FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 19 , 1893-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IF HAY Cloaks being sold at the greatest cut .prices ever made this season. of town , come in. Your car fare in Omaha you know that you get Underwear , Hosiery , Blankets and Domestics demand your attention will be made on the first few del more for your money at Haydens' this week. lars' worth you purchase. ' . If you can't come in , write. than at any other place in town , week.MAKING Mail orders filled. MAKING ROOM FOR HOLIDAY. GOODS. SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO.'S WHOLESALE GROCEkY STOCK GOES ON SALE IN BASEMENT MONDAY MORNING. SEE SOME OF THE PRICES BELOW. Blankets and Comforts. Wo nro offering special bargains in blankets tomorrow. , l-lb grey wool blnnkots , 49c a pair. 4-lb grey wool blankets at 7fic a pair. 5 1 pair whlto cotton fleeced blankets reduced to 55c n pair. 60 pairs silver grey cotton blankets at G5c ft pair. 200 pairs of white or groy fleeced blnnkots at Too a pair. 60 pairs of eilvpr gray blankets , OSc. 30 pair of white wool mixed blankets , BliRhtly soiled. $1.60 pair. . . 25 pairs 11 > 4 white California blankets , to close , slightly soiled , $2.i)8 ) pair. 82 pairs 10-1 nil wool silver king crcy blankets reduced to $2.50 pair. 0-lb 11-1 groy wool mixed blnnkots at 82.83 pair. 12-4 sanltarv gray 0-lb all wool blank ets ntSO.riO a pair. Very line white California blankets nt $4.)5a ! ) pair. See our red blankets at S3.98 a pair. You will saxn money by buying your blankets at Uaydcn's. Bed comforts nt 25c , 50c , 7oc , SI , Sl.'Jo , ? 1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.23 , $2.60 , $2.75 , $3.00 , S3.25 , $3.50 nnd S3.75 each. Our stock is complete. Our stock is too large , wo are making prices to re duce it. Our loss will be your gain dur ing this sale. Now is iho time to lay in your supply before the block is broken. Dress Goods Dep't. Special bargains in store for you on Monday in our center ninlc. BARGAIN NO. 1 33C. This is nn all wool flannel suiting , extra heavy , plain color ? , all the lead ing shades , just what vou want for n neat and warm street dress , 38 inches wide. These goods arc worth OSc. BARGAIN NO. 2 HERE IS A snn. This is a nice ALL WOOL LADIES' CLOTH , 54 INCHES WIDE. RE.MKM- BER , 64 inches , strictly all wool , not a lot of od ] shoddy , half cotton goods. "When wo advertise all wool wo mean nil wool. These goods are not a lot of moth-eaten BANKRUPT STOCK , but bought from lirst hands , the factory , nt one-half rogulur price , for spot cash , nnd are nil now goods , this fall's pur chase , and are worth 7oc. Monday's price 390. BARGAIN NO. 3-27C. Do you want n nice warm house dress nnd something when you get in a hurry nnd want to run down town nnd order a few grocoriesfat IIAYDEN'S or go to the market or come nnd see some of the Bpccinl bargains in our dress goods de partment and have- not got time to change your dress but just slip on your cloak and wrap over your houbo dress nnd hnvo n nice street dress , you can find just what you want in this lot for such a dress. liOU pieces to select from. These goods nro all wool. 38 inches wide , in plain plaids , stripes nnd bro cades nnd are worth fr6m 60e to 75c. BARGAIN NO.1 120. These goods must bo scon to bo appre ciated. Wo bought the fcumo goods in the early part of the season nnd they cost us morn tlian-wo arc selling this lot tit. Our lirst invoice was sold at 25c. This invoice No. 2 bought this week nt n bottom price and wo can sell them to you youMONDAY AT 12JC. Just think of it , n nice worsted dress at ONLY $1.00. Come early ns the amount is limited. Nice worsted dress nt only $1. Coma early ns the amount IH limited. BLACK GOODS. Ask to see our nil wool cheviots.These nro 38 inches wido. Cheap nt OSc. Monday's price 3"c. A nice nil wool Henrietta , 38 inches wide , worth 75c , Monday's price , 43a Oir : 40-Inch mountain serge , worth 81.60 , Monday's price , 030. Hnydeu Bros. sell Furniture. Secret Price. Notion and Fancy Goods Dept. OPENING UP. aWe nro just opening up our holiday goods in these departments , am' you must see thorn. On account of the re cent hard times , holiday goods have been Eold cheaper than over before. Purees of all descriptions fromoo to$5. Pine Heal combination purses , with solid silver corners ; wore $ ! s,50 ; now only $1.60. Fine russet leather combination purses , with solid gold mountings : wore 5 ; now $2.03. Fine calf purses , wero75c ; now 49c. Fine ca'.f purses , werefiOc ; now 25o. Fancy silk drapes , were fiOc ; now 25c. Fancy stumped linens , wore 50c ; now 25c , Fine embroidered silk handkerchiefs , voro 25c ; now 15c. Fine embroidered silu handkerchiefs , WQro 43c ; now 25 < x A complete line of silk garters , with pllt. silver and pearl buckles. These goods will bo sold from 60o to SI.78. Jowolcr'B prices on those goods are from $1 to 94. Wo mo headquarters on elastics of all description. Wo soil the finest fancy frill , cllk clastic for 21c ; worth 40o par yard. 15o for clastic worth 25o per yard. lOo for elastic worth 20o. So for clastic worth 15c , Haydeii Bros , fell Furniture. Secret 1'rlce. Underwear and Furnishings. In this department wo have done n marvelous business. Wo have mndo same of the heaviest purchases ever made in America by n single house. The public is getting the benefit of forced sales of hurd-up manufacturers. 1 case of gent's camel's hair shirts nnd drawers , worth C5c , to bo closed at 33u each. Gent's heavy wool underwear , shirt and drawers , iiOc , worth 75c. See our special t'ablo of Kent's under wear tomorrow. You can buy anything on it for G9c. shirts or drawers. You will miss it if you do not attend this special sale. Nothing like it this scabon. Gent's $1.50 cardigan jackets for 50o each. Gent's natural grey merino i hose 15c , worth 2.JC. Gent's heavy ivool sox 9o , worth 20c. Ladies' cashmere hose IDe , worth 3'tc. Children's underwear less than4 price tomorrow. Ladies' night gowns 39c , worth 75c. 100 dozen ladies' corbels , all sizes , worth 73c per pair , go at 2uc. Gent's jersey knit ovei'bhirts 50c , 75c and 81.00 , worth double. Ilaydcn IJros. sail Furniture. Secret Pric-i. The Repeal of the Silver Bill , Freighted with brightest hopes of future prosperity , came just n trillo too late to take the chill out , of the hearts of the wholesale dealers , im porters and manufacturers of silks and velvets , in whoso hinds lanro quantities of silks remain unsold. "Give us spot cash and take the lot ! " greeted us from so maay quar ters and told the story of such n. ter rific enmsh in prices , that in all our history wo have never been such heavy buyers on such advantageous terms as during the past few weeks. This udv6rtisomeRt tolls the story of , a few only a few of the many 'un approachable bargains to bo found in our silk department. No matte what you may wish in silks you can bo almost certain of finding it hero , nnd at prices which defy competi tion. tion.Hnnd Hnnd woven 24-inch Japanese silk8-in 70 shades , worth S5c ; wo are selling them for 5'Jc a yard. Handsome brocaded silks go dur ing this week at 75c a yard. , Tust- the thing for n handsome silk waist or a trimming for your dross. Doubled-faced black silk crystal bengalines at $1 a yard. You can't duplicate them elsewhere for loss than $1.50 n yard. Satin imperials , nil silk , back and face , in all the staple colors , worth 81.25 , our price 75c n yard. Changeable surahs nnd taffetas nt 49c a yard. You cnn't buy them elsewhere for less than 75c. Silk flnish velvottas , 29c n yard. $1.50 quality silk velvets for $1 a yard. Elegant quality silk plushes , OSc a yard. The largest stock of reliable black dress silks to bo found in the west at Now York prices. Haydeii Bros , sell Furniture. Secret Price. Linen Dept. Wo are letting down the prices , and Etocit is going fast. All linen crash , 2lc yard. Brown twilled'crash , 7oyard. Fine glass toweling , 80 yard. 24-inch cheeked toweling reduced to 12c. 12c.Fino Fine full bleached twilled crash , lOc yard , GO-inch cream dnmusk , 50c yard. 72-inch bleached damask , 6lo ) , 75c ami $1 yard. Uncn drosso. scarfs , 25o each. Bleached Turkish towels , lOc each. Best 2oe towel in America. 24x40 full bleached , nil linen , knotted fringed huck towels , worth 20c ; on Mon day at Huydons' , and nt Haydoas' only , lUo each , Closing prices on napkins , bed spreads , etc , Fine crochet spreads reduced to SSc onch ; 114 Marseilles spreads reduced to $1 each. So Imported Marseilles spreads , $3,50. Flannels. The most complete flannel stock in Omaha. Gray wool mixed llannol , 80 n yard. Heavy shaker flannel , 5o a yard , All wool French llannol. 25c a yard. Extra quality Euglish shirting flan nels , 25o to 50o tv yard. > 8-ounco skirting flannel , 50c n yard. Cotton Eiderdown , lOc , 15c nnd 20c. Special good value in outing flannel , 5o und lOo a yard. Flannel skirt patterns , 35c , 75c , $1 , $1.25 , 81.60,81.75 aud un to $2.76 each. Full line of white flannel from 15ca yard up to $1 a yard. Silk embroidered flannels , plain rod , navy blue and gray flannels in great varioty. > CLOAKS ! The Cloak department is getting- such a shaking up as it never had before. You'd better get our special clearing prices Monday. Here are a few sample prices : 9 Ladies jackets in brown , gray or blue , fur-trimmed. Jn the lot are garments that sold up to $7.50 and $9. In this sale they go at $275 Another lot of fur-trimmed , silk-lined jackets in all colors. Used to be $9.50 and up to Si7.50 ; "for this sale they go from $7.50 down to. . . Ladies' fancy fur capes , Russian fur , sold regularly for $8.75 , now only $4.50 Latest style cloth capes , braid and fur-trimmed , Worth collar , a regular $16 garment , Monday $9 Fancy capes in brown and tan , late styles , worth $9.50 , will be $7 A line of long cloaks fold VJ \ style ) , good serviceable gar ments , some of them worth up to $9 , All in one lot for this sale 98c each PIANO DEALERS A PEW PACTS : We have the largest stock of pianos in the west. , We have the greatest variety of different makes and styles. We will give you your choice of A3STY different makes of pianos aud will agree to sell you any one ) 'ou may select 20 per cent cheaper than you can buy it anywhere else on earth. Our prices range from § 175 to the price of the very best Chickering piano. We handle the GREATEST PIANO ON EARTH ing < Sons y A few bargains in seffond hand pianos , nearly newwhich have been taken in exchange for tlje world renowned CHICKERING. 100 Pianos to Kent. STANDARD SHEET MUSIC 6e Per Copy. Small musical instruments and musical merchandise of all kinds. Ilaydcn liros. sell Furniture. Secret Price. Wash Dress Goods. 500 nieces of 32-inch wide , 80-inch and HOinch wide serges , chevrons , flannel back nnd plain back fancy printed -Jress goods , all reduced to lOe yard. In center aisle on Monday wo offer fast black Eatlno , light nhirting , striped sateens 30 inch wide , serge , chevrons , Bedford cords. Giant cloih , Loulsium cloth , ull in mill remnants ut 3c } ard. Look out for u big crowd .and bo on time. They are worth from lOo to 15c. On Monday to be closed out ut Sjo yard , quantity limited. Men's duck coats , reversible , rub * ber lined , $2.25 ; worth $1.50. Mail orders UlloJ. BEAUTl S An elegant beaver cloak , trimmed with braid and fur , Worth collar , full-sleeves , close fitting waist , the very latest thing out , in navy blue , brown and black , sells everywhere at § 22 , our price. . . : $16.5O A handsome , garment in beaver , with Worth collar , double breasted , umbrella back , regular' , price $12.50. Now $7.75 All wool children's cloaks , just the thing * for school wear , and some offthem quite stylish , ' sizes 4 to.'S , regular $3.50 garments , all colors , Monday at. . . : $1.75 Nice all rwool children's cloaks , ages 6'to ' 12 , with mili tary capes , all colors , both light and dark shades , a real nice little cloak. .Has . been $9.50 , now only..v. " Hats and Caps. For Men , For Boys , For Children. Boys' winter turbans 20c , worth 50c. Men's soft huts 50c , worth 81.50. Boys' crushers 40c , worth 75c. Men's fine fur * Fedora in blacic. nnd brown $1.15 , worth $2.60 to $3. Men's fine fur derby in all the leading shapes SI. 15 , wortu 82.50 to S3. Men's genuine Scotch caps 25c , worth 75c. ' , Boys'fancy lurbnns lOc , worth 50c. Men's ' fine fur crushers 7 < 5c , worth SI. 50 Men's heavy winter cai > s 50c , worth SI. The largest line of children's fancy caps and turbans for winter wear , 50c. Men's fine fur soft hata in dilloront styles , $1.15 ; none worth less thun $2.50 to $3. Boys' Fedora , in blue and brown , SOc ; worth $1. Boys' plush turbans nnd caps , 60c ; worth 81. Men's genuine seal turban-$5 ; hatters' prico. S10. Call nnd see our stock of hats and caps , us wo carry tbo largest stock in the city and prices oue-hrlf loss than any other house. Men's duck cants , reversible , rub ber lined , $2.25 ; worth $1.20. Mail orders filled , Jewelry Dep't. Opera Classes at Half Price. Oriental , blanl and white pearl opera glasses with line nchromatio lenses in leather cnses.32.05. Worth $7.50. 15 line LeMttiro opera glasses , $3.05. Worth $8.00.v 15 line blncic morocco leather opera glasses in leatior ) casjs , OSc. Worth $3.00. f Gent's gold filled hunting case wutch , warranted toAvpar twenty years , with u line E'gin or Wnltlmm movement , $12.50 ; worth $25. Solid silver cjiatelaino watch , 10-jow- elcd movement , KL05. Solid gold baby rings 19c , worth 50c. Solid gold necc chains OSc , worth $3. 1,000 gonts' watch chains , gold plated Gorman silvery -)5o ) , worth $1,25 , Gent's silveriuo watch , stem wind and set , Elgin or Wallham movement , Si.95 ; worth * aOD. ' Rogers' 12-dwt. , knives'or forks $1.2-3 per sot. , llomombec. wo are headquarters for Bilvcrweur , Ten eels , cake baskets , pickle eastern , dinner castors , fruit bas kets , napkin rlnSa , silver mugs , etc. , etc. , nt one-half jeweler's prices , Eight day oak clocks , 81.75. Nicltlo ufann clocks , 6Sc. Rheumatic cure rings. A positive pcuo for rheumatism , 60c : worth $2. Watch und clock repairing at reduced rrices. Dress Linings. Have you seen the now line of fast black printed fcellslii nt HaydonaV Did you ever notice the lOo BcliBiu ? All colors in solisiu at ICc , 16e and 20o yard. All colors beet lining cambric nt 3io. Haydens carry the most complete liu- ing department in Omaha. STOVES TIDINGS OF COMFOMM -THE- Oil Stove The nbovu slovo is provided with four cold air flues running from the floor to the hot air chamber , directly through the oil tank , thus obviating any danger whatever , ns the oil tank , by means of such flues , is constantly kept cool. Wo have put the price of the ALL RIGHT OIL STOVE within tlio reach of alL Wo have reduced them form $12 to $860. Hard and Soft Coal Stoves Four car loads of stoves , and n price that talks. No. 10 Junior Oak , S C.25. _ No. 11 Junior Oak , 8 7.75. No. 13 Junior Onk , 8 9.15. No. 15 Junior Oalf , SI 1.15. No. 17 Junior Oak , 813.87. No. 10 Putman , $5.53. No. 14 Putman , 80.415. No. 10 Putman , $7.05. No. 91 Mounted Putman for hard coal , $5.15. No. 101 Mounted Putman for hard coal , $0.45. No. Ill Mounted Putman for hard coal , $ G.fl3. . No. 121 Mounted Putman for hard coal , $8.15. Stewart Oak This is the finest oak , stove in the market. It excels in construction - , struction , material , finishoperation and ornamentation. The No. 155 is S13.05. No. 175 is $10.85. No. 1)5 ! ) is $18.05. Wo show you what no other house in the wcbt can do over 200 dillorent styles nnd sizes of stoves , and prices the very lowest Ilaydcn Bros , sell Furniture. Secret Price. Iron Beds. Wo nro showing nn elegant line of iron beds in white and blue enamelwith brass rail and knobs. Our prices are as usual low on these goods , und the beds are first class nnd made by the best houses in the country. First class furniture - nituro nt lowest prices. IIAYDIiX BROS. Ifoliday line of pictures und easels ut havd time prices. HAYDKN BROS. Holiday rockers , selling at what oth ers UBed to pay. * HAYDKN BROS. Elegant center tables , in the newest and neatest stvles , nt bottom prices. HAYDKN BROS. Extension tables of handsome design and elegant finish.HAYDKN HAYDKN BROS. Neat and tasty sideboards at prices to sell. HAYDKN BROS. Do you want any kind of furniture ? See HAYDKN BROS. Drug Dept. Ayor'a cherry pectoral 7 c. Jayno's expectorant 75c. Fellows' syrup $1.15. Piorco's medicines 75c. Carlsbad sprudul salts OSc. Hood's sareapariilu 75c. Kaufman's sulphur bitters 75c , Warner's safe cure 05c. Perfumes and soaps nt the very lowest priccs. ( PrescriptioDB at lower prices than any other store in the city. Domestic Dept. The largest domestic stock in the west. All the leading brands. lloady made shoots , -JOc , 69c , GOc and 75o each. Pillow cases , lOc , 12Jc , 15o nnd 17c each. Unbleached cotton flannel , 3c yard , Bleached cotton flannel , Co yard. All kinds of Bhirting.donlins and tick ings. )1 day Monday will he a great day for in Shoes. Ladies' line nvorgnltore at cost. Ladies' plush bound felt slippers , G5c ; worth SI. Ladies' fine velvet embroidered slip pers , ! ; worth $1.60. Ladies' dongola patent tip button shoos , $1,50 ; vrortn $ _ ' . Ladies' fine dongola Juliets , S2.50 ; worth $3.50. Ladies' fine imported button Juliets , $3 ; worth $4. These are the latest styles and hand turned soles. See them. Ladies' fine olotu top button shoes , $2.50 ; worth $3. Ludlow's make ladies' fine hand turned paten t tip bhoes on sale at $2.25 , worth $4.50. Every lady likes the style and fit of Ludlow's shoes. Wo offer great bargains in school shoos. Children's pebble grain A. S. T. tip shoes , 05c , worth $1.2-3. Misses' pebble grain A. S. T. tip shoes , $1.25 ; wortu $1.75. Youths' N. K. calf button tip shoos. 81 : worth $1.33. Boy's N. 1C calf button tip shoes , 81.20 ; worth $1.75. Mon'a solid N. K. calf working shoes , $1 ; worth $1.50. Men's B. calf shoes , $1.50 ; worth 52. Men's fine calf shoes , blucher lace. $2.60 ; worth 53.50. Boys' Fauntleroy leggings , $1.75 ; worth $2.50. Those are jubt the thing for fioya DOW. See them. Men's duck coats , reversible , rub ber lined , $2.25 ; worth $ .50 , Mail orders filled. Books , Books. Holiday books now on sale. Ju vonllo books nn special bale Monday. 12-ma cloth-bound books only 12c. } Mucilage , 2c porbottlo , Ink , 80 pur bottle. Envelopes , 8c per package. Writing tablets , 3c each. Boat note paper , lOc par Ib. Office supplies at cut prices Monday. ' WHOLESALE Grocery Stock AT RETAIL. We have purchased the. wholesale grocery stock of Sloan , Johnson & Co. and will place it on sale in the basement , beginning Monday Best California 3-lb. can peaches , J6& each , or $1.05 a do/on. Best Cnlifofnia 3-lb. cafi pears , 19J each , or SI.85 a dozen. Best California 3-lb. can grapes , lie ) each , or SI.2-3 a dcMen. Best California 3-lb. can apricotslUjo each , or 31.45 a dozen. Best California 3-lb. can white choc i ries , 17c each , or $2 a dozen. , Good corn , U-lb. can , lc ) each , or 81 n , dozen. _ i 3-lb. can good tomatoes , Oc each , or $ ( a clo/.on. 3-lb. can California cg plums , 121 $ each , or 31.45 a dozen. 3-lb. can California golden drop plum ) ) 12jc each , or SI. 15 a dozen. 3-lb. can California green gage plumsi * 12io each , or $1.45 a dozen. "M Good Columbia river salmon lie cam1 ! or $1.25 iv dozen. 1 pint Columbia blue lahcl catsup ISC' , or $1.05 a do7.en. * Imported Moutardo , French mustard. 30e. ij Half-gallon bottle mixed pickle ( wortli 75c ) , sell for Sue. ' " * 20 Ibs. granulated sugar , $1. California dried grapes , 3jc. Now California 2 crown raisins , 5& , 03 c , 7jc. ANew Now California 3 crown raisins , Oc , 7o , 85c , 125e. ' Now London layer raisins , lOJc , 12j < JJ California Valencia raisins , 8Jc. / Imported loose Ondura raisins , 12Jtv jJvauorntcd raspberries , 22Jc. Evaporated blackberries , fie. Cherries ( California ) , 12Jc. Dried apples , 5c. Now California nectarines , IMo. Good Turkish prunes , 5c. ( California raisin cured prunes , 7Jc. New California apricots , 12Jc. Now evaporated peaches , 12jc. Now evaporated pears , 12jc. Sauor kraut , per quart , 7ic. Imported chow clfow , per quart , Imported fancy mixed pickles , I5o. Pure buckwheat Hour , 3c. Self-rising buckwheat flour. Sic. Pancake Hour , self-ribing , 3c , llnydens' Best Flour , 5X. 81.10. Plllshury's Best Flour , 4X , $1.10. Snowflnko flour , Goc. Best Superlative Hour , OOo. Pure rye flour , 51.25. t Choice rye flour , $1.15. Good rye flour , $1. This is the cleanest stock over thrown on this marKet The goods are all novf nnd fresh. You must take advantage Q tills sale. The nbovo nro only a fo\fy \ of the items that we have. Ilaydcn Bros , sell Furniturc Secret-Price. Meat and Lards Away Don < * Strictly sugar cured No. I hams , every pound of them guaranteed ; picniq hams , lOc ; boneless ham. 12e ; cooked.- luun , lOc ; spare ribs , 75c ; link hausagftj ] lOc : ilnest rolled corned beef , 7jc ; plotb beef , Tic ; pigs feet , Oc ; tripe , fie ; cookoil corned beef , lOc ; bologna , 5c ; salt porfti. IHc ; bacon , 13c ; diieil beef , lOc. In , lard wo are making faomo startling prices and wo can give you nny brnui you wnnt. 3 pound pails of best lard , : i6c ; 5 pound pails , O.'ic ; 10 pound pal IB ? $2.35. In compound wo will make 3 pound palls , 33c ; 5 pound palls , 53c ; 10 ounu pails , ! ) jo. Head our prices oncottollno. 3 pound pails , 28c ; 5 pound pails tfjk' Butter. We are cutting prices on butter. Country butter , 15c , 17c , lOo und 216Y creamery , 2'tc25c nnd 27c. You cat ( como to Haydun'H und will always liija tlie best butter ut the lowest prices. * Crackers. Our cracker department is cutting prices. Best soda crackers made for Co pep pound ; also oyster craekorh fie , gingo snaps , frosted creams , luinon creums and , mixed cookies 7c , and ull other cake | nnd crackers ut lowest prices. , Cheese. Cheese is higher evorwhcro but at Hoyden's. Wisconsin full crcaiir chcceo lOc and 12ic. 12ic.Brick cheese 12jc. 14c and IGc. Limborger cheese 15o , Swibs cheee * 12jc , 14oandlOc , NoufchutolCo perpkg. , pine apple cheese GOc each , Fromaga da Brio , hand cheese , lap bago und all other kinds ut lowest prices. Preserves , Apple Butter and Mince Meat .felly Co per pound , any kind you wnnt. Apple butter 7ju , mince meat 7ic , rasp * berries , strawberries , apricot , peach and plum preserves all J2c. } Cranberries 7io nor quart. You will save money by buying your fruits , nuts , dates , iigti , etc. ut headquarters , und don't forgot pu/ oyfater and iifah department.