8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAy , NOVEMBER 19 , 1893-TWENTY PAGES. An Analogy. To the mnny customers that could not too waited on Btitisfactorlly wo extend a most courteous apology. Wo had plenty of salesmen , but some represented them selves when wo employed them as clothIng - Ing men , when In fact they were 'farmers. " This will all bo different on Monday , when wo will also have opened the cream of this stock , Avhlch has boon hold In reserve. SIIKIUFF SALE PRICES. China dog fur coats $7.75. Men's full suits S1.08. Ovcrcoata with fur collars and ouffs 87.00. "Windsor caps 19c. 2. > c felt mittens Cu. Kockford book-i He. Kxtra big umbrellas USc. Heavy storm ulsters Sli.ilo. fiOo boys' ' kuco pants 23c. 10-ounco extreme heavy overalls COc. Men's wool-lined leather mitts lOc. \Vool-Hnod duck coals D , " > c. Men's ' half wool shirts 15c. Slater's extreme heavy fast colored blue suits $7:50. : Men's kid mittens , -15c. 5 styles men's punts , 48c. 21-inch red handkerchiefs , 2c. Hoys' bulls , 75c. Men's Underwear , mottled , lOc. Swlts Comics. 02c. { Boys' undorsnirls , 17c. Men's sauk overcoats , $3.50. Duck ulsters. 40 inches long , $2.75. Men's black jcau pants , 39c. Boys' ' long punts , 2oc. Men's wool socks , extra long , 13c. Laundered while shirts , IIUo. Men's silk wqb suspenders , Do. fiOo ncckllcs , 1'Jo. ' Finer goods in proportion as cheap. Look for big BIITII. SHERIFF'S SALE , 115 south 10th street , between Douglas and Dodge streets. P. S. Wo cannot accept mall orders for this sale. Wo are too busy to at tend to them. Aliiuo nil tlio 1'nilrlc. The day was in that transitory state when twilight lingers In the lap of day and darkness struggles for the ascendancy. The sun hung in a great red ball of lurid flame betwixt heaven and earth ; there was a feel ing of profound quiet which scorned to settle on all things animate and Inanimate. The birds , the insects , the very trees and sprout ing plants wcro for the moment hushed as if In expectancy of some unforaecn , some Inex plicable something which seemed to per vade the very atmosphere. A bull frog gur gled softly ns ho fell back into the limpid water. Suddenly , over the brow of a distant hill , there appeared n solitary man , seated astride a great bay horse ; ho cast ono long sweeping glance around him and then went fcack over the brow of the hill again. And flhat same night over 700 pcoplo wcro turned away unable to gain admission to the opera Tiouso whore "Sho Couldn't ' Marry Three" was being played to the most delighted au dience of the season. The second charity ball of the Ladies' Friends , Banes Israel , will bo given at Washington hall thi5 evening. All invited. Tickets , 50 cents per couple , to bo had at the door. Auction. 1016 Chicago street. 1010 Chicago street. The entire contents of a sovcn- room cottage. Goods nil in first class condition. Sulo to commence 10 a. m. , Monthly , November 20 , 1803. -x Samuel. Burns says 0110 week from next Thursday is ' 'Thanksgiving , " and ho is offering an elegant crysantlicmum dinner sot lit S1075 , formerly $35 , and salad bet at $0 , formerly $10. - Motliern , Ueid : Tills. To ninlco room for men's ' goods- only , wo offoi- during the who'le of next week , 'beginning Monday morning , our entire etock of children's and misses' hats and caps. These goods are finest made and will bo sold for less than cost. MILLARD HOTEL HAT STORE. Auction. Commencing Wednesday , Nov. 22 , 10 a. m. , 0 carloads of World's fair goods. All kinds of furniture , carpets , rugs , blankets , quilts , table linens , etc. 11. "Wells , quctioneor , 1211 Farnam street. - . . - .Order your coal of all kinds at W. R Bennett Co.'s store. Special .Sulo Of ladies' dresses , jackets and cloaks. Monday and Tuesday. 910.00 dress at this sale $3.00. $2000 ; dress at this sale $5.00. " 810.00 cloak during this sale S2..50. . These goods come from Now York city. LUWIS FltUEDMAN , 800 N. 10th st. 4 D The Madison ( family hotel ) , 21st and Chicago. Transients. $2.00 per day. KO TKOUIIM ; TO YOU. They Are Persnimlly Conducted. The Great Central route weekly Cali fornia excursions are in charge ot ex perienced conductors and a uniformed porter , who accompany the party to des tination and look after the wants and comforts of the passengers. You will save time and expenseby joining our next party. Send for folder giving details. F. 10. SHKAHKR. Manager , 101 South Clark St. , Chicago. _ 15. L. LOMAX. General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. John Schlckotun/ . , for many years a resident of Omaha , but recently of Council Bluffs , has purchased the bar ber shop of Goo. Wollzol , 221 N. 10th st. , two doors south of Davenport. All old and now customers alike welcomed. I'nlnt lloer * Take Plr t 1'rl/e. Mr. 0. S. Culllngham , Omaha , re ceived Wednesday the following tele gram from the Pabst Brewing company : "Our boors have been awarded Jirst prize at the World's fair , over all com petitors. " World's fair souvenir coins of 1893 for ale at First National bank. Jewelry , Frcnzor , jjpp poatofflca. Now attractions In men's clothes made of thoflnost woolens at Frank J. lltungo's The Clearing House banks desire to announce to thor patrons that the rates of interest on time cortlllcates of deposit have not been changed , and remain as adopted on March 1 , 1892 , viz. : For a months and loss than 0 months , three per cent per annum. For 0 months and moro than 0 months , four per cent per annum. Also that from and after Nov. 1 , 1803 , the banks will open at 10 a. in. and close nt a ji. m. W. II. S. IIUQina , Manager. Storm sash and doors cheap at Hamil ton 13ros , ' 414 S. 18th street. Tel. 1170. 'Self-Imposed Ignorance ia sin and you do not know what science Is doing for the sick at the Sleeper Magnetic insti tute , Oil North 24tluit. TO O.U.lTolCXI.Y. Via Denver iiuil Hull take City. Patrons of the Great Central route weekly excursions to California via the Union Pacific can have their tickets read via Denver and Salt Lake City without additional expense. Send for folder ' giving details and advantages ofl'orod , l'E , Shearer , manager , 101 South Clark etroot , Chicago. E. It , Lomax , general passenger and ticket agent , Omaha , "ob. Becoming .Metropolitan. It take ) time to give a town the airs md ways of a metropolis , so too docs It ako time , patjonco and capital to estab- Ish for OIIO'B 'business a reputation for ixcollcnco and fair dealing. . For years W. S. UaldulT has stood aq the ropro- ontallvo caterer of Omaha , having a Million hero nnalagous to that of ShorrV In Now York or Dexter In Phila delphia , acquiring this reputation hrough a personal attention to all the lotails of his business , giving to U a borough training acquired from all the best establishments of a similar kind in the oast. Hal- lull , piiicc his occupancy of his beautiful store on Farnam street has had a desire to add to his business a lunch eon feature , a quiet place whore ladles lown town shopping , and whore bual- less men who have an hour at midday night bo served with refreshments , croquettes , pattioj , in addition to an ice or some of the dainty creations of the con- cctionur'a art. And the well known ca- orcr hits at last realized what 1ms long jcun his dream , his establishment now being In a position to servo patrons with oysters in nil forms , while from 11:30 : to 2 ho.serves a hot , luncheon that for ex cellence of cooking and completeness of service is not excelled by any ilmllar place west of New York. The bill o [ faro Is always well consid ered and patrons will find at BaldulT's a iileasant air of elegance and refinement ivhlch has not been a distinguishing feature of places of a similar kind in the city. There lias been a crying need for just such n place that , free from res taurant features , would still at certain liours servo a luncheon speedily and well. Now that Ualduff hag mot the want , the public is Invited to judge of Iho oxc'cllcncu of the cuislno as found in the cosiest place in Omaha. "Sho Couldn't Murry Throe. " This piny Is presented hy ono of the clov- orcst comnuulca lu existence , every ono of them being especially selected for their adaptability In portraying the character they represent. The star , Miss Lillian Ken nedy , is the brightest Ingenu soubrette in America , and in this comedy she has a role which gives full scope to her wonderful versatility , o This B no advertising lie. Hundreds nro being cured at the Sleeper Magnetic institute , Oil North 24th. Prompt delivery of coal , nil kinds , lowest prices , W. H. Bennett Co.'s store. o AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Uyrui ( ireck Ilclcnsed Irnin Custody NOWB N'otci : im ! ( Josalp. Cyrus Greek , the stock man from Genoa who was arrested on complaint of D. Mc- Danicls , charged with embezzlement , was given his prellininnry lio.mntr before Judge Fowler last evening. The evidence wont to show thut Mr. Greek hatt been appointed stonk of hardvvnrn frnnrls in South Omalia two years ago and that ho had never made a satisfactory settlement with the former proprietors , McU.uiiols & Scott. Judge Fowler bound the defendant over to the district court in the sum of $2,000. T-ato last night Mr. Greek secured a bond and was released from custody. llotnry Under lilt Hut. Dave .AIcMurray , a well Ijnown.butcher who worked for eight years a 3wlf t's pack inghouse. has been on a spree for so long that the fellow has about lost all his reason. The police arrested him ns a plain drunk , but ho uctcd so "loco" that Judge Fowler thought ho would bo n good subject for the insanity commissioner to sit upon and sent him up to.tho . county jail for that pur pose. MoMurray has run through consider able moi.oy ot late and will dlo from the effects of drink If some friend don't rustic him off to a gold euro institute or asylum before it is too'lato. Ho recently conducted a meat market at the corner of Twentieth and Cumlng streets. Only a , few days ace a professional horse trader "swapped'horses'1 with , him , and the animal ho got for a good horse Jell dead before ho had driven it a block. Arrested u llruca of Suspects. . ChioE of Police Beckett and Dctectlvo Mitchell rounded up the town last night and gathered in two suspects. They gave the names of Li. A. Enders and James Bonner. The men were found in a gambling house when placed under arrest. They have but recently been released from jail in Sioux Cit.V and are said to bo crooks. Letters wcro found lu Enders' possession which would indicate thut ho has a wife living In Norfolk , S. D. The woman pleads with Knders to cease gambling and roaming over the country. _ - At the Ilutchors' Hull. The butchers ot South Omaha gave a mas querade ball at Bauer's hall last night. The Jiall was packed and the costumes included everything from a "Topsy" to a "Hamlot. " The fnn continued until far into the night. JMiiKlo City Goailp. ' Mrs. M. Schlegel and her son Fred are vis- itlng Alex Schlegel and family. The social committee of the Young Men's instltulo will meet. Tuesday evening , Novem ber 21. Ofllccr Emcrlck picked up John Soobcrg in an alloy lust night. The fellow was drunk and had $15 In his pocket. The ladlps of the Order of the Eastern Star will servo a chicken plo dinner on Tuesday , November 21 , at 200 N strcot. Mrs. F. A. Secord and daughter of Choy- cnno are in the city visiting at the residence of E. O. Mayllold. They will make thoh future homo In Dsnvcr and are on their way tlicranow. Mr. Secord hns been appointed revenue collector for that district. The llrcmon were called to the corner ol Twenty-sixth and O btrects at 7 o'clock last evening to extinguish flames that had started in some rubbish in an unoccupied store building thoro. The damage was slight and the origin of the lire Is a mystery. PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST. Objection * to tlm Manner of Asseaimont far OjionliiK Hovrnlueutli btroot. Some of the property owners on South Seventeenth street arc up in arms over what tho.v assert is an unjust taxation for the opening , widening and extending of thai thoroughfare from Castcllar to Vlnton streets. They uro inquiring the reasons for the assessments as made and uro entering a vigorous protest. Although the street la opened only from Castolhir to Vinton the plan of assessment ns approved by the council September ' 'U is made on the property nbuntlng on the street from the Burlington tracks to the north line ol Cpttugo park. The plan Is as follows : Castellar to Vlnton , 1,903 , foot , at 51.25 per foot , tJ.-l05.23. Castellar Jo Burlington tracks , GSS3 ! feet , at 20 cents per foot , Sl.-W.O. . Vlnton to Cottage park , 0,294 feot. at S0.2S93 per foot , Sl.bltUD. This makes a total of $5.r 51 in damages for property taken. Inquiry at the city engineering department discloses the fact that this plan of assess. ment was recommended by the council sit ting as a bpard of equalization August 11 when a former plan assessing the entire amount against the property abutting am abounding between Castellar and Vinton was rejected because of the vigorous protests on tercd. It is threatened by the property owners north of Custellar and south of Via ton ta contest the equltablllty of the assess ment m iho courts. Inijiirit on , An inquest was hold yesterday morning a the morgue on the remains of Lauritsen , who was killed by the oars Friday tilght. The testimony of the train crow wa taken and n verdict of death by his own carelessness was rendered. , Jeus 1'oterson , who is a brother-in-law of the deceased , testified that Laurltscn was deaf and wai subject touts and thut when 1m had one of these fits ho was imablo to move a muscle and would stand perfectly rlt-ld. The deceased was 41) ) years of ago enl lived at Thirteenth and Grace streets. Ho had been in Omaha thirty yean. The funeral wilt bo held on Monday and the body Interred at Mount Hope cemetery Oil ! WHAT A lenln Anything Yon Krer Heard of In Your l.lf > . THE 00-CKNT STORE , i3io PAUNAM STREET : Wo are ready for holiday business vlth a grand array of appropriate gifts. Wo always lead In quality , Wo alwaya lead In bargains , which ncans now holiday goods at the very owest possible prices. Wo always lead In our efforts to plcaso and gratify our customers , and if vigor , voracity anil values are not vain things to trust in , wo shall greatly Increase our lead. SURPRISING BARGAINS n all department for next week Visit us for jewelry. Visit us for silverware. Visit us for pockotbooks. Visit us for albums. Vhit us for.books and stationery Visit us for fancy chinawaco. Visit us for pictures and cards. Visit us for baskets and wlllowwaro. Visit us for housekeepers ( roods. Visit us for toys and dolls. Popular selections at popular prices , ' are feature ot ouV magnllloent stock which recommends it to the public. THl-rOy-CENT STORE , 1310 FARMTAM. ST. Hard and soft coal , 2,003. pounds to a , on , W. R. Bennett Co.'s.at'oro. JTLEECED A FARMER , Two Smooth Confidence Men Successfully Work nil GUI Ilncket , A brilliant example of suburban justice was disclosed In the course of'a tale of woo that was unfolded at police headquarters last evening. The * narratorwasG.W. . Mor gan , a farmer , who posed ns another victim of a very old confidence Game. Ho had the good luck to land the swindlers in jail , from which they wcro quickly released through the blunder of n country justtcoof the peace. Morgan resides about live miles northwest of 'Louisville ' , In Sarpy county , and two weeks ago yesterday was on his rctuin from a visit with relatives at Carroll , In. Ho journeyed safely until two slick appearing individuals boarded the train and ono of them soon engaged him in conversation. Morgan had his two little girls with him and the stranger nt once stepped into his good graces hy well directed compliments be stowed upon the children. The stranger was a largo man with a heavy red mustache. Ho claimed to bo a wholesale merchant in Omaha and said that he WHS returning from a trip to Boonu , la. Finding that Morgan lived near Louisville , ho Inquired the names of some of the busi ness men there am ! then still further in gratiated himself Into the confidence ot the rustic by declaring that ho was in the liubit of selling largo bills of goods to them and was delighted to meet a mutual friend. At this stage In the gnmo a smaller man entered and the two strangers greeted each other cordially. From then on it was the old army game and Morgan was the sucker. Ho advanced $ il3 on a check for $720 on the Lincoln National bank which was signed by "Homer & Son. " As soon ns thuy obtained the money the sharpers went Into the bag gage car and left the train nt Valley. The farmer discovered that ho had been Imposed on and started on their trail. Ho overhauled them at Council Bluffs , whcro they wcro ar rested by the local police. Ono of them turned out to bo Harry Hamilton , ono of the best known confidence men m the west , but the big man was a stranger. As the crlmo was committed at Valley the prisoners were sent back tliero for examination. Morgan and his little girl nosltivcly identified them ns the men who had robbed him , and the baggageman on the train corroborated their testimony. Nevertheless , the Justice of tno peace , who is also mayor of Valley , con cluded that there was no evidence on which tohold the swindlers and-thoy were , both released. The police of Omalia and Council Bluffs are looking for them , but it is be lieved that they will tibt" stay to take chances on llnding another court so accom modating as the Valley justice shop , Harry Hamilton was sent _ to the pen from Omaha for a similar crlmo , and was released about a year ago. Ho declared tnat he had reformed and has been let alone by the police. This is the first trick that ho has been caught at since. . DR. SLEEPER'S RIGHTS. Claims of an Oinnhn Inventor of a Mng- nctlu Treatment System. In a half.column . article that appeared in the Philadelphia Hecord _ a short time ago Dr. A. d' Arsonval. a French inventor and physician of nigh repute , was proclaimed to bo the originator of a magnetic appliance , consistlnc of n glass or wooden cylinder , around which Is wound ono or moro layers of light electric light cable. "This " the Hecord "constitutes , says , a sort of solenoid , in the interior of which n patient to bo treated is placed. The French inventor claims that by thus subjecting the patient to the Influence of the oscillating waves of magnetic fluid wonderful thera peutic phenomena nro produced , noticeably among which js the Incrcaso of physical nutrition in the patient. " It seems , however , that Omaha Is in a position to dispute a part of the claim or the Ilccord , Insofar ns the origin of the In vention Is concerned , for Dr. C. L. Sleeper of thls'city insists that ho Is the inventor of this system of magnetic treatment , and has been operating nn institute hero for the treatment of cases In this manner for moi-o than a year. In speaking of the matter , Dr. Sleeper said that ho had been pursuing experiments In this direction for moro than twenty years , and over since the fall of 18SS has had ono of the solenoids , mentioned in the Uecord article , in his own houso. Ho said that a description of the mechanical construction of his anplianco was minutely detailed in the May number , of the Omaha Clinic , and ho was of the opinion that It would have been nn easy matter for any physician to have constructed ono like it from that description. About two years ago , ho fllod an application for a patent at the patent ofllco at Washington , sjnco which time ho has been using the appliance for the treatment of disease , and with most flatter ing results. Dr , Sleeper feels that what ever credit Is duo for thlsolcetrle.il inven tion properly belongs to him , and ho is un willing to have it unjustly accorded to an other. EXPENSIVE TOY. Children Ciuiso a Lump lixplotlon nml the IJcstructlon of T\vu Ilnnioa. Two children playing with a lamp nt 1323 South Third street last evening at 7 o'clock caused the destruction by flro of the ono- story frame cottage and two-sVory barn be longing to John Kollron. Loss en building STOO , and on contents $300. No Insurance. Tlie flames to tho' spread adjoining one- story cottage at ltf.il South Third street and destroyed the homo of Jacob' Ikcl. Loss on building and contents , flOO. No Insurance. Douclua Lecture. The lecture by Hon. Frederick Douiilass on "Lessons of the Flour , or the Kaco Prob lem at the South , " which , as announced through the columns of Tils BEE , was neces sarily postponed on Wednesday last , will bo delivered on Tuesday evening of this week. The postponement wns a sere disappoint ment to many , but the Interest in the lecture and lecturer hns not abated. Omaha is promised a rare treat in Mr. Douglass' visit and from all indications the "Sago of Ana- costla" will bo accorded a reception by Omaha's citizens that will put several o'f the moro populous but less progressive cities in the shade. i'ho chief executive of the state , Hon. Lorenzo Crounbo , has snowa his Interest by consenting to como from Lincoln and act as a membnr of the reception committee.which , as a citizens' committee , la a thoroughly representative one. Among the gentlemen who have been invited to occupy .seats . on the platform as the reception committee are : lit. Hov. George Worthlngton , lit. Her. BUhop Scanneil. Dean Gardner , Hov. John Williams , Hey. Dr. Duryea , Hov John Wil liamson , Hov. S. Wright Butler , Hov. Frank Crane , Hov , JV. . Braxton , Hon. George P. Beinls , Hon. James M. Woolworth , Hon. James R Boyd , Hon. M. O. Hlcketts , Hon. John M. Thurston , Hon. John L. Webster , Dr , George L. Miller , Hon. Judge Dundy , Herman ICouutzo , Guy C. Barton , Dr. W. II. C. Stephcnson , Frauk B. Moorci , Major Fumy ; MOUSK DHY nouns co. Out Shors. In order to reduce our stock wo will close out several lines of shoes at from 20 to 25 per ceht < discount. Ladles' kid opera and Phil patent tipped too , hnnd turned , button , $4 , lojiv $3. Ladles' Brazil kid opera , patent tip , lamHurncd , button. $4.33 , now $3.50. Ladles' Dongola common sense and opera too , button , $3 , now $2. Ladies' Dongola opera and common sense , button , 92.50 , now $1.93. Misses' Uongola spring heel , button , $1.50 , now $1.10. Also several lots of broken sizes In miles' , misses' and children's shoos at loss than first cost. Don't miss buying your shoes whcro you can got a genuine bargain. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. . DEATH'S HARVEST. Two \fc\\ \ Known Colored Men Culled to Their Kloriml Host. Archie Hlchmond , ono of the best known colored men In the city , dlod Thursday nt his residence nt Forty-fourth and Brown streets , at the ago of 47 years. Hlchmond wns for n long tlmo employed by Tun Bnc , and his muscular arm was tno motive power that turned off the first copies of the paper. It wns then crlntcd on n Cincinnati hand power Dress with a capacity of H75 copies per hour. Every afternoon It was Archlo's duty to manipulate the lover until the edition wns oft. During the past few years Archto hnd re tired from active work. Ho was married to his second wlfo about two years ago. anil she died about n year aCtcr tliclr marrlago. Ho wns a member of Excelsior lodge , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons. The funeral will bo held from the African Metho dist church at Eighteenth and Webster streets at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. "Commodore" 11 n tier's Dcitli. William H. Butler , colored , died nt his homo , 1415 California street , Friday , of pneumonia , after nn illness of thrco days. Mr. Butler had been n familiar figure In Onuilui for almost n generation , coining hero soon after the war , during the latter part of which ho sprvcd In the First colored regi ment that wont out from Virginia , the slate In which ho was born and where ho was hold as a slave until slavery was no more. Mr. Butler supported himself by doing Janitor service , being employed at the Now York Life building at the tlmo of his death. Ho was for years janitor at the old police court and city hull nt Fourteenth and Davenport streets. Ho was a faithful em ploye and generally Hkcd for his honeoty , his friendliness of manner and his disposi tion to accommodate. Ho was a member of thd colored Masonic fraternity , of the Wnshingtonian club which Is a social organ ization of colotcd people , of the Tnayer uunrds , a colored military company , and of the Knights of [ Tabor. Owing to the fact that his wuecsiwcre small he was unable to keep up his dues < ln Ihcso organizations and a subscription Is being taken to defray the expenses of the funeral. The remains will bo hurled tomorrow at Forest Lawn. Mr. Butler's , wife died about a year aero. Ho had no children , except nn adopted daugh ter , now grown. Ho was often a delegate to city and county republican conventions , and will long bo pleasantly remembered by the colored pcoplo tjfitho city for the part ho took , singing songs and making speeches , in entertainments given by them. I'cderal Court Alia Ira. The ' 'trial of the caso-of Henry Chamber lain ngainst-tho Middlesex Llvo Stock com- pany'v'stllDoccnples tioattcntion ! of Judca Dundy and will probably not bo completed before Monday. * - F. M. Marshall , deputy United States marshal , from St. Joseph , was at the fed eral building yesterday morning to identify II. . L. Davis , the prisoneivwanted In Missouri for counterfeiting. The grand jury has under consideration the case of August Findley , a colored soldier from Fort Hobluson , who is charged with larceny. Among the witnesses present to testify arc W. H. Herrington , Frank Good- low , W. J. Dayies , D. H. Moffctt , John Hen derson and W' II. Cole , all colored soldiers from Fort Hobinson. It is alleged that Finalcy stole $075 in gold from a white sol dier named Walsh. Walsh , It Is said , became intensely intoxicated , and , as usual when in this plight , had to bo taken to the hospital. This was on a Wednesday. When ho returned Saturday ho found that his locker had been broken Into in his nbsenco and the coin taken. Suspicion rested at oneo on Findloy because ho remarked to some of his friends on the intervening Thurs day morning that Walsh had lost a largo sum of money. LOCAL JlltKI'ITlKS. Building permits to the amount of $450 were Issued yesterday by the Inspector of buildings. Mr. Joseph Simmons , president of the Omaha Casket company , died nt his home in Dtibuquo Friday of typhoid pneumonia. Jcv. Dr. J. B. Maxfield , the now presiding elder of the Omaha district , Is expected to in-each at the Seward Street Methodist Episcopal church this morning. Invitations have been issued for a silver anniversary banquet of Nebraska lodge No. 1 , Knights of Pythias. The affair will take place at the Commercial club rooms Thursday evening next. Tno members of the Young Women's Christian association gave a dinner In the basement of the No v York Llfo building yesterday for the benefit of the association. They realized a neat sum from the venture. Bishop Wnldln will preach at Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , Kountzo Place , at 1050 : ! o'clock this morning. Next Sunday Bishop Newman will preach nt the sumo placo. The latter bishop will occupy the First Methodist pulpit at Twentieth and Davenport streets this morning. Receipts at the customs house for the past week have been six casks of wlno from Ger many for Klrscht & Durr ; ten casks of wmo from Germany for Ed Muuror ; ono cask of brandy from Franco for J. T. Kerns ; two casks of wlno from Antwerp for Oscar Manger ; to casks of whisky and ono cask of rum from London for John Aronsdorf of Sioux City. The official canvass of the votes cast for mayor show that Mayor Bomis' plurality over Bedford U1M09. Ho had a plurality In slxty-threooutjof the eighty-eight voting districts , whlloUIascall had a plurality in thirteen , Bcdfonl In ten. and llcinls and Huscall tied in one. In all of the wards but the First and Second Homis had pluralities , while Hascnll had n small plurality lii'thbso , In tlio Sixth nud Ninth wards Bemls hud a majority of the /votes over all. After th'j 15th of next month the time of the Board of Fire and I'oitco Commissioners will bo token upc with granting licenses to saloon keepers ) and permits to druggists , Already ono application has bqon filed for n HCCIIBO and the 11,000 paid into the city treasury. Thei applicant Is a woman. Mrs. Sophia Dallotv , , who has conducted the saloon on Tenth and Chicago slnco the death of liar husband , some years ago. Secretary Brownleo of the hoard says that previous to his death Mr. Dallow was always the first to fllo his application and that his wife has continued the practice. I'KltHtjy L VA ll.KlIl.l I'Jiy. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Heed of Chicago are in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tuto of Hastings are In the city. " * J. D , McDonald and J. W. Andrews of Fremont - mont are in town , P. O , Barrow of DCS Molncs , la. , was in the city yesterday. Hobort W. Hlchardson of Clinton , la. , Is the guest of Omalia friends. nJohn Hobcrtson and Miss Hobortson , Mrs. Davis and Miss Dorthea Davis of Nebraska City are among the guests at the I'axtou , D. F. Stauffer , Fremont : II , C. Brown , St. Paul ; W. W. Smith , Calvcrt : H. L. Smart- wood , Grceloy Center ; F. L , Howell , Albion , and John E. Hcelan of Lincoln are among the NobrasKaui who are .registered at QoiaUa GROWTH OF ORGANIZED LABOR Increase in the' Numerical Strangth of Omaha's Brigade of Breadwinners. EVENTS OF THE WEEK AMONG WORKWOMEN State Labor Coiigrou Will Meet lit Till * CltjT-SparM from the Anvil-Newt of Interest to Men of - Muscle , The last year 'ins ' witnessed .1 largo increase - crease In the . .icnibcrshlp of the various labor organizations of iho city. Many of the leadluR local labor leaders predict that next .year will bo oven bolter , ns they claim the principles they nro teaching are being bettor understood and accepted every day. Another thing that Is claimed will help to build up the organizations In ttio future In Omaha Is the fact that they nro all trying to pull together harmoniously and help ono another. As an Illustration In the way they do business now , If a local union or assembly has trouble that needs adjustment , a trial Is Ural made by the single orgiulz.i- : lion to settle the matter , and If It f.ills the grievance , with full particulars , Is then referred to the Central Labor union which Is composed of thruo members from each of the various unions and assemblies > n this city and South Omnha. It will readily bo seen that the contra ! body , being made up of three of the most experienced men of each organization , Is a. vnry deliberative body and will not"plungo hastily Into anything , and especially whcro there Is the slightest doubt about the justness of the stand taken by iho organization which brings In the troublo. In this manner many of the conflicts between employer and employe nro amicably settled without hostilities or radi cal action , which have always heretofore prevailed whim dlfllcultlcs were handled by inexperienced men. The emergency or grievance committee Is composed ot men who have been members of the central or ganization at least ono year. This commit tee claims to bo entirely impartial In all matters and says it will protect tno Inter ests of tin honest employer as quickly as the employe. _ NobrasKit l.nbiir The next meeting of the Nebraska State Labor congress will bo held In Omaha , January 7 , IbO I. During the month of De cember all the delegates who will bo in at tendance will bo elected by their respective organizations. George W. Wlllard , their worthy president , is a member of the printers union and bolus down a case on Tun BEE. 10. 11. Overall , recording secre tary , Is ono of the old time mall carriers ot Omaha. Mr. Overall says Iho Indications are that a largo number of dele gates will attend their January mooting. Julius Meyer , OHO of the staunch members of the Musical union , taicos care of the money. C. E. Woodward , the vice president , lives in Lincoln and earns his living by working at the carpenter's trado. The sorgeant-at-arms also lives In Lincoln. J. 'Thompson holds that position. Ho Is a member of the Knights of Labor and the farmers alliance. These flvo ofllccrs con stitute the executive board and transact the business of the congress during the inter mission between their semi-annual meetings. The object of the Nebraska State Labor congress as sot forth in the preamble is to more closely bind together all those who earn their living by Ubor , for the mutual protection and benefit of all. At their next meeting admission will bo granted to dele gates fronl any industrial organisation in the state. The basis of representation will be one delegate from each organization and ono delegate extra for each 100 members or major fraction. The local members are be ginning to make preparations for the nicot ine. . A largo hall is to bo secured and public speaking upon labor topics will bo the order of the evening meetings. Criticised n Iteccnt Decision. In a case lately broughtbefore the supreme court of Pennsylvania the court decided that "Where youns persons without experience are cmuloycd to do work at dangerous ma chines the employer must glvo suitable In structions as to the manner of using them , 'and warning as to the danger of careless ness , and If ho ticglects such or gives Im proper instructions , ho is liable , if t > y reason thereof injury results to the employe. " Tills might bo construed very widely , but the Machine Wood Workers' Journal inter prets It as follows : In other words a mill owner may take a youiiR person and place him besldo a ripsaw , ulvo suitable Instructions tind warn him that. If his hand comes In con tart with Iho revolvlnc saw It will bo bad fur Iho hand , and then con sider himself as having compiled with the ro- ( ] iiireiuonls of the law nccordlnK to the decision of t'lo supreme court ot Pennsylvania. If tliu youtip'porson sailors Injury through lno.\iiorl- cnco no has himself to bhur.e. Ills em ploy of guvo him suitable Instructions and warned him of the danger of the machine.Wo Infer from the ubovo decision that a middle-aged or elclorJy por.son may ho put ( o \ > ork at ilangur- on.s machines without receiving suitable In struction ! ! or being warned as to tbelr clangor , etc. Great Is the supreme court ot i'onnsyl- vauia. _ Among the Tutleni. There is an automatic lighter for street lamps. The process of carbonizing wool is getting special attention In Germany. A bar of steel costing SI may bo worked up 'Into ' watch springs worth ? 'JjOOl ( ) , ) . The Federation of Labor annual convention - tion will bo held at Chicago December 11. Russian women and Japanese men nro pronounced the best nccdlo workers In the world. The Jollot mills of the Illinois Steel com pany nro to start up on the ! 20th hist , and will glvo work to SJ00 , : ! men. A number of the Iron mills in the Mnhon- Ing valley , Ohio , which have boon idle since Juno SO , resumed operations last wcolr. Chinamen are paid 75 cents per day for work in the raisin center of California. Very tow whites uro willing to work for those wages. The Krupp Gun works claims to have manufactured a machine which will roll iron so thin that it would take l.bOO sheets to inako an-iiich. Factory Inspector Watchhorn ot Penn sylvania has just completed a tour of the state and reports a largo number of factory workers out of employment. Brotherhood of Hallway Conductors No. 120 meets today at 2 p. in. In Patterson's hall , 1023 Farnam street. No. 1213 is ono of the strongest localsof the order , Twenty years ago there wcro but two or ttyrpo manufacturers of horsohldo leather in this country , The consumption of this leather is largo and ranldly increasing , A now unon | of Mauhino Wood Workers liasbeen organized at Muscatlno , la. , with twenty-live members , and it Is promised to double that number before the first of the year. Thomas I , Kldd of Chicago , ono of the most Indefatigable union men In the coun try , is writing borne good articles of lato. Mr. Kldd Is now In Philadelphia in the in terests of organized labor. The committee of arrangements for the journeyman harbors ball , which was held last Thursday evening , report that It was n lluanclul success as well as a social success. Likoiylso the horscshocrs. D. Clom Doaver , member of Clorka union No. 07 , and Knights ot Labor assembly No. 5,141 , will go to Lincoln tomorrow and iuvito the union clorka of that city to como to Omaha to the Thanksgiving ball to bo given by the local union. It Is expected that about twenty-five couple will como if proper arrangements can bo mado. Worklngmon have recently boon holding Indignation meetings at Melbourne , Aus tralia , protesting against the employment of Kanokns and Chinamen at what Is claimed Is almost starvation wages. Typographical union No. 100 will meet nuxt Sunday. The printers have n larco member ship in their union and send delegates to every labor enterprise proposed , in fact ihov are not backward about anything. The English mlno and mine owners , after aj consultation lasting sovcr.il days , have agreed to form a permanent conciliatory board. It Is hoped that this will prevent strikes In the fnlurc-among the coil minors of England and result In much good to both sides. There Is no ono class ot mechanics who have foil the depressed times more keenly than have the m.ichlno wood workers. Work In their trade has been exceedingly light all this year , and many of the best wood workers have been compelled to socle employ ment at something else. Ninety per cent of the energy In coal li lost in converting it Into power. It goes off In heat through the chimneys anil Is per- colved in any room whcro there is n furnace and boiler. A means of saving this waste will vastly cheapen the cost ot everything manufactured by electric or steam power. Safety matches that can ho Used without a box are to bo placed , on the English market by a German Inventor. The idea Is to tip the two ends of the wood separately with these compositions which In the ordinary way go oa the txix and the other on the match. To use , break the wood across the middle and rub the ends together. The union men In Denver soetn to know the pronor "caper to cut. " They have pro visions In the contract for building the now stale caultol that the Interior wood work has to bo made and llnlshcd by Colorado workmen on an eight-hour basis. There is a lesson Mljtiio Nebraska union men to le.irn. Moro can bo done for union labor In looking after contracts than In most any other way. The International Cigar Makers' union of America l. ono ot the wealthiest unions in the country , and has not lost a single local during the present depressed times , They have a splendid ilnancial system , which might ho patterned after bv many other or ganizations with profit. The thorough dis cipline and intelligent management ot their union is the admiration of all well posted labor men of the country. Joseph Schcld ot the Carriage and Wagon Workers union is being talked of as a candidate - didato for the Central Labor union presi dency. Ills friends say that ho Is entirely Impartial and well qualified to fill that Im portant position. However , there are many who think that "ono good turn deserves another , " and that Leo Hartley should bo ro-clcctod. Out of something over a half dozen candidates , all of whom are well qualified , there should ho no trouble in securing a good presiding ofllcer. A telegraph operator , who was accustomed to woric from fourteen to eighteen hours per day in Ohio , has sued the company that em ployed him for extra compensation for all hours above ten per day. What is moro ho has s'ucceedel in recovering. This Is a righteous decision , and altogether In th i in terest of the public as well as the operator. Companies which overwork their telegraph operators or switchmen are apt to have a succession of bad accidents from the fact that.the employes break down under the severe strain. ' WILL LUNCH AT LINCOLN. Executive Coiiiuilttou of Nebraska M turui-H l\ill ( ! lv Sprcuil. The executive committee of the Manufac turers and Consumers association met yester day afternoon at its rooms in TUB BEI : building. ' Secretary Holmes said there would bo a meeting of the State BoaiM of Purchase and Supplies and the sunerlntendents and stewards of the state institutions on the first two days of December. The state board has been doing a great deal to help along the .cause of manufacturing hy placing Nebraska made goods In tno slate institu tions , and to show that its efforts have been appreciated tiio manufacturers propose to glvo a "homo Industry" lunch at Lincoln , at which the members of the board and the superintendents and stewards of the state institutions will bo invited guests. The luncli wil ! be like the one given at Omaha some little time ago , everything served being of Nebraska manufacture. I Thomas Penncll , president of the Apollo club , was present at thp meeting and offered the services of his club in getting up n program for a manufacturers' entertain ment , conditional upon Secretary Holmes giving the club a little assistance. Mr. Holmes was authorized to do what ho could for the club and in the near future a man ufacturers' entertainment will be given for the purpose of stimulating and advertising the homo patronage movement. The following were elected members of the association : The Aloe & Ponfold company , surgical In struments and physicians' supplies ; Phoenix Foundry comoany ; A. Slcfken , cigar and paper box manufacturer. The secretary was instructed to get bids on the proposed catalogue of goods made in the stato. AFTER ELLIOTT. II.ir Association Will 1'nns Jtulcuient on Ills Ulsbnrmcnr. The bar committee of the Douglas County Bar association mot at Judge Ambrose's ofllco yesterday afternoon to examine- appli cants for admission to the bar of this county. Only ono candidate appeared , and ho was unsuccessful In his examination. Nine members of. the South Omaha Bar association signed a resolution to tin- effect that Theodore F. Elliott of that city was guilty of conduct unbecoming an attorney and a gentleman. They requested the county bar association to take action on the matter , They asked that the accused bo disbarred from further practice. Ono of the county committee was appointed to investi gate the charges and m.uto n report to the district judges as soon as pr.icticablo. The committee transacted some routine business and adjourned. I'ulplt r/irniriiilii. / | * Ilev. D. D. O'Dill will preach upon the subject of "All Conquering Power of Lovo" at the Both Eden Baptist church this morn ing. ing.liov. . Charles W. Savldgo will preach upon "Kovivals , How and Whoni" at the People's church at 10iXa. ; ) in. A gospel temperance mooting was held at Hcscuo nail last evening. Kov. J , M. Wilson will sneak upon "Tho Personality of the Holy Spirit" at Castellar Street Presbyterian church today. Ilev. Patterson , at the First Presbyterian church , Mill discourse upon "Great Faith" this morning. The subject of his evening sermon is "Young People Away From Homo. " Kov , Mary Qorrard Andrews will address the young pcoplo of the First Unlver&allst church this morning. An Important mooting of the Ministerial union will bo held at Kount/.o Memorial church tomorrow morning at 10:30 : o'clock. An iilsci ; | > | iul .Minion , A ton days' mission is about to bo hold In Christ Church parish , Beatrice , and the rector , Hov. O , J. Davis , has Invited Ilev. Mr. Macnab of this city to conduct the mis sion. The special services bogln on the 17th and will continue until tho'JSUi inst. Exten sive and zealous preparations have been made in Beatrice for thcso services and the people are looking forward with a great deal The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. of Interest to the mlssloncr's visit to thtlr prosperous town. There will bo four services oycr.v day and llvoon Sunday , so that Mr. Macnab's work wfll ho i\ very arduous one. Ho has had n peed dcnl of oxporlonco us a mlislonor un Canada ns well on in the alocesoof Nebraska , Bishop WotthlnRton will ofllclnto In St. Matthias church hero during the rector's absence. Mr. anil Mrs. Macnab loft for Bealrlcq yesterday. WELCOME ! ) THE BISHOPS. MotlioilUtu ACCOM ) n llriirtr Heceptlon t' . Tirn nt Tlnlr t.oitilcr * . The Methodist pcoplo of Omaha have „ pleasant custom of extending a puhllo recep tion to Hcsldont Bishop John P. Nowmnn ot. his return from long absences. Suqh a vroU rome wns given him last night at the First Methodist church , under the auspice. ? " ' ,0mV * nml Coim-ll Bluffr ? ? Mcthoillst . . Ministers association , am Iho pleasure of iho occasion was ID iTonscd by the fact that Ulshop ant Mrs , \\alden shared lu the greetings be stowed. Mrs , Newman , on account ol weariness caused by her long trip , was not present. The formal exorcises , conducted bv Rov. ; . ' ' Miu'nolll Presiding older of this iiisli'ictt were opcuoil with tiruvoi * liv Hov jr. Tlmltill of the Seward street church ] Hov , l-raiik Oano , pastor of the First church , then delivered an address of wel- eonioon behalf of iho mlnlsiurj of Omaha and Council Bluffs , and Hov. Dr. J. W. Shank , editor of the Christian Advocate , ei- tended the greetings of the laymen. Bishop Nowinan , In responding , took occa sion to say In the first plnco thlit he was happy to annoutico that all wns qulot on tno Sandwich Islands. "I bo- love , " ho continued , "that OreshnnA letter is tlio groalc-st hoax of the gonorC ton. " At this point ho abruptly dmpp t j the subject of Hawaii to express his hanpf * ] ness that ho and Mrs. Nowmnn had safely fd-i turned from n trip of 15,000 inllc by sea anft 1,000 by land without having paid tribute w rscptuno for a slnglo hour. They wont to the table four tlinos a day on ships and ihcoi circulaled among the unfortunnto ones whc wcro not able lo go lo the labla at nil. The bishop announced ihut ho would remain ir Onintia about n month and woulr then go cast to bo present of the dedication of some churches , am. then , after returning lo Omaha for a briot slay , would sail for Europe lo hold con ferenees. Ho would ho absent about flvo months. Bishop Wnldon , In returning his thnnka for iho welcome extended him , said that the doleg.ilos lo iho last general conforeiiob would long remember the cordial hospitality shown them by the people of Omaha. Ho imagined that delegates from lltu fur east were about as much surprised when the * got out hero as Englishmen wcro who last summer visited Chicago. Ho wiled alien' , lion to the fact that Nebraska Is ono of thb Methodist states of the union ; Unit Is , OHO in which the members of iho Methodist church outnumber the combined member"- ship of any three other denominations. This , fact explained the deep Interest ttio Metho dist church has in thoslalo. He emphasized Iho Lnporlanco of iho work of the rliurch In Omaha by saying that the city tuiil DougUb county contained about one-seventh of the population of Iho state ; that the ovangellza-1 lion of the country could not bo olfcplcdl without the evangelization ot its lurgo cities . and that tills was not possible without the , llro and fervor and fnlth of Mctho.llsm. After the addresses of the bishops the several hundred present shoolt their dls"- anguished ecclesiastical chiefs by iho hand , Ir.iln Uubbcrontenceif. . HANCOCK , Mich. , Nov. 18. Jiick King , the j fourth Mineral Hango train robber to get ii line for trial , pleaded Riiilty ot larceny , llk < I the others , and was sentcn.'Cd to Jlvo ycarr.i' in the Murquotto prison. f I IT * 12 lllltli tomorrow J9 * * s\J I JID imt9 tomorrow M , . . I M * il huts tomorrow (4QJ _ * * ; _ 83 lints tomorrow fi XVA/O fl { Ililt'5 tomorrow W . 1 VVS jn illtts tomorrow 12 0)\ 1A Dins1 IIA IB j DltKSSINU The colubratucl tullot Theatrical wlg8bang preparations of Mmo. switches , olo. . Inutqq Do Donatn sola only uiul to ordor. 1'rlea by us. Tim licst on gnarantuod lawo uarlh , than over. Satisfaction guaranteed by mall. (520 ( , Douglas SI MILLINERY At Oberfelder's Retail De-l partment. For the Hext Three Days Onlj ALL OF OUR REAL FRENCH Worth from $18 to $36 , at Also u liberal reduction o other Trimmed JIats and lfon nets. Our goods arc marked in plait figures. 1508 1501