r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 25 , 1808. 3 DAILY BEE .COUNCIL . HI.IUT8 OITKK ! NO. 13 pellvc ltd \ > y carrier to any purl of'the clly II. W. TII/TO.V - Manager Frrt rnttnvra J TlnslneKsOfflc < S..i . . . .No. 43 TELEPHONES \ yiBt | , Editor No.3 air : . UK .iM.vr/o.v. Boston Store , 10-day sale. "Tho Silver King" Is the next attraction At Doliany's theater. H will appear next Monday evening. Iho district convention of Iho Young Men's Christian association will be held at Malvcrn , December 8. A marriage license wat Issued yesterday to David T. Bohner , ngcd42 , and Hattlo Wrielit , aged ! ! 0 , both of South Omaha. Special communlcntlnn of HxrcUior loduo No. U.VJ , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , tills evening for work In the third degree. Bob Scott was arrested last evening charged with stoallng nn overcoat from n friend named William Stiplcs , rtlth whom ho had hcen % ldolmj" the row. The school board will lioM Us regular monthly meeting this evening , nn adjourn ment having been taken from lant Monday evening on account of the failure of u quo rum to materialize. Commercial 1'llgrhni are earnestly re quested to meet in secretary's roums. Brown bloclt. this evening , November 8 ! , at 7 o'clock , to visit Omaha council. A pleasant nnd profitable time Is assured. The last Horvico that will bo-held In Ma sonic temple will bo next Sunday's service. In tlio ovenlnR K. W. Alien will preach upon the subject , "Out of the Old House Into the Now. " A unlquo after-meeting will also be held. held.Tho The matting boat used nt the government works northwest of the city was torn loose by tholco In the river Thursday nlcht nnd floated down stream with about l.fiOll foot of heavy cable attached to 111 It finally landed against the now bridge. A concert was given last evening at Ma- sonlo tcmplo under the direction of Mrs. M. A. KIngsbury. Quito a lengthy program was given , consisting of vocal and instrumental selections , nnd Miss Hortcnso Nielsen Gavin delivered two recitations , all of which were well received. Tlio proceeds were for the benefit of the Second Presbyterian church. A large number of Council Bluffs people are expecting to atterd the foot ball game at Athletic : park in Omaha this afternoon at ! ! o'clock by the teams of the Young Men's Christian associations of this city and Omaha. Both teams nro in good condition nnd will contest every inch of ground. The game will bo fico to all. Cable cars going direct to the grounds can be taken al Tenth and Douglas streets. The ladies of the Union Sunday school mission on North Eighth street wish nil who have cast off clothing to keep it until it is called for by the committee. The Sunday school is increasing in si/.o and tlio needs of thn llttlo people nro urgent. The ladles will get the clothing in order before distributing it , so that the owners ticod not hesitate to donate it on account of its being boiled or otherwise out of order. A wood shed in the rear of D. J. Rock well's residence , 811) ) Third avenue , caught fire last night from soiuo unaccountable source , and for n time threatened to carry off several buildings in the vicinity. Tlio file department was summoned , and its prompt v.-ork prevented n largo and destructive fire. Mr. and Mrs. Hockwcll were away from homo at the tlmo , and are unable to give any cxplr.nation of the origin of tlio lire. "Dutch" Boyington was tried in police court yesterday morning on the charge of vagrancy nnd ordered to leave the city , with the promise of a long term on the streets if ho failed to oboy. Dick Higglns nnd Charles Yancey wore fined i..00 ) for breaking into Dohany's theater by the balcony entrance. A fine of f 10.70 was assessed against B. F. Miller , who was found standing bolt upright against n trco on South Main street , drunk and fast asleep. The Wlilsons were greeted with another large congregation at Broadway church last evening , Tpnlght n mass meeting will bo held at the Union Christian mission 01 Bryant street. The mcetlncs will bo con- tlnueJ at Broadway church next week , with v conccrr on Monday evening. A ticket will be required for admission to the concert. Tlio ticlccts , however , are free aim can be obtained at the mission tonight or ut the Methodist church tomorrow evening. The entertainment nt the Congregationa church Thursday evening was a marked sue ces in every particular. The church was packed to its utmost capacity , many being unable to find scats. A program of lullabies of all nations was presented , the singers being appropriately costumed according to the custom , of the countries they ropre sentcd. Jinny of the selections were b.\ llttlo tots , who captured their audience , i anything , more completely than their elders Another entertainmeni was given nt the same place last evening at which an attractive ivo program was presented , tlio prinripa feature being the line mandolin and gulta playing of Prof. Sntorlus of Omaha and Master Aaron Lyman of this city. Order of the American Wine Co. , of St. Louis , if your grocer don't keep Cook's Kx- tra Dry Imperial Champagne. "Highest * award , diploma and medal , Columbian 13x. " Tlio Twin City Iyc Work * . The Twin City Dye works is now the largest und most complete in the west. The now building is equipped with the newest approved machinery , In hands of export workmen. All kinds of dyeing , cleaning und renovating ladies' and gen tlemen's gurmonts , feathery , etc. All work guaranteed. Ollleo and works at EOth street and Avenue A , Council Bluffs ; Omaha otlico , 1521 Furnam street. G. A. SCHOKUSACK , Proprietor. Ladles , if you desire absolute peace in the kitchen ask your grocer for J. C. lloffmayr & Co.'s ' Fancy Patent flour. Abe Lincoln post No. 29 , Grand Army of the Republic , will glvo a grand ball on the evening of November , 18 ! ) . ' ! , ut Mnsonlo temple , for the benefit of the relief fund of the post. I'ISKIiOXAI. r.I/MU/MJ'7/3. Wallace Graham of 714 Mynstcr street , aged 0 years , Is ill witli diphtheria. Miss Mary Barr of D.ivonport Is the guest of her old friends , Hov. Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Snydcr. Mrs. Jossolyn and daughter of Chicago are in the city for a visit with the parents of the former , Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Conant. Douglas Cones , county attorney of Pierce county , Nebraska , is the gunst of his par ents , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cones of this city. city.Wo Wo could not Improve the quality if wo paid double the prlco. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo is the best saivo that experience can produce , or that money can buy. Wn Willing to .Murder. Bill Brown , a well known tough , went Into a colored baroor shop on Broadway near the corner of Klovonth street last evening. Harvey Washington , a colored man who orks in Omaha , ai.d Brown had a inlsundcrblundlug and a number 01 vile epithets were bandied back and forth. Brown whip pott out a revolver and aiming directly nt Washington's heqd , fired , The bul let ploughed a deep furrow on the top of the colored man's head , Washington lost u great deal of blood before anything rould bo done to relieve him. Brown's friends took tno trun away from him nnd up to n late hour lust night an had not been located. DoWltt's Witch llazoi .Saivo curoa burn ) Domestic eotip U tim S. M. 'Williamson still soils the Stan dard and Djtnostiu ut 10(1 ( South Main etreet , und has not removed to Broad way , us has been reported. llrxr At Motzgcr & Uandlctt's market. Fin est dressed chicken ? , 6c. Dressed tur- Uoys , lOo to 12JC. _ Have you Been the new gas heaters ut the G as company's uUice ? NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Citizen * Inclined to Question the Motives of the Interstate Company. EXTENSION OF THE CHARfeR THE CAUSE On ( Itntleman Kxprctsri till Heller thai There I * nu Un < lcr taiitlnc ! Amounting- Almoit tea I'uol Ilct\r u the Trro Couip.iiile > . The article In TUB nun yetterday morning reference to the Interstate Urltlco com- iany'8 request of the city council of this Ity for an extension of the lime in which to omplcto the terms of its charter aroused onsldcniblo interest on this side of the Ivor. Them seems to bo quite a feeling unutiR the leading business tncn that the ompany's request should bo acceded to in case the demands ot the city with reference o that 91'JOO Judgment in the Ilcmlrlx case trc met and sufficient proof can be brought bnvard of the company's intentions to carry out faithfully the work for which the charter Is granted. There is no desire to prevent the Bridge and Terminal Hallway company from run- ilnp Its line between lOast Oiiuiha and Coun cil Bluffs , nor do the business men who are uylii ? tliu council to take its time about uniting the desired extension think they are strangling all hope of 5-cent faro between the tno cities , IIB has been charged. They iremrrely Insisting on what tney take to be their rights anil are waiting for the com- ) any to bring forward proof that It is ncting .u goad faith. Motive * of the Company Qumtlnneili "H the llrldeo and Terminal company had asked for nn extension ot six months , " remarked - marked a well known citizen yesterday In conversation upon the subject , "tho request would seem moro reasonable. There ts no dnubt that six months time is all that would lie required to complete and put In opqratlon the mlle or so of track , which ts all It has at any tlino expected to bulld < in this citj for the present at least. And , for that matter , there is no reason on earth why It couldn't have born building the tr.iclc ail these two years and more past , if it really expected to llvo up to all of the provisions of its"charter. . It looks to mo as though the company merely wants to hold its charier until the quo warranto case which is now pending against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Kalhvuy ana Bridge company is decided. Then. If the charter ot the lat ter company is uccidcu forfeited , the Bridge and Terminal company will have a charter foi1 sale. If not , it wor't do any hurt. All the circumstances Indicate that there Is al ready bomo sort of an agreement between the two companies , for there has never been the slightest appirent friction between them , In spite of the fact that if the Bridge and Terminal company has been acting In good faith the chances were that it would become a powerful rival of the older com pany. " NICHOLSON XVI M , 1H ; AN ISSuK. l.oc.il Politicians Are l.onldnji Forwnril text xt i'ring's Oinpuljn. The action ot the city council iu exoner ating Chief Nicholson from tlio charge of drunkenness , which has been hanging over him since August 11 , wxs Iho catisi : of uni versal comment on the streets yesterday. It seems to have awakened a craater inter est than any move that was ever made by the council. Strange as it may seem , the great majority of the republicans of the city seem to be in hearty nccord with the demo cratic council , although probablyftotn different - ent motives from those that actuated tlio council in arriving at its linal decision. There Is an election next spring at which four aldermen are to be elected. This action of the democratic council is regarded by the republicans us the bigcest boimn/uj tnat has over struck the republican party , in Council Bluffs. There Is but little doubt that Chief Nicholson will bd principal , If not the only issue in the next city cnmuaign. Ono of the wealthiest citizens of Council Bluffs , a man who has held a number of prominent oflices by virtue of his connection with the democratic party , stated yester day that In his opinion tlio reinstatement of Nicholson would result in the overwhelming defeat of his party at the polls next spring. Tlio following communication , received at TUB BKnoftlco yesterday , indicates how the feeling runs among tlio democrats of the city : Ouclit to Kxoiirrate Everybody. * COUNCIL BLUFFS , Nov. 24. To the Kdltor of TIIK HEK : Now Unit tlio dcllcatu Job of white washing that was looked forward to for so many weeks IH over and nust and I'harlui Nicholson has boon reinstated In his position of fillet of the fire deuurtnient bytherlty council , Is It not In order for tlio council to cat ry on Us good work .still farther und atone for the iihn-,0 which has boon houpoil upon dthuisV Whiili Nicholson mill Jlllericholfuld vrcio suspended from Ilio llri > dcpiiitiunut last August iVhollold had. If anything. Ilio ud- \autngoovcrlils Mipoilor olllcer. Tlioie was no scrloiii rliarRQ against , him that was not also agiiliist'NIcliolson. In fuci , Siliotleld was having his tcguhir day oil' when his alleged drunkenness took place , vrlillo tlio chief was biipposed to bo on duty , CoiifCduently the council had no legal i Ichl Iu dlctuto to "Clio- Hold whi'thoi1 ho should got drunk or not. In vluw of those facts U It not > ln < manifest , duty of tlio council torf Instate Scholleld along with his chief und companion ? And , while they mo about It , luivo thuy not n duty to perform ( oMiml Itou Webber , whew misdeeds Ntlrri'il up all the recent dlfllcnltyV The grand jury found that lie was not guilty of any crime , notwithstanding the fact that ho wan found within n few feet of u. building that had already boon set on IIro twlco within the space nf an hour on that very night with his pockets full of wusio saturated with coal nil. There can ho no doubt that Ills feelings have been grievously hurt by all tlio pain und humilia tion to which ho has been subjected , and every fair minded man will nay that the city should do what It can toward binding up his nhuttorud feelings , ily all means give him a place In the lire department and show him that the city sympathizes with a man who has not only done wrong , but who has had the misfortune to got caught while doing It. .Such u move secniH to bu thn only ono that will free the city council from tin- charge of discrimination , lii ri ! I.O.NQ DKSIOCHAT. W. E , Chambers , dancing academy , Mafeonie torupjo. Classes each Wednes day af toruotm and evening. " George Sr Davis , proscription Oriufglst. Carving nets , finest warranted blades , $2.00 per pair up. Our Jurgo fall stock of pocket knives , razors and carving1 nnd tahlo cutlery is now In. Cole ft Cole , 11 Main. Kncur Corn ! hiivur Corn ! Try the Council Bluffs Sugar Corn. The best iu the market. Absolutely no chemicals used to bleach the corn white. It is youiijj , tender , sweet , clean und wholesome. Ask your grocer toe Domestic soap. Frank Radowskl , an engineer on the Union Pacific , living in tills city , had an exulting experience ' last Tuesday night at Medicine Bow , Wye. As some greatly exaggerated re ports of It have been put in circulation , an exact account may not bo out of place. lie was engineer nn the second section of freight train ! i8. The llrst section had becTI provided with instructions to sidetrack at Medicine Bow , but for some purpose or other the second end section liad not. Sadowski's train pulled Into the station , and as it roundoa a sharp * curve ho saw justaheadof lilm the red lights on the rear of the first section. Ho was headed directly for the lights , and quick as a Hash the thought came to him that ho was about to meet his death. The red llgllts crew bigger and bigger with every second , but he torersed his engine and Jumped fitin the train , An instant later his train shot past the llrst section and stopped after going u little way , the brakes having boeti nut on by the other trainmen , who had also aoen the thi t section. In the darkness U was Impossible to see that the two trains were on different tracks , and Mr. Sadowskl , who ia oiio of the most competent engineers on the line , nrotably Old exactly what any other man would tiavo done who iiixd suf ficient presence of mind to do anything under such'circumstances. The general superintendent at Chcvenue Iho nuttev au luvetllgallou with a view to n cerUiInlnR how it came that the crows of the two section * hail different In structions , contrary to the usual custom. 1JOSTON STOltK. Our Sprcmt I'rlco 1UI. Wo advertise nothing wo don't liovo nnd everything advertised will bo found just ns wo say. The following list , pre pared for our sale , Is by no moans an ex ception. Our annual sale is going beyond our oxpoctntl"n , considering the uni versal diill trade ! Head tlio list carefully ; sureto bo something to interest , vou : 82.2T ) 11-4 blankets , $1.48 a pair. $3.GO 1 table napkins , 92.33 n dozen. $ l.io ! shrunk flannel skirt patterns , 89e. A big reduction on muslins and sheet ings. 12Jo cotton batting , 75c n roll. 31.00 gent's llreccd underwent' , 79c. fiOo gent's underwear ( soiled ) , 2TC. 3'Je bovs' nud misses' underwear ( odd lot ) . 17c. 8c ! ) ladies' clouded vests and pants , 02 je. GOc Kgj ptiau ribbed "vests and pants , lOc yard wide twills , 3c a yard. 12c } figured twilled suiting. 8jc. Heat quality Indigo blue prints , Gc. 2oe and ll.'ic infanta' cashmere hoso'lc. ! ) JV5 dozen imported wool hose ( samples ) , no two alike , wot'tli1 from 40c to "Gc , choice 3 pairs for $1.00. Children's mittens , all wool , lOo n pair.Ladles' Ladles' cashmere and double mittens 2oc , worth 33c. $1.00 7-hook kid gloves Gilo a pair. 'Sample line silk embroidered hand- kerchieft. , 33coaeh. GOc nil wool dress goods , yard wide , 3le. ! 3le.G7c G7c fancy dress goods , 40-inch wide , Site. ' $1.00 plaids , camel hair nud hop sack ings r > 4-iuoh wide for 0c ! ) n yard. M.fiU high clnss novelty wool goods now 81.10. Prices on coats have to bo hccn before you can appreciate them. Plush bacques at cost price , $10.00 to S1G.OO garments , $4.1)8 ) ; $3.GO nnd $ o.OO coats , $1.98 each ; $0.50 to $12.00 coats , $4.1 loach. HOSTON STOKK , F. , W. & Co. , Council BlulTs , la. AN KXT11A LIST. Fancy" glass bottles at ti bargain , 125c grade 5c , 25c grade lOc , 39c grade IGc. Florida water , GOc bottles 12c. Bay rum , 2oo bottles lOc ; perfume , Gc ounce. Glycerine soap 2c a cake , Pears' lOc , Cutiuuru 14e , Castile three for lOc. F. W. & Co. Counci ) Bluffs , la. We close every evening at 6 p. m. , ex cept Monday and Saturday. BOSTON STORE. No Politic ! In It. Couscit , BLUFFS , Nov. 22. To the. Editor of THE BKE : In his criticism of Mayor Lawrence and City Attorney Hazelton In an evening paper , "Democrat" is evidently actuated by uartUan motives and is consequently quently unable to appreciate the efforts of those excellent ofllclals in co-operating with the citizens' "movement for a 5-cent motor fare. While it may bo true that the execu tive officers of the cltv have not acted as promptly as their friends could have wished , wo must not forget that this Is a very im portant matter and one that requires care ful consideration as well as decided action , and so far their actions have been charac terized by dignity and Judgment. This is a purely business question and in no sense a political issue. It concerns every resident of Council Bluffs and the movement in its favor should receive the united sup port of all citizens , without regard to their political opinions , and it will undoubtedly receive such support if allowed to stand on its own merits. Tlio action of the council on the last proposition submitted by the motor company snows that the mayor and aldermen can bo trusted to look out for the interests of the city. "Democrat" would do well to Inform him self as to what the city and committee of 100 are doing before offering any further criticism. lie scums to ba under the im pression that Harl & McCabe have been hired by the committee and are acting as Its attorneys. This is not the case , as 1 have taken the trouble to ascertain. Messrs Harl & McCabe are simply members of the committee as are several other attorneys and are working with the committee without hope of com pensation other than will come to every property owner in the city when the desired end is attained , and the thousands of labor ing men and mechanics who are unable to own homes in Omaha can come over and build them on the thousands of vacant lots in Council Bluffs and go back and forward to their work at a.nrieo they can afford to pay. pay.The progress made In this popular move ment for a 5-crnit fare is creditable to the whole committee and gratifying to all friimds of the movement. Success is as sured if wo work together. Therefore let us Kimw neither democrat nor republican in a matter in which their interests are iden tical , but work unitedly for the accomplishment - ment of our purpose. NICXLG FAKE. CI.OAKb AND nonnlion Kroa. Saturday' lllc . 40 Indies' cloth ulsters in black and all colors that formerly bold at $ I ft. 00 , $18.00 , $20.00 and $25.00 , Saturday choice of entire lot $ ! 1.)3 ! ) each. Now line of ladies' jackets just arrived in navy black and brown with Columbia cap and storm collar , umbrnlln skirt. beautifully braided , ut $10.00 , $12.50 , $15.00 , $18.00 and $20.00 each. No such garments over before shown In this city at such prices. Today wo sell Indlof , ' heavy jerpey ribbed vests ut nearly half price , 25o each. Ladies' camel's hair vests and pants , a beautiful quality , worth 75c , at GOc each. Ladles' iino wool camel's hair vests and pants , a $1.GO quality , today at U8c each. each.Misses' and children's wool union suits , all sizes , ! )3c ) each. Ladies' lleeced lined hose , fast black , ut i price , J2Jo pair. Ladles' 40o quality fleeced lined hose , now 2. " > c pair. Children's fine cashmoroall wool hose , silk too and heel , si/.os 4 , 4 } and G , only 25o pair. Ladles' fascinators at 25c , 50o , 7Gc and 9.ic each. SlT-CIAIj HANDKKKCHIKF BALK. Gents' fancy border hemstitched hand kerchiefs ut 8io and lOo each , worth 15c and 18c , Ladies' initial handkerchiefs at lOo each , not half price. Gents' silk initial handkerchiefs , u 75o quality , at 45o each. Now Ib the time to buy ypur holiday handkerchiefs. BENNISQN Unos. , Council Bluffs. You pay your money and you take your choice either Dr. .Tefforis' Diphtheria Kemedy or a funeral. Thirty- live years trial proves Dr. JolYorfs1 diphtheria medicine infallible in putrid sere throat , as in malignant scarlet fever or malignant diphtheria. For Bale by Beardsley , Davis and Dollaven , also 3404 Cuming street , Omaha. H.ife nt I/utt. Zed Bothers , a young man who has a record six yards long In tno police court of this city , has been missing for some little time past , and no one seemed to know where ho had Kono. Yesterday Sheriff Haien re turned Irom Fort Madison , where lie went to take John Howard , convicted of burglary , for confinement in the penitentiary. VVnilo there he saw Bothers , who , however , uow goes by the uatno of Casey and rives his residence as Sioux City , tie u serving out a boutencc for horse stealing. On liis way to Fort Madison Howard told the sheriff ho had served terms in the Ne braska uud Muiiourl penitentiaries and risked tlio sheriff to' induce thn officials nt Kort Madison to put Jtlnt. in the chair de partment , that having been the dcunrtmont in which he worked during his previous con finement. Orsal MarsHlA m .tttlllnerj. $ . " > .00 hats go for VMu $8.00 hats go for Sj.ft ) . Saturday , Novembontffi , at Mrs. Pfoif- for's upper nndlowoiu&torcs. There is no other-such line of lamps in the city as you fmrt'at Lund's. For neat job printing , prompt delivery and lowest prices go.Jo.l'ryor Bros. , Bee job olllco. 12 Pearl pU-qot. . ciiAsitrih : : .ornoEns . , Two Silver Cltr Mnh Insert Thrlr Held * Into llnkrr'i Alou c Fra | > . Constable Baker anil nn assistant , Isaac Barrett , went to Silver Crook township jcs- tcrdnV for the purnoso of levying execution on n horse that belonged to Alexander Me- Klnzto and Dan , his son , two farmers who are recognized by ait their neighbors niul acquaintances ns being exceedingly bad men to .handle when they take n notion to bo rantankerous. Bakcrhad heard that he was likely to have some trouble , and so ho took Barrett along In case of an emergency. When they arrived nt the Mclvlnzie man sion ami made known their errand the llrst thing they got out of tno men of the hnuso was that theytheofllccrs , dldn'l know their business. They finally got possession of the horse , however , in spite of repeated attempts nn the part of tlio owners to tot it away from them. Baiter and Barrett Dually started back toward town leading the horse behind their buggy , but they had not gone far until the two McKinzIes came aftc'1 them with another rig , riding pell moll. They followed close behind for the whole eight miles of the Journey , trying to got the horse away from the officers and-striking It for the purpose of making it break away if possible. H was a race for blood , but neither of the contestants got it. As soon as Baker and ills assistant readied Justice Vlen's office they filed nn information charging botli the McKinzics with resisting an oniccr , and a short time after rcachine the city both the accused wore placed under arrest. They gave bonds tor their appearance De cember 1C for trial and wore released. 'lIcBtrnyi u lirnudfiil I'nlnon. In the city yesterday was a man who , for obvious reasons , does not want his name mentioned , who was enthusias tically praising the Sweotland remedies "Tlipy cured mo of n loa'.hsomo disease from which I had suffered for years , tuid language cannot express my gratitude I had tried all other systems of treat ment without , results , expending hun dreds of dollars and finally sinking down to the depths of despair. The Sweetlaml remedies from the start reached the disease , and 1 noted the beneficial effects within a few days. The indolent ulcers" lost their malig nancy and began to heal , and now I cannot perceive a trace of the disease. My blood is us free from taint and pure as it over was , while my general health has been greatly improved by the sys tem of treatment. " The Sweetland remedies arc a posi tive and unfailing roicedy for syphi litic and all venereal ooisons. They never fail , und the treatment docs not interfere with the bithinoss or habits of the patient. < . ' * ' - Ask your groeer'for Domestic soapr W. S. Baird , Laiwor , Everett block. Smoke T. D. King &jCo's Partagas. Domestic soap istho'best , AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Clilof.Uackatt'a Cruviulajto Kucourapo People ple to.Itetire nt.Ucaa-innble Hour * . Chief BecKett ha ? istarted out to purify the midnight atmosphere of , the city by stopping various lines of .dissipation. Young men who have , no businessmen the streets nt night will bo "vaggedtSi.nt 1 o'clock ; all women found in wine rooms will bo arrested and , any suloo'n keeper who keeps his place open after 12 o'clock ut night will bo prose cuted. The principal object is to protect ihe cit izens from footpads and thieves. All strangers will be taken to the station when found prowling around at a late hour , and In this manner the police hope to put a stop to all the petty thieving that has been going on of late. A woman named Annie Williams was aiTPStecl for being in a wine room , nud released on $10 ball. AUmnn at IIu Old Tricks. The man who stabbed Louis Jacobs in a boarding house Wednesday night and was lined J3 and costs for being drunk cave the name of John Laub. Ills name is not Luub hue Altman. About four years ago Altnian was convicted of shooting an Omaha pawn broker named Snydcr wi th intent to kill him and was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Ho got eight mouths off for good behavior and was released only a short time ago. The charge in the police court on this oc casion was changed from assault to drunk enness , as Jacobs did not want to prosecute Altuun. Altraan's stepfather paid Jacobs' fine , but left Altman in the cooler to serve out his sentence. Ho was drinking nt tlio time the row occurred. The South Omaha police say they will not stund any of Alt- man's reckless work hero , and If he gets into trouble again lie is liiiblotb be more severely punished than ho was on this occasion. Now Social Kill. A novel tea was given last eveiiing at the homo of Mrs. C. E. Morris , on J street. It was called an "invalid's ' tea. " A number of the young people who have been ill with the prevailing fever this fall and winter were Invited. An elegant supper was served , and tlio growing appetites of tlio erstwhile invalids did full justice to tlio good things provided , After tea the evening was spent in each one telling all about his slcknest and trying to see which one had Imd the worst tlmo of it. Mrs. Morris was assisted in entertaining the gentlemen by Miss Jennie Morris and Miss Alma Fr&ncls. Tno young .men pres ent were : Messrs. Foote , Daniels , Clem ents , Will Clements , Morton Francis and Brooks. It was conceded by all that Max Foolo had made the most improvement since ills sickness. Will CoittcKt lor the I'rlzc. Lily division No. 8 , Uniform Itank Knights of Pythias , is making great preparations , looltin toward the drill that takes place in Washington , D. C. , noxti , fall. There la a grand prize offered of 81.500 for the best drilled company and , Lily division will compote pete for the prize. , Officer Ivor Thomak'U ' still a very sick man. man.The public schools vliijhave a special pro gram on Wednesday afternoon in honor of _ Thanksgiving day. n ' Mrs. H. Ileyman , whb'has been ill for the last four months , is again quite sick. This ta the second relapse , , ; . Tom Ilarrlty was takpn to St , Joseph's hospital yesterday. He > yas suffering from a oad case of "Jim-Jams , Charles Sherman , .Ijie . , man who escaped from the police while \ypvklnt' out a { 20 fine on the streets , is doing.n'.fccntenco In Council Bluffs. " . The chain gancr wa .not. taken out to work on the streets yeslciiiuy-on account of their garments being too thin for the cold weather. Pat Carroll filled up with liquor and en deavored to pick a row'with ' the boys in the Third ward engine house. Ho was turned over to Officer Mortensen and locked up. Sergeant Daily wan before Judge Fowler Again yesterday and wa sentenced to forty davs in the county jaij. Jim made a strong tblk for his his liberty , but nil efforts were in vain. Bill H athman swiped two fat gceso that vrere hanging temptingly in front of Casoy'i market last evening. Chief Beckett hap pened along just in time to detect the fel low and locked him up. Hcathman la a rail road brakeman and a newcomer , A man from Omaha , who said his name vrus Kedmoad , showed up at the polioo sU- SCRIBNER'S ' MAGAZINE ANNOUNCEMENTS ( SEE CHRISTMAS NUMBER FOR FULL PROSPECTUS. ) CHRISTMAS NUMBER. \W \ Pohlo M contribute , beginning with the January . Ilk UdUIB , number , a romanOo , entitled JOHN MAKCM , A SUPERB MAGAZINE. SOI' 1'HKKNKR , the first novel written by him for many years. STOHIF.f. llV UUUKUTORANT ! "TholHchnlor'iChrUtmm. " Two olhor lintiortnnt serials Imvo been engaged : ' ! " "iriitlons by IIIVINO 11. WIM * . THOMAS M.l.bON I'AUCi "How the CupUin Jlatlo farrin Author df "Till ! UTTI.KMINISTKK , " has written Clirmtnm. . " linitllKIIT I ) . WAKDi "The ) ? e.Vi" I M J. ll LQ 110) ) for Si'luitX Kit's MAUAX.IXK a characteristic novel , the . _ . . . . . . "Tho Source. " an AllojnrIllus - first slnco thjt famous story. tr.it on by J. H. WEC.UEMN. 1-.UIT11 WHAll- TO.N : "Tho rnlncisot l.lfo. " Pnnrira Mnrnrlith will contribute a vtvM nml strong novel , entitled r. MAUION CllAWl'OUn writes of 'VonMantlno- UBUIgo mtJlcUIUITIIK AMA/.INU MAUUIAGU. " pie. Illustration ? by Kwvi.v I.OIUVKIIS. . AN r.\M t'liniSUEIUHtlt OK S1K WALTER SCOPT. llojcnt v discovered aiirt now first Rilrnrt Hamartnn hl" soloctca tu ° frontispieces for printed with un Introduction AMIIIEW lANa by ndlllrJIlUll UIIU3U Those will not bo drawn frofii nrtlcles In IEIiI/A . UUIII11AB. A search for / now worksbr the otoat urtlit nnd liU puplU In Italy , Ily AI.I.KN the Magazine , but will form un artistic feature in themselves , each pic JUitguANO. I'rlntud In tint. ture Illustrating bomo tendency of eonteiuiiotary iirt , tthd accompanied by DKSIONS n Y IIOWAUI ) 1'YLR. " .TANWAIIV ANI. an article by Mr. ilumerton. Tito llrst will bo Manet's "Filer. " MAV. " u .sons without words. Music by On- ClllttST. AN ARTIST AMONG ANIMAI/i , A dollphtfnl ar- will be , n > 4 always , n feature of the year , Including tlclo by.K. S. UIU'UOII. With IllnstrVa.mis by I1UIQUIC OlUIICi ) stories the iisjlior. exlondlng over moro than oiio number In l'Oi\lS : bv THOMAS llAtl.UY AMlIMdll , U10I1- \V. 1) . HOWKI.LS , W. II. 1MSHOP. nud Miss KI.UOTT. the author Altn IIRNKV srniiiiA tin , OUA11AM 11 ' ' ' " - - ot " .Tcrrv. " and short stories by LUDOVIC HAl.lvVV , 1OHI. CHAM ) . I.1JK llAUUlS , PAl'L HOUIUJIJT , THOMAS NliLSON PAOU , PRICE , 25 CENTS. [ iK A. I11HHAU1) , and uuuiy nunwriters. . F , Marion Grav/Iord / and Edwii L , Wnaks , ossKxTVsSpu D-oporatod lu preparing articles on I ifp at Npwnnrf Ipnnv Rar Hnrhnr rimi the NOKTII snOKIor : MASSACHUSETTS win forma group LUC Ql llGRpUlli LCIIUA , Uai naiUUI ) Of , .lovcr , social studios by four bright authors nnd artists working In ct > operation , A s > orlos of tjxcoptioual Interest and artlbtic Importttnco. Glevfir Social Slii'Jies ' by9ctav3 IhanslbelnB9kotchos , ° f iinny AI CIIUWI < ics'cS)0ciaiiyofthowest. ) , flnniPStiPatflll Anilllk lhol)0 ( ; ' the HORSK , HHASTS OP ItlTUDKN , a-il nOMIiSTICATIJI ) ItlUDS , by uu.iiluOiiuuiUU HlllilUIJ , proft SiiAM-it : , Illustrated by distinguished artists of animal lite. The articles will bo nn important feature of the year. fin Piratinal 03-A NARRATIVE OI-.PKIT.U CKOTJAN. n piiiin- Ull I HUIIUUI Oufld dolphin moroh-viit in the Iwglnulng of the century , will extend ihrouuh several 1 - - TERMS ! SUBSCRIBE : NO\V. BS WITH CHRISTMAS NUMBER : : 250 a Number. SPECIAL OFFER. St'A-.S HMiliicrlitlim ; lor I8)4 , ) , - - SU.f.O The Blimp , with li.iclc numbers bound In cloth , . . . . ( j.f Mandrake Pills have a value in .a house hold icmedy far beyond tno power ot hvn guago to dosc-ibe. The family can hardly bo true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in oiuorgon cios. Is the only vogotao'.G substhutovfor that dangerous mineral , MiiliCfJllV , and while its action as a curative Is fully equal , it possesses none of the poi-ilous oft'ccts. In Constipation , M-indrako acts upon the bowels without disposing them to subssquont Costiveness , No remedy acts so directly on the liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache , Sour Stomach ach , and Biliousness as these ForS.ilc by ; iH Druzjlflt , ? . I'rlco 2"i ct < > . nor box ; 3 box 01 for 03 ota. ; or sent by mall , posl - ace free , on receipt ot nrlce. Dr. J. U. SchotieK & Son. I'hlhidelplila. . . - - imtm mwv Mtt. .QJ 3 y A Sew nnd Corapleto Treatment , consisting of SUPPOSITORIES. Cnpsnles of. Ointment and two BoimjoJ Ointment. A.novor-fulUnir Cure for Piles of every nature and desree. It makes an operation with tne knlfo or Injections ot carbolic acid , wllci are nalnf ul and seldom a perrucnent cure , and of'.ca roenltinar In death , unncceceary. Why endure thlo terrible dlaaaso ? W auarantoo.6 boxec to euro any caoo. You only pay for bonoflte received. ? l a box , 0 tor K by mall. Sample free. Guarantocs ifeued bouragouts. . bUNb I H A I 8U1"Ijy Japanese LiverPollcts Iho areat MVKll and 3TOS ) AOlf ltEQOIATOR nnd DIOODPUHIl'ILK. flaoll , mild and iiloaennt to UV , cepoolally adapted for chllirea'auss , OODoiea IS cents. OUABAKTEE8 Issuoi only by Kuhn & Co. , Solo Agents , Omaha , Neb ifl I i5l ) . O. No ntturnuy's ( CP until patent oDtaluod. W.rlttj for Inventor's Gnulo , tion about 0 o'clock with his face badly torn open. The fellow had been drinking ami was a little mixed ns to how lie became nuinmclrd up , but the police are of the opin ion that ho tried tovlnp the wrong man. WKATllBK FOJtKVA ! > Tti. Fair nnd Warmer Tocl.iy liVhnt in I'roni- NeDril ( ; n . Nov. 24. Forecast for Saturday : For Nebraska Probably fair unii warmer Saturday , with-south winds. For Iowa Generally fair Saturaay , with warmer southeast winds. For South Dakota Incroasine cloudiness , with local snows Saturday afternoon and night ; warmer.Local Local Kecoril. Hotuna 38 .00 Cloudy. lilsiiiiircU. . 10l .02 Cloudy , Nt , Vincent. > l .00 Clear. Clit * > t'iiit ) ) * . 30 41 .00 Cloudy. MUCH City. , .00 Clear. Ualvvuton. . 61 .00 Cloudy. "T" IndlcatuH trace , 'below zero. GEOUCJE K. HUNT , Local Korccaut Official , Current Tuple Club. The CurrentTopiooluh met last cvenfni ? and discussed the ' 'Hawaiian Question" and "Liquor Trafllo in South Carolina. " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. * " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. You goins to buy a suit of Un- dorwcnr today ? Our store is full of warm winter Undorwuur. YOU Can rig yourself out hero at a great saving. After you have visited the other stores run Inhere hero nnd lotus sui'iirisoyou with fiomo first quality goods ut low prices. COLD Wave weather is here come to stay , too bettor como in today and lot us make you comfortable. Good Underwear is too cheap lo deny yourself of anything. HATTER AND FURNISHER , ' 502 Broadway. A saving of from $5 to $15 on Suits to order. See our samples. TIIKARMSTRONG - HOPKINS PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Klieelal Ailrantn : > s : Hospital bnllillne new : ullinotlcin Improvi'nipntH ; iil\itf ruoniH , no lat'K" wanlHt bfsl liyf--iiH ( * food t'aii'fully nrc- liaivil : ull iiir.llc.il unit HtirKlc.it aiiull.uu'cM : i < r- llclvnt Inilnfil inirhfn : IhouiUKlilv iiniillllpil IihyHlclaiiH ALr < r01V .1.lllor..OO ( ) 1'KKIJAV , uccortllni ; lo Ulsi'ahn and : u OIHIIMHIUII. ( | | | Dr. . Hov. o ! ' . Hopkins , A. M , t Honorary N-c. , 1339 & 1341 Sou h29th Avo.O-nalin. OR. Is the only SPCCIAUST WUO THKATS AiV. paiYATE DISEASE ; anaOEQIUTIESof EV3EN ONLY , Women Excluded. 18 ypnra nxporlcnvr Circular * free. 1 1th nnd Farnam Sla DMAIIA. Nun INDAPO TIIK C11G1T HINDOO REMEDY 1-UODfCKS TIIK AI10VK Iir.SUl.TH IN 60IIIYR. Neivnun UUrHivi. Fallliiit Memory , l'are l , Sli'il'lcmncn , Wonknemen , elf. , and qulclcly but tuiely runtnies l.ot Vltnllly in jf.uiix. K i > lly caiileiHn tpocl.el , l'ilio * u&clinKP. Rlx fur C.VdOlili KWrlllrnicimrnnii'Flt cure oritioncj rfluiiili'il. Uun't Ictony unpilMclpHQ dmtrelitt ell vail a u litttt of tinttntlfm , lnl i on hitvluK IMIAI'O. II lialuiHiint L-oMt. up will hrnd It by ninllupnniert'lptiif pilic. I'mnphlet In K'nleil n\lopu \ililirfcsOrlrntulMciUvulCo. . I'roin. , Clilcoffn , 111. , or our uafittft. SOU ) by Kiilin ft Co . Cor. nth nml lloufflixi RU. , n'l J.A.tullfrAOo. , Uurlitll AI > ulllatlhl | > . , O > iAllA | by 1'atil U Kcluicl.ler. 621 llraniluuy A 0 ] ' ( > * rl BU COUN'CII id J.cadlns l > ruceltti. A CAItl ) . Owintr to the strlntroncy of the times , I have reduced my regular ohnrpos lo cash u-itionts to oxuet- ly ono half of the orinU'cl oculist's fee bill. E. T. ALLEN , nM. 1) . Eye nnd ICur Surrcon. ( Iloom 201 Paxton lllock , lUlli anl Farnntn , Cross hlno JrrltnWo ; can't cat can't bleep can't do peed wotk. It's' ' , Nerve llcuna yon need , Not a barrel. ' i "A box It cnnueli. " Onu dollar bujb'i ' it-of all drugging , or by mail. c NERVE DEAN CO. , BUFFALO , N. Y. Special I oiicasi COUItill. BlUFri : WALK -A i-omplclo Ijolllimr works. In irool FOIl : iloln ? ; \ coal , piyliii , ' UU | IIOH . ( iuJ ruaaontt turHfllluy , Addreaad . Umiunics FAIlMS-8Oncre , $ J'.60 riar a-jrd : 833 IOWA . ifl..UJ ; iioj airai. * . ' . .OJ ; : il ) ujpjt , $1503. ILIOa.TJ'J , * . ' 5.0D ; HO airu4. * J7OJ , J. ir/j llhlcif f.irina. fruit lar.in uul if jrJ J.I Ull. Btoii i& . Van I'Jtli'ii. YOU know that Day A. HCDH jinvii BO - buriraliib In rait und irarduu laud nuir llilBcliy'i _ andloaui Farm and olty prnpjrU A1ISTRACTS bold. I'liuay A , T houian , Coii'Ul UlUflH | _ _ GAUBAGE removed , cpB | tooln , vaults , chl unjyt cleaned. Kd iluruo , al Taylor' * ( rosary , Jl ) Uroodway O.-lllKNT A4.room liouitj. iiminrd ot r1. rt Levlii.'JlB Houlb iBt Btn-fl , _ TJOKSALKOH THAPK Him brick 'rfHldvnru i-1 cfutrall j- located , la Council Uluflv , J , II , Klcc. g. ff. PANGLE , M. D. Hid Good Samaritan. 20 Tens' Eiptrieute. EEADKll OF DISEASES OF HEN AND WOMEN. rilOPllIETOU OF TUB WOULD'S JJEKBAt. DIsrEN- 3A11Y OF MEDICINE. IJraat ihe following D/teasts : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lnngl : DIi cases o t the Eye and liir , Fits and A poplezy , Ue&rt Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Dobillty , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes , Brleht's Disease , et-'Vltus1 Dance ? Ahcutnatlsm. raralyEb , White Bwclllnff , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawl HE a drop of blood. Woman with hr delicate organs re Moral to boalth. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private Diseases of all kinds. SCO to S5OO forfeit for any .ry DlB- case i cannot euro without meroury. I'cro Worms reraovcJ in two or three hours , or no pa7. IIu jaorrholila or Piles cured. TIIOK WHO ARE AFFMCTED Willcnvo Ufa and hundreds of dollara by calUnfl on or using DR. 0. W. PilNClTS HERBAL MEDICINES. ' The only riiyelclan ivlio can toll wlmt alia a person without asking a question * All correspondencoBtricllvoonfldcntial. McdiOllU suit by express. Address all letters to G.V. . , M. D. fi Ilruti l\vtiy , Council ISliiflf.-i , Kneloso ! cents In Htannn Tor circular FOR THE Insane In chu oof thosistora of Nloroy. This ronnwnod Institution Is sltintoJ nil Ilia high blnlTs b.ioU of and overlooklnz the city ot Council llliitTs. Tlio spioloui KroiuiJi , Iti hluli looiitlon nnd Hplmnlld vlow , nrilfo It n. most plcaslnn rotrntt for tlio nflllctod. AttalT of eminent physlolans nnd a lurso corp cit ox- pcrlvncel nurses nilnlstor to tlio comforts ot tlioi'aUonta. Bpoclul euro ylvon to ludy UA tlonttt. TERMS MODERATE. For particulars unply to SISTER SUPERIOR Frank StmtComll BliTi , Iii ) , J Attornoyi-vt-iaw. I'r.u li jJ tyj | l-i Un sun ail lii fodnrul court i. Uii'ni 2JJ-7"i-'J , i block Council llluif Iu. A.SUBJECT OF GREAT IN- ' TERE3T. Above All be Careful of Your Eyes Cull on I'rof. Iflrsohbnr ; , tha recazn70l ! ( New VorU und bu I.oulu Kyo Kxpcrt , who nl.l bo la tJnuhiv from DECEiVlBES 6TH TO I2TH , lit the btore of Ills agent , MAX MEY.R & BRO. CO. , < inn ] hiive your oyoi Uttod with n pilr of 111 * colchriteu Nin-Uliiiiif'iiabli ) Bpeataules anil Consultation free. 1'AI.NH , JtllKU.MA 118JI K , ClIOMCIl.l. Tlio mcxit prartlcal and Hiircbt rovulHlvu IH UIiOr.UTH ( J.IiiBt.lnl IMZVUH. liivtsnUfJ by lllnullot and adci't | < Kl by tint Huyal > KnvlUli Kavy thn [ irivuto and military Kruiicli huoiiltala , nn4 nitMl all ovur ilio world. Thirty yuaru of Hucoani. F nalii with drueKlutu , In lxjxt > couUlnlnif 13.1 U uv uach. ym ) Hint thu Itivumor'B Bliriiaturu li upou uauli box und loaf. Main omce , P , llltfollot & Uu , ill Avimut VlctorU , i'arlu , Kraucu ,