiosulay 4 p. in. , Saturday 10 a. iu. and ' _ ' :30 p. ni. Terms very reanonablo. Ml OH D4 SHORTHAND AND TYPBWRITING Hates , 1 Oca linecncli Insertion , $1.50a Una P3r month. Nothing taken for IcsiAhan'jc. . OUNO-LADin's AND C5KNTEMEN CAJf SOON ROiulran worklnir knowledge of Hliprtlmnd and tvpcwrltlnsr at A.C. Van Sanl.H school of short hand , 013 N. Y. Life. Trjx-writHra to rent. 831 PAWNBROKERS. Rates. lOc a Hue each Insertion. ? ! . . " ( ) a line per month. Nothing taken for Ics-r thun 'J.V ; . SONNENOBBGr DIAMOND IIUOKEU. 1303 Donglan tit. LiOaiiR money on ( Uamoiids , watchea.ctc. Old cold and silver bonjlit. Tel. 155S Rntes , lOca line each Insertion , $ l.ii ( > a line per inonlli. Nothhiff taken foif leyt than -'Je. TVTEW AND SECXJND HAND SCALEd.AniJ KINDS. i > AOdreas Burden A , SulleckCU. , Lake st.Clilcayo. MUSIC , ART AND Ilaies , lOc a line each Insertion. fl. , \ } n line per month. Nothlns taken for 1cm than 'Jjc. F. OELT.KNnECK , BANJO1ST AND TEACHER GF.In 10 California Bt. 014 DRESSMAKING. Kates , 1 Oca line each Insprl Ion $ I..V ) a line per month. Nothing' taken for less than y.'e. " IlESSES , $1 ; WKAI'PEUS. f'J 00(5 ( JI. ' 24TI L" 1I7-J3 TIIK KKAr.TY M.VKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Novem ber 24 , IS'JJ : WAIIRAXTY nKKDS. Kll/nbotli Mullrndnre anil linshnn'l to li M 1'uffer , lot 15 , hlock 1 , Kinory's add to Valley . 1 B53 N O Hrown to Kllen Ilurrls. n - " > foot lots 19 and 20 , block 3. Union 1'lace. 2,500 I ! K ICriiBorandwifotoWH T ICmircr , sSsoO-lQ-l' ! . . ' . . . . 6,000 , J 0 BurRnor , special innster , lo A. II Hunt , s 21 feet lot 2 , block 1 , I'.it- rlck add . . . 855 II It Iroy. county treasurer , to JIc- Cacuo Investment comiiany , lot 2 , Grlflln& Smith's add . . Total amount of transfers . $ 0,408 BURKAU. SUES& CO. . SOUClTOHS.noo X' . O.MAI1A. NEU. Advlco Kit BE. RRILWRY TIME CRRD _ , uifroA.i ) . i Al lit 114 Omaha I U. P. Pi-put aiHiM.trgy Sis. Omaha : pinl Chicago " " , ' 0.13 am ILilOsuil ' ' 'V' " i" " . Leave * I " F. . E. , fc MO ? t4.VLLUY Arrive * Omaha ! Di-iwt l.lli am ) vttili-tter Sts. ( Omaha . .Deadwool'1VMM1 ' ! | 4.&Upai ll.Ouam UJx. Sat.l Vffo. KxpjiUc. Mon.l 4.50 pn SjiOpm [ .Norfolk Kxprtws. tJS * 8an.-l.iyi , HUTa-ii B.4Spni' ' . . . . . . . .SI. Pan ! pJrprJjHa. . . . . . . | -'Siu Leaves CHICAGO i NORTILVVESTN. ( Arrives Oaialial U. P. dt'inl. Hlty , y..M'iroy SH. 1 Oaiih lU.4Uam , Cldc.abKxDiMii4. . . . . . . I H.ilipiu 4.U3pm . . . . .VestlbiilnLfiuit'i' . . . . . 11.20i-n : 7.00pm . . . . . . . .Eaxtcni Fb'et I 2.1Sp'ii . . . .Chic. Pa s ,1235pji eaves T MISSOURI PACIFIC. | Arrlvoa " Omaha ! Depot 15th and Webster 81 % . I O u i j f'-'JO pm , . . . . .StTLoulH KVprvs-J.- . . , , u on mil 10.0(1 ( pm St , Loula ExprcsH 41(1 ( D u S.10 pm Dally { ex Sum Nebraska Local 0.10 an : Lenvca C. ST..P , . MiO. Omalia _ _ M5tiraiidVjbte _ . " H.DOam . .Sioux City"Ac 'OrtimoJill0" Sioux City Expruu ( Ex. S.uu ) 5.43pm t. Paul Llinttcd 0.10pm Oakland 1'umunjor 'Kx. Sun.l Leaie * I SIOUX ClT V . Unialnl Dtfpql.UI anJMaruy-Sly " ( IJS3 am . . .Sioux city I'XM ouier. . _ 4.00pm' ' . . . .81. PoulJExpryKj SIOUX ClTYTfpACiFlC ; ' Omuua Deiwt. ISUi and W-ib UrSt * Omalia 5.45pm | . . .St. PanI Limited 5.43pni | mUud. . 0.23am Leavcc I OMAHA sr i jjir Irrlvcas OmahaU\ ) . Uupot. IQtU and Marcri Ouiabk "j.4 J pin ] "SU LouU Uoiiuou UM..ll' DUN'S ' AND BRADSTREET'S ' Tra3o Waiting for a Eovival in the Great In dustries of the Country. GRADUAL INCREASE OF BUSINESS NOTED "VVlnlo the rredlctoil lira of I'nuporltr Itai Not llnmt Into Sudden , thtf Outlook U Hotter tlmn fur . 1'att. New Youir. Nov. 21. K. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ot trade aiys : Consumption Increase * slowlyand nil branchcsot business nro walling for its growth. The railroad earnings for the month thus far urn only 3.00 per cent less than those of last year , the decrease for the latest week balng oven smaller in freight earnings. Trade waits for the revival of industries , nnd the week's returns respecting industrial progress are rather conflicting. There has been n heavy sale of cotton poods at very satisfactory prices nnd the market has decidedly strengthened In con- sequence. Though the production In this branch Is still somewhat loss than it was a. year ago , the market for goods at current pticcs is strong. In woolens thcro is an Increased domacd , notwithstanding several mills having orders for l.OLKI pieces or more have closed , the orders tot being so as sorted as to glvo them profitable employ ment. But the sales of wool have been the largest since September , 1SU3 , amounting at three chief markets to S,0 i,500 pounds , against 4,813,590 pounds for tlm.wcelt last year , and whllo it Is stated that many pur chases are of a speculative character , thcro is evidence that largo buying by active mills is prompted by Increased orders. In Hums anil .Shorn. In the manufacture of boots and shoos the demand employs an increased number of factories , and tha orders are in number about as usual for the season , though smaller in quantity. The shipment from Boston , according to the Shoe and leather Hoportcr , shows a decrease of 12 per cent for the wcelt. A gradual increase in the business is rc- ported at all centers not wholly confined to orders for immediate delivery. A MOW com pact of the steel rail producers , the Penn sylvania and the Maryland works having been leased to others in order to keep them iule , has checked the increase in purchasers of ore and coal and other materials , nnd the Pittsburg manufacturers are playing havoc with eastern markets through the prices made in that region. ' There is a considerable increasn in the number of concerns in operation , but there docs not appear to be much gain in actual consumption of pig iron , and prices arc as low as over. Even in thoPittsburg nistricts. where tlie business seems more active than elsewhere , the works are not fully employed , and the state of manufacture is shown by thd returns ot Connellsville coke furnaces , of which 15.485 are iu operation and 11,000 are idle , the output being only 57,755 tons weekly. In the minor metals the sale ot 5.000,000 pounds of copper at 'J } ( cents by the Calumet - mot & Ilecl.t has been followed by higher prices , and lead and tin are both firmer. 1'roduco .Markets. The markets for produce have been irreg ular. Wheat hns advanced 1 cent , though the receipts have been 4,300,000 bushels , against 5r > 00.000 last year , and the exports from Atlantic ports only 000.000 bushels , against 1,900.000 last year. The corn re ceipts are remarkably large , amounting to 3,000.000 bushels , against 1,300,000 last year , and the price declined I cent. There has been a slight decline in oil , about K ( cent in coffee , and also iu hogs , and ' $1.50 in uork. > ' " ' Cotton is a sixteenth higher , though con siderably depressed during tno week , with receipts of 'J42.000 bales , against ' . 1.000 for the same week last year , and the belief in a short-crop docs not "outweigh the fact that stocks abroad and at homo arc 3,242,000 bales , about 40 per cent of a full year's con sumption. Failures for the week nuts bored 353 in the United States , against 180 last year , and thirty-four in Canada , against twenty-nine last year. But the list this week includes some of more than usual importance. For the preceding week tno liabilities of firms falling amounted to only 33,524,812 , agaihst $3,727,407 the week before. The weekly average is way beyond what it should be in times of prosperity. IJItAUSTRECT'S KBVIISIV OF TRADE. Symptom * of a of JIiMlncas Notice able Everywhere. New YORK , Nov. 24. Bradstrcet's will tomorrow say : A feature has been the stimulus of sales of seasonable staples of cotton wear at Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha , Milwaukee , Minneapolis , Duluth and St. Paul , at almost all of which centers winter clothing , flannels , shoes , hats and , in some instances , hardware have been in great demand by country merchants. In quiry in the city trade is smaller. Second only in importance are improved collections at Atlanta , Chattanooga , L/ouIsville , Omaha , St. Paul nnd Duluth. A tendency to make terms for purchases of iron and steel for future deliver.1 , at Piltsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago and St. Louis constitutes additional symptoms of a revival in these Industries , the beglnningof which promises to mark the opening of the new year. There is no ad vance in prices of commoner grades of iron ur steel , both selling at the lowest figures on iccord. The nominal advance in rails is because leading makers have renewed their agreement. Pig iron production is increasing slowly , and the total output for the year promises to reach 7,450,000 gross tons , a total of 17 per cent smaller than in JSUi The relative stiff prices for wool at westcin ctnters place that staple there above a parity with eastern ouotations ana checks the movement. ThoLouislanucanesugarerop will probably amount to 515,000,000 pounds , 15 per cent more than last year , while the toiul sugar crop throughout the rest of thu country Ii estimated at 44,000.000 pounds for 180J 03 per cent lursrer than last year , but aggregat ing only one-tenth thosiie of the Kouiai.ina cuiio sugar crop last year. Brudstrcet's estimate of domestic wheat available for export during the remaining months of the cereal year indicates that nearly 2,000,000 bushels of wheat are likely to prove avnllablo for export weekly if needed , notwithstandingourhavingoxpurtcd more than 80,000,000 bushels up to the mid- aloof November. Exports of wheat ( flour as wheat ) , both coasts , this week aggregate 2.7C4.000. bushels , contrasted with ' buihcls Pore Norwepn oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion' Hypophos- pliitcsof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ageu. will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases' P lured hr Scott 4 Down * . N Y All drn last week nnd 4,032,000 Inlands In the same weak of ISfll. Navigation hns about closed at Montreal ana will soon close nl llufTnlo. Failures number aV4 in the Unttoil Slate * In the past week , nprMnst ISO last year and 242 In that week of 18UI. Montreal reports' that Canadian cattle ox- poriera h\ro : had nit unprodtiiblo season. Grain exports at that port this Rci3on nro 10 per cent heavier than lait year. Huslness is unusually dull ana the holiday tr.ttlo not promising. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl.KAUI.NU Oin.ihi Munrn K .MnrUol Improrcmrnt Over Ihr I'rrerdlniVcck NKW YOIIK , Nor. 2-1. The weekly bank cleanups ns compiled by flradslrect's for the week ended Novembers. } , sbowiticr llio pcrcontago of Incrcaso or docrcaso of the ; cities : fLKAIUSO * . Dominion of l.'ot Included in toWls. \\AI.I , STitKIIT t'Oli A WKEK. loual Inturents Aculii 1'itriiUhcd All the Activity for tlio Past AV c-it. NEW Youic , Kov. Bradstreet's finan cial review says : 7Jrofcssiocil interests have continued to fumUh all tlio activity which the stock raarlcot-exliibits. Europe's part in current speculation is too limited at present to have any effect and the public indifference is shown because of tlio limited participation of commission houses in the transactions. . In spite , however , of these disadvantages , the tone of the market has undergone a change for the bettor , a section of the operators having apparently taken to the bull side , the operations beinjt factllated by both" the largo outstanding short interest ana the apparent failuru of tnc bear element to force out Holding * of long stock. The up- war.l movement of prices was moat con- spicious on Tuesday nnd Wednesday last. Attention centered chiefly in industrial groups , but under the lead of active bullish manipulation in supar , and some of the members of that croup , the railroad share list exhibited moderate Improvement with a slight incre.T.4'6" iu activity , the tone of the tradinp on Friday being strengthened by a moderate advance in the Vnudcrbllt stocks. AAXUU.VHMKXC1. . ' Tlio Span of Life1' comes to the Boyd on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday of rcxt week , with William Calder's company , di rect from the California theater , San Fran cisco , where it has just concluded one of the most remarkable engagements of recent .years. The play will ba handsomely staged here. The "span" scone is , of course , the crowning one , but excellent in its way is also the scene outside the lighthouse , where Blunt , with one arm useless , climus the lighthouse to ring the fog bell just as a big steamer looms up through the mist nnd a boat comes with help from the shore to light the hitherto nnlighted lamps. Tlio sale of seats for the entire engagement opens this morning , _ * Today Mr. Haswln and his company will give two iKH'formaueos of the melo drama , "Tlio Silver ICinp. " at Boyd's thea ter a imuiiico at 2:39 : this afternoon and the regular evening performance at 8. Bring the children to see "The Silver King. " It will teach them n moral lesson that will last them as long us they live. " 1'ho Silver King" closes its engagement at the Boyd to morrow ( Sunday ) evening , From the present outlook Hobort Downing will duplicate his success of lust season when lie plavcd onoof tlio largest engage ments linancially in the ammU of thu new Boyd. Four of ho strongest plays in Air. Downing's repertoire will bo given and will include "Ingomar , " "Tho Oiadiator. " "Vir- Binius , " and his newest success. "Ilicliard the Lioii Hearted , " all of which will ho mounted with new and appropriate scenery and stnpo effects. The supporting com pany , which is , without doubt , the strongCHt accompanying any legitimate star now be fore the public , is led by that beautiful woman and charming actress , Eugene Blair. anil includes that sterling actor , 1-Mmund Collier , formanv seasons tlio leading1 sup port to the late John MeCulloujli. Next week Omaha theater-poors will have an opportunity to welcome Cosgroro & Grant's comedians In "The Dazzlcr.1 The engagement is for ono week commencing Sunday afternoon , with un extra matinco Thursday. * _ The demand for IXHCCS for the concert of the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs association , wliich takes placu at Boyd's theater on the evening of December ! W , hits been so great that tho'Ynlo Alumni of tills city , who have hud tha matter iu charge , have abandoned their Intention of reserving the boxes for themselves anil liavo decided to put the same dp at pjbllc auction itt IU o'clock on the morning of .Saturday , December ! . ' : ) , at which time they will bo sold to the person offering tha higUest premium for ( .liu uholra of boxes Absolutely no seats will bo set usldo for any- ona prior lo the opening of the box ofllco for tha sale of tickets , and n clean sheet will bo exhibited to the tint parson at the window. Preparations for the subscription ball to fol low the concert uro progrpsslng finely , the committee being now assured that It will bo a grand success , llurrlauu J.ICOIIXM. The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday : Kumound Address. RlmorT Allen , lAivoland , Cole . 17 ! ( Hello Viirmnu , Vluelund , Kan . . . 'i.'i J Goer u W , I.anir , Dousing , Nch . 'i'A I MarfcUuuiupy , UmiUia . ' . . , . IS TIIHCUT DiiUASErt commence with a cough , cold , or sura throat. Uiion'.s's BKONCIIUL Tuocuus'1 give immediate relief , OM.T IN UOXE& I'rico ' > cti. MURDERER MILTON'S ' CAREER Followed the Example of Cain Both in Deed and Weapon. FILLS A PAUPER'S ' GRAVE UNMOURNED of it Mix n wimtfl Oreril fjr ( itln I. til Him to 1'niiiniH n Cnlil ttlooilrd .Mur. it r < l In Donjlai County for Vcur . For a number of years Minor Milton has been n charge upon Douslas county nnil has occupied quarters at the pear farm , but ho Is there no longer , as ho tins p.tssctl axrny and his boity has boon hid in n paupct'j grave. At tlio rlpoold avoof Stycari , Milton - ton died Thur.iilay nl ht and loJuy thot-o uro no frloiuls orrclntlvos to ir.ouruso far as U known. ' 1 ho old man \vasono of the carllctt settlers tlors In tlio state , and onu who had : i his tory. In 1S4S ho lof I an eastern hume itnd unlisted In the United Stains army , going to Mexico , vhcrc ho stirred his country until the close of hostilities , receiving two wounds , which assisted In placing him on the pension roll of his country. After bu- itiK dlschargoJ from the service ho drifted n'tout the country for n few years uml then c.imo to Nebraska , locating in Washington county , not far from Fontcnollo. where ho took up iv honiratcnd. Theru he lived iind was conslilcred ouo of the most rcapoctablu citizens , acciumiliitln ? a snull forltino In lands , horses und cattlo. In those days l.inds in Nebraska were ni frcons iilratul could bo had by simply p ty ing the government fee. Milton secured nil that ho could carry an 1 cjvtHuJ for uoro , one particular a portion of a school section which adjoined hU many acres. This tract had been squatted upon by Henry King , and was being \\cll improved. Rich morning , as Milton arose from his bed , ho would look out of his honsj unJ swoir that ho would hiivn the ICin ? f.irrn. oven if ho had to wade through olood in order to secure it. Upon several occasions ho sent word to Henry King and u young brother that In order to avoid trouble they would h.tvo to move out. 1'jH'h tlmo the Kings sant b.iclc word thct they were not of the moving kind , and that they proposed to hold the land , as it was their own uml hud boon improved and paid for with money which they had hon estly earned. Itlonil-Stmnril Tne * ol HUtory. As lime rolled on the neighbors took sides and a long and bitter feud followed , which in thu end audcd several bloody pages to the early history of Washitisttm county. The house of the Kings was burucd , their crops were destroyed ami their caltlo killed. Being orderly disjioscd citizens , they did not seek vengeance , but allowed the Uw to take its course. They swore out a warrant against Milton , charging him with malicious destruction of property , and had him bound over to api > ear at the next , term of fie dis trict court. This urousod the ire of Milton and his gang , ail ot whom took a solemn oath that the Kings would have to die or leave the country. On the morning of May 10 , 1876 , Milton and two Swedes , who had taken up arms ngainst the Kings , and who were namo.l Chrlstenscn and .Icnson , respectively , drove over to Blair , where they tilled up with liquor. They went from a.iloon to saloon and uwore they were going to kill the Kings. Editor In the uay Henry King and his young brother xvenu to Blair and wore at once in formed that Milton was upon the warp-tlh and that he was bent UIKJII killing. They laughed at this , but Kept shid ; > during the entire day , starting for homo Just . \fter darlc. They had gone but : i short dlstnnca when they discovered that , they wcro being , pursued by Milton and his lurty. They nut the whip to ' their horses and for several miles it was a r.ico for life , rioclng that their horses were failing , they drove to the house ot a farmer in order to seek safety. As they jumjwd from the wagon Milton drove up and , loaning out of his vehicle he throw th6 lines to oae of the S\Vedcs and commcurud Bounding Henry King over the head wfh | a heavy club. The first blow felled him to the ground and the next crushed his skull. Nor sitisBcd with that , he continued his cruel v.ork until tno man's head was pounded to a Jelly and hfo was extinct. Then turmni ; his attention to the young King , Miltou beat him over the head until hu was insensible , after which ho jumped into his wagon andlighting his pipe , drove homo. Xnrrovrly K c.i | > cil HeliiR Lynched. The news of thu murder \vas soon con voyed to Blair , where thu sheriff organised a posse uu went out to arrest the mur derer. Upon reaching his house it was found that Milton had barricaded the doari und had climbed into the loft , from wherj ho delled tha ofilcer. The sheriff tried coax ing , but it failed to have its cftcct. Not car- ins to go Into a ( lark loft and cope with a murderer , the sheiiff tried another plan , lie went to a haystack nnd procuring a bunch of hay. carried it to the house , built a flnf In the center of tlio kitchen anil directly 4 under where .Millon was Ijicj ? . Thinking f that he was to be burned to death in his own house , the man capitulated and came do'.vi ; from his fortress , surrendering , lie wai taken back to Blair , where u lynching party was organized. The sheriff got wind of was going on , and taking his pris oner out of the little wooden jail , brought him to Omalia , where ho was kept until thu convening of tlio district court in Washing ton county. The trial was had in the fall of IbTO. with JudRO Savage presiding. Too state was represented byV. . J , Conncll , who was then discrict attorney , whllo the pris oner was defended by Charles H. Drown of this city. The trial consumed a week's limo and within two hours after being submitted the jury returned n verdict , finding that Milton was guilty of murder in tto first de cree. > At tha end uf tha tuna ho was sen tenced to bo handed and the date llx.ed for tlio day following Christmas of that year. A fuw days litter the cass was appealed to tha supreme court and in the spring a now trial was granted and a unaugo u ( venue ordered to Douglas county. The second trial , however , wasuoyer held , for by an agreement of the attornois Milt Ion was allowed to plead RUllty to tmn- slaughter , and by .Tudgo Savage lie was sen tenced to a ter.n of ten years in the penU tcntiary , lie served the full tlmo and was released Iu tua full of 1SS7. After his re lease ha returned to his home noir Ulnlr , there to Und that Ills property had aisap- loarod and that he was a pauper. Coming uck to Onnhi : , he iuafcd about silooin : un > l dives until sent to llio poor farm , uhcro hu remained until the tlmij of lift death , Hood's ars'iparlllu , tlio king of medicines , conquers scrofula , catarrh , rlieumatlsm unJ all oilier blood diseases. Hood's und only Hood's. Sou thu great bale of pianos und organs on jmiio 7. Cullril ItauU , Sormi time ago Ophlu.Vhcolcr was nr , rested on a nominal ehar o an t as alia did not havo'tho .price of her line uho was son- tcnced to the county Jail. Darlnsr her incar ceration n well divsioJ cra/.y wonnn was detained In the woman's department for : \ few days. During this time thi > latter was robbed. Ophle served her tlmo nnd wait iJIs- cliui-KCil and slio went to Lintolu. A coupio of days ago the theft was discovered and yesterday the county sheHif of till * county went to Lincoln and placea Uphlo und-T un-est on thu charKO of larceny from tto : person. Ho brought the prisoner bade to Omaha last eveningnnd had her locked up In the city Jail. Miss Wheeler is charged with stealing u fur cloak und a brooch. Du'A'itt's Witch Ihuel Hulvo cures aoras. loVltt'sVitoli llaiel Salve cures Ulcer * , " 1 ll lui ril on liulli The preliminary hearing ot Helen TroU' douvousUy was commenced In poliite court yesterday. Oivin ? to tw ! jat.innss of lh hoar all of the testimony could nut bo heard and thu court adjourned until today , 'J'ti woman U accused of stcullii ? about ilOQ ) north of clothing from thu late Mrs , Uaniao clottl , The woman'.i bonds \raiollxctl at $ lXM ) and us her friends uauiu to her ussUt- anco she was released on bail lu t ni hk The bearing will be ronsludeU today. DeWltt'e Witch Haiol iHTucurc * aUe *