Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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After Ruling Weak Nearly All Day Wheat
Suddenly Advanced.
Operator * Itnallztil Hint He Noedcd Wlient
mid Immediately Jtun that Ccrcnl Up
Several Points Corn
Dull mill llvarr.
CnicAfio , Nov. 24. After ruling lifeless
nnd heavy for the greater part of the day ,
wheat suddenly advanced the last half hour
un heavy buying for local nccountand _ closed
with n pain of { o for December and % e for
May. Corn averaged * weak , but closed nt
ttio same prices as the day before. I'ro-
visions were dull , pork and ribs firm and
In rd weak.
Wheat opened at yesterday's closlnjr Hi-
tires and cased off n trillo on dull early
cables. Nortnwestcrn receipts were llpht ,
hut WO cars being reported , and although
this did not have so much of an effect as the
hulls expected , yet It forced the price back
to the opening figures. The export cloar-
nnces were small and cables continued un-
Mtlsfactory. The price dropjW back to
where It had landed early and for
some tlmo Hung heavily at file for
JJcccmber and 01e for May. The
closing cables were weal : , but Just
then so mo wheat was wanted and the crowd
was short. Singer offered SOO.OOO uu. nnd
] 'odlc snapped It up In a manner that made-
the operators dizzy. Kvcry one seemed sud
denly to discover that ho wanted some
wheat. Dullness pave place to animation
nmJ for twenty minutes prices rose steadily
until December and May had scored substan -
tlnl ( jaliis , closing at the day's top figures.
May opened with sales nt OT c , lost 'j'c ,
milled ' 8c , declined J4'c and rallied } fu to
the close at CMUe.
Cora was dull and rather heavy , opening a
trillo under yesterday's closing price. The
dry , cold weather was considered favorable
for the grading of now corn ami was one of
the causes of the depression' , which
became moro manifest us the day
advanced. Heavy estimated receipts
for tomorrow also helped tlio
decline , but wheat's closing bulge caused a
rally and the previous loss Was overcome.
I May opened * ffa lower at WJa , lost ' c ,
rallied } 4'c , lost % a and rallied -tfc to the
close at aujfc.
Oats wcro quiet and followed corn in its
fluctuations. Offerings were light and buy-
ITH few. Opening c lower than yesterday ,
H closed at liO o for December. May sold
off J.jO and raautcd % c at the close at COjS.fe.
I'rovlslons wcro firmer with light hog re-
fclpts , prices at the yards from 15c to UOc
higher , and some covering by shorts. As
compared with last night , January pork is
T'-iO higher ; January lard , ! 3' c lower , and
January ribs 7 > f higher.
Kstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
JIM ) cars ; corn , 405 cars ; oats , 155 cars ; hogs ,
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Ciihli ( piotations were as follows :
1'i.ouu Dull.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , ClJSc ; No. 3 spring ,
Cln ; No. a red , 01 We.
.ronx No. 2 , 30" < c.
OATS No. ' . ' , l7ic ! ; No. 2 white , 20 ? . ;
fciii-i No. 3 while , a
ItVK-Nu. 2 , 40'Jc. '
HAIH.KV No. i ! , nominal ; No. 3 , 4053c ; No.
4 , 38 < 344c.
I'LAxScisn No. 1. tl,14M.14i. !
TIMOTIIV HKKII I'rltnc , $3.21) .
I'OiiK-.Mi'ss , per hbl. , U2.75ai3.00j lard , per
100 Ibs. , JS.ftO&B.GO ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , ; dry sal'cd shoulders ( u'oxpdi ,
I7.00U7.20 ; short clear sides ( bo.xod ) , 17.70 ®
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
fl 10.
Suo.uts Out loaf , OJiC ; granulated , tic ;
stmidiml "A-I7 c.
The following were the receipts and bhlp-
jueiiis for today.
pkis. ; ninrkol dull , clo lng qnlct ; inllliiatonts ,
4.'jr.a4.50 ( ; winter palcntK , J3.40 3.CO ; city
mill I'lenrs , } 3.00J. ( < & ; winter stratghtN ,
t2.HOQ'.1.20 ; Mlnnuapolls piilents , < 3.H&a4.00j
wliitoro.stras , J2.20W2.70 ; Minneapolishakors ,
IJ.aOfflil.OO ; winter , low craik-H , ( fl,702.2.'j ;
( prliiK. low grades , tl.G&iOl.'JO ; hprliiK , extra ,
ll.ll5U2.-ir > . t
C'OIIN McAir-Steafly ; yellow western , 12.70
Itve Dull ; bnatloails , 5.5lic | ,
ItAlli.KV Dull ; No. 2 Mllwaukoo , C3Q04C.
HAIII.KY MAI.T Dull ; wosturn , OOQBUc ; slx-
rowi'd , HOffiHOc.
WIIKAT Id'colplR , 370,000 hn , ; o.vports. 10-
OOi ) hu.Ules ; 2,200,001) ) liu. futures , 104.0UO
hu. * | K > t.- p < ] l inarkut ( ] iilutcloslng'tlrm with
prices moru Iliinly limit ; No. 2 red , In store
und nluvutiv 01' 'S ( > 7c ; Afloat , 07 (308 ( 0 ;
f. to. 1) ) . . 07 ( i tie : No. 1 northern , 71 > i ®
71 Uc ; No. 1 tiard , 71j ; 72c. Options , dull
mid wiiiiker caily nn < lSiuipointlni ; cabin
news , rallied latur on ilcrrcnshiK refelpt.s and
coverlnK of shnrls rand clnseiliat ' . ; c nut nd-
vniico ; No. 2 red , January , ( iT'jGlGH'ir. clos
ing at OHUe : rohruiiry. < ) DSfilUic ! , closing
iittl'J'jc : M rch , 70'u < ( i70 c. ulObliiB ut 704c ;
Slay , 72itt73Wc , clo lnj : at72jci ! December ,
OII > i OlJ' c , closln ut 00''c.
I'oitS-lti'Ci'lplH , 144,000 Dn. ; exports , 05-
000 1m. ; hilley. 1)70,000 Int. futures , dC.UOO bu ,
hpot. Huol , ilull , closing hluiuly : No. 2 , 44J4'c
In eluvutor-I&nia-lMicMillaiil Opt Ions opunud
hteiuly , hut nut iictlve , mined ( Inn In tlio
afternoon with wheat , niul closed l-lOJi'.o '
lilKlicnJanuiiryrl4 , tt44 tc , closed at 44tc ;
Mny 4B' ftt.4U\ic. \ closi'd ut 40 < ; j November
closed at 44iu ; December , 44G441ci' ?
ut 44.c.
nn , 34Q3&lie ( ( ; track , whltu Svcbtern , 35 ®
41e ; track , whltu state , 3&41c. Outlons , mar
ket opened hteiuly , advanced > > % ' < ( : In the
afternoon with wheat and corn and clo i < < l
tlrmi January , U-l ? ft'J&e , clo.sed at 3&c ; May ,
5 iU3r.Sc , closed at 3.ri > , c ! November clobi'il
at U4' c ; Dcccmbor , . 3-l ! ii31c ; , closed ut
HAYDulhHhlnpIng , GOc.
HIDES I'lrmor.
I.KATiii-ii-l'Irni ! liumlocksolo , lluenob Ayres.
llubt to heavy uelKhls , 1-iaiUc.
WooirKlnnur ; doini-stlc lleeco , 10Q27c :
imllcd , 204tir ! Texas ,"'c
I'liovihlONH-lk'of , fclfudy ; cut meats ,
hleuily ; plcklvd Hheuldurx. fu.00iiu,26. I.ard
llrm ; wt > i > lorn htciim cloM'd ut f'J.'JU ; out Ion
ualcs , Novinibeiclosed ut fi ) , mniilnul : Jiih-
uury. IH.25 nonilnul , I'ork , aulot ; fancy , J17.00
< iilH.6o : hhorl clrar. flT.OU&lu.uu.
IlpTTBli Knsy ; western dairy , 17Q22o ; wr-ht-
orn CH'amery , 204t27iC ! ! KlKlns , U7)iciblato )
dnlry. 104J20C1 Hta o < 'nunifry,222t ! .
-Htimilysktute , liirin ) . oaa\ci smnll.
10U tia , ' < cj purl bklins , 4it'Jic ( ) ; full
'OTTO > tiiKi : ) uii yellow , 3D < a30c.
I' United closed at 76c
IjnsiN Pto ily ; strained , common to good ,
Tuai'KNTiNtt Steady at 80iQ3l ; > ic ,
KICK Klrint doineiillc , fair to eMra , SL'oi
Japan , 4tV J4fc.
MoMtiKKB-Htoady ! New Orleans , , open ket-
tli . Rood to choice , 35Q.4c. ( )
1'jti IHONAmerican , * 12.0014.50.
- Steady ; laki > ,
and Muad masttQ , l3.C7tJ ,
TlN-Quloti Mrulti. I20.0& hid : bales on
Vhiinco , 10 UIIIK Novomlwr tin at (20.7O.
fonAM Huw , htpiidy ; fnlr rcllnlii ) : , 2Hc ; CPII-
, trlfnaaU , DO ti-iit. 3' o utkcd ; rullnrd , inurket
I titoady : mould A , 4UO4 Ib-lCc ; ktundard A ,
A 7 > lUiMfCl confectlunttrit A , 4 7-lO t-tSc ; cut
loaf , 64t& a-lOc ; crushed , OQ53-ltior pondered ,
413-16QSC ! uranul.-xlcil , 49-10 14VCj ctil > e .
Tolnl Clrnrnnrr * from All I'ortu Slnco Stp-
Icnilii-r , IHICI ,
NcwVonKNov.24. rnllovvlnp nro tlio total
rloiminrt'sof roHon tit nil noili nliicc Scutom-
licr. Ifl03j ( inhesion , fi3r..t)3iibnl ) < : si Now Or-
lcnn < > , 705,101)1 ) l > nlo ; Savinimli ; , 523,717 bales :
( 'linrlcfttoti , 21D.7O1 balr ; Wlltnlnirton , 100-
174 billet : N ifnk. : 212,117 lialrs : riaUlinnlc' ,
Ui.nooiiiilcsi New York. 14,332 bales ! lloston ,
10,000 Imloi ; NrwpiirtNi-ws. H.UOl tialcs ; Phll-
udelphla. 10.100 biilnn ; West Point , Vn. , 00,2fiO
hales : HrtltiHwIck. 1H.UOO bales ; VnJiwPO , 4,100
; mjVr.i ; ; | acoln. 22,110 Imlps , T' ' lal , V'.OSD-
A WW UHIO,1 ? . "
NEW Oni.KAN.o , Nov. 24.- COTTON futures
steady : suit" , 77,500 bnlrss Nuvnulicr. 17.45 ;
Deccinbpr , ? 7.62 ; January , } 7.72ft7.73 : IVbru-
nry , l7.82fA7.83 : March , % 7.U24a7.03 ; April ,
B.Oa8.tH.liini' ) : 8.hVS&.irinlildllilp,7clnv ; (
mlddllim , 7-\i' ; KOOI ) ordinary , " < ; i el receipts ,
10,7fll bales : aross rrcelplx. 12.010 bales ! ex
ports to Great llrltaln , < ! ,0'J3 lialcs ; Trance ,
1,250 hitlos ! Coiillnen'l , 300 hnlcs ; cont\vUe ,
3.230 hales : 1r . 0,000 bales' , Mock , 282,3rt7
haln < ! net tecclpti , H0.317 hale < ( ! Rros ,
U3.U13 bules ; exports to ( treat Britain , : i5,4U.'i
bales ; Tiance , .10,007 halci ; continent. 300
bales ; coastwise , 18'J.M ) hairs ; hales , 34,450
ST. I.oi.'ts , Nov. 24.- COTTON I'lrm : mlil-
dllnj ; , 7 c ; Allies 1,300 liiiles ; iccelpts 0.300
bales ; Blilpinenls , 0,100 bales ; stock , 34,300
UAI.VKSTO.V. Nov. 24. Mnrl > ol steady jinld-
01 1 iik' , 71i-H > ci low middling , 7jc ; ucxxl
oidlnary , 7 l-10c ; net and L'IOSS icciiliiti ,
fi.riOO hnlesj iv\norts to Ureat llrltaln , 7,100
bales ! sales , 2,24 1 hales.
Ml. r.onu .MnrUrS .
ST. I.ouis. Nov. 24 1'i.ouu llnchanecilj
palentsJ3.00B3lfit extra fniicy , (2.05 < a2.75 ,
WIIKAT Opened linn , hut soon eased off !
later It advanced and closed "iflc above
ye.stelday ; cash , f > 7' < ' " November , 08c ; Do-
ccmber , 6H , c ; ' Mny ( Oj"e.
CoiiN'-Very Hull early , hut sot lively later
add closed ' fl-ii' ! hlclier than ycsterdiiy : cnsli ,
33 , c : December , 32'ic : January , a244i32-ci !
May. 35\c.
OATS Dull and easy ; cash and November ,
28Jc ! ! December , 28c ; May , 30ic.
UYK-i'lrin at 44 'Jc.
HAIH.KV No sales. . %
HIIAN I'lrm at liOcnn east tracki
IIAV l.'ncliiinKed ; timothy , * 10.00ffll2.D ( ) ;
prairie. i7.noill > .00.
J.KAb-Klrnii J3.20.
Sl'ii.TKIl : Qulel3.47'5. '
| . 'IAX SEii--lllKher. : Jl.OH.
Iltirrnn I uchatiKed : creamery , 21@24c ;
dairy. 10 22i- .
Kcus-I'ni'liunKed ; 10J.20o.
COII.N .MiAijitlnt. : ( . J1.70.
WHISKY- Steady ; 11.10.
ll.umjM ! I'ncliniiL'cil , 4iQOc. !
I 'OTTOS Tins liiiPlninisedi OoctclJl.OO.
I'novisio.NS I'ork , lower , fl4.iai4.C2 ( ! { ;
lard , nominally ttj.2l > ; dry salt moats , ttn-
cham.r < 'd ; loosu shoulders , } 0,7 ! > ; longs and
rlhs , $7.00 ; nhorls , $7.75 ; boxed lots l&c more ;
bacon , iinchaiiKcd ; shoulders , $7.20 ; lonch and
HbS $ U ; hhorts , t'J.OOJtO.25.
HnOEli'TS I'lnur , 2,000 hbls. ; wheat , 20,000
Uu. ; corn , 50,0 ( . ' ( ) hu. ; oats , 1U)00 ) ha.
Hlill'MEXTS 1'lour , 4,000 hlls. ; wheat , 18,000
hu. ; corn , lo&,0 ( ) ( ) hu. ; oats , 0,000 hu.
MliiliDiiixilis IVliiMi Alurknt.
MINNKAPOI.IS. Nov. 24. Wheat was weak la
the early part of tbe day and firm at the close ,
In sympathy with the course of prices else
where. Kecelnls , 302 cars ; shipments , 39 cara
ItcrciptK In tin ? country from farm were llKht ,
with shipments to terminal points about as
much. It \ , expected receipts hero and at
'DiiluUi will fall olT , tor most people with ele
vators In the country have ordered shipments
stopped for the present at least. Tlio track
demand was fair , hut the track prices did not
strengthen as much as May toward the end to
day , closing with a .spread of ajfc. Hay opened
nt 021IC ami closed at O3'sc. December opened
at 07 ic anil closed at 08a c. On track : No. 1
hard.Olc ; No. 1 northern , & 'J ! c ; No. 2 north
ern , OBe.
Flour Is very dull and hut little sold. Kast-
ern markets have not yet not adjusted to the
all rail rates , and today all rail rates are : )7ic ) !
to Now Vork and 44c to Liverpool , and 45c to
London from Minneapolis. Shipments , 24,440
hbls. ; Ihst. patents. sf3.30G3.7O ; second pat
ents , $ L'.O.V&3.30 ; fancy and export bakers ,
$ l.r > ixai.)0. ! Tim added dally output of mills
( rlndhiK today will prohahly aggregate 37,200
hbls. The feed market Is steady but quiet.
Itran In bulk , JO.OOS0.20 ; bhorts , JO.25fflO.70 ;
shipments , 1,077 tons.
s city 'Murui-ts.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 24. WIIKAT Steady In
price , but weak ; No. 2 hard , Glc ; No. 2 red ,
CORK Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 30330jfc ; No.
2 white , 30)(5)30C. ) ( ) !
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed , 2Cj ; < 327c : No.
2 white , 2Hi32Hii ! : .
Eoos Slow at. 20ic. !
UYK Steady : No. a , nominally 47c.
Fi.AXSEKl ) I'lrm lit 97QOtiu.
HllAS I'll in at OBanoc.
HAY Steady and unchauRcd ; timothy , J8.00
OO.BO ; prairie , $ G.70ffi7.00.
HUTTEII Slow and weak ; creamery. 20Q23c ;
dairy , 18liic.
IlKCKU'T.s Wheat , 45,000 hu. ; corn , 2,000
hu. ; oats , 1,000 hu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 45.000 hu. ; corn , 0,000
hu ; oats , 300 bu.
CnllYo AlnrKut.
NEW Yoim , Nov. ,24. COFFCK Ootlons
opened nncliaiiKOd to 10 points advance on
the absence of llru/.llluu advices , which
caused sellers to withdraw fiom the market ;
closed steady at from michaiiKcd to 15 points
advance ; sales , 11,000 bass. Including : No
vember , $10.70 © 10.75 ; December , $10.25 ®
10.35 ; January , J10.lOfolO.10 ; February ,
J10.00aifi.95 ; Miiich. * 1B.70 ; May , 115.40 ;
July , tlD.10iiUO.10. Spot Kin , dull und-hoavy :
No. 7 , J17.75@17.87i ! ; Cordova , 2020yc ;
sales , 0,000 bass.
HAVHE , Nov. 24. COFFEE Irregular at from
unchanged to lit lower.
LONDON , Nov. 21. corrnu-Qulet at from
tinchuugcd to ( id lower.
Mllmmkeu Ainrknts.
Mn.WAUKnc , Nov. 24. Ki.oun Quiet.
WHEAT-JIlKhor ; Muy , O4'ic ; No. 2 spring ,
O9'lc ; No. 1 northern. 04c.
COIIN Lower ; No. 3 , 44c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 29yc ; No. 3
white , 28j } 30o.
llAUi.uv ( julet ; No. 2 , COc ; sample , 30 ®
KYK Steady ; No. 1 , 4G > Jc.
1'iiovtsio.NS-Hteady ; pork , J12.50 ; lard ,
$8,50. .
Hour , 8,300 bhls. ; wheat , 40.300
bu. ; barley , H'.l.OOO bu.
SlllPMCNTri I < 'loiir. 000 hhls. ; wheat , 3-
200 bu. ; barley , 1U7.300 hu.
U'oul Aliruut.
ST. Louts , Nov. 24. Wooh-No change In
tone or price ; no sales reported , .
rniLAiiru-HiA , Nov. 24.Wonr < The de
mand continues fairly active , and the market
Is firmer and In belter shape- than for a IOIIB
time , lluyers are , moro conlldont. Excep
tional sales have been madu at Ic advance ,
hut , the market Is not iiuotahly higher. Terri
torial and western llKht line. 10iJ12c ; heavy
territorial and western , 710c ; line medium ,
13fi ( > l&c ; medium , 1410 ; low medium ,
134il5c ; coarse , 1214c.
I'mirm drain Mnr ! < ct.
I'EOittA , Nov. 24 , COIIN Market active ami
easier : No. 2 , 36 ? c ; No. 3 , 34B34 ( e ; now No.
3 , 334f634c.
OATS Market nulot nnd Irrcculnr ; No. 2
white , 2H'iQ2Uc ' ; So. 3 white , 27428J ! < c.
KYI : Scarce , nominal ; No. 2 , 4Hu 50c.
WHISKY Market firm ; wines , * 1,10 ; spirits.-
KKCKIITS Wheat , none ; corn , 31,800 bu , :
oats , 02.700 liu. ; rye , 000 bu , ; barley , 0,300 hu.
HlllI'MKNTS Wheat , 1,200 bu ; corn , 24,750
hn. ; oats , 17,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 4,000
Liverpool Atiirlcnt * .
Ltvcnroou Nov. 24 , WIIKAT Quiet ; de
mand moderate ; holders offer moderately ;
California , No. 1 , Os Did : red wubtcrii
BJII IIIL' , No. 2 , Os 7d ; winter No. 2 , Os 2'jdift '
5s 3Vid. '
COIIN Steady ; demand fair ; mixed west
ern , 4s 2d.
I'liovisio.NH Vork. prime mess , 87s Od ; hcof.
extra India , 103g Oil ; bacon , Jontt and short
clear. 05 Ibs. . 48s Od : lung clear , 45 Ibs. , 49a ;
Now Vorlc Dry ( liioili JMurket.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 24. The dry Roods market
outside of bprhiR Roods and asldo from hdllduy
novelties Is positively dull. Cotton goods show
a gieat fullliiK-oil'anil tlio jirlco of tlio tirlnt
cloths remains 2 10-10c for U4 Muares. Dress
Roods are very < i lot. Hosiery and underwear
rule nulot. Thu'jobbing trade U fairly sup
ported by mall ordure , but othcrnUe quiet
and unluteifbtliiK.
Oil Murkou.
OIL CITY. Nov. 24. National transit ror-
Illicatos oponud at 74'i ; hlahest , 70i ! ; low
est , 74ii ; clnsed , 70 ; bales , IC.OOo btjls. ;
bhlpments , 105.114 bbls. ; runs , 73,407 hbls , ,
I'lTTginniii , : vuv. 24. National traiiblt. ccr-
tlllcates opened nt 74' , ; rlosed at 74 ? ; lilgh-
en 74'j ; lowest , 74' ' . ; hales 0,000huu.
LONDON , Nov. 24. LINHKKU On/-20s 4d
(2'JOa ( 0(1 ,
Duliilh WhniitAlarket. . .
mii.UTH. Nov. 24. This market wasdull hut
steady today , ; No , 1 hard , cash und No
vember , Clc ; Di-cember , OOSc ; May , 00c ! ;
No , 1 nortbein , cash and November , OOc : December -
cembor , OOSci May , OO'nu ; No. 2 northern ,
rubh , OO'jc ; No. 3 northern , 02c ; rejected ,
4Sc. On track ; No. 1 northern to arrive , UOc.
Munclip ter Dry IJmtiU MurKot.
MAN-CIICSTEII , Nov. 24.-Moit offers for cloths
from Chlnii arc linuractlcuhle. Varns nulut ;
buyers uru walling tor lotvvr prices.
l.oiiduu MitTJr .Market.
LONDON , Nor , 24-Hwun UANK-Dullt little
dolnx ; centrifugals , Java , 1 6s Odj Mubcovudu ,
fitlrrcllnlnx , 13 .
( Jn I hit I.ouilnn
.W YOIIK , Nov. 24. The Tost's financial
cablegram from London fciiyn : Eluviui thousuud
pounds Iu gold cuuiu In tuiluy from AUitrU.
silver wni won ! ; , but uuclmnRed. Itupoo paper
has risen . ) ; ( , d.
Very Snhnnutln ! . .anilVcll DIMrllutteU Ad-
\ nnnoTn < Snnrcil.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 24. A very snhstnntlal
nnd well ( hitrlbutcil advance in prices is the
result of today's transactions on the Stock
ox-change , niul the grangers , stocks und
industrial.1) shared largely In the Improve
ment. Tlio lending Industrials \vero weak
nnd recorded n decline , tlio moving Influence
being mainly tlio proposed changes In thd
tariff , vliHi for sngiir ami inctnis arc not
considered favorable iu the home industries.
Distilling sold for tile purpose of shaking
out some weak holders , and Oencral Klcc-
trio was heavy hy reason of reports to the
effect that the company's trade prospects
vrcic not bright.
The depression in these stocks itlil not
continue long , the buoyancy of the general
market becoming infectious , sugar Ihtercsts
announcing their satisfaction \vltlilhe pro
posed duty and the General IClcctrie people
denying that there is anything adverse to
the company. In view of these facts the
sellers of the early morning became buyers
ntid a rapid Appreciation followed. Sub
sequently another reaction set in which
was brief. The upward movement was re
sumed nnd continued with but little inter-
million to thu close , when compared with
yesterday's sales , prices had advanced II per
cent - In Kuhbor , 2j < per cent in General
ICIcctrlc , laH percent Cotton Oil , I per cent
Sugar pcrforrcil and Oonhigc and Chicago
< > ai KJ > er cent. Distilling declined from
ill to 'M , but recovered to : iOlf. Sthav
common receded Ijif per cent In the early
dealings , advanced \ } $ percent , reacted 1-V
percent , rallied l'a ' per cent nnd reacted ' < „
percent , closing V higher than lust nieht.
Tlio Post says : The market for tlio lirst
half of this montli , vhcn the repeal dis
cussion had been al last completed , was
made up of a succession of quick reactions ,
cacli of them followed by n recovery , bring
ing prices back again to a level slightly
Dolow that at which tlio downward move
ment started. The net result was : i slow
decline. Apparently the movement of No
vember's hpcoiul hall' has boon precisely thu
reverse. Tills week the market lias dis
played n succession of advances , and each
has been in turn followed by a reaction
tinner which prices remained slightly above
the line nt which tlio advance began. The
result of this month's later operations
has hcnco been favorable and It is not Im
probable that excluding some stocks espe
cially affected such as tlio chief industrials
November's movement as n whole will
prove to have made substantially no change.
The Immediate inllucncu of the tariff bill re
mains to be discovered. London started
today's advance. It was a purely speculative
movement , doubtless of no great slgnilicanco
orof suillcient force to start oft' local prices
wllh considerable gains.
The following are the closing quotations of
the leading stocks on the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of stonks today wore 202,800
shares , Including : Atclilson , 0,800 : American
Kugar , 31,400 ; llurllncton , 11,200 ; Chleaco
Gas , 14,001) ) ; nistllllns&CaUlofecdlnp. 14,500 ;
General Electric , 25,200 ; Kaunas < & Texas
preferred , 3,300 ; Now Yorli & New Knglaml ;
0.000 ; Northwestern , 8.400 ; Omaha , 4.400 ,
Heading. 13.400 ; Hock Iilaml.-C.'JUO ; St. I'aul ,
20,900 ; Western Ilnlnn. 18,000.
New -York Jliiimy Alurket.
NiwYoiiic , Nov. 24. MOSKY ON OALI. Kasy
at © ! ucr cent ; last loan , l'i per cent' ;
closed iu i'/t tier cent.
STEIILINO KXCIIANOE Steady , with actual
business In bankers' hills at f4.85 r
4.80& for demand , and at { 4.83Uft4.83i ( ! for
sixty days. 1'osted rates , $ J.84l.aOIJ. Coai-
inerclal hills , J4.81 ? ( ! t4.82.
KII.VEH ( . 'EiiTiKicATcs OITered at70Uc.
Tlio closing ijiuuuions on Donus :
NEW OIU.KANS , Nov.t24. OlonrliiBs , 11,078-
250 ,
KANSAS CITV , Nov , 24 , Clearing * , { 1,380-
OT 7 *
I'Aius , Nov. 24. Thrco per cent rcnles , OOf
for tliu uccouiu.
llAl.TiuoiiK , Nov. 24 , Clearings , $1,738 , 03 ;
buluucuk , 111)0,304. )
I'llll liti.lMHA , Xnv. 24. CloarliiBs , (9,407-
443l liiilici' | | , ? 1,31BBH4 ,
'New YOIIK , Nov. 14. ! Cloarlncs , (63,034-
C82j Imllincfs , e4bOO,083 ,
.MF.unns. Nov. 24. ClciirliiKu , (28062 ; lil- :
unees , f 80,604 , Nuw Vork xiliniKe ! ; , pur.
G'INCIN.NATI. Nov. 24 , ClfUl-liiifs , 1,743,9SO.
Money , 4'it7 per cunt , Noiy Vork cxt'liiuiKu ,
7Uo pri'inluiii ,
LONDON , Nov. 24. Tli iiniount of bullion
KOIIII Into ( hu Dunk of KiiKluiiU on baluncu
today , ill,000 ,
Kr. I.oum , Nov. 24. Oluarlnes , (3,600,087 ;
balunci'x , I48H.3BO. Money , imlet , per
cent. ICxelmnso on Nuw York , One premium.
llosios. Nov. VU-Cloirlns : . ll,10H.244i
bulmice ( J1,6'J1,0 38. Munpy , IGUi percent.
KichniiKoon Now Vork. DftP and 6c urcinliitu
niirAnn , Nov. ijil-ll'Iciir-lneH , $12,871,000.
Now York oclMi giv'Sc iirainluni. Slorllii ) ?
OJCll.lllKO. llrntimUIIll , $4.83 > tia4.SOU.
Money , plenty i tales , 0 7 pur cent ,
C'Hlllc IriiloViMlt al the Deollno-HoRS
Ailv.inco Umlcr l.lElit Kocnlpt .
* * * Fiiltur , Nov. 2U.
Receipts of cattfc , cintlnuo about the
snmo ns last week ? ' Horf' supplies have
fallen off nuo'ut 0,800hpail and sheep receipts
show nn Increase ftf. ifor 4,000 head.
There was not much change In the gen
eral cattle market. On all but the best rlno
bcof grades trade w ts'iltill and prices weak
at the recent decline. , A bunch of fat light
cattle brought RGT , and some cholco 1,353 Ib
beeves.went nt $ ,1. , The under grades , the
half-fat and Indifferently
not-fat-at-all-stuff , selling
differently at from ( .1 to1. . There wcro
very few van go bcovcs on sale nnd
prices ruled about the sanic.around J3 to JD.OO.
There was practically no llfo or snap to the
trado. hut buyers seemed content with Ink
ing oft ffiic to flO < j this week and sellers wcro
glnd not to have to submit to a further de
Extreme dullness and weakness charac
terized tiio trade In butchers' and cannors'
stock. Prices wcru hardly quotably lower
than on Thursday , but all oflOc to 50c lower
than the first of the week. Kair to choice
cows and heifers sold at from 12.10 up to
pi.Tii , while the common and canning grades
brought from * 1.2S to ? ' . ' . Common largo to
choice veal calves sold at from f'J to J5 , or
about steady prices lioiljh stock was generally -
orally unchanged , poor to prlmu bulls , oxen
and stags soiling at from fcl.fiO to $3.
There was a little tnovo llfo ahd strength
to the stockcr and feeder trade , and the bot-
tcr grades sold freely at a shade higher
prices. The under grades were still slow
sale at away dowtiiprices. Good to clioico
feeders arc quoted at from $2.80 to fcl.fX ) , fair
to coed at from $ to fJ.SO , with Inferior
to fair grades at from $2 to J2.-10. Hoprc-
scntalivo sales :
imr.ssnn nr.iu
* 3 00
4 00
4 10
4 25
4 35
4 05
5 00
1 00
1 90
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 07J !
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 15
2 15
2 20
2 2ff
2 25
2 25
2 HO
2 35
2 36
2 40
2 4O
2 40
2 40
2 40
2 40
2 40
2 60
2 55
2 75
1 80
1 85
2 10
4 00
4 50
4 60
4 75
6 00
5 00
5 00
6 00
2 00
2 OO
2 00
2 10
2 10 ,
2 11)
2 11)
2 1O
1 1100 235
2 12GO 1 G5 1 680 1 70
2 . . . 790 2 25 60G. .1000 2 70
22 . . . 730 2 40 G. . . 793 2 75
13 . . . 720 2 50 21 . .1049 3 00
15 . . . GOO 2 GO 08 , . . 927 3 00
31 . . . G23 2 GO 1. . .1110 3 00
1 . . .1100 2 70 20. . . 984 3 10
14 " ' . . . 003 2 70 21. . . 1270 3 75
15" ! . . . .1074 2 75
No. Av. Pr. No. Avv Pr.
2 COATS. . . H80 II 25 13 COWS. , 980 $1 80
6COW3..1102 1 80 01 COWS. . , 878 1 90
2 COWS..1160 2 00 20 cows , . . 8G1 2 DO"
2 cows. , . 640 2 00 1 bull. . . .1360 2 10
2 hulls .1375 2 10 48 cows. . 800 2 20
7 fdrs. . .1118 2 25 1 cow. . . .1270 2 00'
1 cow. , . . 880 2 60 411 fdrs. . . . 058 2 HO
1 feeder. 050 2 70 5 fdrs. . . , 814 2 70
2slr.tlK.1310 2 00 12 steers , .1183 3 10
24 steers. 003 3 00 10 hteci's. ,1049 3 10
13vlRS. . . 010 2 40 15 cows. . . 009 2 05
riUll..l280 1 00 0 cowu , . . 000 1 85
3 sts. tl1340 | 2 20 23 fdrs. . . .1112 3 00
3 Dulls. . 1270 2 00 20 fdrs. . . 8U4 2 75
0 fdrs..1111 3 00 51 fdr * . . 040 3 25
1 fdr. . . 880 41 0.5 45 fdrd . . 835 2 81) )
! > COWh. , 073 1 75 21 COWH. , , 800 2 20
33 fdrs. . , , 030 2 05 13'J steers , .1105 3 15
02 fdrs. . , 025 225 10 fdrs. . , .1197 3 GO
18 cows. . , HOI 1 00 2 bull ! ) . . . 1276 1 05
Ibull. . . 1050 2 30 H caws. . U38 2 30
4 COWS. . . 840 2 30 160 cows. . . . 816 2 30
103 COU6. . H25 2 80
G stcors. ,1143 3 20 1 cow. . . , 640 1 75
8 COWH. . 055 2 40 1 KtaK. . . 1050 2 20
2 hulls. . ,1130 , 1 00 1 Btr.tltf , 1140 2 20
1 cow , , , , 800 2 00 2 fdrs. . . , ,1095 , a 70
1 fdr. . . .1200 ! l 00 3 fdrs. , , , ,1183 3 00
20 cows , , . 017 2 40 10 cows , . , , UU 2 30
Ifdr. . . . .1210 2 00 32Ucers. , , 091 3 10
1 cow , , , . , 740 1 50 260 cows , . , , G6G 00
10 cows , . , 023 1 40 40culvos. . 3'JO 55
72hfru. . . . 407 1 70 GO fdrs . . , , 7U1 05
40 calves , 203 2 00 2 cows , . . 090 25
1 cow. , , , ,11211 , a 40 lo fdrs. , . , ,10(10 , ( 1 00
2 Bleu rs. , ,1200 3 50 1 bull. . , ,1200 70
G h tours. .1103 a 40 1 str.tlB , ,1020 2 25
13 cows. . .1073 2 30 H steers , .1280 3 40
7 COWH , . 071 1 00 18 cows , . 000 2 40
2 mills. . .1331) 1 00 08 fdrs. . . . 982 3 00
14COW8 , , .1085 a oo 1 stair. . . , .1000 2 25
1 stnK. . . .1170 a 20 uffdrs. . ; ,1101 3 OO
If ) sirs , , . ,1335 : i oo 6 COW8 , , . 970 2 10
3 COWN , . .1020 J ( SO 4 fdru. . , 1175 2 80
2 COWS070 1 70 2 cons , , . 925 1 76
3 COWS , . . 050 1 70 i uuw. . . .1000 2 20
2 COWS. . . 1040 2 20 Ocowti. . .1060 2 20
3fdrb. . . . 800 3 < | 0 , 25 fdrs. . . . Oil 3 00
2 oxen..1440 1 90 ' 2 bulls. , .1335 2 00
27 cows , . . U'Ji ! 1 ! 80' ,73 fdrs. . . . 924 2 95
10 COWS. . .1000 2 SO Until..1450 1 75
5iUM ! . . .ll3 ( 2 I * 10 COWS. . . 933 2 26
25 fdrs. . . 1072 3 20.
Hons-Continued ll ht supplies , a fulllnc
oft In receipts so' Jar- , this week compared
with last of over 5J3 per cent have Induced n
much liriner touo to Uiu trade und today's
meager offerings wwo soon picked up nt
prices iivernplni ? I'lVtfcy close to 15o higher
than Thursday or- about the same us on
Monday. Thcro ) YU9 " ° outside demand nnd
ono packer was dtit.ot the market but with
hogs higher In Cblcngo buyers were not long
in imiltini , ' up thelm nlinds to take ihu com
paratively few KpKtf offered at the prices.
The range of prices } vas narrow from f.5.25
for rout'h imxedi , pickers up to > .40 for n
load of choice buicluts. The big bulk of
the offerings wltliout regard Ho weight
chania'd bunds briskly at from to STi.Si
ni ujialnst * Ua t ° W.80 Thursday und $3.20 !
60 274 200 ft no BO i40 ! 40 b 37U
3 . . .30510 f 3U HI C4t ) 620 f. ! 17 ,
34 . . 30t > 3 0 fi IIO tr.2 2311 USO 6 87'j
U7 553 - 5 30 4 SfiO o 40
03. l ! d 100 532IJ 07 231 120 ft 4U
61 3.10 100 6 32 > i
Snupi1--There n liberal supply of very
decent western * on snlo today , but llio mar
ket , win Mow. T.OIM ! houses wanted some
sheep nnd bid about steady prices for ihom.
Kair to good ir.vllvcs fi.W ) . ' < ? : i.iU ! ; lair to cootl
westerns , f2ii ! > < i urij coiuiiiuii ami stock
sheep , tl.W rJ.'r. ; good to ohnlco 10 to tlHMb.
Inrabs , $ > .N ) < 34w. Jloprcscntntlvo sales :
Nil. Av. IV.
200 Montana mlvod , 80 12 00
014 Montana inhcd 80 ! i liO
001 Montana mixed 89 2 00
04 inl.MMl natives Hfl a 06
0 native inmlx . . . 80 a 7fi
. . , . . , . , , . - , nnd DlnpiKltlnn ot Stuck ,
Official receipts an'l dl p-xltloM of stock a *
hn\Tli by Hie hooks of llio Union Stock VurtH
company fur thn twenty-four < eiulliu nl
6 o'clock p. nu , Novomb'jr24,1803 :
CATTI F. I IKK1S. I HIIKKl * . itlllllMn A MI4.
Car . | HMd.
| iior.s
flip Omnlm Packing Pit. . . i
Tino. . H. ] luiiinoml : Co. nil I MM
UHI ; H41 tun
Tim unilnhy Parkin ? Co. . . 000 71)8 )
Nelson Morris eh ?
fcctlora . ' 4IW
Left over 'ilw
Total. . . liliMi ) J.310
Modi III
Itpcclpts of llvo stock at tun four principal
wcsloni markets Friday , Novcinlior 124 :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha . . . . . 3.HH7 U.aoa U.3t :
Chicago . H.OOO 18,001) ) 0,000
KnnsasUlty . 0.600 4.15011 1.70'J
Si Louis . . . . . B.300 2,200 .
Total . . . 23 087 27 73 10.013
I.I va Stuck Miirltrt.
CIIIIMGO. Nov. 24. Tliu day's rccolpto were
estimated nt. H.OOO , of which about 2. < K)0 were
Tu.xiins nnd 1,000 western * . Tlio total receipt n
fur this weak will reach about 72,000 head ,
against 60.348 last \\euk unil 08,030 for lliu
cuiTcspumlliiKWcuk lust year.
There was a uliu'.l ; nuinnnil todny for nil
cradusof oattlo and tlio totioof tlio tnarkut
WHS weaker. Sales of nntlvr.s wrro liirsolv nt
from 1 , HI ) In * . ' . ! ) ( ) for cows and bulls and lit
from $4 to $ .r > for steeis. with from f l.2.'i to 80
rancoof quotations. Choice beuves UIM-II In
scanty supply : md so were fat cows and heifers ,
and ( both worn fairly steady. TOMIS cattlu
were easy nt fiont $1.60 S3.)0 : ) anil wrolorir )
wore wanted al former prices. Veal calves
were soarounml tlrin.
l < "roni Oc to 10c- more was added to tliu mar
ket VHlim nf lioss todny. That nmtlo lieavy
IIORS mintablti nt. from M.16 to Jii.GO and
carried llslit , weights to from fli.2.1 to } f > .70.
There was an nctlvo Irado at that raliRn and
tlio supply of 20,000 head was soon out of Ilrst
hands. The wllllnciiess of buyers to take
tlio hops at hlKhor prices Is accounted for In
the table of receipt" , which .shows the total
arrivals for the \plred part of this week lo
have been only about 109,500 head ,
which Is 20,000 le.vs than for the Name time
last week , 41,000 less thitn a year ago und
88,000 less than for the samutlmo In 1891 ,
There were few sales below , the greater
art. beliiK at f roiu (3.3ii tot5.r > r > . l.l lit. and
H'dlum welirhlsKonerally sold fram6cto lOc
iboviS thu cxtromely heavy , few buyers want-
ne th latter even at the discount.
The sheep market. Is from 25c to 3Dc lower
lian It was a week a 'o. It started downward
Inncluy , when the receipts ran up to 20,000 ,
tid has remained weak since. Thu arrivals for
ho last three days worn much more In liar-
lony with the demand. 1'rlces were again
own to from H to } 3.2 , " > for Inferior to cholco
radcs , with the malorparl of the sales at
rom $ J,25 to J3.2o. The lamb market , showed
ittlu chanp ! until Wednesday , olm-o which
line It has fallen away from un * to S5c , nr to
rom J2.7IJ to4.75 for pojr to choice. Karly
n the week Ihuro were u number of trades ut
4.90 to $5. The prospect seems to bo for con-
Inued liberal arrlvalb , and It does not notr
ook as though wo were to see much bettor
prices for some time to come.
UecelptN Cattle , 8,000 head : oalves , 300
uad : hojw , IH.OOOhead ; .sheep , 0,000 head.
The KvcnltiK'lournal reoorls :
OATTI.E Hecclpts , 8.000 head , Inclodhiz
° ,500 Texans and 4,000 westerns. All grath's
lull nnd weaker ; prime , $4.H03i.50 ; e.\porl ,
4.iiO4,70 ; otliers , J3.00i.4.10 : Toxans. U''Jj
© 3.25 ; westerns , $ L'.40Jt.t.iOj cows , 7Dc'S,5'-.81) ' ) ;
lockers and feeders , J2.OOi63.75.
llons-Kooolpts , 1H.OOO bead ; market lOc
ilgbpr ; rou nl i and common. $ 'i.005.15 :
xiclclns and shipping , Y.VJruco.'iU ; jirlmo
lUJivy and liutcliors' , { D.-luQS.O ; IlKlit , $6.40
© 5.70.
SHEKP AND LAXIIIS Kecelpts , 0,000 bead ;
narliele.Mrcmely dull and neik : ; top sheep ,
3.00S3.50 ; top lamb" , $4.000)4.50. )
> , < ! York I.ivn StorliInrkct. .
NEW Viinic , Nov. 24. HRUVUS Itecelpts ,
3,100 head. Trade very < lull and
ewer ; nntlvo steers , peed to prim ? , $4.00 ®
) . ! ( ) ; fair to ( "ooil , $4.204,55 ; common to
ordinary , 1f3.554.10 ; slags and o.\en , (2.00 ®
, .00 ; hulls , $2.05fS4,75 ; drycow.s , J1.UOS2.80 ;
Curopcun cables iinolo American steers slow.
/V.MKIMCAN / Hl'.l'ItlOKIIATOH llKR1 U per 11) ) .
OAI < VUS Iteculpts , 113 head ; veals , OSS 'c
ier Ib ,
Siiuci' AND IjAMiis-Heeolpts , 3,800 head ;
irlco.s UCtfUc lower ; sheep , W.003.60 ; lambs ,
lines Itccolpts , 2,100 head ; noir Inally weak ;
$5.50(20.00. (
Huns is City l.tvn MnrK Marknt.
KANSAS dry , Nov. 24. UATTU : Kecelpts ,
9.500 bead ; shipments , : i.u)0 ( ) head ; hcbtctit-
.lo sle idy , others slow ; Texas steers , J2.40S4
3.25 ; shipping btners , J4.503Q.2u ; Texan and
native cows , fl.UOS3.UO ; butcheiV stock ,
$ 3.4024.15 ; slockers and feeders , $1.90fi3.DO.
lions Hecelpts , 4,000 head ; shipments ,
1,200 ; imilket 510c hlglior ; bulk , S5.20 ®
j.30 ; heavy * packhiK and mixed , $5OEJ&
5.35 ; lights , vorkors and pigs , $ I..rjO'ii.r ) . ; ) & .
SlitKi--H jcciit.s | , 1,700 head ; shipments ,
none ; market stoady.
St. I.nun * lilvn Stiirlc .Marllot.a
ST. I.oins , Nov. 24. OATTM : Kocolpls. 2,300
toad ; shipments , 1,700 bead ; no natives on
sales ; Texas and Indian steers , lower , S2.50
® 3.00 ; cowsiind heifers. Jl.50iJ2.Gl ) .
11 o < is Itecelpts , 2,200 head ; shipments , 1,200
mad ; market. KXTtlOi ; higher ; light , $5.20S
5.40 ; mixed , M.'JOi.ri,35 ; heavy , 85.00K5.iO. :
Slll'.KP Kecelptn , noni" shipments , 600 head ;
no market owing to lack of supply.
MCIIIX City l.lvu hlockMarket. .
Sioux OITV , Nov. 24. lions liecolnts , 1,700
lioad ; olllclal yesterday , 1,444 head ; hhlp-
inculH , 712 head ; maruet MilOc higher at
J5.16Q0.25 : bulk , 5.20ffiB.2D.
OATTMS liecelpts , 600 bead ; ofllclal yester
day , 1,603 head ; shipments , 474 bead ; light
cattle lOftUic lower , others stcaily ,
The "No. O'1 Whcclur & Wilson , with Its
perfected tcnlsoiis. npiiof aild lower , is the
inly louk-stitch inachino that makes an
clastic scam , It is the dressmaker's favorite
on tliiitiiccouut. Sold by Gco. W Lunoaster
& Co. , 5H Houtli Sixtcouth .street.
l.TltK 1HO.UH.IDK ,
Incroiiao ut Orilurn , hut u Uncroiuoln I'rlocs
.Miirkcd llio NVuck.
Ui.KVEtjAN'i ) , Nov.1. . Tlio Iron Trade Ho-
vlu\v this week says : An IncreadhiK volume
of busincKs in the raw iron and in many .de
partments of the finished material mar
ket Is still attended by the lowest prices ,
nnd tlioro is no longer any disposition to
speculate as to how fur down absolute bottom
tom is to bo found.Vliorovcr any consider
able amount is to be purohased and in
llnished iron 100 t < , ms seems to count for as
much us 600 tons in normal times ( tellers
have come to expect to make prices u tdiudo
lower than the last traimctioua culled out.
In pig iron it is noted that in somu mar
kets consumers are making quotations enlarger
larger lots than for somu time pant. Hales
are chiefly conliucd to this year's deliveries ,
however , the expiration ot coke contracts
with the year bolni ; a factor in thu calcula
tions of some f iirnaco men ,
The steel rail reductions continue to be a
Ujr doctor aar It acli grally on lli iMiuaeli.
liver and klilnejri , and 1 * a ph > aunt Unlive. ' 1 hl
drink ia made from lierbt. and i prepared tot iu *
< ueaillra9tM. U hulled . .
AlldrUKCitlaaGlt Itat&OR.atidll AuicKa ( . It joa
rannot get II , eod rouraddreu for a free aampln.
I.ane'i I'umlly Alotirlue move * llic baneU
meh ilur. Jeer < 1prlni > Itpitlthr tlilAUnei'cuuAry ,
Addreai ORX'lXJll \VO01)\VAHD. . I.K llov. N.Y.
fruitful topic , nnd t > .irtleul.irlv among ore
men nnd fttrnnro men. Much U expected
from Ihostlmutiu to rail bujinpv inch Is
confidently i'o < ; ntoil on
The ! nrtotnb | | rtmt r.ii-ts In llio o.nt , heretofore -
toforo reported , have been liu-reascd by con-
sldorable tonuago In the week. Cincinnati
reported the best week the plpo trade lint
seen in months. 1'rlccs wore the lowcit ,
however , ovJdcntly beliiR to nil un thn
fountlrlns for tlio wlnlor ,
ALL I'.lll ) Iff TIKI l'AMJC.1.
Offi-r nf T , 11. IUiiny | , thn DIMlllcr , Ao-
rrntcil I iy lli Cri'ililnrK.
LOVISVII.U : . Nov. a I- 'I1 , 11 , lllppoy , the
wealthy distiller of lawfcni-obcrp , Ky. , sub
mitted a proposition to his creditors last
night otTuniiK to mortgage his plant and
house and to glvo llv c notes of equal amount
to cover his hide bletlniss , payable in clht | ,
twelve , slvtcen , tweniy and twenty-four
months. His assets arc | lUiTtMXl , ; llaullltles ,
tVU.OiH ) . it will probably be utvoptcd.
Tlirii n Out ol Cuiir't ,
.TOUKT , III. , Xov. 24.- -1'ho noted Fish raso ,
which has caused so much talk In this sec
tion , has been thrown out of court , much to
tlio disgust of the prosecuting attorneys.
who wore tinahic to prove that the lirm of
1' Ish it Sons was insolvent when It accepted
Hun Ttirnitffli-n Helve.
NEW Yomr Xov. 2I.--AI
, - - noon today Na
thaniel S. .loncs announced his suspension
on the stock oxchango. The failure is not
an Important ono. Tlio suspension does not
ontuil any serious consequences owing to
the fact that the failure is due to what the
street calls "dry rot , " n gradual weakening
nway ot resources.
. .lonoa came hero from Chicago some half
dozen years ago and Is cmllted'wlth having
then luut a capital of $800,000 , which has
been dissipated by disastrous speculations.
Ho was a member of the llrm of .loncs &
Kcnnot , which afterwards Oceania Kontict-
Hopkins .t Co. btit for some tlnio past ho
has boon opnratlng alone , nnd therefore in
volving no ono cists In his troubles.
Tlirno Itu-iliicst l.'altnrc * .
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. -Ucnjaintn (5. Wood
and John Kadlkor of llio grocery llrm o
Wood & Haillkor , 4S Colimibus nventiu , made
n general assignment to Frederick H. Uttlf-
Held today with profuronces of $ -i.VJ. :
llosTox , Nov. : M. lnvcstlKUlton show * the
liabilities of the ilcttinct Casualty company
in this city will reach f'-'oO.OOO.
l.owr.i.i , , Mass. , Xov. 1M.-J. 1-3. Klmball ,
ox-preshtcnt of the Applelon has asi-
signed. Liabilities , f.'S'J.OOO : in > sotsI.Vi,000. ,
.IMKH MI * ACM//1.
Clicycmio Inillnim Nurkiiitr tit Av iijo n
Trllirsiniiu' ) ) Dontli.
WoonwAiti ) , Okl. , Nov. 2-1. Word reached
hero yesterday by courier that a company of
United States troops had started from Fort
Sympathy to bead off a baiulof Indians who
arc making for Chcyuniiu , forty-llvo miles
west of hero , to wreak vengeance on ono
Tom O'Hura for killing ono of thotr trlbo.
The Indians are under a licrcc Cheyenne
chief and number eight men. Thu sheriff of
Cheyenne county , who has O'Hara under his
chtflgo , has organized a posse of twonly-llvo
heavily armed men , und is equally determined
that no harm shall befall his prisoner. As
the Indians have a good start on the troops
and arc very ugly , it is feared , however , that
many innocent whites may suffer boforc the
troops can arrive.
O'Hara Is a Texas ranger , and while in
search of 0:1 : tile thieves supposed to bo hiding
in Chcyunno county , got into a dlsputo with
a band of Clipyonnes , which resulted in his
shooting and killing an Indian named Red
Moon. O'Hara escaped to town and is now
in Jail.
I'ltttliuri ; PrlsonorH Found > < n Cnllty ICucI
of ii Soiihittluiml Case.
PiTTSiiUKfi , Nov. i ! ! . Mrs. Kittle Huddlcs-
,011-Coyle , , her mother , Mrs. Huddlcston ,
ind husband , Clautle Co.vlc , who were on
trial for infanticide , were acquitted this
norninp , the jury returning , after an all-
night sitting , with n verdict of not guilty.
The case caused a animation here on acco.unt
of the wealth anil standing of the defendants.
Ono word describes It , "perfection. " Wo rc-
ertoDoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvecures piles.
AVlirrc tlio I 111 lit ITS Aro.
VANCOUVKH , Wash. , Nov. 'J4. General Car-
lln's son and party of hunters , who have
been snowbound in the Hitter Koot moun
tains , have been located at Hot Springs , on
the middle fork of the Clearwatcr river ,
well provisioned for the whole winter.
Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble.
It has also caused my hair to grow out
again , as it had been falling out by the
handful. After trying many physicians
in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in
S. S. S. O. H. ELBEUT , Galveston , Tex.
IIP Hyforclne out perms of dls-
Sifl -"V * _ - casoand the poison aavcll.
5 B3Sr"It Is entirely vegetable and harmless' .
Treatise nn lllood and Bkln mailed free.
S SWIFT tJiMccmu co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Morsc-Coc Sliai Company.
Bal room and OnijoUHIIVMIII Ilo-iarl H
factory-lirJ.1121-1121 Hoirard SU
Wo art the ON'I.VMinufJ lurori of lioon acil
Blideiln th tateor Nubraim. , , . , . , , . .
A ueneral inTltatlou li OIIBJUd to all 10 ln | > : > n
oiirnuiTfnctorjr ,
Omaha Upholstering Johnson Bros ,
Upbolitirad furniture . , lima Farnnni Street ,
HIB-JIO NlchoUi cl.
if vni
dull ,
ttro < l ortUbllitAtwii
( ive ) OS Of Bip9 |
nto , funM ti.npno ,
frtmictit ) i < > da"hff
with or wllhout
dixalnotc , chilly
stntlon , end oo <
then you srs Wl-
lotis. Your liver
> \ "V \ needs the gently
( \ \ Xstlinulntliig nnd
powerfully tnylfcor-
fttJitR ofToctR ol Dr. I'lorco'n 1'lcasant IV llct5.
Theio little things will put you in complete
They follow Natures own way. Thcy'ra
the Mnitllest , the eft lcst to take , ntul the best ,
They nbsolutely nnd permanently care Ull
loiisness , Con < tlp.itiriii , Jaundice , Dltzincsn ,
Sotir Slomach. Rick or UiliotiR Hcndnches ,
IndlgestioitXatid consequent Mtipor or drow-
8ltl ( 'S. \
Tley're ) ptiitivoifm ? toRlvesshtUfactlon , in
every way nnd in every case , or your money
IB returned. You pay only for the good j/ou
get ,
Nothing elsn tlrpp * ! by n tricky dealer , con
bo " jus , ! as Rood" cr you to Juii/ .
' 1
I UI..V I .11 r. . > I lit .1 \ II. ,
Ciiiisiiltntiini l''rcr. '
Wo euro Cntnrrli , All Dl onsos of tlio
Noso. Thrpnt , J io t htoiinoh , tivn-- .
Blood , nUiu und Kldiioy JJisnisov , Fo-
mnlo WonkiiossbS ) i.nst ManUoad ,
Js trio turn. Uydi-oon o , VorlnooAlo , < ito
I'tl.K * . I'iSTtii.A AMI Id : Til. UM-KIH cured
without palnordolentlim Iroin liuslness.
Call on urnddresi wllli Hliimii ToiclronliiM : , frco
book niul i-ocrlpiH , ilrsl stairway uoulli ot lust-
oRloo. room 7.
Dr. Seirles & Searles US South 13tlh t. .
Is only with thuaitj'mturo
Justus von Liobig In bin.
ink hcross the label , thus '
Ilisnlmosl unnecessary to add that
this refers to llio worlk-known
Liebia :
Extract of Beef.
For delicious , refreshing Ucof Tea. .
For improved nnd ooonoinio cookery.
co , . Fn/
foil. It : , C. &N. W. Uy. . will urush when ,
scour h.iHov. or clln u.'ts at one eunc per
Imshel. 1'onr yoar.s e\purenoo. ! Have your
grain Dleaneilaiiiluxhanue Its v.tlue.
Inquire of your atic-nt fur olllln ; particulars
or address
Fultcm , 111.
Dueber = Harnpden
Ad justed ]
It' is marvelous how
I these famous Watches
RUBY JEWELED I are taking the place ot
, ADJUSTED ' others where
all accurate
u\ WATCHES is .
rate time required.
Railroad menwill have
nothing else.
Ducber Watch Works. Canton , Ohio.
Union Stooi Yards ConipaQy ,
South Opiaha.
OeitCattlo Ho find ili . > maciat la tU
I.I TO Stolc CoinmU-ilna Alorohunti.
Tclop'.ionJ HIT. Chloiu
WAI > TttIl 1C.V.OI ) , f
Market rnpiirtshy mall nnd nlro cheerful
arnlsliod uuori appllnatlon.
Dr. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER , the celebrated S
chemist of London , in his analysis of n sample ?
of our North Carolina Bright Leaf Tobacco ,
says : that lie finds but LITTLB NICOTINE or
albuminous compounds , and that it is one of
lie smoked.
' ever
JYDN&CO'S This package is made from the " Pick Leaf"
of our North Carolina Crop , tioldcn Belt District.
Only the PUREST , ripest and .sweetest leaf ,
with the purest and best artificial flavorings
' and sweetenings arc used.
IBERBEITDISIRICI A pleasant , cool and healthful smoke guar
Z. I. LYON 4. CO. , DURHAM , N. C.