Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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DellTtred by carrier to any 'part of the city
II.V T1I.T6N Manager
J HustnnssOITiCC . . . .No. 43
TELEPHONES | | ramp , . KQ. 23
Boston Store , 10-day salo.
Mrs. Edwlnn Manning ana Mrs. Judge
Knapp of , la. , are visiting at tlio
Mrs. Dr. Montgomery received the news
last evening of the death of her only sister ,
Mrs. Ij. C. I.lnd&lcy of Osage , la.
"Cradle Konps of All Nations , " will be
given with varied costumes at the Congre
gational church Thursday evening.
Miss May Wlcoff entertained ftMRO \
number of her friend * nt her homo on Third
street Thursday night , n very enjoyable
tlmo being had.
Special services will begin at the Danish
Lutheran church on Monday evening con
ducted by Uov. J. Indus Farley , pastor of
the Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal
All members of company L , Third regi
ment , are hereby ordered to bo at armory
Tuesday evening , November 21 , nt 7:30. :
Special business. By order W. E. Altchison ,
captain commanding.
Uov. J. II. Davis Is 111 with an attack of
the gi ippo. His pulpit at the First Baptist
church will bo occupied this morning by
Hov. A. W. Clnrkof Omaha nnd In the evening -
ing by Itev. T. F. Thickstun.
Hov. E. W. Allen was tendered n surprise
party last Tuesday night at his residence.
About seventy-five of the young people of
his church and congregation visited him nnd
opcnt the evening pleasantly in various
Two young ladles named Schloy were
thrown from a buggy yesterday mornlntr
near the School for the Deaf. Upon getting
In the buggy the horses again ran away and
throw them out a second time. They es
caped serious Injury.
The ladles of the North Eighth street mis
sion have Issued clothing to poor children of
the city to the number of seventy-five , but
there are many who are still in want. Thcso
ladles are doing a good work and deserve
the hearty co-operation of the charitably
disposed people of the city.
The pollcu claim to have a clew to the
Identity of the tall man and short man who
committed so many holdups In the city a
few weeks ago. They are residents of the
city. A watcli Is being kept of their move
ments , and if they try It again the probabil
ity is that they will find themselves nabbed.
* A company of little tots will' put their
aolls through n drill at the Congregational
church next Thursday night. A number of
other novel attractions , with excellent music.
nnd sweet lullabies from foreign lands , odd
cradles , queer babies , foreign mammas ,
nursery tableaux , etc. are all on the pro
gram. Only U5cents. / .
Miss Mayme Milholland , assisted by Miss
Mlttlo M. Pile , entertained the T. T. T.
club Friday evening in n novel way. Each
guest WHS provided with a list of wonls to
compose into poetry. Miss May Caldwell's
poem received the llrst prize , while Miss
Jennie Mclntosh sought consolation in the
booby prize. Hofreshments were served.
The men In the local ofllco of the Piano
Manufacturing company have received word
of the arrest of H. 13. Pearson , the Kansas
City manager for the company , on the
charge of embezzlement. The company
claims ho Is short In his accounts in the sum
of $1,300 , while ho claims his defalcation is
merely a technical one and that ho will
eventually bo turned loose.
The now Christian tabernacle on the
corner of Mynstcr and Scott streets will bo
dedicated with appropriate exorcises on
Sunday , December 8. The Sunday school
will also nave a special jubilco program on
that day. Souvenir programs for the dedi
catory exercises are already in the hands of
the printer and will bo circulated among
the friends of the church some time this
H. J. Bublitz. who Is employed in John
Lindcr's establishment on South Main
street , foil into an old well under the collar
of the building. Fortunately ho caught hold
of the boards at the top of the well as ho
fell , nnd his calls for help soon brought the
other employes to his assistance. Ho was
dragged out unhurt , excepting for a scalp
wound caused by a sharp nail iu ono of the
boards overhead.
The United Order of the Treubund gave a
ball at the Masonlo temple last evening. A
largo number of the members of the order
were present and spent the evening in danc
ing to the music of an orchestra. Most of
those present were Germans , and when people
ple of this nationality get together they
always have a good tlmo. Last night's en
tertainment was no exception to the general
rule. Fine refreshments were served about
Rev. Henry Do Long will conduct the
Epworth league meeting nt Broadway
Methodist Episcopal church this evening at
0:30 : , instead of the regular preaching ser
vice , as has been reported. The Broadway
church Is on the site where Air. Do Long
learned to gamble twenty-five years ago.
Mrs. Wilson , a sister of P. p. Bliss , will
begin ttio service with a brief song service.
A'.r. Bliss was n celebrated hymn writer in
his lifetime , and his sister is a great
Thanksgiving in coimnp : Level
hcutlcd Indies will o to W. S. Homer's
grocery for peasonublo delicacies. lie
has a line stock of fresh goods tuid prices
are reasonable.
Judge N. W. Maey of Ilarlan was a Bluffs
Tjsltor yesterday.
S. \Vuda\vorth leaves today for Oregon ,
111. , to bo absent several week's.
Sheriff Hazcn left last evening for a visit
trlth his daughters in DCS Molncs.
Lieutenant II. J. Gallagher and wlfo , who
have been visiting- Henry Paschal and fam
ily on Wlllow.avonue. loft yesterday with
their children for their homo in Fort Nio-
brara , Nob.
P. Gunnoudo , George Crow , Frank Beobco
odd G. O. Bergen have returned from a
weolt's hunting trip down the Missouri
rlror. Ono geese nnd two ducks is claimed
by their friends to ho the sum total of their
booty , and none of the hunters so far as
known has disputed the claim.
You pay your money and you take
your uliok-o either Dr. Joflrloa'
DiphtheriaHomody or n funeral. Thirty-
ilvo years triiil proves Dr. JoITrieB1
diphtheria nicilicino Infulliblo in putrid
Bore throat , n in malignant scarlet
lover or inulltniant diphtheria.
Falllnc Upon n Iluril ravement Ho Nni-
tlui Injurlr * tlmt Mny I'rovn l' ' tal.
Max Mohu , the proprietor of the Crestou
house , had a bad fall yesterday morning at
8 o'clock , and it is feared the injuries ho
sustained will provo fatal. Ho took a pall
of water out in front of his hotel and had
Just emptied it Into the street when his foot
slipped and ho foil forward to the pavement ,
lighting on his head , Ho was unconscious
when lie was picked up and carried into the
hotel. Ho did not recover consciousness for
several hours , and oven last evening the
only ono ho scorned to rocognlzo or pay any
kttoullnn to wns his wlfo. His physician
last nlRht gave him but little hope for recov
ery. The Injured man was bleeding at the
ears and has many symptoms of concussion
of the brain.
1'oot IU1I Yeitonlay.
Yesterday the High school team defeated
the Young Men's Christian association
cloven by a score of 0 to 0. A full account of
the gauio will bo found iu the sporting col
umns of this morning's Bee.
Clias. LIolioW has a wonderful collec
tion of rare oltl coins at hia place , 712
Broadtyuy. Aniotu ; recent acquisitions
are fcomo Tory valuable pieces , ono a
Roman coin of 1587 and a Bavarian of
1001 , are clean cut and beautiful. The
collection Jj well worth seeing.
Minister Allen of the Christian Church
Goes Slumming.
All the Deni of llotli Cities Well I'ntron-
lird Kamblori In Same llousci
JJolne n llunhlnc lliiilnoit
nt Present.
flev. E. W. Allen , the young pastor of the
Christian church of this city , went out on a
shimming expedition ono night Inst week.
A friend of his , who was familiar with the
way the ropes hung , acted as his escort , and
together the two made a tour of the tender
loin districts of Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Mr. Allen was dressed up In an outtlt that
presented him to ttio public as a flashy-look
ing swell with a dccldca tendency to gam
bling In his Internal make-up. Mr. Allen
himself Is authority for the statement that
his outward deportment was In llrst-rato
accord with his exterior decorations , and
this must bo accepted as olllclal , although
there are many who have watched him de
murely breaking the brca.d of llfo to the
members of his c'lurcli from his pulpit on
Sundays who will regret having missed the
pleasure of seeing him while ho was engaged
in playing his new rolo.
He states that in ono gambling house In ,
Omaha ho found four roulette tables nnd
four Html poker tables , surrounded by actual
count by 123 men , The gambling houses In
Council Bluffs nro run on a different nrincl-
plc , nemo but the Initiated being able to gain
admittance. He was consequently unable to
round up these places with the same free
dom that he did- those in Omaha , Ho made
a tour among ttie wine rooms and brothels of
Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , and says that
every one of thorn had crowds of patrons ,
the names of many of whom , if announced in
public , would cause a decided sensation.
( illKAT 10-DAY bAliU
III Order to Mnl < o Itoom fur Holiday
Over"r > 00 cases of holiday gooda re
ceived. AVe must have room to display
them , nnd will commence u 10-day'clear
ing enlo Saturday first , November 18 ,
to make room for our itnmonso stock of
Christinas goods , which is much larger
this season than ever before.
A few of the thousands of bargains
now to bo found in our 39o storm serge ,
extra weight , during this sale , U2c.
Kegular 50o , nll wool cheviots , 30
inches wide , now 33e.
Don't ' fail to see our assortment of 2T > c
goods , including a big range of goods
from : i : > o up ; in one lot at 25c.
$1.00 quality gents' ileeced underwear ,
70e each.
r > 0c regular underwear , 39c.
$ l.L'j all wool scarlet underwear , 75c
( J3c and 39c quality ladies'white and
gray ribbed natural wool underwear ,
now 2. " > c.
All our plu&h coats during sale at cost
200 and 225 white and gray blankets
at a new price for this sale , $1.48.
Table napkins , SI.29 and $1.39 quality ,
for $1.00 a dozen.
lo ! ) ladies' wool ribbed hose , sale price
12Jo a pair.
39c fancy embroidered handkerchiefs ,
sale price 12 jc.
Ladies' wool mittens 19c a pair.
Children's wool mittens lOc a pair.
3o ! ) mull's 19o each.
Our block of fur capes , in two lots ,
$1.98 and $3.99 each.
Leaders and Promoters of I pw Prices ,
Council BlulTs , la.
Ladies , if you desire absolute peace in
the Itituhen ask your grocer for J. C.
IIolTmayr & Co.'s Fancy Patent flour.
Smoke T. D. King & Co's Partagas.
Domestic soap is the best
Clara Morris at IJohuny's.
Ono of the leading theatrical events of the
season will bo the appearance of Clara
Morris at Dohany's Opera house tomorrow
evening. It was with dtfiiculty that the
necessary arrangements were made whereby
the people of Council BlufTs could have tbo
privilege of seeing this , the greatest emo
tional actress living today. A guarantee
fund was raised , many of the most influen
tial business men agreeing to back Mr.
Dohany In his effort to please tlioso of his
patrons who desire nothing but the best in
the way of entertainment. The advance
sale of .scats has been largo nnd the pros
pects are that the management will find no
mistake was made in bringing this great at
traction to Council Bluffs. The play will bo
"Itenee do Moray , " in which Miss Morris Is
thought by many to find her greatest oppor
tunity for displaying her wonderful power
of portraying strength ot character
combined with true womanly naturalness.
Certain it is that no play in which she has
over appeared has received any greater or
moro heartfelt approbation from the theatergoing
ater-going public. She is surrounded by a
company of rare capability. This will'bo
thn only chance the people of Council BlulTs
will tmvo of seeing Clara Morris this season ,
us she will not appear in Omaha.
Are selling 10 a week of those steel-
plate ranges. They are bound to drive
out all ether cooking stoves. Prices so
low you can't resist. Finest bakers and
greatest fuel savors. Sold by Cole &
Cole , 41 Main street.
Abk your grocer for Domestic soap.
W. S. Baird , Lawyer , Everett block.
Domestic soup is the oest.
\Vantoil Him to Liquidate.
Walter Ycothcrs , the Sioux City Salvation
army man , who has been mentioned In TUG
BBK us having gone off with a pair of panta
loons of hlsco-salvatlonlst und benefactor ,
Charles Goff , was picked up yesterday by
the pollco nnd put In the city jail with a
charge of larceny placed opposite his name.
Ho says ho had been employed by Goff for n
time , and that Ooff owed him $1.50 which ho
steadily refused to pay. Ycothors at last
came to Council Bluffs to sea about it , and
still ( .iofl ! was backward about planking
down any bllver , Ho accordingly levied on
( Jolt's mock for n pair of trouscrx which
might have been worth ' > cents , and took
them away as a souvenir of the way in which
Uoff did not pay his debts. Ho had them on
when arrested , but as ho did not have any
thing else on to spealc of his condition as to
bodily warmth , was ono not to bo envied.
Knear Coriil bucur C'ornl
Try the Council BlulTs Sugar Corn.
The best in the mnrkot.
Absolutely no chemicals used to bleach
the corn white. It is young , tender ,
swcdt , clean and wholesome.
Abk your grocer for Domestic soap.
George S. Davis , proscription druggist.
Mnrrluje 1.Iconic * .
The following parties took out licenses to
marry yesterday at the county clerk's
ofllco :
Nuino and Addrcas. Age ,
I Hairy Worth , Council HlulTg , , 23
I .Nolllo llrowp , Council UlulTs , , , , . Ib
I Kilns J , Unity. Bun Francisco , Uul 117
I NIolsuiiU L. NuUen. Council llluffa 'J3
S. M. Williamson still soils the Standard -
dard and Domestic at 100 South Alain
street , und has not removed to Broad
way , us has been reported ,
All Sorli of lluble * .
A novel entertainment Is being prepared
for next Thursday evening at the Congrega
tional church entitled "Cradle Song * of All
Nation.1' Those who attend will have tbc
pleasure of seeing now the babies arc rocked
to ftlcoo In forclen lands , nnd the costumes
ana customs will bo as varied and plonslng
as the lullabies. Besides excellent music
there wilt bo such attractive features as a
doll's drill , nnd the historical tableaux by
the "Ted nnd Tot Combination , " illustrating
In a humorous Juvenile manner such Impor
tant events ns the discovery of America ,
Landing of the Pilgrims , etc. It only costs
So cents to visit the babies ot foreign lands.
Strcctlnmr * Hpocllla Itcmecly Coinpnny , II
U. DePcw , M.U. , President , 000 U'J
llroniltrnj- , Council Illults , In ,
J. S. Lawrence , M. D. , says of
Swcetland's specific remedies ! These
now remedies and treatments are
no mcro theory of probabili
ties , but facts demonstrated by
careful observation and extensive prac
tice. Scrofula nnd syphlllis nro posi
tively wiped out by their magic restora
tive power. Abbesses , ulcers , sores nnd
eruptions disappear under their use.
Tumors nro absorbed by Increased ac
tivity of tissues.
My disease was secondary syphillis. 1
followed vour instructions nnd I know I
am a well man today , the disease tooto-
tally eradicated. The result was magi
cal. You can use this testimonial when
and ns you choose. I want the world to
know that tills dread disease can bo
cured. J. Horn , 1131 Poplar street , St.
Louis , Mo.
The Great Specific Remedies nnd
Treatment removes THHOAT , STOMACH ,
only treatment in the world that will do
it. A sure euro for the opium , whisky
and tobacco habits , abscesses , tumors ,
cancers , and all cutaneous , scalp or
nervous debilities.
Your disease will bo diagnosed without
out asking a question : A p'osltivo guar
anty is given in all cases. Consultation
Bo shown the Klein tract , 2 } miles
cast of postolllco , out Madison street.
Choicest und cheapest fruit , garden and
suburban acreage , now on sale by Day &
Hess , 39 Pearl street.
W. E. Chambers , dancing academy ,
Masonic temple. Classes each Wednes
day afternoon nnd evening. seen the new gas heaters at
the Gas company's ' ollicoV
Whnre to Worship.
First Presbyterian Hov.- Stephen Phelps ,
pistor. Preaching by the pastor at 10:00 : a.
in. and 7sO p. m.
Congregational Morning subject , "The
Necessity of Faith ; " evening , "Tho Moral
Attractions of Christ. "
Second Presbyterian Harmony and Logan
streets. S. Alexander , pastor ; residence ,
T01 Bust Broadway. Preaching at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sacrament of the Lord's
supper lit morning service. Sunday school
at 1'J in. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m.
St. John's English Lutheran Serv
ices in the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation chapel in the Mcrriam block at 11 a.
m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Uov. G. W. Snyder , pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:45 : u. m. Young
people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal.
Corner Fifth avenue nnd Eiehtcenth
street. J. Indus Farley , pastor. Sunday
services : Classes meet nt SliliO and 0:80. : Sun
day school at 12. Eoworth league at 0:30. :
Preaching 10:30 : and 7:30. : Subject of morn-
insermon : "Fits. "
At Masonic temple tonight the Willsons
will have charge of the service , giving an
evening of song. E. W. Allen will preach in
the Danish chapel on Seventeenth avenue at
" p. m. Mission Sunday school at 3 p. m. ,
corner of Twenty-third and Broadway.
Bcrcan Baptist Church Divine service
conducted by the nastorat 10:30 : a.m. and
7:30 : p. m. Sunday school meets at 11:45 :
a. m.
m.Dr. . A. H. Carter will address the men's
mass mooting at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms in the Merriam block at 4
p. m. today. A cordial invitation to bo pres
ent Is extended to all men.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal H. P.
Dudley , pastor. Preaching 0:80 : a. m. nnd
7:30 p. jn. Morning subject , "Defective
Faith. " Gospel meeting in the evening.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Corner of Pierce and
Glen avenuo. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in.
Sunday school nt W m. Young People's so
ciety 0 p. m. Preaching at 7:30. :
815.00 UL.OAK8 ,93.03.
IlannUon Ilros.
Monday wo offer our entire stock of
ladies' Newmarkets , with and without
capos , strictly all wool , all styles and
colors. They are garments carried
over from last season and are in perfect
condition. They formerly sold at $15.00 ,
$18.00 , $20.00 and $25.00. Monday , entire -
tire lot , choice , $3.98 each. Don't miss
this bargain if you want a good warm ,
serviceable cloak at a moro nothing.
Just arrived , some nobby styles in la
dies' and misses' jackets navy blue ,
brown and black , with umbrella' skirts ,
storm collars , Columbia cape , fancy
braided ; these beauties at $10.00 , $12.50 ,
$15.00 , $18.00 , $20.00 and $25.00 , worth
fully $15.00 to $38.00. Don't miss this
sale Monday. ' BnxxisON Buos.
Lucky Kscuno for the station Acont at the
Milwaukee ut Portsmouth.
A railway wreck took place on the Mil-
wauueo road yesterday morning at 2 o'clock ,
in which the entire freight department of
the depot at Portsmouth , the second station
this side of Scola , was demolished and
several freight cars badly damaged ,
Ono of the cars of an eastbound freight
train Itft the track and struck the end of
the freight depot. Four other cars were
piled up on the tirst car nnd the walls of the
depot were broken like egg shells. It was a
total wreck , and the ruins , ns they were ex
hibited to the people who were passing
through Porssmouthwhcn da.v broke , formed
a sight that will never bo forgotten. The
station agent nnd his family occupied the
cast end of the depot as their homo , but
fortunately the wreck stopped before It
reached that part of the depot , or all the
occupants would undoubtedly have been
killed while they slept. The wreck was
cleared away during the day sufficiently so
that trains could pass , but it will bo a good
many days before the marks of the accident
will all bo removed.
The Criulla Sons * of All Nation * .
Tills is a now and pleasing entertain
ment to bo given by the ladies of the
Congregational church next Thursday
evening , the 23d. The lullaby songs of
the world will bo given In costume , with
doll drills , choice music and now fea
tures throughout. This will bo followed
the next day by a ba/.aar and bale of
articles suitable for Christmas presents ,
Brownie novelties , paper dolls and fresh
home-made candies. Supper served at
U o'clock. Choice music during the
The guild of St. Paul's ' will entertain
n dancing party ut Masonic temple
Thursday evening , November 23. Cor
dial invitation is extended to all.
For neat job printing , prompt delivery
and lowest prices go to Pryor Bros. , Bee
job ollloo , 12 Pdarl street. ,
Blio Hot the llivorce.
The Babcock divorce case was completed
in the district court yesterday afternoon and
given into the hands of Judgi Smith. This
case has been pending for several months ,
and the trial has occupied almost the entire
past week. It was perhaps the "smuttiest"
case ever tried In any court In Council Bluffs ,
and the disclosures made by the plaintiff ,
Jcnnio Babcock , were eagerly drank in by
the usual crowd of loafers who frequent a
scene of that kind. Plvinpton Babcock , the
defendant , is a well-to-do firmer living near
Rockwell City , In Caltioun county , und ho
cnrao hero , accompanied by a coed portion of
Calhoun county , the latter being subpuunacd
as witnesses on ono slao or the other ,
After hearing the oTldouco and the argu
ments of the attorneys , Judge Smith
rendered a dccllj4i | giving the plaintiff the
divorce she craved. Ho also nwnrdod her
permanent alimony In the sum of 2,000 , to
gether with KKX ) for her attorneys' fpp * .
Thcso amounts are In nddlllon to the (1U5
which wan awarded her by Judge Mncy ns
temporary alimony and the (125 for attorney
fcci. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l i.NN150N : I1UOS.
jo ; -
Kxlrnordlnnry Sale.
Monday , too many goods ; cutting
down prices. ' > 1
5,000 skein * ) ! Bergman's imported
zephyrs , every oolor of the rainbow , He
skein. ,
Our 2oo Goiman knitting yarn now
IGJc skein.
Ladies' heavy winter Jersey ribbed
vests , now , 2oc each.
Ladies' ' 7oc camel's ' hair vests and pants
reduced to 48c each.
Ladies line wool camel's hair vests nnd
pants , $1.50 quality , now DOc each.
Children's natural gray heavy wool
vests and punts , small sixes in 15 and 10 ,
worth 2oc , at8c each.
Ladies' ' 10o fast black flccccd-lined
lioso , 2)0 pair.
Ladles' fast black flccccd-llncd hose at
12Jo pair. Just half price.
Girls' silk and wool stockinctt caps ,
only a few left , at 98e each.
Deep cut in dress goods and silks.
( i5c silk plushes , all colors , 25c yard ;
$1.25 silk plushes , all colors , ti'.lc ' yard ;
15 pieces China and surnh bilks , light
colors , 2."ic yard.
$1.50 black gloria silk , 50 inches wide ,
Monday 89c yard.
75c quality black honrlotta , 50o yard.
Now is the tlmo to buy dross goods.
Como in and see us Monday.
Council Bluffs.
Oni * County Farmer Arrcntcd.
A. M. Wakefleld , a farmer living nt At
lantic , was brought In by a Council Bluffs
officer yesterday morning , an information
having been filed In Justice Vicn's court
charging him with obtaining money under
false pretenses. Charles Hubcr , n Council
Bluffs butcher , was the complainant. Ho
claimed that Wnkcfleld contracted to sell
him so mo stock which ho did not own , and
also secured some money from hlpi In ad
vance on the strength of his supposed own
ership. Ho has" begun suit on the broach of
contract and is also prosecuting Wakelleld
on the criminal charge nbovo given. Ho
gave bonds for hia appearance next Monday
at " o'clock ,
Grand Concert ,
The following program will be ren
dered at Masonic temple Friday evening ,
November ' 24 , for the benefit of the
Second Presbyterian church :
1. Plana Duof Itnynnfuut . 0. E. nialo
Misses Van Ifellogcrt nndCovalt.
2. Recitation Judgment Day .
Hortonso Xcllson Gavin.
3. Vocal Iuot-I Keel Thy Ansel Spirit ,
fnr bonrnnotind baritone .
Mr . Klnssbury und Mr. 1' . I'uschal.
4. Violin Solo , selected .
Charles A. lllfslns.
C. Piano Solo- Last Ilopo . Gottschalk
JUss Daisy H
6. Piano Polo Ccjino Back to Erln..W. Kuho
Miss llc if van Dt'Kogort.
7. Soprano Solo Waiting Violin Obllpnto
. . . Milliard
Mrs. KliiEsbury nnd Mr. Higglns.
8. Recitation How Grandma Dunccd the
Minuet. . . , . - . . .
Horteuso .Ncllsou Uavln.
( n. Sercnata . Moskowskl
9. Violin Solo ( t ) . Hungarian Duuco .
( ' . Ilrahno Jochlm
Charles lllgglns.
10. Second Act from op. Kutlo Deano ,
Llttlo Hug 1'IclJor . .
Katie . , . Mrs. Klng&uury
Hlddy McCuno , . Mr . M..1. liublltz
Ofllcor . Philip Pmchal
Accompanists : MUs Daisy Hlgglns and Mist
Nettle Lfndor.f" .
This program. is subject to ohange.
Blio Dldn't-Try Very Ilnrd.
"I have been to Omaha this afternoon
merely to buy a pair of gloves , " re
marked a lady yesterday afternoon as
she was returning from Omaha on board
a motor train. "I wear No. Gi size , and
I couldn't ' get a pair of that size for love
nor money in any store in Council
Bluffs. " During a considerable portion
of her trip she berated the merchants of
Council Bluffs for their lack of
enterprise. If this lady had
taken the trouble to investi
gate at all thoroughly she must
have found that there was ono store in
Council Bluffs where she could find
gloves of the size she desired. The fact
that she did not call at the Boston Store ,
which would naturally bo the ono she
would first visit in making a search for
anything in the dry goods line , is a suf
ficient indication of the lightness of her
search. Gloves 01 in size , in almost any
shade desired , can be purchased at the
Boston store for $1 , $1.25 , 81.50 , $1.75 ,
$2 , or $2.25. Visit the Boston store
before you complain of not being able to
find any particular thing you want in
the way of dry goods , hosiery , notions
or the like.
a >
MEXWAtf J > iaiUKM.lXOE8.
Revolutlonlits Still Kingnmo of Gaining 11
Er , PASO , Tex. , Nov. 18. The air Is tonight
full of rumors concerning the disturbance on
the Mexican border , but It Is absolutely im
possible to verify any report. The revolu
tionists in this town and Juarez say posi
tively that Corralitos has been taken , but
the Corralitos company's agent hero
has heard nothing of it. In fact , they
luvj heard nothing whatever. The man
ager of that company. Britton Davis , has a
brother here , Mr. Waters Davis , who says
that ho has heard nothing , but is confident
that the rebels cannot capture that' town.
A mining man who came up yesterday
tolls that ho was at a httlo town between
San Jose nnd Ascension the day the federal
troops went out and that ho found the gov
ernment pressing citizens into the service
with the regular troops. Ho Is a reliable
man , but ns ho has largo interests in that
country ho cannot afford to allow his nurao
to bo used.
Finally 1'iild
Sioux FALLS , S. li , Nov. 18. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Land Commissioner Hutu has
seen lit to semVAJlnnchaha county her share
of the Interest romlttinco fund , nnd yester
day County Treasurer Norton received n
warrant drawn on the * tnto treasury for
$5U84 , tills county's shnro of the fund. Major
Huth assorts that the distribution was made
as soon as was posslblo , although it Is now
four and n half months since It should have
been made. Tlio'major no doubt hurried up
a Httlo on account of a formal complaint
being lodged against him by the Sioux Falls
school board. The Interest on the money
duo the dlfforput counties of the state
tU,000 ! for thO'four ' und a half months' delay
in its payment would amount to about 13,500. ,
I.oiivoinvurlh'n hlreet Hallway.
LEAVENWOUTHJ Nov. 18. The city council
and Receiver Newman Erb of the Leaven-
worth Electric Hallway company bolng un
able to agree on'li franchise , all the horse
cars were stepped by the receiver today ,
who announces that the company will
abandon the prcbont street railway until
such time us the council will permit it to
convert it into an cbctrlc line. The company
today began the work of convcrtintr the
dummy line between the fort and soldiers'
home Into an electrlo line ns permitted by
an olJ franchise. Thu council wanted both
colivcrted simultaneously , but this Ho-
ceiver Erb refused to do.
Complained u ( Their Food ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 18. The soldiers of the
United States post at Fort Sheridan have
rebelled against the quality nnd quantity of
food served at the regimental incss , and the
ofllccrs are powerless to subdue the Insub
ordinate troops. For several weeks the men
have complained bitterly against the food
furnished them , and lust night the troops re
fused to cat and left the mess room In a
body , procuring their' evening meal In the
stores of the adjacent village. It Is believed
that the affair is HO serious as to necessitate
&n Investigation by the War department at
List of These Who Are Anxious to Succeed
Senator Wilson ,
> _ _
All Members , of the T.ejjlMiiuire Ilcluc
Sonmled far the I'urpoflo at Aioer.
tatnlnRTheir 1'rntcrctme on
the Subject.
Dns Moixns , Nov. 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE HF.E.J Thocandklncy of lion. A. II.
Cummins for United States senator will bo
formally announced In n local paper tomor
row morning. The name of Congressman J.
P. Laceyof Oskaloosn is also iforuially an-
nounccil , Thcso nro In addition to the
acknowledged candidacy of Congressmen
Gear and Hepburn , Attorney General Stone
and others. '
The candidates for minor ofilccs lf\ the gift
of the next leglslnturo are moro numerous
than for many years , and are already begin
ning to make llfo n burden to those supposed
to bo possessed of Influence. The ofilco most
sought after Is sergeant-at-arms in the senate.
The candidates for this ofllco nvo men
of prominence. Among them may bo men
tioned : Hon. Thomas Wcldman , Hod Oak ;
Hon. J. .7. Muthews , QJlnton county ; Hon.
Peter Alclcndy , Waterloo ; Hon. D. M. Fox ,
DCS Molncs ; S. W. Smith , Mason City , and
Alike McDonald , Guthrie county.Ycldmnn
and Mathown nro ox-senators. Melcndy
was scrgeant-at-arms in the senate four
years ngo. Ho Is n brother-in-law of .Iiulgo
Woolson. Fox Is president of the Tlppccanoo
club In DCS Molncs , Smith Is law partner of
.1. E. IHytho , and McDonald Is a member of
the State Agricultural society.
The only candidate so far announced for
secretary of the senate Is J. 11. Swinburne
of Humboldt county. The liveliest contest
for positions In the house will bo
over the spcakorship. The candidates now
In the Hold nro Henry Stone of
Marshall county , W. WyeholT of Appanooso ,
S. J. Van Glider of Warren , II. W. Bycrs of
Shelby. P. A. Sawyer of .Woodbury and
ox-Speaker Mitchell of Adams.
N. N. Jones of Atlantic , member of the
state central committee , and James Beard ,
the present Incumbent , nro candidates for
warden of the Fort Madison penitentiary.
W. S. Kcnworthy of Oskaloosa , T. H.
Stone of Wintcrsot and Sherman F. Myers of
Cass uro candidates for chief clerk. Miss
Fanny Beebo of Atlantic Is u candidate for
postmistress. Mrs. Mollie Hoist ot Allerton
and Mrs. L. Elliot ot Dos Molncs are candi
dates for engrossine clerks.
The candidates for the still less Important
positions about the state house and in the
leglslnturo nro too numerous to mention.
Sioux Cirr , Nov. 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bnn.1 George D. Perkins , congress
man of the Eleventh Iowa district , is an
nounced as n candidate for United States
senator , lie will bo largely supported by
the republicans of the northwestern quarter
of the state. This is the llrst time in the
history of the state that northwestern Iowa
has had a candidate for thisjDfllco. All the
senators have been chosen from extreme
eastern Iowa.
Xorthvrcstorn Passenger Train Jtuns Over
Farmer Wlilttnkcr nml 1'ixiiilly.
BOOXE , la. . Nov. 18. 'Special ' Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The Sterling passenger "on the
Chicago & Northwestern struck a
buggy containing three people about
10 this morning at Coal Val
ley crossing iivo miles west of this city.
All three people wore Instantly killed
and badly cut to pieces. They
were : Farmer Whltakcr. wife ana
daughter , 0 years old , residing about ten
miles from here. They were romme to
Boone to do their trading. The crossing Is
on a steep hill , where it is almost impossible
to Gtop a team. The railroad comes
around a snarl ) curve and down grade
and the engine was right on the people be
fore they wore seen , it was impossible to
stop the train owing to the hill. It is
thought ; Whitakcr did not hear the warning
whistle of the engine or else his team became -
came unmanageable.
Two uuidentltled men , apparently laborers ,
were killed by No. 18 , westbound passenger ,
at 7 o'clock this evening at Midway , seven
miles east of here. The bodies were brought
to this city. They were hero under the in
fluence of liquor nil the afternoon and
started east on No. S. They got off at Mid
way and were walking cast on the track.
s AVorUInc on the lulo Snnro Case.
ALGONi.Ia. , Nov. IS. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] Aoout 0 o'clock this evening n
representative of the Lalco Sh.oro & Michi
gan Southern railway arrived hero and was
immediately taken to the jail , whore 'the
.alleged self-confessed Indiana train robber
was confined. The robbery occurred Sep
tember 13 and up to this arrest hero no clew
has been obtained. The authorities are
very reticent.
The prisoner was arrested for a petty
crime and papers were found on his person
implicating him in the train robbery. Ho
thereupon offered to make n clean breast of
the matter if clemency was extended.
The city marshal thinks there is no doubt
that the suspect is implicated in the rob
bery. Interesting developments are ex
Church Mo ml ) urn Jiullctci ) .
Four Donan , la. , Nov. 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. ] Gcorgo Mclson , promi
nent in tno church and Sunday school circles
it Uolfe , has been indicted by the Pocahontas -
tas county grand Jury. He is accused of at
tempting to brlbo Al MclOxven and Frank
Thompson , members of the Board of Super
visors , to vote to vacate certain highways in
which Mclson is interested. Both super
visors swore that Molaon offered them
money ,
Anthoii Alinoit Wiped Out.
Sionx iCrrr , Nov. 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The httlo town'of Anthon-
the Illinois Central , thirty miles from hero ,
was visited by n severe llro this morning.
Following were the losses : M. U Gordon ,
general merchandise , $10,030 , insur.inco
$0,000 : E. B. Barber , atonic , $2,000 , Insurance
$1,000 ; Hufus Watsoa , building , { 3,000 , in
surance * -J,000. , _
Itoliliatl Hint Murdered.
, CEI.IKA , la. , Nov. 18. At Spenccrvlllo ,
Gcorgo Ayrcs , aged 80 years , u veteran of
the Mexican and late wars , was found dead
in the river. Ho was supposed to have hiitt a
sum of money in his possession , nnd it Is
thought ho was drugged , robbed and thrown
into the river.
Mrs. Ileiiuett ut Liberty.
MASON CITY , la. , Nov. 18. Mrs. Emily
Bennett , who Is accused of the murder of
Miss Anna Wciso , was today released on
(10,000 bail. If n change of venue Is not
granted her case will como up for hearing in
the Marshall county court , which convenes
January 8. _
IcervcMl JIu bentencr.
Moiiuxnr.i.i > , ICy. , Nov. 18. William
Omor was convicted this morning of com
plicity in the Abblo Oliver murder and sen
tenced for llfo to the penitentiary , Abblo
Oliver was compromised with one Dolanuy ,
who was compelled at the point of n revolver
to marry her. Hoturnlng homo the wed
ding party was llrod upon by Delanoy's
frlcudtt , the girl killed and her parents
wounded ,
Stole Tlckou uiulV u Arroitoil.
CINCINNATI , O. , Noy , 18. Cleveland S.
Sailer , claiming to bo ticket accountant of
the St. Louis , Chicago & St. Paul road , was
arrested here today for soiling a larxo
quantity of southern excursion tickets. Ho
said ho stole the tickets in Illinois and used
a rubber stamp to complete the tlcketi.
Went Down In thu Gale.
C.OLVUIU4 , La. , Nov. 18. The steamer
Laura Blanks , plying on the Outchata river ,
between Monroe and Harris , tank half a
Why Patent l ow < l r * nn.l Iriijr nr
Worse tlmn lUclcst In the Treatment of
Cntnrrlt nnd IU Aiuoclntcil Condition * .
That cat iirrb Is tin entirely ciirtMo iojuo
M now , \n osuillshod fuot In the
world. The d sense yleltli surely to prn > or
Method ; skillfully used by compolmil nhyfd-
cmni. However , tlio tiso of intent noitrnm .
of whatever kind , Is always followed Ly full-
urcitoeurc , und the patient Is lueuy m.lcoil
lioimSCUp05 wllllout Permanent Injury to his
Tlio World-Uor.ild of this city made a thor
ough Invoulgntlnn , spondltiR sotno thrco
weeks hinoiij pliyyli Inns dniUKtsts and eo-
talno habitues , it llnds t lint there can bu no
oxavBuratlon of ihb dimmed cnnlno catarrh
snuiri nro dome In our midst. Tliooiiroifiri ! -
t Ions are so strong of cncnlnu thai Itlssild ;
t hey ciin 10 substituted for the pure cocaine.
Tlie ller.ild says :
"Hluis [ icon ifcinnnstnitcd that hnml red * of
tlioso packiiRosof catiirrh snuir are dlsuixcd
or pvnry day In Umuln. and the worst foiiUno
nr the whole transaction m the fact that very
low If uny who mitchaio them are nwaro thal-
thcy contain oosulno. lly this moans thous
ands nf of people unwittingly tire gradiully
brought under the Inllncnco of this ilriu and
never roiUI/o the craving until too Into. In
stances of this character have como to nollco
In the course of Investigation to substantiate
the assertions. "
* * *
"When cloioly questioned It was found that
both hud boon uslni ? u well known eat'iirh
snillTi the terrible habit had boco.'no fUixl ,
and today ono person U usliis t\ui bottles
dally und another four. "
ttct Kcady for Winter ,
Tnnt the public Is quick to sou the ad vnnt ngo
of Hiving money on medical troal mont for the
fall an J \YisdomonUritod : : by the largo
number of now patients who iilacc-d thorn-
solves uncior the care of Drs. Uopolnnd and
blinp.irdlnst wook.
If you nro sullorlnefromcnlarrh.from rhon-
imitlsm , troiiiiistlimn.broncliltls , hinntrouble ,
aonfnuss , weak uvos , u nervous or u skin dls-
uaso , or uny complaint Hint worries you or
cuusus you suffering , or iillocts your phyilual
wolfim- , call on Drs. Copulnnd and ftlioinrrt.
A consultation costs nothln/ . and under ilio
wonderfully successful treatment ihuy have
so laboriously nnd skilfully perfected von
will be certain ot the quickest possible relief
at ( i cost Unit Is merely nominal.
Mr. Dun Kelley , thopouularlrUh comedian ,
nnd Itoslo Uray , prlmu donnn , aio stars In
that popular company. The .lollv t > , < ]
Chums. " which Iris been plnyhiK ut the Klf-
tocnth .Street Theater tbo past , woolc. Mr.
Kelly Is ono of the "chums" nnd Alls * Gray Is
an notrcssof wldo fitiun. They address 'ilio
following luitcr to lliolr professional friends
and the uubllo ut largo :
OMAHA , Neb , Nov. 18. 1FO.T. Dis. Copolnnd
nnd Shopurd Gentle-men : Kor the bonulll of
our friends In thu inautrloul nnd other pro-
fuEsloiiDmUoslro to express our iiniiuallllod
endorsement ot your system for the cilia of
catarrh. If nil persons who use the voleu : is a
tool of iratio would como to your grindstone
tohavo II sharpened they would have nodlfll-
culty In polishing their work.Vo slrilt al
ways be patients of thn Copelnnd Medical In
stitute. "DAN ICICI.IA' , t'otnodliin.
" . iAC'lub42W.3S.N. V.
"I'rlma Donna. "
milo below Columbia in eight feet of water
this morning. Shu struck a snag and her
rargo of 300 bales of cotton is floating in the
civer. The boat will probably bo a total
nuir JWKT coeATiroiED. .
TEKAMA.II , Neb. , Nov. 10. To the Editor of
THE BEE : InTnnBuEyou editorially com
ment upon the late contest for judicial
honors , and attribute the defeat of the nonpartisan -
partisan nominees to Burt county and the
fact that no energetics canvass had been
made hero in behalf of the nonpartlsan
nominees and a lively still hunt on the part
of the partisan fellows. This may be true ,
but the secret of the whole matter lies in
the fact that Burt county republicans voted
their ticket straight. It is their custom.
The leaders have made It n business to
teach their followers to vote their ticket
and vote It straight. Their efforts
have been rewarded. Judge Walton ,
who had the "ropublican-democrat-nonpartl-
san" nomination , ran -100 votes behind both
Judge Ambrose and Judge Blair , who had
the single "republican" nomination , when ho
should have run 403 ahead. An investiga
tion into the cause of this proves conclu
sively , that , when in their booth , voters
spread out the ticket and , with the left
hand covering the names of the candidates ,
they run down the entire length 'of the
ticket , making an X after every name hay
ing the brand of the party to which they be
longed , { and this is true evendown to justice
of the peace.
Business men have confessed that they
neither voted for Judge Waltoninor Juclpo
Dickinson , county judge of Burt county , because -
cause the word "republican" was farthest
from the space to mark that it
was not detected , nnd passed.
A reference to the vote will show that none
ot the other candidates received the bOO
votes lost to Judge Walton , but his name
being printed with "rcpubiican-democrat-
nonpartisan judiciary" following the name
lost him a very croat number of republican
votes and a large numberof democratic votes
as well nnd gained him nono.
Judges Ambrose and Blair had the single
word "rspubhcan" directly In front of the
spaced to bo marked , and they got every re
publican vote.
Our own Judge Dickinson , who had both
the republican nnd democratic nominations ,
admits that ho ran fully 200 votes
short , and I can only attribute
the cause to the fact that the
word "republican" appeared llrst and the
word "democrat" appeared next to the
space to bo marked. , , ,
In a county with 1,000 republicans who
vote straight , arid 400 democrats , n largo
number of whom do their butchering on elec
tion uay , It does seem that It is suicidal for
good men to bear the title of "democrat , "
oven though they ho lifelong republicans ,
The better class nnd moro Intelligent
of the nonpartl
voters of all parties approve
san judiciary , but forget or overlook t his
point In voting. The new method of voting
too , tends to "rattle" many who fear making
a mistake , so they make the -X" after their
"republican , " "democrat" or "independent"
nominees to avoid errors. That many cover
the names of the nominees witu tncir mil.
hands nnd vote often times for the party
name when they intend to vote for a man ,
and that men vote their prejudice Instead of
their judgment lias caused the opinion to
prevail that legislative action should betaken
taken in preventing the party names being
printed on the ticitots. _ W. II. KOHNS.
Standard Oil Company Will Kncaso In tlio
Munilluctiirn ill Sleul.
PiTTSiiuno , Nov. 18. The Commercial Ga
zette says that the Standard Oil rompany is
preparing to engage In the manufacture-
steel on a moro giKantlo plan than any other
concern in the country. A now process has
heen discovered to make steel directly from
the pro that will reduce the cost to the mini
mum. Prominent capitalists are now In
Cleveland negotiating with the Standard
Oil oftlclals.
Tulr anil Slightly Warmer Are the Ntfbruika
I'redlnlloin tor Today.
WAJIIINOTO.V , Nov. IB , Forecasts for Sun
day ; For Nebraska and Iowa Fair ; west
winds ; slightly warmer.
For South Dakota Fair ; slishtly warmer ;
wo = t winds.
Tliey Had Formed u Tru t.
NASHVILLE , Toun. , Nov. 18. An Indictment
has been returned in court against J , H.
Allison , individually , and J. Ii Allison , J. M.
and II. L. Overtoil , composing the Nashvlllo
Coal company , charging them with violating
the lavin forming a combine to control the
coal business In Nashville.
Mnryl" Out un Hull ,
DETIIOIT , Nov. 18. Fred Marvin , the ex-
cashier of the Third National bank , nt 2:80 :
this afternoon surrendered himself on the
charge of embezzlement , made by J. U Hud-
nt : iiKAits.
Mr. 1' . r , Drriinr of Olrnvrood wn Alinoil 1
Tolnlly Drnf III * Hearing rrns Com-
jilctoly ftnutorvil by DM. Copelnml
nml Sltepnrd Neatly two Vrun
- ARU Serlmn iilcct : ofCntnrrh.
"When n tnixn hns found relief from i > dls-
trowing condition lia tools Ilka tolling of It for
tlio benefit nf olhori who mny ncod the same
kind of help. "
The sneaker was Mr. I' . V , Dr ser of Olon-
wood , la. , the well known contractor nnd
builder. Continuing , Mr , Drostor s\yst
"I suppose few IIHMI or women over unite red
from catarrh moro than I ,
"It U unopo.ikablo relief to bo rid of the
bU7.7ltiit anil rliiKliiK that wns nlwayx In mv
curs , unit \\hleh I fonrrd would ro.illy sot mi
crn7V. My liutul wasdl.y. . my nose filled up
und I could not Kot-p my throat nnd nosir
ulunr. I often hud a disgust lor food espe
cially mnrniiiKs ; my stonmeh foil heavy and
1 blontod nttor oitlnrt. : AlV too.l sccMicd to dome
mo no pood.
"Tho comfort nnd rest I noxv Ret at night Is
wonderful to mu. for I usud to loss about , nil1
able to sleep , und every mornlnt I full woiso
limn when 1 went to bud. This Is all d I ( Tore n I
now. i\ory : nl-Ill'ssleep refreshes und restores - ,
stores me. nnd 1 rise full of ambition for my ,
dully wor'x ,
Hut the moil remarkable and valuable
nfTect of the treatment vrns Kpon niv hourlnff.
1 wiif , almost totally deaf. I could hoar only
wlicn people scrannicd In my ear , und tboa ft
wits dlllloult. In wiilktiiK the streets ot
Umaha I could not bear a cable car pasjlnir.
nor u hi'iivy wuciin on the pavement eloso by
me. In fact , fo fur ns noarliij went , 1 ivns
dead lo the world.
"Noirly two years ncol went lo Dr. Sucpard
to sco If 1 could cot cured of mv catarrh and
my dniifiioss. 1 julc Ms trllllim fuo nnd rual-
l/cd s. perfect rolluf. 1'or \\hllu I feared It ,
would nil vomu buuc : on me. but Instead of
Mint 1 nm entire y rcsloreO , and as neil as
when Dr. Shouurd llnlsho 1 my ouso. My oxpo-
rloiu'O proves to mo Hint dentnoss and catarrh
can bo cured to stay cured If thu right moth-
odsiuo used.
"llavliu been porfuitly nnd completely
cured by Drs. Copolund and t'hepar.l ' I cannot
say lee much In prulso of Ihuir skill. My
du.ifness Is entirely cone. Although u young
mnn I never expected to bo able to hear
uxaln. and concluded that my oiturrhal dis
ease would steadily wunr mo out. My cnsu
was n serious ono und llfo scemcil a buiddn ,
Mlllcted us I was. The scientific work of Drs ,
Copolund nnd Shcpard has made me u now
mnn. has given mu baulc the use of nil my
souses , und 1 am nnxlons Hint every nllltetcd
person may know whore they can 11 ml relief
anil euro , lutn snro these physicians cnti defer
for others what they liuvo done for me , " J
OmcolTotirs-'J ' toll a. m.:2 : toi p. m.t 7 to ] o
laSuudny 10 a. tn. tolJ in.
A Now and Oompleto Treatmeut , coueletlng ot
BoxflBot Ointment. A.novor-failing.Curo ( or rflos
ot ovary nature onJ dot-roe. It makes an operation
, vlthlhotuUo or Injections ot carbollo acld.TvlSck
ro painful ana seldom a permanent euro , and otCca
rceuulDg In death , unnecosMry. Why endura
thin terrible dlaeaoo ? Wo auaranto 0
boxes to ourn nnv onso. You only buy for
bonoQta rccolTca. (1 n box , 6 for IS by mail , aomplf
f roo. OnaranteoH Issucil by our agente.
RflNQTIPATiriM Cufod byJapancsaLlvrPoll pltoa Proventoir t
Ibe ercnt UVTR and STOJI AClf 11EQ ULATOR anj
BIOODPimiFIEH. Bmull , mlM and pl6
tuVe , especially njapteci for children's use , COOOHI
K cenfj ) .
.OUAHA TEEShsaedonlyby >
Kulin & Co. , Solo Agents , Omaha , Neb
1I < OR SALE A compleln bottllm ? works , In pool
( own anil ilohiK a food , paylnf bnshio-n. Uooi
reasons for Belling. Address U ' . ! 3 , Ili-o oniea _
TOWA l'ARMS-870ncros. * S22.50 par njro ; BOO
IncroH , $1.OJ ; yiu acroi. * i5.o : : Ui ) aorisa ,
Slfi.OO : 1UU ur.n , SJ5.0U ; 80 asrej. $ i7.0 ) . Tarto
llstot r.iniiH , fruit Mr.ns uuUsarJan laal. Jolm
Bton Ic Van I'aiten. _ *
DO YOU know that Day ,1 lies ) nuvo loma
choice barffahm In fr.iit anil cardan land near
AIISTIIAOTS anil loam Firni and pity proiurU
bouzht and uoM. I'cmoy < L Tliomm , Cott'.ul
GAUI1AG10 rnmovnd , cesspools , vault ! ) , uhbimiyi i
cleaned. KU lluiUo , ut T.iylur'ii crocury , SI )
Hroadway .
RKNT A l-room IIOIIBO. Inijiuru of 1It. .
Levin , 'J18 South IH ! Blrort. j. |
17011 SAUJOK TRAUK-A line bilelt renldMtPO I
I'centrally located , In Council lllulTH. J. A. Java , j
tWR SALE Or Ira lo for liny or corn , nn opmi'iouf
biisgy ; eooU. II. Hairy , lO.'B Kast 1'leico. , ° , ,
son , and pave hall for $10,030 to appear fa I
examination. J
. . o aj
Kloctrlclty us Applied to Mont * on tlio Crla
Canal Its I'ructlrublllty Proven.
HOCIIKSTCII , N. Y. , Nov. 18. The llrst
canal boat in the world to bo propelled h >
electricity ploughed through the waters of
the ICrloicanal this morning nnd New Yorl
state added another victory to progress ,
When Governor Flower had sos'u the cxparl-
mcnt iniido and heard the opinions of elec
trical experts present that they considered
U feasible , ho said : ' 'Ono of the most 1m
portant stops In the march of progress has
been taken. Increase the speed and you
can Increase the capacity. If power can be
obtained from Niagara , and It can ho , 1C
cents per day will furnish the inotivo power
for a canal boat ; it takes four mules and
two men to i'lvo It now. That moans choai ) ;
cnlng the rate for carrying freight ; it incani
that accents will carry a bushel of gruirj
from Buffalo to Now Yorlt ; another 'J' ' <
routs Is going to deliver it In Buffalo fron. . ,
Diiluth ; Scents brings a huslu'l of wheat
from iho fluids of the west to the motropo
lls. Isn't that going to boat the Mississippi
route , or the Canadian route , or any ether
route ? When this is done wheat Is not goint
to .stop In Minneapolis. "
The test of the now method of propulsloi
was made on the I'lttsflold level near thli
city and was witnessed by a largo party o
persons , Poles and a temporary trolley hac
bueu erected along the hank mid the oxpari
mont wns In chaigo of Prank W. Hawley ,
( Jovernor Flower turning the switch oao
Blurting the boat. ?
The prluciple Is the same as that of wv
street system , hut the return current is oar- '
rlcd overhead the sanio ns the supply cur
Pl'lablo wlro Is used for the trolloy. Th.
boat today was pushed along at the rate o
from four to seven miles an hour and all o\ \
tlio gentlemen present expressed thomsolve
as convinced of the feasibility of thoechoint
It Is said ono boat equipped llko that toda ?
could tow six ether boats at a good rate o
speed ,
Shot III * Wife' * l.uvcr ,
FIUNKUN , Tcnn. , Nov. 18. In the leading
hotel heroyestenlay , John Jtobcrts onoo
the loading merchants of the town , shot an-j
killed Charles Watson. Had blood had exIsted
Istod between them for some mouths ojvln :
to the attentions which Watson was paylu-
to Kouorts1 wlfo ,
Wur In flute HhMi I'rlcel.
Pimm-no , Nov. 18. As a result of th-
dissolution of the National Plato aiass sst
elation a lively war la prices has been ir
auguratcd , U is said that as high as W PC
cent off the list Is offered , and uijcuu u %
jobbers are making private tcrmi. *
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