- - i-ff-m THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , ItyVEMBER 19 , 1893-TWENTY PAGES. Gold Weather Has a Favorable Effect Upon Business , COLLECTIONS SHOW VERY LITlLE CHANGE i | < Ocrtnlii Line * Show n Decided Improve , went In tie ) Voliuno of ( looils Moving , lUlilln Ollii-rn Hani Hcttlcd Down to n Steudy Thine. Although the gonor.il rim of reports re ceived from Jobbers does not show nny very radical clmiiRO In tlio trade situation In this market , still it has not boon entirely devoid of Interesting features. In aoino lines of I business , notablyi hardware , thcro has been an Improvement In tbo demand for goods , whllo tbo tradoin dry poods , boots and hoes , rubber goods mid similar lines has been very satisfactory. Without doubt the i colder wcathur has done much to stimulate demand nnd with n contliiuiincoof good , solid winter -weather the jobbers are generally anticipating n very fair movement of'soason- nblo goods for the balance of the year. A weather market , however , Is not always to bo depended upon In this latitude , ns It hap pens too often for the good of business that the weather is mild until nftor the llrst of the year. The Jobbers of holiday goods have had n very peed week , as country merchants are all making some preparation for the holidays by putting iti something to nttr.ict the atten tion of purchasers. From some quarters como reports that the pcoplo nro going to buy very sparingly of luxuries and conflno tbomsnlvcs more to the necessities than usual , but BO far It is not easy to note any ohiingo In this respect. Where there has boin n falling off In the , volume of business the shrinkage has been pretty general on nil Classes ol goods. ' While certain lines have shown Improve ment others have remained nboUt steady , without Important chungo ono way or tbo other. Thus business In the jobbing branch of tlio grocery trade was generally referred to aa well up to the average , but as not showing any improvement over the previous Thcro is ver.v Httlo indication In the trade , cither on the part of retailers or Jobbers , toward anticipating wants. Orders , gener ally speaking , are for small lots of goods , but ibo frequency of these orders makes up In n largo degree for the loss in size. The fcol- ing appears to bo gaining ground that busi ness has settled down for the winter , nnd tluit there will bo a good , steady demand for Roods , but that there will bo no rush or boom. It promises to bo a demand based al- niost'cntlrely upon the consuming ability of the country. , , , ' Collections ) while not so very good , are fair for tbo season nnd about up to the uver- ngo , There has not been much complaint re garding collodions for the past few weeks , nnd it is more than likely that the territory 'tributary ' to Omaha is in better slmvio in thlt rcspoct than some parts of the country. The bank clearings at Omaha have shown n decided improvement during the past six days , tbo total being the largest in a good tiuinv weeks. On Monday the clearings ox- .cocd'cd $1,000,000 for the Ilrsc time since the month of July. While u coed deal of the gain was ascribed to the Union Pacific pay checks , which came in in very largo num bers the llrst of tlio week , the f.iot that a gain was miulo shows a HeJilthy condition of business. As compared with last .year thcro was ndecrease of 10 per cent. While this doorcase is larger than the friends of the city Would like to see it , it is small to. . what other cities have suffered. Thus tbo decrease in the clearings for the past week'ns compared with n year ago was W per cent for Denver ; Kansas City , B4 per cent ; Milwaukee , 41 percent : Minneapolis. ! )7'per ) cent ; ' St. Paul , 33 per coutj Sioux City , 4" per cent , nnd Lincoln 25 per cent. The dccroaso for the whole country was 23.0 There. is no doubt but what business is being injured by tho'timldlty of that class of men. through whom the larger operations arc usually carried on. They incline to the view that after the severe experiences of the 'summer ' business cannot bo expected to immediately recover the ground that was lost , but that * the ro- vlval must bo gradual. Some even go so far as to dcclaro that the uncertainty of tariff and financial legislation will bo a disturbing factor sufficient to delay the com plete restoration of business until spring. IIow far this may prove to bo true remains to bo seen , but at tbo present time thcro is no question but what business is gradually recovering , and it is reasonable to anticipate a. continuation of this process unless some unforeseen event should intervene to change the course of ovcnts in the business world. I'roduno 1'olnters. Reports from Iowa would indicate that the 1 onion crop of that state Is pretty well cleaned up. Jake Williams , of the firm of Williams & Cross , is back from Chicago , where ho- op erated n hotel during the fair. The cranberry growers claim to have miulo n success of their llrst attempt to in troduce cranberries Into England. A traveling man who sells twcnty-ounco pippins und guarantees them to weigh twenty ounces In ono of the latest develop ments of the trado. The change to colder weather Is creating a demand for dressed poultry nnd if It con tinues llvo poultry may bo expected to rapidly fall into disfavor. i The scarcity of apples , it is predicted , will j crcato u good demand for oranges later on , , ' Homo dealers are already inuring on the orange market being higher the coming upi'lng tliun it was last year. I The local potato market bus not been all f that could bo desired so far this year. Dealers say that stocks do not move very readily and that thcro Is very little money to ! bo mndu hi handling potatoes. Kvory year ns the holidays approach deal- era commence to caution tholr customers to flloordern well In ml'anco of the day on which the goods iiro wanted , and every year thcro nro merchants who put oil ordering uutiUl is too lato. Fred Mead , in thijcolil storage business at Nevada , la , , und O. W. Mead of the commis sion linn of A. & O.V \ , Meud , Doston , were in the cltv on Tuesday , O. W. Mead has u ranch in the wont and other largo interests which bring him to Nebraska. The pwlueo nnd fruit market has'boen rather qulot during the past week. Thcro lias been n fair demand for goods suitable /or the TtmnUsgivIng trade , but most other lines Iinvo boon inclined to drag. Chickens > have touched tlio lowest point so far this season. Kgg * have lieon qmot at the samo' i pi-Ices that have ruled for so long back. ' , Butter has been weak , with the local do- i uiaml light. I A prominent commission flrm in Boston 1 writes a local house ; "While tlio butter i intirkci is steady the times are hard hero i and trade Is slow , Wo do not think that 1 butter \\ill advar.co much under the present conditions. Nearly all tlio mills in this part jot the country are either closed or running mtn short time , nnd people have very little W money to buy goods with , therefore wo do k uot look for any very sharp advance. " Returns have been received by a Taooma man for fruits shipped some time ago to China nnd Korea , nays the Produce liul- Jetlo. They have proved so satisfactory that largo shipments will follow from that section. When this country becomes 1 able to supply not only Europe with the choicest of fruit , but the far orient ns -well , fruit crowing will bo ono of tha most thriving occupation * . Such an event up- pears to ba not far distant and will bo hailed from one end of the country to the other. Hut m in tlio Dm pluco lot us not encourage other M countries to tills Industry by allowing their products to compote with ours In our country - try , Xho only way to build up tills Industry ia to lay tariff dutloi on both green and 1 dried fruits that will bo practically prohibl- Chicago UTU block Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 18. About the only kind of cuUlo for which thcro was any considerable In- cjulrr today were inch as urn taken by local Imtcbers a nil cannon , and those , too , wore the ouly dt > crltloiiu | that ihowoil uriuneai. Ea uin-iors nnU eastern buyora did not appear to ucud any catdo , iics than 1,000 native cat- tie arrived , the remainder of the 2.400 bead being credited to Toxas. TM week's ro- celpti nro about 2,700 liond IcMthnn for last week , 10.OOO hend less than for the correspond ing week last year and 14,000 head less than In 1891. Heavy and medium wolRhthoss were In demand - mand ntnn advnncoof from Be to lOc. Iilght wolshH , nlto , worn ttronp. but they wore not ftalahlo at materially higher thun pro- vnlllng prices. Lots avorajtlns over 250 Ibs. ftolil an lilgh ns Jo.00 nnd tliu b st llRlit fetched "rom 15.00 to $5.05. These flpurcs wore nlso .mid for choice medium weights. The supply of fre h und stale hugs amounted to 2,000 bond , 1mlnearly everything was sold hy noon nnd Ilio close was steady. Itccolpts for the week nro nn Increase of 16,000 head ns coin- Dared with lust ueok , nnd ndocronio of 7,500 ns compared with lastj'oar. Thorn Is a do- creaio of 140,000 as compared with 1801. Them \\i\s utlrin slioop market nt from $1.25 to J3.76 for piHir to rliolco. The lamb miirknt wns steadv at from 13 to $5. Dui Ing the week nboiit 53,000 head arrived , which Is 18,000 loss limn for last week und 13,000 more than In ISO' . ! . Iteoolpts : futile , 2.400 head ! calves , 300 hi'iul : IIOKS , 14OOOhendl slioop , 1,500 head , The KMjiiliiK.lnnrinl toports : 'ATTI.K ' Itefelptu , 2.400 head , Inclutllnz 1,500 ToMins ; slilpinonls , UOO bund ; nmiknt ilull and weak ; good to prime export , $0.0054 ? r..l ( ) . > good to rliolco , J4.U5tt4.G5 ; fair to ROoil , J3.S034.50 ; rholco for llnhtstcers , I4.0004.85i oommoirMo fnlr , $3.2u&3,75 ; cows $1.00i03.'J5 ; bulls , l.rn 3.fiO ; Toxns stcors , * J.5O 3.2D ! bust slcorx , W.7534.10. llonKocclpts 14,000 bead : .slilpments , D.OOO licttd ! innrkct hcuvy , 5c hlahor ; ll lit , weak : nniRh and uoiiunun , t4.756,10 ; puCk- IIIR , $ r > .lCitj(5.30j ( ( tiiliiin heavy nnd butchers' , ri.35a5.55 ; light. { 5.25 5.00. Huston Stuck ( Quotations , N , Nov. IB. Cull loans , 2VJ4 per cent : time loans , 3 > i'2G per cont. Closing ntiotn- tlons on stocks , bonds nnd mining shares ! Atelier. AH. F. , . . ] ! XWestlrmli. | Kl c 1M Aiiiorlc.in.Siic-.ir. . , U.tH do preferred 10 do iirofvrred AtuhlHon I'ds. . liny Mnto ( Ian H Ati'hlson 4tt Hell Tel. Ni-\v Knulaml Os. . 107 lloston.V. Atli.niy. . Atlantic . 7 ( < Ill ) Iioslon .V Montana Iloston. . . . S O.ilnmul.VlIocli , . " * - N. Y. A.N. 13 . 'J7 Centennial . -"H Old Colony . 177 KranlUin . 10 Utlbber . i. 411 KriirH.'iKO. . . . ( I _ „ . " ' OMCI > OU . 2S Hnlnii I'ncltlc Qulucy . ion WentKnd . (10i ( ! Tamarack do f ivfenx'd . HI London Stook ( Juotattons. LONDON , Nov. IB. Close ; RonflnlH , 111 nticy. . . ' . . * - < HISI. 1'anl commonf ( ) > y. ConmilH , nec'nl H8H New York Central. 1U.1M Cnn.-iJI.m Pacltie. . . TOVi'l'uiinsylvaiila ' W\ \ Hrlu llUlHenillni ; lua ! Krlu JdH ! 70)1'MoS. ' Con. how 4s. . 41 ! < Illinois Cenlr.il ii.'i'-vl Il\lt SII.VKU 32 d poroz. MO.NKY 11S ! iier cent. Unto of discount In tlio open market for both short anil three immtlis hills , 2)-i ) per cent. The amount of bullion withdrawn from thrt Hank of Kuglund on balance today was JL'40,000. Financial Note * . NKW Oitr.EANS , Nov. 18. Clearings , $1,002- 320. 320.1'AitiH. 1'AitiH. Nov. 18. Three percent rentes , 70f for the account. , ' llAl.TiMOKt : , Nov. 18. Clearings , $2,202,742 ; balances , $3 l'J.330. Mr.MPins. Nov. 18. Now York exchange soil- Ins at par.Olearlngs , 8382,000 ; balances , $120- llKiiux , Nov. 19. Thostatement of the Hank of llormuny shows nn Increase of 2,314,000 marks. Nr.w Youic , Nov. 18. Clearings , $81,300- 008 ; balances , (4.275.M71. Kor the week , $030- 330,287 ; balances , $30.855,830. I'liii.uiEr.rnrA. Nov. 18. Clearings , $10,053- 443 ; balance * , $1,433.035. 1'or tlio neok , clearIngs - Ings , , $04,038,510 ; balances , $3,477,027. IKHTON' , Nov. 18. Clearings. $14,243,132 ; balances , $1,083,233. i-'ortho week , $87,031- 703 ; balances , $10,208.182. Now York c.\-v change , par and 5c discount for cash. CtsriNXATi , Nov. 18. Money , 4H5 per cent. Nexv York ovelinnce , GOI570 per cent premium. Clearings , $2,301,550. Kor the week. $12.014.- 750 ; for the same \\eolc last year , $15,025,001) . NiwYonic , Nov. 18. Kxports of specie for the Mock \voio $31,000 gold and $835,100 silver. Imports of spi'clu for the week will aggregate (82,000. Imports of general mer- rnamllsu for the weokamounted to iG,237,758 ; dry goods , $1.034,834. ClllCAOO , Nov. 18. dealings. 'J13.82G.OOO ; for the week , $33,205,000 ; for the eoriospond- IIIK week for last year , 4109,871,000. Now York exchange. 75&80C premium. Sterling exchange , llriii ; actual , $4.85s34.8G. ! Money , llrm ; i ales , 07-pur cent. Sr. Louis , Nov. 18. Clearings , $3,801,202 ; balances , $535,074. Money , qulot at 7S8 per rent. KxcliuiiRQ < > n Now York , OOo premium. clcarlncs last week , { 24.313,124 ; balances , $3,880,005. , O EXEHA L CO.VS ULIDA T/O.V. I'lnna ICencly for Ainiileuiuiitlon or All iMtgo Laljor OrKiiulzjtlniin. PiiiiADKi.vitiA , Nov. 18. A mooting was hold tojilght for the purpose of considering ' ways a'nu means for the amalgamation of all the existing labor organizations. It Is as serted that raprescntatiyos from all the large bodies of workingmen wore , pressout and that plans were formed , which , if carried out , will bring about the consolidation. Those present are said to represent a membership of from 730,000 to 1,000,000. The result of the moot- intr will depend on the action the general assembly may take , but ns the moot ing was attended by roprosontatlvo knights close to Mr. Powdorly , it 1s claimed the gen eral nsscmoly will favor the movement of amalgamation. , , Mr. Powdorly , it was stated , will occupy n prominent cxeouttvo position in the new order. The matter was brought bo.'oro the general assembly-today and Mr. Powdorly's tricnds think they can carry it through , IleiiiH Alulu I'owor. UociiusTii : : , N. Y. , Nov. 18. Electrical propulsion of commercial boats on canals Is a demonstrated success. Mule and steam power are nllko doomed by the now power which was tested , at 8 o'clock last night alongside the village of Brighton , four miles from Uochestor , on a waterway of the Krio canal. Power is obtained from a trolley wire overhead. Governor Flower , State Engineer Campbell - boll , W. Adams und Superintendent of Pub lic Works llaunon witnessed the test. Accept Ton 1'or Cunt Itodnotlnn. PirpHiima , Pa. , Nov. 18. The Amalga mated Association of Iron nnd Stool Workor3 did not conclude its extraordinary session until long after midnight. Doforo adjourn ment conference committees were appointed to moot the Youugstown manufacturers and the Iron and steel sheet manufacturers anil olfout it compromise. The shoot mill com- inlttco was empowered to accept straight reduction of 10 per cent. Idle Men Get Ituck to Work. Minm.Miiuno , Ky , , Nov. 18. Fires have been started hi the UOO coke ovens at Miugo mines. One hundred and fifty idle men have gone to worif. These ovens have been closed since April , I'rlntlii' ; Works llurned. IXiiUN-Ai'ous , Nov. 18 William D. Uur- ford's extlnslvo printing , engraving and lithographing establishment , well known throughout Indiana and the neighboring states , caught fire nt 1 o'clock this morning , The fire was confined to the unpar stories but the entire building was deluged with water and the loss will reach , probably , $100,000. TillKlC.ll.TV : MAIUCI2T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Novoiu bcrlB , 18'J3 ' : WAItll AKTY DKCDS. O Ii Wilftht to N < W Oardiier , lots G and , 7. block 238 , Omaha , 120,400 K It Jnynes to O KJnyne.s. lots 3,4,27 , 31 , 83 nnd 34 , block 2 , lutH 3 , 4 , 20 and 32 , block 3 , Sherman Avenue purl ; . , , , , 1 O ! > 'Juynes to Mary Nichols , lot 34 , lilcrU'J , Hlicrinun Avenue park , 2,800 JMNIchnU nnd wife to 0 TJaynos , lot 32 , block 2 , RIIIUO 2,000 II H KnlKht to J L Cnrr , o 100U acres ot > .w2H-lU-12 , 80 ucrea commenc ing lit swforof nw so 28-10-12 4,520 It 1C Hastings to L M Morrison , oi ( lot 2 , Isuao and Uiinen'H add , , , . . . . Z Anton llolohlarck and wife to John Hlratiglon , lot 4 , block 10 , Urowu pni-U , , , 600 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. O I * Miller andwlfo to N M Johnson , block 17'JJSi Omaha 1 PEKD3. IIII Irqy , county treasurer , to II J Twtiitlna.lptV.lilock B5. lou 0 , 7 und B , block "D."and g ! t Jot 6. block 102U , Omaha , , ; M. . Q A llonnott , therlff , to Tliouiai lien- Jiott.lotlO , block 14 , Improvement us4ociatlouadd..u „ . . 1,460 Total amount of transfers , ( 37,074 M COMMERCIAL ANDliHEIE Wheat Made Another Low Prlco Record for Decomhor Yesterday , CORN AND OATS WERE QUITE WEAK Wheat Opened with n More rnvornblo Out look , but the Decline Hoon rollonroil nnd Domornllrntloii AVns Gen eral Stocks nnd Honda. CtitCioo , Nov. 19. Wheat made yet another - other low prlco record for December today , breaking to 69Jfo on weak cables , small expert - port clearances , heavy soiling by local traders and the expectation that the world's vislblo supply will bo heavily Increased Monday. Corn nnd oats were weak nnd ouch lost J o from yesterday's value , Provisions stood up well and. closed without much chango. Wheat began the day with a moro favor able outlook , opening * { o above yesterday's closo. The feeling that there would neces sarily bo n reaction from yesterday's low llg urcs helped the ilrst traders , und lighter northwestern receipts contributed to the linn- ness. Fluctuations for nn hour were conllncd to it range of ' c. But the exports from both coasts showed another decrease and the dccllno began. Weak , cables also ap peared as n bearish factor and Harry Lester - tor , with other operators , sold heavily. With nil this against it , the prtco went down until December had broken the 'record und rallied but Jo at the close. December at GO e , sold off n8'c , rallied ' /c , lostc , sold off } { c and rallied to the close nt GOe. Corn opened at yesterday's llgurcs nnd ruled llrm for n time. Through a local trader some oao in St. Louli bought some short corn in nnd tha prlco advanced slightly. With receipts larger that ) tbo estimates the advance was moro than lost , but on small estimates for Monday there was a sllghtroactlon. Later Wheeler uu- pcarcd as a heavy seller and thisf with the weakness In wheat , sent the prlco to J o worse than it had opened. May opened ut 40l e , climbed i c , lost } . c , rallied } c , lost , % c and rallied } { c to the close at IWJjc. O.its were fairly nctlvo , but lower. The heaviness of yesterday's market together with the sympathy with the weak feeling in wheat and corn were the principal causes of the dccllno. May opened We higher at 30 c , lost i/c , sold off jtfc. rallied ifc to the close at HOjtfc. Provisions were flrmor on a bbttpr dispo sition to buy. Opcninir higher they'declined on corn's slump to close at about last night's llgurcs. As compared with last night Janu ary pork is 2 } c lower , January lard 2) c higher nnd January ribs 7 b lower. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 170 cars ; corn , 430 cars ; oats. ' , 103 carshogs ; , , ao.000 head. CD The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash rjuolntlons were as follows : FI.OUH Weak. . WIIIJAT No. 531 No. i r 11 ( jj * AII/I 2SpriiiR. " " , c ; 5001Hc ; No. 2 red , 50 c. COUN No.2 , 25 ic. OATS No. 2. 27c ; No. 2 white , 23330KO ! No. 3 wlillc , 27Jia28VjC. UYE No. 2. 43c ; ' No. 3 , 35c. ! HAIII.BV No.2 , iiomlual"Mo ; : 3MOS54c ; No. 4 , 35@43c.r FliAXHuED No. 1 , $1.08. TIMOTHY BKID I'lluio , S3.20. I'OHK Jless , porbbl. , $14.00ffll4.50 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , J8.20SJ8.25 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . S7.75ffi8.00 ; dry ( .al'od shoulders ( boxed ) , $0.75 © 7.00 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $8.25Q8.37' { . IVfltU W.Tllat Illnpa' ( Itllclinrl rrrtnHu * in f , I SuiiAiis Cut loaf , $5.88 ; granulated , $5.45 ; standard "A. " J3.33. The following were the receipts und ship ments for today. Flour , bbl . 13.000 18,000 Wheat , bu. . . 101,000 d.ooo Corn , bn J7I.OOO 744,000 Oath. Ini 1HO.UUO iiia.ooo Kyo.mi Ilarley. bn. . 01.000 7.500 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was dull ; dairies , 2025cf creameries , 18Q22C. Kgm , steady ; strictly fiesh , 20@21c. Now Vork AlnrUots , NRW YOIIK , Nov. 18. KI.OUII liocolpts. 23.- 100 hbls. ; exports , 3,300 bbls. ; wiles , 7,300 kfis. ; market oull and barely steady ; city ill patents , * 1.254 , 50 ; winter patents , J3.40 © 3.00 ; city mill clear * , J3.00Q.3.05 ; winter Htnilglits , * 2.803.20 ; Minneapolis patents , * 3.85a4.00 ; winter o. trns. J2.20a2.70 ; Min neapolis bakers , $2.yo3.50 ; winter , loxv cradcs , 81.70a2.25 ; niirlng. low grades , $1.00 © 1.30 ; sprhiK , extra . , S1.05is2.45. COUN MEAT. western , UYB-I UAIILF.Y MAI < T Dull ; westoriii U5J2UUc ; slx- rowed , 8085c. WHEAT Hecolpls , 320.000 bu. ; sales , 930- 000 bu. futures , 32,000 bu. siiot. Spot market dull nnd heavy ; No. 2 red. In store und olovutor , C505'tc ; Atloat , OOJiUOOVci f. o , b. , OOJiQCOWc ; uiiBrndod rod , 03 { < iJG5Jc. { Options opoimd ujiuhlBher on local cover ing , turned weak on lower cables , nhsonca of wheat clearances nt Now Vork and decrease In Hradstreot's wooUly exports , sold nlf to tlm lowest point on record und closed : No.2rod.G7 © 07c , closed at 07c ; Koliruary OS'ic , closing utOH c ; March , OtH'.Gtli'JJio , closlnc at G'JiJc ; May , 72'je , cloilng at 72' ' c : November , closed qtu5c ; Uecombor , OBJittOOfic , closing at 05 > fc. OOUN Hecolpts,4l,500 nn. ; exports , 107,500 bu. ; sales , 415.000 bu. futures , 128,100 bu. Hjjot. Spot market fairly act ho and easier ; No. 2 , 45U 45ic ? In elevator , 45 ? © 45J.'Ie nlloat. Options market nnoncd ! | c lower on the regular carload arrivals from the west , closed weak with wheat at U4tS ) < ; decline ; January , 44d45ac ! , closing ut 44' c ; May , 40 i407ic , cfosliiR nt 40ie ; November closed at 44fc ! ; December , 43 i45c , closing at 4i'C. OATS Koeoipts. 104,700 Int. ; exports , 704,000 bit. ; sales , 100,000 bu. futures , 47,000 bu. uot. Spot narkot dull and woakur ; No. 2 , 3i ) icj No. a delivered , 34'jit35o ( ; No. 3 , 33'c ; No. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 white , 33H < ; ; track , mixed western , 34K35ic } ; track , nhlto wcstein , 3540c. Options mar kot queued cable r with corn , closed wuuk nt ! i < 3/c ! net decline ; January closed at 344'c ? ; May , 35i35'Jc , closing at 3Bic ? ; No vember closed at 334o ? ; December , 34Jc ! , closlui ; at 34 'ic , llAY-Htoady ; Hlilpiilng , G5c ; good to choice , G5OGc , HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , 23e ; I'aelllo coast , 13S24C. HIDES iiteady. Steady , 1'novisiONS Iteof , firm ; family , 112.60 © 14,00 ; extra mess , ftt.50ao.00. Hoof hams , JK ) ; city , extra India moss. $18.00U22.00. Cut iiioiiu , easy : pickled bellies , 8 ! > fr > 0c ; pickled Hlioutdors , GStC. hard , weaker ; western Hteam closed at $8.80 ; options sulos , none ; November closed at tBG5 , nominal ; January closed at } 8.20 , nominal , 1'orU , dull : now mess , { 17,00 © 17.76 ; extra prime , H4.CO-S14.uO ; extra nrlino family , tl8.0oai8.00 , SooAU Huw , market quiet and flrm ; relln- Inpt , 2yc : contrlfucaU , 3Q test , U'.e ; sales , nano ; rollnod , steady und unelmiiKed ; mould A , 4iit4 15-lGc ; standard A , 47-lOS4.e ; confeotlonors A , 4 7-10IR4SC ; cut loaf , 6 © 5 3-10c ; crushed , 505 3-lCc ; powdered. 413-10 < a5c | granulated , 4 0-lGQIUc ; civbos , 4 18-10 fttSc. IluTTEit ririnj western dairy , 18iQ,22c ! ; western creamery , 22a27Uc ; western factory - tory , 1710Jiii ElBlns , 27 > 5c. CHEESE Steadv : htule , iurgo , OQll ? c ; small f ancy , 10'ai2Kc. Kuos btoudy ; wcntorn fresh , 2425 > { c : ro- colntu , 4,721 pkKS. flrint city , ( J2 per pkg. ) ' 8 1-10 COTTONSEED oirSteady : prime crude , ale ; prime yellow , 37@3Bc. I'tTiiouHiii-I'lruj ; United closed nt 75Uc ; WushliiBton , bbls. , 5.0oi Washington , bulk , Sic ; rollnod , Now York. 5.15 ; I'JiUadelphla , 15.10 ; I'lilUdolpbla. bulk , 2.GO. Ito-iiN Staadyi strained , common to good TuurENTiNB Steady at 30U30Jc. mcis-Bteudy ; domestic , fair to extra , aye ; Japan , 4 > , ® 4 6-Oc. MOLASSKS Steady ; Now Orleans , good to choice. 86a41c. Via litoa-Market dull ) American , 112,00 ® 14.60. Uorren Lake , $9.06. LEAB-ilorUot easier ! domestic , 13.33 , Tl - < Julet ! btrolta. I'JOCO , SEi.T u-Qulet at 13.70. Coffee Market. NKW YonK , Nov18 , Oorres Options opened 0 points lower ; closed utettdy at from fromI 0 to 10 points dccllno : Rains , 10,750 lines , In- rinding : December , J1G.4&'W0.50 : Jnnunrr , lG.lf > SlC.25 ; ral > runrr < tlttv5 ? ; MarchS15.00 ; May. $15.55 15.00 ; Julr. JI5:3015.35 : , Spot colTec , Hlo , rjiilct and lloaviju.Xo. 7 , $18. Omnlni I'rmlticiij 'lurKet. IltrrTKit The rocolpts of-i liutter nro larcor and the market Is considerably weaker. The local demand Is llcht. a eooil in any grornrs rn- col vlns their supplies direct from the country. Tlio consumption of Imttcitnn Is quite large , which helps to decrease the nontand for Bonn- Ine IniUcr. Tlio hhlpplnK-damand , however , serves to keep tlio surplus ulnanod up. Cholco rreamorj' , 2416200 ! rholetxto fiuiey country , 202'2c ! fair to Rood country , 18&20c ; pack- Inz stock , fresh , 15e. KO08 Uecolpts of fresh st ck are not larso , In fact , thcro IOLM ! not appear to ho any tjtiati- tlty of OBKS In the coilntryTTliocolder weather and thollshtreculptscnusd n llrm feeling on the markot. Cold storauo and hold stock Is going mostly at 1'Jc , with fresh laid eggs at 20C. 20C.ilVK 1'oui.TitY The market In chlckons Is weak , and whllo the city trade Is generally p.iy Inz Gc any surplus has to go to the packers at r > Hc ; geojo nnd ducks , 78c ; turkeys , VBATi The arrivals during the past day or two nave boon light , and tbo market flrm at previous quotations. Choice small and fat vcnK GMW.ic ; thin or heavy , 3a5c. QAME Tlio colder wor.tlior Is Imvlnn a very honollclal elToot upon the game innrkoU Tliu demand , which hai boon light nil tlio fall. Is Improving and priced are consequently Uniting up , I'rom now on birds that are undrawn will bo Riven the preference. 1'ralrlo chickens , J3.00a3.60 ; grouse. J-2.50a3.00 ; quail , 11.83 ; Jack Mitpe , $1 ; golden plover , ; $ l ; linn- mln gocso , JG. ( ) ( > ® 6.60 ! small goose , J4 00 C$4.50 ; lirant , J3.00&3.50 ! mallard ducks , J2.6oa2.75 ; redhead ilttcUs , J2.5Oa3.00 ; blue wins teal duckn.iM.76S2.00 ; Kreen Mini : teal ducks , J1.50 ; mixed ducks , 41.25 ; canvashncl ; ducks , { 3.50&I.OO ; jack rabbits , $3.0023.50 ; small lablilts , $1.25 ; biilrrols ( , 7690c ; deer saddle ? , per lb. , 144&15e ; deer carcasses , lOQllc ; antelope - tolopo saddles , I'Jffil'Jc ; untelupo carcasses , BUc. HONRV Honey Is commencing to move a little moro freely , bdtthu demand Is still light for It ; choice wlilto clover , 16ai7c. OVSTEIW Medium , 15c ; horseshoes , 19c ; oxtru standards , 20c ; extra selects , 23o ; com pany selects , 20c ; counts , 30c. NUTS Chestnuts scarce at 125J14c per lb. ; almonds , ltu ) ; Kngllsh walnuts , 14c ; lllbcrts , 12Ho ; llrazll nuus , 12ai3u ; pecans , largo , 14r ; pecans , medium , I2c. Tlio market on black walnuts la low nnd no ono wants to buy , vEaKTAiu.ns. i Eastern hand-plqkSd navy , $2.1oa 2.15 ; western navy , $1.80 til.00 ; common wliltu Deans , U.GOftl.75. ONIONS There Is not ntiich activity In the onion market , owing to tlio fact that the local crop Is largo and the gardeners are supplying tlio demand very largely. Onions arc quoted at 5oa05c , and on orders at 75c ; Spanish onions , per ciato , $1.50. WATEK Cnuss Put up lu berry boxes , per case of 10 ( its. . J1.GO1.75. 1'OTATOKs Tlio receipts are larger and the market is very weak. Nebraska , Iowa and Minnesota grown potatoes , In small lots from store , G5Qi70c ; same In car lots , CO(3C5u ( ; Colorado rado , from store , 7Gc ; Colorado lots , 0770c. GABHAOC Uabbago Is not .so plenty as It was , and It Is not always an easy matter to get enough to till orders. Orders for cabbage from the country aio tilled at IHu per lb. Some colored cabbage has been received , which Is hold at 3Q4C. OELKIIY HOOTS According to size , 40@GOc per dor. Or.i.KliY Tliodcmaiid Is Increasing as the Thanksgiving holiday draws nearer mid u coed deal of celery Is being bold ; good stock , 25 < 335c ; fancy , 50c. HWKET POTATOES Tlio Supply Is fair ; west ern stock , per bbl. , $3.25'S'J.50 ' ; Jersey stock , per bbl.$4. ' , Giuir.N VwiKTAni.is Spluacli , porbbl. , $2.00 © 2.25 ; salsify , SOtoSSc peindpz. : radlslies , per doz. , 20c ; endive , per do . , ( il50GOc ; onions , perdo ? . , 20c ; cuullllowoiiri per aoz. , $3 ; lettuce - tuce , per doz. , 50c. Jt ) Kastorn Concoril . 24ii23c ; largo lots , 23c ; Uatawbus , 27GLWc' Malagas , per 50-lb. bbls. . not , fO.50 ; Alafagas , per 55-lb. hbls. , not , 87.00 < fji7.50. OAI.IFOIINIA 1'iiuns Thnrrfls not much loft on tlio market ; pears , J2J0542.75 : Muscat grapes , Mnglo cnses , 81.25) ) ' Tokays , double cases , $3 , At'i'i.'BS The supply is light on this market ; choicer per bbl , , 4.60. THOI'ICAI. FllUUS. HANANAS Prices romaiif Kbout steady : per hunch , largo , $ .2.00i2.50 ; pei"buiich , small to medium , 81.75E2.00. ITKJIO.NS Jlessinas , pop. jhoxi 54.5035.00 ; Florldas , $5. , , .ii if . . OIIASOES Mexicans or L'lorldas , per box- , $3.25 ; 5-bovlot$3. " ; Hinn3 , IAtI.OW , ETC. , HIDES No l"groon hides , 2Jc ! ; No. 2 croon hides , 2c ; No. < 1 grccu.salted hides , 3c : No. 2 green salted hides. 2cr No. 1 green salted bldos , 25 Ibs. to 40 His. ; 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 lb * . to 40 lln. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 bs. to 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 bs. , 3c ; No. Idry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 2 dry Hint ildes ; 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. 1'urt cured hides iio per lb. loss than fully cured. SIIEEI * PBI.TS Green salted , each , 3575c ; green salted shoarllnga ( short woolcd early skins ) , each loffilDc ; dry shoarlliigs ( short woolecl bivrly skins ) , 'No. 1 , each 5lOc ; dry shoarlings ( shovt woolod early skins ) . No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 10 © lie ; dry flint , Kansas and- * Nebraska murrain wool bolts , per lb. , actual weight , 17 < S20c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , oaiOc ; dry flint Colorado mur rain wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 7 < 30cj Iry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 57c. St. I.onls Markets. ST. Louis. Nov. 18. KI.OUII Lower to soil ; patents , $3.00S3.15 ; extra fancy , $2G52.75. W HEAT Oocnod Kc up , but soon' dropped Ic and closed Vic under yOstuiday ; cash , 55ic } ; December , 65.'i5Gc ; May , 03Mc. CoitN Declined steadily and closed & ® ? ic below yostoiday ; cash and December , 32c ; May , 35 > ic. OATS Lower ; cash , SOJ-Jc ; May , 30c. { live Dull , 45c asked. / HAKLEY Quiet : Minnesota , 57ffiCOc. lltiAN Lower ; 53con east track , HAY Dull ; only local trado. LEAK Lower , 83.22J4. .Si'ELTEH Nominal. $3.4ajJ , FI < AX SKEW Klroi , il.OG. IluTTEii Unchanged ; creamery , 2Iffl24c ; dairy , 1022c , Kous Unchanged ; lOc. COHN MKAT/ Quiet : $1.70. WHISKY titoudy ; $1.15. IlAOtllNO Uiichaiigod ; 4K5.'i'c. UOITON TIES Unchanged ; 35e$1.00. PIIOVISIONS Pork , lower ; , jobbing , . $15.50 ; lard , lotror ; $ S.17i ! ; dry salt meat ! ! and bacon , dull and unchanged. ItECEliTS I'lniir , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 24,000 bn. ; corn , 02,000 , bu. : oats , 24,000 bu. HmiVJE.vrs-Klour. 7,000 bills. ; wheat , 68,000 bu.i'corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats. 11,000 bu , mlU Wheat Nov. 18. Wheat opened , Djcembor , 57c ; May' , G2 c ; receipts 382 curs ; shipments , 38 cars. Tlioro was early a disposition to buy , which soon changed to Helling and the market again closed lower. Itecolnts of wheat In the Interior from farm granaries were not Inrgp In thu AOIISO that they uoia laigo boforu November 1 , Thou they nxcooded insomu Instances any pre vious season , The demand continued for cusli whaat nnd the latciprenilum ubovo December - bor still continued ; December closed at 5G e ; May , 02c. Track closed : No. 1 haul , C0)fc ) ; No. 1 northern , 58 , c ; No. 2 northern , 57c. ! Flour Is dull and weaker ; shipments , 33,013 bbls. ; llrst patents , $3.303.0Q ; second patents , $3.003,30 ; fancy and export bukors. $1.50 1.80 ; low grades tn bag , $1.10 1.25. The added dally output of mills grinding today will probably uggroguta S9.300 bbln. Fcod Ig dull at unchanged prlcesfbran. JHJS-ao.OOi - shorts , $0.003,50 ; ahlpm lls , 1,000 tons. KUIIHII * City Miirliets. KANSAS OITV , Nov. IB WIIKAT Ic lower ; No. 2 hard. 50c ; No. 2 ied.1J63a63Jc. ! COIIN Hic. ! lower ; Nii. 2 mixed , 30c ; No.a wbito , aoa,3oifc. , OATH Unchanged ; No , 2 Mixed , 2Gc ; No , 2 White. 20HQ.27C. Kaas Scaico and rm nf20o. ItVK-Klrm ; No. 2 , 47c. . , I'LAXSEKD I-'Irnu 03a94t. ' 1IIIAN I'll III ; 6BaOOc. " ' 'I UAV Steady ; llmotliy , 8DioO10.00 ; prairie , $0.767.00 ' " ' IturTEit Slow and htcadyj creamery , 21 ® 25o ; dairy. ISttlOc. i J HKCEIITS Wheat , 44OOOiilU. ) ; corn , 1,000 bil.t oatu , none. jLo Hiiii-MK.NTS-Whoat , 32,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 ; oatu , none. MILWAUKEE , Nov. 18. Fifotm Steady. WHEAT Steady ; No.2Jprliig \ ( , 57c ; No. 1 northern. 03c ; May , 03c. COHN Lower ; No. 3,30'ic , OATS Ixiwor ; No. 2 wlilto , 30c ; No. 3 white , 28 JiO30c , IJAUI.KY I'liui ; No. 2 , ClSJci sample , 383 UYE-QuletiNo. J,47e. Pno VISIONS Dull and deuioralUed ; pork , (13) ) lard , 18.10 , HECEtiTS-Klour. 14,000 bbls , ; wheat , 10,000 bti. ; barloy. 84,800 bu. Sllti-UENTS-l'lour , 20,000 bbli. | wheat , none ; barley , 105,400 bu. Liverpool Market ! , LiVKnroor. Nov. 18. WHEAT Demand moderHto ; holders offer moderately ; Cali fornia No. 1. & 7d5s 8d ; No. 2 red western sprlne. No. 2. Gs7dj No. 3 red western winter , &B2'ida5s3fd. ; COHN Steady ! demand moderate. PUOVISIOKS Pork , prlmo moss , line , 87s 6d. Hoof , extra Innlu , 103s Od , Haeon , long and short clear , 60 Ibs. , 48 * ) long clear , 450 Ibj. , 48s , Lurd , 60s. Cotton Market , OAI.VESTON , Nov. 18. Corrox Qulot ; mld- d Hug. 0 0-lOci low oilddlni | { . 7Mc ; good or- dluury , 6 IL-iUcf receipts , 0,410 bales ; ex ports to Oreat llrllixln , 7,355 bales ; dales , 513 bains ; stock , 171,673 bates. NRW OlIt.F.ANff. NOV. 18. LOTTOS Qulot ! peed middling , 7 13-lCci inlddllng , 7Uc ; low mlildllnp , 7Uc : good ordlnnrv. OHC : rocolnf ) , 10,803 bnles ; gross recolpts , 16,540 bales ; ox- porls to Urent Hrltiiln , 0.005 bnlcs ; to Krnnco 7.073 bales : coastnlsn , 0,024 liulcs ; sales , 1,200 hales ) stock. 207,804 bales ; commercial bills , * .HI'ii7i4m ( > i { ; ales for the week. 70.0 < H ) biles ; November , $7.257.3 ( ) ; December , $7.39517.40 ; Jatitlarv. ! 7,55 7.70 ; Matvh , 87.74B7.7G : April , 7'.82a7.84 ! May , $7.30a7.32 | June , $7.88 © 7.00. MEMPHIS , Nov. 1H , COTTON Qulot , 1-lCc decline ; middling. 7'jc. ST. Louts , Nov. 18. COTTON llocolots largo and lOc lower ; isales , 708 bales ; ordinary , G 7-lOc : good ordinary , 015-lOc ; low middling , 7 15-10c ; middling , 70-lflc : good middling , 7 13-lGc ; middling fair , 8 1-lCc. Toledo Urnln Mnrkrt. Tot.Kiio , Nov. 18.-WHEAT Steadier ; cash anil November , GOosMay , 00.r. COUN Steady ; No. 2 cash , 380 } { ! No. 3 , 3Gc ; No. 4 , 34o. OVTS-Qulot ; cash. 30c. HvE-Dull ; cash , 40JH1. CI.OVEII SKKn-Stoadv ! prlmo cash. Novem ber and December , $5.701 Murch , $ .V77M. UECKIPTS Klour. 200 hbls. : wheat , 25,000 hit. ! corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , GOO bit. ! rye , 500 Int. : clover soitd , 200 hags. SHIPMENTS Flodr , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1- 000 bu. ; Corn , 28,1100 bit. ; oats , 400 bu. ! rye , none ; clover seed , 300 bags. Now York Dry ( leeds Mnrkot. NEW YotiK , Nov. 18. The result of the week shows , In looking back , very little of tlio Im portant Interest bearing on any line of goods during the weok. Colored goods are neglected. Print cloths continue Him. ( llngliams and woven fabrics are In nllghtly Improved tlo- innnd , but dress goods are stagnant In almost nil lines. The demand for foreign dry goods has been rather fnlr , taking tlio week all through , but not Important In any line. Dttlutli Whniit Market. DtTLUTit , Nov. 18. This market ruled gen erally wealc , though cash whuat was llrmly hold. Close : No. 1 hard , cash and November , 50 > 4c ; Deccmlmr , 60c ! ! May , r,5e ; No. 1 north ern , cash and November , 5'ic ! ) ' ; Decombur , 68 o ; May , G4c. On track : No. 1 , OOHc : No. 2 , OOKc ; rejected. 44j < c. Oil MurkitU. OIL CITY , Nov. 18. National transit cor- tlllcatos .opanud ut 74JJ ; highest. 75 ; low est , 744 ! : Closed , 75 ; miles , 10,000 bbls. ; clearances , 18,000 hbls. PiTTsmma , Nov , 18. National transit cer tificates opened at 74 ! { ; closed at 74. % ; hlgli- est , 74'lowcst174yj.X ; Woul AlnrKot. ST. Louis , Nov. 18. Wooi. Entirely MH- changed ; nothing dolniovcepl on lot 125 sacks Texas on private terms. STOCKS AM ) 1IONDS. Speculation lu Securities for Two Hour * Ye&terdiiy Wns THIIIO. NnwYonK , Nor. 18. The speculation on the Stock exchange during the two hours of business today was tame or without notable feature. At the opening there was au ad vance of from % to J1/ per cent , the latter In Louisville & Nashville , which was strong on n report that the directors were negotiating : " -for the acquisition of other southern railway property. A slight pressure to sell in the early dealings changed the tone of the dealings , nud brought about : v reaction of a fraction in the general list" , .and oflj.C pcr.cent in Sugar , upon which the boars made a sharp attack. This wus"followcd by a recovery ot from } to Jf per .cent , the market continuing llrm until 11 o'clock , except for Lake Shore , which dropped 1 } percontand Sugar , which receded % per cent additional. In the early part of the last hour a eood purchasing movement was developed , under the influence of which Sugar rose 1 % per cent , Chicago Gas \ } { per cent , Lake Shore 1 per cent and the rest of the active list from if ( to % per cout , and the market closed strong nt or near the Best llgtiros of the day. Compared with the final sales of yesterday the changes nro very wllght , being a dccllno of 1 % Der cent in Delaware , Lackawanna & Western ana 1 per cent In Sugar preferred and Michigan Central nnd nn advance of 1) ) per cent in Louisville & Nashville and 1 per cent in Northwest preferred , Some very material changes result from tbo transac tions of the week , the great majority of the atocics traded in having depreciated in valuo. 3.'ho railway and miscellaneous bond inar- Iict'was unusually active today and the deal ings wore characterized by a strong tone. A brisk inquiry lias been developed during the week for tho- best classes of railway bonds nnd largo blocks hnvo been taken out of the street by investors. The issues which recorded the most notable ad vances in today's market are ; Michi gan Central 4s , 0 per cent : Michi gan Central 5) of UKll , 5 per cent ; iako Shore division 7s , 5 per cent ; Pacific Kailroad of Missouri 2s , 2 ; Manhat tan 4s consols , 1 } ; Atchison 4s , 1J , and Pennsylvania , 4J s , 1 per cent. General Elcc- trio 'debenture ' Os declined 1 , nnd t t. Joaoph & Grand Island Is , 2yf per cont. In view of the tichtness of money the bond market is attracting moro attention than usual and the indications nro that tbo coming week will see active dealings m this class of securities. The Post says : The New York surplus baiik'rcsorve , according to today's state ment , has reached the highest figure of rec ord. Follovri-ig the May panic of 1SS1 the reservetouched , $154,724,100 , its maximum for for the year. Todays h'ugo increase brings the present total up to $05,470,475. The com parison is all the moro noteworthy in that so long a period elapsed after the acute panic period of nlue years ago before the highest notch was readied. The shrinkage- in the bank reserve , however , which cumo in the latter months bf 1683 , was the sign of reviving ( activity in the commercial nnd financial markets. This summer's panic was confessedly far moro sovcro than that of 1884 , yet there has thus far been much less than one-fourth the period of stagna tion which was required before the last dec- ado's complete trade revival. It has boon very truly said that if the trades of two or three occasional operators were eliminated from this market , fully three-fourths , oven , of the present restricted business would dis appear. But what may bo safely concluded from the day's transaction is that the efforts of these active speculators to .forca down prices heavily have failed. Outside in vestors , as last week's market proved , nro not prepared to buy , uut this week's market has proved no less effectively that they nro In no haste to soil. Now York Monry Market. NEW YORK , Nov. IB. MONEY ON OAF.I , -Hasy at lli per cent , I'liiMi ; MniiOANTir.i : PAI-KU 4(30 ( percent , STCHI.INCI KXCIIANOI : ICasIor with virtual business In bankers' bills at H.854 ' for demand , and at $4. 82V ® 1.83 for sixty-day bills , Posted raUis , $1.84(2l4.8GJ ( } . Commercial , 8iivi'.ii UBKTIVIOATKS 71icbld. ! . OOVKIINMUNT HONus-Palr. Kt'ito bonds , dull. < . Tlio closing quotations on bonds : U.H.4Hre ? . , . , ll'-'U St. I * & , fl.i\Uuii , M US U , -Iscoup. . . . . . . . HUM St. I''lUl CollHOlH. , , 1'Jfi U. P. < > . & ! > . iHtH. . I'.iclnullsof'n.l ' , , , . 10,1 i1. 1' . I.i. O. Tr , UotH T. IMt. U.Vr. Hcfj 1UK MlHHonrl OH. . . . 101) ) Union I'.ic. lulu. . . , lll'JX Tumi , now hot OH. , 11)11 ) WuHt Shore. . . . 10.IK Tumi , uewtoet 6 , . 11)1) ) ) H. O. W. 1st . 'JVnn.nnwiMttiliti , . 70 AtUlltHOII 1H . CnnndaHo.'iU . 101) ) - . , , Central I'.ic. Intu , . 0 , H. AH. A. OH. . . , II .1 1) . .V U. ( i. iHta . do 7H . 1)0 ) 1) , &H. O,4it . HI ) hi If , AT.O , CH . 1011 Krln''dH . OtW dotln . 10 M , K. .V T. Gun. OH. 44 ! | N. U. Ua . 115 M , K , & T , Gen. C dn IH . 11 lh Mutual Union OH , , 107l | Tenn , old OH . 00 N.J. O. Int. Cert. , HOJi Vu.CuntnrleH. . . , , , 0:1 : N. 1'ae , lntH . KM ) Vn.ContiuluHdf. . . N. I'ac. 'dn . 8B Ala. clahn A , , . , , , , , llu NV , Councils . Ala. CI.IHH H. , . , . , , , u N. W. Dub. ( la . Ala.clUHiO . on St. U It I. M. O. CD. 7U Ala. UnrreneloH. . , IKIW Now Vork Allnlui ; Quotations. NlSirVoilK , Nov. ; 18 , The following aio tbo mining quotations Oliolor , . , . , , , lie Plyiiiciiiiii uo Crown 1'olnl. , , , , , , , 110 Slurrn Nevada , , . , . 110 Con. Cnl-.V Va , , , 310K ! Standard. , , , . , , , , . ino Di'udwooil- , ( K ) Union Gun 80 Oonld& Ciirry , . , . . , IK ) Yellow JiicUet , , . , , . HO lIulo&NorcruuH. , , , 70 Iron Silver 10 llonivbtuku 8H7 Quick SllviT ino Mexican , , 100 do pref'd , . , , , . , . 11)7 Ontario , . . . . , r > r > ii liulwer , . , 10 Opldr. . . 1UII Sun rrnnoUco Alliilni ; Oilotullom , SAN'I'itASfisco , Nov. 18 , The nfllclal closing cjnotiillons for inlulug blocks today were as follows : Alia , , 10 Mexican100 Ilullu iHle r Mono 10 llolclier , ns Naralo , C Iiciit & ncicher. , . . ' . ' 30 Kovndu Queen , . . , . 5 IkidloCuu. , , 10 North Halle lulu. . . D liulwer , , . , , , . , 10 Oplilr IBS Ohollar ( in 1'otosl 100 Con. Oal.A. Va. . . . , 2.10 Sierra Korudu 135 Grown Point 73 Union Con. . , , , 05 Ootilcli curry. . . , , 105 Utah. , , , , 15 llttlu.VKon.TOba. . . U St. I.ouU Mtnlnc Uuotutloni , ST. I.ouia , Nov , 18 , The following were the closing quotations : Hid. 111(1. ( AukoO. Adams $ .60 lllinetalllc. f'.UO Am Mottle. , .1i3 } 8. Hopes . . . .00 .70 KllXftbelli , . . .IB .20 Hope , . . . . 3.00 ( JranlUiM. . 1.S5 1.U7M Iluieourt . .40 . . . . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Monotony Remains the Ohlof Feature of the Oattlo Trade nt This Point RUN OF RANGERS CONTINUES TO BESTRONG feeder * HiTnnipiiiR tlio Mnrkot with AViirtnoil-Up HtulT Trniln In Stacker * Dull Hoc 1'rlros Co mine Dnvru to fratUton SinJnn\TNor. ( 19. Hecdpts of both CAttle and hogs show A consldorablo increase over last week anil n year ngo , but sheep receipts have fallen off sharuly. The flgurca are as follows ! Oattlo. It OR * . Sheep. Itccolpts this wook. . 24,642 24,880 2,001 lloccllits lust week. . . . . . . 1H.24J 20,802 0,824 Pamo week lust year. . . . 20.244 24,303 1,884 Thcro has boon a good dual of monotony about the cattle market the past wcoir. Supplies bavo boon liberal and of the same general characteristics from il.ty to day. Kcally desirable beef steers continue- hard to get , nnd , as the demand for them has been very nctlvo , they always sold early in the day at good strong prices. The market , however , has been surfeited with common stock. Fine weather has en abled western cattlemen to clean up tholr marketable cattle in * good shape nnd for that reason n largo proportion of the offer ings have been direct from the ratigo. Then the inexperienced or thriftless foedori are beginning to send In their warmed up , short feu and half fat stock. Those cattle look all right In tbo country after they bavo been fed n few weeks , nut they always show up bad in the yards hero alongside of good cattlp , and killers say they make the poorest kind ot beef. As a. result prices bavo DOOII very unsatisfactory on the under ? grades , although prices are hardly quotably lower than n week ago. Another clrcum- stance that makes trade dull and prices weak for common cattle Just now is that tlio markets nro now full of poultry nnd game. which , with oysters , lanes the place of beef to n great extent. Whllo receipts have been liberal enough here , thcro has been n big ftiKlncr off in sup plies at Chicago , and the killers there have boon compelled to draw on western markets for supplies. So long as this stuto of affairs keeps up prices are not liable to go down very much. It is a remarkable but gratify ing circumstance that Chicago is thus com pelled to help build up rival western mar kets In order to maintain her own su premacy , Sliowcd No > ow fonlnrci. Thd market today presented no now features. Receipts were fairly liberal and the offerings included n fair showing of very desirable beef steers , both natives mid west erns. Good stuff was in uctlvo demand and Btroni ; . Some very choice cornfod native bcoves brought $ Ti.lCi and $5.05 , while good to choice westerns brought from $3.SO to $1.30. The under grades of both native nnd range cattle sold indifferently , but at fully steady figures and tbo close found practically everything out of llrst bunds. The cow market was nctlvo and firmer on the better grades , for which the de mand was verv urgent , both from local und eastern killers , but the common and cannbiK grades worn slow sale and rather weak. "Good to choice cows and heifers sold readily affront & ! .3"i up to J3.25 , while com mon to very fair stuff went tit irom Sl.fiO to 83.23. Calves wore steady at from 81.50 to So for common largo to choice veal stock and rough stock was not quotably changed , com mon to verv good bulls , oxen and stags sell ing freely at from $1.75 to $ J.Gr . Feeders Close Flat. The feeder market started out all right this week , but flattened out very badlv toward the closo. The demand fell off and yard tra'dors sought to hold up the market for a few davs by buying up the fresh re ceipts at good figures. The demand failed to improve , however , and the close of the week round tlio pens lull 01 siocic ana iccu- ing cattle , which the owners would bo glad to got rid of at prices all of : ? 0c to 50c lower than a week ago. The dccllno has been heaviest on the light btockcrs that were soiling so high ton days ngo , but all grades bavo shared in the general demoralization. Tho/celing is very weak , but present low prices will In all probability attract buyers next week and the t > ado pick up somewhat. Good to choice feeders arc quoted nt from J.2.83 . to $3.30 , fair to good at f'2.50 to S'J.80 , with inferior to fair grades at * J to S'J.-IU. ltcnro ontnllvu Sales. DltKSSCD iuKl' : . OXEN. 2.-.1685 3 16 BTOCKEUH AND rEEDKIta. No , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1 str.tlg. . 800 J2 60 7'J calves 203 $4 60 1 bull..1200 170 Icow . . .000 IBO IDAHO. cows. . 750 1 75 1 fdr. . , . . COO 2 50 10 fdrs. . . . 753 250 lOfdri. . . . Oil 200 llrcnk In Hug Price * , The week has witnessed a big brealc In hog values. Receipts bavo not been ox. coptionally heavy nor are prospects invor- able for nuy Immediate Increase. H looks as if packers had become tired of the load they were carrying , nnd in the absence of any speculative or oonsumptlvo demand for the deferred futures of provisions had con- eluded to bring hog prices down to the basis on which provisions were .selling , re gardless of the matter of receipts. The sit uation Is full of perplexities , iitul the absence of any speculative Interest is beginning to make itself felt. The Cincinnati Prlco Cur- rout says of the week's ' developments ! The inovemunt of hess Is i-iiturglng mod- ointoly , but still short of coi-respondliiK time last yuar , HoturiiH nnd estimates for the wt'ok tndlcatn the total pnoUIni ; In the wt-st us 210,000 , compared with 205,000 the preceding week nnd 31)0,000 ) for corin > pnndlni ; period last your. Tim total from Nmomhcr 1 Is ap proximately 445,000 hess , compared with 023,1)00 ) nyuuriiKo. 1'rlces of hops have had homo tendency to Ion or values , but not to the extent which packers have hupod for , nnd MMIIO of tliu larger win ter cnneurns still remain out of the market , while others are operating on a ro- Htilcted salo. Tlin position of \ nines la not regarded us a siif one , and unless theio Is n decided further reduction In prices of hogs It. Is likely that many houses accustomed to operating In the winter season will contlimo to wait or not open ut all. H is not so much the fear of an o.xi'esslvo numbnrof hogs during the winter months as tlio apprehension Mint tlio enlargement In tliu spring and Mimmer months will ho eipial to pioduolns piolltalilu markets for the biirplus winter product whlctt nuibt neecssiully bo carried fornard. Took it ISrrntlilng ; Spoil. After declining steadily lor n week the market took u shot t breathing spell toduy , and under tha Influence of lluht receipts and a little hotter imiuiry from shippers n'nd speculators the decline was at least tem porarily chocked. There were less than 11,000 hogs on sale , nud buyers nil started out to got their droves still lower again today. Sollora took heart , however , from the slightly improved condU tious , and while prices averaged about lOo lower than the general market Friday , they were a shade better than on Friday's very weak closo. The range of prices was very narrow. A load of choice liTO-lb. butcher hess topped the market at § 3. ! > 0 and' ! a few rough packinjj loads sold down around 55.15. For fair to good hcgs of nil weights It was practically ; t $ , VJO and S.VJ5 market , the bulk of the hoes going at those figures , as against from S3.20 to $5.33 on Frlaav nud from $3.70 to $3.75 on last Saturday. The market closed strong ; but Just 50o lower than it week ago , OOo lower than a month ago and lOo lower lhaii ono year ago. Itojirosnntntlvo Sales. No. Av. Kh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. < 4.a. . . .2 ( > 7 HO 55 10 72..21)3 ) 200 $5 25 a. . . .213 120 5 15 110. . . 280 280 5 25 3H. . . .200 100 5 15 03. . ,300 200 5 25 72. . .2GO 120 5 15 02. . 253 80 5 25 II < 1 ' . .303 n 15 07. . 174 80 5 25 13' . . .202 200 5 15 5'J . 207 10 0 25 57. . . ' 215 HO 5 20 72. . 250 100 5 25 51. . .245 40 6 20 04. . 214 40 5 2.1 tfi. ! . .243 HO 5 20 53 2tH 200 5 25 30. . .210 280 5 20 oa. . 257 200 5 25 42. . .375 BO 5 20 GO. . . , 270 100 5 25 50 . .200 240 5 20 07..250 120 5 25 47. . .335 100 5 20 50. .283 320 5 25 35. . .240 120 5 20 71. . .230 BO D 25 67. . .252 2HO 5 20 47. . 282 100 5 25 GO. . .277 320 5 20 05..281 80 5 25 50. . .330 40 5 20 04. , 232 200 5 25 GI. . .20H 1GO 5 20 04. , . .200 80 5 25 04. . .270 120 5 20 72..271 270 5 25 ' 50. . .310 100 20 48. . .200 5 25 41. . . .200 100 5 20 100 . .203 120 6 25 00. , . .254 24O 5 20 04. . . .2UI 240 5 25 71. , . 230 100 5 20 00. . . .234 HO G 25 50" , . 203 320 5 20 59. . . .317 80 5 25 HO. , . 230 120 5 20 55 . . .2HO 200 5 25 07. , . .2HO 200 5 20 GO. . . 270 BO 5 30 50. . .200 440 5 22J5 t'KIS AND IIOUUII. 1..220 80 4 00 for Sheep Htroncor , There WAS a fair supply of sheep on sale nnd with a good demand the market was active and prices stronger. With greatly re duced supplies at all the leading markets tbo situation has improved considerably during the past week and prices nro cjuotably nlliof ! 25u higher than a week ago. Fair to good in- lives , $3.0U@3.50 ; fair to good westerns , 83,25 @ 3.25 ; common and stock sheep , 8l.60@U.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , ? 3.50aj-1. ( 5. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 04 natives , mixed - 08 $275 IlecofptA nuil l 8i > oitltlon ot Stock. Oniclal receipts and dlspiHlllnii of stack "ai shown by the hooks of the UnionStock VnrH ( company for the twenty-four hour , onclln ; ; , at 5 o'clock p. tn. , Novombur 18 , 18U3 : . - ' IIKCKIITH.- IHHI'OSITION' . Kiini'iH ' City I.lvu hlouu MurUot. KANSAS Ct-rv , Nov. 18. UATTM' Kocoliiti , 4,000 liouil ; KlilptnoiH.s , 3,800 head ; best cattle tlo were linn , others guiady ; Tuxas Hlcern , C2.05&3.0 ; HhlppiiiK htfurx , $ l.00&.15 ; Texu-i und natl\e cow * , $1.1083.30 : uutoliiW Mock , J3.00 ® JilOjntouUurs und feeders , { 2.25 © 3.05. 1 lions Receipt * , -l.ono head ; shlpmenti , 000 lioiul ; mailiot stioim ; bull : , tS.303D.4U ; heavy , puelilni ; and mixed , f ; lights , J Vorkeirt and plxu , f4.90i05.60. Sum * Heceipta , 2U ( head ; bliljmiculs. DOO bead ; inaikut unchanged. fit. l.ouu I.lvo Mod ; Mnrlcet , KT. Louis , Nov. 18. QATTl.H-llocolpls , 1,700 head ; uhlpimmU , GOO lioud ; nmrUitl active ; fair to Kooil native Rleoin , * 3. 61)0,4. ) , . 76j Toiai nnd Indian stourt , , K2.60UU.25 ; conn , $1,403 2,25 , lions Receipt * , 700 bead ; sblpincnti , 2,400 head ; nmrkot KM holier ; lliclit , f5.30 ( (5.60 ; mixed , f ! > .15ft.5,45 ; heavy , )5,16 5,40 , Biir.r.l'-ltccolpts , 100 bond ; fildpmolitn , nonu ; market uteady ; natlvo mixed , fnlr to good , $3.00&3,7I > ; common slmr , $1.501 2.50 , block In HccelpUof llvo ( dock at tnu four prlnclpil webturn iiiarlicU Kutimluy , Ninuml/or 18 ; Oattlo. JloiiH. Klieop. Month Omaha . 3,014 2,900 900 Chicago . 4,000 , 14,000 0,000 KuiibasOlty . 4,000 4,000 200 Ht. Kouh . 1,700 700 100 Total 21,000 ajcn " ' "flOTHER'S FRIEND" . . ; IB a sclontlflcally prepared Liniment nnd Imrmlosaj every ingredient la tit recoouiMd vhltio nnd in constant use by the medical profession. It short ens Labor , Lessons Pain , Dimiulflhoa Danger to lifo of Mother nnd Child. peek ' 'o Mothers" mailed free , con- Inininjf valuable informatlou and- voluntary to&Uinonlalu. on DRAOFIELO REG'JUTOR CO. , AUinti , G . ( Sold ty All draegbtf.